Friday, April 20, 2012

Jia Dragon month NM Apr 21st

Still under the Solar month of Jia (Grn) hard wood and earth Dragon.

New lunar month timed pair for all countries version begins 11pm Apr 20th for Saturday Apr 21st.

Per recent were more bird versus plane incidents in U.S. including Vice President Biden's aircraft and one of Delta or American airlines think. From the last toss set was of local's anywhere for those as part of dangers that were in.

The fully enabled of a By hider star friday allowed it to directly clash with the rulers and high areas Rs changes line and dangers too of our 2nd pair then. The same also auto detrimental to the physical's Ryo stars and enabled the keyed for minus of 4th line's Red Kw changes star which linked to the rulers line. Red K star being govt, political and then animals, pets assigned K stars as well (the bird).

Appears those were on Thursday hard to get exact info of news at times, but still had noted the hider as available that day for actions so same results.  One involved DOS sec Hillary Clinton's plane in Europe at the time.

Then from as I laid out the star areas and actions of that pair you can see the easy fit and match for such being one of the things that fit with the suggested that could easily happen and did.Turned out overall in Global as well and the additional of a lot of lives lost in a Pakistan airplane crash as well.

Except for the latter one could certainly muse some vis the birds involved but dangers are dangers in any form.

Going to chill on tosses can wait til next week or even later and hopefully most did get a better appreciation for what a toss can tell you from the last couple of sets.

If so then really my main goal was accomplished and some of you will dig the heels in and both learn and spread the use of wwg even further. 

It's more health stuff than anything else which makes me slow down on the tosses, so when feeling better or at points feel decent will add in.

Said would leave this bare aka barebones this round with the above for a new lunar month which you can expand by interpreting yourselves aside the date tracking.

Some of the basic areas this pair normally involves and brings into our daily lives and situations as influences of the powerful solar and lunar energies (qi) that you can expand on vis dates are:

This new moon and begins period we have #39 as the 1st and primary hexagram taking pasts into presents and the current of situations of that type and as causes.

That of Obstructings, bindings or bondages between things or parts, including within org's or systems, barriers, difficulties, difficulties in achieving goals and surmounting obstacles which involve close ties or family components, unknowns, mystery, the clandestine, areas or times of darkness, and or other watery components.

It means as sounds and is not of the auspacious you'll find these type of influences coming up and going on in many other of your situations and your own life areas and relationships with others and even at spousal levels as well this month to some extent or another. In fact you might even have some particular arena of your life where that's pretty much always the experience as well.

In this a lot can also involve of things of pasts that are to do with areas of wealths, assets, containers, reservoirs, holdings or actions of, lakes, seas or large bodies of water, women and pleasings also. Can stem from a particular fixed enemy or schemers or plotters within any of those as well.

Then the nuclear trigrams show that some stems of or further involves matters or areas of unfinished or not quite complete business which needs to be resolved or attended too.

That takes us to the 2nd changed and resultant #8 hexagram which suggests that forming groups or liasons that are able to work together cooperatively towards harmonious goals will then be able to keep most things holding together in the overall as a result.

That's the plus side in common objectives but the forces of elemental energies within this pair at times can yield very strong of widespread material damages to occur in environments of natural phenomena type events and then certainly also in or via the manmade it's groups or org's in outer events the same and applied to some at high levels also can occur too.

Leaving the daily and bulk of timing for you to expand on and work with will just say a bit there now.

It looks that in the begins of any plans or solutions to old and other issues or areas that are tried or found by officials at the local or professional levels and in areas of leaderships are most likely to run into additional snags there this month.

Some in local areas may also initially turn out to be a little on the brash or premature sides in new things or old areas and not all will work out easily with some failures in those likely too.

So this month appears a very good one to have back up plans like a, b or c on hand for any intended solutions or emergencies coming up in things 

Hopefully no one takes that as the iching saying there stupid or anything like that as doesn't mean that everyone will have that problem.

Does mean in some already existing situations that getting something turned around or corrected just may not happen in the first go around or in some may not be a quick if any solution as to obstructings.

This is already bearing out in matches with the serious of what appears to be the uncivil of the seas disputes that China has made with several countries.

In that and other besides chinese warnings today were also in areas involving travels and destinations and in some cases there begins too like the clash of a couple of trains overseas also.

The warning as a published chinese military supported threat to the U.S. is with regards to our current direct U.S. Naval support of the Filipino Navy and joint operations in areas that China claims as part of it's territories and also relative the other countries involved.

That chinese claims totally clash with the traditional international rules and standards  which have long been observed by all countries regarding sea and ocean water boundaries.  Areas that were mentioned as a hot point in last years forecast.

Their claims take their rights of ownership unbelievably right up to the coasts of a number of other Asian countries.

Any can see where they are going with that making it all a very thorny and dangerous situation in the present.

Will reserve that area for a later toss in this year, and in the area of tosses pretty much have to pick and choose carefully as only so many a person can do a full interpretation on without becoming overloaded in that area.

One could do many tosses aside personal but would only be able to fully interpret a small amount of those adequately, so seems better to limit to those which can make time for. Also why there's always a need for more people of various org's and disciplines to be doing them in the first place.

Couldn't see the meteor showers as we had rain here with both days t and c covered in last toss of which a 6th line Pt star activated and connected to surfaces. Had reflected in a couple of personals which will stay that way of day h too. Hear the NE areas will get wet also.

This month chart above here had a dual indicator on it's Wht W or Wht Tiger influences for 6th line Kt stars  for skies and rains or wet stuff and watery situations and of Upper, Outer Kan water trigrams which activated the Grn 2nd local's areas Rw star in dangers and for those areas the entire month.

Then the presence of *potential clashes in for any date vis P earth star happenings* which will additionally be active and move at the clash times this whole month a main indicator for that and nearly all natural phenomena types along with the changes line within a Kan water trigram initiating a lot at points which in turn links to the physical. Those were set for begins and indeed in that things have taken off both natural and then the manmade in travels and destinations to boot.

So any of watery areas can involve and may lead to specifics types of obstructings and delays too, and a B metals star gets environments of those types, groups, noise, masses, damages, and in any plus things of allies or assistances, etc. 

4/23 Voids fulfill and change to t, c.

Days, hours *m*, cn, *w*, *sh*, wa and *s* look most important of the timings for global events, there are obviously more but only have certain types in mind.

Did do a toss on NK vs SK and will continue to analyze but saw nothing of a major all out attack, only that of the hidden and which may be in past.  Will look through it as go forward more since at bad timing see other that semi fits with it but as far as any major will be put under controls so not looking like it so far. Also assuming that what the wwg showed is taking the subject in 100% correctly.

 The idea is not to promote any conflict at all but to lesson chances of one of the previous list you'd have to figure *t* in as well in both a dates or month's case for all the asterisked.

We have the nuclear pair operating also and a relevant #64 - #35 pair associates a number of on goings too so you may want to expand for particular troubled stars and their timings also! 

For the wwg go getters don't feel robbed or short changed due to the time critical of some water ways in overseas sensitive areas had to be sure the impact and importance of those issues and in the right contexts make it to the tops.

Still left for you is a great deal of the other meanings of each star type on it's line area, etc to point out as part of things coming up in this, and there certainly are a lot of other areas which I'm leaving to you in that.

So think you get the idea in start here from that for the nature of this month, some of the impulsive on man's part should taper down some (not all) when the Solar month of the Yi (soft wood) fire Snake begins or anytime after May 5th.

Blogger here changed it's posts areas some in step with the new moon date so hopefully that causes more obstructions to others trying to hack it then to us trying to use it.  Looks a little tidier and brighter in the posts areas.

Ok on the toss asking if women were affected as much as men by the nastiness of the FS#6 year:

It did give *a yes* as far as a begins in advancings that were and are of a fierce nature existing for it, but a lot of such meets with ends and killback of various types. In general not being something that is strongly supported by the masses excepting for a few cases about it.

The toss had reflected that through the recent and on goings of various scandels including one of a small women band as a protest group in Russia involving the Orthodox church with Putin's re-election and other things.

It's a yes in some small certain cases for the year but a no in the overall was about what I got out of that.

Men or Officials on the other hand appeared more affected by the year in that department accompanied by retreats or losses of power or jobs, etc for some in it. 

On Wednesday eve local news first heard of an unusual incident involving the President in Colo referred to as a mess ot messy involving yogart and in month's that of day m did fire bond to Gry 5th Rulers levels Psh star areas. Also match to toss below and are other news areas that do as well.

Not writing as much concentrating more on both health using xtra stuff Doc gave me and bought other to add too it, then a little on the studies but in that have relaxed a lot more especially vis netflix watching multiple episodes of the old but newer I think of the Battlestar Galactia series. A lot had never watched completely or at all in the past.

Did do a toss today on the missing Arizona 6 yr old girl asking what happened after she was last seen friday night.  Today III (Red) cn and got #12 - #47 and may stem or involve of #53.

You will have to expand *as if correct is not of good situations it represents* nor one I want to do any extensive comments on.

In other areas some troubled to do with material and transports or vehicles stuff with a couple of local accidents one with flips or rolls that appear to match up.

Then days w and wa friday and saturday will probably be interesting as to matches to that pair also some may be problematic, ill or jolty but can be some solutions or resolutions for the above pair in this.

On month's that of B star physicals as losses also indicates that of robberies in some texts also.

In course areas pretty much see the superiching's main rules as it's own complete reference and deep on needed trigram meanings also with that of the online course making a great deal of the superiching's also more easy to totally absorb and for once and all to fully comprehend.

Never did in the past and were many left in that same boat who yet still struggle but found with the course itself really overcomes a lot if not near all of little detail barriers and why's.

I mention the superiching in specific in marrying up with ones online course study strictly because of all books, etc it has the most already predeined rules which will be helpful to you as a best case.

You could in lieu marry either up with Jack Chiu's Secret of Wen wang gua book which is a superior take on the originally defined mechanics of the wwg also making the entire subject more easily understandable too.

Then grandest or best is too implement all three together for maximum potential and results.

Not all is covered in any really and at some point you will have to learn to determine the mechanics of how a particular hexagrams stars operate in some situations.

One area that I though quite a dum and hindered student to begin with years back directly added into line meanings myself was that of retreat or regression lines actually representing the pasts in many situations. Not part of original wwg and strictly my own add but has proven out correct now thousands of times.

There's more to it than I say and like most are some things I keep to myself but if dedicated you also may pick up on other that goes with and extends the use of pasts areas with the retreat and regression lines in a hexagram.

Well below I challenge you to find certain aspects of a toss I did relative my wife, the few that solve it will just have advanced themselves another level in wwg techniques so it's worth your effort and enjoy.

Have seen some plus lately in some technology news to do with overcoming previous obstructions in tetraplegic areas and other things so a lot of good still goes on.

May drop back now should hold awhile need the mental rest anyway why watching more shows and not as much here then all the xtra outings tend to dropkick me pretty good in aftereffects. Hope that improves soon but nor so optimistic on it at the moment.

4/26 Thursday IV (Red) e (snake) Upper Li FS#3 Zen for centers and Under the Northern Blk Tortoise.

Timed #21 - #38 but physical and subject's Blk 5th Gwa star strong so despite weak troubled breezy or windy Object's (U) Yel 2nd's By wood star advance attacking that of some's unfavorable relationships qualities in this frame still some goods should result. 

 Some unfavorable likely too of SE's or simply any of Shun type items, areas and in FS#2 areas some maybe medical but more likely of thugs or murderer's and any of Quen trigram type areas.

Then of Li or S areas FS#7 mostly the showy boaty minus boats likely as actions or in news today as well for mains.

Those extend beyond the borders and peculiar of feng shui with iching double checked and agrees and seems have to write large sentences only here as can't display well with two seperate in same para.

Just added in today as was thinking about all the metals stuff of month's physical that came up in local recent like hiding in a dumpster, razor blades and other odds and ends in dates prior.

Analysts say NK missles were fake so explains why I saw no all out war there and that of hidden being the fake as one of it's meanings.

Ok know some of the plus that went on for the $ sides today like stocks and Chrysler, but missed eve news.

Next week sometime will do a toss on an Aiken matter have too much that can interfere with the tosses till then.

Posting a bit on the Arizona missing child pair, that one had two K water stars usually the other a resultant on 4th line would have been selected but since missing went with the hider star.

Likely was answered but can't absolutely guarentee such.

Then water can be water too in some way.

The one on 4th would have been killing back an Rw star of man, official, possession or wealth areas.

Latter did match in some events problem was those were very troubled stars practically dead types but can still killback in various forms.

So you have that now and then by trigrams doesn't quite fit but from 6th to 1st a high to low place a well sewer or similar could fit or that of transports for just external to the property or more often long distance travels and past places, homes more likely.

You have NW, SW and the other of trigrams and lines for directions.

That of the siblings or B stars show close ties the watery or that of secrets,  and then could be northern, nw, sw or other of trigrams lines and higher elevation environments another possibility.

For some other matches  NW applied.

In other of month's we had the date match to rulers line and then again in the far away of the toss.

Thoughts on rulers areas:

Now on rulers line that's any type but so often it matches the very top one of a country and countries as well.

Won't go into the conditions for that but are some.

In some ways don't like to toss knowing can catch those at the very tops even in unrelated questions as it's what ever meshes together or syncs for the asked that comes up.

Since we focus on the question once we have what we think is the answer we usually stop and not always is a very in depth look at all details required for that.

That means in some of those other areas the pair, it's trigrams and stars may also apply too including the rulers at various levels potentially clear to the top would often be totally overlooked.

Especially when no in depth view taken that would describe both the overall trend for the pair and other lines as each do have their own outcomes too.

Letting you know that so you can understand the how of why a lot of things that a pair may show are often not mentioned.

That's perfectly normal of the standards by which answers are found.

That also possibly suggests why the tosses should be personal and private and not really before the whole world.

That's not insisted on in actual practice any more else there would be no books with examples and no open to the public courses or schools or that of any style's forums for questions and answers.

It certainly does though give me some pause at times in the posting of certain tosses here at times too.

In timed ok but in questions which is of tosses only I may have to drop the actual hexagram numbers I get at times (not all) and just give the results or appropriate themes affecting rulers areas if needed in just a verbal form or same on other of it.

On Friday stayed quiet had did a toss on wife's return as after reading through global and Ntl events in the am wondered if her schedule would be affected any. Toss was 6 coins this time all other had been 3 coin #43 - #34...

Had watched for her in hour s 3pm - 5pm zone and at 3:10pm came rolling in and this was an hour later than originally scheduled so toss was worth it's results.

Yes quite happy she's home :)

That pair had really reflected most of date well and this being Day w was one of those had selected prior.

Won't over elaborate to steal any shows but for local and local's hr's sh for fierce of groupies, winds or masses of those type environments and then hour h thundery or lightnings potentially for rain stuff or in seperate any dangers.

Some could be as planned events if the Monster trucks tonight but the dangers are in travels and destinations still yet and can go beyond our area or in any actually.

In the date certainly was some major stuff in some areas nationally and in the global as well so had already been correct in that.

The number of just R star type events in inner relationships was pretty huge as examples of nearly all the R star meanings had shown in written including local written news as well today.

News had said no rain likely here but just above and still in the area but doesn't matter in this as was a severe weather alert which had been issued for a wide area and the toss agrees with such for the date.

Learners affirmation challenge:

Good example for learners of wwg to expand and see if you see certain areas prior scheduled are affirmed in themselves for the date and then why I picked hr s instead of that of originally scheduled hr wa.

The question was: Will my wife make it home here this afternoon?

So the question is of the date itself and a sub time frame of which I had 2 pm in mind, and was done around 12:30pm. The whole of dealing with a prior scheduled matter itself.

Probably only a few will correctly pick out and understand the mechanics of the stars involved that affirmed she would be home. For those that have never solved this type and succeed in doing  the specific mechanics required for that condition and you now have a new rule under your you'll just have made a very big step in your progress as *none teach* the specific mechanics indicative of this pair for that type of answer. So you'll have under your belt a special new case and rule regarding that. So it's worth your time and good luck.

4/28 Saturday VI (Gry) wa Goat or Sheep Upper Shun FS#5 (Yel Earth star).

Refined some and showed reasoning in previous references to main onine courses in why coupling those to the superiching mentioned well above here.

Well at much milder levels this day for the most part but things still tracking that pair as well as the timed for those who computed it today.


Actually was a match saturday on the weather stuff in one areas of Missouri as that pair had a Yel 1st for surfaces and Gry 2nd locals both colors for centers and date of Red 6th Bwa star bonding a Blk 4th changed Pw fire star with P star then active and pair already had a moving K star physical so conditions for rain in that too. They were under *severe weather conditions and effects with the windy* a big player too. Was reported in ABC Ntl eve news Saturday.

Though second day the long distances ability of wwg made it's match merely at another's locals.

Sunday a well detailed and excellent article on it in Yahoo one of those wind burst things with a bolt of lightening short duration zero reaction time goes very well with that pair. Can easily relate some specifics of the trigram meanings with what all happened of it too.

End Insert.

It tracked in the hr c 1am - 3am zone of saturday as I was about to quit watching BattleStar Galactia on netflix then when around 01:10am a Mil or Mil like chopper came rolling by from general of S to N heading but it was high enough and fortunately not directly overhead. Then afterwards some night groupies gathered in the west and were temporarily in a loud talk mode but short duration as quietened back down within 30 - 45 minutes.

Those are both B star type areas and was of the pair's *Red* 6th Bwa star which the hour had struck for movement and B star advance then. B stars groups, plus also sound and noises in advancings with the physical results being exactly of those here at the time.

So says the timing was still holding as is taught here and if you wanted more resolution and a finer picture of those matters in this what is now the second day of that pair you would use this days timed or do a new toss on the area of it interested in.
Myself I don't really care about what they do on their pal's property as long as it's nothing of a destructive nature to me or others. Unfortunately it's also precisely the reason I have to stay up late at times too, as a fact younger people can under ill influences let themselves get out of control. That's not just things of my property once in a while but several other homes in the past and various odds and ends.

In result I did end up watching another episode of BSG and as things chilled down during that then finally went to sleep.

Ok detailed some specifics to make the timing match clearly evident to others to dispense with some fews public efforts to defame the validity or authenticity of the wwg iching on matters.

Probably should have tossed directly on rain stuff as far as here in particular went but felt that just the match to a temporary severe weather alert was good enough and that any with common sense would see it as that too.

There is one area I need to make some clarification of my past statements of wwg versus astrology on:

That is that yes it actually is an astrology too, but it is unlike those standard types in very big ways so I dismissed the idea of referring to the wwg as an astrology. That's as a main bulwark or principles on which all chinese astrologies base from is that of the Jupiter cycles themselves then an added special reference to the pole star. So it's an astrology of it's own very unique form and type.

Specifically the 12 year cycle of Jupiter is the most main principle governing the chinese years with a different earthly element branch of 12 types assigned each year. Those further are of a larger sexagenary (60 year) cycle which accounts for all heavenly stem and branch combinations of those and of which is even divisible by 12 as well.

From there we go to the 12 solar months of the year each being one of the 12 eartly branches aka signs around the ecliptic. The months themselves further divided into lunar periods with the dates also assigned one of 12 earthly branches for trackings and on down to the earths daily rotation of about 24 hours divided into 12 chinese hours or again the earthly element branches aka signs once again and keeping it all simple in this description.   

All those things and more establishes the timing references we use in the wwg to a high order of precision specifically to a date and hours versus the near every 2 1/2 days of a moon sign in the normal astrologies. We have specific resolution defined to the date itself in this.

The tosses are also specifically unique to the chinese wwg in which the hexagrams are tailored to incorporate this multi cyclic timings system in the form of a fixed hiearcy that also includes a family structure to it. Those together allow us to actually ask and obtain answers from all that is of which we are an infinitesimal small part and yet firmly connected within it.

 We are able to find answers by following specific established time tested rules as the hexagrams when broken down have all these of cyclic timing relationships of heavenly outer stems (celestial) and earthly branches qi (energies) as part of their inner dynamic(s) makeup.

That which by line is for: Time, character, place or person or and also positions or physical structures objects and locations including an inherent  proximity factor too are all basically time versus space attributes and then their assigned stars for their natures and their interactions with others, other things, processes or the hexagrams family element in relationships and that also in terms of their strengths through given interpretation rules allow us then to predetermine an outcome or resolve to a yes or no status.

Chaos is used in the process of doing a toss which forms the resulting hexagrams and those reflect or express all that is or a collective of such or from the higher power (your free choice) in terms of the on going energies and situations or matters that are then relative to that question of the moment as well.

So on the human side what we have done is asked heaven and the great collective of all that is and/or the mind of god the caring father (As a source of answers) to provide us both insight and the answer on the matter.

The hexagrams are archetypes which represent situations of and in life and other processes through relationships. Each relationship is considered an aspect of the situation and of a specific star type from the composite of those within the hexagram their distributions vary hexagram to hexagram forming different configurations and themes. That in a hexagram is of a dynamic nature with interactions of those relationships going on in specified ways all the time.

The basic time model used here is of pasts into present for 1st or Primary hexagram involving and intermediate (the nuclear pair of 1st hexagram) to the potential or actual changed and resulting Secondary hexagram.

At the time of the question or toss we set the time frame the answer will apply to or leave it up to the iching in the when type of questions. In those each new date alters the inner dynamics of what is significant within the hexagram occurs as changes and it's outomes for that date. So a situation and situations a hexagram represents is under constant change for any time frame considered and we have  many possible results for a given pair that way.  
Then we take the hexagram and in step with rules differentiate and sum or integrate all that shown by those energy relationships versus time and space plus that beyond via voids into a result that governs the character and nature of the answer for the question asked.

That is something that only the wwg can provide us to a high order of standards and specifics as opposed to other symbolic systems and also often above those of other routine and normally used methods taught and used by man including the excellent but not fully exact or cover all by sets of sciences and scientific methods.

The wwg isn't meant for all areas or to answer all types of questions but in the theoretical of physics realms it sure can be a most powerful tool and aid!

Ask and you shall receive.

For a given area and strong or good resolution through a picture on the matter you really should directly ask of that area for the most accurate results.

For lessor or the more generalized we often take one toss and then note what it shows in areas we didn't directly inquire of so as you would expect the accuracy for a given result that way will be somewhat diminished. That we have to accept but often it's still good enough for the general idea and we let it go as that.

That of the last pair did work out very well though in day two and another location for the rain, etc part. See  the insert above a few para's under date since had gotten a yes answer on the wife part I just carried that over for other here when I should have fully weighed it separately altogether.

In the overall it is working out in the ways it's suppose too.

Essentially that's what the wwg is about.

Didn't see the local news post till just a bit ago and that of a 7 yr old girl missing from the Fort since Saturday evening.

Day VII (Wht) s Upper Kan FS#6 Under the Blk Northern Tortoise.
What happened to the 7 yr old girl around 6:45pm saturday eve when she wandered off from home?

Toss #18 - #61 done yet within hr wa and just into hr s.

Work on that or the decay or decaying or Remedy involves of Brides which leads to that Hollow or of Inner truth.

On that of Brides a correction but that of Returns is a strong component of the 1st hexagram and why I listed that then the 2nd hexagram takes in that of wandering also.

Physical and Subject Grn 3rd Ryo changes star rebirthed vis Gc star.

Object Travels and destinations or matter of focus, etc Gry 6th Quiet initial of By wood star advancings.  ***Not quiet is active and date struck so moving***!

Other Wht 1st Gc changes star rebirthed.

Yel 5th Pt star control or possibly agitates, etc connected Ke star. Also a Ke hider star there of a maybe pair that the bearer Pt changes star also controls.

Date bonds the Ke stars possibly she returns home or to the parent today or is found have more to sort through or confirm awhile as to nature for that possible status.

The K child stars (Appointed) are weak by date but ok by month and because Object (U) line B stars are moving a possible good result as without that would be limited hope, still not good situation as the Physical Strong Ryo stars attack those too, but in this for the particular child star it's better the B stars move at least, so keep fingers crossed.

Posted here temp for better view so you can add the trigram environments for their areas and directions as well.

We have a Wht W or other 1st Begins surfaces or underneaths Gc star in changes that another maybe separate Ke star produces. So up to 3 child all same stars in this.

A possible link transferring that of the Gc star to the 5th line ruler, high or roads areas where would operate against or just involve that of the Pt water changes star there. Link was and is active today!

Gc star standard meanings.

Looks may be of women or medias bonding to and of initial somewhat delaying or hindering the 5th lines Pt water changes star. Pt may have multiple meanings, leader, news, father, transports, etc.

Ph a local home and or other.

As far as total result can't say yet but the 1st hexagram is one of auspiciousness or fortune for the physical *Ryo* star areas themselves in the minimum!

For start will be looking through for any possible other or more detailed aides and not a fast process may be bit by bit.

Ok had paused watched just enough of a local news to find out that they had found the girl or Ke star in this unfortunately not alive just found about 15:15pm not long after my toss and maybe 1st initial post on this.

Found in a nearby pond or lake like so water of the Pt water star as the happening and then you had the Duay (Lake) trigram as part of the outcomes areas in the 2nd hexagram of this pair and as a lower for those of in the local or nearby's.

Condolences to the parents and sorry for their loss think will not watch any further news tonight, was puzzling about that online as even in story name changes they didn't reflect that'd she'd been found up to when I tuned in for a bit at 6pm.

The positive would have been all that on the part of men and officials actions and despite result is true of any making efforts.

This is not my every day forte and area of least experience and I hate when don't get a good end so have often ignored doing.

This pair will apply to a lot of other things so let run and not toss again till eve tuesday at earliest.

Will still do the other on Aiken by mid week which had it's outcome in February and this just for any possible info's.

In afterthought will probably still do some of these missings cases once in a while as was mainly the child's status being alive or not that I was hung up on and afterwards do see where I had inverted something just out of responding so fast to things as I did.

The returns component of 1st was very strong and definite and doesn't require a nuclear hexagram to tell me that and since of the 1st hexagram meant past or today and obviously of the events had to be today as had figured and stated it would be or that or she'd be found which indeed was the result.

Very sure after realizing one error had I slowed down a little or had a day to go through it then would have gotten the other part with no problem, but I like anyone else still hated the result and it kinda deflates ones efforts.

In summary couldn't reach a total conclusion or form the resutts better as when 6pm rolled around had only got through about half of the whole procedure and info checks that needed to be done. Had I known saturday night then would have gotten completed but maybe it was for the best I only got done what I did as wouldn't have been good news.

This was a good pair for that question as when you look at just the basic Iching itself and the text for it's images not the wwg you get a pretty accurate description of the location especially of the second hexagram. May not happen every time like that but now know that's the first bit of info I should put out when a person goes missing.

Ok if can use all other of multiple star meanings and be interesting to see what all shows up as in texts it talks about safeguarding what is yours also.

Several noted to do with waters a Calif yacht racing tragedy, associated a wealthy or former wealthy finance official a former Libyan govt type found floating in the Dannube. Likely the Van plunge in NJ this weekend also and maybe the Ala Univ or College dorm under lockdown for robberies then things to do with winning, or the successful, wealthy or showy men, officials, dangers and that in the far away of groups, immigrations, wars, naval, losses, and that which is flighty, foreign countries, losses and thefts, etc seems reasonable.

Usually read a lot and more on more on local news as well, tonight caught Ntl of tv type too, and things of business and courts in this are of the R star areas also.

There's a slight twist in things as I could only say the pair has many other areas and point at a few but even though this pair has some very special and strong connected pluses to it I have to let news find and bring that or those up themselves.

Reason has to do with what the toss and pair were originally done for and which was a very serious matter that ended with a very ill end for the parents of the child.

[One point that some news and some other miss out on is that in events that match this pair there's a lot of difference in outcomes depending on the type:

That of or done in the spontaneous and short term by an individual is in no way the same as something undertaken involving groups the long term and a plan.

Entirely different event natures and types even different measurements for here and will not necessarily share the same nature or natured of outcome in any way].

In the past I couldn't carry forward with tosses on those types of matters as it's not a jovial area or one to play any gamed s or delude yourself in either.
That and I knew I didn't quite have all the info I'd need to do the full job or a very satisfactory one for sure in those areas or with any consistency at all.

Now I have what I need and as except for health dips at times I do feel up to the task, but doesn't mean I won't make a few errors and it will take time to get some sequencing and order in as to how to best use the added knowledge or techniques in each type of interpretation.

Could have taken some short cuts other day but not how I want to do it.

So still some learning curve but I will take what I can handle of those cases on and believe in each case if I can provide at least one separate new clue or direction or see the outcome that can aid the investigators and the concerned then that is good enough.

I think that's achievable or else I wouldn't even be trying it at all, then if in some an actual major contribution beyond made beyond that and a very positive result had to boot then that would be just great too.  Leave it there at the moment.

On that of Arizona and then S or SW as a possible with the 1st line of begins also being roots which can infer past's too may involve a very angry, troubled and assertive woman or material matters those would go with an abduction or hidden status for the child too. If those are not applicable as directions than still maybe same of a woman, etc or not and in that case a very explosive situation or less likely drugs, etc involved. As before not optimistic as to child's status.

On that dates you can use direct on hours you have to convert their time to that here or EDT and is why most chinese only use dates. Normally we post charts for things of east coast so we can use our hours, but for Arizona you need to convert to ours as toss was done here!

Tosses are unique  and just as their line colors reference directions from the tossing location itself so does the timing for it too. Had decided here that DT or ST doesn't matter and use just the clock time itself for the chinese hours here.

On chinese hours it's more a functional matter that's clock time related in terms of human activities themselves. Such as the 11am - 1pm zone is always the same a main lunchtime in the U.S. irregardless of DT or ET it's lunchtime so I always treat it as hour w and don't worry about whether DT or ST at all.

Nothing to argue about if someone wants to further convert DT to ST for their location and assign the hours that way they can, but here anymore I've dispensed with that.

In any case for *tosses* that is why some chinese teachers don't use hours to begin with and in some cases at all for a toss, as it's an extra headache when it comes to questions related to or referring other than the tosser's local location.

If toss had been done in Arizona then would use their clocktime for the chinese hour assignments but it was done here so they must convert theirs to our hours and use that as the chinese hour for the toss.

They are 3 hours behind us so 11pm there would be 1am or begin hr c here and used for that in the related toss pair.

Timed types themselves a bit different but a similiar matter those charts are directly for any location as based on celestial event time so again I ignore whether DT or ST and use the clock hour 11pm of any location as it's start for hour t there on a timed aka the all countries chart.

If I used the actual lunar nm or fm pair for a location then would use just the given clock time there for that too, but here we use the all locations type which is simply the universal in day start type and then all can use the same pair. 

05/01 Tuesday Day IX (Blk) sh Yang water Earth Dog.

Just blog which is about the same as what people who make comments in local or national forums do in the postings of their thoughts, ideas, opinions and feelings on some matter. Then many others the same vis the good ole tele phone voice wise or textings and twitter dis or dat, and then some of  a much smaller segment using various forms of Ra did ee oo (Radio) com's of different forms etc.

Today is a Dog day or that of element sign sh which is a storage element for fire as well. That means some of the com or rants in views can and does get a little heated and fiery in some areas. Theory yes but in fact or results that's straight up in the nature of the Dog days across time themselves.

That's as at points in the date whether direct or indirect from changes the element sign m (wood) will end up bonding with that of element sh, and when that happens a fire or fiery manifest results. Were it day m instead we'd still get the same effects in some of the major events also.

Someone or things get fired up. Depending on the circumstances or situation anywhere from mildly as in added enthusiasms  in some matters to the totally out of hand or control levels in some other.

Today lends to things of rant natures or disagreements as the earthy Dog branch element controls or kills the heavenly IX (Ren) water element.

Some don't like theory or theorists yet it's the latter who through creative ideas and thinkings supply most of our greatest breakthroughs which improve the qualities of life in many and about any area.

Unlike just the spontaneous in gut responding types most theorists take the time to rationally think (reason) through matters before jumping to a particular conclusion.

I have a natal moon that tends towards the spontaneous, so knowing the nature of the day tells me to avoid jumping into things.

So I don't find theory to be such a bad thing at all.

Rough bp day here and a dangerous day to have scheduled things in Afghanistan when have R fire stars being manifested here in happenings wouldn't have recommended.

Many changes in the air and more on ground with ongoings so hopefully one with all the firepower in the world avaiable to them comes out with no incidents.Water and water date may aid.

Ok will put you back on track tomorrow with a toss strictly for the U.S. theoretically as catches bit more and will be useful next few days. The other has been xtra not specifically aimed at U.S. matters so you should be using that new moon month chart in the main.

05/02 Wednesday X (Blk) h Yin water Pig Upper Chen FS#9 (Li) for Ctr's add NE's in today as well and Under the Northern Blk Tortoise Voids t, c.

Use Month chart today then this toss separately for U.S. up to the Full Moon:

#44 - #1 That of Coming to meet and/or Encounters involve and leads to the Creative or Raw and Material Power in and of Leaderships.

Not fully auspacious at this time (date) so better to say is just inauspacious.

It has a Blk 1st Pc changes star connects transforms to a changed Kt star for physical and subject and has an Object of Yel 4th Rw stars. Also a Gy hider star under a Grn 2nd Kh star bearer.

Metals weak and Fire disappeared so the troubled and troublemaking for those stars and their lines plus areas.

So if your voting or contemplative of things whose natures fall under these hexagram areas you might want to put that on hold and do so at a more auspicious time and under better conditions of and for Officials or official stuff then jump starting any new things under a Chen Raw Power Upper date.

That's also noting that it's often the rash in decisions that get made when we near the full moon so you do want to look at all aspects of situation(s) very clearly and in very objective ways to avoid unforseen and undesired boomerangs of ill made ones. 

On our hours just for the story use the clock hours as is to assign chinese hours too as we have been doing disregard that following this prior our edt clock hours as are reflect the chinese hours correctly.

Took a while to undo my head spin there just woke up as had rough start day prior had slept on a side too long messed me up most the date so may have turned time stuff around inadvertently but is ok as all info's correct and trackings correct, and yes you still convert Arizona's time to ours here for the correct chinese hour of the toss done here :)

Hadn't read, etc any news yet but yesterday was the Quen timing marker also and gee a little late once your in a hotzone for news to be asking of dangers? Did a toss regarding dangers and the President and maybe put pair in a future post but not now.

It had 5 lines in changes to give you an idea with that local one of the active dangers there but did show goals accomplished at rulers line. Not something we'd have recommended timing wise though for most, as even with great power there still always can be accidents or natural phenomena stuff out of any's control, etc.

Caught both of eve news tonight for once:

Likely NTL news had it right in the most of this so far that to do with the public Edwards trial in NC and NE of here matches in particular for this date at least.

Wht 6th or bad news associated Tornadoes another.

Than disregarding directions or not in the Global likely the case of the Blind Chinese man and  U.S. Embassy events could apply as a U.S. Embassy falls under Washington DC's DOS or more.

That of date same Grn 2nd Local(s) Kh bond to the assertive or agressive of Gy stars of same line one a hider has multiple meanings for both stars but some women, money and media areas likely and that of Political, Cures, Diplomacies or other. No reason the Gov of SC wouldn't be a match and likely the DOS SEC in some fashions also. The Political in medias 100% noted of both news types.

That of todays weak stars carry the taint too for any of Men or Officials in travels or dangers areas and some of wealths of the 4th line and then whatever turns up for the various of many B metal star aka B star areas of 3rd and 5th line areas.

Not done yet by a long shot and depending on whose view the Rw stars can be of troubled status or causing them one country to another or in some areas for sure. The wwg isn't wrong and are always events to match whether mentioned or not.

Caught bit of news didn't make one of my often intensive checks as those take up hours when you scan through every detail a couple of places. Stopped early into as found one sort of quite unusual match not so sure if arrest was Monday or Tuesday or the time but out in *NW matches up those Chen trigrams were 3 of them*.

A fella had an encounter with some U.S. Marshall's guy and it involved some *huge money* more unusual is the guy won't talk and only signs with an X.

So a Blk 1st Pc star with event involving connected K star in more than one way.

Then we have Wht W or western and or fierce material and/or bad news influences for the 6th far away or internets, etc Psh stars there for N and W of here too.

P stars can be an in movements, transactions and that of a name for documents. companies also then then that of 1st line for false names, documents.      

Was agressive in the money areas no doubt and can take weak Rw stars as a negative type business or into others wealths in relationships too.

If toss had been specifally on that one event likely would come out tighter, but as is and the general nature or areas of the pair think that's *a real good match*.

Overall in Friday's news was more on some of the mentioned events taking in the crescendo and peakings of feelings on those matters displayed in news and comments of public views that are natural to the timing approaching maximum yang now.

There were also lots of other issues some associated a former campaign and personal aide worker of a candidate, and were others of recent pasts connected to Columbia and even far pasts in today's written as well and more or too many to mention here.

Aside all of those *fitting in quite well* with the names and areas of the new moon month pair and this last toss the sensitivities and feelings associated those come out in a more or wider public manner as we are almost at the yang peak for the full moon tomorrow now.

Expression is less inhibited under that type of energy and actually enhanced which affects actions and events as well. More rash actions or things do occur under those influences as well as a tendency to try to finalize actions when possible under them as well.

The wwg iching itself illustrates the effects of yin and yang of it's lines as well as the stars in the most expert way around. If that was not the case that of the timed new moon and full moon hexagrams wouldn't represent things of the masses, environments and leaderships as accurately as they do period.

The wwg is the only true expert and measure in these areas not man.

Many including troublemakers like to stir things up around a full moon or sway others to their cause at such time and take advantage of the Yang energy effect in motivations to the group, crowd or masses.

Some use the word crazy or craziness saying the moon causes such?? Has never been stated in such a way here, read some yack on that but saw no actual proofs of any type, whereas of that written for this month here has all came about in actual events as the proof.

The *negative taint to the Rw stars of toss carried over a bit stronger than I thought* about the only difference as this was a date where some of those areas should have had some plus also, but then I haven't factored the full moon influence in which in proximity would have to agree for any strong plus. Is some initial as far as the blind Chinese dissident status itself and a few other that began along a more plus direction today.

Had noted about the initial taints in a toss carrying through but in most are variences where a later date can shift it to the plus, may require a great combo to make it a very significant shift in some cases and we didn't have that for the Rw stars today.

One other of recent pasts that matches was that of a DEA bust in Calif and an innocent man who was inadvertently forgotten about after having been locked up. He was handcuffed and in the dark of a cell for 4 1/2 days no food or water almost causing total kidney failure, so a very deadly of examples in that case.

Via names some has to involve travels and then those either at very high levels in wealths or power areas, and there is some variences.

That on the Rw stars or of their line and areas shifts to the more plus Friday on but after that the full moon for Saturday and that pair then become the prominent with the solar month to shift things in a new direction as well.

The new moon pair still plays but less prominently in this new solar one coming up for the rest of this period.

Full Moon late Saturday night May 5th with 1st day of Sunday May 6th.

The Yi Si or Solar month of the wood Fire Snake (e) begins Saturday May 5th.

#59 - #29 Dispersions, etc involve that of nurturences and leads to that of the watery, family, close ties, caverns or deep holes and the abyss, etc.

Saturday you can look for anything of long distances, leaderships transports, internets skies homes and educations companies banks and maybe your accounts with them to have various issues including *some* losses or thefts under the Blk 5th Be star physical as well.

The fiery in environments org's groups health areas electronics or masses vis the high or at rulers levels areas some to do with again transports, com, movements, publishings, docs, buildings, talks winds or flights or any of Shun type areas in changes.

Lots to do with news events in iternational areas and on things which are of widepread natures, protests, enterprises, religions, the monetary and more of the far away and at tops, ends achievements or completions status.

Some  to do with things at surfaces  or underneaths of roots or begins and the assertive agressive of Red S or heated arguements or wealths of 1st Py star of P star type areas which can bond to the hidden of officials, men disease, wealths dangers or attacks and associated Gry 3rd Bw fire stars of mil like and all other of B star type areas, Where a hider star in this case very troubled and troubling is attacking or weakening it's bearer the Bw stars and not good for their areas or the physical and when comes out very deadly and dangerous for some.

As the hider is month struck may not be that effective have to observe.
Inner relationships mostly that of the Object line in the traditional, grandioise or visionate in political  and diplomacies or just any of Yel 2nd local's Kcn star type areas with a few clashes at points too or from high. far or rulers areas, etc.

The full range of color meanings to their lines.

Checked both Saturday and Sunday and all the cyclinders in motion was a little on almost every area in the news including fires overeas.

The timed yi jing or iching names mostly outline the main general of what's in and the wwg shows most of the snags by star placements and their general natures by their strengths. Timed being both solar and lunar with this one having fell within the new Yi Si solar month.

Noted in online or connected as a source for offline uses in gaming products also that Steam has some very serious issues or lackings at the present time. Found mine lost or hijacked after about a dozen reset pw attempts.

So would have to say your possibly in dangerous territory if you buy and use their products at this time, rather disturbing since is a U.S. major global enterprise.

Likely others besides them having the same problems too, so be careful.

Had gifted some to several family members prior as well, but hadn't used for over two months here, and was a surprise when checked on status saturday due to the month type.

Leave as that at the moment support did try but wasn't solved by that yet so expect the account is hijacked.

However if they are able to resolve such then would say despite issues one could yet be safe with them, see how it turns out.

Reputable identify check source relieved my mind on that part, other yet to be resolved.

This being the timing for such best to make others using any online gamings products aware as was really rough earlier this year and some prior in these areas.

Most even if you use just the offline mode that many of their games come with still require that account login to use them??

Would expect some of the same in some electronics orders (fiery and metals areas) from manufacturers also.

Ok the wwg tailors to finding issues but at the same time it's a small part of the overall under the names at any time. Would be just as much if not more in the positives of those areas for the masses as well this month if we ignore the times trying as they are. 

Not mentioning a lot of dates this time it's pretty straight forward with a strong physical.

The primary stars on two lines produce their secondaries aka  resultants which means things of their areas are thrown out or away, lost or just let go of maybe including issues.

Then of any K star areas you have some clashes with the 7th a start there and opens up the chart date fire bond to Ksh star we started out with.

Day *h* and dates that bring out the hider affect both outer and inner areas, then another main for that is day *yo* and it's hider, both very key dates appearing to favor inner versus outer areas on those.

Doesn't appear that fortunate in terms of relationships country to country this particular month but that's a pretty broad area in itself. Would create opportunities for improvements at future points anyway. Ok was an obvious error can be the material factor in initial with that of mainly the relationships themselves due to overseas election results as far as month part.

Sort of the course view on last para in those see how close or correct it applied when this 2 week period ends.

About sizes it up on fm period.

5/8 Tuesday Upper Gen FS#9 (Li) Ctr's Voids sh, h Under the Wesrern Wht Tiger.

Day timed #23 - #4...

You'll find some have the first one on their minds today too.

Caught part of Ntl eve ABC news was some good visual physical of event matchings there from an artful view even.

That to do with water dangers part with one large boat running slam over another smaller touring canopy type boat which was hidden from largers view to it in motion and of the environment there. 

There actions and interactions of both the Outer upper trigram stars with those of the Inner lower trigram stars depicted the event.

Another was something like I do in paying attention to shows where they mentioned the major success of a current box office hit of the movie Avengers. That movie encapsulates the names in actions and the Upper outer event trigrams to a T, so exactly in step with timings the point.

Ok there were still other swirlings of the last toss strongly in play yeeterday and of the prior week as well to do with the thwarted underpants holy or not airlines bombing plannings or attempt which is subsiding today but was that and a lot of other power and material power issues up in the air yesterday. So that toss of May 2nd has had it mileages in numerous events and things and actually yet in other and different areas of wealths and power in the background is still yet playing forward awhile..

Have some myself plus that of near ill encounters the other day with more ahead but take it one day at a time.

While it did indeed also vis metal trigrams represent metals themselves it's more the wealth and power aspects of it in conflicts being what was about and actual substances of metal not particularly required. That as those are issues between men, causes or even countries and man is not made of metal per se, even those of those birth signs obviously are not made of metal nor are they robots but merely people.

We always include things of the respective elements as substances or items in the make up of physical objects or nature of event types but it's more their character, natures and traits that we look at when it comes to man's events themselves.

Ok did watch eve news tonight but will drop all for awhile and toss maybe wednesday.

On start that to do with first hexagram and said some would be thinking about was to do with *thefts* some strip things as in theft of things. Don't say unless I know for a fact but nearing the end of hour wa was an attempt out this way that I stay quiet on for the time being.

The same in small scale likely would have went on in some or various other locations as well and often does..

Strippings is just one meaning for #23 and not all would interpret that correctly from just the word itself, it also refers to things splitting apart as in people, or objects being purposely broken up or that locked being unlocked by someone for opening something up to name a few.

On other think jihadists view their causes as holy irregardless of how carried out unfortunately.

[Noticed some odd in fiery lately as in the modem wireless light coming on when nothing is connected, so have started shutting it off when don't intend to use lately as a precaution.

Went to take wife's bp around 7pm start hr sh and when came back 13 minutes later that wireless light again blinking so made sure another pc wireless also shutoff, and then to my surprise the blu ray which was wired came on with the wireless led on modem blinking.

Had seen a couple prior quirks with the blu ray earlier last week as well. So as if someone signaling maybe ISP or someone else and actually activating my blu ray connected to the tv tend to wonder if anything else?

The ISP in past said no one can access your modem but I don't quite buy that as what stops them from giving it to someone and if a person smart and has been in the house theirs another way too.

Never happened prior so why now other than fiery things such as electrical, electronics and their org's or persons even hackers skilled in those areas are in?? 

Possible that modem as old is developing quirks but this acts as if intelligence behind it, as were a couple of times I'd turn blu ray off before and either right away or a few minutes later on it came but when disconnect from modem behaves ok so may need a new modem to differentiate further,  really wild erie stuff. On tonights hadn't used the blu ray prior in day at all.

Anyway just set it so only I can activate the blu ray now. No doubt fiery things are in and have to study all this for understandably resolutions of some type yet].

Some may not like my page or work but it will stay independent as is and nothing of my actions are ill.

5/9 Wednesday You can pull fwd from yesterdays is Quen timing marker.

Toss #37 - #59 also shows maybe that of rain and thundery here today with a Blk 2nd Gc changes star and interconnecting troubled Ph stars which connect an Ryo star.

Looks pretty weak as an earth changes star connecting the very, very troubled of the Ph water star of physical linking another at 3rd to the Ryo star, but none the less some rain too and how strong you can check regular weather type forecast on that..

Today 2nd line Blk rolling it fwd but toss done 22:30 hr h yesterday of day e and Wht then. Have some light thunder about in writing this now.
The image of the 2nd hexagram  #59 same as fm's 1st hexagram has to do with windy conditions in travels in old of a boat being tossed about in them and refers to not knowing where your going or what's around you. The moral is to make sure you know where you are going the path and direction your taking in life, etc and to be aware of what is around you.

The actual unfortunate of that came up for a family or families with the one boat which had gotten ran over by another.

That's not a main U.S. core toss just one I decided to post instead since is fm related and is of other groups or families lost in their directions causing certain things to happen.

In quick check was a new Russian passenger jet that has went missing over a mountainous region of Indonesia today so another of the unfortunate in travels and becoming lost match for fm pair and tossed.. Suspect things to do with the electronics and signalings craft to ground surfaces will be in that and similiar for and to others at times and hopefully tapers in a few days when voids change and not for the entire snake month itself.

Ph stars as P stars includes that of home, transports, travels, etc and connected to an Ryo dangers men and official's star and of which were Embassy officials on board for the showy demonstration flight.

Would be many other different matches for other areas including close by's here, etc.

Ok weather mention was just incidental as if don't mention some assume the wwg didn't see it but it really always does I sometimes forget to mention as it's really an incidental here and not the primary at all for main matters in most places.

Had a bit only of rain out here earlier and not referencing books for exacts on that in our local anymore so just a general mention rather than analyzed type of mention was made. The wwg is global so lucky just to see period.

[Well as a plus Steam was able to restore the account safe and sound basically saying had either been compromised or something to that effect and apparently kept safe till I returned to claim it I guess.

So not a bit of ill on there part and they indeed did protect it quite well which happy to say so no others have to worry about that either. Checked out my full listings there and the non tv type of independant space types I like was fully active for me and working well.

Don't play a lot but one always like what is theirs available when so desire, anyway by deciding to wait and be patient Steam support uncovered the problem which improves my faith and trust in one U.S. company that still does a great job looking out for it's users].

So good of toss in that also being of the incidental as wasn't a focus or in question but certainly a nice added positive result.

Clearly wasn't good in areas of transports or officials though as far as the Russian jet went and a tragedy there. Electronics just an add of other cases involving not all same by a long shot so didn't have to be in their case B stars equal environments and talks too so could deal with their altitude request area alone.

[That pair was not reflective of entirely good situations to begin with as the changes lines (Causes) were both of *agitational* to hostile types depending on how looked at. They also reflected the NC vote on day e and probably a number of other things too.

There was a 2nd hider Ryo star involved as dangers so the volcano mountain was of a hidden danger to them that for some reason wasn't known or that of it's height or then detected by the pilots.

In some situations the results wouldn't have been all that ill just problematic of misguided groups and ill talk but in the areas of weak B, R and *P* stars then quite ill.  Had applied in the Chinese disident Chen's family under Chinese Govt officials also].

That of groups or families had included about everything.

5/11 Friday Day IX (Blk) s Upper Duay FS#3 (Zen) Ctr Void sh, h Under the Southern Red Phoenix.

Toss #55 - #21 done prior to timed calc last two tosses prior still active in scan thrursdays news as well as the full moon and New Moon timed pairs.Some R star clashes in todays toss but in names, etc can be beneficial in certain of wealths areas. This is for U.S. main core type includes global and likely some of local as well.

Timed #49 - #55.

Bit late but just makes the last date for mortgage payment hitting there about 17:15 added bit xtra to comp not behind really just had a hard week to deal with but know some had harder.

That on erie modem stuff under a better IP seems to have handled the other at moment, but still monitoring closely.

That of toss generally good in overall but can be some things to do with the *far away itself*, internets, skies, tops, etc of property or other legal material type losses or illnesses, livestocks and more of the Wht 6th Rsh changes star type areas.

Then in inner relational of Red 3rd Bh star changes areas can be too much along lines of gossips or scandelous to arguements as some that would normally control it is weakened or struck out by changes then can also reflect that of fiery stuff winds and in any rainy or other of the natural in jolty environments, damages, etc.

In it by date water formed of bond on Wht 6th resultant so later or next date can be rain or other watery type issues come up in some environments then at surfaces does have a supported Blk 1st Km star for that and all other of their areas including protests and political, etc. Physical and subject of Gry 5th Ps star areas,

Actually of toss overlooked the Wht 6th Rsh changes star will fire bond the Blk 1st Km stars for G fire star like manifests so may not be of rain in this case and may indicate other heated issues of G star areas like women, medias, $ etc to do with the political and other of K star areas includes lawyers and on R star the judges and courts or lawsuits, etc then also just any of heated natural phenomena including rain too. More so political or of fiery areas and the jolty or mental of that high or at rulers level under the Ps metal star as subject and happenings, homes, travels, transports, leaderships, networks, etc.

Shortening up for safeties the troubles, troubled in certain areas are fire elements weak for G fire star areas and then wood elements near dead for K wood star areas the main to watch through weekend as usually taints remain in place. Some there can reflect someone coming to  any area from a long distance and doing some fiery stuff too and in norm doesn't have to be a terrorist just some getiing kicks or even and like of hate crimes. That goes on more than you'd guess.

Since weak goes with things of situations not quite straight, troubles, troubled, troublemaking also you should have no problems finding G fire Gw or Ge fire star matches in all areas, one on yahoo already was of electronics as in Plasma tv prices taking the dive...

Then you can further include the changes bonds, and any new formed plus strikes, clashes by hours and dates to catch any additional action areas.

Note the trigram types and upper (outer) to lower (inner) to aid your pic.

***Relative the weak G fire stars***
[That of the Rsh changes star bonding the dead Km stars today was the sync spark as a theme for that of women in sports, etc and archery segment on one Ntl news network tonight I watched for about 3 minutes tonight.

It also gave the Judge in the Edwards trial a little more fire boost for the day as well and of other areas besides courts and judges of R stars involving that political or formerly so of K stars.

That of a manifest under a bond comps or boost for the weakness of a star when that occurs and under that makes the appearence of a weak G fire star appear strong but it's still weak indicating that of what may be ok now but in older of mal or not normal areas for women.

I have to stick with the traditional meanings in the main here as the G stars represent other areas besides women which don't have the human power of choice like they do, else would make for a whole lot of incorrect answers in those other areas using the wwg period..

That's the catch and shouldn't really be a problem with that of any objective persons mind and were there no fire bond in this pair then the weak G fire star qualities would have very likely applied to some women today as well. May have applied to a few as is they don't catch or show every event in the news anyway only so much time].

On rain would give day yo as a good chance here for that as it will cancel that fire bond out for most of the date, and allow the controlling resultant Rcn star on 3rd line to be effective that day as well. A very weak chance in hour h tonight but seriously doubt it, if it's going to rain here of chances tomorrow day yo looks best.Normally when we have Blk on the local's line it's a more sure thing but we have at times caught it with Blk on 1st or surfaces line, so I'd give it a chance here and over a wider area more sure or including us also for tomorrow or anytime after 11pm tonight which begins day yo. Blk goes with the watery, darkness, N and backs so can be more to a northerly direction for wider areas.

Some don't use hours with dates in this and maybe right but would think afternoon in hour s the most possible.

Ok if this doesn't pan out then what I'm looking at besides U.S. toss refers to in our local area specifically in the wide with Ph water star type areas that includes watery activities, boatings, or any you can think of or nurturing areas of any type and in businesses or happenings and finally things associated with rich homes or expensive transports and of P star areas obviously.

Have a local Red 3rd Ryo star physical for that tomorrow and the local 2nd Ph stars have a By hider star under them so that of winds or agressive groups may come up then and additionally on Monday also. This separate toss local was #32 - #48....

P water stars on a locals line also indicate events at small stores such as those which sell gasolines, and basic food, drinks stuff.

Normally #55 the 1st hexagram itself of day s pair would be very good but this crossed over into making the 2nd hexagram quite active in outcomes also today so some rubs in that. All in all the greatest bulk political of todays but this also being global and for the weekend should get about all meaning variations for each star and main bonds, etc before it's done.

Ok was no rain here it had clouded up in hr wa especially latter part just ahead and leading into hour s, so it was definately overcast then but as moved towards end of hr s and into hour yo it began breaking up letting the sun shine brightly through.

One of the reasons I backed up and added other meanings for date instead was realized did not have a P star line and star in changes itself, and of a toss should have for rain. Only possibility would have been much farther north but a separate toss would have been needed for that as well.

The temp break from the sun here with a very light breeze at times was a very nice temp cooling effect about it in this local as the result not strong but blocking the Sun was an aide when out in it.

In fact went out at that time to a drug store as wife had been given sleep medicines when I took her to hospital last monday, and at moment have to take her bp twice a day to bring with on next appointment. Anyway one of those medicines had nausea like effects on her so had to go get her something else to try and see how that goes next day or so now.

There were some sensitive events in terms of a womans body found and maybe a few other matters.

Then of the Ntl toss that of the far away from me also around covington, etc in terms of both livestock (cows) and multiple accidents and some being separate accidents ended up being brought to on of the local hospitals here, etc.

So things basically matching and haven't tried to track all.

Day h or Monday some same stuff for local and other of P star meanings then add the main or Ntl toss and the period pairs in will catch most areas.

Other of the Day s timed pair has Yel 4th Bh star physical a Blk 1st Km star and a retreating Gry 5th Byo changes star in main.

Take your time know it's a lot but for any pair there are many similiar situations that play in this.

Then of those a different appointed star for most also and why many different answers can be found in just one single pair when we bump or cover each individual case. Very versatile stuff this wwg.

Sunday day I (Grn) sh Upper Zen FS#5 Yel Earth star Ctr's Under the Southern Red Phoenix.

Well for the first time in the ahead I missed it on rain here?

Other than wwg maybe showing something more immediate and important in the ahead would be only reason I know of. Did have something come up on well late friday night and then other to do with wife too.

Had did one on day s for it also prior of doing one for day yo the very same day and discounted first toss right away although had 1 hexagram that near always matches and that pair also for local was #60 - #24 and no moving P star changes were in it.

Just tossed about 10;30am (Hour e) for today and this says it will rain here today as has the moving P star changes in a timed pair not required but in a toss type for a specific date apparently are:

#21 - #16 a rolloff from the toss for main U.S. core of day s Friday as has it's 2nd hexagram as the 1st in this pair.

This pair's first line is a moving Grn 1st Pt water star changes line!

May strike out or weaken it's resultant Gry 4th Kw star.

 Pt very troubled so actions occur and it meets with a Gwa earth star for control or killback as in either how much or little rain but some maybe sprinkles in the least.

Also the killback may be gossips or that of a just involved women in local medias as the same star in the physical too. Physical Wht 5th Gwa star connects an Rs star there.

Also has a Red 2nd locals quiet initial By star environments, groups, winds, etc connecting a Ke star same as 6th's and in hr s today the By star becomes active and moves.

Pair also has a Blk 6th skies moving Ke (skies) star connecting to Gsh star that clashes Inner Yel 3rd Gcn star who moves to a Bm star and killed back by that. Says the sun is occluded, etc is not so much killed back but so many G earth stars says same,.

Then clash to Gcn star an occlusion itself is for the entire date minus certain hours with also date bonding that Bm star there for fire manifests aka K fire stuff of the Bm star areas influenced by Gsh star areas. So some fiery things or stuff of that in date.

The Ke changes skies star or element e bonds with the resultant Rs star of Wht 5th areas for watery type of manifests or P water happenings of and there high places or far too.

Jolts stuff can be strong some locations so be alert and stay tuned to your local weathers and news areas.

Anyway a moving 1st Pt star and a moving 6th Ke star says we have something of the rain department here and in town today.

Will let these last tosses run a few days the *4th* and 5th lines also indicate things of illnesses or illnesses that linger and the deadly or some type losses for both men and women. The 4th the line under influence of the Gry Snake includes the unusual, sudden, that of hidden matters plotters and schemers, etc.

The 5th more so dangers to properties, livestock or accidents and 6th loss of wealth in some of it's areas.

Separate of normal meanings so you can bend or mold especially if expand to global some like the Red 2nd Ke star just in that could be linked to the 6th and fits the headless bodies in Mexico and news today.

So is a bit more to this than just area weathers but assume most of this other just applies to a relative few and will likely make news in their areas and maybe some of pasts or recent pasts already has.

Happy Mothers day..

Had started yesterday out very blah and although got up at 10am was pretty weak in afternoon and back in bed and crashed for 3 hours. One person tried to tell me I had 24 hour bug but felt better when got up and several hours later the long overdue on cyclic with it's toxic was completely relieved.

In hour t of day h now the rain continues didn't go past start my norm but really did came down hard just now compared to the slow weak near all day soaker. Now a water date so much stronger and bonds this last tosses Red (alarms) 2nd Locals By star with hour t same as the 1st line Pt water star changes line. So a good learner here.

Other meanings given are additional and can apply from past, recent past and on ahead for awhile with the other normally used.

Watch zero news so the birds can chirp all they want but think you'll find some interesting events with the overall picture given.

A validation of xtra wwg meanings in personal toss:

Ok in use of these additional meanings have added of late I also applied similiar in a toss done just for myself last friday May 11th Day IX s.

In additional meanings it had things of children getting hurt and of illnesses with no advantage in business, wealth or career areas, etc.

So not knowing of anything at the time and had asked of a frame just sat it down.

[Found out today that youngest had a heart attack last thursday one day before my  toss, he'd always had some sort of valve problem about all I knew prior].

He lives a good ways from here and since none in the physically close of family able to aide I sent some money he said was needed to allow him to get needed meds and pay some friends to take him back to the hospital tomorrow.

He told me he had been made a supervisor of a work crew and was telling me how the additional stresses in dealings between them and his supervisor affected him, etc.

In other unlisted here areas to do with my wife and some farther back of my accident last August. Some very unfair losses also came up in result too with mil insurances during the zone I couldn't walk getting dropped as well. Then were some matches of oldest's family in present as well.

On the tricare part pretty upset with the Govt on that as was on Auto deduct already and didn't seem logical that you would have to go sign a form (At time couldn't, couldn't walk anyway) just to say yes I still want my insurance???

Just another way for the Govt to screw the elders I guess and didn't know about till recent as they just took any costs above my wife's medicare directly out of my mil pay. Nice people!


Hmm spoke or wrote too soon but was based from old postal mails of 2011 I found and went through for that time. 

Checked further and found one from March of this year today and it was totslly normal on  the tricare account (whew)!  Glad I didn't call them right away.

So must have been some misunderstanding of theirs well back  as far as what they said they were going to do to my pay and think were a couple of months looked bit different to me back then but if so they've corrected that too by now.

Had me kinda hot as *I have had it set for auto deduction* quarterly increments or monthly anyway they want it *for quite a long time now*! Not always are we able to get in and even hard to make appointments at some times so would have been a problem no doubt.

Glad it all got corrected life gets hard enough for both of us around here.

[Well had informed oldest on all and both he and grandson were down for the count sick today, isn't that wild? However he let me know he will fix youngest's truck this weekend which was another area and so think it all should work out now. In theo only the 24 hour bug which has been going around up there from what was told.

Now if I wanted to discount that far away then I still have had that of an ill wife lately and one of her girlfriends husbands who took a rough turn in the ills department for a few days as well.

So no question about the ill's or sickness department matching up as shown.

So of that I can say that of the additional meaning areas in wwg are also very applicable in actual happenings as well].

Also if any on insurances sounded strange or offended any of was not meant too.

Basically since Aug last year had a lot of months where the mind not so clear, ill a lot and finally by staying on top of diet and just right amount of moving around but not overdoing either had a pretty clear month here for once.

In this one tore through a lot of past areas and stuff I was behind on starightening things back up while on a positive roll in that at least.

5/15 Tuesday III (Red) t Upper Kan FS#7 (Duay) Under the Southern Red Phoenix.

Ok had that signaling occur at 12:25pm today turning on the Blu Ray again and noticed live update was running at the same time.

Not sure about that as didn't see that before, and after I shut Blu Ray back off then pc's as well and the normal 3 minute keep alive of modem's wireless connection passed it's led then turned off as it should.

However the time prior when got excited had been a 13 minute delay with pc's off and it turning the Blu Ray on.

So still have to watch it all more there yet. When I remember I shut the modem off when not using to preclude any other stuff.

Saw article on Arizona girl and could see where from fathers action or reaction they took steps they have. Then standard star meanings had their indications too. Review that toss with this added below.

So looked at extended meanings that hadn't did before and those show women are most affected that in far away family affected.

Update as an add or possible aide to other posted:

Problems with authority and redundancies of 1st line as linked to the clashed 6th. Then of it's 2nd line Calamity inside and out for the home and children with 4th line Trajedy at home.

3rd line problems coming or returning home.

The 6th the family would be affected since date clashed it's Psh *retreatings* star meant something goes went awry for parents or in travels, home and happenings.

The 5th Bs star advance goes with monies from external sources then worries of being swindled, loss, theft and gossip where B metal stars with advanced Byo date bonded may go with the metal screen taken off a back window or if not then that of environments, siblings, etc and of Duay trigram areas in outer events.

Some additional hexagrams besides of other applying to given are in the separate that of #6 and then #2 as well in terms of results fitting in thus far as well.

So should you review the standard of line star meanings had written while should be pretty accurate could be some additional view I missed and then this xtra with it adds further influences that were and are present in  their situation.

In my own recent said I could get burnt but believe that was mainly of encounters which had already taken place, but keeping my eyes open. On mine like to let the whole frame complete before doing another. Much like we used the timed of moon and solar periods here just track day by day.

Speaking of getting burnt in U.S. was a man who did to himself in front of a courthouse, and just read same at the Norway court to do with that mass killer on trial. France's President almost got burnt or a brush with a burning source and effect as lightning struck his plane.

Nearly forgot was awoken initially about 4:30am latter of hour y today and sounds can be directionally deceptive as far as richocets but sounded as if someone was trying to break into the ex marine's house to my left, clattered of a screen door or similiar quite loud couple times, more so then what any pet would do, so fired up my spotlight to there and over my area as well and then all rescinded. Went back to sleep after. Some out here read as well, so posting.

In the future on any of the missings cases I do a toss on and for others as in investigative uses I will post that of a partial or full synopsis of the influences, and influencing which I've been calling xtra or additional *first* and then cover the normal and relevant of star types (relationship aspects)  of line positions as we always do.

Think that will work a little better for all and still have one yet to do had forgot about. One thing about this last one above is that while maybe not perfect it really does show the wwg had a specific take on things of those situations at the time. 

Added some corrections or updates to couple of recent posts.

There is one thing we have way to much of in many areas these days and more so than I've seen at any other stretch of time *Hypocrisy*. Think about it and shun it.

5/17 Thursday Day V (Yel) y Yang earth Wood Tiger Upper Quen timing marker FS#9 (Li) Centre Under the Eastern Grn Dragon.

Ok last toss was still active and others so letting roll,

Had some thunder and rain bit ago started while was yet hr y and of day y. Rather than run it all down that goes with #21 - #16 posted Sunday and it's locals Red 2nd By star line quite active connected a Ke skies star and then changes lines always active for effects a full frame with a 6th line moving Ke skies star there as well,

Was back that woke me up but thunder just after probably would have anyway, try to go back to sleep fairly soon if back allows always agitated after a bath.

Found that on livestock applies to all creatures period, will be using stars more than influences in things as the way written most of the influencings are not positive under most conditions excepting a few so no need to mention except in special cases.

Had a small disturbance to me much earlier around 09:05am hour e of easts then but this toss clear of  that and of the *6 coins type for U.S. areas, etc today*.

For U.S., etc and main core day y #10 - #1.

Has a near dead Grn Dragon 5th Ks stars physical and subject  with about the same in a Gt hider star under and associated them.

Physical still in control but weakly so with some awry.mal of or penalties in it.

It's Object a Gry Snake 2nd Locals quiet at moment Rm retreatings wood stars Dangers, Officials, etc which are strong by date, and a Wht Tiger 3rd Bc *changes* star advanceings which clashes the Red Bird 6th Skies, far and across ways (all main directions) Bsh stars.

So  westerly areas of some fierce in the natural or nature and or of other B star areas playing out in middles or of centers and more central areas and may advance to some southerly locations later in clash and bonds hours or days, etc.

Of today's or Sunday's post we had in hour s clashes and water bonds for locals manifests in both and around 4pm of hour s began raining again extending some into hr yo.

Has double metal conflict in the inner relational areas for some too.

Leave matches to you for most part have been oodles or tons of those clear back to Saturday for the 43 yr old woman that got burnt by having rocks in her pocket which spontaneously combusted. Then Naval ships other day vis clash to physical and that of water transports, etc in as a couple of the more unusual and accidentals as well.

In this one tore through a lot of past areas and stuff I was behind on starightening things back up while on a positive roll in that at least.Agree on SE's this year the ill of crimes, etc a lot is of the #6 star year itself under the Dragon and with SE's having the Yel Earth's #5 star which inspires that of ferocious or Zen like nature in action, and take a back up with *Hypocrisy* versus Objective, rational and independent thinkings a main social player in the decade as well.

Don't see the terror vs 1st Amendment as a weakening of safety, see it as clearing away some hypocrisy which is good in my own opinion. If ever need would do a toss on such but think fine as she ruled it.

5/18 Friday VI (Gry) m.

Toss U.S, etc single hexagram #24 Returns also a cyclic for weathers, and forgot any other natural  phenomena, plus main areas people make returns in, including even outings at times, etc.

Physical aka Subject Gry 1st Gt star Weak very troubled, etc plus sudden jolts, the mental, techy or odd, unusual hidden schemes and plots or factors, etc. Occurs in any begins areas today and then things at roots, surfaces or underneaths, etc.

Object Grn 4th Bc star weak, troubled so that of groups, losses, damages the windy, etc in some areas and relationships affects families as well..

Yel 6th Kyo clashed by date weak, etc but bonds Blk 3rd Bcn star for Metals manifests theft or burgularly or damages associate, problems of such or similiar may affect both the old and young, etc. Unsure perhaps bond alleviates those some except for losses or damages. Things of far or across ways to middles or prominent and other of 6th/3rd line meanings.

Local's Strong Wht 2nd Ry Officials, men, *dangers* star with a healthy Pe hider star under and associated it..

Apparently it's good for the Return of favors in relationships though not all would be on the up and up.

Yesterday's Red 6th Skies, tops Bsh stars had clashes involving Fire Org groups, and in some attempted damages to things at tops, etc and this date is bonded for P fire manifests. There are several different types of those in any major area.

Noticed today in my postal type mails someone I don't know using my address again!

That get's old as in past has happened several times it's just me and my wife and no one but no one is allowed authorized to use our address as their's for any reason.

Apparently they got over on University hospital and maybe couple more areas as were letters from there, put it all in the misdirected mail box and hope don't see again.

Put up new posts page weekend as new moon or lunar month starts sunday on a yin metal snake (e) day and matches under the snake month minus stems.

Seems some still misinterpret certain info's of a toss like that of weathers and cyclic phenomena as after posting had read a fresh statement as they saw it hot all summer, etc the toss was done for a date not a month or quarter?? A toss is always good for 3 days strongest on the 1st and may go a good 7-10 days in the weaker for most of it's themes to ease out of the main daily happenings.

Once in a while if the toss resonates with a very major ongoing issue then it goes the duration of the issue.

Now as far as changes for date VI (Gry) m go those started at 11pm of the 17th onwards and weather here as far as temperature went did undergo a change and was cooler last night for sure and probably this date then had been for a week. One change is enough although always option for more, one is actually enough in the weather side of #24 in Returns goes.

Then in other areas and only a maybe on weather having only 1 hexagram suggests (just suggests) things may be fixed or of it's themes for *Up to*, not have too 3 days.

That gets chopped off as the new moon or eclipse haven't checked occurs this Sunday so we start off on a whole new set of conditions.

Here only the new moon aka new lunar month and then the new solar month  using just feng shui on latter are at month levels, tosses done here not intended for that. Wider is the new year chart which covers the year.

So in no way did I infer something of a longer seasonal change of weather in any way as I haven't inquired of anything at greater than the date level for a good while here.

I could but see nothing purposeful in it and I stay 100% in line with traditional wwg meanings in the basic and won't alter them a bit for anyone,  all we can at times is extend certain meanings or once in a while add a new unthought of one in, but all without altering the wwg itself.

Once learned well and experienced enough you will find it works quite fine as is, and the only altering needed is in our minds not the wwg.

Had some good talks with a couple of people today even a few laughs in that so was a good day for me, and hopefully most. Everyday can be like that as long as we know what to be careful of and then the rest not so serious for most of us.   

For May 20th new moon:

5/20 Sunday VIII (Wht) e Upper Kan reset FS#3 Under the Eastern Grn Dragon.

New moon aka annular solar eclipse chk observe times mainly in Calif for U.S. viewing.

Will transcribe to a fresh page later on, the timed is actually a repeat of the last new moon pair shown above #39 - #8. 

Main differences a more perfect eclipse effect for the new moon and that it's month branch is e (snake) instead of cn (dragon) plus the date here for this one is the e (snake) branch and then starts with Wht color for bottom or 1st line stem..

That of the Red 4th  Bs metal star physical and subject areas is dual bonded by month and date with mixed effects as links to Grn 3rd Gm star as before on latter.  

Due to those be careful in B star type areas as gossips and disputes run hot and results can bring sorrows of it.

5/21 Monday IX (Blk) w (Fire Horse) Upper Gen (Mtn) FS#4 (Shun) Under the Eastern Grn Dragon.
6 coins 2nd toss:

What's the main plus for U.S. today? (#30 - #55).

Li Clinging's involves areas or actions that are stressful or too much leading to Abundnaces.

Add other #30 Li meanings as need goes with executive or just govt period and fire org's too *and in separate* areas of fires or the fiery of natural phenomena, earthquakes, etc in enviroments also.

Weak or troubles R water stars, G metal stars and P wood stars any can involve dangers though mainly Rh star type of and in this pair's ongoings.

[The Physical aka Subject is of Wht Tiger 6th line areas Be star changes xfrm involve or become Ksh star areas].

Something of those involving K star areas is lost, lessend, given up, eliminated, dropped or discarded, usually indicates a loss of some types.

So of Be star Org's, groups, healths, families, siblings, winds, environments produces and results in the latter for the Ksh star type areas.

The changes also bond the resultant Gry 5th Gs star forming water for R water type manifests,and also controls the Yel Gouchen 4th line areas and Gyo star areas.

That of the Object's Inner Red 3rd Rh stars are very troubled but can at less than optimal manage in some areas and affects but doesn't really have positive control over the physical's areas.

Super quick scan noticed the Ends and Completion meanings of 6th line areas a main of several in todays events, and in later that of things at tops, across,  far away and all other as usual.

That of the arrested artists in Brooklyn NYC fits very well as alarms of dangers thought to have bonded him, etc that of Friday was VI (Gry) m date for happenings begins of wood as are trees, etc.

Day m also the first line of begins (though can extend much further back) had bonded the resultant Wht 6th Ksh star for the fiery or illuminated in things high at tops, ends and of bad news for artist affecting family in legal ways. Art or any studied area, creativity, design and intelligence etc goes with K stars too.

That which appeared most unusual goes with Gry 5th as clashed by said initial hour of report looks more to have caused him dangers than any other in that case as next hour bonded to such.

Just shows event natures leave legal decisions or sides for the correct parties to work out but bet some may privately toss separate on that too.

Seems from texas spanning westward a lot had a partial view of the solar eclipse, in SE areas of the world around Japan, Taiwan and most there had spectacular ring of fire views of that eclipse.

Saw article on many insider bomb etc plots on friendlies and ours being better thwarted than in past saving lives while at it, so that too counts as good news.  Better than more the other way no doubt.

You probably have example of local deputies and the general of law enforcement versus crime as well that fits in too, especially since we know not all is or can be perfect but still we get pretty good results under the circumstances.

That of an artist was pretty unique be interesting to see what other well out the normal might show up as well in this.

The Red for 3rd Rh stars goes with wealths or fame too then men, officials, biz, etc so on those notes looks to have pretty strong matches to Newt Gingrich biz, org's and maybe health groups status and any other of similiar status as he. That via an article covering Newt Gingrich and all of that on Yahoo 5/22 Tuesday.

In other not sure how gangs apply as don't see the plight of the young in those as good for them and to some degree think they get used like anyone else.

All about same for myself Saturday through Sunday was pretty hard felt pretty ill, but bounced back with what for me was real strong today. Anything above ill is strong to me the way it plays out in ones mind when they get away from the ill or downside a bit.

Other events different locations, times and dates are of other or different results, a strong pair in for a few.

5/22 Tuesday Carry.

Ok so no misuderstands vis good news per toss and then that separately mentioned of article on former house speaker Gingrich fits the timed of today as well, and wouldn't be just him but in global any person or biz in similar boats. Then of toss prior that of Red signifies wealths or fame status's also it's Object if remember right which wasn't the good news area and was strictly of the Subject in that case with latitude for that of stronger stars possible.

Stands out timed as Grn Dragon 2nd Locals Ry wood stars there and as bearer for a Pe star hider associated them.

Has to do with strengths where R wood very weak and troubled while the hider star weak by date and affects in inner relationships of those types, etc.

Talked with an older yet slightly friskier fella as took a break outside to check stuff on my mini when it came pharmacy time, and as most do mentioned weather people said 40% chance rain and as I don't watch a thing aside documentaries on tv and that of netflix and similar any blu ray player hosts so was news to me, and I thought about a second and said anythings possible.

That as per toss and fm pair anytime hour s for sure then maybe y, h or e roll around you may get water bonds for manifests. Additionally todays timed and marker #11 - #5 in hour s struck those Ry stars while water bonding their hider saw a whole few drops of rain as we were coming home in first half of hour s as well.

More to it than that but pair has some weak or troubled enablers and the lower trigrams as metal types supportive to some degree.

Just says I agree with them in the general as to chances about it, usually when they call it there's something of the current in timed and recent toss plus the period that supports it but none were done specifically for it.

Was a little action to do with Intl or large enterprises vis an Airways happening and fighter jets, and some areas of a candidates biz ventures that fit with todays or the toss also which had the tainted Blk 1st Pm stars as a base, etc.

Not sure how plays but on their weather forecast just tinged the toss as hour yo clashes the Pm surfaces stars which bound to fire bond it's resultant 6th Ksh skies star, and just had some small thunder bit ago.

Just a random spur of whatever, acoustics get strange here at times once in a while the way sound travels from road pick up odd thumps or what sounds like a roll effect might have been that as outside doesn't look like much at all except heated, a brillant sun to the west and a few darker clouds about it too it.

In near oversight there were several matching events and actions in local as well in terms of accident(s) and crime or police works noticed today.

That and any on politician's etc is not of the political here but just events that match up with a given line or lines of pairs here and active themes of the date. No more no less.

Testing the finding of positives with the wwg not an easy task as a safeties in the protective oriented system but can do that pretty well in personal tosses and areas so should be able to pick up some for a country also. Options as one could just go by the strongest stars of a date as well.

5/23 Wednesday I (Grn) s.

Main positive or good for U.S. this date: #54 - #17 That of Brides and things Already completed involve and may lead to the Pursuit or Following of dreams else Abidings. You may find several applicable for that.

Still planning to break off this stuff here some, just enough to touch base keeping somewhat current without major gaps.

Review of current wwg status:

This last pair don't think matches up that strong to me this round as had finally did a pre toss ahead of it.

Usually get in too big a hurry and forget but didn't this time.

Prior to those the other toss probably applies in some ways to me and others as well but the resulting or 2nd hexagram for each person could be different.

Here it has always been something of like a constant update as in past we've only had fragments of the wwg informations to work with.

Problem was and is each book or school infers they are the whole thing and all you need to do is just learn their methods from their materials and add some experience in and you'll become an expert??

Hasn't worked like that and I've always been in a state of further patchings to a book and books of various authors on the subject for years.

Now though appears combining with an actual course have the greatest bulk of it finally and this too *has meant some or a few past interp's in last couple of years would have needed further modifications*.

Even with the course and all there are small areas where only self realization on the person's part will reveal a new identifier as to certain questions with line config's and their relationships in the hexagram pair showing the answer. That's par for norm there as some things only can be picked up by hands on or actual experience.

Purely since was always working with just partial details to begin with and of a subject they made great efforts to keep some areas secret or weren't aware of.

Practically one can only move forward with the new info's and just add more thorough and better interpretations to their work.

People who don't work or have experience in this field often have unrealistically high expectations of persons who toss and do the work.

Not all areas and topics are equal aka not every question is equal in what it will take to find the answer or solution. Some are much more difficult than others and will require a great deal more time to properly answer.  So here sometimes it takes several subsequent posts on a pair before it all becomes clear enough to get a good picture.

As some new to me have to back up at times from having overlooked a fine point but it's coming along much better at this time now, although were not getting all happy face type results we are getting results.

Here is not school either and everything done is mainly to show what the wwg iching shows as in for a certain period for event tracings of some type in those.

The mechanics of how a given pair works and how dates track with them usually covered but if you want to learn in overall you have to get a book and or take a course. Sometimes learning points are mentioned but mainly for those with some wwg background already.

That's main status on wwg currently used here for now.


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