Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Inaugural event Jan 20th

Ok worry about write up next day or so,
but you can study it.

Separate of Ox month in Jan 03 link, some
have tried to bury that.

If you check the Complete I Ching book by
Alfred Huang you'll find what some may think
an ill or inappropriate referernce is actually
quite valid!

Below all relative the inagural:

Q: Asked about terrorist activity for that
date and location.

Toss type for the inaugural of Jan 20th and
in initial looks like it shows what happens
that day. An Officials advance on the rulership
5th line areas.

You can also use hours and dates of it for dangers
as well I'd guess. Like y, e, s, h and m, cn, yo, sh
to start with for that position. Then consider the
physical, etc too.

Thus far it's a yes that picks up the next two days
and that concerning his cabinet would be what it
looks like from news so far.

Think Iching shows it as like a status type of
danger to the Jan 20th event. Surprising it'd be
that sensitive, but that's not a deadly type danger
anyway. We got time yet!

1/14/09 Wed Day VII (Wht) s Yang metal monkey.

Upper Shun.

Ok think that's mainly the cabinet stuff and not
so important, other than I Ching picks or defaults
to smaller relatives on a question when nothing
else huge.

Reason is I got the exact same stars on 5th line as
Rstars again and it's the change line in to days *safety*

That line is Yel today so that of litigation's, legal,
hindrances, and sudden gains in the plus possible

So on cabinet probably no big deal, and then
for separate other areas or events global, may
be things that are dangerous or a big deal, like
the Gas for Europe, etc.

News chk:

Mostly bankruptcies stuff, rulerships like Mr
OBL and yet another call for Jihad, reported
for today's but maybe slid in under yesterdays
Red or fiery for 5th line areas.

Well maybe they can find something more positive
in other areas for developments today. Metal and
water stuff strong.

1/17/09 Sat Day X (Blk) h Yin water pig.

Upper Quen.

Inaugural add complete:

The hexagrams don't look all that threatening
, but since does show a yes to Q on the dangers

Any dangers would take in areas where we prep
ourselves to nourish or to nourish others and
separatings in open areas or masses.

That of woman or use of a vehicle in environment
changes can cause something injurous. Tho is
Grn color there normally plus ld and big stuff
ot Intl.

Any injurous or dangerous would be at ground
, underground or surfaces levels.

Something of religous beliefs as terrorist

That of tigers Rstars on a Gry 6th line far
or across the way do bond to that Gstar.

If anything injurous would be fiery.

I'm skeptical as what I have can very well
represent *the ceremony itself*, where one
swears in on a bible, that itself associates
to religous beliefs.

So the dangers yes, just may be saying it
comes with the territory.

Just the same details if officials inclined
then the details should be observed, to be on
the safe side.

Insert []:

[Did see one quite non harmful but unique match
vis honor guard unit, etc.

Usually Presidents have so much security I'd rarely
ever worry about most the time or do a toss on.

This one a huge event as a first is the main reason
for the toss. Don't expect anything just what the
Iching shows attaches in some way mentioned].


The Iching does pick up on some types of entertainers
as a Wht Rm star but appears that's mostly the Neppy
material side of it. Normally it goes with extremes in
religous and beliefs as well.

Confused or complicated the analysis initially. Took
6 tosses to clear it all up. Heh counted was actually
9 tosses, tells you I looked from a lot of angles.

It shows President elect Obama will retire early
from ceremonies for meetings and other things,
actually suggests the retire and retreats part.

Latter agrees with some of what written or said for
his agenda Tuesday.

In texts it agreed there are dangers, but that no
harm whatsoever comes from them, or vis any
officials actually meeting up in them on the

Covert small unrelated stuff could occur, and
unrelated bigger feiry stuff at probably other
locations to do with leaderships or transports,
business's, or that of skies as on a 6th line
that connects to a Grn 1st line. In worst that
could refer to President Bush's departure,
involving some heated areas.

That's all from what the I Ching itself shows and
should about sum it all up.

On technicalities:

If some Iching types have a problem with my
methods. They may find they come up in some
on the short side.

Mine incorporate the use of trigrams which are
the environments of the lines and stars on those.

That includes their feng shui actually my special
add of that to Iching as well, besides the normal
line color 6 Gods or animals type inherent,
and also accupuncture's associations.

It also incorporates the std Yi-Jing itself at hexagram
levels. Adds textual which incorporates the hexagrams
trigrams, and the line natures.

It's been noticed as an offshoot of a Govt ministry's
private group on the side in China. Their private group
works at tieing it all to a special form of science.

They have adopted all the above that I've been using
for some time into their approach.

The only difference is they use the multi change
line, and that I use only occasionally, mainly as I
only look for the main thrust or focus of a matter or
direction in most things. Each has it's advantages.

Should have a normal type daily up that
morning as well for Tues Day y.

1/20/09 Tues Day III (Red) y Yang fire tiger.

Upper = Li.


[Sudden changes in wood type areas of environments,
healths, groups, or war areas that affect agitate,
irritate and involve Blk R metal star type areas at rulers
or high areas and that of raw or material power,
leaders, go, go areas, etc.

Same changes produce a Wht K fire star physical
as in cures, leisure's, political, combatives,
etc in areas of winds, communications, and

Also produce a Red begins aggressive K fire star
in 1st line areas of U inner relational of which
rulers, etc areas bound to form water to control.

Probably reflects health, neighborings and
environments areas with afternoon's wood
hours main of date. Some factors of a slow
progress, touch or developments and family
nature and also important in tomorrows and
other future dates.

News chk:

Some probably also involves safeties, NTSB
, and others, plus of war areas as in the new U.S.
supply, etc routes agreements into Afghan.

The B wood stars attack Grn 6th Intl G earth
star type areas in outer events, and the same
in Gry 3rd prominents, social, and hasty G
earth star stuff of a retreats type status that
may influence somes decisionals in K fire star
physical areas.

Of yesterdays element date II c looks like Gas
to Europe finally resumed, goes as a plus to
the Full moon chart and certainly to Europe.
Most all tracks well in the Solar Ox's month
chart also.

Ok some is icey comforts for the Wht Kw fire
star areas.

Here that's weather noticed sparse snow flakes
11am on in the icy feeling air(s).

In application from storages of skies attacked then
application at U Red 1st inner P water star areas is
and was in begins, roots and at surfaces, etc.

That as it turns into that bonded Red Ke star which
formed water!

Red is a laughing, happy sort in our environment today,
and many at inagural probably also.

Much different in other areas. It is good to enjoy some of
natures in liesures and observations of things greater
than ourselves at any time.

In some too much affects safety at surfaces and travels,
and then other things altogether, etc.

Ok there was and is sort of a health scare that came up
with Senator Kennedy that matches quite strongly as

Hope it's all a peaceful, joyful and harmonious

Best of luck.



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