Monday, September 9, 2013

Najia Iching and Wen wang gua Solar month of the Yin Metal Rooster.

NM period aka lunar month pair for masses and main posted  at bottom top: 

#21 - #27 Involve #39...

Names say it and you can see changes at the chief ministers or decisions as well as any type of gateway or entrance, walls and shields as well.

On gateways in Wwg that includes paths or routes in or to things and places.

Also in your own areas of things you administrate make decisions in or on, and would include your uses of emails to others or the handling of your payments such as through a bank alone or through a banks or other agencies pay bill's services.

Note the (J) physical, (U) Object and *changes line star for the main areas  themselves with all falling direct or indirect under the physical.

Have had this pair many times, will expand some on new solar's month's page the 7th...

Some can keep as most of you already know what goes with the most common or basic of Fire type areas.

Overall there are just hundreds of everyday areas, pursuits and routines that go with or use the attributes or qualities of the Fire elements.

Then a lot of specifics in current global, ntl, and local(s) current status's that can become active under the influences of the Uppers shown in the hexagrams of this NM period pair.
Those most main will be reflected by the pair, trigrams, star aspects  plus star line themes and relationships, which you'll see play out in main global on down events themselves.
The pair does have very positive uses as well, and you can choose that which can or does bring some positive form of nuturence for yourself. Also why that of studies mentioned which any can in some way do at individual levels.

Caught local and ntl news this nm day and were plenty of matches and some important to each of those two areas. Rather then list specifics on them as sometimes do here for learning purposes, will instead remark on one small personally observed routine type event.

Hr s today which bonded the Blk 6th Ke fire star areas.

So includes that of Backs, N's, close ties and other in *influences* too:

6th line areas of far or *acrossed the ways*, skies, internets, achievements, ends, completions, turnarounds and many more in:

Ke fire star areas of fiery liesures and any other K star meaning in combination with fire areas stuff you'd like.

Anyway in hr s water formed there activating those areas for happenings and or observations from Grn E 1st Pt water star areas.

So I observed a neighbor then moving relocating fire wood away from his house to the back by a tree. Took awhile as a fair sized wood pile. In that we know both that of excercise and that which goes with fiery liesures, comforts involved of the happenings matching those stars.

The resultant By star was struck out aka involved which was a group aka collection of wood logs.

Hour s also struck the Red 2nd Local(s) aka nearby and immediate of the same By star areas activating for that and neighbors actions, etc.

That's a more simple everyday *peaceful* example for the color influences and lines involved that I like to show too.

Hundreds of other routine things could go with those as well in any day hr s....

While man is always basically in charge of his destiny there are many of varying pre set influences in any one lunar or solar period that influence his environment, him and the journey at the time.

Those tend to direct his activities in a varying but pre set direction (under given star types) within any one main time time interval such as a chinese hour type.

Much like having one or more main ideas for action of some type come up in that zone for him.

Man has full control to overide any or most of them, but never all and barring nature's , and the fact they come up constantly and persistantly in the cyclic over time, results in our often most demonstrably taking actions in them.

Anyway it's often the simple routine types which are the best to detail and illustrate how events and actions under various star types and lines of the hexagrams play out in time synced agreements to them.

Enough just shows validity of pair to the hour level, and you can do your own trackings for each date ahead to include any hours yourselves.

Ought to be an interesting period.

Friday 9/6 Metal day II (Grn) h Upper Zen...

Will post the new month's page later by Sunday likely.

Ok the new solar month of the Yin Metal Rooster starts Saturday the 7th here:

The Feng Shui for centers areas at any location is that of the FS#4 star aka Shun type areas and influences.

The solar month pair in lunar version for all countries type day III (Red) t Upper Shun, *FS#9*  is:

#59 - #6 Involve #27...

Names say some and you can expand yourself or check sunday eve for it on the new month's page then...

Right now in local(s) likely have a little too much fire in the clandestine and the underhanded in behind the scenes stuff as well.

For most minus any quarrels in the direct or the underhanded and actions by some in the hidden, that of #6 just indicates minor routine stuff of paperworks, the same in postal, email direct and in delivery services, also can go with downloading of softwares or physical truck delivery services, any daily purchases as well as any involving buy, sell, xfer of things and in today's world also that of copyrights, or patents in some things also.

Then in biz and govt scales that of the much larger in goals, projects and operations involving movements where legalities involved in various ways on issues which involve some form of nuturence(s), etc.

Monday 9/9 Moon Day in Libra areas V (Yel) y Upper Gen FS#7 Perform day...

Ok good one to know tiny bit about:

#23 - #2 Involve #2.

Physical to do with:

Grn 5th Weak, troubled Kt star retreats type areas under which have that of weak, buried aka troubled Hiding Bs star (mainly groups) areas associating them.

Those Bs star areas are clashed by the date but being those are weak they may not be able to bond Gry 2nd Re star areas very well or at all even.

Main mention is that of retreats lines also asides pasts areas or things reducing also indicate areas in which things *can go or have gone awry in actions or events before*.

Certainly some will think about Syria stuff, *but that's only one tiny area out of many, many*, in which that of *K star type areas* have issues at this time or in particular of this date.

So to be expected in other main and even routine K star type areas today as well!

Upd Exp: In news today for one main type:

That shows up as further releases of the internets and in business and companies (Google and another Brazillian company as well) whose areas had been tapped in pasts by various U.S. agencies including the NSA.

Would be other at main or more likely personal routines levels such as in your cures, etc areas as well.

Then in going awry can be simply not all things set up well or are an inconvenience in the carrying out of some K star type area in task(s).

Thought interesting type so mentioned as explains or shows mechanics like that are just set up in the structure of days like this one.


Object MOC and perhaps some in travels and destinations, etc:

Gry 2nd Local(s) Re Fire Snake star areas which this date strengthens, even though weak and troubled or in for issues by the metal month type.

Changes line:

Red 6th Gy star areas in changes involving, controlled or somewhat killed back by weak, etc Byo star type areas too.

Tuesday 9/10 Fire day VI (Gry) m Upper *Quen* FS#6...

#11 - #46 Involve #54.

Gry 1st Begins, etc G star changes involve bondings to B star areas.

Yel 6th (U) K comes to Blk 3rd (J) B star areas.

Local(s) Wht 2nd R star areas supported through bonds when active links Red 5th areas.

Wht 2nd P hiding star Under Bearer R star areas when comes out can agitate attack Yel 6th (U) K star areas and can clash or involves support for the locals R star areas.

A Fire day for me physically, leave at that.

Wednesday 9/11 Water day VII (Wht) Dragon Upper Chen FS#5...

Global timed #10 - #25 Involve #37

Physical Yel 5th Healthy Ks star areas with a weak, buried Hiding Gt star under it.

Object and Changes:

Blk 2nd Local(s) Retreating Rm star changes.

Possible Grn 3rd Bc star areas great combo in hr c, part of B star advance.

Hr wa afternoon may clash same for the advance.

However is the name of 2nd hexagram to consider, seems tame but could be accidents of B star type areas.

When Bc star active connects vis month and year for a timed type of great metal combo, however I don't know how applicable such of this particular timed config are, just have seen them mentioned as such in other references.

Kept simple but add now vis date.

Read in Yahoo news this am, was a car bomb at a foreign ministry in Benghazi Libya where a U.S. Ambassador and several others were killed one year ago.

U.S. facilities were alert around the world which was a pretty reasonable precaution for the date.

VIII (Wht) Wood date e Upper Duay FS#4 Complete day Under the Northern Blk Tortoise aka Murky Warrior Star #1 for the weekly changes...

#49 - #17 Involve #44...

Looks like Colorado got some of yesterday's outcome sides which played into the Upper and above's of today aka The Lake...

Some other of today had direct or traces of Abide (Followings) slated in outcomes also tomorrow and next.

Each good for 3 days and on that you feel huge good for an entire season.

Sorry to hear about some other unusual types of abiding the date had, plus the new of weekly changes.

The date had clashed the physical and social linked Bh groups stars of today's pair.

R star areas in both pair at top were affected today.

Then it was adverse for ends in lunar month strengthening it's Gry type R star changes areas in decisions, and in solar month's activated for material losses forming water for R star areas which includes jobs, and more in other of it's areas too.

Gave wife a scare yesterday as was out of it from 5pm on, had taken an advil for some xtra pain, kidney didn't buy it, very flu like, woke up 2am and shakily went to watch tv and about an hour later fell sound asleep sitting up. Eventually woke up 5am and went back to bed and woke up about 8:30am today. Think running a bit xtra weak when took advil as have prior without such dire results, won't do again though.

Well rested today though, spent time in Apple x code IDE in cocoa for the Mac side, and couple different frameworks in learn or re learn basic simple programming using c and objective c as used for the Mac.

Some examples in tutors bought were a little off, and had to debug two of them so far, but did and running ok.

Except that the most of app's for Mac's require specific frameworks and resources in addition to it's Unix like type of executionable binary, it's not so different from Windows programmings.

Have other for windows listed below, ran into a problem with MS Studios (TM) as the more recent want you to install the Win 8 os (RM) as well,

Didn't want that yet for a perfectly good working Win 7 os but it's pretty hard to find good working examples for the earlier 2010 version out of the mountains of code up there, so opted out of that for now as had other options for anyway.

Metal day IX (Blk) w Upper Li FS#3 (Zen)...

First hexagram always #21...

So you can reference that which occurred today and onwards by the lunar month pair at top area of page.

Once in awhile workplace accidents or errors in communications and or judgements occur while in some the same can be mal set up's instead.

Experienced that in the date, but fortunately there's some who make it a point to correct such actions and it came out ok.

Earth day X (Blk) wa Upper Zen.

Sometimes we get disturbed by the actions of others affecting us in our personal affairs, and was as I exited one place near mid afternoon yesterday.

I probably glared or ignored most then, rather than return smiles as my mind was occupied of a situation.

So if any encountered outsides thought I was thinking ill towards them or their status, *rest assured was not*.

Situation thanks to a decent human being who had her priorities proper and straight resolved it all for me, and as said all came out ok.

Wife and I seem to be in ills competition she sprained neck, scapula area somewhat vis incorrect sleep position, then I had mine prior and on top of it last night took a fall where feet slipped out from under me and knocked top back of head against a wall when hit the floor.

At least didn't crack or break anything this time, noted chart and bones were in the immediate then plus in a *wide zone* of that and for that of stomach and rear unmentionable areas irritations, bleedings, plus disasters to or of specific types of women, not all fortunately (was a bit of both ways yesterday), etc.

Always hate when any exams come up in such a zone as stuff will certainly show which goes with the influences.

In more frail constitutions such as in some elders and definitely mine, those zones usually do manifest results of their areas, in the physical!

Don't care that some think it's not so, and for the healthy often doesn't apply so much.

Have directly observed these cycles over and over through the years and they always do play out in varying degrees relative the given zone. 

Usually if you have at least one item in your favor you float above the huge in serious or fatal, and then will shift into other areas and or agendas as time itself goes forward.

In that other zones where more of positive rather then negative comes up as well.

Socially you can run into some real long stinky periods where your status and reputation just stay continually dogged from many sides each chiming in at different times.

Enough like that and you appear to others like Attila the Hun after awhile, but common sense should tell most it's in total a falsehood and often just a factor of mal timing zones for the individual themselves.

Slow shifts towards the more overall of positives can take quite long periods of time, with the minus just shifting into other areas for awhile, until you finally reach a rare good strong overall peaceful and positive zone.
Only some of the very rich and upper social are in large exempt from some of the harsher that we at lower levels have to endure.
Just imitates, reflects that of life itself and applies to countries, etc as well.

Not sure about posting dailies all the time as though important to a date to show main trend(s) or directions in it.

It's the year, month and bi weekly periods that are the most main and important.

The dailies are neither to support or not support any particular view or views rather they just indicate some of what the overall trends will be at the time.

In that they are their own form of advisories per the date is all.


Do toss at times mainly personal as most and some of specific learning points.

Stay shy of what should mostly come entirely of U.S. and Global leaderships positions for the natural courses of things.

May add in a few just general purpose at times.

Do think that Al Z leader of AQ means what he's stated in the way of attacks in the U.S. and as far as the types of areas to be attacked.

Those and Mil or Govt techy and medias areas plus liesure and resort areas even. Maybe N and Centers to include E's for it's and any's Local(s).

Not impossible it didn't already occur in N.J.

[In general appears it wouldn't work out, but if does as is of a long term condition, then would be the Abyss natured for results. 

Means in medical if of chronic and long term, or in any other type of situation area which is based on long term roots and conditions the answer I got (relative attacks in the U.S.), can be a yes!].

Ok on the programmings stuff sort of pushing for those interested and stuck with sitting around, all of those including MS Studio (TM) versions are free to use for the purpose of learning alone.

To develop and sell you have to buy and license but as far as learning, you can learn free as only temporaries compiled to show your program works, which is good enough.

Have one major problem myself, can't sit like in one fixed position where have to focus in on just one thing for too long!

Anything over a couple hours fires back up, so have to go watch tv on sofa or just chill out.

Not exact sure why other than not fully liesure like stuff??

Did do the Xojo's book *do it yourself database example* on windows, uses the sql files, etc.

First time took me near two hours reading details over to sink in how code aka methods interacted with Object.

A simple type which can be expanded, when ran brings up a window with listbox view and the data areas you set it to retrieve from a set of records.

Worked very well, *so if I could do it most any should be able to* as well.

Moon aka Monday II (Grn) yo Upper Kan.

#39 - #63 Involve #64...

Up for a bit woke back up and can't quite get to sleep again.

Not this last weekend but had did a lot of downloading the two prior some already mentioned and other was in restoring software packages to the Mac. Did the largest amount and leave rest till another time.

When you do that obviously no big strain as with trusted networks you can go watch tv in between downloads, etc.

Sometimes I do but not as often now, just leave one online all day as keep modem on 24/7 anyway.

Mainly I'll just forget as get tired when doing research usually on windows processes or some specifics of a language if not reading news. Take large breaks so either leave browser open or minimize it, and in the latter forget come back open a new instance and hours later find I had it open in minimized.

So despite appearances I'm usually physically at the computer no more than 2 hours max at a shot, and go off for long breaks or even forget to come back till bedtime.

Desk a little high and back doesn't like sitting straight up continuosly, plus should buy glasses instead of the reading type get by with, a little issue there too.

Mention as know for sure some who's business it isn't would question it with the negative of their speculative thinkings.

Could be I'm addicted but a good one and not much else that I can do anyway and/or continuosly learn from too, and then ever so slowly build new skills now.

Did get carried away there, expect joining a vet's org would be good.

Had forgot all about netflix, etc been away from that for awhile, but definately do spend hours there once in awhile, but that's pretty non stress stuff there, like on the couch, etc.

Probably sounded worse than was meant, but 2 weekends back downloaded for nearly 6 hours from the Apple store to restore a bunch of software to mine, so just appeared excessive. Have to complete some yet another time as have to show receipts on some that didn't say installed up there. No hurry though.

Fire day III (Red) sh Upper Gen...

#23 - #4 Involve #2...

Did toss for U.S., etc and days sh, h, t which would include something of Mondays vis those, didn't look as good as the timed, so just use timed.

Toss did have *Pe fire star aka P star changes* from far, high or at high levels involving or being controlled, killed back by Gt star areas in some of that zone. Then Pe Fire star *competitive to or links to the begins, surfaces or underneath's areas also*, about all should say for rough idea.

Hadn't watched any news today and only read tiny bit in am, but likely something of today's events carries forward in variations with the toss. May not post for couple as that might be enough to be checked out, will follow some.

As said take my breaks, anyway forgot to mention on PureBasic can't say much about current version just assume better as that's what they do.

The last version I used was 4.61 which was cherry on 64 bit systems in either 64 or 32 bit form.

It was that version that aside their inbuilt 3D gaming engine you could add if you purchased it separately of course, that of the entire of DarkBasic to it, in terms of a single DLL.

Dark itself just refers to Direct-X aspects, which allowed for the dark screens and glassy appearences of it that made those gamings look more professional.

Anyway it ran super there, and was nice as you no longer had to connect to the Game Creators site (overseas) just to build your code into an executeable under PureBasic.

Again only by purchase one could add that to the MS Visual Studios, Xojo too, and several others as well.

What goes with it and all nowadays don't know, but the 4.61 version really ran well with or without that.

Inched forward a bit in weekend with the Xojo, some things you have to figure out yourself, but that database example is the gut core that will seal into any beginner what OOP itself is all about.

Knew it could be expanded any direction and was surprised later when just a scan of the following chapters saw they were doing that, which makes it all the better for the individual learning.

Upd relative Monday 9/16 day II yo:

Ok caught 10pm news and on the Naval yard not shocked but very sad to hear and see.

Some U.S. events have had outcomes of the Abyss nature I mentioned before, Upper was Kan for Monday, and then the soul wretching that of a Mil area which I'd felt was one of the possible for attacks as well, just with a sad twist in it as well.

Both month charts above were powerfully involved but in the lunar pair that of the date Gry 4th **Ryo star R star changes* date bonding Yel Earthy Saturn of traditional centers in that case influences too 3rd Gcn traditional of the Dragon in flights (air not neccessary) areas very much so.

The hour of shooting hr cn itself which clashed back the date opening that metal bond up for release(s)!

The dates FS#9 (Li areas) for centers of any location was your other main fiery influence this date.

Get so tired of seeing these innane type of things happen these days, people seem to have so little control of themselves, unless this was the other attack type had tossed on, haven't heard much.

It did match with directions had mentioned of toss, and then those in attributes other than directions went with other things, but still some in broad matched the other main of N's as well. Meets the watery sides as well.

Below also had a Bh Water star physical too and it's physical was surrounded by R stars for dangers then..

Lunar pair for the hr cn at the time:

#63 - #36 Involve #64!

Sincere and deep condolences to all directly affected, and for our's as a nation as well.

Mainly watched ch 6 for 11pm news on the Ntl then school event and at end something of some beauty event.

So not glued to pc when pop up a comment or my own strong felt reflections that only military will understand.

Anyway on the hours Bh Water star physical of naval yard event, and showing applicability.

B stars always go with Mil areas of any type, means even if not a war area per se, it can be anything related to a or war areas. The naval yard is that. B star of groups, workers, etc is that.

Then of a water element too so no doubt always applicable to naval areas obviously too as well and in it's hour such came up.


EZ that some here could be misinterpreted relative the Abyss toss.

Had asked of certain types of attacks in the U.S. vis specific extremist and extremist group(s) types.

In that if there is anything of an attack nature or related coming up, then the Wwg will always point to such, aka show it in it's results.

Since it was said other day they didn't know much, then you can't actually rule out terrorism itself on that basis.

However it doesn't have to be specifically that of terrorism either, *just something attack(s) related*, which in the least it was that.

 Planned or not an attack on others is still an attack, assault, etc.

That I gave will hold for a very long period of time but doesn't have to be any high frequency as far as numbers of attack type events goes. So one or two over a 3 - 6 month period is possible.

Then you have the terroristic or deadly of the natural as well which is what we expect to see the most of in any case.

At much lower levels in magnitudes when it comes down to individuals instead of country then we can expect we'd see more Abyss like or even deadly events of those as well.

Likely a key in all of those types is that it stems of things of long term conditions *in most cases*, but not absolutely all cases that come up.

So that should clear up any points about Wwg results when it comes to attacks, as there is nothing biased in the Wwg itself, only peoples misunderstandings of it at times.

Probably just catch late news alone for awhile as that generally has the most main of any U.S. events if any were big, major etc that went on in a date too, which is all I need for now.

Done here as far as adding normal daily hexagrams in for a short while..

FM Lunar period:

Thursday 9/19 Wood day V (Yel) t Yang Earth Rat Upper Reset Chen FS#6 (Chen aka Qian) Share day.

Under the weekly changes to the Western Wht Tiger Star #1.

Global timed  #10 - #61 Involve #37 posted at top page area.

Changes in Blk influences types too 4th Chief ministers, upper social gateways, walls, shields, etc and in Void and vanished for involving some mal from, of or in Pw Fire star type areas themselves.

Those are clashed for emphasis or some mal areas by the chart date, and may involve or produce some things of  destructive or wastes, losses type natures in some areas.

Destructive if any likely only at certain times and in any most distrubed or jolted most recoverable or comes out ok later, since it's also a changes go no where line type.

That as the Pw changes star bonds to and with it's resultant Bwa Earth star that of B star areas in group activities, loose earths, nuturances, etc.

Would normally clash the Wht influences too 3rd Middles, prominent, etc social areas and in Bc Earth type areas, but the bond to the 4th line resultant can or may counteract a lot of that.

Also the date bonding the those Bc star areas acts to further shield those too.

Anyway there definately will be some types of mal things associated the Pw star areas 4th line areas and changes in the involve, too, of, or from senses. In routine for masses and the more minor that of telephone msg's, appointments, and internet gateways just a few.

As you can see of the Object:

There are in the inner relational events areas dangers plus all other of R star type meanings in *Gry* 2nd Locals and close by areas in and from Rm Wood Rabbit type areas.

Dangers in the travels and destinations areas in that some involve things of pleasings in that too. Involves the strengthened but untimely m element sign type areas in it's main, and other possible.

Those connect and link and may at times rcv the Red 6th Bsh Earth Dog star areas which can bond to them forming Fire for fiery or quarrelsome of some P star area manifests and changes.

All falling under the Grn 5th *weak, troubled Ks Metal star areas*, which also serve as bearer for that of strong Gt Water hiding star areas under it.

Note that the Ks star areas can involve all of Yel 1st Pe star areas and be rcvd in those areas as well.

Ok well not a really nice period in that, some will be quite petty, and it says what it says, for some of the main themes in events.

You can add the meanings for the stars and various in situations that match up to it to sort it out in the ahead.

Have been working at regulating and structuring my home pc studies , researches etc areas with many more breaks these days.

Limit that of shows and movies when do watch to just over two hours max in any one sitting but not an everyday thing there at this time.

Some things such as restoring, refurbishing or setting up new devices though where you have to download various will always be very time consuming, no matter what.

Some companies and their devices these days formatting their app uses different then others make some areas more difficult especially if the .99 or 2.99, etc app turns out to be junk. That as some while let you deactivate it, also keep it on the device for easy reinstall.

That's not good for bad app's, as you want to take junk which may have mal code totally off your device. Fortunately are products to do that as well, but is just xtra in time consuming steps there.

Such is the modern era.

Nearing the about weekly body function timing, usually takes me down a day to two days max (mainly what meant by frail), as do get super weak and circulations too sucks at those times.  

Was told smoking caused all to my legs, but don't entirely buy it as is the forced sleeping on sides and from a long while back since had to sleep one side more than another, *it's that side which is the worst* and says it mainly comes from that.

However following advices and with nicotine gums have reduced by a factor of two and does aid, expect may be able to break entirely in a few months. Patches may have made it faster but very allergic to them, develop huge welts and intense itching had to drop that part.

Consider it a Virgo like or type physical for us this round sets the other points with some Uranus or urinus, jolty and or surprises in relationships, etc stuff.

The Sun for individual personal creative works in activities had just entered Virgo a few days ago also.

That of the assertive, quarrelsome and deadly too in groups areas but some can be routines of the surgical or in probeings, researches and in financial or credits areas too.

Some of the deadly does also involve the com, move, learn, commerces, teach, siblings, bordering countries or neighborings etc of 3rd type areas, with transforms begins ends in homes roots, etc areas which relate to the huge or expansions in outer events too.

May be some positive as in terms of building things in outer events though some taints or difficulties in costs, and to do with or driven by groups or biz profits type areas.

Should allow some weaker in Wwg to better guage some gist of this period's general nature that way.

This took about 3 hours alone to compose and post, but took couple breaks in between.

 Didn't over do a thing in this, it's just straight up as the pair shows.

Later of toss deduced we can expect internet gateways issues and hack attacks issues likely as well to any gateways aka login type areas plus some can involve softwares areas too. Such as in what are called Switches or switching networks in some communications systems.

Not all would be due to hack groups alone as can have to do with temporary jolts or damages to some biz's servers as well.

Toss for this fm period too part of the jolts:

#44 - #1 Involve #1 so has to do with changes *in the begins of things now*, tasks, processes, etc and any that are at surfaces, roots or underneaths areas as well. In that can include main distribution boxes, etc possibly in their centers of op's, etc type areas.

There may be other areas other than softwares and gateways as can apply to any type of gateway and 1st line area in anything else as well. So expand to note star, etc types, but a lot in com, move, travels, transports, homes. companies, schedules, etc.

Some of the other could be business mergers and that of finances or credit areas having issues, then scammers or false in collections, to that of countries in shared or joint resources or areas of interests, and then can't say no but hopefully not too much of huge natural events.

Ok a little levity on that toss think it's brings more that of frustrations and delays of things in and coming up for it, but most works out ok.

However projecting in the ahead on that, maybe times but more so days w and wa in the ahead but days t and c next do clash and make some of that active as well,  then hours cn, s, yo and sh all main in any, can show serious issues of it's areas and the fm pair's with it as well.

So remember those dates at the least.

In simplest stick with the fm pair at top itself.

When logged back in it took from 16:00 - 16:23 to just open the edit area here, already confirming.

Compared to pc studies or new terms etc in programmings, this all is old hat to me, and do it in a quite liesurely and non hurried or stressed manner.

Definately hitting my ill timing start felt jolty, weakened for short while at PO today, but should recoup nlt 3 days, always the same for me just irritating aside blah while in it.

Don't over react to the full moon period pair and stern description in an it's all bad view, as it never is in all areas across the full board, just understand are some ills and frustrations to this one, but some may even be for the better as well.
Net stuff is somewhat serious at this time and in start, but probably gets squared away soon hopefully, and good to pay attention too.

Doubt if anyone thinks parents of the naval yard shooter in any way responsible, some just can't be controlled and end up in situations that go awry.

It specifically dis fit the FM pair as pre event match too, the Sun was in the Final End degree of Leo at that time and of a Virgo physical.

Will catch news next couple and while won't list all or many of the matches will see if any special angles might have missed should be added.

Here can only do so much and try to put a reasonable main gist out for us and mainly global is about it.

Keeping notice on the *travels in destinations*, especially of the large, huge or powerdul and other of the R star areas in local(s) plus close by's including even some of the surgical under a Virgo like physical is worth being attentive too.

Watched local(s) and Ntl tonight and that of the huge and powerful in Encounters has been prevalent.

In specific had tossed on mdm like devices and gateways of com areas any level overall, and in that noted date exceptions but thought most come out ok, as far as the very negative or fatalities go. Again thinking along the lines of attacks.

That may be but pretty clear in the huge of stuff encounters can indeed be pretty deadly and that goes with the dangers in travels and destinations for this lunar period.

On that of colonoscopy's along probeings and surgical areas, think are two types in one special type you get electrically zapped, and that one really ummm hurts, and has you forceably wanting to both puke and go #2 simul.

That one very neccessary to be sure if something is just benign or if viral and spreading, if so then not a lot of choce and it has to be eradicated.

Your awake in that one, but the normal type your usually put to sleep and know nada till done, not so bad. 

Was indeed couple of things in the natural phenomena areas stranding a lot of vacationeers on an island in very inconvienent ways, the other volcanic so hope any other doesn't get too far out of hand.

Not a lot can do about the latter though unless you tossed to avoid the travels and bumping that up against this period in particular not a bad idea if you can.

Didn't see much that didn't fit our patterns in this, so looks to be proper in advisory.

Toss comments and some lighter even fun like stuff too:

On the toss stick with No answer as far as the question relative com, internet networks, centers, dsl and cable types likely even DOD mfr's private versions too.

That no answer was *date specific* though, as knew there were certain delays, etc ongoing and asked if any of attacks by hacks or others.

In the *date specific types* you still get other future information, and so indicated some ahead dates there, which can also reflect previous ones or months, etc.

It's local(s) line did have that of two G stars one a hiding star for events to do with girls or women, etc and of the pair's specific named situations as a no answer for the date, said there would be no danger aka all comes out ok.

Situations of the named could occur, but there would not be deaths in most or all cases for the date consideration.

Doesn't always bar that at some specific times within the date there could be fatalities, just that it's much less likely if the answer is a No at date level!

Wasn't something that I knew, or was aware of when tossed but the Wwg automatically catches and addresses any event or thing related to it's situations at the time.

So it did represent that of a missing girl's status in Dekaulb county or Atlanta that day too.

We always get more than we ask for, which is a good thing with the Wwg in terms of that we didn't think of and informations that can be of aid.

Also that's why it sometimes takes a long time to get an answer with a full analysis too.

Had the answer within 5 minutes of inspection, but the details as to how and what all applied just of that I inquired on, ran about two hours.

Sometimes it doesn't work like that and you might do a full 2 or 3 hours of analysis before you can be sure it's a yes or no on that you asked of.

The pair represents many other things related to the names aka situations they describe, *but on each and every one of those the answer can be different and occur on different dates as well*.

[It does catch some that came in along prior to and with the fm period pair, and that pair as the strongest current archetype allows for near anything of a destructive nature to come up since it has a resultant Bwa star for environments, groups, collections of things, group activities, etc which is produced by the changes and is of the decisions and gateways line.

If you read where prior described above, there are some helpful limits to that, but at times would have destructive stuff both man made and natural come up.

So that in itself covers a lot of the prior incidents and events, and had said not a particularly nice pair as fosters destructiveness, severing(s), nastiness, etc including brutalities of any type].

The toss pair has some of the same general natures as the fm pair, so gives you extra resolution for some of the other situations that have and will come up under and related to this full moon's period's influences in archetype and pair itself.

Ok in this just cleared up what may have appeared inconsistant to some before regarding my date specific toss.

In short it's a very technical encrypted type of language, where only it's main rules have been written of in most courses or books.

So an individual through experiences must add others to properly and more fully decypher the correct contexts and meanings for their answers.

Here it at times things look even more complicated to the casual reader as we are covering entire areas, countries and global situations all in one shot.

It's very hard for them to capture the fun and enjoyable learnings aspects when we have to cover things of such grand scales here.

Might add that it's not even particulary fun to do that either and it's only to enhance that of safeties itself in these times that I do it.

You can learn or find the Wwg to be much more fun, even exciting and enjoyable when you apply it to your personal needs, projects, goals and desires.

Those can be in any subject area including business, sales, purchases, home, friends or family areas, health areas, mechanics, agriculture, wood workings, chemistry, programmings, and literally any of sciences type fields, tech stuff, maths or physics for that matter.

Tosses seeking answers in those can not only correctly guide you but open up entire new worlds of exploration, expansions and creativities.

A typical example is in pre testings of your plans, ideas, buildings projects (any type), etc.

Electronic app's:

[For something you have in firmly in mind or have made a diagram of.

The Wwg knows what you have in mind!  So *you don't have to describe every detail in your question*, just ask it in a simplified form for the end result wanted].

That's why you have to at ease, calm and almost uninterested in the toss outcome, when you do the toss.

Nothing difficult about that nor hard to do as the whole process only takes a few seconds and it's done.

You focus only on your question and anything that's in your mind at that time up to the last approximately 7 minutes prior, will and does factor in besides the question itself.

If something has been bothering you all day, that will also factor into the toss and it's results too. Most often that will be secondary to the actual question so you can still get good results there.

Again that's all why you want to be in a reasonably calm state of mind, not a very chaotic or disturbed one, so you can focus (not forced) in a very calm and direct manner on your question itself, while tossing the coins at the same time.

Will this circuit work?

How well will this circuit perform the function (task or operation)?

Will this circuit perform the (function, task or operation) well?

What happens when I use this circuit?

Basic good general question forms.

Above some different approaches and their resulting answer types for the circuit of concern.

Basically before you even design or build the circuit you can find out if it will do the job and work you want it to do.

*You can *pre test* find the status* for almost anything, so you don't waste your time constructing something that won't work.

Status checking needs only an appointed star:

Here the main thing you need to do is set an appointed star for that your concerned with , *then toss asking your question*.

The Wwg in results will correctly set and show you the status aka strength and conditions of the  appointed star.

Vis the pair names and the Appointed star status you have your yes or no answer as well as the nature and conditions under which it will or will not work.

Correction on pair names, those will only in rare cases apply and those will capture other much larger scale things, well beyond the One star stuff!

Often aside major things in environments (The bulk in matches normally), the names can match to something that previously occured for you in the date, that you took actions on, and quite often that in the ahead, which is coming up for you next and more as well.

[In a normal toss question it becomes a good point in your analysis of the results to mentally go over things:

Any actions and events that went on for you earlier in the day, and of anything major you may have been focusing on in the date as well. 

 In that you'll often better recognize or see the hexagram names applying in those situations or that the theme on one line or another applied rather strongly.

That also can help you better set the applicable star meanings for each type in the pair.

Also further makes the point of why some hexagrams analysis can take hours at times too].

Don't worry in the One star type you'll rarely have to go through all that challenge, they are very easy.

That of Appointed or One star method relies 100% on that of the stars status itself, not the actual hexagram names.

If you end up with more than one appointed star, you can simply re ask the question in a slightly different way until you have a result with just one star for the Appointed type.

Another time may add method where you can sort out the one to use when there is more than one appointed star.

Think also superiching's online book mentions dual, etc appointed's as well.

For the above of electronics and that of a circuit itself, the appointed to use is a G star.

That as an physical electronic circuit can be considered as a type of device.

So by month and *date* you'd check the strength of the G star(s) in your toss result as the main indicator and answer.

*Usually that's all you'll need and can stop right there as far as a general answer goes*.

Should you want too, you can even further validate that status:

You'd note it's line and associated star for any conditional limits there, and look for any other active lines that may interact with your G star(s) examining those as positive or negative factors, influences upon the G star(s) status itself.

Now there indeed are other secrets of the trade in validating the G star or any appointed star type you've chosen period, and so as not to conflict there, the above is my ez work around in lieu of those.

Most just stop once they *have the appointed star's status* as good enough and most often it is too, but as shown you can get even better more reliable results if you validate it's status further.

That would also tell you why the circuit (G star) might not work also, so useful info's.

Ok that's the joy or fun part of using the Wwg to me, as in using it for the *pre testing* of your ideas , plans and projects on things important to you.

Doing that before you actually invest and maybe waste critical time, resources and or monies!

In actual results can say this and these methods work perfectly for me and have for many, many before me.

That when such is not precluded by some major events (noise, activities) in your environments at the time, and you yourself are in a calm and comfortable state, will always give you the accurate answer.

Stuff like that is a whole lot more fun than these forecasts here and things you can also do if you take the time and learn the Wwg.

Those who have not learned or adequately learned the Wwg would attribute such as superstitious nonsense, but that is of their own ignorance or intolerance, and close mindedness to learnings period.

The Wwg in mental and physical actions from start to finish has strong scientific principles behind how it all works, there's no magic to it, though it's remarkable in just how accurately it can portray things and answer questions.

Beyond that it's a tool for explorations and ones own higher learning that gives any practitioner a great sense of awe, respect in the understanding of their place in things and all relationships.

Sticking with just that type of purpose as given above for your own questions, *you can learn and achieve the neccessary skills for that quite fast*, your just evaluating 1 star, so check it out and have some fun.

Another joy within it is that you'll see many things you never thought or were aware of surface in your results too.

That just further just expands your learning and additional knowledge of the world and various fabrics within creation of other invisible rules too.

Ok hope some of you found that interesting or helpful, and it is within nearly any's power to learn and use the *One star* approach in the Wwg.

In that try not to ask of anything which will bring disturbance, discord, disharmony or harm to another, it's likely not to work out too well for you.

That Allows one to quickly evaluate nearly any thing they desire for better and reliable decisions in projects or areas of their own important interests.

Add: another example app in form.

Decided to do a quick One star example to illustrate how easily and diversely the method can be applied.

Prior to start, will tell you the pair I got as usual represented many other things than that I asked of.

In specific it represented an earlier event that occured in my day and on which I took actions, that to do with someone in the gateways on tablet having confiscated my netflix account. About an hour prior to tossing I found that out and then went to Netfix to regain control and reset the password to block the thief access.

Ok what I tossed on well after all that, was a simple Python program code example, much like an old Basic's language program type in this.

Whether a simple or complex program used wouldn't matter, as we are only interested in would the program work as it should or is expected too when ran.

Python code:

X = 10
y = 2

print(x + y)

That program when ran (push F5) prints the sum to the python shell aka console.

Now I know the program works, and some would call that improper testing, teasing the Wwg which will give you a bogus result.

Not true, because for a fact I do not know what the Wwg results will be, nor what it will say, so in reality it's a very valid Wwg question period!



Will this script when run in python return, show the number 12
in it's console???

P star is the appointed as I'm asking of a *particular returning or resulting message as an answer* and in what will be displayed, shown on the python console.

Got #16 - #2 Involve #39.

The interested should expand to Wwg form to note the names, configs and stars of the pair for toss date: V (Yel) t.

1. Forget and drop the names and the config 6 Match to 6 Strike altogether.

Those and the hexagrams apply to other large scale situations ongoing in the environments, and also that which had occured earlier for or to me.

Here we are only interested in one star type period.

2. There are two P stars in the pair, but I'm asking the question so I'll
use that associated the physical.

Normally one initially disregards a hiding star but this one *is the same as the date*, so neither the date nor it is totally hidden for this given case.

That Pt star is referring to my asking of something hidden from view ,plus at the moment I don't have an open python editor and console on this pc, so my P star is in a way indeed hiding, (hidden).

Anyway the Pt star is my appointed here.

I could go entirely by it alone as a *Yes answer*, *as it is strong*
so very valid.

P star(s) are also considered to represent the answer or question as a meaning by some, but I stick with it's meaning as a *msg result* as that's what I had thought of in selecting it, and it would be sort of a *hidden msg*, under these conditions.

It's what we, you, yourself assign as the star meaning to the Appointed aka Vulnerable at the time, *that will be the most important meaning for it*.

So that again emphasizes my point on what we were are thinking at the time, the Wwg itself picks up on, and always includes in it's results.

A good point and why one has to be clear and *remember what they had in mind*, when they asked the Wwg the question.

3. Ok although since the Appointed P star for the answer is strong for a yes, we really don't have to further validate it, but for fun let's do that:

The date and therefore the strong Pt star msg bonds to a healthy Object's line travels in destinations resultant Gc star.

G star meaning staying brief:

A device and/or media or just say media for display and viewings, which in reality the msg would be sent and displayed, shown on vis some media aka medium of some type.

A G star also represents gain not loss and the t element combines favorably with the c element, so it strengthens the c element and the Gc star. So the P star msg combines with the G star media and is shown or displayed on that device.

We have a very very strong yes for entirely logical and sequential action on all accounts here.

That's all there is to the One star aka Appointed star method pure ease, simple and nothing hard or complex to it.

Don't need to worry about the hexagram names as situations nor in fully analyzing the other 4 star types, etc only the One star, that's it.

Now you too can apply aka pre test any project or idea of your own.

Shy from the negative as most often that will backfire on *you*.

Can or would anybody get successful results doing this?

That I don't know but would sure think any could, and certainly any Wwg type for sure can.

Even comedians stuck on a rock for that matter, and likley the more familiar or skilled one is in the Wwg will add to the level of success they will get.

You never know until you try.

Not Friday but close enough in my new structs if I recieve mail from any area that has ever caused me problems in the past I'll wait till the next week to open it.

That's barring I don't currently owe such area money then would open it. Do that as when close to a weekend why add in anything that may cause negative rememberances and that may tend to create further or new ones.

Part of the way try to keep my weekends positive, something we all deserve and should have.

Read bit news finally:

Noticed there are some quite plus sides to the destructive such as recent naval missle tests, and other in our military and common defense areas.

Some grand slams in prostrate exam commercials in news side.

Correct any mis spellings another time as on the fly here.

Many get downloadings confused with streamings of netflix, etc in the latter nothing is actually permanently stored on your pc and just appears to be downloading when it's just a viewing connection through that medias application on your pc or device.

No different than connecting to yahoo or any news medium everything temporary, as your viewing the stuff at their site.

Only cookies themselves from those sites are placed in storage on your pc aka hd, and most of those you can erase afterwards or later as desired.
As said usually a couple of hours on any day for streamings in in tv series shows or the netflix created ones, use vudu and amazon prime also and a lot of difference in offerings so good variety between them.

Can easily go over once in awhile if watch a movie too.  Not as much in recents as used too, busier learning in various programmings now.

Caught the news:

Never have had any problems with the Morphine I take twice a day for years now, other than getting it on time in some cases.

 Only painkiller problem was by  that once when I added something off shelf to it, which was a surprise as had not very often used advil or allieve if had xtra pain, but won't now.

Unless run totally out of the Morphine than will take the other but it's in no way as effective as the Morphine.

One med that is a weird problem for me is Zocor seems to work opposite for me, and every 5 - 7 days got to break a day or so from it, as my leg and feet circulations harshly affected to the point feet will be cold and hurt. There the break brings instant relief, so do that and start the whole process all over again. Always the same.

All else works reasonably well one function never responds till it's ready, so have to use the harsher bomb there at times, but try to get by with the softer one when can.

Let's see well staying or getting rough in some, was a home invasion with 2  people shot today.

Then that of the 13 in one Chicago area and another 10 in other of Chicago is certainly pretty rough stuff.

Unfortunately would expect to see more of the harsher or nasty in about any this zone.

In that not all is of negative forms though, and some that is mainly due to it being a zone of decreases in some areas and maybe that has been of a larger zone as well.

Likely you can tell what some is by examining the strengths of the various star types in that of the FM and toss pair. Then you can watch what comes up in of their trigram environments too for hints as well. Basically the biggest bulk for this period will be in those.

Was one main additional watery match in global for the FM pair and toss with that being of Cyclone Ugashi which strengthened to a Super Cyclone on day t fm date.

Just Blog: Ooops.

I forget how easily things get taken out of context these days and wow in this zone the max negative can be assumed fast, then spread like wildfire!

That on Zocor have never mentioned to any VA doctor as was taking it long before the Va, as a previous doctor persistantly insisted, I must take it.

There was no doubt that he had absolutley sound intentions, but it had those effects for me right from the beginning,

So I'd take it just in the way had stated as sounded as if I would be in dire straights if didn't.

Pretty sure have depleted most of the previous and quite current now.

Were some ill things that went on when went there the 16th, but did not report a thing, as thought all was of some accidental mishaps or misunderstandings and left it at that.

Things are too complex and with an ill period here, it doesn't help any, to accentuate what may often only be percieved negatives, we all really do have enough to deal with already.

Some maybe of assumptions of previous friday when barely was able to get my morphine after going to two separate pharmacies, could have played in one instance maybe or not.

However by good graces of a young woman who corrected what had been very misunderstood  communications in the least on someone elses part, all came out well.

Was important as how things were set I may have had to go 3 to 10 days without which is an unthinkable nightmare period.

Would have been a disaster for me, and possibly even to someone else or others, if I'd had an accident of some type in result.

Not get into it as don't fault pharmacists per se, they are clearly overburdoned with *thousands of transactions every week*, so greatful to them for the hard job they do.

This below would be impossible for me without the med's.

Whoosh enough on that, made some tiny progress on programming, mainly overviewings which will share:

Found that basically only Objective c needed for Cocoa, etc that relevant a lot of Mac app's.

Objective c for OOP type of programming and c in itself is procedural and is not really reqd at all to learn Objective c.

It uses a few of it's functions about it in general and that's all taught within any good book, video or course.

I need the expansion in c though for other areas as well, so will do both.

One thing find remarkable about all the different languages even that of PureBasic and Xojo is how the great bulk to their commands and more so the syntax of your written code in them, all vary but parallel the c style in a big way and use many of the same concepts.

Then a compiler a compiler most use near the same commands in that.

Sort of makes the case for mastering c as an overall base, although you can do it all for most all applications without c per se.

That in any one of the others mentioned of X code with Cocoa for Mac, then PureBasic and Xojo for Windows, the Mac and Linux too.

Even Python purely a scripting and an interpreted (interpreter not particularly compiler type) language conforms to a lot of the c style codings and share the same or similar in data concepts, as most all in the end is applying to a basic pc machine type of environment itself.

[Java too but OOP oriented as well, only two hadn't checked into yet are Ruby and Quartz but likely those too share the c code appearances in the written code.

You can skip pretty much everything and focus on Java only if you wish as most any application can be developed in it alone, and it is fully cross platform compatible type. That of it's Bytecode being compatible to all vis the use of the Java Virtual Machine environment for them also includes that for the Android os's and app programming in it too.

Also a language that can be used for creating and running app's on websites too, one of it's first big uses.

Not sure what all the speed etc tradeoff's are in using it, but have seen entire large scale games and simulations for pc's programmed in it, so a very viable cross all platforms option.

Other neat points:

There are more Java than C++ programmers globally

Create app's any platform then compile it for the others as well.

Includes Android app's and in the browser app's aka programs as well.

Java JDK and *NetBeans* SDK and IDE totally free!

Training at Oracle (TM) Java site in many forms and documents all totally free!

Also in coding very much like the others resembles elements of c language too.

See wiki has very descriptive article on].

Anyway strong basics in c language will aid you in almost any other programmings area period.

That's all main stuff I'm starting to learn more deeply, and deal with now, you need some small knowledge of each these days.

Then will eventually settle down to focus on just one mainly in the future. Have to work with more before I decide what that ultimately will be!

Hadn't given a lot of thought to the web side, but had studied and used html on my own sites before, just need to work with CGI scripts, PHP and others at some point, but pc sides and micrcontrollers my main interests for now.

Have never used an Apple (TM) Iphone but maybe one day, know their 5s mdl has blown others away in speed for Processing areas, but not sure what that will do app wise yet.

Happy with my S2 it's rugged meets all my needs nice 5" display can read books with no problem, great video, no app problems great selection there pick the correct ones threw some too greedy in phone permissions out, good notes, sketch, and equiv office suites, are various programming app choices one can add from apps store, including a free full c compiler with a little xtra there, then plenty of apps for Atemel, Arduino and on other microcontrollers themselves, also EveryCircuit an equiv of ICircuit and other electronics app's, sciences app's, then Bookoo education in maths and any other of books and courses.

So handles all I throw at it or need and more, and does it all extremely well to boot.

So would know of no good reason to just replace it, at this time.

Ok on the Iphone(s) and Ipad(s) *Apps*, I simply can't say much as said have never used them, so have never dug into programmings info on that side.

Will pretty much stay with the one, safe, sound and known way.

Get a Mac and use X code.

There' something called DragonFireSDK which runs on windows and lets one make 2D, etc type applications for IOS, know little about it, but you can check it if interested.

Can say from Xojo's site info they are fully compatible with X code on the Mac side and one can build Mac app's with it while on Windows, or Linux recent versions aside on the Mac, etc.

Possibly or likely in that and the following you would still have to pay a fee of around $100 to register as an Apple developer to be able to sell app's through their web store.

Something you'd have to check with Apple vis the Store on.

However (IOS):

Also vis info from the Xojo web site, they're very firm about it and  say they expect soon that Xojo will be fully able to build the Apple's IOS app's as well.

That indeed will be very nice and waiting for that myself too, as an update to the Xojo IDE or a new package of it.

As is on both the Mac and Window's sides, know it's an excellent IDE and programming product...

[You can pick up a lots of free and good referances in various there on the android books and app's areas and then slowly or not buy the heavier well known books on those subjects for yourself if you plan to go fully professional.

One thing good about programmings books as programmers themselves tend to be very sharp, candid and prolific in their reviews and comments on each book.

So spending time reading the many reviews can guide you to the best book for the job in each case.

The good thing about this overall era of time were in now, is that most any you need is available, often freely on the net.

That and the quality of documentations in any of these languages now is both excellent and ideal. So any who do apply themselves can easily learn quite well].

9/22 Sun day VIII (Wht) m Yin Metal Rabbit Upper Zen FS#3 (Zen).

Global timed #32 - #34 Involve #43.

Sort of a jolts and more so changes day type in begins, surfaces and underneaths, etc. People going hither and dither or into new projects.

A very nice feeling almost autumn air outside day.

Noticed some internal jolts in electrical, etc areas in hr wa, one that has been prominent in events besides listed.

Then have that of hr's t and *c* late nights with c very much in externals outsides groups, etc stuff both in near and far aways stuff *for the year*!

Hadn't caught any news at all yet today.

Had noticed in other days that of the AQ stuff in Kenya being another one of the FM pair matches concerning that of Rm star like stuff in local(s) areas.

Adding with that we had terroristic and dangers like  earlier verifies my indicating it in and in travels and destinations too for this period.

Caught 10pm news was a freak snowstorm in the N's for Zen stuff, more on the possible govt shutdown stuff sort of a danger in the far and wide if happens. Later were some Zen like new coming up shows for fall series.

Just blog:

Another day of rebuilding here, had to add office stuff to Mac and were updates in downloads for that.

Other night added a couple programmings items on both Mac and Pc that had mentioned here.

Catching up a couple big downloads in war games stuff to Mac today, whenever do play like to on the Mac best as most for it, you can stay Offline in uses.

*Was some changes in their App store area today as in new terms of license agreements you have to agree and click on,  to continue in those areas as of **today**.

Still have other Edu and tutorials type stuff to re download yet another time. Only 1 game today have to spread them out datewise, the huge ones just take forever.

Don't think anyone who programs a lot ever, ever gets done or away from downloadings to much, as always so many changes, updates or adds to those softwares these days.

Have a safe and good weekend.

9/23 Moon day IX (Blk) cn Yang Water Dragon Upper Shun FS#2 Danger day...

Global timed: #59 - #20 Involve #27...

Not much here still downloading but that's after the sleep mode kicked in yielding a long break till got up. So still under the original session and don't have to go back and re click on items to be downloaded, just resumes from where left off.

Update that cut it off on am, 4 packages was enough for now catch other another time.

Today's the first full day of fall, was pretty neat that mentioned it yesterday and turned out it started at 16:44 day m hr s then.

Outside air and settings had felt just right for the changes.

Pair for that or Fall's start here was #32 - #40 Involve #43.

It's physical with changes then of Grn 3rd Ryo Metal star changes meeting Kw fire star type. Object of Gry 6th Skies, etc Gsh star areas.

Object line to do with skies, the G star(s) to do with not the Sun, but with *sunshine itself* if active and it was since the date bonded them forming Fire. Confirms the Sunshine for hr s also LOL.

Physical of the Earth and that of R star Power of Metal type for coolings and the seasonal transition for the Earth involved. Not sure if it being in vanished state and weak meant much as is the changes line and still moves.

That meeting a Kw Fire star which itself is to do with the Sun and Moon positionings in the Sky relative each other and mainly the Earth.


Caught news and noted other in articles as well, that of the political poll's stuff.

That could be true as R stars are areas of power in wealths and it's finances areas too, and that involving the large in scopes types obviously.

Those as wood stars and areas apply in the far and wide too, so there would be some types of dangers regarding those. Not only of Govt but other of it's areas in Enterprises too.

Then you have to keep in mind the threat regarding such areas as well.

Just blog:

On Xojo being an IDE, not just a language overall *have never seen anything easier to learn*.

It takes care of a lot of the overheads such as api calls, etc that you'd normally have to add into your code and reduces that and more to about zilch.

You end up focusing only on the task of what you want the program to do, as it handles the rest.

Then of it's language aka the code, all I've seen so far has been super easy, meaning you could pump out projects pretty fast.

Not sure what the runs speeds are would be but apparently it does very well there and you could always add other for the strictly very heavy high powered games types if needed or wanted.

Near all big IDE's for OS's have separate expensive add on packages for that area anyway, though the add of DarkBasic itself would be enough for many too.  Only PureBasic comes pre-equipped there.

Alternate doing *a little in each day by day* for the most part between it and Objective c with it where all the c's are universally used in most all.

On the Objective c you can use that in the Mac's X code for designing games on it or in IOS as well. Same would be true of that for a Windows type IDE for Window's pc's too.

The powerful and huge of c itself used in almost every scientific areas programmings sides (Universatility there), and one can c++ in a bit of almost any area for efficiency and the more complex sides of it too.

Likely though either the Xojo or *PureBasic* IDE's are quite powerful enough as is themselves for the great bulk of technical and scientific applications as well, so plenty of options there.

Haven't seen any catches in the Xojo side yet, just easy to use smooth stuff.

Did check around and found Xojo does have what looked like several tutorial areas and info on 3D gaming at:

Didn't dig into for now, and likely they might mention that of free engines and OpenGL too.

Are free engines but any that are of Open Source are just free to use, but not for sales or commercial purposes. You have to read licenses carefully!

Also why you see a lot of free games as well and ok in that.

Basically if your an applications programming which includes gamings as well most areas say you can us OpenGL in your commercial versions.

That's mainly because Opengl is a lot to do with hardware, graphics accelerators, etc for both 2D and 3D aspects of applications including that animations, etc in gamings, in that OpenGL is definately for all cross platform uses too.

You should still always check every aspect of it for licensings areas as may be gl attachments to one you choose, that aren't to be used commercially.

There are many commercial games using it as well a typical list with some of both right here:

Many older engines and code are often released as free for others as applications for most uses including commercial, so on that you check out the particulars itself.

So if you look to sell at some point you will have to choose other options than things of open source codings in your programs.

If your using from 2010 on up of Microsoft's (TM) Visual Studios with Direct X, your fully covered to freely use in commercial applications. Also if your using Direct X 11 SDK as well, on priors too, you'd have to check.

Then their's always the xtra of the DarkBasic option which gets away from open source constraints. Useable in PureBasic also though it already has it's own engine and in most any pc machine major programmings type IDE too for sophisticated gamings aka 3D gamings purposes.


On other OpenGL options for developing programs and there are many, many!

One called OpenGL ES 2.0 as it is and can use Objective c and c++ allows you to make 3D gamings for both IOS and Andriod.

Beyond that some versions of the same allow that in the Windows and Linux OS's too.

Various versions of that run up to 4.3 but you'd have to check the particulars, lots of info available on the 2.0 version.

Not too expensive that called GLSL studio for the Mac programming 3D app's for the Iphones uses just that, and is only $7.99.

You have the OpenGL option in X code too so not sure if there's any advantage in that option, but then hard to beat the cost.

That should cover the practical of what had wanted to put out on various *IDE's available* for any interested in self or extended learnings  of various programming skills and languages in the pc's and devices world.

You can try any of them for free including the Visual Studios for Win 8, if you have the OS and be learning for free until you make a decision to go with a given area and product for that.

Then if can't afford direct and if you look hard enough you likely can find someone, something or an area that can provide you assistance or a loan for such.

Micrcontrollers are the easiest and quite inexpensive areas to start out in with world's of uses you can apply them too.

Then all the other mentioned become much more specialized areas for a person in career, individual or app's pursuits.

The idea that you have to have a degree in computer science is not real world at all. It's not even that difficult of a subject until you go into the engineerings side of it, and that's not required in any stretch of the imagination, to be a programmer at all.


Read the mail, and was right lucky they didn't have a representative here, would have borrowed a gun to help them out. How I felt is all.

A mortgage company that puts a current principal bal amount in their bills and when you pay it, sends you a new one in the exact same amount!

Retract some not all on it and reluctantly as every time I think of how many thousands of dollars they sucked up in interest near enough to make one go ballastic.

Got into that mess by helping someone, and what a burn payed for place more than twice over.

Anyway statement's show the same principal for Sep as it was in August??  When in August that entire amount plus some additional to that, *was paid in full by me*, so this is beyond any reasonable measure of comprehension.

How in the world could that be the same as it was paid in full, *and they cashed the check*, etc.

*They cashed it much later than normal though*.

They did have it on time from my end and had sent it registered for proof there too.

*So something up with that too*.

It's like this if you pay a current principal and in the full amount, then it can no longer be the very same amount in the next month, and should have been $00.00 period.

Not what there new monthly Sep statement said, looked as if I never paid a thing, as that was left exactly the same as the August amount.

Will definately call and get a payoff amount, as can't be much left, and if all is still fishy to me, then get a lawyer.

Got another similar but not near as bad sit rep in local type. Got to handle this week, had been told in person (August) the area was paid off, but still getting a bill for it yet??

House phone near but not quite same, confusion over auto pay, and resolved immediately when came up this am. Was a problem even earlier than that when cut off old service.

Someone had tried to add on the Universe option when all had done was cut all service there off and had full 6 Mhz high speed internet here.

That on an entirely new account which this is, only supposed to be charged the $19.95 per month for the first year on the 6 Mhz high speed, and what I was told at that time. Then after one year that goes up to it's normal monthly rate.

Then I'm supposed to be fully credtited back for that they took out for the false Universe account stuff too.

Is another sit rep but no money involved in it, got to close it out later this week too.

Closing anything out since August, has been a total headache, nightmare and just plain messy stuff.  Then add recent in hospital jolts stuff and you can see it's a bit beyond normal and a rather harsh type with the added of current lunar periods of no great aid either.

Other of zone:

Took a fell, have pretty much electric shock like exam coming up, had microwave trip breaker when went to use it but nothing wrong with the microwave, had an elec shaver pwr supply fail when went to use, had to get another.

In such a zone you attract or others become more agitatable, excited, rude or angry types and slurs, demeanings or the libalous or worse in their communications or actions towards you in any of what would be normal routines areas.

A partner may become more ballistic or foul in upsets during such (mine usually compensates later though), and then incident's with things of stomach issues or internal bleedings, sharp and hot objects, etc.

All part of the and a lengthy timing itself but only comes up every two to two and a half years in major, and in specific near exact same every 12 years.

In plus can increase one's energy and usually does in terms of projects they take on, as I did here.

Gets rough when you also have material wolves out there, including bad laws allowing such high interests and favoring the wealthy or wealths sides in things. No dream state here about what large finance institutions can get away due to loopholes vis politicians favoring them in laws, etc. Been in news many times.

Not always though as politicians and news as well tend to support their bread and butter over you as an individual and that of big wealth or large org's will pump out the how great we are stuff through various commercials and news venues as well, which nets the news monies.

And my, my don't complain about the news their huge systems of state will *bury you*, as if that was ever supposed to be a function of news???

So far from a perfect system in things and the little guy will stay at the bottom of the heap and made to look as a fool or troublemaker, when in truth he or she is at no fault whatsoever.

Not exactly on wealths but of an Org, saw one great exception in a Yahoo news article wednesday which was titled:

What the Hell is wrong with Maryland?

Now that was good news reporting and story, and a point about things getting Nutty in our country of peoples and in changes these days.

9/24 Fire Day X (Blk) e Yin Water Snake Upper Kan FS#1 (Kan).

Have Blk Kan and Kan in that plus date same as the year!

#39 - #8 Involve #64...

Ok had mentioned #64 also goes with natural phenomena at times, and certainly #39 too...

Was 7.8 EQ Pakistan and a small island itself was generated offshore in this one. Pretty remarkable stuff.

If look at FM pair that of Pe stars for surfaces, underneaths areas connected to Roads, high, far or Views areas (Views as 5th at face , facings, head levels) and happenings or fiery happenings which bonded to the 5th Ks star (stabilities) areas forming Water for G Water manifests.

Special date pair in this date's instance for the natural phenomena:

Then in today's day e bonded both it's Physical Yel 4th Gateways Bs Metal stars forming Water for K Water manifests aks Wht 6th Across the ways Kt Water Rat stars.

Also that of the date same Grn 2nd local(s) Resultant Re Fire star being a retreated or that gone awry and pasts status type bonds the Physical Bs star and Red 3rd Bs star areas too.

That physical competitive too and linked to the Red 3rd Bs Metal star *changes*  Meets resultant Gm Wood star areas there also.

Since Water formed for K Water manifests it produces the resultant Gm star which then bounds to bond *Gry* 5th Psh Earth star areas in happenings and form Fire for and of R star manifests (locals) there too.

R stars locals includes that of reducings or pasts, and or things which go awry since in retreat, and manifested in 5th areas also for dangers in those areas and of the date in this pair!

Very note worthy for the Wwg uses from just a date start pair, and it for special event as a config and date should be noted.

For Pakistan's local time then:

#39 - #15 Involve #64.

Resultant of it's date bonded physical a Pc star which could rebirth the physical Bs star areas a good match. Those were linked to 3rd areas too.

Then the 5th line areas again the changes areas and it involve a Psh Earth Dog changes star with it's resultant Kh Water Pig star involved, *struck out by the date* (striking out stability then). 

The Psh changes star had been bonded by the hour forming Fire for R Fire, fiery manifests there involving and for the Local(s), close by in Grn 2nd Rw Fire star areas then too.

That local(s) line had a hiding Gm Wood star Under the Rw Fire stars for dangers.

The Gm star that of expansions for the large and far and wide which was active by the hour then.

That went with the hour's bond to the Psh star areas resulting in R Fire type manifests active for dangers to the local(s) areas then.

Then pair and pairs had both water and mainly earth's trigrams plus the Gen trigrams in Inner relational or Earths areas too indicating things of Mountainous countries or areas as well.

Ok leave out some of the separate write up as wednesday now and the pair for that #23 - #35 Involve #2 of Day I (Grn) w Upper Gen.

What comes to the imagination for schedules and events under that one??

Has a *destructives line* that clashes material or wood organs and that of centers, middles, stomach, etc which combines and forms Fire or things fiery in and of Psh Earth Dog areas or P star stuff.

So that of fiery or similar stuff in plans, procedures, schedules, exams, operations, and *any P star type area* involving Local(s) Re Fire stars areas or items in that.

In some but by no means all the Re stars of the Fire Snakes areas should include some of the exploratory or investigative type modes in that use. Other in any fashion can apply to masses like or type areas as well.

Some in theo positive being that of Medical areas as we have the #2 Quen hexgram in, but also all the other associated #2 Quen areas goes with that as well.

On the other hopefully we see examples of that in the news later since of destructive talks, noises, and damagings type usually where not health areas but might be stuff of that too.

Well have several personal matches in today's:  Some of things had slated to do and luckily wife opted to handle some for me, but the most interesting one is also a very positive type:

First the changes are in Psh type areas producing Byo types which clash Gm star type areas, etc.

In that all meanings apply, and on the B star as said things of healths or countries too, but also that of damagings and any type environments stuff, etc too.

In that are also positive spins or apps too and in that was a major *Xojo updates* day.

Says they are always very productive in improvements to their product no doubt.

In Updates when improvements are made, usually some areas of an OS in it's case, or in that of an app's in it's case which this is, will be of some of it's code areas being altered.

In that some areas are destroyed or dispensed with as they are being replaced with better options. So positive destructive in that.

Today's enhanced it's X code uses in compatible sides as one area with a number of other changes enhancing it's operations in both that of the Windows and Linux OS environments areas as well.

Anyway that's one of the positive app's or sides to today's archetype aka hexagram pair.

Ok caught news saw both types there, the positive in mind melded prosthetic devices, some on the Pakistan small island just generated, and then semi locals that of another huge fire by the waters in S.C. reminder of the N.J. event and that one toss had spoke of with it!

Did finally chk the first Xojo 3D tutorial today, sort of a big jump ahead from where was at,  hundreds of commands in various to learn, but wanted to see just how well that area flies too.

To start with it uses OpenGL in the first example, and it worked just flawlessly and smooth in it's drawing of a triangle.

Generated a window set for full canvas like view within of a glossy painted type, it being painted fully white in a black backgound as shown at top of that tutorial's page.

The actual coding itself was very short, sweet and simple.

So if a lot is like that you could be up in that department for both 2 and 3 D drawings in your app's ultra fast.

The same in that of 2 and 3 D gamings too, barring your learning to put those together, but that's what the tutorials are for, in some the using of various maths to set up and manipulate different types of arrays in vectors, etc, but you can get books specifically tailored for those areas too.

Then there's always that of in house advices from the other programmers there as well.

In the overall I have really been just totally surprised with the ease of programmings in OOP itself, and most specifically the Xojo IDE and language version of it.

II (Grn) wa Wood day Upper *Quen* FS#8.

Global timed: #11 - #5 Involve #54...

Let you handle all that.

Just Blog:

For other beginners as well:

Ok on Xojo maybe the biz over a triangle sounded funny, but was neat because in Xojo you are using no c language commands for that.

Normally Objective c and or c++ used specifically to set up and allow using the OpenGL routines, most examples are in c++, but in cocoa you can use Objective c as well.

Xojo allows you to use the OpenGL's gl commands directly and appears it handles all that other which would normally be required for you, *so therefore it's easier*.


However skipping the OpenGl altogether if you just use Xojo's graphics commands alone, *there's tons you can do* in the displaying of images or the drawings of your own images on a canvas that enables you to create your own special even professional applications.

Then in that you can certainly create your own animations in the images and DrawPic modes alone.

One can create basic 2D games using their graphics, etc.

They have some very good examples even neat of a hubble pic shot in one, but things are not well explained in their examples per se.

There's no extensive course as in writing Xojo graphics programs or games, etc. *so you do have to study the code examples for yourself*!

The basic Xojo graphics areas are not hard to understand itself as you'll be useing a *Canvas control* which you add to your App window and set to it's sizeing as you want it for your graphics projects. 

Then you'll be most often using the Paint event (Of selectable event types) itself with that, and putting your coding (often called a method(s)) in it's code window for the desired actions.

You'll use canvas in Xojo's OpenGL too, so it's something you'll need to be familiar with anyway.

You can speed some learnings up by:

On the graphic command aka methods themselves, *use the IDE's help section*:

No not obvious not referred to from those areas in the book, and then bit hard to navigate the help for what you want, but all is there.

Choose Graphics and in that will be various classes of graphics each further described in examples, it's g and p commands and code snippets.

If that didn't get what you needed there then within that area choose that labeled graphics again as well, to get to the other that you will need and scroll down to that under *Methods* themselves there!

That like DrawLine, DrawObject, and many more is in that Methods area.

It will usually have any g and p commands needed or used with, plus some example code snippets for the given method in there as well.

With the full set, you can write many different programs to draw both simple and complex images in pic's, canvas screens of anything you'd like.

So where most beginners should start their Xojo graphics off with.

In my case with Xojo, I'll get much more familiar with that part before I bother with the specialized of OpenGL for effects purposes.

Though I likely will be using OpenGL very soon in X code as I study the Objective c there, most often used for that on the Mac.

Will in same do that with c++ as well, not much xtra effort at all in that, and covers the for any OS or mobile's part too.

Ok just covered that xtra bit to do with graphics and everything but everything else in their guide book is quite easy!

Likely won't post much else there *as that's enough to start anybody off with*, and maybe much later when I use their OpenGL down the road may add a bit on that is all.

Metal day III (Red) s Upper Chen areas and FS#7 centers...

Global timed: #10 - #58 Involve #37.

A general toss type:  #13 - #33 Involve #44.

When chk news late just past midnite last night, those toss areas were very active and prevalent in things.

Just Blog:

Finished up on IDE's for awhile, on languages I usually take longer than most in any particular as will study from several different authors and sources at the same time.

Get more rounded views that way and so far already learned from Objective c what areas one codes for an Iphone App itself.

Makes the start more interesting there, as you know where your going.

That on OpenGL itself is normally quite a daunting area in which you have to use lots of maths in plannings.

Not sure how all that's going to fly in Objective c and c++ for Mac side, but approaching that in Objective c now.

So in Xojo alone the idea of just staying with the initial drawing options in it, which are needed and quite adequate in a lot, is good for now.

Have taken aka studied all the required in the past especially in areas of Geometry, Trigonometry, and matrices aka determinants and transforms of those vis linear algebra, and even a small amount as in ABC's of calculus also, but *it's sure been a long time*.

Some things have to be boiled down to matrices and then transformed vis the projection techniques used, etc.

***So would have to do quite a review there, and when do there would only be the bi weekly lunar periods here, as would have no time for any else***!

A course specialized for that is always an option too, may take one as have seen various advertisements on a few there too.

Some of those in cheaper and good self study alternatives:



Some costs:

Will toss on any choices in that direction to avoid any that would be less than adequate or of those who just rip you off.

[There may also a very practical way around all that too, and that is simply to add (at cost) the DarkBasic dll to your IDE.

As long as it's still compatible to this latest version of Xojo and likely is as was with a number of IDE's in the past.

In DarkBasic most all the work has been done for you, and you can select from options what you need, modify examples, etc. Definately a whole lot easier than planning and building everything from total scratch.

Not sure on cross platform as darkbasic may be more interpreted than compiled type.

May be best just to use DarkBasic by itself for 3D gamings purposes!

Moving away from Xojo it most definately can be added in to the standalone of PureBasic for cross platform purposes, and then into MS Visual Studio's as well but maybe just Windows in latter case.

Anyway sort of at a to do or not to do point in some of those options for now.

Think my final conclusion on Xojo and OpenGL at this time is unless you already have a strong working background in OpenGL, Forget it.

That as Xojo from everything shown is just not 100% ready for beginners in that arena, only one working example in Xojo IDE itself.

That at the Unofficial but associated site is just illustrating the very basics of OpenGL itself which isn't enough for a total beginner to construct a game or things of that order.

Using Xojo for about anything else though is very much in, and are thousands of useful applications projects including basic games you can create, skipping the OpenGL altogether!

Solution: The Omega bundle which includes the Franklin game engine a much better way for 3D gamings applications but very expensive.


Franklin comes included in the current versions of PureBasic.

So may save as have had it for years and just upgraded at zero cost recently, and stick with that alone for any cross platform 3D gamings applications.

Working with an Engine which does lots of the other task works including the physics for you, is the much easier and shorter type of path to take.

Will continue with the Objective c and c++ for basic general areas and that of OOP programmings uses and then in the additional of using those in game engines as well for the heavy 3D games types.

Then was able to get my DarkBasic Pro fully up running today and produceing executionables (exe files) today which is great for 2 and full 3D programming. Not cross platform type but does covers Windows from XP to Win 8 just fine.

If can integrate into PureBasic still these days then covers all the platforms too, but if not still good enough for Windows app's.

Pro version is standalone doesn't require any connection to their servers (The Game Creators).

It's own IDE and has an excellent 3D game engine with all the perks in it's physics for the various textures, shadings, particles, fog, rotations and all standard effects.

They also have online libraries with tons of free user snippets any can use.

Within the IDE it's help system examples areas has tons of programs covering all the commands, and an area where their broken down by functionality *so you can't miss in learning them*, including that of the special effects types!

You can load them into the editor from the IDE's main example areas or done correctly from the titled examples in the tutor interface as well.

Latter is where their grouped by functionality and show multiple uses of commands in a block of program code.

The code for those and all areas is very well commented, so it's easy for you to understand the commands and their uses. So that's the can't miss stuff.

Examples in code for most normal areas used such as rooms, walls, things of an environment, animation, and more.

So most would have no problem learning from those to code their own and add too.

Includes a tutorial with example to structure a basic game start to finish.

Programming is quite similar to basic language commands but many more elevated special ones and it itself is mostly written in c++ and assembly and all runs as fast as you'd need.

Eve news areas:

Has been some successive news positive for top of govt in key areas that's been a relief to a long spell of other.

Some at everyday citizen levels too that has been refreshing, despite other conditions has been refreshing as well.

Local of muffler stuff a match and anything of surfaces or underneaths.

Ntl definately that in begins between Iran's president and ours the U.S. President in todays.

Ntl that in areas to do with the potential govt shutdown also.

Was anything of 1st and 6th line areas in changes for date.

Mainly of toss's 1st line areas:

The prime of P star type areas of the Wood Rabbit

That involving K star areas of the Earth Dragon. In some could bond and clash with the 6th line areas.
Not hard to match of date to those areas.

One other that may apply with last toss a few #51 - #17 Involve #39...

As far as murders, accidents or robberies I didn't include all the internal but was a clash to local(s) By stars in one. Then returns vis 1st and 6th line areas mentioned.

Just because I don't mention something, if you'd expand them you'll always find the other stuff.

All tosses this period still valid with it.

Game example one bug so far but most had ran and just need to look up that of bracketing camera commands for that.

Bugs are ok as learn from and if any more will find but basically their example structure is working.

Earth day IV (Red) yo Upper Duay FS#6.

Under the weekly changes of the Southern Red Phoenix Star #3.

That Phoenix's week started the 26th day II (Grn E, Intl) wa Upper Quen.

The Red of Fire, the fiery, quarrelsome, wealth, fame and power also that of all South's aka southerly locations, fronts, etc...

We know it's correct in other like of country areas as this week Iran's President made new overtures for initiating new begins in Nuclear areas (Fiery) with President Obama.

Good news in that for the entire world, as is an area that ultimately affects all countries of mankind.

Today's global timed: #49 - #31 Involve #44...*Leave to you*.

Won't comment as when I do like to stay brief pick the main of the main, and if do that someone else always notes, well this wasn't covered??

It almost always covers all main of a particular date, *it's up to you to expand it* and note the star aspects and theme types within, if you actually want to know what comes up as main in a given date and your day!

On the tosses unless otherwise stated you should consider them valid for an entire solar period (one month) and strong in the lunar period in which the toss was done.

Technically they are valid in some fashions under any date, ad infintatum, so if we choose first 2 - 3 days for strongest initial outcomes, we have to understand it never really stops with just

You can continue to check them under each new date as long as you wish too.

Last nights added toss had some which including pasts into presents played out very quickly as sudden changes, it's definately still active and in one tiny area as are many, many and in that close by to me, my wife came down with something and a bit ill today.

Some dizziness and nausea to it for the disease and illness bond within it yesterday which manifested with today's date clashing the local(s) close by in Gm star type areas.

Now not in all cases as depends upon mainly the date and then also the bi weekly lunar period involved at the time, but in her's it just a temporary thing and could determine exact but no need as know it's temporary.

We know that by the structure or pair config aka it has 6 Strike (clashed) outcomes brought on by sudden changes, as was air temp here today too.

When something occurs of a sudden versus a chronic nature then the 6 Strike means *No Worries* it won't last long!

That as there was nothing by original date that bonded the physical or object main lines, and in this case the B star advance meant something of health areas can be temporarily involved is all.

Now in other areas it may be different but since healths is one of the items that's specifically of the changes, that's a no sweat the small stuff type.

Possible if a person's personal birth year sign bonds to the physical it may be serious for them.

Then any hour but mainly date that can bond to primarily the physical but Object line in some special cases would cancel the 6 Strike, and in that can indicate a serious or long term condition arises in that case.

As it was and is it's currently a No and No Worries status for the great bulk of things and yes in only a few very special exceptions.

That's how it goes in observings, you apply each date separately to it in the ahead or as it comes up to net you a summation of quite likely potentials for a dates main areas, situations and issues the pair(s) stars and lines show.

Ok Just Blog:

Allright on the DarkBasic example for creating a basic game it wasn't supposed to work as is, you are supposed to gather up resources from an unspecified location??

The location has a name called Dark Basic Professional Resources Collections, *however your not told there specifically where that's at*???

Assumed possibly was installed on pc which should have been for the excercise itself, but it wasn't. Had no folder called resources either.

May be on the net, but in a quick look didn't see it right off there either???

No huge problem in that though:

I had just tested the existing skeleton code for fun, and after the first syntax error which had absolutely nothing to do with the loading in of anything, I stopped there to note the bug itself.

Used typical manual de bug of my own by turning any error line into a comment line so the program would totally ignore it and proceed onwards.

Were about 10 total buggies, some other of them could come have came from my altering some lines to comment types as well, and some from was nothing to load in also, etc.

Anyway the skeleton program guide, *did run without*, and resulted in a perfectly dark black screen aka the main background for the game screen itself.

Realized was nothing to load in at that point, so was pointless to attempt to fix any bugs as they too might be a result of the former.

Having no idea where those resources were I just looked through the working program examples for one that basically met the same criteria that their game skeleton guide specifies.

Problem solved:

The *Planet_Potter* example program very closely meets the entire criteria of the guide with just a tiny bit xtra, so using it as a model for basic game structure they described.

For study of Planet_Potter used *it's outline* titled the same and shown as a text or .bak file that can be opened with notepad.

Found that under program files in a separate *projects* folder there.

Using that as your guide and reference, you can then study to fully understand the basics of game design principles.

The basic design or game structure it shows, is one that is very closely shared by all game types period, including the non FPS types in basic variations as stated in their guide.

A normal install of DarKBasic Pro places the bulk of it in your pc's program files area and then also a DarkBasic temp files folder itself resides on the c: drive.

Myself I saved a copy of that under a different but similar name to my documents area in a folder I'd named DBprostuff for my study uses.

So then closed out the other at that point, and re opened it from my documents.

Next in the IDE loaded the Planet_Potter examples program in vis the Open Project command, and then also saved that too under a different name again, using the save as command.

Close out and opened the newly created saved version.

So now can experiment with the code too for our tests and learning purposes without worrying about damaging the original files.

So we can experiment with any variables, formulas and data types, data's in the program and any of the program areas themselves too.

Doing so by temporarily removing or plugging in new values, etc and then observing the results using it's debug mode, etc when ran.

All for our *tests and learning purposes*.

[It's their stuff you can't distribute that, but you can study the code for purposes of learning to create a game right away as examples are for both ideas and learnings purposes.

The idea any buy's it for in the first place.

Anyway after studying and understanding all in that, you will be able too create your own initial basic game(s) too, using entirely new and maybe added features of your own.

Plus they very likely do have quite a number of royalty free files of various needed in the free code snippets areas they provide for your use via a downloads area too. Haven't checked out yet.

Further you still have their forums for even more techy resources of the Q & A form too, and believe they've also a couple of commercial books on it and various other programmings subjects.

Also appears they offer other great softwares for phone app's areas as well, so that's very neat too].

Checked both out there are books one can buy for DarkBasic Pro.

Also there is a total mobilities product their *AGK app* with which you can create both 2 and 3D games any platform, using either you'd like of basic or c++ for your program codings, and that's for both the IOS and Android OS phones and devices.

In 3D areas includes most options including easily programming for and with OpenGL also.

Like the xtra option of the c++ in that too.

Runs bit different in those your chosen OS needs a free App file on the device or os.

It's an interpreter for the AGK game kit, that you can find in your phone's app store.

Normally would think an interpreter slow but it's running a form of bytecode that the games are compiled in. So runs fast enough and are currently many games on phones and devices that use it.

Book available for the AGK game kit too.

Sort of takes care of all 3D games programmings areas in one shot for me, and just use the more powerful DarkBasic Pro for Windows only platforms with the AGK for all other.

Free trial versions of it too, just type in search AGK game kit also made and from TGC (The Game Creators TM).

Then the price is great too, definately a bargain there.

So from everything have seen, tried and looked at, think that DarkBasic Professional is one outstanding application in and with which any can learn great 3D game, etc types of programming.

[It's just one Great product in my opinion and one that is very, very reasonably priced for all it allows you to create and do!

Clearly *The Game Creators(TM) products* are an awesome outfit, company].

DB Pro comes in full as a free try it out version as well, has advertisements run in it, and you cannot produce standalone .exe files with that. However you can still learn using their examples and build code your own programs which will just run as temporaries on your pc.

Temporary meaning when you close the program out it's all gone, so if neccessary copy your code aka source file (not theirs) that you put in the editor and save it as a .txt file with notepad or similar for later use.

That's just assuming it doesn't allow code in the editor to be saved in the free version as I hadn't tried or needed to do that myself with a registered version.

Posted in case any hit same  minor block and for any starting out that might run into same conditions.

In no way says anything negative of the product it's first class and excellent.

May have been a glitch long forgotten or perhaps just left out of the install, at any rate have a workaround for the skeleton guide used for creating a basic game with notes here.


As far as that last toss with Zen like in it, that of the Brides pair, some in news depended on when that of interest came up and the the star type involved as far as guageing Worry or No Worries status.

Gave the standard that went with it as should, but basically *should only strongly apply to things that can fall under it's physical type* in the main, and that would sure not include everything.

That latter alone says it can't possibly apply to everything, probably sounded like I meant that, but no it has to follow reasonable rules too!

The general case of it being a No worries type is true, but of that under what it shows in the physical *Gry* 3rd Pc Earth stars, and specifically that I tossed on, which I'm not mentioning.

Also no worries applies to it not being of things of a long termed nature mainly in the sickness senses and that chronic and says it'll just be something of a sudden or short term nature instead, don't think most understood that, but that is it's definition and listed as such at also.

Have to watch wife's stuff anyway as although manifested today, and no doubt she was struck of something health connected and correct stars were involved.

May be of an earlier cause or inception. Hers doesn't seem to exactly fall under the physical type either, so means if want to know have to toss specifically on it.

Go with some other events of just local(s) and/or close by:

A person being shot aka murdered, that's of the criminal sudden and short.

Roadways being shutdown 5th B star areas is an Obstructings, but only for a day that's short term not long term.

Disturbances with loud vehicles horsing around on roadways earlier prior to day sh, also in short term not long term.

That too was specifically shown in the timings *so not original nor truly personally connected to anyone in particular* as it was an influences on masses then.

Mainly for those in outsides areas at the time in that of groups and as brides (same in purposes, etc) and what ever their particular pursuits were then. The timing itself the catalyst moving them.

The No Worries meaning applies to things of Long term, not the short term.

Wide but local area we had cool temps, but they say it won't last, so was short term not long term.

Sun  Day  V (Yel) sh Upper LI (Fire) with FS #5 star Yel Earthy Saturn for centers any location.

#21 - #35 Involve #39

We can see Obstructings were involved for the day themes as mentioned prior and that in some actions and msg's even.

Leave pair to you.

In initial of prior date was correct for Wife as had came up in sudden, and she is better today the dizziness gone, so was short term not long.

Should with that other on it, indicate what you should expect of the Brides pair and in it's natures for things yet also.

One other mention on all the Programmings IDE types I have covered on this page:

All are good but for anyone first time installing any strongly recommend you have a good and current Antivirus on your pc before installing any.

Sometimes inadvertantly with any IDE when any one of them installs a brand new module, update or revision to it there may be an overlooked issue in it, so pays to have a good antivirus which scans these in both downloads and operations.

Would normally exclude Microsofts or Mac's as MFR's they automatically are double checking their softwares and IDE's at all times for you.

Outside of those two *any other should always be checked vis a good antivirus*, and usually in any that are found these days they will rarely be anything vital to the IDE or the product itself, so you'll still be good to go and safe in using them.

Anyway for a one stop in 3D gaming recommend the game creators (TM) as it's specialized in that, and the easiest way to get into that and an easier way.

You'll learn all you need to know for OpenGL and other using it as well. Then if choose could use that in option in other IDE's.

It's basic so near any of other app's can be made with it aside games, but Xojo and PureBasic look better there.

PureBasic somewhat similar for games sides in using it's included gaming engine, etc but it's for a lot of other well beyond gamings areas too.

Then those who have Mac's all you need is of your choice Objective c and/or c++ those with their free X Code IDE. That will handle it all for the Mac's and IOS.


On other in news: Don't expect the Brides or Fellowship of men's or the Zen #51 toss prior to apply to the Govt stuff, as that all started well before.


[Got so busy in other that been writing on, so went back and bolded the area where Zen #51 toss was, near the end of the Friday aka Metal day III (Red) s post.

Normally it's line the 4th would be no worries but it bonds local(s) By stars which could be all the stormy and losses stuff in news now, aside groups too, tomorrow.

Storms in *NW's of U.S.* and was that of heavy winds in W areas of U.S.

Hr s only main shot see and very doubtful, so there's no guarentee what so ever in that.

Hadn't seen come around like that prior, and I don't think that it applies to areas started much before the toss date].

Rather than say something to sound wise when maybe not, let the names and star aspects of relationships and the Iching aka Wwg do the talking, it's wiser.

Have a safe and good weekend.

Moon day Cancer 9/30 VI (Gry) h Upper Zen FS #4 (Shun) Full Day...

#32 - #40 Involve #43...

Aside man's situations and scenario's is also a strong natural and weathers phenomena pair. Applies somewhere in that, perhaps that NW U.S. stuff or other as well.

Clear today a lot in officials, political types and officers in thing are large for the events and news areas. Much about power control in issues of it's other R star areas as well today too.

Then of date in solar and global relationships it's that of an monies and wealths aspect fitting correctly and exactly within the Main of the Ryo star physical areas today.

[Any day many are affected in things that fall under the physical star areas of the given lunar date, quite amazing how strongly it and the global solar version interelate in our daily affairs.

Whether internal or external if you check you'll always find something of it up to an event itself that plays into your own day.

So knowing just those two areas tells you something of the potentials for your date and in fellowship with the rest of the world the same influences or affects in their.

We are never totally islands unto ourselves alone].

[Other Xtra tidbits info's:

Today day VI (Gry) h aka Yin loose Earthed Pig where the yin quality is often mental or volatile too.

We have that of Wht influences too 2nd Local(s) and Close by's in Ph Water Pig type areas so all P star type meanings take on it's character in energy attributes today.

Luckily it's a P star and not R star in today's as aside covering the basics of nurturances in feelings and emotions on things it's *yin sides cover that of greeds, hates, and haters too*.

So generally it's not a good deal as an R star when strong issues of it's areas are at hand. Matters between even the closest of family members or friends can become from extremely tense to dangerous and deadly in that.

So if there was nothing else, but is, we then at least have that to be thankful for today!

It was dominant last Metal aka Friday but for most in more hidden and subtle forms then, as it's helper the Moon was in Gemini and not Cancer which would have accentuated it.

In Gemini areas though and in the subtle it did surface in some news areas last Friday in terms of story selections and of yin natures, won't mention which, but is repulsive when comes up as an influence in their areas.

Probably caught some off guard there, but it's one of the life tidbits that get overlooked and sometimes in the spontaneous under subtle influences isn't even thought of any are subject too in moments.

Other yin type areas would be in watery of the diseased types as associates kidney and bladder areas as well.

In the bulk and of more yang sides unless clashed then things of the quite positive in nurturances as in kind acts, caring or sharing with others, persons or pets, etc.

Especially in eve's as hr yo is when the showy aka prestigous of them air in a natural hour for just that.

Mention as just odds and ends for others to put together in or for their own understandings of why things of human natures and activities are the way they are at times.

That and the fact I usually forget to mention some of the more intricate in human or personal sides of an element's details that can surface in extremes at times.

Then in this case wasn't aiming at a particular person or individual and *very much more so it's effects under a **specific star type** and polarities regarding an area by time slot, but could have been any as well].

Today's pair:

[Physical and Changes: Blk Ryo Metal Rooster star type Meets Kw Fire Horse star and may be rcvd in Grn 4th Kw star areas.

Object MOC T and D areas of: Yel Earthy Saturn influences to *6th* line areas in Gsh Earth Dog star type supports the Physical, but can clash the resultant Wht 2nd Local(s) Gcn star under it as well. 

The Gsh star rough and sad in some of it's ends on 6th line of the yin line side meanings there, as in a fierce dog case bent on attacking some, was shot dead while charging the police today local or near local areas. Likely in hr m or cn irregardless of date.

A date same Wht 2nd Local(s) or close by's Ph star under which resides a By hiding star which associates the same as resultant of Gry 1st areas. The primary Ph star areas of local(s) connect to  resultant Gcn star areas also.

Hr's s, yo, and sh strongest for G star type or related to actions or events today].

***Hr sh 8pm - 10pm:

Potential things of R Fire star areas manifest in this hour of ends or completions, also include *Gry* 1st Pcn star killback in Begins, surfaces, underneath's areas.

So R star type choices are in and now we see what exact manifests***

Don't like it a bit either but ends means what it means on *6th line areas*, it was last manifest for the date, so only a total true miracle would overide it.

Just add Tuesday Fire Day's here:

It's posted at the top same except for the date which is VII (Wht) t aka Yang Metal Rat Upper Shun FS #3 (Zen) else same as the Solar month's pair there.

No studies today had a procedure done and only stopped to pick up one thing for wife and hit the sack as soon as got home.

Ran into a friend enroute and perhaps I'll surprise him with a visit in the very near future and bring him over here, when I'm more up to it, but today was not one I could handle.

Procedure done by an expert, but that type biopsy no one enjoys 12 samples and has some after effects up to a week.

Ok that prior on element h or the Pig stuff, is not limited to those of that birth and sign nor is any element when it comes to the emotive of it's char attributes.

In that and life in this world it applies to all, as each person shares and has the same full ranges and depths to emotions they both feel and experience in it.'

That of yin and yang polarities for any element *is no different*, than the common expression of "The opposite of Love is Hate".

Certainly one all know is often very true in certain experiences and more.

So it's also no different *in that of Polarities themselves*, as they describe those attributes in *ranges of opposites* in things which are general truths, facts of life period.

Any know that, but sometimes when it comes from something new or foreign to their regional learnings they tend to jump to negative conclusions when really there aren't any real conceptual differences to it.

Was a fire in local news said occurred or started at 2am this morning killing three people start given was in begins of hr c.

Using the Solar month's pair at the page top here with today's date instead.

The hour clashed the Wht 4th Gateways or upper social line in Kwa star areas matching one's career areas there.

Further that line type goes with misfortunes at home and where property, people and/or livestock and pets may suffer ills, accidents and up to grave or deadly consequences.

That latter is of advanced Wwg not common to any but of advanced studies from other old systems which take in the basic rules and structures of Feng Shui and Bazi areas as well into the Wwg. 

One might wonder what about the R stars which represent dangers, well was one active, as it's line was active at the time too via the adversely clashed Kwa star bonding to the Bw star and linked. So that of the hiding, hidden Rh star for dangers there was active too.

Though date clashed the Bw stars the hour bonded to the date temporarily cancelling that, so those stars were bondable by the clashed wa element of the Kwa star.

Beyond that and usually taught but not emphasized enough with examples, is a rule and maxim which states Earth star clashes are considered *the most serious and dangerous of clashes types*.

That is what was involved there.

Then had Shun area Uppers for Outer influences were in, which takes in homes, travels, movements, winds, communications, networks, distributions and much else, then the centers of any location influences itself was of Zen for the sudden or jolts in disturbances stuff.

[So some homes and/or individuals whose own timings included the fiery in timings in homes areas along with several other factors would have been the individually affected.

At lessor levels that could play in as prowlers, robbers, etc and other at the time anywhere then.

Many other of those specifically listed occurred in the U.S. and Global areas as events this date too.

Bottom line in that and all such things is it comes down to that of timing for the involved ,*and time is not a respector of men or man*.

Thousands of the rough and ill types of events in the world any given date, but in every type if measured in terms of energies and the universal rules aka laws for those, they will be shown as in that of the potentials of the moment by timing itself.

Many for lack of knowledge, sometimes personal prejudices or other reasons, having not studied the Wwg see such events as *very mysterious things* they can't explain, but time and timing itself is always the answer and continuosly proveable through the theory as good as any's and the rules and laws of the Wwg.

Those being it's rules and laws for that of all energies and forces applying to all things through the shared common medium of *time* itself.

No one can ever know or even experience the infinite of all, but in whatever areas they do happen to focus the Wwg in, they can indeed pick up the main crux of it and the situation if and as desired too.

No one persons word has to be taken there, but you'll find uniform agreement among all properly learned in it.

Also for yourself too, should you ever desire to put in the huge amount of time to become well experienced in it.

In that of the Govt shutdown versus all areas it covers, look at today's pair being the unique of a month's Wwg solar eclipse aka conjunction type.

Simply as the date pair the same as that for the Solar month.

In Lunar the same thing whenever a date pair matches that of a lunar period then a Wwg lunar conjunction type.

Some who don't look or have time to observe with any depth may misinterpret that of an eclipse or conjunction.

Basically they are the same and can practically occur between any two or more celestial bodies (planets), including the Moon's N (Rahu) and S (Ketu) *nodes* as well.

In Wwg those don't neccessarily have to be of astronomy or astrology types or that commonly considered of the Sun and Moon that people not the huge of at times.

The Wwg type were as I specified *of the pairs themselves*.

However also at this time using that of the aboves constellational signs which the Sidereal zodiac corresponds to as well.

Then counting the N Moon's node (Rahu) as well in it, we have it and 3 other planets aka celestial bodies currently that are sign conjunct in the sign aka constellation *of Libra areas* at this time!

Mercury in that is quite strongly conjunct one or two of those, and it's areas cover a lot of the effects as well.

Wednesday 10/2 VIII C Upper Kan FS#2 (Quen)...

Note tomorrow new weekly changes under the Eatern Grn Dragon begin.

#39 - #15 Involve #64...
Physical Red 4th Bs star type areas can be destructive in some when made active.

*Blk influences* too 2nd Local(s) or that close by type areas, are in the Rw Fire Horse type areas and that of Gm Wood Rabbit star type areas hiding under that.

Object, etc:

Wht 1st Pcn star.


Yel 5th Psh star type areas which clashed the Pcn star in 1st line areas. [Yeah they did in a lot].

Thursday 10/3 Wood day Upper Gen FS#1 (Kan).

#23 - #2 Involve #2...


Weak troubled Gry 5th Kt star physical in quiet retreat and also has a date struck made active Bs metal star areas hidings star under that Kt bearer star.

Healthy Object Grn 2nd Re stars in Local(s). 


Changes Wht 6th strong Gy star areas.

Those changes met a Byo metal star for *control or killback in some cases*, and just involving the Byo metal star type areas in other cases!

It's active date struck Bs hiding star under a retreating Kt safeties, politicians, etc star at the rulers level too.

The Bs star had bound to bond Grn 2nd Local(s) Re stars of officials, officers, etc forming water for K star manifests including safeties.

In dates timed just looks like a woman amongst other meanings that was at ends, with Wht there suggesting, fierce, medical or drugs all possible.

In the #44 toss that plays differently as is a Comings to meet and Encounters hexagram and it's Gy hider star did come out and was active this date.

It clashed it's Gry 5th Bs groups star areas at the Rulers level.

Date bonded it's local(s) Kh safeties, politicians, employees, bodyguards or child, and other, etc star.

So was of a general toss eve prior made active by date today, and that of N's areas was indeed inquired of, so it applies for an added view on Gy star events of the date as well.

There's always other types of matches to a pair, but news not authority in Wwg. It's long known when I ask of a particular direction that it extends far, far away also.

Note that clashed Groups at the rulers level also environments at the rulers level in specific, were any clashed here today? They were in the far away, and as in coming to meet, since same star as dates changes involved.

That within most timed same as well, anyway areas mentioned in local news were not to my N.

So as said viable in option.

The coming to meet portion was the crashing into the WH gates, and struckout involved Pc star of gateways areas.

She came a ways to do it as her home in Ct.

Beyond that just sad unfortunate type stuff, as news had said per her family she was a person of mental issues. Ones that became too much for her in the end.

On Tennessee all that fit in yesterdays, and as was house another very unfortunate type of timed event.

Other Separate:

Watched several different news sources other day the 2nd were event matches in all.

Some covering potential scams since had B star robbers physical was good.

Had wondered about both what opportunists might come up with to take advantage of shutdown victums and then that in the healthcare areas too.

Some in late Went along with dates and a toss in eve as well.

Toss resulted in #44 - #6 Involve #1 areas, had a Gy hiding star Under Blk 2nd Local, etc Kh star areas then, and a resultant Gy star in Wht 1st line areas.

Not first toss today, but first for given question.

6 coins:

When will the Govt shutdown end???

#48 - #5 Involve #38...

Very descriptive of it in currents, good tto expand.

Will wait awhile for here, and just watch events there before any evaluation done here.

*New Moon starts tomorrow*.

New Moon of day X (Blk) m Yin Water Rabbit and reset Zen Uppers influences for all countries: #32 - #40 Involve #43 areas. 

That pair under an earlier date here was covered too, so you can refer to that for now.

Then next week will do another toss in 3 coins type on shutdown Q, and any others as need to go with it later.

The New Solar month of the Dog (sh) starts around Oct 8th here.

Studying a bit again, take breaks to move some for circulations areas, and other, so sos.

Have older version and only thing that didn't work then was that called it's color picker, but only a convenience thing not needed.

Have RGB tables on net as do some drawing programs and the basic ones easy to memorize. Colors anyway.

Fore, back, opaque, transparent and all the rest plus methods work fine in the DB itself so no problem. In some on characters of shadow, embossed and other effects reminded me of the character generator function used in tv stations productions. Same 3D effects in colors and appearances for the numbers and letters in their texts.

Likely in newer versions the xtra of color picker module is a problem that doesn't exist anymore.

Till next time.

New Moon and New Lunar Month:

Metal day 10/4 X (Blk) m Upper Zen FS#9 (Li) under the weekly changes of the Eastern Grn Dragon.

New Moon darkest night date of it's periods, but begins the new moon lunar period itself.

Posted at top here bottom image until the Solar month of the Dog begins then will post in new page there.

Some already mentioned yesterday and pair covered here before, has Zen type Uppers as the External Outer, Skies and Heaven's influences coming into and for it's period.

Zen surprises, shocks, jolts, thunder sounds, lightning, electrical, the sudden in disturbances or events, can be volatile and mental or mentally spastic, etc and in types as well, etc.

In zones like that you have to make efforts to keep yourselves and things in check or under control, as one where stuff can erupt abruptly and explode in your face. In it's extremes that is.

Looking at the Inner, Lower aka Earth Gua's, areas are things of the SE directions and Shun type areas anywhere involving N's and Kan type areas anywhere.

Has FS#9 (Li type areas)  for the Centers of any location of the New Moon's imprint (archetype) also, so Fire Org's, Executives and Fiery stuff, etc in too.

That and the names brings some of the other recents of the sudden in events into perspectives as well!

As far as the any locations were already seeing that, to the S's and SE's Hurricaine Karen, to the N's that of DC in more than one way, to the Midwest that of a huge snowstorm that spawned a tornado very Zen too of that former some still lingering in the NW's moving E's as just a few U.S. environments areas. 

That of the #44 toss plays in predominantly with the new moon pair in start today and for initials also.

Has other names Queen being short for one of them but let others look up for themselves it may in some areas extend to go with the entire period.

It matches very strongly as it illustrates the wide areas in U.S. weathers and active of natural phenomena environments a bit better for the current start, with that of the New Moon pair showing that of influences coming in and to result in the ahead for the period.

In the ahead more as far as the Outers and Externals in *Gry* 5th Rulers, the high or far and roads or paths areas in any and all types of R star areas of the Metal Monkey environments, types, items areas.

At rulers level takes in very top and tops of government and any government area, and then respectively the same of biz and any other org or structure as well.

So can yet be more dangers there and then in bulk most other of the R star meanings under *Gry* type influences.

Caught several eve news sources some in partial, others in full and earlier a quick spin or two with the written.

Very clear the *Coming to meet* aspect of the WH plus and vehicle incident was significant.

All key related points of the Wwg already covered that here and was just no question that the events main aspects came out just as was it illustrated in them.

They did learn some very, very significant details that can be indicators for others to be aware of at least. More for medical authorities to cover those.

Most else in news strongly matches in several views which leave to you.

Earth day I (Grn) cn Upper Shun FS#8:
NM Pair:

Clashes today Wht 6th Gsh star to chart date formed fire for K star manifests the entire date.

Then in hr sh tonight that opens and the Resultant Grn 2nd Local(s), Close by's Gcn star areas are involved or clashed out then (8pm - 10pm EDST aka 7pm - 9pm EST).

Separate of a toss today not on Hurricaine Karen and for B star areas stuff also:

Gry 4th line areas Bsh Earth star retreat to Bwa areas with Yel 3rd line areas in Bc Earth star type areas. Retreats always can be some very small to large where things go awry.

Had, have clashes, etc between them this am of hr cn, early afternoon hr wa and Gry 4th Bsh active tonight.

Ok on Bsh it had been clashed whole date then briefly clear in it's hour more correct but still active.

Gave since can add to others environments considerations today and tomorrow, in home and external normal stuff through hr s and the B star changes were both that of changes in environments, and some in talks, mostly as loud sounds aka noises, and in external some of damages in others outsides environments areas, etc.

Any significant of that have to conform to mainly the Gry 4th line areas and the retreats, pasts, etc meanings, separate of other would occur but not count per se.
Add any and all B star meanings as need.

All of those plus hr's m and cn applicable for other of B star type areas tomorrow as well.

Also a Blk N's, etc 6th high, far, etc Ry men, dangers, etc star that hr h late will bond to as well. Earlier in hr s when struck would have been some to some extent.

Didn't catch news after this but had asked of environments without regard to hurricaine and once noted so many B stars decided to add those areas in for today and tomorrow,

On clear hr sh sort of misnomer was just clear of date clash meant and then the Bsh star line was active for hour sh.

Ok watched late local news and see the hurricaine became a dead duck in the day not even a TD label makes me wonder if that too was where things went awry.

Heard something of a boy struck by a vehicle tonight and certainly not a good thing in that, wasn't sure or missed what time that was.

That of hours still ok tomorrow minus any date clash to toss then.

Add forSunday:

On R stars that of Officials, bosses, supervisors and biz owners these days as can be female there these days.

Myself though I do tend to stick with what it was originally and traditionally meant for which is Men and males period.

Then even in the arguementive of modern that of a male boy also would fit in and more for the dangers meanings of the R star as well.

So a boy aka male can fit with it in any case and unfortunately was in danger and injured in a roadways area about all I got.

Toss may have confused some and likely should have listed the names as I watched some of it play out myself also.

However I still thought at the time, that Hurr/TD Karen was still active and since didn't toss specifically on it, didn't want to list it.

Does fit with that of reversals had wrote about in the below.

Anyway to make a bit more straight, you'll need to expand to look at trigrams at least, and with the stars even better:

Global timed for:

Oct 6th Day II (Grn) e : #39 - #15 Involve #64

That of #64 likely applicable regarding that of the Earth day (Saturday's) stuff also.

Followup toss itself:

The toss pair had was: #41 - #61 Involve #24...

So thought was an interferance and that it would detract from the other, when instead the Wwg was showing it's (the Hurr/TD) demise for the date.

Expand and you can find lines as were mentioned, with first hexagram name of Things (Breaking or Decreasing) with the results obvious.

For that of the Hurr/TD things went awry for it, and pretty sure no one minds in it's case, that a bit.

Anyway was an overlook error type for me, the Wwg itself was right.

Matched some events out here as well.

Read or Watched no news, just relax only.

Ok on that of genders in the Wwg and probably others as well.

In interpretings and that of our modern day world you can be flexible as to the stars or G and R stars as to how things are these days.

However in tosses and asking of questions you must stick to the original and traditional of it's genders assignments period.

Those and all star relationships must be correctly and firmly established and preset in your mind and thinkings before you toss.

If not you will hit and miss, instead of always correct results you'll get hodgepodge some ok, some not.

Seems it also says something in that, and so I stick 100% to traditional as there would be no point in tossing if one couldn't always get accurate results.

In this new moon has been various in certain areas in that *of total reversals* both of yin and yang natured types that come up in most any location as part of the changes.

Ours had some and many areas will. the U.S. as a country had some in global affairs regarding nuclear areas today as well.

That today like blowback and went with *the pair of the date when Iran's President in U.S.*, had made positive gestures in Outreach to U.S. President.

Yesterday (Friday's):

In jolty zen type changes the Man who dowsed himself in gasoline setting himself on fire near or at a DC mall area did so in hr s under:

#32 - *#28* Involve #43 areas then.

Had a *Gry* 5th Rs Metal star *changes in advanceings* for in his case that of the mental and dangers, wealths, the deadly, or death like in actions, events. Jolts to bring pleasings by ends.

The same also linked too *Red* fiery 3rd *Physical* Ryo star type areas with the changes Rs star itself being rcvd in the physical then.

Were some distrubances to the Physical then as the date clashed it for emphasis and indicating things in or of the Physical in Ryo star areas were under conflict not smooth.

The changes clashed Grn 2nd Local(s), close by's Hiding By star type areas under it's Ph star bearer there. That of groups there at the time and other which bonded to the happening at the time.

So again Strong *Zen* abberrational like mental and emotional jolts stuff, regarding possibly something of the material, $$, women, love and in his current life fortunes itself as well.

That as the date bonded to *Wht* 6th Ends in Gsh star retreatings where things go or had gone awry. Fire formed for K star manifests there.

Those with sorrows, deluded thinkings and or disturbed with negative thinkings in outlooks sure appear more prone to extremes in that of the current Zen energies zone unfortunately.

In plus though very positive new insights in awarenesses can be glistened from it as well, so an excellent period to explore and learn new things in as well. Positive for technical areas and including softwares or programmings as well. In some dates and times influences for that which is mal or goes awry can come up there too.

That of G, R and P star areas in this lunar month are of the weak and troubled type if you want to do a breakdown of all the main likely area types. Then in largest bulk those within the trigram type environments they fall in as well.

Started the regimen in DB Pro last Sun day and only missed the one day had procedure done only, slowed on the c's areas for now.

Do the 3 coins toss sometime next week, but likely there's a pointer star wise in the last 6 coins one on govt shutdown's areas.

Have a safe and good weekend.

Moon day 10/7 III (Red) w Yang Fire Horse Upper Gen type areas FS#6 (Chen) centers any location Accept day. 

Under the weekly Eastern Grn Dragon influences.

Global #23 - #2 Involve #2...

Another we recently had here, which you can look through.

Did Monday's early as hit the approx weekly zone again for blah ill effects and don't feel to study or do much in that.

So will chill for day or so until passes.

Ok hadn't watched any news other than bit late local Saturday eve, and just read scanning a little of todays, not sure of will watch prior to next toss.

Did note the expected of tons in G star areas at this time even relative N Korea sort of different or unexpected there.

Also that of a couple of mil op's  as generally don't see two for around the same time in news. One vis Naval Seals had to be aborted due to things going awry that location, then another by Special Forces which did succeed, but is laden for increase of dangers to americans and other in Libya and neighboring regions.

Didn't note much beyond that and caught up on some Prime and Netflix shows and movies for the break. Makes avoiding news and just relax only lot easier.

New Solar Month of the Yang Water Dog:

Tuesday Fire Day IV (Red) wa Upper *Quen* FS #5 (Yel Earthy Saturn star) Accept day.

Still under the Eastern Grn Dragon week influences also.

Starts the new solar month of the IX (Blk) Water sh aka *Yang Water Dog month*.

That of Feng Shui for centers any location for the solar month of the Dog is that of:

FS #3 (Zen) type influences.

#11 - #46 Involve  #54 type areas.

Temp post here now at top, start new page area tomorrow.

That of Chen trigram in the Lower Inner and Earth realms areas usually not particulary good for Upper leaderships and those at tops of them.

Looks by chart date things in it could run adverse for that of Ox type areas or persons, some may come out on ill side at times, may be just for the date only for most and the main that direction.

Good to keep an eye on though and weigh that this month.

In a way like voids considered somewhat similar, but think those are more serious have to check and then it's the NM and FM Lunar and masses pairs that are the strongest and most important. 

Physical Gry 3rd Bcn star type areas.

Object: Grn 6th Kyo star type areas.

Chg's: Red 1st Gt star type areas.

Earth and Metals strong while that of Water Vanished, weak and troubled for the period in general but better on their specific dates, etc.

As you see clearer it's the y, m elements which are void and have been since the new moon.

Usually the star types with those elements have a lot of areas that are not of great or good fortune while of voids status.

Till next time.

Just Blog:

Ok into my programmings finally which will keep me busy for 3 lifetimes or for whatever remains of this one anyway:

Slow because I cover several languages simulataneous for the advantages each one has over another.

Sounds hard but not, because all the languages have many common points and similarities to them.

Then of DarkBasic Pro which was engineered for 3D graphics it is quite easy for any who had used Basic as a language in the pasts, such as on old Apple II+ and IIe series and the old IBM basics, pc junior, Amiga, Commodore's, VIC,s, TRS-80, T.I., Kaypro and many others a few decades back.

[Anyone who was prolific in that then, can jump right in, the same as the old bicycle biz, once learned never totally forgotten, and you will breeze through DarkBasic Pro.

Free full fledged trial versions of it too, to learn with.

Even in the maths used, it has it's own inbuilt calculator to aid you in any of formulas used ot that you construct for different programming functions, etc.

Plug and play so don't let any hold you back and there are also tons of free maths tutorials of any type all over the net. Those for your machine and the very same for your smartphones or tablets and readers of virtually any os! Tons of free math app's you can download, install and use.

It has all the standard of the old pc's. such as the different screen resolutions between chosen text, graphics and those in mixed *modes* for screens, and screenings situations.

The same as it was then, *but now much more powerful*:

As it allows that of OpenGL, or Direct X etc components, features aka methods too in both 2D and 3D graphics, using the current of our modern advanced graphics hardware, etc technologies options in today's machines.

That means besides any of the older programs of yesteryear you can develop those also with extended 2D and 3D objects options to include the full blown of the advanced and powerfull of 3D gamings itself.

So any of the old accountings, home managers, home designers, cad, electronics, chemistry, sciences, astronomies,  physics, musics, arts, etc programs and tutorial types of those can easily be done in DarkBasic Pro.

In the same original forms or more advanced as you choose, with some bodacious graphics screens and animations as well.

That clearly tells you that it doesn't have to be about gaming at all, as there are tons of other applications choices, it can be used to create.

Most of those interest me much more than the gamings themselves, but those can be made somewhat educational as well.

Were I to reach that point and do any there, then probably for the Mac as there you don't have to worry about all that's connected to promotings or sales itself, don't need a separate web site, etc, just follow their rules is all.

Could do with windows too if something set up like that.

Much too early to say exact, as would tend to follow that below first:

Don't have to follow no plan on what you'd make for the public per se as better to first concentrate on things you'd like to do or use, and then in that or of those if any you create would be useful to others then you go that route as well.

In short you just focus on making a good app of something you like and go from there period.

Best benefit is it keeps you totally productively occupied and your always learning something new, more important than money itself].

Aside the DarKBasic then still advancing in that of Xojo, and separately on the Mac in the c's, mainly Objective c but also basic c and then definately c++ (for speed) and that all within using just one IDE, the Mac's X code alone.

PureBasic had already used for a long time, and would only need to work with it's 2 and 3D graphics engine at some later point. That as once done through DarkBasic will have all concerning OpenGL sides down as well, engines are just much easier programming sides aka applications of that and Direct X as well.

Took an awful long time with bookoo downloads in those areas including the microcontrollers stuff to get the bulk of everything needed, including pdf's on most all set up for my learning and studies.

Anyone who thinks your ever really done with downloads in programmings areas is nuts, as that's a continual revise and update area irregardless of who made the product and can range from small to huge as circumstances require, just like the frequent of Windows or Mac OS X security types. Never ending in that.

There's always a lot of free stuff in each area, that any who look around can latch on too, that can be enough to get what you needed done too, just a time consuming process to find it all.

Finally there though and now spend most of my waking hours in both study and application of the studied!

For someone like me if that's something they too like, it's ideal for those of physical constraints, disabled in some forms and where outsides or external to the home work type jobs are neither a possible nor viable option.

Mostly there for one's own mental health and state alone as gives you a sense of purpose in that creative and productive for you.

Found an article in news today that fits.

Can an Algorithm write a better news story than a human reporter???

Check it out at:

Till next time.


As normal stay chilled and spend most of my time in programmings areas both in learnings and actual projects.

A lot in recent was in downloads of other programming language packages, and to update some of the existing I had.

So some beyond just micrcontrollers alone, and at a slow pace on good days, always able to stay occupied.

If you want easier and a career type, try COBOL for big business and the monster they just can't costs effectively replace.

Also to me even easier than the windows type programmings are that of the Mac's made for ease programmings world vis their free x code IDE, etc if you have a Mac, etc.

On that things balence out, a Mac may appear very expensive but the softwares you'll purchase for it are very low costings. Works the other way with MS Windows types as you can get a great pc relatively inexpensively but the software apps you'll buy for it are much more costly in many cases.

Also like:

Both PureBasic (RM) (includes 3D Engine) and Xojo (RM) there.

PureBasic a very powerful procedural language over 800 built in commands while Xojo a very powerful OOP type (easier to me) is said to have up to about 560 commands but that would depend on packages you get it for, for windows app's alone, uses what appeared was 200 up to a possible 400 commands, however both IDE environments are just excellent in uses.

Both are cross platform types so covers the big 3 in OS's.

Xojo leans, favors and directly compatible with Cocoa of Mac's X code, and PureBasic strongly favors windows, but they both definately compile applications for the other and all three main OS's.

At lower costs, but also good for some professional applications as well is liberty basic (RM) another procedural type with a great deal of the original basic to it as well.

Any of you can try for free, but you won't be able to build final executable packages for distributions of any type until you purchase the IDE which includes it's licenseings for such to you.

Microcontrollers and older outdated 8, 16 bit processors I have the assembly background in, and then in same on newer microcontrollers have only ever used a tiny subset of the C and c++ languages themselves.

Now going full bore into today's Mac and PC programmings I finally get to learn the full set of c language commands especially with X code set for it, then later add the overlays of objective c, maybe c#, and c++ definately.

To cover Windows that's the PureBasic which is raw programming power of it's top down procedural language and as you have to do it all, most extra is not done for you as is in the ease languages.

They also have great documentation these days, renowned support, and tons, upon tons of examples and snippets.

Me I certainly like ease too, so Xojo makes good sense for both platforms as well, and it does do away with a lot of the extras you'd normally have to code in vis api's and other just to fly.

However just started there so like of c have to crawl a good while before can walk, have things that slow me further than most, but on my way.

Both those are their own separate languages period, with each including some subsets of others you can add in, but primarily are their own compilable languages as is Liberty Basic.

That's why I like the Mac so much too, as you can go for gusto in their great X code with Cocoa, straight up in the c languages themselves.

Mention all for others interested as well, and what you don't see in documentations you'll find on the net, so you can literally learn quality programming for free.

Each *does have their own very specific advantages*, so you have to check through the details *per your needs for yourself*.

Till next time.


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