Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Solar Month of the Yang water Dragon.

Apr 7 2016 Add NM Lunar month pairs:

Additional Dangers Toss:

On that of the Solar month pairs, you can easily invert their lines yin to yang, and yang to yin etc to form *their relevant Mirror pairs* which will give you the related of additional event, activity possibilities for each date of the solar month...

In example just added those on in for you...

The Solar month itself began Monday 4/4/2016 here on the day of the Bing fire Dragon and in simul for the Far East's as well

This round the solar pairs *are uniquely the very same* for both that of US, Wests and China, FE's this month!...

Pair images only marked as US, but are the very same for China, etc as well...

The additional of the Lunar ZWDS is a courtesy type and in standard somewhat contested by some, that vis such are normally purely for personal birth chart life evaluations and are strongly oriented towards human personages themselves...Those views are of no doubt totally correct in that...

However any period and any geographical that goes with it, is also:

One a birth chart of it's own type, and Two indeed will and does involve unique personages particular to it as well...

Further that here by area (East Coasts) takes in the nations capital aka Govt areas and it's influences for the country as well, that also says that the relevent of their key personages in events at the time will be reflected in that chart as well...

That has been shown prior in other such as standard astro charts which for any period show that of main personages in events attached to their physicals and other house areas of their charts, so the same can be applied of ZWDS as well...

In events and recently that of the Amtrack in PA derailment accident which occured during hr cn it's date was basically and accurately reflected in that date's ZWDS chart...It's Life aka Self and Physical sector was on both sides trining that of both Misfortune in Wealths and then that of Calamity in Outer events *stars* at the time...

More to it as showed that of Armies (Broken armies) aka Masses in the Travels sector then as well...So in that it matched the Amtrack event then...

Anyway the point is they do give us an accurate rough feel or main gist for key events of their dates and hours as well, which is what any accurate timed chart should do... 

Those are the reasons why I additively post them here for the Month as well...

Currently leave to the readers to form their own analysis of the connections it makes with events in and for the period itself...

You may find in that it's helpful to substitute some palace names with other more appropriate to an area or country such as Elders and Authority instead of Parents and Minors instead of Children, etc...

*This year* for the US Wealth catalysts aka transforms *are in the Minor's palace areas* leave to you to identify those items but that of such as Sports would be one, cures or areas of creative works likely another, stocks or similar maybe, and possibly that of Politicians may fit, etc...Such within largely involves those of the Tien Tong (Lucky, Waif) type characters, or personages types...

That may already be in effect but then possibly may not take actual effect untill the US birthday and forwards itself which you can determine from your own observations...

As far as where we can expect that of some very negative effects or major lessons for us to be had in, that will likely be mainly of Our Political in Politician's and of Candidate's areas this year!...

Some other than just Politician's may go with that also, and are mainly of the Lien Zhen aka Chastity Peach Blossum characters and type personages...

That of Lien Zhen is also known as the Wicked star which if you think of world and global leaderships then that of Politician's is a very norm and strong match too in a lot of cases...

Some may not like that, but unfortunately that is what is shown as a fact for Our particular year period, so keep it in mind...

The same may or could likely apply in some of various govt bureaucracies, and in certain large enterprises of ceo's and their own bureaucratic like structures areas as in their regional, Ntl or Global offshoots too...

That of the Panama papers a current example and would have been other different negatives your already aware of in prior months as well...Only some mostly not well publically known of american business types in that, but global fairly active...

Then of our politicians, etc news had noted used other and more in the open ways of doing similar things as that of the Panama papers represented...

That in written and Ntl news of a Coal mine CEO is one of the types match to Lien Zhen char, and in that of negatives to those types this year, *legal areas is that it's often about*...This too may pick up in more frequent and stronger matches after the US birthday start and forward of this year!...


Appears some few at least assumed that of the Lien Zhen areas in Politicians referred strictly to one in particular, but that's incorrect as would refer to both parties and where one other at least has threatenened more than one lawsuit at given times during this year also...

Lien Zhen has to do with those whom others assume holds power or great power in certain areas and over some as well...Then negatives almost always involve legalities of some type or another and in which would be very adverse to our year...

So would include but in no way is limited to just that of our politicians alone and why the add of CEO's and similar to them of structures as well...

It's those in which are negatives adverse to the US and or given areas of it in this given year (that one way or another come up)...Normally would think more after the US birthday into the next is it's prime time, but can't state there might not be some already at hand that will further intensify in that zone as well... 

[That also doesn't exclude that of non US leaderships from other countries *which both make very serious threats and definately mean us great harm* to the US homeland itself, and some there are also afflicted by certain legalities such as sanctions and other also!]...

Mentioning as some need to be more objective there, and not just fly off the deep end per their own heated political choices of either parties candidates into that of the fast and rigid world of incorrect assumptions, as there's more to it than just that of our politicians, and out of own angers we might just miss what would be the actual main source and threats that if carried out would have a strong negative damaging impact on us...

In Our and China's Exact Solar month pair you see that of Grn 6th's Bsh changes and retreatings star areas for and in that of groups, talks, environments, destructive actions which would normally hinder that of it's Physical Blk (Watery, Corrupt, etc) 5th areas in Quiet Ks metal star advancings but that is disrupted by the chart date cn clash to the changes areas...Suggests that of Blk influences to the Physical will not be diminished but prevail for most of the month...

In the all countries case the chart date again interacting with the Grn 6th Bsh star makes active for later bond to it's resultant Rm star areas forming fire for the fiery in P star happenings at it's levels and areas...

Would be lots of matches to the names but most not the actual of main few events key to the period, those are found vis the date's interactions to the line stars and of combinations formed in those as well...

The physical is always that all falls under, so that of any date and their star areas in turn falls under the physical's areas itself when it comes to what are the main events...

Solar month pairs show the more individualistic of themes, trends, activities and actions of expressionate and works tendencies that man and woman take *under it's influence* which highly goes with that of Leaderships themselves also in that of decisions and new directions and actions they take in the given solar month type as well...

The NM pairs for that of masses, large areas and environments conditions for this new lunar month starting the 7th, will be added in tomorrow, as well as an additional dangers toss for that and the month itself then or on the next date too....

Hopefully that's enough for you to plan and or track date activities and events by besides your basic gist of what the Iching describes of each pair...

Today's Current:

4/6 Water/Mercury day of the Yang earth Horse aka V (Yel) w:

Upper Li and of FS #7 (Duay) Centrals and centers in anything, anywhere date...

Last day of the Western Wht Tiger week and changes to that of the Southern Red Phoenix for the NM beginning tomorrow...

Today's Global timed Expand as need:

Primary: #21 - #51 Involve #39...Holds 3 Zen trigrams within...

Mirror: #48 - #57 Involve #38...

In that as Day start type the Mirror's Object line for matters of concern, etc had that of Gry By wood star areas for the destined changes of artic like winds in our Norths, etc as well...


4/7 Wood/Jup NM day of the Yin earth Goat aka VI (Gry) wa...

Upper Quen of an FS #8 (Gen, Wealths) day for that of Centrals and Centers in anything and anywhere...

Begins the Southern Red Phoenix Cardinal areas week...

All main NM Lunar month pair images were posted at top today...

That of All Countries the same for Easts and Wests this round...

Ok the All Countries which are day start types apply to all, and are just as valid as the Exacts for that of events pertaining to them for both the Solar and Lunar month...

Note our exact's primary that of #24 Returns and maybe also that of Turning points as well!...

When have as a first hexagram it's good to pay attention to that of your own returns in daily routines, you may find in travels you'll have to return to an area when a task or objective couldn't be completed, also in daily returns to your home areas it's good to pay extra attention to traffics and other in your environment as accidents, etc do sometimes come up in those vis #24's influences and it has a Wht R for that of Locals and close areas to boot...

May be some prevalence for that in those born in Dog years since the Dragon month clashes those and possibly for the Ox as well since chart date clashes them also...

Most already know what or how to evaluate these starting from the Iching itself and then into the main of dailies vis the interactions of dates and hours with the pairs star lines, etc...

That of the Chart date interactions as well as changes line are a main constant of areas for events through the period as well...

Aside that of R stars that of any type of *earth star interactions* always something to pay attention too for that of *natural phenomena events* and groups, etc stuff!...

Then as always all usually falls under the physical of the pair your examineing for that of the most main events pertaining to just those archetypes...

4/8 VII (Wht) s aka Yang metal Monkey date...

Not much to say except that of R star dangers were in since date clashed our exact's Wht 2nd Ry star areas today...

May not toss till Sunday have been too many side tasks to do, and while seem to be overcoming former effects of anesthesia, it amazes me just how long a process that can be for some...Not all that de numbs or wakes up feels great in the initial either...

Just go at things real slow for awhile...

4/9 Earth/Saturn day of the VIII (Wht) yo aka Yin metal Rooster...

Upper Chen, FS #1 (Kan)...


Today's AC Global timed's aka Day start types are except for date the same as this Dragon month's *All Countries Solar month pairs shown at tops*!...

Just Blog extra info's:

One other reminder beyond just that of this Dragon month and others, such as some of the Dog or Ox year birthed that may be affected in it, and as had mentioned in the Wwg of the prior Rabbit Solar month blog:

Regards those born in wood *years*, months or days with main emphasis to years, is in any given month they can expect some form of clashes to things of their Outer or Inner life's routines areas at times...

Wood types in specific mentioned as they are the most significant or main in terms of being more subject to this year itself and likely of the next one too!...

That in some cases can be like a stimulus to take new actions in a new direction or take added ones in completeing things they'd prior started and left unfinished or in need of further polishings, etc, and then at other times, maybe things or events that are much more serious may come up as well...Typically one's major appointments in very important matters and even surgeries, etc come up at such times...

Anyone has clash dates couple times a month but not all are significant and in some months depending on the year type you get a free pass where nothing big happens, but not every month and in some of the other significant stuff clashing you does come up...

This referred to mostly the affected Wood types of the year and vis Wwg a bit on that of the Dog and Ox birthed can also be involved or affected somewhat this month as well...

On Wood types especially then month and date clashes this year can be significant at times, while for most others they are just routine and more minor...

In estimate and for those of other birth years possibly *up to* an approximate *1 out 12* individuals will have that of their External Luck (10 Yr) Pillars type clashes vis involved...In other words they likely have major life events of some type in this year and for others then that in other years instead...

[Here just considered that vis one's birth year only as can be the most important *in terms of their body, health, accidents, etc plus events related to their external social areas*]...

Other not covered which come up involve that of clashes to one's birth month, date or hour pillars and such is more appropriately studied from Bazi itself...

Here kept basic, just sticking with that main to the body and quite relevant of the Wwg itself as well... 

There's some advantage in knowing of the dates which clash one, as of the more same and reasonable of people they know those are times to be more aware of that about them and tend to be more cautious and safe in their dealings...Nothing wrong with that at all...

That of losses of some type in any area vis things that come up missing or vis damages and other vis natural or man made areas and vis thefts too are also typical of them...

Then in the plus some types of clashes also generate solutions or favorability for the situation involved as well...

*On Exacts* one would have to use the Bazi itself for any personal charts which further relates the year and other areas *to their day master* in terms of hidden stems, the 10 Gods, etc and noting whether one's favorable or unfavorable elements are involved, and more to nail down the actual specifics of the clash...

[However in that of the Wwg and for that here, just understanding *the basic areas and things clashes can and do affect* is good enough, and we see in the star types the main type of general areas that can be involved and affected, and of which one could also toss for some further specifics as well]...

In some clashes are somewhat like God's or the Universe's way of humbling us through obstacles and other they can present one...Good to know about and be aware of to some degree and times we should excercise more caution in our activities and be more aminable and considerate of those around us as well...

For wood types likely occurs on aka in metal dates and hours though are other factors such as combinations can add some further to diversity in additional timings, then too the months of August s *quite main* as is same the year itself, plus lessor but also definate of September month yo a metal as well, would be fairly prime timings additional to the year's for that of clashes to various of the wood types life areas then...

Only the minus?...No won't leave you hanging there, for wood types your better months *in most*, but not neccessarily everyone's case, are those of June (w), July (wa) and October (sh), November (h) where first of each set applies to y aka Tiger birth years and of the second then m aka Rabbit birth year persons...That as either more frequent and stronger of Great Combos aka Grand Trines form for you with the power of the month behind them in those!...

Ok that on the Wood personal birth years does extend *beyond just that of people alone*, and would also apply to that of your *Wood*: Industries, talents, professions, maybe Agri and Org's and areas, etc too, so you may want to note these timings for both observations and plannings in/of those areas too...

Enough on that stuff for awhile, passed the time with some pertinent there, and while a much cooler today, enjoy that of the bright sunshine to it while we have it here...

Still delayed on additional dangers toss as one was presented by the NK with respect to the Continental US other day...

A 6 coins type which has to be confirmed vis 3 coins yet, but on that relative us being struck by a nuclear tipped intercontinental missle from the NK in Outcomes got *Approaching*!...

There's also problems and dangers due to the freedom of travels issues in waters due to China...

Then there's also that of ISIS as well...

All three are led by of their areas *incredibly powerful men* and of two cases totally ruthless in their goals as well...

Might not mean much to some, but that result on NK very concerning to us who normally trust the Iching and the Wwg for accurate guidences...

Anyway sort of stuck with that at the moment...

Was though good news on Sunday too, with the docking of the Space-X Dragon at the International space station, and an area that shows the better sides and promise of humanity working together in things...

Good health article on hospital stays and mistakes on yahoo today...

As far as politics, parties, candidates, etc it's nearly impossible not to say anything in their season, but to the overall say little here and in such do stay very objective in terms of not siding with any in particular nor caving to any's own particular choice there...

Irregardless of who's elected in any Presidential period see none who can ever fully subvert that of original US destiny itself and of which Ours is a very high ordered, principled and even spiritual type as far as our purpose in this world, which in a lot is in the end to better it...

No doubt we've botched it at times in various foreign, etc policie's of some administrations over time, and probably as all countries also themselves at times do too, and likely will botch it again at some point, but in other such as the very Global of WWWII, etc we've done well and that for the higher or most good in a lot of cases...

Were a great country and though we have our ups and downs, we will always be a force for that good and positive in this world!...

To me that's something very much worth believing in, and highly constructive for the soul of the US and it's people itself...

4/10 Sunday Day IX (Blk) sh aka Yang water Dragon...

Finally 3c toss for main *additional* dangers to the US in that of both the NM period and *this Solar month of the Dragon*...

Primary: #27 - #21 Involve #2...

Mirror: #28 - #48 Involve #1...

Images posted...

This not the comfirm of the other to be done later, and is only that relative the current periods were in...

Just blog:

Had written a lot about clashes (strikes) in the above, which might take some, several read throughs to catch the main gists of them, but is well worth it...

In specific mainly to do with this year, and *such of it and in clashes too or of, is very applicable in the Wwg itself*:

The Wwg of most schools considers the year to be the king of the chart or pair, and always states when in a hexagram or pair *it is usually quite undesireable* to see it on it's line *in that of any changes aka movement actions*...

Then of that as a rule it usually signifies that of negative or severe and major events in the Wwg itself, and of *one's directly personal tosses* that applies either to the person tossing or of people or areas that he or she is familiar with...

So that's why the fairly long description of year clashes and clashes in general was added, and to make more people aware that it's a normal part of life in the cyclic...

That in the lite or strong always brings us new obstacles, disagreements or even altercations amongst their many wide types and effects, and those as additional challenges we must work through as part of our own growth vis experiences or time itself...

Knowing the element which clashes your birth year can take a lot of mystery out of why certain ill, fiery, unusual to even the very illogical of things happen to us at given times, and by knowing it's date, month and years allows us to better cope and negotiate that before us at the time...

As said probably in rough estimate up to 1 out of 8, 12 or even 20 people due to that of their 10 yr luck pillars or the Annual every 12 years *will experience very major clashes and life or life changing events in a given year*, so if you apply that to the population of a country *that's still quite a large number of people*!...

*Other things* can make a person more subject to clashes or other obstacles as well:

Depends on their chart aka blueprint like in the case of a strong day master of same element as their birth year and then going through a 10 yr luck pillar or annual of the same element can bring on too much competition in most areas making it hard for one to get ahead or hold their own or even increasing their susceptabilty to health issues , etc as well, and likely increasing the effects of any clashes as well!...

That of the above type is fairly common, and *is a very good reference of the day master type for what in timings besides or beyond that of clashes alone can make for a rough annual or 10 yr personal period*...

That of too much competition includes friends, family and friendemies aka enemies, some arise out of the blue as well, all may influence you directly, but much more often a lot would be in the indirect of hidden and behind the scenses venues that some of hidden agendas take...

[In that one needs to become thick skinned or become very overlooking and tolerant if not already, as a lot can or would add towards defameing you, and causeing you that of losses in various ways, be it in the material or more personal sided as in losses of friends or even family members in such a year or frame...The things come in three's or more type of stuff]...

Those of large groups aka support systems such as faiths can probably weather such better than those without...

Not a very nice type of state, but *it is normal and natural of it's cyclic type*, and that some would have to endure or go through that at times...

Such hits also come up and *show in the Wwg of both timed and toss pairs as well, often when your birth element by timing is empty aka void, and then there will be some of their own insideous or scandelous plots with either axes to grind or just schemes, that will auto take advantage of such, to further promote themselves over your misfortunes and at your expense...

That's just one type but are other and each differently expressed of the other Day master types...

[From the small to the great almost all clashes have some type of emotional impact or internally evoke an emotional reaction aka response as a quite recognizeable feature of them]...

So in the small that of ill, insideous or fiery gossips to do with something sensitive, scandelous or even libalous to you at the time in daily life also come up, and are valid of clashes as well...

For some that's in what are the non daily and sometimes daily of their travels as in the sudden of traffic jams or other types of delays also fit...

In this you can see that many of the more minor are just a normal part of life, we all have to take in at times...

Hours are quite valid in a lot of those too as many relate to that of our routines in life period...

[Additional to Bazi that of one's ZWDS chart will at the given time levels including daily also very often pin point the types of matters in the personal involved at the time too]...

[However it's that of clashes (Oppositions) *that are easist for most to understand*, and unless one studies the Bazi and knows their chart they'd be unaware of the other]...

[In most one can also toss using the *Wwg* or advanced Iching to get a clear picture of their year or month as desired and note that of any clashes per star types and areas they can expect to come up in them]...


As a subject this most certainly applies to that of the related to country pairs here and to that global aka the world itself, and of their issues as well...

Likely saved most reading here that of at least several books and a lot of time, in covering and compileing the main effects and timings pertinent to the norm of clashes in your's and any's everyday life itself...

Sums it up...

4/12 Fire/Mars day of the Yang wood Rat aka I (Grn) t...

Global day start timed:

Primary: #32 - #34 Involve #43...

Mirror: #42 - #20 Involve #23...

May wish to expand the Upper for date that of Zen and are two for Upper and Outer influences to the Inner areas vis the Primary pair...

Differences for each country, but that then of Ntl news in main matched the Primary pair...

It had a quiet *Year star* present in it, on the Wht 5th of Rulers, paths, etc line areas of Rs metal star type areas...

It's status was *weak and troubled by date and that of a very serious disease aka dangers announcement* was made concerning the Ziki virus...

It too is now found additionally affecting men aside the already of women *where, when either are *bitten by the mosquitos carrying it* as well!...

A very serious disease in all cases since thus far, there is no known cure aka antidote for it, and it is further of a wide spread type, said to have came from South America and to be covering 30 states in the US already!...

At this point it would also be while here considered an approaching type of danger which may as another separate facet go with a toss had whose Outcomes were that of Approachings as well...Another thing I will have to keep in mind yet...

That went along with also falling under the nature of the physical as well in that of Yel Abrupt and entanglements type of influences to 3rd Middles Ryo metal star areas for again the weak and troubled of it's areas aka the showy and or knowledgeable in Power, Officials, candidates, men, dangers, attacks, threats, fears, worries, anxieties, scores, rewards, etc...

In the more secondary also that of a major candidates protest regarding the fairness of his parties apparent attempts in his view to deny him a nomination victory...That of a worries and anxieties type may fit some others...

Both that of cures and political or govt workers of sittings types, if not the professional of police, fire or mil etc, and creatives areas too were indicated by the date clashed *Gry* 4th Kw fire star areas taking in that of Chief minister's, decisions and also gateways areas of some types...

Vis latter quite likely there *were many more matching events in the date*, but keeping it to what appeared most main initially of news, that of the additional news on the Ziki virus which was definately the most main thing of Our date and possibly for the entire year or at least that thus far of Our year at this point...

Shows how important the year star in a pair can be!...

On that other of given day master example, some few maybe like only 1 out of 50 or as little as 1 out of 144 *persons born in the year of the Monkey (s)*, will have that as their destiny/trends for this year...

Fortunately for those not every day of the year the same as the trend but it would be a very challenging year for them...

Usually only *1* - 3 major or big issues to their year, but then are lots of little ones and the clash days too, in some they may find others will unfairly blame them on given things at times, even though they for the greater part in most, they are at no fault at all...

Also in other of the 10 year cycle type, it can apply to any sign, so a very long and arduous phase for those...

Across the board those vary per individuals as to when aka what decade they come up in their lives, while there are also some who never have to deal with that of a too many competitors type in their life at all, etc...

[The greater bulk or most others in the year will in general though not all, have better cycle types with a few even of great, very positive cycles for advancements types]...

That of Apr 13th #59 - #20 Involve #27 *as in most daily global types*, had some strong matches to it here in strikes and of prior that of Russian fighter jets *dangerously* tieing up the Operations of a US Naval destroyer...Reflected by both NM lunar pair names and the toss as well....

That of Apr 11th Day X (Blk) h of the similar to a strafings incident Global timed pair was #11 - #*19* same Approachings Involve the Brides then...

Date h then bonded it's Grn 2nd Ry stars for threats, dangers, etc while also clashing it's hider Pe fire star areas...

Much the same as our NM Primary the *Returns* pair in stars, *which had Wht 2nd Ry stars bonded by the date then too*!...

Hr s if local there said when occured would have opened the bond up which is also a happenings time in terms of the release of energies then and bonding the Pe hider star as well...Since US ship possibly our time may have applied too...

The Hr s Global timed was close to the same was: #11 - #5 Involve #54 same line and same stars affected!...

The Upper to Lower trigram relationships of most dailies often indicate the main natures pretty well also...

Caught eve news but was mystified on the Ziki when nothing of men said, that of women has been ultra important but had been mentioned for a couple weeks already at the least, on the other must have misunderstood what was said however of that in prior they were adviseing everyone regardless of gender to do their utmost against being bitten by mosquitoes this year!...

Somewhat surprised about things further surfaceing involveing potential dangers coming up as *Approachings* too...

The way it's going will take more than one toss there...

Just Blog:

Some notes on recent and other small tech points for/of the year it's dates and hexagram lines in general...  

Russian Buzzings were of Water dates which involve that and those are the more sensitive of man's emotives themselves on their dates...

That of Monday the 11th was of a Blk Yin water Heavens stem for day h (Pig) further emphasizeing that of the emotive and watery components for nuturences...While that of the 12th a follow up was of a Grn wood heavens stem of day t (Rat) water branch...

Earth branch water dates produce that of wood stars and the initial of day h also bonded the y (Tiger) wood element, with day t a natural completion, extension, followup in further produceing the y wood element as well as the m wood element in things and happenings...

In our NM lunar period for that most main and of it's pair (Returns), most was to do with the *Wht* 2nd Locals, close (Anywhere) Ry wood stars!...

That of the Wht *Color* aka a 6 God's, 6 Spirits, 6 Animals or 6 Relations *Symbol* shows the nature of events vis the influences it applies *to the line's areas*, and the branch on it aka the y wood (Tiger) branch experiences as well...

If you check superiching's online book or that of any Wwg book that of Wht has mostly meanings of a negative context *Fierce* being one of them...Also pretty much always associated with the of ill or bad news, though in uses have added some other such as Medical, Spiritual, Muse, Musics etc as also represented of it...

Predominately it's negative though and lessor used or known meanings further describe that of the colors, heavens stems and branches apply as well, such as that of  senses, tastes, smells, sounds, emotions, textures, temperature characteristics, a relative planetary symbol, a personage in type and or titles, season, human qualities, etc to them...

A lot more than most are used to seeing or use in just Wwg, etc alone, but also of which are quite main, applicable and important to include in some analysis's also...

[Those are also very important to describeing any given year type's nature in the fuller of detail, a point often missed or overlooked by many]...

The Wht color also referred to as the Wht Tiger in Feng Shui not to be confused with the Tiger (y) earth branch, has mainly that of negative emotive traits to include aside Fierce aka Ferocious is that of Sorrows, Grief, the Delicate, those reserved, orderly or self righteouness, and in other Venus, asides the moistness of Venus also a Dry trait to it as well, Pungent smells, pain, injury, accidents or death, the Ordered or of Logical states, Precise or Preciseness, Sense - Dangers, and more...

That of Authority also goes with it, mainly in terms or the fierce and fierceness it can have and of certain leaderships types who employ it to achieve their goals or objectives versus or over others...It auto goes with Authority always as an option and in even the more mild leaderships cases at any level when it's neccessary to excercise that of firmness and control in things...

Both the Yang Monkey s and Yin Rooster yo *as metal years*, will strongly carry those traits and qualities also, beyond that you normally find listed of just the signs themselves!...

In that more or less you can see emotively *the metal years* tend to be a bit more negative sided than others and that's good to know to better understand their nature or them, and as line Color influences meanings in our hexagrams and period pairs here...

[That of the line colors in influences *do also interact with the earth branch elements aka animal signs on them* in specific more so the basic element of their signs and in some few instances the sign itself, *creating that of specific conditions unique to the given animal sign's *element* there...  

The above of the line colors versus line star *elements*, is probably new to some, and it's *just the additional taught in some courses*, but you can do without it, and get by very well also just using the standard meanings and a few others teach of the star meanings and the color influences...

If have taken or take a course and of these color and star areas *that's not really an intermixing of informations* as it is just the additive of other meanings that can further apply with that already learned, and *safe in that regard*]...

Prior expanded color *items* info given goes with our NM's Wht 2nd line of influences to it's areas for this period also...

In nuturance(s) or emotions that of water dates *in the extremes* include that of things more familial, sensitive and also hates in some as well, *currently leave other for you or the interested of needs to further lookup*...

Some such as of Pig births may not get or like that vis hates but not of personal inference, and is *plainly due to the law of Opposites aka Yin versus Yang, where you have one there's always some of the other, so just the natural and normal of it...

All the arts do interconnect, and in reference a lot stems from the oldest of Feng Shui itself...


Haven't been and not in a hurry on those other tosses yet as already matching previous did, and instead for now will list the toss had done on Apr 9th regarding NK's threat to the US then...

Primary: #44 - #33 Involve #1...A pair that of just names alone may also suggests that of *Success* in things though it's lines need to be examined also...

Mirror: *#24* - #19 Involve #2...*That same 2nd line*, but of the Blk line color influences for the predictive areas, natures and sides too...


Per those pairs they catch a bit of all including ziki, the Russian buzzings incidents, and even that of Japan's EQ as well as did the NM pairs:

As far as the NK striking here within this year was the question, though Mirror first hexagram in name points to success, vis the stars *it looks that they would have very great difficulties in doing*, can't totally say they couldn't but inclined to a no!...

Just checked news ahead posting, and their missle displayed in their founders day celebration for that of long ranges *failed to launch*...

[*Quite sure if so in futures, *the timed types at the time*, would also provide the date, etc details as they have been*!]...

Anyway that turned out a No, and that would include of the Russians buzzings not being an actual attack too, both pairs as would think being reciprocals, work out the same...

May be other things besides those that apply or come up in other places also...

Then they do agree and *point at the dangers to women* of the Ziki virus (disease) being a viable threat, but as far as spreading out to that of 30 states itself may soon require another toss...

Not 100% sure but think the 6 coins worked out well on it mainly because asked the question *the moment became *aware* aka had read of the NK threat*...Also a strong need and a solid question aided, the Appointed was R star...

If any doubts can always be asked again later in the year using 3 coins...

4/15 Metal/Venus day of the Yin fire Rabbit aka IV (Red) m...

That of the date m branch bonds the Psh star of skies, far aways, etc line in one of our NM pairs plus also the #44 toss pair of it's *Gry* 6th Psh stars line which formed Fire for *R star type manifests*...

May be helpful in some to remember that P stars represent *hardships* and are also referred to as the source of hardships...In point will make that of interpreting the #44 toss relative it's question easier for some...

Then of toss the m branch also clashed that of it's Grn 3rd Byo metal star retreats line retreating to it's resultant Bs metal star of the year:

Again strong EQ tremor same area in *Japan*, that of retreats takes in do overs and of things going awry, can further imply dangers and hardships for families, groups, org's and of environments, reducings or things of pasts, etc...

Then of metals appears may go with some noted of NK's activities today...

4/16 Earth/Saturn day of the Yang earth Dragon aka V (Yel) cn...

Just blog:

Had read other day that of a General vis Cyberwarfare mentioning that of in the potentials of threats, attacks and dangers there were of major concerns too...

Thing is that sometime back news put out a lot of info's there in terms of the hackings to within the US which was very large scale taking in that of many states, their schools, infrastructures, major businesses, govt areas, defense contractors, etc, etc...

It was implied that was pretty much ongoing on any given day...

So on tosses: When your asking of the when of any new major cyber/hack attacks on or to the US, *normally you would need to be specific* as to what area and the area type are you most concerned of being attacked this year???...

Probably are several to numerous, but then one may be of more major concern then others or another?...

Than starting with that most major, a separate toss would have to be done on each and every area!...

The toss on NK picked up and picks up of other events, actions that match it, as happens for any toss, but when we focus on obtaining a yes/no type answer itself, we always must interpret the toss with regard to only one main concern aka specific area or thing period!...

Doubtful it covered *Cyber attacks* as those are physically much different than what was thinking of with the question: That of a nuclear and by ballistic missle attack on the US in 2016 from the NK in specific!...

*Will soon *go ahead*, and do one for this year as a just general overall type on Cyber warfare hack attacks on continental US targets themselves...That with regard with what may be a particular major month, etc times for it, plus other it (toss) suggests of it...

[Anyway within 2 wks will have that posted here as well]...

I never fully guarentee my tosses for a given subject will be totally accurate, but we in the most often do get very good results here...

There's really no such thing as a wasted toss unless we've just happened to have hit a void point where that of mathematical error of it's own timing has played into the toss result then (Rare here)...

Most tosses aren't wasted as they always tell us something about what is pertinent to even major for the time or period we have tossed on anyway!...

Think have only 1 error in tosses here this year if area thinking of was of a toss result, have to check on that yet...Think was to do with jobs in August and September which earlier took as plus, but now very sure that wouldn't be the case, so have to review, correct then update that at some point, and *just mentioning it now*!...

Fortunately that doesn't happen to often, but errors do happen in the normal sometimes, when I physically hit a big health dip (delays in body fuctions, etc), or from being busy in other just run through a given analysis to fast, or in distraction or accident just have totally overlooked some important factor at the time...Pretty much minus health that which can happen to anyone, and as humans were all obvioulsy prone to err some in the first place...

That's why in the initial I never fully guarentee a given toss result *until* it has in time played and bored out in some correctly that it shows and for all to see...Once one has some initial matches that validate what it's stars show it can be further trusted aka taken as relible from that point onwards...

News on Google (TM) altered aka guess corrected date of the 2nd SW Japan EQ, however almost all pairs still have things of the far aways involved for Saturday day cn...

Our NM mirror shows that too and with it's retreated of far aways clashed out then vis hour also, and then further involved that of things at surfaces vis Gry 1st Pc star areas as well...Then also about the same of #44 toss areas on the same latter lines too...Pretty covered!...

Our post for day m still ok they are around 13 hours ahead of us at the moment, and then from *our view*, it reflected the event type as from the far aways correctly...Condolences to those who had losses...


Global timed: #11 - #5 Involve #54...

Toss US: #4 - #59 Involve #24...

Nice day outside here...


NK Toss, Posts Review for clarification:

My no answer had been decided on and written prior to my knowing of the rocket failure, but on hunch spot checked just ahead of posting and noted the rocket failure with the post, but in support much earlier *had said was leaning towards a no answer anyway*...

In that *had inferred* wasn't as an absolute versus the future and could yet happen at a future time...

The reason is they the R star on the Object line shows they aka their leadership *really wants and supports that as a goal to cause us Injury!...

Shown vis the physical of our line that of a Wht Fierce and Injurous 1st Pc earth star advance in begins, surfaces, etc areas...

Also said pair shows it would be very difficult and that they'd have strong difficulties in doing it, that and the Void Pc star forms the No answer in the present...

Then said would toss again later in the year as can't totally rule it out...

That's the status which says we should be prepared for the worst at any rate and sums it up for now as far as the Wwg concerned anyway...

Beyond that if disagree, you could always do your own analysis of the toss, or further do your own toss and analysis to boot, besides that of any other forms of physical informations gatherings you have...

Read today another huge earthquake in Ecuador occurred Saturday as well, think was in hr sh here and again things the sh element on most pairs 6th far aways line represents as well...Had huge effects there, wishing condolences to them as well...

Leave it at that...

In the plus still that of a really great weather day here to be enjoyed, instead of pondering on global stuff...

General review info...

U.S. year since last July still in play:

In sum and the brief or very most condensed:

Our's is yet still a year of Outer External made fiery R wood star power types, areas of it's events, and of the Inner that of B earth star, and P fire star types, areas for main events arising in those...

That of the Inner further involves clashes in close inner relationships and bonds to that of career, wealths, minors, and some of educations types, areas too, also involving that of the formed B star groups, types or areas in them for the year...

Not the most ideal way of covering the relationships, but since Wwg in the main that used here, *works*, and only a little thought on the star meanings themselves defines each appropriately enough, plus easy to remember too...

That until I can later on re word some of the bazi definitions used in various copyrighted reference books most use...

Additionally in it's lighter sides, a more cultural, philosophical and creative year that's also strong in that of literatures including the techy and sciences types of the scholarly or experts areas and in that of most cultural or locals arts influences has been important of it too...

Anyway that and then the current of this Monkey year, and it's month's with it influencing the new areas of those in our's and any's events globally as well...

Go take a gander haven't read any news yet today...

Not all the star meanings are literally the same as used in Wwg for this, such as the R star in this case doesn't symbolize attacks etc but that of a Power aspect and the items listed for it...The other ones apply of their norm meanings pretty well in just showing the basic rough nature of things...

Does cover most...

4/19 Fire/Mars day of the Yin metal Goat aka VIII (Wht) wa...

Global timed: #21 - #38 Involve #39...

Post as matched some Overseas and then the Global in announcements of one major US Mfr at the most minimum...

Some also deals with those operating (Of any life area) at cross purposes to another in any situation and of this date as well!...

4/20 Water/Mercury day of the Yang water Monkey aka IX (Blk) s...

Upper Zen FS #3 (Zen)...

Last day of the Eastern Grn Dragon week with tomorrow beginning a week of the Northern Blk Tortoise cardinal influences...

Global timed: #32 - #40 Involve #43...

Things of durations involve breakthroughs, determinations, or the cuttings off of things or areas in decisions which leads to Separatings and or Solutions...

Healthcare Insurances appears a or one of the major matches in ours, but is also of all countries so likely are other types of areas can match of names and the R star physical as well...

Expanded just a bit since date of the year and that of double Zen Outer in the ahead and inner physical type influences those present...

That of previous to possibly current self harms on/of the Yel 4th Chief ministers, decisions and gateways line of Kw star types, areas...

That of Gry 5th Rs year metal star areas date active can clash the Grn 2nd locals, close By wood Hider star types, areas and is further harmful to Grn 2nd locals Healthy but Voids Mal Ph water star areas that connect to Gcn earth star type areas...

Object Wht 6th Tops, Ends or turnarounds, Far aways, etc areas of Gsh earth star areas produce the Physical are currently Healthy but of a Voids mal status, saying not all is well...

Physical Red Alarms, etc influences to 3rd Middles, Prominent Strong Ryo metal star changes take in difficulties of the Object line and also involving it's connected of weak, troubled Kw fire star types, areas and Rs star year effects also...

Currently the month aids, strengthens the Ryo metal star areas with the pair referencing that of negative conditions that have and can alter the Ryo star status, etc in the ahead...

In the general amongst it's meanings and of any pair, R stars also represent things of Insurances, mortgages, legalities and lawsuits as well...

On that condensed of Our year running through July it's of a 5 elements type, and in that while a basic in the rough version is *a very accurate type*, that's easy to remember...

Main point was not all star meanings as used in Wwg apply in such,  as in that of attacks or similar doesn't apply of it's R star, but it is pretty easy to see of the year thus far, exactly what of them has and is applying through it, which sizes the year up!...

Along those lines and into next week will do the similar of that year type on both Russia and China in the least for that *of comparitives others can use for their own further assessments*...

4/21 Wood/Jup day of the Yin water Rooster aka X (Blk) yo date...

Upper Shun, FS #4 (Shun)

Begins week of the Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal areas...

New Full Moon lunar period starts tomorrow...AC and Ours posted at Top, other tomorrow or later, but consider the NM as Lunar month as the more main, as all dailies including the FM is based from it's timing...

Global timed: #59 - #6 Involve #27...

Just Blog:

Nice day initially outside but clouding up some on and off in it thus far...

Been a bit of a frustrating com day for me in the initial, went to call the Local Clerk of Court's Office and of extension #5, while they do answer, they apparently cannot hear a thing, lol...Not their fault just one of those days...

Used two phones one a cell and the other of normal landline type, and got the very same results in hr w from 11 am to 11:20 am, calling a total of 3 times...

Have to try again later today and hope that mends or get's fixed, so don't have to physically go there, any lengthy set of steps or that of walking too far is very rough for me...

It's always amazing how many obstructions we often enough run up against, when we really need to get something done isn't it...

Happily did get through later in day, a temp glitch was all...

Ok *some other might be pretty boring*, but prior *had in the super covered that of clashes*, and as they occur in real life of all types, mainly to raise awareness that those are actually of verifiable timings which do affect all and all things at various times...

Did so from both Wwg and Bazi views *with the most serious being those which involve one's birth sign animal element* aka that of their birth year itself...

Clashes work both ways for the plus and the minus but more known for the minus, and often are in timing accompanied by some other such as combinations-combos, harms, self harms, punishments, penalties or destruction formats aka config types...

The more significant is of those where the clash is accompanied by one of that list at the given time, so is why it's important to note your clash dates for reasonable cautions in your dealings and actions to the extent possible or practical for you, that is...

It's easiest for any to spot the *double clashes type* which occur all the time, even in one of your given clash days when at the clash hour as well...Then the other involving the month or year time periods type can apply and definately add in as well!...

[Last year when I had a multi injuries fall type accident, and from which I am not yet fully recovered even now, *was of a double clash date accompanied by one of the other mentioned*...

Says just how serious they can be, and actually they can be even worse resulting in death for some!]...

While tosses can alert the skilled in that, most don't toss for such on a daily basis but at the year level instead, but using the bazi or zwds is much more clear and defined of those, and assuring to one in both easy interp and the reliability of the timings themselves...

Then being a way one can *list* out all such dates for any given year in the ahead!...

You can freely look up your chinese animal year birth sign quite easily and often in those descriptions it will tell you which animal sign element clashes it as well!..

That's the most vital and important step and then follow our chinese dates themselves so you know when your clash dates, hours to include months and years come up, *most especially in months or years* that clash you!...

Unless you roll a free chart for every given day or have the software such as the Chinese Farmers Almanac a US product, etc:

You can obtain a free calendar from a wide range of year selections thanks to Alex Chiu's site and selecting that area...On dates just use the gregorian normal calendar date as shown (will be correct for any country) and the animal sign (element) shown of it will be correct...

That way you will know when your clash years, month's and dates come up...

Hours are constant running from hr t (Rat) the first hour at their 11pm daystart through hr h (Pig) the 12th final hour of the day, each of those being of 2 hours duration, that's also shown in a table at and many other sites as well...

Anyway with just those alone you can know the when of any time period which clashes your year of birth aka life/body sign!...

Had I looked and known that was under a double clash minus one other aspect on date of my fall accident last year, such would have alerted me to be extra careful and not engage in any major new directions or actions that day...

[The ulta reliable of the bazi would have informed me as to the involved areas and though harder for most the zwds with bit additional work specificed the physical inhibitor type areas that date as well]...

Even without just knowing was a double clash date for me, would have caused me to be much more cautious and avert the accident, just as it can for you when you adhere to the advice of being more observant and cautious on such dates!...

Except from the minor of social stuff that might pop for you often enough, what really throws off most is that which is major can have rather long spans in between till something pops, but when they do stuff matches up and *definately better it's not all that frequent*...

All of this is why I also prefer these arts or systems over that of normal astrologies period...

That as they are highly streamlined, quite direct and of great precision in the practical and of the specifics one needs to know for any date or frame...

Up to you what you do with this info, but *it's real life stuff of that you can be certain*, have plotted other to deadly incidents including sunny vietnam of past, and the very narrow miss hair raising times of past clash dates which show up in them as well, such as in that of travels and mal traffic aka vehicular incidents and in the further things of legalities one must take care of, that come up of clashes, etc as well...

It's a true and very valid part of normal life, but in that a very good area to have the proper info and awareness of...

Never did before and oddly also of aspects then, but wish to thank all those involved, especially the comcast man who called the Ambulance despite my not thinking would need one, certainly did, and also to the rapid and most efficient response of the ambulance personal along with the fire and police department people at the time, all did a great job that's forever appreciated!...

On any other beyond that hold no mal, all just part of the timing and just try to get by as best as can these days...

Was pretty out of it then...

As said this on clashes may be pretty boring for some didn't pursue the news stuff, but good info for the interested and applies to most things...

Have left the bazi with a unintentional negative taint in this, but most can see was using it in a protective safety sense that any could apply...

There are very strong positives as well such as finding that of one's best dates for romance, as well as the best and fairly probable zones for marriage itself, that of wealth luck zones conventional and windfall, then most info's one would want to do with career, prospective careers and jobs, other on health areas, and descriptives about family, others and relationship types in your life...

About a great deal more than clashes but those are easy to grasp and a certain practicality to knowing or understanding that of one's own, that I covered it...

One major issue in learning bazi is each teacher/author of books and courses has different names for the groupings of items of a particular category such as self harms in one might be called self punishments in another, or vary in what they show for it, and so on...

You see the same thing in zwds they are an inscrutable people in such, and do make it hard for others to learn, *only a rare few are totally straight up and forward in that they teach!*...

Had to review a few weeks to come up to speed, as forgot a lot when didn't use for near a year, but will never stop using now on mine and a few others charts as well...

Dragon month Full Moon Lunar period start:

4/22 Friday Metal/Venus day of the Yang wood Dog aka I (Grn) sh date...

Upper Kan, FS *#5*...

Week of Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal influences...

 Add a small description on Our Exact global pair at least...


Our Exact Najia aka DNA Global timed type period pair:

Pairs reflect the most main of events and not neccessarily the bulk of most events in a period itself...

#8 - #20 Involve #40...Corrected...

#8 that of Bi (Compare) refers to pairs or groups coming together ideally to help and rely on one another in it's positive form, however with an Outer Kan trigram some will involve that of the more dangerous in comings together too and in this case somewhat emphasized by 6th line changes, and in some that's an additional basis for the additional of coming togethers of parties affected or involved...

Involves that of Strippings, or things falling down or apart or of making room for that of new ideas and things also which leads to:

#20 That of Observings, reflections and the learnings from such in all ways and forms including the heart taking in  things of ongoings or that which has already transpired...In that learned to make for solutions towards better results, dealings in making more positive progresses in that ahead... 

Pairs posted at the top and today's had bonded that of it's R stars for the fiery of Pe fire star leaderships, homes, transports, travels and happenings, etc in events for this period itself...

Noted there were already matches some are of positive needed comparisons of and where potential corrections may be applied to improve our paths ahead, and then in other not or more direct of those or *some's having to come together with others* in what are and of other may not always be good circumstances...

Matches, etc add:

Were plenty of matches in written and Ntl eve news including that of a Mil airdrop op in Germany where a humvee whose parachute connections broke being obliterated on contact with the ground, unsure of date but pasts into present caught it anyway...

That of Prince's very unfortunate demise *fits in* as pasts, sorrows and music areas in groups, healths amongst other and more of chart active *Wht* 5th high, far, rulers, etc line areas of Bsh jolt like star type areas...

Especially of the 80's frame when was personally more into music itself had always loved and very much enjoyed the highly upbeat of his super hit with *Let's party like it's 1999* in song lyrics and record*, and was jolted like most others at that of his passing at just 57 years of age...

Not covering other date specifics or external cycle effects involved, but of what *had written here prior and in the month itself*, he did have that of the Dragon month branch clashing his Life/Body palace of his year of birth Dog branch *as a timing indicator* for that of body/health ills, issues and challenges this month...

Went with some of his Outer social, job dealings and areas, plus home areas involved in all that...

A sad and major occurence for the entertainment world and his fan's everywhere, but a lot of positive in how he is remembered and missed of them...

Most of us have to experience the similar in that of our families when members pass, never a desired and many while not famous by any means, still affect us just as deeply if not even more...Not much we can do there as it's a normal part of life we all have to accept and then at some point move on from, as best as we can...

We are still definately yet under that of the previous NM Returns/Turning points pair of the lunar month itself as well, and expect of things such as that of 4 homes in Ohio will involve other in the similar but much different ways some dangerous but not all deadly plus in that or of the period a time where that of corruptions involving locals govt's anywhere will in the slow rearing it's head vis material greeds and of discriminations to some vis the abyss of preferential close ties that will operate against the rights of some unfavored in various areas as well...

How extensive or major that would be can't really say as should be part of the main but fewer of events as opposed to the great bulk for the period, but it is in begins of a slow background nature now that only of awareness will need to be twarted in the quick in some situations, to avoid any later strong effects that could result of simply greeds or misplaced values at the time...

We all know life always has it's challenges, but as long as good and fairminded people recognize them, most in the negative at every day levels can be countered...

Unlike last period having completed the above, thinking that it will be fairly quiet here for awhile of doing posts that is, except maybe for pair descriptions themselves for any timed or toss posts happen to do anyway...

4/25 Monday Moon day of the Yin fire Ox aka IV (Red) Ox date...

Influences: Upper Chen, FS #8 (Gen, Wealths, etc) for Central and the Centers influences of in anything, anywhere...

DNA Global timed (Day start type):

#10 - #25 Involve #38...

Physical (J): Of an Outer/Upper Chen trigram environment nature, that of it's Blk 5th Rulers, etc Buried *Ks metal star* types and areas...

Object (U) and change line: Of an Inner/Lower Duay trigram environment Yel 2nd Locals, etc Retreating Healthy *Rm wood star* types, and areas...

Then of date:

A bond to the Blk 5th Weak Gt water star types, areas Under it's Ks metal star bearer...

The date same it's *Gry* 3rd Middles or Prominent of Quiet Advancings Strong Bc earth star types, areas a further character influence of areas that bond to the Gt star as well...

Just blog:

Just mention on prior where had in refined mentioned some detail that may be associated that of homes areas in this period, likely some variations to that had listed, but that of the four Ohio homes where unsuspecting members of one family were of the disasterarous and extremely unfortunate, executed, murdered by some outside partie(s)...

Was reported that the material in the form of *marijuana growths areas* was found at those homes, and of *possibles only* than those of a competitive in the same type areas and rival group or it's hired could also be involved...

Doubt if marijuana sales legal there, so likely still of illegal drugs uses type which somewhat goes with that of corruptions as well, and of a material nature was a match anyway... 

Certainly will be other variations of other natures still involving some homes, as one of bad relationship extremes and a case in Georgia also recently demonstrated...

Don't expect all that do come up to be as Extreme as those, but a serious time for some in that of home's areas this period...

In the more positive had noticed some of the Presidents actions overseas were towards that of additional trades agreements with several countries a part of that, and while maybe not as desired but maybe neccessary the assignment of 250 additional mil service personal to Syria was also a match of it's date's announcement of our Exacts pair also...

4/27 Water/Mercury day of the Yin earth Rabbit aka VI (Gry) m date...

Upper Li, FS #1 (Kan) in the Central and Centers of anything and anywhere...

Last day of Northern Blk Tortoise week shifting to the Western Wht Tiger cardinal influences tomorrow...

Global timed: #21 - #27 Involve #39...

In deference one should always look at the solar and lunar month pairs or at minimum that of the current period to note that most main to Our or the All countries day itself, with the daily type here at times as global and additive...

On today's Globally in changes shows that of Grn 4th's Officials or other of Ryo star changes hindered some possibly involving dangers or sorrows and bonding to that of some self harms aka self penalties, etc in Blk 3rd Gcn star types, areas...May be interesting in explorative...

Were matches in Eve Ntl news one of an official another on chicken products since yesterday, and in the wider type of tornadoes did/does involve midwestern or middles of country areas in some, then any pair has the past-present-future aspects dates involved too...That of yesterday's was also of Ry star areas in our Exact NM lunar month period pair, and the totally hidden in pairs having Rm stars instead unless some occurred in wee hours of today also...

That of Our Exact FM chart date bonding it's Rm stars pretty much says we can have that of Dangers any date particularly of skies and far aways areas into locals also...

Just blog: 

Aside names, subjects or line trends of FM pairs, were other home's areas matches of the accidents/losses type for those that followed the news in week, can be other of just individual difficulties in relationships amongst family members or of the partners, as well as some where it's that of external person(s) causing issues too...

In other: Noted Eve news comments on disagreements or distrustfulness of President's trade with other countries stuff, and not too surprised, but it's just the noting of event matches themselves here which is not political...

Often use some of a bazi styled Wwg at times, and in bazi itself there's always some additional areas of interests, such as it's special stars...

Those are not for the full of main reads types, but do yield very profound insights as to directions people or other take in life as well as given lifelong conditions some have to endure too...A lot of those too are more emphasized in certain years too, and some when not in chart only of certain years and in some special cases of given unique dates applying to a unique chart type as well...

Find their pretty accurate in most personal charts as their meanings were honed to present day vis their observations over thousands of years...

In checks some on the net though are not updated to their now more modern contexts and the variations in how they apply, either good references or common sense of experience has to be used, some have serious sides while others are excellent in practice too...

Again though they do reveal some very major conditions and areas that an individual will experience and have to deal in and of, in their life beyond what the always must use of a very complete normal bazi analysis yields...

The same of the special stars can and do answer *in very specific terms*, a lot of the why's in questions one has about their life and relationships with other family members or others in general and of that can be *highly useful to the individual*...

A number of those stars are said to have been further derived from the later of the zwds system itself and *are sometimes given in and as the cross references* on the subject as well...

Add: Some on the FourPillar's aka Bazi's Special stars:

You can easily look up some of the Bazi special stars on the net at the Wikipedia and Wiki-books sites, but the meanings are to the older more coarse basic sides on some, so do give what you read some lattitude that's open to further variations...

On charts or tables there or at other places, most use either the year of birth, month or day of birth's for that of the special stars:

The H's apply to the 10 heavens stems Jia - Gui and the E's apply to the earth branches beginning with the Rat (E1) thru the Pig (E12), etc...

From that you can with those look up the special stars which apply for you, everyone's is unique but many can have some common as well...

Then some or most not in one's personal chart can apply of external cycles also which will be in the common for some others at the same time also!...

[Add Insert: An Xtra useful bit on just the Fourpillars aka Bazi birth personal charts themselves:

In cases of identical twins in most of these more precisionate of the *ancient* chinese *cultures* systems, you actually advance the birthtime a whole two hours from that of the first birthed (*the taking of the breath itself*) to the next with all in/of the birthed sequence...

A most common *and used* method, but may be other methods too]... 

Then you can also find other blog articles written by other Bazi enthusists or teachers that *may* hold some good or better info for yourself as well...

A couple easy to understand example special star types you can further look up:

The day stem based *Academic and Study Hall stars* are fairly practical types of others, and to which that of timings themselves can be quite useful also...

In other more serious to some degree types there's those associated the year of birth branch such as the Isolation aka Solemnity and Widow stars...

In the positive the latter are most often associated with those who as such *are very naturally oriented towards studying a lot or a great deal more than the average person, that can be in the general or at a specific time (period) in their lives as well, and often with respect to their Career and career related areas or of avid special interests in researches or projects that they take on...

Likely it's even more emphasized when the Isolation star is the same sign as either their Academic or *Study Hall* star...

Those especially fit of any management areas, tech industry or techy skills of any type area, researchers, that of maths, sciences, physics and teachers, etc, etc areas...

That of the isolation's star being referred to as the Solemnity star for the most part means the person is usually a perhaps quiet but very, very serious type in and on the areas of their studies which of their more serious nature characteristics also carries over into that of their relationships as well...

In the negative they mean what they mean and can involve that of separation from others by virtue of their strong career and studies for improvements areas, to which they are *most naturally* inclined and oriented to do!...

Such a person also even usually may not be as attentive to that of his spouse or children as would be socially and normally be expected, meaning a certain amount from the small to often huge of separation normally exists within their relationships period...

That's not a matter of fault on their part, but strictly the way they are naturally oriented and inclined too!...

In some cases especially *if in the brides aka spouse palace of their chart*, marrying may not be a good thing and some *naturally do remain single all of life*, as the isolation star is not good for relationships there...Then often when they do marry that of an eventual divorce is more likely in those also...

So just because someone lives their lives alone and doesn't marry does not in any way mean they are abnormal, they auto do what is entirely normal for them!...In such some are satisfied with just that of a few friends and of casual romantic relationships at times, but nothing of a permenent nature in the latter...

The Widow star can, but usually doesn't mean widow in the death type sense, but again does take in that of *long time separations* from family normally vis career...

Be flexible as there are variations as can be that of separations between friends, even co-workers or other instead as well... 

Then also in some cases vis disagreements or the inability to handle or just get along with another specific family member *of that given sign* too results in long term separations from or of them, and it is also said to be **often indicative of *travels** too...

It does not have to be in your chart and can apply as an External cycle and of those is particularly noteable of it's *Year* or a 10 yr aka decade cycle...

Personally have experienced that when it came up, in one year it indeed involved both that of travels coupled with that of separations from the family in it...That vis a new job assignment and the nature of it's type...

Usually such may last several months at least, and it was up to nearly the whole year then for me...

Again there are variations as to exactly how it manifests, forms up, and lasts of the 12 year branch cycles it can be a bit different involving different areas other than family alone in each of the subsequent external years of it's sign...

It also has some of the same strong study pursuit tendencies aka traits of the Isolation's star as well, which again brings on or causes certain types of separations within their family or relationships areas amongst other...

Neither of those stars has to be in your personal birth chart and can manifest as external cycles for given periods in your life even resulting in some others temporarily exiting of your life for rather long periods...

However those effects are much more powerful when in one of your personal chart's palaces, *and most especially when a given year clashes it*, their can be very sad to disasturous effects of their extremes in such years that may really set your life back in some areas as well!...

Year wise as you grow you can expect things of their effects of the clash type to come up every 12 years, though very likely not as severe in all of those years...

In some of those it may involve some type of either social or family member isolations, and in other you may of just short journies type alone have to do a lot of traveling in your job at that time...

[Lots of possible variations as to how those will manifest in one's life, so you have to be flexible in analyzing aka interpreting them for another, but they do come up and are a very real *normal part* of any's life and experiences of/in their meanings!...

Anyway regardless and even separate of your faith, *these are very natural things and areas that come up in your life as experiences of your journey through it*...

As such the more informed and aware you are of these influences the better you will understand things about you and be able to negotiate through your life's twists or turns]!...

This is exactly what I meant when had said they provide us very profound and useful insights beyond the already very complete of any normally thorough standard bazi or zwds analysis of one's Life, Decade or Year types from their personal chart...

In the FourPillars aka Bazi even without the hour of birth, most of us can glean quite a bit of good useful informations to do with the other palaces and timings that will still be of great benefit for a given person, etc...

These same charts can of most areas be applied of and for any period or entity type, including that of a business or country as well, *not all agree there*, but such has already been done by many with very good results in at least the last couple hundred of years if not before...

The main reason such can work, is as I've listed here before, and that is all of those other timed chart types *do always have a physical and/or metaphysically a body to them* and any chart with that *which is most all*, do also have that of an equivalent personage and personages of given characters and natures to it...That latter makes for it's very own personal chart!...

Just for an eye opener and your own general info:

Updated for the more level across the board...

Most asian communities to include some from their worships areas (not all, nor at all times as the person doing may rotate to another place in assignments) do have bazi experts, and not all but some asian women before they marry a non asian american, englishman, german, austrailian, etc, etc *have in the prior or sometimes it's after the fact, *had you thoroughly scoped out to the nitty gritty!*...

Most don't realize it, but some few of those certainly *do take great advantage of their spouses* in that for control purposes and staying on top aka being the power player of the relationship!...Not a good basis or way to go as quite often in results things will either eventually break down or that of many, many troubles and difficulties will often exist throuout the marriage itself...

Some others or maybe most which have it done, actually do it *for the more assisstive purposes* of learning what their mate's strengths and weaknesses are and of their fortune periods, and of their roles in the marriage to improve upon their dealings within it, so not ill in all cases!...

Doesn't have to be by Bazi but of spouses that try to tell their husbands what he's all about in a life sense you can tell from the phrases used what the source was, and it's also done even by families who trust such when you visit them overseas...

Doubt if many but some asian overseas companies that hire foreigners do pretty much the same on some employees to see of what benefit they'll be, etc...

Things have both seen and experienced myself else wouldn't mention, also quite logical in asian countries where the value of the art has been known for thousands of years...

In all of the aboves areas used mainly personal examples as that's the best way any can initially learn that of the bazi or zwds is by using your own real life experiences...Afterwards it then becomes much easier to understand and apply them to other's charts...

Sums it up as to reasons it's good for any to become familiar with that of the special stars *in their own lives* as not only can such save you many problems or difficulties, it can lesson them in times of such, allowing you more personal control of your own life and attaining a better quality or living experience in any area...

Just a little reading here or there on them can be of benefit to most, plus you vis chart calculators on the net you can also get your own personal chart to use as a reference as well...

Doesn't require a lot of time in the daily to just research as convienent to you...

If learning the Bazi or ZWDS too much or too time consuming for you as life and responsibilities do tie many up, then you can always of your option whenever you may later desire:

Have a specialist in either, do the reading of your choice, life, decade or year and at the minimum that of *a yearly read can be most advantageous for you to be knowledgeable of*...

The annual aka yearly type takes in the month by month and of important dates within those as well...

When I was younger and for most any, *you could have never told me that outside of family and that of social influences or of God, that anything else had any great influences or impact on my life*, or that I was not fully in control of that which would make up my own destiny...

Things to do with our own vane and frail human ego's and id's, emotional make up's etc, and the way and where we are brought up automatically orient us towards the concept that we are personally thoroughly in control of our lives ourselves...

However eventually as we age, grow and mature of actual experiences, and often by our 40's at least we've came to understand that there's a great deal in things and of life in which we are not in control of at all...

It's in the ancient wisdoms of beliefs areas and in the aside that of these metaphysical arts which are their own cosmologies, philosophies and sciences that we can find the needed answers to a lot we would normally never understand...

Through either or both you can make a more knowledgeable, higher quality, often more satisfactory and productive life for yourself and for your important others as well...

Until of events in this particular year I had never vis fourpillars looked too deeply at others charts except the US and some other countries in a simplistic and not overly complicated view type a couple of times here at least, then on that of family as well, but most on family was only in the very short, quick and of a surface like view and not very extensive of *the last few years at least*...

This year and of recent a lot more thorough in that of family now, in the more direct of home also have some tough stuff popping, mainly healths sides but countering some vis herbal and dietary advices which seem to be of aide...Had dropped to 133lbs after Operation but seem to be coming back up some finally...

Only exception to those that I remember anyway, was did a chart well outside of the family specific, for another person's romance and marriage outlook, was the first and quite difficult as the person was also playing me some (Of beliefs, etc) at the time as well, even though we weren't really enemies or of that order at least, however in the end result that of the eventual Marriage I predicted did come about and of the overall correct time frame as well...

Weren't any charges, as for me then, it was a true test in outside unknowns of the legendary fourpillars aka bazi itself...

Already had long known of my own personal chart just how accurate it had been in certain of past major events in my life so I was pretty confident of it all along, and then obviously quite pleased when that I did on the other person in final results worked out...

Was quite pressured on it, and spent an extraordinary amount of hours in several days on it, wasn't good for my health then, and per the negatives of the person at that given time anyway, had just afterwords totally layed off from the bazi until this year and this month in the most particular!...

On negatives was not that the person had a strong negative character or like that, but more that their core of the Sun in their approach to life, meaning their a very assertive to even pushy type at times in nature, and with that sometimes too impatient for their own good...

They may have thought of it as being like a so called psychic type of read where the reader theoretically knows out of thin air what the answers are, but the bazi is nothing like that at all, and is a very serious rules logically based system to do with the elements and polarities in ones chart at birth, and it takes a good deal of time to do a *full, honest and highly accurate* evaluation from it...

However that of it's special stars part, is pretty easy, something you can do that yourselves, and then of their element signs further noting as externals the years, etc that they come up in for you, and that of what will be bonds or *clashes* times for those in your actual chart to any there as well...

[A very good small base list for you to personally observe and take note of]...

If you misintepret initially don't worry over time you will get it right (succeed)...

Anyway the power of choice in that of simply the learnings sides is entirely yours and are lots of good articles and other to peruse through on the net available to any...

[The arts or wisdom based systems are non aggressive types and merely increase one's awareness of how that of energies in our environments at any time set additional given natural influences that affect us...

They are entirely of what are natural solar and lunar cycles of energies with that of their mechanics and processes that all do experience in life, and the types of situations they present to each of us at various times through it...

By understanding the different types of natural influences that exist and their timings we can more knowledgeably better cope and address the situations that go along and come up of them]...

Watched Eve Ntl news of this VII (Wht) Dragon date, and they had a humdinger of a bad relationships live example between a Father with a book on that and his Son the head of the Church of Scientology...

Powerfully interesting and will be on 20/20 Friday as well, so plan to catch that too...

That in some matched both yesterday's and then today's pair of #32 - #28 Involve #43...

Update for those interested on Widow aka Lonesome aka Forlorn or Widow lodge star info's:

The Widow star is also called the Lonesome star at Wiki books, also as the Forlorn star, *Widow lodge star* and other at some other sites...

For those who have chinese arts references or books on the Wwg, Bazi or ZWDS most all include the chinese words (symbols) for all the stems and branches, etc, the same are shown on the charts at also:

Believe the following a Singapore chinese site, and if your bold could google bazi-shensha site, it has the latter listings and that of the Widow Lodge star additionally as related to both the Day and Year *Branches* there just bit after halfway down the page, *same as wiki books just different names*...

The intersection of your day branch at the top header row to the Widow lodge star's row gives you the sign aka branch in chinese word/symbol form for it!...

It's additional definitions and articles are all in English though, so some is further useful of that for most...

Some work to it right?

Anyway if it's not in your chart that main of year fella still comes around every 12 years as an External type, so you can find it's years for yourself...

Have had 5 go arounds in life of it as an External year type, and in all were that of major or special travels involved!...

When comes up as a year you could call it your Widow or Lonesome, etc maybe Travels star *in year type*, and then of the ZWDS any year becomes that of your year self/destiny palace!...

So if you don't get a Bazi year analysis done, then from a free ZWDS chart you could look at it's stars and the 3 main palaces stars it connects to, for further ideas of what all can be involved of the travels that year also...

Can't say wouldn't be some depressives or downs in those but when connects to your career and job if the heaven's stem that year your fourpillars aka bazi wealth/money element you'll pretty likely make good money in it...

Also possible of debts until too (forlorn), but if as above, followed by branch years of the money element also then will be Excellent had such in 80's like that...

Some there further depends on 10 yr cycle at the time and then other combinations, etc cam play a role too, so depends on the individual chart...

Sounds like  I negated the  good of the Widow/Forlorn, etc, etc star with your wealth element as the heaven's stem???

[No...It can go either way on the Money under that condition, in some Widow/Forlorn years good stuff does happen of it and that's approximately around your birthday or the month after it...

Then if the next year's branch element is also of your Money element that may mean in some of your Widow years should it have your wealth element as a heaven's stem, that at the latest as in towards the end of the Widow year itself, *you will be given great opportunities to earn more in that of a new job of career areas that will get you out of the hole!]...

Read that again carefully, it's very reliable *and be sure to note the conditions* of the Widow years you find for yourself (prepares you), while it won't apply to everyone across the board, it will still apply to a fair number having those years, and you may be one of them...

It's like the old saying: It's always darkest before the light, but the light will come...

Aside info already gave and some recommended this should be useful for some as well...


5/1 Sunday a Sun day of the Yin water Goat and X (Blk) wa date...

Global timed daystart all countries:

#23 - #4 Involve #2...

Prior date #39 - #63 Involve #64...

Just of names and as one item between those two you can understand today's Republican candidate results of it's main vote getting leader's comments on the Arizona primary versus his main opponents more strategic of delagate gettings results...

Mainly of Groups and other of Yel 4th Bs star areas of Yesterday's physical, and then of Gry 5th Weak, Troubled Kt water star types, areas for today's physical...


It's Object line: Grn 2nd locals, close Re fire changes star of a type negative to some R star areas of Officials, officers, etc plus in that of home and family areas and also the K star type areas as well...

That as it produced and turned into a Strong Pcn star which is the grave of water, and of that attacks and destroys some things of the Physical's in of Kt water star types, areas!...

Then likely in some maybe of simular venues or direction between other types of country areas and groups for that of other subjects, topics globally, under their physicals for those dates...

May 5th in general marks the Solar month of the Snake but in exacts starts here May 4th in hr h so will likely post both around then, or just after the start with the NM on the 6th on new page...

That of each Solar month of the year a then unique description of the applicable applying energy influences of it for it's particular of calendar season it falls within as well...

Those are major shiifts of energies which affect all of earths aka our environments and that within them including us vis both natural phenomena and that which naturally affects living things plant and animal including us as well...

For man mostly in that of both contempulations and actions where the new energies *subtley shift* that of some of his main attentions and very mainly his *individually felt expressions* in the new of his creative interests also that are unique to those specific energies and it's period...

 Beyond that the lunar periods within the solar month apply more to that of individual large areas in environments and then specifically to that of masses and groups themselves...

We represent both types by the condensed of appropriate timed hexagram names which give us the main of situation types involved...

Those allow us to compactly track 5 main element date types in that of 5 main star types for different activities types, areas, representing both that of the natural and man's social, political global family conditions and ongoings at both individual drives levels and of the masses type month by month and day by day...

Helps and guides us in the settings of our activities, or the monitorings of the main types which will come up!...

On the other of Bazi here, that's mainly of examples type to show uses, and not the teaching of the subject per se...

On one hand it's very easy to learn but of depth's which *involve many different chart types* is not so easy to teach or for many to successfully apply the basics they learned for correct interpretations, *so mainly stick to that of given useful example (application) areas at times here instead*...

While the skilled can do it all, it's another thing to describe it all in ways that are easy for most others to understand, sums that up...

Have a good weekend...

5/2 Monday aka Moon day of the Yang wood Monkey and I (Grn) s date...


Global all countries day start hr t (past to present) timed type:

#11 - #19 Involve #54 areas, types in it's plus sides anyway good for graduatings preps, etc...

Wonderful Involves the Brides which leads to Things Approaching...

Other of the weird or unusual type, it's Gry 4th Bc star line goes along with that of an article in Yahoo news (c) today, titled *The Grim Sleeper* and similar areas...

Such goes along with Nightmares, nightmare like situations, containments, etc and of B star areas that of countries, masses or peoples, healths areas, etc...

In the similar that of South Korea's warnings to it's citizens to be on guard alerted to the potential of North Korean kidnappings of them another match type...

On a chief ministers line probably the collusion between Assad and Is, caused a nightmare for some...


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