Friday, November 8, 2019

Solar month Yi Hai the Yin wood Pig (II/h)...

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Starts the Yi Hai aka Yin wood Pig Solar month here...

11/7 Wood/Jupiter day V/s aka Wu Shen a Yang earth Monkey date...FS *#7*...GT: #32 - #28 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#40 - #64 Involves #63 Areas...Change line 6 areas...

Will add the new Wood Pig month page late this date or the next...

[*Yi Hai aka Yin wood Pig Solar Month: **#55 - #49 Involves *#28* Areas**...Change line 5 areas*...

Sounds about right!]...

 11/8 Metal/Venus day VI/yo aka Ji You a Yin earth Rooster date...FS #6...GT: #59 - *#29* Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#53 - #37 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Other previous:

Noted on Aniah a missing person they caught, arrested a suspect in Florida on day yo and bonded into arrest in hr c...Day yo relevant as bonds that of *cn*, e originally given in the raw...

Bonds or clashes always apply as well, and then hr's t and *c* had been given also...

Wasn't much to go on but that of cn, e plus gatherings and arrests did go with with SE's of the chart itself, so Florida indeed matches that part...

At one point had read the town she was from was S of Birmingham or Montgomery city? where College was, which would have made the N's for Birmingham itself, but in begins and of info's would have been hard to be sure on the directions in general...

In other they've listed 2 different ages for the arrested suspect of 29 and 30 years of age?

 Still a learning point there as each situation can be different!...

That of the age if 30 as some show mainly just refers to his character and history *which does agree with what police have already said and put out of his history*...

Chart shows his type would have been able to control and destroy her, likely vis metals if indeed was him and if he took such actions...

Some say that of the phone going dark was at 11:57 pm, and of that some say she was just prior then on the phone with a friend?...

A bit odd as chart type suggests a lot was already completed then, but possible it refers to all was in a process of being completed then...

That minus the drive W to E or W to SE's where he was found...

*Not their exact year of 2019* as it would normally be done, but from what I've seen this is also a valid *additional* component related to the global year that comes up for some of their particular births in it:

His was under a *punishment structure* in blockages or of other forms...

Hers included a year of the thief or worse being certain to come to her in some form!... 

For others or *most others* of their and related births the same, but in less extreme forms...


Didn't wish to cover the said 13 yr old murder suspect but that of walking or being found along paths to include on and that of railroad tracks itself (mentioned in numerous past posts when indicated), was* a direct match in that of destiny areas for the escape time they'd originally given for him*...

Likely was other but stopped when saw that, as did no write up on it due to age and he was in news cast as the *suspect, criminal*...

Mention *only to note there is always some relativity in results to the methods used here*...

11/9 Earth Saturn day VII/sh aka Geng Xu a Yang metal Dog date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #39 - #63 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#8 - *#29* Involves #23 Areas...Change line 2 areas...

11/10 Sun day VIII/h aka Xin Hai a Yin metal Pig date...FS #4...GT: #23 - #4 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#26 - #41 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Nov 10th Missing person age 35 around 2am:

The Added Wwg pair applies, it's void/empty dates y, m for further developments or completions...

In Other:

Main in terms of just destiny itself, etc then was of S's (Li) and NW's (Qian)...

Destiny or S's *for some few* void or mal oriented then included making that of mistakes or errors in choices and judgements, when it came to assertive or aggresive types (which have themselves an E's component) in that or holding that of surprises, shocks and jolts then...

It further in main involved NW's (Qian) things of wealths, hidings and/or that on or alongside travels paths of any type...Latter being under influences of wealths, illnesses, meds or drugs...Not favorable for meeting, noblemen, managers or superiors, though one's strategy may work...

That of itself would imply not to long a time before she is found...

Other than main:

In this may indicate very hard to find or would take a long time to find...

N's potentially held that of strong criminal elements involving petty types and to which that of being hurt or harmed could occur then...

NE's that of fierce stuff or types in struggles or other and or drugs as well, and things of hidings in travel or that hard to get to or through, secrets, things of police, etc...Hours, days c or y if arrests, etc also in the picture...

In the lessor of criminal elements that of E's refers to gatherings, social relational, etc...

[Related to the 35 yr old is *SW's (Quen/Kun)* plus same is related to the destiny as it as S's also was in hours Void, mal then...

Adds hr's/days w and wa and at times those which bond or clash them for further developments...

For one of SW's that of hidings on their part also a remote possibility and aside the traditional of homes, lands, properties or vast spaces could refer to character or other plus in that things of edu or assistive persons also, further things career or jobs related of influences then as well...

Things of one losing their way, mind disturbed and of confusions, mis understood communications, as influences to of SW's then, and possibly of for her since she related to the SW's then]...

Use references of many in this, but all of the others beyond the main directions are my own extra adds to fit other of the physical situation then, hope all turns out well!...

[Was reported she was found maybe a bit after 9pm so hr sh or h and of the same h date goes with that of original's main's NW's elements themselves and of the soon in time for it!...

Good worked out well!]...

Since I include other of physical directions and that of criminal elements (just in case) this may have appeared more dire or ill than actually was, but certainly good she turned up or was found so fast!...

Solar month bit still applies in all and certainly *for some* through this month: 

That of SW's then pretty much aligned the Solar Month chart, and of *it is not a good sector this month*, that being from the far, far to the close, close!...

Things of quarrels, fightings, separations, brought on by influences of incorrect thinkings and in actions taken *by those of*, or in that direction this month with respect to others!...

In the far, far you had Mexico already and in the close, close more to come if some don't check that of their negative thoughts and choices in specific dates and hours, check them altoghether would be best...

Fengshui may look good but this is a more advanced supplementary side in mentioned...

11/11 Moon day IX/t aka Ren Zi a Yang water Rat date...FS *#3*...GT: #11 - #19 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#19 - #54 Involves *#51 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Mercury exacts in conjunct to the Sun visibly flying with it to it's back today...

*Have a Happy and Great Veterans day!*...

Missing Person:

Adrienee Quintal 47 vanished from a family cabin and of shoot out against 2 armed men there...

Oct 17 02:34 or 02:45 am vis cell call with friend...

Day IV/h Yin fire Pig and Hour VIII/c Yin metal Ox...

The Cabin was said sw of Traverse city, Michagan or vice versa...

Hexagram pairs the same as were posted for Oct 17th with day voids of w, wa for future hours, dates...

The Added then was #50 - #14 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Things were of the bold, etc as Physical there then was Leo type!...

Leo Physical based on Traverse, Michigan...

It ruled by the Sun in Libra 3rd type areas which was in broad conjuncted by Mars there for some fiery in that of environments and Libra's areas then with Mars ruling that of Scorpio 4th homes, vehicles, etc areas and that of Aries 9th type areas...

Physical guide star was Venus in the Scorpio 4th areas it conjuncting Mercury there, Venus additionally ruled Taurus 10th Outer events then as well, and Mercury ruling the Gemini 11th where the Moon was then, and Virgo 2nd type areas...

The Moon itself ruling that of Cancer 12th type areas...

In other main directions, etc:

That of Destiny of in E's (Zhen) had criminal or dark force elements with that of the swift and tough or sports, hunter, fighter types influences to it for that of enjoyments, liesures, or entertainments areas...

Also that of natures or outcomes of  NW's (Qian)...That of NW's included that of elders or authority plus traffics or escapes, and also if not other, would be the cabin and areas she went relative their home of Southfield a suburb of Detroit...

Indicates a may not be found, or of a hard and long duration to find type...

[For others who know methods that indicate find soon or finding of long durations, plus the  near or far in distances those methods taught would indicate here on this case through efforts the police should find, but is of long duration as it has been!]...

Other than main:

It's hour voids in SE's (shun aka xun areas) of hours, days, etc of cn and e and may include Southfield and that of possibly Fierce, scary or sad or sorrows? influences for then...

Arrests if any are also of future w, wa hours and dates and those which *clash* or bond them...

Other criminal areas associate N's things of the foriegn, far aways, the tall or high, precious stones, guns, etc, and in influences or robbers or murderers, etc and of the shocking, or jolting and surprising of actions then...Would also Include that related to the Kan trigram of close ties, and or the abyss in holes, waters, dark places, evil people, etc...

She too was vis age also associated SW's (Quen/Kun areas) at that time, which included things of women, the public, night or dark areas, the mysterious or creepy and influences of wealths, meds, drugs aka alcohol, etc in actions involving delusions, else that of concealments as a hiding or retreats direction, hard to get to areas, troops, police, etc...

Not a lot can add to that, are other references, items for each area, but unless your there and of police, etc involved would be hard to know what item, etc might be clue significant!...

Have been feeling pretty rough this date, and forgot couple of items here:

On that of directions where the missing person relates to a given direction at the *time*, it's often things or items associated that direction that in some form physically or of char, etc that go with the person, and in the more rare the actual direction of the person then!...

Other influences for the SW's and it's components *then* was of persons or types that are troublemakers or have lots of trouble with the law...Perhaps those in with which she had the shootout with...

Additionally then that of S's (Li) would have been for that of pairs or gatherings, though involves that of maybe hero's or heroic types, could be just bold types instead, but in actions which involved hurtings or harms in theo of or from that direction...

Other that also goes with that of hurtings or harms actions was mentioned in one of the prior examples here for more detail...

FM Lunar Period start:

11/12 Fire/Mars day X/c aka Gui Chou a Yin water Ox date...FS #2...GT: #10 - #61 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#13 - #30 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

FM Exact:

#6 - #12 Involves *#37 Areas...Change line 2 areas...

*All hexagram images posted under others near page top*...

That of the rains, winds and snows goes well with the FM Exact pair then obviously would be other of the human type when it comes to conflicts, legal, lawsuits, etc...

FM period is not a great one for renewing that of past *relationships* or courtships especially in think political but could be other and that vis Ketu in 2nd Capricorn type material areas conjuncting Saturn which in turn conjuncts Pluto Rx...

Vis Ketu as it's the guide star for the FM Physical of Sag areas, but can be ok of some other different areas themselves...

On that of the deadly in a quarrel/fight between 2 long time friends one a Chief of Police the other his Detective from Oklahoma at a convention recently held in Florida...

Prior first read the small bit I wrote referring to this Solar month posted in bold just above the Nov 11th entry...

Alcohol was involved and pretty likely at least one of them entered Black Out zone, that in which they do not know what they are doing, nor will they remember or hardly remember the details of in that zone...

Now after reading that about the SW's of this Solar month and what it's of about, what direction do you think that of Destiny itself was in then?...

Your right it was *Southwests*, that as they said occured before 10 pm and then of hr h the Destiny was in SW's...

That of the tough guys stuff including the swift and that of fighters or warriors was in SW's then also, that and Fierce snake enters prison not a good combination...

What did the Sheriff (Chief) have then?...Ans: *The Death Door*!...

Very unfortunate and so regrettable an event for the families and all, condolences...

Aside the timing this month of which most no one including myself tracks all the hours of any given date, there is that of the SW's physically also to be aware of and as have written it...

That as sorry to say it will unfortunately apply to some of any birth at various times through this month!...

Even in such remote, silly things as in *some* calls you may get, if someone from the SW frustrated or perturbed there often enough will be some small ill thing to it, of minor defamtions on up to much worse on the caller's part towards you...If energy affects very small matters than can really escalate on the larger ones and even between good friends!...

Is this what chinese arts all about?...

No most learn use for the purpose of both positive spiritual development and to help them to achieve their dreams and goals for a more successful life...

I'm in years at the Senior level so I don't have or pursue any particular career goals, and instead mainly focus on things and areas of safeties through that I present here...

That is all...

Other than to keep busy, work on old Apple stuff and some programmings with it that actually enjoy, and when mentally up to it, various of courses in chinese arts or other programmings areas at different points in time, vis some physical limits not a lot else can do with any consistancy... 

11/13 Water/Mercury day I/y aka Jia Yin a Yang wood Tiger date...FS #1...GT: #49 - #55 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#17 - #25 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

On that of the chinese systems used here *they are meant to match the most main of events in/of a given hour only*!...

Means won't match 99% of what people are doing at a given time, and only those who then currently match up with the destiny or other of the chart will form very solid matches to that it shows in *at the time*...

In that usually things of the very volatile, and or that of missing persons will generally match to some degree as long as info provided is correct, and the closer their situation is to that of the destiny and other then the stronger that match becomes!...

Quite amazing that it works at all since is global of hours and offsets, yet it does!...

Yet we can see other things as well, such as when Jo Dumbo aka punk or vandal stuff will also show to some degree *for those who do know their own charts*, for the most part I do totally ignore just the Petty types, as their not worth any time or effort, and in their fake infinite wisdom can't be told a thing anyway...

On latter usually not something will even bother to look for, and keep all to what is/are really main or important events themselves, and in that *it all works well*...

[Didn't mention on the recent pretty much local missing person as one of the few may do, but that of the chart did say the person themselves or they being encouraged by someone would soon make their status and location known...

That was a match as that was what occurred, that despite any else the chart had suggested of the 2am hour then!]...

On few may do that connects with the type of situation, things at very late hours involving women would always be something would look at, and then pretty much any case where a child has come up missing would also look into as those are so dangerous these days...

Not much beyond that though as theirs very little support for these types of systems here, and it tends to be a little coarse in these particular uses since were originally derived from military systems...

Almost a paradox as in other uses it's extremely positive at personal levels...

11/14 Wood/Jupiter day II/m aka Yi Mao a Yin wood Rabbit date...FS *#9*...GT: #21 - *#51* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#50 - #14 Involves *#43 Areas...Change line 1 areas...

 Nov 14 07:05 - 07:30 am Hr cn School shooting Santa Calrita, Calif:

Pairs listed match, then for hr cn #64 - #35 Involve *#63 Areas*...Change line 2...

Suspect already in hand so no need to go full bore nor list directions on the chart:

Destiny at the time for that of *hour cn*, there and anywhere:

Difficulties in begins and things of separatings under the ill, strange, and volatile in environments then, creating alarms and panic which of other influences then involve that of the sneaky, daring, and cunning in of the corrupt, troublemakers, robbers, murderer's types with actions of some felt material values, concerns, in areas of lives or of living itself...

In sub stressing the Destiny further then was that in Gatherings of natures, locations, and outcomes areas whose influences include that of the broken, downcast and/or petty, mean types taking actions in that related or which would amount to that of losses or injuries of any type then also...

That event as a *main type* in the lone and of the few that strongly matched the Destiny then...  


11/15 Metal/Venus day III/cn aka Bing Chen a Yang fire Dragon date...FS #8...GT: #32 -  #34 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#40 - #16 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

[That of the problem in relationships at this time *is pretty heigthened*, where some are at or are percieved at a state of no longer acceptable or not to be continued based on past matters, and as mainly mentioned for FM period...

The bulk also evidenced by events are in areas of politics, social, schools or edu areas,  romance, and in some can further include that of the social elite, teachers, professors, and students, even that of police and judges, ministers, officials, etc in social political jobs connections areas, etc *a lot also of those areas or more are to do with things of travels*, and in some types that of or forms of liesures or entertainments areas any type including parties also...

News areas a remote possible as well...

Some to most of that is solidly in by the year itself and last 2 solar months (this and last one) timings wise!]...

Can also include arts and/or special skills areas!...Then of arts *that of working professions* such as beauticians, and cosmetic types, and other you might think of for that...

In Michigan case that of S's else Li areas can go with the Police as well, was hard to say as had of said involved shootings then...

In NJ of Stephanie other areas included things of traps and hateful woman behind it, as another additional  option the chart also suggests for then...

11/16 Earth/Saturn day IV/e aka Ding Si a Yin fire Snake date...FS *#7*...GT: #59 - *#20 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#53 - #20 Involves *#64 Areas...Change line 3 areas...

Well that of the ill relationships stuff mentioned it just keeps popping, and refers to that where some don't or can't let go of things, past events or issues of any type...

Another should have thought of prior since fits both social and entertainments is that of Sports areas as well and huntings would too...

In political social , and officials areas one can add Diplomatic areas, types in as well, and as mentioned all fits quite strongly for this and the last solar month relative the year itself...That with some prior in the year at points aka given dates alone too...

11/17 Sun day V/w aka Wu Wu a Yang earth Horse date...FS #6...GT: #39 - *#8 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#8 - #45 Involves *#23 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Add on Adrienee of Michagan:

One other direction that had both unfavorability and mal indications to it then was that of the W's (Dui) areas:

Things of Environments then of ill natured or conditions with influences of the abrupt in fiesty or destructive types whom can be quite socially oriented individually or of jobs types as well, and also of actions that can connect to roads or paths, plus that of accidents, bloodiness or injuries, things or areas involving alcohol or nightclubs, hotels, etc...

11/18 Moon day VI/wa aka Ji Wei a Yin earth Goat date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #23 - *#35 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#26 - #9 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

More of the mal in party events Fresno, Calif:

Prior other date aka 11/17 6pm Attack/Ambush from *S's* or SE's, then SW's are also of Punishment of/in being sabotaged or harmed, of self or otherwise...

Main *S's* of Gatherings, and Void N's of ill config as all sectors were in that for around 6pm then...

S's and E's both of potential criminal elements as well...

Had done from what read in the morning, and noted late afternoon there's already a confirm on the SE's part...

Will add to on other dates, as are at least 2 different angles have to likley add in to all the other previous one's done here yet, takes time...


Press or Media initially posted that of around 6 pm, total bs, shame since attack/ambush areas had matched for it, but incorrect for the rectified of below put out by the Sheriff!..

Nov 17th 19:45 aka 7:45PM:

Main then NW's, W's:

NW's Very Inauspacious type then things of the hidden or hidings, things along side pathways and or foundations of any type, alcohol, drugs or troublemakers, and the deadly...

W's Make no changes as such leads to Disasters then, foreign, large, big stuff or far away components, heroic or bold types, and the fiery of types and social liasons to include bloodiness, and injuries, etc!

SW's Clashed then, traffics, escapes, elders or authority and the assistive or educated in types, blockages or documents, and potential for arrests in hr's, days, etc w and wa...

SE's Refers to Dangers, those Breaking the law, and Imprisonments or in lieu Trapped...

N's and NE's Void then for hr's, days, etc t,c  and for other developments.... 

Think something quite wrong about the 2 different *news times* only 1 can be right likely the first, and this was just in the very, very quick, will add more to both in time, *quite sick today*!...

11/19 Fire/Mars day VII/s aka Geng Shen a Yang metal Monkey date...FS #4...GT: #11 - *#5 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#19 - #41 Involves *#51* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


Hr e 09:25 awoken by a horn alarm  blaring on and off, however when woke up was quite *weak and felt sicker than a dog to the stomach*. like was going to throw up, plus was extremely dizzy at the same time, and even with walker not good, cause unknown, so just had to ignore all other period...

Late in hr w viewed:

Looked at today's pairs hr e then had clashed both at the roads and paths line and of happenings, transports the Pe fire stars of local and also 1st line areas...

Ran chart and of *N's areas the Main* showed the thief may come, fire in the tiger have problems of past or in the now and need to fix now...

NE's shameful incident or dangerous situation active...

That of E's sudden jolts in Pairs, *Gatherings from which a solution would come!...

That for hr e only...

*Definitely chilling in some of this for awhile, * feel yet yuk*,  had been up first around 5am and was ok but just a bit rough as had missed taking meds by 4 hours, after went back to bed around 6;15 am, then when got woke up, all the after effects and more hit me at one time...

11/20 Water/Mercury day VIII/yo aka Xin You a Yin metal Rooster date...FS *#3*...GT: #10 - *#58 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#13 - #33 Involves *#44 Areas...Change line 1 areas...

Just a bit of catch up, very late 19th started feeling bit better after that huge dive, seems the generic pain med they gave runs near 3 hours short of doing it's job too, not a help...

[Last Doc check they marked no pain, but that was for the stomach only, and they didn't inquire of the back which in any exertions stays at a 3 to 4 level, unless overexert then can hit the 9 to 10 level fast, if I'm doing absolutely nothing which tend to keep that way the pain med fully controls it at that level!...

Last BP done then was about 155/55, certainly not great there]...

Anyway on the here near stuff the 18th the exact pair for the time then was #2 - #23 Involve #2 areas...Think about it as #23 new developments or *strippings* which either in begins and certainly near the ends to stop the horn alarm fits quite well...

Physical of Blk 6th Kyo star changes to Ry star areas where 6th areas either the high, tops, far or across the ways meanings which would agree the other and the following as well...

The SW's also involved then as does the #2 hexagram and in our SW's then one home was having it's roof repaired then too!...

*Just shows things of these areas for a given time do have their physical matches, even in a neighborhood or sub division*!...

On the mass shootings in Fresno, that of gatherings in S's, does not disagree the SE gateway, check *the sittings area vis house* for it's main direction*, plus both had went with that as attacks and ambush directions then...

That of 6pm may have well extended depending on Fresno's coordinates to as much as 7:30pm...

Some say this only show bad stuff, umm what would you expect of mass shootings or missing persons areas?

Usually will always have some negative connotations to those, unlike that for most's personal charts...

11/21 Wood/Jupiter day IX/sh aka Ren Xu a Yang water Dog date...FS #2...GT: #49 - *#31 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#17 - #58 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Sorry to hear about Detective,/Officer Ridley, wish the Ridley family and the Sheriff's department *Condolences*!...

[As of today are *free classes *on the Chinese Art of Face Reading* vis Master Joey Yap and another 6 days to go...

If you register you can download the pdf notes on today's, and go from there!...]...

11/22 Metal/Venus day X/h aka Gui Hai a Yin water Pig date...FS #1...GT: #21 - *#38* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#50 - #64 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Another alone on the face reading classes:

Seems they have repeats on Facebook, and that or some related on the YT as well...

Between that and references on it found more interesting than prior thought *so be busy with that for awhile*!...

Prior and Add:

On Stephanie of NJ, very much appears the Boyfriend was the hater, and off his clock from what news gathered from police...

Didn't hear if they found her yet though?...

Had went with the 10pm they gave prior which would in ideal entered hr h dst then...

However if go with a little before 10pm and of hr sh which also could have likely carried beyond 10 pm a little then as well:

*SE's* refers to shameful incident in the home *or* [Something of the past that does not let go]!...

*SW's* Gatherings does not in norm match, but since Void  with things of travel for her then could have matched in some other negative aspects...

Destiny: *N's* In the most negative Robbery, theft, bloodlettings, while in the positive things of elders, parents, authority or other of the social or travels in social and for some with bad results...

Nature or Outcome: *NE's* Included big or far stuff's that of the criminal or murderer's, emotive could have included hates, and that of the deadly or things of ends then, *she associates all that then*...Just the way it shows it, maybe could be better worded!...

Latter Formation very positive, *but* it and NE's areas doesn't positively mesh with the destiny N's at all, and believe not with her birth year then either!...

On the N's, destiny the 29 yr old ex-boyfriend was associated it, so he was then unfortunately for her that or part of her destiny then...


Not sure if always correct but method using suggests would take a long time to find and if still missing it has?...

11/23 Earth/Saturn day I/t aka Jia Zi a Yang wood Rat date (Begins a new 2 month period)...*Jump FS #6*...GT: #32 - #40 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#40 - #7 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

11/24 Sun day II/c aka Yi Chou a Yin wood Ox date...[FS *5*]...GT: #59 - #6 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#53 - #52 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Minor other on Stephanee of NJ: Goes *with that recently mentioned* of the SE's (Strength or Great Strength)...NE's (Bi things of usually a pair in temporary alliences for meetings or goals)...N's Alliences or Outside Alliences)...NW's things that are Too Much...

Applied for hr sh only which likely extended a bit beyond 10pm  DST Oct 30th...

Wasn't taught the expansion methods for those, to form them shown in a video by Master Jo Ching, and think mentioned in the Jerry King book also...

Doubt that can be done on all charts especially those of stagnations such as Aniah's was, of which only pure hexagrams could be formed and don't appear to mean anything useful as such...

Are other methods but yet unclear if would be useful as more for personal uses...

Spent most of the day in study, despite hitting pass out points after eat a meal (circulations), but instead of succumbing get up, and walk around (walker) a whole lot more now...

Near forgot it's

For the last 3 days of the free face reading classes of which they are also taking enrollments for a 13 week or so course on the same...

11/25 Moon day III/y aka Bing Yin a Yang fire Tiger date...FS #4...GT: #39 - #15 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#8 - #20 Involves *#23 Areas...Change line 6 areas...

Have a New Moon and it's lunar period tomorrow the 26th...

New Moon (NM) Lunar period start:

11/26 Fire/Mars day IV/m aka Ding Mao a Yin fire Rabbit date...FS *#3*...GT: #49 - #31 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#17 - #58 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

NM Exact:

#45 - #12 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

On #53 Aside that which spreads out at surfaces or other into the far and wide, also can be referred to as that of Gradual Developments as well...

Is said pretty wide snowstorms are expected which would make for a natural phenomena match overseas was a 6.4 or so EQ for one area also, then should be plenty in man's affairs also...

*Physical Asc in sign Capricorn areas*, and the Shravana Nakshatra with Saturn there ruling and conjuncting Saturn that of Venus and Ketu there with all that and Saturn conjuncting Pluto there for ends/begins or transforms of some types...

*Moon in Sag 12th areas* the guide star and it as NM exact conjunct the Sun there, and over next few days conjuncts that of Jupiter's areas there as well...

Moon rules Cancer 7th relationships, etc areas and Rahu there!...Moon *starts* temporarily ruled by Ketu, etc in Physical also...

Hexagram images posted under others near top hr s!...My loc run about 16 after the hour quasi for chinese hr and become solid 32 minutes past, most east coasts run from near on the hour on up to same as us...

Would be similar other locations...

11/27 Water/Mercury day V/cn aka Wu Chen a Yang earth Dragon date...FS #2...GT: #21 - *#38* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#50 - #64 Involves *#43 Areas...Change line 3 areas...

Had it's matches a hi rise fire Minnesota and a Chem plant explosion in Tx, etc...

11/28 Wood/Jupiter day VI/e aka Ji Si a Yin earth Snake date...FS #1...GT: #32 - #40 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#40 - #7 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

On prior and again Stephanee of NJ previous here referred to on Nov 22nd, that from other of the original from last month's blog:

Was as noted quite ill prior, and made an error in that hr sh add to it, info is all correct as to destiny N and further negative influence to it of the NE's, etc...

However *in hr sh she too also associated to the influences of N's in destiny *just as he was*, *but not of Alliences* was that of #37 Org's or Family in themes, whose nuclear trigrams reflected that of things being Before Completions aka that of Unsettled Matters then!...

Hr h after 10 pm then:

Relationships or Gatherings E's to do with the sudden in things and maybe that of hidings where Calamity, etc involved...

[His in hr h was of Void SW's for Destiny itself, which included that of harming others and her's of birth also was there with his again...That of #25 Either that of Allowings or One at No Fault...

It's inner nuclear trigram was that of #53 Gradual Developments else that which involving *Spreads out to the wide, and or Far*...

That of the SW's then also refers to things of Obstructions and conflict of the hr then and in normal things of properties, *homes*, lands, vast spaces as well...

Would not find soon, and maybe not at all]...

May be other factors but that's the most basic to the situations then, as get familiar with other factors and methods will eventually add...

Happy Thanksgiving to all...

Thanks to others for making, sharing and bringing me mine :)

Was some confusion for me as originally one person or couple were going to do that, and then a different couple altogether showed up, brought a lot have to freeze some...

Got funnier the other couple brought thanksgiving dinner too, turns out *neither knows the other*, amazing...

Wife called about 30 minutes after, and cracked up over it...

She showed up as in things of concealments or hidings and very specifically marked by that of the Far Aways at the time...Nothing sinister or spooky there, know about but wouldn't share with any as isn't any's but our business, simply listed what QM showed...

Meaning is of things usually infrequent but significant to one, such always shows in the charts...

Will Definitely be freezeing and be eating a lot of turkey sandwiches for awhile :)...

11/29 Metal/Venus day VII/w aka Geng Wu a Yang metal Horse date...FS *#9*...GT: #59 - #6 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#53 - #52 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Things under that of the Blk Tortoise constellations as of yesterday, gets a bad rap in that of Global or crimes type areas, but often good with special abilities in that of personal birth charts areas or of their year types...

Did go ahead and jumped into the JY Chinese Arts *Face Reading classes* as is on one side useful and on another it's just plain enjoyable, and fun to do as a group thing...

Between that and the finishing up in ends phase of ongoing JY Adv QM beyond Adv Tier classes yet, will be quite busy in the near daily login's of those online classes and their coachings sessions *for quite awhile*!...

You don't see it here but there are many other good Qi Men chart areas in the JY courses beyond most that one has to learn for both that of questions and doing that of consults themselves... 

So today *forced myself* into study mode as there's a Qi Men coaching session next week to do with multiple business areas type evaluations and or questions which are part of a super forecastings methods series, *that are well beyond just the standard yes/no types*...

Not all that hard *just a whole lot of work, time* as you do have to write *your own notes* from the video's on each area, then in that are some you could just name the given chart vis the indicators configurations that yield a given result, for your own easier later look up...

Spent about 6 hours doing that on it's first set of 6 modules alone today...

Very straight forward of the Qi Men and Wuxing theory to it and actually made that of the Biz areas in all forms *quite interesting as well*!...

11/30 Earth/Saturn day VIII/wa aka Xin Wei a Yin metal date...FS #8...GT: #39 - #15 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#8 - #20 Involves *#23 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

12/1 Sun day IX/s aka Ren Shen a Yang water Monkey Date...FS *#7*...GT: #23 - #2 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#26 - #18 Involves *#54 Areas...Change line 1 areas...

Rested a lot today was a lot of grim news, then past couple days that of the snows, etc up N's then in lessor rains in S's have certainly made their matches to the period pairs...

In pasts even recents have mentioned that any time there are or is a significant event for a person that QMDJ charts will reflect that...

Since the QMDJ is also called an Internal Art itself, that also means that in any particular endeavors including that of one's deep thoughts or ponderings on a given subject, and that being within a given chinese hour itself [*will also be properly reflected of it's chart*]...

That being where that pondered on is of main significance to the person at that time...

Another way to put it, is if the chart shows that which represents Knowledge in an hour's Destiny Palace and *other indicators per you are correctly placed* in the chart, then in that chinese hour, *you will auto gravitate to earnestly seeking more info aka knowledge in a given area in that hour itself*!...

So if any practitioner gets to that level in his/her *understandings*, their foundation in the QMDJ will be Very, Very Strong!...

From that level you should under proper teachings or materials be able to master any of it's other areas...

12/2 Moon day X/yo aka Gui You a Yin water Rooster Date...FS #6...GT: #11 - #46 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#19 - #24 Involves *#54 Areas...Change line 2 areas...

Had a hiccup or G glitch when came here bit ago as wasn't showing today's post so had to back out and re enter, well of timing it's a do not use hour and also of hidden junk void for me so includes things of that nature...

Bit breezy today as was yesterday here, pretty brrr, cool in the am, the NM Exact period pair on storms correctly reflected those from the start which had began with the Calif cyclone bombs week back, and of the snowy, etc gradually moved across the U.S. to the N.E.'s as well...

Then of this Date type had that of Healings, etc areas in myself, *another after the action check there* as had prior called my wife's Doctor when couldn't get ahold of the Referral Management, and let him know that she did have an Appt Oct 17th with another areas Doctor, so as they say her referral was is activated with nothing new until sometime in January...

The other area was given a release info form on her, so they should properly be providing info back to referral management and her Primary care Doctor in the Military Hospital as well!...

Said after actions as did not look up or pre plot the chart, just went with the feeling of getting it done, and then saw the actual charts with their confirms afterwards!...

 Like the last post about Knowledges areas when and *almost always after something pops* I take a look, and *in the unfailing always find the Qi Men properly reflects it*...

In other words though none teach of it, I do the xtra of *Qi Men Verification* aka Verifying the Qi Men itself!.

Mainly as then don't have to take any one's word on this or that, when you for yourself can verify the accuracy and authenticity of the Qi Men...

Do that in relationships areas with asides my wife, other people of whom's Ages or complete charts in some, but primarily of Ages alone have...

Again that's usually after something has came up for them, or else in a given hour something of them connected or involved me too, then I later check the hour chart itself...

When such occurs *you already know the results*, so of it's hour chart and one knowing the Wuxing theories, principles they can then see the Qi Men actually confirms their actions as being beneficial or not *where you are involved*, [and it always turns out correct!]...

*So for Qi Men types*, this is a great way that allows one to well understand, verify and fully trust the QMDJ system, charts!....

In that Joey Yap's cheat sheets for meanings, etc areas *are a great aide aka the best*, but that of other teachers/authors where some agree and also include additional meanings further aides as well, *then eventually from those you'll add other in yourself*...

Due to copyrights one can't reprint a lot of that here for example, but you can most certainly provide the appropriate of to your individual clients, etc with no problems...

There's an old chinese saying relative the Qi Men Ba Shen is that they always like to have (called having) the support of their Qi Men's Gods/Dieties aka *Universal Archetypes* for any question's focus areas or Endeavor involved!...That's a quote or quite similar from the Jerry King QMDJ book...

That too rings true, as it's the very first thing I check of all the palaces that are actually involved in a particular instance, that as those show the main of both external and background influences in natures and more, in the situation then...

Sometimes depending upon what wish to know, that will be enough in itself, and then in other when more specific info needed I then examine the *Doors*, and Stars, etc for the given palaces as well...

In any, one uses that of the Wuxing theories of the used component locations for their relationships... 

Pretty neat and a very *quick* way to size up most in that of relationships and other have mentioned, *works perfectly*!...

Anyway Verify the Qi Men first and from that knowledge in trusts, you'll vis work be able to progress very well in any of it's other areas...

Add as forgot, left out, and to eliminate contraversey:

The above pertains to the happening and that of it's nature and other at the time and whether benefits one or not only, aka the general story, that of directions themselves do not always match up or run somewhere 50/50 as best as I can tell...

In that some at 10 - 15 miles seem to refer more to the destinations in travels than the origins, while the closer within a few blocks of one's area tend to show the origins more...

[So of the above *it's the happening and story at the time shown which matches that which goes down for one*, that I'm referring to as matching perfectly!]...

Separate from crimes stuff as no crimes involved of this particular study...

On directions when crimes that of the criminal elements given do apply at times but are hit and miss at times also...

Directions themselves within the QMDJ *are mainly used as a matter of selection for the best Qi in travels, etc and to add by a special method that to one's own energy for better results in a given task, endeavor, etc...Those are most used at the hourly levels, and in some at the date level at times...

In that there are definitely bad *directions* aka bad Qi (energies) for given hours of a date, and or of dates as well, such is covered within all QMDJ courses...Same of bad qi even in a year and directions vis both the QMDJ and Feng Shui taught in the courses as well...

On crimes or missing persons have always said don't guarentee them, and it's more what I say about the direction that is important and reliable to include as in recent the adding of it's hexagrams as well...

Other in the life without a wife lol, she being in the way far aways:

Can't stand in one place or just stand long as if do in less than a minute or two get that of very sharp ouch back pain spikes...

Odd as if use walker and in moving from room to room no problems there, but wow just stand for a bit the pain gets too much...

At first looked like a problem for cooking in the Kitchen but realized have a well padded bar or counter swivel chair that has a back to it, and is just right for the stove and cooking there...

Also since frig, stove one side and the counter on the other standing and trying to make 360 degree spins not good for me, as balance none too good for that...

So that chair's a lifesaver, usually just cook bacon and eggs about it, but great for that...

Still got a lot of turkey stuff to finish and pretty well stocked in other anyway...

Washing clothes another biggie, got to use the walker to hold stuff in that routine...

Not as rough as camping outside, but for a man in some ways like it...

Such is life without a wife lol...

12/3 Fire/Mars day I/sh aka Jia Xu a Yang wood Dog Date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #10 - #25 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#13 - #25 Involves *#44 Areas...Change line 3 areas...

Seems all the war fare in politics at all levels never changes and in some escalates, usually check the sciences for some things that make a bit more sense...

In the odd of matches some of study areas done today were in Qi Men on that of jobs areas and when one's affected by that of Office wars and Politics!...

Were 5 other areas specifically to do with Jobs beyond that as well which had to get done today...

Already in the quiet had did an assessment chart for one couple of whom I knew definitely had questions for me, but I hadn't made them aware of that had did a chart on it yet, and glad mostly by accident that I waited cause unexpectedly for me encountered those areas in the course itself today...

So some that I studied today can be directly applied to that chart as well, in theo supposed to do some charts as assignment types anyway...

Had got up early but took a very long nap earlier then finished up those 6 modules on Jobs stuff today...

12/4 Water/Mercury day II/h aka Yi Hai a Yin wood Pig Date...FS #4...GT: #49 - #17 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#17 - #3 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Posting the next 12/5 date stuff early *as have no idea how will be doing tomorrow* or late tonight for that matter?...

Had to call the VA Pharmacy 3 times this date to see if Doctor had signed *the overdue pain med prescription*?...

Actually the 2nd Doctor as the Primary can't sign them...

Last call near  their day end, and still wasn't done from the Doctor supposedly being sent an urgent msg on it after 11:30am?...Then a second one near 2pm...

*It's actually 2 days overdue this date*, but *I had 1 pill left for today*...

Had been originally ordered *for home delivary Nov 20th at 14:38 hours*!...

The prior month they had delivered it, but *to my home address in the country*, tried to say I had called in the pharmacy and gave them that address?...

Never, Never Happened and no sense since had just moved to a new address, and of which the regular mailable med's were sent too and rcvd by me!...

*Then wife and I had to pick up the pain killer itself at the carrier's facility in that of the prior month*...

She's not here now *which makes it super rough on me to try to do a window pickup at the VA itself*...

Left a msg for the Patient Advocate very late this afternoon, so in *theory* should get the overdue pain med sometime tomorrow, just not sure if I can get and send somebody else to pick it up yet?...

Ok while I still have some sanity left, and for the QMDJ types and that on the Jobs stuff portion that was well coached this am, one can find more or additional examples in the Jerry King book too!...

Just checked the 1st one on his Career and Jobs chapter of it's solution, *then applied that from the Joey Yap course to it, and it except for slight wording changes came out *the very same as Mr King's solution as well*...

So neat, some extra examples for further references there!...

12/5 Wood/Jupiter day III/t aka Bing Zi a Yang fire Rat Date...FS *#3*...GT: #21 - #27 Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#50 - #44 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

All worked out had to deal with pain after went to sleep, even though tried to beat it by doing that early woke me more than once, and on in the am until mid afternoon when some friends that my wife called went and picked up the Med for me...

Take couple days for all to return to norm as that's somehing of a jolt to the body and messes with one function at least, feeling better now but will chill for a day or so...

12/6 Metal/Venus day IV/c aka Ding Chou a Yin fire Ox Date...FS #2...GT: #32 - #28 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#40 - #64 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

If things seem a little more fierce in some that's because we switched to the Western WHT Tiger constellations on the 5th...

Amber Alert hr sh #62 - #16 Involves *#28 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Event likely prior,  and then actual msg of hr yo an adverse type was #40 - #16 Involves #63 Areas...Change line 2 areas...

Hr cn of morning was an challenging to adverse type going with the unfortunate event at a Naval base today also...

Most of the time when an unfortunate event pops it's during an adverse hour type...

12/7 Earth/Saturn day V/y aka Wu Yin a Yang earth Tiger Date...FS #1...GT: #59 - *#29* Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#53 - #37 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

This date begins the *Bing Zi aka Yang fire Rat Solar month*, and of Feng Shui a FS #1 solar month...

Will by night post a new page for it...

Just Blog:

To expand that of any daily pairs:

Use the SuperIching EZconne hexagram full *expander* use SuperIching's go there scroll read the instructions and use for any dailies or tosses you wish to expand for the line stars of them...

His (Alex Chiu's) book is available in Kindle Reader form for only $7.50 as well, may also be in Google Books too as found most others had previously mentioned are there too for any device or pc os...

On the Yi Jing, Plum Blossum, etc one of the most convienent, concise, economical aka *very inexpensive*, and fully loaded books, definitely with that you'd need is in Kindle Reader aka Epub form: 

Yi Jing Image and Numerology Divination...

Uses the pre, before heaven trigram sequence as used in the Wwg and Qi Men...

Another more expensive book by Master Huang uses a strictly the *Feng Shui trigram sequence* instead, which those using standard Feng Shui may find additionally helpful...

Not required in the speedy of Qi Men's separate Feng Shui charts and methods...

Though the Lo Shu in Qi Men is itself std Feng Shui type, but usually in advanced the XKDG is additionally used with *the Qi Men Yi Jing hexagrams*, and that too has it's own separate trigram sequences...

A good complimentary to either of those books that's also *very inexpensive* for basic Yi Jing aka Iching only  interpretations:

The Clear Cut Iching available on (c)...

On that next Joey Yap Qi Men abundance/divinity course think this Aug 31st is the last day for enrollment on it, seems strange as the projected start is near christmas?...

Guess they did start and that of December marks that of the newest modules beyond advanced tier points start!...

It'll be better than previous for beginners as it runs from basics then on into the advanced tier, and finally the divinity part which aside the hourly forecaster charts includes a very special near to the minute (Every 10) Oracle based on small qi men and of it's flying palace system as well...

Also a number of real life cases forecast charts are to be included as permenent references the students keep and use... 

Most that took the advanced tier prior do get a good discount...

[Those who want or need to track the hexagrams here using the, our chinese date can download a calendar for 2019 from the SuperIching site...

In lieu you could also download the free fourpillars version 1.2 program from!...

On the latter you can then privately generate your own fourpillars aka bazi birth chart as well...

Still good daily matches to pairs here, adding corrections on the fourpillars,net free 1,2 version here, etc..

That version doesn't include coordinates or timezones but not to fret as it will still provide accurate birth charts...If born in an daylight timezone hour, simply subtract one hour for the standard time and use that...

Same on dailies if under daylight savings time, again simply subtract one hour to use standard time....

You'll only need the dates earth branch aka animal sign under the day pillar to track dates versus the hexagrams here!]...

Pairs use SuperIching shortcuts so in order used, and repeats:

t = Rat, c = Ox, y = Tiger, m = Rabbit, cn = Dragon, e = Snake, w = Horse, wa = Goat, s = Monkey, yo = Rooster, sh = Dog, and h = Pig earth branch aka sign

Same order for hours as well...

Daily Upper/Outer 8 trigrams order vis Pre aka Early Heavens sequence:

Chen, Dui, Li, Zen, Shun, Kan, Gen,Quen (Kun) then Repeat.


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