Monday, July 6, 2020

Solar Month of the Gui Wei X//wa Yin water Goat.

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U.S. Independence day and the July 4th/5th FM Penumbral Lunar Eclipse...

By itself this FM known as the Buck and or Thunder Full Moon...

7/4 Saturn day V/s aka Wu Shen a Yang earth Monkey date...FS #1 Kan...GT: #49 - #17 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 3 areas..


#17 - #3 Involves *#53* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

FM Exact is near but about 15 minutes after listed Lunar Eclipse Max Peak times, so this pair covers both:

#21 - #27 Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Ti:Base Earth Type, and Badger animal sign...

Hexagram images posted under the others near the page top...

Note On the FM Exact Hexagram here though is of Standard EST hr t at 23:44:21/22 on July 4th, per rules as a quirk of that hour it carries on over and translates into hr t of the next date aka July 5th at 00:44:21/22 hours...

That as in Simul we in EDT timezone are 12 hours behind China, and their FM Exact is always in simul to ours and other countries with China's at 12:44:21/22 PM there aka 12 hours in time ahead of us, for the same FM Exact Celestial Event...

It as a celestial event occurs simul above for all countries just of different times per their timezones...

Saw several sources and think in EDT clock time here the Full Moon *Penumbral Lunar Eclipse* begins here around 23:07 July 4th, and ends 01:52 July 5th...

You should see the Peak or Max of the slightly dark shadow in *it's partial covering of a portion of the Moon* somewhere between 22 to 44 minutes after Midnight July 5th...

That covers both the Lnr Eclipse Peak and the FM Exact Peak as well...

At first when writing this up on the 3rd didn't get the difference in those Peak times but afterwards  in thinking, guess that's just simply due to it being a partial lunar eclipse where just a portion of the Moon is temporarily darkened in it and which is it's peak, then the FM Exact is the main peak always used here!...

The Moon will be at 13:37:47 degrees Capricorn Opposing the Sun at 13:37:47 degrees Cancer then...

Each is within the 18 degree ID zone for Eclipses per Vedic Rahu and Ketu position rules...

See various news or science sites on countries it's over but is said to be viewable in most or all U.S. locations...

WV FM Dailies Astro...

Day ruler Saturn:

Saturn Rx in FM Chart's sign Capricorn 10th Outer events areas of date start...

Saturn Rx there at the Final End Degree of sign Capricorn, and is conjunct there by both that of Jupiter RX and Pluto Rx in that sign...

That with Jupiter Rx being Conjunct with Pluto Rx as well...

So lots of resurfaced past issues of their areas amongst the new globally including the Covid-19, etc stuff in Outer public Events are in for about the entire of this FM period...

Saturn Rx rules that of both sign Capricorn 10th, and the Aquarius 11th Groups, etc areas...

Further Saturn Rx aspects, impacts all in sign Pisces 12th, Cancer 4th, and Libra 7th type areas...

The FM and it's Lunar Eclipse chart has an Aries Physical where it's ruler Mars resides...

Transiting Moon had in hr t 00:48 entered sign Capricorn 10th Outer events areas of this Aries Physical FM chart today...

The Moon sign conjuncts all mentioned in the Capricorn 10th Outer events areas which also sign Squares Mars in the Aries Physical 1st type areas... 

The Moon being ruled by Saturn Rx and yet *Exact Squares* Mars in hr cn 07:27 today, and is yet Sub ruled by the Sun in the Uttarashadha Nakshatra areas then...

Keep in mind that Mars which rules the sign Aries Physical also rules that of the *Scorpio *8th* type areas as well for this period...

So things, areas, and those of aside sign Aries also includes the sign Scorpio's Sun, Moon or Physical Asendants aka Rising signs birth types, and who should take care and be a bit more safety conscious in this FM period...

Then in separate we have that of sign Pisces *12th* house areas in which Neptune also resides, and that Jupiter Rx further aside the Sag 9th areas rules as well...

Later in hr yo 18:19 the Moon enters it's own ruled Sravana Nakshatra areas, so then on ruled by Saturn Rx and itself, that *ruling the sign Cancer 4th type areas* where the Sun and Mercury Rx reside on into next date...

Date Dasa Hr t 00:13 *Ma/Ve* until hr e 10:53 **Ma/Su** until hr wa 14:04 *Ma/Mo* until hr sh 19:24 **Ra/Ra** into next date!...

We will be starting the X/wa, Gui Wei aka *Yin water Goat Solar Month* here in hr e of July 6th...


Most know the FM always involves that of both achievements in completions or just that of completions, and the wrapping of things up as in the ends, and the endings of things began prior...

Since this FM is relative the 10th and 4th houses where the 10th house of Capricorn has that of the Outer conjuncts have been mentioning last several days here, things would likely be of quite major ends in a range of several months...

*A FM Lunar Eclipse type partial or total *is said per Western Astrologists *in theory to extend out the time range of those endings* to up to several months* in the minimum*!...

That's the 10th versus 4th house type areas of this FM chart which with an Aries Physical may apply as a Global type also... 

Then wherever signs *Capricorn and Cancer* are in your own charts you may have or feel to end some former thing(s) yourself...That in the current but then in theory *it may well be up to several months out before you possibly make a major end of some type in those areas*...

*Depending on the Ends type* any time you end something that should mark the begins of something else that's an improvement, new or better than you had prior...  

In all this had to be quite an eventful, adventurous, and even trying month type for some of the Horse element signs, areas this month, having had both a Solar and a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in their areas!...Tell your stories...

Looks like will have to start using the term co-rulers again since I'm re-incorporating a great deal of Western Astro (that first learned) itself into the Western Vedic charts used here, but the Kala software fully allows for that...

Co-rulers: Mars co-rules Scorpio where as Pluto rules it, then Jupiter co-rules Pisces where as Neptune rules it, Saturn co rules Aquarius while Uranus rules it, etc...

Will stick to the common between Western and Vedic/Tajika aspects, and for great ease in just the main trends, gists, etc uses as have the Conjuncts, Squares, Oppositions, Inconjuncts, and Trine Aspects here...

Western astro uses up to 72 aspects which would be way too much for these brief period forecast types here...

Anyway hope most had or have a good 4th of July also...


7/5 Sun day VI/Yo aka Ji You a Yin earth Rooster date...FS *#9* Li...GT: #21 - #27 Involves *#39* Areas*...Change line 4 areas..

Latter GT all countries the *same as our FM Lnr Prd Exact pair* posted near top page...


#50 - #44 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Fang:Room Sun-Fire Type, and Hare animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Sun:

Obviously initially that's **the FM itself** with the Sun in sign Cancer 4th domestics type areas, and Opposing the Moon in sign Capricorn 10th Outer Events, Careers, Officials, Leaderships, Reputations and Status, etc areas...

Pretty much all as mentioned before with the Sun and Mercury Rx conjunct it those in the Saturn Rx ruled Pushya Nakshatra areas where the Sun and that rules *the Leo 5th type areas for this period*...

Transiting Moon in sign Capricorn 10th areas yet ruled by Saturn Rx it sign conjuncts along with Jupiter Rx and Pluto Rx in some shows of power amongst many other things...

Moon exact conjuncts Jupiter Rx, and Pluto Rx with minutes of delay in hr yo 18:17 then having just prior entered the Mars ruled $ Dhanistha Nakshatra also at 18:04!...

The Moon carries that making tighter  conjunct to Saturn Rx into the next date...

That all with the Moon ruling the Cancer 4th type areas...

Date Dasa yet **Ra/Ra** areas until hr sh 20:03 **Ra/Ju** areas into next date...

In Notes:

Keep in mind due to the type of FM, and that of Major conjuncts of the Outers in sign Capricorn's areas that prior of several weeks comeing into it you may have felt urges or even made some sort of transform in those areas...

Due to the Outers alone some may have already made some ends, and transforms in various areas, even careers and other...

Then of that you may actually yet make your own quite major changes aka transforms *in something of those Capricorn areas* at any point in the remaining of 2020...

Assuredly in the National and Global we have already seen some there with more to come...

Those too will be relative or involve that of sign Cancer's areas in some form (are many) as well...

*Solar Month of the Gui Wei X//wa Yin water Goat*.

7/6 Moon day VII/sh aka Geng Xu a Yang metal Dog date...FS #8 Gen...GT: #32 - #28 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 5 areas..


#40 - #64 Involves *#63* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Hsin:Heart Moon-Fire Type, and Fox animal sign...


The Solar Month Gui Wei aka Yin water Goat starts today in hr e, will shift to new page on this date, posting it's pair image then!...

Has a Mercury Rx ruled *Virgo Physical type* which is also Sub ruled by the Moon...

Solar Month Exact Pair:

*#54 - #19 Involves *#63* Areas*...Change line 4 areas*...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Moon:

Transiting Moon in Capricorn 10th Outer areas and yet all same...

The Moon Exact conjuncts Saturn Rx there in hr m 05:34 then yet in same Mars ruled $ Nakshatra where it's yet sign conjunct by *[Jupiter Rx conjuncts Pluto Rx areas]* there as well!...

Just after and yet in hr m 06:08 the Moon enters sign Aquarius 11th Biz, Groups, etc type areas...

Later in hr yo 18:20 the Moon in Aquarius enters the *Rahu* ruled Satabhisha Nakshatra...Rahu in the Gemini 3rd environments, expressive areas for the rest of the date!...

Moon in Aquarius then on is yet ruled by Saturn Rx, with Moon also Sub ruled by *Rahu*, that ruling the Cancer Domestic 4th type areas into next date...

In lieu of Saturn Rx if wish you can use Uranus in sign Taurus 2nd material, etc areas as Ruler for Aquarius as well...

Solar Month or more so of this date?...

Not of very good influences from hr e on through most all of the date!...

Date Dasa yet **Ra/Ju** areas until hr yo 17:58 **Ra/Sa** areas on into next date!...

Qi Men versus actual Horary (Hour type) answers to questions:

*Had spent a lot of time* comparing Qi Men forecasts in Relationships and other questions against that of Western Astro Horary in same...

Quite a diffference in them as Qi Men in forecasts are a fast, efficient, and fixed as a 2 hour period type where as Western Horary takes it down to the exact minute and seconds of when a question was asked!...

Qi Men in that has been adapted in that from it's original and actual Warcraft purposes!...

So that also says the results it provides for that of the personages involved can at times run along that of the brutal compared to that of standard Western or Eastern Vedic analysis of the same...

The Chinese metaphysics systems though cyclic do treat their hours as a fixed block of given fixed characteristics, but time is not truly linear like that, and in *Western Astro or Eastern it's Horary of a given 2 hour zone [can have up and downs or windows within it]*...

So from a standard Astro Horary view all depends upon *the exact time a question is asked as to what the results will be*!...

 *Did find about 70 to as much as 80 % of the time* that of Horary for the same Qi Men answers to a question would be the *same*!...

Touchy there as if you instead looked at the overall average of the given 2 hour period then *their answers would most often totally agree in that*...

Then in the other 30% or less the Astro Horary answers could be fully opposite of the Qi Men's *entirely depending upon the *exact time* the question was asked*...

Then on that of the personality's involved in a relationship question that of the horary will provide a more tame and expansive human view for them versus the sometimes more brutal view that some using Qi Men come up with...

Depending on how used both are actually excellent systems for finding the answer to a question, with that of Astro horary being the more exact when it comes to that of exact times themselves!...

Then in that you have to remember where people are concerned they are showing what the influences for or on them are at the time...

Qi Men Monthly's:

Got a very good surprise in that this afternoon:

If any remember had advised all Qi Men types on Jun 6th or 8th last month to add the appropriate birth *sign* palace into any of their readings and assessments!...

Made that judgement after going through every year of my life and finding great matches...

Anyway one of the persons I do free monthly's for was over today, and so did their usual month's forecast/read except added their birth sign palace in it as well today...

That of their *birth sign palace*, had shown that of: 

[Monies, Capital, Capital gains which also includes Assets and Investments as well which was in that of lands, homes and properties, etc then in other areas had told them of other that either of doctors areas or there would be things of major decisions for them to make as well, keeping that to the very brief only here]!...

*Once I was done with the overall reading of this month for them*:

*They then pulled out their cellphone, and showed me pictures of this *Huge Property* that they were now physically making improvements too, having yet to do much more and to also make some further decisions on it's use's and other involving it*...

Talk about a Super match!...

Can of actual experience say the same occurs at year levels when Mr Capital shows up in them, that will further can or may usually include things of huge career additions or very profitable changes to them, and/or promotions and career related rewards type events as well often based on your own past efforts and relationships!...

[*So again though that wasn't taught in any's courses is why you should also always add the birth sign palaces into any of your forecasts, readings as well*!]...

Another way to put all that is of your Destiny palaces that is something that you always move towards and you can always take advantages of as desired, whereas the Birth sign palace is about both physical manifestations in of actions which you take,  and *that of closer others actions physically taken which affects or involves you as well* of their dealings...

There the YOB stem more about that more external, etc where as the birth sign is more about internal and personal dealings of yours and the more involved or closer of others actions in your personal life, should be *somewhat the same* as in Bazi aka Fourpillars, and *a lot or more like the Wwg itself of those areas as well*...

Moon in hr sh 20:20 exact trines Venus in the Gemini 3rd areas...

7/7 Fire/Mars day VIII/h aka Xin Hai a Yin metal Pig date...FS *#7* Dui...GT: #59 - *#29* Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 6 areas..


#53 - #37 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Tail Fire Type, and Tiger animal sign...


WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Mars:

Mars in Aries Sub ruled by Ketu of the Sag 9th areas with Mars in the Physical 1st type areas it rules as well as co-ruling the Scorpio *8th* type areas...

Mars also *sign squares* that in the Capricorn 10th, and Cancer 4th type areas...

Then Mars further aspects, impacts again the Cancer 4th areas, Libra 7th, and Scorpio *8th* areas as well...

Transiting Moon in that of Uranus and Saturn Rx ruled *Aquarius 11th type areas* with the Moon yet Sub ruled of *Rahu* in the Gemini 3rd type areas...

Initially yet inconjunct with that of Mercury Rx of the Cancer 4th type areas...

In hr t 00:38 the Moon Exact Squares Uranus of the Taurus 2nd areas...

Later in hr w 11:37 is Exact inconjunct the Sun in Cancer 4th areas also...

Finally in hr sh 19:11 the Moon enters the Jupiter Rx ruled Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra areas...

Then ruled as before but now Sub ruled by Jupiter Rx of Capricorn 10th areas, that ruling the Cancer 4th type areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet **Ra/Sa** Areas until hr sh 19:59 *Ra/Me* Areas into next date...

The wet stuff was a good match to todays main pair for this area...

On the rest been way to busy with both the Qi Men and Horary charts to note event matches lately but do assume most can *since we have those Outers and their conjuncts in the 10th Outer events areas for this entire lunar period*...

7/8 Water/Mercury day IX/t aka Ren Zi a Yang water Rat date...FS #6 Qian...GT: #39 - #63 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 1 areas..


#8 - *#29* Involves *#23 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Chi:Basket Water Type, and Leopard animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Mercury:

Mercury Rx in sign Cancer 4th areas sign conjunct with the Sun there, those Opposing that in the Capricorn 10th areas, plus *Mercury Rx is strongly Squared from Mars* in the Aries 1st Physical areas...

Transiting Moon in Aquarius 11th areas yet same then in hr wa 14:12 in yet the same Nakshatra enters sign Pisces 12th type areas ruled and Sub ruled by *Jupiter Rx* then where Jupiter Rx is also conjunct Pluto Rx in the Capricorn 10th areas ...

Later in hr sh 20:37 the Moon in Pisces enters the Saturn ruled Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra areas...

Then on the Moon ruled by Jupiter Rx and Saturn Rx from the Capricorn 10th areas, and that ruling the sign Cancer 4th type areas into next date...

In that the Moon will be applying Sextile to Uranus, Square to Venus, and Trine to Mercury Rx today,  and on iton next date for some's exacts also...

Date Dasa Yet *Ra/Me* areas until hr sh 19:16 *Ra/Ke* areas into next date...

Qi Men:

Mr Capital in Qi Men of mentioned Jul 6th:

On year charts had use a 50 year range to search for that of Mr Capital in the/my Birth *Sign* palace...

Found it had occurred 4 or 5 times, *one was not good or great*, 3 were Great, and 1 that I had stupidly ignored would have also been Great...

Back then knew nothing of Qi Men so wouldn't have known a thing about Mr Capital.

If your a business type you might automatically take advantage of it when it comes up, and the same of realtors or those who invest in properties...

Else if as a worker in a large or multinational corporation, and *your talents are both specialized and well recognized* then when Mr Capital shows up in your Birth Sign Palace you'll automatically be given Great Opportunities which in turn will bring you Great increases in your $$$ areas...

Mention so others know to look for it over a wide span of years!...

Hidden, Misplaced and/or Lost items...

A Qi Men and Horary very unique actual case on that:

Most Qi Men books, school's videos or manuals etc on the subject *generally do say the same things, and have the very same approach to finding misplaced or lost items*, but are also some very minor contradictions between them...

July 3rd I had lost a ring while I slept, not really lost but *was hidden from sight*, and had a pretty good idea where it went, but when first get up in the day that of bending down, and more so then laying on the floor *can be a very big problem for me*, so decided this is no emergency it can wait till feeling better and *definitely more supple*...

Anyway waited several days, and while had thought of it prior, last night of day Xin Hai for some reason and urge decided to make a Qi Men and Horary experience out of it...

All Qi Men charts of schools and authors on the areas as listed in the heading that I've physically seen *are all done at the exact time the situation came up*!...

However I was asleep so would only know the range of hours that the ring had accidentally fell off and was in the temporary then misplaced!...

So through the Horary I reverse engineered aka went back in time *to find that exact time which itself was of a very short window*...Makes sense as would have been something of just sudden jolts...

Anyway the time in standard locals EST was 02:50 - 02:55, and *was nothing else in the range of hours that slept which would match*!...

Another match in that is by looking at local space an option of the software is it will then show the main direction in which to search...*That was of the NE's which was Exactly correct*!...

Having done all that then looked at the Qi Men chart first, which was of Day Ding Wei, and Hour Xin Chou...

It indicated E's for the hour, and SE's for the Day, but one big catch from what have seen it's rare for the hour's direction to be the actual location, though it and the Day can show the proximity of the item which might give you a just general idea of how much time it may take to find the item, and of the hour's palace stuff something of the item's description, and can be a possible direction from that...

*Problem was the hour palace was both Void and the Chart Fu Yin*, which is said by most to be a *Never find it condition*, and of a few said there would be Great difficulty in finding it?...

Still you must look in the Palace to verify the type of item, and in the descriptions that of it's possible *location* as well...

Many use only the residing Qi Men God and Star for that which wasn't that helpful by itself though the Star or more so that of the Zhen *environment* trigram and palace did provide one useful indication which agreed with the bedroom, and then the Xin stem(s) were another matching indicator...

Though otherwise it was dead in the water for finding it and of locations of most's rules!...

However I do include all,  and the only way to have gotten the correct direction would be to further include *the Other Void in the Gen palace then*, [Voids can be of things hidden, and the unknown as well]!...

While the Hour's Void Zhen palace indicates the Never find stuff, but nothing stops one from including the Other Void palace, and in that it then matched with the  horary's direction too, and as a place of sudden jolts vis it's Gate as well which would be quite correct!...

Also just because things are Fu Yin doesn't mean that things don't happen...

After that then looked at *the actual astro horary chart for it*, and things became immediately clear there:

It had Venus conjunct the Physical (Venus does represent Jewelry), and Venus ruled the *totally intercepted aka hidden of sign Taurus* *within the 12th* house, and the 12th house does include *Bedrooms*...

Really wouldn't need more that that to find the Ring if hadn't known the location, but the Moon indirectly ruling the bulk of the 2nd house (One's mobile items) in connection with fully ruling most of the 3rd's *things of the nearby in environments* further supported the above!...

Anyway a Unique damn good example of the Horary and by adding a little common sense how the Qi Men can also be used for finding lost or misplaced items as well...

Can say I cheated there, but not really as it was from the ahead of knowing that could prove that the horary does indeed work for that...

In fact that's one of the things that the horary astro is most famed for doing...

Near forgot but on exact times that's set by the astrologer or the qi men type and is *not set by the asker*...

More interesting in the horary then the qi men is on *relationships type questions*:

The Qi Men consultant forecasts all from the chart of the hour then *more rarely* sometimes with input from the birthchart...Most do go with the hour aka chinese hour type alone!...

The Horary Astrologer *vis the chart obtained from the time she or he set it*, aside analyzing what it shows, also looks at both other pasts and future points all from the same chart, and of that finalizes their judgement based from that...

However not all add that extra in, though it's a very good idea as it further verifies that chart for the asker of the relationship...  

Quite a bit of difference in methods...

7/9 Wood/Jupiter day X/c aka Gui Chou a Yin water Ox date...[FS *#5*] Lien Zhen...GT: #23 - #4 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 2 areas..


#26 - *#41* Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Begins Week of the Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Tou:Ladle Wood Type, and Unicorn animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Jupiter:

[Jupiter Rx in Capricorn *10th Outer areas* yet Conjunct Pluto Rx there and they conjuncting that of Saturn Rx's areas there as well....

Jupiter Rx sign Opposing that of Mercury Rx and the Sun in Cancer 4th areas, also aspects, impacts sign Taurus 2nd material, etc areas, and the Virgo 6th type areas]...

Transiting Moon in sign Pisces *12th* areas yet ruled by Jupiter Rx and Sub ruled by Saturn Rx also plus that the Moon aspects as mentioned in the ahead yesterday...

Then very late in hr h the Moon in Pisces enters the Mercury Rx in Cancer 4th ruled *Revati Nakshatra areas*...

Moon then on ruled by Jupiter Rx and Mercury Rx that ruling the Cancer 4th type areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Ra/Ke* areas until hr y 04:52 *Ra/Ve* areas on into next date...

7/10 Metal/Venus day I/y aka Jia Yin a Yang wood Tiger date...FS #4 Shun...GT: #11 - #19 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 3 areas..


#19 - #54 Involves *#24* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Niu:Ox Metal Type, and Ox animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Venus:

Venus in the Gemini 3rd type areas sign conjunct *Rahu's* areas there, and Opposing the Sag 9th type areas...

Mars in the Aries Physical yet Sextiles that of Venus's areas...

Venus ruling the Taurus 2nd Material, etc areas and that of the Libra 7th Relationships, legal, cultural, etc areas...

Transiting Moon in Pisces *12th* areas...

Moon in Pisces sign conjunct Ruler Neptune Rx there, and will come under Sextile of it's Co-ruler Jupiter Rx today...

The Moon and Neptune Rx sign Square Venus in the Gemini areas, with those both Opposing the Virgo 6th areas, and further Sign Squaring the Sag 9th type areas...

In that the Moon in Pisces is also yet Sub-ruled by Mercury Rx in the Cancer 4th areas while also ruling the Cancer 4th areas into next date...

Then in very late hr t on, and of proximity across signs will be applying conjunct to Mars on into next date when it enters sign Aries...

Date Dasa Yet *Ra/Ve* areas until hr cn 08:15 **Ra/Su** areas until hr s 16:28 **Ra/Mo** areas...,

Added just a bit on Jul 8th's Qi Men, and Horary area to sum and tidy it up...

Will be further in fairness making further comparisons between it and the horary...

Main reason is that at the overall of a given 2 hour level aka a location corrected chinese hour, *it does appear to be always correct in that, and main stuff that it shows does come about*!...

In most there must be that of specific actions taken else with exceptions (natural phenomena, etc) it wouldn't be discernable to the average person...

One other almost non physical action of exception is that which represents *deliberate deep thought towards a given end or goal at the time*, which can be of any endeavors that require it such as of investigations, any type of research, and definitely of the scientific and or even in the metaphysical areas...A bit like Rahu in that...

Most of the time don't look at the chart except after have been doing something physical, important or of very focused study with some deep thinking on something I'm exploring, etc...

The most latter is when in checking the chart will see that was in for me for the hour involved, and why I conclude that it's description is correct!...

 Still the main caution have seen especially applicable in relationships is the horary will show us windows or holes if you will where that of a Qi Men answer would be reversed in...Mainly where you come down to assessing it as good or not...While in other aspects or areas beyond the relationship part in the given chart *will still be valid of the Qi Men*...

Today had finally went to do the taxes, initially went one place to find it closed, then my wife suggested another we had several years back went too...

Sure enough it was open all went well, and got it done, except in the middle of it was interrupted by an unwanted phone call...

That was in hr w at 12:15 - 12:45 pm getting home about 1:05 pm...

When got home looked at the hr w Qi Men chart, and really wasn't a good hour for much then, but fortunately the Jade Maiden in hr w was there for a little help, and the tax place had went to is pretty much East of where live, which was the only decent palace in the chart then ,and specifically for things of documents, so that agreed the Qi men...

Looked at it Astro wise, and the only other things good in hr w were specifically transforms of the material 2nd areas and taxes, maybe surgery for some of the 8th areas, and then actions of buying things in the local area 2nd connecting to 3rd were good as well...

One area agreeing with formations mostly not good, and suggested not good stuff too, anyway the worst action to take and or receive in that hour *was that of a phone call*!...

That's pretty much it though that of buying looked good through part of hr wa as well...

All in all pretty neat about the direction stuff also...
Enough for today...

7/11 Earth/Saturn day II/m aka Yi Mao a Yin wood Rabbit date...FS *#3* Zhen type...GT: #10 - #61 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 4 areas..


#13 - #30 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Nu:Maiden Earth Type, and Bat animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Saturn:

Saturn Rx in still at the Final End Degree in Capricorn 10th Outer events areas with the pair of Jupiter Rx conjunct Pluto Rx conjunct to it...

Saturn Rx in the Dhanistha $ areas is Sub ruled by Mars in the Aries 1st Physical areas...

Saturn Rx ruling the Capricorn 10th and co-ruling along with Uranus in Taurus 2nd areas that of the Aquarius 9th type areas...

Saturn Rx opposes the Cancer 4th type areas, then aspects, impacts the Pisces *12th* areas, and that of the Libra 7th areas as well...

Traniting Moon yet in Pisces *12th* areas and exact Squares that of Rahu in Gemini 3rd areas then in hr c 01:06 enters Mars ruled sign Aries, and it's Ketu ruled Aswini Nakshatra areas...

Then on it's sign conjunct to Mars there and in hr yo 17:15 exacts it's conjunct to Mars and Sextile to Venus in that...

It carries that and the Moon ruled of Mars and Sub ruled by Ketu of Sag 9th areas rules that of the Cancer 4th areas into next date...

The Moon is applying Square to the Sun in those Cancer 4th areas also...

Date Dasa Yet **Ra/Mo** areas until hr m 06:10 **Ra/Ma** areas until hr s 15:45 **Ju/Ju** areas on into next date...

Have a hopefully good weekend...

7/12 Sun day III/cn aka Bing Chen a Yang fire Dragon date...FS #2 Kun type...GT: #49 - #55 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 5 areas..


#17 - #25 Involves *#53* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Hsu:Void Sun-Fire type, and Rat animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Sun:

Sun in Cancer 4th type areas sign conjunct by Mercury Rx there Opposes all that in the Capricorn 10th areas...

The Sun ruling the Leo 5th areas with Mercury Rx ruling the Gemini 3rd and Virgo 6th areas...

Note: Mercury comes out of Retrograde in hr y 04:26 but is yet of a Combust status vis the Sun...

Transiting Moon in Aries 1st Physical areas applying Square to the Sun in the Cancer 4th areas, and also yet ruled by Ketu from the Sag 9th areas...

In hr y 03:54 the Moon enters the Venus ruled Bharani Nakshatra areas so then on Moon ruled by Mars and Venus into next date...Venus in the Gemini 3rd areas...

Also in hr yo on the Moon in strong Square from Jupiter Rx, and Pluto Rx of the Capricorn 10th areas...

Then in hr sh 19:28 the Moon Exacts in it's Square to the Sun...

The Moon as ruled and carrying the prior rules that of the Cancer 4th areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet **Ju/JU** areas until hr w 11:14 **Ju/Sa** areas into next date!...

Hasn't been all that much good or great *since the Moon entered Aries*, that as in this zone *it's Last aspect* while in Sign Aries is a *Square to Saturn Rx* type...

Those as a Moon's Last Aspect rarely brings good news, and is usually both a depressive and an ills type at the least of their areas...

Considering it also has had to first Square Jupiter Rx, and  Pluto Rx has made, and makes it a more serious type this year including of those who pass on under it...

*Condolences* to those who lost a parent or other of relatives or friends today, know were some and at least one in our local area, it's rarely ever a pleasant thing...

What about the Naval ship said of explosion and fires:

Saw news times of think around 08:25 am hr cn daylight type there, and using that took a look in the Western Astro where a range of 08:15 - 08:55 was of same, and strong intensity for that of a ship's explosion then dropping some of intensity beyond that range also...

What represents ships and ocean's waters is the Trident aka *Neptune aka Neptune Rx*, and the sign Pisces as well...

Neptune Rx for that range of time was in [*Pisces *8th* type areas*] there then...

8th type areas include the deadly, death, major changes as in transformations, accidents, secret enemies, explosions, or in more positives credits, finances, mergers, surgeries, births, cults or the unknown, etc...

Horary a bit similar to Vedic of aspects: Anyway *Venus in Gemini was applying Square to Neptune Rx* (Gives it's Nature) in any case...

[You can almost wrap it up there as that called the Part of Fortune (POF) there for that range of time was in sign Taurus 10th Outer Events areas there...

That POF was conjunct Uranus in sign Taurus 10th Outer events, and Venus of it's sign Square to Neptune Rx *ruled both sign Taurus and the POF then* as well]...

That's the essence was also Oppositions of the Sun to all in the Capricorn 6th type areas, with Multiple Moon type as in conjunct Mars, and then Squares to the Sun and to that of Jupiter Rx, Pluto Rx for transforms areas in that of 6th house type areas, and Moon Square to Saturn Rx areas...

Latter of Saturn being of the Moon's last aspect type had mentioned today...

Near forgot one other main indicator of/for that chart there then was it had a Leo Physical 1st type, with it's ruler the Sun in the watery Cancer *12th* type areas!...

No Orbs used as horary is very much same as the vedic aspect types for events, etc, just I usually mention some of the exacts but is not really neccessary...

Not a conventional event chart as I preferred to apply a horary view type, but it gets the job done, and some teacher's actually do use the horary for that of electional charts in timings as well...

Hope none of the 21 injured were critically so, and that they have a speedy but good recovery...

No doubt as to the Moon sign of it's last aspect type this round, and having that of major transforms vis the Outer's that events of this type of nature would fit in amongst all the other we've had prior as well...

7/13 Moon day IV/e aka Ding Si a Yin fire Snake date...FS #1 Kan type...GT: #21 - *#51* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 6 areas..


#50 - #14 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Danger Moon-Fire type, and Swallow animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Moon:

Transiting Moon in Aries all same as day prior then in hr m 06:50 it enters the Sun ruled Krittika Nakshatra areas, so is ruled by Mars, and Sub ruled by the Sun...

*Moon as prior is applying Square to Saturn Rx as it's Last Aspect*...

Then in hr w 11:53 it Exacts it's Square to Saturn Rx in 10th Outer areas...

In hr wa 13:34 yet in same Nakshatra the Moon enters sign Taurus 2nd Material, etc areas...

The Moon sign conjuncts Uranus there, and sign Sextiles that of Mercury (no longer combust) and the Sun both in the Cancer 4th areas...

That all ruling those Cancer 4th type areas into next date...

Date Dasa Actual Yet **Ju/Sa** areas until hr e 10:22 *Ju/Me* on into next date...

Be blipped had to go back and re-correct today's dasa, all the other had been correct, and totally unknown how could have gotten a different one??

Resolved it by checking against that of the Parashara dasa for same chart and date...

Other on the USS Bonhomme Richard yesterday of  timed Wwg for hr cn then:

There was both a date and hour bond to the Blk 5th Pyo metal star retreats, reducings, or pasts areas with Blk for Water environments and the Pyo star for large transports, etc...

Hr cn's timed pair:

 #31 - #45 Involve *#44 Areas*:

Blk 5th Byo metal stars also bonded by date and the hour with a Red 1st Begins, surfaces, underneaths Pcn earth happenings or large transports star...

Alarms and the Fiery in happenings and large transports which bonded to those Blk watery Byo stars of Environments, Loud sounds, Groups, and Destructive things then!...

Did the Qi Men show it?

Yes for things of that specific nature it did, but most or the bulk of us unless we have something major coming up of a given date wouldn't have caught it...

[It or ill events of Shang men were in the Wests Palace of the Date, and *the key was in that of hr cn's West palace had aligned to the Date's* in that of Shang men]!...

Further many would have wrote it off anyway since in that hour the Wests palace had that of Zhi Fu presiding...

Obviously Zhi Fu in hr cn didn't live up to it's saving graces that many do teach and list for it!...

Could explain it all in what the hour chart had showed for that hour which fully agrees with that event, more that the direction gave clues, *but since some of the methods I use aren't taught by any* will not be making it public, and would be sort of a bad idea to do that anyway!...

Not to insult others but I'm sure you'll note some things about the hour itself which can lend to no-fault or accident, but it's describing the event type and of it's nature where there will be difficulty, so good luck in that...

Moon in Taurus and also in *the Original 2nd Material house placement for it* is $$ of earn, buy, spend area types...

Hr's wa, s, and yo had been main of that this date...

No wasn't referring to Stocks not same house just only that of sign Taurus 2nd house personal Material, etc areas!...

*Closest I got to that was filling out a survey for the bank today which was somehow stimulated from when my Wife went to cash a check had gave her to cash there last week*...

Was a bit odd since at the drive thru they asked if she wanted to cash or deposit, which was kind of a dumb question as they can see her name under mine on that particular account???

Some had said of email or msg's was a great day for Money areas, but likely most or only so for that of Kan palace types this date, if it's one's destiny or birth sign palace as of this date it had very positive energies to it,  couldn't say as don't follow it that much and like the yearly or monthly more for that stuff...

Thanks for the em though, made me look :)...

7/14  Fire/Mars day V/w aka Wu Wu a Yang earth Horse date...FS *#9* Li type...GT: #32 - #34 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 1 areas..


#40 - #16 Involves *#63* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Shih:House Fire type, and Pig animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Mars:

Mars in Aries 1st Physical areas in the Ashwini Nakshatra so Sub ruled by Ketu of Sag 9th areas...

Mars ruling that of sign Aries, and the Scorpio *8th* areas...

In further it aspects, impacts sign Cancer 4th, Libra 7th, and again the Scorpio *8th* areas...

Further Mars Squares vis sign that of Mercury, and the Sun in the Cancer 4th areas, and in same that of Jupiter Rx, Pluto Rx, and Saturn Rx in the Capricorn 10th Outer events type areas...

Mars also vis sign Sextiles (Opportunites) that of Venus and Rahu in the Gemini 3rd type areas also...

Transiting Moon in sign Taurus 2nd Material areas also applying sign Sextile to Mercury, and the Sun in Cancer 4th areas, and sign conjunct Uranus in the Taurus 2nd areas too...

Moon yet ruled by Venus and Sub ruled by the Sun then in hr e 09:41 enters it's own Rohini Nakshatra so just ruled of Venus onwards...

Also in hr e 10:14 the Moon Exactly conjuncts Uranus then will carry that energy until it exits sign Taurus...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Me* areas until hr hr cn 07:04 *Ju/Ke* areas until hr s 15:35 *Ju/Ve* areas into next date...

Note: The Sun in Cancer 4th areas had exacted in Opposition to Jupiter Rx, and Pluto Rx last few days, and yet so as it moves applying same to Saturn Rx those all in the Capricorn 10th Outer areas or simply vis sign Opposes all that in sign Capricorn...

7/15 Water/Mercury day VI/wa aka Ji Wei a Yin earth Goat date that in a Gui Wei month...FS #8 Gen type...GT: #59 - #20 Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 2 areas..


#53 - #20 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Pi:Wall Water type, and Porcupine animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Mercury:

*Mercury yet in Cancer 4th type areas*, and is ruled by the Moon, and Sub-ruled by Saturn Rx...

Mercury in Cancer yet vis sign Sextile of Uranus in Taurus 2nd areas, and also vis sign Squared from Mars in Aries Physical 1st areas...

Mercury in Cancer ruling that of the Gemini 3rd, and Virgo 6th type areas...

Mercury vis sign conjuncts the Sun, and those both Oppose all that in the Capricorn 10th Outer events areas...

*It's usually not said as in theory understood, but just in case a planet in any sign both involves, and affects that sign's areas*...

Transiting *Moon in sign Taurus 2nd Material, etc areas* same prior ruled by Venus in the Gemini 3rd type areas...

Moon applying Sextile (Opportunites) to the Sun in Cancer 4th areas...

Later in hr w 12:13 the Moon enters the Mars ruled Mrigasira Nakshatra areas, while also in hr w 12:52 it exacts it's Sextile to the Sun, and carries that energy forward...

[Moon also trine *all that in sign Capricorn* 10th Outer events areas today, and by hr t tonight and intro in next date will be in Exact trine to Saturn Rx then!]...

Moon then on ruled by Venus, and Sub-ruled by Mars on into the next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Ve* areas until hr s 15:56 **Ju/Su** areas until hr t 23:15 *Ju/Mo* areas... 

Priority mail??...

*Read* only regular mail delivaries affected by covid-19 while Priority mail wouldn't be however have had some in local since 13th that was supposed to have been delivered the 14th by 8pm...

Didn't make it, and todays usps msg says it went out for delivary at 12:26 pm, hoping it didn't get lost!...

Per a Wwg toss have a very weak K star physical shows hr's yo and sh as a possibility shows something of maybe a woman or that of devices themselves vis a hider star involved under that of a male or an official...

Horary looked like it had too many hours but agrees with the latter...

It could extend into next date but looks a bit more ill there, not that this one was that good either...

So with all that up front we will see how it goes...

Going to extend through hr h this night as was said my item left our local distribution ctr at 12:26pm this date and out for delivary to the location...

Have 2 original hexagram pairs which could also allowed for hr h:

Date and time purchased: Jul 9th:

 #22 - #52 Involves *#40 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Then toss back then on when it would arrive: 

#30 - #13 Involves *#28 Areas*...Change line  5 areas...

Not best types but both allow for this date day wa in terms of Pw stars or Kwa star changes for delivary, agreeing their msg for me today...

Max would be in hr e tomorow after that unless a driver suddenly became ill doesn't suggest anything positive at all?...

Will have to call them tomorrow, as per their own msg it says they have my item(s) a single package of folder or other type which for sure of the already was Officially one day late, *should have at least been delivered today*!...

Pretty sure they know about it as that msg was changed from Black to Red emphasizing it when checked it later...

Will check that status again tomorrow then per FAQ fill out a service request, seems bit stupid to me as *they would already know who the driver was they had sent the priority mails out with*!...

7/16 Wood/Jupiter day VII/s aka Geng Shen a Yang metal Monkey date...FS *#7* Dui type...GT: #39 - #8 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 3 areas..


#8 - #45 Involves *#23* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Begins Week of the Western Wht Tiger Cardinal, and Constellations...

Constellation: K'uei:Astride Wood type, and Wolf animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Jupiter:    


Jupiter Rx in sign Capricorn 10th Outer Events areas yet vis sign conjunct Pluto Rx, and yet applying conjunct to Saturn Rx there as well...

So very interactive, and has been sometimes tense of it's changes, transforms involveing the Outer 10th events type areas....

Jupiter Rx rules that of sign Sag 9th type areas, and co-rules sign Pisces *12th* type areas along with it's ruler Neptune in that sign...

Vis sign Jupiter Rx is Sextile (Opportunites) that of Neptune in those Pisces *12th* areas...

Jupiter Rx has yet Mars applying sign Square to it, and that of Uranus sign trine it also...

Transiting Moon initially in sign Taurus exactly trine to Saturn Rx in begins then in hr c 01:19 while yet in same Nakshatra enters that of *sign Gemini *3rd* areas to sign conjunct both Venus and Rahu in those Gemini areas...

Moon then being ruled by Mercury and Sub-ruled by Ketu until hr wa 14:17 when it enters the [*Rahu* ruled *Ardra* Nakshatra areas]!...

Then both that of Mercury and *Rahu* are ruling the sign Cancer 4th type areas on into next date!...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Mo* areas until hr w 11:25 **Ju/Ma** until hr sh 19:56 **Ju/Ra** areas on into next date...

Notes: Sun in Cancer 4th areas is same vis sign Opposing all in the Capricorn 10th areas as given yesterday, and is carrying it's prior to Pluto Rx and Jupiter Rx of energies in play which are still sign conjunct, *applying all that towards the Saturn Rx areas* there as well!...

The Sun should reach it's Exact Opposition to Saturn Rx Jul 20th in hr yo around 18:27...

Only got less than 5 hours sleep, so will write this up and try again...

Vis yesterday's post:

The purchase date/time hexagram pair only represented situations at the time as a record, no question was asked...

Next one was a *When question* both those late of the X/c Date Jul 9th, had doubts in some areas  from the start on that pair, and mainly on receiveing the items period as the pair just didn't look that good, but then the problems have been on this end...

Remains to be seen as did a second toss on the 14th worded [*Will* I receive that I ordered soon]?...Started writing on it first, but won't ID it yet as some may be ill taken... 

Morning of 11th checked the horary for the 14th, and sent the seller a note after receiveing a requested tracking number from them on the 13th...

Were 2 hours in the afternoon of 14th which looked very good, and mentioned that in my reply to them on the 13th...

*Did in fact receive mail near right on the mark in hr *wa* 2:26pm the 14th, just no package*...

Didn't occur to me until this am that my additional looks at the horary yesterday the 15th *day wa* *didn't count* as had already asked the very same question prior on the 11th for the 14th itself...

Same as other systems in that regard...

Anyway will look at the USPS faq again late today, and see if should do the service request which will add in more dates to something that was supposed to have validly been done 2 days ago!...

The sellers originally sent as 2 Day Priority Mail which they have that up there way, and if is same as pasts items have bought from them, the postal folder is definitely much larger than any envelope, so couldn't be overlooked...

Will not let go of the matter in any case, cost me way too much to let go of it for any reason...

Got it:

First USPS Mail check July 16, 2020 at 7:10 am

Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by 4:45pm...

Then made a USPS msg check at 2:30 pm as thought had heard the jeep/truck just minutes prior to that...

It's Msg saying the package had arrived at to the mailbox at 2:22pm which of Horary also matched in various ways, so now of the last toss had written just a bit on, but wouldn't fully reveal before which of today also super matched today, and of the hour!...

#15 - *#36* Involves *#40* Areas...Change line 1 areas...

Never like that of #36 except if happens to represent that of Illumination versus Darkness in some instances:

[On that toss pair in today's stuff aka the day of the metal Monkey *day s* was same as it's Wht 3rd Bs metal star which links and produces that formally weak Grn 5th Rulers and Roads *Kh water star Physical type...

That with the magic *hr wa* clashing Active the Void Pc earth stars link to the *Gry* 2nd locals Rw Officials, Legal, etc fire star that it bonded as well, and where the Gm hider star representing the items, etc were under and with this Day s suppressing and *hiding them* properly even inside a mail box at that time today]!...

Say's again the Wwg properly done is always accurate!....

Also besides that toss, the Qi-Men, ZWDS, WV down to it's Dina aka One's Personal date/day level, and the Horary *were all lit up for it in again the magic of *hr wa*...

Western Vedic (WV) Dina aka one's Day level stems from one's Solar Return aka One's Personal Solar Year forecast type, and since the Dina aka Day level chart starts at a specific time, one can go round it's wheel in 2 hour intervals as well!...

The 2:30 pm USPS Msg then saying the package had arrived at to my mailbox at 2:22pm...

Which very, very happily it did, thanks to those, and the driver who got it done :)...

On the magic hour that would not have applied to all, but still for a great many globally would have...

Maybe earlier but likely could be very late on tomorrows forecast as going to go over all the sent USB's contents, and make very sure they all are ok from the trips, journey's made to get them here?...

*Basically they contain that of [a complete *professional certification course* in that of the Western Astro Horary itself*...Expensive Yup...

That which up till now had only studied, and used from several books bought over the last few, and this year...Those to better understand what the horary was about and to also better understand how the AI type softwares such as Nostradamas and Right Decision come up with their ratings...

Said to in minimum if one strongly applies themselves in study it will take about 4 months if have zero astro knowledge in starts to complete it, anyway will still be busy of it for awhile...

Same requires a special tool to be downloaded for it's uses yet, and is done by first informing the Seller aka Course Teacher(s) that have rcvd the course product intact itself...

Changed mind doing the forecast  ahead of that other, as near a mountain of work to it, so will do that more slowly in a relaxed mode...

7/17 Metal/Venus day VIII/yo aka Xin You a Yin metal Rooster date...FS #6 Qian type...GT: #23 - #35 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 4 areas..


#26 - #9 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Lou:Mound Metal type, and Dog animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Venus:   

Venus in Gemini 3rd areas ruled by Mercury of Cancer 4th, and Sub-ruled by *Rahu* that it sign conjuncts...

Mars in Aries Sextiles (Opportunites) for that of Venus's areas...

Venus of that rules the sign Taurus 2nd Material, etc areas, plus the Libra 7th Relationships, etc areas...

Venus opposeing that of the Sag 9th areas and Ketu there as well...

Transiting Moon in sign Gemini 3rd areas same as prior until hr c 02:40 when it Exacts conjunct to Venus then, those both sign conjunct *Rahu* there as well...

The Moon carrying all that then in hr s 15:44 enters the Jupiter ruled Punarvasu Nakshatra areas...

The Moon ruling the Cancer 4th type areas into next date, with the Moon strengthening in it's conjunct to *Rahu's* areas also...

*Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Ra* areas until hr yo 17:51 **Sa/Sa** areas on into late hr h the next date*!...

Timing for hr e today, and other:

Took a quick peek at Qi Men in hr e of the morning to see *what the on goings or mainly news* may be like, using the standard of Querant versus Quesited just as done in the horary as well...

Matches to news itself do not have to reflect the time of a given event just the time at which *you* and others would easily find or found them shown in the news for public viewings...

On querant, and quesited that's of a concept, and is somewhat simular but the actual placements used for a given person, thing, area or also *time itself vis Qi men* will be quite different as those systems are structured very differently...

Though those were aligned they looked somewhat negative, and had specifically that of the *jolty or shocking to it*, then todays main pair showed that of Officials or Biz leaders and dangers, etc versus the hidden of groups or friends as one take...

Those type in that way where both will only catch what will be the most main of events for the hour that will be of just a very few people or groups/org's...

That unless a major event type where many were taking actions or involved of those areas then would be many instead of just the normal of a few...

Checked the news in late of hr e, and straight off was that of a CEO's demise aka murder by his top assistant and where the killer assistant was dismembering his bosses body (Definitely shocking and jolting stuff) then other lesser dramatic but still of ill trends in other news as well then...

Still the hour would have held positives for many in some particular areas when other palaces are looked at instead...

In essence it's just the norm of life including natural phenomena at the global scales is what one sees by looking at any given chinese hour...

It's also the same of horary views which one usually vis a question gets an extremely more refined view as it takes in the exact time in minutes, seconds, and location for that...

Have shown here but mainly for *Event* charts to see the strengths that were in at the given time for the particular houses of their areas and items which were involved of the event itself!...

The only actual horaries mentioned here were that done ahead on mail times for Jul 14th which turned out correct as far as getting mail in the first main chinese hour it showed for that of in the afternoon of the 14th then...

Then also one regarding where my missing and hidden ring was as well...

Though had both books and softwares for it, which gave me a pretty fair understanding of it, and some good results in uses as well, decided that I needed to become certified in it...

Main reason is then when you give a judgement you are auto more certain as you fully understand all variables that form the judgement, and by having a certification of skills in that art, you'll avoid the skepticisms of most others because at that point *you've became an authority in that field, and recognized vis it's group as well*...

*Did look at several courses* as indeed are different of astro rules that different teachers subscribe too, so looked for something that would fit the realms of plain common sense in that of normally used  of existing astrological conventions...

That of common sense, and being easily understandable were the main criteria, after all you in turn will have to explain your horary analysis's to others as well!...

Decided on Alphee Lavoie's whose horary analyses are the most straight forward common sense, and easy to understand types have ever seen, read, explored, and or tried...

Had his Nostradamas and Right Decision software already but that itself didn't influence me, it is more along the lines of his well known, famed, and quite seen use of *plain old common sense logic alone, that made his course my final choice*!...

I chose Western Astro alone for that, simply because it captures that of any intercepted signs, and any planets in or external to them which are somewhat akin to that of a Void in Qi Men, *the Vedic systems Western or Eastern don't do that*, so you'd miss a critical part of some analysis in those particular cases...

Basically both Western Horary and the Qi men *do the very same things*, and in both from one single chart you can ask multiple questions on any given person, place or thing or of multiple persons, etc and all at the same time!...

*The Qi men is astoundingly accurate*, but when it comes down to the nitty, gritty, and where the answers can be *extremely major or critical* then the horary wins out simply because of it's high degree of resolution in using the exact moment of a single hour, minute, second and location (The Astrologers) compared to the Qi men which is a global by chinese dual hours system!...

In the separate and defending that of Western or Eastern Vedic Astro, especially of Western using Kala software is *that of actual personal charts themselves*, and the outer influences, trends, and events to them!:

*Had, have never heard nor seen this written in any courses or articles*, but found the other day that *at one's personal Dina aka their personal date chart*, that simply by noting the time for that chart which is given for the Lagna aka Ascendent aka Rising degree of the 1st house cusp *that one can logically, and simply advance that by 2 hours for each and every house cusp aside the Ascendent in the chart*!...

[That means you can look at what will be both your main influences, trends, inclinations, and activities versus time at 2 hour intervals very simular, and at times when they align be exactly the same as the chinese hour type for *the given house* whose given items and activities *will indeed be in then*!... 

Then to understand the mechanics, and exact of what can go down in that given house, you then look for it's ruling planet and any aspects involving that planet...

That will tell you all about the given hour's house and of other house activities, items that play into it as well!]...

Yesterday doing that for *my mail package*, in the hour of the Goat aka *wa* in EDT, and of ideal that was from *2pm - 4pm* for the 3rd house connected to the 4th house of my Dina chart then...

Called hr wa magic as for that particular hour of that particular date there were some very positive areas for not all but a pretty large number of people globally then aka in their by location when their hr wa turned up as well...

The 3rd house in short is that of environments or things close by, destinations and your destination within the environment too, and in particular *that of the local mails as well*...

My  package aka folder arrived at exactly *2:22pm EDT* within the 3rd house items, and activities time!...

That date the Dina showed that I had expansions and transforms in that of 5th house creativity, and creative or professional works and enjoyments, etc areas, of which vis the planets and aspects there in turn *that ruled and connected my 3rd to the 4th house areas* with the 4th of course being my home!...

Could add more but *it had shown in that of mails* I was receiveing something that enabled all that, which was *the Horary course itself*!...

The Dina one's personal day chart *is always in flux*, it's physical *may change daily* or it may stay the same for a couple to several days...Where the latter then the  faster moving planets, and the moon can change aspects, and or signs *so that of each date is different*!...

In short you can do some very amazing things vis timings and your personal Dina birth related chart for any given date!!!

Hope some enjoyed that extra fill as informative, and or in perhaps any of your personal works or decisions involving those areas...

7/18 Earth/Saturn day IX/sh aka Ren Xu a Yang water Dog date...[FS *#5*] Lien Zhen type...GT: #11 - #5 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 5 areas..


#19 - *#41* Involves *#24* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Stomach Earth type, and Pheasant animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Saturn:

*Saturn Rx is in sign Capricorn 10th Outer events areas* yet Sub-ruled by Mars $ areas still of inconjunct or a stretch growth type from that of the Gemini 3rd areas...

Jupiter Rx yet conjunct Pluto Rx of big stuff, many things, and transforms is yet conjuncting that of Saturn Rx as well...

Mars in Aries 1st yet sign Square those areas while Uranus in Taurus 2nd trine them, and Mercury and the Sun are Opposed by them as well...

Saturn Rx ruling that of sign Capricorn 10th, and Sub-ruling that of the Uranus ruled Aquarius 9th type areas also...

Saturn Rx further aspects, impacts that of the Pisces *12th* type areas, and the Libra 7th Relationships, legal areas...

Transiting Moon in sign Gemini 3rd areas as of previous all same, and is conjuncting that of *Rahu* there while Opposing the Sag 9th and Ketu's areas then in hr cn 08:13 exacts it's conjunct to *Rahu* in the Gemini 3rd areas...

Then in hr e 10:24 the Moon enters that of the sign Cancer 4th type areas yet in the same Jupiter Rx ruled Nakshatra areas...

The Moon is sign conjuncting Mercury, and the Sun there, those also Opposeing the Capricorn Outer 10th type areas...

While in sign Cancer the Moon adds to the other there yielding that of a stretch growth inconjunct nature to that of the Sag 9th type areas and Ketu's stuff...

Later in hr s 16:32 the Moon enters the Saturn Rx ruled Pushya Nakshatra areas with the Moon ruled of itself, and Saturn Rx into next date, and that ruling the Cancer 4th type areas...

In the close of this date into next, the Moon also exactly conjuncts Mercury in the Cancer 4th areas carrying that into the next date as well...

Date Dasa Yet **Sa/Sa** areas until hr h 21:19 *Sa/Me* areas on into also hr h of the next date...

Were moving towards the New Moon start Jul 20th it beginning just a few hours ahead of the Sun's exact Opposition to Saturn Rx that date...

Vedic Dina Your Personal Day!:

Basically derived from the Solar month and more so the Personal Solar Year which in turn is set by your birth aka life chart itself!...

Keeping it basic and simple:

The way it's structured is of a Physical Lagna Asc (Sign) is that it at times it may advance of it's sign to the next for a given date change, haven't looked at all the rules for that, but of observations it for a series of 2 or more dates can also stay in the same sign...

On the latter it will usually advance the Lagna, Asc by 13.2 + degrees which means that *it changes birth stars aka Nakshatras, and the same for the Moon as well*...

Other planets, celestial bodies also shift but usually at no more than a degree, and of the Outers as very small increments of a degree...

Each Nakshatra has a ruling planet which then Sub-rules both the Physical and the Moon, that as most know brings about major changes to the individuals approach in things, their interactions with the outside world, some personal characteristics, then other effects depending on other planets aspecting that physical....

Then the Moon aka Manas or subconscious mind that in terms of gentle shifts in memories, things dwealt upon, and of or involving those in your personal circles, support systems, family, etc according to the house the Moon is in and Nakshatra ruler which in turn can involve other house areas...Then any new aspects the Moon has made in that day's shift...

During the Day there are further subtle changes as the chart always in flux and advancing means we will usually go through all 4 Padas of those Nakshatras as well!...

Each Pada is a separate sign within the Nakshatra that has it's own planetary ruler!...

Other things such as the Kaksha that the Physical or Moon is in changes Rulers as well...

In other words there's plenty of changes going on even within one's Dina aka Personal Day itself as well...

So that *in the most basic* is how it works, and shows the factors influencing *each personal day of one's life as both unique and different*!...

Gave you a proof on the 16th vis my own Dina aka Personal Day chart for it, and in that showed how I used it at the hour level to boot...

Most easily discernable when something major for one comes up on a given date, and or on a date when they take some type of action major to them...

Which is why I will always use in my case use *Western Tropical Vedic Personal Charts* right along side of Western astrology charts, and it's Horary types as well...

That and other of Chinese systems such as the *Wwg , Qi men, ZWDS*, and  Bazi...

Those in an easier form give some very special, advantageous, and desired info of one's personal date and it's hours also!...

Those all use that of the Chinese dual hour types for birth/life charts and much, much more...

The first one aka the Wen Wang Gua (Wwg) timed or of tosses types gives on that of the main situation of 4096 total at the time in a strategic sense, then the huge of Qi men gives both the strategic and tactical of a situation (Influences to particular areas (simular but much different than an astro chart) at the yr, month, day or most used of the hour types...

The others are more generally down to earth purely personal life chart types, with ZWDS the Lunar type, and Bazi the Solar type, both show things of Luck or Qi cycles at that of decades, years, month's, and hour levels...

Qi men (QMDJ):

Most all that use it know a lot about it's Ends gate/door and the thing about that is in life we probably go through thousands of those, so is in the great bulk of time not a very ill thing as some references paint it in it's most extreme form...

Had a cute one several days back when both the day and hour chart aligned for it, was about to do a daily forecast for here, grabbed my favorite of many years calculator which right in that given hour decided to give up the ghost *aka it died* Lol...

It can be renewed vis a battery, but had another calculator so got it and moved on :)...

Qi men has over 100 formations pretty much or symbollically the equivalent of astro aspects, except those cover, combine that of the heaven and earth's qi for the particular time...

Most in their references including the Jerry King QMDJ book (c) if run through the formations references will find one that has to do with *Punishment of the Officer* and other with that*, then in some's references that may refer to an and being *Ambushed in a given location type*...

All those in turn depend upon the palace, it's contents, day and hour type, etc however a lot of times that formation just turns out to be just some *external annoyance for you* in the ill talkings of someone near or far as the behind your back type...which is temporary, doesn't amount to much, nothing to worry about, and should be totally ignored...

Ok to be alert to it, but in most occurences won't amount to much, have experienced that numerous times...

Just sayin chill by in large not all are some grave of their meanings...

7/19 Sun day X/h aka Gui Hai a Yin water Pig date...FS #4 Shun type...GT: #10 - #58 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 6 areas..


#13 - #33 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Mao:Pleiades Sun-Fire type, and Cock animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Sun:

Sun in Cancer 4th type areas where of initial the Moon has just exact conjuncted Mercury there in hr t 00:18 those sign conjunct the Sun, and the Sun strongly sign Opposing Saturn Rx in the Capricorn 10th Outer events areas as well...

In all that Mars areas vis sign Squares the Sun, while Uranus vis sign Sextiles (Opportunities) for, involving the Sun...

The Sun also of a stretch growth regarding Ketu's areas in the Sag 9th type areas...

The Sun itself ruling the Leo 5th type areas...

Transiting Moon as just mentioned above, and yet in *the Saturn Rx Pushya Nakshatra rules the Cancer 4th type domestics, etc areas*...

Small heads up [ ]:

[The Moon in sign conjunct to the Sun will make for the invisible NM in sign Cancer, and of a Libra Physical type in hr w tomorrow, Monday the 20th...

Both that of Legal and perhaps the fiery of actions in relationships for the period, try to stay to the calm and chilled]...

The Moon in today's also comes under *vis signs* Square aspect of Mars and the Sextile aspect of Uranus...

Then in hr s 16:42 the Moon enters the *Mercury ruled Aslesha Nakshatra areas*, so then on ruled of that into next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Sa/Me* areas until hr h 21:54 *Sa/Ke* areas on into next date...

Would be a most tireing forecast if had to list all that to do with Kaksha's, Tara's, and Padas, so keep it simple, and to the most main themes here instead...

Sorry to learn of Congressman John Lewis's passing, he was really a strong fighter, and great leader for that of his beliefs, and just causes in serving his country no doubt!...

Sincere condolences to his family, friends, and many supporters, and admirer's...

Rough day start here: Went to squat down and lean forward looking for a thought dropped item, then left leg more so knee gave on me, and tumbled backwards...Left leg was cramped and had to wait couple minutes before could straighten it out...

Wife tried to help but couldn't get up in a normal fashion, so rested a bit, and finally rolled to where was on my knees, low crawled to the couch, and pushed myself up on it...Rested awhile then could use the walker after that...Other than that can with cane walk just a little bit about 3 - 5 steps using it and walls when sit outside for awhile...

Then some wonder why in some places I sit in a wheel chair at times, *Duh*...

Not fun but seems about right for the Dina day chart got, have *8 tensional squares in it*, have never seen that many, and in tomorows NM chart it's near the same of it's own squares!...


Lady that talked this round when ordered pain med's week or so back had told me *she would personally tell the doctors to send it to house*, [that as last time in June when my wife went to pick it up, *she too almost collapsed then*]!...

So hope that comes through as it should ok, would be total hell to dangerous to do that myself, even with walker that's in present condition too far a walk for me...


Most sort of freak around here at the word horary, but it's much different now then used to be, and a lot of care is taken in those charts, same are still very widely used to find missing items in accordance with very strict rules...The teacher Mr Lavoie is recognized as the best in the world at that, has been doing over 60 years plus!...

Are even free courses on the net for it, aside many articles a lot is of conventional astrology which can be freely discussed, but not so of most of the unique horary methods themselves...About like the Qi men on that...

Most books and articles refer to using the recognized basic of Ptolmey's 5 aspects, found that quite interesting *as in the Vedic use of *Tajika astrology* it only uses 6 aspects so very much alike in that dept*...

Some use more but only or should be only under very special circumstances...

System does have strong common sense logic to it, so enjoying that part, think it will take the 4 months to complete as if you take notes, it does take up a lot of time in the daily dept...

NM Jul 20 2020:


[This lunar period within that of an *FS *#3* Solar month type]...

7/20 Moon day I/t aka Jia Zi a Yang wood Rat date sets a new 60 day cycle...Jump FS *#9* Li type...GT: #39 - #8 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 3 areas..


#8 - #45 Involves *#23 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Pi:Net Moon-Fire type, and Crow animal sign...

NM Exact:

#48 - *#29* Involves *#38 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Hexagram Images Posted...


Western Vedic (WV) NM Cancer Astro:

NM Chart Jul 20th 12:33 PM using Standard EST in Hr w, then in EDT is as hr w also at 13:33:

Chart Placements:

*A Libra Ascendent and 1st house ruled by*:

Venus in sign Gemini 9th areas...

Then Sub-ruled by Jupiter Rx as the Physical's Lagna aka Asc is in the Visakha Nakshatra (Birth Star)...

Jupiter Rx is in sign Capricorn 4th type areas and it and Venus are of a stretch growth relationships aspect type...Removed for ease term had to do with not using the aspects name, stretch growth can be hard or tough experiences!...

Venus also rules the sign Taurus *8th* type areas, and Uranus within them, with Uranus vis Sravana Nakshatra further ruled by the Moon...

Could also be since Physical at the *Final Ends* Degree of Libra that the period involves a lot of completions or the finishing up of some social and legal matters over it, etc...*Can't say for sure, so we will just have to watch how it plays out*...

Chart's Scorpio 2nd Material, Values, Org's, Family areas are ruled by Pluto Rx in/from the Capricorn 4th type areas, and is also co-ruled by Mars in/from the Aries 7th Relationships, Legal, etc areas...

Chart's Sag 3rd areas ruled by Jupiter Rx in/from the Capricorn 4th type areas...

*Chart's Capricorn 4th areas ruled by Saturn Rx there as well*...

Chart's Aquarius 5th areas ruled by Uranus in/from the Taurus *8th* type areas, and co-ruled by Saturn Rx as well...

Chart's Pisces 6th areas ruled by Neptune Rx within it which is also Sub-ruled by Mercury in/from the *Cancer Outer 10th type areas* also...

*Chart's Aries 7th areas already mentioned and ruled by Mars within it which is Sub-ruled by Ketu in/from the Sag 3rd type areas*...

Chart's Taurus 8th areas already covered and ruled by Venus who in turn is Sub-ruled by *Rahu* that it sign conjuncts in the Gemini 9th type areas...

Chart's Gemini 9th areas ruled by Mercury in/from *the Cancer 10th Outer events type areas*...Mercury in the Pushya Nakshatra so Sub-ruled by Saturn Rx as well...

*Chart's Cancer 10th Outer events type areas is where the NM takes place and in the Aslesha Mercury ruled Nakshtra, further Mercury sign conjuncts the Sun and Moon (NM) also*...

Chart's Leo 11th areas ruled by the Sun and NM itself!...

Chart's Virgo *12th* type areas ruled by that of Mercury in/from the Cancer 10th type areas...

Day ruler New Moon:

That being already covered is of the Cancer 10th type areas, and in/of the Saturn Rx ruled Pushya Nakshatra, ruling it and the Sun, they and also Mercury sign Opposes that of/in the Capricorn 4th type areas...

The Moon exact conjuncts the Sun (NM) in hr w EDT at 13:33 aka 12:33 EST...

Then in hr s 16:16 EDT the Moon enters sign Leo 11th areas, and it's Magha Nakshatra areas in simul...

The Moon then on ruled by the Sun, and Sub-ruled by Ketu's areas...

Sun in/from the Cancer 10th, and Ketu in/from the Sag 3rd areas ruling the Moon on into next date...

Was probably looking at Moon prior before, but *in correction the Sun exactly Opposes Saturn Rx in hr yo around 18:27 this date*!

Date Full Dasa Me/Sa/Me/Ju/Sa, so of norm daily type **Ju/Sa** areas until hr s 15:37 *Ju/Me* areas on through the 23rd!...

Notes: Still some rough spots mainly vis Mars 7th Squaring Jup, Pluto and Saturn in 4th areas...Then of Mercury 10th vis Mars 7th, and that in the Capricorn 4th as well...

Take it day by day...

From yesterdays happenings looks like the stretch growth of that from Capricorn 4th areas including Ends, homes, and transforms stuff plus Saturn Rx, with that of Venus sign conjunct *Rahu* which too further rules the Physical from the Gemini 9th areas was just exploding in stuff...

Adding in was *Mars* in 7th Relationships, and Legal areas which Sextiles (Provides Opportunities) and that of Mars Squareing that of the 4th house areas another main in that...

Also Venus ruling sign Taurus *8th* type areas where Uranus is at further ruled by the Moon in Cancer aka NM in Cancer another enabler or trigger!...

Yesterday's *X/h aka Gui Hai days are extra sensitive types, and a number of hours in them basically suck*, not a good day to allow demonstrations under the types of astro aspects we had and have then tends to nurture some of the more imature or ill minded types, gangs, etc to take or carry out such actions...That and the Pair #10 Treadings itself was it's own basic warning under all that...

Some in and for the period since also started on a I/t Rat water date will continue on, and of a more police or law enforcements type since Mars in 7th Relationships, Legal reflects that near to a war type footings level...

7/21 Fire/Mars day II/c aka Yi Chou a Yin wood Ox date...Jump FS #8 Gen type...GT: #23 - #35 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 4 areas..


#26 - #9 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


Break date as is clashed by the month (Vis versa)...An Opposition between the Goat and the Ox branches, signs...


Constellation: Tsui:Beak Fire type, and Monkey animal sign.

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Mars in sign Aries 7th areas it rules, and yet in the Ketu ruled Aswini Nakshatra areas of it...

Mars Sub-ruled of Ketu also co-rules sign Scorpio 2nd areas along with Scorpio's ruler Pluto Rx for the 2nd Material etc areas...Pluto Rx is in the Capricorn *4th* type areas...

Mars Squares that in the 4th Capricorn areas with Mars also Sextiled (Opportunities) by *Venus* sign conjunct *Rahu* in the Gemini 9th areas as well...

Mars also Squares *Mercury* in the Cancer 10th Outer events areas, and semi-sextile vis to Neptune Rx in the Pisces *6th* type areas too...

Further Mars aspects, impacts all in the Cancer Outer 10th areas, that of the Libra Physical, and the Scorpio 2nd areas also...

Transiting Moon in Sun ruled Leo 11th areas, and yet Sub-ruled of Ketu in the Sag 3rd areas also of which the Moon trines it within the Sag 3rd areas as well...

Then in hr s 15:31 it enters the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni Nakshatra areas...

So the Moon then on ruled by [the Sun at the Final End Degree of the Cancer 10th Outer areas, and that of *Venus* sign conjunct *Rahu* in/from the Gemini 9th areas]...

That ruling the Cancer 10th Outer events areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Me* areas until hr m 06:45 *Ju/Ke* areas on into next date...

7/22 Water/Mercury day III/y aka Bing Yin a Yang fire Tiger date...Jump FS *#7* Dui type...GT: #11 - #5 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 5 areas..


#19 - #41 Involves *#24 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Shen:Orion Water type, and Ape animal sign.

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Mercury:

Mercury in Cancer 10th Outer events areas yet sign conjunct Sun which is at the Final End Degree of Cancer until hr y 04:37 when it also enters sign Leo 11th areas...

Mercury is yet in effect applying Sqaure to Mars, and Sextile to Uranus in Taurus *8th* type areas while Opposing all that in the Capricorn 4th type areas...

Transiting Moon in Leo 11th areas becomes sign conjunct of the Sun in hr y just mentioned, with the Moon also yet in the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni Nakshatra that ruling the Cancer 10th areas...

Some may call the Moon Void of course, but in Vedic it's never really void vis the Nakshatra's and their pada's, etc, and it will yet make Sextile relative *Rahu* in Gemini, and Trine Ketu in the Sag 3rd areas as well...

In hr wa 14:02 the Moon in Leo 11th enters the Sun ruled Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra areas so then on ruled by the Sun itself...

That ruling the Cancer 10th areas until hr sh 19:40 when the Moon yet in same Nakshatra enters the Mercury ruled Virgo *12th* areas...

The Moon in effect *apply's* Sextile (Opportunites) to Mercury's areas, and Trine (Harmonies) to Uranus's areas as well...

Then within that we yet have that of Mercury applying Sextile (Opportunites) to Uranus's areas also...

Then on the Moon is ruled by Mercury in Cancer 10th areas, and Sub-ruled by the Sun in/from the Leo 11th areas, that ruling sign Cancer into next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Me* areas into next date...

Definitely in this weeks start had been a lot of the abrupt, agressive or war like actions in various types of relationships both internal to the US and then some external involving given areas pertaining to other countries!..

Been busy on the horary course, finally started using Star Trax Millenium software with it as has boatloads of features for comparing two charts at the same time...Such as that of a persons, biz or other's natal to their horary chart as well...

One neat feature of looks like 50 or more, allows you to spin the chart to any house cusp or given planet *while keeping all the original degrees of it's initial chart totally intact in the rotated chart also*...A powerful aid in that...

Since taught from his 60 plus years of experience your taught many tips in avoiding traps that others might throw in or try to set you up by, which is without a doubt quite beneficial...

Then your looking at his actual cases aka the real thing at all times, which I definitely like...

Mainly learning as an additional back up to the Qi men itself...

Pretty heady stuff been at it several days straight taking good notes, and doing ok, but probably break, rest, and watch some netflix instead tonight...

7/23 Wood/Jupiter day IV/m aka Ding Mao a Yin fire Rabbit date...FS #6 Qian type...GT: #10 - #58 Involves *#37* Areas*...Change line 6 areas..


#13 - #33 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Begins Week of the Southern Red Phoenix Cardinal, and it's Constellations areas...

Constellation: Ching:Well Water type, and Wild Dog animal sign.

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Jupiter:

Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 4th areas yet ruled by the Moon, and conjunct to Pluto Rx there and under Saturn Rx ruler of the Capricorn 4th areas...

Jupiter Rx moving to exact Sextile that of Neptune Rx in the Pisces 6th type areas...

Mars in Aries 7th applies Square to Jupiter Rx, and all that in the Capricorn 4th areas...

Venus in the Gemini 9th areas yet of inconjunct (Stretch Growth) to Jupiter Rx areas in Capricron 4th areas also...

Jupiter rules that of the Sag 3rd areas and Ketu there, and also co-rules the Pisces 6th type areas...

Further Jupiter aspects, impacts sign Taurus *8th* areas, and Uranus's there as well, also the Cancer 10th Outer events areas, plus the Virgo *12th* type areas too...

Transiting Moon in the Virgo 12th areas same as yesterday of Mercury ruled Virgo and the same Nakshatra areas, and in hr w 12:28 enters it's own Hasta Nakshatra areas for those skilled and dextrous in some to many areas...

The Moon then on is ruled by *Mercury* in Cancer 10th areas alone into next date...

In hr wa the Moon trine from Uranus in Taurus 8th areas and then under Sextile vis Mercury as well, and in hr s the Moon comes under exact Sextile from Mercury then...Finally in hr's h, and t the Moon under Square of Venus in the Gemini 9th areas into next date...

*Comes under* is same as Apply's too of Tajika aspects...,

In some other systems they only count Moon''s aspects applying in the forward of signs..

Using Vedic Tajika aspects for the Moon in the above...

That minus the Tajika aspect values themselves which are quite different from their western meanings used here, nor is this a Solar Return chart which Tajika astrology employs, and is based from...

Originally used for WarCraft...

Just the aspect types themselves which bring it more in line with standard western astrology, and the horary as well...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Me* areas until hr m 06:45 *Ju/Ke* areas into next date...


Did go ahead and study other night got into situations where were 2 choices to be made, and how to select the better option even when personal conditions were adverse, and where many subs involving the main rulers had to be made to determine the best result...That with additional after considerations for the querant as well...

A bit complex but got the hang of it, means can slow on the notes adding some as purely specifics for each type of case areas:

Home, school, college, job, career, buying, selling, romance, marriage, relationships of all types or areas, business, corporations, government areas, travels, legal, courts, lawsuits, lost items or people, and more plus the daily routines and all aspects within those, and then questions within or pertaining to any other as well...

Pretty comprehensive, but can see will be light at the end of that tunnel, and that it will compliment the Qi men and at times in some areas even supercede it in decisions and results!...

Well if you read the news on protests and govt stuff you can easily see how that of last nights and today's events in those match up with both the listed for Jupiter's areas and the Transiting Moon's areas of today's forecast...Also as to the Mars in Relationships, Legal, etc stuff...

Here last night at 11:09 PM yet hr h here in the sudden, abrupt, and odd:

The electric went off twice each for a duration of only 2-3 seconds spaced by about the same???

Doesn't seem like much, but in result my drive way lights have stayed on continuously since then!...

*Glad my Alarm system doesn't depend on that of external electric power at least*!...

7/24 Metal/Venus day V/cn aka Wu Chen a Yang earth Dragon date...[FS *#5*] Lien Zhen type...GT: #49 - #31 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 1 areas..


#17 - #58 Involves *#53* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Kuei:Ghosts Metal type, and Sheep animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Venus:

Venus in Gemini 9th areas sign conjunct Rahu there yet Square to Moon in Virgo 12th areas of initial start..

Mars in Aries 7th areas Sextiles that of Venus also...

Venus sign opposes the Sag 3rd areas and Ketu's stuff there with Venus applying Square to Neptune in Pisces 6th areas as well...

Venus ruling that of the Physical Libra 1st areas, and that of Taurus *8th* areas plus Uranus's stuff there too...That vis Uranus affecting the Aquarius 5th areas also...

Transiting Moon yet in Virgo *12th* areas, and same Nakshatra areas as yesterday being ruled only of Mercury in present...

The Moon is applying opposition to that of Neptune in the Pisces 6th areas, while also sign Squaring Ketu's areas in the Sag 3rd, and is sign trine that of Jupiter Rx, Pluto Rx and Saturn Rx in the Capricorn 4th type areas...

Then in hr e 10:46 the Moon enters the Mars ruled Chitra Nakshatra areas then on ruled by Mercury and Mars areas *until hr h 21:54* when it then enters the Venus ruled Libra Physical 1st areas, the Moon while in Libra is then sign Square to the Capricorn 4th areas...

There it initially Sextiles the Sun of Leo 11th areas, and the Moon then on is ruled by both Venus and Mars, all that ruling the Cancer 10th Outer events type areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Ke* areas until hr cn 08:45 *Ju/Ve* areas on into hr w the 27th...

Events wise were tons of matches today so will note something more unique for this local area:

In other of arts that of Chinese hours here start about 25 minutes past the ideal time for the hour itself, *so hr yo here in EDT started around 18:25*...

Checked the astro skies stuff which put the overhead Physical, Asc at *0 Degrees Capricorn* then...

Then just prior and then too very strong at that time, ka boom, boom, crackle that of thunder in the loud, and lightning started popping...

Then within 1 - 5 minutes was both wind with sheets of strong rain came down...


Astro: Ok Venus wet stuff was applying within 2 degrees of Exact Square to Neptune Rx waters areas then!...

Qi men:

The Qi men Destiny then Involved that of the inauspacious vis gate/door Qi in that of sudden jolts, shocks, and *loud sounds* too (Normally man's stuff, but it can fit the lighning and thunder stuff)...

Hour: Wht Tiger and Grn Dragon conflict, had the winds indicator and other also said of all that things were inauspacious in most any major thing that one takes physical actions in, *could get injured, and best to stay put*!...

Says it in a different way but most people would not stand out in rain of that type, and would both tend to stay inside and stay put then as well...

Qi men does work with very high accuarcy, *if and only if* one interprets it correctly!...

Was only looking at our particular area, but minus details that of hr s just prior to hr yo, and in other places including Phoenix, AZ would and could have had it rougher in the weather dept than here which was a special timing case and got noted...

Also of things other than weather for sure...

That here had also matched the date pair also...

No such thing as perfect but hr's w and wa were pretty good for a lot of things in any location today...

Also on the date pair had any noticed it had a Wht 2nd B star advance for local's anywhere which would add such of environments, winds, destructive, loud, groups, healths and other as in and strongly for the hours y, m, *s, and yo*...

Think the NM period itself has made the nature of this period pretty clear, and reflects the nature of events in Portland, Chicago, Houston, and other simular cities, countries, etc can't run charts on them all here time wise...

Probably others in those areas could...

7/25 Earth/Saturn day VI/e aka Ji Si a Yin earth Snake date...FS #4 Shun type...GT: #21 - *#38* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 2 areas..


#50 - #64 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Liu:Willow Earth type, and Deer animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Saturn:

Saturn Rx in Capricorn 4th areas as it's ruler, also Sub-ruled by Mars that sign Squares it from the Aries 7th Relationships, Legal, etc areas...

Saturn Rx co-rules the Aquarius 5th areas also...

Saturn further is sign Sextile Neptune in Pisces 6th areas, and sign trine to Uranus in Taurus *8th* type areas while sign opposing the Cancer 10th areas...

Saturn Rx also aspects, impacts again the Pisces 6th, and the Libra 1st Physical areas...

Transiting Moon in Venus ruled Libra 1st areas, then in hr e it enters the *Rahu* Svati Nakshatra areas *that Venus in 9th areas* is sign conjunct with...

Then on the Moon ruled by both *Venus, and Sub-ruled of *Rahu* from the 9th type areas* into next date...

The Moon through this date sign Squares Mercury in Cancer 10th areas through the date, and exacts in that in hr h 21:00, that while sign Opposing Mars in Aries 7th areas and which exacts in hr t around 23:50 carrying those energies into next date also...

Date Dasa Yet same *Ju/Ve* areas until the 27th...

As far as the kaboom, snap, crackle, pop and winds of storms, and hurricaines aka Hanna forTexas, and of astro there's the additional main of *Mercury Square Mars* for that side, aside the Venus Square Neptune Rx stuff...

That of the natural of both aspects then counts in various of man's affairs including the protests getting gassed, etc...

On the gassed that's a non-lethal legal consequence of violating lawful orders, and in some where that of a protest has descended into that of a riot where public and private biz properties are damaged to include any of govt structures and law enforcements officials...

Aside that those aspects apply globally in a wide range of man's areas, and things at the time...

In a way many events are pretty visualative of/from when you know the basic descrip's of the involved *aspect types*...

Yesterday had of Wwg listed a B star advance which is of today's pair instead, not a biggie as the pairs of their areas themselves take in and represent the past, present, and future...

So covered there anyway, time itself in that can be a bit of a blur in things at times as each day affects or leads ot the next...

Then the pair for specifically hr yo yesterday:

#17 - #3 involved *#53 Areas...Change line 4...

It had *Gry* 2nd *locals* B star areas as well...

Hr yo that of *Grn* 5th Ryo star bonding it's Physical the *Wht* 3rd Gcn star areas aka Grn vs Wht forming R metal star manifests then, the orders, stormy and/or dangers, etc then...

A partial Re Do with Extra also for Jul 25th as well:

Transiting Moon in the Libra 1st Physical areas yet ruled of both Venus and *Rahu* areas will of wide sign trine that of Venus and Rahu in the Gemini 9th areas, sign Square Mercury in Cancer 10th Outer areas, sign sextile that of Ketu in Sag 3rd areas, sign Square that in the Capricorn 4th areas, sign Oppose Mars in Aries 7th areas, and of stretch growth to Neptune Rx in the Pisces 6th areas...

Most of the latter pretty weak, and each will strengthen during the day and more so the eve or *night* when they are nearing exact of their aspects..

*Can be some rough stuff in that*!...

In hr h 21:10 the Moon exacts in it's Square to Mercury, and in that approaching exact of it's Opposition to Mars as well...

Finally in hr t 23:49 it exacts in that Opposition to Mars...

The Moon yet in the *Rahu* ruled Svati Nakshatra so again it's ruled by both Venus and *Rahu* in to the next date, with all that ruling the Cancer 4th areas as well...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Ve* areas until hr w the 27th...

Notes: In the final latter part of this date, and on *the Moon* will be separating of it's Square, and Opposition to Mercury and Mars so that of the tensionals that go with them will also be *slowly* reduceing of their effects in next day or so as they separate more and more!...

That being only from the Moon's side of those two areas, and will give reliefs in some things, but will be yet other coming up of all that which is in other of the higher degrees in their sign areas yet...

Hurricaine Hanna from what read in News made landfall on Pedre Island, Tx at it's 17:00 CDT time aka of hr s then:

Date same today's main pair of Ke fire stars of 6th linked to 1st Pt water star areas of begins, surfaces and locations, of which hr s water bonded the Ke fire stars, and clashed the destructive *Wht 2nd locals By star advance areas then*...

Did a double stroke on our NM exact pair near page top with the date bonding it's Rs stars, and then releasing briefly for hr s events itself!...Almost like blinking it's eyes...

Then of it's location, and landing time vis astro had that of *Mercury* in the Cancer 1st Physical there yet applying *Square* to it's *Mars* in it's Aries 10th Outer events areas chart for that time and area then!...

In Vedic also of it's Cancer Physical not only was Mercury in it, then it's Lagna aka Ascendant  was in the Aslesha birth star aka Nakshatra for *the Physical's destiny there then also ruled by Mercury as well*!...

In applying aspect it was under 2 degrees of being exact then and is how they work in applying, gave a basic gist of the hard side of that aspect with Mars yesterday eve...

7/26 Sun day VII/w aka Geng Wu a Yang metal Horse date...FS *#3* Zhen type...GT: #32 - #40 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 3 areas..


#40 - #7 Involves *#63* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Hsing:Star Sun-Fire type, and Horse animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Sun:

Sun in Leo 11th areas it rules, and is yet Sub-ruled by Ketu from the Sag 3rd areas also as a mix in the Leo 11th stuff...

Though pretty wide of aspects the Sun Sextiles that of Venus in sign Gemini 9th areas, Squares that of Uranus in sign Taurus *8th* areas, Trines that of Mars in the Aries 7th areas, and in starts initially sextiles the Moon in the Libra 1st Physical areas...

The Sun also Opposes the Aquarius 5th areas and of Orb yet Opposes Saturn Rx in Capricorn 4th areas yet as well...

Transiting Moon in the Libra 1st Physical, ruled by Venus and initially Sub-ruled by *Rahu* as well...

A lot of power and tough stuff possible in this date!...

 In hr m 06:43 the Moon exacts in it's Square to Venus in the Gemini 9th areas...

Then in hr cn 07:22 the Moon enters the Jupiter ruled Visakha Nakshatra areas and then on ruled by both Venus and Jupiter Rx...

[Then also within hr cn 08:29 the Moon exacts in it's inconjunct (stretch growth) to Neptune Rx in the Pisces 6th areas, and around that same time the Moon is also exact Square to *Jupiter Rx* in the Capricorn 4th areas then too!..

In hr wa 13:12 the Moon further exacts in it's Square to *Pluto Rx* also in the Capricorn 4th areas!...

Finally in hr h 21:08 the Moon then exacts it's Square to *Saturn Rx* in the Capricorn 4th areas, Sextile to Ketu in Sag 3rd, and Trine to *Rahu* in the Gemini 9th areas!]...

The Moon carrying all that on into the next date ruling it's Cancer 10th Outer events areas...

Date Dasa same *Ju/Ve* areas until hr w the 27th...

Checking Qi men on Hurricaine Hanna's Landfall, and it's current inland travel path:

7/25/2020 Padres Island, Texas 17:00 CDT and *Hr s*Then...

Landfall then plus it's land path


The Green Dragon and Water Snake Involved Shocks, Jolts Versus Hurtings aka Harms then...

Then of that the Hour a negative outcomes type, but directions were just barely in, if at all there...

With some texts and maybe a bit of humor: *A woman is the cause of all problems does go with the hurricaine's name Hanna*...

Inward land travel path direction confirmed:

West by South aka SW's *That direction does solidly match* involving the Grn Dragon versus  the Wht Tiger, and that of or simular to disasters or some disasters could occur of/in that path!...

Also a bit of maybe additional texts humor the Grn Dragon or Woman is running away...

Sometimes where natural phenomena or crimes are involved many's schools, etc texts can be lacking, and quite hard of visualizations to easily interpret there...

That as many are mostly oriented/bent towards the more personal sides only these days and more so then of pasts, so you have to in some actually add your own or own thoughts to properly interpret them...

You could add on to that the bit from our NM Exact pair, where the Landfall made that of a significant *blink or blip* in hr s then involving Rs metal star areas for *Threats/Dangers*, etc to/of that of our lunar period chart as well!...

If not humerous of the prior texts where all is certainly not near the level of today's technologies, but then of ancient arts it was of good, and near amazing in it's *of the most main* guideing symbology for hr s then...

7/27 Moon day VIII/wa aka Xin Wa a Yin metal Goat date...FS #2 Kun type...GT: #59 - #6 Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 4 areas..


#53 - #52 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Chang:Bow Moon-Fire type, and Stag animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Moon:

Transiting Moon was in Libra, but in hr t 00:12 it enters sign Scorpio 2nd Material, etc areas...

The Moon then on ruled by Pluto Rx of the Capricorn 4th areas and or Mars in the Aries 7th as co-ruler, then the Moon also is yet Sub-ruled by Jupiter Rx as well...

Jupiter Rx yet Sextile to Neptune Rx in Pisces 6th, and yet of retrograde still conjunct Pluto and Saturn Rx also...

The Moon while in Scorpio is sign sextile to all that in the Capricorn 4th type areas...

The Moon applies sign trine to Neptune Rx in the Pisces 6th areas, also to Mercury in Cancer 10th areas, and is sign inconjunct or of stretch growth to Mars in Aries 7th areas...

Also the Moon sign Opposes Uranus in the Taurus *8th* type areas as well...

In hr m 05:50 the Moon in Scorpio enters the Saturn Rx ruled Anuradha Nakshatra areas so Moon then on ruled by *Pluto Rx, and Sub-ruled by Saturn Rx areas*...

In hr yo 18:04 the Moon reaches exact Opposition to Uranus in the Taurus *8th* type areas, that while *Mercury in the Cancer 10th Exacts it's Square to Mars in the Aries 7th areas*...

That all ruling the Cancer 10th Outer events areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Ve* areas until hr w 11:02 **Ju/Su** areas into next date...

7/28 Fire/Mars day IX/s aka Ren Shen a Yang water Monkey date...FS #1 Kan type...GT: #39 - #15 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 5 areas..


#8 - #20 Involves *#23* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: I:Wings Fire type, and Snake animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Mars:

Mars in the Aries 7th areas that it rules, plus co-ruler of Scorpio 2nd type areas, and it's now in the Venus ruled Bharani Nakshatra areas, so Sub-ruled by Venus also...

Venus in the Gemini 9th areas...

Mars further aspects, impacts the Libra 1st Physical, Cancer 10th Outer events areas, and the Scorpio 2nd Material, etc areas...

Transiting Moon in sign Scorpio 2nd areas and of aspects as described yesterday...

In hr y 04:17 it exacts of it's inconjunct (Sretch Growth) to Mars in Aries 7th areas...

Then in hr y 04:30 the Moon enters the Mercury ruled Jyeshtha Nakshatra areas so then on ruled by Pluto Rx, and Sub-ruled by Mercury into the next date...

In hr m 05:03 the Moon Trines that of Mercury in Cancer 10th Outer areas...

In hr w 11:07 the Moon Exacts of it's Sextile to Jupiter in Capricorn 4th areas, and minutes later Exacts in it's Trine to Neptune Rx in 6th areas...

In hr s 16:04 the Moon Exacts of it's Sextile to Pluto Rx also in the Capricorn 4th areas...

Finally just into hr t of 29th it Exaxts in it's Sextile to Saturn Rx in same Capricorn 4th areas then...

All that is carried on into the 29th ruling the Cancer 10th Outer events areas...

Date Dasa Yet **Ju/Su** areas until hr e 09:19 *Ju/Mo* areas on into next date...


This and next few dates for the EDT TZ 4W timezone hr t 00:12, and just prior that of former date may hold that of sudden jolts, etc of current Overheads in things, partially a bit good, and *partially not*...

That as Mercury in Cancer 3rd areas will loosely Sextile Uranus of the Overhead Physical then, but *the Sun of Leo 4th areas will be Squaring it*!...

May apply for some not all, and should that come up may also be simular as in anything of distributions or comm areas, and to a week or so back when that of Electric in homes here took a quick double jolt then, and in any case things of homes, and that associated them...

For timezones westward may run few minutes earlier and those more east few minutes later, just happened to notice it, so mentioned...

Maxes, Peaks Aug 2nd...

Had overlooked that of Mars Squaring everything in the Capricorn 4th areas, but have mentioned on prior dates...

Anyway got tiny popped by it today in that of the front door most strangely auto locked itself!...

Something to do with the lower hasp area had gotten stuck, as when went to lock it, it was already locked all by itself...

Couldn't open it but easy to fix it, and ran a chart for the exact time happened to me as 16:59 EDT...

Physical 15 Sag: Ruler Jupiter Rx in Capricorn conjunct with Pluto Rx there...

Jupiter ruled the Sag Physical, and Pluto ruled the Scorpio *12th* areas...

Mars formed a very lop sided T-Square then, Mars squaring Jupiter and Pluto, then also Squaring Mercury in Cancer areas...

Luckily in plus the Moon in Scorpio formed a Sextile to Saturn Rx in Capricorn also...

Hr s in Qi men was a No go, and a warning type:

1. Avoid making changes as that good becomes less so, and may result in a problem or disaster!...

2. Also one may become isolated or imprisioned, avoid changes...

Keeping in mind that Qi men is originally *for that of security, the strategic, and the tactical or war craft* you can easily see that then was of a proper warning type, that of or on the fringe of it certainly can fit a house or building door problem or situation as well...

Main thing to note out of it is that of the astro aspect types *had also agreed with that and the nature of what the Qi men indicated, represented* as far as the types of things which could come up under them then as well!...

The only problem see in the Qi men is that of peoples experience levels in it and their interpretations themselves, other wise it works just fine...

Hard to help some people with any, and especially of the Qi men when they have no background for it, and if there's very little time to train them, it's not going to work out that well...

Based on their misunderstandings or lack of knowledge you or the Qi men get blamed for their ill use of it...

Did so with one couple, and aside the Jerry King QMDJ (C) book, gave them a Day chart book to boot, and just showed them what palaces to apply it too, etc...

Had mentioned things of it might only match up about every 5 days or a week in time depending on the zone, *but when it did it would bang*, and minus the FS they could always use the chinese dates for their dailies as is listed here...

That's all you can get when you work with near zero knowledge, though if aside the reads in the Day chart book, if one further looks up the formations as well, that too can be a big aide...

That all can be boosted by also their adding in the birth sign palace that the books, and school's hadn't taught, and was prior mentioned of blogs here...

Then asking someone to look up Mr. Capital shown in the Jerry King book also in that of *Year* charts aka of your palaces within it was also untaught, and was mentioned of blogs here prior also, plus the same in the Month charts of your palaces will clue you in as to the times big money stuff comes up for you...

I super confirmed it all vis charts of all types, and that then gives one 3 solid palaces to check in their Day charts for any given date, and or the Year and Month charts if you have them...

That alone serves as a basic guide only, but it will definitely bang of matches plus and minus at times for one!...

The same gives even one of zip knowledge an advantage in the ahead over others who have no backgrounds in any of the forecastings systems...

Me I don't have a huge need to use it, more observational, but if was doing something major or running a business would definitely use it, and other without a doubt...

7/29 Water/Mercury day X/yo aka Gui You a Yin water Rooster date...FS *#9* Li type...GT: #23 - #2 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 6 areas..


#26 - #18 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Chen:Carriage Water type, and Worm animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Mercury:

Mercury in Cancer 10th Outer events ruled by the Moon, and Sub-ruled of itself...

Mercury ruling the Gemini 9th, and Virgo *12th* type areas...

Mercury Trines that of Neptune Rx in the Pisces 6th areas, Opposes all that in the Capricorn 4th type areas, and of initial trines the Moon in the Scorpio 2nd areas...

Transiting Moon in Scorpio Sextiles that of Saturn Rx in Capricorn then in hr y 03:25 enters the *Sag 3rd type areas* sign conjunct Ketu's areas there...
At the same time it enters the Ketu ruled Mula Nakshatra areas, and then on the Moon ruled by both Jupiter Rx and Sub-ruled by Ketu...

The Moon there then sign Trines the Sun, sign squares Neptune Rx in Pisces 6th areas, sign trines Mars in Aries 7th areas, sign inconjuncts Uranus in the Taurus *8th* areas, and sign Opposes Venus in the Gemini 9th areas...

In hr s 15:45 the Moon exacts of Trine to the Sun in Leo 11th areas...

Then in hr h 21:45 the Moon exacts of it's Inconjunct (Stretch Growth) to Uranus in the Taurus *8th* areas...

Carries all that ruling the Cancer 10th areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Ju/Mo* areas until hr h 22:27 **Ju/Ma** areas on into start of next date!...

LOL looks like Google (TM) has it's own locked up stuff, very hard to post this!...

There was one other aspect that's been in for any current chart, and that's *Jupiter Sextile Neptune* currently as Jupiter Rx Sextile Neptune Rx, and is referred to as major by some...

It was near very exact yesterday, hard to figure for a door lock but went with the News where they were showing the Iranian Navy and or other forces shooting missles at a mock (fake) U.S. carrier in the Strait then, and also considering the Mars action of those Squares aka the Lop sided T-Square had mentioned yesterday, *sure fits*!...

Qi men again reference that mentioned on Mr Capital yesterday and any priors!

On Mr Capital as shown in the Jerry King QMDJ (c) book or others, and when using it in or with *QM Day charts*, *it doesn't always and very, very rarely applys as far as significantly in big money stuff*...

Latter makes sense unless it's some sort of unexpected inheritance or wealth type, or that of a quickie investment type, gambling as in lotto, etc which wouldn't be a sure thing in that, and  other than that it normally would only be significant over larger frames of time...

More at the personage, objects or formations type and level for day charts, but as long as one *does really know what their doing?*, and sees an advantage in it, then they could plan and take action on such a day...

The latter though is usually, and normally only done at the specific hour level, and the correct way as far as taking monetary actions, etc as described in the Jerry King book, or other of schools, etc go...

Mr Capital usually applies strong at the month level, and strongest at the *year* level...

Sometimes it's automatic as in big money or double salary awarded to you or of change of jobs, other special career related awards, then in other could be of stocks, and or your own big money investments of any type, etc...

As far as the larger frames of time as in years go for an average person of strong career drives that's probably about once every 10 years in the form of Opportunities, and usually *more associated the birth sign palace in that*, but the other 2 can factor in some as well...

Hadn't checked months but at the very minimum would hazard a guess that would be every 5 years, but possibly more often there...

That would be for the average but very hard striving to excell in their work or careers type...

Those points come only *at the larger frames of time levels* purely because they are those of which vis both your efforts and opportunities resulting from them, then specifically allow you to double or more your income as compared to prior frames!...

Those who already work in investments, trades, sales or their own business areas, or anyone for that matter can through a Qi men course or of other astrologies types can add a fair number of specific personal birth chart related dates to greatly enhance the starts or that of projects also, and in the further other very special non personal Qi, luck hour timings to also gain advantage in desired areas, and over their competitors as well...

Basically that just says that even in negative zones one can always take advantage of timings themselves for better results in most any area...

[In all that it's the will to succeed that matters the most, and in negative zones it's that of one's own persistance, self improvements, and strivings that will over time allow them to rise above all temporal adversities and succeed!]...

If you fall down and downward spiral into a deep black hole, think about it there's only 1 direction to go and that's up!...So get back up and go for it, the challenges only make you stronger...

However again in all that it's sure a big positive boost at all levels to know that their are good timings to take advantage of, and in the sure to also know there is light at the end of the tunnel!...

7/30 Wood/Jupiter day I/sh aka Jia Xu a Yang wood Dog date...FS #8 Gen type...GT: #11 - #46 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 1 areas..


#19 - #24 Involves *#24* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Begins Week of the Eastern Grn Dragon Cardinal, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Ch'io:Horn Wood type, and Crocodile animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Jupiter:

Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 4th type areas ruled by Saturn Rx there, and Sub-ruled by the Moon in the Sag 3rd areas it rules...

Jupiter Rx also co-ruling the Pisces 6th areas, and Jupiter Rx is conjunct Pluto Rx, and Sextiles that of Neptune Rx in the Pisces 6th areas too...

Jupiter Rx of that also aspects, impacts that it's in, then the Taurus *8th*, and the Cancer 10th, and the Virgo *12th* type areas...

Transiting Moon in Sag 3rd areas as descibed yesterday it ruled by both Jupiter Rx and Ketu that it sign conjuncts too...

Then in hr c 02:35 the Moon enters the Venus ruled Purvashadha Nakshatra areas, then on ruled by Jupiter Rx, and Sub-ruled by Venus from sign Gemini 9th areas...

In hr e the Moon exacts in Trine to Mars in the Aries 7th areas...

In hr s the Moon exacts in Square to Neptune Rx in sign Pisces 6th areas...

Finally in hr sh the Moon exactly Opposes Venus in sign Gemini 9th areas...

The Moon is also strongly conjunct Ketu in it's Sag 3rd areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet again **Ju/Ma** areas into next date!...

The T-Square involving Mars still in, but with Mercury exactly Opposing the Jupiter Rx part of this date also...Then on Aug 1st Mercury exactly Opposes Pluto Rx then...

7/31 Venus/Metal day II/h aka Yi Hai a Yin wood Pig date...FS *#7* Dui type...GT: #10 - #25 Involves *#37* Areas*...Change line 2 areas..


#13 - #25 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: K'ang:Neck Water type, and Dragon animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Venus:

*Venus in Gemini 9th areas* strongly sign conjunct Rahu there yet initially opposed by the Moon in/from the Sag 3rd areas...

Mars in Aries 7th areas yet Sextiles that of Venus also...

Venus yet sign squares that of Neptune Rx in Pisces 6th areas...

Venus sign opposes the Sag 3rd areas, and Ketu's stuff there...

*Venus ruling that of the Physical Libra 1st areas*, and that of Taurus *8th* areas plus Uranus's stuff there, and that of the Aquarius 5th areas that Uranus also rules within that...

Transiting Moon in Sag 3rd ruled by that of Jupiter Rx and Venus's areas yet, then in hr c 02:03 the Moon enters the Sun ruled Uttarashadha Nakshatra areas...

In hr m it exact conjuncts Ketu's areas there in it's Sag 3rd areas...

In hr cn 07:58 the Moon then enters *sign Capricorn 4th type areas* yet in the same Nakshatra, so then on is ruled by Saturn Rx and Sub-ruled by the Sun as well...

While *Moon in Capricorn* it sign squares the Libra 1st, Aries 7th, and Opposes the Cancer 10th areas, but trines the Taurus *8th*, and Virgo *12th* areas...

Today and next day the Moon will be applying Sextile to Neptune Rx in Pisces 6th areas, Square Mars in Aries 7th areas, and inconjunct (Stretch Growth) to Venus in Gemini 9th areas, and an Opposition to Mercury in 10th areas...

In Capricorn it first sign conjuncts then the next date by eve would move to exact conjunct that of Jupiter Rx, Pluto Rx, and Saturn Rx in those Capricorn 4th type areas...

*Date Dasa Yet **Ju/Ma** areas into next date*!...

Currently coming along quite well in the Westen Horary course, almost impossible not to learn as estimate there are around or over 240 charts that are discussed and from which one learns from...

More than any course I've taken or seen!...

Went that direction as originally before 2017 used only that of the Wwg and WV astrology, but then jumped on into Qi men courses and other *which then took up all my time since then...

Now being well at where I want to be in that, have turned my attentions back to horary type courses, and in that now, the funny part is *had totally forgotten that before had started the Qi men stuff had already started a Western Tropical *Vedic* course aka the Prasna* back then!...

So working at completing it as well now, whether western or eastern there are many different horary or prasna types...

On Prasna using the Tajika elements of war craft type which is in some obviously different from Western,  but of Aspect quite simular to the Western types as well...

8/1 Earth/Saturn day III/t aka Bing Zi  a Yang fire Rat date...FS #6 Qian type...GT: #49 - #17 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 3 areas..


#17 - #3 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Ti:Base Earth type, and Badger animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Saturn (Responsibility):

Saturn Rx in Capricorn 4th type areas with the pair of Jupiter Rx conjunct Pluto Rx conjunct to it...

Saturn Rx yet in the Dhanistha $ areas is Sub ruled by Mars in the Aries 7th  Relationships, etc areas...

Saturn Rx ruling the Capricorn 4th, and co-ruling along with Uranus in Taurus 8th areas that of the Aquarius 5th type areas...

Saturn Rx opposes the Cancer 10th type areas, plus aspects, impacts the Pisces 6th areas, and that of the Libra 1st Physical areas as well...

Transiting Moon in Capricorn 4th areas as described yesterday will in hr c 01:50 enter it's own Sravana Nakshatra areas, and then on ruled by Saturn Rx and itself there...

In hr yo 17:22 the Moon exacts in Square to the Mars in Aries 7th areas that as it's conjuncting Jupiter Rx which exacts in hr sh 19:56, and that's also nearing exact to it's Sextile to Neptune Rx Pisces 6th areas around the same time...

That ruling the Cancer 10th Outer events areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet **Ju/Ra** areas until Aug 2nd!..


Here that of the graha's, planets and their aspects are given relative the NM chart, however you can use in other ways...

A few years back had mentioned you can take the current moonsign and place it in the 1st house itself, same is true of the planet of the day as well...

Doing that you simply place the others in their same signs in the house they fall in relative the Moon or Planet of the Day 1st house!...

That gives you a Global view for events and happenings relative that 1st house sign, etc...

Today both would have had a Capricorn 1st house Physical then it's 3rd house that of Pisces with Neptune Rx in it, says things to do with environment, things near by, comm, movements, travels and other would come up in global news (and it did)...

Then the 7th would be of sign Cancer so Mercury in Cancer of 7th areas was opposing that in the Capricorn 1st areas (matches there too)...

Beyond just global you can do that for your own personal chart as well, *no matter where or which house Capricorn is in your personal natal chart (Just remember what it's house areas are about)*, you can then also put it in the Physical first and then note all the relationships to it's areas in the very same way for that of the or any date here!...

So that gives you two additional ways to look at both the Planet of the Day, and the Moon sign of the Day:

1. Global...

2. Personal...

Latter as *what's in for the date* relative the applicable area of your own birth/life chart!...

Aug 1 not the greatest of day types mainly in that of both natural phenomena(s), and also human personal relationships!...

*Fortunately people within their own nakama's or circles are generally blind to the overheads effects in those*, but in other when dealing with that of strangers, open enemies or outsider's things may not be so fortunate there...

Hr cn this am was *marginally* good, except of Qi men which is more Saturn oriented gave it a thumbs down with *only some strongly exempted as very fortunate in it....

Then after hr cn things go downhill of relationships to things and others with the only really good hour not in all, being that of hr yo this evening 18:25 - 20:25 thereafter things of the heavens, skies take a huge dive in *hr sh*, and remains to the negative for remainder of the date...

*Nothing so abnormal about it*, keeping in mind there's a hurricaine, and we are entering the FM period which influences it all...

8/2 Sun day IV/c aka Ding Chou  a Yin fire Ox date...[FS *#5*] Lien Zhen type...GT: #21 - #27 Involves *#39* Areas*...Change line 4 areas..


#50 - #44 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Fang:Room Sun-Fire type, and Hare animal sign...

WV NM Dailies Astro:

Day Ruler Sun:

Generally that of (Authority, Vitality, Creative Expression, One's self Esteem, Confidence, and Humility):

The Sun is in the Leo 11th areas it rules, and is yet Sub-ruled by Ketu from the Sag 3rd areas also as a mix in the Leo 11th stuff...

Though pretty wide of aspects the Sun Sextiles that of Venus in sign Gemini 9th areas, **Squares that of Uranus in sign Taurus *8th* areas**, while it Trines that of Mars in the Aries 7th areas!...

The Sun also Opposes the Aquarius 5th areas and sets up for the Moon's entry there later this date, and then the FM  itself Aug 3rd!...

Transiting Moon in Capricorn 4th areas conjunct Pluto Rx exacting in that in hr c 01:57 which it also then enters the Mars ruled Dhanishtha $ Nakshatra areas as well...

The Moon then on ruled by Saturn Rx there, and Sub-ruled by Mars...

The Moon is also Inconjunct (Stretch Growth) to Venus conjunct Rahu in the Gemini 9th areas, and Opposing Mercury in the Cancer 10th outer events areas...

The Moon carrying all that makes it's final and last aspect as a conjunct to Saturn Rx there in hr e 09:59...

Then in hr wa 14:11 the Moon yet in the same Nakshatra enters sign Aquarius 5th areas for remainder of the date and on...

The Moon then on ruled by Uranus in/from the Taurus *8th* type areas, and Sub-ruled by Mars in/from the Aries 7th areas on into next date up to it's late morning FM...

*Date Dasa Yet **Ju/Ra** areas until hr sh 19:18 **Sa/Sa** areas *until Aug 6th** for NM chart, but that changes aka alters for tomorrow's FM chart itself...

Aug 3rd Full Moon Aquarius Lunar period start:

8/3 Moon day V/y aka Wu Yin  a Yang earth Tiger date...FS #4 Shun type...GT: #32 - *#28* Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 5 areas..


#40 - #64 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

FM Exact:

#54 - #19 Involves *#63* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

The hexagram lnr period images posted under others near page top which can be referred to daily as well...

Constellation: Hsin:Heart Moon-Fire type, and Fox animal sign...

WV FM Astro:

FM WV Chart positions basically same as the previous of the NM period:

Asc, Physical 1st areas of again sign *Libra*:

Libra physical 1st areas ruled by *Venus* conjunct Rahu in Gemini 9th areas...

Then with the Asc in the Visakha Nakshatra so is also Sub-ruled by Jupiter Rx in/from the Capricorn 4th type areas...

The FM that of the Sun in Leo 11th areas versus Opposite the Moon in Aquarius 5th areas aka 11th versus 5th or Vice versa is the main of what the period is about relative it's Libra Physical type and it's rulers...In some that's in the finishing up of things or that of completions and some ends in them...

Also that of this period's Maha Dasa *Rahu* in Gem 9th areas tells you something of it's nature in which things of a Saturn type nature manifest under it for the overall period as well...

Then add the hexagram pair names in and you'll have a pretty good gist or feel for this period as well...

Like the previous period should be at times or maybe in a lot that of quick or sudden changes in things also...

Day Ruler Moon:

Moon Opulence, The Queen, Mothering, Older Women or Women, Females, Nuturances, Nourishments, Carings, Memories, the Intuitive/Senses, Illusions, Conveyances, The Hidden, Seas, The Tides, Waters, Liquids, Large Areas, Masses, Environments or those close by, Support systems, Emotions/Feelings, Mental Balance, Habitual behaviors, biases, etc and rules sign Cancer, the night and dark places...

Transiting Moon as previous in the Aquarius 5th areas, and in *hr e* at 10:58:43 EST forms the FM peak, exact...

Some other Western softwares may show that bit later in hr w for the exact, but using Western Vedic here, and both Kala and Parashara softwares agree down to minute, and seconds...Western WinStar 6 near exact same using EST too...

EST standard used to align Wwg and other of chinese systems too as all of life charts, etc are based on that of standard local times only!...

Add 1 hour for EDT clock times which will yet be of hr e in those...

Shortly prior to that also in hr e 09:50 the Moon *will have exacted Square to Uranus* in the Taurus *8th* type areas also...

The Moon prior to all that *had entered the *Rahu* ruled Satabhisha Nakshatra areas for the FM*, so the Moon is ruled both by Uranus in/from the Taurus *8th* type areas, and Sub-ruled of *Rahu* in/from the Gemini 9th areas...

Moon of prior was applying or sign Sextile Mars in Aries 7th areas, and *applying or sign Square Uranus in the Taurus *8th* type areas*, then the Moon is also sign trine Venus conjunct Rahu in the Gemini 9th areas...

Moon will be exacting in it's Sextile to Mars late this date hr h and on into next date...

That all ruling the Cancer 10th Outer events areas into next date...

Note: Mercury in Cancer 10th areas also exactly Opposes Saturn Rx in hr s in the Capricorn 4th areas this date also...

FM Full Dasa Ra/Sa/Mo/Me/Me...

Note the Maha Dasa for this Period is *Rahu in the Gemini 9th type areas*...

Date Dasa **Me/Me** areas until hr sh 19:10 *Me/Ke* areas into next date...

Another part of the picture:

In other shows the main of quarrels in or about involving masses areas which would definitely go along the Libra physical type with Mars in the 7th Relationships, contracts areas also...

Then are suggestions in that of lawsuits, legal, conflicts or other in that of being too nosy and/or taking sudden actions can or will lead to dangers also, and where some may involve close ties, family, org's and/or watery, etc type areas, and accidents as well...

Aside that basically a go for it type in terms of meetings with bosses or managements, getting aide there or from noblemen then oddly enough maybe also in that of romantic relationships areas too, and separately things in that of sales or any public facings type jobs for the more skilled or persuasive of types as well...

No guarentees though does connect to this period, some prior to the period fits in that too, and then some things do come down to the individuals involved...

Ought to be interesting, and no doubt there were tons of matches in the previous period, so unlikely this one would be different in that regard...

The next Solar Month (SM) Jia Shen aka *The Yang wood Monkey Month (I/s), and an FS #2 Solar Month type starts late Thursday Aug 6th here...

Matches not sure others saw but I did of the Isa storm's quick movements and other of news, then *in the very subtle of diurnal hours and quick changes here* noted the hot humid morning had an hour or so break in the afternoon vis cloud cover and soft breezes...Latter felt about 10 degrees cooler until that passed and things scorched back up...

Also for another quick change it briefly rained here this eve in hr yo as well...

19:45 rain was ongoing just noted the clouds moving lickity split to the SE, with some pretty good winds gusts as well...

It further involves things of Edu areas any type, also that assisitive or not in them, Advisors of any type, and of or connected to any types of travels areas also...Believe was some there right off the bat...

Also believe that of travels does include internet areas as well...Then regarding that of normal travels types alone that had fell under things hidden, along side roads or paths of any type, accidents or of negative influences type...In the pre or ahead was that of a train crash in California that matched so far...

Should of various ways at times generally apply in the overall of this FM period then if strong definitely includes more on winds in it aside the Isa storm as well...

8/4 Mars day VI/m aka Ji Mao  a Yin earth Rabbit date...FS *#3* Zhen type...GT: #59 - *#29* Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 6 areas..


#53 - #37 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Tail Fire type, and Tiger animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Mars:

Mars as or of one's: Males, Courage, Strength (Physical and Mental), Pain, Brothers, Actions oriented, Radient, The Fiery, Fire, Assertiveness, That Abrupt or Disruptive, Accidents, Loud Sounds, Angry or Hot Tempered, Iron, Red color, Tools, Weapons and Sharp Objects, Police, Energy, Drive, Agression, Commanders, CEO's, Generals, Armed Forces, Electrical phenomena and/or it's and Electronic areas apparatus, devices, etc...

Mars in the Aries 7th Relationships. legal, etc areas that it rules, plus co-ruler Scorpio 2nd areas, and yet in the Venus ruled Bharani Nakshatra areas, so is Sub-ruled by Venus also...

Venus in the Gemini 9th areas...

Mars of Aries 7th areas under Venus's influences further aspects, impacts the Libra 1st Physical, Cancer 10th Outer events areas, and again the Scorpio 2nd Material, etc areas...

Transiting Moon in Aquarius 5th areas yet same yesterday eve, and in hr c 02:44 exacts in it's Sextile to Mars in Aries 7th areas...

Then in hr y around 03:27 the Moon enters the Jupiter Rx ruled Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra areas, so then on ruled by Uranus of/from the Taurus *8th* areas, and Sub-ruled of Jupiter Rx of/from the Capricorn 4th areas onwards...

Note also in hr e 10:47 Mercury had entered the Final End Degree of the Cancer 10th areas...

From there in hr yo 17:45 the Moon in Aquarius exact Trines Venus conjunct Rahu in the Gemini 9th areas...

Then in hr sh around 19:14 the Moon Sextiles Ketu's areas in the Sag 3rd, and exact Trines Rahu in the Gemini 9th areas...

In hr h 22:15 the Moon at the final end degree exact inconjuncts Mercury in the Cancer 10th Outer events areas...

Minutes later around 22:28 the Moon yet in the same Nakshatra enters sign Pisces 6th areas, then on ruled by Neptune Rx, while Sub-ruled by Jupiter Rx into next date...

All that ruling the Cancer 10th Outer events areas...

Though in things list exact times, it's generally of time days or hours prior to the exact when events take place...

Date Dasa Yet *Me/Ke* areas until hr w 12:23 *Me/Ve* areas into Aug 6th!...

Not sure about as far as overall period and that of quick or sudden changes initially of winds was ok, but if look at Qi men shows it more of slow changes, obstacle, delays, some things go kaput or end, and in some no changes at all!...

The latter is of the Yang wood Monkey Solar Month *which starts the night of Aug 6th here*, however in at least 3 different persons cases that's already being experienced, and of one that's of a Fed Ex (TM) shipped package delivary on Aug 3rd FM date *delivered to the wrong address, and even signed for by the wrong person to boot*!...

Were matches for the sudden jolts stuff part today of tornadoes up north, and one huge explosion in Beirut, Lebanon also...

Under a different physical there, and didn't hear or see a time, but Mars in Aries was Exact in Square to Jupiter Rx today, and Jupiter Rx conjuncts Pluto Rx would definitely match for things of those nature!...

That and of the Date pair also...

8/5 Mercury day VII/cn aka Geng Chen a Yang metal Dragon date...FS #2 Kun type...GT: #39 - #63 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 1 areas..


#8 - *#29* Involves *#23* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Chi:Basket Water type, and Leopard animal sign...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Mercury:

Winds, things of two, and Vis Parashara people that communicate, mediators, translators, messengers, etc of any type of informations, tricksters such as loki types in terms of jokes and jests, witty, mimes also of movements, then of other that of distribution systems, mails, networks, that to do with one's intelligence and communication, speech, flexibility in movements, rules that of one's conscious mind in thinkings or thoughts, and analytical ability, cleverness, The Crown Prince, strategic, diplomatic, restless energy, tendency to travel, unless under other influences a cold and dryness trait, then of mainly *green* and sometimes black color in some systems also...

Mercury is in Leo 11th areas and sign conjuncts, and under the Sun ruler there, Mercury also in the Ketu ruled Magha Nakshatra areas too so ruled by the Sun and Sub-ruled by Ketu's areas in the Sag 3rd areas it sign trines as well...

Mercury rules the sign Gemini 9th and Virgo *12th* type areas...

Mercury sign inconjuncts that in the Capricorn 4th areas, Opposes sign Aquarius 5th areas, sign trines Mars in Aries 7th areas, sign squares Uranus in Taurus *8th* areas, and sign sextiles Venus and Rahu in the Gemini 9th areas...

Transiting Moon now in sign Pisces 6th and same nakshatra as given yesterday applying sign sextile to Uranus, and sign square to Venus conjunct Rahu areas...

In hr y 04:52 the Moon then enters fiery Saturn Rx ruled Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra areas then on...

In hr sh 19:01 the Moon in Pisces 6th Exacts in it's Sextile to Uranus in Taurus *8th* type areas...

That all ruling the Cancer 10th Outer events areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Me/Ve* areas until Aug 6th!...

Prior of 8/4/2020  Beirut, Lebanon

A little after 6pm so chose 6:10 PM..

Major Explosion which of shockwave felt like an earthquake...

Condolences to the families for their innocents Killed, and the many injured and their now homeless in infrastructures losses...

Things vis Covid-19 hard enough anywhere without other adding in...

Ammunitions, and Ammonium Nitrate Explosion type...

Turned out for the time had chosen puts Jupiter exactly conjunct on the Physical there then!...

Jupiter conjunct Pluto...

Mars in Exact Square to Jupiter then!...

Mars in WV Aries 4th house of ends, then in straight Western Placidus of same physical Mars was in Aries 3rd areas then...

Straight Western the Sun in Leo 7th connected *8th* areas, in WV the Sun in Leo *8th* areas there then...

The Moon was Exacting Trines to the North Node aka Rahu and Venus conjunct it then as well...

Both systems had shown Venus conjunct Rahu of the Gemini in 6th house type areas...

Either system entirely accurate just different or alternate points of view, and methodologies involved...

Negative situations were indicated for some by both types as their Asc, Physical of Capricorn was afflicted, and by aspect also then...

Date Wwg Pair Match:

#59 - *#29* Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 6...

Change line clashing Gyo hider star hidden storages for the date!...

Was still hr s there, that bonding the Red 5th Be fire star physical, and clashing the *Gry* destined changes or jolts 1st line areas of Py agressive happenings, etc star types...

It's Gry 1st Py star areas then bound to bond Blk 3rd Rh hider star for the hidden of dangers, power, and other...

Qi men hr s *was not good as was a punishment or self punishment type*, though a bit more beyond that in exam...

No need to add to that as Ji heavens date stem often can indicate both instability, and volatility, then when combined with Mao earth branch often more so, that and the Wwg had already showed the situation for events then aka **[the hour pair was the same as the Date pair]**!...

Solar Month Yang wood Monkey begins here in hr sh around 20:07 here:

8/6 Jupiter day VIII/e aka Xin Si a Yin metal Snake date...FS #1 Kan type...GT: #23 - #4 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 2 areas..


#26 - *#41* Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Begins week of the Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Tou:Ladle Wood type, and Unicorn animal sign...

SM Exact Pair:

[#41 - #19 Involves *#24 Areas*...Change line 6 areas]...

It's image and other pairs will be posted on new page later this night!...

WV FM Dailies Astro:

Day ruler Jupiter:

Jupiter Growth, Expansion, Abundance, Happiness vis Faith, or that of Joviality, Wisdom/Knowledge, Optimism, Eloquence, Learned, spiritual, religions, philosophies, Children, the big picture, Big stuff, storehouse, bankings, airports or aircrafts, Fortune or Luck, Law, the Large or Huge, Wealth, Publishing, Higher Learnings areas, Universities, Teacher or Professors, the Father as a teacher, merchants, trademen, and much other, etc...

On the explosion in Beirut yesterday *practically* Mars had exacted square to it then, but of exacts that was 5 to 7 hours after the Exact Square itself!...

One other side note on Jupiter and the normal timed charts here, as of March 19th hr h around 10:51 PM it became *King of the Year* forming a Bad A T-Square to the Nodes aka Rahu and Ketu then...

In WV Sun was in Aries 6th Healths, etc areas then...

Also then Mars had past Exact *Conjunct* to Jupiter Rx by several hours...

Jup Rx was of course conjunct to Pluto Rx and all that ruling it's Scorpio physical then when Covid-19 was in initial high take off mode for the U.S. then...

Jupiter Rx in sign Capricorn 4th areas yet vis sign conjunct Pluto Rx, and yet applying conjunct to Saturn Rx there as well...

So very interactive, and has been sometimes tense of it's changes, transforms affecting the Libra Physical 1st, Aries 7th, and Cancer 10th Outer events type areas....

Jupiter Rx rules that of sign Sag 3rd type areas, and co-rules sign Pisces *6th* type areas along with it's ruler Neptune in that sign...

Vis sign Jupiter Rx Sextile (Opportunites) that of Neptune in those Pisces *6th* areas...

Jupiter Rx has yet Mars applying sign Square to it, and that of Uranus sign trine it also...

Jupiter Rx also aspects, impacts the Cancer 10th, Taurus *8th*, and the Virgo *12th* areas...

Transiting Moon in Pisces 6th areas yet in same Nakshatra as yesterday then in hr m 06:44 enters the Mercury ruled Revati Nakshtra areas...

Then on ruled by Neptune Rx, co-ruled by Jupiter Rx, and Sub-ruled by Mercury as well!...

Later in hr wa 14:10 it Exact conjuncts Neptune Rx in those Pisces 6th areas...

Venus in Gemini 9th Final End Degree this date!...

The Moon carrying that will be applying to Square Venus and Rahu in the Gemini 9th areas, but doesn't on those until next date

That ruling the Cancer 10th Outer events areas into next date...

Date Dasa Yet *Me/Ve* areas until hr wa 13:32 **Me/Su** areas into next date...

[Will add new page and xfer this later for the new solar month start, got caught up in couple ot outings today]...

Just Blog:

To expand that of any daily pairs:

Use the SuperIching EZ hexagram full *expander* use SuperIching's go there scroll read the instructions and use for any dailies or tosses you wish to expand for the line stars of them...

His (Alex Chiu's) book is available in Kindle Reader form for only $7.50 as well, may also be in Google Books too as found most others had previously mentioned are there too for any device or pc os...

On the Yi Jing, Plum Blossum, etc one of the most convienent, concise, economical aka *very inexpensive*, and fully loaded books, definitely with that you'd need is in Kindle Reader aka Epub form: 

Yi Jing Image and Numerology Divination...

Uses the pre, before heaven trigram sequence as used in the Wwg and Qi Men...

Another more expensive book by Master Huang uses a strictly the *Feng Shui trigram sequence* instead, which those using standard Feng Shui may find additionally helpful...

Not required in the speedy of Qi Men's separate Feng Shui charts and methods...

Though the Lo Shu in Qi Men is itself std Feng Shui type, but usually in advanced the XKDG is additionally used with *the Qi Men Yi Jing hexagrams*, and that too has it's own separate trigram sequences...

A good complimentary to either of those books that's also *very inexpensive* for basic Yi Jing aka Iching only  interpretations:

The Clear Cut Iching available on (c)...

[Those who want or need to track the hexagrams here using the, our chinese date can download a calendar for 2019 from the SuperIching site...

*In lieu you could also download the free fourpillars version 1.2 program from*!...

On the latter you can then privately generate your own fourpillars aka bazi birth chart as well...

Still good daily matches to pairs here, adding corrections on the fourpillars,net free 1,2 version here, etc..

That version doesn't include coordinates or timezones but not to fret as it will still provide accurate birth charts...If born in an daylight timezone hour, simply subtract one hour for the standard time and use that...

You'll only need the dates earth branch aka animal sign under the day pillar to track dates versus the hexagrams here!]...

Pairs use SuperIching shortcuts so in order used, and repeats:

t = Rat, c = Ox, y = Tiger, m = Rabbit, cn = Dragon, e = Snake, w = Horse, wa = Goat, s = Monkey, yo = Rooster, sh = Dog, and h = Pig earth branch aka sign

Same order for hours as well...

Daily Upper/Outer 8 trigrams order vis Pre aka Early Heavens sequence 1- 8:

Chen, Dui, Li, Zen, Shun, Kan, Gen,Quen (Kun) then Repeat.

If would like to purchase a Chinese Farmer's Almanac try Master Tsai's U.S.:

Personally use it and in ease is the best!...

Plus on site if you sift through it are many, many freebies as to your birth or year, and other cycle types, plus you can freely find your personal daily ten gods cycle itself too...

That's included in his Fortune Angel software as well...

Do be sure to check out Youtube (TM) for other totally free on your Chinese astrology year also, and many of the other great Bazi sites the videos of Joey Yap and many others there point to as well!...

Mention the extra as each presents those subjects in different ways and one may suit you better than another's then not all Bazi aka Fourpillars is taught or used the same in all aspects!...

[On QMDJ these days are Zhi Run QMDJ chart calculators for both Android phones and the Iphone for the insitant of the hour charts and more, so those just using the Jerry King book for that of Formations, etc  can do it more easily on them now...

Such will never take the place of an actual course, but does make for a very useful small handy reference which further includes around 30 actual real case reads...Available from

Beyond that not as handy in terms of carrying it anywhere you go, but a more thorough reference including all the heavens stems meanings of 1,126 pages is the Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium 2nd Edition by Joey Yap...Not as many case reads in it and not designated as actual of them though...It too can be obtained in E form for the Kindle reader and maybe the Google E pubs as well...

Both are good starting references but neither could substitute or compare to a trained teacher and their home study or online courses or the shorter go there seminar types...

Beyond the numerous of personal uses, many use with regard to various business and investments purposes these days...

As far as Qi Men courses unless your planning on physically taking them at an overseas location, there's the online type, the 2 I'm most familiar with are:

1. Have mentioned many times is that of the excellent and well taught of Joey Yap's QM (QMDJ) and his other courses...

In his you have the most advanced of QM chart types to at least 7 levels, but added levels are not shown in the books he sells, and is only available online to those during the study of those courses with a full year of online only use in his QM chart calculators included, and then thereafter you must pay a tidy sum on a yearly basis to use them...

It's also a more highly spiritually oriented course type in terms of the most detailed of birth chart types compared to other courses, and of some where that of the extra levels come into play too...

Then in other it's a highly simplified made easy approach for others to learn to analyze and use various QM charts in that of forecasts and predictions, and strongly tailored to that of wealths, business areas as well...

It's mainly the unique of a *highly detailed birth chart type* beyond any other, and other extra timing points with those that makes this a great course beyond others in that aspect...

All courses have their very strict copy right self protections measures, and aside of books all the pdf's downloaded in his course lessons associated the above courses *are trackers*, main purpose would guess is to be sure you don't send them to other non members of the Joey Yap courses, hence tracked...

Another plus is often there are *free view anytime within a given date range* of videos given by various teachers...

Those are of many supplementary classes or tips sessions on various course areas, that members of most courses can learn from as well...

Much better than the live view now types which aired in their time often just too inconvienent in U.S. time hours wise...

2. Beyond that with *A Very Strong recommendation*, is that of *Ken Lai's Imperial QM Pro course, also a keypoint of his is that you'll physically *have all the important of materials on hand and/or to take with you at any time*...

That plus in using that of his QM smartcharts, your given that in an easy to carry masterful book, which gives you the advantage of looking up all 12 chinese hour charts *in simul* for any date chosen, *so it is very handy in that*!... 

Also within it he details how you can of the same book aside all hour charts, look up that for any year, month or day chart your intersted in, * so again very handy most all is in one place*...

All formations, palace configurations and other are taught and vis field manual in very easy and quick look up forms as well...

Every single page in his materials has both that of his copyright on them as well as Licensed to: Your name, home address and email address as well for both's protections, and the same of his class videos also as that same info is at tops streamed acrossed and throughout them as well...

[If you'd like to read a True Chinese Arts Master's blog views on Qi Men and other various Chinese arts areas in the Open and not hidden within groups only, and for the public to see *vis Master Ken Lai* of Minnesota, U.S.:

One of my Fav's, many helpful 4P articles also:



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