Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nov 2012 Wwg and Najia timed New Moon Lunar month.

New Moon and New Lunar month:

Begins Nov 13th here. 

Under Solar month VIII - h FS#5:

11/13 Tuesday V Wu (Yel) y aka Yang earth Wood Tiger Upper Zen FS#1 (Kan) Share day Under the Northern Blk Tortoise aka The Murky or Dark Warrior.

Month bonds date.

Global's main:

Everlasting or better just things of great duration and of some substive duration or interval.

Involves that of extremes, breakthroughs or severings.

Then leads to that of in Solutions, deliverances, or loosening of the knots in things.

So takes in both that of natural phenomena and various of man's areas in established systems and structures plus legacies in some of those as well.

Then as subject that falls under vis Wwg we have the Ryo star physical which deals with bold, showy or knowledgeable and highly social areas in the prominent, middles or far and wide of environments, etc.

Those as the relevant natures and areas for the other of main R star meanings themselves (all do apply) there playing in as causes and of or under changes themselves.

Combine with the below for the given status's knowing that some may become even more active once the metal voids fulfill in around 5 days.

All Countries and main in common areas:

Ok pretty straight forward but this time *the physical and Ryo star type areas* are Void and quite troubled with the connected and involved Kw stars in a slightly better state but both are of untimely areas to boot.

As untimely Metal is weak, sick etc while fire except by date is vanquished so you can expect that you'll see the more negative attributes of those star types as in and coming up in events related to their areas.

Water is weak by date so troubled but not bad as is timely so basically ok.

Earth though under attack or weak by date is never really untimely and gets stronger later in month also.

Where things are untimely we that use Wwg usually like to avoid taking actions in as much as possible as we won't get very satisfactory types of results and will encounter problems, issues, obstructions, delays or dangers in such areas.

So in global it's telling the prominent of social or wide areas to look before you leap or plan well of the currently Void Ryo star areas and that your actions and actions in those presently won't be so effective both due to state and void. Letting the Voids fulfill first will at least marginally improve any results there. 

It's also says it's basically of improper timing to be killing back officials or other of some Wht Ryo star area types. Some occurs since the Kw stars healthy by chart date but even in that are of an untimely status.

So of Global the Red (U) Object line Gsh stars when active produce that of the Wht (J) Physical's 3rd Ryo star changes in things for support in those areas of global view.

Red and Wht not a great mix so some liable to be of fierce and possibly explosive natures as well.

The same at points is also clashing out the *Gry* 2nd Local(s) changed resultant Gcn star areas here and for us it's more of a clashed area than the clashed struck out and involved Gcn star areas of the above global pair.

The latter just plays into our own in or as effects too. We have some of that heated or angry plus bold in clashed *G star areas as our own main* rather than the global view but definitely doesn't mean all will be correct or proper in clashed versus every case either.

Shows *troubles and dangers* amongst other for officials, finances or businesses in the far or at rulers, etc levels those being of metal areas also with ours being a little better off there.

Those are clashed or struck by chart date for major events or actions, but appear better in ours with most there in a state of expansions to include likely foreign areas too.

Still quite proper to note some potential dangers possible as well, that as all the above involves the stormy in things and sudden jolts.

Stormy is a figurative term and can be both of weathers and other areas entirely. This also since we have an FS#5 star type centers in Geo type of month too..

Ours primarily to do with the material in things where some is the review or just significant of past expansions with maybe some new as well and some including far aways areas too.

A lot to do with pasts or separately as significant communications events in relationships which could lead to trade, commerce and other in agreements areas also however appears the main of that simply to do with finances and the political to or involved in it.

The begins, roots and underneaths or below areas involve that of recent material losses due to strong By star damages of any type such storms, winds, EQ's, assertive groups, talks, sounds, actions, war or neighboring, etc types and more.

Then as such may indicate some yet to pop in.

Those to that of the material of people or medias in $ or general and also of any crops aka just foods, etc in general or likely some of the far and wide in material objects, etc type areas not sure what all in exacts go there.

Some also in reverse maybe to do with gangs or certain types of groups and other of B star areas applying to homes or businesses since date would bond the Ph star as well.

Then can look at in other ways as P stars as banks, companies, leaders, news, transports, etc and certain types of happenings involving travels, agreements or appointments, etc of various types.

Some at local to close by levels and some associated govt areas or at lower levels of any govt's.

That said of immigration fits in the global pic more than ours (current core timing) but then a lot of our actions do tend to match a lot within global so 50/50. 

Many ways to apply so you can choose yours as likely a bit of each comes about and some vis trigrams are of the meetings or encounters types in travels likely in areas of darkness, close ties, the watery, naval, etc since global for anywhere.

In ours some deadly of family or families is the possibilities also but hopefully refers to other things altogether instead.

Some of recent pasts jolts and will be yet more coming with and of the Upper Zen trigram type influences and then anywhere since global so good to be aware of for environmental effects through the month.

So in all that do note the line colors influences in natures and directions in some also.

There may be some question as to the practicality of observing timings themselves such the voids or the untimely versus the timely.

There it needs to be remembered or understood is that the Wwg in the main is referring to the most main and larger scaled in things, positions and events in it's star aspects at a time.

So in lessor and less important areas things continue on in their activities irregardless of it being good or bad timing for such. There are some consequences in that but still things go forward.

At the greater levels in events be it natural or man the consequences of timing specific to given element types and areas are of much greater magnitudes and ramifications.

It's there where it gets to be very important to observe the nature of the timing versus star type and area.

Failure to do so later down the road if not in immediate will usually net you even further and greater damages in any area to include that of a society itself.

Went into that of what timing means a bit more this time purely based on it's current nature and potential significances associated this nm period's pair names.

Last month when I referred to Ke fire star areas as going with the diplomatic that's still quite true and more so as particular areas and locations in applying. Beyond that it can go with specific areas or committees of congress and then within the military also specific areas and heads of those in some. Further it applies in various agencies and certain scientific or technical areas too.

So has quite a few areas can apply too.

That of element w always applies to govt areas including executive and it's branches, congress in general and certainly to some of the other govt areas and to the military or police and security, etc as well.

There is some mix between the two and overlaps as far as govt's but then in basic they apply to many, many entirely separate of non govt or civiian org's, biz, areas and certainly people too in the general vis their basic element descriptions.

Then like all element types they apply also in many different natural phenomena types as well.

Not a perfect description and mine is ever evolving as I note actions or events involving those and any elements relative Wwg itself.

Going into this pretty much all of tosses of last two weeks have been applying yet including some of the darkness of light in returns, etc and that for next year will obviously carry to it as well.

That should be plenty to start you off in basically the correct direction and for you to make your own further adds too.

11/14 Wednesday VI Ji (Gry) m aka Yin loose earth Yin Wood Rabbit Upper Shun FS#9 (Li) Settle day Under the Northern Blk Tortoise aka The Murky or Dark Warrior.

Examine relative the nm pair for the date's main to the lunar period areas.

That of the years was ok as an all countries type and you can see the main of a solar month in it as well.

There are several different versions in views for any year that can be used and in one of my ill zones I got turned around some but in essence the one posted for Jan 23rd is definitely accurate in and for the practical.

Timed #59 - #6 Involves #27...

Many of jolts, changes or shocks are *in this day* and then that of recents in feng shui, etc changes of the seasons in weathers and similiar areas too besides the cooler likely more of the overcast type days in this period at least overall of this time zone and then maybe globals.

That's only a guess at best in that and since period's physical Ryo star connects to Kw stars may indicate going from cool to slightly warmer instead and in the old system may have indicated something about visibilities versus cloud ceilings, etc.

An area will explore hit and miss wise here for awhile as shows what would be sunny way high or far and then it just looks somewhat obstructed by all the untimely in the middle areas be that heigth or area wise. .

That's strictly at an entire time zone level for the entire period not day by day type and then may be some rolloff or comparitive in global also.

Since don't watch much of live type makes it interesting to see if can use the old rules or in some slight adjustments useing it for a wide zone but going to take awhile maybe months to get it all correct at that level. The stormy though likely does come up within the period so see how all goes.

Had mentioned some timed or tosses can easily hold for up to 12 years and while that's quite true you have to consider the types of situations they are representing merit go with that type of duration.

The great bulk are short term types especially in tosses and when the answers of the questions become fuffilled. That can be quite short in many yes and no type cases.

Todays changes were mostly of chief ministers and rulers areas aside the middles areas for the period, but overseas had some fairly serious stuff today.

May leave as is for awhile as most other in here should be quite correct..

Friday VIII (Wht) e Upper Gen so tomorrow is?:

Ok on minor points sure some delighted here that was some sun to the day but the four prior were overcast.

An area had said not that sure about so weren't special claims made and also the fact *that it's not of a toss* as those are normally done. So don't think any crowing there benefits you.

On the other side of the coin each date and timed of those who did fitting into this period have been quite exacting in and for daily events in it.

Leave the dribble to most now but pretty easy to see things from day y on escalated in overseas of Israel's areas and then today that of the oil platform explosion off coast Lousianna a very untimely and unfortunate event in very strong match.

Expand just todays you had the day of the VII Xin (Wht soft metal) Snake (e) it bonded the 5th's Rs stars for official's, biz owners, wealth's, finances, dangers,  power control, weapons, the high or far, roads, travels, objectives, etc.

The bond formed water for P water star type manifests.

The date also clashes Ph star areas which had been bonded by chart date y and was opened for major events of Blk 2nd Local(s) Ph star type areas and actions today.

The solar pig month's element h was also that of the year's Bh star type areas or that of groups, countries and environments with other B star type areas too, and that was also under clash of this date.

So with all that it's pretty easy to see how things to do with the watery or oils too fit in and P star covers companies and structures so the oil rig an offshore platform type covered too.

It was vis article said to be off SE coast of Loisianna and the Ph star is within a Shun SE trigram. A Blk line indicates the watery as one of it's meanings to boot.

One note: Here never really tell any what to do but sometimes make some logical or possible suggestions to the interested only:

On SE's onw could also look for hidden dangers of any similiar or other types too.

Then on dates where active or interacting line stars fit within other trigrams one might note what's of those besides line color indicators.

Overall says events or similiar type involving any of those areas fit in for this nm period too.

Then we knew some of *the happenings* (a lot in recents all over really) would specifically have that of  jolts and chaos to them as well.

Really don't need to say much more as just about all the main going down as have been nothing but strong matches in events every day so doesn't appear any tosses needed. 

Did get another relative some of the current main popular of social Red rated gossip areas versus that of #18 - #50 again but hopefully just applied to todays news and not whole new rounds of that.

11/20 Tuesday II (Grn) yo Yin wood Yin metal Rooster Upper Li FS#3 (Zen) Open day Under the Western Wht Tiger.

Timed: #21 - #27 Involves #39 again.

NM Pair had looked rough enough didn't want to promote any further negativity but most do know just because Voids fulfill that doesn't alter the Untimeliness of the element involved.

At best had given it as possibly marginal aka slight improvement(s) if any.

So in global areas finances which includes credits was untimely and they the Euro felt to share it with us.

Today formed a metal bond to the Gcn star and earlier in this year around August had mentioned that thought our economy looked to be somewhat tied to Gcn star areas or that those were very important
to it.

So the metal bond did form today but that being of an untimely element and nature bit us some in think was a major credit ratings type area unless some overseas news was incorrect on that today.

At time of this period's post the nm itself though the areas were still good and yet  the economy actual $ of this period still is but at and of what have been the current norms in this year, except for that credits ratings part as of now.

Just how much of a shift that makes in things wouldn't know haven't looked and expect will be lots of tv experts giving inputs there, etc which can be more informative, so here will wait and see just what comes up in later following periods.

With the Israel stuff going on didn't want to add a thing there on any further references to the R metal star areas period. It's clear nothing of substive change there in this eve yet, so this now won't interfere.

Was even some slight question on the subject in other types of timings so preferred to wait as had.

This nm period allowed and was the timing for the Israel counter offensive aka a form of defensive attack. So not against facts but in step with actual natural laws and rules within the Wwg all that started with the nm itself on day y.

The first noted physical effect occured on day m, but still all bases of the period itself.

That's speaking of the period view only and then you can take it much, much, much farther back.

11/21 Wednesday III (Red) sh Yang fire Yang Earth Dog Upper Zen FS#2 (Quen) Close day Under the Western Wht Tiger.

Timed: #32 - #28 Involves Extremes, Severings, or Breakthroughs.

Not seeing any on the credit stuff so maybe German news was referring to another country or was a past thing. That would be good in our case as wouldn't want to see that of Standard & Poor's change.

On other though hasn't made a difference yet as that which is untimely stays so. So if some not successful shouldn't feel bad and then if actually make a breakthrough of which is of some at least small possibilities consider such or that to be very fortunate in this type of zone.

Add: They did get something called a ceasefire but entirely verbal form to start, hope it works out in that there are no further attacks ever in either direction and leave it at that.

That's all that can say as while in dates has the possible, that outcome name makes it pretty questionable though the inner relationships portion looks strong doesn't always hold either.

Metal and Fire areas mainly with fire just squeaking through for nm period by chart date including next date after but in any new not on favorable dates for it, then a lot in the fire areas can be of mal or
bad natures too.

So if you have any unpleasant issues or results in things those elements will almost certainly tie into it.

That of fire covers:

The heart, brain, arteries, blood, bone shape and a number of other areas while that of metals covers the lungs and lymphatics at the minimal.

Also things of extremities or the body pairs are also in plus you can see injuies or diseases affecting ot involving the head, neck, jaw or stomach and abdominal areas are in as well, then on bad dates even some ill of cures areas possible vis R star lines of the nm pair.

Then some of various injuries, diseases, inflammations or obstructions, passouts or comas that go with those would have came or come up for some now and for next couple of months or so of the season.

Was active cleaning things recently and managed to hit couple passouts, too much fast food and my own fault so really treading carefully at the moment and for a few now.

See articles on corrupt officials in various countries and then that to do with lo food resources in U.S. food shelters also of that of this period too.


Pretty sure some remember when earlier in year had mentioned that year chart wasn't exact, but forgot to say was exact for the All countires or shared in common of global.

Had referred to that of #28 Too much being more exact as one of ours which remains so through mid of next year in the minimum.

Calling attention to as a reminder so we don't have a tendency to get hopes to high and disappoint ourselves when we don't get the optimum or best result in things.

Also for you to dwell a bit on all that has passed since begin of August itself and in that including up to the present already there indeed have been a number of things that fit that of the Too Much hexagram under the name itself and in some even the stresses that came up as Matches so far.

Gives you some idea or perspective of how things are for the more realistic in outlooks on your own parts in various areas and perhaps might do even better for knowing the conditions.

In all this we still mainly use the All Countries type for the year as it aids us and all globally in terms of what is a singularly most main area or event type of each solar month within it too.

It's sort of on all that basis is why haven't seen any real great need to add tosses in yet. Those also can get to be distracting at times like clutter in these period views so cutting down there..

On weather stuff only error was in specifying as for one time zone if was a toss can indeed do that, but was of timed which is global and national of each country.

Last year we had any number of large storms fall on and they all did show up in the timed but we never specified a particular time zone prior (the error), and most usually just a general direction or sector of the country mentioned.

Even now there are storms in U.S. which will track eastword if they don't run out of steam.

Then general of US tosses would most often catch other and movements to other sectors as has in the pasts.

So again that's why we normally toss for such then we know where as in the main and wide of our own local area that it will apply.

Here just filled some space to see how would go, and the very small or rabidly small in some's mindsets try to make something ill of it.

Part of the problem in the Too Much of things is in how people respond and communicate things in mass personal internet medias. A lot more gets vile, uncontrolled and out of hand in them and in this modern time which man has never had to deal with before. Misinformation in them
coupled with negative attitudes or ill responses indeed can get to be *too much*.

Even so don't plan on tosses even on the peace stuff as if my answer showed negative then wouldn't want to say it. That and the nm pair does show the general nature of things which vis stars suggests
cautions anyway. That's all we need to know for now.

11/23 Friday V (Yel) t aka Yang Earth Yang water Rat Upper Kan FS#9 (Li) Clean day Under
the Southern Red Phoenix.

Timed: #39 - #63 Involves #64...

US Toss #63 - #8 Involves #64...

Within those two has to be some things of groups and nuts inclusive on the go, go so watch the gangs and kooky or angry heated causes stuff aside what positive of safeties or cures may apply. On latter locally sports was one goes with K star.

While Black friday fits in that's all it does and applies to much beyond it also.

B stars do include countries too.

Add: In super quick look applying in Egypt no doubt but be assured of any location including any locals, locals areas and ours to in one way or another.

Timed physical:

Blk 4th Bs stars of link to Wht 3rd Kh.


Yel 1st Pcn changes star meets Gm star.

Add directions and such to the colors for your particular location.

Have laid low on tosses for awhile still chilled on thanksgiving day and hope most to all had at least a fair one there.

Uncertainty  stuff:

Sometimes for any number of reasons one will run into uncertainty zones where things become somewhat unclear to confused for them and you'll question whether your going forwards or backwards or even where you are at times.

If health plays a factor then that of uncertainty in things can be a little more damning as you'll tend to wonder if it is of healths, etc.

Anyway had hit that point and was in what was an uncertainty zone since early October which started from certain types of dissatisfaction in given life areas and sort of spiraled on me.

Kind of a miserable state to be in and then ill health was certainly of no help to it.

Normally the Wwg and Yi-Jing are more than adequate in most situations we come across to include one's health and general physical status. It could be for the psychological and emotional as well but I have never used it that way and it's generally not used for those purposes.

Contrary to what many think or also possibly just due to their beliefs and personal bias's. this is where *Vedic astrology rules supreme*!

In the most personal areas of one's own psychology and emotional conditions and states.

Yes some tends to the superstitious in old language and perceptions of and from older era's and times, but a lot of the context's properly interpreted are spot on in modern times.

The dashas are especially helpful in understanding the frame or any frame of time in terms of what you can expect and will be going through at personal situations levels.

The hard uncertainty zone I'd hit was of *a semi main dasha period itself* one that in it's stated influence stimulates things of that very nature.

Knowing  that has now given me a great sense of relief.

So sometimes that which sounds bad as an aspect or oh my whoosh ungodly perceptions in a Vedic or any system *can actually be a very good thing for good purposes one needs to know about.

Considering some when hit those types of zones end up in hospitals or major depressions and similar can be very good for them to know it's of an influence and just not entirely them in the general.

Were I totally closed or biased or ignorant in my beliefs than I'd still unknowingly be under that damn influence and probably more ill from just mental anguish alone.

Myself I do believe in a higher power and things of timely orders such as I show here all the time, many ahead are not accidental at all and only confirm one's belief in a higher power.

This is an area where we can't always get things right 100% of the time but we get enough so that also confirms there are strong patterns of influences in things of great consistancies.

Things of our inner personal states are not so very easy to understand from the Wwg or Yi-Jing at all as it was never designed for that particular purpose.

So being flexible and using more than just one system can be pretty important to getting better views and understandings of things.

U.S. Current:

Ok have had these come up quite a bit #7 - #19, #19 - #7 and then some with #63 also as in today's timed.

The FM is Thursday Nov 28th on day X e post that tonight and is likely the rain day some refer to locally but while find possible and getting bonds for P stars not getting the P star changes so to speak.

Means *sunday* and even monday rain possible here but overall 7 day zone locally wasn't showing much there yet as  physical was void, so hopefully no armies of that variety.

Will scope prior but likely can expect some rough stuff environments or other on days w and wa too.

May toss just prior and after again to see if any changes to the preliminary of 7 days out I had.

Xtra general only US Chart Based:

Some overall influences main near end August on so for those that look at the econmics of
that zone:


Opposition from the wicked persons and loss of wealth on their accounts, pain, diseases and fear from enemies. So of high levels within our social structures and just as much in that applying from some other countries.

Sounds strange not our normal way of thinking but is of a node not planet and different in description more along psychological aspects per se and some alternate translations you can make  and find appropriate matches.


Current sub frame under that probably as main within solar month:

Gains of wealth, education, good behaviors, etc.

Didn't check any news prior:

Today's additive to or within the Wwg toss and timed given:

Unexpected and sudden physical distress, creation of troubles by enemies, weakness of vision, gains of wealth and much improved by afternoon or early evening.

On improved just a relative term as depends on strengths as to the effects and *didn't get into that for any of these*.

Later this evening and into first part of Saturday:

Danger from any of:

Fire, weapons, enemies, poisons, stomach troubles, separation from partners, spouses, etc.

Was a masive natural gas explosion leveling several buildings in Springfield, Mass about 17:00 believe just about still hour s...

Add one additional of this date which was of US year instead and applies the 24th also:

Freedom from diseases, enjoyments, increases in wealths, happiness from spouses or children.

Some as related to sports stuff here would match in that description.

Sunday's in that going with full moon also appear lossy or enemies type.

Basic U.S. appeared the stronger match and matched Wwg Bs star physical for damages in hr s also or no matter if hr yo as of timed struck Gry 2nd locals Gm hider star which bonded 5th Psh changes star and 5th includes high things as in the buildings.

Also of the changes line itself since hr yo bonded it and struck out involved it's Gm star changed resultant, then above of the hider resulted in a fire bond!

You have to interpret your own way as far and wide for a country and no singular persons to it also that of business or overseas, territories dealings and many other applicable areas.

That and this is of only 1 of multiple versions of the U.S. chart but part also did fit with our chinese new year type as well so pretty reliable.

On the Dasha's down to 5th level date(s):

Appears both natal and year type both apply with that at the year level usually showing the stronger of the two if you treat it as a natal chart itself and use 5 levels in it.

In that I take the dasa of the natal chart and basic descriptions given there and then look at them in the year's, etc for event action areas.

In other words know what is in vis the natal and then look at their current assignments aka placements shown in the year, etc charts themselves as graha's, karaka's, etc.

*A bit more I do add to that in delineating details and it all comes out quite predictively accurate and excellent*.

Also reduces the number of tosses I might need to do as a lot already answered in that, and the shared masses lunar timed types already!

When are multiple prana dashas for a date then problems crop up in terms of when one stops and other begins, so better to run at 4th level which holds for a greater length of time often anywhere from 9 days to just over 9 weeks.

In a person's chart those xtra specifics such as bhava areas very accurately describe the event natures, but likely not great idea here. Then if one has questions on a particular or situation involving that they can toss.

[Those can be listed using older terms *as did* with no bhava referance leaving interp gist of the period to individuals without exposing chart specifics.

At best just a rough feel that goes with the solar and lunar periods at the time.

On a very few major dates in a year one could give  some xtra specifics on those without a problem, as it's only in listing them all out revealing full chart that would cause problem.

In this actually anyone can do such a chart so not sure just how much an actual problem it would be since they'd know it all anyway]!

We of U.S. can expect some things to get  *Very assertive, aggressive, impulsive and spontaneous types* like when it comes to the outdoors or woods areas, far aways, enterprises, religions, airports, long distance journeys,  universities, space, courts, etc some of that relative deadly stuff possible and any relative finances, credit areas, surgeries, births, deaths, etc. Some there will involve the mental, volatile or techy and showy or bold of Kyo star types and areas. That as metal itself is of quite troubled status and untimely conditions to boot.

Obviously leading into FM some of that for us is Egypt, but that is only one item and indeed will be many, many and situations some positive too but a lot heated or of alarms involving environments, gateways, main entrances, controls, chief ministers and decisions in some as well.

Probably a lot to do with the season and religions in terms of the very active, and then the other mentioned prior then expect a lot of the heated to do with homes and family areas in various ways. Been both some very rough and quite negatively extreme in the deadly already, involve police too from articles read today.

Some misguage me about Israel as far as comments was thinking of long terms versus same in pasts. A practical view type of view and see them forever as K star oriented and of toss from the eternal of duration frame asked, won't do specifics so leave as that.

K star as in peaceful but defensive based. Can in any future period be heated spikes but very hard to kill a K star so good way to be and to have about it.

As you note stars (relational aspects) and  dates in this add the trigrams as their own major influences including their directions have NW and W's, SW's and E's of those and the respective line color as it's influences and or direction also.  

Still make it a point in the main not to watch local or ntl news much but caught about 15 minutes worth wednesday of ch 12 wife's TV (customs all house same) including an initial weather projection so took a peek.

No guarantee to it as didn't have P star changes but had bonds so just listed couple days as possible only of our own area.

Sometimes a bit of info pops in if watch me-tv watch a lot or cw at time, then 12 don't come in on mine, etc too but it works better if I know nothing until after have did the toss or post. Unless tossing on something had read that is.


Had software glitch in one astro program and only found out when went to re-do the chart in another software on Nov 29th:

Scrubbed some event listings in prior is all and the greatest bulk here is still perfectly correct as a lot came from the derivative U.S. chart this time, and lucky for me in that

Nothing about dangers and zone we are in is altered and still applies.

Will add some on the proper Nov 28th full moon pair itself later.


 Vedic that also of thefts, fires, and that destructive in woods, homes and healths areas some of any local as connected to the far aways or high areas as well apply beyond the initial positive that was listed for U.S. today and/or main to whole period.

On healths referring more to individual's than to health areas such as hospital's per se.

On hospital's maybe some hidden types of foreign domestic matters.

Also reviews of the material and previous material expansions in relationships areas fit in.

In the opposite for us specifically a lot to do with domestic areas of a bold nature in outer events which ties to pasts or the hidden of social relational areas.

Also an extension on homes wording: For police, mil, bodyguards etc and Ke star areas that does include any post or sittings areas of their guard and duties where the spontaneous or accidental in destructive can happen. Same for sittings on flight's etc. Think most know you can include other of techy and mental or scientific areas there to even the political or diplomatic too both here and of the far away's.

Above all connects to below and vice versa this below to it.

Change edited some below out and corrected:

Some of ours also to do with authority, expression and separatings in or of that of pasts, hidden areas of various social relational or legal natures and hardships or sacrifices ties to outer domestic areas or events also.  In that includes the newly elected veterans, etc.

Physical itself for us as said has very assertive aggressive of bold heated components to it some normal in drives while other can be accidental or destructive natured and as it relates to both domestic and the far aways areas too.

In both positive and then the negatives as mentioned before a lot of the heated actions are very much relative finances, credits, and various programs under review this frame.

Trying to be careful with the wording but with all that and more going on in our physical it's a pretty dangerous time to include the accidentals in this frame a point want to be clear on.

Matching so far.

Some applicable background:

Since September 2nd we've in main far and wide been under a Rahu influences and effects zone still are until Nov 28th changes to a Saturn zone.

That of Rahu tells you the obsessions and phobias in divided areas people have on the countries matters have pulled us apart and people have acted out in extremes. It is also picked up and sensed by other countries and relationships have been more difficult.

So our leaderships have to come together and show they are working together in many areas which will translate into more confidence from the public, etc.

Main there had been of political issues but carried over into global arenas too, still Rahu has it's effects but in the normal it's of a progressive and turbulent nature stemming from and overcoming some past karmic issues as it does so.

Can be quite extreme has a masses or armies like effect so carries over into groups issues stuff but depends what it falls under and this year wasn't under all that plus.

Normally everyone experiences and has rahu moments near daily as that will be the driver when you tend to obsess or focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else at a given time.

In a rahu phases one can often amass monies or wealth in given of the areas it falls in, etc so not all to do with it mal and has a lot of good purposes too.

Only problem is people do tend to go off the deep ends at times in the areas it's found in so need to be careful in that regard and stay balanced in your affairs and dealings, etc.

Under that the easiest way to sum that of the present up is to say *we the U.S. under the FM of Taurus areas are in a Mars phase until Nov 28th* when we will then enter a *Saturn under Saturn phase*.

Saturn is more plus than minus as most will become more serious and practical in their outlooks and dealings then, though can start a bit harsh.

Presently for fire, fiery and heated actions areas.

Note off the areas you've seen in news including anything made for the U.S. of other countries or that were materially involved with in some fashion for fires, accidents, etc or some frictional or abrasive issues in those and in some of our other country relationships.

That plus work type areas and that will include health areas in routines,  etc all that plus the physical as mentioned and you got it.

Then our fm lunar global shared itself affects masses, etc  has a U.S. physical of Aries and the full moon was *Taurus*.Corrected.

Then in other countries most would have a different astro physical sign for that same hexagram pair but all are shared!

So those who manufacture stuff for us here in the far aways (Intl) or that we have relationships with also experience the timings of our chart hence:

*The fires in some, threats from others, etc*. Then other as previously before saturday and sunday listed applies within the U.S. itself also.

Then of stores or areas within the U.S. dealing with large scale whole or retail sales of International aka other countries products they too can experience the fiery in dangers of various types such as a Georgia Wal-Mart store has.

Some of outdoors, far aways, acrossed ways such as hispanic gang families of mexico, then wooded areas, aircrafts, flights, churches, etc also subject to increased drives and activities including the *fires or fiery types* too in this fm lunar pair and period.

All events that get mentioned here usually have been found in Yahoo and it's ABC news articles, here as events type and locations reflecting the and any current period we are dealing with. So you can always check there for more details of the actual articles themselves any date..

It affects all subtly in the U.S. and with emphasis for those of Vedic Aries and Scorpio births or occupations and environments. In tropical that would catch some of the early degree births of Taurus and then any of Sag as well but primarily Aries and Scorpio. Some there as physical rising signs as well.Then for others wherever that is in your birth and year charts..

No not everyone goe erastic and bonkers but those will tend to have more jolts than most and in that a few may go overboard, then applies to areas those signs cover as well.

Forgot but found I can do the timed on daily Prana dashas themselves for the begins and end time of each one, but think that's more than is needed here at the moment.

Just using that using the major of our actual *U.S. only* Pratyantar and Sooksma dashas as just did in the above.

That should be enough to help you better guage the nature of our own shared current solar and lunar *periods* and the significances of the star meanings in the nm and fm pairs..

11/27 Tuesday IX Ren (Blk) cn Upper Duay...

Wasn't going to post today but since see rain got to clear the dispute as with one stattion will surely be.

Ok missed as book not exactly correct and has happened before so looked into to resolve:

Original toss Nov 22nd was based on what I heard Wednesday and got #6 - #57 Involves #53.

#6 aka Conflict - Yes we have don't we???

#6 though also means *Claim*: Exactly what I do, right? Then the station on Wed Nov 21 had also made a claim *over the weekend* as the probable time as seen from that date.

The book assumption is on P star changes which is ok but mainly for the strong and large *Storms* period!

So if you toss far out which is fine and proper and there is to be no huge or large storm you won't pick up any P star changes.

Has to be closer in time for the lighter stuff and if too light still won't get.

The bond was an indicator for something lighter but I didn't realize that then *and in that you have to look at the Skies stars aka the K stars to catch the date*.  Also water bonds often work too.

In all what's on the locals line when inquired of is very important!

The book considers K stars as skies stars and also indicate *when the Sun & Moon* are hidden from your view*.

Of toss have on several lines more than normal were 3 types and in specific *on the *local(s) line* which is what I actually inquired of Nov 22nd!

There it has for *local(s)* a Yel 2nd Kcn earth dragon yet skies star *same as today's element* meets an *Rh water Pig star*.

 The date also bonds to a *Gry* 3rd changed resultant Gyo star for metal bond there, and it is of the changes line and the Gyo star also falls within a Duay trigram the lake and within the Shun hexagrams and trigrams for the SE!

Was 3 coin toss had two changes lines and this hr posting bonds to the others changed resultant K star.

Also a K star on the 6th normal skies line is clashed for changes and movements this date in that it meets and fire bonds to a Pm star for B fire star manifests. B stars environments and guess what those were the changes stars of the primary hexagrams change lines.

In lieu of a fulfillment date a Void element can be brought out temporarily and become active if it's element is manifested on a given date in the hexagram. Which happened today for that pair it's changes became active. This have observed many times for years and is of advanced Wwg used

So while I missed in initial interpreting *it was there and very, very indicated*.

Also of tosses yesterday and then not asking of rain had P star changes which has also happened to me many times when rain on a next date.

[Will say this sometimes eluded me in the past but is very clear to me now and in this toss where we had K star for this date on the locals line meeting a water star and the actual 6th line K star clashed as well, then manifests and changes totally activated bears it all out!

Ok and further support of the *Duay lake trigram portion* that date and locals Kcn star bonded too today. 

Duay is today's Upper for that timing too and the timed pair for today is:

#49 - #55 Involves #44....

Has a *Gry* 5th *Pyo* metals changes star in retreats and pasts. So Pstar changes within a Duay to Zen trigram for Outer events areas main for any location and in ours happened to include rain. The date bonded that Pyo changes star.

Physical and Subject: *Yel* 4th Bh Pig water star that meets Gw Horse fire star. Also links to Red 3rd Bh stars under which another Gw star hiding. Can bond to Wht 6th Rwa star advance when active.

Object Responses Travels and Destinations, etc: Blk 1st Begins, surfaces, underneaths Km stars.

So think the Wwg ok it's just organizing the method of interpretations beyond the limited of the book's guidence for better results on my part that was and in some needed. So a great gain made today.

The toss also indicated on 6th ends lines the settlement of a $3.4 Billion lawsuit in the Native American Indians favor yesterday day m and today day cn in the news.

In further checks found I had also back on the same day then asked of rain again afterwards using 6 coins whose result was *#49* - #17 Involves #44 and it to matches for the Native American Indians areas as well

So more than one way to match but does force a conclusion that *the book method must be done by 3 coin or equivalent* for it to work as method. 6 coins is entirely different there and needs it's own rules which incudes the names as well.

That additional matching not new per se in 6 coins anyway as has occured in other phenomena and have previously said one doesn't need the stars for some types of event or locations in timing matches.

Think today a better day U.S. wise of Mars phase as the date dasha is *Mercury* under it. Agrees with Shun outcomes hexagram of toss.

We can all note that in this Mars phase and of the areas and signs I've mentioned we are indeed seeing a lot of military and similar areas quite involved in ideas, procurements of transports of various types and likely that to do with weapons systems in other too which indeed fits under a Mars phase.

A neccessary evil so to speak but of a normal type in this world anyway which definately matches.

Be interesting to see what all or more of electrical and electronics areas play in yet too in terms of products, jobs, sciences, medias, etc.

Could be whereever occurs in the U.S. some big storm yet with a lot of lightning or affecting electrical conditions some areas. Think there was some infrastructures from Sandy and the other still being repaired or upgraded when this period started??

Think they said Bangledesh was of electrical safety faults as well as poor exit conditions.

Leading into the FM pairs Ke changes star of far aways bonds an Rs star aka big biz and officials catches that and a match to state department fire as well. Updated and corrected.
Some in groups bring up subjects of consiracy theories where there are none, and if you bring such up then you should define it, and just because we think something's a certain way doesn't make it so.

Here there is none as deal with timings, and the trends or natures of things under the timings only. 

The Sun is currently in Scorpio to which our consciousness shifts or automatically gravitates in expressions to things and items of it's areas in activities quite naturally and has went with the bulk of solar month h for areas.

Here we cover timings of what's in for events, happenings usually mainly in terms of the Wwg pairs for the give lunar period which falls under and within the solar period (month) and then a lot of our activities in expression align with  sign the sun is in for that.

That's all timing and viewable results of it and in no way of conspiracy.

In Wwg the stars on the lines reflect given event timings for things of their areas and that they represent.

In the Vedic system(s) the dashas represent multiple timing periods of a particular thing, country, etc or person that exist for variable amounts of time.

Each dasha shows an environmental type influence that's of the general nature of conditions and events that an individual, etc will experience and or take actions in during it's frame.  No conspiracy in that, it's just timing period. Timing that can be verified and proven!

Other U.S. charts could be used but since things are matching up quite well with the one I normally use, see no reason to alter.

One can use those at 2, 3, 4, and 5 levels but I stick to 5 level type and here we only use the last 3 or the 3rd to 5th level which gives us the main of the entire frames of time we are most actively dealing in.   

Using both the timed of the Wwg and then the main dashas of one of the several U.S. charts we get a pretty darn good idea of what the period is about globally and for ourselves within it as well.

Knowing that we can deal with most things a bit better.

11/28 Wednesday IX Gui (Blk) e yin water Yin Fire Snake Upper Li FS#4 (Shun) Break day Under the Southern Red Phoenix.

Note changes to Eastern Grn Dragon tomorrow Upper Zen FS#3 (Zen)!


       Full Moon Pair Taurus All Countries

Global FM Main Timed #21 - #51 Involves #39.


FM lunar period and pair basic:

Outer relational and/or event areas.

Physical aka Subject:

*Gry* 5th strong but initially void Gwa star suggests covering issues of negative or pasts areas to do with Monies.

That of groups or collections of groups and wealths, luxeries, material objects, etc.

Meets Rs metal star suggests loss of some finances dangers or that of troubled finances, businesses and or officials involved.

All in for that of jolts, the odd or unusual, the mental or volatile and destined changes at the rulers levels, and then some other as in special vehicles or medias, women etc to do with high, far, roads, paths and objectives, etc.

Change line:

Wht W's 6th Ke star changes meets Gsh $ star.

Fierce or bad or ill news

Weak and troubled Ke fiery star and areas that of politics, *diplomacies*, defensive stuff, *safety and security areas*, guards or bodyguards, cures, peacekeepings and stabilities, and all relative agencies.

Fires, combats and explosives in some.

In a lot to do with the material, material losses, objects and legalities plus medias, women, etc and some things of the far or across the ways and some as ends or completions and in some possibly achievements involved in all of that.

Ke star also at times bonds to the Gry 5th Gwa star's changed resultant *Untimely Rs star areas* of officials, business, business owners, insurances, dangers weapons and finances, credits, etc..

Leading into the FM that of up N's including State Department and a business in Bangledesh plus some to do with Police and Security areas all matched in.

Inner relational and/or event areas.


Does not support the physical or safeties in general more so ends or destructives:

Grn E Intl Huge 2nd local(s) Weak troubled By wood stars areas.

That of the assertive and aggressive in masses, groups, gangs, environents, losses, talks, or healths, maybe war areas, robbers, thefts and worse in some the destructive and damages, borders, neigborings and winds areas.

On all stars more you can add.

U.S. Saturn dasha 3rd/4th/5th start was hr cn:

Global Timed: #35 - #23 Involves #39.

At prana dasha or daily stays so till 22:01 the 29th and will shift to *Mercury* under Saturn then and through the 30th.

Daily listing for starts like this mainly and possibly only but usually will not list it each date itself here.

The above is vis and relative global in relationships with dasha ours but ours applicable in global too.

So also *tossed* for *primarily just the U.S. itself* but does apply to some of our interactive in the global as well.

Barring what you can look up of a Saturn dasha aka period and on which there is a lot of info you can use in guageing that add some extra as Wwg shows:

Most of mine whether of Wwg or the Vedic system(s) comes from actual courses I've taken and then of long time experiences in using the systems.

In especially of the Wwg have added a lot of my own additional clarifying types of rules in interpretations.

Also a few new descriptive terms and adds to some existing terms of it, most of that is shared here for others to further improve their results as well.

In that much the same as some others who take the Wwg and Yi-Jing seriously useing it at daily levels in their both their studies and lives do!

Added as sometimes there are some european news areas that question validity but perhaps should have left out as in reality the results will tell you the story anyway.

One rightfully boasted their country instituting a huge internet library structure in which only entirely truthful and concise informations would be allowed. Mainly on historical matters and various subjects that pertain.

Well that's good also in makung things easier to find but consider any very nauive to think they will get all informations that exist on any particularly ancient matter for sure.

Especially when it comes to Wen Wang Gua (Wwg) they won't give you all the material in the first place. Then in some areas only if you buy the book will you gain certain knowledges.

That on Wwg Rain or Weather forecasts is only partially available in one book only, you have to buy it!

In some they are selfish for example there is in Chinese language only a book on the Golden Yarrows, so if you don't speak or read Chinese your out of luck. I think it should be made available in all languages but getting them to do it is quite another thing altogether.

The latter would speed things up  in rules areas for many, but as is truth be known if you have a very strong understanding of *Feng Shui and Bazi principles* for the various of wuxings and other theories in and of those you will: *Be able to properly interpret any Wwg hexagram(s)*. 

In theo superiching is structured so you don't need the xtra but most people would benefit from it too no doubt.


[Would be very great of the former if some of the european and american presses would do a little wooings for us to Jack Chiu author of *The Secret of Wen Wang Gua*.

He has the complete *golden yarrow rules* as a separate book but in Chinese language only, *so if the Press(ess) would do a little wooings and coaxings* on that subject with him then perhaps we could get a universal in English language version of it translated by him!

No doubt that almost anyone who uses the Wwg would love a copy of that to further themselves a little faster in Wwg, plus it has stories within of various examples and uses of those rules]!


Nothing speedy there by any means, it's a lengthy multiple timings based process and will take you or anyone several years to gain proficiency in Wwg solutions.

There are no easy follow here it all is in way out's there and nothing but great dilegence and hard work gets you there!

Even in Vedic systems where there are tons of free reading (not readings) resources available on the net but a lot of the finely tuned how to can only be had from an actual course!

If you are Wwg challenged as in don't really get it when try to use or apply then suggest you buy Raymond Lo's "Iching Divination for Feng Shui and Destiny".

That is a very condensed yet also very complete Wwg book in itself and is virtually the easiest written for english speaking persons in learning the Wwg you'll ever find.

Don't mention often as is more expensive than most, but take that and what you can additionally gain totally free at and then here for real life verifiable working results are your very best options for learning the Wwg today and in this world with no strings attached.

 You can add courses if you can afford additionally as well and only you will know if you need to do that or not for some a course is an easier approach initially.

No one area book, blog or course has it all so a lot of your knowledge can only be gained from your own steady efforts in it over time and that's the only way.

What does the Saturn dasha mean for the U.S.A.?

 #30 - #56 Involves #28...Say's that Li trigram areas agreeing of today's date are in and some even noted other day are pretty important in all of this.

In many areas where use the abbrev *Govt* you can also include that of Big Business or Enterprises too.

Physical and Subject of clashing aspect type:

That does say there are Inner relational *dangers* in travels and destinations vis Object Rh star connecting to that watery and or that of close ties and by date bond that of Gs star areas there be they material, material objects, values, women, medias etc. That area also manifests watery natured R star areas for wealths, possessions or the deadly.

Inner relational dangers are both of the U.S. domestic and also that of far aways and foreign components too.

Then at officials levels in such their areas take those in as well as normal areas they are dealing in aside any dangers to it.

Anyway for the general public mainly suggests taking some care in those areas in this frame!

Names tell you in the main it involves those who make journeys.

That in turn suggests Mil like org's and more so at individual levels people plus in some cases that of gangs too and those who wander here or there but also mainly of close ties types including this round both that of short and long range journeys areas.

Can even include weapons of various types short or long range type in the same too.

You have definitely already seen some of the appropriate of it in the rough start the fm lunar period has had. It's fiery stuff!

Would think a lot would be to do with war areas, but there will be a lot regarding finances from every angle in things and some involving nuturances or close ties, some abyss and that in areas of possessions, wealths, credits, etc and most of these and what ever else comes up of involves and involving fiery ends and in some skies, internets or far aways of *a Be star type physical*.

So no doubt about some as robberies or thefts and the deadly to it does come up in some cases and can include that of gangs cons and criminal activities also .

Separately some can be surgical and of health type areas in it as well then aside hopefully the positive sides associated ends in war areas, obviously not all will be but that and things to do with illuminations and christmas lightings involved or clashed in it too.

Just throwing out a few ideas to start this off and your free to add yours as well, if see any other given definites will post on].

Knowing the frame likely helpful and of course the Saturn dasha began today and of the areas using in that here it will apply up to:

January 31st aka 01/31/2013...

That is for the hr cn timed global and the U.S. toss pairs on that in how long those areas apply in things..

In that each solar month and lunar period within it will add it's own particulars aka influences into it also.

Actually let you do your own additional interpretings of all those and will just blog a bit myself:

Did toss vis 6 coins which tells you I still have full confidence in the method itself and a great deal of good results here have been obtained using just it.

There are arguably better ways so will add a 3 coins version later in a few days or so. In that take for better odds and formula ratios one could use 2 coins as well which uses two tosses per line and numberings to decide line type which yields a more precise ratio. One could also use 16 beads said to give the most accurate ratio of all, is quick and beats the sticks numbers wise.

For me actually 3 coins enough there and in that it can yield a variable chaos related number of change lines means it's more than adequate and has been used as such since the Qin and Han dynasties!

Expect though if I ever find 16 beads of correct colors will give it a trial as well, but really 6 coins and 3 coins have been great.
In that I think the actual variences have more to do with both the *actual timings at the time and the individuals frame of state* then with the odds and formula ratios as I get similar results *in the overall* irregardless of which I use.

That of the rain is of the complex using each star as a variable and the method was meticulously developed step by step using the 3 coin system and why the particular method won't work out very well in 6 coins.

That being said though for most average questions in which your looking for just a main result or gist then 6 coins is quite adequate in that and most other yes/no question types too. So you'll still see me using it here in a lot then over some not all spreads of time type questions will use the 3 coins also. 

In other words if your question involves that complex in which can be several active variables playing a main role at any time then you should use 3 coins or equiv to allow for more change lines in the answer.

6 coins will still relate to it but only in the single change line main gist way.

Additional of Saturn dasa and month:

Here I don't have time or energy to do full astro so just go with the main of periods themselves.

[For the pairs mentioned today those reflect the main of that affected by Saturn's dasha.

Vis names you can associate the character and nature of Saturn for major events that occur of their areas.

This current solar month vis the Saturn dasha a lot is 12th bhava area oriented and takes in and affects the 3rd and 4th bhava areas mainly for the U.S. itself in that].

There will be more vis actual aspects that bring in issues of other areas too but staying very simple here and pretty sure by using just those added pairs today you'll come up with all that's main more specific to the  U.S. that way.

 As such those pairs are a derivative of the U.S. chart I use and you should expand for your uses if you want to exactly track but have given you the main needed already.

A timing based derivative is just that and not the actual chart or full chart itself, but only a main active timing segment of it. Each quarter and month have shifts and different areas.

The derivative covers that of what is transitory and of a continually changing status at those intervals as we advance or go forward in time versus that of both our pasts and the permenant of the country itself.

Any types of U.S. charts used here are temporary derivatives only!

Never tell any what to do but would just suggest that safety law enforcement agencies of various types, and our Mil org and similar do expand those for your uses.
Next Solar month that in bhava areas will shift some and will mention then.

No need to make it any more complicated than that.

Always seem to forget about the all countries stuff of global but there no doubt would have been some of the storms stuff!

This add is a general gist type so won't be a perfect synthesis in or of functions nor wording of all that's mentioned and meant to give some idea as to what most about or involves for U.S.. 

Some has roots or started with solar month h as well.


Just some items of the main or major trends mentioned you can add other you know of to them and this:

Part of the problem this fm period for us has been that Saturn which has a separating(s) nature in trends this round and what has allowed the Mars part to be so deadly which still remains so.

Deadly also as Rahu in effect is in the physical too which being turbulent and for some or in some areas getting too obsessed in wants or desires causes issues of thefts amongst other in itself and it with Mars makes for deadly combination in negative sides to do with wealths though can be separate positive sides which should be looked at too

Interactively we get some as bold effects and responses from the ambitions of other countries themselves wishing separation from us vis their own relative domestic interests. China and Iran a couple of examples were and are more.

In other areas where separatings desired than it is of the beneficial nature in accomplishing those.

The bulk is in foreign areas and why the govt had and has some of those in the same actions or reactions of other countries, mainly where dollars calling in debts owed us, and in values also to do with some present's and other pasts expansions with other countries, etc.

Was also some loss of jobs at start as far as $ go too and suspect areas of  health foods products or aids plus safety and peacekeepings areas any of pasts and govt areas to do with overseas countries mainly the involved.

Some also to do with technologies com and data types plus transports and some of learnings materials or skills in the also applicable areas.

That of com and any type electronics areas analog or data types documentions learning areas and their environments and transports are involved and in terms of shared resources we have to be careful too as some their are actually secret enemies and in the overall are also areas in which the deadly and dangers lay and occur too.

In other words some types of separating(s) in those areas came and come about and would be better if we are the ones making them rather than other countries making them to us.

That as currently some things of relationships or areas within those other countries start disappearing.

A lot is also somewhat of their let's say jealousies with regard to wealths and other of U.S. areas too.

In a way reminds me of be careful what you wish for type of thing as the world seems to in this month some countries trying to more isolate the U.S. in that.

Didn't try to include every possible item just listed in a way you can add more too.

This being a combination of both what astrological and Wwg views are showing of our month and it's validity in showing what has and is transpiring (not conspiracy) in and of the actual ongoings of event types unique to our month.

Listing it all out this way takes at least some of what may be apprehensions of the unknown out of the
picture for most and an aid to stability in that itself.

[In just an afterthought one other possible has to do with weathers too and though I haven't attempted to look at that yet and may not either, it's pretty likely a Saturn dasa at this time of the year is also indicating things *could get quite cold* a bit more than normal and since obstructings also goes with Saturn too then while maybe not this month but definitely of Dec or Jan would be some major snowstorms stuff.

That's probably normal some U.S. areas this time of the year and for the Nov, Dec. and Jan quarter but interesting that it came up in step for this zone and does mean will be cold too within the quarter].

Not sure actually don't remember about other of it but Saturn also said to have a dry airy effect in environments probably some other variable such as the sign it's in will say what it's general weathers effects are, so when get time for that will look into and post it here too.

Just in very minimum track using the element dates daily as normal and on your own of which understanding the trends have listed here should aid your views on what all each star is potentially covering also, add any other you'd like.

Important dates in fm lunar period vis prana dashas:

[Aside what you might normally deduce  *one pair of dates stands out* that looks to be pretty hectic is the very late night of Dec 4th on through the 6th running prana dasha of Mars initially then 14:01 hr wa the 5th becomes Rahu and then transitions to Jupiter around 02:33 the 7th.

That of the Mars and Rahu daily dashas then indicates that some and things can get way out of control includes any obvious of Mars areas including *enemies* then of Rahu the turbulent and the hateful, obsessed or crazed in some few or small groups also.

For the particular you should understand separate of the Wwg timed, etc pairs here that *our physical* this solar month has been and is *highly afflicted*.

Also why the congressional matters on finance matters of all types not going so well, and hopefully that changes in the next solar month and new moon.

That's both of internal and external causes and very similar to being under attack so afflicted here means all that and not of a good status in solar month h.

In zones like that it's best to be alert and watchful in your environments. When get there will post the timed types for them.

Since added correct fm chart that's a little easier to see now those dates were from tosses then checked vedic which agreed and led right to it even though had wrong fm chart at time.

Clearly verifys the validity of using and trusting one's tosses.

Dec 5th day VII t and *Dec 6th day VIII c* things of the:

Far or across ways, skies, tops and surfaces all in then and for areas north of here mainly and in some of N type areas of all's locations could be begins as far as snows or some other weather phenomena then, some jolts to roads or rulers areas also, and as general danger zones anywhere for U.S. those dates].

Tosses were for U.S. not detailing them but detailing vis the fm pair at top instead.

Questions were to do with *snow* but you can see that of day t same as the Blk 1st Pt stars and clashes out involves Yel 4th Ryo star's changed resultant *Kw* fire star type areas.

Then  day c clashes and jolts the FM lunar pairs *Gry* 5th Gwa star areas physical which meets the Rs star too. In that Rs star attempts to bound the Wht 6th Ke fiery star areas in which negative actions occur as it's trying to bound to the Rs star as well. *Two forces moving in opposite directions or colliding!

In Lieu the Rs star will probably clash the Inner Grn 2nd's local(s) By wood stars and if so then certainly things of those stars in local(s) environments anywhere including that of winds or weathers or enemies then too!

Add Insert []

[Hadn't read news for couple of days and just a tiny bit at moment but reminded me that in some areas where masses or groups of people involved for us, the By stars also represent immigrations and all documents that go with them. So likely that matches too and would be a huge unhappy and non supportive group in this particular FM lunar period too.

Another way peoples and things of other countries matches in as Inner relational and in some case Opponent or opposing of By wood star types, type areas.

Being global it applies in the same extents to and for other countries as well.

End Insert.

Simul in that day c at the same time it is also bonding the Blk 1st Pt Rat water stars areas.

So you can apply those dates globally to any country and various arenas too.

In that it doesn't have to be snows as the Wwg is mainly alerting to something of N directions or the watery in happenings else in hours of darkness for those dates.

The transiting Moon for that enters the *Leo* bold areas for U.S. Outer events late night the 4th and remains so up to hr y of Day y Dec 7th. 

In the middle of that zone and in early mid morning hours the 6th transiting Moon in Leo will be forming exact square (tensional, dynamic) with the Sun in Scorpio. So evening or late the 5th into the 6th lots of little to the large pops.

In vedic though you can consider the entire range from late night the 4th into wee hours the 7th while the moon is in Leo to be Outer event filled! That as it will be making many tensional aspects from the begin to the end of the sign Leo.

Some takes in areas of our relationships in long distance areas too.

It's because that in this solar month a lot will be to do with our highly afflicted physical will be involved then and of the prana daily dashas of Mars and *Rahu* areas then.  In that some things of Scorpio type areas and natures can easily *tend to spiral out of control at that time*.  

In the safer even that of stocks, cures or political arenas but since will also involve long distances and overseas in some major then can be of the immical or unfortunate in relationships too.

So go back over all written here of those dates several times and add your own to the tracking of the Wwg stars versus the charts posted and the extra for safeties should allow you to apply objective cautions in the correct areas.

Also of those dates: Dec 5th is the last day of Solar month of the Pig (h) and Dec 6th the very first day of Solar month of the Rat (t) here.

Then as before *suggest* that safety areas may want to expand the pairs listed for this aka our Saturn dasha period and track of them also up to 01/31/2013 also...

11/30 Friday II Yin wood (Grn) Earth Goat Sheep (wa) Upper Kan FS#2 (Quen) Complete day Under the Eastern Grn Dragon.

Global timed: #39 - #8 Involves #64.

That of environments and groups in and includes potential robberies and loss of $ in some with that of transports, homes, messages, and frustrations in the inner relational begins or surfaces areas.

Physical Gry 4th Bs stars link Yel 3rd Bs star changes meeting Gm star areas. 

Object Grn 1st Quiet Pcn star advance will be strongly active in hr sh so careful in drivings or accidents then especially.

All most certainly in environments includes things of neighborings in groups or gangs as well.

Expect on those dates *Dec 5th and especially Dec 6th the start of the Global Solar Month of the Rat* that will also strongly connect to our world Global 9th type areas for long distances, and normal of it's areas but more individual and leaderships oriented than a masses type chart, and involves, affects that of hidden  areas into the physical then. Some read in recent news may be reflective of that too.

12/2 Sunday IV (Red) yo Upper Gen the Mtn or Hard earth, etc:

[Yes Sunday that typical the Ryo dangers star kicked in for Afghan and Japan was concrete satrun stuff today of the little I checked .

[In the other coming for up N's is some in the extremes be it safeties or politics doesn't exclude the far away of foreign at all for some of in the fiery type stuff and other in watery of environments and groups.

Unfortunately maybe a lot like that or *at least of a more serious of natures in things* while we are under this Saturn dasa frame, and why listed the Saturn areas even for the new solar month this time.

Have to assume one or both of days t and c have major issues and use the stars of the Wwg as will post timed on those on their dates.  Can't be 100% sure yet that there isn't some skew when it comes down to the daily dashas part so just main there and Wwg stars for exacts.
Still here assuming Ma/Ra for both the 5th and 6th now as software using is one which is normally is used with all 5 levels calculated down to the date for each and every single date].

Also for any who happened to expand *the toss for the Saturn dasha* today in it was everything to do with the fiery, etc in travels under changes under saturn, it's changes areas on the begin's line was struck and bonded!...

If you read the article about the Japan tunnel problem pretty astonishing as a direct match type.

Was up there and archived think only 114 comments looks like a lot goes by how may comments not sure there.

Actually since the FM Nov 28th has been pretty serious in accidents in the travels and destinations type areas.

In these when listed as U.S. is of a derivative based and if don't list as U.S. then while applicable is more globals based.

Dec 4 Tuesday VI (Gry) h  Upper Chen.

Not lots to say has been more in the travels and destinations areas  yesterday especially and in local too one of our thai friends in accident up road aways then.

Wife went to see in hospital with neighbor but was pretty stiff today for starts so I stayed here.

That's 100% of the Saturn dasha and U.S. toss for it of Nov 18th's entry and will weaken some as go forward but how much another thing as lasts until 1/31/2013.

About a full quarter where the dangers in travels and destinations can apply!

Was some of environments natural stuff today an EQ one location and a Typhoon water type in another. That to do with an LA port strike and something of driving liscenses was in also. Some other type areas a little tamer in document sides as well.

Maybe tamer always some who spontaneously react to things in a document instead of staying objective and sifting through it several times.

Didn't list dates on those as covered such a wide range but yesterday again the first line in opposite order was struck out and fire bonded.

This of tomorrow and next was separate and not going to speculate but the global timed for tomorrow is #49 - #31 involves #44...

Ok got pretty fried in doing all this so just adding those tosses for you to expand with the moon in Leo now.

Had asked of day c back on day w if want to compare.

#43 - #28 Involves #1...1st line Gt star changes meets Bc star.

In already the subway thing which goes with our travels stuff month bonds Red 2nd Ry was Phillipines yesterday amongst other.

Day c will clash it's Blk 6th Bwa stars as well.

#60 - #61 Involves #27...Blk 6th line Bt star changes meets Km star.

For other expand.

Overall may have been uneccessary and overdone on my part as most all goes with the main of travels toss then all other areas that were covered prior and of the fm lunar zone.

Think I had my head on wrong when came up with snow though as contrary to what main toss and all other showed, shows.

One thing out of all this was all could see for themselves of the travels aka Saturn dasha toss is it's not one event but many, many that have corresponded.

Many entirely as matches of accidents etc and little of anything planned in that stuff. Things just come up at their time period! There are some types of events that come up in the spontaneous on a person or person's part that appear planned but are more reactionary in spur of the moment then actually planned ahead types.

12/5 Wednesday VII (Wht) t Yang sharp and hardcutting(s) metal Yang active strong water Rat Upper Duay...

Check bit of news note in far and wide global inner relational a lot of jobs cut today for one of it's dangers like areas and agrees with Finishes or limitations regarding Centers of Trusts.

Typhoon in Phillipines hit a pretty major and high death count today of that too and matches what was watery begins for some and safety areas of pairs at tops.

On Extremes and Severings toss expresses that too as the Blk Watery 6th Bwa stars were originally date bonded so on day t that bond opened for the far aways long distances items too.

Seems both pairs are as supplementary to all the other lunar period and month pairs are:

*Expressing(s)* the contexts of a lot of in local(s), Ntl and Global and down to individual levels in some for all the ongoing(s) particularly in today and up to friday in events as the minimum.

Without a doubt the names do match up to both the U.S. temporary dashas of Mars under Saturn and Rahu under Saturn dasha influences on these dates to a  T.

Could have done without them but do further illustrate the current contexts of event types for the dates t and c so wasn't a waste.

On Blk N's themselves was some watery stuff on another continent for tosses by their nature include all areas which will in dates ahead remotely match the type of question asked and:

There's an yahoo article on two ships no less colliding in the North sea's areas of Europe *today* see the article for the more exclusive details.

On the fm lunar period's Grn 2nd local(s) By wood assertive aspect of Tiger stars that of what all I listed has been correct and not positive as it when active attacks the physical aka Gwa  wealths in groups, sets, collections of money areas, medias, women, etc  involving  Rs star areas of power, officials, jobs, mortgages, finances, credits, jobs as losses with even some deadly and more to it as well.

For us and all that's U.S. related of anywhere almost all of that is to do with our month's afflicted physical in Scorpio type areas.

Fortunately our U.S. month part of it is almost done.

To keep related areas in their own separate timing slots will start a new page tomorrow for our all countries new global solar month and mainly of our own new U.S. month which quickly follows it with the greater bulk on it.

You can assume that *tomorrows*:  All countries timed pair #21 - #38 Involves Obstructings goes with it.

Will mainly point out that of it's physical and the Saturn placement and involved areas brought to that placement. Covers our Saturn dasha period in that, just as did for this month's.

In monthly types ours is a derived and temporary chart where just main highlights get mentioned and fortunately it's physical in itself is not afflicted this time. This last one was quite a mess.

Will include all the current and still active fm lunar period's pairs with it there as well.

Still that of the dashas toss Nov 18th will apply and clear through Jan 31st 2013 in that to do with travels.


*Entry area for Nov 28th the fm lunar period all countries pair "was updated"*.

Have to update that relative day t & c stuff yet may be other than snow as was asked of and could indeed be some volatile to it up N.  Done!

In most of the above for this period have listed *two view types* that of the shared in global and then that mainly particular to the U.S.A. which is Ntl and has it's own global connections too. So is a more thorough general forecast for us this time.

Did download replace other Vedic pgm and it's operating as it should now, does make a temporary headache for me as neither aligns exact with the other for the daily dashas so using the one that does mine correctly.

In *all other* chart types both align and agree just fine now, but unfortunately there are likely some differences in calculation methods far as the Vimshottari dasa's areas causing quite some disparity in those.

Resolved some already:

The large disparity was when overshot it in Kala by extending for dates 2 months ahead when brought it down to just 2 weeks beyond current date the daily prana dashas.

Now nearly perfectly aligned, and the skew only a few hours but in that crosses dates at times!

In print outs Kala now nearly perfectly aligns with Parashara, add as a lot of other U.S. students actually the larger number use Kala, and always was some confusion there.

So likely will get near identical results on those when keep the range ahead of a printout or xps document file down to 5 days or less and this is super for centuries old charts no less!

Glad worked out as needed to eliminate uncertainty in that and confirm can use as a known standard and getting the same results from two different softwares delivers that..

Usually the first go around in anything new has some type of details that have to be worked out so all this like anything else in that. 
So all here back in good shape here for both accuracy and reliability though was a pretty big jolt for me on a jolts day last night on all the software stuff regarding fm lunar period

Always a good idea to note what stars might apply to your own respective areas and what dates affecting can involve.

Will likely add just a little at points to this general gist of the month and new moon lunar period portion as we go forward aside some daily stuff at times.

Have a good month where possible.


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