Monday, February 2, 2015

Solar year of the Yin wood Goat (Sheep, Ram)...

Notes on the last added Solar year pairs:


Physical Taurus and *Venus* conjunct Mars in Aquarius Outer 10th type areas...

Physical of Krittika the mental knife Nak with Sun ruling it's character, nature...

Mercury rx combust the Sun in Capricorn adds in that and is of the 9th type areas...


Physical Sag with Pluto for Xforms ends, begins there and the Moon conjunct Jupiter rx in Cancer domestics 8th type areas...

Physical in Purvashada Nak with *Venus* conjunct Mars in Aquarius 3rd ruling it's character, nature...

Outer 10th Virgo Rahu there and Mercury rx combust Sun in Capricorn 2nd areas ruling that...

Began 2/4/2015 of their dates...

2/3/2015 FM Cancer Sun in Capricorn: *Leo Physical type areas RTW*...

Starts it off, and will refine and uodate as need later including adding the last NM chart as still applicable, etc!...

Topmost chart...

Moon aka masses and large areas of and in Cancer Hidden 12th type areas while Sun in Capricorn 6th areas asides healths, safeties, welfares, peacekeepings, etc that of enemies also for FM period...

Moon conjuncting Jupiter rx there both in Alesha nak ruled by Mercury rx and yet combusted (dark) by the Sun it conjuncts in Capricorn 6th type areas as well...

2/3 Fire aka Mars day of the *Yang* strong cutting, material, romantic and arts metal Dog aka VII (Wht) sh:

Inlfuences: Upper Zen, FS #2 (Quen)...

Still of the Northern Blk Tortoise cardinal influences....

FM Global timed day start: #32 - #34 Involve #43...

Solar Year of of the Yin wood Goat by exact Sun Degree timed here:

Solar year timed #16 - #2 Involve #39...

Same starting Feb 3rd Influences, etc same as aboves...

Note per corrections made below impossible to change this one to reflect a true lunar equiv for a solar year start at hr h and is constructed of it's sequence in this FM day as the closest Solar year counterpart as it was...Some would leave hexagram marked at year w, but altered here to show it reflecting Solar yr Goat as start from hr h this date!....

2/4/2015 *Day start* of the First full day of the Solar Yin wood Goat year...

Occurring on the that of *Water aka Mercury day (C)* of the Yin soft and more refined in material, romance, etc areas, and may feel above or superior to others etc metal Pig aka VIII (Wht) h:

A quite different day master type!...

Influences: Upper Kan, FS #3 (Zen)...

Last day of the Northern Blk Tortoise cardinal week influences to be followed with that of the Western Wht Tiger week of next date start...

Global timed Solar year of day start type:

#39 -  #63 Involve #64...

[My Apologies:

Correction Feb 6 to this pair got busy with Bazi and miscalced for new year portion on these through 7th, now all corrected as well as Feb 4 image at top!...

A radically different all countries new year pair than prior]!

You'd apply all the normal of Wwg meanings of Wht colored heavens stems types here to just the stem colors above, add even more as you'd like too...

Bear in mind all not exactly applicable as some are meant at the Individual per Solar of bazi concept and Wwg is Lunar not Solar and does not use a day master stem concept, so don't eval the Wwg on that basis...

Had added some minimal bazi verbage to the date stem on the solar timed pairs as would be used for the day master of their bazi charts also...

Solar bazi oriented towards the very accurate of an Individual's, etc unique life chart where as the Lunar Wwg DNA Timed oriented towards that of the masses, people, things and areas in masses and large areas, etc for forecasts purposes...
Normally aside a Wht heaven's stems ill traits in Wwg add that of the *material, medical, spiritual, pasts*, and that of illusions, delusions or muse etc to them as well...

There is some small commonality of meanings between the Bazi and Wwg on stem element type meanings....

Then that of their date branches both of home centered types but the Pig likes a fair amount of movement as one of the four steeds as well...

Evaluate as normal to Wwg of those, and if you erect the totally separate of a bazi chart you have that as well...

Have prior already mentioned what it's main effects for the US are so no need to add the raw bazi year version here...

The reason the day master got mentioned is for the bazi solar type it signifies strongly different and unique charts, so it will be interesting to see which of the two is more accurate of events here...

Will add the separate of China's exact for Solar year as did of ours to catch the Eastern world difference, and then that here *Feb 4th is common to all countries itself as well same as the FM pair will be*!...

Will be two pages with one of this, then a separate for the lunar year itself around Feb 18th...

The personal aka individual bazi charts are types can do, but since takes quite an amount of time to do even one fully, don't plan on doing any just for doing them, but it is quite easy or a lot less time involved if you stick to just doing one's yearly forecast type alone...

That in turn is why had recommended a given pdf for any who want to self learn and do their own Life chart's, and beyond that you could pick up any of the less expensive excellent books on it...

Prior leading into the Feb 3rd start:

2/2 Moon day of the Yin earth Rooster aka VI (Gry) yo:

Influences: Upper Li, FS #1 (Kan)...

Global timed: #21 - #27 Involve #39...

Toss Main of/for U.S. today:

#47 - #29 Involve #37...

Should be accurate as was about 3rd toss of the day...

Judgeing by some of the headlines just checked looks pretty applicable and extends to global areas as well...

Insert add []:

[Involved with listed US toss another after spells some areas of the prior one out and of it's own as well:

#19 - #41 Involve #24...

Physical: Wht 2nd locals Rm star...

Suggests that of losses:

Some being of internal relationships of an R star power type, men or bosses, jobs, customers, storms, loud soundings (Thunders) and in that some in that of containers, joys, women, wealths else other pleasings type areas...

May involve that connected to large enterprises and in the simpler things of mortgages, credits, debits, etc...

Rm element m so multifaceted or that which abounds in the plentiful, and or that which spreads in the far and wide by any means. that huge or involves many similar components or component parts...

Wht Suggests in that material, medical, spiritual or of religous areas, etc...

Tosses were for the date only and are other R star meanings that fit you can add...

End Insert]...

2/2 Prior to Solar year so all correct...

Just Blog: 

Most see that I don't water much down on Astro influences and effects and where primal just state it as such...

Mainly for the purpose of averting or toning down their potentials in that regard, as once others become aware that itself lowers the ill sided quite a bit which is the intent here...

We can't sugar coat life as in most despite, it's still a struggle for survival or to fair better...

Many constantly have to make new in daily efforts towards that more positive. and in which one will always often find that of obstacles or opposing forces to deal with as well...

Man as an animal and beyond still has his own of many jealousies, envies, hates and other worse of negative attributes, and in a zone where that of Venus can empassion Mars in such and with Rahu ruling Mars, then not all would run so well in Ntl or Global relationships areas...

Not to mention the storms and winds side in things at points to boot...

Add the criticality of Rahu losing one's objectivity in Virgo 9th type areas and then we have all sorts of nonsense in the biased or prejudicials come up in of them as well...

None of us is perfect and most definately not myself but have the consciousness to want to do better and higher in result, rather than think or behave at the lower, hateful or more abysmal of some influences in their potentials...

Most of life charts have their own numerous and many Rahu moments and miscomprehensions of related others at times of those areas too, but in the positive when not afflicted can take you to great successes or wealths, etc as well!...

Remember it can and often does exaggerates things to the max in that dwealt upon as well, so aside over focus it can distort your thinkings and memories of facts even, once you too emotionally strongly set your mind and ego to intensely on something...

That's how a lot of times errors or disasters in relationships come about for some too, where things have been overmagnified and you lose sight of the original or actual facts or the true reality of given sets of circumstances or events, etc...

None are in any forced to come here, so in that you don't like, well for sure you don't have to read it either but I'm not going to be bending or watering down any meanings be they of Astro, Wwg or the Bazi for any in particular...

If think any here that bad in social contexts, then try reading news comments at Yahoo (C) daily and you'll find any here to be both quite mild, and done objectively per a system and in the great bulk here is not of the opinionated in it either...

Had mentioned one of the Bazi meanings for the Xin aka Yin soft refined Metal day master...

It alone wasn't flattering but is practically a very common trait and of individuals would vary according to other influencing components in their chart...

However it was very accurate and of global year that one will see in events as well...

One good book series that totally concentrates on just the day masters themselves very specifically and in conjunct with the 10 Gods (Not) of Bazi is:

The Power of X (C) and a good choice besides the pdf recommended...

Were you to become good at you can deduce the day master of any person, country, business, or pet too without a birth date at all...

Then if pdf too expensive then that by Shelly Wu is an excellent choice instead to learn in easy terms what your bazi chart itself is all about...

Out of all earth sciences ancient chinese arts consider the Bazi the most efficient, accurate and reliable to be used in understanding one's own life and for taking advantage when and in positive zones as they come up...

That of Zi Wei can supercede and perhaps better in some, but once learned the Bazi it is definately the more direct and straight forward in the logical...

The Wwg vis Iching for guidings, determining situation types and finally in Wwg to answer our questions both of open ended or yes and no types...

In hint: Do often find that asking a question in an open ended way leads to a Y/N answer on another when your mind had been strongly focused on some matter just previous within the hour before you asked the Open ended type itself!...

Combined the Bazi and Wwg are powerful tools to enable both self improvement and progress itself in one's earthly journey...

Ok bit more on US:

On our US year for 2015 expect that of Officials, Career, Vocations, and Learning plus children or let's say youths or the younger working gen areas in the minimum will be highlighted for some events that also add to the clash in decisions and actions of our internal relationships as well...

Those in turn as part of the clashed *in and of our relationships* as it had been last few months or in new other, but as an external type includes that of our officials and then other in them of the far aways areas and their events as well all apply...

Some vis a new Saudi King and also in relationships with India itself as well, those were early on so likely to be more in those ways through the year...Not all in any case would be positive and may be some further of Al Quida or ISIS in that, then other of current Ukraine, Russia and who knows what else involving areas of difficulties as well...

As external based clash type can also indicate that of natural causes, phenomenas, weathers, spreads of diseases and other as well...

Then of Social areas as had said can expect some positives to come up in those, nationally and globally too, and a small possibility could be an increase of jobs at certain points but no guarentee there as it may be of that clashed in relationships which causes just the fiery sides in our social areas itself...

Yin and Yang can be some of both...

Month by month will tell the story and a little antsy about saying too much here now, haven't thought the first month will be that great some *potential* for material losses and in those hackings may possibly play a factor but then it may be that of natural phenomenas themselves, etc each month different and we will see!...

If think that's not much for a year be sure it's quite enough and clashes are not desired...

Some years have more and some less as that of half combo's, regular combos, directional and other combination types plus or minus can occur in some also...

Then there's still the whole year to run through which can add other of those in as well..

Add for Feb 3rd areas above:

Appears one of the areas to do with our internal areas as in *educations aka learning areas* per solar year for US prior mentioned previous blog page has come up...

That as a part of what the clashes in our relationships areas would and will be taking in vis the year, has indeed surfaced right at the get go!...Check news...

One that involves our most treasured and basic constitutional right to freedom of expression...

My opinion as reasoned of our traditional values including that of our constitutional rights relative freedom of expression []:

[Had prior said being careful of allowing hates to fester under Rahu towards the foreign born not a desired thing and that at the same *applies in reverse as well*...

There are limits where that foreign or otherwise clashes with the standard traditions in values of a country such as that of our coveted freedom of expression within the US...

Those acting against any citizen's or institutions rights to of and in that of freedom of expression *are agents of disruption to the common welfare, and safety of our country and it's citizens*...

Our rights are not instruments that any others can just bend to their so called wills, cultural or religious, etc whims or rules..

Such groups must be made subject to the full of enforced rules and laws of our country, and where found that the same will not abide by them in full, they then forgoe any right to reside in our country and should be immediately and mandantorily deported]...

Ok done with that of opinion, and as an event or recent prior does fit in with the exact of our Solar year Feb 3rd chart:

[That by *Gry* 6th line areas chart date and date same Gsh star type areas and of chart date bonds to that Grn 3rd line areas of middles, regional, transitions and the far and wide in and or of Healthy but *Void* Bm star type(s) and areas...

Fire is formed there for and of K star manifests type(s) and areas for the year!]...

Under the FM we have that of a Leo physical whose char or nature is ruled by *Ketu* in Pisces 8th type areas so also under combust Mercury's influence as well, then by sign that of the Sun in Capricorn 6th type areas resides along with Mecury again....

So you have that of the Magha nak and Ketu char and nature type influencing that of the basic Leo char and areas for the Physical...

Connects both the 8th and 6th type areas directly to the physical for it's main events in things....

A lot of material venues as we have Taurus 10th Outer public, etc type areas of the sensory and material, etc this round of which Venus below rules...

Then that of Venus and Mars are in Aquarius 7th Relationships type areas...

That is RTW or for all countries as of celestial it's global too...

That's at minimum the very heated within relationships and warfare like in or for some...

Being of a lunar period it does not usually signify that of a War start per se itself...

It does however indicate that of empassioned fiery in our relationships and people or countries taking rash actions in them amongst other for this period...

In that hackings, electronic, energy areas, threats, the volatile of some mental cased, and other haven't listed also can all play in events as well...

That of enemies, diseases, vandalisms, thefts, damages and losses aka the negative side of 6th areas is Vis Capricorn 6th areas which are emphasized by the full moon itself for the period...

You have that of the Sun and Mercury there where the Sun connects directly to that of the hidden in or of Jupiter rx big stuff, etc in the hidden of Cancer 12th type areas...

That of Jupiter rx and then Mercury extends that of which the 6th areas mentioned will connect too as well...

So Sag 5th and Pisces 8th areas plus that of Gemini 11th and Virgo 2nd type areas also all connect with that of 6th type areas...

[It's the Virgo 2nd type material areas where Rahu at, that manifests some of the strongest likely problems in results or let's say motivations for actions in those and of other areas vis Mercury rx in 6th and Ketu in 8th areas driving it...

That as some people and or groups will lose it over fears of losses in some, or in positive it's where they strive to make gains as well...

Then also you'll find some in and of their own too critical or picky values acting out in terms of their senses of material worths, values and wants in things for this period *is heighthened*]...

You have that of Ketu itself operating in Pisces 8th type areas aka secret enemies and that of financials, taxes, credits, mortgages, and much other you can add...

Ketu being directly influenced by the Combust Mercury of Capricorn 6th areas and that in and of the hidden in Jupiter rx Cancer 12th areas allows for thefts and losses or that of potential disasters vis *Jup's areas* in too ...

Some of latter may be due to natural phenomena itself and that of ongoing delays in tax areas but leaves room for other as not a good place for any graha to be in and acting from so hardly symbolizes good stuff...

So are strong potentials for losses or thefts aside of natural phenomena in those and that of the delays being per Mercury Rx which rules Ketu too...

It's just of this given lunar period of this astro in duration...

Ok aside having to purposely list all the negatives potentials, you will find their opposites as in positives also applying of their areas for this period as well...

Hopefully the bulk weathers but all 3 dusthanna having a graha in them makes for some very rough stuff and of rough character...

A lot to do with ongoing govt probes and other plus any of financial areas period are main within it too...

Then that of harsh experiences and areas where disciplines needed is vis Saturn in Scorpio 4th type areas for this period....

Saturn ruled of itself and in  mutual reception with Mars in Aquarius 7th areas those ruling the Scorpio 4th areas themselves...

Those both ruling that of Aries 9th type areas also...

Saturn also ruling the Capricorn 6th and Aquarius 7th Relationships, etc areas in things as well...

Saturn and Mars co ruling those and the Scorpio 4th and Aries 9th type areas all at this time with Venus again empassioning that of Mar's sided and natured actions in them...

Limiting astro to that of the full moon period itself so handle the Solar pair which is of Lunar form on it's own accord by dates alone as is for now...

Most in Ntl news, that overseas and our weathers all strongly matched this date, it's astro and *the solar year of it* for us, beyond any doubt!...

On today's Day start as a Solar year type:

In Solar year this date has to be verified yet, as per original definitions of the true solar year are by Sun degree that this date doesn't meet and yesterday did...

Not a problem for personal or existing charts as you just apply the new current year piller only to them along with your existing current decade pillar...

Anyway Solar this date for Global as a solar year by day start type, has it's own *clash* to the year's own Weak day master!...

So too also *affects all those of Xin metal day master births aka the VIII (Wht) stem type*...

Referred to as an Indirect wealth type plus and minus which will affect many of that birth type depending on other parts of their charts and whether their day masters weak or strong, etc...

Today *in of date alone* boosts the Xin metal day master of weak types such as this as years, as it Parallels it and acts of a Friends nature so positive and may allow that of wealth *for some*....

Not everyday same so the year clash will affect them:

Externally it imparts an immediate effect of imbalence and weakening the area clashed...

Means there more subject to that of health issues or that of accidents or that of some type of ends and begins in a given area of the year...

*August Month s* may be traumatic to a *Xin metal year day masters* or also persons with the Tiger as their Social sometimes jobs areas and of the solar year which has same, and is likely to also involve wealths or material aspects of those then...

Can include those of the Xin metal day master having the Tiger in their day branch for brides or personal relationships or another of the 4 pillars as well...**Depends on the chart**...

Some also of the Geng metal day master years or persons may be shooken then, not as seriously though but likely involving that of wealths or of possessions areas, and in the pillar where the Tiger is if have also...

Depends on the chart as may be other combinations and effects involved...

You could add in as an in general for both Xin day master types that September as well would bring them issues where for some that of healths or accidents can come up since it adds to this year's clash to  them also, and for some Geng metal types possibly that of Rob wealths type (Others attempts) depending on the chart...

Heaven's stems year clashes (stem to stem) often signify that of both jolted or entirely of natural ends and begins in things such as career, job, romance or most any area!...

Add from what have seen of them as not all that well separately defined in most books, etc other than there saying unfavorable and as you can see from what wrote are twists to that in real life...

Not all while may seem so at the time are bad, as your new begins may be of and into something better or that blossums into the better for you...

Counting it's decade pillar *which shows* starts at the get go Age 0 in this and yesterday's particular cases doesn't in all years...

Haven't verified that by hand yet...

Anyway it has a heavens stem combination which forms wood for it's wealth areas of Strong Xin day master charts but *not helpful for this as year or Weak Xin day master chart types*...

In between most any type of combination, bond or clash can form in some given months of the year, some bumps in those but pretty normal for any chart, while in some fewer charts some may be quite disruptive to the deadly as well...

*March* in Global of this date as if a year chart or better if we consider it an *all countries solar chart*:

Shows that of a great wood combo may also form for that of global wealth's areas, but it's likely not of the positive type, since this Solar chart has a weak day master type for the year!...

Considering the nature of Xin as soft metals it could have something to do with monies since of that type more so  for any finanancial type areas or a country, biz or person *of a Xin day master birth* then likely big problems for those....

However things of wood areas aka wood industries and likely of Jup's areas could easily *be the main* of what comes up then in the Global!....

You can research and add that you find of wood industries, etc in for then, in some since wood elements include that of far aways or reachings it may include that of aircraft's, satellites, missle systems for space, etc also, since we are intermixing with a metal day master year chart...

Add Feb 6:

[In alt the Wood formed is also of the wealth element for the weak Xin day master year element but doesn't appear to be of the helpful type that month and likely represent losses]...

That depends on just how powerful a solar years chart influence is when it comes to all countries which is unknown to me at this time  but the below suggests are some gists to it...

*That's Global* and not of any one particular country but may even more strongly affect those of some Xin day master types...

[However vis back checks of the all countries version for 2013 as an example:

Some things can be seen from the solar year level alone, but actual affected probably varies from country to country...

In October 2013 when the Govt shutdown here, it began in yet end portion of month s which clashed the solar years social tiger year month social and jobs branch, and then that extended on into month yo which allowed for a great soft metal combo in that particular solar *year* chart...

Ideally though always best to go by the person's, biz or country, etc actual birth chart *for it's precise particulars*, but apparently you can see the *timings* of some things from that of a solar year chart itself alone]...

Some very, very far away up north might remember this...

Heavenly stem bonds in the year also like clashes can cause issues by themselves or when a month comes along and they double up, as an element is always formed of those and it may or may not be ok for the chart and the doubling up is very often too much for some charts aka persons...

Had that which resulted in *fire* being formed one year quite a few back while still in the service, and in one month that doubled up and had an accident and ran 1000 Watts of rf energy through my left hand...Saw brillant orange at the time with an incredible amount of pain as the hand got deeply burned aka deep fried just lucky wasn't microwave, but any rf burn not good!...

Pain stuck and just felt like intense fire in pain the whole time for couple days or so...

Had 24 hours to try and move my fingers else they were going to cut my hand off, worked hard at it as for hours couldn't move them, but finally did work out and wore a cast for several weeks and eventually most restored but still do get severe jolts left arm at times...

So bonds, *when an unfavorable element to your chart is formed of them*, can do it for you too!...

That was an Extraordinary time in my life where I was truly blessed with *Heaven's Luck*!...

That as it was also a Strong Wealth's aspect to boot and I moved up in Career vis a very prestigous assignment then, and that was after taking a great even unjust fall in the prior year and yet other barriers!...

I remember when I got the assignment had thought I had fell and stepped into Heaven, it was that good!...

All the people worked with were just great of a totally different era then fairly conservative and liberal combined, it was both hard work with strong responsibilities type, but  probably the most enjoyable time of my life other than the accident...

The Chinese Bazi aka Four Pillars is an extemely accurate system and it showed all the correct years, months and dates even down to the hour in the cases of accidents, exactly as they have played out in my life...

On exactly that means that the event types you experience correspond exactly to the *types of aspects themselves at the time and in most whether they are positive or negative polarities*....

You won't neccessarily know the exact event ahead just the nature of it's type, *which in itself is quite enough*!...

So telling you to not have any doubts about the Bazi and what it's able to show you as I have seen and experienced incredible things of what it's shown in my life...

It's timing is rock solid at the decade, year and month levels as to the nature of that in for you!...

You can definately believe there are good and bad runs which the Bazi can and will reveal for you...

Many times of the Bad run types often at monthly levels, but can be of longer durations at some point in life and other people come out of the wood works to thwart, defame or obstruct you one way or another in them, aside any accidents or trauma's you may experience!...

It's purely of timing and is *an attraction effect* and many people who don't even know you will jump right in on the band wagon, as all it takes is one of some type of group influence to start that ball rolling...

Often those even have various *heightened or escalated moments at those times when also that of *Rahu* of Vimshotarri aka Dasha aspects is applying to that at groups or masses levels of a lunar period, country or your personal chart at the time as well...

That of Saturn in them will do it too but Rahu the more mindless, spontaneous, expansive and chaotic of those...

The latter dashas if fortunate may be of the date aka 5th level Prana aspect only, but are longer if of the 4th sooksma or 3rd Prayantar level dashas...

Anyway it's not really all you, even if you've made a mistake or mistakes of some type, it's just the animalistic auto response side of man and others vis and of *that which is attracted to you* for that period!...

Date clashes to ones Career and or Social areas are *often slight small stuff examples of all that*, and you get often get or are temp wounded emotionally in those if lucky, as can be worse but *those are quite common effects* and even amongst friends or family members come up to boot...

Consider the mobs to be like the walking dead like and issueing forth their various allegations, accusations or just targeting you not always physically but of the working spheres of local or ntl public opinions or amongst connected groups for one reason or another in their minds at the time, yes life works that way at times for anyone...

Those periods or frames do have definate begins and definate ends, life is not so random after all..

Add Insert []:

[LOL didn't know Brian Williams of NBC (C) was going through a mockings session today, just checked news and stopped right there as goes with what I'm writing about...

Hmm does go with the Leo physical and then of Rahu influences to a person which emphasize one's tendencies to over exaggerate aka blow things up in the expansive!...

Well won't laugh or jab at him myself, and hopefully doesn't shake him too much, but certainly is a perfect example of these effects applying to anyone *no matter their station in life*...

At his station not so swift but people are human and they do the darn dest things at times per their own emotional structures and needs and then totally under what ever the influences were at the time!...

My mind though maybe of healths meshes stuff up at times and whew do make some incorrect flash judgements in thinkings, but usually near immediately correct most, and just don't jump into taking strong actions of any type on whims anymore...

Will bet though isn't a person on this earth who hasn't exaggerated something even important at times in their own lives!...

Certainly fits of Leo stuff in all counts and then likely of other had mentioned playing roles too...

Would say that does in a small ways fit in with our US solar year and day t's clash to it's not so effective Kw star areas involving connecting date bonded medias, etc...Note in small ways as are other more major meanings that would apply but fits the themes of the names also...

Can't say I favor or disfavor any main Ntl news anchors as they all at times espouse views I wouldn't agree with but try to stay objective on what do...

Was also that of Hillary Clinton recently and an additional Benghazi investigations stuff, and checked hers as have the chart amongst many other politicians also, and that recent was strictly of the timing which should of it's ill in that regard be finished up and much more mild or of other things now, but it was directly shown within the bazi of her chart...

Myself don't see it so much as being guilty of a thing at all, other than it was horrible timing for the US and definately for the US Ambassador, etc himself vis his partial down to day master chart had looked at and saw matching in the Wwg period chart then for harms, etc then...

It was of those zones where things do get locked up aka near frozen except for their line areas in a lot, and certain areas which would normally respond too or be influenced just aren't and so the normal actions which should be taken don't surface...

You see me at times mention that of given Wwg pair star areas when they are in and of such a state...

My gripe was why don't we or in the now of knowing Bazi screen such charts when we are putting high level people in which a lot is invested, into the known hazardous zones...

Also before any state it, no I'm not oriented to the Democrats or that liberal per se, I'm fair minded and in a lot strongly conservative of old ways to boot...

Personally don't think a person or many can totally define themselves as being one or the other, although we do have some who think in black and white aka day or night terms only (not of racial meanings) that probably fit that]...

End Insert...

Then as I refer to it *of it's aspects those things of them are what and that automatically attracted to you*, opportunities, situations and events just *bend and form around those aspects period*...

That was an assignment initially given another (Kelley) who didn't want it and then asked me if I did (part of the relationships luck cycle of it in prior), and being in financial dires I jumped right at and on it, and the rest history...

When they come up you have to be willing to take the Opportunity and some will come with serious catches, so not total freebies and they require lots of effort or hard work on your part, but if willing they do indeed happen...

*Took a lot of spins on the wheel* as they don't come up every day or year in life, but somewhere in life they usually do form up for a great year, and for some that great year can extend to a life time...

Easiest examples are of music or movie stars, etc when some there finally hit the great cycle they reach Mega stardom and just there the rest of their lives...

Would be true for other career wealths or just of wealths areas also...

Had I really been smart mine was to go the same way, but I made other choices that carried me other directions and a lot do that way too...

Again there are bazi books on *profiling techniques* where one can accurately deduce the day master of a person or any living entity which can include countries as well *aka* means for anything that has a birth chart to it period!...

That's done vis specific collected date or over a period of time vis specific trait, etc areas in observations, *without any birth data at all*...

The key in this yet will be seeing which chart, but the corrected Feb 4 at top is the more reasonable?....

Yesterdays by Sun degree, or this one by day start in truth does and will accurately represent *Our* Solar year itself*...

That and still have to add that of China in yet for yesterday's to see the Eastern countries difference from that I posted which is definately accurate for Western countries in particular...

Both do in any case have RTW char and natures to them, so would be experienced by all countries viewed either way...

Will also expand that of yesterday's Feb 3rd Solar year Geng metal day master areas later on as well...

Initially we just observe as is for awhile...

2/5 Wood aka Jup day of the Yang strong water Rat aka IX (Blk) t:

Influences: Upper Gen, FS #4 (Shun)...

Weekly cardinal start of the Western Wht Tiger...

Global timed: #23 - #4 Involve #2....

Apply date to all others as well....

Would fill more but kept it too that of the bazi so more can understand it's capabilities that will explain many things behind ones particular year or life and how things work of it, instead...

2/6 Metal aka Venus day of the Yin water Ox aka X (Blk) c...

Influences: Upper Quen, FS *#5*...

Global timed: #11 - #19 Involve #54

Planetary of date always mentioned of a date, as was always used in their version of lunar lodges system as well...One that showed where things were mainly for seasonal purposes and in terms of their ancient maritime navigations as well...

Check FM areas prior mentioned:

Currently Moon transits for masses and large areas is in Leo 1st areas and ruled by *Venus* too today then enters Virgo the Saturday wee hours the 7th in hr c yet and a little prior to 2am...

Venus still conjuncting Mars in 7th Relationships, etc  areas with *Venus now ruled by **Rahu** in Virgo 2nd type areas, you can tell that by some Ntl govt comments or actions if not by others of yesterdays as well in it, *Do Take Care*!

While Mars asides by Saturn in mutual reception of Scorpio 4th type areas is also ruled by Jupiter rx in Cancer Hidden 12th areas now as well...

Well that Astro could go with some type of jobs increase since of Mars vis *Jup rx expansions* and Mars co rules Saturn's areas vis mutual reception, including the 6th's for jobs areas...

While at the same time losses vis enemies of 6th's and those areas plus the interconnected mentioned prior for it of the FM listing!...

Some questions too it (Jobs) as to quality and average number of hours per week of the greater bulk, etc???...

Had tossed just prior hr t last night *but asked of Tech jobs* and had an R star on Object MOC line of others also on the Gry 5th and far line, but also for Gry aka tech the R Jobs star itself is of:

*The Locked type*!...Meaning not so effective or ineffective types...

#40 - #16 Involve #63...

Then in other news that of RadioShack (C) techy last night filing Bankruptcy so likely lot of jobs would be lost unless a takeover results keeping some, so may have matched in that as type as well!...

Names were interesting though perhaps went with todays announcement due to timing so a bit strange...

Then on the Hack stuff had listed as likely aka possibly in, we have that in news today of a large Ins company and millions of records info's plus SS#'s taken of early reports...

Did see news of various and was only the numerical of the Jan jobs given 257.000 and no particulars beyond that...

So not clear on what the tosses locked Gry 5th Rs stars meant exactly as does take in pasts too, but on day s or month s at extreme latest, should find out just what the story to it's meaning was, as the names were indeed correct for today's!...

Some above has been deleted as had been running a day behind on posted timed hexagram pairs prior except for tosses, that as got busy with the Bazi which is all very correct, but forgot to up the year number on the hexagram calc's!...

All prior is corrected now with a new Feb 4 pair as said from Bazi didn't look good and neither does that New pair equiv for all countries solar year, so both Bazi and Full Moon entries all ok as well as the updated pairs for the 4th, 5th 6th and 7th, and can only move forward at this point...

Will go over the ill looking Feb 4 next week within other date blogs as normal...

Apologies on that just got overloaded trying to do too much one time...

2/7 Saturn day of the Yang wood Tiger aka I (Grn) y: 

Clashes Rs stars of the last jobs toss just in case, in theo no effect, and may just have the meaning of past stuff for those locked up stars, *we will see*...

Influences: Upper Chen, FS #6 (Chen) NW Rough else Raw Material Power or Raw Power,  Leaderships, etc...
Global timed: #10 - #61 Involve #37....

Was a destructive night some of raw power on somes parts especially after 2am on in lots of places and of same or prowlings right around here also ...

Overseas in some was similar of date and ultra destructive in Iraq as well...

Toss representing here and both or all for hr's c and y of day y done much later was: 

#41 - #38 Involve #24...

Toss was specific to hours as others did today, had other widely distinct names and results....
Date had prominently shown that of dangers and environments, and other when applied to charts at page top as well...

Not much doubt that the astro aspects given the 6th were strongly involved and applying as well and if check FM's listings you'll find that of Mercury's areas added in then and with and still valid a date or two yet...

2/8 Sun day of the Yin wood Rabbit aka II (Grn) m:

Influences: Upper Duay, FS #7 (Duay)...

Global timed: #49 - #55 Involve #44...

Toss US, etc for remainder day y and all of day m:

#64 - #35 Involve #63...

As like yesterday now in a much more individually assertive zone as the Sun in Capricorn 6th which combusted Mercury conjuncts is also ruled by *Mars*, and the other mentioned on Feb 6 going with it...

In positive actions a good thing but increases the drive for creative or just expression in that of Mars type activities and actions by those not good as well for a good while in the ahead!...

Thats of Dhanestha nak which is wealths or materially oriented in all ways!

Just Blog:

Try not to read mountains in some where refer to others in the very brief at times...

Imaginatively people build up entire scenarios around a single sentence or para and then forget they created the mountain...

Often when looking at others partial of full charts will find influences as causeations, or in some also that of ramifications for the person the chart about itself...

In bazi some carry the inbuilt of penalties, harms or destructive combinations in lieu *or in total absence* of harmonies, combo's, etc...

Most charts are very unique so many different main characters exist and then no two experiencing all the exact same things or circumstances for given periods, nor making all the same choices leads up to entirely different likes and lives themselves...

Knowing we are all just human not so perfect and not that elevated from some animal sides either, etc keeps my views or expectations of others to a pretty  practical level... 

Overall though makes me a bit more empathetic in *some* definately not all cases when the big hits come up then would normally be in many cases or prior in life...

Happily most things calmed into that of abidings in this area here last nite minus a bit questionable of hour h, still it was still pretty destructive in some other of state, and US locations in shootings, bombing in mall, or other deadly aka destructive, plus overseas that of NK and it's missle tests, etc, a deadly sports riot in Egypt, and some vis the abrupt of happenings anywhere then or today too...

That of NE's weathers, etc...

Aside toss showed up in the 3 charts at page top by day m's bonds, clashes, manifests etc as correct areas also, then that of leaderships in same plus timed of the date matches...

That of the last two aspects mentioned are powerful drivers or *initiators* as influences currently, so we can expect that of the abrupt, accidents or fires and some of the fiery in that of out of control in expressions and actions of some and their groups in this frame now...


6am Grand Haven Mich Lighthouse Man threated to ram bomb vis truck was captured and had burnt house earlier about 50 miles from there...

Hr m *clashed* the date's timed pair in Wht 5th Pyo star areas metals, transports and buidings...

By hour matced it's #47 - #45 Involve #37 pair as well...

Hr yo the opposite that of a halted Space X launch same as Date's pair again the Retreat of Wht 5th Pyo metal star areas in transports and happenings (Proper).

It's hour pair matched as well:  #17 - #58 Involve #53...

2/9 Moon day of the Yang fire Dragon aka III (Red) cn:

Influences: Upper Li, FS #8 (Gen)...

Global timed: #21 - *#51* Involve #39...

2/8 eve Moon masses, large areas in Virgo in Hasta Nak ruled by the Moon also then night of 8th the Chitra Nak which is Ruled by Mars in Aquarius 7th type areas...

Keeps that going...

2/9 Moon transits to Libra 3rd areas while still of Chitra nak and Mars in hr wa just prior to 14:30 this date...

That of weathers in the NE and many other areas events in other which is always the case matched too...


Past into present of event vis news today and this date's timed pair...

Last Thursday day t had a incomprehensibe murder of a teen by another in Pa then listed in news today and involved a selfie camera pic as well...

Past into present which involved the outcome then as well...

Under Subject that of Gwa star type areas includes images of things and masses areas so the camera and pic fit that...

Then of it's Red 1st line day t the same as Pt water star areas for happenings, homes, etc which involved Ke fire star areas aka Youth and that of the fiery vis a gun...

Date had bonded the fated of destructive of retreat types aka the Gry 3rd middles, environments and transitions areas of a Gcn to *Gc* star areas type...

Matches the Oppositional nature of the Objects lines relationship to the Physical as well...A winds or windstreams line for the storms movements, and that of environments or countries in other...

Other of the date pair including it's bazi sides as well for locals anywhere:

When one has good dates vis the bazi most or the overall goes well for them, but there still may be given hours in the date which can hold adverse affects too...

Usually amongst the lower of hate or lessor of vendetta's types of past aquaintences or encounters if there going to do anything adverse to you and like the cowards they are, then often choose hours of darkness in that...

Last night in hr h that of the Grn E's of environments and locations as influencings to that of 6th line's skies, far aways, tops or internets, etc areas clashing that of Ke fire star types...

The latter of sneaky stuff and very materialistic desirous and natured types in that of Fire areas which includes anything of electronics and of intenets also gateways areas too, and then within a Li trigram that of Electric, electronic areas of any types or in some possibly that of any govt and non govt orgs of the fire natures types as well...

Very active as 6th areas were of the dates changes areas and then clashed in hr h an hour of darkness for supposedly hidden activities and one's that connected to Material objects such as Medias of any type hence gateways or modems as well...

Falls under the Physical itself, which also covers that of medias and groups activities, so *definately Internets would be amongst those in*...

Hr h also bonded that of the Yel Abrupt or conservative entangled of things influencing that of 2nd locals, close or followers areas and of or in that of the Assertive, agressive of By wood star neighborings or groups and damages activities in environments then!...

That's rock solid as far as event types which were fated to come up and happen of the pair period!...

The date had further bonded to *Wht* Ryo star type areas connected to Kw fire star type bodyguards, cures or that of liesures and other sittings areas as well which would be adverse or involved of the Ryo star directly in Gateways areas as well...

E's says the sides of locations or the general direction including S's from which the Ke fire star types came and further involved destructive behaviors and actions in that of the centers or middles of areas in the close by as well!...

That of the destuctive behaviors areas of the external of the Dragon date were involved of the internal of US relationships last night and destructive is as it sounds and not an asset part of the US govt at all, more so an enemy to it and it's relationships...

There were talking of the date and as an external pillars type, but in other would be some org's of traditional natures that are positive for any country, but that of a date or other external pillar type *is not positive for the US in general*!...

Remember the adage that while the Dragon can fly high it also often swoops to the lowest and most base side in depths as well....

Had guess somewhere between 21:45 to 22:10 a large dark or grey pickup across the street again and appeared was some internet tamperings then again as well...

Didn't catch till about the time it was leaving the area but will be watching for it in the future as was a repeat!...

[That of Rahu brings out the raged squirrlies of any org, group or individuals, and that yet another example]...

2/10 Fire day of the Yin fire Snake aka IV (Red) e:

Influences: Upper Zen, FS #9 (Li)...

Global timed: #32 - #34 Involve #43...

*Moon* yet in Libra 3rd areas and same exact conditions as prior date, and also *Venus* conjuncting Mars in Aquarius 7th areas ruled...

Then adding in hr y around 04:00 hr's the Moon will be in front of the Svati nak initially *Rahu ruled* in the date as is Venus yet of recents going forwards!...

Was looking for that of a Great metal combo of Ryo star type in today's since it's Physical of *Gry* 3rd Middles and transitions in Ryo star type areas!...

That of measles as a disease seemed to partially fit, and heard things of train derailments, and some other...

That of a car chase of multiple crashes by a fleeing man strongly matches in the way of metals...That as by age his birth either bonded it or was one of the combo's elements itself!...

One main event had did a toss on after Govt had initially said the other sides account false...

Didn't and won't post it as matter cleared up and likely many would have misinterpreted by names alone in it's case...

That of tosses as shown here or anyplace usually just refer to the dates and hours plus the internal changes and interactions of their lines from those...

However there's a lot of informations in how the stars on various have already of pasts or will in the ahead interact, that's not covered by the date of the toss alone...

Then when that's ignored will lead to some misinterpretations, and is that which is meant by some when they say look the whole toss over first...

[Disagree with any thesis which says you shouldn't try to better learn or understand yourself aka (Know thyself) and from that those around you aka that beyond that you were taught...

In absence it allows some or some systems to stay in control over us who aren't qualified or have no business being there in the first place in lots of things...

Many different types in life and none are perfect, nor should we really expect in all things, adds to the huge of what we encounter at any given time...

Tons in life becomes much more understandable when you realize a great deal in it is simply attracted to you desired or not...

That in turn allows us to become a lot less wounded in the emotional, etc when that of people or events simply aren't going our way aka are adverse for any particular reasons...

In that it's harder to fault others or ourselves for every little thing, and that can make the journey itself a little lighter and easier as opposed to internally being embroiled of emotional conflicts with or of others, and then we can maintain a more positive attitude and outlook for the ahead in a lot as well]...

Present some here with just that in mind...


As far as China's lunar hexagram equiv chart that works out the same as what we have here...

The 13 hours from the actual Sun degree Feb 3rd here, put's it at hr w of their Feb 4th...

Here we used hr t as typical day start for Feb 4th as well, and when calced it for hr w comes out exact the same pair in Wwg timed...

That's normal as all days in a given different hour do repeat the pair of the daystart...

Only Bazi chart difference would be it's hour pillar, rest the same and their and the Global solar year of All Countries is that of the *Xin day master* as well...

So were good in chart pairs at top here!...

Then as the Feng Shui Global year type it's that of *Zen* natured for the centers of anything or location through this year!...

Further as and in the first solar month of the Global solar year the Fengshui is that of the Yel, Brown *#5* Earth's star type which is always fairly naturally adverse for that of natural phenomena in them!...

It's Yang Earth Nature is very Saturn like and of jolts at the same time and ranges from that of windfalls in wealths to the other extreme including the harsh and disciplined for environments and masses themselves of various types or locations...

2/11 Water aka Mercury day of the Yang earth Horse aka V (Yel) w:

Influences: Upper Shun, FS #1 (Kan)...

Global timed:  #59 - #20 Involve #27...

Moon still in Libra all as before and in front of the Vishaka nak in hr m onwards where Jupiter rx (Big stuff) will also be ruling of it's areas in and from Cancer domestic hidden, etc *12th's type areas* in things!...

Posting these lunar timed dates fairly frequently at present and like this one will stay brief on their astro portions where can...

Those who study or analyze or look at them for electional purposes of their dates should always per the given period type, use that of the date's planetary in the date headers here...

In other words when I don't elaborate on it, look at that area of the period's astro chart info I post here for both that of potential event types vis bhava aka house area, and then same for any electional activities you might wish to undertake under it, and for today in example that would have been things of Mercury's areas...

Other aides for self help as desired:

If you don't know of your day master you can still use that of the date type here such as today's stem and branch solar relationship V/w to see what the more solar or individual of the dates energy is for relationships in general...

That of the Wu aka Yang earth stem over the Wu aka Horse branch symbolized by V/w and the relationship of the branch type to the stem type...

That of the horse branch is Yin fire which is the Parent or Resource of the Yang earth stem and says globally at the solar or individual levels things of Parents, leaders or Resources and assistings natures are in for today...

That of course is the most basic of basic or gists but that combination of heaven's stem and branch is the day master for it's date and you could eval look up what the stem represents for that and then it's branch as the brides or inner relationships of it, and that is what we, you just found...

[Better if you know your day master and have listed several good referances here pdf or books you can learn that from...

Most any of the Joey Yap series books additional to the Power of X can be quite reliable and helpful as well...

In that case you apply the date stem to your day master for the primary of outer influences for your date and then the date branch against your day master as well for other of the inner influences of the date for you...

The latter are your own valid personal date timings which will always hold, and adding the planetary day of it's aspects allows you very positive electional options uses... 

However knowing your day master type and what your fortunate and unfortunate elements are instrumental to the good use of the daily relationship types!...

Simply keeping a journal and noting what the quality versus date of the  5 (becomes 10) relationship types is and acrossed a 5 month period would in the general be very accurate for most...

Minus any books and it's from that alone, that you can see vis experience itself, what your fortunate and unfortunate elements and dates are!....

Alone that is quite powerful and useful enough, but it can be further beefed too:

Take that and add the Planetary for the given date plus it's aspects in, and then you have a very powerful tool as too how your date goes, and for your own personal events versus dates selections]!...


Hexagram Pairs:

For those such as analysts who need or want to further assess a given event of a date, you'd obviously need to expand the date pair first for that...

Most of the time we stay brief and view that just through the given date and or hours of an involved event...

However if you want a much more complete and thorough picture you must apply both the Month and the Date to all line stars to get the full depth of what the pair is representing in events pertinent to the date and for more of the further at the month level...

The latter will explain how and why the lines and stars interact of the situations and events as they do...

Many tosses as well are only partially evaluated and a great deal of needed applicable information for the answer is lost when the season and month are not also applied to the line stars...

[That is something analysts need to do, if they want to more accurately and completely assess any situation or event must do]...

Then unlike the brief and vary common form used here also, you must analyze all lines not just the main or date illuminated if you want the complete story...

In some cases things may be totally misinterpreted if the latter is not done...

Same does take a great deal of time, so rarely done here or in teaching areas...

Not here as we cover the much larger scopes of periods themselves which takes up tons of time!...

2/12 Wood aka Jup day of the Yin earth Goat aka VI (Gry) wa:

Influences: Upper Kan, FS #2 (Quen)...

Weekly cardinal influence changes to that of the Southern Red Phoenix this date...

Global timed: #39 - #8 Involve #64...

Expand dangers to locals, etc areas date type...

Looks hr's c, e, w and s would be main for those...

Hr's wa and then of h at night would round the most to do with the R star areas out and then the typical of some idiot behaviors in any other hour as normal...

Won't be any rash or consistant runs on posting Wwg hours here, but this for today was emphasized since of Wht R star types in a day of *Gry* sudden jolts natures...

It was appropriate to list those in this case also in terms of the weekly cardinal change and the fact of weathers here in the U.S. are in changes for a cold snap as well beginning this date!...

For some whose fortunate elements that of Earth elements they could take advantage in things of or in masses today and possibly obtain that of a positive surprise in the results as well...

Lots of activities:

The transiting Moon towards the last 17 minutes of hour t enters that of Scorpio 4th type areas still in front of Vishaka nak so ruled by Mars of Scorpio and Jupiter Rx of the Nak then...

*Mars* in the final end degree as was the 11th in Aquarius 7th areas...

Jupiter rx of Cancer domestic hidden, etc 12th type issues, areas...

Also Moon is conjuncting that of *Saturn* in Scorpio 4th areas lighting it up which rules the Capricorn 6th and Aquarius 7th type areas...

Brings that of the Jupiter rx in Cancer 12th areas into all of them for issues and events...

At the very begin of hr y 03:00 - 05:00 Mars enters Pisces 8th type areas, and then still takes in that of Scorpio 4th and Saturn's areas too, plus the Ruler of Pisces and Mars in the PurvaBhadra nak both is Jupiter rx which takes in the Cancer 12th and Sag 5th type areas as well there, all active plus that of the Moon's given!...

Finally very late of hour m 05:00 - 07:00 the Moon will be in front of the Anuradha nak and ruled by *Saturn* in Scorpio 4th areas and it's plus taking in that of the Mars in Pisces 8th type areas loops again through the date!...

The Moon, Mars and Saturn prime events areas types...

Added bit more on US as influenced by the AC Solar year well below!...

No question about the year's clash to our relationships at inner levels that of Yemen is a paramount example of that type and the Ukraine more so vis Russia certainly fits too, but also a lot of other countries in things of possible transitions further apply too with that of the ME's in things near at hand now...

Then we have some of wealths, vocations, educations and careers and their status's areas, and that of internal clashs to that of our close relationships areas emphasized *this year*...

Those forming that of more *fire or fiery* types of issues in that of our social areas and their physical environments including that of homes and workings areas there as well... 

Think due to the hours warnings some ill at locals levels has been adverted physically at least, took in weathers concerns also, and mainly in global it has been that of the political of both politicians and diplomacies of most countries this date in the Outer of their and global social areas, plus that of weathers changes also in a lot for today's stuff...

2/13 Metal aka Venus day of the Yang metal Monkey aka VII (Wht) s:

Date though of a friends type has a sharp hardcuttings type of focus for decisions or dealings today as well...

Influences: Upper Gen, FS #3 (Zen)...

Global timed: #23 - #35 Involve #2...

Pair shows some can be materially destructive in some of it's changes for this date in that of decisions, gateways, social areas and that of R fire manifests for dangers and all other of R star meanings...

Has that of Blk 2nd Re fire star areas for the locals, close line which are also date bonded for that of K star manifests as well...

Those compete or link to that of date clashed *Gry* 6th Gy star type areas which may be rcvd in the locals areas...

Some related to weathers for us of it, and then in a lot to that of it's Kt star type Physical areas anywhere!...

Moon in Scorpio all same prior and in hr cn of morning will be in front of the Jyeshtha nak and ruled by Mercury then plus that of the Saturn and Mars influences as before...

Mercury in Capricorn *6th* type areas so of it plus the Sun it conjuncts and other of the signs Mercury rules as well on the table...

Remember the Sun is still ruled and *sparked* of Mar's traits, attributes and areas in things and of which it is currently in it's turbulent begins areas of Pisces 8th type areas as well now!...

The start in any sign is that of initial turbulences and with Mars the Abrupt and abrasive that's even more so!...

Mars in the sign of pieces aka body parts heads and tails and the funeral cots, so some will be calling for heads to roll (symbolically and figuratively) in some social type areas...When you get to the Upper end of that sign or where Revati Nak presently is, then things become very refined and peaceful...

Jupiter rx from the hidden of Cancer domestics in 12th type areas including those of tragedies *will be rearing it's head* in both positive and negative ways relative the masses for both that of Pisces 8th and Sag 5th type areas...Good article on India man in Alabama and Police treatment including the many comments matching up with it...

That's all a cold or harsh reality in the present under *Saturn's* perview operating in that of Scorpio 4th Homes, conveyances, properties, motherings and other areas at this time...

Could write forever there, better stop...

For those where Metal is fortunate for their charts may be some luck to theirs of it's relationship type per the chart, in their dealings or areas today...

Venus itself taken to be of the Metal element...

Each date has some potential for good luck for individuals where the date's element type is a fortunate type for their chart aka them...

However each date not for all, and today's true of even of some weak Xin day master types today too, as are some I know where it's better that the date be a combination of metal and earth or just that of earth elements alone instead, then that of date type can also be a Rob wealths or in better that of expenditures and such for some of the Xin day master type...

In some of the latter and for others where the Monkey date branch combines with one of their Pillar's holding the Snake then Water may be formed and things of those areas would be involved for the date as well... 

The stem today good for some and the solar year chart minus the rob wealths aspect hopefully of weathers only, but is also that of the date branch clashing that of Relationships at *Inner Global* Levels in their Social areas, with that of  the public and workings environments associated within them too as a part of things that are in for this date.... 

Rob wealth goes with that of losses, expenditures, contenders, and unfriendly partners, but in personal charts also always reflects the timings when others seek or rob you of monies or possessions, etc...

Note how well the date's lunar timed reflects that of the Solar year of today's, etc as well...

Won't be writing this much for most dailies of it, and just giving you a short idea of how things in a chart roll on a daily basis and are other combinations, etc that can apply in any...

Each chart bit different...

Took a read travels trip thru the news and comment areas today and of that here, wasn't an area here which wasn't covered in one article or another...

Liked the parts on where the older generations playing in on things and in some setting them right and to standards which have been absent and unenforced and still sorely needed for that American and of our Traditions to prevail...This is the year for that...

One thing get a kick out of is what once was a point of contention to do with the year branch versus the day master...

The day master is the most main of the personality's utmost core and similar to ones destiny and purpose as most all bases from that, and in that is much like in Vedic and other astrologies where the Planetary of the date you were born represents that as well and your singular main type of energy and drive, and in other goes a bit and step further there...

One's year Stem and especially *the branch* just as in the Wwg itself represents your physical body, and clashes, etc to that can be quite dangerous at times for both that of health areas and that of accidents...

It was overlooked by most for a long time, but no longer and is another standard part of any bazi analysis for a person that's done!...

Some don't like their charts when the bazi shows that of decade or year clashes, etc to them and some by influences in that of character flaws, etc of their initial first time checks by it and come away from it with a sour view...

That as they treat it like some social game or neato thing to do, and when it does not appeal to their ego's and the false lens through which they view and percieve things, they drop it thinking or believeing it to be nonsense...

Nothing could be farther from the truth as *no one, not a single one is perfect and all do have some ingrained character flaws, etc* and the bazi will certainly reveal that, and beyond what are maybe difficult years for some, others will be great and uplifting years, takes time but yours will roll around for such as well...

Then as said in any year there are always still some good to very good months of Opportunites in them as well...The exact same as reflected of real life but a lot of people don't understand the depths of their significances and unfortunately for them, just let them go by when they may have made a significant advance instead...

Later in this year I will add what is called the more *flowery sides* of special stars in this one in as well...

Prior had not specialized so much in that, but people need to see that any have such which are powerful hidden factors *in of certain traits* that are very psychologically positive boosting aspects for additional given personal skills unique to the person in charts, for their positive results in certain areas also...

So far you should be seeing how well the Solar Bazi at the personal and social levels combined with that of the Lunar Wwg at the masses and social plus that far of wide or large areas levels, both blend together to accurately reflect the same main themes, traits, natures and  things of and in great context combined...

Well evening news did find the some main in clashed material and some for the Rob wealth sides also:

That of up to 47 sea ports shutdown with tons of cargo loaded ships just sitting around and miles of semi's the same way...

Part of the steelworkers union strike think costing tons each day up to a possible $2 Billion loss if went certain extreme...

Then still that of hacks now so expert as to take all you personal files off the pc and hold them for ransom $$$...

Keeping all back up'd on an external hard drive which is unplugged and stored afterwards as well as keeping pc's always up to date with all updates and protection tools required...

Don't agree with shooting anyone on just the basis of who they are unless they are being apprehended for a crime and another or an or Officer's involved is in clear and imminent danger...

*Respect* is a very key word in all things and where or whenever it's dropped in any single human area then situations and environments connected to it become less safe over time, and then at some point any can and do become prone to that hazardous, dangerous or deadly as well...

Until all come to regard that of Respect as most important for and in all things nothing will ever totally change much...

Don't think other words mean too much beyond it either...

2/14 Earth day of the Yin metal Rooster aka VIII (Wht) yo:

Influences: Upper Quen, FS #4 (Shun)...

Global timed: #11 - #5 Involve #54...

Leave simple as that...

Happy Valentines day...

Saturday adds:

On the of wealths and the rob wealths components to yesterday's, the news *brought that home to you*, in a couple of the areas, with one that of hackings a constant danger type these days...

The other of product shippings was of huge wealths involved there and it's the delays due to a strike causing that...

Wasn't so surprising as would have *expected* that on some of the *large business's sides* for us and *any country yesterday*...

That of boats and semi trucks and smaller containers *are all of metals* so that of those was in it's form a match and also vis strike a form of Rob wealths aka costs in delays and sales for others!...


So a perfect match in element type, etc to that the date's bazi showed!...

That was shown in the Wwg vis the clashed 6th lines *Gy star* aka $$$, material objects aka Products which of Tiger wood has far reachings components and on the far aways line to boot and connected to an Re power star indicates some sort of power control matters in purchases which in turn were competitive to locals areas Re stars business's, and strikes areas in which the products were to be rcvd...

Aside the clashed material Gy star those Re stars were bonded by the date formin Waters and that's where that of Boats come in concerning the Gy star areas...

That of waters K star manifests same as Protests aka Sittings type suggested it's nature and status then!...

So both the Bazi and Wwg strongly matched in both great detail to those real lif areas in event types yesterday...

The same potential exists for some today but the Yin aka Xin metal day master of the solar year aka Yin metal types this is a better day...

Today better for the Yin (Xin) metal day master types, except those who have Rabbit (Mao) branches as today's Rooster (You) branch clashes it...

The latter depending on which pillar that is will have some type of event related to it, and that can run as a hidden or physical manifest type of either something small to large comes up for them, again depending on chart...

Since of clash may well be something of an undesired nature and hopefully just a minor agitation rather than the very disturbing...

Sometimes the clash can be like a reminder of it's areas that we need to take some type of action as well...


For those of Yang (Geng) metal day masters today this is a contenders, competition from others or a Rob wealth aka monetary expenditures or losses date for them...

Now for any let's take that of Rob Wealth a step further and say some of you have that of a Yin metal (Xin) stem in one of your chart pillars...

You were subject to that of Rob wealths or Contensions from another or others in that Pillars life areas yesterday...

However for some few that way maybe *nothing you know of any such events* comeing up for them, may say ha, ha that stuff is no big deal???

Not so fast as that of Rob wealths and Contenders becomes even more significant in those charts where the Monkey branch clashed on of their Inner Tiger Pillars it would have been a problem!...

Yesterday the year's month branch being Tiger was clashed so that indicated things of the greater Social and workings areas as environments plus that of jobs associated for some would definately be affected, and were areas involved with that of the Rob Wealths date status!...

[Mention that in detail so some who may have had a short ha, ha thinking they are above or immune to the Bazi do get the picture that some of those dates most definately will Ping you too...

No one is above or beyond that of which the basic rules and laws of the Bazi and Wwg show for them, my point and that here is meant as an aide to your and any's understandings of how things work, period]!...

Denmark shooting terror related 2/14 Saturday at *16:00 local time there* and 10 am est here:

That of Blk watery, etc influences too 2nd Locals, close areas in that of the assertive, etc of *Hour clashed Ry wood star types and areas*... 

Ry star far reaching components in some, males in some, and that of Terror, threats, weapons, attacks, or other in positives you can look up...

[Special Note: That of Blk watery influences can also go along with other types of environments such as that of Cancer domestic types aka foods or restaurant areas too]!...

Blk can also with the R star be: Thieves, robbers or murderers in some instances such as this aside the more positive of business owners, officials, etc and more you can look up or add too...

The hour s clashed Ry stars could also bound to bond the *Yel* Abrupt, conservative, of limits or entanglements influences too 5th roads or paths any type or that tall, high or far etc in and of *Gh changes star type areas*...

The Gh star associating that of nurturances in the emotionally sensitive of social values areas or that of any nuturances and comforts or sustenances areas such as *restaurants, bars and any other known nuturance type areas, also the sensitive of and in medias areas, and things of topics or persons in of popularities, *plus all other normal G star type meanings too*...

The hour also bonded bringing out the hiding or suppressed Pe fire star type areas Under and associated that of it's Bearer Ry star areas mentioned!...

Pe star that of the hidden associated in fiery happenings, set up's, leaders. fiery msg's, transports, homes, buildings, names, etc then!...

Physical of Grn E's, enterprises or the expansives in influences to that of 3rd Regional, middles or centers, prominent and or transitions areas in of Bcn earth Dragon groups, org's environments, talks, sounds, masses, healths, etc areas...

All falling under that of it's Physical type for the date...

[There's a msg in this for Safeties agencies areas too:

In any hexagram pair the P stars especially when hiding types , *should be examined for that of Set Up's*!...

That of their line areas in particular and of their Bearer stars areas plus those they will interact with of other line star areas]...


In 1st  line begins or starts and or things at surfaces or underneaths that of *Wht* natured material, spiritual, medical and other fierce, etc influences to that of Gt water star type areas...

Those in turn competed with or linked to the Objects MOC *Gry* 6th Kyo star types areas...

That of the showy or knowledgeable in K star types and protests, or bodyguard, etc in other areas which could be rcvd in the 1st line areas at times and which also of date bonded to the Physical as well for it's events...


Pretty fated for that type of stuff was associated for that of groups today...

Many other things go with it, but that of hour s the shootings time that elaborated on, and this also is a nastier type of the Bazi Rob Wealths date type or Robs life where that of Yang hard metals types involved including that of weapons, bullets, etc type objects used in it...

Can't expand like this every single day for you here, but since of terror aka terrorist type activity did, and that's the Peace as in leading to War type meaning for #11 hexagram as well...

That added in notes for the Blk color of my own interp extensions can be used in your interps in any pair as well, plus that of the Gh water star special nurturance sides areas elaborated and added as well...

Line colors useful as directions for some plus that of the trigram environments plus stars as well apply at times too...

Hard to post as far as some para's ended up binding to each other due to turbulence of some type in these medias today...

Like small internal clashes to or within them, but hope got most straightened up now, took about 10 tries...

2/15 Sun day of the Yang water Dog aka IX (Blk) sh:

Influences: Upper Chen, FS #*5*...

Global timed: #10 - #58 Involve #37...

Didn't keep up with news here....

2/16 Moon day of the Yin water Pig aka X (Blk) h:

Influences: Upper Duay, FS #6...

Global timed: #49 - #31 Involve #44...

Toss week frame *any major dangers* within the US:

#12 - #35 Involve #53...

Are some for specifics as has that of *toss date clashed R stars*...

Then a line for regulating losses, groups, etc purposes...

Some of weathers given loc's, some vis strike and shippings if still ongoing or other and any else to do with monies or given common international products of any types, and then some to do with skies, far aways, or internets, etc...

Add any as you see it...

Do expand to add too as may not make any daily adds myself for awhile...   

Had dived into the bazi this weekend doing one of the personal chart assessments on the decade and year of someone had *once meant years back*...

It was extremely interesting to see just how well the chart described their basic personality and more so the exact nature of their career and social relationships areas...

Career wise let's just say they worked a very professional and highly respected career type and within their areas could be brilliant also...

Then what it revealed if the person would marry as to the spouse age and nature, fit with what I knew of their thinkings on that very area years back...

Latter was surprising to me as had thought was a joke somewhat but wasn't as right in the chart...

Not as in ha, ha just something that was hard for me to concieve of though had seen similar of some upper socials and also a lot of in other countries...

In fact of older customs in some a well established standard that made perfect sense vis the psychologies between sexes, and more...

There is in romances or marriages no one size fits all so when you try to judge from some idealized model, that just doesn't work, but find the bazi shows the nature of each person's...

Not all are meant for marriage as well and often do marry anyway then end up in quite non satisfying situations...

Some are able to stick regardless so it's a fascinating subject...

Then of Bazi you find there are many indicators and combinations, half combos, even clashes at times signaling there begins and natures...

That of the happier and more successful for those charts which will support it are easily found in their bazi as well...

Just another reason some should check into it before just making the leap, certainly are a lot of fractured ones out there and that of unhappiness not a good thing for them or for society in the larger picture as well...

Just basically part of the things I study...

In that and of the areas of romance and marriages the bazi is extremely revealing and accurate...

Took a hit this weekend too, so just chilling for awhile now...

Added to purpose of eval area as best to do from those you know something of initially, as that reinforces that the principles rules and laws of bazi are valid for you...

Then in understanding that you can do others *whom you've never met in great confidence* without any questions as to what their aspects mean for them as well...

Then another purpose is that *there is much darkness* and the very small minded of peoples ego's and mindsets stemming from what are the reigning or customary beliefs in each community and in the subsets of the various groups within them...

The same of some small intolerant or narrow of mindsets and thinkings can be quite brutal of their gossips and of that obstruct, impede, hurt and intentionally damage those who don't fit their limited modelized views of what they think people or relationships should be...

People can be quite complex in that, and why I enjoy the bazi as it's as sharp as a razor in getting down to the valid nature of those for each different person type...

Feeling bit better today, but still going to chill as the lunar new year about here now and the toss covers that most main this week anyway...

Today bonded that of dangers in some as well in other positives and that of weathers too forms up under it's changes and then brings about their forecasts as well, contrary to some's statements it was quite cold here last night and the very early of morning had it's bite as well...

Temperature relative but doesn't alone entirely fix what is cold to one and very late and in wee hours was cold on the porch even with a good coat...Certainly have been dangers up north of it, and even strange ones in flight areas, etc and possibly some of implanted spywares on hard drives too...Hopefully mostly in other countries and not here but we don't know all exacts yet...

Won't over focus on lunar year per se, and may just post it's hexagram without a whole lot of comment initially and just do as it itself unfolds...

Many who read here are able to interpret some for themselves anyway, so good enough for start...

May just relax add a toss or two until the more critical of the solar month of the Rabbit comes up and in which very clear views will be needed then...

In between for just blog, will be thinking and looking for what may be a good example to do a bazi chart on here...

Find in the daily that of even just routine type events themselves bonds, etc to their timings, just it as does in the Wwg...

For example and not for all persons, biz, etc, but just those who had some need or matter that involved money or material matters of some sort *in hr wa today*, things to do with monies, etc of any type came up across the board then...

Personally took no actions myself that way, but something did come up, so checked that hours bazi chart and was a bond for wealths matters Globally Socially connected to the Yin watery day master types or biz, domestics, etc at the time, of which some *would be *hidden* as stem combination was rooted then for it*!...

Some in that at individual levels as well...

Fits as one of the many within the Solar year itself too, since the Year clashes that of it's Xin metals day master for that of metals and it's many material sides, areas as well...

Then of that toss such involved Pwa stars for P star and groups activities areas and it's Bs star changes which clashed for actions in Gm star money, etc areas and some other destructive of material areas and transitions in then...

Aka hard drives and personals in hr stuff, CSX train derailment of date and other of weathers...

So you can see my point as to their relevances at the hour level also in just that of the normal given routines areas to a date itself...

Well was plenty of dangers due to weathers in N's, NE's and some S's areas plenty of costs in terms of snowplows and in some cases coast guard ice cutters too...

Raining here now and the bond was for wet stuff including that as well...Doesn't feel cold here now either...

More accurate were internally bonded for wet stuff and that as related to K star manifests, safety, etc and date clashed open for yet other to stem of or from it...

But leave it for the week and other of it too work out too aside the lunar new year to be added...

2/17 Fire aka Mars day of the Yang wood Rat aka I (Grn) t:

Global timed: #21 - #38 Involve #39...

Late post but for most in global and even ntl news where $$ and other involve the pair names about say and said it!...

Expect more topsy turvy to that of our environments for this year and *of the lunar one posted this date as well*...

Then applies in a lot to the westerns areas of things of westerns countries in the harsh with that of windfalls a part  as well, then from what saw of other eastern countries they appear to have the harder of physical experiences to theirs than we do, but of the natural we may get the most in that dept...

Another take on this all countries Solar Global, etc year:

Add [ ]:

[Here since it's the Year itself which is of concern obviously of a Solar year chart, I treat the year just as the annual type of a normal birth aka life chart.

Quite proper in that for a simple? year chart as were not going to consider that of any future decade, etc of it, each year is an entirely new one, and we just go with it as is...

Adding now as left out but had earlier mentioned the first thing of note is the Year stem clashes the Day master stem which had overlooked in this take...

That's the year stem's Yin Wood (Yi) type areas clashing that of the day stem's Yin Metal (Xin) type areas!...

To the few that think weird stuff when use the chinese words, etc here, *that is so you can look them up for more info to understand better on your own as well*!...

A clash to the day master usually signifies something or things of the abrupt come up of it's *more personal areas type*, and as it's the most senstive point, area of the chart itself, and that clash is there for the entire year...

It can or may affect, involve those of the very powerful, wealthy and comfortable in their life styles in various of countries and world areas...

No comment, but think we know of a few already...

Then for sure it affects anything associated Xin soft metals areas itself to include gold, silver, jewelries, maybe minerals or rare earth's metals, possibly some types of fertilizers, mining areas, and other need or you can look up that goes with it...

Also external stem clashes often have something to say of the environments themselves to include meteorological and most natural phenomena of earthly types...

That's about it there for now, and into the branch we go]:

Year branch stuff:

The solar year a global type and what appears to be a main influence of it's Xin metal day master's type is that of a desire and yearning in masses to have the finer and best things of life aka that of the good, refined or easy life...

In individuals some will succeed while others will in their wants overload themselves and likely fail in that of their dreams as it's an influence in the year and one that must be balanced by using that of *Practicality and Objectivity* aka a lot of common sense on any's parts...

In charts often some people plainly won't like what the bazi shows of their year, and may think of it in very objectionable ways but regardless it will be correct in what it shows and there will be other better years for any currently not so swift...

It shows you what will be positive or negative versus specific life areas in the year so that you can adjust or adapt in and of them to compensate for any ill or better prepare in skills, etc to take advantage of opportunities where and as they come up...

That of the Solar year pillar having a Wei (Goat) Yin loose black earth branch is supportive of the it's day master and referred to as an indirect Resource type in primary...

Then that of the Goat of it's hidden stems also referred to as Minor Qi provide that of Yin fire and Yin wood as well for that of power areas or control and wealths respectively aka Indirect power as a 7 Kills Controlling type and indirect wealth types in relation to that of the Xin metals day master's areas!...

That of the Indirect power 7 kills type applies in that of the very ambitious, strong never give up leadership and achievements types of persons or enterprises, and in the minus those that use underhanded methods to obtain their goals by any means and or are reckless and/or ruthless in going about them...

Those types would be involved in that of masses areas when it comes to that of controlling resources and regarding the better life and Xin metals areas of this year...

As pointed out that of the Goat year affects our *internal relationships *nationally and globally**,  but not really in any totally catastrophic lasting ways, as most of it's bite is naturally removed of our own chart type...

Doesn't eliminate that of natural phenomena but even in that shouldn't be anywhere near as severe across the year itself for us as it would be for a few other countries...That neglecting the start which is adverse for us and any which the fengshui also indicates....

However the Feng shui of the year shows the #5 star for that of wests, so some Western countries more affected of natural phenomena then others more Eastwards, but hopefully it's the years start which is the worst of that...

After saying all that, it's likely that of the heaven's stem clash and the #5 star position for it *combined* say that it will be a harsher year for us in most types of environments, the environmental and for masses of them...

May be a lot in that which deals with former times and the pasts of older hierarchies, etc in it also...

Then in our case that of the more youthful gen's in career and learnings or educational realms would and are *in the natural for the US.* always adds some in that of rebellous components not in tune with that of our internal relationships political and global as well...

The same may be somewhat strengthened above the norm in this year...

Seems to be a little too strengthened in other countries or just of a given set and type of individuals if you noticed the fact that ISIS was able in the month of January to recruit 20,000 Volunteers across the world to join it's fight???

Rather an alarming statement of today's world and likely the added emphasis of Mars in Aquarius for that of Groups, goals and causes took a volatile mental twist to it!...

For some other few countries the clash may actually be of the catastrophic types, and we know, and will know per the events that come up for them...

Anyway Opportunities are presented to all of the year type in that of the Wei Goat loose earth's, etc areas...

Things that involve nuturances, lands, farmings, minings, minerals, the earth industries, etc and in the minor associated that to do with the Fire and Wood industries as well of their respective natures...

[Basically anything that goes along with making living conditions, environments or life better or that of wealthy people *who live the quite refined, comfortable and upper social life styles*, is ideally that involved or what it's about]!...

Some you've heard of such as to do with cableings or internets, and then some or a lot can be to do with various of our infrastructures as well and natural to this particular year...

Where we have resources for it, it's a good thing but where not, it can tend to weaken us even further as well...

Globally there would likely be a great deal of the *highly competitive in those areas between countries*...

Some aren't above using the diversive of poisonous methods that cost their enemy a great deal of money to control as a way of weakening a country...

We've had that in our environments of various types including these killer water life species of various types...Pretty easy to think of which nationalities as type or immigrants would be into that, and it surely is not of just one country or nationality but several!...

That of fraudulent tax returns said to be up to billions levels??... If so another huge area that weaken's us and robs many individuals as well every year...

Read something don't quite understand as wasn't defined very well and to do with structured accounts and attempts to hide wealths???

What do they mean as banks offer any individual multiple account types, so how would that be illegal, especially when they can see what's in them???

[News sometimes does leave us more questions than useful answers at times]...

Anyway it will be very competitive between countries in that of Xin metals areas and resources that strengthen it's type is of aims and objectives in things...

That of March and the Solar year's great wood combo aka 3 harmonies type likely affects other countries stronger than us but in indirect results it may affect us as well...

If so it would be of a stresses and power nature in the adverse and will involve anything of Wood industry types and the far reachings in things even that of currencies possible but are many other items and enterprise types that can fit instead...

Expect as the year started that Internet areas are a very big part of it also, and in that of wealths or huge wealths hackings a distinct possibility with more emphasis then and for the entire year as well...

You have large groups and entire countries with special units dedicated to that now, so suspect that may be good for the govt, biz and banking systems to harden their shieldings for accounts as much as possible prior to March good...

Since would include anything of large enterprises that could possibly involve of ISIS areas even...

No good way to guage that at the moment, other than it's global and would involve global wealths likely in detrimental ways for most of the year types as well...

Will toss soon and try to see what it shows or involves of that way too...

In some it may be possible it signifies removing some things that are detrimental also as even great combo's of pasts they have shown both yin and yang sides of their natures in things...

At the moment of March tend to think will be of major material or major to do with that of weathers or flights areas or anything of *[Shun] type winds, travels, transports, buildings, movements, and other of it's areas*, as that will be the FS  star for March!...

In other of the All Countries Solar year's External Upper influences where the US is concerned:

That in the US year adds to that of the heated or fiery, *fires* or drought areas in some for us at times...

In areas of Social and that of bosses or superiors in perhaps some type of global relationship areas, jobs and possibly within our own a greater tendency towards that of flexibilities but also that of the Rob wealth nature in them by others as well...

Also yields that of a 7 Kills type nature by others and the external in global or of weathers and natural effects areas through the year as well plus that of our Outer and Uppers areas of Career, Biz, Wealths and Childfrens or the Young Colleges or Working gen areas are *clashed* by this year as well...

Those will occur in that of their Outer events areas during the course of the year!...

A lot more direct of or at that of Govt and Govt's related aka connected areas and of industries or programs connected to those, and in lessor then that of private sectors also affecting that of wealths, etc and the cushy of them in those areas too...

Not everything to do with clashes which deal with ends and begins is to the negative as some can be of the quite positive and needed as well, but implies a lot of changes will come to those areas and they involve pasts, historical, traditional, and past hierarchies, and some of natural phenomena also in the year...

Then in general as mentioned in priors that of our social areas themselves tend to have more of a fire aspect to them which can be both of the heated of the above areas plus of the positive sided of or as related to some jobs areas also!...

That of additional adds in begins may be part but this of the year indicates much more to come and can be either certain types of changes within existing jobs and work areas or that of more jobs in fire related industries type areas...

This is the first year have went over this type of chart in any great detail *so can't be as precise in these yet*, as the Wwg or Vedic astro types, so consider that's there's some other tolerances to it, beyond that I presently see or mention of it, that can also factor in as areas too...

As far as masses, weathers, wide areas and global family relationships sides go *it's the Lunar year type* that is always considered to carry the most weight  and accuracy of which we will post that around Feb 18th which kicks off the Chinese New Year and as any Lunar period type are always reliable in a great deal...

Will do one for both here aka Western countries and there aka Eastern countries if there are any differences sometimes are sometimes not...

This solar type is more the personal expression of the year such as the Sun in a vedic chart for example and assumed to apply to leaderships in general...

Overall seems to be reflecting a lot accurately too and is the type an individual etc would get done to reflect their own year as well...

This solar year starts and retains a clash through the year but at least not that complex in it's start...

Some solar years may have that of multiple combinations, penalties, harms or destructive combination components to them from the get go in personal charts, while others may have 3 harmonies or directional combinations, peach blossum luck and other, etc to them as well...

Such charts are pretty complex and do take a lot of time to do!...

That of this Solar year at points, will have some of those other areas come up in it at given months in the year as well... 

We lucked out in one sense only, as in this one, just one pair is accurate for All Countries...

In such any bazi year chart type is known to be very, very accurate so you should expand by looking other up which applies to any Stems and the Branch element types, signs as they are mentioned for additional details I may leave out...

[They aren't meant to generate entire suave storybooks from, but provides that which is most basic, essential and practical of very solid aspects that will physically apply in ones events and the real working world itself for the year or any year itself]!...

We might be able to use the Feb 3rd pair for ourselves in some as extra too, since has had some matches in dailies as well, but the All Countries is Primary...

On Bazi and the Unfortunate element:

AKA the Unfavorable or Harmful God Element...

Can be more than one and are entirely dependent on the day master strength and type...

Will stick with the most basic case which comes up quite often in charts...

Having too much of a given element in a chart often can be much like that of a self harm's combinations in them but is not mentioned much, as not a true self harms combination...

Too much of a given element weakens the balence of a chart and most will always have and cause one some relationship type problems...

Too much of a given element is referred to as an unfortunate element regardless of it's relationship type to their day master...

Then at points when of cycles that element becomes even more heigthened it can quite strongly affect some that they interact with or in their own relationships as well...

Their interactions with other people can definately come off as too strong or too much where that happens to be the power element of the other person!...

The latter can easily feel injured of any critical comments the first might make or imply towards them...In the extreme even feel or see the other person as a threat to them in some areas to boot...

It's simply the natural effects of the interaction of energies between them but rare that the persons know of it, and end up coming off with widely different perceptions of the other when it's no more than the natural interplay of energies themselves...

Usually if doing a chart will point that out and refer to it as self harms effect so the other person understands the counter effects that too much of a given element can bring them and  to be careful in the things they say and how they say it of that elements areas...

In truth it's not a self harm combination and just that where too much of an element definately *attracts* some negative unfriendly or the over competitive to them aside any positive friendly relationships as well...That and it's power aspects as seen by some breeds for the unhealthy in some relationships too....

Likely in future will just refer to it as the Unfortunate element that it is, and then the other party should get the correct idea right away...
[Can be very confusing and seem strange to them, especially if it's their wealth element as everyone certainly wants some or more of that, but when it's an unfortunate element of their chart, it really does bring, attract steady or serious problems of it's own to that person as well]!...

There's just a whole world of things unknown to the average person is never taught about *which regulates a lot of the results they get* in life and of various relationship types true for them

Some where the *most unusual* of pre and lifetime conditions exist that can very much impede or even harm them in or just always cause them problems, that exists...

Study or learning vis the bazi can blow that door open and reveal it to you and highly aid you in improving your relationships in most areas of life...

As far as charts go don't and would never discuss actual birthdata with any, in an online or of any electronic medium...

One's work with are simply are ones I personally know of, or that already exist within most normal astrology software databases...

Then keep any info discussed to basic essentials and nothing that's very critical unless happen to talk direct face to face with the person involved...

Not much of any's business anyway, but there are probably still a lot of sites on the net that do keep their own databases of clients, and then within some's forums know of, are conferance calls have seen some use, that they do...

Personally not planning business wise as really doubt that I would enjoy things that way at all, and would interfere with other and here...

Some charts are very interesting in learning though, and are some few charts *that have no wealth relationships to them at all*!...

Yet that of external currents of decade, year, months and day pillars do show all the timing starts when wealth involves for them, just the same...

Are even some likely extremely few that way, who do earn huge amounts of money far above the average person, know directly of one that way and may be rare examples in some books, etc...


[Ok did add a bit more to the well above's March part of the all countries solar year chart, and likely it fits for most weak Xin day master charts as well!...

That was plagueing me some for another chart, so had to work it out here first...

Still yet have to observe more over time unless find a reference that's solid on the point, to see if the Feb 3rd is true solar year here or will the All countries Feb 4th day start with Xin day master overide it]...

On doing the Bazi:

Did find one software of several and of medium price range that does do quite a bit for you, as far as pointing out many details to save you a great deal of time...

Had been doing by hand like did of Zi Wei prior last year, and forgot one I have does have some special very useful and good options until tonight in using and *going over it in detail*...

However you also must still be able to fully analyze a chart in the first place, and set the correct life type else some areas such as the day master's strength then what's useful or not, will be totally off...

If those are incorrect it will throw off any proper analysis of the luck pillars as well...

Then beyond that, you must still fully write the reports yourself...

Despite that though, it can save one *a huge amount of time of it's calculations* and directly shows you that which is formed of the various luck cycles versus time. etc...

You still must know how to interpret them though...

Neat Pie charts for visual strengths determinations of the main relationships aspects, and a lot more etc...

[So would indeed *highly recommend it*, if your planning to learn and want to speed things up*]...

Again though you need to be doing the study of bazi itself as well to properly understand use of it....

Know from not having a full background and trying to use in prior years didn't do all that well or great at it, was marginal ok on separate year charts where would make one from the vedic solar year, but wasn't proper as ran of it, minus any luck pillars, etc...

Did work pretty well but nothing like that of when properly done in the more direct vis the birthchart itself...

Anyway the software simply called

Not sure as I'm a bit touchy on peoples personal info and that type once in awhile connects to the net and does indeed specifically check to be sure it's only the person who bought the software that's using it...

That can understand as to avoid piracy, and is ok as not too often, but don't know if it checks on any charts or notes you happen to auto store using it as well or not??...

Don't think so as if net connections ok it's very quick about it and initially flashes you a msg on such....

So saveing manual and in different location then the program uses, to be extra safe just in case... 

Was being brief on things before as you must calculate the strengths of the other relationships besides that of the daymaster and once you've selected the correct life type than the software speeds all that up for you...

Special life types are that beyond just a standard weak or strong day master type and they have other special rules...

The pdf covers that in an easier way that's correct, but you still must be able to properly identify them to apply the correct rules...

So anyway you look at it, a good and proper analysis takes a lot of time even a great deal of it, but once trained and at that point then would be of great aid to any...

Also all wrote in simplified on the US here...

Barring some small uneeded it's totally correct, and doing only yearly or special electional types will speed things up over covering a persons entire life span various of relatives, etc, etc unless requested...

Any takes *both care and time* period, and that's the only and best way to go about it and as they say peoples lives do matter...

You don't want to blow it, though personal charts much easier or let's say the meanings are much more directly applicable for an individual than a country but some certain still applies in any case...

[As far as astro that of moon's transits and nak info is on the net for any govt types who need to track that, as already have shown that to work very well for major stuff]... 

Some types of karma really stink, may yours be positive...

Have a good weekend or week, or hopefully be part of the bulk that does...

As mentioned in priors sign and elements of astro and Wwg oriented to that of countries and structures in the global not to people or individuals per se, so a bit harsher in some cases which can be verified of in numerous books, texts, etc...

Even in that things are case by case and time...


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