

The chinese month of the rat aka mouse,
month t.
That and things of determination or biting through
involves barriers or obstructions which can leads to
This is a Geo type compromise type chart to
represent the new moon, new lunar month
,and the new solar month for safety purposes.
That of the actual solar month for here looks
much better, and the lunar not so good.
Sort of mixed timing bag as the actual new
moon is Sunday Dec 5th 2010 here, but
something in the rules sets the start of the
lunar month to Monday Dec 6th 2010.
[We will start with this Geo timed chart, and
if neccessary I'll add dual safety tosses also.
That's if we don't see real crisp and clear
results the first week, or I see a fault with
Break it down as:
(J) physical the all about in the main of outer Li
type environments things and areas for outer
(U) The what happens in changes and that of others,
travels and destination areas in the close by's of
inner relational areas and events.
The new moon Dec 5th Sunday VI (Gry) c
and upper Gen type influences.
Dec 6:
New Lunar month starts.
Day VII (Wht) y Yang metal Tiger.
Reset: Upper Li type influences.
Vara date Moon.
The moon in Sag 9th areas combust. conjuncts mars
there also, and as covered Dec 3rd post of the month
h area.
Jupiter in Pisces 12th areas rules Sag 9th areas,
activated for the date.
For the date that moon combust mars in Sag 9th is
in tight square (tensional or dynamic) with the Jup
in Pisces 12th areas.
The moon in sag occupies the *Mula nakshatra* and it's
ruler activated is *Ketu* who is in Cancer 4th areas
for the date also.
Ketu is in rashi (sign) square to Saturn in Libra 7th
areas, and in trine to Jup and Uranus in Pisces 12th
areas for events.
[Keep putting overhead saturn which is in libra in
virgo as is our year's chart position.
Saturn in Libra is exalted, though some could say
in the combust degrees, actually very near and close
with that of our birth so exalted is good].
[Remember positions in a Navamsa chart do not
match those above or in the sky, if any planet of
it's is in the same sign as the chart it was derived
from, means that planet exhibits very strong
Since starts lunar month will mention that for date
signature the lagna physical for *the navamsa
(relationships, partners, etc) chart that date* shows
that to be of Leo areas (Includes executives, sales
pitches, and other you can add).
It's sun there which is trining the Ultra strong mars
of date also in Sag areas for it. So likely a part of the
lunar month.
In the relational and associative of that chart looks
like a satarian experience with a lot of just com or
the tricky for things involving groups that date
as that sun opposes Merc conjunct Saturn in
aquarius areas for that date].
Date's Geo (Worlds) dasa:
That of ketu, sun, and saturn areas and stuff at some
degree for today.
Those as a combination have been in Geo events since
Nov 20th 2010.
Since these had jumped around a lot as far as dates
go, will leave it at that.
Notes plus US:
[Will set some major changes to the joyatish or vedic
astro used here this month. You just saw some sign
wise in the above which will make a great deal more
sense to you.
This means a major change in our US year and month
dasa for instance. One that reflects our events even
better, and which the Geo Iching chart(s) will fall
under for us.
Starting Dec 6th Su/Ju/Ju which is in some ways a
much better dasa initially too.
Su = Sun, Ju = Jup and refers to planets in our own
year. Marks the lunar month Dec 6th for us.
***Our chinese solar month starts***
That 3rd level changes to the Su (Sun) for start
of new Solar month t tuesday Dec 7th and remains
so through Dec 10th.
So for main events you need to use that of the
areas covered by the Sun then].
Overhead only as in US environments or
weathers Sunday:
Well in the overhead stuff for the new moon
Dec 5th here, there are bodies in the cold signs
of Capricorn and Aquarius. Merc is conjuncting
near exact Pluto in the capricorn areas so theres
your winds and ends or rough stuff as that's
opposite Ketu in cancer's (family) areas. Then
saturn in libra overhead trine Neptune in
aquarius for hardships of the wet stuff, and
then perhaps somes dreams or goals in
groups as well. Then mars is as have been
pointing out very strong for the fiery sides
of it and what was mentioned of Jup in
Pisces (Wet stuff) 12th areas and how
could you miss the massive of cold wet
and fiery weathers in environments.
Should go without saying that's mainly up north
now, then such as overheads is anyplace covers
europe as well.
Where it isn't weather than you'd have to break
each theme down like the Iching so a little too
much detail for here.
So matching up all the way there as
Try not to forget to apply the date to the Iching
month type chart at the top for any uses you
might find for your day too, as certainly will
always be in.
You can go ahead with the previous posted on
muhurta dates for purely and mainly US areas.
It won't halt overhead aspects or the other here,
but won't interfere with a thing either.
To that if not listed can add the morning of the
29th as well.
Was a number of things regarding the Koreas
today of meetings of allies on the matter.
Wikileaks in documents has some effect on
national security areas.
A 5 alam fire in an adult district in Baltimore
Dec 7:
Solar month t starts today.
VIII (Wht) m Yin metal Rabbit.
Upper Zen type influences...
Chg FS#6
Vara (date): Mars.
Mars in final end degree of Sag 9th areas.
Moon in capricorn which Saturn rules.
Moon entered capricorn in hr yo
Moon occupies the purvashada mansion
and ruled plus activates Venus areas
Date dasa: Ve/Ma/Me.
Commemeration of Pearl Harbor attack 69 years
Stocks did well.
That of Wikileaks.
One unusual Japan's space probe reached venus
today, then promptly shut down it's com to
protect itself (unexpected).
That of SK fortifying island bases.
China in central of Henan province a mines
explosion killed 13, 20 survived late tuesday
US was listed in priors.
Moon in capricorn and in few aquarius
which are the cold signs.
Coming along on prasna did one complex worked
other day worked out ok.
Taking previous similar from certain past tosses
where had a listed time and accurate matching
Set up prasna charts from those provides xtra
tng references, etc.
3 boys what happened
toss 12/2/2010 13:16:05
Transit calendar Nov 25 nada.
Below not a 100% prasna type yet, used
std western horary in begin as faster
to go through
The all about if of 1st bhava Pisces type areas
and things.
Jupiter ruler is in pisces conjuncting Uranus there.
The boys assigned to 5th Cancer areas.
Moon rules 5th cancer areas, also a questions co-ruler.
The moon is in 9th scorpio areas with Venus there also.
9th far away, airports, high places, maybe a church too.
No aspect with Venus as already past.
The moon in 9th scorpio areas applies trine to Jup cnj Uranus
of the physical 1st areas.
A trine to Jup is positive, but in the case of Uranus usually
not or some type interference and changes occured.
That pair via Uranus are possibly in mutual reception with
Neptune in 12th aquarius areas.
Neptune adds things of disolution, disappearences, the
spiritual, illusions or imaginary and or nefarious and
corrupt influences also.
Mutual receptions usually support the positive.
So things of past, clandestine, and hidden type areas in the
humanitarian, goals, profits, etc rashi of aquarius may add
into picture.
Think including the 12th good here, as that missing or lost
can also associate it.
Now Jupiter also rules the sag rashi areas too, and anything
affecting Jupiter affects wjhat happened too.
So we have 10th Outer events, father areas in Sag with the
Sun (authority) there or authority itself, and also Mars (actions)
adds to what goes there.
Orig in toss Q was like what I'd use for a toss so trying to
put a square peg in a round hole here about the equiv.
Should have went straight up yes or no type which
would make astro type clearer too.
As is the square can indicate either problems or that
of a just involves sense for the Sun's aspect. Know
when hear more on it, if we do that is.
The Sun applies square to Jup cnj Uranus areas. Says things
don't go so well, that of Jup's areas in the physical is
hindered or interfered with.
The Sun is also applying conjunct to Mars for fiery actions,
however before that part happens it applies that type
energy to the Jup in physical stuff.
[Appears they never made it too far.
The Sun rules the boy's enemies, safety, daily and the
material well being of the boys also.
Something to do with authority or the father there is what
that looks like].
Allright that's a modern type look, have to do the pure
joyatish or vedic ones yet.
Probably will toss on some points of this answer to see
what there gets confirmed or not.
Small idea on vedic approach as far as nature of the
inquiry. Some terms not yet familiar with and then
takes a lot of trials to see what works best, etc:
It did refer to the man and woman as being middle
aged and a or the younger as males.
If the Aruda Rasi is the 1st, 4th, 7th or *10th* from
lagna the query is about the *present*. *The time of
fruition will be according to the influences on the rasi*.
If Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Libra or *Pisces* rises
and is joined with or aspected by the Moon, Venus or
Jupiter the query relates to jeevas.
Yes does as jeevas are people.
If Saturn occupies the 7th, *the 8th* or the 12th from
lagna or arudha, consider that it is a Chora Prasna
(*dealing with theft*).
Gives an idea probably near a hundred items have
to be explored, learned, etc.
Not very fast work here amongst other, it will take a lot
more doing of these to gain any speed in future.
Will xfer this to a seperate post of it's own altogether
Dec 8th:
Day IX (Blk) cn Yang water Dragon.
Upper Shun type areas.
Vara Mercury.
Moon in capricorn which is ruled by Saturn above
and in your charts.
Above saturn in 7th libra areas.
The moon occupies the Uttarashada mansion and now
activates Sun for the date in the above and of
your charts.
Above Sun in 9th sag areas.
Date's geo dasa Ve/Ma/Me for some main stuff and
has ran since Nov 13th.
Mars has just entered 10th capricorn areas this
date as well.
Ok still same we do have some special transit aspects
in relative year's as far as mars, a money type of
saturn one,*also skull and bones saturn type*,
and rahu.
That's seperate of the muhurta for US areas
initiations which is excellent in the year's
chart. Check nakshatra, etc for areas.
Will have to do same here too as technically
for degrees moon is in today's should be
Shravana nakshatra ruled by the moon,
but Kala is running 1 behind and what
was listed.
If you use Shravana as nakshatra think you'll
be fine.
Actual Vedic would be even more behind as
sidereal moon degree is less.
Even more again of transit aspects thursday as well.
Ok on Japan's and other stuff see that of yesterday as most
related to the Sun in Sag square Jup cnj Ur effects. That
and train's etc stuff. Such also would have went with the
Uttarashada nakshatra for yesterday as that activates the
Actual venus in scorpio had no major ill effects then
as has no aspects other than some dasas of past for then,
and merc in capricorn was definately dasa active too then.
83 prisoners dead who were burned alive in a Chile prison fire.
Venus dawn probe didn't attain orbit headed into the Sun.
Some trains in different places involved in crashes.
China mine gas explosion had killed 26.
Suicide bombings.
Another home grown terrorist bomb plot MD caught
by FBI.
This reflects still the Sun square stuff and Mars in capricorn
areas, tho moon sextiles the Jup cnj Ur for opportunities
through most the day also.
Now there are aspects to our birth and year charts, and
certainly those of other countries too, so some comes in
from those directions too.
All of that is also why using the Shravana nakshatra fits
well today.
It's ruler the moon which is also things of the mind.
Seperate here's a theme to watch amidst some people
or countries in there relationships.
In people like cons and thieve types definately, the
serrial type of stuff, suicide bombers but in other ways
or types too:
[Rahu influencing Mars indicates ideas in the mind that
something must be had at any cost, the option of not
having or not winning is out of the question.
This may cause over aggressiveness or excess
Removing that negative example as made it's point,
but there are many positives also for the same
influence such as researhes of many types in any
field or science, etc. Doesn't always have
to be negative type.
Shows up under Parashara as well, and there's turns
out much better than had thought as has expansions
well beyond the basics they list, so it is also an excellent
technical reference and learning tool in one.
In fact in learning details it's much better then that
which comes with Kala alone as Kala is more specialized
for specific forecasts of various charts areas.
In that includes a full blown prasna module, a lacking in
Parashara. There are some free lessons you can d/l
for Kala, and then others for a fee as relate to the
special methods used only in Kala for forecasts.
Not that minus as far as Parashara not having that
module as you could always buy a book for that,
and actually you could do regular western horary
types from the std chart and time of question. So
your free to go either way just need the appropriate
book of which many are available.
Through use of the muhuta was able to preset Parashara
for the correct nakshatra of a date also to go with using
the tropical rashis (signs).
Likewise and in the same way was able to reset Kala's
for the correct nakshatra too.
Seems that info on the 3 boys story of Mich may have
been a ruse. Had even listed names for boys and a last
seen of thanksgiving day.
The chart had also shown father may have attempted
to kill himself.
So that sounds remarkably similar to an Ohio story saw
this morning. Where one just came off of suicide watch.
Chart did have saturn in the 8th too, so depends
on info listed how I treat such.
Messed up again by not tossing on validity of the
news, but the other point is one shouldn't have
Dec 9:
Day X (Blk) e Yin water Snake.
Upper Kan type infleunces.
Vara Jupiter
Moon in aquarius whose ruler is still Saturn.
[In modern you may include Uranus too,
which is in 12th pisces conjuncted by Jupiter
there, and in mutual reception with Neptune
in 11th aquarius areas].
The moon occupies Dhanish nakshatra and
activates or emphasizes Mar's areas today.
So you have Saturn in 7th libra areas and
Mars in 1oth capricorn areas squaring it,
active today.
Since yesterday and for awhile ahead:
Mars is applying conjunct to Rahu, Pluto and
Mercury in Uttarashada those very much lag
the moon's position so behind in nakshatras
andd of the one where *Sun* square Jup was
and still is very much active.
Tells you who's running that show.
So a lot is happening in events under Mar's
Think bomb plot was our skull and bones
saturn stuff with that of Mars also other
Did have a rough seas experience for a cruise
ship around Antartica in recent as well.
Think we will go with the moons dasa today,
and maybe onward as it looks more steady:
Has been active since Dec 5th, and runs through
the 29th.
Again all those transit aspects includes Merc
with those of yesterday's!
Switching dasa's here as well.
Since Dec 5th (The new moon):
Looking at that and the date tells you for the
really huge stuff of natural or our deep freeze
stuff that it was in the timing as such falls under
Saturn which rules the cold signs, also that of
hardships and to do with the older, elders,
and leaderships as well, to name just a few.
You can add the other two, but that's along
the lines of what a dasa tells us that is in
for our events this month.
So that's where we are at, and add the above
should cover any area.
Put it this way, use our chinese date as applied
to the month chart first, then all of this astro
expands what it will cover.
So any you choose to cover for main events will
show up under it.
Not aware of what new projects of US were
initiated yesterday, but at lower executive
levels probably were many. So be sure to
note those originating Dec 8th as they come
up, for future eval's.
Ok was a overhead moon square venus
aspect today, so if you had any temp
hearburn with your other or others
over $$, that would fuel it, and some
semi squares to Jup tomorrow could
prolong for some.
Had mentioned you can add in the positions
beyond saturn the same as in std western
astrologies which are correct about those.
When I don't here it's just to save space or
be more brief.
Have found in most horary type questions
where others used all the xtra outers, etc
that I could answer the very same questions
using only the original 7 planets, period.
More adds great detail(s) but weren't needed
in any yes/no or when type answers....
So that would be why I'll keep it brief at
There's a great meteor shower Gemind
coming up in the gemini constallation
late Dec 13th - Early 14th that's supposed
to be a spectacular view for all of N america.
Then Dec 20th a total lunar eclipse also for
N america during the day you can view too,
last total one was in 2008.
Dec 10th:
Day I (Grn) w Yin wood Horse.
Upper Gen type influences.
FS#3 *Zip/Bap*
Vara Venus
Moon still in aquarius 11th areas.
Moon occupies the satabisha mansion
activating Rahu (N node) today...
Rahu is in the 10th capricorn areas under *Mar's
domain currently*.
Note: What I indicated about the mental type
influences, looks apparent overseas, Briitain
for sure came up. Also that mentioned of
it being under Mar's influence in yesterday's
was a big hint.
Rahu has a tendency to fixates ones thinking
in a very mental way to the point of obsession
on a particular area. Beyond research and
when it comes to the more emotive or
felt sensitive side of things often incorrectly,
and blinds to one's normally good judgement
and common sense otherwise!
Had mentioned some of the more minus sides
another one of it's results in that which comes
about of emotional and mental obsessions is
that of stalking.
[ ] Insert:
[So some Brits behaved in what you'd have to call
a disgraceful manner relative *their own* young
royal couple.
Some of you aren't interpreting the Iching well,
you had the Ke star link begins to ends active
with a Pt water star for travels and happenings.
Had said in past when you have the same star in
two different gua's, *that they are competitors*,
not buds.
K star protests and element e fiery type.
Then as far as attacks you already have that
between the U and J line as a relational
B stars groups, people and all the other attack
the G stars which can indeed be vehicles, sporty
or special etc of cars, amongst all other that
those stars represent.
So add in or falls under the hexagram names and
you can see something like that had to pop
somewhere where conditions existed of a fiery
The moon also as a main timer in the 11th
aquarius areas for *groups* themselves ,
and the Brits have always had sort of an
aquarian or unusual character to them
as some past news have observed.
To top it off in ping you had that moon
square venus aspect which emphasizes
issues to do with money or areas of
values to boot.
So this illustrates why I've also added the
astro content, to aid the deliniation of
what the Iching's stars are indicating
when it's not so obvious].
Pick up from Rahu:
So also feeds into that of Sun in 9th Sag areas
squaring that of Jup in 12th pisces areas.
Mansion aka same Nakshatra.
Mercury is in retrograde today on for awhile for
reviews, repeats, flips, and spins, etc of it's areas.
Mercury too is in the 10th capricorn areas under
Mar's domain at this time also, at around 5.54
degrees capricorn.
Mercury in rx appatent backwards relative the
earth motion re-enters 9th Sag areas Dec 18th
in that direction and comes out of retrograde
around the 29th deepest point of 19.3 Sag and
starts treking forward by the 30th.
That covers events and issues from last month
Nov 22nd on through Dec 9th that can either
resurface or simply be revisited for reviews
and revisals.
It will return to it's present position in capricorn
Jan 18th.
[So some issues that were taken up may be either
taken up again then or resolved by then.
Mercury is pairs, things of two, not thought good
on projects, tasks of it's areas while in retrograde.
Does have a strong history of the accidental
or bizzare in travels associated those zones].
A total lunar eclispse within possibly may adds
something for those degrees as well, going back
to any events that occured the 27th or 28th of
November 2010.
Aside that the degrees of an eclipse usually
reignite past ones there, and that of any
body which has tread that area, or of any
type chart which has a position there.
There won't be another exact one like it
till 2014. So as we go forward we note the
degrees it occured in, and mark it as a
timing point.
One for fresh events each time a planet or
minor aspects that degree or conjuncts it
as we move forward.
Anyway will look into some via past cases this
weekend on issues for projects and tasks initiated
within a merc retrograde as probably some good
updated info on that now a days, and see just how
strong that holds up.
Had my first Merc spill today lol, have a swivel
chair wife got me before for adj elevation, etc for
It got away from me this am, so fell and did the
roll thing on the floor to offset force.
Overall ruler is Saturn in 7th Libras areas
but is feeling the heat or stormy of mars
which squares it. Saturn has the greater
strengths in things tho.
That added for frontline Geo today is:
Ra/Ke/Mo which started Nov 24th.
Same as aboves.
Maintainng same dasa as yesterday for our month.
That of Sa/Ra/Me...
To the basic US chart although Jup under square
above due to Venus today has a couple of pluses
in the $ or luxeries, and similar areas.
How that works out in other areas not sure, but
Jup has the principle of giving so that in sales
of luxery items, and those you put on your
fingers would also be in.
Just careful in the drivings and not losing things
documents, and any else with Merc rx good idea.
Ok guys and gals of the presses, and all various
safeties or governmental areas:
Didn't take the time of listing all those dates
associated the Merc Rx and eclpise zone just
to be twiddling my thumbs.
Those are for you, as you'll likely be finding
some meat in issues or events associated
Some will probably connect to the present
and other that is yet to come for events of
both Dec and Jan. Some of which can also
include plans of various types.
Count those months at the very least, but
no reason they couldn't extend even
further out.
As always don't tell any what to do, but it's
put there for good purpose sum's it up, as
I don't have a habit of just wasting time.
Ok an already thar she blows:
In the re dept of re-register and review the
FAA attempting to avert a total disaster in
what is a valid crisis. It's lost tracking id
ability in who's, who of about *119,000*
aircrafts which fly our theoretically safe
Hope all the banks another very large
enterprise are also being quite careful in
our personal accounts and no invalid
switcheroo's, trickeries or accesses made
to them in this frame. Especially of or via
some firms who may in pasts used your
signatures in your behalf for some prior
lgl purposes.
Ok add a bit on the Merc rx stuff, you know
that things of delays go with it, also switching
systems, and computer logics are more
prone to fatal errors in them. Latter causes
mass transports collisions also at times.
Personal articles, things or documents also
tend to get misplaced or become lost in these
as well.
Another tidbit is they have a 2-3 week ahead
pre-shadow effect.
In other words before we actually enter the
retrograde the effects are being felt...
Aligns with last months for the Nov 22nd
point on that had listed above as part of
it all.
So add that to our Geo Sun square Jup stuff of
the recents also.
The basic rules of applying the re's is important
as Merc rx is basically, it's the embodiment of
and who knows maybe the reason for *Murphy's
[The crux is just being very careful in your decisions
and even their areas or types of areas that you apply
them too. Make those double and triple checks, etc.
That and staying very aware of where we are at and
what we are doing at any time.
Basically just the common sense sides.
Anytime we are in a merc rx phase].
Heres one with an eye opener for the biggies in the
financial systems, and which us little peoples might
very much want to give some attention too also:
There were any number of sites with good reading infos and
basics also on the subject, that was one amongst them I had
found interesting, and wanted you not to miss.
Weekends and most as far as determining danger dates
have left to you, as we've been through how our chinese
ones interact with the month's chart thousands of times.
On weekends obviously you pull the neccessary fwd,
and can get the moon sign from what ever is your
That here isn't to over impress anyone, it's just a
valid source of timing informations pertinent to
the month, week and days for all's safety and
general information purposes.
Well all news was pretty impressive this friday,
and caught mostly nbc and cbs tonight and abc
prior, about all that wasn't was the FAA's 3 yr
It was definitately impressive and certainly a
one big surprise to see that of switch Presidents
for a main conferance today. That was neat :)
Think gotta be cold tonight looking at Nak
descrip, and heard we might hit that of
zero by Sunday am maybe. For here that's
cold, free ice cubes...
Saturday's add info edu type:
On site I listed don't think that means the
connected has to repeat in exact, but that
it is fascinating that some aspects of former
may appear. Perhaps the shadow is larger
for that type and it's already appeared?
Will after spending around a month in areas
of better discriminating magnitudes with tosses,
and horary/prasna charts, definately ask on that
area using those methods.
Halted reading as soon as I saw what it referred
to and won't look at any associated charts, so can
eliminate any fore knowledge when do that
toss, etc next month.
Not having any problem with accuracy on any
question I ask and the answers I obtain.
That of both softwares and their tools have been
extremely helpful in methods I use. Each has
different tools so gives me what's needed.
Bang those out very accurately always get a lagna
aka ascendant that directly relates to what I tossed
on, and the correct corresponding placements which
will provide me the answer. No problems there at
It's that of levels and magnitudes that I want better
discriminations in, and on and what I'll be working
on this month.
There are many skilled american western tropical
astrologers, so feel free to check out what they
present. Doesn't eliminate vedic either as far as
ability to interpret the same events, etc. Aspects
mainly same. In some specifics some would likely
be more skilled than me, so good to get some
xtra info there.
I'm using what the developer of Kala found to be
more concise in predictives accurate, and that's
our western tropical zodiac for the rashis signs
and positions on charts.
In that I'm using for the greatest part the vedic
analytical and interpretive methods for those.
So the best of both actually.
Never mentioned anything on Elizabeth
Edwards as think the skies and heavens
themselves spoke for her when she
passed. It was about those quite positive.
Sorry to hear about Envoy Holbrooke very
much hope his condition improves.
One of my thoughts last nite was, hope no one
has an operation under this nakshatra.
Initially thought of weather for it, and that
panned out via blizzard's in the midwest.
It's meanings would be those which spook
the bejusus out of some religous hiearchies.
Also exactly why I wouldn't include such in
any chart I normally do for anyone.
About the only time I might would be if
I were doing a type of psychiatric eval
on someone who was criminally insane.
Such are greatly misunderstood though, as
what is actually referred to is our more
*premordial natures* in those.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Also that at the sub levels such exists in every
human being on the planet *period*.
The difference is that we have reached a time where
we are much more socially refined than in centuries
So instead of recognizing it as such, we have via
long periods of time past involved have forgotten,
and we instead get extremely jolted or shocked
by it.
Think about the era of ancient Britains
feudal lords when large societies were
just starting to form. Form out of what
had been many smaller clans prior.
Think about the norsemen and vikings,
etc how they lived, the rules they lived
by. There and back further were periods
when man lived out his more premordial
nature as a norm!
So it's improper to call some truthfully
preserved of vedic definitions associated
some nakshatra's etc as evil or ungodly.
Those while often totally and highly
undesireable states or codes are only
reflecting what is still premordial within
You see it every single day almost, and
have been in denial. That of the Calif
couple's cruel act of chopping, hacking
a man up is one example.
That of gangs which are basically just clans
that operate at sub levels of our society
and are not main stream also operate st
the more premordial levels.
That of when a person cracks and goes on
a killing spree or kills all his famiily is all
of the basic buried premordial triggers
that exist in every human being.
Anyway that's what some have totally
mis interpreted and came to false and
invalid conclusions on.
Were more to understand those, then perhaps
we might reduce even more of that preventitive
ahead of time.
Here I have no desire to shock or frighten anyone
with the actual truthful definitions some vedic
areas refer too.
Just want you to be clear on what those or that
is really about.
I had an immediate proof of current nakshatra
last night. It's hard to match in the normal
sense because it's so extremely harsh.
Anyway I picked a movie had never watched
before, fairly recent one and would have never
expected the content that was within it. Not
the sexual type of today's either, but things
even more primal.
It was a covert op's type, but I was floored with
how barbaric the murders and killings between
men and women agents in it were.
This depicted some of the lowest class of people
who were hired to be assassin's etc.
It had people on the same side of the fence killing
each other both ways. Women killing men. Men
killing women. The language of the lowest sorts
in the bulk.
The influence of the nakshatra was totally
apparent in that unknowing selection.
It also drove home to me the fact we have
people of those calibers dysfunctional assassins
or terrorists actually walking around in our
societies every single day.
That the effects of the nakshatra were not fake,
but quite real and a stone cold reality in things.
So that's some of those events you see that come
up and shock us.
Like when others crack, lose control and their
normally buried premordial sides come forth in
a vengence.
Those get aspected, that plus that which has went
on for them together, end up triggering events of
those very foul or extremes natures.
In some few it actually is or remains a rather
permenent condition also, as opposed to that
of stress and triggers, etc.
[*Welcome to reality*, again though here we are not
going to detail or emphasize such, just want you to
be aware of the truth behind such things.
That in terms of societies most of the planet (not all)
has indeed progressed to much higher and socially
refined states, and that's where we want to be].
I'm quite sure if any of you spend, just a little time
reading *today's news* alone, you'll quicky recognize
the effect of since last night and all day *of today's
nakshatra* influence.
It takes in a lot of the stenchy, mal and extremes in
qualities for issues, events, people and institutions
this day.
That in essence also agrees with one of the meanings
for the *Yel stem* or the Geo physical's Gwa star areas
of the month's chart.
In larger scales as by date we have a Yin Grn stem for
this wa element: A groups and activities type of date in
G star type areas. The moon and it's position have
qualified it's nature for today.
Apparently it applies from either side of views with
that of the G star car bombings, included email
medias today in Stockholm. Clear who and what
murderous were and are in that.
Had left to you but in after of that event the date
had struck a resultant Grn E's Gc star of the
quarrels areas, which in turn bound to the Wht
1st Begins or surfaces, underneaths Pt water
travels, transports, docs. news and happenings
star of the Biting through hexagram.
Pt star a which part of a begins to ends and far
aways competitive, combatives Ke fire star link.
Careful in the negative thinking dept's this is a day
tailored for that *if and when a button gets pushed*.
Let news be done, had forgot to mention current
voids...Those cn, e now...Plus timing marker for
Sunday in.
Despite probably all the tough weathers, etc Sunday
is a much more people type of day *for most* a more
*cheerful* moon nak, etc.
Exceptions as far as that for and of areas of discipline,
elders and some other due to Saturn type stuff active
under that of Jup's areas as well. That and III (Red) s
Looks that of the timing marker, and Saturn's hardships
activated brought most of a Red fiery component in, and
drop kicked any warmth of what Venus trine Jup could
bring for cheer and plus. Hope some found some plus
in despite other anyway.
Moon applies conjunct to the Jup in pisces areas which
emphasized it.
That normally would emphasize the giving aspects of this
season, etc here. Then not much is running normal
these days or now with Merc rx adding to that which
applies square to the Jup in 12th pisces areas. Hadn't
realized that was coming up till the 9th here, and it
undoubtably has not been any help in things.
Yeah they were all over the travels areas in news,
between the storms and that of Merc rx for the
timing, had been an inescapable result. Com, and
doc's likely as well.
Squirrels add flies although much different they
are also of the rodent group such as rats for
month t.
In the neat or different a video with Priemeir
Putin making an expansion in pisces arts areas
himself by singing.
Except for weathers one of the counters is via that
of actions of Jup in pisces type areas.
Have a good weekend.
Dec 13:
Day IV (Red) yo Yin fire Rooster.
Upper Chen type areas, influences.
Vara Moon.
Moon 12th pisces conjuncting ruler Jupiter there.
Can have your surprise effects since inlcudes
Uranus in that, and then it's mutually receptive
or blend of Nep in 11th aquarius areas too.
The moon occupies the Revati nakshatra, and
activates *Merc rx* above and the Merc of your
charts, it's ruler in the 10th capricorn areas....
That of Merc rx involves material areas to do
with relational areas and outer events.
Moon squares the Sun in 9th sag areas then
sort of a reversal effect later as Sun will be
squaring it along with all the other there.
Dasa Me/Ve/Ju...
Looked at the Geo via a prasna view:
Found actions of a Venus in scorpio and deadly nature
for probably a very few, affect or involve it's 5th areas
which are all that currently in pisces. Possibly the same
may refer to suicides.
Also that to do with waters and snows in the news as
saw had been some ship incidents, and could be some
trapped in cars and monoxide poisonings too.
Some there has to do with the poisonous or poisonous
substances being devoured since Venus squares Neptune
can include med's or gases as related to surgeries, or
that of illegal drug users, etc.
Shows those or some bring about ends that result as a
protracted sleep or death, and of actions under mars
or hours of mars areas today. Early this am was one
That of today's Red Ryo star areas bonding the Grn
Gcn areas reflect the favor of a bond in their
areas, but also includes things of hinderences.
Latter in areas is where actions taken are a
B star type that includes environments or
countries, etc.
Some involve values in areas of scorpio, which
runs from monies and any other that fits in as
that of wealths or as raw power, etc in things.
Part of that is trine with Jup in 12th pasts and
pisces type areas, while also squares that to do
with illusions or disolutions in 11th groups,
goals and aquarius type areas.
[That for compatibilities *in Geo relationships*
as a strength and quality today:
Geo country to country, etc in this case.
Is *red for problems, troubles and dangers
That's reflective of the date's Red stem mixed
with the Month's Wht date stem, and for 4th's
Red Ryo stars of month chart.
A key quality in those today involves things
of hinderences].
Water stuff read and the heard on CBS ntl:
Oregan flooding from rains.
A city block in Oregan collapse as flood waters undermined
Unusually chicago in the midst of the freeze has some.
Govt has problems in court decision on healthcare
mandantory status another B star area of the struck
today in US.
So govt ran into those hindering qualities in their
relationships as well.
More than 100 vehicles and some with trapped drivers
in Indianna today.
A luxary liner was wind and wave tossed and barely
crept in for safety in Egypt, around 1000 americans
were on board.
Same of month's NM dasa.
Add any xtra US in later as all the above also applies
in main.
Ok US does have a boatload of transit aspects, and
will be mainly of Merc, Mars and Saturn stuff as
far as 6th Virgo type areas go.
Then Merc rx as a big player in the day anyway so
will involve 3rd gemini areas, with likely some of
that moon in 12th pisces areas figuring into it all
as well.
May have a day offset to it as there's the skull and
cross bones saturn type shown in tomorrows too.
If so following day has a lot too, not so bad more
plus types, and today's had some also.
Aside from other aspects like to Saturn at least the
main planets are all in decent nakshatra's today
as opposed to just the moon other day.
[Overall this is still all fairly new to me, and had
been quite a learning process in deciding just
exactly what I should routinely list of a date.
Think pretty set or close to it, as of today
Had actually just got both softwares set to
register all that of western tropical zodiac
plus the nakshatra's shown within them to
align and be the same, *as of last night*.
Adds like that of the nakshatra's ruler and what
areas it affects will do for most or appropriate
dates, while the prasna blurb was just xtra today,
won't always list that one, just when dangers
are indicated].
Dec 14:
Day V (Yel) sh Yang earth Dog.
Upper Duay type influences, areas.
Vara Mars.
Most of the other in overhead aspects as listed
yesterday still in play via other of those
planets in nakshatra's activating them.
Moon adds for today by just having entered 1st
Aries areas, which Mars rules.
The moon occupies the ashwini (the horses head)
mansion, and is ruled and activates Ketu (S node)
areas today.
That nakshatra has good qualities, but the start
is rough and bumpy, etc:
That to do with transports, travels, mil and similar
too areas including Cmd, also that of physicians and
healings type too so get's emergency services areas
Yesterday's was right on the *mark* for special
medical areas. So tells me again the Nak's I'm
using here are the exactly correct ones for
[Also have been following on my own charts:
Watched one of the mansion inspired planets in
my chart on a day had outer events apply.
It did so exact timing wise as far as my own bhava
(house) areas went.
It played out both distinctly quite visibly and
correctly by areas indicated in both my natal
and year charts].
Chk the tithi if inclined as yesterday some of it's
can go to the fritz or dangers side now too.
Possible others off a bit, here's where we will
be Tithi wise:
Listed either as #9, as Shudka Navami or
Paksha Chidra. Think they have free
calculators as mentioned before on net
for that part also.
Moon will be squaring the nodes right away so Ketu
in 4th cancer areas jolted at the start.
Mars is in 10th capricorn outer events areas which the
moon in aries 1st areas squares early this am. Also
Rahu, Mercury rx, and Pluto all along with Mars is
squared this am.
Since Ketu active can refer or say the Moon as the
handle forms a quick T-square aspect for early am
from that and with all that in capricorn.
A lot combust with Mars for the shaky, breaky, maybe
elec's or fires in some's too, etc. Overseas mainly can
be thefts in travels any type. These are generalities,
not absolutes.
Lcl news referred to a lot in various areas, here and
in the country having various types of home heating
heating problems (Mars stuff too). Also a number
of shelters have been set up in many areas to house
those without heat...
Dates Geo dasa Ke/Ve/Sa orig 10/23/2010.
That of Geo relational compatibility just a general
indicator type and often ignored, but as a general
type ok. Still of Red status via vedic system till
about midway through the 15th. Also a dangers to
the body type.
In terms of weathers and still the cold a no doubt
about it, dangers to the body type of conditions
here, and probably europe as well.
Can do compatibility types at stronger accuracy levels
and more specific details between any two people or
entity's, here we just do general of date.
Same as you've been seeing but this is and shows
as our month's timing in things too:
Our month:
[This month for US is mainly about 9th type areas and
diffieculties or hardships in home or at root levels
that stem from those.
Those 9th type areas also as they relate to our 8th
areas of finances, taxes, resources, the deadly and
some secret enemies. Deadly from any and that of
weathers included].
Very sorry to hear of Ambassador Holbrookes
passing, thought of him as a very sincere in
whatever he did and serious about it type.
All same, plus all that prior above of dates Geo
areas, then have our own transit aspects today
too, as mentioned of and for US yesterday.
On today's tithi not sure they use it at all as far as
war zones but this one also for risk's, competing,
and markmenship.
On the 15th's that's also one of our dates, so chk on
from last month's posts. Was at px in pm the 8th and
the overall atmosphere there was just very plus.
Had to disengage some areas from connecting to the
net, a lot of app's one buys, besides free ones think
they have some special right to use your pc in cloud
type stuff or other.
Found at times they'd take a cpu up to it's 100% use
in performance mark too.
No way, they can burn their own cpu's up, not
mine or stealing any chart data's either.
Had been times was so intensive, I'd have to sit
a minute or so after gave a cmd to what ever
pgm I was using, before it'd get around to the
cmd I gave it.
Once in awhile a pgm might even crash in the
process too.
Didn't like that a bit so cut most of them out of
the loop altogether now. Did so by setting the
firewall rules on each one.
Things like games you play offline, you can always
allow at your timing choice to connect, so they
can update themselves if needed, and then disengage
them after update done.
Wouldn't surprise me if some don't boost their
servers bandwidth by robbing yours at times
There's also app's that want to stay in your
memory even though you don't use them that
are totally uneccessary. Big name outfits
but it's illegal tresspass, same as a pirate.
Most of that type you can uninstall after you
know who and what they are.
Makes me wonder about the AV just awarding
peoples resources out like that. So passing it on.
Ok probably scale back on this some starting
tomorrow as everyone should have the main
idea of how things via daily nakshatras work
That listed for monday, minus the poisons
stuff area can actually be used every day this
week. I'll just outline daily positions and leave
all the xtra detail out. Most already here.
Adds to Geo areas:
Todays from the Venus in 8th scorpio areas besides
that of health and safeties in aries areas
(aries is 6th from scorpio) does take in some
things of enemies too.
That isn't referring to normal police areas as far as
the aries areas go, this is more along the lines of aries
areas or org's associated to [executive branches of
*any countries govt*].
This date has that bhava house and sign area of the
chart as the weaker of the 12. In the date chart
it runs as 5th house aries type areas.
In that state it's referred to as inauspacious.
That means that things of that house sign area have
problems as it does not have the strength that it
should to function normally.
Improper things of various types can and do go on
in it, and result in it's areas.
Again that's due to it being weaker in relation to the
other bhava's (house) sign areas of the date's chart..
Possible it includes other than what is associated
any Govt's executive levels.
Maybe could include other ordinary org's such as sports
and others, but not sure about that, so listing that with
Govt's primarily for now. Then observe what if any
comes up for match today.
Mars rules 8th scorpio areas, and was a day of events
in our taxes bill of legislative areas relative executive
Anything to do with finances or shared resources would
be in today also. Even the undesired nuisance types of
pc I mentioned. You have to fight back or stand up to
maintain your integrity and that yours these days.
In stocks another area dealing with $ and risks the
action there looks good so far.
Had alo mentioned this nakshatra a basically plus
type, and is about how it's going in terms of most's
interactions and dealings today.
Unless you argued about the right thing like for a
few in say $ areas, know of one incident not mine
as stayed home today.
As far as timing again, it fit the nakshtra aka lunar
mansion of *ashwini* (the horses head) today.
As listed here and in most places you know that takes
in Mil and/or Exec type areas, and for that incident
it was in a Mil location.
*Was a minor event at the px to do with $*.
Someone once said:
"Even the hairs on your head are numbered".
So I don't give the time of day to any who say
we can't know the future. There's a lot about
it, we can know at any time, and in this world
as it exists, it's a good idea too.
Dec 15
Day VI (Gry) h Yin earth Pig.
Upper Li type influences, areas.
Vara Mercury.
Moon in aries ruled by Mars.
Occupies the Bharani nakshatra and activates
Venus ruler for overhead, charts and *dasa's*.
Don't be fooled by Venus read up as known for
cruelty too, in more plus those very truthful
and firm in things.
Dasa Ve/Ve/Ju Orig 12/11/2010...
Couple transit calendar aspects of our year:
One reflects Mars type stuff in 6th Virgo areas,
such rules aries and scorpio's too.
The other reflects Rahu type stuff in 10th
capricorn areas.
Scrap is not a good us muhurta day for us, some
in the very early part can be dangerous or result
in long term problems.
Day 24 hours:
The last 3rd of day for 15th up to 1st half of the
16th look good for overall muhurta results.
Then first 2/3 day of 17th also pretty fair.
Pretty much for anyone, doesn't mean that of the
nakshatra or relational is all 100% great, just ok
for most's projects.
This month it's hard to find any day that just runs
plus in all main areas for even couple of hours,
and that's the norm of routines. Even so in most
still a lot gets done.
The moon thankfully is moving to trine the sun w/i
a degree by around 11pm the 15th which is almost
always a plus. So the last 3rd or 8 hour segment
of the 15th you might want to apply something
of those areas in to or as a project.
That's additive as Venus areas are in all day under
the Nakshatra's areas your tightest match.
Then better results using would be say 5pm on.
You can probably sandwich that within areas of
Mercury or that of Moon in aries trine Sun in
Sag areas.
There's never a 100% guarentee as not all factors
ideal, and we are in a Merc rx zone.
Sticking with *Venus's areas likely the best all by
itself*, and if something under general of the
Bharani Nakshatra also fits, than so much the
Use common sense.
Definately not suggesting lottery to you, as that
has to be something that's in for you personally
by timing in the first place, and then in muhurta
or similar down to the minute in general and
sometimes seconds to bring it home. Don't care
if any do, but don't say you weren't told.
Any date as long as you know the nakshatra and it's
ruler not counter your birth areas, you could add
of it's areas into any of your stuff. After all that's
what it's lit up for.
In any you can even further *refine your choices*
by running our chinese date and hours you use
up against chart I posted here for the month.
Familiarity breeds contempt, lots of people like
me or vets in the same boat you don't know so
have no complaints about?? Here I do a service
so I'm more visible, don't need any hassle just
because of that. Could add a few more old sayings,
but you probably get the point.
Other than that, I simply do what I can.
That of Ashwini's Ketu yesterday was prominent and
struck via overhead (equal anothers speech, actions)
in wife's chart when at px other day. She was in no
fault whatsoever.
So that of Ashwini's ruler of Ketu was correct, and
timed specific as if she had went day before or a
day after, then the event would have never
My wife who has always been a strong believer
in seperate bank accounts well before we ever
knew each other.
In over 20 years she has never cheated me even
1 penny.
I simply give her what ever needed for groceries
and house areas she handles, plus some xtra for
herself and that's about it.
Never have to worry about it.
So it was pretty neat to be able to look at her
chart for an incident and from it know for a fact
that she made no error at all.
It's only been in last two years with surgery then
meds that comp for pain and those which enable
the timely of two body waste functions to occur,
that I have been able to *correctly learn*
process and interpret my charts.
Prior to that, my own reasoning and learning
abilities were at best quite fuzzy and extremely
That way for near or over a decade prior when
all had finally reached that very substantial
effects level.
One can have most of their body parts, but if
they don't function or function well, you will
either become disabled or worse. That's a fact,
and not a fun way to have to live.
Early am.
Plane with 22 missing Nepal.
S bombers kill approx 39 in Iran.
Was small ship off an Aussie area 28 or so
The close by areas of toss on 3 boys before would
have been from where last known to be.
The backyard was also something that showed up
before in toss or prasna. Latter areas I'm still
learning in, need to pick up couple books on
A snowstorm of Venus in congressional budget
earmarks today.
Tags a bill funding Govt's money so not run
Some of more Bharani like in suits over oil
spill's environmental damages.
Some plus in santa's helpers for childrens
letters, etc.
Dec 16:
Day VII (Wht) t, Yang metal Rat.
Upper Zen type influences, areas.
Vara Jupiter.
Moon is nearing ends in aries areas ruled by
Mars, and still yet occupies the Bharani
So date signature same, and still illuminates
Venus's areas also for actions today.
Date's dasa Ve/Ke/Me...
Should be about same as Geo's, and yet of it's
month areas, will chk and add prn.
Also your Venus projects stuff as mentioned for
yesterday *is basically good* for half of today at
least up till noon area. She's an energizer bunny.
[In special sides and uses last night scanned
through date pretty much manually, did find
a short zone in the ill phase that was plus for
Ran from about 01:14 - 01:44 am, were several
like that some much shorter, and usually that's
the way it works.
That would be a little much to list up for practical
uses up here, but the very same can be critical in
certain individual uses, etc].
Today relative our year: Ma/Ve/Ju/Sa...You
can tap into Geo's instead after all we are part
of that as well.
Via calendar our special transit dates in
Dec yet:
Year *19*, 20, 22, *24*, **29**, **30**.
Natal 19, *20*, *23*, 24, 27.
** means can be some troubles or dangers
in as well.
Correction [ ]:
[The next 1/4 of this date or afternoon things
in the Sun's areas of Krittika Nak and in taurus.
It enters that soon after the date start so date
still gets the Venus of Bharani type signature.
Bumped against US charts but should be ok
for most too, does carry some deadly or danger
spots to it though, and then the evening on is
definately not a very positive or good zone].
All these spins wear me down good, getting the
Merc rx effect about every night now, when go
to watch SG-1 on netflix. Keeps resetting it
back to what had already watched??.
Corrections alone tired me out, forgot even
though aligned kala as close as possible with
parashara, there's a 6 hour or greater time
lag until kala shows same nakshatra as
parashara. The latter is the correct one
Oh, after near year to year and a half of not
updating the windows, read on some finally
great fixes they had finally achieved
Some that speed some app's, etc up, etc.
So auto downloaded their last 17 plus updates
for my pc last nite and am also. Recommend
to any as well.
More on the muhurta dates & times:
Ok haven't checked, but don't want any complaints
on today's as I worded it so even an illiterate could
understand there were some dangers in with today's,
and in fact always are or can be some anyway.
Done there moving on:
Besides the prasna, now this is where *kala* really
Just got around today to finally using kala's
automated search feature for specifics events,
had did this all manually and visually up to
Event types like the best days to travel to a specific
area by direction, etc. Best time to take medicines,
or have an operation. Best times to study, have a baby
shower, buy/sell etc and many other types.
[BTW: Today and tomorrow shows good on a lot in the
30 minuute dept's, after that through the 24th not
seeing much that's good.
Manually today though I left certain zones out as
are some strong dangers zones, and indicated some
in with the Sun's areas which started after the early
am's day start].
Just as you can find a best time for something positive,
you can do the same for negatives, and sometimes that
means, some will actually end up blending together for
a given date & time or zone!
So when you find a best date & time on something you
then got to see if there are any blemishes something
that usually has to do with the sun and moon's positions
improper at the time.
That's why these are usually not a free work, because
there's a lot to doing it properly.
Get it?. Just because I list a zone as looks good, does
not mean that nothing negative happens...
Not sure if my old Shri Muhurta will run on newer pc's as
old parashara doesn't. May test at another time, still
have it's book too.
Mentioning as I can't quite say kala's is better, the Shri
Muhurta is a very smooth and polished operation, but
Kala's is certainly quite good and extremely similar.
Once you choose one of the dates & times it found for
your event, you can double click on that and it will
generate the charts, etc to go with it.
Kala's is said to use around a hundred paremeters or
more in it's date & time searches for various event
types with it's muhurta helper module.
So that probably parallel's Parashara's Shri Muhurta.
That also means your going way beyond the confines of
just the nakshatra (lunar mansion) for a date's
activities, *way beyond*.
[Another thing that would be nice if you can
appreciate this, is in uses here:
I'm doing, illustrating this at the most absolute
worst case imaginable for the muhurta.
It is supposed to be done in conjunction with an
*individual's* chart alone. Here I'm applying this
at the masses level. One hell of a lot of difference
in those.
So what of yesterday's proper zone I listed that
went well for a lot of people is an extraordinary
vindication for it.
When I or any do one for an individual it will run
so much better as that's the way it's intended to
be used and tailored for].
The best part is like the prasna it's a fully included
feature of kala. On Parashara's you have to buy as an
extra the actual Shri Muhurta at a hefty price too.
Anyway that tells you what it's all about, and for
the ladies I checked both today and tomorrow
great for *ear piercing's* etc.
Most any time in the day and was the 9am - 5pm
range I looked at.
That was for most any area in the US, so obviously
weather would not be taken into account by this
event type, that's something you have to do.
So it's probably a good idea to ask for several dates
on any partucular event area, as you want to offset
any unforseen's of weather or outside influences
that might come up for you.
Did some manual checks on why 18th - 24th was
not looking so good in search mode:
Manually the 18th on does have a lot of ill or danger
areas in them.
Also we are approaching the total lunar eclipse that
had read was for the 20th.
Next in wee hours the 21st is the full moon too,
with both in final end degrees. Sun Sag vs Moon
Gemini in opposition than each will enter the next
sign that date as well.
So all together that's why those dates weren't looking
[In local and out here as well very windy, that's the
Vara aka POD Jupiter which Nak activates and has
for awhile Merc's big stuff.
Out here also very windy, plus had things of two
active in a nunber of areas, directly outside home
and road here earlier about 14:43 a not really plus
or fit in type, monitored].
Other Jupiter references of big stuff since end of
November to current in documents areas:
That relative to wikileaks main start on US diplomatic
cables timing:
The actual jolts of began around Nov 28, *29* when
Merc entered the final end degree of 9th Sag areas.
Mercury was in the Uttarshada nakshatra ruled by:
*The Sun* which was in 9th Sag areas, and the Sun
rules the bold and command areas of 5th Leo areas.
Fiery, pride, royal, radience, self centered, narcistic,
leadership, risks, smartaleck, story teller, ego.
Mercury in Sag, amongst other sag takes in the
hunter, archer, deals with crossing spaces,
explorations, higher learnings, religions, major
enterprises, etc.
Big stuff Jupiter was and is in 12th Pisces and the
Revati nakshatra which is ruled by Mercury for
the main wikileaks vs US start.
12th Bhava areas:
Both of storages and releases, pasts, eliminations of
wastes, losses, debts, the clandestine, enemies, hospitals,
retreats, disasters, catastrophes, the spiritual, healing
therapueitics, prisons, etc
Pisces water rashi areas:
Oceans, Fish, films or medias, images, that of ideals or
universal ideals, peace, sentimental, difficulty in making
up mind at times, spiritual, arts or things of beauty, oil
and petrolium products, vision devices, etc.
Jup rules both the Sag and Pisces areas.
Mercury involving the Sun's areas in result via
and through Jup's big stuff had took in documents
areas amongst other it rules.
The Moon was in 6th Virgo areas and in the
Hasta nakshatra ruled by the moon itself:
The moon was squaring Mercury in Sag areas, and
opposing Jupiter in Pisces areas, both *pinging and
activating* those for actions in their event areas.
Such birthed the main physical start in recents of
the wikileaks vs US diplomatic cables in *world
event areas*.
Besides document areas you've had many other of
weathers and other events that matched up also.
[Ok as said the other day for bulk went fine, and
such doesn't account for weather or that outside
it's areas, was Venus stuff referred to, so in that
it was basically ok and fine. Was relative the
entire US itself.
A muhurta takes in all elements of the chart it's
referenced to only, not other external things,
good vs individual charts but that external you
yourself have to add and consider as it won't.
In the minus zones still good going to come about
if you incline that direction, and have an awareness
of what's up front in the first place.
The ruler of a dates nakshatra might be under adverse
aspects but doesn't mean we still can't use positives of it
That's better than being unconscious of it and allowing it's
negatives to motivate you???]
You can pull it all fwd yourselves for a while or in some cases
that which you can or desire, that as all is entirely up to you.
On the 18th - 24th zone, one main area as far as the US
goes is that of what goes on of the Koreas and China.
Possibly also more of wikileaks as well, since for the full
moon the Sun will be in that final end degree position
that Mercury was in when all began.
Terrorist and many other possibles I'm sure, but as
far as the US itself the given *may* be what shows up
that's of a negative nature.
Not saying it in the concrete as don't know, but with
what we do know is possible, as not planning to toss
on. May end up doing that, but not planning too.
One other quite hidden is to do with the smaller of
banks too, fits in those 9th Sag areas. Despite
appearance's not all is done there yet, so hope none
get any rude surprises in this christmas zone.
That's about the depicted had seen for the range of
dates which didn't look so hot in the muhurta.
In other words strictly anything and everything to
do with recents and currents *events* themselves.
That's why will put up a timed najia iching chart for
the full moon itself this round. It as you and most
already know applies in Geo form, for all other
countries as well.
One area that likely got misinterpreted before was
on weak bhavas (houses).
Basically means that in something of their areas they
are more susceptable to that of *collusion and
corruption* in such a zone aka range of time.
Imagine the news of major job cuts in one energy
facility not a plus at this time, keep hearing different
figures so hope wrong or not above the announced
from November before.
I'm taking a major break on the daillies themselves per
se, need the rest, and so can focus on that just mentioned
for this particular full moon zone.
Dec 18:
Day IX (Blk) y Yang water Tiger.
Upper corrected and *Gen* type areas,
influences today.
Got off track aka workload.
Vara Saturn
Note any of 4 Uppers of timed type can be
used to represent any date anyway!
That correctly covers all of both lunar and solar
types, but other variations extend those even
further. So in end result wasn't a big deal.
One I'm using here is that std used by most and
a *Lunar type* based from the last NM, if you
happen to want the Solar type then subtract
1 yields a Kan type for today.
The Solar one is lower or behind the lunar as it
started 1 day after the NM, so they are of two
different cycles.
Added a general reference chart at top for day
of full moon Tuesday Dec 21st 2010.
Note the date strikes the physical and a Gw
fire star will bound to bond a Blk 6th *Rwa
star for events*. Rest on leave to you.
That date Mars active, and from 5pm - 10pm
the moon in cancer then will be opposing and
pinging it's areas. Mars also part of the date's
dasa for Geo events as well.
So between that and chart at top gives you
areas for events then.
Done there at moment, some news would like
to reflect on only positives, well the day they
do nothing but that I'll do the same. Myself
think you have to keep your faith and a positive
outlook irregardless of what any date holds in
Here though will stay real and reflect what ever
a date shows, and not alter that in any way.
For some late night entertainments only watched
the "quoting" mauls or mauler 1 nite, that was
enough. Add: Was no reference to mil types.
It's actually normal at this time, have gotten the
same effect from a few others as well.
Moon adds in some, and even wife was of about the
same disposition yesterday.
That's the un or sub conscious mode stuff that gets
pinged in charts, and a type most everyone gets
when it's their turn.
So don't let it offend or bother me too much, knowing
that's what instigates it.
The vedic astro will go on here irregardless of
some who go into mental and emotional Rahu
type abherations on such, and any out of control
character assasinations they come up with.
What works, works and will be used here, that on
wikileaks and other related big stuff of that zone
proved it.
Reflecting back on the muhurta stuff, those work
best vs an actual person's chart.
Have used some myself and found it worked
Your own chart determines how things will
normally fly for you, just exactly how well
Kala's compensates not sure, but know it
takes that into it's considerations for dates.
In Venus's areas I get anything from the Mars
combined Rahu crazied types that operate against
me, and also to other extreme of perfect trines
operating for me too.
Two of several effects that I get and all near
simultaneous or within a 3 day zone for any
Venus's type influences, effects.
That teaches me to be more accepting and
patient over what ever is covered at the
time. Mainly as I have no control over that
anyway. Knowing helps!
For each person it runs different according
to their birth placements.
So others get different effects for any Venus
phase or zone, just as an example.
Ok let's not confuse all of what I'm writing to be
classed as news, it isn't.
Some is just general info that explains effects or
for those that want to better understand the timings
involved with ones chart.
There are other zones similar to that I just described,
where you just seemed to attract nothing but ill or
ire effects to you.
Some last anywhere from a couple of weeks to a month,
one very main one is brought on by the overhead zodiacs
constant movement relative the earth at your location.
Everyone has 1 house in their birth charts of which
more troubles occur than any of the others.
Well in the overhead at your location when the
sign of that house roles into the 7th bhava (house)
position for overheads or a date's chart, *your
competitors and adversries come out of the wood
In that can take it down to one time area of the
day when that occurs for up to a month.
On east coast right now for the eve news hour
or 5pm - 7pm capricorn is in the 7th for our
overhead charts now. Mars, Pluto and Rahu
are there, so persons, relationals and advesaries
and areas of those natures have entered the pic
there as influences.
In the joyatish or vedic system that's very easy
to track as until for those hours that rolls out
of there, it's charts just show the entire sign
of Capricorn there the whole time.
In actual it advances about a degree or less every
day. So on dates in a zone like that, the individual
planets will conjunct the 7th cusp. That's when
all hell breaks out in some areas and issues as
cusps are very sensitive points. So should explain
some of the heated stuff that came up in dealings
with others in them.
Another reason I mention this of how timings
work, is that anytime you have Mars in the 7th
house attacks or wars can be started or result.
So this is something to pay attention too,
of those hours this month, and work to
Year to year that varies as far as the particular
month it occurs for you, but knowing that's what
it is, you can get through it a little better.
The exact same thiing applies to any countries
chart(s) as well.
That should explain or give an idea on what goes
on there or that zone for some of you.
Ideally a well designed muhurta pgm should
analyze your chart and along the event type
inquired on, and *counter* any negative aspects
in your chart for the event type.
Not all do that, so depends on who and what
finds those dates for you as to the quality.
Here was bumped against a country and not
an individuals chart, so was much more broad
and general natured instead of exacting.
Think both Kala and Shri muhurta do that at
least to a very acceptable level, but some others
don't so you have to check into before using.
Via Ntl ABC news heard they have some really some
tough weather slated coming in for california.
Was said to look to be the worst in 10 years.
Then overseas it's already another tough round for
Europe snows, etc.
Anyway of Ntl news shows nothing is wrong
of the muhurta's outlook, which is a general
context type used that way.
In practice it will vary area to area, so you were
given a general context of what covered vast areas
in lump sum.
That of any individual area within will not be all
the same, but different.
In such zones we are not stuck or out of options using
the muhurta, we just simply *refine* the muhurta's
settings and search *manually*.
If one understands the parameters you will still find
valid dates and times on personal charts, that will get
positive results on most areas.
Ok you have that of special transits charts and a relative
reference for the full moon chart.
Latter shows environments, weathers, and group stuff, etc
in as it's physical.
So dates you can pull fwd and any I do is likely to be just
notes or comments now.
Have been doing extremely well in this, but it's still a little
much to expect I'll always get everything.
No way I've mastered all of vedic's areas, it's just some main
selected areas appropriate to here that I've gotten a lot down
Stuff that involves timings to be specific my focus.
Some areas like that done by another astrologer I pointed
out for those far away to check, not here.
I haven't checked a thing on it, as have enough already
here it's like low priority as far as daily safeties itself
goes, if I took it that seriously would have already
done, but I've only got so much time and in the learning
areas itself I have a lot yet to do.
On prasna which is like but not at all the same as western
horary or my tosses, I've gotten pretty enthused there like
the muhurta.
On latter already used once for something specific myself
and really came out nice too.
My very first prasna had to do with my mail, and the results
were so positive convincing me there was no hype to it, so
important to train in for here too.
Q and area studied pertained to *lost articles*:
Some articles had appeared lost over the thanksgiving zone,
and already overdue at the time I finally tossed on it.
Tracking msg's alone indicated something was not right.
Did that toss than added a prasna chart for the same exact
That's when I formed a very high opinion on those, as it
turned out exactly correct.
Said items would be recovered with a plus for 7 answers to
it's questions *on the recovary areas alone* that the chart
reflected in terms of positions for each question.
On lost articles it's timing section only had 1 of 2 conditions
that had to be satisfied for a yes.
Timing areas definately that I'm most interested in and
that was a fairly big surprise to me.
One stated when the moon enters or is in the navamsha's
lagna which was virgo in my case, the articles will be rcvd.
They were, the Moon was at 18 virgo when item showed
up at my PO on a monday.
The moon had entered virgo Sunday the 28th wee am
hours, so monday was the 1st main biz day of moon virgo.
Says it was accurate to the day.
That being the case still have more there yet to learn too,
it's a pretty vast subject all by itself with variences as to
question types, but that was enough to convince me it's all
worth the effort.
Before when I mentioned what the muhurta pgm didn't
show much good between 18th - 24th it pretty much
had to be weathers for some, and that of the Intl
to do with the Koreas.
That on some banks was not a joke either, was
informed there are a few on a govt watch list
and quietly one or more take a hit every month.
It's not anything I generate other than pass
It was reflective of interest in what that could
mean so got mentioned.
[Removed that other, will just post day by day as
under Merc Rx if nothing else, have to reset Kala's
ayamasha near daily for correct positions.
Shouldn't have to but just must be the zone.
Managed to get exact nakshatra time agreement with
Parashara's though so that parts good finally just
have to check make sure settings stay put for a
12/20/2010 Other you pull.
Voids shift to y, m elements next 10 days for new
dates & charts.
Geo a better nakshatra Punarvasu 12:20pm on, but
is a mixed bag in other for a while, and the evening is
definately to the dangers side again.
Right after ntl eve news or hr sh be careful in your
dealings this date. Chk lower NM chart at top for
On moon sign stuff check the horoscopes at yahoo
amongst any other you like, one at yahoo tropical
moon sign and you'll see exactly what the mixed
bag stuff mentioned is about.
Very good to hear N Korea changed it's mind that's a
*big plus*, thank you. The thank you is a sentiment
that I'm sure a lot feel as in *relief*, to clarify for
any that might be hypercritical of as written.
Daily check and add listed special transit dates, and
chart, those are aspects so remain fixed.
If any thought I'd consider all things ill or bad
based on just that, then that's your thinking and
would be astronomically off.
I think there's good in any zone period, but I'm
not about to cover up results I get, that might
end up a bigger disaster if were to do that.
Was about 3 different bomb incidents in US this
The Punarvasu nak tho listed good does
have some serious and dangerous inhibitor
effects to it as well.
Ok didn't dig into that on lunar eclipse
before sounded odd to be listed prior
seperate of the full moon, but it's not
and that's wee hours the 21st as I had
Neat or odd on the winter solstice, didn't
look up been too engrossed here. That
will reset and change the direction for
the FS stars the date after or 22nd.
Dec 21:
Moon entered cancer areas and Nak still same
for date but transitions to Pushya nak around
Sun enters 10th capricorn areas later this date.
Dangers remain same as prior eve until the Nak
change as noted above. The auspaciouness not
all that great in the overall, beats bad though.
You have the option of using the full moon
chart along with the other now.
Ok the TLE and FM also brings in things of
theft and restrictions or confinements. Some
has to do with areas of transports, travels,
bankings, homes and alarms or destructives,
losses in environments, etc.
Always refer to bankings but with Merc in
Sag it's anything of transports and long
distances. One is also confined when within
a transports, so guess that's an emphasized,
beyond any weathers areas.
FM as event occured within punarvasu nak which
has it's own kicker, so explains that.
Things of two or pairs still prominent.
For the bulk not, that's just few isolated instances
at times, where comes up in this zone for it.
Here had exact opposition around 3:13:26am.
Kept quiet as already had dangers listed but
was a four fixed signs and corners chart for
US. Brings it up to speed for you.
Was woke up about 01:30 but figured could
watch on net later so went back to sleep.
Reason listing a dangers zone each day is to
do with Govt's outlook on same for the
holidays, so just boosts the charts info by
adding in.
Lots of good still in it, and today's pushya nak,
if you check those and there tithi areas out
in listings on the net.
Dec 22:
Day III (Red) w Yang fire Horse.
Upper Zen type areas, influences.
Vara Mercury.
Moon 4th cancer areas enters Aslesha Nak about
9:12am, and it is given main for date. Ruler
activated is Mercury.
Dangers or that which doesn't work out well up to
about noon today.
Fierce competition type, encircles, entwines,
relates to poison, rash acts, starting a
*business and money exchanges*.
Begins actions authority figues or country,
marriage, *adorning things, observing vows
and installations*.
Never did find much good for 3 Michigan boys,
things of 9th scorpio areas main. Had Venus in
detriment, and a malefic Moon their ruler in
the 9th. Still have more to learn on these type
charts yet.
You have to look at a chart like that from several
possible views via several different physicals, so
lots to spin through. So just keep looking at every
once in a while to see if spot anything that really
stands out about it.
From Kids view charts 5th was cancer areas so
moon ruled that. Also from their view charts 9th
scorpio is their 6th daily routines, sustenances
areas. That was further ruled by Mars in Sag
or their 7th then which ruled their outer events
with Sun also ruling their family or wealth like
They also had from their view Saturn in 4th
libra areas, or 8th of the charts. So that doesn't
look good, in the most positive light that's
hardship or discipline in the home, and negative
you can guess.
On my own and other even local I test batting
real strong there, so guess on the far away type
situationals will take more learning and experience
On bad timings sounds like spidy ran into some,
usually those refer to the start of something
new, but with Merc rx can catch anything where
we don't have full personal control or attention.
Also that of flexibility in movements, and pairs
of things, hands, limbs, vision, etc all part of
Merc's areas. Did notice that on car recall
stuff too.
Knew of minus zone and had tried initiating a
process couple days back and didn't precheck
specifics. It boomeranged so bad I had to back
out and halt the process. I always note times
as a habit, so checked and ends up I had
started at an extremely adverse time.
Explained the very negative and hard going
I was having in trying to send something,
so as said I halted and cancelled the whole
thing. Sent via an entirely different and
more conventional, traditional route and
made sure I used a better time zone. Did
that yesterday and flew so much better.
Ok note local news has home and that affecting
family areas plus that of business aspects well
Usually local matches like Ntl are just automatic
anyway and not dependant on that here. It's
like what ever is in, is in.
Lcl Govt areas closed as a measure of dealing
with economics responsibly on their parts.
Yesterdays fire was a tail ender of one item in
I didn't mention to do with it's Nak, etc.
See calif and sw taking those strong hits, even
that of some NW as far as environments go.
Note on the fierce competitions stuff that to
do with medias and takeovers in the UK
pretty heated in some political circles
regarding control in their own ntl areas.
Looks the 100th anniversary for a firefighters
memoral in Chicago had a very unfortunate and
real rough, sad morning. That date 100 years
ago had a Sun position part of that date which
was the same as the Sun's in the TLE of the
21st also.
Today was also one of the transit calendar's
listed, here is for the general of main bulk on
the timings, and all that it can be. There are
always individual finer bad times within the
good as well. Those and aspects of individual
's themselves impractical for all listings, but
show up in events as well.
Correct a few spellings as my vision wasn't so
swift last couple.
Dec 23:
Day IV (Red) wa Yin fire Goat.
Upper Shun type areas, influences.
FS#8 No chg in dir yet.
Vara Jupiter.
Moon enters Leo ruled by the Sun today.
It occupies the Magha Nak whose ruler activated
is Ketu (S. Node). Not the best Nak, and relational
stressed some too.
Dangers and other zone begins in the pm maybe
around 1pm into wee hours next date but prior
to 6am.
After 6am 24th this clears up and out till 30th.
Probably you have things that were already
generated of cycles still running, so this is
mainly with respect to any new things
Any individual date has it's hot spots, or relational
frictions, etc , but this is clearly a better zone until
the 30th. Check the transit calendar dates.
Check listings for if interested, but these are a few
of the Nak and tithi today, you have other of the
aboves areas too:
Honoring the deceased, things to do with waters,
marriage, wars, and any hazordous type of
First food, first music lesson, boundaries, and
That which occured between St Joeseph's and
Catholic church is also timing that goes with the
Quite sad, but part of timing.
The TLE had a physical, ascendant of scorpio for east
Means that it's 12th house of sacrifice, hospitals, etc is
of rashi sign libra where Saturn is at.
Saturn: rules, disciplines, hardships, or worse.
Rules contracts or agreements areas, of 3rd's areas
where Mars is for fiery and actions itself, etc.
Any area that has to in it's norm make self sacrifices
or fits in and of a 12th house nature, and especially
any of main social relational or connected to legal
areas can be affected. Firefighters too, probably
also Police somewhat, than other more natural to
12th house areas have to be alert.
That and 3rd Capricorn, and 6th Aries areas which
Mars ruler of the Scorpio physical also affects.
That of it's 5th areas is Pisces where Jupiter cnj
Uranus at, covers the agressive in combat like
things and that of self promotions. Had seen a
lot of ad's fitting Jup's areas lately as well.
The Moon and Magha Nak stuff today part of
the 10th Leo areas of this for Outer events
today. Sun activated ruling in those 3rd
Capricorn areas where Mars is.
That if the Sun moves to conjunct Mars for
those fierce or explosives events. Also in our
FM iching chart Rwa star today, bonding the
Gw stars. Either way fiery and deadly stuff
for some.
Apparently a lot of events we will be seeing will
match up with that and other of the TLE FM
chart as well.
It's first dasa to 4th level had Saturn emphasis
until the 25th.
So be sure to use the posted iching fm chart as
it's very much in for timing with it's nm birth
Dec 24:
Day V (Yel) s Yang earth Monkey.
Upper Kan type areas, influences,
you can down by one if want solar's.
Was Lu Qi with problem, corrected above with
that of Americn Chinese which lists it's method
and was correct. Lu Qi also appeared slightly
buggy too as attempted to make 192 corrections
to my start up according to AV. Has happened
before so dumping it.
Actually has happened ever since I bought it, but
kept having AV block as compared to most other
have bought in past, not one tries to make that
level of starup modifications. May be a good
some good reason, but would have to hear it first.
Note: Have disagreement between calculators
on the FS here, but is supposed to trek up, and
one had 8 yesterday and now marching up as
should, so hold it all here at the moment. This
matches almanac so should be fine.
Vara Venus
Moon still in Leo which Sun rules and
occupies Purvashada Nak which activates
it's ruler *Venus*.
Zone till maybe 6am not good, then as
mentioned clears out till 30th.
Much, much better in bulk but still tensionals
in relationals and hot spots occur within any
good zones at various times any day.
Excellent to medium in auspaciousness, plenty
good itself as far as that part goes.
As mentioned prior, doesn't stop the ongoing of
cycles already started like that of weathers, etc.
Then still have transit aspect dates we listed.
On Nak & Tithi...Nak can be some rough stuff
in traps, etc. Look up as desired.
Good to greatful for what lessening or break we
do get in some things of masses as surely needed.
Finally realized in tosses, while it's nice I don't
really have to understand all the mechanics
of a subject at all.
*The only mechanics I or we have to understand
is the Ichings* in it's answer.
It usually won't address the many details of any
complex matter or subject, but it will provide
the main answer of that asked.
Passing same on for others who use the Iching,
too, so you can become more firm and assured
in using it. Some will understand why I said
that later.
Special add:
Something I sat on, *probably should have posted
last night when I did the toss*.
Was busy and pretty much thought it was just the
US's skies and weather's stuff here.
Toss Q:
Will there be any terrorist attacks within the US in
the next 3 days?
[Result #38 - #64 involves things completed or
Answer was a yes as was already day s at time
I tossed.
Date bonds a Pe fire star link 1st to 6th line
areas, for the *yes answer*].
Quick detail:
The 6th line Pe stars are Red for alarms or the
fiery. 6th line is Skies, internets, ends, across the
way or far aways, completions, achievements,
turnarounds, etc.
1st line Pe chg's star rebirthed by an Ry star.
Physical very strong Blk 4th Kyo stars on the
gateways and decisionals areas.
So no doubt agrees the assertion of the Mumbai
police, security because *as for the far aways part*
goes that all matches up in that pair for the date.
Since some invariably or deliberately tend to mis
quote stated here, so will clarify the *Yes* answer.
A yes is not always the exact of the questioned, but
it is *always as the Iching shows it*.
So it's a yes as far as attacks or dangers as latter
is what visualized in toss, specifically of one of
the *Red* 6th line areas mentioned in some
manner as it connects to Yel 1st surfaces, that
underneath or begins. You can add fill for Yel
such as Ctr's or earth anf other for seperate of
P star meanings also.
Asked on 3 days, but will run longer.
That of Burga clad suicide bomber in Pakistan
killed at least 40 people wounding around 60
others a strong match. Meets far away areas,
was at an FWP aid center so fits the Kyo star
physical, an Rm star was struck with t/I a
Bcn star to bound the physical.
In a zone where about as welcome as moldy bread
in this here. My consolation is there's quite a few
in close to the same boat aka timing.
Have recognized some refined possibilities in
other future areas, and honest types just
letting it all sift thru my mind in the present.
Ok was able to find a chart that reflects a lot that
went on for commerce from the homes into
surrounding or local areas on a massive scale,
probably weathers too, that and the huge and
appropriate in the promotions areas as well.
Have to watch that type couple months to see if
changes match up, but was neat to see one that
matched this round.
Till 29th pretty much no matter what chart I look
at Mercury's areas are strong *main theme*. Not
just the overhead rx type, but non rx stuff too.
Spent a lot of time learning about several charting
systems and various tables. About the only thing
I can figure is it makes it easier for others to
understand areas for events here. Other than
that it all could be done simpler with one toss.
Not knocking either vedic or western astrologers
a bit, there stuff works good in what I'm using
and have here.
In some certainly a lot of tedious overkill
to accomplish some objectives that has to
be done for quality results.
Some just for professional considerations
like using celestial coordinate system to
hand calc ones own charts. Then in extended
for predicting eclipses just about ready
for that as well.
***One strong Vedic or joyatish plus***
You can actually get an easier and more
refined picture of things with the muhurta,
for it's event timing uses than the Iching.
In a lot of other than the muhurta, or dasas
also, when it comes to general questions and
timings for most reasons, the Iching is a
whole lot faster and easier.
Doing both myself as like to cover all bases
when do something, and I enjoy it anyway
Going to go quiet here for awhile.
To those who sent cards, they were appreciated
agree respect is always a very good thing, no
Wish everyone a merry christmas and always to
those overseas and all serving.
Dec 29
Day X (Blk) c Yin water Ox.
Upper Duay type areas, influences.
Vara Mercury.
Geo Dasa varies daily: Rahu.
Early one.
Ok in general it's actually a good day in many areas
but *relationals may get in the way*. Still beats
yesterdays in some ways.
Some ill or some dangers in the relational as
muhurta shows for the day.
Sag was not listed as the best sign for Mercury's
areas from the beginning or last month, as it's
opposite of what it nomrally rules in Gemini,
plus square that of Virgo's it also rules.
So from last month on we got to see a lot of events
, areas and behaviors that Mercury rules come out
in negative veins. That and Merucry does run a little
under par today relative travels itself.
The Sun also is not so auspacious today.
Moon in Libra Venus rules and occupies Vishakha Nak
which activates ruling Jupiter.
Some has been of the sting nature and even minus
side of scorpios areas where Venus is in expressions.
Appears still some other unsettled of quarrels, in
things. Some unfortunately have felt it neccessary
to throw insults and names around, which obviously
would be reflected in those themes also.
Myself I just stay aligned with what energies
themselves show, and point that of out here,
rather than relying on talk. Then observe it
mostly at the Geo view. Things I daily observe
and study, so it's my right if not an obligation
to express what I've seen or noticed of it as
that's what I do.
The chinese almanac activities are very simular
to that of Nak & Tithi and did not list travels as
auspacious in it's today either.
On latter most of us who know can observe, and
notice these things, while most not knowing and/or
if do let ego itself get's in the way, but for those
who don't you'll notice too.
Also the status of today's relationals is shown by
the FS#5 star too. That says they can be yucky or
inhibiting and hold some dangers as well.
Last toss had matched a lot of things well ahead
of them and quite accurately via the star line
relationships and themes in the pair.
Ours as had indicated was in the weathers and
definitely matched as far as timings also.
Had stated at first didn't post toss as had
thought that's what it was for us.
Quarrels is a status where things involved
have some type of frictional qualities.
Any storm has those as well as people.
Lightening itself is a result of a frictional
process and occured for some in the N's or
NE's as part of the storm.
In Quarrels there are areas of frictions
between peoples at points and the sting
quality of Venus in scorpio has played
into some of those as well.
Between various countries leaderships also
has played out on some specific issues.
So not a thing wrong of the Iching's view
and the astro based of or supporting it.
Prior wasn't downing Vedic astro it covers
the wide scope and that of bhava areas
Narrower than that becomes a little more
tedious when you have to roll in additional
tables, etc but ok.
Already had said it's muhurta's have event
area refinements better than Ichings. More
direct in meanings, etc.
That of najia iching is specifically tailored
and streamlined fot specifics of situationals
better than any other system is it's thing,
that's all.
It behaves as several vedic charts with tables
already integrated within it.
Plus acts with a prasna or horary capability to
boot. One that's not dependant on the original
hour as all other chart types are.
This date eve the US dasa shifts to Ketu's areas
and up a notch fron that it runs under Mercury
It will be the Ketu areas you'll see kick in
as events and will run a little over a month
and a half. So with that kind of time, your
very likely to pick up some unmistakeable
Some can be to do with disappearences of things
and even people too in extreme if such should
occur. Likely in long distances as 9th type areas.
If not before than when things approach Jupiter
then Saturn moving out of present signs things
for the US look to get stronger and better.
Was some hot spots or not plus zones in
afternoon 28th, but when hit news zone
all changed, almost every begin by time,
had plus wealth or success stuff to it. Saw
reflected in the news as well. This area
in some ways did a lot better than others,
so not entirely reflective of economy
itself. A lot of other areas in US haven't
been as fortunate.
Ok you already have the 9th type areas for Ketu
within the US for events.
Let's set our Geo *relationals* type associated it:
For today as a date type for relationals for the US
shows that Ketu plays in 6th cancer type areas.
So things of jobs, co-workers, health, safety, daily
routines, diseases and *enemies*.
In health and safety where it's not diseases of a body,
it's enemies the 6th bhava reflects.
The 6th, 8th, and 12th bhavas all have enemies as one
of their areas.
So this date relationally for the US that's where
Ketu lies, *and sets it's stay* where events can
occur for the US in it's Geo relational areas under
this dasa.
It has positives to it too, such as in healing areas,
and the things disappearing part maybe not so
positive one, had already mentioned.
Ketu also likes to destroy things until lessons of
it's areas are learned, one using neg areas from
the get go will often end up with some problems
themselves if they take things to far.
Ketu under Mercury, means that physical areas of
Sag where Mercury is at will add and that it rules
as 7th in Gemini, and 10th Outer events in Virgo
areas also.
That's of course all of Merc's stuff applying in
those areas.
So you'll see or get the plus or minus depending
who or what's involved of Ketu in 6th areas under
and for all of those.
You can look up or find other meanings also.
Found Parashara also has all that's needed for doing
prasnas as well, it has a complete listing of all
classical references built in. So you just read of
those applying to prasna and do as any standard
chart. Kala has it beefier, and more convienent as
a seperate moodule the only difference.
Did the *date 9/11 type versus US chart with Parashara,
and it *was so exacting* as to relationals of enemies
attacking the US wealth areas within the date.
Did such from our Geo relationals status in for that
It clearly showed enemy actions in travels areas,
modes taking in the deadly and ruling the 5th areas
which had Mars for actions in and of them. I'd
lay it all out, but in short every area matched
exactly for an attack, even the nak and tithi
correct for such. Planned to the Nth degree, and
had a Virgo (meticulous plannings details) sign
for the physical. That with Venus there ruling
our material in legal, social relational and
justices type things of the 2nd bhava.
It is from whence all the major wealth damages
of our economy occured and more importantly were
set into motion.
Knowing and understanding relational charts will
catch anything like that big time.
Back then I didn't have that kind or level or
knowledge, but without a doubt do now.
So with that and my iching feel very, very good
about nailing such things.
Got to look a little more into it, as far as
getting it a little further ahead view, as
heads up type.
Quite sure I'll find the best way and may
already have that as below on dasas shows.
So looking for other fine tuners is what I'm
doing now.
Remember it's not so much as dealing with exacts
that's important, it's more the dealings and
correct interpretations of *situationals*, and
their timings that does it.
Dasa stuff:
[That of the date Sep 11th 2001 for the US stemmed
back from Jun 1996 under Jupiters areas then.
***More proper emphasis:***
Something similar or related *may reappear in Jun
2012* under Saturn's still in Libras areas then.
So some of ours should definetely put that in your
future scenarios preparations areas].
FYI: I indeed have tested those to the Nth degree
on personal charts.
They are totally reliable and come out correct in
every instance.
Direction in time doesn't matter, they come out
precisely correct irregardless of going forwards
or backwards.
Not going to give all the specifics just the important
source and future data that just did, chart itself it's a
special navamsa type, not any western chart.
In navamsa relational types, planets are not often in
the same bhava as a regular birth chart.
So most of you won't be able to duplicate it in any
way for that reason.
Via news: Noted local's mainly ABC with regard to
one counties, a quite physical Ketu example, was to
do with rocks or similar being thrown from overpasses
into the windshields of vehicular traffics. Then also
fits areas of daily routines.
Pretty solid as a Ketu under Mercury type example.
Also caught NBC on ntl's which had travels in the all
around covered, some matches there and that of the
Swedish newspaper under threat a match too.
Latter type a little hard to understand as almost
every nationality has some people with same last
name as their prophet.
Their's a lot but leave to you, the more you observe
on our areas the more it'll be recognizeable to you.
You can pull most fwd from here:
Tomorrow afternoon on into early friday another
danger zone as was covered up till 24th. That's
the things or some of anyway definitely do not
always work out right or as planned type.
That's in addition to any other hotspots that any
day holds.
Trad Voids change to the t, c elements for this
also tomorrow the 30th on.
Jan 1st 2011:
A midnight type transition Dec 31st
2010 to Jan 1st 2011.
Day III (Red) cn Yang fire Dragon.
Upper Kan type areas, influences.
Vara is Venus yet at midnight, then
transitions to Saturn in the day.
Moon in Sag areas ruled by Jupiter.
Moon occupies Mula Nak in main for the
date and activates Ketu for it's areas.
Some mix of Mercury's stuff also in the
wee hours part.
Making parks and gardens (You can sub other), beginning
war, treaties, breaking treaties, digging wells, tanks,
ponds, agriculture, marriage.
Most can sub fireworks preferable to war.
Observing vows, and any other auspacious action avoid oil
baths, and travels.
Chinese Baby, bride, haircut, funerals, and general others
type stuff.
In Geo relationals weak for troubles, problems or troublemakers
of Mars in 7th and Mercury in 10th areas.
In US relatonals the Moon in 5th, Mars in 7th and Saturn
in 3rd areas are weak so have or hold problems, troubles
or troublemakers.
Latter is more a mix actually, except for those Ntl and
Geo's 7th areas. That part for fireworks ok, but in other
of date probably not.
So in all other than 7th's areas *we also have some very
strong benefics* for positives too of the new years.
There is a tendancy to be or the cruel minded this
date, so try to avoid that or any.
Reason besides Nak stuff is for east coast areas,
via the overhead at the time, we have Saturn in the
physical then.
Being careful of uneccessary or useless discussions
avoids quarrels and further increasings of enemies.
In that be careful of defamations also. Working xtra
is adviseable to maintain favor with one's superiors
and the success that you want.
That of lessons is a common term in western and vedic
astrologies. Usually the slow moving outer planets
are referred to as bringing one lessons especially
Jupiter and *Saturn*. In Vedic astrology all of that
plus the dasas add in specifically for the purpose
of learning and lessons.
Those that have learned well, don't get a bit excited
or agitated about a thing, and merely engage in using
the beneficial and positive aspects of the current dasa
In result that's the general nature of what comes
back to them as well, minus any hotspots or ills of
The other, I'm sure you can figure that out.
Some use this like a year's forecast, but in main
it's just good for this date as noted from it as
a marker and official celebrations time.
You can as a seperate date and time referenced
to any capital, city location, etc use it as a general
forecasts type for year and many do.
My preference here though is to use it just as any
other date, and *specifically in it's relationship
to the USA's chart for the date*.
Prefer not to go into now, but you do have major
things in 2011 by way of Jupiter. It enters Aries
Jan 22nd, and then two in one, will enter Taurus
Jun 4th to stay for the year. So new sides to the
expansives and big stuff.
Have a happy 2011 new year's.
You can find cheerier stuff in daily moon sign
horoscopes like at yahoo, else plenty all over the
The New positions used in the above:
This is because in changes for greater accuracy,
we will be using the standard sidereal for the
nakshatras themselves, and tropical for the
rashis (signs) moon and planet positions.
In the past my error too, as I believed what
the great bulk of their astrologers used had
to be correct, after all thousands of years of
using implied such.
This was discovered after years of research
to correct failures by the developer of Kala.
All of that he found is based on astronomical
rules to do with the ecliptic, the sun's equinoxes,
and precessions, etc.
What he's done is a lot like what I've done with
the Iching itself here over the years and for
all of us. So I really can appreciate his work
in a parallel sense too.
The nakshatra effects all these years fooled
me 100% as they are actually of the sidereal
Sidereal as in the space surrounding us, and
not an ecliptic function or related at all to
the tropical zodiac.
The nakshatras themselves fortunately
do remain the same for any planet whether
you use the tropical or sidereal zodiacs.
So better stick with your tropical sun, etc
sign's as they come out very strong in chart
descriptions, and you can tell by following
that posted here.
I counter checked all and found my own
descrips came out much better, and even
the formulas for event points via new table
strengths results came out better.
For Jup showed year of first divorce, the fact
that I was flying back and forth across the
country a lot that year in duties, plus the year
of strong work bond with a chinese friend and
then Meiko entered the picture also that year.
Removed one had incorrect and petained to a
different area altogether.
I can say it's a pretty darn good events timing
marker as with all that was certainly a year
of Jupiter in my life then. Full jam packed.
One that was quite distinguishable expansive,
and what Jup should show in such a case.
So means the formula and method worked
better and accurately under the new
settings with a tropical zodiac for most and
the nakshatras for all still got correctly
calculated as well.
Didn't add that because I was thinking of any
in particular.
Did once I got the year involved as was some
really jovial, romantic and happy times then.
In amongst what was severe hardship as had
good friends.
List just to show a general idea of status after
changes as a proof of accuracy only.
Unfortunately average person couldn't use as
does require some experience already to go
with any training. Like the Iching it's in no
way an instant process, takes time and I think
one should have some maturity under the
belt as well.
Some due to that might think I'm dum,
but I did knock out a prasna type tonight
in the same way I'd use the Iching, and
had immediate positive results.
It wasn't on anything very complex but
the immediancy of and type of result
was a very profound statement of
Had to do with wife as was what it was
indicating and no sooner did I get that
part, and here she comes in return from
her friends house. Had given the relative
age of person too, also correct.
So for that here this should be a great
Started to remind me of the nostradamas
software I had used in past, which was
tropical for it's sign's, planet positions,
Another strong consideration is the chinese use
the tropical zodiac as main and for extensive
calculations too. The breakdown of 24 seasons
and more utilizes that one for the Sun's degree
to set those entry dates with, and a number
of other things also.
So I then decided to see just what the Iching
would say.
Would using the tropical zodiac result in the actual
and correct planetary positions I should use for
astrological predictions?
#54 - #40 which is as strong a yes as you
can get. Congrat's Ernst....
Date bonded the physical's P star.
*That say's Kala's developer is correct*.
Other reads by joyatish or vedic astrologers
do work, but this will work best in my opinion
from the ultra crisp results I'm getting.
That of nakshatras not varying probably
depends on the fixed reference used and
how softwares calc them.
I had no problem setting the ayanamsa
setting for lahiri offset in parashara to
that given for a birth year. Done the chart
came out with the same ascendent, signs
and planets all in the same degrees and
positions as Kala.
Glad too as would have wondered what
to use the parashara for if couldn't.
Kala's the more technically specific type
with chosen methods expertly tailored to
most accurately get the job done in my
opinion. It rocks there.
Parashara is the ultra muscle in the
additional charts it uses, that via made
asthetically sharp in appearences, and
allows you a superb ease of access in
ways you can manipulate, and use the
chart and tables datas.
Never got a password on latter they do that
part automatically via remote when your
connected now.
On any reports for others would just use the
well designed cover sheets, tables and the
chart(s), in my case. Irregardless which
software, and then on the actual reports
write those myself.
So you'll be seeing planets of the dasa's,
and charts in tropical positions here
from now on.