Thursday, March 5, 2015

Solar month of the Yin earth Rabbit (Mao)...

FS #'s on those were of their dates and not the months!...

See explanations below but main gist our solar month of the rabbit here started on the 5th while was the 6th in the Far Easts...

The Full Moon is that of Leo again for the 5th and just as we've had for a good while:

The physical is still of Leo areas and the relational of Aquarius 7th areas...

Getting tiring of seeing the Leo physical especially with Mars in Pisces 8th type areas yet...

This time with Moon in the Physical ruling that of Jupiter rx areas in Cancer 12th areas yet, still easy for disasters to crop up...

That and the Moon is Squaring that of Saturn in Scorpio 4th type areas also...

For the Full Moon aka Lunar, masses, wide areas, etc that Physical is of the Purvavasu nak and is ruled by Jupiter rx this period, for it's own areas and big stuff in the Physical...

Means possibly that of some trajedies or disasters themselves pop up, plus that of some pasts related in things of it's areas too...

For the Solar month and Expression in character at Individual levels or driving spark in same the Physical is also Leo and of the again *Magha* nak which is coincidentally ruled by *Ketu*...

*Ketu* in Pisces 8th secrets, sneaky and secret enemy types areas is also *Under the Influence* of Mr Mars and Mrs Venus there of their areas in that of the Pisces 8th type areas as well...

Those seem to be operating even in areas associated pharmacies in hospital type areas on or at actual physical dispensing sides and not the pre screen clerical sides as well from what I noted of it for myself the other day...

In specific I know when a bunch of others who came after me somehow are given their med's before me, *as has happened to me this last couple months*, that someone is not following the rules, especially since I only pick up 1 item as opposed to others bunches of items while there...

Any extra I have sent to the home instead, *so as not too hold other people up*!...

Not freebies there, my insurance pays for that stuff...

Will be monitoring to see if things have taken an ill lathargic shift *back to the pasts* versus that of *what are supposed to be professional non discriminatory in any way standards* which are not based on somes local gossip of their groups preferred preferences of the day...

That for Far Easts and China for the Solar month of the Rabbit have Aquarius as their Physical:

That with the Sun in Aquarius there, plus of character that of the Dhanestha Nak (Wealth's) which *Mars rules* and Mars also being conjunct with Ketu and further accompanied of Venus influences is in that of their Pisces 2nd material, etc type areas...

Says a lot about what they will be into...

Could really expand this, but we've had the Leo type physical for an entire month prior and all you have to do is note the current planetary areas and what Naks there in to get a good full gist...

The Full Moon is also an Ends and an Achievement phase so be interesting to see what all matches of that as well...

Those all are RTW type charts from both the Western and Eastern Global views...

Not going to elaborate too much more initially at all...

We may possibly have some good luck in certain global areas in *that of partnerships* this month that may also be of material benefit, but not that certain of it, have to see how things go, or if what looked at represents something entirely different...

Don't take that as me favoring or not favoring any particular type of overseas partnerships this administration is presently or of last couple years has been into, just that such exists as it is at the moment...

Personally I do more highly favor that of our older and traditional relationships and of those in the melting pot, *that originally built our nation* and mainly from the 40's onward of the last century period!...

In the same doesn't mean I hate any particular culture or race either just means giving dues to where due, and not subjugating our earned rights to others... 

Have said some in light of the fact that I didn't think much of this month coming into it and it is of the exact same stem VI (Gry) and it's Rabbit branch m, as the date our Ambassador in S Korea was attacked on!...

That and the initial 1st seasonal type Qtr Feb - Apr didn't look all that positive for that of the Core Original USA chart itself...

Though some seem to be tearing at that Original core it will always hold and even repair itself if it's that needed to make things straight...

Anyway perhaps through overseas partnerships as there is a strong Allies component to the month for us as well, that we do benefit in some, and possibly material or other of the global social areas this month and that would be a plus for once...

Staying initially with the March FM All Countries aka Western and Far Eastern pairs alone here for now...

Rather undecided on posting any more, as can get to be confusing in the clutter of too many charts, when we already have the Year types for those which can and *definitely should be tracked at all times as well*...

That as the year is the heart of any type of forecast or trackings in any system!...

Ironically as noticed from our year pair (Overhead only) our Solar months will most always begin date wise prior to that of the Far Easts and china, so our's occured on the 5th...

They occur simul *celestially*, but on different dates and times per the Global time zones night vs day between, etc...

So that means our Solar month of the Yin earth Rabbit (m) began here March 5th along with the FM itself on the day of the Dragon (cn) as well...

That when it was already March 6th in the Far East and China for day of the Snake (e) in both their FM and SM pairs there!...

Anyway at top is the All Countries for the Western Countries, and the other for the All Far Eastern countries of their respective animal element dates...

[Just for the technical although we refer to element dates as given fixed signs relative the chinese's zodiac, *the energies of each given element are actually energies in flux and constant motion, and movements* that reflect something interactive and in a constant state of change within itself, so the word element or sign as used by all, isn't the best descriptor, and is used only as a convienence for us to label their properties, and relate to them...

Much like a mixture of gases and the atomic of fields associated, where they are in constant change in state, due to the stimuli of an environment itself, and in that each of what we call an animal sign or element is almost or it's own type of living entity] ...

Some Rabbits this year are blessed with that of Peach Blossum luck which aside Romance will aide partnerships in *some few of them* in other areas as well...

Not good in the basic US chart, but is present in the Solar chart so we just may make some good use of it as well...

Moving to other beyond this, I don't blame many people here or in the US let's say when it comes to learning these systems as they get upset with them for good reasons...

That being never does any one book, etc say it all, and you get a lot of partial only and not fully complete  references to study and it becomes near an endless stream to try to find yet other ones to fill the gap adding up in the costs department...

The only that I consider the *most complete in itself of the Bazi* is that of the PDF type on the Secret Destiny code, but that is a little expensive for most...Plus you'd need a chinese calendar or a good chinese almanac program, or the Ten Thousand Year Calendar would handle all, and at least one or two other bazi books covering the stages of life aka 12 stage growth cycle type relationships in it as well as special stars if wanted...

You could do any basic chart from that and if your mind creative pretty much all that separate books cover as well...

It's the basics which are the most important and that PDF would get anyone there, but again not a speed thing you will have to spend lots of time learning every facet of the examples so you can creatively expand them to cover other chart situations, and again all the basics you need are in it...

Between that and separate book oriented course types, have taken the equivalent of two courses in it...

Had a slight advantage of having used the Wwg for years plus also being familiar with that of Zi Wei Dou Shu with some Fengshui background which made that of the book series type more than sufficient for me...

So probably took me less time than most to pick it up, though can't say was easy or quick in that, estimate would take most a couple of years before they could knock out others charts...

Do most using software generations and in checks do manually as a further needed verification in certain cases...

Manual always best in any initial learnings, then some softwares definitely do not handle that of oversea's births accurately at all, plus you should never rely fully on them alone and factor in that of all aspects to do an interpretation for a decade or year, etc correctly...

There are even some differences *in schools* of thought going with softwares too, each Asian plus Indian countries do have their own ideas on some specifics and variations in doing things, but in any such *I solidly stick with the original of chinese models* as that is what have found, to always hold and be the most accurate...

Options of online courses, etc beyond that are way up there in the huge of costs in the full coverage of any one field, and even books in theo equivalents for those from the same sources add up to a very, very pretty penny also...

Anyway for the beginner sort of like getting constantly ripped, and being laughed at to boot, *know the feeling well*, but they just don't give the stuff away, and then anyone else after they've spent so much *money, time and effort* to learn, isn't likely to just give it away either...

Unfortunately that's the way it is for the most part, but then that's not my fault and has little to do with here...

In other of the FM aka SM date:

Being a fan of the old Indianna Jones movies, didn't do a thorough exam but did take a quick look at Harrison Ford's chart for Mar 5th.

Then in the very *general* of Volatilities likely being in and or to the wests this month peaked my interest a bit further...

Not to mention that of both our FM and Solar months for March have that of *Jup rx* type areas in that of Cancer domestic 12th type areas as well...

Vis Bazi and that date he had a Destructive combination, so stopped right there, and looked at his Vedic astro and noted that of Overheads *Mars was exacting Conjunct with Ketu for that Abrupt or abrasive, and Accidents also in that of Pisces, and that was squaring his Natal (Birth) Jupiter itself*!...

Ketu is ironically both that of Accidents aside Doctors too, then in other of things eroding or disappearing, that of Rebelliousness, etc...

It's a slow mover and he has that squaring his birth Jupiter for quite awhile in the ahead yet...

Jupiter is of the Wood element as is the Rabbit branch of this month and that of the additional wood is not very favorable or helpful at all for him, this month...

Mar 6th that which was Far Easts FM is our day type this date, were plenty with no limits as to types of matches of Officials for the date bonded of Rs star type areas at the Rulers, Far and Travels type areas both in of US and many other countries as well for the date!....

Ok will leave all that in of prior including that of my notes and opinions on Bazi, books, courses, etc...

Likely astro sign physical of the Far Easts same as gave of their Solar and will check that tomorrow and add if was not the same...

Poured through the news and it's pretty clear this is something of a power month for Govt activities in or coming up in, a lot of diverse areas...

That matches perfectly with that of the Li Uppers the Outer Influences of the period of the  Western lunar pair....

In fact in our case the names perfectly match the state aka status of the Govt's internal affairs itself, plus it's over zealous and expansionist onslaught into the Peoples affairs to boot!...

Have some compassion for Mr Snowden in terms of revealing what was being directed at the American public itself, but that of the Overseas sides of things should have never came out...

Then there's the fact when you work for your Govt you are supposed to be loyal to it in the first place, if not we might as well have Chinese or Russian agents doing those jobs for the same type of result...

Hard to guage helpful on one side and on the other not sure messed up his life to the unfortunate also...

Anyway on the other side of the World that of the Zen Uppers will reflect the same for China and the Far Eastern countries for this period as their SM also started on the day of the FM in their side of the World as well...

That condition of FM and SM on same dates makes it a whole lot easier to know what's going down of trends at any one time this round!...

Just used the day starts as more importantly, we don't need the actual exact of it or the Solar pair itself here *as all were of the very same date, so all have the same Uppers in the primary for their Outer influences as well...

Two entirely different dates and global areas of highly different environments and agendas...

That of our Solar month per exact degree of the Sun started the 5th and actually shown for that and the very same hour as the astro had showed, using our coordinates with the bazi, etc software as well...

Then when you do for China it comes out correctly for Mar 6th and by astro the same exact Sun degree also, which again changing the coordinates to theirs, is shown by the fourpillars software as well...

Then that of the flying stars years and months, comes into effect at the time of the Solar year or month starts *per your location* vis the Sun (Celestial) degree dependency...

Our dates different which makes me somewhat question that of the actual flying star number for the year and month that we should be using...

Removed a lot had placed for FS test checks as got carried away and can do privately on the side, it doesn't need to take up distracting space here...

However I am also fully Xuan Kong Flying stars *Skilled* and have professionally used and done *the whole works from A-Z* of compass site eval vis the Period Building birth star of the 24 Mtn system for then initial Water Facing and Mtn (Earth) Sitting star directions, placements their flyings, then Annual and Month star flyings as well, etc, etc for decodings and meanings per sector, blah, blah, blah and had wrote some of that up in great detail here in the past as well...

Do know that for the purpose of homes it is, and has been accurate...

On the practical sides in my opinion though:

*It's only business's* that really need such audits and consider it despite the things it will show for specific directions in that of fires, accidents, diseases and so forth, *to in general be a total waste of one's time for the home itself*...

On homes if your actually doing the layout and construction of one, or if you have a major section of the roof replaced which exposes to the interior then having a full fengshui audit would be of great benefit...

These days though in other, your home aka house luck depends a lot more upon the area in which you live, and who your neighbors are than what the FengShui says...

Most can use just good furniture arrangements and de cluttering methods and common sense itself, as adequate and effective fengshui for their homes and themselves, anything else is pretty much overkill in my opinion...

If your going to pay to learn anything make it the Bazi, Zi Wei Dou Shu or the Wwg the latter free at vis it's online book there... 

Those are all *[daily dynamic to the exact]*, for that which goes on for you, and of your environment(s) auto included in the simul...

When we toss the pair represents not just all that is external to us up to the very, very far aways, it in separate *can* always represent our home itself with great precision in the current of the time frame asked *when we focus on just that!*...

*Tells you, that if you learn the Wwg you have it all*, however those other are the easier in the far more direct for most to understand, and give bazi as the main daily on up, as a powerful aide in choice for most...

Well didn't look further at Hillary Clinton's Bazi chart other than what was of late Feb that strong initial match for the investigative, had initially thought perhaps once that month pop finished, then things would change...

However didn't look at her or peoples of that birth date, time chart's in any depth and probably missed that of the year level or other combinations....Primarily as just looked at the timing of the incident alone...

In fact I was a little more in depth on that of Harrison Ford's here as had also looked at the Astro which showed the event type as one of a panorama concerning his birth Jupiter's areas that is to be for a pretty long duration in his case, not only March but up to July quite easily, and may be a tendency to overspend or some types of losses in one of those month's so mentioned, mentioning that...

Did so without specifying the particullar life areas, so entirely appropriate for him and others of same birth...

Contrary to some's interp maybe, doesn't mean hide in a closet, etc just that some things of those areas as normal to life will definitely come up...

Another thing to understand of these charts is it's about other peoples of the same birth dates and times too, and technically in some other prior mentioned's, just that of the birth date itself not the time *is sufficient for some of the main stuff*, so they can be widely informative for a fair sized group of people as well...

On that of the skinny man child the descrip referred in news groups comments then that fit at times was around 20 years of age or so from Ohio that threatened the President??? Mine was only a comment based from many comments of others on and of the very same, no tosses or charts were involved!...

Noted in today's news and Govt areas again as said is tons there in the starts applying not just within the US only...

That of Fiery or Fire aka Li trigram areas which includes electricities, electronics, lightings, etc reflected that in special weapons advancements and testings in pretty safe for defense and surgically lethal ways...

Then in the minus that of Lasers blinding Police helicopters out west with overall numbers hitting the thousands as far as aircrafts went, the under 30 crowd in deadly and dangerous play...

Stuff on Solar cell/panel at community levels and sharings in the spread as well...

Place that below here for now and *will relocate* to above areas with the rest tomorrow or Monday...

Their FM Physical was different than their Solar which was of Aquarius:

FM China and Far Eastern Countries:

Their Physical in Scorpio with Saturn there, and is ruled by Mars in Pisces 5th areas...

The physical character vis that of the Jyeshtha Nak ruled by Mercury *singularly* in Capricorn 3rd areas...

They have Sun in Aquarius 4th type areas ruled by Saturn from their Scorpio Physical...

Sun in front of Purvabhadra Nak ruled by Jupiter rx in *Cancer domestic 9th's* for expression, activities...

Moon Leo Purvaphala Nak ruled by Venus in Pisces 5th type areas for masses, large areas and where that of Mars conjuncts Ketu plus Venus for influences *ruling their Physical* also...

The Sun and Moon Signs, Nak's, etc  same anywhere just different bhava areas...

Thought had an issue with Nak's generated, but as was relaxing remembered theirs was of a different date and then of the Nak's on FM lunar their's here and our's agree as should, was the one xtra of Nak for our Solar physical for it that  threw me off memorex error or temp mind slip, anyway all is correct!...

Just Blog:

Think part of my issue with the Xuan Kong is *just my own*, it's not practical to me anymore as I can't really run around doing site survey's...

At home was fine but that's it...

There numbers appear to work but not 100% sold when it comes to their matches yet...

That in current for the US would have had FS #6 for the SE's and the Selma, Alabama rememberence...

While somewhat reflective not sure if that's the best number match for the event, which SE's would also have went with by current year their #2 star, and by month their #3 star **(2,3,6)**....

That of 1965 for the actual of SE's it was **(7,9,8)** and was a Snake year type instead...

We had did years and months here at one time also...

Anyone who has an chinese almanac or it's software *anywhere*, can do these type of numberings and some do publish their *Year of the ____ books* on them, with their Lo shu charts of the US in them as well, *amongst* those available now, at the *Amazon* or Google Books  dot com's for this Years...

Some downloadable in E forms for your PC's, Tablets, Pads, or Phones aside the physical paperback postal mails type versions, and then maybe at your citie's, bookstores as well... 

As a 9 Palace aka sector system you can beef it to include the daily positions for decodings at that level, as just did but it's *bulky if done for all 9 palaces per a date*...

Guess that's my gripe with the Xuan Kong, as who needs to track a home at that level in the first place???

If you wanted a daily snapshot just do it for the Center or *Main door palace* itself...

However with the fourpillars aka bazi your normal *everyday* concern at the personal or other levels is with *yourself* primarily and the nature of your relationships in it, vis the Day Master only...

So it's very direct and easy in that way and *known accurate* with the dates as we use them here...

Would likely be a no, no to use the daily of those for the US chart out in the open though, but for people personal charts or biz, obviously and perfectly a.o.k and works great...

Any who examines such charts, have prior to the given dates already noted at the month, etc levels that of any main issues both the plus and minus sides, and then from each date itself see's any other main hits that way too...

If well skilled, then your going to know if something is coming up for the home or job, spouse, children, etc areas from that, so guess I don't see a huge point on doing the Xuan Kong at the date level here or for anyone, not that essential or needed in my opinion...


So you know assertions, charts and chart pairs of the Far Eastern Countries working:

Was a huge near initial match on that mentioned of wealths, where a Top diplomat from N Korea was caught smuggleing a huge amount of Gold into another country think was Bangledesh...

Don't pay much attention to it myself, but did notice that right off the bat...

Also some other of this month: 

For the US/USA and Other Western Countries there's a lot to do with Wealths, or the Social and Upper Wealthy types,  and then in some there would be that of the public aka masses and peoples normal drives or opportunities areas of interests there per the timing as well...

Then we've had and may have yet other in situations involving internal relationships, this period is also to do with that of *Legions*, and in some where unfortunately that of past hates, has also been resurfaced in memories as well...

In some the latter is positive as a reminder of things not to be tolerated or allowed in present society...

While in other by stirrings of such it may serve to create and strengthen the undesired of further divisions in society too???...

Hopefully the latter doesn't occur!...

That of Selma, Alabama Mar 7th 1965 as far as the negative and very Unfortunate types of past situtations in their relationships went then, it carried a good deal more weight at this particular time as our Solar month of March is the same of itself as was then, both VI (Gry) m...

Guess was a good thing the Julie Andrews movie came before the Solar month itself started back then...

[This other for the period is *not limited to the US/USA alone* and some of these situations types would, and will similarly occur in other Western countries also *and of their own separate areas or equivalents]*...

On MH370 you do already have the answer, in Feb 2014 blog which took a good part of March in within it, and at it's page top are about 12 images...

Around the middle are two tosses Mar 8 and Mar 9 that are the strongest for accurate matchings regarding that flight, though got roped in to doing a lot of extra which were for case *possibilities only* and of which will rarely ever do that for the arrogantly unappreciative of glow in the light officials or presses again!...

Tosses don't lie and the second of the two tosses is the answer!...

Not the one some and most would like to hear, and it's in some main very similar to the last Malaysia aircraft incident too vis the connecting 6th and 1st lines of it, etc...

Those are Unfortunately the results despite what officials got or have to say, hopefully though they someday they do find what remains of that aircraft in wish for all those affected...

3/9 Moon day of the Yang wood Monkey I/s aka I (Grn) s...


Upper Gen NE, FS #9 (Li Fire Trigram stuff) in the Centers of any and any global location as well today... 

Then at the Month level it is of N's, and in Year's is of the SW's...

[Moon in Libra our Libra 3rd areas Venus rules in Pisces 8th type areas conjuncted by Mars and Ketu types and areas happenings too...

Moon of Libra 3rd is in front of the Svati Nak ruled by: 

The singlular of *Rahu* in Virgo 2nd material, etc type areas as well...

Rahu itself reflects that of Saturn *char and issues areas*, etc of our FM and SM Scorpio 4th type areas in events then as Mars rules Scorpio brings that of the Pisces 8th type areas in and under it as well]...

That for today's *Global in timed*: #23 - #2 Involve #2...

#23 Strippings or that of Splittings (things) Apart in of actions in the Global...

Global timed pairs are as sounds and are of and pertain to things and happenings that are main or also interconnect Globally, and are *not neccessarily or always* that of a given National or Local area...

See some of political in Ntl matches there, and then more of the Ugly of the Yin earth Rabbit month tied to the social spheres and realms of 1965's themes in that of Oklahoma U's large national membered SAE fraternity...That where a Video sent to Youtube of it, and resulting in the disbandoning of the fraternity at the University *today* as well is a super match of things Spiltting Apart!...

[Know we do certainly have our pasts into presents Ugly stuff, but hope the medias *also focus on that of other countries* in same as we'd also all like to know what is relevant of their's too for the pasts into presents and this *Gry* Rabbit month's part of it as well...

Something that shows we don't hold the highest rating for stupid stuff to ourselves...

Knowledgeably round the picture out for us]!...

Just Blog:

In today from our countries view:

An announcement from the President and Whitehouse aka NE's to do with jobs and in the primary behind that involving Monies or Wealths...

Matches vis direction and is of the Month's aka Period pair FS #9 star for areas Govt and Fire Industries (Tech) jobs...

Would work a lot better if they dropped the Govt funded of hiring overseas persons to fill such jobs in the first place, and keep the Wealth here!...

Anyway the classical weirdi of the Feng Shui appears quite correct, ,just as it's Xuan Kong charts for homes, and biz's usually are as well...

Those you use to improve the *Human Luck Element of Your Environment*...

That and those areas within it, that in the practical would allow for changes that can be made directly by you...

That best done mainly through the use of *External forms* and some internal also, to alter or counter the flow and type of Qi (Chi) in the home or given areas within it...

That being for the purpose of better health, better mental attitudes, better education, more harmonious relationships including romance, and *the main everyone thinks of is that of increasing your wealth luck potential* for the frame as well...

Those are all believe it or not valid types of areas in which physical results are achieved by a proper feng shui audit, and then making the appropriate changes in your environment for the given period...

It's also true a lot can be freely done using basic common sense in the layout of rooms in the structure and many inexpensive books put out basic info's on that, but will not be as guarenteed as an actual Xuan Kong Flying stars audit...

Without that and the knowledge of the exact correct dates to do Water (wealth) placements, you likely will do yourself harm instead of benefit by such placements...

The reason I refer to other areas as more practical or beneficial is strictly in terms of exact and beneficial forecasts to do with one's day or month...

Nothing can top that of the Wen Wang Gua or the Fourpillars aka Bazi in that department, and those inherently are the optimum for making good decisions and plannings with...

That of the Wen Wang Gua (Wwg) can actually *do it all*, including the FengShui...

One can toss for the home or biz, then in sub for each room or area of it, and to include the external environment side directions as well...

Basic examples of that are shown in the superiching online book as well...

Myself were I to do for others (little need), would have to employ a partner by job to do the physical leg, compass and snap the pictures work, and then the rest I could handle...

Having the extra skills allows me to do a far more detailed and accurate analysis than most...

Barring that in the practical I just use it for environment awareness itself, utilizing that of Professional Feng Shui registered software specifically designed for that, including gardens, waterways etc and for where I reside...

Ok enough on all that, what about that expensive and hard to get too bazi for your daily stuff???

Well for most that's out of range as is the Wwg in terms of difficulty for most...

However you can take a *lighter much more practical approach*, and still use the Wwg to *your own great benefit right away*???

Here's how:

Simply KISS drop the elements, forget all the rules and *go by the star types only*!...

In some but not all cases for personal only tosses that can include the Iching pair name meanings as well...

Carefully frame your questions to *the open ended only*, and their aka the simplest bare essential as first step, and then *specify a time frame as well while tossing*:


What's in for me today???

Result your day type...

What's in for me tomorrow???

Use time frame desired in these...

Don't deviate worded from that, or may not work so well!...

Refer to the charts area vis first main page's links or it's selector button, and plot your hexagram's stars, skipping the elements...

Be sure you do know what the (J) Physical, (U) Object and Changes line(s) and as line numbers also stand for, directly interpret as such...Read up as you need...

*Don't worry or Over worry* about the star types nor what the thousands of possibilities for their meanings are, *stick* with the basic meanings only in the books stars chapters...

If you got a G star physical then something of *Money, Women, Love, Luxeries, Material Objects or themes, Values, Devices*, Medias, Containers, Popularities or small transports are in or a main in your day!...

You can, but don't have to narrow it down a bit more, by knowing what of G star areas is most relative to the daily events in your life, and are also common with *the trigram areas that star is in also*...

Main: Just accept that something of G stars are important to your day or you may have something planned that fits as well, *it doesn't require you to worry about it*, just accept!...

Next the (U) Object MOC line either represents Matters you are or will be concerned with themselves or that involve of other people and conditions, to include Opponents but mainly just others or of companies, other structures as well...

[Again no reason to over dwell on specifics *just accept that something of that star type* fits with those and of it's line areas and is central or comes up in your day, and *that it relates to the star areas of your physical itself]!*...

Finally the changes line(s) star(s):

Note the line area, the star config as too type of changes with the star type as the type and nature of the changes in for you, and that those changes stem from that of the Objects areas to the Physical's...

The what's going on for the Physical of the date...

Just toss, note the stars on those lines and that's your day!...

That basic will be accurate and more detailed than even the Bazi in that, and *you got it for *Free!**...

That's as far as it applying to the singular of time frame used as to what comes up, when it comes to the date's significance relative your life itself then the Bazi will excel there...

It's not as totally accurate of their natures, since your not using the elements and wuxing theories, but still *you do get your day, week, period, month or year type* out of the deal!...

Keeping it simple KISS is how *you can accurately use the Wwg without understanding the myriads of it's details* too, and who knows perhaps many months or years later you in study will master the more detailed as well...

*You are the* worlds barring all of sciences and electronics greatest and *most sensitive* environments changes *detector aka detection device*, that exists...

Pick a quiet time when little is going on in your personal environment to do your toss, as it does pick up all things...

Then do one good toss only, ask the given question once that's it...

Many times it will also pick up the nature of your activities at the time as well, but what it shows for your day, etc will still be correct!...

I often when chill will watch a show or movies usually more than one, and a series when mind is tired, and the scenes within those or one main of them, which were supposedly randomly selected will match to toss line trend specifics as well...

That's of the immediate and extending into hours afterwards of the toss itself on the contents of tv or mainly of amazon or netflix show series that I watch, in and in some even before the date that I tossed for....

In the simple means that of what are the *Future* elements in trends shown of the toss commence playing out right away before me that further pertain to the date involved...The same occurs for any, and really brings home that of your toss being accurate vis the future itself...

That's just how accurate the tosses are...

Didn't see it, hey check your mail, email and with your significant other it will be there, and *hold aka save the toss for future references aka those events that refer back to it's date*...

Part of how you will learn!...

Any toss properly done will always be correct, and in the very few times when in your opinion that it isn't???

Then it's something conflicted of your date itself, or other of toss or external to you of interferances, which temporarily obscure direct results at the time...

The greatest bulk of the time (99.99 % or so), it should be extremely reliable and correct for you...

You can know your aka the day, etc period...

[At the minimum you should include the line colors, that will tell you a bit about the nature of the star types...

With Yel you should also include that of embroilments or entanglements, that abrupt, that conservative or of limitations, obstructings or delays, or of Saturn nature in and as the influence it has on a line, which could further define the emotion(s) or values also associated the star]...

Biggest thing, don't ever over worry or fuss on meanings, keep it very ez basic, it's this star type that's all, think positively do what you can, and just accept...

More important is, you can do it free and for yourself minus the large bucks similar would cost, enjoy... 


Need to clarify the above regarding an improper attempt to distinguish that of the Wwg and Bazi:

Had improperly started to make *a comparison* between the Wwg and the Bazi but that's something that can't be done in the sense of what had stated...

That as they are two entirely different systems and things in function...

The Wwg in full version aside some basic yes/no abilities is strictly *a lunar forecasts system type*, whereas the Bazi is Solar and primarily a personal human relationships type of system...

The bazi is a life chart type of system, vis a timed birth event, and that is primarily based on that of 10 unique and different *fixed* specific personal relationship types...

One which is very accurate as far as determining the types of relationships and activities you will and can be involved with on a given date, and beyond that how the date affects you in several distinct pillar life areas...

In complete it's a life type system that takes in your physical and social roots aka ancestory and that of of your upbringing plus it's social and work environments that of your internal relationships and that of your learnings, career and wealths areas...

So the bazi is a very advanced and sophisticated personal relationships system that practically encompasses all the main areas in one's personal life based on their birth info...

From the personal and human view you roll through a ever repeating cycle of a basic Ten day types...

Since the branch elements are ever changing as well each 10 day set can have significant differences which will reflect your actual day in personal relationships areas itself and those in the exact will only repeat every 4 to 5 months for a date of the exact same type!...

Some may think their may be fallacies when it comes to people of identical charts, but are not as each person's Upbringing will be different and in even that of identical twins, they too will also experience different things at times, and form entirely different views and judgements in some areas, etc...

The chart will apply to both and their basic timings will be the same but there are tolerances shown for the types of activities, etc a given timing represents and each through choice will select differently yet still that will fall into the character of the timing and activity types that go with it...

In short there's no fallacy as to day types, etc shown and the chart will still accurately apply for all of such births as well...

The Wwg however is it's own separate type of physical event type where the toss introducing chaos is that of a human physical action, and of it's own specific space and time and a birth at that time in itself...

One which reflects globally all that of human and non personal *inter relationships plus that of natural components (natural phenomena) that are present at the given time*...

It's very sophisticated in all that also showing ones body aka health status as well when the question is of yourself and even in other question types altogether, if that of one's physical and health conditions is of major concern it will auto surface in the hexagram results if there's a problem!...

In that a living but static snapshot of the actual heavens and earth energies *in play* that are both surrounding you and of which your a part so also is of that within and going on for you as well...

Then in system and method one is able to further interpret it through that of a hexagram structure which reflects both a situation and it's happenings in the main of it's Physical, Other, and changes relationships lines and then other auxillary or interacting vis the remaining lines...

[So it's just not possible to make a which is better comparison between them as they do entirely different things]!...

In the short one is a timed life type, and the other a forecasts type...


In that very reduced and limited of Wwg version used for just finding that of one's day, etc that's as any and all Wwg strictly *forecast types*...

Most may not even understand their results, but if toss was properly done it will work, and it will take time of doing the same over a good range of dates before it becomes clear to you that what your getting is something that reflects the most main of your day out of it...

You might get several of the even same day type aka same star type in the physical, in a given week, but that will be normal and the pair names will be different with most often the line numbers or color will be different and or the changes may be in the physical itself at times too, so each will be a distinguished type as to the (your) date type...

When finally you do add all the elements for the stars in, then your getting a much more detailed, dynamic and totally accurate type of forecast which further involves the interactions between the line stars as they play out in your day...

However in initial you can scale it down to just the star types and line colors as mentioned in that very basic question and some other types...

There you use the basic star type vis it's line number position and color plus beyond the normal Wwg include that of the trigram environment traits and the pair names as well...

That alone in the free tells you something of your day and of others or situations in it...

Such will be very accurate, and is most certainly definitely *good enough to start learning the Wwg with*...


3/10 Fire day of the Yin wood Rooster aka II (Grn) yo...

Toss for today normal questions as used here was on the U.S. only...

On those when do them I have absolutely no one in mind and focus on that of the country with a physical image of it geographically only, when executing the toss itself...

Per news yesterday vaguely knew that DOS Hillary Clinton was to make a statement of some type concerning emails, but that was not in any way consciously on my mind on this date or when performing the toss itself...

Was done as most I do, much earlier in the date and you can further add or expand the line areas as desired...

Then you should also note aka apply this date as all at the Year and Month or Period level for their views as well!...

#42 - #37 Involve #23...


Absolutely, and in that of it's (the Wwg's) role *as a forecasts day type in this instance*!...

Expanding focusing on just the Physical aka the All about line only:

Physical Yel 3rd Gcn star changes involving Meeting that of Ph star type areas...


Yel That abrupt, conservative, obstructing, delayed or of that of limitations, embroiled or entangled and of Saturn char or aspects as Influences too:

3rd line areas:

That of 3rd line areas aka that of the Prominent and or Middles common areas physically or in issues or regional structures, and or any of and in a transitions state as well.

That of the 3rd line areas themselves is reflected in the actions and areas of Gcn star type changes...


Gcn star areas in changes...

Gcn star that of *G star type areas*:

Then of the Dragon (cn) earth branch aka element energy which may or may not include the SE's, and more so, is that of *practical and blunt earthy natured components* in areas concerning that of the Grandiose, nobility, and noble types or not in events...

Note: Noble or not is a function of types and dates, and others in this date that may not be noble, even though there would be personal disagreements from of others or within the masses, it's assumed when referring to a Govt positioned type that it's meaning refers to that of the Noble or that of an Upper Noble class, etc...

[Using that as an Official Wwg only take of the Dragon (cn) element in daily uses here]...

That quickie descrip does not fully indicate what the actual Dragon sign is all about as in real life, as it's definitely not all about noblility, and has also to do with *some* very over controlling and narcistic types, etc also...

That as the Dragon in character range or types not only soars to the highest positive heigths, but to the deepest depths of the negative natured as well...

That of the Gcn dragon star's changes involves that of a Ph water star so things Personal nuturences as preferences in various of P star type areas, plus that of watery areas emotional or physical and their nuturences in those...

As is you can note that Hillary Clinton addressed the UN and the subject of her personal emails both fit within that of P star type areas is one of the events involving G star of women 's areas in the physical today!...

Also of the 3rd line areas was that of an Ryo hidings, hidden star Under and associated the Gcn star type areas, which reflects things of other Officials, men or possibly even dangers involved as well aka the normal of R star areas...

That star being same as Date indicated things of it's areas bonded to that of the Physical's Gcn changes star and may have slightly hindered it in some as well in the changes it was to make...

Then in the main the event matched up and under with the pair names as well:

Trade or things increasing which is that of the Physical areas...

Further within that of making points on things is that of the #23 Hexagram which is to do with that of the Strippings of things and or the Splitting apart of things...

In that various of and involved with the emails, etc...

Then in Outcomes it turns into and further involves that of #37 the Family which takes in the State Department, The Govt, The American or World family and then her own as well...

Now had I left out the elements and used just the star types and line colors alone would have essentially got the same general slant as to the Physical's areas for this date but in a much broader view of just star types instead...

It would also have been just as accurate *under that limit* as far as what the US day was about and how it'd go, but with the elements we got a vastly improved picture *which narrowed* the day in event types to that more specific!...

How about the FourPillars aka Bazi or just of the *date alone itself* there???

Well all by itself it would have said that of Solar and Globally Indirect Power aka 7 Kills (The General) types of events were in for Global Relationships this date!...

Such takes in that of Power, Careers, Jobs, Management skills, etc that are usually are of very assertive and aggressive natured types...

So in the basic *that's pretty informative as well*, and of given charts that would directly translate to other types altogether and be dead on target for them...
Both types do their jobs but with the Wwg we don't need a chart as *it is the chart*, and then bazi is the more distinctly personal sided of them...

Anyway that pair applies to many other events today of written news as well, but her's was indeed one of the main to the US day...

Watched eve Ntl did see other things such as a story on firefighters and another involving a police rescue and some odds and ends in dangers of various types...

Things of flights also as the pair had Shun Uppers also...

Those think were some of former dates, but being in the news again this date still qualifies them in matches as well...

That of some of China's own jolts come up with that of finding IS terrorists in their midst goes with theirs and then of far easts and down that of cyber reveals of New Zealand, though didn't think need to particularly know that...

Then on the continued of wealths stuff *of this period* and of today's pair as well, was additional work by the President to do with student loans and documents, etc changes mentioned in the news...

Just Blog:

Had earlier mentioned something of a 5 month cycle for dates, and that was one of my parallex errors, as that applied to an accupuncture dates method cycle...

Somehow that surfaced when was thinking of the date cycle and just wrote it in without a thought...

Any way all from dates on up to years they are all of sexagenary type aka cycles 60 in binomial pairings of their stems/branches, and they don't use aka linearly run all possible combinations that could exist at all...

That is as the 5 elements are subdivided and into two polarity sets of yin and yang types to form a total of 10 heavens stems in their usages...

Then there is also a rule, that only a yin branch may go with a yin stem, and only a yang branch can go with a yang stem...

Ran that way there are only 60 binomials aka combinations total forming that of the sexagenary cycle of 60...

That runs from binomial pair #1 Jia Zi (Wood Rat) to binomial pair #60 Yi Hai (Yin Pig), and then just repeats over and over...

Ok we have that straight now...

3/12 Wood aka Jup day of the Yin fire Pig aka IV (Red) h:

Today just adding a couple of repeating tosses been getting:

#42 - #37 Involve #37 

Had prior noted was and would be other relative to it, and certainly a lot to do with leaderships and mails in there, then in other separate maybe actual biz and trades too...

#30 - #22 Involve #54 

That has a lot to do with Govt and Govt Org's and some of Police areas some separate and as some of Govt involved or connected types too...

Then some fire industries areas which include lightings, heatings, streams of datas in network com, etc, etc and then issues of Govt and or Biz with that in the US and then Overseas and on other areas also...

That of beliefs in the separate and perhaps of a selective groups area where masses are concerned did also pop up in that of petitions too...

In separate Govt areas in Mil areas or that of Law enforcement and other agencies of all types, anywhere...

In some that of people and group nurturences that align with their chosen brides areas in things, etc...

Probably some other points missing yet... 

You can expand both for stars staying brief here for now but all this does go along with where mentioned of the period where would be a lot of internal situations in relationships themselves involving legions or masses of people to be a main in events areas...

That latter has indeed been very correct both within that of Govt and it's affairs itself, and then also within that of our National and groups areas as well...

Yesterday had been a Dangers date and there were an abundance of clashes towards the destructive in internal relationships and other areas too anywhere, and even right here in the vandelous during hr e in the morning...

Should mention are always some types of Destructives that are positive as well, such as that of Medical Surgeries and in or of other the removal of things vis demolitions, etc...

Ok leaving that to you and in other here that of my simplified Simon says Wwg system was simply to get some to try to do there own tosses...

Figured if started that way and then of any who followed my example of just adding elements to the physical itself and interpreting *that one line only*, they would have then made their own first initial and successful start in the Wwg itself...

Doing it that way, you will indeed get what comes up as the main of your day anytime you wish, and freely so...

That of just viewing the Physical's star type alone, is also the correct way to begin the initial evaluation of any hexagram period...

Then pay very clear attention to my detailing of the physical first as did on the #42 Trades toss, and use that as the starting basis in your own as well...

That until such time that of using the elements themselves becomes later clear and of second nature for you, where you do go from there in any is entirely up to you...

Ok for those beyond that and do toss but many times don't see or don't think their toss matches up with events or what goes on about them, think again???

What your not told and that many even teachers do not realize or recognize is:

That of the Wwg also includes all of the bazi's many different combinations and clashes types, etc as It's taught in brevity so that's not thought of as being included except of the very few schools that actually include some other of the bazi as well in there's...

That of Wwg's basic combinations and clashes are the same for the bazi as well, except the bazi includes a lot more of semi aka partial combinations and other additional types as well...
Then in the nature of what a hexagram is supposed to represent vis and versus time, those other are also needed to fully and accurately define the time components of and to the hexagram(s) themselves...

Initially you'll never have to worry about it as it's not taught in most schools and only of a few in exceptions, but at some point when you become proficient in it as it's taught, then your going to realize that a few things are indeed missing, *and that will be those other types of combinations and clashes!...

When those are included, yes the complexity level does go up, but you are then Ultra accurate in seeing what all will come up of a hexagram or pair, and indeed it does...

Had one like that last night hr t, day h #9 - #5 Involve #38...

Not ten minutes later it popped well to the N's aka NE, N, NW of here with that of a police car siren alerting as to something going down...

Using the Wwg as normal showed most main to it for a normal assessment, but when add other bazi combinations was that of harms and other destructive to it that firmly rounded out the picture for that moment...

In importance that of those other combinations, etc also do account for many of those times, even dates something or things pop, but you see no stars or only 1 involved which can in no way adequately define the event(s) themselves...
Basically saying that once you do learn the Wwg as it is used then learning that of the fourpillars aka bazi in that of it's many other combinations and clashes, will take you to a very satisfying and full mastery level of the Wwg...

Not too mention what the knowledge and practicality of what the fourpillars aka bazi in itself alone gives and can do for you alone...

Unfortunately here I can't share that much on the Bazi itself as in the proper it has to be learned as a system that is also a profession in itself, and it's not just about those overseas, we have americans in the US who also earn their livings as well from that type of work too...

Again it's something that must be learned in whole and not in part else innumerable misunderstandings and errors would crop up and also as it is a profession I will not violate it or short change others of the hard work and time they put in theirs...

My Opinion on bazi schools or products being:

That if you wish to learn the Bazi then the PDF version aka *The Secret Code to Life and Destiny*, put out by the efengshui arts academy of Singapore vis Jon Sim and his brother as being the best, most practical and complete in and of itself that money can buy you!...

Using that to fully learn from, then for other(s) charts  *any of* these recommended: A 10,000 year Chinese calendar, software or the three B's Almanac software is all you'd need for doing *others* charts...

3/15 Sun day of the Yang (Hardcutting) metal Tiger aka VII (Wht) y...

Influences: Upper Shun, FS #8 (Gen, Wealths)...

Global timed: #59 - #*29* Involve #27...

Self explanatory includes Dangers as were in Pakistan and in other things!...

As said before this is not a good month in all things, but in that of Allies or Friendships overseas for the US it is a good month for that...

Allies aka real friends those of past substance and attracting new ones possible too, then of say negotiations today hardcutting and tomorrow a better one, but should normally be within whom you call real allies and beyond those your on your own, but obviously have to be much more wary...

However internally and global you do have the lunar pair which has been accurate for both internal and political and should be considered for this period in any decisions and the fact your in the waning (Yin) side of it now!...

April is not a good month for the US although it may be more productive there will be a tendency to race towards conclusions, shallow thinkings, quick fixes and to take actions to quickly...So the danger of hurting others or being hurt from incorrect actions is an influence in that month!...

However you'll need to weigh that with whatever the lunar pairs show then, and where it's positive makeing any new begins or buildups of things in the NM phase or a few days afterwards and onwards would fair better *then having a waxing phase to it*...

May should be a very good month for drives in getting things done, new ideas, innovations, *negotiations*, etc in many areas including anything that's fire industry related and maybe as relates to some types of earnings also...

Again you'll have to weigh it within what the pairs show then...

The pairs show how that of relationships themselves work at a given time, their situations and then the natural sides, weathers etc...

In difference:

You could choose to go entirely by the year pairs instead for major decisions as those do include the Solar sides also, and then those of the bi weekly as just additve info and factors of influences at the time...

Some could disregard all together but that probably won't work well for them in all cases either, so better to consider all the influences to make the best decisions possible for the time...

Views here are only for that most direct to us, and not of or in all that's peripheal and then the pairs though always some of individual acts in, are mainly for and relative that of *Groups and Masses* and that of large areas or environments themselves!...

Tossed last night seems to be what some of the excitement is about and why I'm posting today:

#50 - #18 Involve #43...

Has Blk 2nd Rh star physical:

Use names, expand or not and make your own decisions as about seats of power and then things of explosives also, etc and in theo some where rot or corruption exist or in which remedies must be made...

Ok with that type of overview won't be posting much as the period pair does say what the situations are and what comes up, and you have and are seeing that...

In otherwords the period pairs are enough don't need daily adds by me, just track the dates relative them...

Decisions I don't make but do show what's main and relative so that some good ones can be made, and show a couple different takes on how one might make them under correct timings case by case, and the rest up to others...

Timings are important as had rushed into something recently ignoring *what my toss showed* beyond just my basic day type itself...

Nothing too serious, but did make for a lot of extra rub in terms of power point presentations associated something had bought turning into a headache to use, presets had never been made and are none direct for that, was strange as all other softwares use, function perfectly, but all the other of study materials itself was and are fully useful...

In point vis the timing that shows the everyday snags we do get when don't pay full attention to all the timing aspects in my case disregarding the toss.... 

3/17 Fire day of the Ren Yang Water Dragon aka IX (Blk) cn...

Influences: Upper Gen, FS #8 (Gen, Wealths)...

Global timed: #23 - #4 Involve #2...

Just Blog: 

A toss today that agrees with the assessments our economy  will collapse *within the next 5 years*...

That made by a financial expert who has been accurate many times on that area and then today in news some potential plans to offset were mentioned...

So unhappily and unfortunately *at the and this present time* the toss does agree with the Stanford research prediction...

#63 - #36 Involve #64...

It shows the outcome, based on the assumption nothing is done!...

Assume that something can be as it's *Wealth's* aka Money star is that of a hiding and hidden star type, one that's associated the wet or gaseous of nuturance and comforts areas!...

Just in this present shows that it's hard to get to or at and to do with having asked relative a *5 Year Frame*...

It catches the date no doubt as all do but is reflective of the bigger picture in terms of acrossed 5 years as well...

The actual at a later time to come yet, depends entirely of things done, actions taken regarding #64's areas...

So next and each year I can repeat this same exact toss and we will see which direction it is moving at that time!... 

In other of date it went quite directly along with that of the large 2000 snow geese birds diseased, dead and having fallen from the skies over Utah, etc...

Thought wasn't going to watch news but the bulk of ABC's was on Yahoo this eve and did note the huge of Floods with the Midwest in that, plus had read separate headlines on that of the expansion of the Calif water drought restrictions aka clashed of 5th line regulatings areas too...

Neither timed nor tosses show just ill or deadly things and I happened to toss on that of a negative supposition, but are also some positives in that of other things of healths, comforts, environments, waters, surgeries and that both competive or of allies, and then in some that of enemies as well can factor in...

Understand that timed and toss pairs always reflect that of real life:

That of timed and tosses are totally dynamic interactions of actual moving energies, in a lot that invisible to our eyes as particles and fields and of electromagnetic interactions in the descending, ascending, pulling apart, down, expanding, contracting, gathering, dispersing, rising and falling of the elements within those, which form many different combinations and clashings at any one time and through the course of a period or day...

Some of it in the more bulkier forms you do see as in that of weathers, clouds, lightnings, the daily of the Sun, Moon, winds and airs, and other natural phenomena, but a great deal neccessary to life you can't see except for the results in some, but it's there always in flux and affects all and all things on earth...

So when you look at a pair think more of it as *living energy* as that's what it is, how they operate and *why they are accurate*...

[In prior before on timings had forgot some desireable aspects of the full moon's period:

It is useful for the closings or finishings of some types of deals, etc...

It's said but depending on the time of day which sets the support or not of other factors, that the FM itself at peak aka maximum Yang is the most auspacious of all times for such a thing...

Afterwards it's a waning phase as appropriate to the retiring, yieldings or contracting of things, and is very useful in things that you also want or need to be or have diminished or eliminated in some degree as well]...

Are numerous methods per system to choose the exact best date to do a given thing so won't be covering that in any great extent, but simply using the planetary date for the main activity and the hour which brings the most related physical type in for it, as easy one of the more often used...

As far as that ahead if wish they do make a number of recommendations as to what you can do to prepare yourself, and the interested will check into for themselves...

Other than that anyone can improve their earth luck even without the exhorbatant of flying stars type of standard feng shui itself, but of Standard Feng Shui alone and you'll look for that which would involve physical changes in your home, etc and are plenty of articles and books on that...

You'll get the idea if you realize that an actual audit of just that type alone, can be quite extensive...

Just take any changes slow, so you can observe for any adverse short term sudden effects that come up, and if so then undo them, rethink and try again as in just that type, that of positive benefits are very possible from the improvements you make...

To be a bit more clear yes flying stars types as more than one version but any of are the precisionate but problem is it's not within most's reach...

So it's better to do something than nothing and while won't really recommend the Black Hat type do recognize that some do actually get good results...

However better than that is to rely on *actual standard feng shui* which totally deals with *that of the natural forces and energies themselves*...

Not much different than what had mentioned of the dates and of hexagrams themselves, but not something most will not understand without taking a course of some type....

Barring that you can still find articles or books that at least cover some aspects of it, and be able to survey what you have and slowly make physical corrections the best you can room by room...

Not the Yin type but it's that of Yang aka Living feng shui relative environments, people, homes and buildings their design and the objects external but mainly those within them would be most biggest concerns and adaptable to changes you can make...

You'll have to do your own research as there's a lot that's priveleged info, and even that type of audit properly done can take a lot of things in, but I'm still very sure you'll find some articles on the net and in some books which will refer to that have described...

Do a home that way minus any stars and you'll have set it to the best possible initial of lasting conditions, most would be at little to no costs as well, and then if you want to optionally and further beneficial do the year's, etc stars stuff that will boost aka offset some issues also in the further...

Doing something that better sets the natural harmony of a house, etc *will always benefit the occupants*....

Your choices as to which system or to do at all but mainly don't want any to feel as if there are no options as there are...

Your home and you do have Earth luck which is the most changeable of luck parts, so it's good to take advantage of that...

It's solid just like the tosses I do, and the timed here as it's *all of the same stuff* another below:

Did you note what China doing in South China seas, well it agreed with the Solar pair I posted for it showing changes in their SE's!...

What didn't mention at all in priors is that also looked at the China chart for when they became ruled of a communist govt...

In specific that of a *Feng Shui Flying stars* chart beyond the normal astro type for that, and there's usually not always several facing stars aka directions useable or of Good Luck in a given year, and in this one's for 2015 it's:

*That is of their SE's*...

Now on other, every year many practitioner's of their different arts often do post something on their country, and had probably more by accident in that of recent bazi lookup's found one in english on a Singapore site that stopped to check...

Was their predictions as of Feb 4 there China's bazi solar chart for the Year of the Goat, and in verbage it is pretty interesting in some details as good to know, you can check it out:

Google: Singapore Bazi Year of the Goat... 

FS Not Black Hat:

There are a couple of main styles one of forms school is that of San He which has the Water Dragon formulas, etc and the other is San Yuan used in Flying stars...

San He is that of city, large areas and structures, etc plannings and then today *they are just both taught (quite expensively) together*...

However if you wanted those Water Dragon formula or rather just the actual installations and placements for a home or building itself, then:

David Twicken's *very inexpensive book*:

Flying Stars Feng Shui Made Easy, contains the main *7 water dragon methods* those which enhance a home for health and prosperity, etc...

That's well beyond what was being mentioned here which is purely of a physical forms and physical objects basis and things you can easily do for yourself...

One that observes the actual geo magnetic directions, where you just needs to set their balences itself straight:

That's room by room, each vis their magnetic sector aka trigram type for the given direction.

Each trigram is a specific type of energy and has a specific element associated it...

The magnetic fields of each direction have their own specific characteristics which are *associated specific seasons or times of the year*, which is all part of what each given trigram aside just environment types represents...

Each trigram represents specific of seasonal aka time related *types of energy*!...

That's to do with the solastices (24 Mountains) and *the angles the Sun forms with the earth* in any given solar month and each 2 week period within them, which then sets the nature and quality of the energy rcvd on the earth at that time...

Due to the variences of the angle formed not to mention distances involved at those 24 Mountain points which occur twice each month, sets both the amount aka intensity and the qualities of that rcvd energy and those in turn affect the levels, etc of the earths magnetic field...

Basically that says that for each of the 8 main directions (sectors) has a different type of energy and those differences of the 8 magnetic directions are further represented by a unique trigram for each as well...

Just as mentioned of the hexagrams the trigrams being their main components that they too directly contain and symbolize that of living energy types too...

Living being a combine of many different solar types and more that without there would be no life on this earth, so is all very significant in our uses...

Further variations and differences occur both irregularly and in the spontaneous plus some other over very long intervals that include the sunspots, however for the most part those are cyclic and so to become accounted for, sometimes additional msg's or notations for years of some special perks, etc...

Then in adjustments you change or alter physical objects such that they work harmoniously with, instead of opposing or weakening the basic trigram aka *room's natural element*...

Magnetic fields themselves do interact with various of electrical, electromagnetic and particle energies etc and the bulk of which you can't see, and they are classified differently room by room as environments etc per *the natural magnetic and trigram direction type*...

On energies involved there's a lot of xtra they take in that are not from the Sun at all also...

[All the fields within a structure aka any structure will form a specific type of relationship and a given cycle type as well...

Simplified by saying a relationship which is singular and the desired, but in practice or in most homes, buildings etc, you end up with the undesired of several relationships instead of just one, even in just one room no less, and *that's what has to be balenced*]...

So it's desired within each room or sub structure that, there be one overall set of relationships that becomes linked to the others forming then *one overall positive and productive* type of cycle for the main structure itself...

That is what is desired to be established and then maintained for one's own home]...

In that type of environment, occupants can do quite well...

When a given sector's element is not supported or is diminished vis that of other elements in it, it's then not so vibrant and energy may even be halted becoming that of a stagnant and unuseful ill nature...

When that happens or most has been ignored and allowed to go, is that many different *negative influences build up* over times which can and will surface as effects, disease, losses and other on those living there...

In real life have noted both that of accidental or not of fires and more importantly seen specific diseases that are in for a homes given sector actually manifest and come up as real events for the occupants...

Are many but remember one year for a Westward facing home whose chart I ran out of curiosity and it had shown relative the living room and door things to do with a person's jaws and in specific LockJaw were in for that year...

Just noted it but didn't give no huge thought, but months later when the timing came around for the sector was stunned because that's exactly what happened for one of the occupants for nearly two weeks!...

It was quite a jolt to see...

What throws a lot off is it's pretty slow natured of big effects in the overall, not like our daily pairs here, until it finally does in the right year get around to the exact timing for the particular item, then *boom*!...

So that's why it's important to balence them as without there are even more serious things that do occur...

Anyway that's the main purpose of the Feng Shui which is to balence out any differences and set those fields up for that of a positive productive cycle and that of harmony itself...

You didn't have to know all that have mentioned, but some would immediately not having a good background just think and say it's all bs, *when it isn't, it's as real as it gets*...

Fortunately though you only need to be concerned with balencing your home and making the right physical adjustments and changes to that of the rooms and mainly of what's in them relative the rooms, and the rest will take care of itself...

So articles, books and:

Now after having said all that I'm sure you can find even vis Youtube some of the references you'll need to start you off in improving the balence and harmony of the atmosphere within your home...

Your on your way, *don't be in a huge hurry*, and just do a bit at a time with possibly a little experimentation on your part also, will get you there!...

Get stuck or overwhelmed, back off and maybe you'll see what you've missed later, or if in lieu and in a hurry find someone trained to make the assessments and either do for you or tell you what needs to be done...

If non local maybe pick a room and send them a pic of just that and see what they come up with, by that time you should have already did some reading on your own and you'll recognize whether the advice realistic or not, and go from there...

Don't say you can't use Black Hat methods, but it in no way is real feng shui and doesn't address the actual of natural forces so ends up while working for some to be a flash in the pan type...

Do know one book which has 20 real life near instant riches success examples in it, that used that, but that's pretty far and few in between and requires very strong and consistant positive mental attitudes, etc which is not likely the average person can maintain that with any great consistancy or regularity...

Your choice if you think can work for you then by all means, but *it is not real feng shui* and likely will not work well for you, is all will say...

Haven't been keeping up with air type news for a week, and only give the written a light daily run through as the pairs have it covered and most is just interplay of them and the mentioned...

That and usually not interested in 10 different spins or the mind control stuff, so more free to advance in studies at a more comfortable pace, and then relax with the shows as need...

Just a few more days and will be another NM to work with here, anyway... 


Mar 20th New Moon Lunar period:

3/20 NM on a Metal (Venus) day of the Yin wood Goat aka II (Grn) wa...

Influences Upper Quen, FS #2...

Weekly influences of the Eastern Grn Dragon began Thursday Mar 19th...

Here weekly started with that of Rains for the 19th...

Global timed: #2 - #23 Involve #2...

Posted at top...

Most can easily define that pair for themselves so will mention some other:

In your Outer and Inner dealings vis paired compliments:

You can in combine factor in the #1 hexagram:

Chen aka Qian as Heaven, and that of raw and raw material power natured in that of the negative sided of peoples responses in their talk, actions and some events...

Some and such likely to surface in your dealings vis others within this period as well and when in the negative runs along the lines of others defaming or backstabbing those they are either jealous of or of their illusions or circles hateful of as well...

In other words just because we have the Motherings, Nurturing s and Masses hexagram in note that it's Outcome hexagram is not productive unless there are items, causes, etc where it is positive for most to see things be split apart or diminished...

Diminishing that of negative attitudes and talk is always beneficial across the entire board, reducings of uneccessary wastes and clutters also always beneficial, but would be a lot in that of incorrect judgements which can be quite harmful as well...

Bit of Astro:

This periods pair is boosted by that in it's astro as the NM conjuncts Ketu that of erosions, sudden stuff, accidents, that invisible or unseen and the dissaperances of things, things becoming lost or turning up missing, etc that are in or related to Pisces and other planetary areas, etc...

Initially that's broad but the orb will get much tighter and a lot and that important in this period will be of or to do with Ketu's areas!...

Then while Ketu applies in anyone's areas regardless of age, job or or profession it often does more strongly match that of Politicians, Police, Doctors, Soldiers and in general the Younger Gen 30's or under 40 on downwards...

Look up Ketu and you'll widen your perspective of things represented...

Beyond that it yet more broadly but vis *Pisces sign energy* does conjunct that of Mars for the sparky and thundery in some while boosting our drives or ambitions the raw power stuff, in all of the latter too...

Anyway on one sides things can get to be quite personal while on the other it's Countries and their relationships we have to also focus on...

It's RTW physical that of Capricorn the hard and steeley and that of Structures...

It's character is flavored by that of the Dhanishtha wealths, power and greeds Nak which *Mars* also rules!...

Look Nak areas up as may not have characterized in the best light, just did a quickie here...

It's pushes us more towards our own Upper and social desires sides, as in that of the Revati Nak where Mars is at, aspires us or our desires to use systems and things that are thought or known to be of more intelligent and creative natures...

That to basically achieve one a more satisflying earthly experience vis the more refined and stronger for material outcomes...

Good that Mars itself is in Revati rather than a harsher Nak but still good to be alert to that of ID theft and Hack stuff no doubt as well...

The NM itself aka the Sun and Moon are in the emotive and character natured of the Uttarabhadra Nak which is ruled by *Saturn* which also rules the Physical so will be some harsh stuff of the weathers or natural phenomena besides in the inter dealings of relationships and peoples too...

Knowing that try to tone it down before over judgeing another, going to be a lot of jolts, so just take it slow and easy and be attentive too some of the mentioned when you see things come up...

Try not to involve in arguements of just any little thing you disagree with especially anything of your local area, near your home and the common travels you make in your daily routines this period as all of that is spiked for sudden jolts and any little situation can get out of control in a heart beat!...

Shouldn't be too many surprise when things pop as this is the period for that and can be or get nasty of some you encounter, everything here has been correct for the year so at least you have a guide...

That of the learning areas was one of several main had listed of the bazi and solar year for us and other day they showed quite a fair number of Fraternity's which for the first time ever were being shut down...

Goes with the year and you have to expect in your dealings with those younger even as adult types and of various or routine services areas too, that your going to experience some pretty foul or ill mouth and that of the mental cased in that or actions of them at times...

Just the nature of the year and when some incline to the small and not the noble...

Goes without saying, you know you need to track the dates to know the main of any and that relative to your govt's too...

Will put the Easterns and China's up tomorrow and on the All Countries for same, just advance the date as starts of day s for those locations...

Will update over week at times as only did a quick write up....

You'll likely find other forecasts for this period's Astro on the Net such as by Sam Geppi  and others for the Vedic type, not the same as that here, but may be of more interest or informative to some as I tend to stick with other arts more...

As far as eclipse it's that of Ketu areas which is important though Mars vis ruling physical will interplay some also, and anytime you have the lights within 18 degrees of a node signifies an eclipse, the orb of the conjunct aka eclipse is about 10 degrees for this one...

Then Indirect that of Jup rx in Cancer 7th type relationships, etc areas affected involves in some as well...

Added Nak placements for fill:

Ketu at the lower end and Mars at the upper end of Revati Nak in Pisces and are both *ruled by Mercury* type stuff, areas and things of two, pairs or groups, some norm, some in schemes, etc...

Mercury in that of Aquarius areas in 2nd type material, material wants, worths, etc areas says what's some's about...2nd area placements include the deadly at times as Opposite 8th areas...

Saturn is rx and in Scorpio 11th type areas this round ruling that of Capricorn physical's areas plus the Aquarius 2nd as well...

Xtra toss to start out but not on dangers itself:

#45 - #17 Involve #53...

For All Countries wasn't any doubt of the deadly and that dissappearing with the touch of Saturn and Jupiter to it, of the people in Yemen...

Very sad to see that happen to people just going to worship of all things, but apparently the perfect easiest target as well, then you have it in alternate forms of the ruthless in other world war type areas too...

Worse didn't toss on that type of thing at all, just went with Iching names didn't look at the stars, but maybe should have known the eclipse would give extra significances to any tosses in hours prior...

It's a given in the Wwg anyway we don't like to see things of the year involved or disturbed within the hexagrams, so being the date was same the year was a good indicator... 

*Did know it would obvisouly go with Jup stuff with a name like Gatherings*...

That of mentioning the compliment of the AC pair though did cover that there would be things of raw power stuff though!...

Don't think my mind has ever adjusted to thinking of violences like that type on a huge scale to peoples engaged in a peaceful activity...

Wish condolences to all of the affected and prior of Tunisia as well...

In after checks the toss Physical did have a Red 2nd locals followers Weak and troubled Re fire star...

That and it was bonded the by hour of bombing itself to the Grn 1st and Blk 6th Pwa star link...

The first line *that of changes* in begins and at surfaces and involved the underneaths of the suicide bombers then...

Those changes Meeting controlling and destroying vis the hr also clashing out, involving that of Kt star type areas safeties in places of sittings or rests!...

On the All Countries NM timed pair the Grn E's Wood Dragon Influences too 1st line Bwa star areas same as date and bonded by the hour...
The toss forecasted similar but would have went with the other more positive of other events and even other places of worship at that time...

Still because it was on the day of the eclipse the more negative would have been an assumed likely for some...

Constructing the Timed by hour pair posted at the top:

#46 - #*11* Involve #54...

Trigrams Upper Quen that of masses, groups, nurturings over:

Primary areas and actions: Shun Winds, travels, movements, buildings, teachings or edu as ministers, etc...

Secondary and Outcomes: Heaven, raw or raw material powers, leader or the father, the head or horses head (Horse hour), etc...

Things that rise or cause things to rise involve Brides which lead to Peace or Peace as to War...An everlasting Peace or Rest for some...

Physical of *Gry* 4th Gateways of Gc star actions and a Hiding, hidden Kw fire star associated them which was out and active in hr w...

Would have supported the Gc star areas but attacked the P star types...

Object Matters of Concern and *Opponents* a Grn E's 1st line Gc changes star...

Opponents as star same type as the Physical so are of the Competitive nature and G star in terms of material, objects and values!...

Destructive Combination formed as the Gc stars are clashed by the date indicating things of their areas to be mal and to go awry!...

The Grn 1st Gc changes star meets to kill bond the already by hr clashed out of the Pt star there for extra emphasis...

All pairs had something going on for hr w at their given locations anywhere...

Then Astro was primed for such as well a Solar eclipse with Saturn ruling the Sun and Moon and those in the wide were aside conjuncts mentioned applying Trine to Jupiter's areas as well!...

The date itself was specifically of the precision timing type, that *used for the quick and spectacular of fiery explosions*!...

Not something that most, other than the most ruthless would even think about looking for in the ahead for negative purposes...

They don't come around that often and there are many lessor qualifying that can be just as dangerous if the planning behind them is extensive enough...

Not strictly of Astro as you might think, but not about to detail it...

Every date does have it's purposes but only the most ruthless take them to their negative potentials in actions against others...

Says in some areas it's still a very harsh and primitive world yet...

May be some hyped of it from the Astro types but the date's past and each day is of it's own accord, so no reason to feel that due to it, you'll be stuck to a lot of ill events coming up for you further of it...

Work on positive and corrective actions in your routines as you normally would though in areas in that part of the world better security is going to be a must...

That of the pairs here and mentioned show the most main of themes for this period and about the maximum any need to know or track...

3/23 Moon day of the Yang Earth Dog aka V (Yel) sh...


Knowing were some recent threats, etc toss on US Dangers for this NM Period:

#35 - #64 Involve # 39...

You can add other hexagram derivatives with that and you'll see matched the nature of the Question...

R star areas:

Currently Vanished and Void Gry 2nd Locals, close, etc Re changes star meeting involving Pcn star areas...

Which links and/or competes Red 6th Vanished and Void Re star areas...

Vanished implying some locked or not so useful of those areas then...

Was also a Grn 5th Pwa stars link to Yel 1st Gy star areas with a hiding, etc Kt star there as well...

Expand as desire...

Although those no doubt go with ongoing human matters, likely addresses some of terrorist nature in *the futures of those star areas also*, at the time would have been mainly of the weathers etc when tossed...

Results thus far:

One of the matches which suggests the nature of *the dangers per those star conditions*, and for this period itself surfaced:

Was the finding of a large maybe 2000 lbs war bomb in Britain, and think were some other different items of US and other areas that matched as well...

Ok we let ride see what if any other also shows and may have missed some as only took a quick look...

Just blog:

On other and in things aside the actual and traditional read on, read some to do with black hat western modernized facscimile of Feng Shui:

Anyway one couple both of professional work jobs but the wife with some feng shui background also had a property problem?...

According to the story it's facing was towards an upwards slope and the wife recognized it as a no no and they figured that was blocking her business prospects...

They came up with this highly unconventional solution and respecting copyright won't go into all the details but they were using that of symbology to in effect turn the house around...That in turn says it was black hat feng shui they were using...

They of course used positive thinking and affirmations, etc with that and did indeed get at least that of flash in the pan, short term results which overcame their crisis, which of course is interesting but leaves one in a state of wonder...

Thing about how real even as truthful another thing, as any well versed in Xuan Kong flying stars would also know that there are certain combinations of Mountain and Facing stars where of a facing an actual Upwards slope would be good!...

Think sticking with the traditional and knowing what your doing is always the best way to go, but have to admit was interesting....

Tuesday consider the Very Unfortunate of the Aerobus Alps crash this date also a match to the #35 toss with aboves yesterdays R star results and also meets with that of the *Eclipse date toss* for Jup stuff of the Gatherings hexagram theme posted page top:

A Fire/Mars day of the Yin earth Pig aka VI (*Gry*) h...

Global timed: #10 - #25 Involve #37...

Other of this date's timed for the Aerobus:

Hr e #33 - #12 Involve #44...Descent from 38000 to Cruising 6000...

Hr w off Radar #12 - #20 Involve #53...The crash hr w bonded hi to ground Pwa star link, expand to analyze as desired...

Sympathies and Condolences to all families and relateds...

3/26 Wood/Jup day of the Yin metal Ox aka VIII (Wht) c...

Influences: Upper Li, FS #8 (Gen, Wealth)...

Weekly start of the Northern Blk Tortoise aka Murky Warrior phase...

Global timed: #21 - #27 Involve #39...

Just blog:

Been in a mainly relax mode but of some studies as well the past couple weeks and in the current as well, with more so the take it easy side forced on me in the present (health junk) which always messes my hours up to boot...

Got rough as even interfered with studies and had to slow that down too, was an aching brick other day and comes as usually does as an after effect as was two days prior moved aka pulled and pushed some heavy stuff around...

Happened as it's so rare for me to mess with anything heavy or walk much as I know the back will fire and lock up or down more accurately, but when I go for a long, long time not doing much and under med's feels ok, then I forget and do something stupid!...

Have a good year of studies planned in the ahead, could instantly certify right now as a strong enough background in most, to pass any test, but not how like to do, like to have everything down to the precise maximum prior to tests and in that related to here do tend to apply what of any new do learn to areas beyond what the courses were intended for...Unlike books courses are much more detailed and include tons of info not in those... 

Slowed down there some since back took the hit was hard to concentrate...4th day not quite all the way but feels better today, had been hard as a rock for awhile there...

In the daily usually look at news in the light sided, to see what's going, etc and *tend to think in terms of what it is that has brought us to certain points within things as they are*...

In terms of economic outlook we have and do look comparitively great there, but there's the slowing of the world economies which will also impact that as well...

That mainly of our larger corporations which rely on foreign markets and customers in addition to that here will be the stronger affected...

Then in the separate that of the stock market itself is strongly thought to be headed for a major crash this year as well...

So it's a puzzleing year that way, with that of uncertainties playing a factor in it...

Looking back we had our own main successes phase from the 40's through early 60's and maybe 70's as well, but then from near mid 80's on we were destined to slowly go the other way and have...

Still we have done a lot better at this point then many others when you start looking around, and mainly because the power of consumer spending plays a much stronger role in our own economy, compared to that of many others...

So if our current direction in things stays at least as  positive in the growths ahead as it's projected, then we will do ok...

That of Power in terms of challenges and in terms of how we strongly and wisely manage things, plus all to do with that of masses and the wide of our lands as resources also, is very main to this particular year and will have a great influence in our areas of economics as well...

Based on all that did a quick toss Day VII/t for U.S. and 2015:

#11 - #5 Involve #54...

Physical on the Grn 3rd Middles, prominent and transition line in of Healthy but Void Bcn star areas...

It of the inner country areas remains stable but the influence of Outer countries appears weak and not so helpful...

That of possibly the leaderships of two countries Russia and China working in that of schemes for actions in the hidden which affect our economics said to have surfaced in some ways and that is part of the year as well, but hopefully it's more the skies than their far aways stuff that affects us...

We've had that of things disappearing in our *relationships and partnerships* which is of the year itself, but that will turn into that of expansions and Ketu will move out of their

July onwards shifting to what will likely be that of taking in Expansions of the Pisces 3rd type areas where Ketu will be involving the masses and jolts there as well as that of the hidden in Sag 12th type areas of disasters or things of the far aways (Brace for it)...

Shows major events for August and September which could be stocks or more so things of the far aways to do with securities, and also appears some changes ahead in July that start that or involve the N's, families and watery areas or dangers then...

That of July would agree in the norm since that's when the always accurate of our Astro year outlook also changes!...

If you look at compliment then you can say the global situation currently affecting is of things Obstructing, or that Falling down or apart...

Pair probably has a lot of other main meanings to it like that of Peace as to War, but not aware of just what all those may mean at this time other than it's not usually good for that of leaderships...

One thing for sure it's much better than the initial of that for the next 5 years toss, and on that some portion has to be true and maybe of the warnings themselves and in that of the environments themselves or of groups of some type it was pointing too...

Then if went back to the Bazi view that of our wealths and assets as well as educational and career or vocations areas are emphasized in this year, and there are clashes from those that affect our internal or close relationships and partners as well...

There have and were actions taken in that of Edu areas, and those which got done were correct and in the positive to do...

It's in the Outer a year of challenges in and of that of managements dealing with things of masses areas here and globally in any and all areas of power obviously including political and then some of actual energies sides as well, since there's a fire component to it...

Expect by next year will really be on top and much more extensive as to what I can define of our year views themselves...

This one will show just how strong the original chart applies, but in the general so far *it does look to apply and hold extremely well*!...

It has become very clear to me, the only way to do a forecast that's useful enough to do the country and it's leaderships *any damn good*, is to add the actual of it's own *yearly forecasts*, in nothing else can sub for the accuracy needed and the times are critical enough to justify it...

Tosses always work but they are very cryptic and harder to get the clearest of the big pic with, and sometimes by the time it's understood may be too late...

As thinking of it now my first toss on the next 5 years was without a doubt *taking in the July forwards frame*, and that says were going to get hit on two fronts...

One that of natural or other disasters which appears watery or of environments and groups, masses in general and then possibly in number two by that of a Russia, China combine relative currencies and economics on any count...

Those of our true allies like Great Britain, Australia, and most of Europe in general need to understand that as well should the combine turn out to be the main, and that's purely if we go down so do they, that of present safeties in the world that the US has always provided will go the way of the dinosaur and their economics will dive even farther than that already present for them...

That as I can guarentee you that China only works for one countries benefit, *Theirs*, and will use any as it can...

A shame have to say that as of their ancient arts I'm no doubt a major admirer and which to this day are accurate and effective in their uses...

Still that was of China then and not as it is now!...

About all have to say at the moment on it...

Have gave you some of the July forward phase in this of the actual year type, and likely in each new solar and lunar period will add the current of our actual year trends in those...

That so can be sure that everything is seen properly and we can fire on all cyclinders in the right directions...

That for the best of possible decisions and plannings not only by our Govt and govt's but of our business and corporate industries and private sectors as well...

Ok just chill on some other just nice to know social edu stuff a bit...

The Feng Shui mess:

There's always a lot that's to be skeptical of and a great deal is due to the Western created versions but are others of the Eastern too...

Those being that of the Black hat feel good feng shui created in our country the mid 70's and in later or more modern of the far easts in it's case another that is referred to as Symbolic Feng Shui...

For some it's said they do work but only in the short or as flash in the pan types...

Very, very questionable systems that a good critic or skeptic can have a field day with...

Some likely misunderstood me when I referred to elements, exactly how not sure, as I often do make it a huge point that elements here refer to that of *Energies* themselves period...

Anyway of True aka Real Feng Shui consists entirely of *actual natural forces only* and their relational effects upon this earth and in further microcosms on that of any structure on the earth and upon all human and living things as well...

To make it short in traditional feng shui Colors are not natural forces, their manifests and have nothing to do with the feng shui of an environment or structure...

Their a related trait or attribute but are not a force in themselves and are not recognized in traditional feng shui application...

Colors can have psycological effects as in moods settings but are not of the original and traditional feng shui and have no power to set or affect the actual electrical or magnetic fields of a structure...

It's a misconception as in ancient times the guards and armies of the Emperors would often change the color of their garb to reflect that of the current year or season...Their then believeing that would make them stronger or even invincible in wars, but didn't turn out that way...

They carry symbolic meanings only in Feng Shui but no building or house assessment would ever concern itself with colors in true tradional feng shui...

Does wind and waters the mechanisms of energy and their transfers on the earth plane sound like that of colors to you???

Lots of objects like flutes, 3 legged toads and other such are purely symbolics and to do with peoples beliefs in which they feel comforted they will ward off bad luck and/or attract positive luck by so using...

Traditional Feng Shui is not based on symbolics but only that of natural energies and forces themselves, and a great, great deal of that due to the relationships between the earth and the sun at any point in time...

That in turn as to how both electrical and electromagnetic and other energies in that of particle streams and in the further of their distributions effects and affects is set up in within the magnetic fields on and encapsulating this earth...

In the cyclic of any year there are specific timely variations in those season to season, month to month, day to day and hour to hour that affect all earthly environments including their microcosms at any location and point in time...

It is those energies and forces which constitutes all of that which is traditional Feng Shui...

[It would be easier for most to start with and use the original of the San He as 8 directions for a persons life, and then a lot on environments and the flying stars as mentioned in the Joeseph Yu and Elizabeth Moran's The Complete Idiot's book of Feng Shui or other]...

Went and rechecked that book wasn't what had meant for the San He 8 Manisons but since have it on ereader though I may not be seeing that part of it, lots of good 8 directions and external environments used in both systems there plus a fair amount on the flying stars as well...

No doubt as far as books the above is an excellent on one to have, but you may need to look for a separate book that's strictly *just on San He 8 Mansions itself*!...

Think it might have been in their other book of same title except on the Iching, which happened to include a section on Feng Shui within it referred to as the E W 8 Mansions systems, so those two books would be excellent, and likely better than just net stuff except for a course that is...

Don't believe *any book at all, is going to qualify you in terms of properly timing that of activations themselves in either system*, but a lot of other good basic infos in them, no where at that of a good course level, but certainly enough to allow you to appraise the basics of homes, etc...

It is not as powerful as flying stars but is definitely an excellent system in that of placements and for improving ones earth luck which is known and respected in getting positive results as well...

That of Xuan Kong flying stars is more finely tuned for that of *the great in results*, when all things needing remedies are taken care of and then actual only *where and when needed activations* are done under the precise and proper timings for them...

Most don't know or use the precise timings for either of those, and yes even that of 8 mansions has very specific timings that should be applied else they will get just mediocre results or even that of bad results over time itself, and then in the rare some do get lucky and hit it right from the start too...

It's not often apparent to most *also why you should read up some*, as your talking making changes to a structure, home, etc which usually has a long lifetime by itself, and their are many cycles involved of which there will be one year or several for some structures, *that will have some *very ill effects* for the occupants when it finally does come up...

That should they not have done any proper feng shui to begin with or in the likely vis net stuff, improperly activated a star when didn't need and shouldn't be activated ...

Keep in *mind* your *home* and office as living areas contribute up to 33% of your actual alterable luck in life, the length of time you stay in one across the year doesn't matter their effects on life areas still apply!...

*That's quite a bit* that just gets ignored in the average case if you think about it, so that deserves some better or more appreciable considerations on our or most's parts...

Would say on that of San He plan a good 3 to 6 months and more in terms of just study and of Xuan Kong a year or two if you've had no previous background...

Just picking up timing formulas will mean nothing without a very good understanding of the other...

Then while you might pass a test much faster you can bet on the first few runs on structures you won't remember the many of steps that are needed for a proper eval, it just takes time for such to synergize and become second natured to you...

Also don't worry about the magnetic shifts those are not that appreciable as far as effects and even when do change over the course of a year or years it still takes time for the shift to settle in for effects itself...

If worried simply re measure sittings and facings say seasonally or yearly but likely won't be anything that major in a single year, unless the poles do a full flip and then everyone has a big, big problem...

Short of taking a traditional *lineaged verifiable* course, both usually expensive and time consuming, so instead if you decide to make changes it'd be good to have someone trained and knowledgeable in the various timing formulas used for those systems add the special touch's in for you...

Many won't be able to afford that, so will end up using black hat or symbolic and feel good types of feng shui, those are your decisions and sometimes people do get lucky, about all can say there...

Aside there are definite long term dangers in terms of losses or healths that only those of proper traditional feng shui can spot and remedy in the ahead...

Then again a lot of people just accept that as part of life itself, they shouldn't but do, and in the practical of people aka average John Doe, etc I think most if they make changes for any reason what so ever to their homes, it is also that of their happiness which counts...

So though they might not be able to use traditional feng shui short of taking a loan or including it in a house appraisal think the average person when they make their changes using one of today's modern not traditional feng shui methods *think they are actually just as excited or happy about what ever short term positive result they can get* as others would be with the full bananna!...

So it's up to the individual and again all that point out is that which is guarenteed for the maximum and best possible results in addition to remedying any negatives that will manifest as problems is that of certifiable traditional feng shui only...

A living example is that of Hong Kong and like others having problems now, but it became the great of a world financial hub for many years, purely due to it's own natural environment and the nearly enforced of their own volitions to use that of traditional feng shui in many of their core financial centers plannings....

Main here was just to point out there's a huge difference between a lot of what is used as modern day feng shui and that of the more powerful of natural forces backed traditional feng shui itself...

Some I did for myself was quite small and simplified and involved on one side what could be certainly called cluttor, but in the specific involved objects of the wrong element for their area as well...

That part agrees most modern and of the traditional, and in the surprising one does actually feel a shift in the room or areas *energy itself*, which have always thought was kinda bs...

However in the immediate few hours couldn't quite put my finger on it, but felt somehow a lighter atmosphere to the room, and wasn't in a conscious sense at first, but knew there was something to it, and then when finally focused on the idea of an energy change/shift the next day it was very clear to me the room had a much lighter air aka feel to it...

So in the unexpected of what I could sense there was indeed a definite change, kind of neat just in itself....


Ok matches NYC 2 Buildings Apartments well pick one as almost all pairs have matches for it, and *the #45 toss* up there for 3:30pm in hr s was for dangers in the Physical and had Pwa building, etc fron 6th to 1st line active, as did today's timed in the Physical as well with the hi to grd Pt star connections in it's case for buildings, etc...

Goes along with the Fire type nature of this NM period a separate of Feng Shui that I don't explain but had mentioned of the period as well!...

[Just had to axe Yahoo was slowing that here way down!...

Believe it, there are times when they or they being hijacked doubt it have a temp sorry page with a msg our engr's are working on it, and what they are working on is your hard drive...Sorry pieces, back that kind of crap off!...

In fact think that was earlier this week or the week before, looked at the hard drive indicator saw it in high gear, cut their connection and immediately gone...

Logged off so can read news separate, irritates me when they try to suck key log my resources, pretty sorry stuff on their parts, effects disappeared as soon as I cut them...

It's rare but they got some problem aka rogue types, and worse had happened in the past, hope someone *gets on their case most tick and roots them and that type of nonsense out*]!...

Per Ntl news was also some ultra strong hits of numerous tornadoes in Oklahoma today, and in priors today a bridge collapse in Texas, and then sadly another case of a former soldier attempting to both join IS and then his planned to take out soldiers of a Ntl Guard Armory in Illinois the latter type had assumed went with the toss and a lot faster in the futures then thought, near immdediate!...

Definitely dangerosus times and perplexing as far as former soldiers wanting to turn on and kill their comrades???...

Ok that on Tuesday was also a full match to #45 Combine aka Gatherings toss too and of hr w had bonded it'a Pwa stars of the 6th Skies to 1st Surfaces areas then too...

That date had clashed it's Physical the Re star then and it was an FS #6 raw power date for centers of any as well...

Over time may if can, look at it a bit harder, know did have a #43 - #1 Involve #1 toss that particular date also for things of Great Determination and Raw Power....

All Unquestionable as to dangers for the date vis nature of R stars and their condition had noted of that toss here...

Today's FS star also as number 8 star of Centers is traditionally of our Country's NE's and maybe of microcosms any in US aside todays of centers in any...

Period 8 is for that of the younger adult Gen's, and it has been unfortunately going more nuts and out of control with each new year of it, hopefully common sense and good order one day returns and is restored for their and future Gen's sakes...

You can check out that of the period for yourself, but is one of it's main aspects...

Well found one good thing to keep mind off all the other, that of Space Dragons an article on Dark matter today in BBC news...

They've filmed it in the clashing of galaxy clusters was very interesting and perhaps some of the more mysterious sides of Gatherings and the odd of the R star qualities mentioned of the non other line interactings, go with that pretty well too...

Got a kick out of the part where if you bang your head against a wall the electrostatic fields of your brain molecules collide with those of the wall...

Makes more sense then some of this other in news today...

A few spell errors skipping corrected a bit to do with Books and San He system mentioned prior...

Ok again on the East West 8 Mansions most courses refer to it *as a or the main *part* of the San He system:

A *few do have their technical preferances and argue that point and in fact even stretch it by making assumptions of what others think???...

None the less any valid course refers to it as a part, aka *one part of 6 different main areas taught* and of which all interconnect and operate as one under the San He system...

It being that of the original and first complete feng shui system for homes and govt structures established and used as a main stream feng shui in China...

Even the compass measurement procedure in the actual taking of it's reading(s) itself taught by some schools is quite different between that of San He and San Yuan schools, and that threw me as that of 8 mansions is indeed shown following San He method there, but under that of schools, *it's listed under San Yuan*...

However in deference to some the actual professional chinese courses, do include that of *buildings*, not just homes or offices for that of the 8 mansions too...

It's very clear on that, as they also show the offices/apartments labeled *within the building pic drawings* under 8 mansions to boot as well!...

In fact you know it has to have included buildings back then *as that of flying stars came much, much later down the line*, and so within the buildings each office or today apartment, etc can be looked at and done in just the 8 mansions view as well...

To get an idea of the real complexity of it, beyond the simple usually shown, take a gander at this site's page on it: at-a-glance

It's not going to tell you how to precisely do things as a course does as *it's just an article*, but this does show you *some* of the involved in true feng shui!...

Get the pic???

Real feng shui is quite intricate and precisionate but you can learn a great many of the principles which in themselves are quite useful, and will avoid some of the biggest problems that can come up versus the knowing of nada...

There are very simplified and incomplete 8 mansions and even flying stars systems that *any can learn*, which will avert *at least some of the biggest major problems* for them...

You'll never get the same maximum benefits of the more advanced and precisionate systems such as in partial shown at that site, but you'll have definitely gained some advantages versus that of just random placements of household items, and the doings of things such as move in's, renovations, etc concerning a home itself...

Aside the two books mentioned, on Youtube (TM) there's some good coverage of the *Basic E-W 8 Mansions Feng Shui system* for the average person and home...

It's done by a chinese fellow, and he separately teaches it  both in the chinese and english languages in up to a 17 part series...

The first applicable link:

He includes some extra including Western astrology which isn't really needed to use or apply the 8 mansions system with in your home and daily life, but he brings that into it which shows some of the active forces in things and it is the astrology of convienence for that to do with the solastices and 24 Mountains positionings versus space and time as well...

Most courses won't be teaching that of the Western astrology underpinnings for the 24 Mountains as it just is not really needed at all and they cover the 24 Mountains and solastices, etc through *the practical and common sense* of just the annual, seasonal and months timings *using the chinese calendars* instead...

That of 8 mansions has also an additional 24 Mountains expansion to it as well, not sure he covers that part...

Then in the above it's also definite prior to that of flying stars coming into existance, the 8 mansions also covered govt buildings their offices and that individually within, etc and not just homes and offices in the separate as inferred...Wouldn't have been any way around that then...

That won't provide you the most precisionate of timings that a good true course will, but *there's certainly enough there, to be practically very useful for the average persons, homes or buildings, etc*...

The very same of the two books mentioned, which were written by true Master's, one in fact a Grand Master Mr Joeseph Yu of Canada...

Plenty of very solid external environments site info's that are the basis of Feng Shui, aside the many internal that's quite useful in those...

On courses we have too many people calling themselves Master's, and some even show false if not questionable lineages to boot, but *you can* investigate *the contents of their courses* for yourselves...

In just a theoretical example, but likely you'd find similar:

Oh I'm Queen or King *Ting Bing La Ding*, and my course will teach you the Great San He 8 Mansion system for only ____, yes it's for a lot less than a true traditonal course will cost you, but leaving out the parts of reserving the intricate of down to the date and hour timings methods, etc *for Da Queen or King only*!...

In those referring to as advanced courses if they don't teach the students that of the proper timings methods aka procedures for that of activities, placements and activations themselves *clear down to the date and hour level*, then that's not a true Advanced traditional Feng Shui course...

Only in San Yuan Xuan Kong flying stars should there be an exception...

Exception as in talking about *actual courses* and not that of some shorter but excellent treatments of them in Books or on Youtube....

That as it can and often is taught in *just a very strong basics form*...

One that does not include, the advanced of date selection method(s), and *that is ok as it's main principles and that of remedies, etc will cover the *greatest bulk of general situations* for you*...

Greatest bulk in general though is *quite short of all*, but still very commendable and useful in that it does...

It becomes very highly improved, when you add the advanced of date selection to it, and of which you will obtain not only the most optimum of results possible, but avoid the chance of any potential ill outcomes from *the accidental and unintentional use of a wrong date*!...

You consistantly see right here of actual events vis the Wwg itself the HUGE Difference in the types of events that occur in just that of *one date versus another* in real life *all the time*!...

All of that in Feng Shui regardless of system, is based on the living and vibrant powerful energies of each date represented within and of it's associated structures of trigrams and that of formed hexagrams also at all times...

So if you note the huge changes *that you see here* in just that of a date alone, then what the hell makes you think it  would be any different for a placement or a start aka launch of any event, *using that of Feng Shui*???

There's no difference at all that's what, and that's why the timings are so important, to that of between getting the mediocre, ill, and Bad to that of the Good and or Great in Feng Shui results!...

The main point in using that of a sound and good Feng Shui system for your home, office, building, etc is twofold:

1. To greatly reduce or even eliminate the severity and gravity of any existing negative influences which the same unremedied can and will attract aka bring to you...

2. To increase the entire realm of positive opportunities which can and will become available to you through the correction of those negative influences and the enhancements of the positive ones...

Then the employment of Feng Shui itself is to balence the existing conditions in one's home, etc and in some that involves that of actual transforms of which *some* often do require their own precise timings for that to occur...

There's even one additional level above that but not an absolute to concern with as you need the background of all this other first anyway...

That and *you will* get super results with just the date selection method(s) alone, and that on top of *already good basic results* from just the knowledges the flying stars methods provide you alone...

Anyway you can use the simplified approaches or the advanced per what fits best within your own means and desires, and I just illustrated what some of the differences are where real feng shui itself is concerned...

Gave enough info so you can discriminate between references and courses as to what true feng shui consists of and what then might be best for you, should you be so interested...

Will tell you any good courses are not a walk in the park, and will take large investments of your time and efforts to master them, so be sure before you go that route, else simply employ a consultant...

If your needs or time is to the lessor than that of the Youtube recommended and or those two excellent books in lieu, *will get you there*...

Better get to the Youtube first before they butcher it up of some's material pursuits...

If your needs are purely for the social somewhat fashionable, and along the more psychologically oriented that you believe betters you, then that which is not of true feng shui may be that for you...


Whew well didn't read but might watch Ntl news but in general still feel to stay away from a lot there and it was that of the Astrophysicists findings in news the other day which was the most positive thing to the day heard...

It's more of things along those lines that give me any hope for humanity as vis timings and the rest man sure bungles a great bulk of things...

Was some better in Ntl news tonight....

Corrected a detail or so in the above, and looked over some of those videos mentioned, and *if your patient* and just sort of take notes most seems in basics good, it's meant to be very simple yet does have some good working points in even fixes for actual uses, surpriseingly as well...

Was only couple points of small differences from what know of actual courses, but nothing really serious, and one needs to go with what they have, and if that's only of books or videos then you go with that, while any using actual courses or the advanced go with that.... 

Remember the other day of those tornadoes in Oklahoma and some thought of the holy cross???

Caught that another way as well, in similar to that of the He Tu river map, which is *also often put into a cross structure*, why???

Had said this was a fire period and that cross *when Upright carries the Fire elements*, and also represents the South, further *it was also held up by live fire energy lines*!...

Struck me as a tiny bit unusual or odd in that...

Would have been interesting to know the exact geomagnetic aka regular compass directions of it's arms???

Like to look at all possible angles to most things....

Double and triple checked on the San He and 8 Mansions compass measurements and most definitely included Buildings and not just for homes or offices alone...

Then way done is distinct from the San Yuan method for Flying stars...

Was tricky since they list that of 8 mansions under the San Yuan school, but it's definitely taught within and as part of the San He modules series group...

Not likely to mention too many specifics, and was only in comparisons to the Video's had did, it's my usual habit to do tons and tons of comparisons across all related systems and materials I can find, before I ever settle down into the studies themselves...

It's likely that Flying stars is preferred by some or even many for that of Buildings, but using as a singular system that of 8 Mansions can and is definitely used for them, as found some purely huge multi storied building examples of it!...

There combined now and *for certain placements only* you will likely always use the 8 mansions for those, regardless of the building type...

*Complex subject* in that because some things in evals depend on the type(s) of building, how built or function, what types of doors, then sometimes the San He formation type involved itself does require that of the flying stars facing direction in a specific of it's application...

So it's *more an interleaved subject* with the additional of just boatloads of external area and building types you also have to become familiar with, and have the references to refer to as you need them...'

That being the case not likely to go over too many examples here...

[Unfortunately it's counter productive and can't divulge a lot to you, but unlike those initial Video's mentioned which show the major per the house,*there are separate and other solutions altogether to the star problems he wasn't showing initially*, but *was indeed giving some very good basics on it*!]...

Maybe in the later ones he divulges some of the other, not even sure if the books recommended do, but tend to doubt it!...

All of that is in basics, and what you can do well before you ever get to the advanced of special timings that article mentioned hinted towards for this 8 Mansions as well...

To clarify more specifically:

On his basics in his #3 Video that of the Palaces versus Mansions (stars), the corresponding trigram elements and direction star name elements, *the shown of the line number changes*, and info's given *were all good basics materials*...

The #2 Video was super basics to set you straight on what is and is not Feng Shui was excellent also...

That on using the water bowl fix correct and ok, but most actual star issues in general will be handled very differently, and *in the ideal that of placements, are also handled by *precise timings**... 

An easy version likely doesn't include that timing as a trade off in short courses, and some do by that alone plus you would know where not to place things at the least as well...

Then the advanced if he goes there???

Goes into the 24 Mountains to further streamline aka divide and add additional star directions for better choices, and the more optimum...

In that there will be other fixes similar to the idea of using the water bowl, involving that of potted plants and other...

If in the major you have the main door or other in a bad direction, etc then a counter is used (guarded info), and beyond that then using the 24 Mountains will allow for additional further enhancements beyond the basic counter (guarded info) itself, within and of it's additional sub directions aka star options *is about how it works*!...

[He may, since he went through the trouble of indicating some astrological timing to show forces of energy, also show you the placement timings too, and if he does that *you got a super deal for free, so you can check it out]*!...

So this also gives you the idea of again just how intricate *true traditional feng shui is, and why it's not too cheap to have done*!...

Ok went back over a few more of his Video's and like he auto corrects himself as he does finally apply some to Buildings and Businesses at the same time, which was great...

He does not cover *the advanced in timings nor the 24 Mountains views* , but his is very practical and his basics are very strong and very accurate, and any from watching and taking notes will pick up quite useful informations, they can directly apply for their own uses...

He does refer to the Bazi at times which in higher sides of Feng Shui uses and app's is very desireable and needed in advanceds...

So finally you have some good feng shui there, and as a very short basic and totally free course Mr Lee Li's (C), is ideal in that sense, and very useful for anyone!...

He gives you many good tips, and with some creative thinking or of study, you can probably add a few others to that as well...

That and believe from the two books had mentioned were you to add a couple more solely flying star types you could do quite a bit for yourselves...

Not perfectly or advanced *so trial and error and some risks you'd have to soley assume*, but you've always got the options of either studying an advanced course or simply hiring a consultant in those areas...

Guess wouldn't have agreed with some as it's Jue Ming that's the most unfortunate of the 4 unfavorable directions...

All and any type of bad luck up to absolute loss and death,pretty hard to get worse than that!...

Basically for the spontaneously denser of some few, who stoop low enough to make fun of a person's speech, other and by zip experience always *only look at and jump to what they first think they see, at the surface level*...

Those types of thinkings and attitudes result in the same always getting things wrong and making themselves look to be foolish when could have looked a little deeper and gotten things correct...

On that of the names such as Wu Gui and the rest, etc all apply to *other additional trigram types period*...

In the simplex it's the intermixing of the later heaven trigrams as Palaces with the Powerful of the early heaven trigrams (That used in Wwg), and under new and different date energies, every year, month, day, hour, etc!...

The basic idea and that of houses and people's gua's aka trigrams are related to the early heaven trigrams as well those given names which end up being the intermixed just as the above...

Don't worry so much about that as if you learn it your dealing with the intermix of their element energies and combinations as said just below to end up with all these solidly known types of interactions...

Each of their own element energies applied versus each other and as you already know, some mix well, some don't, ally, compete, clash, bond, form penalties, etc, etc and much the same as different elements line stars in a hexagram operate, so do the trigrams!...

So it's all about trigram energies *interacting period*, and with changes applied day by day, month by month and year by year, such that at times:

That influencing you hits the ill points in their cycles and puts a big dent into your day or life for that matter...

Then also works the other way for the most part (as all have varying interactions for exceptions) of your four favorable directions, and that of their own cycles as well...

It's like anything else having at times more yin sided energies for the minus and at others more yang sided energies for the positive so theirs the consistant and different of cycles and cylic events in results versus time...

What is wanted and needed in any home, etc is those all to align aka combine as harmoniously as possible, as once placed it's nearly set in stone and for huge periods in the least!...

So why have extra rough edges and ill effects when you don't have too?...

Those operate versus the individual's personal 8 directions as well, so it takes a good deal of understanding to set all things up correctly, else just follow the advice of others more expert, that for the most fluid and harmonious environment possible...

Don't agree with all that was said as it's Jue Ming same Po Jun of Zi Wei Dou Shu but just a trigram which is the worst but his was illustrative and Wu Gui was an ok choice maybe emphasized at the time Vid's were done...

There are reciprocals too as under the right conditions for wealth the 5 Ghosts can carry treasure instead!...

These systems do work so if you don't have patience to learn, save it for someone who will, as they will benefit from it!...

It's an entire course and more in itself, so not explaining the thousands of details here, but things not set right do make the difference between a business or in the home, for a persons and people either succeeding in a lot or miserably failing in a lot intermixed with either gains or losses and in given years altogether...

For that and other reasons, that is why it's taken so serious as the results backing those facts are astronomically huge and stretch over thousands of years of actual implementations in the Easts...

That of the Wu Gui aka Wu Kwei or Five Ghosts direction and location is one of the four Unfavorable directions of the 8 mansions system...

It's differently located for each structure and person and why it was emphasized as a negative for the bosses office in a biz, etc below:

*Over time* and when of the cyclic *it's enhanced* then of it's main influences as cause it creates atmospheres of and for:

Robbery, physical damages, fires, family or neighborly or borderings arguments and misunderstandings, to include Unemployment as well...

So from that standpoint he was correctly showing you that was not a good area for a bosses office in general...

A lot to do with feng shui runs with more of a futures time aspect and doesn't neccessarily show huge events everyday just the same as your life goes, and unlike the Wwg which does show big stuff nearly every day, still some examples are pretty direct such as that of weathers in environments and that of the Wests this year under the FS #5 star that of FS aka Feng Shui!...

That alone is a good external proof of the *power of feng shui itself*, and you cost yourself by ignoring it's effects in that of homes and your own earth luck...

In the actual as far as any of the four negative directions how bad or good it works, depends on it's element (energy) and that of the Palaces element (energy) it is placed in...

The point many missed, is that your dealing with that of the trigrams of two interlocking Bagua systems and further there are Vector phase movement versus time components of the flying stars as well which do intermix with those and create new sub aspect conditions plus and minus, every single day, hour, etc as well...

The latter is all mainly dependant on the Sitting direction of the Building, home, and or persons, etc...

Each of the many combinations of elements has different effects, character and consequences period!...

Those are further influenced by the elements of time as well which further extend the types of combinations and conditions that exists at any time, for any area or location...

So while you may have thought a name funny, it simply makes it easier to discuss in the way taught as to the potential and eventually definite of results that do come to a particular *unbalenced and unremedied* location!...

Often it takes the advanced to remedy a location but of basics such as he was teaching, any can do quite a bit for themselves...

That made it relevant enough for any to watch, pick up a bit, apply it and if smart you'd take a small course at least to even further understand and make great improvements for yourself...

That what seems initially like simple feng shui to a home, etc greatly improves and extends the positive sphere of opportunities one can reap benefits from for themselves...

Benefits that make a difference such as getting the job, raise or promotion well over another or others who do not improve the feng shui of their environments...

Very simple in that regard as that made more positive simply attracts more of that which is positive too it, improving the feng shui of one's home, improves the type and quality of opportunities they attract...

To be clear it's not beliefs dependent, feng shui is entirely of energies and natural forces themselves, affirmations and such are not required...

That's what it's all about in the end game, and one that most would like to win...

Anyway that's a *very small part of the whole system* itself and a good start for any who want self improvements and that better for themselves and that are willing to learn more from...

Unfortunately to avoid paying an arm and a leg for the real thing, with that of the near useless in others versus costs in my opinion that are not far behind those of the real thing, would for those who can't afford suggest good books such as last mentioned instead...

In that it's about natural forces and energies when you stray from that, it's not Feng Shui...

Wraps this subject up for a good while...

3/30 Moon day of the Yin wood Snake II (Grn) e:

Upper Gen, FS #3

Global timed: #23 - #35 Involve #2...

Not a good day as the FS same as year part of the nastiness stuff to it, so a jolts day...


Note it's also that of an long ago forbidden day and one of the monthly cyclics...

In the almanac is referred to as Mr Yang's Forbidden day???

Yeah probably seems strange, not sure of all it's meanings so decided to check it out another way...

Used Vedic astro tracing it backwards several months looking at patterns...

Normally occurs just once a month but maybe one month in a quarter may hold two such dates...

The pattern always involves Venus and Mars and a direct relationship of some type involving them!...

In some month's such as the last one and this one they appear in the same sign together...

In some month's they are in different signs...

In both cases there will be further connections through the rulers of the Nakshatra they are in front of, and those rulers will either rule the or one of the signs they are in, or rule a sign which in turn is ruled by another Graha that rules the Nakshatra of the other be it Venus or Mars...

Mars is also considered a Ruler of Ketu...

Then Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio areas strengthening it's conjunct to Venus type areas and that involve or Under Saturn also, since Saturn rx is in Scorpio...

Can include ID thefts, etc as well...

In the more simple Venus and Mars will always be connected in some fashion and through their nakshatra's on those Forbidden days, dates!...

So there's always something to do with that of *Passions*, as they connect to given issues and areas that Mars and Venus are taking in on those dates!...

Influences and in of issues:

Mars and Venus both in Aries...

Mars in the Uttarabhadrapada Nak ruled by *Ketu*...

Venus in front of *Bharani* ruled by Venus in her not so sweet position (Things like Fort Hood and prior shootings, etc)...

The drift of that is remembering the Nakshatra's are the Moon's brides, so those active affect the mind and emotions and of the masses, etc...

In Wwg that would involve and heighthen the Red and Wht colored lines if involved of the date, and on this one a Snake date check the R stars, etc out...

Right now that's in sign Aries so pretty likely some heighthened in that of spontaneous responses or impulsiveness in ones urges in certain issues and areas at this time...

May be a very good day to look before you leap!...

Ok just made quick spot check and already an incident at Ft Meade check the news....

Some grouchy (per the day guess) news tried to say it occured yesterday, but was this am in hr e which runs 9am - 11am with most saying around 9:30 am or after...

In an Odd way goes with both Mars and Venus on more than one count as the two men in the vehicle were dressed as women???

Ok was wigs and other for their dress up as women per Ntl aka ABC news this time watched...

Likely for no really good reason, some were suspectful of the date name as I gave it, but it was exactly that, and a monthly cyclic type that shows up in the chinese almanac...

Most Ntl's definately know I'm not prone to just posting something false and quite opposed to such!...

Had seen it many times and it as seemed pretty strange in name, never paid much attention to it, hadn't read news or watched any since last thursday or friday...

Then ran the checks finally today and posted as usual ahead of any checks, beyond that and *suspect just due to that given date type also why the actual tong shu #12 Lunar Lodge date aka Wei (Swallow) for once was specifically correct* of it's warnings areas today as a *danger date* too...

Some of the other dangerous of things in todays, had matched with the descriptions of the lunar lodge, etc as well...

In that pretty sure that's of alignment with the given forbidden date type which enhanced it as normally don't see strong matches of those, and while there may be other alignments, that's the or one of the stronger of them...

The lunar lodge was also taking the Moon vis Moon day which ruled that lodge itself and it was with Jupiter or in proximity of Jupiter, and about what those two together rule(d), but it was indeed *correct in the type of specifics described*...

All matched of the Combine (Gatherings) toss posted above in that of it's physical Re dangers and other of that star's areas for this date as well!...

This is all new, so now finally knowing a bit about what the forbidden date is about, will be mentioning it a day prior of it coming up from now on!...

Thinking while wasn't good, glad it wasn't any worse than it was...

These types since in step with the Vedic astro means while accurate they apply globally and can involve several main directions  simultaneously through a given date...

That's why their almanacs are only very general and are non exact for that of personal date selections themselves, and just mainly useful as general global trend types in the main...

Sort of like dropping a bomb for some that is, and will just say it's good enough for GP's, general principles but it's not precisionate would be the best way to say that!...

This year in general and anywhere of the global is what you could call a very edgy type where people easily become more nervous and anxious or anxietic and that's to be expected with that FS #3 star which is a quarrels or fightings type and then it's Untimely and Unfavorable across the board in general this entire year...

So knowing that *you have to make efforts*, to keep things on an even keel in most relationships and other, not letting yourselves get easily over excited over just any little thing in particular!...

Just Blog Fire day of the Yang fire Horse aka III (Red) w...

As per usual have neither read nor watched any news of this date in the ahead of this so far, but is not particular of the date anyway just some extra notes of on stuffs:

It had as any took awhile to write that up yesterday, it was late am
 when did...

Had saved the astro chart which was done at 09:13am in hr e and had a Taurus Physical which aside being a material sign is synomimous with the tactile, sensory and symbolic to that of life itself...Life on the material plane aka this earth...

Later in hr e was when the other was happening and still under the Taurus Physical which had that of Mars conjuncting Venus in Aries 12th type areas so very reflective of the events for hr e...

Courtesy of Heaven's overheads then, you might say...

Mercury was combust Sun which was in turn conjunct Ketu in Pisces 11th areas which then ruled the Gemini 2nd areas so again all matched!...

Were I too have used Western astro which in convienence is used for the 24 Mountains time and locations then at some times I would get fair matches...

However I would not have found the pattern for the Forbidden date at all, and for that which is a monthly cyclic there indeed has to be a *Solid Pattern Period* showing it!...

So that's another reason I always go with the Vedic Eastern System as in it for any true cyclic phenomena it will show the specific planetary ingresses, aspects or combinations that are illustrative as a pattern associated the cyclic involved...

When you run general descriptives of a happening though in either they both do pretty well that way so either is fine...

Vedic also could be used for the 24 Mountain timing locations just as the Western is, but that of the given degrees involved at those points are much easier to remember and spot in the western than the vedic...

They are in a sign either at *0 or 15 degrees* in the Western so for that and seasonal made it a whole lot easier to see them and use than at the other degrees in the Vedic system...

So other than that the Vedic system will most often allow you to more *easily* and solidly observe specific cyclic phenomena that the western will overlook altogether in the just basic event chart alone, and that of the Forbidden date was an extremely good example there...

Now if you were to include the angular aspects view at the time, then in the more vague and general of those the Western will show the mechanics of the event at the time...

That's as Western is renowned for the use of many, many individual aspects (angles) or a great many more than vedic for the descriptions of various events and phenomena!...

However again that's a whole step away from just directly seeing what is solid of the transits of the event chart itself at the time...

Either does work but in that more direct and solid and why I call it the more physical, the Vedic is the better system for that and the why of it used here!...

Some assume the chinese systems copied certain of the vedic but while all systems have some similarities that of copying the other system is not part of it...

They indeed used that of western style perhaps both middle eastern and greek methods but their star maps were so off the top entirely and originally different from any one elses, that's there's not a chance they copied any other at all...

They indeed did their own works and held their own advanced and highly skilled forms of astrology in ancient times...

The advanced of those were the Emperors Royal Astrologers and the same who were commanded to develop the present sexagesimal dating systems into the form of a useful and practical calendar for the purposes of seasonal and agricultural plus weathers purposes all in one...

One that stems back to 2736 BC and that still to this present date works in the exemplary quite well, and is used daily here...

On *all continents* back in those times were indeed some pretty sharp cookies and they were for probably mankind's higher good all quite isolated of each other in those times...

Pretty much of all of them the Ancient chinese views and their creation of a unique cosmology aka universal theories, models and therefore outlook on creation is yet today the most mainly referred to in even that of physics outlooks and models in the same...

There was the influx of what is called the 5 wandering tribes from Summeria into China who brought what were advanced skills of that civilation with them...

However contrary to some's thought China already had strictly it's own more nomadic like social groups and colonies well in place prior to those ever arriving and easily extends back to 10,000 BC...

Then in shock as far as species of man or humanoids it actually pre dates Africa as far as those unearthed in that regard too...

So when we look at man and then we look at China, we have to recognize that it and maybe India are likely the oldest social empires to ever have existed on this earth...

More so China as not sure and may be likely that Africa pre dated India...It's in the astro's developed that tends to say who got where first...

Part of that would be why their star systems as opposed to others were much more advanced and intricate then those of any other human culture and country...

So when we think of the modern world and things such as warfare and we consider stuff or anything against China we are talking about one long established culture and race of people on this earth who have survived everything ever thrown at them, and who would further survive any other due to the immensity of their populations and there experience on this earth...

Then they are a mysterious people in their more natural then spiritual views and this is indeed sort of a paradox but not...

What I mean there is consider the fact that they literally developed their written language from that of the Heavens themselves!...

That's so uniquely profound it isn't even funny...

As in ancient times they considered the domes stars and considered all of heaven to hang aka be suspended from those domes...You see similar references in the Bible!...

Then on top of that it was from the various star configurations of those and other that they drew what was to become their written characters from...

They literally created their written language from the heavens itself...

So there was never a *so connected to the heavens* people such as they were!...

They inherently were so good at reading the heavens stars as it was integrated into their written language, that in general that they could read the futures of things and forecast events to come far beyond the capacity of any other culture...

So again when we think of the greatness, depths or richness of a culture China likely ranks highest over *the annuals of time itself* in that regard...An opinion from the objective readings of many histories....

No, not in any way saying they are better than us but even in ancient times amongst their educated the scholarly and royals they too held to high moral standards and such...

Those at points lowered to decadence in various vis that of the power hungary and wars as it does anyplace, but even without religion per se, their beliefs held a good amount of social and moral fibers to them as well, and there still here...

We as Americans are very young whelps in this world and in culture when you compare to such as India, China or even Great Britain and rather than trip over our own noses and egos we should form some sort of more knowledgeable perspective with regard to what our place versus theirs truly is, in this world...

One of the main or distinct advantages that we have is directly due to our *founding fathers*, and screw the press or more so the movies medias in their dumass micromanagemented attentions to so called perfect values and people aka Portraits of our early President's, *who don't and never had except in fairy tales land ever existed, upon this earth*!...

We need to make ourselves and heritages look good, strong and in what can be and teach pride in what they stood for in harder times to get us here....Build us up not down!...

It was indeed solely *our founding fathers who made us to become great*, as they came up with and allowed for the melting pot concept...

Unlike other countries this of what was a barbaric and young whelp of a country by openly encourageing the cream of the intellectual crops of other countries peoples Freedom in this one, is what took us to the highest level of Wealth and Power for a country that the World has ever known!...

Yes indeed were some of the unforgiveable in starts of prejudicial practices involving people, races, cultures and such in the start...

That as a young and new country following then the ways of the world in a lot too, had the incorrect of starts in some, but for the most part or greatest bulk that's behind us...

Arrogances to ignorance in some such as dealing with other peoples and then in and of our own economic affairs followed that of the heavens in our cycles and we came to that of over extensions and disasters in things of our own accords...

Knowing that and knowing those of others that we ally and deal with, we can indeed offset and even reverse the negative of present courses, and with a little self sacrifice steer our country back to an upwards and positive course in all things...

Unlike Russia or China we don't have to extend our territories or forcefully and incorrectly subjugate the wills of other countries and entire peoples to ours to increase our wealth, power, prestige and influence in this world!...

We simply have to regain sight of what made us great in the first place including our values and virtues and work very hard on that, to take back and move upwards again...

In that we still allow for immigration but only for the right reasons, and not as has been for a good while but only for the purposes of attracting the cream of the intellectual crop and some wealths the latter only under the correct conditions first as any coming here must first and foremost both accept and be bound to our way of life period...

That of taking in the most wretched which includes the criminal sorts as has been allowed needs to halt...Work smart in these what are of critical times instead...

We indeed already do have the natural resources we need and where don't we do also have the technologies to sub and compensate for such...

That of any Govt's focus should also always be on improving the levels of education offered to the young and even the old as well, and to some degree their standards too but within the realms of the educators themselves better aided and encouraged in that area...

Some progress has been made there and any way that business and private industries can aide that is a moral obligation on their part to so do...Their investments there will allow them a more and higher skilled pool to draw upon to further their own advances as well...

There's a lot we can do to improve things rather than sit around and bitch about all we see that's not going so well, we just need to take it too more active and productive roles in doing something about the issues instead...

That's where various social groups form and through those you can further attract and involve that of your govt representives in things as well...

If you don't involve your local or other Govt representatives in things then you won't get the type of resources needed to improve and escalate what can be good changes for your area...

We definitely have a system that can work, and it does not matter what your particular social or material level is, but it does depends on your becoming active to make it work, and I hope that you do...

[My life is less mobile and much less physically functional compared to the bulk or most others, so I do what I can to improve any reading here's knowledges in those areas which have been hidden and aren't taught in our conventional schoolings systems...

Instead of *buying a new car, etc as some would and often do* I invest in that of learnings and knowledges instead so bit different than most that way I guess!...

Further of them am able to present that of what are the situational outlooks of things at any time here...

Those serve as a base that some and others can reference too and make better decisions on what given course there going to move and take actions in of a given frame...

We get more than we want as the same will auto show what's ill or bad and dangerous in some of that as well, and in this world that's also what the news tends to focus most on, so inadvertantly that here sometimes looks pretty bad...

That's not it's purpose but reflects the inherent of how many things in this world happens]...

Would strongly encourage all who read here that when such as yesterday or even in the stronger negative events occur to please, please remember millions upon millions of other events at the exact same times were of the positives instead!...

Meaning for anytime there's a clash, a penalty, a destructive or any destructive combinations form, there are also always very, very positive uses and actions of the same...

So do train your minds to look for *postive alternatives* in personal, group and other actions that can and will come up of a date's or hour's clash, instead...

The more you do that the better your own use of the Wwg being made to work for you becomes and from which you and we can improve our *status's and even happiness* in life as well...

Come here with that attitude and you'll come away *a lot happier* and probably with a useful to applicable tidbit for the date and it's period or more as well...

More importantly as to whether any small or great accomplishments eventually extend from that in your personal life is *it's you who will have done it entirely by yourself* , and in anything that we make a personal accomplishment of or in of our own, always tends to make also make us feel better about ourselves and we can all use that anytime!...

One last area is of an article that had read, and some might find it very useful:

Copyright of that department and hopefully they don't mind the sharing of their link so that others may read it as well...

Had in last post mentioned that of the FS #3 star and it's effect on our and any's year geographically...

It's one you likely have no problems understanding purely in that of how events for countries have went since the start of 2015 till now even, and in some cases for that within your or some's lives this year to boot...

A main point want to mention and were you to look up it's meanings, you'd note that it is of and corresponds to the Zhen (Zen) trigram also...

That trigram further of families corresponds to the Oldest Son's...

Meaning that for 2015 and many of them this indeed is a more stressful year for them and there's a lot which comes up in it, that's hard for them to deal with and they will tend to act out in the too spontaneous and not well thought out, creating even more problems in their dealings and some not good for their personal healths sides as well...

So knowing that they need to take a less serious and even laid back approach in things and not let every little matter get under their skins...

I'm sure if you check articles on this years feng shui on the net you'll find some very good tips to go along with this as well...

For the year also that of the Earth stars are those most strongly affected next to the FS #3 stars Central areas, locations itself...

So for Western countries or the Wests of any locations that's the #5 star already well mentioned here, than of SE's it's the #2 star and then that of North's is the #8 star...

Info for those you can easily look up, and you can track or not to the extent you wish, but being knowledgeable and observant of them at the year level is definitely a good thing...

If you critically and even correctly note that similar things happen in many other directions that's true, but only listing the most main of the global for the year ok...

As within the systems to go further in most requires the births or other infos for the given country etc and if were to do that it would extend into well over another 48 directions at the minimum, where that of good feng shui is concerned...

Think you'll agree that would definitely be a little too much in the overkill, as far as any remembering or being able to apply them!... 

Ok that was quite a bit for the blog, but covers some that don't have time for of a normal forecasts date, that further empowers you for your handlings of things in this year...

Well caught same networks ntl news again and came across as excellent with some that was really just plain interesting as well...

A big fan of their Marvel Shield agents series as well, and pretty much any network that comes up with good sci fi stuffs, especially when the characters ages in them better reflects the spreads in real life also, just adds to the realisms potential, etc...



Not sure what to think of all that news of allies or just other countries we once knew, jumping after the cheese cakes China offered them...

Had said it wasn't a good month all along and then beefed it for the year other day, with that bit on the FS earth stars *all being affected by the #3 Wood star year*...

Would have think that the nature of the year and of it's effects on those or some of those supposed allies already drove them to the decisions they made...

Kinda hope we selectively start droping some off the foriegn aid rolls...

That as the #8 Gen, Wealths star is weakened by the Year's #3 Wood star, and in those countries as a union it was already evident or becoming evident...

That and the #5 star's affects on all Wests anyway much more powerful than what was to be good of it's allies component, but traced this *Gry* Rabbit month back and it's not been good in pasts either...

Money was thicker than water, and a sad day for the USA...

That prior #63 toss for next 5 years just hadn't wanted to believe in the initial...

It was too quickly correct in terms of negative result types anyway, and then today a bond involving the hidden of medias and monies forming what has to be lossy earth, and other so wasn't just about weathers as had wanted it to be, but definitely that of countries too!...

Tossed and asked if would hurt or cause us dangers in result and got:

#10 - #6 Involve #37...

Then the Overall Situation is that of #43 for it...

Physical of Blk N's, Watery etc 5th Strong Ks stars with  Hiding Gt star areas under and associated them...

Then a Red (Alarms or quarrels, risks and disagreements influence to 1st line areas of or in Weak Pe fire star *changes* in actions or areas...

Those are rebirthed and bounds to bond that of the Physical forming Water for G star manifests there!...

P star news, banks, transports, homes, travels, leaders, rules, plans and schedules, etc, etc...

Object MOC, etc: Yel Abrupt, conservative, limitings or Entanglements influences too 2nd line inter relationships, locals, close or followers of or in Quiet Rm wood star areas connected to Bcn star areas for regulatings losses, groups, talks, countries or environments, etc...

Then R star to do with Power, power control, Officials, business, enterprises, etc and of m element so the far ranging or that which spreads far and wide or aways, and any other you may add...

It's within Dui trigram environments areas for that of pleasings, lake or seas and or areas of storages, etc, etc...

That R star as well as the 1st line resultant one are buried in the short term, and of an *odd and ineffective status's type!*...

It appears to show the self destructive in that of Inner relationships vis the *Gry* 3rd line middles, centers protusions and transitions in of Bc losses, damages and other B star meanings since at points produced back by a resultant Pw star...

The same Bc star areas may also be rcvd in Wht W's, and or other meanings too 4th line Gateways areas at times too, more likely or in such would kill bond the Physical's Gt hiding star areas as well...

In fact today did in some areas as the date bonded the connecting Pw stars of those lines so Bc star was rcvd and also kill bonded the Hiding Gt star on the Physical and Ruler's, road, paths, objectives etc line...

At this point though we are still the World's #1 Economic power and Japan is Number 3, and that of China has also been sliding some this year too, guess all our big people going to have to play a very tight and smarter game to keep it that way...

Will be a lot of other that matches as usual and that of the questioned will reflect of some as other details to it and hold for a very long time likely at year level or more...

Ok news played a slickie but was not April's fool and in morning news they played it big about the huge concern's of over 50 countries many taking up a chinese offer to support the Yuan as a and desired Global currency...Had said over 50 countries joined many of our allies??? in that as well...

However you don't see it in afternoon news???

It's there do a normal google or yahoo search *AIIB China Banking stories* , it's there...

Do like that then maybe I can take permenant break no more tosses, timed, and nothing, wouldn't hurt my feelings and probably not a lot of others either, some would likely be joyful...

Anyway checked again they have it covered under IMF back plan to destroy U.S. dollar (approx aka something like that) in Yahoo's (TM) U.S. news section, had given me a shock there initially as didn't see in all news...

However they scrapped the morning specific article which was separately written, and to which there were many pretty fiery comments attached come up, and looks to have sub deflected back to the CIA Prophecy type that's been on that for good while...

Still in other news sources headlines under standard google, etc search engine as: Israel applies to join China backed AIIB investment bank, and similar...

Edgy year and certainly affects me and I know it, run into others of everyday people like that too, but there too great to admit it???...

Were several matches in eve Ntl news:

That of Oil rig explosion in watery ocean areas...

There Red S's as 1st line for that at bottom or surfaces bonding a high line for tops of it and those surfaces, and that of damages to Gt liquids containments or oil all close enough...

Then was that related to politicians for the physical and other of childrens and studies related areas involving P star exams and teachers, and of dysfunction or non effective the R star scores that would go with that, etc...

Then even another LAPD police related fit ok too...

This good for a year at least due to the nature of the question, and the type of year that it is...In some aspects of those it can be considered a life chart as well...

Tomorrow starts the weekly fs influences of the Western Wht Tiger...

Saturday is the FM on the last day of month m and a Yang hardcutting metal day of the Dog aka VII (Wht) sh...

For both the USA, Western and China, Far eastern the FM occurs on the very same calendar date this time...

So for both areas that of VII (Wht) sh for chart dates and would use the same *day start pair*...

#32 - #40 Involve #43...

#40 aside Solutions or Separatings and Untieing of the knots, very aptly also refers to *Release*...

Sunday the first full day of the Solar Month of the Yang hardcutting metal Dragon aka VII (Wht) cn...

That on the day of the Yin metal Pig aka VIII (Wht) h, so a strong date...

Add other when time...

 Post FM pair above today, and will wait till Sunday and post it with the Solar month pair on it's own page then...

Were other matches with that of the Iching or Wwg but not going to detail and emphasize the totally horrorful types...

Were Astro aspects of the very same and aside the super horrid, took in many other positives, comes down to the choices made of some and each whether for that of good or evil actions...

Was a huge shame in that of killing school children in Africa, just no sense to that type of evil...Condolences...

Normally do detail the Astro of the lunar periods, but don't see it as a good idea or in the initial at least, as it can be prone to the very heated, accidental or the explosive in this round, the most important of that to know...

4/3 VI (Gry) yo and a pre toss in hr wa on the U.S.:

This FM is one that has some other special characteristics of it's own in some news areas, which you can look up if interested...

#39 - #53 Involve #64...

It had things of tops, skies and far aways areas clashing with that in R star officials and dangers, etc areas for that of locals, and likely for the whole period as well...

This year being what it is in weathers for us, and the fact that around the NM and FM timings that things of those often spike makes it pretty hard to make sense of some tosses at times...

This was pretty clear as it showed that of the Abrupt type influences for it's 6th line areas and then that of destined changes at begins or at surfaces and underneath's areas...

Aside the natural problems possible of interferences for some vis that of the far aways in some things and areas as well...

The weathers a main part for the areas mentioned already but man's behaviors in some also tends to follow that of the weathers as well, so going to be that of the abrupt's type of nature for some in their dealings as well...

Those that want further details need to add in the relative of the trigram areas with their own further stars analysis, and as need apply the dates day by day for some of the main that way...

One additional but 3 coins toss for the FM period and of Day sh:

#5 - #3 Involve #38...

Most likely of weathers forecasts, but will be of many other involving Red 4th Ks star areas...

Object MOC: Wht 1st Gt stars which link and also compete Gry 6th Gt stars as well...

#3 Aside Sproutings,  Fog, more so means Difficulties in Begins as an outcome type...

#5 Waiting, pause, awaiting, waiting at the outskirts, etc...

Change has dual *change to same* changes lines:

Blk 2nd Locals Ry changes star also has Hiding Pe fire star areas...

Grn 3rd Middles, centers, large areas and transitions Bcn changes star...

Date same Yel 5th Bsh star areas and date clashing those Grn 3rd Bcn star changes for emphasis...

Shows that of hours and days y aka the locals Ry stars can clash the Physical in some as well...

Asked of US but will include in the Global also...

Before add solar pair or pairs mention some to do with:

Being that of the FS Solar month type...

Sunday a dangers day by the 12 Officers type, but more importantly is that it will be a reinforcement of the years FS #3 Volatility star over this month itself...

That as beginning Apr 5th that will be the Month's FS for all things, locations and in their centers, and central areas!...

So this Dragon month quite powerful, as of month's FS stars it aligns with *the Year's Lo Shu in all sector directions*...

So we can expect in the natural that of more volatilies in most any geographical area can go with that of April...

Then again that of man's behaviors or in enough to be noteable of them globally, tends to often follow that of his environments weathers and natures also at the time...

Energy in motion moves and influences the other about the sum of it...

For that of masses and large areas the *situations and stars shown in the timed and tosses*, gives you the main for April in that regard...

Knowing the FS type, tells you the essence of the Solar component which of itself creates and drives a lot of the other, and by sometime tomorrow will add the Solar pair or pairs on new page as well...


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