Friday, July 25, 2014

NM Jul 26th in the SM of the Yang metal Goat.

May add or replace one solar year pair later as well as add China NM pair in as well...

For background coming into this, see the FM period of the previous blog began in Jun and carried into July....

The below may take a read or two as well...

7/26 NM Lunar period begin:

Earth day of the Yang earth Dog V (Yel) sh...

Upper Chen 

FS #2 (Quen) SW's Ju Men the great door, gate or big mouth, healths and other...

Weekly cardinal influence of the Western Wht Tiger star #2...

All Countries NM Lunar Global Timed: 

#10 - #61 Involve # 37...

That of Care in the Conducts of actions involves Family org's or similar of the close in groups as well in that of Global and Domestics areas, which further involves or leads to that of Hollow and Centers and Trusts or the Inner truth's in some things...

You can add other of pair names also...

On that of Conduct that's not only in external actions as that for most of global will be, but also of internal in the ways one nurtures themselves in things physically or in the conduct of their expressions of their beliefs and principles as well...

On that of hollows and centers is also very practically valid for body areas such as the stomach and the nuclear inner of nurturences part of the hexagram in that too...

Means it's likely the timing for some in the health related of those areas including up to that of surgeries quite possible too...

Posted at top...

Main line areas:

Physical Grn 5th in Healthy Ks metal star areas...

A K star physical is usually a positives indicator which can be or lead to the corrections of various issues or problems, and healthy is good but likely a lot has to do with where there are obstructings in some of those areas also...

So how well it comes out another thing, as far as SW's before in the least the timing was *much too heated for actions to be carried out prior*, and it still may be the valid of dangers, but it looks to be a lot more to do with the Easts as far as where the big dangers currently are...

No doubt in just starting our own year it will become a lot clearer to those at the tops that make the decisions who will then know it for themselves as to what actions and when they should take them...

Object MOC Gry 2nd Locals, close, etc in/of Healthy Rm wood star areas...

Causings and Changes Blk 4th Chief ministers or Gateways, etc areas in Pw fire star changes Meets bonds Bwa star areas, etc...

[Changes do affect things but in end results vis bond may not be that influential or a changes go *Nowhere* type *in some to all areas*...

In some the same may simply mean the changes are locked in]....

The Pw fire Horse star is buried under date *so changes* are of or due to  troubled things and areas of the P star type issues areas...

Those in changes involve same in meeting and bonding to Strong Bwa star areas of groups, masses, work, healths or livings areas, and their environments plus other B star meanings...

Bond forms produces earth for B star type manifests those likely of or involving groups or eliminations, corruptions, wastes, losses, damagings, and destructive type actions or events, etc, most under the direction or produced of the P star type issues or areas...

Date same Red 6th line areas in Bsh star areas...

Date bonds resultant and or already, you can say fated of Red 6th Rm star areas which compete and or link with Locals...

Rm stars in one meaning address that of powerful men, officials, business owners, etc in the Intl, power itself, that of international enterprises, religions, *dangers*, weapons, pain, surgery, etc...

Fire formed for *P star manifests* have to do with Org's, groups both in the normal and then some of those in destructive or losses of military or executive natures in some, social political types also and other direct or natural types also, and then even other of normal B star type areas in some and any type environment...

Those in skies, far aways, ends, turnarounds or other 6th line meanings...

That of Rm star in same and then some of the unusual, odd, strange, mental, techy, volatile or sudden changes or jolts type in various of locals areas too...

Goes with current global events quite strong in easts or eastern countries without a doubt and then other similarly related within individual countries too...

Not all that of any countries or individual's inner truth's may be all that pretty, *human's err*, all sorts even step on others in that name, but some in global has gone too far and pair shows decisions at the fore in things now...

That at Rulers and high levels, positions or just high and far areas plus that of roads, paths or objectives involves the Physical in K star areas:

Those always include things of sittings, so that of the political goes well and that of safeties, freedoms, peacekeeping, cures or remedies would be some which fits...

Add as find valid...

Those connecting to Pe fire star areas includes things associated companies, elders, leaderships. schedules, education, parents, appointments, documents, plans or set ups, investigations, and things of fiery type Org's, groups, industries, their health's areas or just of fire or fiery element natures to them...

In latter the direct of fires, electrical areas, storms, lightenings and other natural phenomena in general...

Some of previous events detail applying to this period:

That of the R stars associated or falling in element m (mao) Rabbit areas would likely include things of the injurous, painful or worse of the deadly and crippling effects of the Qing Yang star type influences too, plus that of other things of insurances, legacies, etc, etc...

The Life aka Destiny palace for anywhere at 08:11 or from 7am - 9am aka *hour cn on July 17th* *was itself in element m* (wood jup component) areas where that of the *Year's Qing Yang* aka Troublesome aka Ram and Flying spears stars was and is *positioned* at that time!...

Some further involve in lessor things of the Qing Yang star, include that of very ill willed or nasty natured in set ups by others towards a certain party or group in any environment type!...

As you can clearly gather, that was not an auspacious hour for the date which most chinese calendars, almanacs, or feng shui sources would have listed...

Most though is also *auto covered in our pairs here* as to how the date and hours within it, will go!...

In the Solar month's pair there was the direct of a *Wht* locals Rc star of that date and clashing with the Yel 6th Skies, etc Rwa stars for the entire date then...

Then of FM pair a fated resultant Pc star of the date, transports, travels and flights that *kill bonded* the retreating high and rulers Kt safeties star for that date as well...

Hour cn direct and indirect in those charts carried R star meanings, so was no doubt there'd be some very ill events, dangers including the skies types then...

Just beefing this to show what stars with element m also carry into the Wwg star types associated that element...

There's even more exacting descriptives and details but will leave those out...

There's a good chance in this period or we can hope for that some up to a lot of what are destructives get cancelled out, unless that turns out to be the decisions on them instead...

[Anyway there are always very good things being done in the daily and all this as well, and *every star does have positive meanings and or  purposes* to them as well...

So it's never entirely negative or positive and pretty much the exact sum of what we or more so that at rulers level make it]...

It's we to some extents as these pairs apply to the masses and all individuals and their own structures in varying extents or given items on dates particular to the individual, as that of solar and lunar period types always applies and fits within that of any's routines too...

Were a number of matches in start as well as certain prior it, most involving groups you can easily spot for yourselves in the news...

*One of the more unique or unusual including dangers* had to do with a barrel as a leaking radioactive container at Los Alamos...Barrels or containers when unfilled have their own hollows...

Also that of a Chinese Engineer student attending USC who already held high level degrees in those areas, was murdered by a group not far from there...

He was certainly one of the techy aka super techy types of a locals meeting up with the Volatile types in same...

Involved that of money, etc for groups and all of the R star active per mention of the new moon pair, can include hate types too...

Match ZWDS for date and time as well...

[That of groups up to the murderous emphasized in this period as well, so be careful of those solo treks vis location and time]...

Latters also fits with the trigram meanings as *environments and items associated those* or as the directions type in some, plus FS at the time, that you can build upon...

Too much earth in the pair may indicate some severe in natural effects and phenomena of any type at times also...

That of SW's had prior in a news article referred to the large area of Water table problems there, and that is where the White water #1 (Kan) star resides for issues and that of it in the year...

So issues of it's areas a norm and sits, interacts with that of the ill for twenty of the Yel earth Lien Zhen #5 star which in turn sits, interacts with the Black earth Ju Men #2 star, those for some of the background long term negatives in of SW regions...

That of directions imperfectly but gist covered in the Jun Horse month blog which took in a good part of this Solar Wei Goat month of July as well...

A base for a lot of info pertinent to this NM period within it also...

Added the China NM lunar period pair for trackings also, the NM occurred there the 27th so chart date that of the VI (Gry) h type there!...

NM is in Cancer, and for all in the normally polite of the Pushya nakshatra ruled by Saturn, however a much more abrupt fiery type as Mar's conjuncts Saturn in Libra's areas for this period and more...

The toss on MH17 indicated that of Grn Easts for the locals line relative the Event questioned...

Just as timed tosses more explictly accuarate never lie, and other timed types including the ZWDS had backed up hour cn on day (VI (Gry) c) as the event date and time of the horendously deadly Missle attack then...

As far as what various dept's or agencies within our Govt has steadily and in repeat has said about Russia's fireing both rockets, artillery etc into Eastern Ukraine, don't doubt it a bit...

No good reason for them to state such over and over and in that it's in no way a distraction from our SW's issues...

That we get a general gists feel for SW's issues through the Feng Shui for it, which included that of the #9 Fire star effects in for the entire Wei Goat month, and which strongly bonds to the fire of the year in com, move, travels, etc itself and all that under that of strong firm and stubborn components as well...

[That of SW's is likely to stay of those areas an heated and main influence for our entire year as well]!...

On Easts not so much of the war part the interest, as it is in being a mass event type that is both criminal and internationally totally unacceptable...

That the Dutch and the World knows the country fully responsible for the tragic action appears quite obvious, so nothing to toss on there...

Some wanting Respect vis their own conduct based on nothing more than power and greed, get exactly the Opposite...

Israel is an exception and justified in it's pursuit to totally destroy the threat Hamas has posed them...

In all too bad there are such things as the flying spears types of weapons to begin with...Without those much of these skirmishes would come to naught...

That and both the stubborness and extremist in men pre empt's their reasonings in things and ability to find peaceful solutions amidst their differences, makes for a sad state in man's affairs...

Some good men in those cases are concened for their people's survivals while others more at the baser and animal levels hiding behind and putting those they claim to fight for at great risk while using them as shields, wouldn't know what else to call it...

Of the latter until they totally understand that the ill or barberous of their conducts begats the same in the long term of karmic for them, it will continue...

[One other of few downsides to a K star physical is that it also tends to make people *Too judgemental* that's of the K star itself and then further enhanced when it's of a metal component as in NM pair...

Since it connects to a Pe fire star it sets the trend in those aka leaderships and other of it's areas to that and in fiery passionate modes, some of values and material components as well...

Per the year we can get too stubbornly fixed fast in what surfaces of them at any time]...

Anyway understanding that's a current influence in for any, try to objectively monitor your own thinkings and feelings to offset any negative inclinations or directions such can undesirably persist in...

A think twice before rushing into judgements over things and situations affecting you or following the angry or disturbed of others...

7/28 Moon day of the Yang metal Rat VII (Wht) t...

Upper Li  FS #9 (Li)...

Global timed #21 - #51 Involve #39...

Noted were some fiery natured matches in talks or mouth and actions in some countries along those lines, see if wish what you can find as well...

Just blog:

As you note have my own opinions on things as well, as any...

Often follows what trends show, but are exceptions in certain ever repeating non sensical man made situations...

That which allows for suicide bombings which stem from extremist mindsets, is not acceptable any place in this world!...

In other:

On ZWDS *things can change pretty rapidly as far as a given hour from one date to another*, so it's quite relevant to many areas and things...

A bit lazy in my use of it and though have all the means and info's usually don't get into it from the aspect of classifying different chart configurations that some professionals like to use, a form of geek speak boring to me...

Stay totally practical in the way have always learned which is just enough to get *the job at the time accurately done*, suffices...

Eventually in circles add other to it...

Were I to read such charts for people then would go the extra miles, but as is, *like to put my time when up to it on other more normal sciences related type areas and things instead*...

Kind of humerous in that as all called sciences are no more than layered upon layers of abstractions which most all of had original roots of nature, in processes and effects...

In the practical after having used ZWDS for some time, most should be able to pick up on *specific patterns* that are consistant with given activities and or event types...

That's mainly how I use it here, even when scan my own for just a date...

Back to FS: Along the #9 star fiery lines or elec side of them

LA is effectively of SW calif and guess they had some horrendous lightning activity *of storms* near beach areas and at least 8 people of a group got dropped by a lightening strike, and one at another location...

Then for our U.S. wests was of #3 star for jolts at those locations Sunday, and of Southwests then was the Red #7 metal aka Violence star affecting as well...Can combine as for U.S. LA is both of the West's and Southwests...

Storms are somewhat spurious per location but tend to follow that of the currents FS status for the area also...

Despite most except one survived and amazing many at times do...

In these areas no one can know it all, most of us just learn but a little more each day...

In other matches:

Today's had Blk N's 2nd locals in By stars for *the windy, etc* in things or talks, etc...

Was a fortunately victumless tornado in around outside Boston area turned stuff upside down and the #3 star today was in NE's, with pair type as noted made any of jolts for the in general of Northerly areas more likely...#7 for Violences or other was in Easts today...

Skies changes line and star had bonded an resultant Yel 5th R star for dangers today as well...

7/29 Fire day of the Yin metal Ox VIII (Wht) c...

Upper Zen FS #8 (Wealth, Gen)...

Global Timed: #32 - #34 Involve #43...

Date still clashes skies, tops, ends or completions, and far aways, etc stuff in the solar month's...

Zen Upper aka Jolts:

Today: UCLA people in underground car areas were a bit stuck vis major water break, leak, etc check news articles...

Per NM pair in bigger view then 1st line on is of Today's:

Universities come under K star areas and today's date of nm pair bonded a hiding Gt water star under them and also reflects of date pair as the of the *Gry* 1st Gc changes Meets bonds Pt water star areas, 1st line meanings apply and then P stars also represent Education...

Ok they gave a little more info occur +/- a few around 3:30pm for hr s there which is same date's Yel Abrupt 5th Rs metal star dangers of Zen trigram sudden and jolts type which clashed involve the resultant Already of Blk watery 2nd locals, close in By wood (jup) star areas the assertive and huge in breaks, damagings, losses and environments areas...

In same clashed it's hiding By star also for bond to the Blk 2nd's Ph water star areas....Again Education areas and Waters stuff...

Was geyser lots and lots of water was lost read the yahoo news article...Finished near 7pm for Gry 6th Ends Gsh stars, or in hr yo if just prior for the Physical Ryo star of showy dangers and repairs, it's own surgery involving power and control to do so to speak!...

Even larger view still sticking with a lot at the year level as far as 1st line areas events stuff go yet...

West's had FS #1 (Kan) water star and SW's had the Mars and Saturn of the Yel FS #5 star think LA can merge with both...

Wealth's of Centers in any as well vis #8 star...Jolts or bickerings, type in S aka Southerly areas vis the #3 star...

In jolts can be plus types also...

Per today's timed:

Was an air lines incident where unfortunately a young black male was found in the wheel well of a USAF C-130 in Germany today...

Might call the wheel well a hollow as well...

Timed had changes on 1st line to do with Pt star transports, travels, where the Gc changes star had kill bonded it for events at surfaces, underneaths, etc...

That was the nature *when the event became known*, and *there's potential* that it did carry a skies component as well, since the date had clashed the 6th line Skies, etc Rwa stars in the Solar Month pair as well!...

In social and political has it's own type of matches, and then in some other global areas their own jolts...

Ok that just shows things are tracking as they should were probably a gazillion things that broke well for most today had excellent one myself with couple of good plus's to it, and expect most who thought and acted positively did so as well...

In period think Ebola also qualifies as in Wwg centers and that of Stomachs includes through the sacral region also...

China pairs have been tracking as well, then that of their student murdered in LA before per today, are 4 teens charged for that now..

Separate update on some prior covered areas:

Opinion only:

[That of Israel and Palestine or more so of Hamas initial causings is certainly a *Qing Yang of East's areas* type situation!....

It's sad, very sad, involves a lot at the very youngest ages also, but it isn't something our country started and Israel needs to remove the threats Hamas poses to them for their own survival period]...

[Ultimately that might not be or be the main or only Minors (Zip to 32 years old group) *for the U.S.*, as again *our year has just started* and that of Qing Yang at *year level* is in the Minor's Palace...

That of it in the Minor's Palace *applies to any countries chart* for this year of the horse, starting per their birth day in it, *something I had from too much here of Wwg doings overlooked before]!...

In 2013 it was in everyone's Ox court areas, where as this year it's in everyones Rabbit (element m) court and Minor's Palace areas...

Tai Yang (Sun) star add basis:

Taking a very odd and even unconventional approach here, as the President is also always represented by the Zi Wei star!...

That by the way does perfectly match up chart wise just as it should for our particular Govt no less, but the problem is:

*Can't reveal those areas*!...

Keep such only on paper...

[However as mentioned when had looked into other more central meanings for the Elders area where Tai Yang is this year, then counter checked some of our history itself, the matches for the Events and President, were numerous and very powerful through these Obstructed Tai Yang year types!...

So as the Sun is both the Father and Authority, *that can further fit with our Presidents and some traits know that have matched, plus the history so will use and include Congress and all of Govt in as such...

Will be interesting as some use the equivalent of the House and Senate leaders as in the Elders Palace  too]*....

That as we have to track the Obstructed Tai Yang (Sun) star anyway
and as observe can add or subtract areas as appropriate...

We can further expand to include these other normal areas Tai Yang rules too:

Those include things to do with the electrical industries, fiery Org's, and that of the broadcasts industries in general should fit in to start as well...

[Gives us a bigger and normal picture to tie the Obstructed Tai Yang areas into the Elders Palace with, and may definitely yet be other industries plus the security areas may also fit with  *which will add later if applicable*...

Very unique since can't use a  normal U.S. ZWDS chart method *here*, so think this will work very well for us]...

Obstructed Tai Yang star (Transform) year:

As far as the main of *negative elements* to any's year aka this Horse year:

It's of the Obstructed Tai Yang (Sun) star and that is in the  *Elders Palace areas* as mentioned before...

Had of the Obstructed Tai Yang star listed all it's nature in broad form when looked at natural and other global effects earlier of this horse year...

You can review this as well because of the new horse year and for the U.S. prior to this month, it was in our *Spouse aka Brides type Relationships palace*, from the lunar year onwards...

Currently there is one main direct *personal effect* to it *when it comes to the Elders palace*, and that is:

*A Clash To The Father*

[Also to be clear before going further, that of this years Tai Yang star being obstructed is unlike that of Qing Yang, *it is set by your birth itself and in a totally different court element and Palace for each country and or person*]...

For the U.S. that's in the Elder's Palace as mentioned last month...

Prior from a *couple of different references* one a book another a course, it was listed as being *likely there'd be only one major event of it's type to a year*:

However that's applying at an ordinary individual's level, and not that of an entire country...

For a Country *like it or not*, that has to apply directly to the person *at the very top* or that of the President in our case...

May be additional and sometimes could include both Congress and the President, but looks very essential to initially go with that of the President alone for now, then add other in if looks applicable...

[As prior indicates Elders considered that of Congress and it's main leader's also, so we will Observe the natures of how their events all tie and go with the President's as well, then per the following those areas also]...

When I made some historical checks of the U.S., found it can be of not one but a major year of many different external major events of ill and negative types and natures, which impact both the Country and then auto the Father aka President of the Country...

[In latter because he uniquely as Father aka President has to take direct actions in and on those events]... 

Those definitely include natural phenomena types as well, but many can be to do with serious issues both of the country internally and also of and with ongoing actions in other countries that are of negative natures or results for him as well!...

Includes things far, high or out of reach also, plus had matched with that of electrical and pc systems on aircraft or any for that matter...

Separate Insert:  

On that of the natural versus fries, glitches, etc:

[For a real unique type of instance found a separate obstruction to to do with Tai Yang for the year, month and day the IRS drives were fried...

When had looked at that slice of time quite a while back vis the ZWDS then had looked at the prior Friday and Weekend and on up to the date of discovery on down to the hour levels involved and for the Discovery date and time...It was as she said, and the event happened at exactly the correct date and time for the ill of glitches and crashes without any doubts whatsoever!....

Stayed quiet prior as figured surely something will be found that vindicates her, but wasn't so mention now!...

As odd as it sounds things and machines do indeed develop glitches or crash in even spectacular ways (Including Ka booms) at just the right or wrong times for one...

Keep in mind some of the same energies are exactly those behind that of powerful storms and other of everyday natural phenomena, and *then you'll get a proper idea or feel for the strengths and intensities that can be involved*!...

[Further there were Obstructions for Women at the Tops of things that year as well]!...

Such does happen purely due to the energies associated a given person in a given frame as well, your pc at very indefinite and rare points can appear to go haywire in some purely due to your or the energies at the time...

Such is just a natural and normal part of the cyclic's period!...

Have had zones where go to operate the Microwave and purely due to my or my wife's energy in the physical at the time, pops the damn breaker, etc...

Usually after a couple resets it will then work ok again, or you have the other person do it for you on those dates...

Mars or Uranus in the physical will cause that in a heartbeat, remember the dailies I use to show on various countries???

Shows up in those, and since it's only for a day and in the rare several weeks, or in a particular year if you have those or aspects to such directly involving one's physical and sometimes of the 4th which also aspects the physical aka via home areas for it as well...

Most wouldn't ordinarily think of such, and attribute to just freak phenomena, *but it's not* and *the personal birth related daily type charts will easily show them*...

Since I do those types of charts obviously know about it, and is the same exact types I was running on various countries and even some of our own natural phenomena much earlier this year then in it's begins and through most of February 2014!...Our ice rain storms, etc...

[So this is not a pro political type of view here, and had it been any of opposite party would have noted it here exactly the same, and likely at some time in the past have done similar for the same, this here is about the odd and spurious jolts type stuff that does come up in normal everyday human phenomena and events that really do happen]]!...

End insert....

[Also In other, it can refer both to a present and much more highly likely a *former President also a Father of the Country who dies in the course of the year*!...

Latter not meant as an absolute as each similar year of a Obstructed Tai Yang (Sun) star *would be different*, but it has happened before, and understandably exists just as a possibility, which would definitely be a clash to the President type]...

[Then definitely that of the political in form of a lawsuit against him is certainly also without a doubt a clash to him as a main in personal form, singularly that may be the main most important at personal level clash to his year, but in other types can be many].

Most should be able to see that would also fit with things of the Tai Yang in the *Brides aka Partnerships Palace areas* earlier in this year:

That of relationships between Congress it's Parties and their Leaders then, with the President were pretty precarious or a few other things...

Likely the tones then, were instrumental in this now current *for the year status* of Clash to the President...

That you can decide for yourselves, if any remember some of the specifics to the country's inner political social events natures from then...
Altering that on the group clash there are those, but not as significant as what had looked at, and that's a bond, one that would likely fire any President up passionately at times in terms of a cause or ideal...

Not all bonds are good so only time tells, and doesn't mean all would ever agree on items they choose, etc...

Also it is of the type that often causes very big problems about 50% of the time at least, would be the minimum should say about it for now!...

Has to do with the Minors areas also, and that's where that Qing Yang star is for us and any country this year...

Others have to decide on that type stuff *case by case* as that of damages to the deadly in dangers can go to one side or another in that...Will look for other historical though...

When apply other to it then main directions of E's, S's and NW's, may not be limited to those, but those fit directly...

Now in fact some of his ideas do run against traditional thinkings in the U.S. and he is just a man, and so not neccessarily correct in all there as well, and that to rightfully sparks a lot of oppositions for him as well...

Some of the same could also apply to the Congressional Leaders as well, all this is purely an influence that *applies strongest* to those who hold such high level positions!...

In some areas he should re access his views and always look at what the American people themselves want ahead of his own views and in same hopefully come to some better more inclusive decisions else he will continue to have nothing but problems...

Part of his clash year that shows up very strongly and unmistakeably in a U.S. chart for year w, definitely not a fun or good year for him per same found in historical and per historical can be even *very dangerous* at points...

Main of Tai Yang star in Govt area Contexts:

Except for the bond part all of that is Clash to President is as much or more Clash to the Congressional Leaders as they directly belong to the Elders Palace...

Added the President, after had found in a Obstructed Tai Yang star year how Powerfully affected a President is in that type of year...

That and the star is in our Elders Palace...

[Then to be very clear *most described was effects of the year's influences* there, and the only reason it strongly applies to them is:

That *they hold the very high positions in the Govt that would be and are affected]!...

If we take the Elders Palace out of it, the Tai Yang star alone this year, *would still *influence* the highest level leaders of any Govt, anywhere* in some of the very same fashions!...

Again an influence type that applies strongest *to those holding the Top level Govt positions*...

That as the Tai Yang star normally favors that of Career aka Outer status and Authority areas, but when Obstructed causes big problems in the same where ever it's placed...

In effects he doesn't realize he brings some of that on himself, and it's true for other high level global leaders of other countries as well...

Aside the year's stubborn components, it's a year where they will often not be able to express themselves using the right words and *more so they will appear and come off as very insensitive in some of the things they say*...

It's the latter that *really inflames most people to no end*, and any global leader should be very careful about just how they express themselves and in *avoiding to appear insensitive to others*!...

Any and all of these fit as clashes to the President, and even more so the Congressional leaders *that's before you*, Direct of the ZWDS, and is:

*Indeed very main to the U.S. year*!...

Normally thought of as a dangers, problems, where things go wrong, luck is bad etc type area at the personal level, but in terms of a country and it's President depends entirely on the nature of the clashes whether is dangerous, unfortunate or not to the country....

This does not in any way remotely suggest all positions and concerns only two main negative areas to the year that will deal with here:

That of Year's Qing Yang star same in any's year chart and that of the One negative major transform area for this year is that of the Obstructed Tai Yang (Sun) star set by birth and therefore of different palace in most other's year charts...

This per U.S. year per year w only, and very much doubt especially of the Tai Yang areas, that it can be scaled down to that of states or towns (locals) like we can in the hexagram pairs, so stands totally alone and would only be a few other countries out of many which would match as well... 

Notice didn't say whether *any aspect* including politics or parties also to do with the Obstructed Tai Yang (Sun) star was either right or wrong, just listed some of what is known to be involved, then each citizen has their own personal ideas, opinion's and/or belief's as to exactly what's right or wrong of them for themselves....

Had already read the Republican House Speakers yesterday on denials on not planning impeachment, meaning no such intentions and had original focus on health areas if remember before *this was written*, but have to include lawsuit anyway as it's a type of clash period, and again don't comment on right or wrong, just that it is and fits....

Other you can factor in which falls under the executive branch and the President back earlier in the year prior to July is that of the NSA and  CIA all part of the Brides, etc and hasn't been all of good luck to him by a long shot...

Got things in domestic areas and overseas which if hasn't shown already can expect to become part of it also, no guarantee as to levels or extents, and then next year this time it will shift to another star and another palace each different... 

Sure you can find other for yourselves and his people should as well, but again U.S. year w just started so some will want to keep their eyes open on areas have suggested...

After runs awhile then we may learn if it applies directly in the near very same ways to or for other govt heads, bodies or not....

Freed space back up....

May break a couple days enough proof on dailies for the newbies now, may be some things you can't get or put together but don't worry about all does bear out, just takes a few years experience first...

7/30  #59 - #20 Involve #27...Expand has hiders and if wish bump the other else:

Ok did nada left to you may post again friday...

On Jun Jul blog that of MH17 toss done July 21st X (Blk) e was 100% accurate, hedged on it so they would do the work...

Encouraged on directions but as far as what they wanted to pin, not something to be done publically...

In such also if one has even the slightest reservations about the question you would or are asked to answer, forget about getting the highly accurate result you need, *won't happen*...

As was toss *pertained only to the Ukraine in the definite* as far as locations go, and appeared they came back to that and out ok there from what had most recently read...

It's Grn 2nd locals was active but had at least two meanings correct to the question and bottom line not exactly what they'd wanted as could only pertain to that asked on which was originally per the flight's location over the Ukraine then...

Had left a bit out on the 1st changes line, but figure should be hard for them to miss there...

Were they indeed wanting to pin, that would require separate verifying tosses for the responsible country as wasn't addressed in my question, and that they'd have to do privately...

[That for example would be something I would hesitate on *and once you at no fault do that*, it's locked in as far as the Wwg is concerned and that will inhibit your getting any clean and highly accurate result!...

You'll get results but not as clear nor useful as you'd want them to be, and it will be due to that in the back or recesses of your mind and feelings on the matter...

On tosses I'm very particular as you've seen in pre match requirements, and I like using only *the highest quality type of results*...

They make for the most direct and easiest to interpret type...

Those are only obtainable, if there are no inhibitions in prior thoughts or feelings of any type regarding that you toss on]...

Don't know about their intent, but would be other app's where the info as long as all properly done can and would be very useful as an added aid in their line...

One that gets info *when no other can* and for some areas in that of a needed futures, ahead of time advantage in things...

They most definitely have the resources and for sure some personal who are auto of the correct skills and talents needed for it...

7/31 Wood (Jup) day of the Yin water Rabbit X (Blk) m...

Upper Kan FS #6 (Chen/Qian) raw or material power...

Weekly Cardinal influences changed to the Southern Red Phoenix areas today...

Global timed: #39 - #8 Involve #64...

Physical: Yel Abrupt, etc 4th Chief ministers and Gateways line areas in Bs metal star involving groups/masses, talks, com etc in related issues and areas...

Links Red 3rd Prominent and far and wide middles areas in Bs metal star changes Meeting involving Gm wood star issues, areas...

Bs metal star changes also bound to Grn E's, etc 2nd Locals, close or nearby's line areas in the already or resultant of retreated Re fire star areas...

Forms Water for K star manifests those related to far aways and skies, etc of Wht natured influences to and of 6th line areas in Kt water star type issues/areas...Those applying of and to the 3rd and 2nd lines areas in things today... 

Object MOC: Blk Watery 1st line areas of Pcn earth star advancing...

On that of the Tai Yang (Sun) star, etc where referred to groups and President was referring to the locked in of steady state for the year itself, and not of other across the board types of specific key areas issues that come up for one within the duration of a given year...

The latter can in some obviously reach very high percentage levels in that of a person's clash year, and indeed will have a lot to do where their personal views are out of alignments with many's...

Normal to life itself but *not at all a good deal for the one going through it by any means*, and in the world of politics or the social politics at times, it can be very good to make concessions...The latter will make it a lot easier to work and make accomplishments in other areas, which ordinarily wouldn't happen without such...

News pretty much reflected of timed and some Tai Yang and Qing Yang related or connected in events today applying of the period and month, and year in general as well...

Replaced that on the group clash towards President(s) so re check that in the Tai Yang aka Clash to President for this particular year...

Happens once in awhile when cover some areas and a lot at one time in them, didn't have enough time to go over it all prior to posting it, but is corrected now!....

On that of corrections shouldn't be a surprise do that often at the moment I find an error, and even on period stuff always have said wait a day or so till have time to see if need to add any in...

That on IRS had the right influences as glitches electrical and damages to pc systems aka electronics of any type are noted in a course covering the star types...

Then other said women of high positions were in for obstructings as well then...Could have been multiple types along that line also!...

Were those types of timing not there, likely wouldn't a thing have happened, timing is the key...

Main of Tai Yang star in Govt area Contexts:

Except for the bond part all of that is Clash to President is as much or more Clash to the Congressional Leaders as they directly belong to the Elders Palace...

Added the President, after had found in a Obstructed Tai Yang star year how Powerfully affected a President is in that type of year...That and the star is in the Elders Palace...

Then to be very clear most described was effects of the year's influences there, and the only reason applies to them is that *they hold the very high positions in the Govt that would be and are affected!...

If we take the Elders Palace out of it, the Tai Yang star alone this year, *would still *influence* the highest level leaders of any Govt, anywhere* in some of the very same fashions!...

Again an influence type that applies strongest *to those holding the Top level Govt positions*...

That as the Tai Yang star normally favors that of Career aka Outer status and Authority areas, but when Obstructed causes big problems in the same where ever it's placed!...

Hopefully the greater bulk of people who read here come to the realization, that what I'm describing from the ZWDS is purely that of *the stars influences and effects*, as that's all it is...

Would be pretty sure almost no one in the U.S. has failed to notice the *Stubborness* prevailing in the thinkings of Top level officials anywhere in the world on areas they take major actions in, and at times that of a perplexing insensitivity in some of their statements also...Know hasn't been missed in the news comments group areas when such surfaces...

That's an influence of the year itself period, and again what most is about here!...

8/1 Metal aka Venus day of the Yang wood Dragon:

Upper Gen FS #5 Yel earth Mars and Saturn abrupt, etc...

Toss U.S. #54 - #51 Involve #63...

Should run through weekend...

Another that may fit or background type #25 - #12 Involve #53...

In note have Mercury conjunct Jupiter conjunct Sun all in Cancer and the Pushya nakshatra ruled by *Saturn*...:


Moon in Virgo and in the *Hasta hand* nakshatra it rules, and in hour h tonight enters the Chitra nakshatra fiery ruled by Mars...

*Mars in Libra conjuncts Saturn there*!...

Guess one of the jolts much earlier had to do with a house leader getting called to return to Congress when he was at the airport heading out for the weekend...

Another more unusual was *6* narcotics officers arrested for *robbing* dealers no less...

That of DOS chief getting tough was positive...

The latter in some and that of the American worker with ebola being flown U.S. goes with the #25 toss...One of the lessor known names that goes with that is *Fidelity* and also dealing with the Unexpected!...

[Technically jolts not due till late today, Saturday and as late as Sunday, so bit early on that part yet]...

On myself have to remember not to make any phone calls until have been up an hour or two at least when the med has fully taken effect...

[That as mind sort of scrambles or fog like under it's own shock to some extents, when still feeling the pain aka dekinking and affects even my speech or how things I say come out at times in that...

Have that happen when back fires and locks when have walked too much also, can be a bit embarrassing in the outer world]...

Beyond that do ok, barring other effects, on yesterday of groups and healths day my wife and her friend went to fort and while there picked up my new glasses for me...

They did that as had already been too fort myself earlier in week and can't handle in a single week what are long walks to me in terms of the after effects...Those do not go away quickly, and any additional too soon just reinforces them...

Other than that would have picked them up myself...

Helped her friend when they got back set up a new type of phone account as while she has cell, does not have pc and that went well...

Have to say they did a excellent job on the glasses, one pair for outside stuff and the other enables me to look at pc screen *straight on forward now while sitting back*, eliminates *all the neck strain*...A tremendous difference in visual detail clarity and makes some fine detail work was having problems with go a lot better now...

Some prior probably didn't like that about the Qing Yang star but it and others in ZWDS are all based from actual human attributes that in turn have directly predictable specific timing components to them!...

It's in the Minors palace of any country at the point where they fall under annual Year w (Horse)...Some don't like that, but it would be ignorant to ignore it and sit back allowing it's dangers to surface with no scrutiny whatsoever...

Some do get foolish and think were applying this to a given child and or try to make a scene which is carp for something of their own ill thinkings or agendas...

It refers in senses of the overall for any given country, and means there will be some quite major events of it's areas in the Minor's Palace of *any country* in this year w!...

Effects can go either way is the problem the stronger would be too thier areas, but can stem from them in some too, as we always have that in yin and yang forms for any situation...

The Minors areas aside the direct of the younger, includes *Students*, sports aka combats, politics aka politicians, peacekeepings, *Senior or left and right hand employees*, *[the status of their relationships to us]*, liesures areas and pets, etc as well...

You've seen it across our country in just a few of what are policemen in their events too, and pretty much in any area just listed so it's not so mysterious at all...

More in areas than that, but those are the more substative type areas, and where you will see that of the Qing Yang star's most aggregious traits play in or through it for events this year...

Anything in ZWDS has it own structure, characteristics and traits with specific rules and laws that have always held true. it's not about any's beliefs or belief systems at all...

That of the Obstructed Tai Yang (Sun) star for transforms on the other hand applies *Strongest* for those at the Top levels, as in key it always goes with that of one's Career and Authority relative to others up to masses...

It in lessor does affect *any as well*, and in places of command structures or persons whose ego's naturally attune to that Tai Yang represents, quite strongly there as well...

Some in the latter to ego filled of themselves will exhibit the negative traits of the Obstructed Tai Yang star influence!...

They will also find themselves in the predicaments of being Obstructed so to understand it, you'll have to look up all it's meanings and understand those as being under negative influences this year!...

In that no different than if a star in Wwg is very weak or of a void status yields the same results!...

Since there as an influence for an entire year, one needs to
understand it's areas and try to avoid it's negative aspects...

Then in the natural it has those other characteristics to do with nature in electrical and other properties that brought us disasters in the stormy and other this year as well...

Pretty powerful energies to it, when all things line up just right in any's timings, so good to understand and be aware of...

Try not to fall prey to just opinions from the unstudied and unqualified or of groups or cults of other areas, they have their own agendas...

Try to objectively study and observe over the span of the year itself gathering info from qualified experts on the subjects and then after that your views will be more correctly and solidly based...

In some that have issues with what may be inferred in certain areas at, don't bring it to me, it's a free site in the first place which is benovalent in being just that, but has nothing to do with the subject formats or all that's used here...Nor do I have anything to do with what is said there...

In terms of Wen Wang Gua (Wwg) both sites compliment each in knowledges and principles of it, but not 100% in all the same, which gives others a good contrast...

To a pretty high level note that a lot in news comments groups do indeed catch the main gists here quite accurately, and the only dispondance I see is in some of a few cultish type groups that in fiery areas I run into at times...

Those also use a sets or pairings approach trying to influence or derail me at times, have been worse manifestations of that in pasts points, but not ever going to happen as I stick to that of inner truth which as such always becomes self evident and in the final unalterable... 

Then unlike many whenever I find an error I correct it as it's that important as far as the purpose of systems used here and in that of Ntl and Global aka International areas being used to guage various in...

That here has little to do with beliefs themselves as it's all patterned after very strict structural concepts of which each has very specific rules in which repeatable results of the cyclic in things are found...About that simple!...

Saturday Earth day of the Yin wood Snake...

In tosses seems one serves as outcomes for the other, and both reflecting U.S. and Global events one to the other...

Pretty sure had asked of U.S. in both...

Matches included even down to that of freshly released to news of Govt reports that show changes in long term strategies that are putting us more and more at risk defense wise...

We definitely do live in what are now much more dangerous times as far as being even more subject to external attacks than ever before on the U.S. itself...  

At first had thought tosses a little vague but weren't as were last night were further matches involving other countries that in the indirect impact us, but can at any new future point vis what are their own allies very directly impact us in very negative ways...Not listing names as don't want to embolden any...

[Checked the pairs a bit more thoroughly today, and that of #54 has body luck to it, that itself *directly matches* the rulers groups which made and presented the report itself, so definitely do take good note]!...

Due to the body luck most jolts in general at least wouldn't have been quite as strong as usual, though are always some exceptions, this one more social and political, etc in the human sides related, and *so had  positive potentials for some in terms of the body luck*...

Don't usually mention that term in any here, but applied very well and to the fortunate in this case, and you can see that not all in names that may appear bad are...Another part to the Wwg
s predictive areas...

Latter can vary a lot though depending on exactly what the event or situation is that matches and whether it's a partial or full match...

About the only natural phenomena component know of so far is the rain here and maybe that's fortunate as well, don't really know if were any negatives too it...

Both pairs due to date bonds forming Water and the date active of the stars in their placements with one a water changes star line allowed for rain in the S's and E's or SE in the minimum...

So nothing wrong with the tosses as usual, and at least one of those shoud extend to tuesday am here...

That of the ZWDS also has many earlier of the year matches to it and so should be no problem in understanding that it shows...

Hopefully that didn't throw any off when used the term Inner Truth prior that refers to recognizing that is what the Wwg is all about!...

So we stick with it above the word of any man, and any who learn and *that become proficient in it*, would state the same...

In beliefs there's only one and maybe two areas of the Wwg which can go with that:

One the 6th line is said to also represent that Supernatural and others might say it also refers to beings far aways in the heavens...

That line has to do with Turnarounds on the 1st line at times also...

Then that the R star *can represent that of spirits or ghosts* as an Appointed also said...

On the latter if you toss: Are there such things as Ghosts???

You'll likely get a Yes answer...

I have and more than once on that of widely different dates got different pairs but they involved this in the same:

6th line changes which direct or indirect caused a bond to an R star on the 5th line...The Yes...

So if that's in your beliefs or religion than the Wwg will confirm that part in the definite alone...

On any else pretty doubtful, and as used by the bulk it is for entirely other practical matters not related to religions but life itself...

About all I can say there, you can always check with others.... 

Ok tosses done day cn both have their own chart clashes of that which included Blk 6th's and Yel 3rd's so Northerly and Centers would have matched to Ohio and something expansive to do with Waters possible as had a Grn 1st Pt water star changes line in one of them...

Fortunate in theo more for Wests, etc and notice was an explosion of some type in China also goes with it's timed as well, and probably most other fits with timed as well...

Those that want to can track any other the next few days, were active R stars today and some tomorrow as well you may want to note....

Special note:

All Countries NM Pair 4th line:

Think some *partially* misinterpret that of the 4th line changes Go No Where type!

The Pw changes star is hindered by it's bond to the Bwa star so it in it's normal attack to the Rulers Ks star areas it was weakened and *goes no where in that attack*...

The Bwa star was strengthened and when a resultant neither produces nor destroys the primary, it is free to move interacting with other stars and does and *per the following you've now seen it in real results too*:

The Bwa star being produced and of bond forming B star manifests does move, and it clashes the Bc star line...

Things of environments, talks, war areas, borderings, any B star type area...

That of *Earth* clashed Bc star can bound to bond hider Gt star under Ks as well forming earth for B star manifests, losses, damages, healths, etc...

You've had major things of large environments problems including natural type in the news, and diseases for health stuff involving changes in environments, and more!...

[Separate: Today Sunday III (Red) w put the Pw star changes at full strength so it impacted that of safety directly in China and that still included the hindering effects of the resulting *Earth* clash as well for the Earthquake...

Was in it's pair a Dangers in travels and destinations type with Rw star on their Object line...Element w same as year type and of South's in itself...

Date bonded to the month for fiery earth, etc type stuff...

That of weekly Cardinal Southern Red Phoenix also of South's and where a Cardinal refers to that southerly in general...

It's sector direction also being of those including South's also had been concerned with for this *Goat month SW* day w bonding the same for heated issues in general....

It and the year bond to each other of S's and SW's was already mentioned well prior in Jun/July May 31st posted blog areas...


The Pe star on the Rulers line can at times destroy the Ruler's Ks star  there reducing aka destroying safety and forming water for G star manifests, etc...

In that also anytime that Ks star made active and moves there would still be some kill back or control by the Pe star to the or reducings of Ks star areas including safety period...

A chipping away at it effect, and in the lighter or better that of meetings and documents, travels, etc concerning that of safety, which you've had in our case...

It applies globally too so different in each countries case to some degree depending on what their rulers Pe fire star type actions, goals, ideas, needs, etc are... 

Condolences to China and to those connected and suffering in any way from that earthquake...

Wish the same in war areas as far as all the Palestenian innocents, those who have had nothing to do with the hamas terrorist org that hides amongst them...

Allowing them to do so, will continue to have the very same results in future repeats, until their fully expunged one way or another unfortunately...

Probably will stop all here for awhile until I can put together the specifics on the IRS crash stuff as don't think saved them...

That as to that day, there were very powerful influences shown in the ZWDS and that of an obstructed Tai Yin and other which affects women was involved...

More to it than that as there were very negative and fiery aspects involved that existed *that particular day*...

It's no different to me than an earthquake or storm or other in terms of natural forces and their influences which we show influence the actions and affairs of people all the time here...

[Took the trouble to prove that on environments of the period pair for this period the other day, so will do the same there]...

The woman chief would have been subject to Obstruction, and it may be that other parties took action against her as in set up, if not strictly that of natural erratic destructive electrical effects themselves...

My preferance is in using the ZWDS and other timed, etc in any *is to show innocence rather than guilty parties in various matters!*...

I can't say she's innocent of all or not, but I can show that it was a time which would go with the erratic and fiery in electrical things to go wrong for someone at that level, and is what will do...

Might be able to show more than that, time will tell...

Not as strange as sounds the stars of the timed types always show the main trends at least as far as an event nature goes, and while not admissable type evidence would show what things others can look at that may have been missed, etc...

Chilling a few as was extremely weak am today too unstable to walk but a bit in the house about it, and had one of those what to me are long walk appt's, so in that had to take wife to help me as would have never made it myself...

Glad at least got the swollen leg itself checked and were no blood clots involved which was one tremendous relief...

Guess those are my jolts and part of what most of us in different ways goes through with Mars conjunct Saturn in Libra some of the abrupt or harsh in the physicals, and also goes with Kidney's and the Urinary areas, prostrate, diabetes, swelling issues etc as well...

Latter Venus side since rules Libra than the heated of infectous diseases, the watery, like mercury that of pairs, and more ...

A good zone to try to avoid the abrasive, impulsive as leads to accidents with the hard stuff, and bones, etc fast...

In Wwg if know about can note the specific of body and organs, etc involved, and where R star color and branch type goes even pin things if wish...

8/5 Fire day of the Yang earth (Yel) Monkey...

Upper Li FS #1 (Kan) White water star centers of any today...

Just blog thoughts in the light as still chilling or trying too:

Had to go back to pick up med for lower leg infection and glad about as can knock this thing down now, was feeling better today...

Didn't want to do the long walker stuff just quite yet, but the next time should be good to go...

Never bother my wife with that unless it's absolutley essential as don't like being dependant that way, so most of the time do not...

The VA Doctor and staff care anywhere had went just excellent, and was very much appreciated by me and sure any in that...

Was my jolts delayed of all the other of globals first, and of my weekly type as well...

The leg had added to it, and it always catches me offguard as occurs anywhere from a day before or after a given function...

Hits so abruptly that initially have no clue what's going on, but figured that out and is still of what is a normal 3 day cycle of weakness of pass out zone type...Which of the 3 days that falls on varies, so the surprise part in that...

Anyway knocking that one area down is very important for me, and will take some of the edge off that given cyclic at least...

Ok enough thoughts there:

Sometimes to be more assured or clear on any matter that might be concerning to us, we toss...

That of the U.S. status in wealths and that of power and control stemming from it, relative other countries was an area had some thoughts on...

Wondering if we were yet the world's wealthiest country and such...

Used 6 coins as just wanted the main thrust aka direction of the matter only...

Asked: Is the U.S. the wealthiest country in the world???

In mind would also be it's ability to control in some areas there, despite or with any currency changes, as if it's the wealthiest, it can put exert some pretty fair limitations to offset others effects there...

A lot like that was in the back of my mind when asked...

In results the answer was just what the doctor ordered, a Strong Yes!...

Had in a strong by date then, and to the pre set of year status that of *Winners stars in the physical for our status*!...

That doesn't mean that money areas themselves or money flow was or neccessarily doing peachy at all, those are separate or beyond the question asked matters...

In month that of our Global huge picture of wealths or power associated would be somewhat weaker *however cannot rely on that*, because as asked the question is for [an *immediate* (short term) type of status only type answer], as had not specified any frame...

Only valid status the answer gave was to do with *the short term only*, but it was backed by the year in it...

Then for that at the or any month or future year levels, one would have to be re toss on the same question but specifically for those...

Know there will be difficulties in the next 20 years, so any other could toss on those other levels as well for that of *Pointers*...

[Anyway the biggest thing and boost we do get, is that it affirmed we are still *#1 in the world*, and can be proud of that]...

It did show *the competitive* of other countries, etc *who have issues* with theirs to that, as just the general gist status of that part...

Considering which country(s) might in lessor wealth's, power etc have the issues, can't post the toss itself...

This is the practicality and advantage of gaining or having knowledge and skills in the Wwg itself, so that when we have some doubt or a question on some matter, we can get an immediate and accurate resolution (answer)...

In will one could in further tosses take it to where ever they needed in additional relative information's....

This am had tossed on *How would things at the VA go today???

Did not have any worries or anxieties at all, just a start the day question involving an outer areas physical activity is all...

Do such as need to stay on top in seeing just how my toss accuracy *in status itself* is going!...

Doing a toss on something *light and easy* to interpret, is the best way to start any date or session out, as it sets your own confidence for any other you may later do...

In begins no more than 2 to 4 tosses per day adviseabale, and less can be even better, *depending on at what depth will you be analyzing and interpreting* your tosses too...

That as in begins your very prone to errors and confusion(s)...

You'll find you can easily become quite doubtful or skeptical of the Wwg when trying to sort out just exactly what the main stars are representing and in that they are trying to show or tell you...

So it's always best to start with something light and easy and in which you have pre set ideas as to what the main stars will actually represent...Things familiar to you...

As long as the toss properly done, it's very rare to ever be disappointed there, and as long as you don't take on anything to complex or in multiple tosses, most should do well...

As far as answers or results don't expect any to be entirely perfect, just that they will show that most main relevant the question, which is enough...

Had in answer gotten Healthy 5th line Kh stars for the Physical, which was an aok answer...

States what my status would be *at the questioned areas involved*, themselves...

Meant safe results, fit with cures areas and in h element that of being nurtured in medicines or treatment, etc...

Exactly how it went, maybe even boost!...

Sub to it, and of other non VA related areas, and afterwards of the inner gua areas that had some very minor heated components, that came up of other star trends shown, which did surface, but nothing of huge consequences...

So pair had got wasn't perfect for all, or that of the perfect we might like, but *on the otherhand was accurate*!...

The latter being the more important...

There are already many examples or pair numbers here and there are boatloads in the superiching book that you can refer to, so just illustrated of the immediate in the now types of questions, *how you should stick to the specific of that asked only*, and look at other trends in them in just general senses for the immediate only...

[Ok some was for those who want to toss or understand about them a bit more, then any who read here know we and any where has this Mars conjunct Saturn in Libra's areas issues stuff anyway...

Almost everyone is in that rather lengthy frame is going to have some harsh stuff of it come up, and that *no one is really alone in that department*]...

One of the biggest irritations in that is running into others getting into everybody elses affairs (but theirs) who are driven by that type of energy and doing what they can just to make someone elses life that much more miserable!...

Think that's the worst part about it, that which lies in what we do to others...

Leave for your thoughts there...

Clearly in news not all the jolts in environments stuff of the man made as well over yet, surprised in just how much the last two of the listed tosses of last week still plugging...

8/6 Water aka Mercury day of the Yin earth Rooster aka VI (Gry) yo...

*Upper Zen*, FS #9 (Li)...

Tomorrow day of the Yang Metal Dog aka VII (Wht) sh, begins the Yang water Monkey IX (Blk) s Solar Month posted at the top...


Starting tomorrow also the Weekly Cardinal influence changes to that of the Eastern (Grn) Dragon...

On directions works per timed or tosses those work out as: Of, From, or Moving towards...

Nada still resting, thinking no need to do a huge analysis on that of IRS as already stated the day held for the errastic in electrical systems and most applicable for those at tops and Obstructed...

Was an Obstructed Tai Yin (Moon) star so women in that year were under that influence and would be obstructed in certain of their areas then...

Several stars are set by that of the Heaven's stem only so the Tai Yang (Sun) star would be Obstructed in a given month each year too...

In fact it and some others become Obstructed cyclically *every 11 days* as well...

It was such a date then, and in *specific hours*, it would likely aspect several other stars of also fiery and negative char's, aka natures then events of that or similar natures often do surface and did...

[So in the separate you can have any who are skilled in ZWDS look for you, and it will come up that such by natural influences were additative for that and other areas in global then...

Since thinkings themselves can be affected too, you'll have to determine if that was so or not, and if any by a set ups, also a form of obstruction involved or not]...

Myself wouldn't toss on such matters, but any other are free too...

[Did get a repeat of [#12 - #25 Involve #53] today one of the previous tosses here...

So you if you expand, you can link *things of today's far away* main events as matchings and maybe as opposed or involving then in some as well]...

Had said that of the wealth factor not indicative nor meaning the flow of cash was good...A billion dollars isn't a *drop* in a bucket full of water, so while it will affect people no doubt, it doesn't affect the wealth assets of the country and it's in the global or it's 1% affluent types but a bit...

People getting all excited over other countries but means little not a one of us makes the or any decisions in that at all, so nary a thing we can do except waste hot air on and still not get a thing from it...

On solar month most just go by the date of the chinese calendar when it comes to lunar pair equivalents...

A day start being the base catches most better and where each countries is different, we get a more globally oriented representation...

The Feng Shui centers anywhere for the Solar month in Global is that of the Black earth #2 star aka Quen areas and Ju Men type char....

General gists in some:

We do have things of material kill back in terms of the agricultural but that is also mixed with that of the environmental or other injurous of the natural and maybe the winds of storms in news and other as well...

Some also take assertive or aggressive actions in groups or other that depending on the type of material or G star matter such involves may be good in some and not in others...

In terms of what extent for cash flows we will see, but you should know *it's not as damaging as it could be* due to month s working opposite of that in our case...

In our case a lot involves those at the tops where they dealt or deal with material opportunities or opportunities versus risks in things where some has been injurous, and or also involves punishments...

Those involve wealth distributions, that of military or the large of fire groups or fiery type events and areas, that of harsh power and control in outer events and or jobs areas and a lot there at or of political levels and politicians, etc...

In Russia's case that to do with those who make things work in plans, ideas where distributions, wealths and trades involved along with and of their military operations or areas...

That impacts them in Outer events as far as Opportunites affected in crippling or punished ways and that of Wealth's areas involving the political, politicians, and those who control such...

Affects their political areas and stabilities in things...

[However their FM Lunar period Aug 10th there is pretty much the same as our Solar as far as the Physical goes and indicates the same assertive kill backs to their material areas and as lunar affects masses is to their people and stronger, affecting their Tops as well]!.... 

Those of Solar are general skies aspects as influences in each case and as such less powerful then taking in those as actual aspects to their birth charts themselves...

In *any country* for many where things had been going quite well this month can make for a lot of wrong turns in them, and some goals oriented towards material improvements may dissolve in front of there eyes at this time...

However it's just a month and understanding that you'll need to adjust and take a longer term approach will still get many there, just further down the line...


All Country Lunar Period pair begins Sunday 8/10/2014 day X (Blk) c...Post Top...

China Exact Lunar Period pair begins 8/11/2014 Monday there I (Grn) y...Post Top...

Added a comment above on Russia's FM Lunar period also!...

Note the FS #' Centers star for All Countries, Ours, and Russia's is of the  Yel Earth #5 star type, for things Abrupt or Sudden at times involving that of natural phenomena, etc stuff in various environments themselves for the FM period....

China in exceptions has that of the Dark Green #4 Wood (Shun) star for Centers and effects instead since FM occurs on the 11th there but some of the All Countries type still applies as well....

Ok the last NM lunar period pairs still apply for two weeks of their areas yet under new solar month s, so plenty of pairs, including separate of year's for event trackings with the strongest being that of the more current...

Holding back as could add in the Astro Physical's for each as well as exact on Russia's FM but think that may be too much info and confusing for some...

For all whether at Individual Countries, People as individuals, or that of All Countries and all People:

The FM Lunar period the Vimshottari dasa at Pryantar through Prana dasa aka 3rd - 5th levels runs the same for all and regardless of their FM physical sign:

Shows Ve/Sa/Ra areas as the main for the drivers and manifests in events and actions anywhere....

The latter of Rahu in physical actions has more or less a chaotic type of influence at the masses levels at this time...

It brings out the mean spirited in natures, the lower or depressive sides, tends towards the illegal in activities and bad associations, *lack of well thought out long term views or plans* have added to that of instabilities and a felt lack of security in things with a stuck in the rut type of attitude...Things that people need to detach themselves from...

That of the Sun in Alesha nakshatra brings up that of poisons to the body and the destruction of victums or opponents...

Mercury rules there for some of the ill or wicked in thinkings, plans and pairs in things, etc...

That of Dhanestha ruled by Mars *brings peoples together in the seeking of abundances and gains*, but not all in positive ways and in a lot it's of negative forms vis current placements, especially in the Middle easts where that of the extremist beliefs of religions are involved, but in other minus those as well...

*[Mars conjunct Saturn in Libra effects impacting Rahu influences to the masses as well]*...

In other or outlooks associated physical's China's will tend toward the Harsh, Russia's towards that of the Windy or airey in expansive types, and most other countries towards that of Watery in expansive types and natures in their actions or that related their own physical events...Those would also in some reflect that of natural phenomena type events as well for this period...

Pretty easy to see that the U.S. will likely take strong steps to aid that of the Iraq govt and the Kurdish peoples also since that which affects stability there extends into future global security arenas as well...

If you want to understand the general natures of things more than look into the nakshatra areas mentioned which aside matches you've already seen are main for this period and *are active in any's personal charts as well*...

Pointed them out so you could see some of what has generated some of the recents in global events themselves thus far...As there's not much difference between what the theme types show and the actual nature of events which unfold coincident or in sync with them...

Feel a bit stronger now so can get about to pay a bill or so, but have a ways to go on that infection part and the always hindering of other yet...

Expect that of hackings from Russia may escalate or further strengthen in this period but in terms of International may be other things of sudden jolts in for Russia itself in that arena or of the long distances types or even physical in lieu as well too...

Ok as always wrote all that prior to looking at news and see where some was already of matches in the news several hours prior to my posts, so were not due to what I posted and says what have is valid...

Expect you'll see a lot more in the period as usual, and leave it as is for awhile...

Today Friday the 8th Yin metal Pig Day VIII (Wht) h:

Hawaii got it's water storm...

Have rain here in hr yo also now...

You can look through the charts and include appropriate hour find pretty decent matches for rain in locals, surfaces for some locations...

Has a water bond from date clashing the physical of the Solar month, etc and a hr bond to locals, date involves surfaces or begins...Then most pairs have similar or other of their own indicators which apply to other locations for same in some, etc...

Lots of warnings up for the surrounding areas today, watched about 5 minutes worth of a Ntl news and moved on from there...

All that on other countries mentioned *comes directly from their own pairs or charts*, which don't post all that here but others familiar with the timed could generate and duplicate exact same and more...

Kept busy in downloading updates on older softwares today, were more than thought so bit slow as hadn't done in a year, but at least good some do update their products anyway...

They did do a bombing run off a carrier in Iraq today that took out an artillary piece and ISIS fighters advancing on Kurdish positions per the written in news today so that's a form and type of support, exactly correct of what had said...

Appears that occured well before the post here as well though as  didn't see it in news till tonight in the Yahoo World News section...

Leave at that...

Our taking *actions* in global areas in that of sensitive areas within or between countries at this time is exact in step with our timing...

Most deal with legalities in what are others historical, social, cultural and political areas even also down to that of the extremist in beliefs areas in some which endanger the very existance of others...

In the most it's to do with that of material gains in territorial possessions in which there are extremes in strong disagreements and frictions based on the above mentioned...

That setting within a period that naturally influences some to want to pursue or make material gains in the first place giving such more emphasis than normal...

[*It's a month emphasized in what is a given year* where we have that specifically of strong dangers in our global relationships which include dark sided ones who are powerful destroyers and destructive types within them, that we can expect a lot of the near continuous of the *unexpected* in spins and twists within them, and a great deal of frustration at all levels in them...

If frustrations were the only side that would be ok, but there's the very real of that which is much more grave and dangerous involved too it as well...One to which we must be alert to at all times...

That's another part of the fated that's come to the fore for us, in front of you right now, and all through this given *U.S.* year]!...

Add too:

Another way to describe that is in *our global relationships areas*, where that of spouses aka partners hold a lot of power this year are some of *destructive natures* and some in those that will destroy any thing they don't like...

The same dominate in them and you can't win in arguements with them, and they can and do take vindictive and  revengeful actions when offended and in paybacks...

How strong or at what level, unsure???

You could expect obstructions and set ups in some those of some types???

That of the destructive nature's part is certain...

Some could be what U.S. officials experience in their travels in maybe??the lighter sided of it...

Yet can be dangers in that too, and certainly *in anything of Travels areas connects* with that and the following in the year period...

That and separate is that of Calamity in our global relationships *this year*...

That to do with pasts and perhaps all those prior info leaks added to that picture as well...

This month peaks that for other reasons too, but there's no guarentee the effects lessen anytime soon, and there at the year level...

So unfortunately there are dangers, even very serious ones, in that of the U.S. close and otherwise in general of it's relationships with that of other countries through next July...Much more broadly so than in other years!...

Some such as Russia is quite adversarial at this time...

Not advice just noting the comment based on an earlier in date toss on the same areas...

#52 - #56 Involve #40...

#40 Aside Solutions also refers to the untieing of knots as in Separatings too...

Likely say's what's about and looked to refer to the near or over Alaska of their flights...Expand to see toss date IX (Blk) t...

Lessor than country but by this FM period, some individuals also have to deal with nearly some of the same things in some of their own relationships as well...

In theo can be good in some material areas but not so sure yet on that part...

That was a pretty big thing as far as Iselle went for Hawaii itself and the weather brought it's changes in Governor's too in out with the old and in with new...

That of changes for people and animals often associates with changes in climates and weather and pretty much part of what it is that the energies as influences depicted in chinese and vedic systems represent and describe for us...


Then of that had mentioned in terms of the year this month involves the karmic of specific areas that come up in the repeatable of cyclic points as well...

Each year the nearly same of influences do occur, but does so in a different Palace of life type areas from one year to another...

Here refers to those *at the annual or yearly level* only and not the original birth palace names themselves...

The exact of what comes up of given influences in and to a Palace area and that of their natures in events themselves for the given year, *varies quite a bit also as what some of those are, depends upon the given year's heaven stem and other too*...

Aside monthly and daily variations this year for us those are mainly of the S's, SW's and very much in Easts for the main dangers areas, and the latter adds those of SE's areas where ever they lay in the world...

Daily and hourly variations can take in any direction, but stick to the main of year here...

Such as that to do with SE Ukraine prior, one of what can be many locations and is most especially in that of *our Spouse aka Brides aka Partnerships which is in that of the U.S.'s Global Relationships itself*...

It's that in which Country wise the main dangers and dangerous situations to of *Minors areas* including the political or combative peacekeeping sides and types also lay this year...

Then in that of U.S. *Spouses, Bride's, etc areas* it's that and those of destructive or of great destructive power, *which are further enhanced* and come up in this year period!...

While I don't think the U.S.A. itself is in any serious danger of a physical military type attack yet, there are other forms of which hacking has been a large part much too big to ignore as well...

Had referred to Calamity, but it's more of the Void and a Dark sided Vacuum effect which is it's own form of Calamity in again that of our Global Relationships...

That has emboldened and enabled that of the hacker's, hackings and other ill of certain countries themselves affecting our own physical status and effectiveness in Global Relationships this year...

Then in this month s that of our *Wealth's* areas in terms of this year affected also...

On the former there are some few who certainly do threaten physical attacks, so that cannot be entirely ignored either...

Further we have that of the Easts recruiting Muslim americans or those of Muslim communities within the U.S. for Jihad in other world areas...

That's at very low levels in terms of those who join, but it's also very significant that there is now what is called an Islamic state (more than an Org) a state, ISIL that is quite powerful vis that of it's wealth and ability to attract it...

We and the world will now have to contend with that of an *Extremist* Islamic State itself, such in it's very function and nature will likely also spread at some point if they are allowed to remain successful in Iraq...

So in effect it's a year of darkness in Global Relationships for us, and in that quite obviously dangers to us at various levels, especially in any to do with that which connects to *U.S. Travels* which are in for this month and will be direct in some others also...

Then that of these same areas still have their dates in any month direct or not as well, so these perpetuate as main areas all throughout our year too...

Despite we are taking positive actions in some which is and will be recognized by others as that, except for the Opponents, and we will get through the year in that fashion...

[So in this here have just pointed out what ZWDS shows as the nature of *Our Relationships Areas of the Global* for the U.S. this year, and of some emphasized areas to do with some of the other countries, not all named, that we need to be alert too this year]...


Ok bonds to water star areas at surfaces in FM pair, and then clashes Solar month changes line, then had clashed locals Pw stars in hr t of toss with one other bond listed yesterday rain was minute but Wwg toss caught it, and then one done last night hr t, day c then #11 - #34 Involve #54 for today has the correct for rain here on Sunday the Full Moon, and shows thunder, etc now in hr s, clashing the local's line Ry star areas, etc...

Update post here prior in error, disregard:

Qing Yang per Year w is in the Minors Palace areas and ours with or involving Fiery type stuff as had previously posted earlier, and for the other it is *Opposite*: 

Taking (Takes) in that of: 

Homes, Environments, Business, Property, Real Estates, Inheritances, etc areas in any's charts this year...

In other words involves with it too, so it is all there in that!...

Not the relief had thought and not so helpful, guess was a bit dyslexic at the time, so will just have to break until clears up...

In a way glad as couldn't see how I could have overlooked it when referred to that ahead before, but not glad it's of the Minors areas, though including Entertainers, Politics and Peacekeepings or Combats, etc it does make more sense...

Can and likely will apply this to other specific countries with  some of their orig char's but as our's in current year positions only, which is all that's ever needed anyway....

In some do not hold yourselves entirely responsible for the states of things in your life or others, life is never perfect, we are all subject to err at even many points, and none holds all the cards in the first place...

Yesterday #10 - #25 Involve #37 the outcome without fault or wrongdoing...Included that of Robbin Williams demise so in his memory mention...

Had Wht 5th Ks metal star types Physical that date...

That was Global timed for Monday 8/11 and fit globally as well, and then that of #37 Family in Org's and Domestic's in global would have also reflected Robin William's own global family in things as well...

He will most certainly be missed by us for the many moments of laughter he brought into our lives and much more...

8/14 Wood (Jup) day of the Yin fire Snake IV (Red) e...

Upper Zen FS #1 (Kan)...

Global timed: #32 - #46 Involve #43...

Today that of pairings, sets, groups or siblings, etc...

On this below look up and expand as desired:

Timed: Physical Gry 3rd *Ryo metal stars*.

Object Grn 6th Gsh star...

Causes/Changes Wht 4th Kw changes star meets involves Gc star areas...

Date bonds Blk 5th Rs star forms water for P star manifests while the date clashes out involves it's resultant Ph water star there too...

Date clashs Yel 2nd Locals, close Ph water stars with h element bonding to the associated By wood star hiding there...

Toss of date only means applies anywhere:

#45 - #17 Involve #53...

Toss Physical Yel 2nd locals, close in of *Re fire star areas* same as the date!...

Object MOC Blk N, etc influences too 5th line rulers, roads, high, far areas in Byo metal star areas...


Red S's, etc influences too 1st line begins, things at surfaces, roots or underneaths in of Pwa earth star changes Meeting or controlling Kt water star areas...

May want to expand both as can represent that to do with upstate NY abductings, and then the ISI_ massing in N Iraq also...

Likely that of the 200 vehicle Russian convoy in the Ukraine as well...

In the *short* shows that of *Wht* 4th *Kh* star areas very weak and troubled were supported by the also weak and troubled of Blk 5th *Byo* star areas...

Their objectives were to bond and strengthen themselves in the physical by way of other people's material* and other of Gy wood (jup) star areas aka all G star meanings including the girls and women in currents and more...

Applies in many ways add yours, then in only a few would be good with most not as both the Kh and Byo star areas are of *weak and troubled natured or status types*...

The date and Re star areas operate to control and or destroy them...

[As far as the word destroy in Wwg I take that to mean, it controls or destroys that of *any negative elements aka types within them*, rather than the star type itself per se!...
That's simply what the toss itself shows of active Gatherings situations anywhere in the Global at the present and for awhile of them]...

Treat any star type of interest as an appointed and go from there...

Then in events case by case...

Are pertinent directions in them per line star area of your interest...

Just blog:

Tuesday had went to p/u meds was one slow long hard walker walk that about didn't make...

Never had one quite that slow or as hard before, and was very glad afterwards got it done, but was totally shot out, it was that hard...

That of when prior said felt stronger, had as per usual totally reversed the very next date...

After about an hr's sitting then later went to the px, much easier there as has go carts out front and you can drive those right back to the vehicle with your stuff, so paid a bill and picked up few things there...

Pretty much shot out still, since only takes one long walk to do that, and best if kept to two weeks as interval, whereas the short 30 - 50 foot ones to a small store or something usually ok as long as have recovered from any other first...

That of yesterday was Spouses aka Relationships day for all, but was spiked as *it was a day of Contentions* as well, and in those *there's always a lot of hidden arrows* in that of idle and gossips talk...

Not counting public of news in that, as hidden means hidden and that behind your back, etc...

So if you had any undeserved of that, it was purely due and of the date's influences and was just part of what was in for it!...

Man's a weird animal and besides the roses your going to get a few thorns...

Today in all's is that of pairings, sets, groups, siblings and so forth, it main and that of other it connects...

As always did not read or listen to any news of the date prior to the toss, and had no particular thoughts along the lines that toss indicates either...

Yet in checks sure has a lot of matches...


Global timed: #59 - #29 Involves #27...

Note the Kan Outcome as such generally always reflects dangers aka serious elements of dangers in some global events...

Has Rh water star hidden or hiding dangers to it under Wht 3rd Bw star bearers which can bond to Yel 1st line Py star aka P star type areas...Lots of things can match then on the body the stomach to the feet covered, with former in for the month as well, also a resultant Red 6th Rt star type areas in things too... 

Hexagram names clue as well, in some weathers, health's or travels in more than  one form and then other types of fiery or stormy stuff as well...

May take a day or two for those to surface yet...

Not adding new tosses yet as pretty likely that last one is relevant for a while...

If add too soon then may get ignored, as some in past went that way, and just think maybe this one should be stayed on top of, for a while...

Now there was a very in the positive example of it in broadcast news last night...

Had to do with a teen vis youtube making it to near instant mega fame with a pre established audience from there as a singer...

That is in terms of the Wwg *only a partial match as described* and then by bending a few meanings such as Blk Byo to the new in groups and the Re star as controlling and being rewarded by them, further in Wht Kh as music entertainments the Re star clashed to bond the girls, popularity and monies is:

*In that interp it's a Maybe as a full match*???

Latter point should be verified by other qualified Wwg practitioner's for a true concensus....

Vis The Iching:

However strip away the Wwg and leaving it just to the destiny names then it is 100% a full positive match of that!...

In fact you could likely include the positive of religions in that too, positive being minus any Extremist type or types...

Then beyond that lots of other things of positive sides also if go strictly by the names...

Had the other of Wwg showed a Blk 5th *Bs* metal star instead than Re bonding to it even though that's a kill bond might have fit ok, but as a Byo star that's under attack by the Re star as that doesn't reflect or represent a positve Singer's status relative the Groups...

Best you can get is Re Controls Byo in the human element side versus the pure element side...

Pure element Fire destroys Metal...

More human side Fire Controls Metal...

I might accept it as the Re star controlling the Blk (newly) formed of groups or sounds Byo star that in turn produce the Wht Kh music entertainments, then girls then wealth rebirthing the Re even too much so (Mega status) to that of a winner star about it...

However it still needs *others consensus* to be taken as exception and as an added extension to the Wwg rules to be correct!...

The reason shy away of the Wwg type view type, is that we do also always have to consider status's in terms of the relationships between *the elements themselves* as that's how it's structured and 100% in the how it alerts us to dangerous situations in the first place...

That and we are looking at the nature of the Main in Global events here, not rare exceptions themselves...

So at best we can only truthfully say that maybe for a *few instances only*, do those stars of that particular pair represent positive happenings in things, and *in the bulk not as 3 star types hold weak status's in it*!...

By the Iching alone it's a great match, by the Wwg in that case, not so much is how it goes for safety purposes in this case...

Caught eve ntl news and both sides plus and minus...

That of Amish girls plus as found safe, and that would go with the initially weakened and then of changes strengthened for the G star areas...

Not intuitive enough to state as that since toss took, takes in multiple events, but we can understand that part now...

The other of what hadn't wanted to mention though seemed pretty obvious the pair definitely fit was that of St Louis...

That's what very much appeared to be an overloaded Re fire star in changes, and why said was Too much for the Singer case, but we can see where possible that applied to the Teen shooting...

Else why would it be overloaded, was strong of date then in turn boosted by the changes strengthened Gy stars further producing it when already strong...

[Not something one wants to jump out a make a statement about, maybe you but not me, as needed to see it supported by events and apparently that of St Louis aka Ferguson suburb??? it does appear likely as one matching the toss also, all the elements are there...

That and what was still in process of the groups itself then also fits...

So not saying it was that specific event, just that it with that along with that in Iraq, has very similar appearances as far as the powerful Re star physical actions the toss showed...

Think most can understand, as their event was never specifically tossed on, and the toss just reflects events of a similar nature period...

The actual of facts *found by the investigators only* make the final judgements on that event, not here...

That of Iraq also definitely fits and could be seen initially as the IS in the overloaded of their attacks on close tied groups in that high, far and still maybe some other slightly different versions where we and others involve there to it as well...

Not so simple too interpret where it concerns multiple events, unless you drop the Wwg and just note the general easy stuff...

That there was at least one if not two to three events that had plus outcomes is good, most would have went with the names alone, except where you could say close ties of groups involved, *but those other and some likely yet too come as main types, not all so good*!...

Then today's timed definitely of weather matchings in U.S. were shown and would aka be more and other that also adds to the still ongoing of that toss's areas yet...

Best I can do in that and was very detailed for any coming up of it...

Saturday aka Earth day of the Yin earth Goat (Sheep) VI (Gry) wa...

Upper Kan FS #8 (Gen, Wealths)...

Saturday other events friday eve on:

The damagings of landslides and floods in Nepal...

That of one dead and 34 others in a shipping *container* in the U.K...

Looting protests not just protests had returned to Ferguson again other night...

That of the very unfortunate death of a teen, who was without a doubt also going down the wrong path in his choices and life, and of which deadly force brought his end...

There has in the last several month been a trend towards  *overkill in the use of police force* in various parts of the country in some events also...

[We all know that living and social *stresses* and tensions do and can spark that of the undesired, grievous and illogical in spontaneous of the uncontrolled in outbursts *for anyone* at times]...

Throw in that of the human ego and it's hypes in things of hates, jealousies, envies, suspicions, distrusts, disrespects, labelings etc  that exist within man's relationships and (U.S. relationships) in this year brings it all to the fore...

In that of ego and false pride, etc those are the negative sides aka effects of *the year's* Obstructed Tai Yang (Sun) star *influence* of which we are all subject too at times and share...

This year that of the injurous and deadly (Qing Yang) has been manifesting much stronger than the normal specifically:

[In that of the *Minor's Palace* for us, and any, anywhere!]...

That's the main per our and all's of year w in position, and then further in daily and hourly such is brought into *any other Palace* as well, and at times does directly involve that of masses or that of alliences, and in relationships as well...

All depends on date and time there, but says it brings that of the year's influence into them as well at those times...

Tells you that of the Minors areas issues can and do manifest in any other Palace area also, entirely depending on the date and time for it's full scope in that of issues and events globally... 

Includes as said before that of the *younger and police* as well, amongst other had listed, and *that's and in other similar exactly what we have been and are seeing* in events themselves!...

Then the toss was just showing these and the similar natured of other events in the global to be coming to a head for us at this time...

[Do you want your lives to be ruled by these things or are you going to realize these are their as conditions this year to try us in our personal journeys at this time???]...

The influences are not there to weaken us, but to forge us to become even stronger and better as more responsible persons of a peaceful spirit, and in that the facings and overcoming  of the challenges and hardships before us...

Just blog:

Did notice finally have a couple of near sci fi like plus adventure type series on tv now, upgrading to newer of Agents of Shield would be a nice plus too...

Most of the time have to look for that of other medias and their shows or movies to find something decent of that variety...

Did couple more upgrades and then note also lifelock and major of credit areas adding additional protective security features in as good news for groups and individuals there...

Diddled around with an *old* spice (ckt analysis) program today on some ckt templates made back several years ago as a refresh...

Not that much different then this in terms of doing an analysis of one form or another, and passes the time...

Saturday also more security updates mainly for windows, ms office and also that of abdobe as well, plus other mentioned is good they are all staying strong in that...


More on the former abducted Amish girls that's not so good, but in reading noted that still went with the star themes indicated in my toss!...

G stars always associated with females still holds and the initial of weak to strengthned in changes was positive...

[Have always associated them to life itself here as well and *was positive in their being released alive*]!...

That there would be ill sides to that event is normal but would have thought was the abduction alone...

Turns out in that are allegations and the very likely of sexual abuse, and that does also fit *since the G stars were being strengthened aka produced by *Wht* Kh stars* aka that involving some sort of nurturances and in that of the greeds aka lusts form in their case...

It's unfortunate that the ill sides of the *Wht* influences of which there are many types applied in their case, and not something would have looked for as too many possibilities...

Fits too in every sense of the overly strong of the R star male sides involved also...

The toss applied as did involve groups and then the themes concerning both the K and G stars were accurate for events of that and other...

Also that of the negative sided in internal U.S. relationships as was first a Spouses palace day leading into a Pairings Palace day so that particular event synced up that way as well...

The toss let's none down as did not ask of any specific case, yet it applied strong and accurate to a lot of the in similar events of ill natured sides...

A few were positive as there are always some exceptions and the Iching itself allows for both the yin and yang, but the initial of 3 different star types as being weak and troubled had to say a lot would be too the minus in what surfaced of those pair names...

Not picking on police at any level here either, the toss shows and says what it says and then we all do know there have been some pretty aggregious incidents in the use of force this year...

In some may be merits to some extents, but we all know are some that have gone beyond that reasonable also...

They are just human beings, subject to all the same frailties as any, and there are strong levels of stresses in their modern day jobs now, that never existed *to the same levels* in the past, and then in particular this year's influences which includes their areas in specific as well...

The R star of the toss due to what was feeding it mentioned, in one case could represent the positive types and in other mostly negative types, and since covered multiple events all we had for sure was it showed excessive force or attacks in things of either side...

No judgements being made here, and stick to exactly what the influences are, and in what specifically they do show and say about our year, plus the real of their matching events, that we've had in this particular year in the U.S. itself!...

Most know I don't toss on the guilts of parties and especially of legalities as don't feel the Wwg should be used in that manner...

8/20 Water aka Mercury day of the Yin water Pig X (Blk) h...

Upper Duay FS #4 (Shun)...

Weekly Cardinal last day of the Northern Blk Tortoise changes to the Western Wht Tiger Thursday...

Global timed: #49 - #55 Involve #44...

Likely post another toss sometime Friday and have that of the new moon period coming up Sunday the 24th to do Saturday...

Won't say much now but expect a lot of the hidden in actions stuff coming up...

Well already some are surfaceing:

Has to do with the upcoming nm lunar period which here has a Virgo physical, and in Virgo type areas of all types resides the turbulent in chaos of both positive and negative sides and elements...

The NM or any lunar period's physical has a global shared component to it, and also applies within any's individual chart as well...

For the turbulent we have Rahu there in Virgo, and it's normally ruled or similar in traits to some extent as that of Saturn, but currently it's in the Chittira nakshatra (birth star) so it's ruled by those of *aggressive, heated, electrical, passionate, abrupt and martial components of Mars itself in events...

Mars in Libra 2nd areas is in exact conjunct with Saturn there, so some pretty tough and hard stuff in the social, etc and that of material areas this round...

Can in separate also affect elders materially and in govt health, health insurances areas as well, some plus, some likely not so plus for sure too, and in the least and overall cause and bring severe hardships for *all* in those areas...

The hidden components *are of many types*, but mainly stem from that of *Mercury in Leo 12th type areas*, where it's sign conjunct with the NM conjunct of the Sun and Moon there as well....

12th areas being where things of the hidden are formed, sometimes includes pasts elements and  in this case includes pairs, sets, groups, things of com, com devices, documents, schedules, strategies, intellect, plots, that of winds, the short or intermediate of journies, plus all the rest that mercury rules,  and those of the hidden also includes things of set up's, calamities, disasters, hospitals, prisons, and more...

It also deals with Authorities and Masses and in ruling the Virgo physical itself, that of Safety, Peacekeeping and Health areas in aspects of any type  in that...

That's in the short as that appears in Outer events areas since Mercury rules the Gemini 10th areas for it as well, then you have:

Moon ruling the Cancer world domestic's 11th areas...

Mars aka (Mars conjunct Saturn) ruling the Scorpio 3rd of Environments, etc and the Aries 8th type areas too...

Saturn aka (Mars conjunct Saturn) ruling the Capricorn 5th and Aquarius 6th type areas...

Beyond that you have that of the Sudden in Jolts and Ketu for things that erode, disappear or vanish plus some creatives also which associates cures or bio areas,  politics, youth, mil or police, some of causes and other *check Ketu definitions* all in that of which is *Pisces* in 7th global relationships areas...

Asides the jolts or sudden and in some urinus of Uranus (also fits Ketu) that of Ketu normally carries Mars like traits so would assimulate some of that of the Mars conjunct Saturn in Libra 2nd areas into that of current global relationships and it's legal components too...

Was that of a major hackings already involving health areas and names and records ongoing, quite serious but it too is only one form of the types of things being conducted by some involving the ill of unfair play from the hidden in things *for this period*...

That particular event prompted me to  post some main of the upcoming NM early on!...

Made a toss on that of this new moon period and in global, the day prior aka IX (Blk) sh also which yields:

#41 - #19 Involve #24 types, things, actions, events, areas, etc...

So also has to do with schedulings aka *timings* in things which involve that of *Returns* or return's areas, latter having in most cases that centered around man made routines in any given life area but primarily associated to the Virgo types with those components to them, and in some it will be that of the cyclic in returns of most type's of natural phenomena and of nature's areas in things too...

#41 not a surprise fits with what was just mentioned of the NM and then is also a continuation of another prior toss here which had that of #12 for the 1st hexagram aka Halt, Stagnation, Standstill, Obstruction, and other names and has been a big player in most events since...

Eventually things will change but that's what were stuck with at this given time, hopefully this gives some of you a wider view and better understanding of and in a lot of that which has been going on for this Solar month of the *IX (Blk) strong water Monkey (s) area's*...

In local news don't always catch but were some matches in the health areas:

One very positive of a prior negative for a Vet and Va...

One appearing might be negative to do with a nursing home...

There will likely be more to much more surfacing of the hidden associated those area types in and at any location globally yet!.... 

Would definitely include mil type hospitals and possibly any other type as can further specifically *include* things to do with heart or eye (Also of Leo) areas in them also...

News is also covering another side of the Leo in 12th of Pasts, etc to do with war areas and deaths, etc which is that to do with that of terror and genocidal issue's associated the ISIS threat in Iraq and Syria...That to avert a future global threat of same...

Would think things to do with prior of Ferguson part of St Louis fit in...

Then in other as far as the bold can include things of fireman types also in news fits in too...

12th is pasts in the sense of throwing out or discarding things no longer wanted or needed...

Along those lines also while watching Ntl news was that of the famed Saratoga battle carrier on it's journey to be scrapped...

You can add things of sports, entertainments, and games as well which go with the Leo side's as well...

You can look into and add other you know of Leo type areas in as well as the NM's physical in Virgo type areas or going with them, and is what it's about and all that goes with it...
Don't forget the Virgo sides which Merc in Leo is ruling, as Virgo's areas are the Physical for events and those also relate to that of Gemini type areas too as the Outer events themselves!....

When it's timing for a thing it's timing is all, and in some cases knowing that and what can root out some problem areas before they reach that of even further out control and damaging levels in things...

Think it's good hit this early on, so some of what might be ills or issues may get detected early on too...

Contrary to a lot of people's views or thinkings, nearly all disabled people be they Vet's or Civilian's do keep busy at something in their routines...

Some who can yet move about frequently without after effect problems, and more even have normal jobs as well...

Then others like me who can't quite do that or maintain any normal schedule of such, end up finding hobbies, etc to keep ourselves pre occupied in something productive with...

Mine *are just more visible than most's* is the main difference being I blog aka write a lot in what are some very unique areas to do with events themselves...

Regardless everyone including disabled people do keep busy in some sort of daily activity just like anyone else and to the extent that they can!...

Since a lot in major news events right now is in the covering of what are some pretty ill type issues of various environments, I keep myself busy with other such as that below so as not pulled into any black hole or a swirling sea of emotions about such...

Can't really control much that's external other than detailing for others what my pretty accurate systems show that go with and or influence the outer events themselves at a time...

So instead of being caught up in the abyss of a lot, stay engaged and productive in other areas for myself, which might also even help some special of them while at it, and passes my own time learning or re learning in the process...

Re - Make...

8/24  Sunday of the Yin fire Rabbit IV (Red) m...

Not to be fooled the Rabbit's areas are quite formidable up to the mad hatter in things, and where *that of the injurous to deadly Qing Yang star resides*...

Upper Chen FS #9 (Li) Fire...

#10 - #61 Involve #37 world org and it's of or in domestics type areas...

[Still Posted at top, just mentally use that of chart day IV m instead of cn it shows, till replace it...

Most certainly has had it's matches all over the prior weekend and that says this pair and the Period is very important for that of Chen type Upper areas and types in things]!....

Physical Grn E Healthy Ks metal monkey star areas which later involve or are controlled by Strong Pe fire star areas...

Object Moc of the Gry snake type influences too that of 2nd Locals, close in things, etc  in and of weak, troubled Rm wood (jup) dangers, etc star type areas...

Causes and or changes in Blk 4th Strong possibly destructive or the destructive in some vis Pw star type areas producing and giving off that of Bwa star areas...

The Pw star is hindered in some as changes go no where in terms of Bwa star areas it's also being bonding of, so may be and/or includes that of difficulties or obstructions in it's changes to control that of the physical's Ks star type areas...

In latter the over strong aka strengthened of the Bwa star type areas, would assist that of the Ks star type areas instead...

The resultant Blk 4th Bwa star also Earth clashes that of Wht 3rd far and wide prominent and middles of in Bc star type areas...

Latter may bound to that of hiding, hidden Gt water star type areas under and associated that of the Grn 5th rulers, far. tall, high, travels, etc of and in the physical's Ks metal star areas...

On date cn also:

Earth clashes the Outer etc of Red 6th line areas skies, far aways, tops, ends, etc  in and of Bsh star type areas which moves to bonds to it's resultant of fated Rm star areas there...

Fire is formed for P star type manifests of those areas...

They being Competitive or linked to that of Inner Gry 2nd Rm star areas....

Note the names and trigram environments also...

NM Pair Corrected:

8/25 NM Monday Moon day of the Yang Yel Earth of the Dragon...

Upper Duay FS #8 (Gen, Wealths)...

Weekly cardinal changes yet of the Western Wht Tiger...

Corrections for 8/25:

NM Global timed of the *All Countries* day star start type:

#49 - #55 Involve #44 types, things, events, areas, etc...

Posted at top....

Physical Blk 4th Chief ministers and Gateways in Bh water star type areas, environments, healths, nurturances, etc...

Object MOC Yel  That of the Abrupt or of limitations influences too 1st line areas in things of begins and or that at surfaces or underneaths, etc in Km wood (jup) star type areas....

Causes and or Changes: That to do with Grn E, etc influences to 5th line Rulers, roads, paths, objectives, travels or transports in travels, that tall, high or far in and of Pyo metal star retreats, pasts, reductions, retreatings etc type areas...

That of the Pyo star areas date bonded for delays and or emphasis...  

Note 1:

*Gry* 2nd locals, close by's in Rc earth star type areas for officials, men, threats, dangers, biz owners, etc, etc....

Note 2:

Red 6th Tops, skies, across or far aways, ends or turnarounds, etc in Rwa earth star advancings for dangers as well amongst the other R star meanings and where will be between it and locals areas that of *Earth star clashes*!....

Definitely indicates some further dangers and in things and affairs of men or male group components and officials in things, can include weapons in the more mal, etc...

 Add legs and lower body areas in with the other prior mentioned, still ills and health issues to stomachs and any middle parts of body to sacrum front and back...

Then some of one's previous to face, head regions possible where the P metal star retreat is too...Not much to leave out since tops of heads by R stars included too...

Said male groups as would be in wars areas but could in some refer to both sides of criminal and law type groups and being of earth elements tend to think that of the natural...


[Blend then with trigrams also, as that of the airlines bomb threat from a groups goes with gamings (sony's) which goes with duay pleasings trigram and then that of Leo type areas with and for the bold in things as well...

May be more just along those type of areas to which the 6th line R stars anyway apply....

In plus that of rewards in some things too...Emmy awards one...

Latter couple caught per eve Ntl news]...

May later tigheten that of the prior of Sunday's 24th areas up, when in a day or so, post the same pair with *the corrected day m chart date of then Sunday*...

Until then just note that the stars said strong of it aka Metals would have be weak and that of Fire said weak would have been healthy instead!...

[Try to stay cool headed, but don't be bullied, as those clashes can be strong ones this round]....

Both that and the prior suggests how some of the hidden per the Astro listed prior goes!....

Spent most my time between diddling with Lt Spice drawings and other similar then getting all electronics formulas needed assembled into a couple of quick and easy to locate areas versus the hard to find in spread through books type (time consuming)... 

The Linear tech (TM) Spice program really is nice, great in the drawings and analysis for design areas!...

Just did a simple amp type design so far to see how the drawing part would go and it was easy, and in that since you could just plug and play to set the Q point's, etc....

Like any you still have to have both the theory and the real world component knowledges to make something work correctly, but it is *just awesome in how much easier that software makes the job*... 

Especially of the vast component resources LT offers also, and that of their schematic capture also is for your pcb board generation as well...

Today's gen lucky we never had it anywhere so good, most was always hand calc...

Guess between that and some other along same lines got a little overloaded here on the pairs as you can see...

Not a problem though we are on time, and as far as clashes and the nature of things they both in progression agree as you got the day prior for peaking effects going right into the NM itself (also still in the dark side light wise) all in one shot here telling you the trends!....

Likely be doing that of the electronics studies sides more than that here....

Probably leave that of China out this time as share same day this round, but may include that of another more easterly country later instead...

Might change mind there after noting the ill and unneccessary and dangerous of the Chinese fighter jet too close antics to our std surv recon in that of  *international skies areas*  themselves...

Does match priors and in the NM skies areas of the all countries version though, so not much to argue there!...

8/27 Water or Mercury day of the Yang metal Horse VII (Wht) w...

Upper  Zen  FS #6 (Chen/Qian)...

Last week day of the Western Wht Tiger changes to the Weekly Cardinal Influences of the Southern Red Phoenix Thursday...

Prior relative Nappa, Calif 6.0 E.Q.:

There's a saying for those who mock others ills or miseries???

That of the #10 - #61 post, believe that was a toss done Aug 24th day m and had been concerned with that of earth clashes at the time per NM and other noted below...

All Timed and Wwg indicators:

Timed global types relative the Earthquake Mag 6 on Sunday 8/24 Nappa Calif 03:20 am:

[Timed Daystart day m #39 - #8 Involve #64...

Timed hr y day m #5 - #11 Involve #38...

Both indicative and agree for Nappa, Calif 6.0 EQ timing including directions]...

Tosses reflecting the basic same in trend natures to include correct of directions in most and two or more directly of R stars for W's!:

All show some of the same trend types in them...

Aug 12th Day m #32 - #50 Involve #43...

Aug 13th Day cn #3 - #60 Involve #23...

Aug 13th Day cn #58 - #47 Involve #37...

Aug 17th Day s  #49 - #43 Involve #44

[Aug 20th Day h  #41 - #19 Involve #24 *Posted well before!]...

Before I knew of the EQ a further toss morning Aug 25th day cn also:

#52 - #53 Involve #40

All the timed and all tosses were accurate to the hour of the earthquake!...

Now if you look at the year timed charts you would also see not neccessarily of directions, but *the definate of dangers indicated for day's m amongst others in for the entire year as well*...

Those are the date types you should toss on when concerned!...

[Per NM astro chart and coming into it, that of 4th homes areas of Sag sign where Sag goes with outsides amongst many other...

Then if we go beyond traditional Vedic it's where Pluto resides also for that of *Transforms of Ends to Begins*, and then further in Norm is ruled by Jupiter in Cancer 11th, saying involves the large or domestic of groups to and in any given area...

Meaning tosses, etc were indicating Threats and Dangers to that of homes areas themselves too, vis the upcoming and into the NM period itself!...

So time itself had it covered, and *had any tossed specifically asking of an earthquake of that in and for their physical location they would have gotten a Yes answer*!...

Normally had in previous months been doing more tosses than as shown did in August,  and in the current and onwards have dropped the number done down quite a bit, per my other studies...

Any can also toss for their own area as well, and Calif has many who are qualified to do just that...

[If any were to toss daily and then each 5 to *10* days note the main dangers tied trends with the directions than for large massed land areas you are within, the correct of general locations involving those will be found!

For that huge of the natural phenomena will be accurately indicated in such, no matter whether there are hundreds of the same in lessor or same events in other parts of the world!...

It comes down to if such is in, it will be shown in that and you could base from the year's danger related dates alone likely enough but you could add the solar months for additional also...

If any do such, don't lie vis your pedigree ego about it as having came from something else of man's studies you invented (BS), it can only come from aka be well indicated by that of the timed, Wwg, and Astro in combinations....

When it's time, it's time]!....

On homes areas add that of trespasses stuff and peepers too, as would be more of that in the late to wee hours this period too, be it individuals or more so groups or gangs in their gatherings...

That goes along with what would be an emphasis in the more normal of group functions in most other things as well this period...

Was a good example in a local church sign issue no less other day, don't have a comment just that it fits with the prior mentioned ahead NM and the added supplement in today's of NM areas also....

Drop the word extremes as written could be taken out of context, something to do with Intensity of LED's in sign and local ordinances, but a most *unusual event* to see come up in the local areas and is of disagreements between men on it...Fits with the time stuff....  

Other per local news that fits in that of groups and big stuff as well is that of Taurus 9th type areas...

That for the tactile, material greeds, schemes, scams, thefts etc and lusts too is in that of Universities or higher learning areas and the techy in technologies, and more...

Feel free to add in the more positive sides to that of Taurus energy as just wrote that which was in step with news *events* areas at the time and to stay brief!...

Was some in local 12 CBS (TM) news on an alleged peeper in female bathrooms areas of a store which is a major enterprise type....

In ntl things related to congress, courts or legislative areas, in business that of profits or profits related areas and other in global that of groups in the International and other countries, etc....

More of the it's time in timed stuff and of larger and other scales in the global!...

A great deal in the large of groups stuff for the period, some has to include that of rewards as well...

Part of the driver is that the nm and other lunar periods apply to any's chart, country, biz, org, individual, etc and is why you see things of it's events come up in any location and global!....

Appears more along the natural aka natural phenomena lines of the earth clashes are huge storms on E and W coasts of the U.S. now per that on NBC (TM) Ntl news also...

That shown per the Vedic chart type as well as our timed and Wwg areas for this period...

On that at any hour most of mine always in studies period...

In Internets today the 27th was a huge scoped outage this am for those under Time Warner (TM) types per news as well...

A super essential of the 9th and 3rd areas many, many anywhere use and need for sure in news and educational aside it's entertainments sides...

That of the crowds, groups, masses etc of Jup in Cancer 11th areas includes that of Venus there as to why include's the Taurus 9th type

That further extends to that of the material and more of the Libra 2nd type areas for the Saturn sides mentioned prior as well...

That of the Saturn components is involved and  showing up as the nature in and of all of those other issue areas at this time...

That in terms of their material sides, material worths, and/or of their material and spiritual values in things and in their effects on that in the general of our 2nd house material matters and areas itself at this time as well...

In result we have that of the Saturn experience and it's effects and for lessons in our 2nd house type areas now, those concerning all material matters this period due to and involving all that of groups, etc in their happenings and issues of all those other areas in ongoings at this time....

In the 9th type areas also always something new to download, upgrade or update of OS's and products in those, *it never ends there these days*...

That of electronics includes programmings sides as well, so never bored and always busy instead...

On prior that of E and W coasts storms they were referrring to incoming as some a long ways out were actually making huge waves on the coasts...

In that here that of signs, stars, element, branch or stem types just looked at as *types of energies or forces of specific traits, attributes and natures only* and not connected to any particular of Vedic or Other beliefs other than being a timings system as it is used here....

[Pretty much everything of those events aka happenings are looked at as *that which fits or matches with the themes and natures of the current timing* these systems do indicate is about it]...

Now as far as my personal beliefs, yes there's a higher power as far as I'm concerned and in the order even of chaos itself in all things!...

As far as thinking that any have a perfect handle on what the higher power is and all about, that's another thing and of great diversities in Man's personal conceptions there...

Not all agree but in my view having a belief in a higher power does aid the quality of answers I get using the Wwg...

Others say they get without, but don't know they can get on the order that I do, so will stick to my belief...

On some of the hard stretch stuff such as earthquakes, have been using 6 coins for most part in daily, were some to use only 3 coins they'd get higher resolution and the more definate of great combo's ,etc for such...

So that's how it should be done and would take any several months of data collections of daily hexagrams for just that one area alone...

Problem is no one wants to confine themselves to that, but is what it would take...

Believe do able as had using such in long pasts specifically asked of given states for given frames in the ahead and such did come out correct...

So from that alone believe it could be done if any were to dedicate only and solely to that one area...In doing such over months you'd learn all the exacts of the specific patterns in trends a set of hexagrams will show that indicate the specific of an earthquake as opposed to other things...

Very tedious work that no one wants to do, or most have no time for, is the problem...

Hopefully that's enough and using the NM pair to give you the bulk of the main and big picture *as a generalized, imperfect as is of partial gists* to work with...

Obviously to write up all to a period perfectly means it would have to include all possible sides and variations that go along with that of each and every placement, aspect and stars type....

Too massive to include here for practical purposes, so a lot is cut and shortened to that which can be practically viewed and understood...

In that it still leaves open the option for any themselves to expand a given area or point to include the other they may want, and I just choose that of an imperfect brief medium that all can work from, in what I post here...

Nope not enough, this next ought to tap it off:

8/29 Metal aka Venus day of the Yang water Monkey IX (Blk) s...

Doubles down on that as same as the Month!...

IX Strong or hard running waters, emotions, feelings, etc...s metal adds the fierce in material and other areas...

Upper Kan (Dangers, strong or hard feelings) in general influences of this date's areas onwards...

FS #4 (Shun) Winds, airs, flight, com, move, buildings, etc


Tong Shu:

Kuei - Ghosts day: 

Metal Venus type Unlucky, Bad for Marriages and Opening doors...

Such as to do with Buildings or repairs to same, Land and War areas...

Respect to Ancestors brings Honor...

In other areas good for Wealths, starting ventures, business dealings, trading, going shopping, short journies and getting things done...

A date for the Determined in Opportunist or Diplomat, etc...

[Added just for today that of the Tong Shu as went pretty appropriately with some main in todays and shows the backdrop of.

One where others fears and deep feelings can easily cause them having same and others as the objects of, in very uneccessary to extreme problems such creates]...

So posting to that and the results of another toss have gotten at lleast three times this month and which was also in bold posted Aug 20th!...

[Today's toss #41 - #19 Involve #24 aka Returns]...

Didn't really want to post as would rather make progress in other but this date and any future related to it, needs to be put out for the related of perspectives...

That toss at the very minimum will strongly apply in things *day to day till the start of the next Solar month*.

#41 Things Decreasing or Breaking...

The Threats and of related to attacks part...

The threat(s) involve that of the Object aka Others MOC line:


In that of *Wht* fierce material or spiritual etc influences to:6th line skies, tops, far aways, etc areas in that of the weak, troubled and Vanished  Ry wood (jup) star type areas and changes for the date...

Those meet that of political, safety and combative controls and killback vis the resultant Strong Kyo metal star type areas of the lines as well... 


That all falls under it's Physical and subject line areas of Red Wealth's, Power and Fiery, Heated and Smart aleck or Threats influences types, areas too:

3rd line inner relationships areas pertaining to the close of the middles, prominent and in the far and wide of and in:

Bc earth star type areas...

That to do with talks and things damaging, destructive, nieghborings, earthy environments,  healths, siblings, actions and that of war or war like within also...

May be good for those who need to expand the pair and examine more thoroughly, that as said have prior posted and this is at least the third time this month have recieved this given hexagram pair!...

Obviously also matches the Astro Cancer 11th where that of large groups, other countries friends and friendemies involve that of the far aways, skies and other of the Taurus 9th type areas..

Such in turn is meant to increase the Saturn like effects or hardships in that of Libra's 2nd Material type areas...

That of Russia's NM Physical is Sag type which is under transforms there and connects current to our 4th homes, etc areas...

Says they are of feelings bold in that of 9th type areas, and with that of destructive actions and Saturn effects in their Libra 11th associative, groups, etc areas...

Puts that of Venus sign conjuncted by Jupiter in Cancer *8th* type areas...

That of China's NM Physical is Aries type with that of the bold and assertive in Leo 5th type Mil, Politics, Entertainments, Police, etc areas...

There abrasive and destructive like actions and Saturn effects are in that of their Libra 7th type areas...

That of Venus and Jupiter's areas is in their Cancer (domestic) 4th type areas...

[That where *Libra* appears in these charts reflect that of today's Tong Shu viewpoint in them also...

That for the Physical's indicates what would be main areas of interests to them and that of how they would interact in com and actions areas with all others for the period!...

That where *Cancer* appears in these charts reflects that of todays strong Blk Yang Water Monkey areas, and in general *was that for Month s*, *the very same there in all, and *any's charts* for this entire month*...

Basically where each feels the most sensitive or vulnerable for this period...

Read this [] area through a couple of times:

Considering thise date type as given in begin, and that it's in for this *NM lunar period*, under that of the exact same in influences, per this Solar month as well...

Says that some's to any's feelings will or can run overly dark, deep and strong in often mostly *the unwarranted and of too negative aspects in things*!...

Be so advised and careful of falling prey to such in and of your own feelings or thinkings on or in some]!...

8/31 Sunday of the Yang wood Dog I (Grn) sh...

Upper Duay FS #2 (Quen/Kun)...

Global timed: #43 - #34 Involve #1 (Chen) raw and/or material power...

Roughie pair there in or for some global areas anyway!...

As said that other of toss type done Aug 20th #41 - #19 is still in play, along with the NM's pair as significant!...

This is today marks the E's in Global mainly and that of Ukraine bordered by the Agressive assertive pangs of Russia...

Then in as much the same minus actual blood so far the Chinese proclamation relative Hong Kong's elections etc is another dive into the great Abyss for the World!...


Was sick last couple days some from one med kidney never likes too much, the bum left leg and a bit flu like on top of it, slept a full 12 hours feeling bit better today...

Ok hope most got it on that of the NM in Leo as involving that of the given Cancer bhava aka house areas areas for each country listed...

Means where there were overly bold talks, threats or actions taken by any, it was of their responses to what each percieves as areas that they are vulnerable and sensitive in and too...

Updated electronics page mostly on softwares one can *freely use also* for the C's, etc programming languages and a bit more on issues we or some of us run into, when buying certain Mac (TM) App store (TM, C) products, etc...

9/2 Fire day of the Yang fire Rat III (Red) t:

Upper Duay FS #9 (Li)...

Global timed: #49 - #31 Involve #44 Types, actions, areas, etc...

Physical Wht 4th Bh star type areas...

*Competes* or link's to that of Resultant Gry 3rd *Ps star areas*...

That of 3rd's Primary Bh star a bearer for that of hiding Gw fire star work types areas...

Object MOC Red 1st Changes in Km wood (jup) star areas Meet Rcn earth star areas for control of Physical and 3rd line areas also...

Today the control would have in general been just a little weak so keep that of dates and hours in mind when eval for such...

Causes and/or else Changes are the same as Object aka Opponent's line in main then that of months, dates and hours add other for it and any hexagram pair as well!...

Get it, give it some thought???

The interp given invaluable in that of real world actions and events corresponded too???

Ok had recently tossed on that of us aka the U.S. being attacked and have a *No answer to that*...

Was done two to three days ago....

Any challengers, such as at or any other please do feel free???...

Quite confident of the result here...

One that may cover an extensive amount of time, but will assume it to hold for the month only, on the ultra conservative side...

Won't be listing the toss or type for a good while, but will do the toss for such, once a month...

What had got was more along the lines of internal dangers in the far and wide and of a wood aka Jup multi or wide spreading component type to it...

Such could include religious, enterprise(s), universities, or internet and other technologies  to it, very much like this NM period's Astro in that...

That of the Ebola possible as a danger, just as near mid air collisions and other are at this time aka month minimum, even more so of this NM period itself with the *Virgo* physical...

Those are all in the hidden of potential sources including any of the sign Leo type areas into it as well...

The and that as of the hidden in Dangers type as we don't know in a lot about it, until it suddenly manifests into the physical itself!...

Those are all at that of Dangers levels in the far and wide of Jup like spread natures, within the U.S. which can stem from overseas sources, but *none of which constitute that of attacks per se* to the U.S. at this time!....

Anyway that's our current status as far as any attacks on the U.S. proper go!...

Find most things that many of us have worried about such as economics etc *are not as bad in the scope of global, etc as some think* and while it's very slow in the major, you need to know it's all definitely on a path in trend towards mending in the long term...

Looks like it's more of N Korea's 91 and 121 units stationed in China that do all or the bulk of espionaze, hacks etc into other countries areas then China govt per se???

Had gotten Yes answer's in the past on China's part who despite all their talk technically are at a state of hidden warfares with us, but my answer's would have corresponded to China *as in the location on those tosses in the pasts*....

That aside from some connecting to Russia hacks wise also in the pasts...

My left leg still fairly bummed up and if no turnaround will in the near future need to get something finally done there, as limiting me even further in all but the shortest of walks presently...

For the idle of minds and more so mouths, apparently some quite local and at times nearby of the Bw fire star areas in *work types*, I do have witnesses and one's smart enough to observe in the daytime like the land lady, when you can actually see something!...

You should get past your useless and ill of bias's and understand I never post a thing which isn't true here!...Once in a great while errors get made but those always get corrected too, but of the personal relative myself always true wouldn't work any other way...

Maybe get over yourself just a tiny bit as well, as what do you freely do for the U.S. and it's people anyway???

Free in that of taking up of your own time, and without any material expectations in return...

Always busy in that end of my time so just shouldn't be ill thinkings in the first place...

Is that to do within these areas where often some will get the point meant in something totally wrong, as several different people can read something and come away with an entirely different take then the others...

Not much you can do there as some will eventually in observation catch what was actually meant, whereas others likely too hot headed will stubbornly stick with what they first thought...

That till they run into someone who makes it clear to them, but can't do much about that here...

Most done for positive purposes is all that needs to be understood...

Anyway a very brief part of my own health status at this current time....

9/4 Wood aka Jup day of the Yang earth Tiger V (Yel) y:

Upper Zen FS #7 (Duay)...

Global timed: #32 - #40 Involve #43...

Weekly cardinal changes to the Eastern Grn Dragon today...

*If need do expand it*, as it's quite active in this date, and in the very briefest it's:

Grn 5th *Rs metal stars areas are clashed by the date*!...


Sorry to learn of Joan River's passing today, as she was one great comedian, actor and person...

Think today's pair in names with it's involve also even quite descriptive of her life in some ways...

Per entirely separate of timed then;

Hr wa clashed the first lines Yel 1st Gc star which met up with a powerful By star in killback...Aside the Blk N's 5th Rs stars which were clashed of the date also...

Condolences and respects to her family...

Here some might think the comments a little odd, but Vietnam was many years ago and all that long past...

People have always had opinions and amongst other things we fought for such as well, and now though can still appreciate look beyond to other factors of the person's career life too...

Was that of a woman teacher in Calif in news who as a result of a classroom accident affecting kids... She was put on leave per normal investigative stuff today, and that's a much milder match to do with jobs and women being killed back in a fashion of that pair today...

Same would have applied in many ways, men too and other global aspects...

Started doing the sitting knee or leg bounces to aid circulation some last night about an hours worth while sitting...

Must work some as agitated it pretty darn good, and was really fired up last night and then quite itchy today, so thinks mean got some circulation going there...

Put on cortizone eczema type which relieves the itching, and will watch results for couple days if aids will make sure bounce the legs a lot, about the same as last February and got through that...

That and the long time body function occured which will also reduce swellings as in feet, for a few...

Take med's but has it's own very slow clock there but not the consta type presently, just a real slow clock, the med's and diet see's that consta doesn't happen, or hasn't for over a couple months now...

It's just the timing part isn't influenced much by the med's and still get the toxic builds and swellings till the body says it's time... 

If lucky that may get the leg stuff part back under better control yet... 

Transferred most other to electronics blog, fast becoming more oriented towards programming, as was to be for that which aids any in their starts for electronics areas also....

9/5 Metal aka Venus day of the Yin earth Rabbit VI (Gry) m:

Upper Shun FS #6 (Chen)

Tossed but is in/of a test form also, for the main in now through next Tuesday morning:

Three 6 coin toss types done this date, where only one was strictly for the U.S. and it's locals, another is for Global, and one of an entirely different question area itself...

All were asked within a 20 minute period...

*All first hexagrams have a Chen lower same as the FS for the date*

May be something of this date itself that sets a trend involving things or something that Chen trigram areas represents, and that moves on forward in them, applying through Tuesday morning???

We shall see...

Then we will see which of these three, turns out to be the strongest match *for the U.S. itself*, and then of the Global which also includes the U.S. but larger scoped...

Next tuesday will indicate which toss was assigned the particular questions, and we will see how the results came out...

May do the same again another date but with a greater spread of time between the questions being asked, each in a seperate element hour...

Then again, we can note the differences and also accuracies, etc *between the two question sets*, and find if asking the questions using a greater time spread is better or not...

Three tosses done this date in hr wa, are asking of what is main for tthe U.S., Global, and then one an unrelated totally seperate question applicable through next tuesday morning also:

#1 - #9 Involve #1

#43 - #5 Involve #1

#11 - #19 Involve #54

Expand if wish...

May be weathers and natural or diseases power stuff in this aside that of individual countries and the various of man's affairs in them and in relationships to other countries as well...

Anything that involves that material in objects or monies, greeds, etc and or that of raw power and or that of control in things and areas, etc...

[Not particularly good pairs for the Uppers, Social Elites or plainly that of Leaderships at the tops of any type structure (includes individual family types too)...

Also likely that refers to high things in general such as flying high like the plane that crashed around Jamaica today...

Normally to affect leaderships themselves it's when it covers a lunar or solar period, but may be some dangers for some in this shorter version as a meaning too...

Likely that may just be for some particular countries or locations in the most main, but some can apply on down to that of family levels themselves]...

Questions asked including frames ahead should auto find something main of the date that are often but not always pasts related, and of an importance that's strong enough to carry forward for the period inquired of is what your looking for...

These got, deal with jolts, shocks, the techy, mental, volatile or surprises and some of destined changes types in that of:

Begins or at surfaces or the underneaths of things for each date...

See how goes...

Will be some alteration as in and influencing all that of natural physics aka phenomena itself, plus that of all's and leaderships in areas of main and general expressions as:

Is the advent and change of the Solar month itself upon us!...

That can be another reason for all the Chen power type stuff as a result of the purely natural changes of the heavens as earth related per the new Solar month influences themselves!...

Occurs around Sunday the 7th here, as we enter the Solar month of the Yin water Rooster then....

The Rooster's element sign *energy* is already of a *Yin* metal element character itself, so having a *Yin* water heaven's stem overemphasizes that of Yin qualities in the natures of things for that month...

Strengthens that of Yin characteristics and sides themselves in that of Man's expression in areas of personal creativities or the what's in of things, and some is liable to be, a little too dark sided due to the too much of Yin influences in things for this solar month...

As a hint in some, hopefully few but some the British don't use the word Rooster for that element sign and use that of the Cockeral instead...

So expect that of some of the too Cocky in types or natures to be more prevalent in this new Solar month period....

You know there has to be some good and some bad to each thing so consider the Bad as something like ISIS and a lot of other as Good and in some cases where bad in show only works for good, etc...

In other at the year level you can apply that of the yo element to see what shows as in from that view too...

Will post the new solar month pair on it's date here as well....

Read a bit of news and pairs are pretty reflective so leave to each to note the particular and strongest amongst them, some carry on to way beyond Tuesday also...

Does have one huge positive match in the initial for #11 pair:

That in the huge of material sides involving power control vs disease, etc medically as that of a donate to Cancer show *aired on 3 major broadcast networks in simul*...

Fits well as didn't ask of health or dangers in specific at all, though each pair carries such too...

Well not going into it but was something of local leaderships that's of the type unfavorable for the person, so was correct!...

That being the case, expect some of the same in other places even global of some officials...

[Add into that the Full Moon which occurs night of Monday the 8th as well for a new lunar period as well....

Will be of an Aries physical here and already that of Mars has just entered Scorpio areas which will be of 8th bhava aka house type areas for activities, etc in the new full moon period then...

So in light of today's changes vis Mars sign position, plus that of the almost on us of the new Solar month and the Full moon as well, does explain and add to that which the Chen trigrams will be representing in things U.S. it's locals and of Global's areas for events as well]!...

The new moon's can also be carried forward in this also....

Will add that of China and Russia's physical soon or when post the full moon pair also...

So be a little wary, check stuff, but other than that have a great weekend...


Anything more ideal from just my perspective, as a work only, but possibly play machine as well???

Yes that of a standalone non internet connectable of a machine with dual options...

One which one selects whether to boot up into a powerful but greatly functions enhanced of an Original BASIC itself or a standarized Desktop instead...

A Basic that allows one to further program in the C's, python and of Assembly language routines all in one, plus that of handy help book readers, etc!...

Two a normal desktop option for other of word processings, excel and powerpoint, paints or graphics programs, plus books readers like options, etc also...

Separate encryptable partitioned drives for each, with ability to transfer texts, charts, programs and images, etc one to the other or mainly from the Basic side to the desktop's for other program options and that for the drives backup features too...

That type with std cd and or dvd and usb options for std purposes and microcontrollers, etc interacings options, plus maybe firewire transfer plus that of normal hardwire printer's options...

Should be programmable total lock out in bios, flash etc options where none can insert a cd, dvd, usb, etc that do not have the correct password for their use in any form!...

That's how I set up and keep the one's using also, only undo for a drive back up is it...

Comeing with all the norm of bios, flash, dos, bash and shell's like abilities, with a permenent non updateable antivirus made specifically for the system as well...

In other words updates of such antivirus, etc *not required* and where could only be updated by the using downloading on another machine then transferring that to the workstation if and only when desired!...

Lock all that in without any internet or wi fi options at all, for just entirely a Secure Work Machine...

One could download if wished on another machine and just transfer the downloaded unzipped or uninstalled programs to be installed on the Work machine itself...

Evidently that for totally secure environment works, where that of mal wares, trojans, morps wormies, stux's, bot's, hacks, etc are taken totally out of the picture...

Harder than sounds as most OS's want updates these days and some might even lock if don't get, and the same in antivirus's the control freaks side of those want updates and can lock up as well, so those type you wouldn't want for the work machine...

Your products once installed and those programmed by you wouldn't need updating, nor would you ever lose one due to OS, etc updates and other in the normal world...

In the short and long run such a work station would become quite economical for those reasons alone!...

As is on today's machines *you'd eventually be locked out*. if you don't update your OS and Antivirus sides period!....

[Not too many thieves would be interested in such a machine that's one ultra secure in the first place, and two non internet useable at all, could be made only to accept one particular hard drive type and take away the option to just easily install another as well]...

Then to somewhat offset on regular machines you have to add that of alert and antitheft softwares, another expense...Irritating!...

So that would be a dream machine to me, super secure and super for sciences, mechanics, R & D, etc....

Something about a thousand(s) times more powerful than the old 8 bit machines, that some of us still adore :)...


Hopefully was a good labor day for most...

For most of us:

Take care the influences don't impede your objectivities in things and try to detach from the negative components by staying constructively positive in useful tasks for yourselves instead...

Track the dates per usual especially the R star types in all top or pertinent charts...

Have a good week ...

Do have a Good Month...


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