Saturday, June 4, 2016

Solar month of the Yang wood Horse 2016.

Recent NM Lunar month pairs at top, followed by initial Solar month equivalents, with other countries pairs to be added later...

As shown the All Countries (AC) daystart was yet of the Snake month (e) and applies to China and the Far Easts as well of their 5th also...

There on that date in hr wa the Horse month by *Sun degree* starts, but Farmers calendar software lists the 6th for them on VI (Gry) wa date which *is after the actual month starts* and may add that in later as well, but the former at the top should be the more accurate...

Since will occur simul went ahead added China and Far Easts countries Exact Solar month pair in, should have reflected Month w on it as well, but post a new image tomorrow with that along with that of a normal day start type image also for the 6th which just represents the first full day of the Solar month...

Ok that at very top being in simul also same for China, Far Easts Countries Daystart *the 6th there and the 5th today here*...

That where the Solar month is the horse w for them and their first full day of Month w, while it's yet Snake e month for the US and Western countries...

So since that hexagram pair at very top is same for all and will leave as is, just remember it's month w and the first full day of theSolar month for China and Far Easts!...

Then adding Our and all Western countries the first full day of the Solar month is on Monday the 6th and in essence just another lunar daily day start type...

Ours and Wests are Offset from China and the Far Eastern countries vis of lunar date calc's it numerically running 1 lunar date ahead of their's, this round...That being purely of world time zone differences...

The lunar date calc's determine the hexagram pair numbers and names active at a given location and time and are based on a celestial time reference of the NM itself...

The stars in those pairs are standard per the hexagram #'s themselves and the binomial date is of the HSIA Solar Calendar same as used for tosses, only the hexagram #'s are per the lunar calendar itself...

In terms of timing precisions there's some slack or offsets there, but in general good results are obtained using that of the chinese hours as related to std time for any given locality...

The slack is in that of local times themselves, which mainly depend upon the locations longitude such that a given chinese hour actually starts at a time offset (local time) from the std time itself...

In the practical and world wide that offset is generally totally ignored and only that of Std time is used...

However if you want to get precisionately accurate you must use the local and not areas TZ Std time instead, but in the most practical that's usually ignored, and the very acceptable in matching event results are in a large manner obtained!...

In the well done of Bazi that of the local time for a birth or event location is used as well, and the Bazi aka Fourpillars is logically in my studied opinion the reference for Wwg as well, so depends on whether you wish to be practical or extra ultra precisionate in the Wwg on that...

 Being practical better allows applying event hours in the Global more easily rather than calculating the precise start of each chinese hour for them!...

In mentioning that you can now see why sometimes given events might not exactly align the star types in a pair when *Std time's* chinese hours the only is used, but in reality if precision applied then all events will better match the pair star interactions in the more mathematically or scientifically accurate of results...

Here since deals with Ntl and Global areas, we stick with the practical of Std time for the chinese aka animal aka earth branch hours of a day being applied to our pairs, be they timed or toss types!...

That sum's it up, you have the pairs to which the most main of influences and corresponding events will follow for both the NM and Solar Horse month, and will add that for Russia also in a day or so...

For those for which that of Wwg too hard and hard to understand the interactions of star lines vis different dates and hours, just use the Iching as your general guide, which will tell you what the Lunar and Solar month's and dailies *are about*, and of which you can expect global event matches as well...

Yahoo search for given hexagram numbers seems to give superior results in that of different meanings for the hexagram number, so you might want to try that for examaple type:

Hexagram 25 leaving out the # sign and you'll get excellent results which by the way aside standard meanings of it's name includes that of *Allowings*...

Applied to it's pair at the top here in that of meanings will make more sense for you...

A pre entering period event example would be that of the San Jose police department having maybe inadvertantly or purposedly by *their absence*, allowed that of the protesters to injure supporters of the Trump rally on a Jolts results day last Thursday...

Anyway such was in step with Our Exact SM pair destiny or situation type of names... 

Also remember that of those containing Chen(Qian) trigrams this month indicates the Use of Raw and Material Power aspects in that of Leaderships and Situations areas as well!...

In the simplex:

Lunar periods apply to in relationships that of masses, and large areas, where as Solar periods apply to that of individual self and creative energy type in expressions, and in the general of which most leaderships in this world also of it's trends often make that of judgements and take actions in that are in step or of those trends...

Their names give you the situations types you can expect of events for their periods...

Both types the Solar and the Lunar always also represent that of natural forces and phenomena that will be relative of their periods as well...


On the dailies one other point is of China and the Far Eastern Countries, those shift to both the next calendar date and chinese element date ahead of us, however in this period if not most their daily hexagram pair follows ours!...

When it turned the 7th there, that posted for today our Jun 6th daystart pair became their's then, and will follow ours each day like that as well...

That as their lunar date is this period if not most one day behind ours...

So you can track them as well by the dailies here!...

6/7 Tuesday Fire/Mars day of the Yang metal Monkey aka VII (Wht) s date...

Upper Zen, FS #6 (Chen/Qian)...

Global timed Wests day start:

#32 - #34 Involve #43...

Expand to track as desired...

Then for those who really need to know, easy enough vis world times to look up China or the Far Eastern Country of interest time for their next date aka 8th's day start using std times and translate vis hours of difference to our's within the 7th's use the same pair for them, but of day VIII (Wht) yo as pair date for them...

You can repeat in the same manner daily if needed...

[Added Russia's SM Horse at top and their's the same in that their lunar dailies will follow ours when they advance to the next calendar and chinese element date ahead of us, within our date...

Russia's SM first hexagram name rather interesting compared to Our NM pair!]...

May in no hurry add their's and also the China, Far Eastern Countries NM Exact pairs in later, after you've tracked just their Solar pairs for awhile...

Refer back to the May blog near it's end portion for additional related to entrance of this NM period and of tosses relative for us to it as well...

Leave to you to analyze, interpret in the trackings of events for yourselves as per past posts that in terms of what are the important date types to note is already known to you....

As of Jun 7th here Our's have vis happenings given in news since Jun 4th, tracked very, very well!...

For laugh's there's one cute Toyota (TM) car commercial which says no one could have predicted that, and that's true, however the actions within it also roughly reflect the principles of the names for this current US exact Solar month:

Abide  aka Followings in/of  Groups Involve Feed  aka Nuturence's, which lead to Allowings!...

Ooop, oop one error there, the Involves is that of things at surfaces, etc spreading in the far and wide of reachings, etc!...

Surfaces aka as inherent in that of the Nuclear Hexagram's (#53) actual meanings itself as opposed to the first line areas of one...

That too is accurate of principle itself, because that of spreadings in the far and wide is a *Relative term*, aka that relative to the given situation large or small...

In that commercial you literally had a groups of cars alternately *spreading* and closing apart in the synchronous of movements and towards the Ends of Allowings!...

So in of it's principles matched those of the timed pair's energies which are in as well...

Didn't have to but did also come out that way, so interesting and part of how *you must flexibly analyze even the hexagram names* to catch *the various of multiple situations they can represent*...

Similar to the above example where that of motion and movements of and within a set, collection of objects was done for that of a given purpose, the same principles can be applied in that of other areas, theories and fields as well...

In that of pasts some Iching books make reference that some foriegn scientists, physicists and chemists have utilized the Iching and Wwg to make that of breakthroughs in their areas...

Now however after pointing it out they'll in the regressive likely kill that commercial...

In things aka ideas and that which is of creative works where there is spur of the moment inspirations a lot would naturally match up to the corresponding archetypal energies in play at the time...

In this case was the Solar month, but likely can be of other archetypes as well, and then consider it's often said of new ideas or technologies, nothing remains secret for long, as though it may first come up in one part of the world the same basic behind it allows it to manifest in other world areas or minds as well...

Just Blog Jun 7th here:

Ok on that of 3C Wwg some might assume I down play it, but not correct as for it's purpose which is that of personal related areas in questions of all types it is superior to 6C in that of much more solid Great Combo's where personal stuff, interests in questions involved...

Also in that of multiple change lines which when not of personal in home and close surroundings interferances at the toss time, provide much greater info in that of the active trends areas related to the questioned itself....Though it does make the interpreting a bit more complex in that for many or the average in that...

6C of only single change line is quite comparable to timed types and in my opinion as an avid practioner is more suited towards questions involving global areas than the personal ones, and also usually much quicker and easier to interpret since only one and clearly defined change line to it...Only the most main and strongly defined core of the Iching pairs used in it as compared to the basic 4096 possible combinations of the 3C  type tosses...

Anyway there's no inference from here that 6C is better as it's not, but it is a lot faster and more convienent for quick answers, and we still see the main of ongoing things in environments themselves in results as do in 3C...

That's about it there...

Have you noticed that of just a bit over the past week there have been several failry major sports figures die as well???

In one case a news area included the birth info of one, minus only the birth time itself...

He was only 23 years old so took a look at the 3 available pillars per info given of his bazi birth chart...

Remember I had in *April* and May given all of you a ton of informations to do with the importance of clashes and harms in the Wwg and birth charts then...That to educate you as to how important they are in our lives and daily living routines, and where knowledge of your own of them could aid you in better decisions versus literally the risks that some will at times present you!...

Anyway this Man was shot to death, and that came on a day when he was extremely concerned of his thought beloved's part with whom he had or was having major relationship issues at the time...

That's of his *Inner Brides palace aka relationships type and on that day his were *Clashed**...

It's most often that any person will take actions in that of a clashed area on it's date and he did!...

Clashes are not always bad at all, *as most of the time on those dates they move us to take actions that date or time* that's of their areas and more, it's just we need to be careful in the exact of choices we make, keep them positive in all senses and we will move forward with good results the majority of the time!...

He though also had that of a Qi Sha aspect from his 10 year luck cycle to his of Outer areas birth year's Pillar which says both that one will use their body in more aggressive and assertive ways (Athletics) being the positive side which in his case could even be somewhat inherited of pasts and ancestral lines as well, though don't know if was, but a possible too, and in other positives good for that of management and leadership goals, abilities in some also...

You can look up *Qi Sha* aka Indirect Power influence aspects for Bazi (Fourpillars) to better understand...

In other some negatives associated the Qi Sha aspect also come up and for him in the external and outer environments that are also somewhat related to the home areas as well in events would come up too...

One would in general tend to be more aggressive or negative natured in some of those, and also would have in his case been subject to that of injuries, surgeries or accidents *of and to the physical body* which is of knowns long recorded of the Qi Sha aka Indirect Power influence on one as well... 

So basically he made a wrong choice to take the Qi Sha negative of actions using his body that date in breaking through the door of the *Wrong apartment*, one of which he had thought was his of quarrels beloved's home...

It was not and when he came crashing into that apartment, the startled occupant defensively shot him dead!...

Sad as didn't have to happen and was based on strong feelings and an incorrect even wrong choice when there were energies in his chart that would cause reprecussions...

Again mentioning so others might benefit from such knowledge and become very inclined not to make rash choices on a date when any part of their charts is clashed such as his in that of Brides areas that fate full day...

Most those 30 and younger who if have a yearly bazi chart done would still tend to over look such of a 10 year cycle as it's such a long time and if as in his case you'd been through 7 and a half years or better of it, and nothing deadly had happened would write it off as in hey nothing can happen to me...

That obviously would be wrong as it's not over till it's over and it only takes one wrong or bad choice when clashes involved for the quite negative of results to occur...

Just a reminder of how fragile the unseen checks and balences of influences in our lives can be...

Not something we can or should worry about all the time, but it is extremely helpful to know your clash dates and the main gist of your life areas for given year from that of a Bazi (Fourpillars) chart or a Wwg toss on your year from your birthdate itself...

Then of the Wwg toss that can be done anytime in the year, just make sure you ask of the year in terms of your last birthday, and it will come out correctly as well...

The same of all tosses make sure your personal environment is quiet at the time of your toss and ask it in a somewhat removed manner that's not overly concerned with what the outcome will be, and you'll get a good result that you can go by...

Of the Bazi you don't have to understand the exact of how it and everything of it works:

Just have someone skilled do yours and you'll only need to understand that of the timings aka months and dates in that of it's good fortune and opportunities areas for you, mainly so you can plan any related projects and take more successful actions in them, and then that of any other negative areas if exists in there timings as well, of which you can know and make decisions on what's best avoided in those...

That and knowing your own personal clash dates at the least can be of great assistance for a more successful year...

*Nothing really taxing or hard about that at all*, easy stuff to remember, with another having done the chart work for you... 

Anyway gives you a couple of options there being that of the Bazi or that of a costs nothing toss to know the main of your year from...

Removed that not relevant was probably boring, anyway has been a good day to write of an Output perform type...

6/8 Wednesday Water/Mercury day of the Yin metal Rooster aka VIII (Wht) yo date...

Upper Shun, FS #7 (Duay)...

Global wests timed:

 #59 - #20 Involve #27...

Matches in news look right yet, was some of yesterday's that showed up in news this morning, most to do with transports...

Didn't really need stars for that as yesterday had Zen Outer sudden jolts over the Inner of Shun's areas which includes that, and today's had Shun Outers to further some and other there as well...

Not that hard for most that way...

6/9 Thursday Wood/Jup day of the Yang water Dog aka IX (Blk) sh date...

Upper Kan, FS #8 (Gen)...

Changes to the Eastern Grn Dragon cardinal areas, week today...

Global timed:

#39 - #8 Involve #64...

In matches some from previous days and then would have been some of barriers or obstructings in some's day or areas...

One other rather unique of the Gen inner areas was a photo of an ancient platform in Lebanon that shows a building inside of what adjacent either side resemble that of mountains...The Outer Upper Kan influences to it, might have been the currently unknown of that of myseteries, secrets or other associated it as well...

Was near Jordan within a city called Petra and a good pic of it was in Yahoo (C) news and Sciences areas today...

Ok on the 6th *one of the quite unfortunate events to do with that of travels and transports, etc areas in jolts, etc then had also unfortunately involved a famed astronaut in it as well...

*Date pair* for that of the 6th is at the top and of Police then was said to have occurred around 02:50am and hr c!...

We always note for any date, etc bonds when a later hour or date clashes those areas the given bond is opened up, and things of it's areas come up, manifest as events...

The date was the same as it's *Red 5th Gwa star Physical* then, and also bonded it's Grn 4th's resultant month active Kw fire star areas as well...

In hr c which clashed the date pair's *physical* also opened that latter above bond's areas for events then, and further kill bonded that of it's Gry 1st Pt water star areas for matchings there too...

The only additional thing will point out which applied to the astronaut, was he had the ongoing of Two Qi Sha cycles aspects in the right/wrong chart areas, aside the more positive of a Direct Officer type, and also that of the date had further energized one of them at branch level, and hour c *also clashed the goat wa branch of his current year's cycle luck aside the date pair's physical itself!*...

Those were quite active, as it had just turned the Horse w month that day start for the US itself and other western countries then too, *and the Horse w month bonded the wa element of both mentioned*...

That of current year for any whose birthday hasn't came up yet is of the prior year aka the Yin wood Goat aka II (Grn) wa year...

Anyway it had the deadly and other mal sides associated Qi Sha cyclic aspects again in this case also...

Aside the firm leadership, management qualities of Qi Sha that in the assertive, agressive of Qi Sha aspect can include abuse aka self destructiveness to one's own body aka person at times of various types and forms also...That of the body again, when their year pillar, aside the day master is involved also...

Put it this way know of cases like that, and then likely in each case being unique to the person, where that of disatisfactions and or depressions played a factor in them too...

His job though retired, bosses and co-workers plus Outer social, political, etc pillar was branch clashed by his current year luck as well!...

Keeping it simple where that of one's physical body and accidents are involved to mainly a Qi Sha aspect to that of his birth year pillar which definately applied for him, and the other athletic type and event mentioned prior here, but each in different ways and outcomes...

*There are many just like that as well*, but do also know of other types *such as in some cases of suicides*, which involved *clashes to/of their Brides palace areas also*, and then *Qi Sha aspects to their Outer social, political, bosses, jobs, co workers and parents pillar, that instead of their birth year pillar*, which it instead would be weakened by their year year luck cycle or their 10 year luck cycle additional to the just mentioned, and such was too much for the person to handle...

So as you can see it's case by case, have covered two of the year body pillar type here, and *there's almost always a clash by the date of main event itself to a pillar area of their chart as well!*!...

If you read the news articles on the accident which included some initial of police investigation, you'll find that of self abuse, depression and other, also may well be potentially supported as well...That's common of the Qi Sha aspect also...

Were other outside factors such as the father of other vehicle had not made his children wear seatbelts at the time either?...

Updated the above...

6/10 Friday Metal/Venus day of the Yin water Pig aka X (Blk) h date...

Upper Gen, FS #9 (Li)...

Global timed:

#23 - #35 Involve #2...

6/11 Saturday Earth/Saturn day of the Yang wood Rat aka I (Grn) t date...

Upper Quen/Kun, FS #4

Jump of FS due to a solastice aka 24 mountains shift point...

Global timed:

#11 - #5 Involve #54...

Just Blog:

On that of Astronaut and the Father in other car of accident date, for both felt it was a so sad a thing and horrendous for each to have to bear...On Astronaut also reminds me of the old saying that bad things happen to good people at times too...Wish strong condolences to the families of both...

Didn't add comments earlier on yesterday's as thought not hard for any to see the obvious of advances in some of the day's events even of strippings and earths areas types too...

Yesterday's for those *who expanded the pair*, would have noted there was that of *date clashed Re fire stars in locals anywhere*, which included that of dangers and there were several incidents and fatalities of that type along those lines then...

The dailies *are part of the lunar and solar periods* so you do need to expand, examine them and note their *R stars*, harms or self harms, and also any destructive combinations, and destructive lines, *in order to more fully catch that of dangers any date!*...

6/12 Sunday Sun day of the Yin wood Ox aka II (Grn) c date...

Upper Chen, FS *#5*...

Global timed:

#10 - #58 Involve #37...

Saw in news but haven't read any details on the mass club deaths and injuries which occurred in Orlando, Florida except saw that it occurred near it's closing time 2am hr c of this day c...

Usually mal stuff with the FS #5 star for the date:

For those who didn't expand today's pair:

The Physical is of a Wht 5th Ks metal star advance but is of a buried, ineffective status type...

That of meanings would aside safeties, stabilities include that of entertainments areas as well as drugs aka alcohol along with medical sreas that Wht influences also carries with the many others...

It's Object, Others, Destinations that of Inner Red 2nd Locals, close by's areas of in *Rm wood star actions, areas in events*...

Red S's, Frt's, Quarrels, Fame, Wealth, etc influences to the 2nd line areas and stars...

The m element originally of Zen trigram character and is physically within and involving that of Duay trigram areas for also, then m element which is of things of wide spread and of multiples common objects composition in the far reachings of stuff and/or distances, etc...

Duay trigram associates that of Pleasings (many types) aside other, and then of the hours that at late nights or wee am type hours nightclubs would have definately fit in that too...

[Change line: Blk 6th line areas in of Bsh earth star changes in retreatings, reducings, or pasts of Bwa earth star areas...

It's as far as influences a negative line type for that of it's B star areas (groups, environments, destructives, losses, etc) as the sh element of the Bsh star is strong but void mal sided too, and the Bwa star itself is struck out by the date, blocking or diminishing the effectiveness of the retreatings!]...

Currently that of sh and h are the void elements for our date pairs now...

That of the Bsh changes star with it's resultant Bwa star struck out, left the Bsh changes star free to bound and bond that of the locals Rm wood star areas, forming fire for P star manifests this date except that in hr wa the Bwa star then active as well and would bond the Gry 4th Pw star areas forming earth for B star manifests happening then too...

[Hadn't tracked a lot this way this year, but that of recents shootings and killings *may also be linked to the global nature of the current month* that vis the year's current overheads to it!...

That where the year forms external indirect output, performance characteristic aspects to for the month, as well as the years inner branch forming that of *the Qi Sha aspect type* to the Outer public areas of the Horse month's Social, political, job, bosses, authority and homes areas... 

{That would be another accurate measure and descriptive of for this global month type!}]...

[That of the AC Solar month #49 and Our day start for the solar month pair at page top area *showed active for Dangers, attacks, etc in for this Day c* as it's Red 6th's Rwa earth star areas was clashed for advancings also!... 

It and the dates pair both had *Red*, S's influences for that of their R star areas]...

[That of the timed hr pair #13 - #33 Involve #44 indicated places of retreatings in it's outcomes with the Involve of Queen aka Coming to meet...

It's Red 2nd Locals was of the date and hour in Kc earth star areas for that of entertainments and any K star type area as well...

That of hour c timed pair had a Yel Abrupt 3rd line areas Rh water star physical *which in timed types* also indicates that of diseases, dangers and attacks, etc in that of nuturences and nuturences, comforts areas, etc...

So things of it's nature main then and under that of the names #13 also indicates those of the Outsides campfires type such as associated with groups such as the terrorist of Is, Al Queda or Taliban, etc types would fit in amongst others not terrorist inclined and has matched such in pasts, or also those of more normal purposes as well]...

Then the dates Chen/Qian Outer trigram influences also that of raw and or raw power, leaderships and of birth/death areas was is a powerful influence for the events and date itself...

Was in afternoon hr wa news conferance given by the President in speech (talks) classified as a terrorist and hates type of attack, with that of the lone attacker said to be a hates filled individual aligned with that of the Is groups causes, etc...

Also do wish condolences to all family and friends of the victums involved and to the surviving of the victums as well...

6/13 Monday Moon day of the Yang fire Tiger aka III (Red) y date....

Upper Duay, FS #6 (Chen)...

Global timed:

#49 - #31 Involve #44...

Just blog:

That of the 29 yr old responsible for the attack and all the deaths in an Orlando, Florida nightclub Sunday am, was of a [Rabbit birth aka sign element *m*], same as the Red 2nd *Rm wood star of the date pair*...

On that of Rabbit types have never yet met one that didn't have a certain amount of fire, volatility or instability at times to them, though may be some...

Not much to say on it beyond that...

Probably last month or so have took some out of their comfort zones when had did 3 pillared bazi views of influences of some, where death or accidents, etc were involved...

Was the only way to get acrossed just how accurate and important the Bazi type of life and events charts are in applications and uses...More preferrably is to find that of ones positive wealth zones and other, but they are what they are aka that of accurate life charts period...

Used no actual birth times in any, so those analysis each applied to many of the same birth date, but since knew the given particulars involved aka the given outcome of a certain event date for the given person *in each case*, it then was and is in the general quite accurate for the individual involved...

Many other would have shared the same aspects, but would have partially due to their different birth times, locations, and then also of their upbringings, social influences and individual experiences in choices, responded to events in entirely different ways, and yet all such does go along with and fits under that of their applying, influencing aspects at the time...

So for the greatest part it comes down to the choices at any given time which translate into actions made by the individual him or her self that determine what the results are under their particular aspect influences...

Also in those examples and of the Wwg as well that of clashes and of the area clashed says what was involved that the individual had acted relative too and upon for the resulting event at the time...

In couple cases here including previous month's blog, was that of the Brides palace which was clashed, brides aka spouses, fiance's, sweethearts, etc types and the relationship status at the time were of their areas, that relative and acted upon by the individuals...

Have kept it simple to a few cases where that of clashes involved, are many other that can have the same general types of results which involve harms or some type of destructive combination instead of a clash as well...

That of Sunday aka Day c Our AC Solar month day start pair showed that of Red 6th Rwa star areas clashed for R star advance to it's Rsh star, so we had the known for some form of dangers that date and the advanced Rsh star would have bounded and bond to the Yel 1st Km wood star areas...

It as a period pair suggested things of the S's and of fiery and abrupt natures vis line colors and trigrams involved...*That of the clashed Rwa star was also within that of a Duay pleasings, etc areas trigram type* aka things of those areas the source of what was and areas types involved...

In turn that became that of a Zen arousals and jolts type vis advance to it's Rsh resultant star...

Says the dynamics involved for the date and initial hour of attack...

Regardless of how other you label it, it was an attack upon others with that of anger and hates also involved...

Then if you looked at the date pair and as described it, that of Inner Duay areas again were that where Dangers vis the Rm star there were involved...

The Duay trigram has a lot of meanings, but in assessments you'd have to consider the hours of the day as well, those in terms of zones, for the types of areas or places that given of trigram meanings would most apply too...

That at the hour timed level took it even further down to involving things of nuturances, comforts and hates as well...

One person cannot do that of pre date assessments alone, *it would actually take a team* to pre access the possibilities in targets, places types etc for the specific involved trigram(s) of any given date pair...

The hour zones of a date broken down to 4 or 6 hour intervals would have to considered as to what would be the most appropriate of a star meanings within it's trigram for each for that of target and places type selections, etc...

Not an easy task so would take a team or the programmed into a computer for the best of selections in that...

However many others especially agency's should be as is daily tracking the pairs here, and it was definately clear there would be dangers vis Our AC Solar month day start pair!...

Until such a time if ever that a team or programmed approach adopted, then all you'll know is that in the least of R star type dates themselves will always hold some dangers...

You also did have that of more emphasis for that of dangers itself that day and in this case, because it was an FS *#5* date type...In the plus the sudden of windfalls, in the more usual of minus the very major sudden jolts and upheavals in things of both natural and man made areas and dealings types!...

Then as have last described this month type you know were in a specific zone type for dangers vis year's Qi Sha aspect type of heritages and other of it's inner areas applies to the Outer public social, etc areas of this month itself in some of it's actions and events areas...

Other than that for individuals it's good to know those of your own birth year clash dates to just be aware of, and even more so of and on R star dates in our lunar and solar pairs here as well...

6/14 Tuesday Fire/Mars day of the Yin fire Rabbit aka IV (Red) m date...

Upper Li, FS #7...

Global timed:

#21 - #38 Involve #39...

Corrected had transposed prior...

Did make a major error recently when had said Wwg derived of Bazi, wasn't taught in course like that but had forgotten the details...

Weren't that many details as just referred to Jin Feng as the main developer of the Wwg, and the time frame which was in the Han dynasty, while that of accepted Bazi was much later in the Tang dynasty...

The exact how of how it was developed wasn't fully detailed, as derived of Feng Shui and of Luo Shu trigram meanings, but most use expanded beyond those...

Net sources are not the clearest either, but is mainly of the trigrams themselves to which the elements aside their own main, are further assigned additional for the Wwg, and somewhere along the line had literally forgot all that as never have to look up that info...Most don't as are memory aides for it anyway...

May detail that further another time...

Physical transposition as put a yang change instead of yin change on 2nd line, which made the difference...

More important when first noted news late last night was a ton that involved quarrels of one type or another, and still today do note a few articles of that nature...

Just Blog and going off into some side line tangent areas today:

Have noted a few false articles of Wwg proponents that say the lunar unreliable, etc but it's just them as *have not seen a single date where their archetypes don't apply in that right here for both global and national ongoings or events...

Here it's unquestionably accurate...

They are like that between the Wwg and Bazi proponents also, which in reality were both derived of Feng Shui in common core, so are very related systems also...Mainly different in that of their purposes period...

Their set up's in terms of heavens stems minus the day stem itself is different, and also different in the interpretation purposes and methods...

Both in the common give strong weight to the earth branch components as the stronger of influences, utilize the same basic cycles within them, and then differ in purposes of just how the stems are used and applied...

Feng Shui:

Less seen by most is that Bazi charts are used aka incorporated for their year, month, date and hour timing components into that of [Feng Shui's Xuan Kong *Date Selection* system (XKDG)] where Feng Shui's trigrams forming hexagrams and the 64 hexagrams themselves are used also...

That's used by the upper aka Top most professionals in that of Feng Shui period...

Used mainly for the most auspacious dates for one or a family to move into a house, apartment or the starting of a business itself and for other date applications as well...

This is not that of the so called lucky charms type of feng shui many are somewhat familiar with, but *the real and trusted of actual time elements themselves type* and used for that of the initial move in date to a given home itself, etc...

Not so different and the same of that here of a given date's hexagram pair or bazi chart when one chooses either the right or incorrect date or time to take a given action which then reaps the known of corresponding results of such...

Very much the same in that...

Separately that of room arrangements and placements of major furniture items in forms considerations, *coupled with that of the dates involved for those*, could additively be employed to further improve the occupants luck as well, which again is not that of the so called lucky charms type at all...

Ideally it's very important for any, but is most practical or applicable to those making major career and location changes in which they will have to move into a new home, and have a month to several for selectings, viewings and plannings before actually moving into one...

The system shows one, the differences between move in dates for that of similar houses where they are of the same structure, location also shareing the same facing direction and that ideally also have good energy aka luck for the current period...

Applies to the date starting a business (any type) to include home businesses as well, and where the dates for that will be much different than a move in date type itself, as different energies are involved...

That such as for this current 20 year period 8 itself...

Two different families moving into such homes even side by side on different dates can have tremendously different results in terms of their overall future fortune and luck in that of their jobs, career, health and other life areas...

That as the Qi aka energy associated the Feng Shui of their homes, was of their different move in season and *date* either properly or improperly activated by the prevailing Qi aka energy of the season and *date they moved into it* under!...

[The date of the move in itself, sets the type of Qi energies that are activated for the home, and it's occupants]...

In other words *time itself* is the single most critical factor involved...

As said it's a pretty complex learning subject, but it is another application where that of Bazi charts are neccessary and used within it as well...

Had did several home charts using the XKDG system myself while slowly learning it a few years back, and the differences in the Qi types and the physical results were huge, but have done none since a couple years back, so tend to forget the many details of it...

Was an interesting course and can always review should ever a need come up...


One could short cut it all by using the Wwg instead, but it's results will be nowhere as precise in details as far as it's permenent effects on the occupants as that of the time tested and proven of true feng shui evaluations would be...

Most would not if ever, even fully understand their results in that regard, however in the simplified there's a good case for it, [as the most important will be that of *your G star status in the results*]...

That as the G star represents the fortune for the occupants in terms of life quality and the potentials in that of their wealth and finances areas also...

However of it you'd also have to further consider vis colors and other, the nature associated that fortune aka G star type, and how well supported or not that would be over time as well...

Still in the quick and simplified, the Wwg can be very helpful and enough to make a generally good and quick decision that for most people being time pressed these days, would find the more useful for them...

In limits you won't neccessarily understand all *the correct changes and actions needed to achieve or keep that of any good fortune* where as of a true feng shui evaluation and of it's specialized knowledges of all the correct actual applying and relevant variables which affect the outcomes, you would... 

So up to the person and of their own personal situation there in terms of the time involved and or of resources as true feng shui consultancies and eval's can be quite expensive making that of the Wwg a more preferable alternative for many...

Most being unaware in the first place, don't even think about such and in effect are rolling the dice of random chance and chaos when ever they choose to move into another home or start a new business, etc but this just discussed here are trusted ways of going about that...

Ones that ensure that you'll get the best possible of what will become the physical influences and results of the move in, etc!...

6/15 Wednesday Water/Mercury day of the Yang earth Dragon aka V (Yel) cn date...

Upper Zen, FS #8 (Gen)...

Global timed:

#32 - #40 Involve #43...

Yesterday plenty of matches thought the announcement as a news story of the DNC being previously hacked was an interesting example type that's not really good news for most as any can be hacked that way...

One background archetype which may be playing out in some areas that of #11 - #36 Involve #54 as the second of two tosses yesterday...

Correction on the Orlando terrorist, shooter, killer:

He was born in years of birth a Yang Fire Tiger [III (Red) y type] had went with 1987 initially assuming his birth day had already past, but wasn't and he was born in 1986...

Applied the birth info of the killer listed on Wiki minus and not having the birth time itself, for the bazi 3 pillared birth chart type view given here:

Per that he was of currents under an Indirect Power Qi Sha *10 yr cycle influences type*:

The Qi Sha influences applying to Outer/External areas of the Body, Physical traits char, Accidents, Heritages, Ancestors and Great Elders, etc areas as, for, and of the Assertive Aggressive, Non sentimental, etc natured influence for and towards some there or in pasts of areas there also...

6/12/2016 a II (Grn) c date:

[The date's Ox branch *destructively kill bonded his Brides palace* of Rat branch for actions, events which was a wealths aspect to his day master too, then date's heaven stem relative his day master of a pairs, groups, brothers, siblings and rob wealth type influences type also...

The date's heaven stem also formed *an additional Qi Sha aspect* to his Outer social, political, job, co-workers, home and parents areas for actions, events then as well]...

That's the main in aspects of influencings for choices in/of the actions and events he took and that transpired for him that date...

On the Brides, etc palaces:

[A lot of times a reader or of beginner's in bazi, some may incorrectly assume that of the earthly branch element for a given palace is literal especially of the Bride's palace???

Sometimes of  partners it is, but doesn't have to be, as it in the most main:

The Brides palace sign, element is simply symbolic of *what the general nature* of the or one's brides, spouse, etc person *will be like* period!...

His of the Rat sign, element just says he will tend to (very often the actual case) form intimate close or marital relationships with those of the Rat water character influences relative his (Jia) Yang wood stem aka Day master...

Meaning *they could be birth wise of any sign, element*, but as a person exhibit that of the Rat water influences type as a spouse!...

Not all but some spouses start a bit indifferently and more independently there, but gradually over the years or time as they further grow together they will auto mold into that of one's Bride palace sign, element characteristics in that of their behaviors, actions and attitudes, etc towards their partner]...

For those interested further info *on that of main personages influences, types and their trends of the slaughter then, can be obtained from a bazi 4 pillars chart constructed for *the initial event time* near 2am on the 12th at the Orlando, Florida location...You could add Bazi's special stars in for further refinement also...

Well am able to do the supported in walks type excercise of around 5 minutes max daily in the home now...

Not as good as was prior to surgery and other by a long shot though, and currently *if try to go beyond 5 minutes the back fires period*, but that's enough to allow me to do outings a couple of times a month anyway which is all really need there...

Problem last time was going to too many places on the base then which took me down hard few weeks back, so will limit to only going to one main area which has go carts, and *not go out beyond two times a month where any type of supported walkings required*...Preferrably not in any one week either...

Still do the other of leg stretches, etc everyday as well, have to just to keep them straight when stand these days, but only do the natural or normal of stand ups and sit downs rather than as a separate excercise for that, as the upper leg muscles were harmed, or the inadvertant of damage there are weaker now, tire easily in walks, etc and that of left hip and both knee areas initially painful in those types of movements, etc...

Once standing and the initial of a couple of steps will then feel ok, until reach the tire out point itself from that 5 minutes excercise of supported walkings type...

Can guarentee I stay highly alert in any walkings do carefully watching my step and balence at all times...
Drinking the Cardio ND in Tea usually helps that calm down by the mid afternoon of any day...

A lot more to it, but get's pretty interactively complex, as the human body is just that, so will leave such out here...

Happened to toss today and on US as well:

#19 - #7 Involve #24...

Hr sh will have firebond of the Gry 2nd Locals, etc weak Rm wood star areas for P star manifests then...

Pair has Yel 1st line areas of in Pe fire changes star areas produced back as well which is further affected in hr h also with a bond to it's resultant Ry wood star there as well...Hr h same it's Object's Grn 5th weak Gh water star areas strengthening those then...

From current dst to std time:

Std hr sh 8pm - 10pm..
Std hr h 10pm - 12am

Saw several articles where stars matched up including that of the very unfortunate which occurred at Disney land...

Date bonds it's Red 6th Kyo stars of which hr sh can open up for events...

Pair may be good for awhile as may possibly pertain to the naval stuff in the Baltic seas areas as well...

Latter hexagram of masses or legions is anything to do with gatherings of most anything and then when that's people including that of a leader as well...

Then still other of what can be additionally separate of the names and not of the separate additional of star areas alone themselves...

The most main match this date *for that of the US as a country* per the toss is:

The Fed's did not raise the rate hike today!...

That as it matches the Gh stars status type which is of the rulers line itself, and then which also falls under the Physical or that of Rm power star type areas also...

Beyond that are many other events in various locals and a couple were mentioned, and also yet to come which will match up as well...

6/16 Thursday Wood/Jup day of the Yin earth Snake aka VI (Gry) e date...

Upper Shun, FS #9 (Li)...

Today changes to that of the Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal areas week...

Global timed:

#59 - #6 Involve #27...

Adding a toss done for US main event(s) today from  second toss of day, auto includes global as well:

#45 - #12 Involve #53...

On an FS #9 (Li) date in a Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal areas week type...

Physical: Wht 2nd Locals, etc areas in that of Re fire star types, areas...

Object: Red 5th Rulers, etc quiet Byo metal star retreatings, pasts, etc types, areas...

Change line: Yel 6th Tops, Far aways, Ends, etc in of Pwa earth star changes areas in that of an advanceings nature...

[Pretty straight forward of an *R star physical*, and are matches for it in the news areas already and as always you can look up and add the additional of names you find for them separate of or in the additional of evaluating the star line areas themselves ...
Date had involved other of R star areas in some of our pairs at the top, and also clashed that of an R star hider in today's date global timed pair as well...

Then of today's date timed pair also:

Was a prominent woman parliment member news showed was shot several times and maybe stabbed as well aka *killed in Northern Britain today*, Condolences]...

Also in news today was another attack or assualt type in the N above the US in Calgary, Canada today which involved a group or gathering of shoppers in a medical clinic and a man with a knife stabbed and injured several people where one died as well...

*Later news had only 1 injured and 1 dead from the attack?*...

In other noting have prior called that of Gry (Yin earth) influences of unstable, unusual and other effects and in some ancient systems considered Sun related as well...The Sun itself a pretty volatile place and of it's radiations too, and may be other such cosmic radiations involved too:

Anyway without detailing all, the electrical clock on kitchen stove had some strange issues today and had to be reset, plus the messaging system in another room had some changes also, but in it's case started out erratic but was useful in final results...

So was that of some small erasticities in electrical and electromagnetic aka radiations areas as well today, are indeed times when it's strongly notable of this stem type....

Was a skies to surfaces connection for some in that vis toss, and the R stars were of the fire includes electrical, EM radiated or propagated of energies, etc types...

However since it's also primarily an Yin earth stem type many other things, phenomena and states of matter itself (any type) can be affected and exhibit the unusual, weird, odd or volatile of effects of and within them, then in some people at times that in the highly mental volatile of physical assaults, etc can come up, or the new or of techy and  sciences areas stuff usually in too...

Did read an *news announcement* today of another Gravity wave signal vis think a Black hole pair, *had been detected also*...

6/17 Friday Metal/Venus day of the Yang metal Horse aka VII (Wht) w date...

Upper Kan, FS #1 (Kan)...

Global timed:

#39 - #15 Involve #64...

Add toss for US, etc in main of date areas :

#48 - #46 Involve #38...

Leave as is for others to expand as nearing a new full moon period now that starts the 20th...

All news likely in the general tracked the Lunar pair in main and of additive that of the toss and it's areas...

That of the huge expandings of date fire in Calif, and that in Iraq today matched pretty well...

Noteable in any, but hr s pretty easy and in it to do with the IAAF Ban on Russian atheletes and Russia's high level and other responses to it at that time...That of Global timed of Bs star physical for countries and that of voiceings etc stuff amongst other B star areas then, and of a different form vis the toss...

On hr s to know, checked just before it started and then at a time very close it's completion, it in particular since element s is of year stuff also was when the Russian response made main news in some written areas...

[*That of groups disagreeance on Syria handlings* fit both and mainly of toss best counting Iching views reference as well...Specifically of the #48 hexagram and it's inner nuclear trigram pair aka the *Involves #38* and in results the 2nd hexagram #46 also means Pushing Upwards...

Often used here of Iching names and references was/is *The Clear Cut Iching* and also other older forerunners of it, and of it's areas for #48 actually spells that very clearly out...

Then of Wwg #48's stars the Red 4th's Chief ministers, decisions and gateways areas the hiding Kw star was *active* where it and the date clashed that of Gry 6th Pt water star areas for Tops, Far aways, etc then operations, plans, documents and all other a P star represents, which also *directly matches* and reflects the groups actions addressing the Top in that shown of news...

The toss accurate and accurately reflected those ongoings and more, and that matched in reasons behind those actions were further backed by the bazi of the date vis the year influences to it, that were to come up this date as well...

As such it went with other similar and other different areas both in US and Global areas itself]...

Was another toss done very late night before on the US also was #2 - #24 Involve #2, which had it's matches also...

6/18 Saturday Earth/Saturn day of the Yin metal Goat aka VIII (Wht) wa date...

Upper Gen, FS #2 (Quen)...

Global timed:

#23 - #2 Involve #2...

6/19 Sunday Sun day of the Yang water Monkey aka IX (Blk) s date...

Upper Quen, FS #3 (Zen)...

Global timed:

#11 - #46 Involve #54...

Just Blog:

Add toss for US today: #23 - #4 Involve #2

Quite a contrast to the global date pair, yet would fall within it's and other main such as the period's pairs areas here, for this date too...

Physical Gry 5th Kt water star areas...

It's Changes and Object line: That of Grn 2nd line Locals, etc Changes areas in that of, in and too date bonded Re fire star types, areas there which involve loosing or producing that of Pcn earth star things, types or areas...

As additional view in ways to evaluate, it was done in hr w today, which clashes, and also involves the global date's own change line in Blk 1st Gt water star type areas which are controlled or killed back of it's Bc earth star types, areas...So it will additionally match things of those areas as well...

Will be going slow for tomorrow's FM stuff just posting Ours first and add others later...

On any of these leave to you or those who want for themselves, to add any mirror pair, etc types in, as just post the main source pairs here...

Personal notes stuff:

Have made some progress in excercises for legs areas last few days as had gotten very alarmed when had found out could only stand up from the highly used of the recliner if used my arm(s) to assist in that...

Had always been able to do that of just standing straight up from it with no assistance prior to the surgery, so was alarming and a worry point to me...

That and also had been having a lot more pain in the knees and frontal thigh area in that of standing up as well these days added to the alarms and worries of it initially...Knee pain strongest in am's aka first half of the day and mellow usually after drinking the cardio nd in tea mix...

Normally now pause a few seconds anytime stand up, and make sure left leg up to the hip is fully stetched and quite firm (near locked) under weight, before taking any steps at all, if don't can easily cave from the left hip area on down and fall, *so always very careful there these days*...

Anyway have modified the stand up, sit down excercise to avoid it from binding me up as had did prior in final results several weeks back, and have already done for several days as part of home routines which has already been of some aide and beneficial...

In other such as using a normal chair or my wheelchair I can *being careful of balence* with effort still stand straight up pretty close to normal without arms assistance, and then rotate to those during the days now as well...

Swellings still a part of things but not as drastic as had been this last week anyway but may be the cause of the knees stuff since has been for so long a time now...

Main point as do yet do daily excercises but in ways and levels that don't cause further damages...

Full Moon period...

6/20 Monday Moon day of the Yin water Rooster aka X (Blk) yo date...

Upper Chen, FS #4 (Shun)...

FM period pairs posted at top... 

All countries pair works for both Wests and Far Easts this round, will add other aside Ours in day or two...

Note *their R stars* are on the Object lines the AC pair on the 2nd Locals, etc areas, and on our Exact pair of the Outer and Upper social relationships 4th line areas of Chief ministers, gateways, etc areas relationships, etc...Both being Object lines includes Others, Opponents and destinations in travels, etc areas as well...

Solar cycle switches from Yang to Yin starting the *21st* another Solastices point jump for the FS #'s then and moves to that of the Yin descending order 22nd on...

6/21 Fire/Mars day of the Yang wood Dog aka I (Grn) sh date...

Upper Duay, FS #8 (Gen) Solastice jump moves to a Yin descending order tomorrow onwards...

Global timed:

#49 - #17 Involve #44...

May not post dailies at all times, as have other trying to improve upon for that of future uses here that keeps me busy, but won't totally drop them out either and in latter of this week will add a danger's toss...

You can always refer back to previous dates for the 1st hexagram part anyway as today's a sequence repeat of Jun 13th's, and they progress sequentially in order for each date...

Was surprised when watched one international network news last night, not over the campaign managers being let go, but on near an hours worth of succumbing to fears versus those who want to kill american's...

That was too much...

Some say what brought it up?...Check the old old news on former Osama Bin Laden as either of *his statements he released* or of an old interview he granted, he gave a figure in years that went back to about the establishment of Israel itself as an original root source and to which much has been added since...

People will just have to come to grips that were going to have threats and attacks at times as do other places such as France, Belgium, Africa, etc, etc...

There's a major or distinct fear and insecurities influence associated this FM aka this particular *US FM period itself*, but it's mainly in that of *close ties to that of a partnership or marital relationship*, and or that of meddling outside social influences to close ties in those areas in source...

Those apply in that of Org's and Groups in some also but mainly are of that at individual partnerships or marriages levels...

In those things which affect or are percieved to affect one or the Other's outer public status or career areas in events also a factor in those...

Some of that is as reflected in the bazi of this period's US full moon chart...

That of people in high career positions civ or gov the more notably seen as affected since their lives have a more socially public component to them, but it also does affect anyone this period in that of their partnerships or marital areas during this FM period...

On the latter there can be either way those from the inside or outside of the relationships that have some issue with one partner or the other and in result cause them frictions in the partnership or marriage!...

The causings of quarrels between them, and in some cases where one will drop the other partner or spouse, give up a friend, etc and definitely causes that of stresses, fears and insecurities for one of them or their relationship(s) in general...

Though those energies as influences applied to all US wise, only some already having experienced some of those problems or that of strong recent stresses, would be the more highly susceptable  to them, but likely will also be a pick up in those types of situations and events in this period itself...

Anyway that's part of the FM influences and it coming on the heel of the recent in Orlando which had, has further spiked that of fears of further attacks in the US as well...

His was lone wolf but was capable of leading others as well, and so far note those of wood births and born on a Sunday (Sun) types as the generally more expansive volatiles of types or certainly ones capable of lone wolf operations, etc...Most likely always some will be of other signs too but *that's definately a singularly primary type for that of the lone wolf category*!...

Don't see it as reflective of all US Muslims at all, and mainly of just certain hate filled and non sensitive individuals or those at that point in life such as he was...

Then there's also that of those in groups of that type sent here by Is vis South America routes who were or are also being sought yet that can impact us in the future as well but hopefull they have been or are caught before they can do any damages...

Something we have to live with and in that hope our fears motivate our agencies and law enforcements to do the super human of countering those for very low to zero of incident rates!...  

Think we just have to learn to accept some areas are the way they are and come to grips on any where that of fears concerned, rather than being dominated by them...

No guarentee as of *an untested area*, but one indicator had showed that of business areas to have some or decent luck in general for this period...May be partially of relationships within amongst other...

6/22 Water/Mercury day of the Yin wood Pig aka II (Grn) h date...

Upper Li, FS #7 (Duay)...

Global timed:

#21 - #27 Involve #39...

Didn't think nationally or globally this would be a great day but kept that of it in particular being an inauspacious type vis solar changes to myself, had seen that especially of the afternoon portion and was of the very few I scope out, but chose not to give it emphasis here...

Had a fairly rough day myself, but that of others in what is a key main life area gave a lot of positive boost to me in areas needed further aide and info's on, and that overshadowed the physical effects was experiencing for a better day on other sides...

In hint it was difficult to walk in a normal erect way, was more like the leaning tower of Pisa, took extra effort and draining in that vis mainly of a kink from sleep itself, with extra pressure on the back as well of another source...Plugged through it but kept the walking down to bare minimal today...

Still in some areas had a good day vis others interacted with, so expect regardless of headlines that many other had a good or productive day in some ways themselves as well...

Read of the 500 plus terrorist plots, etc that from 9/11 through end of 2014 had been stopped, and noted of that again didn't involve the bulk of US muslims living here, but specifically did involve a high number of refugees who came here for that specific purpose...Check it out...

Not much can be done about except to stay ever vigilent in those areas as well as potential other of the NK or similar as well...

6/23 Thursday Wood/Jup day of the Yang fire Rat aka III (Red) t date...

Upper Zen, FS #6 (Chen)...

Today begins that of the Western Wht Tiger Cardinal influences week...

Month break day and conflicted type...

Global timed:

#32 - #28 Involve #43...

Some of wee hours likely of storms news had mentioned for up midwests or north's areas, lots of Void Rs and Ryo stars including in the physical are made active at times in hr's y, *cn, e*, s and yo this date...

Very good to expand and track this pair, along with Our other pairs at top...

** Major probably includes political or of officials, etc aside any dangers, likely the best hours for date though would definately not apply in all things or in all cases are w and wa...

All in star meanings to be taken at global levels, and using dst hours that reflect actual std time hours for the star elements themselves...

Ex: Hr w in DST 12pm - 2pm...

Won't be doing all the time, and was just a short extra consideration for likely today only relative this pair, and that of the recent solastice change to the Yin cycle type, which will carry forward until the year's winter solastice point...

One of the hr w, wa exceptions today some being of local times differences in locations:

Viernheim, Germany near 3pm CEDST there was vis local time offset still Hr w when that of a Cinema attack in play that involved hostages per news at CNN (C)...

Hr w had clashed open date's Red 1st line begins, etc areas of water date t bonded Gc earth star types, areas there *for events*...

Hr w removed date clash to Wht 4th Kw fire star areas which had activated it's line and the linked of Yel Abrupt 2nd locals line Ph water star areas which had bonded By wood star Hider types, areas there for events...Hr w removal of clash gave further emphasis to the Wht 4th Kw star areas for events then...

Those as normal falling under that of the pair's *Physical areas* of *Gry* 3rd Void, mal weak and troubled Ryo metal star types, areas...

Then hr w had also bonded the retreated Grn 6th line Ends, etc areas resultant Gwa earth star types, areas forming earth for that of G star manifests, medias, cinemas, etc...

We can also see of Our NM aka the Lunar month yet running pair that of Rw star in play and also in that of travels and destinations that of Our FM pair as well, catching today's R star stuff in things of those periods...

I feel that though event was of a void or mal type per date pair there *was still that of fortune playing then* as only the Attacker himself was *killed in the incident*!...

On that mentioned of local time offsets here before and now, that is why not all at all times, get the correct answers using the Wwg, Bazi and other chinese systems...

Here for this location currently that offset in element hr changes typically runs from none to 25 or 46 minutes past the first half of the hours start...Right now that's at 47 minutes for here, so Hr w in DST would have started at 12:47pm instead of 12pm, etc...

In the practical the Wwg and other systems as taught and used, just in ease use that of the standard time only, not accounting for the geographical areas local time difference, so a lot of times can be off and misjudgeing in that of their answers...

Also of those differences you can consider it as a Quasi zone between when the hour would start of standard time, to that where it actually starts in the local time!...

That Quasi zone is like the blurring of time itself, and you can and should apply both the elements of the preceding hour and the next to precisely evaluate a pair and capture the events for it...

That's pretty lengthy, not as easy to describe in writeup's, so normally we defer to just using the standard hour time alone when evaluating a pair...

Anyway this just explains what it takes to actually be exacting in your own timed or tosses pair evaluations!...

It was a good hour as far as the day but of sectors, areas, locations and activities not good for all:

That of Easts being one of those, and as Our FM pair showed would for Easts involve Kh stars which would include that of Cinemas too, and then of the date pair that of Grn Easts 6th resultant Gwa star areas were in then as well...

Quite complex and near impossible for one to forecast in the ahead by a day or days and without a team of helpers in indicateing the precise of event types that would for an hour of later date go on, usually takes a couple of systems for that as well and in what I just gave also based on Our own pairs plus the date pair itself...

That of date pairs *Wht* 4th Kw fire star still of K star areas also included things or places of sittings, liesures or enjoyments, and more but the color Wht properly included the nature of the K star events globally as well!...

Still when use the Wwg timed pairs in the combined of what the date and period pairs show one likely can do it, the Date pairs Grn 6th's Gwa star singularly bonded gave that of Ends and Far aways areas in play for it and of the Easts sectors aka direction, but most need to understand aside using standard times for the hours, there are that of time offsets to be further considered and applied for the more exact also...

Not very easy stuff but the timed Wwg correctly held up and can be relied upon for those who have the patience and are dilegent in their efforts...

Then in evaluating those or tosses you'll get better and more accurate results after viewing using standard hours to further take in that of geographical local time offsets when the need for precision is critical...

On weathers matchings the 1st hexagram catches pasts also so that of last nights in midwests aka Illinois of tornadoes match and then of today's 78 people in China were killed by a tornado also...

Another reason gave that of hr w a somewhat fortunate rating *this date* is of another system and in the negative of Zen East sectors *this date and of hr w for it*, there was that of police capturings, etc that of thieves or criminals in it, as one of that hour's representations!...

6/24 Friday Metal/Venus day of the Yin fire Ox aka IV (Red) c date...

Upper Shun, FS *#5* (Yang earth Lien Zhen)...

Global timed:

#59 - *#29* Involve #27...

Anything to do with quite major *documents, travels, visits*, appointments, banks, other happenings, and much more of P star type areas in, and further legalities associated, some generate fiery talks, groups, etc and the crast of political inner relationships areas, etc...

Have never seen a greater number of important document matches to that of P star areas in a given date as in today's and there's other and that all under the Physical's areas too...

Physical Blk 5th Be fire star areas...

Object: Yel 2nd Locals, close by's, etc Kcn earth star areas...

Change line: Grn 6th rebirthed Pm wood star areas...

A hider aka hidden Gry 3rd Rh water star areas associated the Bw fire star bearer areas...Some of dangers or diseases amongst other in that directly involving the physical and that can bond Red 1st Py wood star areas also...

Many of today's if not all have major impacts for that of western countries areas, some being of material and financial, finances type of long term ramifications...

That of the changes star clashes and brings out the Wht 4th's Gyo metal hider, hidden star areas today, with those associating that of their Bearer Kwa earth star areas also...Negative type as bearer must produce the Hider, hidden...

May be some hinderences or delays in some of the Grn 6th's Pm changes star areas as the date kill bonds it's Rt water star resultant helper's areas also...

There can be strong quarrels in some, but some major should calm down in a relatively short period of time as well...

Also can be that of aggressive actions or types from eastern areas affecting the western in both that of the big stuff on down to some at individual levels and if threatened or attacked those doing will likely be found out as well...

This pair will last as a reference for quite some time!...

Expand full for more detail...

Add to other matches of yesterday and today:

Per CNN news (C) also read that 1 of 2 escapees from the Raymond, Mississippi jail was captured yesterday late thursday afternoon also...As said was a type of aspect or indicator, that doesn't come up every day for it then, and could have also manifested under other hours didn't check, but was listed for the date and hr w in initiation ...

That of Egypt's flight 804's recorders travels, etc matches to the 6th and 4th line hider areas of todays as well...

Not sure when that of the floods in Virginia started but with the immense of the UK Brexit and all the ramifications of it, never once thought about floods, and not watching much of news wouldn't have known...

Does definately go with #29 Kan for the watery which emphasized vis ** notation on it, as well as the FS #5 the same which goes with natural phenomena too and most definately has in past events and for years now, but after that never gave it any further thought though it had a date bonded Rt water star on 6th skies line...

Had figured all went with the other and appeared of global to be what the Wwg would have given the greater emphasis too but the Kan hexagram should have been taken as the watery warning also!...

Was of past 24 hours as well as the expanding then, today of the raging fire in Southern, Calif also, so would be quite sure that both R stars and R star manifests had went with main initiations of these things as near impossible to not...

Likely the FM pair of stars further captured some as well...

Add Other:

Thursday the 23rd was initiations for those storms...

The #32 daily pair then had Void R metal stars which various hours had listed plus hr m also would have further activated those...Was a lot of hours involved for it...

However have that of FM period and couple other of our periods have Rw fire stars for the most major of our periods...

That of their Rw stars were clashed for R star events including dangers and dangers relative initiatings when it comes to those of weather aka natural phenomena type...That for the full of thursday the 23rd and when some if not all of those storms were initiated!...

Dates or times of initiations about all that can be gotten of them as such systems are often huge and any are of variable durations, so starts or initiatings vis R danger star warnings and earth star clashes about the best it could ever get, even if tossed on...

Key [ ] in thursdays and fridays and any carrying from those dates:
[Had any examined the full moon pair at top page area, they would have noted for thursday day t and friday day c:

That it's Blk 1st line areas for begins, and or things at surfaces or underneaths of Pc earth star areas were in...

That of Blk influences includes the Watery and/or nights and other there also, P stars also represent that of *happenings and that of hardships or frustrations, etc as being directly in those for those dates*, and *further any R star *Dangers would have had to correspond with those types of areas on those dates as well*]!... 

Also the c date aka Ox earth element branch of those *Pc* stars further represents that of *damp earth* as well...

That of Our Exact Full Moon pair is also global, *but specifically for that of the US itself* as of *Our own* FM Period here!...

This tells you that those event types for thursday and friday could have been known days ahead from the start of the period onwards *as specific types of events* to occur...

So if you can ever get the Govt and it's agencies to include weathers forecasters to use these forecast period pairs, many heads always better than one or a few, you'd then know this stuff in the ahead...Exact locations probably not but weathers types tracking storm systems would have likely known that part...

Beyond that as already mentioned of Fridays the 24th and of it's daily all had that of the #29 Kan an abyss and/or waters type hexagram for that of *Outcomes*!...That of friday's specifically *on an FS *#5* (Lien Zhen) day type* for the centers of any location as already mentioned and then emphasized * * too...

It's skies R star was same as date prior and bonded of date friday for global events was a further timings indicator as well, *but again all was shown for general event types within that of Our US Exact Full Moon period pair*...

Most do know I leave that of the periods and often of the dailies as well to those who need to track R star or other date types, meaning I don't look at or lay the given stars active of each pair out every day!...Can't for both health and then that of other studies and interests being only 1 person...

Had prior did dangers tosses, *but canned them* as had an interruption error each time negating the results, and haven't repeated it since either, forgot...

Can say what had incorrectly gotten wouldn't have been of any help, and hard to say if a toss prior to thursday would have but that of dangers was itself indeed indicated by our period pairs for thursday and friday if not more anyway...

Ok that should clear up that here as far as the horrifically unfortunate of both the Virginia storms and the Calif bush fire expansions also (things at surfaces darkened)...

May have been difficult for any to catch of interpretations then, due to the globally huge of the UK Brexit in effects which captured our full attentions thursday on, but other should have been alloted for as well and wasn't as we are only human not omniescent...

If your still looking at any in current related to last thursday, then aside the pairs at top, mainly Our Exact FM pair of them, that of the Thursday daily is also still a reference for some as well...

In other separate some Wwg types might not have clearly understand that of time offsets have mentioned as that in general is ignored in the teachings for it and the other arts as well...

That's at the minutes per longitude level for difference in local time that time zones ignore too, but when it gets to be significant then it skews time as far as the when a given star element is active...That too can cause errors when you look at events at the hours level...

You can prove it too yourself by using any good fourpillars aka bazi software, most all of those require the locations coordinates and a DST or Standard time selection for their charts...

You will see in many cases the element branch hours *do not coincide exactly* to the hour starts commonly listed for them...

Depending on the software even the date stem and branch may not show in the normally used of day start hour times either when using DST clock time, that depends on whether the software designer used 23:00 or Midnight 00:00 as his/her referance for day starts...

Can make a big difference for those under and using DST clock time, so check it out if your looking for actual and better precision in that you do of the Wwg *especially for [When type questions] in those that involve the hours of a date...Such as a delivary for instance*!...

Knowing when things actually start can be important in any of these earth arts sciences systems...

Must break so use as desire the Solar, NM, and FM period pairs to track by for now...

Sincere condolences to all the families affected...

6/27 Moon day of the Yang metal Dragon aka VII (Wht) cn date...

Upper Quen, FS #2 (Quen)...

Global timed:

#11 - #19 Involve #54...

Gen toss:

#47 - #58 Involve #37...

Pairs here or of those that get posted are usually done on the applicable of their dates or of begins time where periods concerned...

In terms of any interested doing the lunar timed types ahead, there are sites on the net that list *every NM, FM, Lunar eclipse and Solar eclipse in the ahead for years*!...

So they can be definitely be done and scoped out, well to far ahead by any that learn the quite easy lunar calculations method...

In other things since last friday have been of Qi Sha aspects and influences including today...

That when one looks at the day start aka birth of a day to include the hour stem and of it's branch too in influences on the day master aka date's heaven's stem...

Most of those dates except today also had a Qi Sha relationships aspect of the date's branch aka bride palace to it's stem the day master...

Today's date that of Indirect Resource type but it's day start hour's stem forms a Qi Sha aspect to the date's heaven's stem as does the year as well, so we have those types of relationships in today's as well...

That of Qi Sha an Aggressive, Assertive Power type which creates that of the additional of pressures, stresses, and difficulties  in things, some people and in areas where one makes decisions, and manages things or affairs of theirs or others...

Both positive and negative qualities as can be of an unsentimental nature as well, then all just mentioned applies in the natural and in of natural phenomena type areas and events as well, often in the abrupt of them...

That of a date's hexagrams or that represented of a date in other timing systems also all must follow and do reflect the same main qualities of the given date as well, and knowing the bazi aka four pillars date type further aides your interpretation in any other system...

Anyway it's been that of Qi Sha aspects and relationships type influences in things since Friday Jun 24th...

We had those already indicated of the solar month and of this FM pair as well...

Friday through Sunday the more critical or harsh as that of Qi Sha was directly within the date pillar itself, by the date branch relationship to the date stem itself!...

In todays some of hours can hold the harsh as well...

That of the floods and fires and vis the period's Blk 1st line is just as I said it was, disregard any comments to the contrary their not qualified!...

Same on the R star stuff as listed which was based on the event types and natures at that time, bore out in initiatings thursday on, and in any pair their general indicators that do not have to be active per se, as that of other lines and their conditions can indicate that of dangers all by themselves as well...

That of earth clashes very common in examples there but are numerous other considering the line config and colors, etc involved as well...

Today of [Centers, middles anywhere vis FS #2 and also that of today's pair's 3rd line areas plus that of their Yel 5th and Gry 6th areas *in that of predestined influences* holds that of some setbacks, accidents or dangers and as they relate to academic like or type and other specifics of their line stars areas also!...

Already in news some matchings, *expand the pairs to know*, also those are not the only main areas in the day, but were/are the more easily notable of events in today's!...

6/28 Tuesday Fire/Mars day of the Yin metal Snake aka VIII (Wht) e date...

Upper Chen,  FS #1 (Kan)...

Qi Sha date type...

Global timed:

#10 - # 61 Involve #37...

Gen toss:

#14 - #1 Involve #43...

That of the date's Qi Sha relationships aspects influences and a basis in these pairs as well...It too is global so the essence of the date anywhere and centrally with the date's FS # influences all other timing systems besides the Wwg itself!...

On individuals affects each differently but where their day master same as date they are more highly susceptible or influenced of it's aspect!...In other of their areas if matches a different birth pillar as well...

Same also applies for charts of countries, businesses, project or task starts, special dates or hour, etc, etc...

Takes some additional experience in latter areas as all systems were mainly for that of life charts, but with experiences they can be adapted of terminologies, etc for any area or thing, as there's not a thing on this earth that over time is not further influenced by that of their environments and the changes of natural forces and energies in and to them as well...

Yesterdays came out in Ntl eve news that finally watched for once, had various notable of year and hour type Qi Sha events things to do with roller coasters, planes, and in Germany that of terrorist blockage, etc...Day prior had that of serious injuries vis knifes and other in San Franscisco demonstrations...

Most of those also were of QMDJ death door directions at their times, and while couldn't track all, that of Sundays correspond to it's date pair (not posted) then for hours w and wa of pairs then active R star!...

[That of the periods are the absolute main gut *to look at for dangers* some of which are further indicated by other than R star lines where the line's trend aka context is negative and activated on particular dates and hours...

You should interpret *the line star areas* where the R stars are placed, as the general gist of where dangers will be or of be of for the entire period, regardless if the star is active or not on any given date!...On it's date or hour it's just that things and all R star areas are themselves emphasized then]!...

That of dailies adds to those and falls under them as extensions, but on directions since any one line's color represents multiple things from various global locations will not always indicate the direction of any one particular event, though it will certainly apply to one or several of the many then, so we just assume the colors direction still applies...

Anyway with what have mentioned before especially on the important of periods those can be done long ahead giving most ample time to interpret them...They should always be tracked!...

In lieu you can always go with the Iching names in the basic and slowly add from there, as interp's by stars are not always so easy...

Knowing ahead though, allows for good plannings as opposed to being caught totally off guard...

[That of the Iching and Wwg both timed and further refined of tosses is the best most practical way others can do that!...

Tosses add the more exact of situations, environments, and aspects at any given time and are quite often more reliable on their associated directions for the date and time too, so you add those to supplement your timed pairs]...

On that of directions the most accurate of all is vis the QMDJ aka Qi Men Dun Jia, but unfortunately a very difficult of a long and hard system to learn for not just one, but a good number of reasons...

Would be beyond mosts abilities as are at a minimum 48 variables to take in and analyze for each and every date and/or more popularly of it's hourly charts....

Have been tracking dates and some by hour of it where event times had been given,  and even in that, not an easy process that one could do very many of or every day, and basically pretty exhausting to do as well...

Just mention of it's capabilities which are many and great, however on the other side it's not very practical where could expect many to learn it, *only the Wwg be it Superiching or of other is your best and most practical bet*!...

In today's of just one event checked vis QMDJ as pretty time consuming and of a type that fits under the Qi Sha day type also, *was that of the trains collision in Panhandle Texas* and of directions it's one of 26 counties considered to be of it's North areas...

That of the Death door was in of North's sectors anywhere for the approx of time news given as 08:40am aka hr cn (Dragon) of standard used by four pillars software of coordinates for that location and particular date...

Anywhere if you assumed that of the original of Standard time the systems made for, and where would have just been entering and of practical purposes hour e at this location which is an hour ahead of their's...Then say of DC a bit different and of many others different as *it depends on the locations coordinates*...

Add [ ]:

[For arguments sake and also valid, if used specifically softwares dst settings which can then for that location have different results and did as showed of hr m there, then and that of the North's sector had the Harms door instead...

The first of it's meanings which depends on the other factors associated it was:

People may die, and another of the meanings was there would be that of the *Unexpected which would cause a great disturbance*...Did that for sure!...

So there's not much doubt for that date, time and location aka sector location, that something pretty big and negative was to occur]!...

Personally that of the Dragon hour looked more appropriate this round, that as for the state that was North sector, but at the given location itself that of all directions should be relative for it's own events then, and that of the Dragon hour was pretty tight fit in matches...That as it further referred to moving structures and of pairs in other of directions then...

Ran the other FP software and as thought was the Dragon hour there at the time of the trains collision!...

Won't post many of those here at all, but does show the QMDJ accuracy part...

As far as Qi Sha type a bunch, that of bombings in Istanbul, and most certainly of some of the *very strong* statements in language and written in political comments by related types, probably many other better examples, leave to news...

Have in pasts noted where that of officials to include tops, which can translate to anyone of any level too, sometimes do coming down hard on their someone of the moment they disliked, when more likely wouldn't at another time...

Was delayed today of a net issue of which a sales/tech person came by and under or around a half hours time took care of, when my shutting the modem down prior didn't do it...

Was good, learned of an additional feature wasn't aware of in the process, and *lucky it all occurred on one of my not often very few good days where actually felt good as well*...

6/29 Water/Mercury day of the Yang water Horse aka IX (Blk) w date...

Upper Duay, FS #9 (Li)...

Direct wealth date type...

Global timed:

#49 - #55 Involve #44...

Gen toss:

#43 - #49 Involve #1...

Try to expand both for their R star areas, *as are active in both*...

Wouldn't necessarily take as good for wealth as may be more of legal and a date of challenges or obstacles for some in that and other, and where some are also most likely to be suppressed by powers that be...

In that for some a good day to keep a low profile...

Likely won't repeat much here on the QMDJ, but passing on that of the trains example bore out of all sectors at that location matching in the adding of further relative info's as part of that event at the time...

Think latter part most notable when there's a major event involved and fairly vague when there isn't one, on the other hand may be more relevant when one does the full interp themselves (really very time consuming) versus using the very short canned bits of info's that accompany those charts...

My use is not so interpretive at this time, as it is in tracking the actual that comes up of them a few days of the week, so will be better prepared when do my own separate chart evaluations...


That of the Direct wealth turning out better than thought and still a strong influence, still was other of the mentioned for date as well...

That of Newman Georgia of an explosion at a plant occured in the yet hour of the Dragon there and both pairs active of interactions then with an R star involved and clashed out in one...Also a QMDJ match for that hour as well...

On latter R stars active of Our FM pair and Hr cn involved of appropriate areas too, and in one of more other of the posted Period's pairs at top page as well...

6/30 Thursday Wood/Jup day of the Yin water Goat aka X (Blk) wa date...

Upper Li, FS #8 (Gen)...

Begin the Southern Red Phoenix cardinal areas week...

Qi Sha date type...

Global timed:

#21 - #51 Involve #39...

Gen toss:

#37 - #53 Involve #64...

Also FM pair and other have Rw stars which are date bonded today, hr c temporarily opens bond up...


Main sectors aka directions of interest relative to date:

SW and W...

Main sectors aka directions of interest relative to the year on this date:

N and S...

Directions the same as for FS #'s which is given with the date of any here daily and always *very important, such as FS #8 Gen (NE's) today as well*!:

To be viewed Globally, Nationally, State wise, and also from your particular location to others, and also within your homes, offices, etc...

Hourly's are the more exacting, but not practical here as would require 12 different lists of those, beyond the dates for a given day alone...

However the Date's and of QMDJ and FS meanings do very often *turn out to be very, very useful*...

Won't go into specifics but that of the woman who was a former mayor and was shot in an office bldg in Denver, Colorado last Tuesday was a date match in directions and areas involved for both *the date itself* and hour involved at the time...

May add the month's in after this initial runs for a good while and we see how well will pan out first...In the daily and of QMDJ meanings always get good matches, *so we will see how of directions it runs in the raw alone*!...

Primarily if you don't have QMDJ books or FS books type charts in Lieu:

Use the bagua and or in the singular the *trigram meanings* of those directions for some likely pertinent of the areas, items *involved of them* in the given date or year...

Additionally in the secondary or can just ignore to stay easy and brief, include the line colors of the directions for what the pair lines show in star types...

Consider those in the Wwg to be of cardinal directions type and that of SW's, etc simply goes with both the Red and Wht colored lines in the pairs...

Had figured since close to the 4th of July a good idea to add this in for it as well!...

May at a later time explain some of the how and why QMDJ works as well, but for now will try to clear up a misunderstanding that some of the religious types may have of it...

That's of and in the areas referred to as it's 8 God's or Dieties also known as the 8 Leaders or 8 General's:

Are actually 10 of them, but a given two are left out depending on whether Solar timing is of the Yang or Yin cycle at the time of use...

In Chinese beliefs of ancestral and or religous sorts, many hold those to be actual God's or Dieties of the Spiritual realms and concepts, and so of any timed divination which is really more of a timed chart analysis type itself, they are hoping or looking for that of a favorable God to aid in them in the area(s) they are inquireing of...

Many still do and is purely of their beliefs and of which they have as much right too as any in that of their own...

[However in modern day usages those 8 God's actually also reflect that of *Upper Managements* of entirely earthly concerns and areas instead!]...

The Upper Managements can be socially that of a Country, City, Town, Industry, Enterprise, Company, Org, Groups, etc and of which it's good to have favor of in related pursuits of one's liberties, career or goals type areas, and or for that of assistances and favors, etc as well...

Not so much different than some of the various character and element types in that of Zi Wei Dou Shu (ZWDS), etc....

Which means they represent very key types of archetypal energies and are the relevant of specific archetypes that are active and directly influencing things, persons and events at the time!...

Knowing that should relieve some incorrectly based views or fear felt cautions of some when it comes to what the QMDJ is about and using it...

As said it's fairly complex though as are at minimum a total of 48 + variables applied within 9 and mainly 8 of the Lou Shu square charts it's composed of, and that adds up to a *huge number of working combinations* that must of meanings be applied of the specific applicable in any chart analysis also!...

It's a timed system so many of the questions that are asked and represented within those charts, *require several variables* to represent the party asking the question as well as the subject matters and areas of interest that lay within the question itself...

In that it's *a highly and very logically ordered aka structured system* that works extremely well, but considering all that you have to learn and be knowledgeable of, it's not so easy in that and will take any a great deal of time to become competent in!...

That and in some of the ways it's presented by some authors, can be a bit obstructionist as well, but if your very determined, diligent and patient, and have a good command of basic feng shui based concepts, etc that go with it, bearing the above said in mind, then you probably can make it, that being up to you...

[Ok haven't been reading too much of news to note any matches today, but did catch of directions that of 30 plus some police cadets were unfortunately attacked and killed in an area *West* of Kabul their capital  today]...

[In news in written and eve national that of the huge Car recalls were a huge match also:

Not in every case is the sectors direction alone entirely main, and as had indicated one has to consider their trigram meanings aka representations as well...

Also like the Wwg where the line Color doesn't always represent the direction in all cases, but is of other meanings as well... 

That of Gen the Mountain aka NE's direction was certainly in vis Govt areas and a safeties decision made and put out today., it also affects wealths which go with Gen trigram meanings as well, and then was the today applicable of it's opposite sector aka Quen (Kun) aka SW's was the related of it, but more of it's trigram meanings instead...

Quen (Kun) the earths trigram is of a yeilding or receptive type and also of nutureings and the mother so that of careings and concerns for others and the masses or large areas goes with it...Along those lines safeties in healths areas also apply...That of healths and safeties areas takes in all types, illnesses, diseases, injuries, etc...

Safeties can go with any trigram but of Quen that specifically in careings of health and life related areas is pretty main...

That of the risks involving Car air bags fits perfectly and the NE's aka Govt's decision made today involved the largest car recall made in history this date!...

Didn't have time for much else but that gives you an example of how you have to be flexible in evaluating that of the QMDJ versus it's sectors for things and areas in for any hour, date or frame...

That as additional to what in references is directly given to you for the sectors as well]...

Corrected a prior gregorian date error where showed 29th instead of the 28th for last Tuesday but the chinese date part and all correct...

That was the night of the terrorist attack at Istanbul's Ataturk airport...

For any that expanded and looked at the pairs posted that date:

Had that of then day e plus hr's sh and h there in specific of Istanbul  the correct R and other activated line stars then for that of their extremely unfortunate event(s),  in both the posted of timed and toss pairs listed for that date here then!...

In date had P stars activated for things of airports, travels and much other also applying anywhere of that!...

That of cardinals E, W, N and S were of QMDJ interest for that date, then of the hours and *at the event location* all sectors directions further apply though you can pick primary of them as well, of all the info's were quite relative to an attack itself, some referring to things of *conspiracies* and other of *plottings of some to purposely do evil and evil works and bring harm to some, at those hours in specific, and other contributings the other hourly sectors showed for them]...

Just Blog:

Well still the daily of leg swellings have to deal with and had to elevate the legs quite a bit yesterday which was rough after the one good one as norm...

Need to say that of my last VA visit went great, and vis nurse and doctor plus some guess the other had been just a bad day, as it was very clear they were being quite thorough and looking at the issues was really concerned about...

Out of it also learned the Arny had did a good job vis the hip but somehow had gotten in messages back then referring to the shoulder instead...If had known their consult was for the hip would have went, but being several months after seemed to strange to me when in message shoulder was referred too...Anyway feel better knowing they did specifically look into it, and got another xray while at VA last week also, they think may be back connected as well, so may not be a fix and have to live with it..

Anyway was very encouraged and pleased with all their and the VA's treatment and work for my stuffs the patient...*Thank you*...

7/1 Friday Metal/Venus day of the Yang wood Monkey aka I (Grn) s date...

Upper Zen, FS #7 (Duay)...

Qi Sha type...

Global timed:

#32 - #34 Involve #43...

Gen toss:

#23 - #52 Involve #2...

Sector Directions:

Date Wests (Duay)...

Year date based Souths (Li)...

Don't neccessarily expect sensational deaths of the sectors posting as the death door isn't always in that I'm listing...When it is though most likely you'll see it in the news as well...

That of the death door includes that of dangers, injuries, the clandestine, lost, secretive, secrets, great unhappiness, blockages, and more...

Some similar comes up in other areas at times as well, but that has had it matches in things recently also...

That listed especially specified of the date usually has it's matches and have noted for myself that those often go along quite well with that the global and toss pairs shown...

That of the texts relative the sh, h hours of the 28th and other prior in it, were pretty revealing without a doubt, so makes worth doing...

Yet learning of the whole system itself, and mainly as in going beyond the standard stock question methods references supplied to one, can do all those types but need to be able to auto select correct symbol combinations for those other than standard included types...

That's slow going as it has very unique differences in the meanings and use of some symbols that are common to the other systems as well...Then it just takes a long time to absorb all that the main characters themselves represent in the remembering of it, for that of instant recall in uses...Also have to contend with differences of views authors hold and all the while verify each component and situation is that the definitions state, so not a fast learn or mastery deal...

Some may be dragging today as it's said to be a stuck in a rut type of day also, lol just saw a commercial incorporating that very sentiment...

[Did check all the *Hourly West aka Duay (Dui) sectors for this date, and only *Hr c this date* had some similarities but not as supported as was in the Jun 28th terrorist attack in Turkey, and in lessor of another different attack type a bit in hr y also]... 

So now you know of QMDJ and it's date's main sectors one being the equivalent of a physical, that will be tracking that day by day here...

Mentioned the daily QMDJ has important strong correspondances to that the Daily pairs of both Global and Toss type show here...

Today a lot is in that of Wests, or more so that represented by the Duay (Dui) trigram itself..Spend some thought there....

So it's meanings along with the date type apply fairly strong in things...

Then note it's same as date's FS #7...Those being of the yo metal element and the global daystart timed for date has a matching *Ryo* metal star Physical...

A lot of correspondances there and tells you to use, apply the meanings and representations of the Duay trigram as it's key in main events today!....

Always Further Key:
Then if you have forgotten, the date as it interacts with our date pair line stars must be noted, as those areas further show what the R stars or any other of interest *will be involved of and in for the main events themselves of the date*!...

That as the pairs *main specifics for a given date* vis it's stars, and beyond plus sometimes independent of that which the names only alone would show...

That too *as have always said* falls under the pair's Physical star areas itself, just re mentioning in case was some question of that relative the above just gave...


Corrections could have sworn first images saw portrayed it in Afghan, but was/is in Dhaka, Bangledesh instead!...

[The main brunt here *still applies exact* as vis news at one site the police there said the restaurant (bakery) was initially stormed about 9:20 pm so *would have very likely been already* or by a few minutes of it at most leading into that of Hr h there as well!]...

Story in news went from restaurant to bakery but still of nuturence...

That of small or maybe *major attack* (wasn't initially clear) in a Dakha, Bangledesh  *Restaurant* of hr wa here, *which is all I usually check for*, is not a normal type and here it's of several other sectors, qian, gen and kan in minimum where things have entered the grave or tomb with that of potential *routine* chaos, violence and punishments applying in some where that of frictions, greeds or quarrels exist...

[Dhaka, Bangledesh: was Hr II/h there: Nuturences type also a (correction) Direct Resources  hour of  this Qi Sha Day type and of the last hour for them was of the Qi Sha type however overlooked the year also formed Qi Sha aspect to the date as well, so dual of that type:

Still involves Duay as in pleasings or other of it, and in being punished in hr h... 

Shortcut all sectors Hr h *corrected*:

Hard day seems impossible to have gotten wrong chart after doing the correct of our hr wa as the charts follow in order, but somehow did, and this is the corrected for hr h!...

[Scandels and disputes being punished, unexpected calamity, great disturbance, hot food, *war of the century?, plenty of weapons seen*, being tied up or imprisoned, matters may have no solution, tight encirclement unable to escape, Stranded dragon being hurt, etc]...

As said still learning and there were many, many of lawsuits mentions in most of hr h sector descriptions then, but if think about the hour most are much more likely to represent that of physically conflictive things instead....

That's as all here has been prior of the pre written descriptions type, and is not a full hand done of the variables type...

In the least a different situation altogether as a diplomatic zone of which their areas go with pleasings and the socially refined aspects of Dui trigram meanings too...

This can be used as another reference for that type of attack, however won't have the time to track for it, only doing the suicide terrorist type, though if were more as in others to look at these, then more would get tracked!...

All will have that or some similar as influences come up in their hr h tonight that are yet of day s, in most locations where no actions taken or stick to home environments minus storms anyplace, *nothing happens*...Talkers shouldn't stretch this out, if refers to hr h this date only...

Will not often repeat these of disturbances or small attacks in other countries, did now just to show the huge difference of it for it's hour,  as opposed to the recent terrorist attack in Turkey itself, that is mainly what now currently track for relative too here...

Obviously to counter nay sayers as well, so won't destroy the potential positive uses of the QMDJ here...

That of violences in listed *potentials* of our hr wa then, at the least was what a lot in given govt areas and the news was focusing on then, some vis safeties, dangers and other vis posted date pairs today, but unaware of whether any other within the US domestic came up then or not... 

Most here shows and means basically there are limits *of what one alone can track*, so here looking at just a main type (suicide-terrorist), that many or all are concerned with and wouldn't have time for other anyway, takes more people!...

That posted daily here as you can see of date and hours is global and applies to all other countries and locations as well and is all that can and will be done for now...

[Also for hour h that of the pairs illustrative and correct too, and of toss it clashes that of it's date bonded Red 2nd locals Re fire star areas opening the bond for advance then as did already in Dakha!]...

For those influences or any to have impact there must be that of social and/or natural phenomena conditions *at the given location to support it*, at what level unknown, but remove those and nothing happens...

7/2 Saturday day of the Yin wood Rooster aka II (Grn) yo date...

Upper Shun, FS #6 (Chen/Qian)...

Qi Sha type date...

Global timed:

#59 - #20 Involve #27...

Gen toss:

#37 - #22 Involve #64...

For hexagrams evaluation, see yesterday's trigram and toss evaluation notes:

Then as desire expand to note:

Hr cn bonds toss hider Ryo star and same as timed pair changes line, hr e vis toss maybe some dangers as well as hr's y (wee hour), hr s in late afternoon, and h last hour of day...

Look them over as I may have left something out, also hr cn and sh has earth clashes in one or both pairs too...

Main sector trigram and direction by *date*:

Zen, E...

Trapped Dragon being injured lawsuits, wealths areas but *sudden actions lead to dangers!*...

On at date level only of other as long as don't make sudden changes especially in movements or travels and also *being sure to give your significant other due attention* in it, can be a very good day...

On that first part could result in injuries or accidents and police, etc involvements for some as well...

Lessor Qian/Chen NW...

Main sector trigram and direction by year:

Li, S...

Lessor Gen, NE...


May dispense of those marked lessor if after several days nothing major...

Did just quick scan of all hourly charts Zhen sector initial referenced:

Morning Hr cn: Best guess some potential for small armed war type conflicts or other of *Kan* or N type areas then, not as defined as was yesterdays, also could be something that goes with yesterdays...

Most hours *globally* have their barbs of some type or another and likely normal as that, but of a Qi Sha date type may be emphasized...

Don't expect will always be exact or near exact on QMDJ, though yesterday's for the terrorists pretty much came out as it suggested, *unfortunately for some hostages too though 13 or so saved, not an area of expertise for me yet*, and takes pouring through at minimum 5 different reference books just to get it done...

Just to select charts is much like unlocking a combination lock in the way their coded, so overall is no picnic to do, and these done very fast along with the Wwg when normally one would spend several hours to do their own or anothers chart, except for some stock question types...

Quite a learning experience for me...

That of NE's by date while having good basic influences to the sector itself, did have some negative in terms of the God or General star there Xuan Wu with the Harms Shang Men Door and Tian Zhu Heavens star for that of cruel actions to include murders, amongst other further characterizations and influences their combinations hold in Gen areas...Definately an area in which some unstable types would have had relationship problems with their significant others, etc and in those some of extreme results came up, this date...

While an influence assume though that was at a very small level, though some took the time in the extreme relative europe to find a loser that killed several people around him in the NE sector of one country today, and was of US NE's a murder and a wounding in an incident as well...The above was/is that of the influences which include such for this date...

Was nothing of war or suicide-terrorist in those for NE's at date chart level ...

That just noted *is not something have the time to do ahead in dailies at all* just selecting the *dates* main directions, and then at best weakly scanning the hourly charts which are separately different than the dates chart itself!...

[Not sure how well will do in this of directions for the one purpose mentioned prior, but they will be correct of the date's physical and their trigram meanings while may not physically be within the date pairs, that of what they represent will be influencing them!]...

May just post these until reach the Goat month and pause or stop then to guage further use and when to use, or bump them to the month level only, etc here...

That of date pairs also had that of a fire bond in hr m for some as well...

May not write all of what see in news in matches but take side notes on some and today's for Shun SE's where had the Six Harmonies General active at date level, and separate of drivings a long ways South which had the Death door's sector, were some matches in those also...

That in of local Sheriff's Dept areas with others was of the Police stuff also and good in the completion of a major anti crimes gangs operation, etc...Definately adds to the harmonies of the date areas...

Can't say have seen daily matches to the death door's sector, but of it and other are enough overall matches in that and other vis the Date charts to validate using them...

In given date that influencing the sector and other within it plus the season and date can affect any symbol including the doors, so different results at time...Have to look on the net to get a rough idea of what all can fully describe of accepted norm's as can be copyright issues...May Mean in some have to use my own words beyond the standard character names, etc...

Just noting of begins using the QMDJ here, but will mainly keep side notes of things versus posting all...


All of this Horse *month* of both the solar and lunar *has been vis the year a Qi Sha type*, which has made events of it's nature more conducive then most months!...

Also we soon have that of the NM coming up Monday July 4th...

7/3 Sunday Sun day of the Yang fire Dog aka III (Red) sh date...

Upper Kan, FS *#5* (Yang earth and Lien Zhen)...

Indirect Output Date type...

Global timed:

#39 - #8 Involve #64...

Gen toss:

#63 - #5 Involve #64...


Date Centers...

Represents things of and causing blockages, obstacles, obstructions, or standstills aka difficulties, barriers, etc then the qualities of FS *#5* aka Lien Zhen sides likely as well...

Year Zen E, Dui W...

Pairs had *active by date of R stars or bonds producing such for manifests*, and the initial of start in hourly had additional Qi Sha aspect to go with the date and date type and to the year also as well...Both pairs quite descriptive and were bonds to Global's Yel Centre, centers in abrupt etc of areas influence, etc going with Centers of the date and the FS #5 incluing Lien Zhen meanings...

Just notes how the QMDJ plus that of FS #5 and the Yel color in Wwg all reflect the basic same influences and traits in todays, it's of the anywhere's in anything type with the Wwg pairs providing a bit more info of the involved and or directions too by the date and times...

Date in global same as Psh aka P star areas of homes, transports and other and of toss Rsh star for that of dangers, etc in the date...Aside fire bonds and that of earth clashes type in for it as areas going with those stars as well!...

Have been matches Global and US and could be more individual dangers yet, gets pretty tiring to see all of the attacks, explosions and other deadly types stuff that has been going on in the increased of this period, some very sad in or un human types in this world...

QMDJ checked other articles using it on the net and in very good shape here, pretty much all use the generic of character types in them and of the basic meanings, and conditions etc that describe the situation or person that articles refer too... 

New Moon Lunar month period:

7/4 Monday Moon day of the Yin fire Pig aka IV (Red) h date...

Upper Duay, FS #4 (Shun)...

Direct Officer date type...

AC Global timed:

#49 - #55 Involve #44...

Our NM Exact:

#47 - #45 Involve #37...

Your Trackings:

Above posted, note on the R stars some are active at the get go, and in the hours and for most earth and fire hours and dates...

Then each date note what the involved line stars areas are, and of those further consider that the other star areas even when inactive can fit in within the date active areas themselves!...

*Here* that of date active stars just means that all of their areas are enhanced for that date itself, but even when inactive that of their areas and line positions may play within the other line star areas active a given date as well, so we always assume dangers can come up in any date, and only that their more enhanced on that of R star dates...

In using *think through the star meanings*, what they can represent for event types themselves and include those of which they clash or bond to as involved areas on the given date or time as well...


If  you can, consider the influences of the given date type and trigram type on the involved pairs in names and line star areas for each date's events also...

Gen toss for the US in Global and the NM lunar month period itself:

#42 - #61 Involve #23...

Physical: Has hidden *Ryo metal star areas*, under it's bearer Gry 3rd Gcn earth star types, areas...

Object: Grn 6th line areas of Bm wood star types, areas which link to it's Yel 2nd Locals, etc change line areas of By wood star types, areas...

Empty Voids are of the w, wa elements *this period*...

Expand as desired to eval, use and track....

Main Sector period directions:

Date Li S...

Year Kan N...

Use pairs, no scans, date is physical portion where Li and Solar date type influence the hexagrams, and just separately tracking for info's now, yesterdays that of years Zen was pretty involved and an additional not listed was of Kun (Quen) or SW sector areas also...

Think most mainly of the Qi Sha month type for global social, political, groups, etc  areas, and most all if not all of attacks and large natural phenomena had came up, when there was the were of date and hour Qi Sha aspects, though of itself was enough to indicate such for the month itself!...

*Today's date does make Qi Sha aspect to year*, and hr's t, c, y, and *m*, cn, e, w, wa, s, yo, sh, h may add some additional for the 4th as well, then look at the pairs, you have both earth and fire type R stars in the NM period pairs for that of date and hr clashes and bonds to observe...Ntl and *Global*!...

Hours above R star activations type for both NM period pairs added at top *apply for the full period*...

On QMDJ when something of attack pops can examine as have for reference purposes, and at some later point may add additional forecast app examples here using it...

The QMDJ did also catch the hours but using fourpillars first and then checking the QMDJ is fastest, can be bit tedious using their *non linear ordered look ups for hour charts* in the 540 books...

Can't say the Qi Sha aspect method alone is absolute, as are aka can be *other special combinations* that may apply at some point too, but then you sure can't knock it at all, as *working quite well for this Qi Sha month*...

Near every ill, dangerous and negative including the deadly major events of any date were reflected by active Qi Sha aspects!...

[It took the trackings of most of those events *where the times and locations that they occured in, were given in written news* over the past two weeks for me to come to the supported and definate connection and conclusion that all were coinciding with Qi Sha aspects of the date and hour types!]...

Prior to that could not have pointed to any particular date and time for those except some by the Wwg and in the more difficult some by QMDJ, but we now have a way to very easily spot such including likely attack zones well in the ahead...

This Qi Sha of the Solar year to the Solar month has been the main backdrop of influences (social, political and extremists type) as causeation which allowed for this extreme of attacks events within it!..

That will be replaced by a direct officer type in the month of the Goat however it could be much like a huge weather storm in that once s omething starts of those which the Wwg catches it can keep going for several days of the larger systems...Just using an analogy to say that of the attacks may keep going in hastes as it has been for awhile, but it's main time source of the month will no longer support them at least...

[Anyway by tracking the dates and times of Qi Sha aspects and those which show dangers in the timed and toss Wwg pairs one can translate that to the correct QMDJ chart for further specific details, *a huge advantage we didn't have before*...

That of the Hr t Bagdhad suicide terrorist bombing also, was also of it's hourly QMDJ chart correctly indicating a mil like setting for an attack type then...

That and those are found vis the hour holding a Qi Sha aspect which will take one to the correct QMDJ chart, and of which one can further and exactly pin down the main sector of the chart which is then active for that event and events at that time...It being the one which will indicate whether that of physical, mil or terrorist type attacks are what's in at the time or not.also under it's trigram characteristics and general direction as well]..

The same in the more general and of the events character and nature will also be indicated by the Wwg and it's DNA timed pairs and tosses for that date, time too...Must always be tracked...

The only way to pin down exact country involved unless their is specific intelligence for such, is by tosses of at minimum 1 person in each country doing them for theirs, no guarentees but there is some potential for that to be of aid also in that regard...

However this way as opposed to zillch, we now have a definite way of knowing when attacks themselves may well occur, and vis global alerts many could be alerted to implement the enhanced of safety and security measures at those times!...

That's where were at now...

Added few extra hours in, as said you have to check after me as looking at too many charts and pairs get tired and easy to miss some, left other earth clashes, etc to you...

[For those who'd just like to generally assess their living sector influences and conditions in a more simple way *relative the country, state or county  they live in or of the home itself, use that of the Feng Shui's Lou Shu Year and month charts as *a great deal of all other systems and the ones used here are further and originally based on those in the first place...

For example this Year at Centers has that of the Black earth *#2* SW's star for the centers of and in anything, anywhere...That's the illness star which if you look up had a number of other qualities and traits to it, and it's present their the entire year...

Adding to that we've had the #7 Fire metals aka fiery lake star *for this Horse month* there the entire time as well, which is known for arguements, fightings, bloodiness, fires, etc and being paired with the Years #2 star a pretty negative combination for that of the centers or of any's central areas anywhere!...

You can quick and simple check those type charts for any other sectors as well and in the techy you have the daily of those flying stars which add in as well]...

Back to Qi Sha aspects and in actual life charts themselves, it also has good points for that of making decisions in areas they need to be made, and in general for managings of affairs, org's, businesses and other so in that not such or always a bad guy there at all, comes down to the individual and what they go through at the time...

Then some will or try to misconstrue that of the Qi Sha aspects as meaning to catch all negative things of dates in a year, etc, *it can't do that*, but it can *as already has* caught the most main of some if not a lot in that of serious assaults, attacks, etc so it's a good tool as opposed to none...

So using that along with our hexagram pairs here for their dangers area indications, plus the pointed to of the appropraite hourly QMDJ chart, can be quite a good asset as far as attacks, etc go now...

We can't expect or get perfect but we should and can use what we have to improve the odds as much as possible!...

[That on Saudi Arabia small and failed terrorist attacks of the said near 3am hour was yet hr c there, didn't have strong mil type indications but of wests that of strange happenings on properties, and just of book text strange religious ceremonies, but the death door plus bit more was there, and of easts if at same hour was that of things getting stuck not working out, losing one's horse (has other meanings), etc...

Outcomes of self sabotage and being punished, arrested or imprisoned had went with it so the QMDJ was correct of terrorists part in that hour itself!...

Just went with their 3am local and of east and west locations being all the news listed then, and will leave it at that...

Each hour has different sector directions not the same as the date type listed for that...

Was an additional Qi Sha by metal hour stem (has a negative char in QMDJ) to the horse fire month inner social, etc areas then for it also as a timing indicator...Would represent that of inner social areas versus rulers or wealths areas in the Qi Sha aspect itself...

Was definitely not as sharp and defined in that as in the larger priors, but was an R star earth clash hour then as well!]...

Have a safe and happy 4th of July...

7/5 Tuesday Fire/Mars day of the Yang earth Rat aka V (Yel) t date...

Direct Wealth date type...

Upper Li, FS #3 (Zen)...

Global timed:

#21 - #51 Involve #39...

This pair except for date same as one of the posted at top!...

No toss needed until Wednesday...

Sector by date Li, S and Zen, E...

Sector by year Centers and date's FS #3 applies to them...

Bad news on the Qi Sha aspects *that had up to this point just been tracking of the events themselves*, as when look ahead of just them which finally did tonight were way to many for a single date, damn it!...

In events though was mainly *those which of the hours or date itself that had or involved that of the current year and months charts *fire elements* so far, but is no guarentee that some of others might play in as well, *so very, very disappointing in that*!...

[Till then *have to strongly rely on the hexagrams themselves* with the date type and date sector trigram influence applying to them considered as well in the events themselves]...

Think would be just too difficult to scan all the *hourly sectors of the QMDJ type everyday, on the stem combinations of each palace they are also indicators* as well, but need to be additionally hand translated beyond what the 540 charts books show...

Would need special software as are 144 of those in a day!...

Finished the 4th's hour list that activate the NM pairs and toss R stars, and there's not an hour where one isn't activated, but couldn't possibly mean on all their dates there would be big deadly stuff as never has yet so most will fortunately be of their other meanings ...

Since nothing else of the easy in aid, will do the date level star interactions of our NM pairs to start most off with at the least:

Main this date:

Vis the AC  NM lunar period pair the Date bonds the Yel 2nd locals, etc Rc earth stars, and in hr's w and wa aka lunch and early afternoon *that bond will be opened for events of their areas then!*...

Only hr c in play now temporarily counters that and clashes the 6th line Rwa star in advancings and events of their areas as well as fire bonding the Red1st line areas of Km wood star type areas forming fire for G star areas manifests of their natures...Resets back after that aka defers to the date and first condition given above...

That of those stars and events should further go along with change line star areas type, and also fall under the physical's star type areas as well...

Some those represent will be of and under the solar date type, as well as the *Dates sector trigram areas also, combining those further defines, identifies the event types and nature of them that come up...

Vis Our NM Exact period pair the Date clashes it's Gry 3rd Rw fire star areas active and which are rebirthed to bound and bond the Gry 6th line areas of Pwa earth star type areas forming earth for P star events themselves...That of them should go along with change line star areas type, and will fall under the physical's star areas as well...   

Again some those represent will be of the solar date type as well as the *Dates sector trigram areas also, combining those further defines, identifies the event types and nature of them that come up...

Leave todays timed for you to do in this same fashion that *sets what's main of the date vis the pair or pairs*, and after that you add in the hours as desired or needed, for the added of their events *which all will fall under or involve that you have already set for the date*...

As far as Direct Wealth types this date, one example and definate area would be that of the Juno space probe as one of today's if not for a larger time block a most major and significant event type...

R star studded in dangers and research areas as Jupiter is said to be the most singular hazardous environment in our solar system...

Juno traveled over 1.2 billion miles to get there and that of Jupiter's gravity is 20,000 times greater (crushing) than that of Earth's!...

Another of it's direct wealth aspects is that of the knowledges to be gained relative Jupiter and our solar system, and it's currently of this date encircleing Jupiter over the poles now if read of it correctly...

[The timed pair #21 - #51 of this date which is itself shown at page top of a much prior main solar month date, would say a lot about events of and to come with it in the long ahead as well...

Then if later obtain the hour it arrived and or started the circleing of Jupiter itself, that will further add descriptives to it, plus out of curiosity it would be very interesting to note the hourly governing sector type itself for that, from the QMDJ for trackings as well]...

That of the announcement of R star business and mergers in the way of Comcast (R) and Netflix (R) in the allowance of binge streamings on Comcast networks a positve Direct Wealth example type as well...

Both could easily take in influences of the date's sector areas as well...

 A lot of storms nationally in Ntl eve news and other for matches as well...

Other of Jul 4th:

Was one event wasn't aware of, but had said of Jul 4th were R stars active from the get go, anyway for about 10 pm here the 4th was Hr h and the Locals resultant Re star clashed out, but involved of the date and further in hr h under double clash was definitely involved for that of dangers...

Turns out the hour itself also of Qi Sha aspect *that had involved a fire element* in the months social areas and for that of outer events then...

Then of the hourly QMDJ physical type involved then, was that of *Zen* and Kun (Quen) trigram type areas...

While both had some appropriate, just noting the last direct of text item of multiple for the Zen trigram areas which were the most appropriate, as that of specifically public areas stuff was in it then as well:

[Suitable for hiding, ambush, fleeing, avoiding calamity, or plotting for personal gain...

In some of the outcomes then:

Move forward one inch, but move backward one foot and in the general of any affairs areas, plus that specifically of finance and business areas also!]...

Goes with what 6pm local news today stated to have happened... 

*It's not always easy to identify and pull some or all things out* of a sector's related influences for specific events due to the different meanings certain phrases or wordings have, but that just given appeared to be the more pertinent of it's messages applying to events late night of the 4th...

Other sectors have some additional but stick to what see as the most main for the minimal here... 

7/6 Wednesday Water/Mercury day of the Yin earth Ox aka VI (Gry) c date...

Upper Zen, FS #2 (Quen/Kun)...

Indirect Parallel Companion, Ally date type...

Global timed:

#32 - #34 Involve #43...

[Month of the Yin wood Goat began here today...

Ours and all Western countries Solar month daystart pair...

It's day start was still under month w then]...


Gen toss:

#7 - #2 Involve #24...

Yesterday did a basic full expand on NM period timeds, so any could follow and do for themselves in the dailies and tosses as well...

How much you do up to you, use the iching or the more complete of expand so you can track them with the NM pairs, other or not as well...

Date sector trigrams: Gen, NE and Quen, SW...

Year sector trigrams: Qian, NW and Shun, SE...

In matches likely many but note that of direct material in finances type sancations to NK's leader and leadership involved types fits both pairs, leave other to you...

That of #7 indicates things of a leader and that of his or her legions and masses, plus often goes with *storms* and other natural phenomena in the same senses as does the #32 pair and of in pasts where we've seen that bear out here as well...

Just Blog:

Still too many in a day for one by themselves to consistantly do in the ahead, but that of my Qi Sha theory has been working quite well, and in a very huge percentage if not 100% of the time, that involving the deadly of mainly mans but some natural areas as well, *has in every observed case had a fire element involved of them relative the current month and year frame*!...

Additionally includes those of the hours not just versus the above but also the current date at the time, and obviously the current date applying to the above as well...

A single person doing only that could indeed do it, but of a site like here taking in much other vis hexagrams for that of global, ntl or all areas it is too much...

In other cases when an additional fire element was not involved, then the Qi Sha aspects involve the more normal of everyday routines and life areas, such as in the home, work and other or in travels where something temporarily hits a glitch, etc and can be hundreds of different examples for those types even in those some can be of quite ill material results also...

On QMDJ though books for chart sectors lookup's are always helpful, though some a little too pollyana of theirs maybe while others are pretty good...In any some require further translations as hinted at other day...

One really does need to do their own chart and sector evaluations aka interpretations *writing them fully out for themselves instead* for the very best working results...

Not something one can quickly do, so will be a long time before I can incorparate that in the arena of today's fast paced events filled world!...

Look forward to getting there though, so will probably not often quote the QMDJ views for specific events though could be some exceptions,  but in the greater will spend most of my time, making my own descriptions database instead...
Did see the video of that late night event of the 4th on local areas news tonight, and was indeed exact to what the QMDJ showed to be in for that time frame!...Guess can happen anyplace *when all the conditions for it are matching at the time*...

Had a local official called with an interest on the timing of a planned event would have given them the info, as in general and since usually can't get out that much, I'm not up on most there and stay pretty busy in my own interests that mostly apply here for all...

Ok slipped by me almost today begins the Solar Month of the Yin wood Goat here... 

The all western countries day start for it was the global timed of todays, added...

Already added that for our exact at the top here and will shift to a new page later...

This year the Goat month also listed as unfavorable for all those of 1949 births careful in of healths, surgeries, travels, properties dealings, etc...

*That as opposed to other years* is for those mentioned that were born on this date or after it, are subject to that of the last solar year for a *double Qi Sha aspect* and to which given days and hours may further add...

Note: This Solar month is also that of a raw power or raw power material type and of FS #6 for that of centers in anything, anywhere as well...

7/7 Thursday Wood/Jup day of the Yang metal Tiger aka VII (Wht) y date...

Upper Shun, FS #1 (Kan)...

Begin week of the Eastern Grn Dragon cardinal areas...

Indirect Wealth date type...

Global timed:

#59 - #20 Involve #27...

Gen toss:

#38 - #21 Involve #63...

Date sector trigram areas: Kan, N and Gen, NE...

Year sector trigram areas: Zen, E...

Just blog:

That of time stuff...

Timing methods in all of the Chinese systems rely on that of a common day start and that's the traditional 23:00 aka 11pm type of first night then day...

Then we covered that of the offset in minutes most locations have vis that of their actual longitude from their timezone reference...

Each degree of longitude takes in 15 minutes of time, so it's not too hard to understand that of location differences having an offset in minutes from their timezones given time...

In standard time the 23:00 plus minutes offset applies, here around 23:00 plus a good 40 - 49 minutes added offset in the current *here*, the exact minutes offset for a giiven date itself varies seasonally vis Sun's apparent N-S movements over the equator as well...

That's standard time but in dst where we've moved 1 hour ahead the day start, the clock time is at midnight aka 00:00 hours plus the locations offset in minutes, for 00:40 - 00:50 typical at this time of the year...

So regardless of software used, it will be that just as listed above anyway,...

Before only referenced liking the type as it is much more flexible for changing the dates and times on the go, without having to save and then retrieve each and every indivudual time chart or change to use it, as the Chinese fortune angel type does for example...

However if wanted an *always guarenteed US accurate person's birth aka lifechart*, would then use the Chinese fortune angel instead!...It's made in the US as well...

So both have their good points, and in the very rough we can always generate those charts totally by hand instead...Provided you have a Ten Thousand Years Chinese calendar on hand that is...

Mention that, so we are all are on the same  sheet aka page of music on the subject of time itself *here* for the chinese systems types used here...

Something else to grasp is most of us especially in the Wwg do not use the older totally traditional method of converting Our local time to that of Beijing time at all!...

Most use that of that of our local calendar dates to be the same as China's for a given gregorian calendar date...So if in China for July 7th it was a Yang metal tiger date, then for July 7th here or anyplace else it's also a Yang metal Tiger date on their July 7th as well...

Then here and anyplace else also uses the same earthly branch hours for the same two hour intervals as does China...In standard 23:00 - 01:00 hours anywhere will be that of the Rat (Zi) hour, and so on down the line until the last chinese hour of the day Pig (Hai) at 21:00 - 23:00 hours occurs...

 No conversion of the locations time to that of Beijing time is needed whatsoever!...

[This was first bore out by the use of coordinates in fourpillars aka bazi softwares, and then minus the coordinates all together and *using only a locations *standard time*, that of ZWDS charts which in all cases resulted in the correct and most accurate charts for people, etc they were made for*...

That of local time offsets was seen as important in the ZWDS too as most will tell you to check your results if weren't clear to you, by bumping *the hour up* or down for a more accurate match!...

That as a local time offset at the end of a chinese hour can take you into the next chinese hour for a birth aka life chart, etc...

Tells you the local time offset to the hour is quite critical for accuracies in these systems!]

One day years back a Chinese scholar suggested that for the Wwg as well, and while initially was a lot of opposition, it was found per the above he was most correct, and most all modern Western Wwg types then adopted it, except possibly a very few still entrenched and trapped in that older!...

What we all found out was instead of not being able to well relate that of actual occuring events to the star lines in the Wwg using the older convert to Beijing time, we were now 100% directly quite readable as related to actual local ongoing events as well...

On the last when incoporated it here, our interpretation results went from the abysmal and terribly hard to understand in that of event matchings, to a highly much more accurate trackings system versus local and global events...

Have stuck with it ever since both of timed and tosses period!...

Further I probably have highly pissed off some of the last hardcore chinese time traditionalists, as I directly use the more modern of local longitudes and their times instead of ye old Beijing time for that of the QMDJ as well...

[In that I get more accurate matches of those charts to the actual events anywhere at the time as opposed to the old way!]...

Believe there is some trade off in that, but it's acceptable to me, and think one maybe gets better results *in that of the sector directions themselves holding up* when one uses the older convert to Beijing time method, but it's at a sacrifice of accuracy when it comes to the matching of actual ongoing events, and why I don't normally use it...

In fact that of late night 4th of July event in the local areas would have made about zilch sense, and practically couldn't even be seen of it's chart under the old Beijing time system!...

Yes still and will have to test that out further as far as the sector directions go yet, and that's again another reason why said, *all will be a slow process for the full implementation of the QMDJ uses here*..

Some don't believe the results I got, *that's their problem* as it had already came through with great results on many other overseas dates events earlier as well...

Most can't comprehend a 48 plus variable system in the first place, even it's lookup methods for charts in books is non-linear and a real pain...

One week your checking charts in book front area, another week the back area and another week it's middle area, most would get lost just looking for the correct chart, so you don't have a right to make ill comments on what you actually have no working knowledge of or on...

Just telling you it's a difficult but *very, very powerful and even of general an extremely accurate system*, so don't be too quick to mislabel my results...

Will attempt at some point to add a few examples where the older of Beijing time used, and you'll see the vast difference in accuracy and event matchings for *Non China SE Asia locations* then...

Do bear in mind for China and that area of the world using the older Beijing aka their own local time *will work great for them*, just not so well if at all for us!...

[Anyway hopefully *most now will better understand* in all these systems used here, I use that of local times in all, instead of the older convert to Beijing times, and in that all is easier aside being more accuraate too]...

If your a masochist in learning and wish to learn the QMDJ staying as economical as possible too then recommend that of the Qi Men Dun Jia by Author Jerry King (C) which is available on, one
which is published in the US itself!...

It's the only *near all in one reference itself*, that will enable you to both draw, construct your own charts and further interpret them as well...

Yes it's printed and explained in quite good english:

However expect that to be a very, very long hard process and you will additionally need some type of *chinese calendar plus a 24 Seasons table as well* that has the chinese characters for the seasons names, rest in english, plus you will have to learn and be able to recognize and read an assortment of chinese character names to implement using the various tables and methods in both constructing and interpreting those charts as well!...

You have many other options in books but all are quite expensive and not the all in one type but as separate individual areas...Usually compendiums will allow you to construct those charts as well, but you would need a bunch of other books to do it as well...

Not discourageing the other books as well, some do have quite excellent additional informations you'll find useful as well, but you could always slowly add them in later when can afford, etc...

No matter which way you went or go, *it will take you a long, long time before you can ever use it proficiently*!... 

In matches obviously were are some, and in any given day and any country there will always be that of tragedies come up for a few discounting the mil or wars related types in them...

Was saddened to see that of yet two more people in the US shot to death for reasons that are not fully clear or appearing near senseless at the moment, and in different situations in some cities a lot that's too much going on at the individual or gang levels as well too...

Not a perfect world for sure and most should try to be more careful in that of their travels and destinations areas these days...

7/8 Friday Metal/Venus day of the Yin metal Rabbit aka VIII (Wht) m date...

Indirect Wealth date type...


Upper *Kan, FS #9 (Li)*...

Global timed:

#39 - #8 Involve #64...

Gen toss:

#14 - #26 Involve #43...


Sector trigrams:

Date Kun (Quen), SW and Li, S...

Year Dui, W and Kun (Quen), SW...

More carnage yesterday in Dallas, Tx when a group of men took the law into their own hands and killed a number of police officers who were safeguarding a protest on the very unfortunate of recent killings of black men by police in other locations....

Was Police who initially gave news that of groups involved but understandable an understatement as everything was yet in chaos then...

The Quarrels toss had shown it's Blk 2nd resultant of retreats, past Ry star active for the date and in hr h there it's Wht 1st and Gry 6th Pe star link was clashed for fiery type events...Often it's physical a Kyo star goes with stocks but then also any of actual frictions, risks and Quarrels themselves and Kyo also represents Police too...

By Date and Period:

The All countries *SM* pair which is also Our day start for that period Red S, Frt's, Quarrels 5th roads, things high (Bldg's), etc Rs metal stars had been clashed by the date then indicating Dangers as well and hr h bonded Wht 2nd locals resultant and hiding By wood stars for groups, losses, destructives, etc associated that of it's Ph water star for happenings, travels, bldg's, etc...

Also the hour start was a fiery type and of Qi Sha aspects relative full current chart for the date and year areas...

Sad felt something of that nature was coming and wish condolences to the police and *all* affected in Dallas as well as to those of families in Loisianna and Minnesota too...

[Actually some news much earlier had inferred groups as far as shooters went, *rather hard to discriminate on the B star* as it represents both the Loner, isolated and Groups at the same time!]...

Was Police who initially gave news that of groups involved but understandable an understatement as everything was yet in chaos then...

That of the Wht *Fierce* stem in *it's more positive of that meaning* goes with that of the Police and Military...

Further are even some of Wwg types that likely wouldn't have known that, as wasn't specifically taught to them...

In same of it's  positive meanings Wht further repesents *Self rightousness* which in the say milder though in some can be of stronger senses also, is an inherent trait that goes with that of the law and police, etc work as well!...

All chinese systems stem from Feng Shui and other of them have their own lists of color meanings also, and in the end result all should be used for any one app such as Wwg, etc to properly capture all the stem color does actually represent!...

Most know that some of what appeared to be some thought of as good people do at times reach a breaking point and snap for one reason or another, and then do the most negative of horrendous things, and that in the exact opposite sense is also true as well...Don't know about the shooters case...


Had only caught news in bits and pieces via an appt yesterday, and thought the man had went temp insane as in just snapped, but later caught that he'd obviously with what had in home or apartment been planning it for a good time...

A deliberate versus an at the moment act, and he was and is how others have already described him, and in the end a demented and evil being that in the calculated brought innocents death and their families untold grief...Scum as he was called...

7/9 Saturday Earth/Saturn day of the Yang water Dragon aka IX (Blk) cn date...

Upper Gen, FS #8 (Gen)...

Global timed:

#23 - #35 Involve #2...

Gen toss:

#61 - #41 Involve #27...

Sector trigrams:

Date: Kun, SW and Gen, NE...

Year: Li, S and Kan, N...

[That of the SM (Solar month) day start pair **Red*** 5th Rs star that of the fiery and heated of temperatures should be noted for taking care as some deadly of or just dangers in that as well!...

Then according to Ntl eve news still the continueing of thunderstorms and of some tornadoes of the northern portions of the country if not other also]...

We had something of a quick thunderstorm here that started just around midnight last night and both yesterday's timed and toss caught that...That vis the offsets as we;ve talked about it was still day m, hr h then which involved fire bonds and Re stars (represent power and thunder, etc) in both pairs then, so says those offsets for dst clocktime are correct!...

Hope more pay attention to the period pairs and track of their R stars now if nothing else, includes dates active, clashes and bonds of or vis line interactions, as other than putting them up here, my own time is often very limited... 

Just Blog:

Finding more and more on the QMDJ one has to go ahead and do their own sector eval's beyond the commentaries in charts books which are not always in the direct quite descriptive enough and to which are multiple parallels also, which you will have to further narrow down, to the applicable for the time, situations or questions your covering...

*The book and author had mentioned gives you the needed material to do that*...

Insert [ ]:

[In add to that, some such as maybe Ntl news anchors in the know may have been repulsed when I mentioned that *there was and is some very useful additional informations in those more expensive books as well*...

*That is true* though with only one out of many being non practical or useful out of the whole bunch, you can find that by the comments people leave behind on the books at (R), but if you go back a few days here, you'll find the one had recommended which is both very economical and *that has all that your going to need to apply and use the system yourself*, within it's contents well explained to you....

Read that area had written prior, as it isn't for just anybody, and will be a long and hard path aka work involved to learn and use it!...

It's certainly more than enough to start with and will *keep you busy for months to years alone* with the two additional items mentioned for it...

On the calendar that's preferrably a Ten Thousand Year type or in lieu that of the US produced Chinese Farmers Calendar software will do, and that's for knowing the exact date in a year that any of the 24 Seasons start in, plus obviously it will give you the daily chinese date as well and much more beyond that as well...

That of the extra additional info's some of the more expensive have cover maybe about 120 canned proper questions areas in *the specifc methods used for each*, not all are of any frequent or great utility, but are some most would be interested in and knowing the method which would be a shortcut for you...

You wouldn't need that at all in the beginning though using the recommended book, so that's why mentioned as just an extra option, providing one can afford it in the first place]...

Have found in any given hour when I do my own sector eval, it exquisitively matches the natures and characters of how people involved or those who serve the public will actually act aka behave at the given time as well!...Some flexabilities for variations in those at the given time also further given of it, and often observed in the actual as well. and in result *tells you what their all about then*...

It's also quite complex in areas of documents of any type where legalities can be involved too, and it will alert you if at the time your evaluating a chart if their is or are any persons behind the scenes that are *active troublemakers*, those who are looking to either defame or derail you in a given life area as well...

Those of the troublemaker types only come up at specific times and or in specific areas, not an all the time type of thing which is as it should be in life itself...

Invalueable informations in that when appropriate, enabling you to better and fully protect yourself from them as well...Important as nearly everyone has some type of vulnerability these days, in which those of the unscrupulous shark(s) look for so they can either control or take advantage of you and your assets or that of in totally different of your life areas as well...

So that's *just one* small of many, many example types of just how powerful a system the QMDJ is, and in the types of informations it can give you!...

Then in that you should first apply to your own personal areas where you already know a great deal of exact informations gaining positve experience there first, before you go out trying to apply it to others or for that here in example too... 

The main of in mentioning here is for you to be aware that there is such a system in the first place, and of it's potential to be a great and wonderful aide to any who learn it!...

Understandably this all keeps me extremely busy in the learning and unraveling of, all it's potentials to aid anyone...


My date timed showed hr t for Dallas location of the 8th, said thief/robber aka murderer would likely be captured, where as the older convert to Beijing time hr w said would likely not be captured...

Keep ultra simple as both charts fairly similar, both had showed that of two White Tigers squaring off for combat itself, but were also more matching destructive indicators beyond those as well...

[Fourpillars aks Bazi from the wiki under another heading showed his birth day, month, year, the current year stem formed that of Qi Sha aspect to that of his brides areas stressing those, and *his Brides branch palace areas became date clashed* for actions, events relative those areas then...Had a Gui (X) day master which is said to be a rather fickle type amongst other...

If consider offsets until date branch actually changed to the Rabbit (m), *there still was that of the *Yang Earth hour stem relationship to his day master forming that of a Fire combination* then as odd as that might sound for one of a Gui day master*!...


Ok dropping for now as in the chaos of  news perhaps written type and had heard same in a verbal comment on CNN (C) hr e the 8th as well, where the Dallas events began near and around midnight the 8th, which is ok for info on that date too, but wasted time as far as the actual attack chart!...

While obviously would have preferred the actual attack begin time, can see where knowing of a new date would be useful as well, but too much extra work for me, not a healthy fella so only got so much energy these days...

It had began 21:02 *the 7th there*, which may be either yet hr sh or hr h which would require an entirely new chart!...

Further was in a Season change date to add to chaos also which left it open to two active instead of one sharp clear chart, so will wait a good while before going any further on QMDJ type]...

If look at both the US timed my normal way of doing things and then the convert to Beijing time your talking 4 different charts for any hour of a Seasons change type date, obviously that's a little too much to be sifting through each's techy details and boil it down to one...Unless you spend about an entire week to do it!... 

[Following of Fourpillars/Bazi and influences to the killers 3 pillared birthchart minus birthtime type is fully correct:

One other alt view type from a bazi aka fourpillars perspective is that of his birth year stem aka Outer physical areas itself was a combination type that both clashes, and also forms a Qi Sha aspect to that of *this Solar month's stem* for that of his physical body Outer events type to Outer areas of social, political. parent, bosses, superiors, friends, job, co workers, etc type areas...

Tells you he would have and did in some direct that of his this month activated and felt of *Qi Sha type actions* aka the assertive aggressive of power type against that of authority, etc in social political areas, *the timing helped prime and boost it for the actual of manifest then...He was more in tune for it than most as his year branch also the same as this Solar month's...

Others would normally direct that to special achievements or managements moves, goals and getting life together in those areas but one can most definitely feel to direct in negative ways instead...For some could usher in some pasts related negatives or in the few one might lose a grandparent or have something to do with the elderly as well]... 

Normally such terms as indirect power aka Qi Sha aspect and the like are used relative a charts day master in nomal basic analysis work, but you can use and view the relationships types*to any of the fourpillars stems independently as well*...

That's direct of the Fourpillars Bazi alone, QMDJ for some reason they alter the pillar meanings a bit, so kept it to that most might be already used too...

May update it at a later date down the road, since was a begin time error, then that in a Seasons change date complicates things more, and as do have some other chart methods for that of some basic crimes and criminals areas themselves, which likely do use additional indicators too, so need to spend some time going over those first anyway...

7/10 Sunday Sun day of the Yin water Snake aka X (Blk) e date...

Direct wealth date type...

Upper Quen(Kun), FS #7 (Duay)...

Global timed:

#11 - #5 Involve #54...

Gen toss:

#13 - #1 Involve #44...


Sector trigrams:

Date Duay, W...

Year Li, S...

Note: This Solar month is also that of a raw power or raw power material type and of FS #6 for that of centers in anything, anywhere as well...

In today's for those who checked you had that of Re fire star areas of our NM period chart and of the toss Rh star areas active from day start through the full date!

Are additional threats from overseas areas that came up this date as well, aside some violence associated the Minnesota demonstation late last night also...

If want a global, ntl, etc general sense of activities per sectors you can also expand the FS # which is for centers given here any date into the full Lou Shu chart for all sectors too...

Today's  would have been the #3 Zen jolts star in North's and the #5 Mal star in Easts for example... 

My err the first and now above is correct, don't use full FS all that much, and only have to worry about whether yang or yin cycle type when it comes to the plotting the extra Mountain and Water stars in a chart, that for any date chart only, will have the original Lou Shu order for flying them, just as the above and the chinese farmer almanac software dailies shows!...

Can gaurentee you that any day start of hr t type fourpillars bazi charts that shows a Qi Sha Fire aspect, fire stem combination or clash within or too another Pillar in it's current date chart which always indicates some type of violence, weapons, terrorist attacks, and or any fiery aka major natural phenomena will in highest likelihood occur then and in that date as well!...

Know as have tracked pretty much every event for weeks now of those types, and every one of them had a Qi Sha Fire aspect form of the day start chart!...

That means if agencies and law enforcements had a centralized location where an individual did nothing but daily fourpillars charts for our chinese day starts, and then looked for the other of Qi Sha Fire aspects in the other hours of the day you'd have all the major hours for such events...

A daily report of such combined with their using the separate of timed, toss Wwg pairs here, could be sent to all law enforcements for their own actions emphasis at those times...

Not that I expect they'll ever do that, but it is the one way to be ahead of the game or prepared in the great bulk of all major cases type for such events...

That of the Qi Sha aspects always represent that of persons or things of an *assertive, aggressive and unsentimental natures!*...Under those actions of such can and are directed to the area where aspect formed...

In the mental, emotional and spiritually troubled aka agitated, disturbed of the Dallas shooter, police killer then, his were of the body physical aka birth year life pillar to that of outer public social political of uppers aka authority itself of the current solar month, and that's how it came out in his actual events as well...

The current solar month itself was the main timing trigger additional to prior events he felt strongly about for such to occur of *and finally manifest*, as *that's when that given Qi Sha aspect was formed!*...

Works in the opposite direction for those of 1949 Ox births born on or after this solar month start as the former solar year plays in for most as well and a double whammy in that...One alone is enough for the potentially very serious of problems, events...

The why of the warning posted for those and the dual Qi Sha aspect is as that only for this solar month duration wise... 

Will likely still do the actual QMDJ chart for the actual attack begin time, as it's now an important event in history itself, but there's no urgent or real great hurry to get it done, so can slowly do by hand over a week or several, and then post for just example and info purposes itself...

Thus far still finding the *more exact of QMDJ chart matches to the Local time method*, as opposed to the convert to Beijing time types...That in using past and most recent personal events where have all the info's already...

7/11 Monday Moon day of the Yang wood Horse aka I (Grn) w date...

Direct Output date type...

Upper Chen, FS #6 (Chen)...

Global timed:

#10 - #58 Involve #37...

Gen toss:

#47 - #58 Involve #37...


Sector trigrams:

Date: Qian (Chen), NW...

Year: Gen, NE...

Matches in these pairs even of Duay names (Lakes) plus Our NM exact and Our unmarked Solar month exact pair had active R star dangers in all...

That of the unfortunate in Berrian county, Michagan courthouse killings did match the hourly of hr wa using the local time method for QMDJ, in the SW sector as in it's state (Michagan) in this case...That of Kun, SW's was it's hourly reference at that time...

Not sure in just main event types being looked at here that the Outcome will always apply to the physical sector itself, a part of the study...

*If things work* out it would only be useful here when there was in a particular hour of interest days, months, etc in the ahead to check out...

Only the Wwg in timed and tosses form the always most relevent for here, though it can be made an even stronger asset  in the refined when using the fourpillars aka bazi with it as well!...

On the Dallas Police shooter though is some lead in time his personal interests and things or those of close relationships would have changed quite a bit as his ten year luck cycle shifted between ages 17 and 18...

At 18 those changes would have started strongly locking in, more so than most as that cycle's Dragon branch
bonded to his inner Brides palace Rooster branch...

That Dragon earth element and character strengthend that of his birth Rooster *metals* bride element...

Things of both areas in that of close inner relationships would have been of high influence and personal interests that he'd naturally gravitate towards and have attracted to him in the especially close of his personal inner relationships there...

Will leave it to you to spell those out, but is a zone for that of ideals and idealisms and the soaring of high and low in things as well, and that always of being drawn towards those types (both) of areas at the partner or later spouse level, but also in that of close knit groups he'd be in some manner influenced by, or became part of or joined as well...

Another other area of interest is that of the home or *his inner* social relationships and work or job areas beyond the home which was of the Horse (w) fire sign element...

Horse com, move, travel and other, so easy to understand his joining the military and for him a job, duty that aligned with that of his personal interests in his inner social, political, etc interests type areas...

There he even had an additional *element of fire* for personal actions and interests in those areas vis the combination his X Gui day master (self) formed with that of his Horse (w) element there...

Says things of his personal interests and actions in those areas had a strong fire element quality and motivation to them...Fire of both it's positive and negative traits in that...

One major timing point:

Very *uniquely* in his case he'd always be highly energized in that of his inner social, etc areas on that of Tiger (y)  *dates* and or hours...

That as another Fire combination to those inner social, etc areas is formed on those Tiger (y) dates and times!...

Even more so beyond that in hr's sh any day and especially strong on Tiger dates would bond with his inner physical body life pillar which was that of the Rabbit (m) forming Fire for physical actions of those natures, etc then!...

Then separately of days sh and hr y the same two fire combinations add in on those as well...

On days m then those additional fire elements add in separately instead of in simul in that of hr's y and sh, so this young man had a lot of that in fire elements driving and going for him beyond that of most other people...

In itself of charts that doesn't indicate a negative personage per se at all, but it does reflect timings where one would of their chart areas experience events, dwell on, and further take actual physical actions in them as well...The below * * agreeing with that:

*The attack began in yet hr sh vis time offsets in Dallas, Tx July 7th a Tiger (y) date*...

That same date *clashed* that of the Red 5th line areas of Rs metals star type areas for that of dangers and other including attacks as well of *Our Solar month's aka all countries *day start pair* posted in page top areas here!*...Why it's always important for others to track those...

Used only a standard 3 Pillar analysis minus any birth time, but a valid type of it's areas and of a non speculative nature using only the known timings established of fourpillars aka bazi symbols, terms and meanings...

See that posted prior on his chart relative this solar month itself in the timing of his personal outer public events as well...
Leave as that and for those who want or need to further analyze that of his or others of the same birth year, month and date pillars minus their actual birth times themselves in charts...


Hope more such as law enforcements, etc pay attention to the period pairs and track of their R stars now *if nothing else*, includes dates active, clashes and bonds of or vis line interactions involving them, *as other than putting the pairs up here, my own time is often very limited*!... 

7/12 Tuesday Fire/Mars day of the Yin wood Sheep aka II (Grn) wa date...

Indirect Wealth date type...

Upper Duay, FS *#5*...

Global timed:

#49 - #31 Involve #44...

Gen toss:

#48 - #5 Involve #38...

Sector trigrams:

Date: Centers same FS #5

Year: Kan, N and Duay, W...

Other Gen, NE and Shun, SE...

For that about to commence in Dallas, Tx hr wa Gen toss relative:

#53 - #20 Involve #64...

Strong Yel 3rd Ks metal safeties star physical involves controls buried Rm wood star areas linked to Object and same in of Blk 6th line areas of buried Rm wood star type areas also...

Hour timed: #49 - #17 Involve #44...

Physical Gry 4th Bh groups, etc linked Yel 3rd same under control from resultant Rcn earth star there for Outer and Inner social areas...


Ongoings today *had started with that of a Qi Sha fire aspect*, so normally as proceed acrossed days of those types we have same of other hours that hold fiery events as well...

Also today by date bonded Rw stars in Our pairs and one was clashed in hr wa of our NM Exact and couple pairs given today, plus the Re star of Our NM Exact pair, etc would be bonded in hr s and later clashed in hr h, so were R star areas for the date and in several hours as well...

Why at the last moment tossed for hr wa and gave it's timed hour pair for then as well...

Just Blog:

For those following info's on QMDJ although of the physical and using local times do get some really great matches at times, but normally more variables are used in most app's...

In matchings to an event have to check the stem combinations on the most directions related sector, else do all sectors to find the one which best goes with the scenario...Are other methods as well...

Then when fully hand delineate that given sector which often has another sector palace that will be involved too, am finding that of the convert to Beijing method as being *the consistantly accurate*there!...

Insert add [ ]:

Deleted other...

[Double checked was a book error in that of relationships examples the 1st or 2nd one, may be another one in there someplace, but spot checked several others in career and other and all were indeed done in that of *Local time*, not Beijing as had first thought from one of his relationships question examples!...


Such is possible as his quite neat Dun method does not compute the two Dun's that exist on a Season's change date, so may or may not be one more off timed chart in his examples, most are correct by local time in quick look tonight. just I happened to pick the one which had a difference then....

In this below* I must have just gotten lucky*, as should have did in local time but my results worked out anyway]??? 

Did that of the Dallas memorial today while watching it, which was of Duay aka Dui, W and connected [*Kun, SW*] trigram sector areas, and that of the china timing *described it perfectly as to event type and natures*...

That as had fully delineated it by further analysis of the players in those sectors then, beyond just the shown commentary associated of the correct 540 hourly chart alone...

[Just looked relative *that one event type only*, which including the player definitions within the sectors well described and it looked quite good aka very positive for and of it*... 

Then also for hr wa the other sector palaces hold other additional informations relative their trigrams or directions (choice), and *of the particular areas that each palace itself represents*, so if wanted you'd get a good overview of the many other types of events those areas represent(ed) when you check them as well...Some of the other not all, but of which was positive showed in Ntl eve news also...

Any that construct or go over that as a Beijing timed chart will find that out for themselves as well]...

Here at times aside an area had mentioned the other day, can at a future point use this to add *extra details to that of any of the solar or lunar period pairs used here too*...

[Ok ignore that on Beijing time, *use your local only*, that above was only a freak in it working out as did!...

Glad as would have had a lot of charts had done prior wrong, if I hadn't used Local times from the beginning aka start]!...

Most had good verifiable results to boot, hence the recheck of his charts again just to be sure...

Slowly getting there anyway...

7/13 Wednesday Water/Mercury day of the Yang fire Monkey aka III (Red) s date...

Indirect Wealth type...

Upper Li, FS #4 (Shun)...

Global timed:

#21 - #38 Involve #39...

Gen toss:

#15 - #62 Involve #40...

Discontinue date and year type for now, haven't seen a lot very relative for here and are used for another purpose anyway, here the date FS # good enough...

An Insert add in corrections added to previous date's QMDJ mention above, *use local time only* :)...

7/14 Thursday Wood/Jup day of the Yin fire Rooster aka IV (Red) yo date...

Indirect Wealth date type...

Upper Zen, FS #3 (Zen)...

Week beginning that of the Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal areas...


Global timed:

#32 - #40 Involve #43...

Gen toss:

#1 - #9 Involve #1...

Slight date typo corrected, don't need to speed those up any, time and things move more than fast enough as it is...

Were lot of matches yesterday had checked written news at about 3 points on that and usually are on any given day here...Doesn't always appear on certain Ntl news broadcasts per what they feel is their priority, but many people today do check well beyond those daily in the written news areas as I do...

Likely won't post on happenings, events matches today either, as taking it light and chilling out for awhile, leaving that and R star trackings to you...

Nice, France ahead of us in time, was already dark and of hr sh quasi h or can assume h there then...

Were dual Qi Sha aspects then also...

Good analysis of date pair shows that type was in, and you can patch for any hour that which all pairs show including period relevent for the event types in then...

Then of Outcomes in the more specific per the QMDJ as well:

It was most similar in the exact to that of our locals just as next day written of hr h July 4th had indicated aka shown of warnings, plus it had included the element of surprise attack, and of specifically *doing harm to *others* then as well*...That was the timing for hr h there!...

Not something any one person for the hours of a day could do, unless done days or more ahead for the given date, time itself...

7/15 Friday Metal/Venus day of the Yang earth Dog aka V (Yel) sh date...

Indirect Parallel Friend, ally, etc date type...

Upper Shun, FS #2 (Quen/Kun)...

Global timed:

#59 - #6 Involve #27...

Gen toss:

#61 - #10 Involve #27...

Per yesterday's deadly in France event the date timed's R star was same as date then, and that of any change line is considered in effect the entire date or period per pair type anyway...

Beyond that in hr h that of groups would have been bonded and a locals Ph star places of nuturence, or and also homes, transports or airports, etc were in then...

The toss itself for US but showed that of groups connected to R star type areas as well, and then other per our periods pairs...

[That of the QMDJ for Outcomes in any hour show or give details in what of natural influences are brought in and up at those times also...

Then in locations it has to be *those which match up to the nature and conditions that the QMDJ shows in for that hour*!

Further that of *mainly the Wwg date timed* and or Wwg hour timed will match up with that the QMDJ shows you as well]...

Had the appearence of an terrorist attack and was of a terroristic nature, it could also have been a lone or independent act but also has signs of a known terrorist group style as well...

[It was certainly a horrific and inhuman one at that, wishing again condolences to the French people in their time of anguish]...

That of ally and that in Turkey could easily fit within both the timed and toss, toss had Rm stars fire bonded for the date also, and a lot of things go within that of a raw power FS #6 type month also...

Not sure one would come to that singular conclusion but the appropriate of fourpillars and QMDJ aspects vis hr's sh and h, could certainly go with things along those lines as well...

If started hr h doubt per that commentaries indicate such would succeed aka it would not succeed, but then haven't verified this type prior so not 100%, and have to yet observe as still learning...

[Had went with the near 10pm time originally posted on a news site, and later saw on tv where showed near 11pm, so will have to see how it comes out...

Difficult to get coordinates on net at times but had in other astro software database, so applied to fourpillars and fonnd even if near or at 11pm Friday when it started there, *it was yet hr h as hadn't quite went to hr t yet and was still under the V (Yel) sh date then!...

Ok watching news and shows live vis official established govt stating the coup has failed, their state tv back on, and could visually see their forces surrendering, but some remnants still active (maybe), leave it at that!...

Still in future don't think will rely on any beyond local for valid initial times and just wait till things like this type conclude or a day after the event starts before gathering any times involved to note what the QMDJ shows or showed]...

7/16 Saturday Earth/Saturn day of the Yin earth Pig aka VI (Gry) h date...

Direct Wealth date type...

Upper Kan, FS #1 (Kan)...

Global timed:

#39 - #15 Involve #64...

Gen toss:

#30 - #14 Involve #28...


On QMDJ that may have been a manipulated hour given all, but would have been somewhat similar of an actual hour before it in likely the same results in terms of how individual days run in it...

It had looked slightly better in hr sh *Small Snake in Power (It's Text)*, but indicated things of the contradictory as part of the results, and more if were fully analyzed...

Normally the one using goes with the hour they first learned of an event, something hadn't tried yet as prefer the actual, but may have to start doing just that at times also...

Would have been yo or sh, don't remember which first saw it's news in...

Not going to use further here for a while except where an area looks apt for a period pair, as I'm satisfied it works from other had previously tracked, and can do that quietly by myself anyway...

Today's hexagram pairs minus period's:

On toss Hr s clashed open date bond to the Py star for happenings to control that of the Kc stabilities changes star, so that of storm here then would fit amongst other...Hr s had bonded the skies Be fire star forming water then too...

Hour earlier hr wa had clashed the Kc changes star and would have affected stabilities then as well...

In date timed pair would only see that of thunders amongst other for hr wa bonding the locals Rw stars then and not much else, as didn't track much of it, nor the period pairs today...

Didn't notice but timed had Psh changes star for earth clash storms and surfaces and both pair include such now for hr's sh and h yet tonight!...Hr sh did and hr h now maybe Rh star Inner dangers others line some type, check toss...Was rain again also can only do begins here check weathers for other that may be in yet...

That of 90 miles N LA party shootings both pairs and there very sharply turns to hr c on the minute for 1am then and was hr t prior of this day h for R star clashes in date timed, toss K stars also parties and all other which go with them, expand look at the pairs... 

7/17 Sunday Sun Day of the Yang metal Rat aka VII (Wht) t date...

Direct Output date type...

Upper Gen, FS #9 (Li)...

Global timed:

#23 - #2 Involve #2...

Gen toss:

#16 - #45 Involve #39...

Toss does have 5th line Rs metal star advanceings?...

The timed physical of a Kt water star retreat type with Object line of Blk 2nd Locals Re Fire star types, areas...

Also a fourpillars Qi Sha to date stem day start...

Baton Rouge, Loisianna a deadly tragic attack on Police there (Condolences):

That occuring in hr cn then, do expand pairs for other and in brief shows that of the clashes, fire bonds and other relative for that hour then...

Date timed that of it's 6th Gy wood changes star types, areas controlled or killed back then a unique point of some type also as it's Byo metal resultant star was strengthened then???...

Hour cn qmdj an inauspacious hour anywhere chart type:

Shown Outcome was then of a Punishments structure and also showed of a Continuous war type of a further drains assets type, etc, and of it's physical showed that of Disturbances and trouble type in then, etc...

Terms are of general senses in the global types, situations...

That of the continuous war aspect of variables is also global may in their case be of a more low level type...

That being of things as they are in the US and maybe where some few have purposely called for attacks on the Police, and of in particular other disturbed individual types that take actions as well...

Didn't evaluate but his minus birth time of the 3 pillared type had all three Upper pillars in heavens stems of the yin fire type, so at any rate that's quite a bit of fire in his chart...

Just Blog:

See some news have shown a timeline for hours on the recent coup which occured in Turkey..:

Those that are *Outer* historical manifests aka turning points on and of that matter, and in such *was not a manipulation of the events start time *as had incorrectly thought had other day on that of the 10 to 11pm switcharoo of it's said initial friday starts*...

*That though doesn't mean, that's what the QMDJ itself would reflect*...

That as an announcement of power doesn't neccessarily coincide with the internal timing of when they the opponent(s) had reached the point of obtaining power (The Small Snake)!...That where all initial things were first thought and felt by the Opponent(s) to be in place *before one makes any outer statement to the general public at all!*...

You have to at least believe you physically have the relative of forces, things and areas under your control, *before you then separately announce to the general public something of that order*!...Minus being an idiot that is, and doubt they were entirely that...

Anyway there indeed would have been and was a prior in hours time element to it, in their physically settings of things up that date, and an internal point within that at which one has the power amassed to initiate the coup event itself...

That would be that the QMDJ had shown of hr sh last Friday!...

Also there are definitely now and then incorrect times that get put out in news or of the net on the starts of events in just about any area these days...

*Most would be of hastes and unintentional*, but *in the rare* could also be some few involving deceptions aka the clandestine for some given situational or of political, etc purposes too...That where the info given the news area is from a corrupt source, etc...

Usually here can only consistantly rely on those which involve a police or sheriff's statement or the reported call in time to them on a matter, and then in that of official govt matters or happenings which are in general very often quite reliable as well...

In the general of other things and areas finding it's better for me to be a bit skeptical in the initial until several news sources agree on a time, before start evaluating a pair or chart using it...

7/18 Monday Moon Day of the Yin metal Ox aka VIII (Wht) c date...

Indirect Resource date type...

Also a break day as clashed by the month...

Upper Quen, FS #8 (Gen)...

Global timed:

#11 - #46 Involve #54...

Gen toss:

#25 - #21 Involve #53...

#25 Iching side dual meanings: That of innocence or without fault, and that of Allowings use case by case as fits...

Always expand pairs as need for trackings along with period pairs...

Have a good month if possible ...


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