

The Varshaphala aka solar return year charts:
These type done for any year of life to see what's coming up or the big stuff for your year.
Each year is definitely different and the standard solar return charts are functionally very accurate in this as long as the birth time, etc given is also accurate.
Above we have a southern india style chart will add western or round type and probably other subject type years later on as well.
It's an example type of year's ago chart on another person whose events match with that I will illustarte here.
The box or sector with the diagonal lines in it is the physical. The physical also called the lagna, ascendent or 1st bhava (house) of the chart.
As you saw from the missing person example in another post, the physical is all important in describing things about the person, including the nature of the environment from the question and prasna type as was used, etc.
In a year chart it describes by sign and nakshatra what your year is all about in the main. As most know I like to condense to the shortest possible descriptions as far as the main of a chart or any area goes. Like to keep things as bite sized and practical gut core as possible.
Here it's sign taurus which is ruled by Venus and has a lot to do with wealths, women, nurturings through the material, accumulaing things, etc. Doing quickly on the fly but we would also add in that of the nakshatra in which the ascendant degree lies also.
Each bhava adds areas of it's sign into your year.
Main point I want to cover in the quick, is that of the 12th bhava:
Here that's under sign Aries, and there we find the moon.
That can indicate a lot of things but the most main one too note right off the bat is that of hospital's. Hospitalizations always signified within the 12th bhava's areas.
What's it's nature?
The moon is actually waning, so some type of things wither or come to an end, losses and expenses increase and most often something of a serious illness comes up as well.
So now we look for which bhava the sign cancer which the moon rules is in?
Here that's the 3rd bhava counting cw from the 1st bhava (physical)...
Ok things of short journeys, environments, siblings, buildings, as just a few go with that.
So now without looking at any aspects or other positions and basing from the physical and the 12th bhava with moon, we can safely say that this person makes some sort of major change in residence (environment) for the year shown, that loss or reduction of incomes or an increase of expenses associate that, and that likely they also become ill of something to do with the stomach areas or that to do with liquids for some R&R time in a hospital as well.
[A point want to make is anytime you find the moon in the 12th bhava of a year chart, something to do with the:
Middles of the body stomach and abdominal to pelvic areas is probably going to land you in the hospital].
Have seen that in many year charts and then in some where lit up like a christmas tree, if the sign cancer turns out to be in the 8th bhava then your talking the deadly besides any surgeries too.
Main showing if that to do with middles of the body using the moon to signify that in particular here.
[Other similar is you have a graha in the year's 12th bhava that rules it, again some likely hospital stuff of it's areas, and if accompanied by another graha there can be of it's areas as well. If one there rules the 8th areas then surgery very likely. Less likely but you have to examine the whole chart carefully to determine is that instead you may be dealing with some very major past expenses, credit areas, etc also. Here things to do with the mother or ones siblings would also fit in and likely did as part of that year too.
Almost left out although we look for things of the middles in illness and accidents with moon in the years 12th areas, it can especially in an accident case or type of event, signify the center of that involved or the environment in general.
Then as stated on the one shown here body areas and things of the bhava in which cancer resides may also be the area affected.
You might also look at what's going on with the natural ruler for that bhava number or any grahas that happen to be in it as well, if you don't see any obvious aspects:
In the example chart that would be mercury rx as the 3rd bhava natural sign is gemini which mercury rules. Merc rx alone says something major, and or that takes a spin or flip squares with Ketu in deadly 8th areas.
Grabbed wrong example info: It obvioulsy didn't match up so rechecked.
Ketu signifies physicians and surgery, Mercury Rx ruled 2nd Bhava which includes foods, drinks, etc or anything that nourishes one or the family as well, that also agrees the material, sensual and riches nurturing needs in physical of sign taurus.
As Venus is with Mercury ruling the physical as well.
Actual event was *Gallbladder surgery and removal*:
Both Mercury and Venus in Virgo 5th were square to the Ketu in Sag 8th deadly or surgical, etc areas.
Mercury and Venus were in the Hasta nakshatra which one of it's attributues besides the hand, is: *Susceptable to drinking*, so there we are.
Ketu besides physicians another good example of thee something disappears with it, as they removed and took it out, and therefore gone.
Sorry about that confusion in example but straight now finally.
Ok gave just enough detail to give the idea about why we look at the natural ruler of a bhava aka the 3rd bhava where cancer was in our example. Then it backed up that on the middles of bodies stuff also.
Haven't done these at the everyday level for quite a long time and sort of showed but were ok now.
Thought it was just me, but seems some in the air as I got some quite confused like responses nearly spastic, out of one person today when asked about some phone stuff, the Merc rx may really be kicking on some.
The main as in the iching is to use good logic with the info's shown and a few rules will get you there.
Some other factors to check for a year with moon in 12th areas:
Also grahas that happen to be in other bhavas *that square or oppose* the moon in 12th play major roles and can signify the type of event or body part itself involved too. If the same graha or one of those rules the 8th bhava, then the illness or accident likely very serious or deadly and requires surgery to survive, barring didn't take the person out. Then the dasha's say when, etc.
In all or any case one has to scrutinize the condition of the grahas and bhavas. etc involved to decide upon the likely nature represented by them in those matters, including the moon as did in example here. That and the status of the physical goes along ways in suggesting likelihood of such events.
There are some other areas and factors that can be checked that have to do with the strengths and various types of point strengths for the graha and to do with the particular bhava it's in as friendly or not, etc but keeping to the most solid and basic for just blog purposes here versus that of an actual class, etc.
Still pretty much anytime you find the year's moon position in the 12th bhava of a year chart, hospitalizations and that *involving health or accidents at some point in your year are more likely than not aka the usual case and that I wanted to get acrossed*, and there are other additional things that may be represented with that moon placement as well.
A year involves a good bit of time, so you'll have nearly every area that any graha represents come up relative that where it's located.
Aspects can describe both the natures, and the timings in conjunction with their and the dasha's affecting the same as well].
Likely in any's life they in one year or another will have one with moon in the 12th bhava so you got a rough idea now of what that means and can mean under certain conditions. If know, you likely could avoid or certainly minimize the severity of the matter in a lot of cases too.
Many (hopefully) other of your years will show the positives and upsides of what's main as well. That can be in wealth or career, etc areas, and when there will show it.
If it's there the year chart will show it, and why it's a good idea to get yourself one done each year, etc. That or before you make some sort of major life change, so you'll know how that will go or not according to your year.
A ton of info could have been added in the given area or obtained of that chart, but sticking with just the main in basic health aspects on these at first here.
Added western wheel type at top.
Both of western tropical zodiac using 100% vedic eastern conventions in the main here.
**Aug 8th**
[Ok finished with adding some general specifics for examining that type of chart, covered was that of year's moon in 12th with regard to healths and hospitalization areas. Mainly to show the significance of the moon there, and give you a rough idea of what a year chart can show coming up in ones year.
Usually takes me a few spins through a chart over day or two considering all the other of dates and months stuff I'm covering too in adding any I overlooked initially, normal and done here today].
Was asked about teaching, a lot here is along those lines, so pretty much anything I write about I can also teach.
On that mainly referring to the vedic astrology *as I use it*.
Initially I referred the person and or persons to the vedic astrology net mainly kala's area for that.
Reason is that's all they do there, and have the depth of background in that subject with cultural experiences that I wouldn't, although I used sidereal as far as zodiacs for a lot of years it was mainly from a western style approach and very light on the vedic sides prior. In time itself I have a pretty fair to extensive astrological background itself.
They weren't interested in that approach and were more into a classroom approach. It depends as one can do classes online as well using a forum.
I don't like to do what I have to do right now in terms of walking, which puts me right at the edge as it is in the way I do it, so unless it's a short, short on the walk part for the regular classroom, then it's out of the question.
Mine if done would be scaled down to just a strong set of working basics needed to properly interpret birth, and year charts using vedic astrologies, methods and rules mainly. Also could include the prasna after that.
There were talking doing it without the actual vedic software, but the free of astrolog or similar could be used for that. If nothing free available on the prasna then know of at least one book that would provide all the info they'd need, and likely a few others I haven't read. A lot of authors on the subject.
It would have to be tagged a beginners course as your not going to match up with something like kala or parashara going that direction, and it would get pretty tedious without. Also only a limited form of the muhurta could be taught using standard rules, the detailed would likely be too tedious without the proper software.
It would actually be a professional course itself, but minus using the right softwares creates some limitations so you'd use it in preparation of one day having the correct softwares to handle some more heavy duty tasks. That unless your willing to do the highly tedious of many calculations by hand that is.
Still just at a beginning level such could be taught with strong expectations for very good and acceptable birth, year (age) and pasna type charts allowing *valid and accurate interpretations and results*!
Some things are a matter of knowledges or experiences, such as in the special breathing chart I did, some there would come out ok as part of basics in terms of karakas, etc.
If enough actually interested than I might set something up, and as long as theres no great amount of walking involved, and kept to short, short like a little store in distance type I might go along with that a couple times a week.
Then as long as don't hit a health dip which does happen, could miss once in awhile in that case but probably acceptable. Else would have to be an online forum or conducted email something like that.
[Personally think teaching my 6 coins iching could handle about any and all, it's already a prasna in itself.
It could handle the muhurta directly too without any special softwares needed, by just asking on the desired area for the best or a given time of interest.
Myself I'd rather teach timed and 6 coins wwg najia iching as the primary and just tag plus vedic astro on to it, for it's other great independant uses and additional views, pictorials and refinements on any area.
It would aimed to a professional level course and more so using my personal 6 coins wwg najia iching to back it all up with.
As is as far as doing other's charts for them using vedic astrologies, I have no fears there at all as any I do will be professional, accurate and to the parties satisfaction.
Unlocked a few more items and find I'm right at that professional level now anyway, and exactly where I want to be. Can't say I'm that speedy in the Vedic yet, but it's the ability to get there in any of it's areas that counts. So I am there.
The speed part has wholly to do with not having memorized each and every rule and the various functions and table for the grahas used in each type of chart or situation. Something that comes with usage and time, but that will come so just slow on some charts at first using what are expanded rules and definitions beyond what I used in the past.
It's a little easier for me than most as the grahas in terms of functions and rules for them, run very similar to the wwg najia iching itself. So if you thoroughly understand one, then you'll have no problem with the other.
So far in terms of y/n questions and others on just about any area one can think of, the 6 coins wwg I use outgun's any astro.
I do like the astro better in terms of the visual descriptions one gets on most with it, but it doesn't outgun wwg by a long shot for decision making, nor speed for that matter.
Vedic astrology provides better visual images in terms of physical or character definitions, and a lot anatomically for that of health areas even, but rarely a speedy process and my 6 coins does the very same thing minus the flowery effects or verbosities.
The missing girl case proves that very point 100%, and it wasn't even a y/n question. The vedic astro used with it was outstanding and gave a great picture which just facilitated that the wwg described about her and watery environments. Further the wwg nailed the location as a gateway which is what a hydroelectric and most dams can behave as. Pretty hard to beat the iching in speed and practicality, but you sure can facilitate it with a good and valid astro description. The vedic did that in a supremely clear way.
Any make an error once in a while on the y/n stuff. Talking astro or iching there, as in real life and any other separate areas, even the best make mistakes at times or often in their own daily or jobs areas. So here we do very well in the overall with no good reason for any to dog it on that basis.
One of the most unusual charts I've ever done was one on *Breathing* recently both as a toss, the chinese wwg najia iching as a prasna type in itself, and then as an actual vedic prasna chart using the toss time also.
It has came out accurate in the extreme so far as well, showed a no go for start, then that for a boost zone, and has it's own iffy's for later and potential relapse, etc should the boost not hold, etc.
Upd Aug 9: The boost holding, things highly improved and we are heading towards the total harmony or positive outcome as originally shown by the iching on the matter.
Not downing the vedic astro a bit, enjoy it immensely it's usually just not quite as easily, directly or clearly decisive as the wwg iching on y/n type questions.
*So using both is really and clearly a great option*].
For any looking that for NM August 2011 is in the July 28th's post.
The Sep 2011 NM and wwg najia iching charts are posted in Aug 25th blog post area.
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