Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Solar month of Yang *Wood* Dog with FM TLE start Oct 2014...

Will add the other relevant later you can refer to last post for previous of NM and Year pairs, etc till then....

Keeping very brief, and running bare bones here, you can expand by adding the line color influences, line areas and star meanings associated them...

Names are as they sound or seem, then variences vis individual trigram environments and the star trends themes of each line area, etc...

Step Carefully Involve Family type units, org's and or domestics Which leads to that of Innocence, Without Fault or Wrong Doing, etc...

10/8 Water aka Mercury day of the Yang Strong or strong flowings Water  Rat aka IX (Blk) t...

Upper Chen  FS #9 (Li) Fire, fiery, org's...

Last day of the Eastern Grn Dragon Cardinal, tomorrow begins shifts to the Northern Blk Tortoise aka Murky Warrior Cardinal on a Wood (jup) day...

Today the FM as a much more exacting of Total Lunar Eclipse types:

AC type day start relative FM version posted at the top per norm...

Add Solar month pair which in effect also begins this date, in a day or so...

Physical Gry 5th in/of weak or troubled Ks metal star type(s) and areas, but healthy by month...

Hiding and hidden under the K star bearer is the strong in short term but weak by month of Chart date same Gt water star type(s), areas...

Object MOC and *changes*: Grn 2nd locals, close in/of Void healthy Rm wood (jup) star retreat, retreatings, etc type(s) and areas...

Chart date  and related of hider Gt star areas clashes the Yel 4th areas in/of very weak and Vanished Pw fire star type(s) and areas...

Chart date and related of Gt star areas also bonds that of the Red 3rd Prominent, Middles, etc in/of Bc earth star areas in that, it's active for B star advancings too and can be about or of a destructive nature in some aside the healths and environments part...

Basic FM physical is in Virgo areas and what was mentioned last entry on it in the prior blog made today applies...

You can now or maybe should be able to see why often say each lunar period pair is valid for a full month as well, as other these types of aspects related to it are still  in play, and do note that the prior NM pair is still fully valid in this FM lunar period too...

There can be major dangers to the deadly in that of local environments and that close and maybe to learnings or schools areas in them as well but likely more so of that to do with blood, etc diseases in that...

Mars in Scorpio 3rd can make for a very tenancious to nasty 3rd areas period itself...

Good for the investigative, probings and researches of all types though...

A lot to do with obsessions in the social legal political, etc sides of the Scorpio 3rd areas per that of the Virgo physical itself and what was mentioned earlier this date...

[Per the FM pair shows the same and some of that in retreatings has to do when you make or start the return from someplace just ventured, pasts, etc...So be careful or alert in that]...

Does show the expansion and maybe the far in that of groups, orgs and or profits areas to do with that of the sensitive, and securities, etc in global or personal domestic type areas, etc...

The latter would involve sudden changes or jolts, some mental or volatile, or techy etc in Pisces relationships areas and that of ends to begins in Sag 4th homes, etc areas too.

That's for wide areas in general gists here and some as RTW for the FM...

Then in your own stuff aka personal charts most areas are different, as it depends entirely on where that of Virgo and Pisces falls in them...


Relative the B star advance there may be some positive aspects in health areas hopefully, but B star advances not usually looked on too favorably...

Exists as such though as would produce the weak physical aka to aid it, but tricky since Gry and would likely result in destined changes type...

Likely applies to security, techy and maybe combative areas and more so at the power and control leadership or heavy material levels since that of Chen trigrams there...

That of ultra strong and deadly natural phenomena does go with that of Chen trigrams so the of SuperTyphoon VongFong is a very applicable manifestation of them, and are jolts vis Zen trigram in the lower or earthy realms and that of inner relationships areas...

Then any not so great may affect the same areas or NW's in some things too...

The Gateways are harder to aid...

It's Global, so not just us in that...

Starts as that...

10/9 Wood day of the Yin Water Ox aka IX (Blk) c...

Upper Duay, and  FS #8 (Gen, Wealths)...


Will in this month of the Yang *Wood* Dog there be any form of external terror org's caused attack within the U.S.???

That of Rise and Ascendings which Involve the Brides and which leads to involves Things of Great or Long durations...

A Physical of Yel 4th Chief ministers and *Gateways* areas in that of strong rebirthed Gc earth star type areas...

An Object of Others the MOC and of Travels and Destinations:

Also of the same in Gc earth star type areas...

That of the dark and watery in things of Begins, under surfaces and below...As the Object line can also connect to that of the Skies as well...

That of Gc earth star areas that are competitive in the material and that of values, the agricultural or of earth related products or earth type industries in that of that Gc star type areas...

Inner Red 3rd Ryo metal star dangers or diseases that connect to that of Wht fierce or ills influences directly too that of the 6th line skies or far aways areas, etc which promote that in the 3rd middles far and wide areas...

While dangers associate them the line areas and of things they represent they don't directly attack the normal bearers of any line...

They can only at times directly attack that of By hider, hiding star areas Under that of Grn 2nd locals and close in Ph water star areas...

They can possibly weaken some only, in that of the hider, hiding Kw fire star areas Under that of the Physical Gc star areas only at specific times...

Those R stars are in the short term of *a weak and buried status* Under the main of chart date...

Says for month sh of the Dog not so much of any direct externally caused terrorist threat more so of diseases or other separate danger types *common to all countries*...

So while nothing perfect that looks pretty darn decent per question nature asked of to me???

Add [ ]:

[As far as the material included in it the daily volatile of stocks types wouldn't see it that way but then wasn't the main subject of the toss either...

As usual didn't check news until after posting and do see some of various matches in this, but most ill will be of the hidden in some cases absent till that of wa or the y and m element areas come out for that of G and B star type areas...

In essence per that asked of doesn't appear yet to directly take that of stocks in unless you consider that of the R star status in the power control related, it may reflect something of the overall period in them, but such better covered by either the timed or a separate toss done in those areas by the affected or interested types!

R star dangers types:

Can mean that some of the dangers are in that of power and control areas of various in and of *officials, business and in specific areas of power or power controlled areas involved itself...

Power control does involve mechnisms and systems that require passwords and of anything that is used to lock something up as well, those being specifc power control mechanisms themselves!...

Some applying in areas where withdrawals, purchases or sales made as well then other in that and different of the line areas those R stars themselves are on also...

So the dangers under that of a G material star physical can include those again of hackings *Attacks* areas and then the R control stars are weak under the chart date for this period and easily through the whole month]...

That's a pretty near ideal straight forward pair one that's easy for any to analyze and interpret on a daily level...

Mention that as is what agencies responsible should do, track it day by day...

It's given it's main message and areas then you apply each date ahead to look for any that depart from the originally set and focus on those dates...

That would obviously include all dates that involve the R stars or other of those that attack the Physical itself...

In latter case though it's more of what's common to the Physical and Object lines of Opponents and Others, etc that's the problem or main danger here and that's of the **By aka Wood star areas and dates themselves**!...

That and earth dates and times 1pm - 3pm of the clashing wa loose earthy or groups, masses activities areas type and in and of mainly G star medias will apply plus any other which involve those same characteristics...

Not all of or that clashes is bad can simply involve G star areas in some ways, but earth star clash types can be quite strong so good to be aware of since affect both the Physical and Object line areas...

So things of By wood star areas 3am- 5am too, and more so that of natural phenomena, things of winds, and that of the assertive in groups or gangs, or losses, etc...

That and some of the totally in the hidden of Bm wood star type areas 5am - 7am can also attack both the Physical and Inner Object All Other's line at surfaces, etc...

That same Bm star areas of it's dates or times bond to the fated in resultant of Wht 6th Gsh star type areas, where Fire energy types formed for K star type areas in manifests...

Dangers to the Physical are always the main so to that of material, etc in Gc earth Ox star type areas and possibly of those born of that element vis those of By *assertive groups* star areas and that of the totally hidden in wa element same Gwa star activities type dates and times...

That which operates against the Gc stars material or earthy fixed areas for both the Physical and Object in and across the Global areas period...

They present real dangers, harms and problems but are not actually of terrorist R star type attacks themselves!...

Then you would also consider those as related to the pair names in most as well...

Did watch Ntl news tonight and were things of other than questioned areas that also match in given senses...

That of the storms or rains for most of the middles of our countries areas in both x and y directions where mal natured go with the R stars as dangers, and in some would be thundery as well...

Then wouldn't have considered the R stars negative where it came to terminating the hidden agressive groups of killer bees, etc...

Are deadly things that fly though...

Element c of the physical and object includes crops or anything that grows of or to do with earth, although think all earth stars have some connections there c being moist most strong, then the fact that we have the hidden in the destructive of environments in locals areas also in...

Then we have the of the first hexagram Rising and Ascending which indeed could definitely be said of trees alone and in forests too, so the forest fires events, also did and does go along with the pair *in other then questioned subject areas*, but under the pairs Physical Subject of Gc star type areas, definintely takes in that of natures areas as well!...

[Says for areas *other than that tossed on*, you can kind of ignore the strengths and just consider the star areas themselves straight up as applicable in their own other subjects and related event areas]...

Anyway applies for the entire Solar month of the Dog (sh)...

10/10 Metal aka Venus day of the Yang Wood (jup) Tiger aka I (Grn) y...

Upper Li  FS #7 (Duay)...

Global timed: #21 - #27 Involve #39...

y, m fulfilling and t, c now Void...

This was Friday's:

Didn't want to post after reading news as could hardly find a good thing in it, going to have to start looking for the good things only and skip the other...

Anyway this will expain your stocks results today and some other in happenings...

Look it over *note the link connections*, and consider hr's y, m, of mentioned other day were quite strong for that of the destructives, winds or strongly of groups, gangs and *robbers* as well...

The Date was attacking it's Physical of Wht 5th Gwa the material in groups activities, etc. etc which further connected too and could be rcvd in awaiting Grn 1st Pt water star areas!...

Aside all the powerful of normal other areas that goes with this pair, that of robbers in their plannings vis scope outs very much goes with this pair on wood dates especially!...

Had pretty decent day :

Began quite *Fogged* as per a toss yesterday, and realized it hours later after forgetting toss part, and a bit after taking a sleep pill, knew it would be exactly that and was...

That type can be humerous as it knows that for you before you do...

Went well though had to pick up meds at VA and everyone ran into on all counts then were very positive which is always a very good boost...

A nurse had asked how doing and appreciated that, and said was just fine...

Walk had taken it all out of me, and is just that way when there's a lot of movement involved, but knew once finally got home and chilled out for awhile all would be aok...

[Those interested in the old apples and mainly the old apple games, do not need the bulk, and in terms of disks bother of a Physical machine itself:

You can play nearly every game ever made for it and the early Mac's on today's mac's and pc's as well at:


Works on both Mac's and PC's so no problem...

Quite reputable so you can check it out]...

Can tell you the disks part of a real machine can get to be *quite a pain and very time consuming* when comes to making back ups on any and many softwares did require back ups then!...

Even those that directly include that option it's then a matter of finding spare disks which is *very, very hard these days*!...

That mentioned before and below of creating Apple II pgm's on the Mac separate deal but also allows people to using it's different recommended emulator do the very same on PC's as well...

So if old Apple II and simular programming was your thing and you have one of those machines, you can do that on both Mac's and PC's found at:

For info, templates, etc...


Emulator article referred to at: http://www.virtualii.com/

Reason probably the best ever made, sounds and behave identical to the real including the sounds of the disk drives loadings...

Then it's a pretty fair bet that you'd actually have to own a machine to use the ROM's as are copyrighted...

You can still program for the 6502 with the templates and cc65 stuff in Xcode, but without the emulator most couldn't test it...

Sort of an ambiguity in that, but maybe that will change per or for that of a programmings status...

Think on latter while you can work independent it may be better to become part of the group...

Not near that point yet myself as still doing a lot of work on my physical machine yet, but will as like the idea of programming and having stuff handy on the Mac no doubt...

10/11 Earth day of the Yin Wood Rabbit...

Toss #17 - #3 Involve #53...

That's in for the period and very, very relevant in many near and globally far ongoings...

Date agitates and attacks it's Physical in Yel 3rd Weak Gcn earth star areas....

Changes of *Gry* 4th Ph water star areas which are also a bearer for a hiding Kw fire star Under them, a very good pair to expand and study...

Object: Blk 6th Gwa that material, etc of masses or groups activities star were and are also agitated and weakened of the chart date, those being competitive to the Physical as well....


Think some got it right on the G star areas those definitely include *Values*, and things large or expansionist, and everything to do with properties, wealths, monies, gains, images, luxeries, lives, medias, popularities, women, etc...

Then today day of the Dragon some news of positive actions taken in a few different areas some regarding Russia is quite positive and reduces tensions a great deal, very good on their part, then was that of an arrest yesterday regarding the Calif forest fires also very good...

Note the 6th was Blk aside N's or in lieu of for that of the Watery, Clandestine, Secretive that of the False, and of the New in things as well...

Anytime so it's known, we have earth elements on the two main lines of the Physical and Object even if they don't clash indicate storms or natural phenomena too...

Did have pairs with Zen trigrams in them and one with #51 as the second hexagram then, so while knew was highly likely there would be storms for the U.S....

That of Okinawa was is very long and drawn out and winds *definitely a factor of the period it's associated toss already*, and then of that just mentioned #51 hexagram result applying today and maybe more, but winds among that already included in things...

Know that the new in such always covered by the news all the time, so instead gave you focus to this pair as it's so widely indicating of it's G star aspects for all in the Global and at and of social levels a status at this time present!...

For the entire period again it's a very good pair to focus on and evaluate events in results for all mentioned of it, or think of it in terms of the or some medias and *the social of things in the global* is all I can say...

Just blog:

Still spending my time in the review side of programings on my ancient IIE, which has to be totally boring to most but as a quiet hobby type brings me a lot of quiet inner peace...

A time portal away from the innane of this world and what in some it's doing to people as well...

As said one doesn't need the bulky and space taking of an actual machine itself at all, and can easily play almost every game that was ever made for it freely vis an apple II+/E, Mac virtual games, etc site...

Myself it's more for that of the era and still being able to use languages which unlike a lot of the discountinuous if not illogical of today's higher level types were totally logical in their structures and applications...

That and you can do store all your personal info's stuff on disks you can put away and lock up and never have to be concerned with internet hackings...

On those for the most part, in the practical and real of this world when it comes to transactions any place involving your cc db or other of accounts you need *LifeLock (TM)* as the very best and any other you may so choose!...

Wrote an old assembler program out of an old tutor type book for just that purpose had got way back and the assembler was part of your excercises and of a very simple type...

Others free of those were featured in other books, magazines and bbs's then, etc...

Simple and basic however it had errors checking to it, and you could use to directly place *machine language programs* directly into any specified memory start location you wanted, it did all the dec to hex and back conversions, then provided a small op code only, type of disassembly listings feature too...

Have to adjust chair in that room as not best for back and cut short some sessions as after awhile it cuts off my leg circulation, so took 3 days to finish typing it in, correcting all my errors, etc to boot...

1980's version and back then, and if anything we wrote from a magazine or book actually worked, we considered it very good...

That as just as now people make typo's or forget a key line, etc so you were lucky when something out of them worked well the first shot...

It was difficult to use, as they had bunched all the screen lines together, and then horizontally the spacings of op codes and mem locs were too close to be easily readable at all...

Was used just like that then, and one just entered the codes and hit return without ever looking at the screen as that would confuse you...

So spent last night after already spending 3 of them typing the program, checking it worked and saving to disk, then did a major reformat of it's listings and adding a calc line to further space things out of it's messages, and then the mixed mesh of it's horizontal data displays as well...

Took a couple hours but ended up with a very polished and much easier to use display and program out of it, just need to auto renumber it tonight and make any corrections for goto or gosub and the returns areas as the renumbering may cause, then fully done with that part...

As it is works quite well now...

Not done with it yet, as like to spend my time in areas just like that, doing something of just quiet peaceful works that I have a lot of patience for, and it gives me the review of both basic and assembly with the machine archetecture or memory map in the process too...


Had to also add a couple of loopbacks to repeat it's listing of the pgm for each time you have to change correct one of it's mem locations...If you didn't write it down, you wouldn't see what put in the mem loc's after you had make the first correction!...

So if didn't put it all in right the first time you had to start all over again, remember that part now too but that's what you got in some not all books back then and some similar of magazines also...

*Works fully and fine now*, and ideal for the short 127 hex byte assembly programs such as from *the beneath apple dos* book, can be easily be entered with it...

Those  books and programs such as trax, zap and others also on the net and short articles including them also in some of the users groups....

Not as good as Bugbyter or one specifically called Tutor which are simulators too but will do good enough and will keep working on it...

Not sure why that book included that very low grade assembler but now have upgraded it may add some better features later...

They could have just used the Apple's inbuilt System Monitor alone as it can do a lot more, than it did...

The largest assembly program in it was only 40 bytes but the examples were great because it JSR jumps to a number of the much larger of routines *in the the Apple's Rom's itself* which allows you to do pretty powerful stuff at great speed...

Good for the learning review part...

For anything more will use Apple's EDASM with Bugbyter instead as those can handle any heavy duty stuff with full debug ability too...

That came with two books and known as the Apple DosToolkit of that era and 1983 in year first sold, Originals came on disks which had a dark yel to gold and orange appearance and you know their such as to the right sides of the labels are little B's with what looks as a serial # to them such as mine!...

Was a good spin around the block anyway...

A lot of what's done in that harder for others to see, but have of near same translations done by myself long back of the 6502 to that of 8080, Z80 etc which in the pasts with of course mem loc per given machines archetecture and appropriate video modes had near directly used the same in 8086 on up the lines machines as well...

It's a way of moving from the simple to the more complex that had did once, so I'm recapturing a lot as I move along at no particular hurry just enjoying the time spent as a very safe hobby and picking up a few new points as go along too it....

[As said prior, you definitely don't need the bulk and maintenance problems  of the old Apple II+ or E for it's older games at all...

Nearly everyone ever made is 100% freely available for you to download and play on today's machine's in your home right there]:


Should clear up some's stupidity on the matter...

Back in early 80's we had that of 8080 etc simulators and cards also for the older Apples and you could do cross platform stuff then as well...

It was easier to work with and initially understand the operations of the smaller 8080 and 8085 microprocessors first as their instruction sets for the most part *were also repeated* in the supersets of the 8086 on upwards line of processors...

That of the 8080 and Z80 also applied to the TRS-80 line of machines as well...

Only the memory mappings for the machines were different so accounting for those allowed your initial easy programs of the 8080 and 8085 to be further duplicated and run with very slight modifications on what were the higher level of the pc machines themselves...

Sort of like all paths lead to Rome and did my first assembly aka machine language programs on the pc's up to 486's for direct screen writes the interchanging of dos interrupts and other on them just that way...

Still applicable in today's pc's as well, so I take the very same path in my reviews...

Machine language aka Assembly has always been the very core and heart of things in computers as they still have to run at the binary 1 and 0 levels period...

Modern assemblers use some of c language mainly and other forms of it in their setup commands for them, but it's still all assembly aka hexadecimal op and instruction codes that are used and running the operations of the machines at the hardware levels...

Today's C is great and does make a lot easier of the efficient assembly routines that it incorporates so you don't have to write them over and over again yourself, but bottom line the machine still operates in Binary and Assembly language it's direct implemenations...

That direct of the microprocessor instruction sets themselves as the hexadecimal bytes of the Assembly language rules...  

Bottom line of why have always liked assembly language period as that's a path where the rubber always meets the road for the programming and controlling of any, no matter how attempted to disguise it with other layers of abstraction!...

Should have never stopped and now of hobby areas won't...

10/13 Monday Moon day of the Yin Fire Snake aka IV (Red) e...

Upper Kan, FS #4 (Shun)...

Moon in Taurus enters Gemini areas tomorrow in wee or am hours...

A toss for our country the U.S. aka U.S.A...

What's the most important thing that our country can do for itself at this time???

Did for that of what the separate and independant view vis the Iching and Wwg might tell us...


#61 - #9 Involves #27...

Amongst names for the first hexagram consider *Inner Truth* to be the very most important, even if it is also showing other manifests of it's name types...

Vis the Iching sides pretty much think anyway that you'll find considerations or evaluations of this for the period as well very much worth your time...

Especially when you do so or share at group levels with the aims of improving things...

Has a lot to do with maintaining your personal integrities and a great level of patience in things, some including to being satisfied with small gains only and emanating the cooperative in a gentle spirit...

Not caving to one's spontaneous impulses or takings of rash actions in your responses to things...

More or less that vis some of what's written of it, and then however you see it...

The Pair's Stars and their areas for date(s) effects:

Physical: Wht 4th Strong Bwa Earth star type areas...

Object MOC: Red 1st Date same Pe Fire star type areas...

Links Blk 5th in same which may at times rcv the 1st's Vanished Gt Water star resultant...

Causings and Changes: *Gry* 3rd Strong Bc Earth star advancings...

Then it's Hidings, hidden, hider stars:

1. Vanished Gt star Under Blk 5th Pe star areas...

2. Healthy and areas bonded by the Date in Ks Metal star areas Under the *Gry* 3rd Bc bearer changes...

Don't need to comment any that caught eve ntl or other news saw was plenty of matches and to most all of the star areas as well...

Also has that of Yel 2nd locals, etc in and of an Rm Wood (jup) retreats, retreatings, etc star type areas...

Those further link to Grn 6th line areas of Rm star areas too and on certain dates or times may rcv the 2nd's resultant Ry star in areas as well...

Will add the Solar month's in tomorrow and that ought to be quite enough in pairs of that main for the period, with an occasional date only type to be added...

Ok since occurred same date as the *FM pair* that of the AC DayStart posted already is sufficient for it too, and will just list the first hexagram of the actual for our Solar Month:

Which is that of the #25  hexagram and the interested can check it out and explains the stocks as well...

Only 1 R star aka and Rs metal star type to the actual pair and that's at it's Gry 5th line areas rulers, etc areas...

In all and many other and in general you should know:

You can use stars without regards to genders, races or directions at all in quite a number of instances as well, especially in that regarding their *Gossips*  meanings and contexts...

Main Red, Blk and Wht G star meanings in those with usually none good, factual or of quality, such a part of life and good to recognize and ignore such...

Only news have been catching is at a lessor level some in the written multi source and then near always after a new period or a toss some at the Ntl broadcast level at least... 

Keeps it simple...

10/15 Water or Mercury day of the Yin Earth Goat (Sheep) VI (Gry) wa...

Upper Quen FS#2 (Quen) influencings...

Weekly cardinal type switches to that of the Western Wht Tiger tomorrow on....

Corrected above was FM not NM was referencing too but yesterday was that time again, and was in the very weakened fuzz of physically here state for the date, and a bit so today yet...

Don't study a bit those dates as feel so ich aside dead weak, can't absorb a thing...

Ran into some of the net's obstructings in hr wa today so thought would gander at the timed to see what was in or up???

Date Global timed: #11 - #19 Involve #53 The Brides...What are they up to now or again???

Physical a Blk 3rd Bcn star retreatings, etc type...

Both date and hr show that the Grn E Gateways as Bc earth star areas are clashed!...Yep...

Date hour wa timed: #7 - #4 Involve #24 Return...

#7 also Legions or masses, large areas and masses...

Involves #4 Cover bs or Folly...

Leads to Returns!...Yep...

That of Physical Blk 3rd Middles, regional far and wide in or of Gw fire star areas...

Grn E 4th Gateways Rc star clashed for Retreatings, reducings, etc!... 

Pretty solid in that in the unaccessable for blogger edit areas then as awaited from 13:45 t0 14:45 with negative results...

Pretty powerful stuff in those energies as per the usual of them then...

Was in the first path itself as backed out of it to the dashboard area and re entered and then finally connected directly to the page...

Rcvd an Adv from MacWorld (C) prior that went over today...

A good org that provides a lot of good related info to users, etc...

Was an Advert for another Org that provides courses of Guaranteed results separately on that of Mac, then also IOS and a number of other related special study areas...

Said for a time initially start 30 days free, then later a monthly fee to as far as you want to go with the particular area...

Sounded good except for one thing was they want all your info *including your CC number*, without ever first showing you in the ahead what you might be getting aka the given selected course critieria for your money!...

Doesn't get it for me, might be good courses, but it you don't show that of the course and the courses specific details which would be learned by the student, in the full and up front without requiring a CC number, then not a chance in hell would even give it the time of day...

Ok yet in hr s initial about the same in Obstructings and that's *the real* of behind the stocks not gaining from their big initial dip of the day...

They don't pay attention to the frames, periods or dates and buy silly stuff such as ebola being the reason of the day or a teste fly met strong headwinds and similar you get in the weird of news straw grasps...

Gets bit more real when they refer to other markets but as their advising sell off's then that's what they get, will look at it all in month or so but think most norm per that just given in the para and the timings in general...

Have gotten to where trust the Govt and even some News less on a lot of things, and most there is to do just purely of what their structures and the internal of politics within them that makes them less than efficient with given tendencies to err, or even purposely err in some at times...

Just man's stuff...

Sometimes when have trusted their words in certain areas in the pasts, end up taking hit(s) in the backsides just for supporting, so will be a lot more careful there and keep any Wwg done on anything,  clear and distinctly separate and as to what it alone shows and no more...

As far as the clashes and retreatings which of their natures also cause obstructings and even that of things getting misplaced or trapped in between objects, etc...

That's all in per todays timed of purely overhead archetypes as the influencings per the pairs listed...

Not all is obstructed or reduced when it comes to areas a retreats aka retreatings line represents, some things of pasts come rolling on in totally unobstructed as for things of those areas as well...

Per title had an old *Apple II OS Assembly Language Tutor book* come rolling in today no less, and even a day and more ahead of it's schedule, and if that's not of the pasts in more than one way, would like to know what is???

Probably still had the pages to it somewhere but original had got along time ago came in a loose spiral bound form so likely lost a few pages anyway...

Have began again with the Mac programmings sides as well not skipping a beat, just had to get all on the older very well organized first, and it is pretty neat to work with both the Old and the New at the very same time makes for some very unique perspectives... 

One can do various in the physical of electronics circuit projects on both with today's microcontrollers as well, so it just never gets boring when it comes down to it...

So there's that and this here for others before you, and then rest is mainly chill time especially on my weak days, but it keeps what's useable of the mind productively occupied  and out of the pure of ill Idle minds spins or gossips areas which is not healthy or good for any as well...

10/16 Wood (Jup) day of the Yang hard or sharp metal Monkey aka VII (Wht) s...

Toss for Main of U.S. and *Locals* anywhere today: 

Locals includes local without my knowing a thing of what ongoing events have been...

#4 - #59 Involve Returns...

Thought was just about health's, ebola etc but is more to it in terms of *happenings* to and at tops or skies to surfaces areas and turnarounds plus something of most all other line areas in it pretty active...

Coverings, folly, Begins or Open mindedness Involve Returns which lead to Dispersions...Suggests lots in travels of any type in areas...

Physical: Red 4th Gateways Ksh earth star retreatings, etc natured...

Some valid and then *a lot purely not* in the mean spirited or nosey in some of the hidden showy in or of the material itself or of women's or not, and in medias type areas plus likely a lot other of G star meanings too...

Object MOC: Blk 2nd locals and close in of Kcn earth star type(s) areas...

Causings or Changes: Yel Abrupt or limitings or cautious influences too 5th line areas in Rt water star changes regulating Be fire star type areas...

A Wht 1st to Gry 6th Py star link and one of many meanings:

That to do with begins and ends of destinations, etc in that of assertive to schemings plans, and travels or transports involving *advances, advancings* to that Acrossed or Skies and Far Aways areas...

Normally don't watch much local news as it's just too close and improperly impacts tosses, improperly as the less one knows of the general the better and more effective the toss in the same...

So works out best period not knowing much at all and if there's anything huge at the time the toss it will pick it up if the main timed for the periods didn't...

If it's main to the entire date itself as this appeared, then will be shared by locals anywhere in different forms is all...

Certainly good for a couple to few days or more as well...

Just blog:

Checked out the supposed free installs of home security services and basically a total farce in that...

So albeit slow will do my own in what had did way too late in last couple months at other place, that had worked much better than some of the initial earlier attempts over the year's...

The sic of the street dum of it's various types, do indeed do their little scopings tests which *alerts you to their plans*...

Street dum doesn't mean they are dum, but won't elevate that of the ill minded of pure thiefs in what would appear otherwise normal people, as being that very smart at all...

Can't say it's just me, as the remnants of a prior security system still in this house and then though was not disclosed to me by owner the traces of a prior attempted or break in still visible...

Would like to think of most people much higher than that!...

On that last mentioned on Govt applies to all and any anywhere, and despite some areas of small to large exasperations at times and in context of timings or of time itself, still think ours and what we have from it about the best going on this planet yet...

Any should have noted of yesterday's pairs that it wasn't so good for those high or at tops, as even in the course of the duties were the necessary of ill natured events such as ebola and etc that they had to take positions and make for assertive actions in too....

That's of or in the unpleasant or even evil of things in some contexts are also a part of the meanings that the #11 hexagram carries *for them* when it comes up!...

Another clue that not all of it would be or go well for the unfortunate that date is that key lines and line areas were of Void state then!...

Additional notes on the Dragon (cn) *earth branch*:

That as used in the Wwg and other chinese systems such as Bazi, Purple star or Emperor's Stargate, or the Feng Shui, etc...

Under that of strictly by date assigned of a Blk stem influencings type for today's 2nd line areas in particular:

Do where ever or in case you find applicable either add or carefully consider these normal meanings also of it as, the Watery and Liquids, and of the potentially False in safeties and or cures type areas, plus that of any Mysterious in events or Org activities as well...

Do remember that not all in such areas is that of the Dragon particularly good *amongst that of it's more known Noble sides*, and that is by the Dragons very own meanings coming from the Iching (YI) itself:

[Where it is said of types there are those who in their natures fly or soar to the greatest of heigths, while are those who also sink to the greatest of depths and lows in things as well]...

In that you can individually better and more correctly interpret that of the earth branch of the Dragon (cn) element in any particular situation or instance, just as that of any other Wwg element sign also..

Obviously not referring to that of hurricaines etc as natural phenomena as being in any way *false at all*, those are definitely of the Water and even Grandiose types going along with Blk Kcn type areas of the date for sure...

Anyway of the typical listed here of timed and Wwg pairs those are all as *auxillary info's* that are totally separate views of their own...

Mainly that of status's themselves of the our earthly environments in which we reside that influence a great deal of happenings in themselves for us...

Then here and in other net areas as auxillary and totally separate of man's more ego based views, for that of additional information in many social contexts and other regarding any particular date or frame of interest... 

Did a tiny bit on Tutor the other night and fortunately that part comes does come back amazingly fast, didn't do that much as wanted to go to bed early and actually achieved that for once...

Legs not bothering me much at all now should strengthen even further, which aids other to some extents as well...Don't think it was by accident...

Ok reviewed a bit more late evening in written news:

Were some pretty ill matches that came up for the pair tonight too in Yahoo's areas valid but leave out here...

That of both the Sun and Mars are in their final end degrees in respectively Virgo and Scorpio areas for some influences of those types in most things right now as well...

Mention as if like me any of you have tried to conduct almost any type of bills or other new accounts stuff over the phone you probably got aided by some pretty short tempered types and those aspects do indeed add to almost any area of agitation aside the peaked of their natural phenomena effects at this time too!...

In one case they dropped the after action customer survey as those monitoring realized their agent *stepped on it* and some of their links were nonfunctional...

Was just the aspects but got good info on what I'd needed at least just the same...

A better or more normal match type to today's pair was that of an announcement that the head of the Ntl transportation and safety agency is retiring after having served an instrumental term overseeing the development of the TSA structure, etc there...

Then is that of Siding Spring comet said the size of a small mountain that will pass within 87,000 miles of Mar's surface this Sunday afternoon of which many platforms there will get the grandiose of gaseous pic's of that...

Opposed to putting too many tosses here, as pretty sure it get's confusing to many, but doesn't stop any on their personal interests sides from doing their own, for that of a daily pulse if wish...

May do one this weekend to do with the hurricaines and today's may even cover that, so not sure until look at stuff there, definitely wasn't enquired of...

10/17  Metal aka Venus day of the Yin metal Rooster VIII (Wht) yo...

Upper Duay outer and upper Gua trigram influences...

FS #9 (Li) for centers in anything and anywhere...

Then still of the weeks Western Wht Tiger  cardinal influences as well...

Global timed was: #49 - #55 Involve #44 types, things, actions, areas, etc...

You could tell that went with dates events in some pretty easily...

That of the Sun entered Libra areas today loosening up a lot of the previous two weeks of tensions when had approached Sextile with Mars in ends Scorpios areas...

Mars will enter Sag type areas in the begins of hr s tomorrow Earth day Saturday afternoon here  3 - 5 pm zone... 

Think no real need whatsoever to toss on the Hurricaines as have been Ultra tracked in their department and finishes up for Hawaii later tonight anyway...

That of Sweden's underwater stuff sounds interesting???

May toss on something else altogether this weekend and of the 3 coin type, but as is the last toss should take us into the next week with no problems...

Just good study notes for those who do:

For those who do closely and further study some of the pairs and tosses here, and there definitely and appropriately are a few anyway:

That of the daily pulse stuff good to watch for patterns in and in general across any 3 to 5 day period...There where you find lines of same trends or star types across several different hexagrams will tell you the main nucleus and core shaping events or the influences in areas types and natures for them...

That being the helpful part...

Have put some greater time spread between tosses here for those who do study too, and you will often find the Wwg and Iching through the events reveals a great deal more than what you take in at the begins and surfaces of views...

That of patterns and things entwined within them become huge revelations in themselves...

It's that which does lead to better future assessments of them...

10/19 Sun day of the Yin water Pig X (BLK) h...


Date influencing: Upper Duay FS #7 (Duay) yo element

Global timed: #32 - #34 Involve #43 type(s), areas...

Not up too much so far today didn't toss on anything in particular yet did pick up for today that of:

#17 - #49 Involve #53 type(s), areas...

That prior on hurricaine vis Hawaii was of a news statement had read then listed, was incorrect and likely had been of a forecast projection done well earlier that was quoted...

Last week's prior toss was correct as showed Friday it to bond the Blk 2nd Locals line and then Better on Saturday it *Clashed* that line when was said were the strongest of initial rains and floods forecasts for and yet in some continueing...

News reports were many and varied but the Wwg correct as far as what was main, and even so didn't take a direct hit just clashed by it's outer effects then onwards!... 

Has been other associated waters in news since last week to do with Sweden's waters ports areas as well...

So it's Wwg timings versus it's Blk 2nd Kcn stars were correct period and also for what will list below too:

That of the Blk stem influences to a line when or when not that of N directions usually indicates something new of any type, that of watery or liquids natures or things, that of clandestine or secretive aka secrets areas and quite often that of the not quite correct in facts or plainly that of the false or of falsehoods....

Has been a lot aside the watery that's either not quite correct in it's facts, some that change with nearly every new day they make statements  or that are just false from the onset...

There are some types of groups or org's that take advantage of a certain prestige area then in turn arounds take advantage of people too...

Good to know stuff...

Other day had tossed after what sounded like a huge wind gust with a buzz or rolling metallic sound to it occured in the brief in *hr e*, wasn't sure if was an aircraft or what but it's sound:

*Was quite loud and close off to west* in the above???

Got #57 - #18 Involve #38 type(s), areas...

Had no idea of what that was about and may have been just a powerful gust of wind, as would have been stupid for it to be of an intentional action...

Hr e the motivator in how I refer to it at times, was same as the changes line in that case!...

That of *Gry* Sudden jolts or if of man that of Volatile mental stuff as influences on and to 5th line areas of Roads or High areas then...

That in or of Ke fire star type(s) actions, areas involving that of Pt water star happenings in homes or transports areas then...

Doesn't much matter but in that of the second hexagram found another name that fit quite exact as far as the physical nature of the event itself!...

#18 Means *Disruption* and refers to that of Air aka Winds being trapped between that Hard above and Soft below such as of a Mtn and a cave or Valley under it, and then similar where it comes to building structures...

That where the wind blows into the area and is in the sudden *stopped, trapped* makes a loud sound!...

Was a pretty good description of the actual physics of what had occured, and all in the ages old before hi tech *original name and it's image, etc in texts of the hexagrams*...

Might have been something of the airs or that irrationally impulsive as are those types at times anywhere, but was not outside to see it, had just gotten back up and was planted watching Grit tv at the time...

It was of the overheads as fire bonded loud sounds (Bm star retreats type) to that relatively high or the skies areas then, and of or to that just west of here!...

[[Anyway that's a very good pair for *permanent references*]]:

Versus things of that exact nature then per the same of dates or months just the line colors aka directions involved would change!...

That to track and catch things of disruptions or a disrupting nature and limit their magnitudes of what goes down...

A match to that today  day h as well involving the S and N Koreas in an exchange of gunfire at their border!...

Today bonded the assertive agressive of country's on it's 6th far aways line and for some in that of acrossed the ways areas and further by the date same as it's and your Grn E's 2nd locals areas Ph stars areas!...

Spent time in studies as usual and couple nights back while up in wee hours (being retired keep no set ones):

Downloaded some additional tech for programmings stuff that I needed to enhance that going with Xcode and Objective C on the Mac...

Some that I'm specifically licensed for as well...

Objective C has it's limits as it was only designed to handle certain of the machines areas and capabilities...

Then if you want to do anything of detailed pixel type graphics for their animations, etc you have to interface it with other languages or softwares compatible to it, to get that job done...

Pretty well set there now, fully understand Objective C itself and picked up what I needed to give me that of full graphics control, plus...

*No piece of cake or easy stuff in that*, and any done is of one's totally individually created programs, that you must create from the scratch to the end product yourself...

That of refresh from the old IIE areas in that of basic with assembly language had made it very easy for me to understand all to do with Objective C in the form of parallels and perspectives themselves...

Than that of comparisons between how then to today's microprocessor handle and deal with the memory and hardware in the machines further adds to the specifics of some commands in it and other languages as well...

At any rate through what have added can write to the lower levels of the machine and it's hardware to accomplish that of the smaller animations separate and in an Opengl format too through a specific game engine as needed now...

That while using the Objective C for some of the higher level or bulkier of just various in the main program or user windows type tasks you can do with it...

Most haven't used much of before, but have done some similar things and areas in that of DarkBasic prior, which should make a lot easier also, most just gets slower in major accomplishments part as  have to program that of each and every specifc you want directly in by yourself...

Takes a good while to make (program) just one excellent hi quality program...

Programmings are working out a whole lot faster, than had thought in that of very detailed graphics, and those of same also for their animations on the Mac...

Having the right tools makes all the differance, and had that correct for it's graphics all along, but wasn't aware of it's being most positively 100% compatible to the Xcode IDE...

Had thought that was years out yet...

Only realized it when saw a product at the App store of a sprites maker and animator which had been made by it, that works just fantastic on the Mac, so drew the immediate and obvious conclusion from that...

So all that had really needed was a more Upgraded version of Xcode's CLI tool, to implement what already had on the pc, but in a Mac version form on the Mac, which then promptly downloaded...

Normally I'd specify what I'm using but *it's not officially mentioned *at all* by Apple (TM)*, so I'm pretty leary of mentioning anything they publically don't, as I'm bound by their developer rules too...

Things have just sort of exponentially exploded for me in these departments, *when had pretty much thought, was never going to get anywhere!*...

[Should have never doubted the Universe and[ the higher power which always works to aid one in their most desired quests...

Mainly in that which is positive and harms none keeps the frictions of obstructings that associates other where as human beings we may desire things of a more selfish or negative nature, those at times will surface too, but never a good thing unless serves to bring us challenges as lessons to be experienced I guess]...

That and without my med's would have never gotten anyplace, and prior without them that was the way it was!...

To some a lot sounds like bragging, but this here is also my personal log, and this in particular is all of a incredible techy type *hobby*, that just happens to have many depths and uses, applications to it!...

Hopefully though in some, it encourages others along these lines as well and not let obstructings or a handicap deter you...

On the Wwg: 

People men and women even **some few** at the upper levels of Ntl news and more importantly in other of some agencies and/or leaderships still don't fully grasp the exacting natures or magnitudes of the significances that the Wwg star's and timings show...

The most important part of it's nature is to recognize that it always shows things as they are in the exact and precise *Truth* of the moment aka period, etc...

Pure of full truth is something the ego bound of man's makeup can never fully emulate or be...

May have not worded that quite right but you can get the gist of what is meant...

That's as a lot that ties to our ego's and also goes along with that of our survival and our needs to become or seen as successful and in control, and other reasons...

So to protect ourselves or our advantages over others in some small ways we all must wear or present an outer disguise when dealing with others in the external world...

Many psychology courses not my area but do cover those type of aspects and the various windows we use to peer out at things while shielding our inner selves from others, etc...

The Wwg however is not like us or that at all, it only knows and can only present the raw of truth's period...

It operates with extremely little leakage or loss according to that of Absolute known laws and rules and yes in those there are many exceptions per particular circumstances and timings as well...

However certain is indeed absolute within it, when it comes to that of Date effects on a given star element type...

The date itself determines the strength and character of a star in specific ways...

It can strengthen or overload one as well as drain or weaken one or and in the extreme and in a practical sense destroy any effectiveness a star has on a specific date as well...

That and more can be understood from studying that called the Wuxing theory of the five elements...

Usually we narrow it down to that of some dates weaken, strengthen, strike aka clash or bond a given star aka star element type...

[The rules for that are absolutes and have no exceptions]!...

Mentioning that for a particular point:

In elements aka element sign energies the Wwg normally treats each of the 12 different branch types as a distinct type of energy...

That's done as a simplification...

In actual and most cases each of the 12 branches has other smaller energy units we call their minors within them aside the main external outer element energy normally referred too...

That at times causes some of what you'd think are exceptions in their interactions from the date etc, but in reality if fully examined are not exceptions at all...

Just different effects from that normally listed is all...

You don't have to worry about it, but you need to know just to understand there can be some minor exceptions aka variences that come up in some interactions at times!...

Some may be due to one or more of the minors within a main element branch also being Void at the time or in other highly emphasized by the date or other...

Anyway again what appears to be exceptions are not!...

Now staying with the most important of star relationship basics:

First if a date bonds a given star element type then their elements will *combine* and often a new element is formed which here is called a manifest also...

Bonds are generally considered positive but in the more precise may be either positive or negatively natured depending on which of the two elements is in that of apparent motion causeing the bond to come about...

The negative types are usually referred to as Kill bonds as they destroy the other element in that of combining with it...

Depending on the actual circumstances or human situation that of the Kill bond may still in the practical be of a positive effect as well...

Everything is relative to the circumstances and situations in those cases, and then beyond that there may be many different types of similar situations as well as sets of circumstances on a given date in the global that go with all of that as well...


Second in the most important of major star element relationships, we have that of the Clash aka Strike...

The Clash (A better descriptive term in mechanics) actually represents that of an *Opposition* aka a Total Opposition!

So the Clash is indeed the *exact Opposite* of a bond aka *Combine* itself!...

Two very distinct *Forces* that are totally opposite of each other...

The Wwg can unlike man or woman only and above all tell aka *Show* the truth of what are or is an existing circumstance, trend or situation...

There is and are no exceptions in that aka it is Absolute in that!...

Those of totally natural and to some extent also very spiritual laws of the Wwg, in result are always upheld in any and every situation bar none!...

So if a date or other vis bounds of line stars bonds to a given star in a pair that's an emphasized point in time where things of the combine as a new element manifest as conditions and events...

Their initial areas are involved and then that of the combine or new element a favorable or non favorable result of them *manifests at that time*...

The law is that something of the areas they represent manifests into physical reality at that time...

In the instance of the Clash which is that of an impact or collision of two forces of totally opposite nature meeting together at one point in time, has a loosening effect for the element which is clashed and internally it is jolted or even moved, but only moves if there is something else around that it can physically bond too and with...

That clashed is in the very temporary of the moment weakened
sometimes extremely so at that time, just as when we observe one object collideing with another, except it's more in the form of fields of which their energies composed and then more directly as in that of the material aka physical objects the star type represents...

Take a day s and the s element of the Monkey which is a Yang hard and sharp element type, on it's date it is powerful...

So in a pair it can clash with stars of the wood element and most directly so of element y...

In clash it injures or maybe even obliterates certain physical objects of the y wood element then...

If it can y will bound to bond with element h and in which it will be protected, healed and reconsituted, but if no element h in the pair then it's simply of an injured not very useful and trouble aka mal or dark energy type and like an injured animal would be problems of it's areas for that date!...

The problem that comes up at times since we do keep to the simplified to more easily use the Wwg itself, is we do not of a given represented always know the exact of it that has been clashed!...

Some things have many individual components to them so we might overlook the exact of what was in function clashed...

What we do know is it is an unrevokable law that in the clashed star something of it's attributes or aspects has been altered or damaged...

So those especially as dates always represent most important timings as far as the areas of that clashed go, so you will never see me back up on that as it is a causation for other of it's events period!...

Not perfect but hope that clears up a little for you there, and you come away with the understanding that major changes in things of their areas are always initiated (embryo) on dates of bonds or clashes to a given star and the areas it represents...

Was a good day a friend hadn't seen in quite some time popped over to help me out on air conditioning filters and some stuff had needed as well...

Couldn't resist showing him my IIE the old with the new, as he works with other of older stuff too at times so can appreciate such as well, he got quite a kick out of it, and we just shot the S on various for awhile...

Some far away may have improperly thought some ill stuff when it comes to the old IIE, etc, but it has it's purpose and was primarily an enabler in the other needed on the Mac for me as well...

Only people working with it or any of the older types of that era could appreciate the still of learning values in it...

Such was indeed more direct and efficient in the older days, not as powerful and inclusive as much is in that of desktop capabilities these days, but very enjoyable in some all the same...

Monday's day t stuff:

In sweeps any can make for themselves in given date checks...

Checked Ntl tonight and was into that on Ebola then ISIS also at the time...

The Date being of the Rat (t) element it clashes that of Red 4th Kw fire stars in the years chart showing it's relevance there...

Red can be Alarm, K as Cures or Doctors work and across Govt areas, than that of instabilities in peace areas or combat itself, then in that of Gateways where decisions are made too...

Some things in Begins and surfaces of that and other vis NM pair Yel 1st Pt stars...Involves the clashed out of Fated in it's Blk 4th Kw star there...

Then in current FM pair that of hiding or hidden in Gt star areas associated that of Bearer Ks star areas on it's Gry 5th Rulers, roads, paths etc line...

That Gt star paired or working in that of resultant and fated of Blk 1st line areas...

It also clashing that of it's Yel 4th Pw star areas brings news and much other in for decisions in the date and finally it also bonds that of Red 3rd Middles, regional and it's distributions as a central point in and of Bc star advance areas...That for helpers in some and losses, etc in other for things of Environments this Date!...

Were we looking at things for just ourselves you could assign and take about any area positively disregarding any negative sides as desired...

 Was one really interesting match not in eve news, you could years and current fm period pairs...

China with that of the Great Fire aka Firewall started last night blocking it's citizens from accessing the Microsoft (TM) and Apple cloud type areas...

A more detailed article on that at Yahoo and likely other areas matches strongest relative the current's Yel 4th Pw star type areas!...

Had described bonds and clashes in the ideal, but often times some of man's structures are too powerful to be damaged much, then there are the other effects due to the minors, but of China that's a pretty strong clash effect type...

Wednesday III (Red) y....

That of Monday's timed pair for any who constructed precisely defined (In the Exact) China's actions and instituteing of the firewall and fake Apple (TM) and Microsoft (TM) users com and cloud sites there...

Some if construct will find it yet another very good referance for our Govt agencies!...

As this below:

That of Monday and today in Canada is properly reflected of incident types to the toss done Saturday and described Sunday #57 - #18 Involve #38

Subject that of Disruption!...

Use trigrams as well...

[The FM pair had that of *active R star areas* versus clashed of the Rulers K star areas this date]...

Then that of transports and other of the prior NM pair and it reflected Monday...

Further the one toss given the 20th Disruption should show each date possible types and natures of the same, just how far or if global not sure for it on that part...

Well be working on to add the NM starts tomorrow next...

Was successful in my first hand programmed spiffy hi res graphics image on the Mac, was done in a separate IDE and language strictly for programmings itself, using none of the packages commonly available for various of images areas...

10/23 Wood (jup) day of the Yin fire Rabbit IV (Red) m...

Upper Zen FS #3 (Zen)...

Begins the weekly Cardinal of the Red Southern Phoenix...

Today the day of the New Moon (NM) Uppers reset to Zen:

Posted at below of other at top page...

AC aka Global timed: #32 - #34 Involve #43 Type(s), things,
actions, events and areas...

Voids aka Empty dates sh, h...

Physical All About:

Date clashed *Gry* 3rd Middles, regional far and wide and distributings of/ from in and Quiet for rebirth Vanished *Ryo* metal star types, areas...

Object MOC Others or Opponents, and T and D areas:

Grn *6th line areas* in/of Weak, troubled Gsh earth star types, areas...

Such supports the physical of it's nature in events...

Chart date bonds them to form fire for K star manifests as pertienent in the period as well...

Causes and *Changes* in, at and of:

Red 1st line areas in/of Gc earth star changes Meeting, involving and Controlling that of/in Pt water star types, areas...

Add fill as desired and note the other of Blk 5th Rulers, roads, paths, high, far, etc areas in/of weak, Vanished Rs star types, areas...

Note that of any hiders and that of locals and gateways lines star type areas...

Pair also a weathers and natural phenomena's type as far as dangers also and are winds, org's, groups, gangs or destructive damages stars on the *Global locals, close areas line*... 

Will do few tosses this day and will note it's a very *powerful* actions oriented chart type, we have an Aries Physical with the NM itself in Libra 7th type areas...

As all timed period types they are fully pertinent to the Global in main and have always applied at Ntl levels as well...

Can't count out local area as we have the W to E coast patterns aside any of N to S or S to N effects and runs for the entire period which is good up to a month, but this is a lot more about man's stuff and areas and his more negative qualities in the brash and over assertive! 

Then of the natural it takes in that of the Ebola threat as well...

Adding in just a normal toss to go with NM for main and U.S. this date, hadn't checked news yet, and too early for others yet:

#51 - #54 Involve #39 types, things, areas...

Physical All About Of:

Grn 6th line areas in/of date bonded Void Gsh stars where fire formed for K star manifests...

Date same Bm star type areas for the bond type...


Gry 3rd line areas Gcn retreatings star areas...


Yel 2nd Locals, close By wood (jup) star advancings...

As you can see in some event it's the Abrupt of actions and lots of talks in groups *and other* of assertive B wood star type areas in meanings...

Those causing the problems and may further generate isolations and losses or more in some areas...

Had said the chart was powerful and in start toss confirms nature but
we do have to be careful of running around like chicken littles...

Do consider it a dangerous period with the Dangers mainly of 9th type areas which includes courts, airports, major enterprises, some religous types or areas, that of universities and other you may choose to add...

Then in religions or those religious obviously not referring to those who are of the peaceful and loving in their beliefs (true christians) but those who are aligned with it's much darker and evil hearted aspects...
Mainly as have Mars is conjunct with Pluto ends/begins areas for transforms in that of 9th type areas...

Then in small groups last night had noted was a lot of from the new in surprises then to the mal to evil and slut or smut like gossip talk vis Blk Bs star type at rulers areas from a toss then....

In that you always have some of the assertive who thirst for power and  then look for something of a common fear employing that of hates to arouse others with...Always a ploy of those who thirst for power....I'm sure others can delineate that a lot more fully for themselves but just be aware we have some of the small and hateful who will seek to gain advantage for themselves at this time...

So we definitely have that of dangers relative 8th type areas and the physical for the begins type this month and the 9th type areas says where the general bulk resides or comes from and where some actions take place...

It's an influence that affects any and falls in different areas of your own charts but by in large some manifests are directly of the NM chart itself...

In that of groups there's also the totally norm of the Halloween or tricks or treats areas which isn't of any minus or threat obviously that fits in the timing as well, but since have a #51 first hexagram type it's not referring to that part of things anyway...

R stars for this pair do take in roads and paths though but mainly that at Rulers levels for dangers to those areas vis:

Blk N's and or/other too 5th line areas in/of weak, agitated and troubled Rs metal star types, areas!....

Initial Matches:

Sears (RM) laying off a bunch that's of Enterprises and 9th type areas...

A special hundreds of Millions grant vis the WH for improving health care areas shows up announced in news today, another more positve side of the B star changes the accompanying toss today indicated...

That of internal not sure if terrorist, but damn sure goes with that of threats and dangers form was Yesterday's *R star activated* fence jumper...

Then of the last FM chart and of which remains active another full two weeks yet!...

As pointed out last night day y then had also clashed that of K star rulers levels areas too!...

It also would have other for even further descriptive sides in the *Disruptions toss* listed in 20th's blog area, and that being good for *Permenant*!...

Using permenant knowns is strictly good common sense in the value of tracking other potential dates for such, most especially in that of dangerous periods...

To be any more thorough would require specific computer programs that tracked the thousands of pair possibilities for each and every date...Most not going to do that, so using at least what's of tosses  known a good option...

That is exactly what we have going in this one as it's ruled by the Abrasive and abrupt of Mars in this go around...

Police, Mil and Other for Aries areas of another toss match event below:

That of today's toss also directly reflected that of the unfortunate of a plane and heli collision and crashes, today in hr s in Frederick, Maryland...

Toss had been done in the latter of hr w prior...


That of the wood trees of lower Zen wood trigram too, and that of the metal storages the craft and actual on the ground of the duay trigram...

Duay also that of the knife and sharp metal surfaces, etc...

Hr s then same as the Blk N's 5th high, far Void Rs metal stars from here in areas then, the date had bonded the Mal of things aka material, material objects of the Skies or far aways areas etc...

The hr s clashed that of *their locals and close By wood changes in Advancings stars* for minus sides related to both direct Zen wood and indirect Duay metal trigram types as well as being within them...

A repeat factor of U line as it can further represent skies or tops too!...

*Allows other at relative to some given referance as the middles also*...

People hieghts or from knees to abdomen then where the retreats line represents tops of some nearby surfaces as well such as rectangular types and jolts there too allow for things to fall to surfaces as well...

Can be said to apply to material objects placed at surfaces or in containers possibly too...

As it is the *travels and destinations line* also, it can further be said to be refelective and involved too...

*Similar is in for this period*...

So the potential for dangers, accidents and worse is higher than norm in this particular period, and I suspect also that of id and credits aka theft again is in some hidden up in it as well...

Eve Ntl news on NM day:

Vis eve news was that of severe weathers on both coasts floodings conditions, etc...

Some nice new moon partial eclipse pac man shots with sunspots included...

Not sure of the types of identity and other thefts you have a Pisces 12th where Ketu conjunct Uranus indicating the sudden of expenses or losses there but some areas maybe positive as well...

Opposite involved and clashing it you have Mercury cnj Rahu in Virgo 6th areas, that's in the Hasta (the hand, etc) birth star aka nakshatra...Is the hand quicker than the eye and might apply to documents areas too!...

Then that of long distances both connecting to expansions, etc relative that of those and homes areas...

Some or similar may involve healths areas and some may involve various forms of internets areas and or cruise etc ships type stuff...

So you'll have to observe and add your own there and overall some to do with techs or scientific areas of the Aquarius 11th type, where some likely positive as to do with biz and rewards or profits areas as well...

Where ever Aries falls in your chart would be the common point of this greater...

[Should be in the overall good enough for a start to the period anyway]...

10/24 Metal aka Venus day of the Yang earth Dragon V (Yel) cn things that soar and fly and or sink to the lowest of depths, from that noble to dark and ill in things and of the grandiose in some...

Upper  Shun (Airs, winds, etc) 

FS #2 (Quen) that of loose black soils, earths, rectangulars, groups, masses, nuturances or motherings, healths, agricultures and other...

That as influences in the centers of anyone, thing and of or at any location anywhere...

Global timed: #59 - #20 Involve #27 type(s), things, actions, and areas...

Were alarms of Red 6th Ry wood (jup) star advancing types of skies, etc areas and had a *heli* fly over and low enough to vibrate the land ladies house...

Was just waking up 11:50am or so, had slept in and almost got up at 9:00 but since felt ill night prior (that time) decided to rest bit more...

Think was mainly relative the news of todays events and hopefully nothing other than that, *but it was and is totally both unresponsible and inappropriate!!!...

Unless you were tracking escaped convicts or thiefs of some type on the ground, but there is no excuse for any air craft to be close enough to homes in residential neighborhoods *in this particular location of areas*, that can actually vibrate and shake them period!!!...

Hopefully the FAA notes that 11:50am time and takes agressive disciplinary action of some type, as it's a most wrong time for any dum stunts and that some of high up's makes sure it happens...

It does fit my own chart though and had expected some quite abrasive or abrupt to come up for me, mainly from those who can't properly assess a GD damn thing right then in the spontaneous act out on their improper and misplaced urges!!!...

Suspected something had came up, so checked the news after a quick toss on the heli aka (What about) first...

*[The toss results of the then in time, verfies my statements]*...

12:05pm hr w this date:

#52 - *#53* Involve #40 type, things, actions and areas!...

To get even more specific that of the toss under the dates timed and pair and those both under that of the NM pair catches full scope, but that of the toss enough in it's self...

[To give a bit more emphasis in all other as well the NM occurred in Libra's areas and per it's chart are 7th type areas in that today being a Venus day:

Associates things to it's meanings, aside that of the date cn's stars in our pairs...

Venus the Sun and Moon plus Saturn are all in Libra 7th type areas for starts:

Venus plus the Sun and Moon of it were all in the Chitra birth star aka nakshatra...So actions of it's areas for them...

Chitra is itself ruled by *Mars* so that of Venus plus the Sun and Moon of this NM period are also tainted and ruled by Mars itself!...

Mars cnj Pluto in/of Sag 9th type areas...

[[Saturn however is in the Vishakha birth star nakshatra and is in turn ruled by Jupiter aka Big stuff in Cancer 4th type areas ruling also that of the Pisces 12th and *Sag 9th* type areas in events....

Saturn tells you their will be very strong, harsh and solid difficulties including that of delays and obstructings and more with that of Relationships social and political in the global and of legal in partnerships (consulate, embassies and many other), business or spouses (brides) types and to include that of contracts and locals commerces areas too...

Further being under Jupiter tells you it occurs for that large in scale or near any of Jup's areas as well which currently connect in global and personal *Relationships* areas]]...

Other you can add but that gives you more precise indications of the natures and just what types of actions correlate with each planet's in their placements for this NM period]...

A few of many matches written and of tonights eve ntl news:

News then showed that of suspicious yel powders had been sent to various of Western alliance's consulates including our's in Istanbul, Turkey...

That all of 9th type and far aways areas that includes our embassies and many other similar structures globally as these are *RTW type of charts here*!...

Then that of a Hatchet attack on Police in NYC by a man with Islamic extremist values...

Latter occured yesterday the NM, but went unreported in any of main line news until today...

More and other of such events per eve news of Northern Calif as well...

That of School's falls under all mentioned and associated Mercury's areas since schools of Gemini 3rd areas but also indirect still connect back vis Jup to that of Mars type areas too and vis applicable of the tosses certainly far aways from here and then of NM back to those same of 6th line far aways areas for events as well it's sh element also of NW's where today's occured...

Not in every case or time but the directions of star elements themselves do account for some of the stronger events at times too...Always good to consider as well though as something of will pop too...

Most Ntl news towards their ends have local cut in's with a tidbit of that main of one's local area news for the day...

In that learned:

That today here that of several police officers and that to do with Steroids were now under investigation!...

Say's things of those Org's are happening simul in many different locals, locations areas of the country period...

Tend to wonder if just Ntl or if is other similar in the global as well???

Was about to use the word foreign or of foreign leanings for 9th areas other day, but since in past that always got misinterpreted to mean any, dismissed it, however it's valid values and Jup wise per other or of NM itself, with the now dead hatchet man of NYC...

It was that type of religion that was being referred to prior here and any extremists favoring or associated such!...

That was and is the main consideration of it alone, but doesn't bar that of those too extreme in theirs when it comes to the much of obstructings or nefarious in their actions towards others not part of their coven...

The 9th type areas always includes the far aways and things that fly, so that's pretty clear to most now...

The fixed of Astro indicated, as did my toss in bonding to that of the skies and far aways areas 100% and that is where the main dangers are from and lay...

From that yesterday you get a good sense *of just how far aways* the Blk 5th Rs stars line in it represented which can extend even further...

Will mention that prior to that toss where talked about the ilk of Blk 5th B star in talks basically same gossips but of B star type was the first or night hr t toss for NM also and had #12 as the first Hexagram...

#12 Halt means things that are falling down, which turned out in Thursday's with it's own ahead toss to be *exactly that*!...

Main point distances...

Relateds rehash:

Some pasts stuff as Pisces 12th as that connects to the 9th areas too, and all of that applies to our homebases of the U.S. *in it's entire* for sure vis placements that some is relative their online images in sites regarding ISIS recrutements of the younger here in the U.S.

Pisces catches anything of film or just say images related industries, than anything to do with Petro's, oils, oceans, naval, possibly some in it's belief's sides then that of 12th type areas itself, and the rest better for you to look up and add too...

[All can apply in yet other bhava areas too, as I'm listing that of the period's itself in influences *alone*, and not the actual of current U.S. chart positions themselves]!....

Another area as in contexts often gets misinterpreted by some reading here and that is in the areas of astro signs or Wwg earth branches types...

Some quite egotistically take that of a sign or branch mentioned to be specifically of or about them???

That you've been taught or exposed too from other places and while it's true that at some very specific times they possibly can it's always more towards entire groupings then any one given individual as these are global forecast types...

Their main best use here is:

To identify the types of industries, industry areas that are involved in events, next to that of countries themselves!...

The Physical of a chart or pair is it's interaction point and as groups and a *body type* describing the nature of actions and responses in events to others at the time and for the period...Normally shortened here to the Apt aka applicable of the *All About* for areas themselves...

In using the sign or branch we can identify the most prominent types of industries and their roles, natures, etc *that will be involved* in the main of our affairs, actions and events, things and stuff at the given time (period)...

That of Aries takes in that of Executives, executive branches and org's does include the legislatives and courts in their leadership sides, and then represents that of the Military all types, Various other of Executive and Govt agencies and also that of Sheriff's, Police, Sports and Combats areas plus all of the many other auxillary org's of many different functions attaching to all of those areas!...

It also takes in that of hard toil areas originally agricultural of farmers working with the earths, but applies in any area of work and hard toil, labor too...

So it's of and to those areas and very little in individual senses where we are looking for and describing *the main events* to stem from and be About in this period...

When I write this stuff on the fly as usually do a day or eve prior on the periods themselves it is in a line by line step by step eval *where have no time to fully take all in for any summarizations or conclusions whatsoever  at first*...

Usually put it out just that way knowing vis the agencies and the press their are thousands of others eyes, ears and minds to further analyze and make adds...

Anyway everything is of and about time itself here and in that I'm able to show *the exact gists and trends of what comes down aka be goings on*...

So take it as that only, and *it is through your awareness only* that most of the huge in minus that would normally result is or can be adverted...

Were it not for these forecasts of which some will always slip through the cracks *it would be even a lot more dangerous for us*, as in the unawares all dangers are totally free to reign...

Don't let your huge ego's get in the way when I call the Govt and agencies attention to particular hexagrams as I'm the one who has the true objective experience and actual expertise in these areas to know exactly what is good and of very beneficial uses for us...

No one does know it all, and that's a piss poor statement made by some of foolish ego based and quite selfish thinkings, all and what we do is keep chip, chip, chipping away and adding useful gems as we come to understand them...

All you see here is that of the timed (no one controls) and tosses much exactly the same as they too simply reflect that which is and of pasts playing in the present and towards specific future outcomes...

We have no control with regard as to what *the higher power* and fabrics of time will show as being validly in, and can only control that of the question asked alone in those...

There are better ways in terms of hexagrams than tosses themselves to get the exact info's one needs for any date itself in any future moment of the fabric of time, but doubt I could convince any to program it in which is sad as 100% believe China has long already done such and forever will be ahead of us there...

No matter what you think, you do see how effective and accurate they are in the ahead, and those accuracies can be multiplied a thousand fold into specific areas were there the involvement in the first place...

Until such a time you'll or some of enough intelligence too heed, will just have to rely on what my tosses show for the main of that ahead...

Some falsely assert that such has to do with my having a personal sense of power and ego in things but it's exact in contrare that it's done and in the extreme unselfishly so as I have to take hits of many false and ill labels just in the process of doing good works...Makes one wonder!...

Do have and take pride in my ability to properly interpret tosses about it, as takes many years to reach that of an advanced analysis capability...Not unlike any in their's and don't over parade it either...

Even other sites paralleling mine would be just great with me, wouldn't care if they try to counter my results, as long as they actually use the same *trusted* methods aka the Wwg preferably but if any Vedic or other astro types or even other of just man's think tanks think they can do better in that I specifically cover that would be most welcome and just fine too...

The End results in my opinion would in large be the very same!...

Maybe even better as of other views and likely more areas would be covered...

My personal Wwg is quite advanced and of last toss gave you a good clue there...So don't question that I ask Govt areas to focus on of hexagrams, know exact what I'm doing there, and it's fully to all except our Opponents benefits in that...

*We do what we have to do* to hopefully advert as many dangers as possible so we can at least have some peace to our lives...

Unfortunately there's always some initial inertias in the mindsets of leaderships, and it takes a few matches first each time to that have posted, before any start to realize that yep are dangers where was mentioned and we better get on top of as much as we can...

Unlike many other disabled vets I do this which is quite public, and so there's more known about my activities and we definitely have some of the small and dark hearted in their thinkings that  say I'm totally well just because I do what I do...

Better check it out more instead of running your mouths as many vets of similar status work other jobs, tour the world, recreate in huntings, campings and fishings, and many normal social functions, plus those of veteran's legions lodges, etc, etc...

So that I do here and in hobby for myself is totally normal as not a human being on this earth that doesn't need to occupy themselves with something!...

Normal routines of getting out and going hither or dither as others do are out for me, can only handle the occasional and very light there, if move around too much even the morphine will not help!...

Then have the weekly of irregular in timings thing too which kills good couple days for near any taskings...

My disabilities of limitations are quite valid and that's all any need to know, too much moving around of any type sets things off, beyond that I'm like everyone else, and have to keep myself busy in something and of that partial is of good works *right here* for our country and all of us in it period...

Don't have too, could just shut it all down, but when we have knowledges such that they can alert many of ahead and underlying dangers, then it becomes a responsibility to do just that...

None perfect but here it's done in the most direct and best way am able...

Well killed two days could have been working on other, but think you've got a good outline for this NM period now....

10/26 Sunday just blog:

Well clear that for date first and one item of after thought:

Day of the Yang metal Horse VII (Wht) w... 

Upper Gen FS #9 (Li) Fire, It's Org's. Illuminations, etc in centers of anything or locations...

Global timed: #23 - #35 Involve #2 types, things, areas, etc...

Prior where had used the word coven that was short for covenant of which many have their own and no ill contexts inferred and as a fact just distinguishes that which is religious from that which is not...

Main just thoughts for other beginners, etc and in that of programmings related areas:

On Purebasic some get technical as I used to do, to point out it's not a true basic, but fact is almost none are so it's a very mute point...

It's commands are patterned in names and sometimes the full
same function as basic's and again most others using the word basic are the same...

Definitely a mute point...

Some OS's Mfr's don't fully like it as it gives the User assembly language ability as well...

That part's rather stupid as you can use MASM, etc full blown assemblers on any of them anyway!...

Some say there's a lot of hackers, etc, etc...

So *you have those in any language and OS period:

Vis most scripting languages, then any IDE's that create Web Apps *and are many*, plus that of C++, Java, Flash, Android and the list just goes on and on!...

So that's another Mute point...

About the only bug which is not even a bug or true problem is on any OS if you use some of the older series PB prgm's on the newer IDE's is their likely to hang it's debugger up...

That's of it's debugger and has nothing to do with the OS itself!

That's as it no longer recognizes some of the older commands, and you'll have to use the newer instead, no big deal...

Means the debugger doing it's job which is to fully halt the program from running and point out, show you the error code or syntax wise for you to correct...

Sometimes when you use older commands out of a book that the newer IDE's no longer use, it will just lock the debugger and IDE up...

That occurs in most any languages IDE too when using improper commands, and does not affect your OS in any way!...

You simply kill the program vis the Ctrl-Alt-Delete or Force Quit and then restart your IDE not running the offending program again until you remove the problem commands from it...

Their software itself has been around since 1998 and is used by many americans and people all over the world as in any
language also, *some in the U.S. are actual software business owners* who make and sell applications of all types...

Applications on all major pc and mac os's and some app's of it retail through the mac app store (c) as well...

So much for that...

In bit more reading found that 99% of programmers don't bother trying to program their own 2D game engines and with good reason...

There are many, many Opensource and other free ones already available, to be used for your own programs already...

So can hold up on that part and save some initial time there, but will later still make a basic one just for the knowledge gained from such also...

While it's a much higher powered version of basic when one programs in it, you still get much of the look and feel of actually using an old basic except for the fact it's infinitely much faster and more powerful...

Have been registered with it for years, but just in recent started seriously learning and using it, mainly now because there's very few limits in any that would want to do on Mac and PC OS's aka machines all...

You don't have to worry about problems using it as their forums have almost every issue that existed fully covered and worked out, just need to query your issue if any and see what's said on it...

So far have had zero issues with it on the Mac or PC...

One thing about languages is people can be real nuts in their preferances and you'll find they come into the forum asking of OOP type stuff or about adding OOP abilities to the language (works in reverse for their areas too)...

You just simply have to accept any given language as it is, and not what you want or want it to be, get over it and use
your particular preferance the best approach...

PB in short will never be OOP it was made to carry on in greater strengths all of what was Procedural and beyond into modern and that's the way it will always be...

Does one helluva a great job at it too!...

Still use Xojo (TM) OOP version as well, since it has it's own 2D games engine included also....

However it's Purebasic which includes the full of it's own added and distinctly separate of both 3D graphics and then 3D game engines so gets one's attention there...

On other of Old Original basics themselves personally I think should be some auxillary separate of newer machines patterned after the orginal 8 bit platform types...

One's using or adding a separate Rom styled Basis language that still allow people to more easily and wonderfully program in the home for themselves...

Totally separate or dual bootable, for the kept separate of regular os and internet option operations also...

People can program direct in the *great ease aka common sense oriented of Old Basics like Applesoft (C)* plus auto of Assembly language with it, on those machines for that safe of total privacy in their records keepings, etc and then for many of their own personal projects to their hearts contents...

Enough there want to ease in and then touch upon, what was a sore spot for some a few years back:

Mainly for those who you stick to strictly just pc aka windows platforms only, and you want something of strong graphics with gamings options...

*DarkBasic Pro (C, TM) is more than good enough there*...

Read on:

In fact it's the closest to an original basic in that category have seen, and where all commands are quite direct and totally of the common sense logical as in easy to understand type!...

It's also fast enough to be used in most any but the very heaviest bulkiest of 3D game app's...

Some problems came up as certain of way overkill in av programs would attack and kill some of it's modules???

Those Were false kills, as I have ran it under a good av's auspiciously for years now with never a problem, and that's applying other types of full independant mal and spy ware testors plus that of full registry scans beyond the av's themselves...

Not one problem *ever*, so if have that from an av, would simply replace it...

Other issues were in their own dev changes, many including me did not like their Synergy (tm) type of editor that came out in the later versions worth a damn...

It limited you, as you could no longer from *an immediately created pgm aka text source file, run nor check that program alone!...

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!...

That interfered with lots of good book tutorials that came with DBA type files, instead of the DBPro type...

It also required in all that you first use or create a full blown Project, rather than simply letting you independantly test and run your source code (programs) alone???...

To top it off it restricted use of those projects to one area, folder on the pc, so if you'd set your own files and projects up in another area, you'd have to move them...

Many stopped using it at that point, as did I...


[Later though found while it had updated the editor and chopped off a few commands to speed some executions up, etc *that the original editor was still along with the new synergy (TM) type left in the editor's file areas...

So all you have to do is send it as a shortcut to the desktop and your fully back in business]!...

You can then directly use all the old DBA files besides the DBPro ones plus:

[Most importantly still directly write and test any initial program aka source code you write, in any way you wish and as it was originally]...

Also the older Editor had a *close all files option* that I really liked that the newer Synergy (TM) version doesn't in mine anyway...

That and the old editor *prior to* the Synergy type, allows you, *to put your files any where you want them*!...

If you didn't have an older version of DBPro to start with you should still be able to go to their site and either vis forum or through their technical support have no problems in being given that file aka a link to it...

Once you have it then place it in the folder they have aka the DBPro installation program installed the editor in, and then right click on that and send a copy of it (Icon in appearance) to your desktop...

One very main point when using DBPro and either Editor from the desktop:

In starts always right click on it and select Run as Administrator!...

That will save you a few shortcomings that can come up, if you don't...

[Yes it is still quite actively and in the current being used by many everyday now and yet as well]...

*So with that DarkBasic Pro is fully back in business!*...

[It's one of the *easiest systems, and best described in help files and many tutors of languages* that's around for the 3D areas period]!... 

One can learn the full basics and advanced's of both full 2D and *3D* programmings with, and to which many powerful options can be further added as one desires...

Those other module options such as shaders, scrollers, textures, lightings, etc, etc, etc are actually all inherent within DBPro itself alone...

However you'll have to do all the extra programming work for each of those areas, if you don't add the pre packaged of driver programs for those...

Means you can still program it all in yourself just with DBPro standalone!...

Easier with the options as makes it auto and you get additional lessons, demos, etc to boot...

It produces the exquisite of deep beautiful graphics and effects, and the absolute main point is the ease of learning those subjects with the ability to start programming your own right away!...
So if the pc is all that you use, that will get you there fast...

The math capability is just great you won't have any limits there and you can program for any sciences, archetectural or electronics leanings with no problems whatsoever and have beautiful graphics or slides and movies or animations with those as well...

Referring mainly to registered versions of DBpro *here* versus the totally free to start packages of it, in which may be some other of lessor inhibitors to them, that I don't know about, but all of registered types are just fine....

Do observe their copyrights which are mainly to do with the images of certain demo's or tutor demo's in routines too, check inside those folders *where any show a read me file*!...

Don't worry they left you in the huge bulk great lattitudes for using many different of fully taught routines for you to use, plus they offer boatloads of free code snippets at the site to further use in your own creations....

On DBPro(C):

Prior to installing it on your pc you may find it very helpful to look at examples of doing that on Youtube (C)...

Once installed:

One should take thorough notes of what's included of and in it's main folder areas of your pc as you may find other  additional useful informations you didn't know was there...

Always good to know exactly what you have period...

[Once launch the IDE be sure to take your time and read through *everything* under the Assistant mode or the *Help contents section* of the Help menu at top right...

There read it's introduction areas, which also includes around 40 example video tutorials in the Examples area there as well]!...

You can later access all the same through the Help menu at top right of the IDE by selecting the *help contents option* there...

Before you save a source or project *might be good idea* needs the older editor  to use *Save As* so you can specify your own folder area if you don't want it added to their's...

Beyond Source files Tip:

When you start or have to add that of images or various sound files, etc to your program that pretty much then makes it fully that of a Project, rather than just a solitary Source file...

So anytime using *external* images or sounds etc of any type:

Then you'll have to name your program creating a *Project folder* where you want it on the pc...

In the *IDE's project panel* that with the multi colored button selections at lower right, you'll tap on settings to set how you want displayed and it's screen resolution, etc,  then in that project panel also tap and use it's media button to add that of the images, pics or sounds your program needs, etc...

That of it's loading those medias into the program doesn't always work so well, and probably something small overlooked...

However instead if you just place the actual images, etc themselves directly into your named project folder, it will work every time that way!...

All and any else you need such as additional examples, though have more than enough already you'll find at their site and with additional tutorials and code snippets etc from the forums areas...

Any there has been highly examined by them, so should be safe...

Mainly it's just you digging in using and learning the commands and programmings at your own pace from the examples and tutorials...

In most else you'll find in their forums tons of questions that have already been asked by users and which you'll likely find any of your own in that too...If not fire in yours...

It does have some of it's own idiosynchrocies but nothing that will interfere with your programmings or any other area of your pc at all!...

Has it's own intelligence as part of the running debug only and when debug made active for when you check a file or that of a temp and maybe permenant exec file being created, that's as part of the debug process to finding problems...

It's *not at all harmful* and say that from having ran it on and off for years now...If was would have already long showed up!...

As you can gather with that of around 40 tutorials inbuilt for DBPro you have an *entire and very concise course* in that of OpenGl 2D and 3D gamings itself and the use of it's 3D games engine in it, and for the external packages of the same and similar you create...

So does make for an all in one product in which you can initially learn all you need to know and create your own stuff from...

Later if you need even greater speed and other for possibly the more complex of game or other structures you can always move to that of another language or system...

As far as referring to it as a course goes that's simply due to the fact that all of it's video tutorial examples are laid out in very common sense forms...

You merely look through each's program code as you use and study them noting there are a great deal of:

Basic's Rem's aka Comments statements in them...

Those comments telling you what each piece of code is for and often how it works also...

Then you can alter the codes yourselves to further study any one area or command...

Beyond that it's just a matter of looking at DBPro's doc's in it's commands index areas, to further understand how any given work's and is applied...

Again it's you playing with the code and making small changes to test pieces that allows you to learn and understand well...

You can look up additional info on each of the examples areas at their site besides finding additional tutorials to download...

That of 2D itself is also done in the 3D games engines as it fully covers both in one, between what's in it's tutorials plus another boatload at Youtube you plainly have all you need to fully learn those areas...

Some of that on Youtube is of direct course form, and that of their lead game designers doing the tutorials themselves...

You'll probably get all you'll need to know from that alone, but if want all tight and concise in one place, then order one of their books on programming with the DBPro and you'll have every facet aka an entire strong basic 2D and 3D course covered...

That's about it in the short, and you'll find the more and more expert of any vis their aides and techs at their site itself...

I might say Purebasic is like that too, and you've but to ask, did that myself years back and the head developer on examples etc said I was free to use any damn thing I wanted, pretty much the exact words...Most of it's books are like that too, but where not specified then do what I did, Ask...

Not implying all in verbatum as had asked of what would be snippets from some examples and would not use their special graphics images except where it's very clear that you can...Get permission if any doubts!...

That as your supposed to create your own and the tools for that are in the language itself...Also in forums users have contributed all sorts of free stuff you can use aside a snippets area dedicated to that...

Pretty much in any IDE if you go slow and thouroughly study the language used through the examples and or tutorials your going to come away with enough to make your own good stuff!...

[To make it all even easier for it and near any other IDE language type is:

There are many high quality and even free opensource pgm's besides very inexpensive commercial graphics editor products that will work with the IDE's to create that of any gamings or sciences oriented graphics images and full scenes including the animations that you may want in them also...

Those save you lots of programming time and takes the tedious out of creating such]...

In a way as far as pc's aka Microsoft Windows (TM) machines alone go, and aside what ever graphics language you might have or use, that of DarkBasic Pro (C) does make for a very good supplement and auxillary referance for one to have as well...

Then Purebasic same from the all platform considerations but not as easy as DarkBasic Pro for just PC, and does somewhat assume that you already have some programming experience...

Actually latter a quote from others, as myself having been thourougly over the books on it, aside it's own quite outstanding inbuilt help feature with Users Guide, don't see how it could be that difficult to program in it...

That and as in most other you can if run into a stumbling block in your codings can freely browse their forums which just to read require no log in's and do a query aka search on the topic issue of your choice...

Will say for the lessor in functions as mainly oriented towards the gamings that of DarkBasic Pro, is a much easier form of basic, plus it's tutorials many visual as well, take you well beyond that and where no other do go in that of learning depths also...

Xojo (TM, C) as an OOP type is excellent for great ease and the very professional looking in quick deployments applications of all types, desktop or web and more includes it's own 2D gamings engine as well...

You can freely use, but to actually distribute any programs made, you'd have to purchase their license first and be over 18 to do that...

Then we've already prior covered the many other of language options for totally free program developments on any OS as well, and there are many *totally free* 2D and 3D graphics options and development programs of those as well...

Haven't mentioned much of Apple's (TM) as haven't installed their separate of graphics specific tools, but for their machines alone it's a given they'd be of par excellance there...

To use which is also totally free (think) used to be a $100 fee which several years back know I paid for then, you must be licensed from them and over 18 years of age for that...


10/27 Monday aka Moon day of the Yin metal Goat VIII (Wht) wa...

Upper Quen FS #8 (Gen, Mtn, Wealth)...

Global timed: #11 - #5 Involve #54


A U.S. toss going with this for today:

#5 - #43 Involve #38...

In matches add to that already had below and caught in CBS eve ntl news tonight:

That of an ends ceremony of U.S. Marines to return home, and an Afghan outpost area turned over to the Afghan army made for a pretty strong and good match to these above as well!...

Matches with some political stuff regarding recent statements...

On trickledown probably correct...

Old business areas if retrieved from the jobs given away would add, and creating new business itself would add more jobs...

New technologies create new jobs as long as there are investors to promote them...

Sometimes new ways of doing things create jobs but not always...

Trade sanctions can contribute to slowly reducing that of jobs and economies...

Investing in areas a country needs to stay viable in this world creates jobs, and a lot more should come from Business and Private sectors there...

Same of states, provinces or counties, etc...

These days investing in almost anything that makes home security areas *even easier for individuals to set up themselves* and handle pretty good too...

There that of small microcontroller rf devices which generate alarms for cellphones and or security services or even police departments, under given conditions as well as gps would be very good to install and place on or in personal items also...

Probably tons of other things you can think of yourselves where that of jobs concerned...

A lot more does have to come from business and investor investments more so than the govt to get things launched off the ground...

Do agree that the trickle down side doesn't have very much pay off to it...

Do understand that of Trade sanctions are often generated over what appears to be very good reasons, but think in general that both in terms of relationships and economics it's shoot yourself and others in the foot as far as results go...

However it's more on what you think that counts since like most I'm not an expert in these things...

Yesterdays timed pair and that of in the theoretical fraud stuff in ABC eve news had matched and was one article on Yahoo many might be interested in:

It also matched pretty strongly with that to do with a news article unusual covering a history class in Massachusetts that had over *9000 plus comments* to it...

That to do with a Islam's founder being covered in it...

Sormething that most any American would want to know the context of, so check it out or do a search query in Yahoo's news areas if interested...

Does show much of any religious area is in at this time, some can be very positive and obviously some can be very dangerous considering currently it's Mar's Cnj Pluto drives it and passions associated...

That of healing vis it or of any area would be a strong area of interest as well!...

Added a bit relative copyrights in the prior and above to that of purebasic that didn't think about at time, and then some other for those interested in Darkbasic Pro for MS Windows (TM) that any just starting in may find helpful as well...

Personally I do always think about other people, but don't have to negotiate with those holding a gun to my head in ill or false permenant labels, etc forms or of where that of a given relationship only benefits the other side...

A lot done here is for other people in a pretty large scale as it is...

10/28 Fire day of the Yang water Monkey IX (Blk) s...

Upper Chen Fs #7 (Duay)...

Global timed: #10 - #58 Involve #37

A date type for some to tread carefully where that of strong feelings may be involved...

Part of the normal *8 day* Uppers and hexagram *cycles* that of the calendar for *our environments their daily natures*... 

That come up for us near every 8 days with some changes variations to each but steadily similar each round...

Tells us what's main of that in and to pay attention too...

Some of today's matches to this global pair in various ways:

*Did not read any through* but in matches to names that of articles on Democrats seeking changes to immigrant deportations goes with that of *Family aka families* areas...

Were some other rather ill power control areas to do with that of specific families listed in today's news events too!...

Then that of Republicans getting into that called a Redskin's fight would take in some of *Duay aka Pleasings areas*...

That of *Stepping or Treading carefully* could apply to that mentioned on Officer Darren Wilson today...

Some articles involved that of choices in persons, subjects or things as to what and which pleases or pleased you of again Duay (Pleasings) areas...

Many both U.S. and global news articles and events today involved that of Power Control areas which associate the Upper of Chen trigram and in first hexagram as well...

Those further associated to the first hexagram's names with that of Stepping or Treading carefully being one of them!...

Then in of N.C. courthouse shooting if you expand and look at the pair's stars you'll see that for that at and after 11am aka Hr w applied which runs from 11am - 1pm...

Activated that of the Yel 4th Gateways areas then!...

Same Yel 4th Pw star actions and happenings in leaderships work areas, news, travels, amongst other it represents *active, activated* at the time...

The Yel influence as that of the Abrupt and of limitings nature in for that of Chief ministers and *Gateways* aka entrances, exits and other at the time...

It in turn involved that of a Gh star for something of what was very selfish or passionate material or material values or objects and other of it's meanings for events then...

Would have clashed and brought out the hiding Gt star under the Physical of *Gry* 5th rulers, roads, etc Strong date same Ks star advancings...

*Gry* emphasized since that there of the date, it's physical and rulers areas indicates some would be of the *mentally volatile too*!...

That would have bonded to for case specific the Angry or quarrelsome of the stubborn and small of damagings, environments, talks or groups areas then too aka Red 3rd Bc stars...

You can delineate further as need by just expanding this date pair aka adding the stars, and going over them for any event today...

That of any first hexagram's stars are shown in chart's area at superiching.com  vis it's first and main page's selector bar, button, then for the second hexagram keep the stars same for that of same basic element types metal with metal, earth with earth, etc to label those...

Every line color of today's pair where it's stars were active and or clashing and bonding to others gives you a lot of different main potential directions involved that would go with the and events then as well...

That and noting what stars are involved of *our period pairs* at tops for today's date *s*,  and you'll find that of R star type stuff, and areas were in for today's events... 

Eve Ntl news that of Chen's raw power illustrated environmentally in Hawaii of what has been a very slow travel of Lava itself and marking the date took out it's first of personal private property structures...

A simple shed but marks the definite of other coming...

Then in areas of families that of domestic abuses at the level of major football players and more of the raw and raw material sides in that of a Judge as well...

That of pleasings covered in a rather unique way to do with an English (Britain) centurian who was publically given public honorage and a medal for his heroic saving of a large number of children's lives under what was the Nazi rampages of pasts...

Was probably a number of other that didn't pay minute attention too, but effects of date's Chen outer and upper influences was in most...

How it goes, and by just knowing the Upper aka Outer trigram for any date alone, you always have clues as to the natures of things for it, and of the activities types in for them as well...

Normal cyclic sequence the pattern of the upper external trigrams runs from Chen, Duay, Li, Zen, Shun, Kan, Gen and Quen...

The start varies with each NM which resets it, but always follows the same sequence...

When we generate a hexagram from those we get informations at line aka tier levels running from the bottoms to the tops at 6 levels and with the assigned stars a good idea of how things do go at each level...

Keeping it to the totally simple that reflects how things are done here...

More raw power:

U.S. that of the unfortunate of an Orbital sciences Rocket from Virgina said launched at 18:22 hours this date *exploded afterwards*...

Hr yo same Kyo star advanced of the *Gry* 5th line for high, far clashed the Grn E's 2nd locals Rm wood (jup) Dangers, etc stars...

Latter bounded and bonded to the Wht 6th Skies line bonding the Bsh retreatings star forming Fire for P star happenings and manifests then...

Same also reflects that mentioned of Yel 4th Pw star areas earlier...

Other minor:

Well as long as our homes aka the roofs mainly not shook in the process, beginning to appreciate the heli's out here...

Seems we do have a little too much in that of prowlers or various at ground levels as have noticed the dogs all around going off at times...

They were doing so for quite awhile until a heli showed up then not too long afterwards everything quieted back down again...

Pretty strange stuff...

10/30 Wood (jup) day of the Yang wood Dog I (Grn) sh...

Upper Li FS #5

Weekly Cardinal changes today to that of the Eastern Grn Dragon...

Global timed: #21 - #38 Involve #39...

Toss U.S. locals, Global: #49 - #17 Involve #44

Latter appears a spin off of yesterdays areas in some...

Ok was some remarks in news other night that the WH non secure pc net had been attacked etc and mentions of the failed physical intrustions as well...

Some in step with what toss had showed but I don't comment much on such ahead, as you already have the period pair as the general guide...

You know the R star meanings and where ever it's placed line wise is going to have events of it's nature period...

If it shows that at Rulers level then some going to come up there and as events they experience and as those they or some also create as well...

[Anyway you can see that it's active the entire year and there in this year has been a lot of that of dangers created and initiated by some of the world's leaders as well...So that and dangers too pretty much always of some validity]!....

Waited couple days both health wise and for that of what might be initial inertia's in some's thinkings in these areas as well...

Leave that to you as over the years and even in a years time we frequently do get pairs that have an R star at the 5th line, but in this one you already knew the biggest bulk going with it is of 9th type areas where the dangers come from...

Tuesday's toss showed two types one of inner relationships which does include other countries, and then in the stronger *that which is was directly local* and that which would when clashed connect and bond to that of ends, the skies or internets groups, environments, and destructive, etc areas..

Anyway that date then both types of locations in for all of the R star meanings including that of dangers or attacks...

[Don't know if were any other issues to it but the Orbital Sciences Rocket launched then was done at the worst possible time and date period...Whether per toss or timed didn't matter as that of 9th type conditions applied in any]...

An R star bonding a Skies B star indicates that destructive, and then Fire was formed there and as P star type same and of the Gateways in that in simul to which a G star was there to control and killback as well...

A line *earth* element which retreats or advances not usually a good thing *as earth elements are transformers in themselves*, so normally a destructive result or that involving some of negative elements often goes with them...

Are exceptions if it's that of pasts meanings that happen to apply for the retreat and where the R star represents something other than dangers in it's other areas...

That launched the next and under a new date from another location in Russia didn't have the restrictions of the prior dates and went well...

Timed by hour would have shown same indications and even that of having fortune (little difficulty) versus not (many difficulties) are attributes that go with each and every hexagram...

That of the Wwg is both reliable and highly accurate as the names aka hexagrams within it are tiered in time level as well as being hierchal structured to boot...

In depth they take in that of a unique year, a unique month, a unique date, and in timed a unique hour as well...

Those time elements are not simply numbers or numerial as used in normal terms, but each is a very unique time component type of it's own...

So a hexagram and it's name here is that of a very unique time capsule unto itself strongly representing the current at this time...

Anyway if you choose to execute something when the lines involved show destructive results you shouldn't be surprised when you get them...Talking mainly where your using things of raw power themselves or that to which dangers do definitely associate, etc...

Moving on:

In other had said things referencing fewer jobs and that was mainly addressing *comments* of farther aways areas, and any other to do with a slowing global economy *had came straight from the Whitehouse itself*!...

On Darkbasic had said around 40 example videos come with it but likely a smaller number as had d/l 10 or more from their site for that purpose a long while back as well...Still though they're available...

Other than that most other would refer to pairs we cover and has been nothing incorrect or wrong stated of them...

Quote headline matches at times as the active of what is, doesn't mean I support their areas, but I leave most of my own in some political feelings out of the Wwg itself here...

Could work around in some by doing tosses on the subjects at times as they relate to the U.S. itself, and then the Wwg will provide it's own view...

They say we are the melting pot but would be willing to bet their are some in that which never, never change and see that part as a danger...

Had the brief of a 60 second approx blackout, elec off vis 15:40 hr s of date's timed bonded Ke fire stars from Blk 6th Overheads to Grn 1st Pt homes areas...

Then of toss clashed out, involved fated of Red 2nd locals, close in Ky star type areas connected to Rc power repairs type stuff...

Didn't last long...

Were other matches but was tired so didn't bother recording much...

10/31 Metal aka Venus day of the Yin wood Pig II (Grn) h....

Upper Zen FS #4 (Shun)

Global timed: #32 - #40 Involve #43 type(s), things, areas, etc...

Add just a bit as that called fortune sort of a magical sounding term at the more basic views that some initially form when they hear the term...

[Fortune in the Wwg refers to that of relative ease or difficulties in things, not magic...

In that it is also of a limited type, which most improperly have the tendency to take it as an across the board effect...

In the latter it's not, *it's always limited to a very specific area of the hexagram period*...

That means the other hexagram line and star areas can go either way, yin or yang, plus or minus and do, whereas the area which has fortune or ease to it in the opposite will apply for it's areas in many and almost all cases]...

Not that many of all the hexagrams have that inherent to them but fortunately timing itself often will counteract some of negative aspects in others or there will be positive purposes also in that which appears negative...

That's much different then what some not being very objective in their examinings to do with hexagrams, have in the too shortsided come up with...

Likely in those cases their examinings have been based only on their own limited observations as we all know that *what you see is not always what you get*, and you actually have to study the Iching or Wwg before certain of it becomes known to you...

The info is out there for those who need or take the time to find it, and a little too detailed to be covered here...

Simply they reflect that of situations in our environments, the life within them, and people just as they are and not that of any mysterious hokey pokey nonsense, once we understand that they become easier to learn...

That isn't to say that there isn't a supernatural side which may only mean that which is mysterious or unknown to us or on the other may refer to that of the higher power and things greater than ourselves as well...

That's of 6th line areas which in that side hasn't been referred to much here as do tend to stick to the more practical of it's earthly relationships, but certainly and fairly is something we should have an open mind on, and look into when can or appropriate...

Along those latter lines have asked:

Will that of any Muslim contingent within the U.S. ever overthrow what we as U.S. citizen's have and value as our personal rights and freedoms here???

There are strong concerns in Euro countries right now on the very same but this question doesn't address theirs but may look at too at some point though feel it's best left up to their leaderships in general...


#62 - #15 Involve #28...
Not a simple answer in that and will look at it over time...

Shows some loss of freedoms occur at Rulers levels in that to do with groups or losses, etc associated them...

Can be other meanings but start with that as under Wht influences suggests that of both material and spiritual areas involved of that line...

It referring to Rulers areas is mainly that of their rulers but can't say it wouldn't be devoid of other rulers areas totally leaving at that for the moment...

Physical *Gry* 4th Rw changes star areas...

Shows in Chief ministers and *Gateways areas* that of immigrations being one form that of troubles and troubled men and officials as well as dangers abound which leads to that of frustrations...

Those link and or are competitive too Red Heated or Quarrelsome, etc too 2nd locals in and of Rw star areas as well...

Object MOC, etc: Grn 1st Pcn star areas...

Summary: Does not look like such of dangers would prevail, but definitely suggests there are indeed some dangers associated their immigrations in the physical through gateways here...

Questions such as this, not of the politically correct and are purely for that of insuring we will be able to retain that of our own treasured personal freedoms and rights period!...

Questions that need to be asked...

One good thing is in the K star which represents that of freedom and stability, it in itself is very strong...

However that's the short term in the greater it becomes weak and in that of the year vanished!...

So for an exact and better definition relative time or the real long term this same question will have to be repeated next year...

That's best as were I too take this one for next year then it would show that of freedoms to be nearing a dead state...

So indeed will have to be re asked even though present results are encouraging but say we have to stay keyed to dangers in that of the physical in immigrations and their travels areas to boot!...

Will look at the 6th line part later on no hurry to assign meanings there yet, we have the main thrust of the msg already!...

Now I expect the medias will as in any hexagram posted here and of the date to find all sorts of the applicable of other meanings and matches...

That's fine and proper too, just don't let them deter you from the interpretation I have made relative the given question itself...

Unfortunately we do have some and not just of their areas that always try vis the overinflated of their human ego's to circumvent or degrade what the Wwg is of time itself and represents...

A waste of their time and in the small of minds as have shown you just how concisely and powerfully the Wwg is structured...

That which is for the purpose of providing us reliable accurate info's concerning actual status's and the current ongoings in our environments and of man anywhere and at anytime...

Any limits in that are simply of our own creations as it paints the general pic's and gists in the broad most applicable to masses and of which a lot of smaller, individual and refined variations exist too...

That's understood and by design, but doesn't prevent you from focusing on what are smaller or more refined individual possibilities or variations in answers, as all you have to do in such is toss on those matters too...Using an appointed where possible...

Anyway the kept brief interp gave stands correct in terms of just the questioned alone for it, and how to be viewed even for actions, until the next time same is asked...

Add Nov 1 Earth day of the Yang fire Rat III (Red) t:

As far as the Virgin Galactic test flight the timed or toss would only show as one of the main event types under their areas of the date...

Most likely that of hr e at it's location was involved...

Matches timed best which had weak and troubled Rs metal stars for that of Officials and dangers to start with and hr e would have clashed date to bond the Rs stars forming water for P star manifests aka transports and travels but of the original dangers influences to them...

That of the Abrupt of of limitings was in for the Physical itself as far as metals went anyway...

Hr e would have broke open the date bonds to the paired of B stars one a hiding type for the hidden of matters associated transports and others...

The clashed Ph star of the Red 2nd Locals, close line would have met the fated of Gcn star type control and evidently killback...

Any beyond just speculative...

Now as I don't toss on and going strictly by the timed of that date but hr e could have just symbolized all that going into Hr w itself!...

That as hr w all by itself would have also allowed for the total of jolts and that *Abrupt* at the time too!...

Hr e itself was in no doubt the source and if hadn't occurred in that, then most definitly did in hour w as it totally killed back and destroyed that of the Ryo *metals* star physical then as well!...

That's about all that can be shown except that of the Wht
W's and other of Rulers, paths R star areas were bonded for dangers in hr e and also within Zen trigrams type for that in the sudden and jolts to come up period...

Enough there...

Ok Will provide my own different type of example format, that you won't find in any books I have nor anywhere as far as that goes...

Doing as a small aid to your own approachings and viewing of any hexagram results you get from a toss and in finding an answer...

Do have to key it to a particular situation type from those I've done in the past and also of exact repeatings in results as well...

May be a tiny bit of wry or dry humor in as it's normally a pretty dry and tedious subject area but a bit of humor doesn't hurt either...

[Not that any may pay attention, but in some when it comes to very important events would hope some start applying at some point...

Especially when going to initiate a launch or something major of raw power, those involved doing a toss would get the full layout of the event prior to it]...

That's how it's done in the Wwg before we initiate given things in new projects, goals or of travels stuff...

That certainly doesn't mean it's done every time for any little old thing, but very much should be done if that in mind:

*Is very important or of great urgency to the person*...

Then to do properly you must sign an Appointed star, so the results will be very exacting!...

Yes Exacting, as when properly done and under the conditions mentioned that is what you'll get in results type!...

[You need that Appointed star, if you expect the *clear* in results]!...

Depending on *what will go down*, and of that *we do not initially know a thing at all*, except for that of our own personal intended actions if any...

The rest is as far as that of others, their actions and that
of the relative situation(s) which is or are comeing up, *well we just don't know that part period*!...

[However the toss under those circumstances *will indeed concisely and correctly reveal that which is associated the question, to you]*!...

1. The Appointed will always appear on the line most relative to what is represented or that will and does goes down concerning it...

2. The Physical itself will still be the All About, that all matters or things fall under...

3. The Object will near always be that of the *Matters under concern at the time*, aka that which is either in your mind  and/or related to the question alone itself...

Bare bones example:

Using no names or hexagrams and no line numbers or colors we can bare bones examine what are the main lines of any hexagram relative to the question asked...

For the question were very much concerned with home, office, bldg, night logger or company safety, but we have an urgent need to briefly travel to another location to scout or pick something up...Can be other goals...

So what we want to know is:

If all will be safe and secure until our return or more directly we just ask:

What's the best time we can leave and expect all to be left safe and secure??? 

Ok so we in the main are concerned or worried about:

The security or safety status of the let's say home, while we venture out and until we've returned back...

[So travels from and to a home, company or installation and it's security in our absence is *the most main question and concern in our minds]*:

Those are all represented by a P star and that becomes the

Appointed for this situation...

Now the travels in this case will involve picking something
up such as a wife or girlfriend or that of money or some material object, etc at another location, and then returning safely home...

Fit it to any you'd like...

Those then are all represented by a G star, however that itself *is a Goal aka Target*, and also very likely *where our need is urgent* to do or obtain such, and important to the question as such...

***That being the case, it is not the Appointed star!***...

In fact as a Goal aka Target it *may* well show up in the toss results as the *Object aka Matters of Concern (MOC) in travels and destinations line!...

That doesn't have to be the case in toss results, but very often and if the toss was properly done under just the conditions mentioned it indeed will turn out to be that a G star appears on our Object line...

Review that and note how things are forming up in exact sequence relative to that of the standard Wwg hexagram structure...

One which includes a Subject, an Object and usually a changes line...Further there is that of separating lines which you can read about at superiching.com...

You can and would get many different types of hexagram pairs were you to toss on the question as given...

To keep it simple most concerning safety or security of the home etc is that in and on your mind, and the actual question you may have asked in the immediate is:

When would be a good time for me to go ____ and pick up ____???

So now I'll list *a paticular valid result* but only of those main lines and star types using our P star Appointed in that...

Further as can be many different pair results won't mention specific elements going with the star types, *only their conditions*, so in that way they can go with whatever element combinations that come up in your own tosses...

In one of repeatings cases type seen and also in results got:

A Physical which was of a K star type...

That tells us that safety and security, was what the question was All About!...

Next looked straight to the Appointed P star, *the area I was worried about*...

Turned out there was only one and it was of all things a Hider aka Hiding P star type???...

Tells us there are some hidden and unusal circumstances or hardships relative to the home(s) around, and that of travels and transports also relative to them for that date!...

Still as far as the question went it primarily represented the home itself as *it was the Appointed star*, that was set before and going into the asking of the question during the toss itself...

Inspection showed in either direction it could be bonded with the Physical's K star *element* and in that *the new element formed would be a G star type*!...

Says were hidden matters concerning the material or women in the home or homes around, and then also the same could go with travels too...

Travels were needed, so it auto does have *to all connect together*, and the Wwg correctly showed such telling us *it's answer is even more tightly bonded to our question*!...

[That's exactly what we want]...

Noticed also that the bearer for the Appointed P star was an R star type which supports it, and yet it *was in clash (Opposition) to that of the Physical K star element*???

Not good, something's wrong there and of an R star that conflicts in Opposition to that of safety and security in the given case...

Can be exceptions but not where the question of an immediate type was concerned and R stars in the breadth of their meanings have the more ill of possibles in their raps, so we have to lean that way when it's security involved of a question such as this...

Most all of you know that from your own observations concerning them in the periods and dailies here as well and with what you see in happenings around you to boot.... 

So that of the R star could also affect the outcome as it was or when activated in direct Opposition to the Physical's K star areas...

Means it would work in Op con with the Object's line's Opponent side since Opposes the Physical...

So next is straight to the Object line itself to consider that there:

Further inspection showed the Object line itself was of *a G star type*, which also matches to question, as was the goal of the travels themselves...

Ruh ro:

However was a big problem there, as it was also the *changes line too*, and had that of it's G star meeting and turning into a B star???...

Definitely not good since B star kills G star so was indicating a loss of either a woman, the money obtained in travels, or that of material objects connected to the home itself as well...

The latter specifically because that of the P star homes *R star bearer line* could operate Op con with the Object line
against that of the Physical K star security and safe areas themselves!...

Yes are other meanings too, but in the tight of immediate we must stick *to the question* for that correct relative it...

So review that all a bit for how all things relative the question actually formed up in the hexagram's structure itself...

Note the element and star conditions mentioned of it so far,
and how *uniquely* they are describing just what *will be* relevant to the question that was asked...

Will mention of first hexagram, it was not a fortunate hexagram type...

That's also saying that of the Physical K stars might not have had purely the desired meanings but since was strongly on my mind the essence of how applied was for security...

Final solution:

Now out of all things that most don't want, is that of losing our money or our material objects if we can avoid it!...

So we have to do something about that or just cancel the whole idea of going out and picking up what was needed to another day altogether...

[The entire solution is in that]...

*The Answer of the when to go itself???*

Answer: Strike aka Clash out the B star, so there won't be any losses or damages period!...

That's exactly what I did by choosing an hour which struck and clashed out the B star, and with a fringe benefit also as the hour supported, strenghthened the K star physical itself!...

That hour allowed me to *achieve my goal*, and be back home before the elements concerning it and that of the R stars could take effect!...

Since the R star could have operated Op con with the Object line to impact security and also cause damage or loss in G star areas, it was the only logical choice!...

Without specifying whom, where or when as is a typical question many have asked, and of situations one may have to deal with at any time, etc:

Can tell you that on those particular dates and other
simular instances, just all sorts of external stuff relative those areas do pop, just as the Wwg shows...

In solution it didn't matter if ultimately that of the R star actions were positive or negative as we kept it out of the picture for the travels part...

Other areas can and do apply and in one such instance rcvd important R star type documents in the hidden of the mail as well, so cuts both ways but by striking out the losses we had the proper solution...

It's strictly of daily and hourly influences to our environments themselves, the relationships of that within them and then the fact the Wwg was particularly structured to show us the natures of things going on for them itself, as the why of it's workings...

Ok in review have used bare bones of a very bare format not shown in any book, to illustrate how you should look at the stars of a pair relative a question...

[Done *in true Wwg fashion* stars only, and used no names nor a lot of other in it either]...

In that show you, the Wwg does work as it's claimed and set up for that express purpose!...

There's no magic to it whatsoever and it simply bonds to the rules and orderings of life and the created universe itself as things currently exist...

In that it's much more scientific than many of scientific
theories themselves are, and requires that of great objectivity with that of the best possible of structured logics within it, to which you apply the same to find good solutions as needed...

Can't do yours for you, but layed out the essesntials you should employ to get a valid answer on any subject you have...

Try not to get caught up in the single biggest mistake that beginners make, and that is by doing too many questions aka tosses in any given date...

Almost zero can be properly analyzed that way, each requires time to do, and you'll end up totally frustrated in your results...

A lot done here are simply open ended types to reveal the nature of a date, not much work to those as you just lay it out and observe...In no way the same as asking a specific question as the latter requires a full analysis to get any solution...

Probably won't be other of this here as it all comes down to each as needed to do their own work...

11/04 Just some quick ahead notes:

This FM looks to be definitely full of dangers so will start posting it tomorrow...

A lot to do with service type areas where one serves others, then in health areas, maybe welfare areas, repairs maintenance, etc...

Nature of the physical very material and to do with nuturances and more of B star areas, robberies and thefts look to be in those and other areas...

Involves the quarrelsome in those areas or mainly of S's and E's and W's, per colors and trigrams for those and of that in any area as well, plus may involve family in some ways or even of friends turning, etc and more...

For a head start that's of #49 - #17 Involve #44 for the All countries lunar and masses pair which will get posted by tomorrow eve...

Has that of R earth star clashes, etc in it that's enough alone but can apply to natural phenomena as well...

Just how dangerous can't say but was mentioned in some astro reads areas...

Especially for those whose charts that are of a Taurus physical with the Moon in Aries 12th areas, *as that's what the FM's will be* which will be taking in that of Domestic Cancer 3rd type areas in locals and close by's, possibly schools included not sure, neighborings, borderings, contracts, etc...

Some of the *Abrupt* to fiery will be in Sag woods, outsides or countrysides, far aways and other in *8th type areas* for that of transforms, mergences, etc...

Hopefully it's a lot of business stuff, that of insurances, of all the elections and govt stuff also more so then the dangers or the deadly sides, etc as aside diseases or *surgeries*, things of monies and the foreign, as some of the other wouldn't be so pleasant...

Installations of long distance and some of duplicative or monitorings and security systems would count as well since fiery includes electrical and electronics areas too...

Further things of the legs, gastrointestinal's and strongly of Urinary or prostrates type issues in some as well...

Will try to xfer to new page as the Solar month of the Yin wood Pig starts the very next date after aka Friday Nov 7th...

Normally supposed to be very auspacious, however this in nearing the maximum Yin cycle of the year which is usually broody and quarrelsome, plus are some harsh of character aka natures in placements and birth star positions to boot...

11/5 Water aka Mercury day of the Yang metal Dragon VII (Wht) cn...

Upper Chen  FS #8 (Gen, Wealths)...

Global timed: #10 - #25 Involve #37...

Tomorrow the FM mentioned above and quite pertinent so read, but also that of the Weekly cardinal changes with it to that of the *Nothern Blk Tortoise aka Murky Warrior* then!...

Another major indicator and of direction also...

Ok the Sun itself has been in Leo and the Magha birth star for several days now and that's where you find the *desensitivity* and power aka raw power oriented in peoples individual expressions and actions at this time!...

Especially noted in people at the tops of things in any number of recent statements they have publically made...

Further since Nov 2nd Saturn himself has entered that of Scorpio's areas which both tends to desensitize feelings and bring that of either the harsh or limitations, putting on the brakes, etc to that which Scorpio represents...

The Sun and Saturn are ruled by Jupiter in Cancer's areas while the Moon of FM will be ruled by a scorched Venus in Libra's areas...

In Libra's areas you have Mercury conjunct that the Sun which is in Combust with Venus...

Just a bit of the background settings for the current pic in that...

Should have looked at all this prior but had gotten distracted and just noted last night!...

Have already been matchings for the FM pair noted some direct even of Family areas in news on net last night...

FM R stars:

Some of that to do with the R earth stars will be deadly as some has to do with that of masses and the various of groups activities areas versus the solitary...

So some is at personal levels aside that of masses or natural phenomena...

Further you might find that of foods and food areas to be highly involved in some's main events as well!!!...

Boosted previous post a bit in some as well today....


U.S. and it's locals into Global for this date cn:

#42 - #20 Involve #23...

That of #23 also means that of Splitting Apart, splitting things apart...

Usually are physical matches but also in the more spiritual sides, though not sure just how exactly accurate that is, *it means leaving the Way*, and being self assertive in the taking our *own (Ego based) actions* regarding some matter rather than trusting the higher power (That Proper) to handle the matter for us!...

Many times when we are too (Ego bound) in the self assertive there is a saying going along with that:

When we are too self assertive in our speech and actions we then become totally unable to hear (the other or others), and most often in that, we will soon have cause to lament!...

*When you are too self assertive *you will soon have cause to lament**, because you are the source of your own problems!...

Learning to let go of that most Ego bound is proper and will often make any issues related totally disappear as when we let things be they take care of themselves and in that we obtain greater peace and harmony in our own affairs...

That of always especially by medias these days to always take actions based on areas of our fears is often totally out of place and in itself only creates further uneeded and uneccessary stresses that stunt our everyday experiences, growths and actually in result generate more harm than good...

The decision or taking of non action is also an action in itself and often the most correct one in many matters...

There are other Iching (Yi) interpretations you can look up and myself at this time don't recommend any one particular book or reference as there are different types...

Some are Spiritual, some are effective Practical versions, and some few are direct of Original Chinese not an English person's translations...

That of Original chinese types are listed as such with interp adds too, but the Original word meanings coming prior to the interp's themselves are also included, so very useful and this type has been translated and is available in English also and are *strictly of Chinese Authors only*...

So many Iching (Yi) books have entirely different purposes and until I'm more sure as to best accuracies, don't recommend any particular ones, and think one just having an assortment better...

You can have the assortments themselves *freely also*, as are that in the free on the net as well, and in that you can find what works best for you!...

Myself although I do use the Wwg in the most pristine of forms, I also yet use the Iching (Yi) for it's input and guidance as well, and find both are always of great aid, resource in the making of good decisions in the *Important* of matters life presents me...

Stressed the word *Important* as those are the only areas we should toss on, where the desire is to obtain an accurate answer...

Important and *Urgent* even better....

Any other should be asked in just a general or open ended form, and their results *as just showing the general trends of things* which will be found to apply at the masses levels in which you *may* be included as well...

The latter not always directly and more in the peripheal will often affect some life area relative to you and yours as well, then or at a future time...In the more major there that which comes up where that of man's rules, laws or the conditions in or of our environments are ever changing in any main period or time...

In use also find a lot that agrees with any number of Judeo and Christian type rules or outlooks as well, but not limited too and include things which agree with some in Native American and many other beliefs too, and even of some of that common between most beliefs or even customs in some as well, so it's very useful in just any number of ways...

As far as distinguishing that of what's important or not, that's pretty easy as it will be something that *presses you* for attention, and often something where strong feelings or needs vis the matter are also involved, and in which some type of answer or resolution is felt needed...

If our perceptions in the matter were false or incorrect to start with, that will show up in the results as well, you will after time (practice) be able to read and distinguish those in types as well...

To start off since you have the full and free resources of Wwg also at Superiching.com, *use them vis the online book itself there*, plus that of the charts and calendars all in one place...

*Start* with only one or two different question types where that of detailed and accurate answers are wanted or needed, *don't try to cover too many areas, you'll fail in begins*!...

On given question types, *always look for the already examples in that book*, go through how those were asked and done, the Appointed used, etc which will aid you in selecting yours as well...

One type for all persons has to do with that of *Dangers in Major travels*, that's one type any can learn fast and use strictly for that...

Insert [ ] BTW:

[We have that in the *locals and close now* and of short journies areas as well in this new FM period...

That as *Jupiter* Mr Big, also foreign and Far rangings stuff is in that of our FM's Cancer 3rd Domestics and Environments areas!!!...

End Insert]...

Then any other question types as you want or need, but do study the existing examples for the question type your asking first, and that *will save you from countless headaches and the potential of wasting a lot of your own precious time*...

Same of any other of the excellent Wwg books, pdf's or courses you can and may buy, they all humorously have bits of chapter or topic print errors, but I personally guarentee they still indeed remain great resources for you and in their example question answer results as well...

There you don't have to worry about others reviews of any in particular at all...

Those are well meant but are just social oriented of individual opinions and in which some would be partially slanted from particular styles or trainings in their thoughts, and despite such, there is a great deal of positive and useful information *in any author's* books, or courses etc you learn lots of directly good useful and proper information from...

I wouldn't discourage the reading and learning of any particular one, they are all good for that purpose...

I still rate Raymond Lo's as the easiest in the well covered of essential's info's and then any of the other fine going with that should catch most the rest, and then in lieu and totally free the powerful resources of that in Superiching.com's reading materials is suffiecient of itself as well...

Had my superiching hard aka soft copy book as well as a number of feng shui etc expensive books stolen out of the old house earlier this year...Doesn't impede me a bit but feel sorry that some stoop so low and mention so others there keep their eyes open to that of people around them to avoid the similar!...

Ok enough there, just some fill as to how I use and the why of the usually very accurate results I get, so that you and others might do better or as well too...

The more who become informed or do the easier it makes that which I present and do here...

Don't assume I cover or have covered every possible angle of a matter for the pairs here...

I stick to the easier of main gists so most is easy to understand and often there will be other situations or things of trends in a pair that get even overlooked or left out...

So do as interested or desired make your own separate or extended analysis's of any I present and per your own needs regarding any particular facet here...

Adding couple more of just general interp tips that will relocate to proper respective areas later:

Often say in that of star types and of their elements they often don't refer to particular people, however in some they do...

That where involves Govt and maybe some industries as well and in that of masses and groups aka groups activities *are selected* for any given purpose...

In areas where entire groups are selected for a task or any other purposes, then the star *element* type will indeed signify either some given attribute relative to the task, etc or directly that of birthsigns involved that are then selected for the task or activity...

Another item is we often use the term family here, and that does apply as such but in the more often it refers to given groupings within a particular org...The Org can be of any type...

Ok didn't get as much time as wished but reviewed quite a bit and may add more with a new page tomorrow or next...

Were news matches and some very interesting of upcoming major weather patterns, we have the most unusual of a typhoon no less playing a role as well...

Congrat's to the Republican's that was quite a victory...

Then in other still have to remind that in areas mentioned are strong dangers in areas mentioned so far for this period and the weather too may play into that...

Most can see that of Bh stars in the Physical and Middles or regionals are clashed...

That for the watery and the services connected type areas and involving that of nuturances and more in some...

Those bound to that of Fated resultant Blk 2nd Locals, close in and of the assertive and agressive of Ky wood (jup) star areas...

Those basic for the entire lunar period and main to the Nov 6th date itself...

A lot similar in the watery between Japan and China right now...

Pay attention to the colors for natures as well....

Then other factor in by hours as wish...

Posted pair as usual in top of page for now...

Just going to add bits per day till shift to new page the bulk of actual needed already here...

Have had a whole series of jolts since Oct 31st and they just keep coming, so to offset I'm just chilling more and more...

Most have had to do with electrical type areas, some in pretty odd ways...Specified a bit as a lot of times write things that are easily misconstrued by others and some who are just intentional in making any thing negative...Sick World...

Was something promised to me today that didn't occur and as a set of tosses showed, so wasn't hugely surprised...

Showed clashed in one and clashed out in another...

For this date not of permenant type and part of what's learned if some below here is practiced...

Some info's given on dates here in headers are strictly 100% global...

That of the element aka planetary day type is 100% global as well as is most following that date header, so you have to take it in those senses and are not and never the same as some distractors in ill try to referance it...

In learning from tosses, one has to pay as much attention as to what did not occur or go as desired as they pay to when all works out as desired...

A lot there comes from your observations and of the analysis in them *onwards in dates sequences *repeating the same type of question*...

In many cases as long as you did not obtain the desired and wanted result, you can indeed day by day keep tossing on same...Right up until it becomes unrelevant to ask as at a point where obtaining the desired result will not do you any good...

Some needs or areas have time limitations to them, and just become unuseful at a certain point...

It's in doing that *you'll eventually find all the various *ways* both positive and  negative results can be expressed...

That's what it takes to master any given type and by staying with one basic area you'll get there, as all questions in the end, will be found to be answered by stars in all the very same ways...

That just for those who honestly want to learn and that will do the work it takes to get it done...

Don't have a lot of further comments on the period yet, that of the Blk Locals Rc star is for the most part a Watery or of the N's indicator, though may include some clandestine or mysterious components too...

In some locations there are definitely elements of power itself involving their watery areas too...

That as the c element is also that of damp earth...

Think dampness can also be indicated by the water component in air itself which tends to make things or temperatures more cooler in norm...

You have to remember it's as an external influence, so that affected is subject to external influences and though they carry over to the star, *they are strongest relative the line areas themselves*!...

The star element aka branch adds some it's distinctive attributes, char/traits, and *timings specifics* to the star type as the main of their purpose, but the Star type itself provides all the different types of areas and actions, etc involved of it...

So on each we look mainly to those areas as far as the different main event types of them coming up go, and you have the lists what all is included of them or at superiching.com or of your book if not...

There's something to that of the Russian Cyber stuff as far as they're taking actions:

#39 - #53 Involve #64

Names alone quite descriptive for this current time, you must expand to examine stars for specifics...

Goes with that of FM's 8th areas for sure and per an article on trojan horses at ABC.com linked to Yahoo as well...

More of the very sic and weird of family stuff in news too...

Ok at top added *in lunar form so for all Countries*, that of the Yin wood Pig aka II (Grn) h Solar month which first full day, etc starts tomorrow Friday Nov 7th...

Typical pair seen many times here starts out with date bond strengthening it's Physical and on one side clashing out the Fated of it's Pt water star there while on the other links and or competes with that same at surfaces...

Will just combine though normally looked at separate and say we clash it and the linked out...

In a toss type for an individual anything that increases the strength of a primary or main G star is ideally for the best, so ought to be interesting to see just how that works in a true global type???...

Giving thought as to tossing or not and may add something on Russia, their or approximately so temp physical of Scorpio now and is a derived type, will see how that tracks first...Puts their Cancer 9th in FM 3rd areas...

Only incorrect part had here was to do with Magha birth star and probably had looked at it when moon was their in prior events, then hit my zone going into this so got meshed...

Not a factor but that of Saturn in Scorpio definitely is, and being near the peak of the year's Yin cycle another main factor in the breakdowns in good positive communications in global leaderships as well!...

11/7 Metal aka Venus day of the Yang water Horse aka IX (Blk) w...

Upper Li FS #6 (Chen raw or material power) for centers in anything, anywhere...

The Unique lunar date aka All Countries day start version of the *Solar month of the Yin Wood Pig* aka II (Grn) h pair is posted at tops area...

For Eastern this pair was valid the 7th there, but under month sh yet there!...


Added another pair uniquely for the Eastern side aka countries of the World versus ours and Western countries of the World...

Seems timing in things of global areas has gotten pretty critical now, and so add for theoretically more accuracy in the observance of their events...

That should include Russia, China, the Koreas, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Australia, the Phillipines, and maybe a few others etc...

Will be interesting to see if one pair predominates over another or not where events are concerned...

Hopefully there is a fringe benefit for those at tops in assessing global dangers better and in that we shall see...

There technically the new Solar month starts on the 8th and the reason for the difference is simply that of Celestial time versus the local times of different locations on the earth...

That's separate of the daily lunar timed pairs which are not pure celestial event types, those remain the same and are truly global...

That of a date's heavens stem and earth branch is global and always the same for any location and a particular gregorian calendar date...

So while our Solar month begins as first posted for today, for the Eastern side the 7th is/was just another lunar day, and for theirs of the 8th, that's just another lunar day for us...

[End result were all using the same pairs date by date but that specifically representing a given celestial event is different and sometimes offset by a full date in global locations]...

Should make tracking and interp a bit better in references to each's unique solar month!...

On that of the FM pair and the R star's can likely add that of mortages and real estates areas for actions in as well...

That of the color blk aka stem influences type for *Locals* areas can also indicate *new things* as well...That of the new Officials would be obvious and then of the Ox traits in some as well...

Not this round as a lot now already may add that of additional Eastern pairs for the Lunar periods too, but see how it goes at the Solar level here first...

Just Blog:

Ok if you followed what was said about tossing, you can gather it pretty much agrees with trusting the higher power to work out what needs to be worked out...

That as a thing is not ready before it's time...

That's also why you should only toss for yourself on that which is both important and or urgent and for the near or immediate...

On other things not for yourself or even inquiring on or of others you can toss anytime...

That's the way it works out for me and have been doing a long time...

On that say for the U.S. or anyplace in general and a status for any particular date or frame, since not just on or for myself then always get pretty darn good results...

Now there is something to the first toss rule too that does hold up, but problem is sometimes or even in a lot, we don't see that answer very clearly...

We see the obstructings and what looks like vagueness instead...

So at any rate one can still keep tossing date sequentially as want as long as there's room in time for a positive result...

Toss results are not always perfect vehicles regarding what is asked as there are always other ongoings, but usually you'll still get in the ahead a clear result at some point...

Other times if there are no totally hidden factors or matters or obstructions involved of that your asking on, you'll get that perfect result the very first time...

In that as the saying goes it's nice when a plan comes together...

Beyond that though I look for ways to get certain things acrossed better, there's a lot that I simply have to stay mum about, as in certain would never be good for too many to know...

We don't block but keeps the numbers down when has to be learned through efforts and experience only, which is probably for the very best...

Other than that we just take what we get and work from there is about it...

Will add some other good examples at times...

Do have a good example toss did in hr e this morning to add here later on at some point, and well after xfer the page, etc...

Might have surprised one when I made a call today, as had already did the toss and beyond it had been told good news on it other day anyway...

The only reason called was per an original request aka instruction in which *was told should call first before just coming there*, and despite all else knew, *that's exactly what I did*...

*Basically something that's in and of courtesy period*...

Why do I or would any toss on a matter they already know or think they know the answer too???

Couple reasons:

1. Things can change, that of the old Murphy's law...

2. Primarily in my case that of xtra data for the set aka of the same or related of questions...

Latter will have variences in the config of lines involved and where the appointed itself appears...

Will at least list the pair now, and you can see if you can figure out the subject and matters involved, etc for yourself...

Was a Yes answer type for that I needed to get done...

It would apply in global for other and other areas in anywhere, of today as well...

#31 - #39 Involve #44...

On the second hexagram I had no problems of any kind at all, in fact in people and all other today's was a very positive experience, and as such did not go any but one place to get things done today...

Had needed and did want too get some other done, but per the second hexagram indicating there would be some problems and *not having that much energy to start with, decided it could wait*...

Not one who likes to waste time or energy main basis...


On the month stuff that of the Western Countries for Solar month's *has always been global and RTW based* all by itself, but in things being in the state that they are now, thought and felt adding additional to it, is to our and all's benefit...

Know that of the Eastern Countries pair is already accurate, and Solar month types highly reflect that of both the potential and in some if not a lot *the actual* of *main actions types* that:

*Leaderships aka Leaders* of those areas will be involved in or taking...

Can go with individuals in general but is more appropriate to note against actual leaderships and their current directions in various areas...

There was an announcement of sending a sizeable number of advisors to Iraq, but the clashed Pt stars temp overule as must get $1.6B approved first...

Clash, clashed, clashed out in general refers to that of not so good of things of their areas except in very specific cases at times...

Even not sure how good that of a very temp Killbond *which is what it would be* which opening the physical is in terms of good things???

A Killbond reflects more towards negatives, but again can be special exceptions provided many favor it... 

Opening the G star physical would go with a very temp killbond that signifies letting some money go, but not sure that would be a good thing...

Won't check as not something will toss on, we will see what those who make all of what would be the enabling decisions do and in respect won't call it good or bad as it is...

Won't refer to it as bad as if that's the decided by the tops that will be of great aid to deter ISIS then unfortunately that is in our interests too control...

Make the points of just what's the usual of the star meanings as some would inapropriately say they indicate to do such when that's entirely of man's and the Govt's decisions instead...

Think the Typhoon downgraded but per news doesn't decrease that of the creating some major even huge winds around for further cold air influences to be moving south soon...

Will xfer for new page over weekend...

Have a good day, weekend, careful...

Old prior and softwares areas:

Did get some neat calls on security stuff, and if was the home owner would likely jump on, don't really think this area is so bad, might happen but it is in the rare at least...

If had the same offers when lived in the country where I own the house would have never left, hard to beat satellite tracking systems...

However RF microcontroller devices which are programmable and of existing lines could easily do the job in lots of ways...

Vis programming they can be made to trip alarms in quite a variety of ways...

They are small and those of texas instruments (tm) etc have near zilch for power requirements which means they can operate for months or more off just a very small battery!...

They have dtmf types and ic's too so that can dial up any number and present the rcvr with messages, and audio and visual sensory of what's happening at the location...

To go with that a special rcvr unit at any phone jack picks up the alert and it holds the dtmf aka phone circuitry to make the calls to which all the sensory is sent...

Keeps it simple and very inexpensive in terms of producing too...

So small you can put anywhere and in anything to include small valueables containers on up to larger ones and then at windows, doors and other points...

That's quite do able so mention should we have any enterprising types that like to start or add such to their business...

Enterprising as you have to program the devices but that's not that hard and most operate in c and can be directly programmed by any pc...

Ok enough there, did add *one other Tip* to the Darkbasic area as do know of one item that's not really a bug but an oversight in some's programming examples...

Has to do with actual Projects where your program needs to load in that of external images or sounds for sprites, animations and any of other purposes...

Labeled well above two posts back and in bold as *Beyond Source files Tip* with an easy fix in that of it's area...

Think what happened is as the moved up in IDE versions where program load scripts were changed, is that it no longer covered all of their older examples, and so a few wouldn't load in the extra of images, scenes or sound files required...

Not a big deal as just apply the easy fix I mentioned in each case and your own programmings and all will work perfectly!...

Some get, got confused and think it's only for the older games types, but that's 2D and where at Youtube it being the easiest to initially learn, is focused on in a lot of the Youtube (R,C) video examples of it...

Look a bit more and you'll find the 3D as it's a full 3D gamings development with game engine system...

In ones that come with it such as Planet Potter (C), Room demo, Terrain demo and many others are quite obviously *3D examples and programs*...

Those there for you to study, learn from and apply the applicable of routines to your own similar creations...

So despite some few and very minor things overlooked by them and the User it remains the one full 3D development system that has more freely given and available teaching and easy learning materials to it, than any other system bar none for the price to boot...

A price that's pretty minor for what you get, and if you don't mind Ad's and not being able to sell or distribute your programs then it's totally free for learning purposes as well...

Put a lot of time on it *here* for one reason:

That as it is the easiest that's totally complete for any to start with and to fully learn that of actually programming their own 3D graphics and games aka game systems with...

Then if you don't like programming there's many other they offer which allow you to construct full 3D games with no programming whatsoever to them as well...

The obvious difference is that in programming such in yourself, you have full power and control over all the options and details of that you create in your program and final end product...

[Will strongly remind most, that it's not only that of the games those systems are and can be used for:

There are many architectural, mechanical, auto mechanics, electrical, electronic, astronomical, sciences and physics type areas where programs of the very detailed in sceneries, motions and movements versus time, movies and special animations are required and in which all can all be done to extraordinary levels in these 3D gaming systems as well...

Using it's Basic language you can also write the routines that aside showing how things work like that of in electrical, electronics, chemistries areas can at the same time solve equations and formulas used in them as well for additional options or needs on your part...

In the simpler some use to both design and print the graphics etc on that of clothings, such as T-shirts too...

Would include the very specialized of quality teaching videos that show the inner workings of any subject, product, device or process as well, so the number of uses is near endless, inherent and available to any who learn to program in any 3D language system period!...

Lots of Worlds and options open up to those who learn it, and in a world where jobs are fewer gives you that of other skills and income possibilties with it]...

Have a good day...

Away from all that was some neat in eve news last night where that of an original Apple II sold for couple hundred thousand dollars to a collector...

Those and Apple I's are the only types in that category when you move beyond that to the II+ or IIE areas forget it those with any patience can be bought for much less than they originally sold for...

Have seen latter down at less than $200 for some fully working ones with drives and monitor no less, then due to the bulk of their size not exactly handy items...

As far as global are quite a few that still have and use them as do I, and it's more for those who grew up with them as would be pretty hard and inconvenient for any else to even use them...

In terms of programmings though have found it very helpful as most core concepts were taught better and down to machine levels then making the same a lot easier to understand on today's...

On Mac (TM) aside that of Apple's (TM) very powerful graphics tool sets and languages that of both Xojo OOP oriented and PureBasic Procedural oriented languages work extremely well too...

Xojo (C) like Objective C (C) lacks some in that of given math functions you'd need for electronics or other sciences areas but they do include OpenGl in which the same with 2 and 3D gamings can all be done...

Problem is there's nary a thing in it's user's or begins to programming books that come with it to teach you how to program in it's OpenGl???...

Was moderate for that on the net, but needs to be highly beefed, *as they do include a very nice graphics dev module option* in the Xojo software itself, and another advantage is they are tailoring it for full IOS programmings as well....Latter another area where more beginners documentation needed...

Purebasic (TM) on the other hand is for that of original basics styled programmers, on that's totally procedural like c or basic itself but with full raw power...

It's much more powerful in it's flexibilities and you can directly incorporate c, c++, assembly and even other languages into it...

No practical math limitations whatsoever, and you can directly program to the machines hardware levels themselves, it too allows for 2D and 3D graphics and does come with it's own internal Game engine...

It's a lot more work than the OOP types as you do all programming details for any area period, but then you do have full power and control in that, and *it's inexpensively priced to boot*...

Both have free starter versions and are 100% compatible to the Mac's Xcode (C) and work extremely well in it, plus are also Cross platform types...

So asides the direct of Apple's own prized developer tools requires their license in some, you do have those other options plus that of Python, Java, C++ also as separate programming and cross platform options that all work fine with Apple's Xcode... 

Have to say that does leave one who's not already vis a class type environment involved in one with a big headache in determining what's best for them???

Myself it was more of my own stupidity that held me up in one particular higher language, as it had certain command types that made no sense to me and just stayed hung up not touching it for years...

Finally came down to *just having to dig in* by further researching the same, and then working and debugging those in just small baby programs, till could finally understand all the reasons in the why, for what, and the how and when of using them...

Doing ok now and prior to jumping to the totally separate of 3D OpenGl just working with the older of 2D game engines initially...

Some think those just for games, but not by a long shot if you want to do certain sciences or other professional sided app's that require both good detailed graphics and strong math's options for formulas. etc in them!...

Will do both areas in one anyway!...

That's is my next most immediate project, where have too program my own small images type game engine in, or in other and maybe a better description that of my own OS aka operating environment for the work and display of small images to the screen and mainly windowed types, using specific formulas in the program with them as well...

Was a lot easier to do all this in the older days where you could do most from basic on the machine itself, and then add in short assembly language routines for your graphics areas!...

[Somewhat, but not totally daunting as there are many freely available for any to use of templates for those too]...

So just have to program in one which also has to be modified so then becomes your own, and specifically tailored to do just that you want to do and accomplish...

Shouldn't be much more than a month's work if even that, to get the basic structure at least of one up and working...

That long as it's a learning process for me, and of any games sides you have to deal with that of collisions counters and other in it's make up as well....Others could do the same much more rapidly than me...

Well went off tangent there, but gives some ideas of what's all involved when you want to simply make *your very own nice graphics stuff* without using someone's pre designed with usage limits type packages stuff instead...

Doing mainly for the Mac alone, but would work for any pc OS as well...

Later down the road do expect will be doing some specifically for just Mac and or even IOS App's themselves...Still strange the latter easier than the Mac...

Have a good week...


Looks like the Great Apple II series will indeed live on Forever:

Was definitely glad that had gotten back with the IIE in programmings...

There as has been ever since the II+ and IIE series was developed Users groups for it all around the world, and even now still a very small Intl core that is permenantly and totally dedicated to and using those very same machines even today...

That alone says more than any words can of just how endeared the Apple II's were and have became to many of us...

All those who were associated in the developments of them, the many peripheals and cards plus thousands of softwares will be in legacies never forgotten... 

So even and while it has been a process of filling in *a lot* of forgotten memory blanks in the refresh of what were operating intracacies in many various software's peculiar and pre set quirks areas then along with those of the disk drives, in my own review and use of it's programming sides certainly has been and is totally enjoyable in every sense of the word to me...

Compared to the over agressive hustle and bustle of today's technology and world, one finds a great deal of simply quiet inner peace and the majesty of earlier times with great memories and in which things then were kept to simpler levels and great order...

The total *directness* in the use of what were then very direct and common sense type of languages, brought one many levels of immediate personal rewards and satisfactions...

Those being in the successful creations of their very own programs for various needs of all types in just about any area you or any user could want...

Those of your own creation if you didn't have disks you could store on tapes or todays electronic digitized audio record and storage devices, etc as the machines then had input and output audio and video port connections, connectors for that as well...

All sort of the magic of the aura of it's time and purpose, which goes with it all to me...

Definitely harder to use and limited in some and many ways compared to today's pc's, computers, devices for sure, but infinitely are more personally rewarding at a lot of levels to a lot us yet...

Have in the process indirectly ran into some very fine in the rare of people too...

In one case when rcvd a defective disk was given issued a duplicate and a partial refund also, plus to my surprise a free extra different one of the series on Original disks with it no less...

You don't find people like that very much in today's so called modern of the young gen world and that was of those of the older gen and the then 8 bit world!...

Was immensely appreciated....

Apple (TM) has allowed that called Apple2BuildPipeline a user(s) of a famed group came up with, and other that allows one to program using the Apple IIE 6502 instruction set directly with Xcode itself!...

That's the part was surprised and amazed and happy about...

Means you can also write your own 6502c programs for the Apple enhanced IIE, etc on the Mac's now, using it's Xcode and some free templates, and under a freely given license etc for it...

[Keep it brief but that is just fantastic of those who developed it and super great of Apple's allowing it and with an emulator you can get for it to run pgm's you write on the Mac too] :)...

As is you can write all your basic and assembly programs in the 6502 and Apple IIE format and Xcode stores those as their own projects files...The final as exectuable programs which can run on the emulator or a IIE in the end result...

So on the Mac you can write programs of any type needed or desired *easily* in that of the old Apple IIE basics or assembly languages, and then run them right on your Mac vis the emulator, even if you don't have a physical Apple II machine hanging around...

[The main point for anyone is you have *the great and easier* of very common sense type languages *anyone can learn and use* to do all that of your very own personal programs and projects in now]!...

In maths areas for tech or science oriented programs you'd get around some of the Objective C limits and have various small programs to do about any needed....

Were a partial emulator minus graphics also included in the Xcode itself or as a tracked and appended extension to Xcode, then one could *call* Apple II subroutines aka small programs you've written into any Objective C, etc GUI App and handle some of it's math function limits *in a most easy to use, common sense and very direct programmings way*... 

There's tons in electronics and many other fields that don't require that of 16, 32, or 64 bit precisions to provide that totally accurate enough for basic routine designs areas period!...

However in the correct structurings one could easily use and do 16 bit operations in the old Apple II aka 6502 languages as well, way more than good enough for tons of needs, many working rf filter design programs, etc were done at 8 bit levels alone and perfectly accurate in the practical for their actual physical uses...

It's like that in a lot!...

Such opens up and makes it all *even easier for all to program* their objective c, etc App's in needed further expanded options beyond what had... 

The inclusion of all is a wonderful sounding phrase, and it can be that way in programmings too, sometimes the simpler really is the better!...Keeps a lot more at the computers for sure...

One more of physical disk drive lessons as a tip for others:


[Had another final disk of ones that had issues with which just wouldn't load and would per time give the mixed in dos I/O error msg's...

On all others most of those strange messages turned out that some few required even better disk head cleaning aka disk read sensitivity than most others did, and solved the greatest bulk of problems where sectors weren't physically damaged, in just that way...

Some with damages could solve from analyzing and then re write new data to them, but a few were too much and just not worth the effort, some that type could reformat as blanks for other backup needs, but were a number just too trashed to be good for anything, so threw out...

However was one really stubborn hold out that when I sector edited would show most everything as basically *good* and that being the case and still wanting the program made me work a bit harder....

What found was by operating the disk drive at a 10 to *20* percent lower than nominally used drive speed, pulled it in and allowed it to load and run perfectly every time!...

Better than that, was all other disks of all types that already had worked were still at the lower speed also loading in and running just as perfectly too...

All 8 bit machines of their era did have the spurious of false boots at times, so you would often have to boot twice when you switched to a new disk...That of machine states and sometimes of that left in ram memory would affect the next boot also causing false I/O errors in that, and which were remedied by a shutdown or cold start of another boot...

Was the norm in that era and comes up for any still using them yet now very much unlike that of today's machines...

Studied some of flubs I made when saved a program I wrote on a disk that hadn't put the hello pgm on...

Yielded dos error with msg *no files found*...

Problem was it took the physical place of what would be the hello pgm but because didn't name it hello the dos couldn't find it...

In some they will still show up when you follow up with a Catalog command and it did with another fluke instead of showing it took up 9 sectors space it showed that of 160 sectors for who knows why...

Anyway the only way to correct it and not lose free sector space was to rename it, and then with a sector editor zap and change the sectors count byte for the file back to 9 instead of 160...

It was a flub but a productive one in the learned as that was also used as a type of protection method on some disks too]...

The dedicated could still freely or at low costs still make other games, and actually a whole lot more as tape or flash drive loads for other physical Apple II users or for that of the very same world itself on purely the Mac alone....

And thank you Apple Corp (TM) and to Users groups as well....

Well it's back to the Mac too now...

[Some things indeed do get better]...



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