Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Solar Month of the Yin Fire Goat (IV/wa).

Refer to prior of Bing fire Horse month blog for NM aka Lunar month pairs date trackings, and though don't post as such the FM in exact starts here Jul 9th for tensionals in issues, starts, and some completions also...

The FM exact of Jul 9th daystart timed then but is effective near exact Jul 8th and plays a major role in the US year as well...That of Scorpio areas will be quite main in it!...

Don't always cover that in detail, nor all of the Vedic astro type areas themselves but vis search if you type *Vedic NM or FM lunar forecasts* you'll find several US Vedic astrologists as well as Western astrologists list forecasts on such, reading the written copies at their sites helpful and their Video links are usually to their YouTube (R) posts as well...

On the latter that of beliefs or politics of any type are not inferred or used here, any you interpret are of your own thinkings, as here just presents what influences are trending for ntl and global natural or man's events of these systems in that for any month, date, etc covered... 

Solar Yin fire Goat/FS *#3* Type Month:

7/6 Wood/Jup day I/w...FS #6...All Countires GT: #11 - #46 Involve #54 Areas...

Begins Eastern Grn Dragon cardinal areas week...


US Exact SM #11 - #19 Involve #54 Areas...Month wa start's here for us...

China/FE Exact in simul their 7th: #24 - *#51* Involve #2 Areas...

Vis the Solar month start were at least 2 if not 3 major changes announcements in news this date, which matched for some of the main types in our year's scoprios areas had mentioned too, and are direct of the Saturn rx influence which the Moon in *Jyestha* was in conjunct with today...

Usually have to consider aspects when referring to the Moon in a given nakshatra to match actual events and in this case that's quite direct...

Then we have the Sun conjuncting Mars in Punarvasu of Mercury ruled Gemini areas, and where also that of Mars influences and rules that of Scorpio's areas too...

Look up the nakshatras for matching natures, qualities, events and actions as well, aspects as given are of global areas type...

Some of the Scorpio areas matches:

One to do with delaying announcements of deaths of military personal in war areas...

One to do with State secrets...

Maybe one to do with a resignation...

Other as in reports of russian spies in rise within the U.S.

Then some financial areas as in G20 summit and a Microsoft (TM) announcement of layoffs in said of thousands coming for mostly overseas areas...

Leave at that for awhile... 

7/7 Metal/Venus day II/wa...[FS *#5*]...GT: #10 - #25 Involve #37 Areas...The First full day of the Yin Fire Goat month...
Moon in the Moola (Mula) Nakshatra of Jupiter ruled Sag areas, where the roots of things are involved of somewhat mal chars that require that of repairs, healings or medicines to improve upon issues, states or diseases, etc...

As always other influences on the Moon as in aspects from other bodies in that of other nakshatras to it, add in to the overall influence of the moon in it's nakshatra of the and any date, etc...

Additional hexagrams within today's main pair:

Upper Outers #44 Areas...Lower Inners #38 - #27 Areas...

That of any date in global very complex and of many different areas of interests you have to select the correct areas to examine those from, not something one person can do, takes many or sophisticated programmed softwares for that purpose...

Just vedic moon aspects as mentioned have both aspects on it adding to the area it's in, as well as then carrying and makeing aspects to others as well, *quite a lot to that alone*!...

Stocks are basically risks areas which go with that of Leo's areas and where the Sun conjuncting Mars in Jupiter ruled Punarvasu currently rules those...

Then that of the Moon as mentioned figures into it as well, but of today the Moon in Sag also trines that of Aries and Leo type areas so some types of things there turn out well...It all varies day to day, and at some levels hour by hour...

Any can be complex as you have to select the correct reference to start from, and all that influences those at any one time....*Not exactly the same* as simply listing the nakshatra and sign the moon is in for a given date alone that most do....

Ultimately all depends on the choices and decisions made at anytime as to how paths or things under any given influences go...

Might note that the #38 hexagram represents that of risks areas besides that of quarrels meanings it's commonly taken for, and we have matches in that as well today...

7/8 Earth/Saturn day III/s...FS #4...GT: #49 - #17 Involve #44 Areas...

Keep simple Moon enters the Purvashadha nakshatra within hour y here and for the date and still in Jupiter ruled Sag areas...Trines those of Aries and Leo areas....

Sun conjuncting Mars fires or lights some up as well...Refer back to what one news area called a firestorm on twitter after handshakes between 2 leaders at the G20 summit...Can be fiery in other of their areas and that aspect ruling the trine enhances...


Another part of the Moon in Sag aspects was as it opposes the Sun and Mars in Gemini areas while squareing (both tensional) that of Jupiter ruling Sag in Virgo areas...

Was *the timing* for a lot of the main in big stuff's events such as the G20 summit and also of overseas and other of skies/airs events as well...

That of the nakshatras aka lunar mansions involved indicated additional specifics as far as chars, types and natures of events concerning all those areas as well...

You can expand as desired...

7/9 Sun day IV/yo...FS *#3*...GT: #21 - #27 Involve #39 Areas...

Moon in Sag enters the Uttarahadha nakshatra in hr m here this date and in that later of afternoon transitions into it's Capricorn areas as well...

Leave other to you...

7/10 Moon day V/sh...FS #2...GT: #32 - #28 Involve #43 Areas...

Moon enters the Sravanna Nakshatra in Saturn ruled Capricorn areas latter part of hr cn dst here...

Moon in Capricorn square that of the Mercury in Cancer which rules Virgo the Moon triens and the Venus ruled Taurus areas as well, so a lot of big, etc stuff yet as Jupiter in Virgo and then Venus is in Taurus...

Yet tensionals as Sun conjuncting Mars in Gemini areas squares the Jupiter in Virgo areas as well...

More of the main in big stuff as Iraq's leader announced their military  victory in Mosul, in the natural were things of fires in wests and floods in southern Japan few days ago...Some of political legal areas at various tops, some in England's areas of more fires also, and then some other types of stuff may not have noticed...

7/11 Fire/Mars day VI/h...FS #1...GT: #59 - *#29* Involve #27 Areas...

Moon enters the Dhanistha Nakshatra around latter of hr e dst here yet in Saturn ruled Capricorn areas so same trines and other apply...By itself a beneficial nakshatra though *it is ruled by Mars* which will be in Cancer areas this date yet combust with the Sun in Gemini areas, and also while sign conjuncting Mercury in Cancer areas for a while yet as well...

Have the major by sign trines of Mars and Mercury and in near a week to be joined by the Sun in Cancer areas relative that of Saturn in Scorpio areas which as yet opposed by Venus in Taurus areas also...

7/12 Water/Mercury day VII/t...FS #9...GT: #39 - #63 Involve #64 Areas...

Moon enters the Shatabisha nakashatra in the latter of hr w dst here in Aquarius which the Moon entered much earlier in hr t of this day start...

Minus all other of the active ongoing aspects Moon in Aquarius trines the Gemini and Libra areas...

7/13 Wood/Jup day VIII/c...FS #8...GT: #23 - #4 Involve #2 Areas...

Begins Northern Blk Tortoise week cardinal areas...

Moon enters the Purvabhadrapada nakshatra hr wa dst here, and yet in Aquarius areas...

7/14 Metal/Venus day IX/y...FS #7...GT: #11 - #19 Involve #54 Areas...

 Moon enters Pisces Areas ruled by Jupiter in hr e dst this date and then within hr wa dst enters the Uttarabhadarpada nakshatra ruled by Saturn as well...In detailed others can look up all that relates to any particular nakshatra as well that show up in some main events also...

Haven't bothered with chart bhavas/houses per longitudes and any can assume an Aries 1st Physical for reference aka as a global chart type, keeps all signs in original positions for easier interps, etc...

As such they accurately supplement any Solar or Lunar month hexagram pair in simul as well!...

Moon in Pisces trines that, that in and those in Cancer and Scorpio areas...Yet are other associated harsh aspects previously mentioned with them also...

In Ntl eve news was more of the watery and of sinkholes as well and some of the more depraved in things as the murders of 4 young men in PA too...

7/15 Earth/Saturn day X/m...FS #6...GT: #10 - #61 Involve #37 Areas...

Moon yet in Jupiter ruled Pisces and enters the Mercury, etc ruled Revati nakshatra in hr wa with the Sun in the final end degree of Gemini as well this date...

7/16 Sun day I/cn...[FS *#5*]...GT: #49 - #55 Involve #44 Areas...

Note: We enter another or the extended of a heated, fire or fiery, etc zone just prior and forward of this date onwards into August as well for both that of Man's affairs and Natural phenomena itself!...

The Sun ingresses and enters Cancer areas this date to further combust Mars there as well as sign conjunct Mercury there too in latter of hr m dst *which will rev up and add fire, etc to both that of ego's and sensitivities*, over enthusiams, rages, etc in various of Cancer's issues, types and areas plus those of Scorpios and Pisces that it further trines as well!...

Feel free to add that of foods, stomach related and other of watery or health related issues into this as well...

[Applicable Dasa for the Sun's ingress into Cancer this date and period: Me/Ra/Ve/Mo/Sa]...

Same of the trined Scorpio sides gives emphasis to that of Saturn rx in the Jyestha nakshatra of Mars ruled Scorpio's areas for this period!...

Saturn rx being more powerful than norm has had and does contain some of the deeper and darker experential sides to things at times of it as well yet...

Then the Moon already square to the Sun enters both that of *Aries* areas and the Ashwini nakshatra in hr wa dst which exactly in brief *sharply squares the Sun in Cancer areas* at that time!...

Ashwini normally positive but not in all under current aspects!!...

Moon in Aries rules Cancer areas, etc and aside the Sun it will be squaring that of Mars and of next date, etc Mercury there as well, vis signs type a combined effect all through the Moon's transit in Aries areas...

To simplify in Vedic once the Moon enters Aries areas it is considered to be of sign squareing (tensional or dynamic) with all within that of Cancer areas aka that of the sign and the Sun, Mars and Mercury all at the same time, and *doing so until the Moon exits the Aries sign*...

So are combined effects aka events of them the entire time there, and of all meanings each represents should give you a wide range of potential activities which occur then...

7/17 Moon day II/e...FS #4...GT: #21 - *#51* Involve #39 Areas...

Moon in Mars ruled Aries near the end of hr w and begin of hr wa dst enters the initially Venus ruled Bharani nakshatra areas...

Bharani in Aries often associated Mil, Exec, Gov, Police, Guards, Emergency services,  and or hard toil or just work related areas, etc and can be deceptively sweet at times, but that of cruel, revengeful or similar type major acts have under negative aspects at the given times came up of it as well...

Remember the Ft. Hood thing several years back?...One of many of above areas that have had events in it!...

If need use an Aries physical 1st chart which is for all of Global, and of which can apply to any country, environment, biz.or  personal chart type as well...

Basically this here applies to the most main of global and ntl, etc areas events wise, and most if avoid allowing themselves to become over agitated and maintain both their cools and civilities in the social will likely do as well as usual...

7/18 Fire/Mars day III/w...FS *#3*...GT: #32 - #34 Involve #43 Areas...Try to add the pairs within for more complete views...

Note: Had started to correct above pair but was miscalc and orig as is ok...

Ok the Moon still in Mars ruled Aries so most yet applies most of the date, then by hr w dst it enters that of the Sun aka Surya ruled Krittika nakshatra and a few hours later yet in that also enters the Venus ruled Taurus's areas in latter of hr s dst today as well...

Most know there are a lot more even of the Moon's aspects that don't list just to keep brief, but in the general of other if you want to better fathom that of the times we live in, and much of the overboard or crazy stuff in any sphere to it, you have only to look at RAHU for the source...*Basic meanings vis more than one site, *without the sign* will provide you the best correspondances and views*...

Known for causing that of many frustrations as well, so it's not all you in that, and you have plenty of company there, applying to groups and masses in the same!...

In this of what will be long time frame of Rahu be sure in communications with another or others that the other party or parties exactly understands that you try to convey, especially if questions are involved, else expect to get incorrect answers and then draw totally false conclusions in results!...

7/19 Water/Mercury day IV/wa...FS #2...GT: #59 - #20 Involve #27 Areas...Date same as month IV/wa...

Moon yet in Venus ruled Taurus areas and then in hr e dst enters that of the Moon ruled Rohini areas there also...

Moon sign conjuncts that of Venus while in sign Taurus...

 Of that the Moon in just a few main only of it's aspects also is opposing that of Saturn rx in Scorpio areas while sign squaring that of Rahu and Ketu areas...

The Moon also trining that of Virgo and Capricorn areas as well...

7/20 Wood/Jupiter day V/s...FS #1...#39 - #8 Involve #64 Areas...

Begins Western Wht Tiger areas week...

Moon in Venus ruled Taurus (same aspects) enters the Mars ruled Mrigishira nakshatra areas near end hr m begin hr cn dst then in same and in hr yo dst the Moon enters Mercury ruled Gemini areas where begins sign square to Jupiter in Virgo and Hasta nakshatra areas as well...

Moon once in Gemini trines that of Libra and Aquarius areas, etc...

On that of Rahu as a long term main influence for us, it between Aug 17 and Aug 21 Solar eclipse date *enters Cancer areas for the Total Solar eclipse timing* conjuncting yet combusted Mars there, and Venus too also enters Cancer areas around then...

Very critical and or difficult timings in major things then involving the years *Gandanta* zones in transitions between *the extremely different of Fire and Water element sign energies*...

What is a gandanta?...According to Parashara writings it's a junction point between two signs of two different nakshatra, such occurs only for fire and water signs, all the other signs have one nakshatra which bridges the two signs involved...

Some also refer to them as knots like in a rope, etc, and in other as bubbles, discontinuities or spaces between that of fire and water signs only...Symbolically they can represent many different physical things or processes, etc as well...

Mainly concerns the around 0 degree areas of fire signs and the final end degrees of water signs in that of *major* immediate and other delayed *major changes that occur in/of those transitions, and especially of things started or birthed in those zones*!...

It applies in both that of man's affairs and natural phenomena too, and often the first 48 minutes of an end degree area, though in that of Ntl or Global affairs a lot becomes more hectic and sudden natured of a 3,2 or more span in degrees concerning the 0 degree and end degree points of those, and with Rahu involved probably more so...

That was an under statement on Rahu, as it's that which is in gandanta for the total solar eclipse, had in pasts listed the many traits, char and nature of it, so if remember good and if not are many sites that cover both that of Rahu and it's role in *this extremely unique total solar eclipse*...

One you can bank on is the tremendous of smoke screens and defamations that will come up in it, and since a solar type it's said that major effects will be of delayed later types which will all relate back to the eclipse date and events of it's zone itself...

Best for each to do their own reading and observations, etc on it and that of it's effects will remain in play over time until the next one, and even so when things come back to the same degrees involved elements of them resurface!...

You can look up *Gandanta* vis search, are a fair number of sites such as the Vedic Starwheel, etc site that cover it...August 7th and *August 21st* are main immediate important dates for those!...

Normally Rahu in Cancer is pretty good, and in pasts that of other aspects and conditions for us were much better in previous total solar eclipses such as in 1999 and prior *where the same signs were involved*!...

This time though *we are already under major changes vis Rahu* unlike the prior's, so now adding in an eclipse involving it, makes that which comes up not so easily predictable, *just have to see how goes*...

Things like that of the Charley Gard baby or that which affects newborns etc are also common of the Gandanta positions...

 That of a blood clot like a bubble or knot as well...Definately hope Senator McCain does well with the other as well...

Since takes 18 years to repeat in the same signs there's a much wider zone in which that of a Solar eclipse Gandanta effects can apply, and even of Western astrology it's been said things related can start from 3 months to up to a full year prior to the actual eclipse itself!...

Anyway very important in timings so mentioned well ahead here...

Watched Ntl eve news were some very good matches, that of writings, etc of Mercury's areas are excellent activity choices for this zone...  

7/21 Metal/Venus day VI/yo...FS #9...GT: #23 - #35 Involve #2 Areas...

Moon yet in Mercury ruled Gemini type areas and enters the Rahu ruled *Ardra* nakshatra in hr y dst!...

That of Mercury itself is exactly conjuncting Rahu at pretty much the unstable of 0 degrees in Leo's areas then, so may enhance and  amplify the effects, areas of Mercury in things for awhile and beyond this date, under the following influence:

Mercury having entered the Magha nakshatra in that of Leo areas is ruled by *the Sun conjunct Mars in Cancer areas* adds in this date and beyond as well...

Ntl eve news that of police placed packages with gps on home door steps to catch thieves, an example of a rahu achievement/solution type, that *fitting with Merucy's conjunct to Rahu, and that of Moon Ardra for efforts in search aka hunting put into and as Rahu rules it*...

So a good news and App match...

7/22 Earth/Saturn day VII/sh...FS #8...GT: #11 - #5 Involve #54 Areas...

Moon yet in Mercury ruled Gemini and it's aspects, etc as were listed 21st in play for a good while in the ahead yet, and today the Moon also enters that of the Jupiter ruled PunarVasu nakshatra in hr c dst...

Moon is pretty much exactly squaring Jupiter in Hasta and Virgo areas then, and remains sign square to it until it later in hr yo dst enters Cancer areas in which it's conjuncting the Sun conjuncting Mars all in the Jupiter ruled Pushya nakshatra approaching the NM exact for the 23rd!...

As have been listed here this month that of the Moon's daily transits are minus the overhead physicals and so reflect purely the Moon's timing here but in the Global itself as well, and in that can apply to all hexagram pairs here...

Since Rahu very dominant in all for us for a long, long time picked a *very well done youtube (tm) video* that gives you an idea of it's manifests in different signs for the interested...

After the Video you'll find the comments left there by others, helpful as well...

New Moon aka Lunar month:

7/23 Sun day IX/t...FS #7...GT All Countries: #21 - #51 Involve #39 Areas...

US Exact: #64 - #35 Involve #63 Areas...

China/FE: #21 - #38 Involve #39 Areas...

Images Posted 7/23...

NM Moon in Cancer and Saturn ruled Pusya nakshatra conjuncts the Sun there, and that NM conjuncting Mars there as well...

Those trine the Scorpio and Pisces areas...

The Moon rules Cancer but combusted, and the Sun rules that of Rahu conjunct Mercury in Leo areas and Ketu in Aqaurius rules the Magha nakshatra areas the latter in...

Some other but initially kept simple to the most main and brief...

Pointed at a positive Merc/Rahu App in 21st's and a lot can be like that, but also are a lot these days who get too carried away with ill sides of Mercury's areas in things too since they and Ketu sign square that of Saturn rx in Scorpio areas yet...

In other for us expect *Rahu in of Leo* type areas a strong main, with likely Libra areas ruled by Venus in Taurus areas as another, and the prior mentioned of Scorpio's areas with Saturn Rx *are all quite main through our year*...

Moon enters the Mercury ruled Alesha nakshatra in hr h...

May add later in the period...

7/24 Moon day IX/t...FS #6...GT: #32 - #34 Involve #43 Areas...

Moon same this day and early night enters that of Leo type areas in hr sh dst and the Ketu ruled Magha nakshatra areas then, conjuncting that of Rahu conjunct Mercury areas there as well and on into the next date...

7/25 Fire/Mars day X/c...[FS *#5*]...GT: #59 - #20 Involve #27 Areas...

Moon in Sun ruled Leo areas carrying fwd from yesterday and enters that of the Venus ruled PurvaPhalungi nakshatra in hr yo dst this eve...

On that of Moon in current sign dates aside using the Aries physical 1st for global which mainly shows that of events and activities plus and minus in which actions, etc can be taken, there is another alternative some may like...

That is simply to use the current date's Moon sign as the physical 1st house, and add other placements in their respective sign/bhavas...

That type gives you a very  basic *What will happen chart type*, that applies for global, masses, large areas, and locals anywhere in global much like our hexagram pairs themselves...

Where that of entering nakshatras start in eve or nights then you blend the charts as often the prior date applies as well, again somewhat like our hexagram pairs...

In those you eval placements by their bhavas, signs and nakshatras and their aspects at the time... 

You may find it helpful to include the Outers of Uranus in Aries (Ashwini nakshatra), Neptune in Rx in Aquarius (Satabistha nakshatra), and Pluto Rx in Saggitarius (Purvashadha nakshatra)...

 A bit different while most characters and traits are used those do not rule any signs in Vedic, they directly influence the nodes instead...

 In short example that of Uranus for past few days or more has been in sharp square with the Sun conjunct Mars in Cancer type areas, and that they ruled in Leo areas, etc...

Explains some of the jolts and sudden which the nodes (*Rahu* and Ketu) have also *always represented*, as well as certain areas beyond the signs in by the nakshatras as well, and in further some of the volatile and stubborn in mindsets as well...Major subject in that which if you study from other areas than here you'll find pretty relevant in these times...

Some since last year during campaigns and then in this one from January on when Uranus re-entered Aries to stay, covers a lot of the new pioneering in some areas that gets implemented by and in Rahu areas at times as well...

Ok of that method gave, one has to realize that's a freeze frame or an imperfect way of looking at a date in global, etc, and you do have to allow for some variations in interpreting it...

However for that of global and the other of masses, large areas, etc had indicated of it, it  in general gists works pretty well...

In another example: About the time it came out in news articles last night that Senator McCain had announced he'd be making the journey to Wash, DC (a long distance trip) *the Moon was just entering Leo and using that as a physical put Uranus in 9th type areas then and for this date...

Besides the squares yet in play had mentioned, that of the Moon was exact conjunct Rahu and Mercury *then*, and trined that of Uranus as well, and of signs remains so today...

Anyway if you pop all that into a Aries physical global potential activities and actions chart also, it fits in that overall perspective quite well too, plus consider the involved nakshatras and there should always be good matches....

In the abrupt:

Overseas US Naval vessel had to after other means failed fire warning shots at an Iranian patrol boat to stop it's advance...

Was other in comm vis NK today also...

A vote to move fwd to begin debate to alter current ntl healthcare passed this date... 

Goes more with the exact of Sun conjuncting Mars in Cancer areas which are yet somewhat squared by Uranus today and more so the various in Leo which it rules of Mercury and Rahu, and Moon in Leo...

Then Venus which Saturn was opposing is in the final end degree of Taurus and enters the Gemini areas sometime tomorrow morning...Venus in the Mrigasira nakshatra ruled by Mars...Moon still in Leo areas then...

That of Sun and Mars in Cancer areas play leap frog and pretty much stay conjunct for a good while...

Jupiter in Mercury ruled Virgo areas and the Hasta nakshatra is slowly forming tight square with the Jupiter ruled Sag areas with Pluto Rx in the Venus ruled Purvashadha nakshatra there...

Hasta has some good qualities such as skills or things involving hands, and since Moon rules pretty much everyday something of Jupiter areas...

 Moon Leo enters the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni nakshatra in hr yo dst evening this date...

7/26 Water/Mercury day I/y...FS #4...GT:#39 - #8 Involve #64 Areas...

Moon Leo enters the Sun ruled Uttaraphalguni nakshatra in hr yo evening this date...

All placements and couple examples were mentioned prior, so can chill here now as think most who want to can visualize that of any main moon aspects to a date for awhile now...

Looks like there was a reversal or move in the other direction on yesterday's vote also late yesterday the Senate...

Nothing new here, will keep adding the short Moon sign, etc each date so any per methods listed, any can roll there own charts for timings purposes, and will note when things move into other signs, new aspects formed etc here as well...
The latter healthcare  repeal and repeal and replace votes occured in this Venus ruled Nakshtra...

7/27 Wood/Jup day FS *#3*...GT: #23 - #35 Involve #2 Areas...

Begins week of Southern Red Phoenix cardinal areas...

The Moon enters Mercury ruled Virgo sign areas in hr t dst this date with that of Mercury in Leo and the Sun ruled Magha nakshatra...

Then much later in eve the Moon enters the Moon ruled Hasta nakshtra conjuncting Jupiter there in again hr yo dst...

Dropping back a bit always many different types of matches but one very interesting one coccured when the Moon was in Leo...

Using the Moon sign Leo as the physical 1st puts Cancer in 12th house areas, and aside other of minus or ill sides going with those areas, some also teach that where the Sun (rules) Leo is conjunct Mars in the 12th that *produces types who are very effective in a fiery, sometimes explosive and always competitive way in turning around that of losses or enemies, etc and that do well in international positions as well...

Sun and Mars may be in other signs as long as it's the 12th areas they're in, that is one of the traits...

Leaks are like losses and 12th areas involve hidden things...

That of the new White House Communications director publicly came up while the Moon was in Leo which makes a very good match to that, and fits the what happens meaning of these chart types as well!...

Were some new Ambassador assignments in that zone as well...

That of the lead and or compete win traits which goes with that aspect aside other negatives would apply in any house in their areas too....

In today's that of the Jupiter square Pluto effects were pretty noteable as well...

That type chart global so likely was some similar in other countries too...

7/28 Metal/Venus day III/cn...FS #2...GT: #11 - #5 Involve #54 Areas...

Moon yet in Mercury ruled Virgo today and later in hr yo dst exact conjuncts Jupiter, afterwards in hr sh dst it then enters the Mars ruled Chitra nakshatra...

7/29 Earth/Saturn day IV/e...FS #1...GT: #10 - #58 Involve #37 Areas...

Moon same yesterday but then enters Venus ruled Libra areas in yet the Mars ruled Chitra nakshatra in hr cn dst this am...

Then in late hr sh and night Moon enters the Rahu ruled Svati nakshatra...

7/30 Sun day V/w...FS #9...GT: #49 - #31 Involve #44 Areas...

Moon remains in Venus ruled Libra areas, and the Rahu ruled Svati nakshatra this date...

Just Blog:

Post late have had in new development extreme pain difficulties with *left rear and leg sciatic nerve* since last sunday which had also followed 5 plus days in a row of searing back pain!...

Couldn't sit straight and lift hands to type last night, that rough!...

Need to get pain killer immediately reset back to the original doseage, can't continue to handle long duration intense pain episodes like this!...

*Currently have to use walker 100% and walk with my upper body parallel to floor so the spine does not pull on the left buttock, else extreme pain jolts clear to the bottom of foot*...

Had spoke to a VA Dr friday who said *was nothing could do for the sciatic nerve problem*, so toughing it out!...

Hadn't been able to go outside or even make it to the car since last Monday, and prior to taking full original dosage of pain killer today 2 pills instead of 1, took me over an hour of manipulating body to get out of the bed was excruciating and sopped with sweat in doing!...

Add Insert []:

[Was progressive as pain had increased day by day in that wore me down, and now today with original dosage is going better no pain thus far, but have to use walker only yet as left leg does want to drop out when shift weight to it, so maybe a few more days will hopefully get back to my norm as long as don't do much]...

Just hope don't have a problem in getting them to reset pain killer back to original dose, *as can't handle aka manage it any other way*, tried adding Advil yesterday but didn't get it...

So as of today taking 2 of the lower 1/2 doseage pain killer, and so far able to sit straight and type without pain at least!...

Anyway if posts stop here, you'll know why...

Any who do full checks of the Moon sign physical chart type will find they match the main events quite well...


7/31 Moon day VI/wa...FS #8...GT: #21 - #38 Involve #39 Areas...

Moon yet in Libra and enters the Jupiter ruled Visakha nakshatra in hr t dst of day start...

In evening *hr sh* dst Moon enters Mars ruled Scorpio areas yet in the Visakha nakshatra for remainder of the date...

In Moon sign chart for *hr sh* also have Venus in Mercury ruled Gemini 8th type areas squaring that of Jupiter in Virgo 11th areas then, and where Mercury conjunct Rahu in Outer 10th areas rules the Gemini 8th areas then!...Noteable for full range of Moon in Scorpio areas...

While Moon was in Libra, Venus was in Gemini 9th areas square Jupiter in Virgo 12th losses areas was that of hacks, and the $590,000 plus Iphone thieves, etc!...

On Moon Libra and the Svati nakshatra then President Putin was right about the timing, as Libra social relational, cultural, legal, justice, including state departments or ministries, embassies and business etc partnerships areas and more, and then the symbol for Svati is the Sword...In that instance Rahu ruler can represent the King, Marching armies and much other as well...

Might compare that too the most recent in WH changes as well...

[*If you use the date's Moon sign as physical 1st for charts*, you'll in full view aka full vedic eval within that chart type also find things of your own Moon sign will match up *at times* as well...Adding your physical 1st ascendent sign within that helpful as well...

A view to your own day's potential activities and any major actions you do take often show up within the date's Moon sign physical 1st chart...

Full view means signs, sign rulers, nakshatras, nakshatra rulers, and *aspects* at *0*, 1, 2, *4*, 5, *7* and *10* signs away from using including your moon sign, etc *as the reference* within the current Moon sign date chart!..* * emphasized as hard angled dynamic tensional aspect types]...

Look up what you need too, and you'll probably be quite surprised as the dates go by...

Back stuff had started afternoon the 17th and then had maybe half to a day reprieve when it eased and the left leg sciatic nerve began it's jolts, going back to original pain killer dosage finally brought the pain under control yesterday:

Today the left leg was yet bit sore but not severely painful last night as it was prior, and *is still to a very weak side and wobly today using the walker, lower back feels bruised from all that as well, so going out itself is a definite no for awhile*, did catch up on really needed sleep and waking up with leg fully relaxed was great...

Had canceled and asked for a given appt on tuesday to be reset friday, called the area where appt was to be kept, had already discussed with the person (Dr) who had requested the appt, but at appt area got no voice confirm as only their voice mail message system was available when called mid day or afternoon on friday, got to check that again, and with only 7 days left using original dosage call in on that as well today...

Think accomplished both the latter, though resetting the Scan appt is in question yet, selected reschedule on phone system, but that tells you to call the involved area for that, which had already did last friday, anyway did today as well, and again and all one gets is their voice mail system, no real person to talk too, so again left a message needed the appt rescheduled at least a week or more out, and will just hope that works out!...

8/1 Fire/Mars day VII/s...FS #7...GT: #32 - #40 Involve #43 Areas...

Moon in *Mars ruled Scorpio physical 1st areas* which has been conjuncting that of Saturn Rx in Scorpio within the [*Mercury (All areas)* ruled Jyestha areas as well*], and this date the Moon transitions from the Visakha Nakshatra to that of the *Saturn ruled Anuradha nakshatra* in hr c dst for even more emphasis of Saturns areas in this date also...

That of the Moon is sign trining to Sun conjunct Mars in Cancer 9th type areas and the Saturn ruled Pusya nakshatras areas there also and *sign squaring the [Mercury sign conjunct Rahu in Leo 10th Outer areas]* and Ketu in Aquarius 4th type areas as well...

That's what had meant by full view of a basic chart and you can for ease initially simplify by leaving the nakshatras and their rulers out, and on a second take add them in...

You do the same thing with a date's Moon sign chart *from the position your own Moon sign appears in it*, if you want to know something of your tribes (sign) day as well...

Will often apply in your own too, note the aspects to your Moon sign and their positions within the current date's Moon sign physical chart...

Not perfect but in a way is quite neat, as one's race and nationality, etc does not apply, and is the same for any of the same sign...

Say your Moon sign is Pisces then today that's in 5th house type areas for within the date some actions, events or activities it's ruler is Jupiter which is in 11th house areas today so those connect as well, then Jupiter is in the Hasta nakshatra so areas of it, and it's ruler the Moon in Scorpio physical 1st areas as well...

More as Venus in Gemini 8th areas squaring Jupiter's add in as well...Further Scorpio's areas are ruled by Mars so the Sun conjunct Mars in Cancer 9th areas rules it and applies also, and then the Moon in Scorpio squaring Mercury conjunct Rahu in Leo 10th Outer events applies as well...

So within the normal of Moon in a sign for 2.5 days *those will apply to those born of Moon sign Pisces* and things of Pisces areas, while the Moon is in Scorpio...

Means it's extremely likely something main in some of those areas will apply for those and things of the Pisces Moon sign...

You can do for any other birth, etc sign in the same way as well...

Just Blog:

They did acknowledge today on the Appt and was able to reschedule as needed...

Recounted my pills had erred was only enough for *almost* 4 days at original dosage had used for a decade, so had to back down to the very marginal fringe of 1/2 dosage until recieve the full dosage requested...

Is a bit scary as keeps me at the threhold of all fireing up again, so hope gets by, even at original dosage if was too much activity it had fired up in pasts so have to be very, very careful!...

Had tried the 1/2 dosage *which never covered any 12 hour period*, rather about 2 hours out would become bit feverish as back heated up and feel quite weak (would want to sleep) prior to the time to take the next pill, *put up with that for over 2 months!*...

Kept outings down as much as possible, but all caught up to me from afternoon the 17th on, which you already know, and same last night when took only the half dose, after which could still feel the back as raw, bit heated and the lower left leg upper calf was quite sore as well as the left buttock, the Leg was marginal as the sciatic nerve didn't fully fire, *but is borderline on wanting too*...

So have to be *extremely careful* until do have the original dosage restored and on hand, and just hope all doesn't fire up on me again in between!...

8/2 Water/Mercury day VIII/yo...FS #6...GT: #59 - #6 Involve #27 Areas...

Moon Scorpio areas conjuncting Saturn Rx enters the Mercury ruled Jyestha nakshatra which Saturn Rx is within also near the end of hr y dst this date...

Aspects of those covered yesterday...

Besides of Moon conjuncting Saturn Rx in Scorpio were matches for things of the Pisces 5th areas and Moon sign births and other yesterday and in the ongoing...This chart type is very useful for other areas as well covering anywhere in general... 

Ok add a point that of Venus in Mercury ruled Gemini 8th areas *is in the Rahu ruled *Ardra* nakshatra* and that squaring the Jupiter in Hasta of Virgo areas!...

Further explains the tone/natures in/of some issues and events, and definately in some of those affecting the Pisces 5th areas in this Scorpio Moon phase...

That of the Venus aspect also rules the Libra 12th and Taurus 7th areas in the Scorpio Moon zone as well...

A lot in Afghanistan followed things right in step was when in yet Moon Libra Monday a Car bombing outside an embassy there and in Moon Scorpio a Black Hawk shot down, and in today of in Libra 12th areas, the UN a very legal type structure an attack on a UN convy there as well...

That of the Sun and Mars in Cancer 9th areas of Moon Scorpio, has recently been and currently vis positions more of a Mars conjunct Sun aspect now, with more of the assert, compete, win mode sides to it!...

This time a once around of examples and in other Moon signs will leave for you to examine...

Just Blog: 

On the Appt call the other day was very relieved and saw nothing negative in it, the person apologized for the delay but they made it under the wire, were courteous, concerned and caring and that needed to be done, got done...

Due to overloads pretty sure they have to handle two or more roles in their work so easy for things to be a bit delayed in one, and also of Govt areas there are always such things as staff meetings and or mandantory classes to take at times which can throw schedulings, etc off...So saw it all as perfectly normal, and it did work out fine...

8/3 Wood/Jupiter day IX/sh...[FS *5*]...GT: #39 - #15 Involve #64 Areas...

Begins week of the Eastern Grn Dragon cardinal areas...

Moon yet in Scorpio areas and exacting conjunct to Saturn Rx there, then in hr cn dst the *Moon transitions to the Jupiter ruled *Sag* areas, and within Sag the Ketu ruled Moola (Mula) nakshatra areas of it for the remainder of this date...

Placements and most aspects the same just different house positions, and Mercury in Leo has exited the Magha nakshatra and in that of the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni nakshatra areas there now...

Moon in Sag as physical will be squaring the Jupiter in Virgo and Hasta areas in Outer 10th type areas, and Opposing that of Venus in Gemini and Ardra of 7th type areas!... 

Predominant in today's was Mercury in Leo 9th areas sign square Saturn Rx in Scorpio 12th areas...Mars conjuncting Sun in Cancer 8th areas sign trined the Saturn Rx in Scorpio areas as well...

The dates 4th and 5th aka sooksma sets things up and prasna event, result dasa was Me/Sa then...Mercury ruling Jupiter in Virgo Outer events and Venus in Gemini 7th areas, while Saturn Rx ruling the Capricorn 2nd and Aquarius 3rd activities including news, etc *anywhere then*...

Other of today applied too, but main announcements of forming a grand jury vis Russia stuff came up when Overhead rising sign (ascendent) was Scorpio which is of 12th type pasts, hidden, etc areas in the current Sag Moon physical chart...  

8/4 Metal/Venus day X/h...FS #4...GT: #23 - #2 Involve #2 Areas...

Moon remains in Jupiter ruled *Sag 1st* areas and enters the Venus ruled of Purvashadha nakshatra areas in hr e dst prior to noon here this date...

Moon sign square Jupiter in Virgo 10th and the Moon ruled Hasta nakshatra...

Moon sign Opposes Venus in Gemini 7th in the Rahu ruled Ardra nakshatra...

Moon Opposite opposing Venus a main aspect most would use today *in the simplified of use, interpretations*...

Using Virupas aka points 0 - 60 that which constitues planetary aspects in Vedic astrology:

Today's actual planetary aspects on Venus are Moon, , Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu (total 5) with Mercury's negligible and the rest significant...

Today's actaul planetary aspects from Venus are to the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu (total 8) with the Sun, Mars, and Rahu neglible and the other significant...

So you can see Venus affects, influences those other house areas in which it makes significant 50% or better aspects too as part of today's events!...

Not all softwares will show the full listings of such and have other feature focus's instead...

Quite a difference...So for refined and a complete understanding of things a Graha carries, influences and affects at any time that of Graha (called planetary aspects) in terms of points makes for the superior in evaluation...

Most do use the simplified for the quick and uncumborsome of assessments, and that's quite ok, as long as you realize there are also other aspects at work that can more fully describe given occurences from the produced of their added interactions...

I simplified in the initial when described Moon squaring Jupiter, that's actually pretty weak and it's that of Jupiter squaring aka dynamically influencing the Moon which is the much stronger!...

The latter definately agreed the initial of most main of events yesterday for us, which was the influenced of our Outer events (By Jupiter in 10th areas) of the Gov and Public areas type...

Even here *won't list all those aspects* just making you aware there's always more to the story of aspects, but while Moon in Sag that of the Venus square Jupiter and Jupiter square Moon are the most main aspects of events in, under the Sag Moon sign...Aside Moon Opposite Venus and vice versa...

Just Blog: Well still can't walk well without the walker now, and though can some by cane the left leg is too the wobbly side wants to cave some, and dangerous beyond very short walk even in the home, not sure if will clear up or not and mainly use the walker yet...

In this state using the cane alone puts a great deal more pressure on the lower back than before, so walking distance even more reduced, and will fire the back up much more easily now!...

Makes going anywhere pretty rough at the moment as normally of anything involving what for me is long distances in big places just used cane till got to a go cart or wheelchair if wife with me, but stuck with walker and having to leave it for the other is more complicated?...

8/5 Earth/Saturn day I/t...Jump FS #9...GT: #11 - #46 Involve #54 Areas...

Moon yet in Jupiter ruled Sag areas, and enters *the Sun ruled Uttarashadha nakshatra areas in begin hr wa dst this date*...

Later in eve/night and in hr sh dst the Moon yet in same nakshatra enters Saturn ruled Capricorn type areas...

Aside the Capricorn Moon sign physical then in add: The overhead physical at that time will be of Saturn ruled *Aquarius areas* also and *in the Mars ruled Dhanishtha nakshatra for the initial starts only*...

The Sun is in 8th Cancer areas and being conjuncted by debilitated Mars there while Moon in Sag then tonight *when and while Moon in Capricorn that will be in 7th areas of the Capricorn physical Moon chart itself*, or of 6th areas if you wish to use the Aquarius Overhead physical chart then or for the duration also...

Used lower level dasa's other day as both softwares agreed, normally use Parashara for the more physical...All aspects here are of Parashara type, the primary system all use...

A second more refined type of aspect system can be used with or singularly referred to as Jaimini which uses sign aspects instead and of dailies here or in any's dina (daily) varshaphala chart *the Atmakaraka* is at this time *Saturn*!...

In that system and of daily chart type your using, Saturn Rx in Scorpio fixed sign would be aspecting the Capricorn, Aries, and Cancer cardinal signs...

So *the main houses life areas* Saturn as the AtmaKaraka influences and affects would be of those signs and anything in them at a given time instead...

Such does add additional details that accurately represent one's issues, events and timings as well...

Just mention as normally stay brief here with the Parashara type only, but some may wish to check  and explore that of the jaimini system as well...

In prior years and months spent most of my time perfecting the timed Wwg hexagram pairs we use here, and now work more at the Vedic type for the challenge and something to do...

Find the Varshaphal(a) aka Solar return year, month, day charts very accurate as far as what of main comes up for one, and by knowing, one knows what to avoid or be wary of in choices or to take advantage of where positive...

There one by choices can alter some of the specifics or that of their nature in some specifics to avoid harsher results in some areas, while taking advantage of the positive, something wished had known much earlier...

8/6 Sun day II/c...FS #8...GT: #10 - #25 Involve #37 Areas...

Moon in Saturn ruled Capricorn enters the Moon ruled Sravanna nakshatra in begins hr s dst this date...

Jupiter the guide has entered the Mars ruled Chitra nakshatra of Virgo areas now...

Tomorrow begins the Solar month of the Yang earth Monkey...


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