Monday, May 4, 2020

Solar month of the Xin Si aka VIII/e the Yin metal Snake and lunar dailies.

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Same of GT pair is the Solar Month Ren Wu and of an FS #4 Shun month type.

NM daily prelude to the Solar Month of the Yin metal Snake (VIII/e Xin Si):

5/4 Moon day IV/wa aka Ding Wei a Yin fire Goat date...FS #2...GT: #11 - #46 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#19 - #24 Involves *#24* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Since will be an SM date here, adding  to this start an additional Yi Jing start pair as well:

#39 - #8 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Chang:Bow - Moon-Fire Type, and Stag animal sign...

WV Tropical New Moon Lunar Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Moon:

Earlier in hr y this date the Moon had entered the Venus ruled Libra 11tth areas while yet in the Mars ruled Chitra Nakshatra...

So Moon ruled by that of Venus in Gemini 7th areas, and Mars in Aquarius 3rd areas that ruling the Cancer *8th* type areas today...

Moon also involves, impacts the Aries 5th type areas...

This date will start the Xin Si aka Yin metal Snake month here for U.S., will put the page for that up on this date...

Starts in hr sh around 19:52 Std time this date, we can refer to it as the Snake month start here as in simul it will be the 5th in China and starting there!...

Date Dasa yet prior of **Mo/Sa** areas then in hr cn *Mo/Me* areas around 07:04 until hr sh then *Mo/Ke* areas around 20:59 into the next date...

Solar Month of the Xin Si aka Yin metal Snake (VIII/e):

Start's here in hr sh around 19:52 *Std EST Local time*...

This Solar Month is of an FS #6 type here, but will transition and align that of [*FS #5*] ctr square type globally on the 5th!...

Don't confuse with the separate FS #'s of the daily levels here...

Covered in main by the hexagram pairs posted under others near page top and where the Exact is definitely not a good pair type shown for this Solar month... 

#36 Hurt or Darkness of Light Involves #40 Solutions, Untieings or Releasings which leads to that of Consume or involving things that are already completed...

Has a date clashed *Wht* 4th R star physical in meanings that links to same in *Yel* 2nd locals areas...

Appears the Physical is surrounded of B star areas of which all *B star meanings apply* and with that of B star changes at the rulers, high things, travels, etc areas levels...

The latter is controlled or killed back by the resultant R star there...

The B stars further link to the *Gry* 3rd large or regional areas, and or prominent people of bosses in them as well, and of which a date bonded Gw fire star hider resides...

Appears mainly of political, officials, cures areas and people stuff, but may be some of natural phenomena that fits in as well...

Add [ ]:

[Ok definitely not a good pair type, especially that of #36 so there will be some bumps, however due to the Rulers line R star killing back the B star areas there's some protections in that so just dates that are adverse to that R star might cause problems, and of course certain hours can cause problems as well...

Any who know that of the 5 element producing and destruction cycles mentioned in the free online Superiching book's chapters or of same in other arts should know what those are...

Some might think of that at the Ntl level only, but does include CEO's or Bosses in any type of org or biz, and then that at govt levels in any state, county, city, town, etc as well...

For the public some Darkness of Light can mean a few experience the very mean hearted of others...

Then also for some few something of a health mishap may in the sudden come up that in the temp can take you out, that even if one's health is good, but more so when one's health is not good, hopefully the rulers line R star protection helps some in those situations, then represents situations of which one must persevere through]...

Vis Wwg aka Superiching, Iching, Yi Jing you can add or look up other or else of the dailies here track the dates influences, areas of to these pairs...

In that as we used to do here (had cut down on to be more brief) you can add additional vis trigram meanings as well...

An additional Yi Jing pair not posted for the Xin Si Solar Month *Exact* is:

#41 - #27 Involves *#24 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Feel free vis the Just Blog's link to the Superiching expander to expand it for the stars as well...

Very brief SM Astro:

Then in the most basic and simplified it has a Scorpio Physical which is ruled by both Mars and Mercury in it's period...

Physical Karma or of destiny to be worked through is that of *ruining family* and of which family can be org's as well...

This on physical karma is *pretty much a test here* as that shown by software and other by look up's is not always the same!...

*Mars sign conjuncted by Saturn in the Aquarius 4th type areas of homes, foundations, vehicles, and some ends, etc*...

Aquarius aside energies with Mars there for drives, projects and also the Abrupt or electrical stuff, is the old water bearer, includes the techy, scientists, humanitarian, and also mental case types as well...

*Mercury practically is exact conjunct the Sun in it's Taurus 7th Relationships, etc areas*...

The Sun ruling the Leo Outer 10th events of it's chart...

Taurus 7th ruled by Venus in Gemini *8th* type areas...

*Nodes Rahu and Ketu are in their ends to recent, and *in hr h tonight* Rahu yet ruled by Jupiter enters sign Gemini areas while Ketu yet ruled by the Sun enters sign Sag areas*... 

They'll be in those areas for a long haul, might want to look up on the net...

Note * *: 

SM Full Dasa Ra/Sa/Me/Ju/Ra says *Rahu* is the Maha Dasa for this Solar Month of the Xin Si Yin metal Snake period (Snafu)!...

*A little behind here and also for our NM Dailies a lot of the fated in activities and other has been and still is in the sign Leo areas of recent, that's 9th areas for the Dailies, and fixed for the Outer 10th Events sign Leo areas for this Solar Month though that of daily shifts can be added to the Solar Month as well*...

Leave at that, but any can draw the chart and add other planets by sign in to it's respective houses from the given in the daily NM forecasts of prior and ongoing dailies...

If do so you can add the vedic aspect influences such as Saturn to the 3rd, 7th and 10th house from it, then Jupiter's aspect influence to the 5th, 7th and 9th house from it, Mars aspects the 4th and 8th house from it...Then of the other inners they aspect that of the 7th or Opposite house from them...

5/5 Fire/Mars day V/s aka Wu Shen a Yang earth Monkey date...FS *#3*...GT: #10 - #25 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#13 - #25 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: I:Wings - Fire Type, and Snake animal sign...

WV Tropical New Moon Lunar Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Mars:

Mars in the Aquarius 3rd Environments, etc areas sign conjunct by Saturn, and sub ruled by Jupiter from Capricorn 2nd areas...

Mars rules the Aries 5th and Scorpio *12th* areas...

Mars also aspects, affects sign Taurus 6th and the Virgo Outer 10th Events areas...

Transiting Moon in Libra 11th areas and the Rahu ruled Svati Nakshatra areas until hr w when it enters the Jupiter ruled Visakha Nakshatra areas around 11:11 on into the next date...

*Rahu now in the *sign Gemini* 7th Relationships, etc areas*...

So Moon ruled by that of Venus in Gemini 7th and Jupiter in the Capricorn 2nd areas into next date with that ruling the Cancer *8th* type areas...

Date Dasa yet *Mo/Ke* areas until hr c then *Mo/Ve* areas around 02:43 and that until hr sh then *Mo/Su* areas around 19:07 on into next date...

Made 1 small correction to the SM FS area, and also made an add in it's Wwg area, and a bit in the SM astro as well...

After watching late night local news thought I had made a mistake on the SM Exact so went back and re did the calc...

Was no mistake that is our SM Exact pair...

Perhaps the Rulers line R star killback is more effective than would think, guess we will find out over time!...

Works for me as I have near a perfect full cross with other in my chart, not same as Mar 15th's of double oppositions and a square, but this one has an extra opposition as well, so see how that goes too...

5/6 Water/Mercury day VI/yo aka Ji You a Yin earth Rooster date...FS #4...GT: #49 - #17 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#17 - #3 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Chen:Carriage - Water Type, and Worm animal sign...

WV Tropical New Moon Lunar Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Mercury:

Mercury just passed but yet strongly conjuncted the Sun in Taurus 6th Health's, etc areas and they are in semi-sextile to Venus in Gemini 7th Relationships, etc areas which rules the Taurus sign they are in...

Mercury rules the Gemini 7th for mutual reflection with Venus (shared stuff, activities) and also that of the Virgo 10th Outer Event areas...

Then Mercury aspects, impacts the Scorpio *12th* areas as well...

Transiting Moon yet in Libra 11th areas but in hr y will enter the Mars ruled Scorpio *12th* type areas around 03:05...

Moon then yet sub ruled by Jupiter and then of Mars also...

Later in hr cn the Moon enters the Saturn ruled Anuradha Nakshatra areas around 08:23...

Then on the Moon is ruled by Mars and Saturn in that ruling the Cancer *8th* type areas on into next date...

Date Dasa hr t **Ma/Ma** around 00:01 until hr y **Ma/Ra** around 04:02 until hr wa *Ma/Ju* around 14:22 then finally in hr t **Ma/Sa** around 23:32 on into next date!...

Daily fated activities stuff entered Virgo areas today!...

FM Scorpio Lunar Period Start:

5/7 Wood/Jupiter day VII/sh aka Geng Xu a Yang metal Dog date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #21- #27 Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#50 - #44 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

China and some around it of daily pairs will for the same Gregorian calendar date track a date behind ours!...

Exact FM Lnr Prd:

Flower Supermoon, Moon in the Mercury ruled *Jyeshtha Nakshatra*... 

#56 - #30 Involves *#28 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

[Not posted but often strongly applies is the Yi Jing so for FM Exact:

*#47 - *#29* Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 4 areas*]...

Begins the Week of the Eastern Grn Dragon Cardinal, and Constellations...


Constellation: Ch'io:Horn - Wood Type, and Crocodile animal sign...

WV Tropical Full Moon Lunar astro:

Physical aka Asc and 1st house is *of sign Gemini areas* of which Mercury in main rules, then being in the Mrigasira Nakshatra it's also sub ruled by Mars...

Mercury yet under combust vis the Sun, and sign conjuncted by it is in sign Taurus and *12th* type areas...

Mercury rules the Gemini 1st plus that in it, and the Virgo 4th type areas...

In the Gemini Physical there's that of Venus and Rahu influences, actions, activities there which Mercury in the hidden or *12th* areas also rules...

Mercury in the *12th* areas may indicate that of spendings and losses especially for govt areas, but then in the era of the coronavirus covid-19 may be a lot about that and to do with the health and hospital areas also...

We have the Full Moon aka Moon in Scorpio 6th Health's etc areas which rules that of the Cancer 2nd Material, etc type areas this period...

Ketu in Sag 7th Relationships, etc areas...

Jupiter in Capricorn *8th* type areas, Jupiter yet driven by Mars...

Saturn sign conjunct Mars is in Aquarius 9th type areas, Mars there also influencing affecting the Gemini Physical areas...Mercury squares that of Mars also...Mars also influences, impacts the Virgo 4th type areas too...

Then the Sun which the Moon Opposes is in sign Taurus *12th* type areas, and sign conjuncts Mercury there...

The Sun is sub ruled by the Moon with the Sun ruling sign Leo 3rd Environments, distributions, close by's, com, move, etc type areas...

10th Outer Events are of sign Pisces which Jupiter rules!...

Day Ruler Jupiter:

In the Capricorn *8th* type areas driven by Mars and also aspects, impacts sign Taurus *12th* type areas, Cancer 2nd type areas, and the Virgo 4th type areas...

Rules the Pisces 10th and Sag 7th areas...

Date Dasa FM Full Dasa Me/Me/Ve/Ke/Ve...

Where Mercury's areas are the main aka *the Maha Dasa* of the FM period, and in practical of a day *Ke/Ve* areas into next date...

Daily permanent fated stuff for this period itself is in sign Virgo and then of Virgo 4th type areas for this chart..That will remain but will also later advance in the FM dailies themselves...

Take your time, quite a bit to digest in all the above...

In pre-matches that to do with Mercury in the 12th house which also includes things of the hidden, pasts, enemies, disasters, etc:

Same can enable cybersecurity problems also...

Two Chinese men alumni of the University of Pennsylvania were found unfortunately shot dead, one in his home was a major researcher of new breakthrough work on the cov and sars viruses....

Mercury is Square Mars in Aquarius 9th (Universitys, colleges, etc) areas then the Mars Vedic aspects as listed also impacted 4th type areas including the Vehicular and Homes in further match!...

Always many matches which vis time constraints leave to you...

5/8 Metal/Venus day VIII/h aka Xin Hai a Yin metal Pig date...FS #6...GT: #32- #28 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#40 - #64 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Kang:Neck - Water Type, and Dragon animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Venus:

Venus in the Gemini 1st Physical areas, and the Jupiter ruled Punarvasu Nakshatra...

So Venus ruled by Mercury, and sub ruled by Jupiter also...See FM chart listings for locations...

Venus rules that of sign Taurus and that in it of the *12th* type areas, and also rules sign Libra 5th type areas...

Then Venus also aspects, impacts the Sag 7th Relationships, etc, and Ketu there plus the Moon entering it today as well..

One can take actions in that of Venus's own areas, but Venus also strongly attracts other to itself as well...Not well liked in Chinese systems...

Transiting Moon yet in Scorpio until hr y when it enters the Sag 7th areas, and it's Ketu ruled Mula Nakshatra areas there as well...

Moon (masses, large areas) then ruled by Jupiter and Ketu, and will Oppose the Gemini 1st Physical and that in it next couple of days...

Date Dasa yet *Ke/Ve* areas until hr c *Ke/Su* areas around 02:19 that until hr w *Ke/Mo* areas around 12:35 into next date...

5/9 Earth/Saturn day IX/t aka Ren Zi a Yang water Rat date...FS *#7*...GT: #59 - *#29* Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#53 - #37 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Ti:Base - Earth Type, and Badger animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Saturn:

Saturn in Aquarius 9th type areas sign conjunct Mars there...

Also Mercury in Taurus *12th* squares Mars as well...

Saturn ruling that Aquarius 9th, and the Capricorn *8th* type areas...

Then Saturn also aspects, impacts the Aries 11th areas, the Leo 3rd areas, and the Scorpio 6th areas and it's Mars aspects, impacts the Taurus *12th* and Virgo 4th areas...

Transiting Moon sign conjuncted by Ketu is in Jupiter ruled Sag 7th areas and in hr c enters that of Fiery Venus ruled Purvashadha Nakshatra areas around 01:16...

So then on the Moon ruled by Jupiter [in the Capricorn *8th* areas], and sub ruled by Venus [in the Gemini 1st Physical areas] on into next date!...

Venus in the Gemini Physical is also sign conjunct with *Rahu* there...

That for the Moon ruling that of the Cancer 2nd type areas today...

Date Dasa yet *Ke/Mo* areas until hr m **Ke/Ma** areas around 05:41 until hr yo **Ke/Ra** areas around 17:39 into next date!

Note: In hr m morning the 10th that of the destined activities stuff shifts to sign Libra 5th type areas for several days, and some may connect to the Taurus *12th* type areas in some since Venus ruler in the Gemini Physical also...

Moon in Sag 7th Exact Opposing Venus in Gemini 1st in hr yo...

5/10 Sun day X/c aka Gui Chou a Yin water Ox date...FS #8...GT: #39 - #63 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#8 - *#29* Involves *#23 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Fang:Room - Sun-Fire Type, and Hare animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Sun:

Sun in sign Taurus *12th* areas yet in Moon ruled Rohina Nakshatra, so ruled of both Venus and the Moon's areas...

Sun aspects, impacts the Scorpio 6th Healths, etc areas...

Transiting Moon:

In hr y the Moon in Sag 7th Relationships, etc areas exact conjuncts Ketu there, also Exact Opposeing Rahu in the Gemini Physical 1st areas around 04:58...

In hr m the Moon then enters the Saturn ruled Capricorn *8th* type areas yet in the Watery Sun ruled Uttarashadha Nakshatra areas around 05:38...

So Moon initially ruled by Saturn and sub ruled by Sun's areas...

Moon will also aspect, impact the Cancer 2nd type areas...

That all ruling the Cancer 2nd type areas most the date...

Very late night in hr t the Moon enters it's own Sravana Nakshatra so ruled only of Saturn and itself into the next date...

Date Dasa yet same of *Ke/Ra* areas until May 11th...

5/11 Moon day I/y aka Jia Yin a Yang wood Tiger date...FS *#9*...GT: #23 - #4 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#26 - *#41 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Hsin:Heart - Moon-Fire Type, and Fox animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Moon:

Transiting Moon in Capricorn *8th* type areas sign conjuncting Jupiter there yet same as prior...

In hr sh the Moon Exact *Trines* the  Sun in sign Taurus *12th* areas...Corrected...

Late in hr t the Moon enters the Mars ruled Dhanistha Nakshatra around 23:18 into next date...

So then on Moon ruled by Saturn and Mars into next date...

Moon aspects, impacts the Cancer 2nd areas it rules as well...

Transiting Mercury enters sign Gemini Physical 1st areas and asides ruling the Gemini and Virgo 4th areas, aspects, impacts the Sag 7th areas also beginning in hr s today and on!...

*Transiting Mars since the 10th is in the Final End Degree of Aquarius, and will enter sign Pisces 10th Outer Events areas the 13th on*!...

Mars ruling the Scorpio 6th and Aries 11th areas and 13th on it aspects, impacts the sign Gemini Physical 1st and the sign Libra 5th type areas!...

Date Dasa Hr t *Ke/Ju* areas around 00:26 into the next date...

Rough Day...

5/12 Fire/Mars day II/m aka Yi Mao a Yin wood Rabbit date...FS #1...GT: #11 - #19 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#19 - *#54 Involves *#24 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Tail - Fire Type, and Tiger animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Mars:

Covered within Yesterday's, yet at Final End Degree of Aquarius...

Transiting Moon yet in Capricorn *8th* areas see yesterdays, and in hr m Exact conjuncts Jupiter's stuff there around 06:29...

In hr w Moon enters sign Aquarius 9th areas around 11:38 yet in the Mars ruled Dhanistha Nakshatra areas...

In that the Moon tightly conjuncts Saturn there as well, and though of Final degree sign conjuncts Mars there as well...

Those in the much weaker sign square the Sun in sign Taurus *12th* areas...

That all through the date rules the Cancer 2nd areas, and Opposes the Leo 3rd type areas too...

Date Dasa yet *Ke/Ju* areas until hr y then **Ke/Sa** areas into next date...

Still a rough in aftereffects day for me vis a Too Much type the other day...

5/13 Water/Mercury day III/cn aka Bing Chen a Yang fire Chen date...FS #2...GT: #10 - #61 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#13 - *#30 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Chi:Basket - Water Type, and Leopard animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Mercury:

Transiting Mercury in sign Gemini Physical 1st areas it rules and the Virgo 4th areas in that...

Mercury also yet in the Mrigasira Nakshatra areas so ruled by Mars as well...

Mercury in Gemini also aspects, impacts the Sag 7th type areas...

In hr t Mars enters sign Pisces Outer 10th type areas around 00:17, yet ruled by the Jupiter's *8th* stuff...

Transiting Moon in Aquarius ruled by Saturn there, and yet that of Rahu in Gemini 1st areas for the date...

Date Dasa yet **Ke/Sa** areas until hr w then *Ke/Me* areas into next date...

5/14 Wood/Jupiter day IV/e aka Ding Si a Yin fire Snake date, *branch same as month*...FS *#3*...GT: #49 - #55 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#17 - *#25 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Begins week of the Northen Blk Tortoise Cardinal and Constellations areas...

Constellation: Tou:Ladle - Wood Type, and Unicorn animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Jupiter:

In Capricorn *8th* type areas ruling the Sag 7th and Pisces 10th Outer events areas...

Jupiter also aspecting and impacting the sign Taurus *12th*, Cancer 2nd, and Virgo 4th type areas...

Jupiter ruled by Saturn in the Aquarius 9th areas, and sub ruled by Mars in Pisces 10th Outer events areas...

Transiting Moon in the Aquarius 9th areas in hr c enters the Jupiter ruled Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra areas around 01:48, samw that Mars is under as well!...

Then in hr h the Moon yet in that same Nakshatra enters sign Pisces 10th Outer events type areas around 21:25 into next date...

Date Dasa yet *Ke/Me* areas until hr yo then **Su/Su* areas around 17:23, and finally in hr sh *Su/Mo* areas into next date...


In hr h or begin hr t tonight that of daily destined activities, etc enters sign Scorpio areas, and that being in the 6th Health's, etc areas for this FM period...Original for the FM period in that of sign Virgo 4th areas, and then these of daily additional or separate of that...

5/15 Metal/Venus day V/w aka Wu w a Yang earth Horse date...FS #4...GT: #21 - *#51* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#50 - *#14 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Niu:Ox - Metal Type, and Ox animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Venus: 

Venus Rx in Gemini Physical 1st areas sub ruled by Jupiter in sign Capricorn *8th* areas, and sign conjunct Rahu in Gemini areas also...

Venus is ruled by Mercury in the Gemini areas, and sub ruled by Jupiter as mentioned...

Venus rules the Libra 5th and Taurus *12th* areas, and then aspects, impacts the Sag 7th Relationships, etc areas...

Transiting Moon in Pisces 10th Outer events areas yet conjunct Mars there, and will exact square Mercury in sign Gemini Physical 1st areas today while also sign squaring Venus and Rahu in sign Gemini as well...

Moon Pisces also aspects, impacts the Virgo 4th areas...

In hr y the Moon enters the Saturn ruled Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra areas around 04:00 which applies on into next date...

Saturn in the Aquarius 9th areas...

Moon then on ruled by Jupiter and sub ruled by Saturn on into  next date, and that ruling the Cancer 2nd Material, etc areas...

Date Dasa: In hr t **Su/Ma** areas around 00:25, until hr y *Su/Ra* around 03:30 until hr w *Su/Ju* areas around 11:25 until hr yo **Su/Sa** areas around 18:27 on into next date...

Was enough Zen trigrams for the shocks and jolts of the EQ and the astro had enough tensionals, believe was hr y so #64 - #35 Involve #63 areas of month and date pretty unstable, and date bonded it's 3 Kwa *earth* stars which connected underneaths, surfaces, etc to Roads amongst other active in the pair...

sign element wa in the pure associates Kun (Quen) earth type trigrams as well...

5/16 Earth/Saturn day VI/wa aka Ji Wei a Yin earth Goat date...FS [*#5*]...GT: #32 - #34 Involves *#1 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#40 - *#16 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Nu:Maiden - Earth Type, and Bat animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Saturn:

Saturn in Aquarius 9th type areas...

Saturn ruling that Aquarius 9th, and the Capricorn *8th* type areas and Jupiter in Capricorn as well...

Saturn sub ruled by Mars in Pisces 10th Outer events areas...

Then Saturn also aspects, impacts the Aries 11th areas, the Leo 3rd areas, and the Scorpio 6th areas and it's Mars aspects, impacts the Gemini Physical 1st, and Libra 5th areas...

Transiting Moon yet in Pisces 10th Outer events areas yet and in hr m will enter the Mercury ruled Revati Nakshatra areas around 06:41...

Moon ruled by Jupiter and Mercury, and in turn rules the Cancer 2nd Material, etc areas this date...

In hr s the Moon exact squares Venus in Gemini Physical around 16:43...

Date Dasa yet **Su/Sa** until hr c *Su/Me* areas around 02:48 until hr e *Su/Ke* areas around 10:17 until hr wa *Su/Ve* areas around 13:22 until finally hr h **Mo/Mo** areas around 22:09 into next date...

Think recuperated from last Monday - Wednesday back, legs bruises and other which stemmed from way over my walkering limit for a med appt...

Wife unfortunately contributed to some there as unknown to me she hadn't slept the night prior, and of us older types that does mess with ones head...She went to wrong waiting area which I didn't know where, and again over walkered till some aidful nurses found her near 2 hours later, *was a rough, rough experience in and of after effects. and went down for the count those few days*!...

Is exactly why I won't walker any long distances in the norm the after screaming effects are Too Much...

This in rumors was going around so decided to put the actual of it here!...

Still study and review a fair amount in the various arts have taken so keep busy enough...

Was an F-22 crash friday in Florida which as a crash matched up to the timed of #35 - #23 Involve *#39 areas*...Change line 4 areas losses type then...

From news Saturday eve 18:30 in Los Angeles itself a big explosion occured to do with a fire in which 11 firefighters of the quite sudden and dangerous were injured, but no fatalities...

Date pair had Zen Upper Outer trigrams, and a Blk 3rd Ryo star Physical, etc for the match...

Then in the main and exact for hr yo itself, and also of an Ryo star physical but doubled up, and a stronger match was that of #32 - #46 Involve *#43* areas*...Change line 4 areas applied...

5/17 Sun day VII/s aka Geng Shen a Yang metal Monkey date...FS #6...GT: #59 - #20 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...Strong bond and clash linked types in it...


#53 - *#20 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Hsu:Void - Sun Fire Type, and Rat animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Sun:

Sun yet in sign Taurus *12th* type areas it currently ruled by Venus, and Mars, and itself ruling the Leo 3rd Environments, expressions, etc areas...

Sun also aspects, impacts the Scorpio 6th Health's etc areas...

Transiting Moon yet in sign Pisces 10th Outer events areas see yesterday's...

In am late hr cn the Moon Exact squares that of Rahu in the Gemini 1st Physical areas...

In hr e the Moon enters Mars ruled Aries 11th type areas, and it's Ketu ruled Nakshatra there...

It also aspecting, impacting the Libra 5th type areas...

Moon Aries then on ruled by Mars and Ketu on into next date, that ruling the Cancer Material, etc areas this date...

Date Dasa yet prior of *Mo/Mo* until hr m **Mo/Ma** areas around 05:29 until hr e **Mo/Ra** areas around 10:37 until finally hr t *Mo/Ju* areas around 23:49 into next date...

Added some matches in yesterdays post, so some unfamiliar can see the timed Wwg is quite useful when it comes to main or major events, and that should also tell you how even more useful and exacting that of Wwg tosses 3 and 6 coin are as well...

5/18 Moon day VIII/yo aka Xin You a Yin metal Rooster date...FS *#7*...GT: #39 - #8 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#8 - *#45 Involves *#23* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Danger - Moon Fire Type, and Swallow animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Moon:

Moon in Aries 11th areas ruled by Mars in Pisces 10th and Sub ruled by Ketu in Sag 7th areas...

The Moon while in Aries will be sign sextiling Mercury, Venus Rx and Rahu of the Gemini 1st Physical areas, and exacts of Mercury this night...

In hr w the Moon enters the Venus ruled Bharani Nakshatra areas around 12:35 into next date...

Moon in all also aspects, impacts the Libra 5th areas while ruling the Cancer 2nd areas...

Date Dasa yet same of *Mo/Ju* areas until hr w then **Mo/Sa** areas around 11:32 into next date...

Locally anything unusual of the am?...

Not a toss just a question as lead into the following:

Last night when posted the pairs had seen in Ntl news mention that some think Northern areas may have storms?..

So looked at the date header pair #39 - #8 involving #64 and since it showed that sometime within the date there would be P star clashes, so thought yes storms or rains for someplace in the U.S. are quite possible!...

Hadn't looked at local and even now haven't but did note the start time at my location 9:12 EST, 10:12 DST upon which a rain started that lasted about 10 - 13 minutes...

How widespread don't know may have been spotty as far as the local area, didn't note any huge thunders but was solid rain then, that was just enough to wet the topsoil as well then...

Originally in The Secret of the Wwg by Jack Chiu the Rain forecast, etc method is listed, counting month and date timeliness most requirements were easily met...

Since a timed pair and not an actual toss it can be more general of the requirements, an actual toss would have 100% in all matched!..

1. Agreed start indicator: Anyway locally of time offsets it was yet hr cn (Dragon), and so the small short rain began in that hour  where the Wht 1st Pcn star advance line made active *Clashed* the Yel 5th Psh (Dog) stars...

2. Had a Bs star Physical and a Bs star changes line (Windy, Cloudy for it especially when the G star (Sun)  is weaker) then even of the Month bond to it would still allow the changes, until the locally offset hr e start DST 10:22 - 10:25:

2. Agreed halt indicator: Was hr e (Snake) the same as the pair's Re star which also of hour bonded it's Bs changes star halts the changes for that hour aka the R star restricts B star!...

*That's quite precise for a timed Wwg pair no less, as is supposed to be done by 3 coin toss only!*...

Long back used to do some by 6 coins as well, depends on what one's looking for main gist as opposed to full details...

For the current of hr wa that's the advanced of Pwa star active bond to locals Rw star (Thunders) all under the B star physical and changes line...Following the Original hr cn start and all from a timed pair!...

Hr s Just saw that N.C. took the brunt of a Tropical storm earlier and exiting in the afternoon on , here just looked at what thought was unusual and vis the timed for date, but wasn't an actual toss which would have covered more, but *then the date timed itself did indicate that of the storms for the U.S. were in just as it was*...

Here paused in hr s then after more or less fairly continuous with a lot more thunders to it...

Weather types don't believe it?

Try Alfred Kee's: Make Rain forecast Video on Youtube (TM):

He teaches the Wwg and there's many free beginner's video's there if your interested?...

That he teaches there and later down the road in a course is pretty much the same as that in the Master Raymond Lo's Book aka that on the Golden rules for Interpretation which is heavily oriented to the season and month of the season then pages 92-93 same as Master element, etc, and then in further great detail and more, a lot is also the same as the U.K's The Feng Shui Institute's Iching and Advanced Wwg course...

In that Wwg system timeliness vis the season (month) is quite important and the 12 Stage Life cycle is applied as well...

In that are times and certain pair app's where the Month Overides the Date in determining the answers!...

Course wise believe *his will extend beyond most in all that's covered*, and can say he is a Professional and vis *concepts themselves* he makes the Wwg easily understandable to most who would wish to learn it...As he says *Much, much better than books*!...

In short he is a Pro, and does provide many good client examples on his facebook (TM) site for the interested or students in that of diversity in proof's, etc...

*So of that Highly Recommended for the interested*...

You can use that of the Superiching site's expander Link at top of the Just Blog areas below for the date pair mentioned of hr t day start for that, to examine it yourselves...

Anyway that's why it's said: The Wen Wang Gua (Wwg) is *The Crown Jewel of the Chinese arts*...

5/19 Fire/Mars day IX/sh aka Ren Xu a Yang water Dog date...FS #8...GT: #23 - #35 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#26 - *#9 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Shih:House - Fire Type, and Pig animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Mars:

Mars in Pisces 10th Outer events ruled by Jupiter in the Capricorn *8th* type areas and sub ruled by Saturn rx from the Aquarius 9th type areas...

Mars then rules sign Aries 11th gains, groups, social rewards, etc areas, and sign Scorpio 6th Healths, daily routines, sustenances, jobs or projects, maintenances, social welfares, vandals, thefts, losses, enemies, etc areas...

Mars also aspects, impacts that of and in the Gemini 1st Physical areas plus that of the Libra 5th type areas...Then it also aspects, impacts the 7th from it aka Opposite of the Virgo 4th type areas...

Transiting Moon in sign Aries 11th areas yet ruled by Mars and sub ruled by Venus, Moon applying sextile to Venus in the Gemini 1st Physical areas and exacts in that in hr y...

Moon carrying all that will in hr s enter the Sun ruled Krittika Nakshatra areas around 15:29...

Then on Moon ruled by Mars from Pisces 10th and Sun in the Final End Degree of sign Taurus *12th* type areas and in hr h will sextile Rahu in the Gemini 1st areas also...

Also in hr h around 22:11 the Moon enters sign Taurus *12th* areas to sign conjunct the Sun there while ruled by Venus and the Sun into the next date... 

That Moon ruling the Cancer 2nd Material, etc areas...

Date Dasa yet **Mo/Sa** areas until hr c *Mo/Me* areas around 01:28 until hr wa *Mo/Ke* areas around 13:56, then finally in hr sh *Mo/Ve* areas around 19:04 on into next date...

Must be a huge weather system read Ohio getting quite a bit of rain themselves...

Didn't check Add pair yesterday, but today's Add pair the better as the Rains indicator and match, has clashing B earth's stars for Environments, the Windy and Cloudy indicator most and other conditions are satisfied in in as well...

Would have applied to the overnight wee hours to hr e at our location in the minimum, and to other such as Ohio the entire date...

Rather fortuitous that at times the natural within the timed Wwg pairs match up as well as they do...

Another of Alfred Kee's free beginner's Wwg lessons on Youtube (TM):

This one with hidden humor shows you numerous Iching systems in use and then later in the video shows you a very strong Wwg example and all the info's that can be derived from a single pair using it!...

Note: *By hr h tonight that of some destined activities, events enter that of sign Sag 7th areas*...

That may or may not change *in a couple of days* as we begin the New Moon (NM) period on May 22nd, will see then...

5/20 Water/Mercury day X/h aka Gui Hai a Yin water Pig date...FS *#9*...GT: #11 - #5 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#19 - *#41 Involves *#24 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

For same gregorian calendar date China's and some surrounding the same as our's at moment...

[These here go with std lcl zone times, and in most other location timezones and applying std lcl times to them, when it becomes hr t for them the pair in the date header applies as their date as well...

That's how here in the U.S. were able to get a gist of weather or any other area, and it will in general senses apply for the date to the entire U.S. as well, so it's never just about the east coast locations only...

There certainly are many birth dates for near every type of thing so of different locations they have their own cycles as to what is main in their's, and that of the date pairs are just general guidences as to what is common to them all...

Despite all that they do reflect and catch a lot of what is main for us to boot]...

Constellation: Pi:Wall - Water Type, and Porcupine animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Mercury:

Transiting Mercury strongly sign conjuncts Venus in the Gemini 1st Physical areas and has strong influence there...

Mercury rules that sign and sign Virgo 4th areas in activities as well, and further sspects, impacts the sign Sag 7th areas too...

Mercury is yet in the *Rahu* ruled, driven *Ardra* Nakshatra areas for the date as well...

Transiting Moon in Venus ruled sign Taurus *12th* type areas, and yet sub ruled by the Sun initially in sign Taurus, *but in hr e 09:50 enters sign Gemini Physical 1st areas*...

Later in hr yo 18:10 the Moon there enters it's own Rohini Nakshatra areas so then on ruled by Venus and itself into next date...

Date Dasa yet same *Mo/Ve* areas until hr e 09:43 *Mo/Su* areas until hr wa 14:07 **Ma/Ma** areas until hr yo 17:43 **Ma/Ra** areas on into next date...

Date header pair applied to Rains the Gh star not mighty enough, the Bsh star is the stronger and buddies to offset other, and it's a Bcn physical as well. Gh clashed by month and though has some aid does exhaust itself in bond to Ry stars, etc...

Think only since rains are a bit widespread that this pair applies, *wouldn't always* especially if rains were isolated to one region only...

Did bring out some of the Kooky in wee hours of Kyo types as well...

Takes 3 coin tosses for one's personal area to be really sure, not many likely to do that, as no need with today's weather technologies!...

Been fun but will drop out on it now...

5/21 Wood/Jupiter day I/t aka Jia Zi a Yang wood Rat date (*Starts a New 60 day [2 month] cycle*!)...Jump FS #4 Shun...GT: #10 - #58 Involves *#37* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#13 - *#33 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Begins Week of The Western Wht Tiger Cardinal, and it"s Constellations areas...

Constellation: K'uei:Astride - Wood Type, and Wolf animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies astro:

Day Ruler Jupiter rx:

Jupiter after being stationed for a week or more is yet in the *Capricorn *8th* type areas ruled by Saturn rx in the Aquarius 9th type areas, and sub ruled by Mars in the Pisces Outer 10th type areas, so takes in their stuff and areas as well...

Jupiter further rules that of Pisces Outer 10th and the Sag 7th areas...

Jupiter also aspects, impacts that it trines of sign Taurus *12th*, and the Virgo 4th type areas plus that it Opposes of the *Leo 3rd type areas*!!!...

Transiting Moon Taurus same as yesterday's, then in hr sh 20:33 this night enters that of the Mar's ruled Mrigasira Nakshatra areas, and though Sun is in Gemini 1st areas it is already combusted by the Sun ahead of the NM tomorrow...

Moon aspects, impacts the Scorpio 6th areas also...

Moon yet ruled by Venus, and now Mar's also and in hr h, t begins sharply trining Jupiter's areas on into next date ...

Date Dasa yet prior of *Ma/Ru* areas until hr c 02:57 *Ma/Ju* areas until hr w 11:09 **Ma/Sa** on into next date...

*The NM starts tomorrow (22nd) then of a Virgo Physical, and *in temp due to NM* a near stellium in it's Gemini 10th Outer events areas then*...

Initial extra stuff or destined will be in it's Sag 4th areas for the period...


Mention a couple so the skeptical's can see there are matches to the hexagram pairs here every single day, some will show up in their period charts as well...

Local here yesterday in the very begins of hr e here was that of a flipped, overturned car near road, house, bldg's...

Went with #7 Involves #24 which led to #40...

Physical Red Fiery or Alarms to 3rd Gw fire star areas linked to Yel Abrupt or Disruptive Rc power star areas of legalities, accidents or injuries, which at some point involved police...

Date bonded Blk 1st Ky star areas: Watery things at surfaces and the assertive or aggressive of pets, employee's, the younger, political or police, etc...

Date same Gry (Volatile or Jolts) 5th the high, roads, homes, buildings, rulers, etc and of Bh water star areas in environments, healths, groups, etc...Bh star produced back by a Ps metal star and line is a destructive type...

Dasa *Mo/Su* areas...

That of Today's Naval base stuff in Tx at 06:15 hr m will leave to you but in minimum was of #43 Involve #1 which led to #34...

Most basic hr m clashed it's Wht Fierce 5th Kyo changes and retreats star areas while fire bonding the Blk 6th advanced resultant Bsh star...

Dasa *Mo/Ju* areas...

That one may be pasts based and trying to get out of a situation or actions committed in the past...The month is like that for many too...

Both had indicators in the main date pairs also...

NM 5/22/2020:

5/22 Metal/Venus day II/c aka Yi Chou a Yin wood Ox date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #59 - #20 Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 2 locals areas...


[On China/Malaysia and other on the +8 timezone their NM in simul but on May 23rd there...

*Their Lunar month repeats*:

So to track theirs use the *April* 23rd entries for next 30 days unless in next FM I say, indicate otherwise!...

That's just for the pair numbers, you'll have to use the appropriate chinese date on them]...


#53 - #20 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Lou:Mound - Metal Type, and Dog animal sign...Corrected...


NM Exact:

#42 - #61 Involve *#23* Areas*...Change line 2 locals areas...


WV Tropical NM astro Main positions:

Physical Virgo Asc in the Moon ruled Hasta Nakshatra so the Physical is ruled by Mercury in the Gemini 10th Outer events areas, and the Moon itself also there...

Ketu in Sag 4th areas where Sag and Ketu ruled by Jupiter in the Capricorn 5th areas with Ketu also sub ruled by the Sun from the Gemini 10th areas...

Jupiter rx in Saturn ruled Capricorn 5th areas, and sub ruled by Mars in Pisces 7th Relationships areas...

Saturn rx in Aquarius 6th areas ruling the Capricorn 5th areas with Saturn also sub ruled by Mars in the Pisces 7th Relationships, contracts, legal, journies, etc areas... 

Mars in Pisces 7th Relationships areas ruled by Jupiter rx in the Capricorn 5th areas and sub ruled by Saturn rx from the Aquarius 6th areas...

Going to get fiesty!...

Starting out the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus rx, and *Rahu* are all in the Gemini 10th Outer Public, etc Events areas...

Day Ruler Venus:

Venus in the Gemini 10th areas conjunct Mercury there, and in sign conjunct with all the other in Gemini too...

Venus rx rules sign Taurus 9th and *the Libra 2nd Material, etc areas*!...

Venus rx and all in Gemini also aspect, impact the Sag 4th type areas...

Transiting Moon initially yet in Venus ruled sign Taurus 9th areas, and yet the Mars ruled Mrigasira Nakshatra areas (As is the Sun) also...

In hr e the Moon enters the sign Gemini Outer 10th areas to conjunct the Sun and sign conjunct all else there...

In hr w around 12:39 the Moon exactly conjuncts the Sun (New Moon) hidden anyway in the Gemini 10th Outer Public, etc Events areas...

Both the Sun and Moon aka the NM itself driven by *Mars* in the Pisces 7th Relationships, etc areas...

Transiting Moon then on ruled by Mercury's and Mar's areas through the date...

Finally in hr h around 22:34 the Moon enters the *Rahu* ruled *Ardra* Nakshatra areas, then on the Moon ruled by Mercury's and Rahu's areas into next date...

Full NM Period Dasa: Ma/Ke/Su/Ra/Me...

Date Dasa hr w 12:23 *Ra/Me* areas until hr s *Ra/Ke* areas until hr yo 17:45 *Ra/Ve* areas, until hr h 22:14 *Ra/Su* areas, and finally hr t 23:34 *Ra/Mo* areas into next date...


Red China binding Hong Kong binding like the Snake, also The Crash landing near Karachi, Pakistan which killed 11 of the said 99 passengers...

Crash updated to 38 maybe more killed...Condolences...

Gry 4th Clashed Kwa stars main problem and link to Grn 1st Py star areas, and the Red 2nd lcls Kcn star changes bonding the Gry 4th's Gyo hider star...That link produce the Wht 5th Be star Physical as well...

A not good for some's Travels vis date affect to pair!...

Names generally suggestive of various situations for the date, period also...,

That of the Astro for Outer events suggests a lot of the same and the Gemini Outer 10th areas are tensional with Mars in Pisces 7th areas ...Mars rules the Scorpio *3rd* type areas and the Aries *8th* type areas which further suggests some of the deadly in travels, and other as well!...

Aside Mars ruling the deadly, etc of Scorpio *3rd* type areas Environments, etc, etc that of Venus in Gemini ruled Taurus 9th type areas impacts it as well..

Anyway aside Travels there *may be other problems in 3rd areas* since Mars in Pisces 7th rules it and the Aries *8th* type areas!...

*Should note in our NM exact pair the 2nd Outcomes hexagram #61 is of the Wandering Spirit type, which indicate some leave things totally behind: Jobs, careers, home, etc and in that some may never return*...

That theme for some is also repeated in the NM Qi men pair and shown for some at month level also...Latter was mentioned by me in private reads done much earlier in the year for the Apr and May period and now of NM more emphasized...

On private reads that's of free to just of friends or family type, and most entirely are of the Year and or at Month levels vis the Qi Men itself ...

*If they do their own tosses will read that for them*, else tend to stay un involved and refer them to another who can toss for them (not free) on what may be very private issues or needs should they so desire...

5/23 Earth/Saturn day III/y aka Bing Yin a Yang fire Tiger date...FS #6 Qian...GT: #39 - #8 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#8 - #45 Involves *#23* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Stomach - Earth Type, and Pheasant animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:


Day Ruler Saturn:

Saturn Rx in the Aquarius 6th's areas ruling that and the Capricorn 5th type areas and Jupiter Rx in them...

Saturn aspects, impacts the sign Aries *8th* type areas...

Saturn aspects, impacts the sign Leo *12th* type areas...

Saturn aspects, impacts the sign Scorpio *3rd* type areas...

Signs always mentioned here so you will apply the appropriate to your own personal birth charts as well...

Transiting Moon in Gemini 10th Outer areas yet combusted by the Sun and in the Ardra Nakshatra which it had entered in hr h yesterday, so is ruled by Mercury and sub ruled by *Rahu* as well this date...

In that it strongly sign conjuncts Venus's areas also in the same Nakshatra there...

Moon as such rules sign Cancer 11th type areas...

In hr t 23:13 Moon exact conjuncts Venus (which sign conjuncts Mercury) on into next date...

Date Dasa yet **Ju/Ra** areas until hr y 03:14 **Su/Sa** areas until hr cn 07:42 ***Sa/Me*** areas until hr w 11:44 *Sa/Ke* areas until hr wa 13:23 *Sa/Ve* areas until hr yo 18:07 **Sa/Su** areas until hr sh 19:32 *Sa/Mo* areas until hr h 21:53 **Sa/Ma** areas and finally in hr t 23:32 **Sa/Ra** areas into next date...

5/24 Sun day IV/m aka Ding Mao a Yin fire Rabbit date...FS *#7* Dui...GT: #23 - #35 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#26 - #9 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Mao:Pleiades - Sun-Fire Type, and Cock animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Sun:

Sun in sign Gemini Outer 10th areas yet in the Mrigasira Nakshatra areas so yet ruled by Mercury and Mars...

Sun activities there and also aspects, impacts the Sag 4th type areas...

Transiting Moon also yet in sign Gemini Outer 10th areas, and in hr t 00:11 enters the Jupiter Rx ruled Punarvasu Nakshatra areas with the Moon still conjuncting that of Venus Rx ruled by *Rahu*, and then Mercury in Punarvasu Nakshatra as well...

That for the date and with Moon also aspect, impact to the Sag 4th type areas too, which rules the Cancer 11th type areas...

Date Dasa yet **Sa/Ra** areas until hr y 03:48 *Sa/Ju* areas until hr cn 07:34 **Me/Me** areas until hr w 11:10 *Me/Ke* areas then at 12:38 *Me/Ve* areas until hr s 16:52 *Me/Su* areas until hr yo 18:08 *Me/Mo* areas that until hr sh 20:15 **Me/Ma** areas until finally hr h 21:44 **Me/Ra** areas on into next date...

Goes with the other of May 21st Matches:

Shopping Mall near Phoenix, AZ Gunfire 3 injured in hr yo with Police just arriving after just as it stopped in the start of hr sh...

Hr yo #13 -> #25 Involve #44 areas change line 3...

Physical Yel 3rd Abrupt or Disruptive Strong by date Rh star changes transform to Kcn star areas with hr yo holding the transform up till the next hr sh when the bond was clashed Open with Rh going into it's tomb Kcn and all finished up then...

Object Blk 6th Ksh star areas when police arrived the abrupt event itself had already or just finished then...

Date bond Red 2nd lcl's Kc star areas describes some's nature of things as in angry, fiery, etc types and the Opposite for most other as in fun or humerous things too...

Date clashes Gry 4th Bw fire star groups, sounds, etc...

Grn 1st Pm -  Rt Date strong, and hr yo had clashed it for happenings that fire bonded the Blk 6th Ksh star areas which would be of ends in things then as well...

Only takes one non law abideing emotionally upset and moved of great evil thinkings to do something of that nature versus the great bulk who kept it together in the more routine or peaceful of wants, desires, nuturanes or even purchasings activities at the mall then...
Same could have went with a major political event as well, meanings get changed a bit in other, but tailored to that the Police had described in news back then...

Ah you have to tailor it, yes of any time only type, you have to do that when referring to some specific event as it represents many such at the same time, *however not so of tosses*!...

In tosses most strongly of the 3 coin type whatever you ask on, in the results does apply specifically to it...

That's why I say there's a lot of work to the Wwg method type...

Qi Men - That of Suprise attacks or finds in the hunting of things of or simular to or with involving Separatings in things, maybe the others were leaving the Mall then, or of a personal separatings type, etc or in lieu things of personal blockages and or losses were involved on shooter's part...

For most it would have been a very good hour but the hour for a few also held some dark components in it, of which and extreme few reaching a breaking point in that of losses or of just plain jealousies or hate, etc would act out...

That's at the smallest simplest view if one expands may show other involved but of both the above a very concrete real life example using only timed methods alone...

These are serious arts *quite useful*, and solid in what they show not the namby pamby some might think them to be...

QM user types:

Some say you can't use meanings to decyher an event, pretty obviously your wrong and that's simply a matter of how you were taught!...

In that some say certain meanings only apply to given topics, again that's due to how they were specifically taught are other teachers and not all is same!...

The truth is *it's very hard work* to fully decyher an event vis QM due to the fact the art was originally meant for warfare, but yet it can be done just as I did it here...

Your taught to find answers or solutions to things and of which the main 2 box method is core and often the full result...In some you go beyond that in using other of Useful Gods aka other assigned indicators and comparitive status's which represent, reflect the unique area of interest(s) at hand...

When it comes to analyzing or forecasting actual external events to which your personally not involved or connected then one's view must widen as in others and masses in taking in a wider list of meanings to account for all the potentials and possibilities which that of many different outer events will hold...

Most won't be taught that because it does indeed takes in a lot of extra thinkings in considerations on it, and is extra effort in that, and *that's quite unneccessary when your just looking for that of personal answers to your questions, matters vis a specific canned format*...

On divinations well that's what your doing vis questions using the QM chart for answers...

QM Date selections themselves are quite simply vis the dates themselves...

Then are other of advanced feng shui aka Xuan Kong Da Gua, etc, also that vis the 10 God's etc from one's 4P/Bazi chart, and also of books such as Joey Yap's Personal Date Selection (c) book itself or also his Dong Gong book as well...

Many other are of ZWDS, Various Astro methods, and Numerological methods too...

Very Special date types where if have in formations that use your year of birth stem:

Can be done for any other formation type as well, but just referring to a special specific type below...

If you have studied the Imperial Qi Men Pro under Master Ken Lai or in lieu have access to special softwares:

You can then simply look for if have a desired formation type *that matches your year of birth stem* using a suitable God and Gate/Door for the purpose as well...

Then when it appears in your *birth palace preferred*, or in lieu your year of birth stem palace *in the 1080 hour type charts* it's an excellent date and hour for you in it's activities...

Did that once when the date all by itself looked positive, then in the QM and normal 2 block method [the hour looked life a *run for your life*] aka horrid type messing up the Asker who favored it no less, but the actual results using the birth palace and formation there then, *were totally positive!*...

The only negative was of a limitation form in the time length of the event, but that was not of concern to me in the slightest nor did it alter the nature of the event...

Paid softwares for that are Master Joey Yap's 360 service, then free mobile or pc access to such is included in Master Jo Ching's course of a different style also...

One thing really like about other of his services is that freely provided by his various teachers faculty in the Joey Yap's Universe area on Facebook:

There people who have taken any of his courses can get additional insights or other trainings from Video's those teachers post on the various of their subjects there...

Nice that you can go there anytime for that, as in actual courses or *In Live also sometimes Impromptu of them in on the fly timed class trainings* your actually quite stuck with having to take them on *Malaysian time* which works out to be in the wee hours here!...


Will reserve judgement until the way overdue Qi Men Secrets pdf associated it by Master Joey Yap comes out..

Not highly thought of in the Blog post listed on the *Will the real Qi men please stand up* article at the bottom of my Just Blog posts...

Joey Yap refers to his as a Horary type, but unlike many well established horary types, it's limited to the date and time that you connect with it, with no provision to go back even an hour to it???

Standard Astrological Horary methods, and the Famed of the Wen Wang Gua Iching methods allow for that, and of any year or month to boot so really quite a difference there!...

Anyway will see how that comes out in the future...

On it's divinations and accuracies the QM is excellent, and if your very intuitive and time synchronous then that of the Iching Plum Blossum Oracle or methods could work for you also...

The latter are very quick, and easy to apply and can cover some areas the Qi Men not used for, took a course from a Master on all such also...

However in the known of the very specific and accurate is the Wen Wang Gua (Wwg) *That Reigns Supreme*, but it indeed is much harder for most to learn, and are couple different types used today...Both use Date and hour methods, and the much preferred of Tosses methods that most teach as well...

Personally I like that which incorporates that of various 4P/Bazi in it, and it's known to have been created before that of full blown 4P/Bazi came along, in fact also ahead of the textual Iching as well, so it's very good for those who study the latter methods to learn it...

While I freely do Qi Men year and month readings for others, on some specific areas a toss can be of great aid or handle an area that the Qi Men won't, but if they connect to me in life areas I then prefer them to do the toss part themselves...

If of life areas I'm not connected to them then will toss on any matter for those only!...

Were I to do it as a business, tosses would definitely be charged for as compared to all other methods there's a lot of work and time in analysis and sometimes other factors that goes into those...

True of Qi Men divinations (forecasts) beyond just that of one's year or month, and *where it comes down to specific question types of concern and interest to the asker....

Well will be late on the daily tonight, and any other related of Youtube or Facebook on the Metaphysical areas...

5/25 Moon day V/cn aka Wu Chen a Yang earth Dragon date...FS #8 Gen...GT: #11 - #5 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#19 - #41 Involves *#24 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Pi:Net - Moon-Fire Type, and Crow animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Moon:

Transiting yet in Gemini Outer 10th areas see prior...

In hr yo 17:33 it exactly conjuncts *Rahu* at the final end degree of Gemini!...

In hr sh 19:09 yet in same Nakshatra the Moon enters that of Cancer 11th type areas that it rules into next date...

Moon while in sign Cancer aspects, impacts the Capricorn 5th areas also sign Opposing the Jupiter Rx areas there as well...

Date Dasa yet **Me/Ra** areas until hr c 01:32 *Me/Ju* areas until hr y 04:55 **Me/Sa** areas until hr cn 08:55 **Ke/Ke** areas until hr e *Ke/Ve* areas until hr w 11:16 *Ke/Su* areas then at 11:48 *Ke/Mo* areas next at 12:40 **Ke/Ma** areas until hr wa 13:16 **Ke/Ra** areas then 14:50 *Ke/Ju* areas until hr s 16:15 **Ke/Sa** areas until hr yo 17:53 *Ke/Me* areas then finally in hr sh 19:22 **Ve/Ve** areas into next date...

Jam packed date stuff...

A slightly time fuzzy subject is begins of the Wwg Oracle:

It was first described and written down in the Han dynasty, so some use that as the start but other proponents take it much further back...

The latter would fit with the idea that it was first described in written form in the Han dynasty but had actually existed and was used well prior...

It was used as an Oracle in the more ancient times consisting of both Turtle Shells and Ox Bones heated by fire and where that of cracks, fissures and *lines* formed in the bones type, etc...

Those would be interpreted by those skilled and considered as prophets or priests in that role of forecastings to guide the leaders and others as to what the future near or far held for them...

Believe that's what some of today's Wwg proponents who still use the Turtle shells as vessels aka containers for tossing their coins refer to as their system...

It stemming from ancient times well prior the Han dynastry in which it then became documented as the King Wen's Way (Oracle) along with the 64 hexagrams developed and adding of the iching (yi-jing) texts, commentary's, etc added to it...

In modern times Master Raymond Lo also mentioned useing that of a Tortoise shell to toss his coins in as well...

Vis all that the original Wwg had existed well prior even around the time, era  of their 1st Emperor...

In either case it preceded 4P/Bazi as the first systematic version of it wasn't generated until later of the Tang dynasty and initially as a 3 Pillar system, the 4th Pillar for the birth hour wasn't added till in the Sung (Song) dynasty!...

That of the 4P/Bazi is used for the Solar version of any person's, entity, etc's Birth aka Life chart, as long as birth info correct it's a very, very accurate system in that...

It can tell a lot about what the individual will face in life with the timings, plus eval what type of husband or wife a person will be, what their general luck and nature in material, romance, children and much other areas will be...

Contrasting that and on down to a smaller scale but extremely effective is a Wwg birth hexagram vis the stars only themselves, it takes it down to the nitty gritty of the most main only, of what type and nature a given year, month, day and even hour will be like for them!...Very quick and easy to look at for what's main to one's year or month, etc...

Not nearly as expansive as what the 4P/Bazi can cover *but it is very accurate and reliable!...

Then it was also in the Sung (Song) dynasty in which the Plum Blossum Oracle both date and time and a strictly time of the hour, minute plus a visual or 5 senses type was invented too...It used of the Wwg *the element* of the trigrams and hexagrams, minus the elements of the individual lines themselves...Instead of Individual lines it relies on the Ti, Yong method and the trigram element types in evaluating it's hexagrams...Quite quick and pretty much any type of question may be asked of it...

Anyway minus all that today of stalks or the more expediant and timely of coins the Wwg is a very accurate and reliable system still used by many, but not huge compared to other arts as is a bit more difficult to learn...Have no idea maybe 2000 - 3000 people tops in the world may be skilled at it, could be less?...

Many but in numbers much less than of the 4P/Bazi also like that of Zei Wei Dou Shu (ZWDS) as  well for their birth charts which is a lunar type as opposed to the solar 4P/Bazi type...Some would recognize that as Purple Star Astrology or the more familiar of the Emperor's Star Gate...

On most all the above have taken courses including Basic and Advanced Feng Shui, but the thing is most have further researched and advanced all thoses areas even further since had originally took them, so still have to take some few courses yet to catch up at some point again!...

Same of Vedic they have an advanced very reputable elite group in India that offers *some very specialized courses* as online video types too that would also be of great benefit also...Some of their books had prior bought were great Eye Openers and quite useful compared to that normally taught!...

Oversight didn't notice but the Moon had entered Cancer's Pushya Nakshatra in hr c of the wee at 01:25, so *The Moon has been subruled of Saturn Rx of/from the Aquarius 6th type areas all this date*!...

Just a note aside of the signs transited by the Graha's (Planets plus Shadows) that of the Daily Nakshatras also important in your own charts!

Hope all had a good Memorial Day!...

5/26 Fire/Mars day VI/e aka Ji Si a Yin earth Snake date...FS *#9* Li...GT: #10 - #58 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#13 - #33 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Tsui:Beak - Fire Type, and Monkey animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Mars:

Mars in sign Pisces 7th Relationships, etc areas there plus ruling the *Aries *8th* and Sag 4th type areas...Sign squares that in the Gemini 10th Outer areas...

Mars also aspects, impacts the Gemini 10th Outer, the Virgo Physical 1st, and the Libra 2nd material type areas...

Transiting Moon yet same of yesterday's then in hr c 02:12 enter's Cancer's Mercury ruled Aslesha Nakshatra areas on into next date...

So Moon ruled of itself and subruled of/from Mercury's areas in the Gemini 10th Outer events areas, Mercury being strongly conjunct with *Rahu* as well which Opposes that of Ketu in the Sag 4th areas...

All that ruling those Cancer 11th areas for the date...

Date Dasa hr t 00:20 *Ve/Su* areas until hr c 01:50 *Ve/Mo* areas until hr y 04:19 **Ve/Ma** areas until hr m 06:03 **Ve/Ra** areas until hr e *Ve/Ju* areas until hr wa 14:30 **Ve/Sa** areas until hr sh 19:14 *Ve/Me* areas and finally hr t 23:27 *Ve/Ke* areas into next date...

Still quite active...

5/27 Water/Mercury day VII/w aka Geng Wu a Geng fire Horse date...FS #1 Kan...GT: #49 - #31 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#17 - #58 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Shen:Orion - Water Type, and Ape animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Mercury:

Mercury tight conjuncts *Rahu* in Gemini 10th Outer areas...

In hr sh 20:47 Mercury is at the Final End Degree of Gemini exact conjuncts *Rahu* then...

Mercury ruling those and sign Virgo 1st Physical areas...

Mercury also aspects, impacts the Sag 4th type areas ruled by Jupiter in Capricorn 5th areas...

Transiting Moon in it's own Cancer 11th areas same as yesterday, and then in hr c 02:33 enters Sun ruled sign Leo *12th* type areas initially Opposing Saturn Rx in the Aquarius 6th type areas which affects the Capricorn 5th type areas also...

Moon then on ruled by the Sun and Ketu as entered the Magha Nakshatra areas of Leo as well...

Sun in Gemini 10th Outer areas and Ketu in Sag 4th areas...

That ruling the Cancer 11th areas into next date...

Date Dasa yet *Ve/Ke* areas until hr c 01:12 *Mo/Mo* areas until hr y 03:16 **Mo/Ma** areas then at 04:43 **Mo/Ra** areas until hr cn 08:27 *Mo/Ju* areas until hr w 11:45 **Mo/Sa** areas until hr s 15:42 *Mo/Me* areas until hr sh 19:13 *Mo/Ke* areas then finally at 20:40 *Mo/Ve* areas on into next date...

Extra: The Sun in *sign Gemini* Outer 10th events areas is within 3 degrees orb and tightly Squaring that of Mars in *sign Pisces* 7th Relationships areas...

Didn't follow all the water/rains stuff Monday on except today saw where TS Bertha had made landfall in S.C. which was hr cn and had bonded the date header pair of it's Pyo stars...

5/28 Wood/Jupiter day VIII/wa aka Xin Wei a Yin metal Goat date...FS #2 Kun...GT: #21 - *#38* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#50 - #64 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Begins Week of The Southern Red Phoenix Cardinal and Constellations...

Constellation: Ching:Well - Water Type, and Wild Dog animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Jupiter:

Jupiter (Big stuff, etc) in sign Capricorn 5th areas that the Moon applies Inconjunct too as well as it being the *8th* from aka also acting as *8th* type areas for sign Gemini Outer 10th Events type stuff!...

Jupiter trines aspects, impacts sign Taurus 9th areas and the Virgo Physical 1st areas, while also aspects, impacts the sign Cancer 11th areas it Opposes...

Transiting Moon in sign Leo *12th* type areas in hr c 02:26 had entered the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni Nakshatra areas, so Moon ruled by the Sun and Venus areas into next date...

Date Dasa hr t 00:48 *Mo/Su* areas until hr c 02:03 **Ma/Ma** areas until hr y 03:04 **Ma/Ra** areas until hr m 05:40 *Ma/Ju* areas until hr cn 08:00 **Ma/Sa** areas until hr e 10:45 *Ma/Me* areas until hr wa 13:13 *Ma/Ke* areas
then 14:14 *Ma/Ve* areas until hr yo 17:08 **Ma/Su** areas then 18:00 *Ma/Mo* areas until hr sh 19:27 **Ra/Ra** areas into next date...

Busy, busy!...

Note: A lot of the water stuff and other from Monday on was with the Sun Square to Mars running strongly of a 4 to 3 degree Orb and were still running at around a 3 degree orb there...

Not just the huge of waters but the abrupt or disruptive in a lot of other Gemini to Pisces type areas which would include vehicles, the petro's, things of films, images or entertainments areas and many other where things break, or experience jolts, etc...Goes with the FS #5 type NM Lunar period...

Also the Sun itself in the *Ardra* Nakshatra so is driven by *Rahu's* areas it sign conjuncts also yet at the final end degree of sign Gemini Outer 10th areas in things... 

Other: In hr wa 14:09 Mercury enters sign Cancer 11th areas this date...

Had plenty of quarrels areas in news global and Ntl...

5/29 Metal/Venus day IX/s aka Ren Shen a Yang water Monkey date...FS *#3* Zen...GT: #32 - #40 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#40 - #7 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Kuei:Ghosts - Metal Type, and Sheep animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Venus Rx:

Venus Rx activities in sign Gemini 10th Outer events areas being Squared (6 degree orb) by Mars in Pisces 7th Relationships, etc activities areas!...

Venus Rx ruled by Mercury in sign Cancer 11th activity areas and is also in the *Ardra* Nakshatra so sub ruled by *Rahu* at the final end degree of those Gemini areas...

Venus Rx rules that of sign Taurus 9th and the sign Libra 2nd Material, etc areas, then Venus Rx opposes, aspects and impacts sign Sag 4th type areas too...

The Sun also in the *Ardra* Nakshatra is sub ruled by *Rahu* also and sign conjuncts Venus Rx in Gemini as well...

Transiting Moon yet in sign Leo *12th* areas and in hr c 01:53 enters the windy Sun ruled Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra areas for the date...

in hr cn 07:40 the Moon enters that of Mercury ruled sign Virgo Physical 1st areas for couple days then also in hr yo, sh on today Opposes, aspects, impacts Mars in Pisces 7th areas...

Date Dasa yet same **Ra/Ra** areas until hr c 02:10 *Ra/Ju* areas until hr cn 08:08 **Ra/Sa** areas until hr s 15:13 *Ra/Me* areas then finally in hr h 21:33 *Ra/Ke* areas on into next date...

Haven't checked yet but that of daily destined or increase of things should be in that of sign Capricorn 5th type areas by now...

5/30 Earth/Saturn day X/yo aka Gui You a Yin water Rooster date...FS #4 Shun...GT: #59 - #6 Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#53 - #52 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Liu:Willow - Earth Type, and Deer animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Saturn Rx:

Saturn yet sub ruled aka driven by Mars in sign Pisces 7th Relationships, etc areas...

Saturn Rx in sign Aquarius 6th type areas which is sign trine with that in sign Gemini Outer 10th areas...

Saturn Rx rules both sign Aquarius 6th and sign Capricorn 5th areas...

Then Saturn Rx aspects, impacts sign Aries *8th* areas, and sign Scorpio 3rd areas plus Opposing sign Leo *12th* areas...

Transiting Moon in sign Virgo Physical 1st areas in hr t 00:52 it enters it's own Moon ruled Hasta Nakshatra until hr t 23:28 when it then enters the Mars ruled Chitra Nakshatra...

Moon in sign Virgo then on ruled by Mercury and sub ruled by Mars into next date!...


Just prior in hr t's earlier portion it was in exact Square with the Sun as well!...

Also in Opposing Mars in sign Pisces 7th areas it exacts in that around hr y 03:33...

Date Dasa hr t 00:09 *Ra/Ve* areas until hr cn 07:37 *Ra/Su* areas until hr e 09:51 *Ra/Mo* areas until hr wa 13:35 **Ra/Ma** areas until hr s 16:11 **Ju/Ju** areas then finally hr h 21:30 **Ju/Sa** areas on into hr y 03:47 next date...

Other near pasts of personal difficulties:

If any go back to the Mar 17th post and on had recounted the Mar 15th near stroke like incident when had taken NyQuil...Powdered down some of it as didn't want my Son to over worry...

First 3 - 4 days were coma like as during normal hours I'd just past out for several hours at a time for the first 3 days, spent most of it propped up by pillows on the couch and my wife treated the infected right foot (from the swellings then) for over 3 weeks worth...

Anyway in that zone up till about 2nd week of April would in various time slots when awake do the posts here but of Mar 17th had noted would drop a lot on the Astro, etc then...

That was due to my head being in a big confusions state then, and I couldn't manage anything complex, dropped all studies in that zone, finally around 2nd week of April my hmmm mind came back to me, and could resume mental tasks as normal...

A couple weeks ago had to go for a Pet scan and due to the covid-19 stuff certain entrances were barred, and had to walker long ways, *and it was only of sheer determination that I made it*...

However that did put me in severe pain for a good 3 days, my back in foremost always fires up when too many movements or walker to far, and the weak bummed up legs got super painful then to boot!...

Mention all that as somewhere in that zone added a short Feng Shui bit on the Coronavirus exact as had been given to me by others, didn't think it all through since they were supposedly teachers?

Anyway they had it wrong calling the Middles, Center Red FS #7 star and the #5 star the sickness stars with some going so far as saying the for ages #2 star was not the sickness star? Noooo!...

That's Just Too much:

First the Red FS #7 star has to do with the *arguementive, quarrels, injuries, accidents, and violences*, sharp metal weapons, instruments* (Very much in this year), thefts, robberies, murders, etc...

*Then in that of Illnesses it being Red Metal vis 5 element theory affects *the Lungs* of it's nature in a very violent attack like, and feverish way!*...

It stems of the Dui trigram, heres a lets say scholarly view are many others:

Again that reinforces that of the 5 element theory of which metal represents the lungs normally shown of the Qian trigram, but also of the Dui metal trigram as well!...

Probably a lot in any Iching book and are many at the online book in it's Gua representations chapters...

Aside the Youngest or 3rd daughter it also of many sources including most Iching books and Master Raymond Lo's and Jack Chiu's Wwg book of main also represents the *Mouth* as well which comes up in about any of it's above areas to further include that of speech or gossip areas also...

The Yellow or Brown FS #5 Earth star in Easts meant that of great misfortunes and *disasters* of any type...Then that was the Covid-19 also!...

Beyond that the Black FS #2 earths Sickness star *will always represent sickness* dispite some's other wise claims...

Use common sense: In the specific it represents sicknesses of the stomach, etc areas, and any associated pregnancies also *that as it's of and the Kun trigram* which represents that of *home, mothers, motherings, nuturances, one's kitchen, food, land, property etc areas!...

The middle aka center of the FS Lo Shu square always mainly pertains *to the masses* though may apply to centers and southwests also and then the other as directions around the Center point but more so their meanings that apply...

Ok that should properly straighten out the FS mess of 3 different teachers for their students regarding that of the Coronavirus of, at the FS #7 Year level...

5/31 Sun day I/sh aka Jia Xu a Yang wood Dog date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #39 - #15 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...P Earth stars can clash...

Note: The FS #5 Yang earth Star in it's sensitivities a bit like Uranus, and can represent the Slings and Arrows of Fortune, most often it's negative side for masses but sometimes a rare plus to it and does have some positive meanings as well...


#8 - #20 Involves *#23* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Hsing:Star - Sun-Fire Type, and Horse animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:


Day Ruler Sun:

Sun in sign Gemini 10th Outer areas sign conjuncts Venus Rx both sub ruled by *Rahu* at the final end degree of Gemini, with Mercury in Cancer 11th areas ruling all those, that in the Gemini areas also...

Sun also aspects, impacts, opposes that in Sag 4th type areas...

Transiting Moon yet in yesterday's Nakshatra in sign Virgo Physical 1st areas in hr e 09:19 exact T-Squares that of Rahu and Ketu areas and also at 10:37 also trine that of Saturn in Aquarius 6th areas as it enters the Venus Rx ruled Libra 2nd material, etc areas...

In same the Moon begins sign Squaring that of Jupiter Rx in sign Capricorn 5th type areas, and inconjuncts that of Mars in sign Pisces 7th Relationships, etc areas...

Finally in hr h 21:43 the Moon enters the *Rahu* ruled *Svati* Nakshatra areas on into next date...

Date Dasa yet **Ju/Sa** areas until hr y 03:47 *Ju/Me* areas until hr e 09:25 *Ju/Ke* areas until hr w 11:25 *Ju/Ve* areas until hr yo 18:22 *Ju/Su* areas until hr sh 20:22 *Ju/Mo* areas then finally in hr t 23:41 **Ju/Ma** areas into next date...

Extra Wwg vis Iching, etc stuff:

It's said in Wwg not to use the Iching hexagrams names or mainly line texts:

One of the main reasons is in the Wwg at times some of the Primary 1st Hexagrams lines of stars and elements will be the very same in the 2nd Resultant Hexagram also...

That would mean of those 2nd hexagrams where stars are same as 1st's that the line texts of the 2nd hexagram can't be used as only those of the Primary hexagram will apply using the Wwg!...

So to some Iching, Yi Jinger's or basic Plum blossum (Mei Hua) types:

Try to keep that in mind when you try to analyze any's Wwg timed or toss using just those referances, that often that of some of the Resultant 2nd hexagram's line texts for given lines will not apply!...

For those who like or use the Iching, etc:

Like that site as he uses several known and well liked Iching referance sources covering each line of a hexagram...

More on Feng Shui (FS):

Some of the FS made in the 30th's post may think I'm attacking the others on the year stuff, no just presenting the truth itself where it will aid some of the confused students, most of what had said off the cuff can be further verified at any online FS site that shows the 2020 year charts...

In FS the Star meanings are based on both the 5 Element theory and from the Lo-Shu trigrams themselves which are of the main beginning basics in any FS course then in further the ZWDS star for each as well which definitely alters some beyond normal trigram meanings...

In further it's mainly that of the 5 Element theory that counts:

For example of the Red FS #7 Star it's considered Favorable and Positive favoring the nice stuff of the Dui trigram *only in it's 20 year period* the last FS #7  20 year period was of 1984 - 2003, and once out of that *it returned to it's normal nasty, vicious character*, it's also referred to as Po-Jun the Broken Soldier star in ZWDS, and the Fated Saber Star as well...

In Master David Twicken's book Flying Stars Made Easy (c) both the Qian #6 and Dui #7 stars of Metal itself do refer to the Lungs of the body for both that also under the Primary of the 5 Element theory itself...

Then probably are more but do know one more actual Chinese Master of the 5 Arts, in referring to that Red FS #7 Star of this Year as also related it to that of the Lungs as being a main problem area in this year as well...

Both FS #6 and FS #7 relate to the Planet Venus as well, and of *Red FS #7* is one of the reasons that of in the old and even today Venus was/is not liked so much by many 5 Arts practitioners...

Venus is also associated and referred to as Tai Bai in certain Qi Men formations, then in both the Qi Men and the Wwg the White Tiger is associated Venus as well, hint, hint...

Anyway this is not an attack on others but more so the inner truth of the matter, and I'm sure some involved are quite good in other areas, but in the hurried may have gotten a bit twisted around is all...

*Adding to that of the 5 Element theory and the Trigrams *the 9 Stars of Feng Shui are derived from and further represented by the 9 Dipper Stars as used in ZWDS also*, which gives them structure and meanings beyond just the 8 trigrams, again with FS #7 being the same as the Po-Jun Star etc*...

[Should note the same of ZWDS names are mentioned within that of the Master Joey Yap Qi Men Feng Shui applications (c) as well which of Qi Men is a very neat and also noted as *a very fast or mobile version of Feng Shui*...Believe that's all taught in Joey Yap's Qi Men Basics course (c) too where each also goes with Mountains of specific types as well...

Latter is a very good system for finding, setting up and correcting the Qi for any room in a house plus individualizing the rooms in the best for each family member which can't be done of standard FS itself...

Qi Men Feng Shui is very easy to apply plus one can do remote viewing aka examine another's land, property or home by divination aka forecast from afar which is also quite accurate in that, personally like that method in such myself!!!]...

[Had somewhere prior messed up but not on QM Date Selections: Two Basic types one at the most basic involves just observing the branch to stem relationship of the date, while the other is vis *divination aka forecast* for the particular area of interest such as Exams, Proposals, Biz Partnerships, Relationships, Travels, Medical help, Elections, and many other...

The forecast determining whether it's a good date or not, if not should show why not, and when it will be]...

Some in the too early in terms of the new 20 year period of the FS #9 Star which starts in 2023 are assuming the FS #2 Star won't represent Sickness then, but that Star then *is only approaching Timeliness*, and not yet Timely then, so it's sickness char will still apply!...

Standard FS minus Qi Men is normally for long term of it's results though by going the wrong directions in the fewer of cases major problems can come up...

Had a year or more back an example to do with 2 people of Iowa that were murdered vis shots from a forest alongside a highway in their travel back home to Waterloo...

Then noted what the timed pair then said about it, but kept quiet to myself on the FS of the year of which in directions they traveled, and the forest paralleling them were quite adverse adding to the results then...

In other have noted the particular (directions) sides of bldg's etc that vis the Feng Shui specified would weather or wear more in step with the given year's FS and found such to be accurate in many years...

Took a huge course in it's basic and advanced (Art-Of-FengShui) areas, but on my part it was mostly to understand the overall subject as opposed to developing a consultancy itself, and a lot has been of experimental observations in pasts of it's principles in my uses of it...

Then lesser but even at daily FS stars there's pretty often significant events of their areas too and those apply at both global and individual personal levels as well, which is included in the date headers here...

All in all FS is a pretty good subject and useful of it's areas...

Above updated!...

As far as protests that in our area it was noted as quite peaceful and dignified in contrast to other places we read about nearly every day...

Have to remember that of the Year's Red FS #7 Star applies Globally anywhere in the natural as well as human forms but the great bulk of people themselves won't be violent, it just indicates that there's a higher tendency in such this year, and we also for sure have seen that in overseas areas prior if not present as well...

6/1 Moon day II/h aka Yi Hai a Yin wood Pig date...FS #6...GT: #23 - #2 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#26 - #18 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Break Date...Month clashes Date...

Constellation: Chang:Star - Moon-Fire Type, and Stag animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Moon:

Transiting Moon in sign Libra 2nd Material, etc areas ruled by Venus Rx and yet sub ruled by *Rahu* also...

Basically inconjunct with Mars and exacts in that in hr cn 08:14...

Moon aspects, impacts in opposition to sign Aquarius *8th* type areas including Saturn Rx there...

In hr yo 19:42 the Moon enters the Jupiter ruled Visakha Nakshatra areas into next date...

Moon ruling the Cancer 11th areas and Mercury within it...

Date Dasa yet **Ju/Ma** areas until hr c 02:00 **Ju/Ra** areas until hr cn 07:58 ***Sa/Sa*** areas until hr s 15:26 *Sa/Me* areas then finally hr h 22:08 *Sa/Ke* areas into next date...

One other thing have long forgot and will soon add to the below is that of Calvin Yap's Chai Bu Pro Android version QM chart calculator:

Appears was fixed couple months back, runs more smoothly, and haven't seen any more of the unusual hour issues that had in the rare came up at times for me...

Very nice!...

6/2 Fire/Mars day III/t aka Bing Zi a Yang fire Rat date...FS *#7*...GT: #11 - #46 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#19 - #24 Involves *#24* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: I:Wings - Fire Type, and Snake animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Mars:

Mars in sign Pisces 7th areas still in tight Square with both the Sun and Venus Rx in sign Gemini Outer 10th type areas...

Mars yet sub ruled by Saturn Rx from Aquarius 6th areas while ruling the Aries *8th*, and Scorpio 3rd type areas...

Mars again aspects, impacts sign Gemini 10th, sign Libra 2nd, and sign Virgo Physical 1st type areas...

Transiting Moon in sign Libra 2nd areas yet sub ruled by Jupiter Rx in of sign Capricorn 5th areas, exact squares Jupiter Rx in hr m 06:41...

Then in hr w 12:06 it enters the Mars ruled sign Scorpio 3rd type areas...

It then ruled by Mars while yet sub ruled by Jupiter Rx...

Then in hr yo 17:37 the Moon in Scorpio enters the Saturn Rx ruled Anuradha Nakshatra areas on into next date...

Date Dasa hr t 00:53 *Sa/Ve* areas until hr cn 08:45 **Sa/Su** areas until hr w 11:07 *Sa/Mo* areas until hr s 15:03 **Sa/Ma** areas until hr yo 17:48 **Sa/Ra** areas into next date...

6/3 Water/Mercury day IV/c aka Ding Chou a Yin fire Ox date...FS #6...GT: #10 - #25 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#13 - #25 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Chen:Carriage - Water Type, and Worm animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Mercury:

Mercury in Moon ruled Cancer 11th type areas yet in the Saturn Rx ruled Anuradha Nakshatra, so it's *ruled by the Moon currently in Mars ruled Scorpio 3rd type areas*, and then sub ruled by Saturn Rx in sign Aquarius 6th type areas...

Mercury also aspects, opposes, and impacts the Jupiter Rx in sign Capricorn 5th type areas...

Transiting Moon in hr w 11:44 and sign scorpio exacts in trine to Mars in Pisces 7th Relationships areas then...

In which Mars still of Square with the Sun making exact conjunct to Venus Rx both ruled by *Rahu* in the sign Gemini Outer 10th type areas...

The Moon also of this period aside the Cancer 11th areas also sub rules the Physical sign Virgo 1st areas too, and as mentioned that of Mercury's areas that goes with it also!...

Date Dasa hr t 00:54 *Sa/Ju* areas until hr cn 07:11 **Me/Me** areas until hr wa 13:11 *Me/Ke* areas until hr s 15:38 *Me/Ve* areas then finally in hr h 22:41 *Me/Su* areas into next date...

Very saddened about the totally unjustifiable murder of an unarmed man, and the incomprehensible of applying a knee to the neck for *8 minutes* knowing there could be only one result!...

That act has brought great shame to most of the entire country, has endangered, injured many people, destroyed businesses, and is making that of reasonable, peaceful, and effective law enforcement a very hard thing to implement at this time...

Every bit of it in every way has been and is disgusting, things were hard enough already hope we learn from it...

Think some may be a little too picky when it comes to words, and of a few possibly  have their own agenda in that:

No I didn't use the word racist, it's pretty much inferred in my words in *That Act* and the words *great shame to most of the country*, that also infers it still exists in some quarters...

No reasonable human being likes or supports that of rascism, which does exist in this world in many forms, where ever a given individual, group or race considers itself superior and more righteous than another...That does exist...

Minus that and all by itself to take the life of an unarmed person is a grieveously ill and evil act at any time and for and by anyone, the same was made even more contradictory, and even evil when it's at the hands of a law enforcement type who in motto are sworn to *protect and serve* the citizens of their jurisdictions...

*Totally separate* for those who study the symblogies in various chinese arts:

It's very unfortunately part of this FS year as well when it comes to the violent and injurous in natural or of humans themselves as a main in the expected of the year...

Some may have gotten bit confused on that of Venus in some of the QM and Wwg usages such as the Wht Tiger and other...

That which of Venus is the Opposite of it's Yang side in Love, Values and Appreciations *is the Yin or Dark side of Venus*, think most can figure it out from there...

In Wwg and QM used here that of Venus is of the metal element...

Opposite of it's Yang positive meanings:

Metal can be cold, and of hard or soft types, sharp or injurous types then also associated that of it's Yin side is that of negative or extremely negative in emotions to include that of depressions, sorrows, great sorrow, wounds, and in extremes that of hate, rage associated hate goes with it...

Not hard to see of the latter how that can further generate that of the Fierceness side of the Wht Tiger in the Wwg and QM plus other of QM which holds simular meanings all being originally based from the Yin side of Venus's meanings...

We don't always have to assume that of Great fierceness, it can be of lessors forms, levels also...
All here could be expressed better, but doing on the fly and hopefulluy it get's the main ideas acrossed at least...

Moon entered the Mercury ruled Jyeshtha Nakshatra in hr s 15:22...

6/4 Wood/Thursday day V/y aka Wu Yin a Yang earth Tiger date...FS *#9*...GT: #49 - #17 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#17 - #3 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Begins Week of the Eastern Grn Dragon and it's Cardinal and Constellations...

Constellation: Ch'io:Horn - Wood Type, and Crocodile animal sign...

WV Tropical NM Astro Dailies:

Day Ruler Jupiter:

Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 5th areas also aspects, impacts sign Taurus 9th, sign Cancer 11th areas, and sign Virgo Physical 1st areas...

Transiting Moon in Scorpio 3rd areas ruled by Mars in Pisces 7th, and yet sub ruled by Mercury of sign Cancer 11th areas...

That until hr wa 13:17 when it then enters both that of sign Sag 4th areas, and the Mula Nakshatra areas...

Jupiter Rx ruling the Sag 4th and Ketu ruling the Mula Nakshatra, and those ruling the Moon on into next date...

Date Dasa Hr t 00:48 *Me/Mo* areas until hr y 04:19 **Me/Ma** areas until hr m 06:47 **Me/Ra** areas until hr wa 13:07 *Me/Ju* areas then finally hr yo 18:45 **Me/Sa** areas into next date...



[*Both a *FM Sag, and SM Ren Wu aka Solar month* of the Yang water Horse in periods start date Friday June 5th*:

FM referred to as the Strwberry Moon and of other as the Sag Full Moon in the Venus ruled *Purvashadha Nakshatra* type]...

6/5 Metal/Venus day VI/m aka Ji Mao a Yin wood Rabbit date...FS #1 Kan...[GT: #21 - #27 Involves *#39 Areas*]...Change line 4 areas...

Solar Month same pair as in the date header [ ], and it starts right at the get go at 00:00 hrs!...


#50 - #44 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Is a Break Month type as the Month of the horse (w) clashes the Year's  Rat (t) energy, so for areas and in some people that strongly shakes things up, may also affect some things of Ox areas or birth's in that also, but for some born Horse that may be good for them as offsets the year clash to them for the month...

To be exact on a given born horse year as well as others one must have additional of birth data's for that...

Don't mention the 12 Officers here though did that in pasts: 

That's mainly as most show them in the for Global uses only, and are not your actual personal 12 Officers which in cycle are rooted to that of your birth... 

FS dates are listed here as they apply at both the global, and personal individual levels for the date...

FM Exact #30 - #13 Involves *#28* Areas...Change line 5 areas...

SM Ren Wu is FS #4 Shun type...

Constellation: K'ang:Neck - Water Type, and Dragon animal sign...

On China, Malaysia and others of the +8 timezone *their daily pairs in hexagrams* use April's blog to track that of April 15th onwards in pairs for them, but using the  chinese date here of this date  forward for that listed April 14th onwards in this FM period...

WV Solar month condensed to the Physical only Astro:

This Solar month has a sign Pisces Physical that is ruled and sub ruled both by Jupiter Rx in sign Capricorn 11th type areas...

Sub ruled includes *Rahu* under Jupiter aka Ju/Ra as well *for the Physical*, and both with Jupiter Rx still driven by Mars!...

Mars of course is in Sign Pisces aka the month's Physical as well!...

Mars and Saturn Rx drive each other and Saturn Rx is in sign Aquarius *12th* type areas for this SM period...

WV Tropical *Full Moon (FM) Sag* Astro:

FM Positions...

The Full Moon's *Physical* is in *sign Libra* and the Svati Nakshatra, so it is ruled by Venus Rx, and sub ruled by *Rahu*...

Venus Rx in sign Gemini 9th type areas and yet under combust of the Sun there which had exact conjuncted it couple days ago...

Both Venus Rx and the Sun *are yet of Square vis Mars* as well, with Mars in sign Pisces 6th type areas!...

Venus Rx rules that of the sign Libra Physical 1st and sign Taurus *8th* type areas...


Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 4th type areas...

Saturn Rx in sign Aquarius 5th type areas..

Full Moon aka Moon in sign Sag 3rd type areas sign conjuncting that of Ketu there...

Then Mercury is in sign Cancer 10th Outer public and events areas!...

Day Ruler Venus Rx:

In sign Gemini *9th* type areas it yet conjunct with the Sun and they are both Sub ruled by *Rahu* at the final end degree in those Gemini 9th areas as well...

Venus Rx, and that with it aspects, impacts, opposes that of and in the Sag 3rd type areas this FM period...

Transiting Moon in sign Sag 3rd areas Opposes that of Venus and the Sun in hr's e and w, then in hr w 12:03 it enters the Fiery Venus ruled Purvashadha Nakshatra into next date...

Also of hr's w, wa and s this date it Squares that of Mars as well, see FM positions...

Mars in sign Pisces 6th areas ruling that of sign Scorpio 2nd Material, etc and sign Aries 7th Relationships, etc areas this FM period!...

Some referred to the FM as an eclipse of the small umbra type and that's so vis both the Sun and Moon were within 18 degrees of the Nodes, then small eclipse type as that orb wasn't tight as they were both at about 15 degrees from the respecitive Rahu or Ketu node at FM exact...

SM Full Dasa: Ke/Ra/Ve/Sa/Ke in short and date *Sa/Ke* areas...

FM Full Dasa: Ve/Su/Su/Sa/Ve in short and date *Sa/Ve* areas...

[A lot of the above points to things of the sudden in fires, bickerings, instabilities, *vandalisms*, accidents, things of legal areas, and lawsuits just as we had in the ahead and coming into the *FM*, SM period starts...

That's strongly reflected in the FM positions, and signs for it's Libra Physical, and it's Pisces 6th, and Aries 7th areas in main plus other those vis graha's attach too...

The same of our FM Exact Hexagram pair with the Rh star represents the above including dangers, illnesses also on the Object line in the Others, Relationships, etc at the Inner levels...Note of the Involves aka First Heagrams Nuclear pair  is that of #28 *Too Much* also gives hint of what the FM period about...

Then too of the shocks and jolts areas in the Qi Men Solar Year plus the Qi Men Solar month, and also for any who plot the FM date and time chart as well, with all very much in step as far as how shocks and jolts run in this current period as well]...
Anyway that has started these periods so probably in the least some mentioned goes on for awhile yet and then some of legal yet ahead for longer or possibly in some as new permenent measures or laws, etc...

Then that of the brief Solar month astro gave you an instant feel for things at individual responses and actions levels with Mars in it's Pisces Physical 1st areas...

Vis **** added a few items to these periods which started today!...

Keep in mind the prior NM period pair as far as trackings still applies as well!...

6/6 Earth/Saturn day VII/cn aka Geng Chen a Yang metal Dragom date...FS #2 Kan...[GT: #32 - *#28* Involves *#43* Areas*]...Change line 5 areas...


#40 - #64 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Ti:Base - Earth Type, and Badger animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Saturn Rx:

All kept brief....

Saturn Rx in the Aquarius *5th* type areas also ruling sign Capricorn 4th areas and further aspects, impacts sign Aries 7th, sign Leo 11th, and sign Scorpio 2nd areas...

Transiting Moon yet in Sag 3rd areas, and the Watery Sun ruled Uttarashadha Nakshatra, then in hr s 15:44 it enters sign Capricorn 4th type areas sign conjuncting Jupiter Rx areas there next couple days...

The Moon then ruled of Saturn Rx and the Sun, and it ruling sign Cancer Outer 10th areas on into next date...

Date Dasa yet *Su/Mo* areas *until hr y **Su/Ma** areas* until hr hr cn 07:22 **Su/Ra** areas until hr yo 17:46 *Su/Me* areas on into next date...

6/7 Sun day VIII/e aka Xin Si a Yin metal Snake date...FS *#3* Zen...[GT: #59 - *#29* Involves *#27 Areas*]...Change line 6 areas...


#53 - #37 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Fang:Room - Sun-Fire Type, and Hare animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Sun:

Kept Brief...

Sun in Gemini 9th areas ruled by Mercury in Cancer 10th Outer areas, and Sub ruled by *Rahu* as is the Libra Physical and then Venus Rx in the Gemini areas as well...Venus Rx there still in strong Conjunct with the Sun there and both sign conjunct that of Rahu there as well...

Sun, etc aspect, impact that of the Sag 3rd type areas also...

Transiting Moon in sign Capricorn 4th areas where it sign conjuncts Jupiter Rx and all same until hr e 09:06 when it exactly Opposes Mercury in sign Cancer 10th Outer areas and in simul the Moon enters it's own Sravana Nakshatra areas...

Then on Moon ruled by Saturn Rx in sign Aquarius 5th type areas on into next date...

Date Dasa yet *Sa/Ju* areas until hr y 03:01 **Me/Me** areas until hr w 11:49 *Me/Ke* areas until finally hr s 15:26 *Me/Ve* areas on into next date...

One match amongst many:

*#29* Kan and the Kan trigram itself includes that of *Traps* amongst it's meanings

Was the ugly side in extremes where rather than protesting one man (in minimum) took matters into his own hands and set up, led andi trapped police in a deadly ambush!...

Preceeding #29 was that of the #59 *Travels* and Dispersions hexagram...

In that and or other was an *FS #3* Zen type date which includes abrupt changes, *changes in environments*, and that of disputes and bickerings also!..

Hate filled extremist types make things very difficult for the police, and *only do damage to that of the Protests causes*, can be some in the few that may yet do simular in the ahead...They help not a thing!...

Then is of our FM period and the Rh star the types of things hopefully in the very few that come up for the police in this period...

6/8 Moon day IX/w aka Ren Wu a Yang water Horse date and same the Month...FS #4 Shun...GT: #39 - #63 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#8 - *#29* Involves *#23* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

*Date same month* and both clash the year!*...

Constellation: Hsin:Heart - Moon-Fire Type, and Fox animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Moon:

Transiting Moon as before until hr cn 08:48 where it's tightly conjuncting Jupiter Rx there and in simul enters the Mars ruled Dhanistha Nakshatra areas...

In hr wa the Moon exactly conjuncts Jupiter Rx areas...

In late hr sh the Moon then enters the sign Aquarius 5th areas initially conjuncting ruler Saturn Rx areas there on into next date...

Moon ruled by Saturn Rx and Mars areas with that ruling sign Cancer 10th Outer events areas...

Date Dasa yet of *Me/Ve* areas until hr c 01:47 *Me/Su* areas until hr y *Me/Mo* areas until hr e 10:04 **Me/Ma** areas until hr wa 13:41 **Me/Ra** areas then finally of hr t 23:00 *Me/Ju* areas into next date...

Horse Births *of any year* this month:

[In this *Horse Month*: They might yearn for travel and adventure aka getting out more, the hands on in things, physical excercise, find themselves wanting to make changes of any type including tearing something down and rebuilding it in the new, sometimes a bit destructively or of a fightings nature in the latter, and likely will find themselves making quick decisions in things this month...

Then at the same time some may feel a need to hide away themselves, things or that of certain areas at times, they may study more, shop more, and things connecting to their material financial areas are emphasized as well...

Some may have problems with those younger than them, and of certain private areas as well...

Also can be some things of great accumulations or storages that you may want or need to remedy as well this month...

Things of completions may result in initial difficulties for one as well, and again anything related to hidings might be quite important as well...

Then in some that of negative situations that involve small loss of some type and lead to legal problems in solutions may come up...

Some of that is a one time example from Master Joey Yap's references, and some vis hexagrams also, but can at individual levels be done as mentioned below, can't vouch for it but some just draw that of random qi men charts for answers to questions also...

This month should be for some of them a good offset to the year, depends on birth chart...

You can check on any sign vis:

May not have got everything as are several ways to do that type of a *general for all forecast*!...

Means maybe one or two things out of the listed may apply to any given Horse born type and not neccessarily all of the listed, then across the board applies to all...

Added this now as though haven't seen any Qi Men schools teach such, have found through my own personal events that no matter what chart type used in the looking ahead of situations to come up:

That [one should always include that of your birth year *Sign (Branch)* Lo Shu palace], and not just the YOB stem or birth palace, etc alone!...

Using the Month branch in a Month and it's stem palace also, and the Date branch *palaces* and their stems in those, and in Day charts too, on down to hour charts provides strong useful pertinent informations as well...

Includes other Qi Men courses who use avoid these areas birth type palace indicators instead of the destiny palace types...

Mention personal events but can apply to other non personal external types as well when you have that info avaiable to you...

*Fail to do that in using your birth sign element palace, and you will definitely miss very important things even of healths areas that will come up in situations and events for you or on any person of interests chart you happen to be examining*!...

In observings you'll find things that show up in your birth sign palace will be quite main to your situations...

Quick minor example hour chart type:

Sometimes I develop very severe indigestion when eat some foods at times, severe enough to cause me to pass out...

Comes up as that of shocks and the illness star in *my sign element palace*!...

Shocks and Jolts automatically indicate *that of Surprises as in the Unexpected* it was the eating of a snack/dessert after the meal that did it...

Normally love the given snack/desert but that time the product was from a different company and did not mix well with the meal had eaten, hence the surprise aka shock and jolt of the stomach and body's reaction to it!...

Also in a lot that of various ill sounding formations can often further go along with that of health matters as well...As far as that goes can be any weird and usually non harmful thing as long as no major actions were taken, but more serious if an event comes up for you or an action taken by you...

A formation with Tian Ying may say you'll be surrounded by enemies, but if you haven't traveled anywhere and just sitting at home then what?...If  you happen to be watching TV (as one case) at the time then in action you will probably auto switch to a channel where the show or movies Hero is surrounded by enemies...One type of in matching results that I got, are others...

Much like of old when would frivously toss on *What's Up in this Hour?*, Not good as in a repeating question type unless very sincere about it, but would get the weird stuff of environments and again of TV show stuff which would match the pair at the time...

*Some learn the Iching while not as powerful as the Wwg **if the names in the results match your situation or subject you were interested in**, you can then plot the Qi Men chart*...

On the names examining the trigrams and all they represent that make up the toss results  aka the main, nuclear, and resultant areas often very helpful in that...

I do that with the Wwg, and of a good toss, it and both the Qi Men will agree!...

Mainly as the Wwg is of not just lunar but a solar component as well and that has worked very well for me in use with the Qi Men...

One can verify the other doing that as well, and makes for very strong accurate analysis and or corrections for the matter at hand as well...

Same is an easier way beyond the standard additional Qi Men methods to obtain good results on things *to do with others aka other specific individuals...

Not much that you can't get a good result on as long as you've done the toss at a quiet time, and of a clear aka cleared mind, and of a good relaxed focus on the question only for each line of the hexagram...

Any distrubance in the process at any line number you'll have to wait until all quietens again and re-toss starting from line 1 all over again...

If names don't match up you've done something wrong or there's something else more important as in urgent being given to you, or of bad timing bad results...Simply toss again in a different hour or preferrably on a different date as well...

You can check any Iching, Superiching or Wwg site on that of tossing if you have any problems, most in Wwg observe the Tails as being of Yang property, but as long *as you stay always consistant* you can use either the tails or heads for that (Your Choice)...

You can toss on a strong urge too, as long as you totally divorce yourself from the feeling while doing the toss itself...

Well the U.S. down south but moving north, etc got bombed by what was a TS storm the main pair had the P earth star clashes and the add that of B earth clashes to it as well...

6/9 Fire/Mars day X/wa aka Gui Wei a Yin water Goat date...[FS *#5*] Lien Zhen...GT: #23 - #4 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#26 - *#41* Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Tail - Fire Type, and Tiger animal sign...

WV Tropical FM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Mars:

In hr t Mars in Pisces 6th areas begins nearing exact Square to the Sun in Gemini 9th areas and stays that way at less than a degree Orb in that for about a week, until the Sun starts to widen it's Orb vis Mars...

Egos stuff, etc very tensional of those areas...

Mars aspect, impacts sign Gemini 9th, Virgo *12th*, and the Libra 1st Physical areas...

Transiting Moon in sign Aquarius 5th areas carries it's prior conjunct to Saturn while there, and in hr e 09:11 enters the *Rahu* ruled Satabhisha Nakshatra areas...

Moon then on ruled by Saturn Rx, and *Rahu* into next date, that ruling the Cancer 10th Outer areas...

Date Dasa yet of *Me/Ju* areas until hr cn 07:17 **Me/Sa** areas until hr s 17:07 **Ke/Ke** areas until hr yo 18:36 *Ke/Ve* areas then finally hr h 22:52 **Ke/Su** areas just into next date...

Will shift all of this for the Horse month to a new page tomorrow...

For Qi Men types:

Read of news sources today: That one caucasion male Age 23 who was arrested in connection and admitted participation in that labeled as a riot in the entering and burning down of Police Precinct #3 in Mineapolis, Minnesota on the night of May 28th around 10pm...

That was close enough to hr h aka Ji Hai, and of date Xin Wei *for any Qi Men types* to check out that of his *birth sign palace*, adding the opposite palace of groups and relationships at the time, plus that of his birth stem palace *in confirming the nature of his actions and roles then*...

Age 23 Ding Chou (Yin fire Ox)...

On the birth sign paldace consider also that he was get this *a security guard* for a local store as well, enough said...

Keep in mind this is an event type not a normal you are wonderful type reading, and more on the order of war declared type...Not all courses assign Jiu Tian as Positive in every role in some she is the Warrior God slightly different context from that called the God of War...

Here will only mention that *the Qi Men did show for that hour*: That in Pairs/Groups/*Relationships* were that of a damaging and destroying things type then, and *gate/door* plus star inauspacious type in that!...

That being unfortunately of an ill event type, but in that of your timed year and month to even day reads will be more complete and enhanced using the relative birth sign palace with others you normally use...

Just Blog:

To expand that of any daily pairs:

Use the SuperIching EZ hexagram full *expander* use SuperIching's go there scroll read the instructions and use for any dailies or tosses you wish to expand for the line stars of them...

His (Alex Chiu's) book is available in Kindle Reader form for only $7.50 as well, may also be in Google Books too as found most others had previously mentioned are there too for any device or pc os...

On the Yi Jing, Plum Blossum, etc one of the most convienent, concise, economical aka *very inexpensive*, and fully loaded books, definitely with that you'd need is in Kindle Reader aka Epub form: 

Yi Jing Image and Numerology Divination...

Uses the pre, before heaven trigram sequence as used in the Wwg and Qi Men...

Another more expensive book by Master Huang uses a strictly the *Feng Shui trigram sequence* instead, which those using standard Feng Shui may find additionally helpful...

Not required in the speedy of Qi Men's separate Feng Shui charts and methods...

Though the Lo Shu in Qi Men is itself std Feng Shui type, but usually in advanced the XKDG is additionally used with *the Qi Men Yi Jing hexagrams*, and that too has it's own separate trigram sequences...

A good complimentary to either of those books that's also *very inexpensive* for basic Yi Jing aka Iching only  interpretations:

The Clear Cut Iching available on (c)...

[Those who want or need to track the hexagrams here using the, our chinese date can download a calendar for 2019 from the SuperIching site...

*In lieu you could also download the free fourpillars version 1.2 program from*!...

On the latter you can then privately generate your own fourpillars aka bazi birth chart as well...

Still good daily matches to pairs here, adding corrections on the fourpillars,net free 1,2 version here, etc..

That version doesn't include coordinates or timezones but not to fret as it will still provide accurate birth charts...If born in an daylight timezone hour, simply subtract one hour for the standard time and use that...

You'll only need the dates earth branch aka animal sign under the day pillar to track dates versus the hexagrams here!]...

Pairs use SuperIching shortcuts so in order used, and repeats:

t = Rat, c = Ox, y = Tiger, m = Rabbit, cn = Dragon, e = Snake, w = Horse, wa = Goat, s = Monkey, yo = Rooster, sh = Dog, and h = Pig earth branch aka sign

Same order for hours as well...

Daily Upper/Outer 8 trigrams order vis Pre aka Early Heavens sequence 1- 8:

Chen, Dui, Li, Zen, Shun, Kan, Gen,Quen (Kun) then Repeat.

If would like to purchase a Chinese Farmer's Almanac try Master Tsai's U.S.:

Personally use it and in ease is the best!...

Plus on site if you sift through it are many, many freebies as to your birth or year, and other cycle types, plus you can freely find your personal daily ten gods cycle itself too...

That's included in his Fortune Angel software as well...

Do be sure to check out Youtube (TM) for other totally free on your Chinese astrology year also, and many of the other great Bazi sites the videos of Joey Yap and many others there point to as well!...

Mention the extra as each presents those subjects in different ways and one may suit you better than another's then not all Bazi aka Fourpillars is taught or used the same in all aspects!...

[On QMDJ these days are Zhi Run QMDJ chart calculators for both Android phones and the Iphone for the insitant of the hour charts and more, so those just using the Jerry King book for that of Formations, etc  can do it more easily on them now...

Such will never take the place of an actual course, but does make for a very useful small handy reference which further includes around 30 actual real case reads...Available from

Beyond that not as handy in terms of carrying it anywhere you go, but a more thorough reference including all the heavens stems meanings of 1,126 pages is the Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium 2nd Edition by Joey Yap...Not as many case reads in it and not designated as actual of them though...It too can be obtained in E form for the Kindle reader and maybe the Google E pubs as well...

Both are good starting references but neither could substitute or compare to a trained teacher and their home study or online courses or the shorter go there seminar types...

Beyond the numerous of personal uses, many use with regard to various business and investments purposes these days...

As far as Qi Men courses unless your planning on physically taking them at an overseas location, there's the online type, the 2 I'm most familiar with are:

1. Have mentioned many times is that of the excellent and well taught of Joey Yap's QM (QMDJ) and his other courses...

In his you have the most advanced of QM chart types to at least 7 levels, but added levels are not shown in the books he sells, and is only available online to those during the study of those courses with a full year of online only use in his QM chart calculators included, and then thereafter you must pay a tidy sum on a yearly basis to use them...

It's also a more highly spiritually oriented course type in terms of the most detailed of birth chart types compared to other courses, and of some where that of the extra levels come into play too...

Then in other it's a highly simplified made easy approach for others to learn to analyze and use various QM charts in that of forecasts and predictions, and strongly tailored to that of wealths, business areas as well...

It's mainly the unique of a *highly detailed birth chart type* beyond any other, and other extra timing points with those that makes this a great course beyond others in that aspect...

All courses have their very strict copy right self protections measures, and aside of books all the pdf's downloaded in his course lessons associated the above courses *are trackers*, main purpose would guess is to be sure you don't send them to other non members of the Joey Yap courses, hence tracked...

Another plus is often there are *free view anytime within a given date range* of videos given by various teachers...

Those are of many supplementary classes or tips sessions on various course areas, that members of most courses can learn from as well...

Much better than the live view now types which aired in their time often just too inconvienent in U.S. time hours wise...

2. Beyond that with *A Very Strong recommendation*, is that of *Ken Lai's Imperial QM Pro course, also a keypoint of his is that you'll physically *have all the important of materials on hand and/or to take with you at any time*...

That plus in using that of his QM smartcharts, your given that in an easy to carry masterful book, which gives you the advantage of looking up all 12 chinese hour charts *in simul* for any date chosen, *so it is very handy in that*!... 

Also within it he details how you can of the same book aside all hour charts, look up that for any year, month or day chart your intersted in, * so again very handy most all is in one place*...

All formations, palace configurations and other are taught and vis field manual in very easy and quick look up forms as well...

Every single page in his materials has both that of his copyright on them as well as Licensed to: Your name, home address and email address as well for both's protections, and the same of his class videos also as that same info is at tops streamed acrossed and throughout them as well...

[If you'd like to read a True Chinese Arts Master's blog views on Qi Men and other various Chinese arts areas in the Open and not hidden within groups only, and for the public to see *vis Master Ken Lai* of Minnesota, U.S.:

One of my Fav's, many helpful 4P articles also:



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