Sunday, November 24, 2013

Using the Wwg for answers in areas of great quandary to you.

Only first toss initially given main details in start here:

Had in long priors viewed many various of History Channel (C) and Nova (C) pertinent areas plus other of NASA (C) and any number of web sites and even postings between scientists and physicists on the Net, etc in attempts to learn current thinkings behind some of the great questions.

Those include rebuttals in some by studied members and hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church (R) as well.

Some accept things by faith and trusts only.

Despite that many, including them and similar of other org's do also like to see what the many great minds in sciences and other do or do not support or believe of such, including the reasons why or why not etc in the forming of their own opinions and beliefs.

Have always asked these questions or close to the same probably each year to see what if possible of anything solid in either direction I might get from the *Wwg*.

Finally to my own satisfaction at least and which definitly counts for me above man's assertions, have added a very valid additional question which yields even further light on the matters.

Enough so that like the many of various documentaries and other informations that of the Wwg's views on such should be fairly added in as well.

Had I asked a traditional chinese Wwg practictioner I already know aside possibly one or two that I would have gotten quite negative responses as to a or one God having created all that is.

So was for myself determined to get some type of solid answers from that I trust the most, being the Wwg itself.

There was and is nothing but my own desire to get to the truths of matters in this, as I (like assume others) do need to know for myself as well.

I consider approaching it from the known stances of some physicists and astronomers, etc as one of the most valid of positive uses to which the Wwg can be used and applied too.

Didn't accept all that I had did in the pasts, because there was so much more for me to research before I could properly consider the results of a toss pair.

Always had partial yes types but never full or complete as usually some form of kill back and other involved, so wouldn't have even considered posting, as unless the answer is definite there is no point to it.

So anyway basically done and will share what I have, with part of the idea being for others to also use the Wwg in areas they find to be of great quandary to them, and also in areas of higher sciences.

First hexagram pair at top:

Did a God or God cause all that is aka the Universe(s) itself back from a far point in time of no time, when all was of a Voids (empty) state vis the big bang???

That on today: Day I Jia Grn W Horse 11/24 Sun day Upper Duay FS #3 somewhat cold outside in the SRP week directional, etc type...

Upper Duay W's, vis *FS of date only* Duay also goes with S's too etc  of soft metal and the lake, xpm pleasings, beauty, women, wealth, etc...

The #8 Pair:

Begins, surfaces Grn 1st Void Bwa star groups, collections, friends, allies, neighbors, *space, time, environments*....

Expansionists in the huge of influences too Begins, surfaces  in Voids Bwa star type groups or collections of environments aka space, time....

Note: Is dual of a former and recent toss here as well and initially was looking at the line colors of it, so correcting that to today's.

That plus I use the traditional of Voids and as used same in all other system's, today's and for next 9 dates after it are those of *the cn, e element signs*, which are separate of the w, wa fulfillments of currents shown on the pair above.

Red fiery, quarrels, S, Frt's influences too 2nd locals, close by in Void Pe fire changes star in actions or ideas producing the Void in grandiose in environments aka the Universe.

Key in any of all pasts tosses a Void changes star does not prohibit it, if it is the changes star.

It does suggest things are not all plus or kosher of it's areas or nature though.

Turning into a Void Bcn star is a problem though and indicates some time must pass for that to occur, so should be studied by the physicists and interested on that point to possibly clarify it better!

Though Void the Pe changes star is strong by date so it could also bound to bond aka kill bond the Gateway's Ks metal stars as well, forming Water for *G star type manifests*.

Those could strengthen the Object line but don't in the 100% neccessarily reflect that of a K star aka Offspring aka Creation but can reflect material objects, etc.

Again points other scientific types should study for clarifications if such possible!

Physical of in subject: Yel 3rd Centers far and wide in Rm Power 
star type things, conditions, actions, areas of the expansionist in the far and wide reachings...

*All falls strongest under the main of that Subject*, and also somewhat pertinently under that of the rulers line too:

Wht Fierce Material influences too 5th Rulers, paths, far, objectives areas in that of Bsh Earthy groups, collections, etc as environments.

Object MOC: Blk N, Up's, Backs influences too 6th line areas of ends, completions, and turnarounds in skies, heavens and the far aways in Gt Water star type things, conditions, actions, areas.

Gt star of concealed watery or fluidic motions of material objects, etc.

That of the Object supporting the Physical says this came about...

The Physical Subject:

That of the Rm star and will mention that the element type itself is just descriptive here, as in pasts have had that more often as an Rh star, and several times at that. 

Depending on how the question formed in asking, determines just what the given element of the R star will be!

Anyway in the Wwg the R star physical is representing that of Power in the form of God or a God with the bottom line meaning Power is associated an all powerful God or Force.

That of a God or Power itself causing all that is to come into being back at a time *when all was Void*.

Basically that which was asked about.

However the actual causes are that of a Locals, close Pe Fire, fiery star for the happening(s).

It is that of changes which caused all that is to come into being and produce a Void of the grandiose of eventual earthy dust and gas clouds and rocks, etc into Environments!

That's the catch and makes for an apparent fallacy to some extent as the resultant in thrown out, off or produced of Bcn star environment(s) are Void.

Meaning of a mal or empty nature or simply they and that didn't happen then!

That time would have to move further forward before that of grandiose environments could result!  

It all falls under that of the subject Rm star:

A God or Power itself, either in a controlled or out of control way as the gateways stabilities stars were vanished and very weak then, and in a state of sudden jolts for the destined of creation in as offspring itself.

Physicists should look at that key point on their mappings structures, and maybe consider that of the Void Bcn and Pe stars as well as theory is theory no matter what type.

The resultant happening(s) in the physical in subject were those of a Pw Fire Horse star of com and move, go, go type energies and nature.

Aka Rm star Expansionist Power was transformed into that of Pw Fire star type things of and in motion and movements establishing time and all that is aka the Universe(s) as a result.

It's element would clash with the Object's for the start of time itself.

Ok that was a *very good toss*, which leaves all the very religious able to yet say a God might have or in their words did produce all that is, and also for the very opposites in beliefs too, who say no God ever existed or was ever involved.

That keeps it all just as it always has been to that of *vis faith's only* for those who believe or insist upon an external God being responsible for all of creation and other.

Separate additional case: 

A very much valid case in the following as the toss Voids then were still that of the w, wa element signs and as shown in it's chart above:

Also added as a more common of scientific circles question and approach to that of our Universe(s) begins.

Now there's an opposite and more scientific physicist type approach strongly related to that same question as well.

Will get to that, but first we need to establish some the strongly pertinent of structures and foundations as boundaries used to better understand the results we get.

[In that no God was inquired of, simply the question as asked, and the result was *Yes*]!

The main purpose of the Wwg period is to ask and recieve precises and valid answers to questions, not exactly the same as the Yi jing aka Iching which is mainly for advises.

The Iching provides you a picture of a or the situation in human, man's terms only, and from that an intelligent person can better understand the situation or that in which their currently involved and from that many can then make a good and proper decision.

Some would say it provides no answers, but in fact what it does is provide you a picture and or assessment upon which you can then find the answer within, that is appropriate to you.

So in that it does also provide you answers which are in the form of pictures advices and guidences.

Those are all in socially human and man's terms only, and *not the same as the Wwg*.

The Wwg is a system and method of using mathematical constructs named stars which represent *energies* of different types existing in specific types of relationships themselves!

Following specific methods that embrace the given star (energies, forces) relationships at any given time, allows one to obtain a never failing direct, factual and precise answer to any question we may ask of it!

So the Wwg in both timed Najia Iching and Toss forms are much and highly different then the conventional and classics of social Yi jing aka Iching alone.

The latter in human and social terms where as the former is of scientific structures in a format related to all of the cosmos aka Universe(s) in terms of energies and forces themselves of the specific in given structured always valid relationships.

Are entire Worlds of difference(s) between the two types of oracle like systems.

That of Wwg specificly for questions of any type and the Objective in forecasts and predictions of upcoming conditions or events.

That of the classics are the more subjective and socially interpersonal types for one's evaluation and guidences.

Ok for those who fully took in the gists of what was said you now have the correct basic foundations upon which we can find reliable answers in any endeavor or field of study upon this planet.

Tosses and hexagram results:

[The very most key point for any and all to understand is that regardless of what we ask of or on and in as a honest and sincere question of interest to us, is that the Wwg will always without fail give us a correct and proper answer to that asked of!

The only exceptions are only those externally caused or by a tag to an extremely rare, rare of a statistics boundary having been encountered, and those by your own hand or mind and self imposed.

When you properly form a fully logical and sensible question and properly execute the toss elements itself you will always get a and the correct answer]!

Ok in the more scientific of today's physicist's approach to the subject:

We simply ask, oriented towards a Yes or No only type answer:

Could all that is aka the Universe(s) [have been *created* way back] in time or at a zero point, begins time of greater than 13.5 billion years ago, out of what was then purely nothing (no matter, space or time) aka the Void(s)???

Will go through it all another time, the important for you to understand is:  

1. Mainly the differences of and between the Iching and the Wwg as used for answers.

The Iching is limited to the more classic of human situations, and personal depictions aka characeterizations for and in it's answers.

So if as here you ask of something that extends, takes in a point in which no human beings were ever involved or existed, you cannot expect all facets of the Iching to be straight forward and understandable in it's answer or response to the given question placed.

2. The Wwg here is used for the purpose of obtaining a very specific answer in this case, that being a Yes or No (True or False) type.

That being wholly of the Wwg method's only which has been understood as always supplying a correct (true) answer to any question type properly asked.

That's irregardless of any other normal properties, attributes normally associated or used to describe the question's subject itself.

[The Wwg doesn't care about all that in any way!

The Wwg simply sees the question itself and then both correctly and properly in the singular and absolute (to the time) answers it, in and of it's own languages terms only].

[An absolute can include that of nulls, voids, or a lessor than solid fixed expression in it's answer, and that is totally dependent upon the time frame in which the question was placed and asked, and to some extent the question type or subject too, but in such it's still an absolute in answer, *fixed to that particular times frame reference*.

A later time stemming from the original reference used can and often does dismiss, advance and overide a former result but until such, it is as given an absolute of and to it's original time frame reference].

Now for some of the lessor studied and or experienced in life itself and or the Wwg system and these Earth sciences.

I'm not through repetition trying to say anything at all is of my own way or the only way.

Rather I'm illustrating that the most specific in fixed logics and rules must always be observed aka rigorously applied, in consistancy in the Wwg to enable and insure the always correct of results.

Having taken all that in, your now ready for the resultant hexagrams of the toss:

Using the prior question as I originally formed it and then also modified to a more simple and direct form as in the following:

*Could have all of life and the Universe as we know it, have started from nothing*???

Voids in my mind at the time, when asked meant absolutely nothing too.

That was asked framed immediately after the first more expanded of it, and *also in distinct extreme contrast and opposite* to of one popular concepts of life having to spring be created of and from life only!

In other words I stayed straight in line with that of what some of today's current physicists say vis the mathematical, etc and of their studies in their conclusions, that something of a life or a life form was not required at all then in order for that of life to result.

In that we have two different approaches to that of our existences, one general and one more scientifically considered.

Also remember have already proven here again and in the most recent, that the Wwg in the main answers *specific to the question asked of it*.

Then as far as accuracies including the timed types too, you saw those in the President Kennedy (JFK) assassination recently covered in the U.S.'s Govt's 50 year commemoration of it. Not much of any room left for doubt of that.

The hexagram results I got for the question asked are:

#20 - #59 Involve(s) that of #23 types, conditions, actions, areas, etc...

You can do the more personal or social man oriented of the Yi jing aka Iching of destiny names part.

If helps you can include that of:

Splitting apart and later no regret as an additional name meaning for #23 and that of Affluence to #59 as found in some few Iching manuals, one called *Iching reading book of changes* I think.

#8 Bi aka Joining or Grouping, etc...

That of no regret in meaning there does have yin and yang and the exact opposite as in regrets also to it.

We do need a book with just all the possible names for hexagrams alone to speed some things up.

Rather than lay it all out now (will do another date), it's always understood:

[That in the Wwg, only the answer aka it's answer, *is what we need to be concerned with period]*.

Of the question we have a Wwg straight up in the absolute *Yes* answer!

The physical and Object lines one and the same of Pwa Earths stars were *Void(s)*, all that was and of Nothing in the Begins and or priors.

A second locals line Re Fire, fiery Pwr star *in changes* bound and bonded to a hiding, lost or totally *hidden* 5th line Bs Metals groups, collections, environments aka membranes or other, etc.

*There it formed Waters for K star type manifests*!

That allowing a hiding, hidden Kt Water star at surfaces and begins Under and associated the Objects 1st line bearer areas of the Void(s) Pwa star etc type areas.

Since Pwa Void it cannot suppress the Kt (time starts) Water star from coming out or moving vis the above K Water star manifests.

Overall very solid and consistant results in this case.

[That says that K star Offspring aka Creation itself manifests, could and did begin of such and out of nothing the Voids then]!

Means the and those physicists were, are also correct!

These are in my own opinion the higher and better uses of the Wen Wang Gua (Wwg).

Don't mind doing some other, but these are much more so my own personal preferences to use the Wwg for, which is in areas of scientific and earth's sciences type interests aside that of general safeties itself.

In that hoping some at those levels in the various of sciences, physics and other tech areas also take up the Wwg and in start maybe Superiching which is free and very thorough, but any of Wwg offered books, pdf's some being a bit easier or more direct in key areas to quickly understand, or other online courses should do.

Some in pasts did and a few are said to be some named Nobel prize winners to in various according to some books, but minus even that there's no doubt in any area of disciplined studies the Wwg can highly benefit them, you.

If you learn the Wwg well, it can properly through precise answers guide your work in any project thesis, theories and physical areas.

On rules will give you one main tip, and that is not all schools are neccessarily 100% correct in theirs or for all matters can be exceptions as well at times.

You have to spend time observing from either or both of the timed and toss types, and through that form your own lists of corrections for usually just a few cases.

Here and you can too is using the daily, bi weekly or monthly of news events themselves in matches to your timed or tosses and in those you'll see some differences as to how the line stars interact with others vis matches themselves!

You can gain some of that by just following the daily applying the dates to our bi weekly lunar pairs posted here.

Then it sinks in even more if you apply such from your own tosses as well.

Prior to that you'll still have basically very good systems to go by of any you choose, and in time your own adds will cancel out any and all inconsistancies.

In all these should be understood by others that these are *alt views of the Wwg itself* on the questions asked, not the normal personal types of views most might have on a given area.

As far as the answers here go. those were not 100% known as facts by me one way or the other at all.

When you toss and through the execution of a toss you should have and hold no preconcieved ideas as to what the outcome of the toss will be.

Leave and let the Wwg alone to decide it all for you, it's much easier allows you to stay very relaxed focusing only on the question itself as you toss, and as such it will always give you the correct results.

There's nothing forced or that needs to be forced too or about it, let it do it all.

On results if you don't understand a particular one using just straight forward logic of the rules and with the interactions it shows, drop it and re ask in another hour or date.

Anything important enough to ask one question on, is important enough to ask another or more.

There's no hurry don't be anxious in getting results and if you need to re ask, just ask it for a clearer answer to the same exact question and it most always will work out, despites somes statements to the contrary.

That's as the Wwg is always there to serve you and knows your intents or needs when any is asked by you and responds to that and to the question as asked.

If your heated up or over excited on something, you can be sure it will register in the results you get too, so try to only ask at such times you are reasonably calm and can be very objective relative your question.

It will work otherwise, but you don't need the additional clutter in the results you get.

So that properly asked in a calm and objective state will provide maximum info keyed to that you asked of, and is what you want.

Some in the of few people can't toss, have someone else do it for you.

As long as the question of interest asked in a proper toss shouldn't matter who tosses.

Most when toss won't get the same pairs as the next person for a given question and time.

That obtained properly interpreted will bear very similar results even if different star types, and a yes will still be a yes and a no a no and likely exactly the same in that, exceptions only in some of the  circumstances of the person tossing might alter things but would be detectable as that, clearing for re toss another time.

If you use consistantly possibly some of the better electronic types on devices may work for you, but tosses by actual human hands of a human being are infinitely more accurate as we our bodies, hearts and minds resonate and respond to the actual energies themselves.

My own takes are in the concept of a higher power and even another life or existance as far as that goes, plus most already do know the Wwg also takes in and considers such things as ghosts or spirits to be a matter of fact as well.

However in all of that now obtained I do also take the *Wwg's* answers on that asked to be correct as well, which does not neccesarily upset or alter my views that much, and for now leave it at that.

May update this all later on in forwards, and will keep reviewing all of this to make sure have not unintentionally made any errors of any type.

You can use those tosses for some current and in this new weeks events as well, no toss ever wasted :)

Checked already noted some of both in news and you can bet will still be for couple days easy.

In this initial draft and post though all does look correct or wouldn't have posted.

Have a safe and good day.


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