Friday, September 8, 2017

Sep 7 Solar month of the Yin Earth Rooster.

Please do refer to August's blog for ongoing of NM lunar month pairs and their trackings yet...

Full Moon:

9/6 Water/Mercury day III/s...FS #7...GT: #32 - #28 Involve #43 Areas...

Moon in Saturn ruled Aquarius exacts as for the Full Moon in the 2nd half hr c dst this date, then while yet there in hr c also enters that of the Jupiter ruled Puvabhadrapada nakshatra...

Wasn't planning on saying much but some paint correctly and yet incorrectly this nakshatra through it's positives without specifying that it's an Ugra type aka *very fierce, cruel and of fiery temperments type*...

Means that some individuals born in it have and must learn how to control their darker and naturally fiery and very agressive sides...Some especially younger or the more mental of people *tend to fire up under this nakshatra as well*...

That as it's a nakshatra of great passions, and that of extremism and extremists for some in doing only what they want, journeying to the beat of an entirely different drum specifically desiring at times to take a uniquely different path than others...

Besides Jupiter in main other refining influences depending on the degrees born of it are that of *Mars*, Venus, Mercury and the Moon which goes with several different characters of it, and adds specialization into the things they like and or as careers choose to do...

Any running dasas including them will give them emphasis at those times, and *when the Moon in this nakshatra *anyone* running dasas of those at the 4th Sooksma and 5th Prana levels *will tend to experience emotionally or physically* the nature and effects of this nakshatra at this time!...

All of those likes or career areas fit within mainly the sign of Aquarius's traits and areas and toward nakshatra ends that of the Pisces sign areas as well...

Due to Aquarius very intellectual or mental sides, etc couple famous persons who had grahas in that nakshatra and conquered it's dark sides in differences career wise are Mary Tyler Moore, Albert Einstein, and Astronaut aka Officer aka Engineer and Aviator Neil Armstrong also!...

On the Pisces side that of *greatly visualitive and imaginative types aka the Visionary* of which Albert Einstien being one by having the brillance and power of the Sun in that nakshatra area, could of gifts visualize that of celestial bodie's gravity concepts and other laws associated the solar system and universe, etc...

Aiding his Sun there was that of the Nakshatra ruler Jupiter in which the Sun was placed which in turn aside of Expansions in that of large, huge areas and things has other main important traits are to do with gaining that of *Understandings and Wisdoms* in things and teaching that in various forms....

So he had the capacity to visualize things on that of large, huge and grand scales, further the Sun conjuncted his Mercury lending it's power there as well...

It actually has a double influence of Jupiter as that's Pisces ruler as well, so he would have been really a Super Visionary at that!...  

Even when combust Mercury being so close to the Sun anyway it's well used to and adjusts to that so still functions quite well...

The fact that it ruled his Gemini ascendent also gave him excellent math abilities, skills as well as the ability to articulate info, data in his communications, articles and writings on areas he specialized in as well...  

Believe that chart came from one of the courses had taken or a database of such on the net, had ran and saved it in Parashara lite several years back but does appear very accurate, and of other birthcharts from same sources, some directly know as well, and other within Parashara lite also are *all quite accurate*...

Is of my in the quick analysis though...

More to it but enough to get the basic picture and idea there...

Are a good number of very famous and highly skilled types with birth grahas in that nakshatra, but in the other direction is also that of the fierce or cruel in thugs, thieves and of the criminal element in types, etc too...

The hexagram here reveals the inner tnedency towards that of extremes and extremisms they must hard learn to conquer or use in proper non conflictual work, service or arts type ways!... 

[In the natural it's a *Loud Stormy type*, and associates fierce storms of all types as well!]...

Anyway for the Full Moon frame that of the Aquarius 1st Physical is it's global chart, and Hurricaine Irma a definite match...

In starts just prior exacting of full moon itself:

Hurricaine eye aka landfall over Barbuda island E of Puerto Rico:

Time there, Antigua and Puerto Rico running same as ours...

The NWS listed that as 1:47am...So hr t dst here:

It clashed pair Wht 4th Kw star areas turning into Ph water star killback...Took roof off police station per multiple news sources...

Hr t also bonded the Red (Alarms, fiery) 1st Things at or under surfaces and in begins of Gc earth star objects, material etc areas for landfall of today's pair then...

A Gemini type physical in the *Ardra* nakshatra ruled by Rahu, and under Mercury conjunct Mars in Leo 3rd environments areas in it's case then...Big stuff Jupiter in their 4th home, roots areas then...

To any in begins wanting a better explanation to understand the signifcance of that:

Mars is the natural ruler of 8th (Origninally of Scorpio sign) type sudden changes and dangers, life threats, etc areas, so that conjunction shows the nature of the hurricaine in that...

Further Mars is the Karaka for 3rd house environments, close by, expressions areas so it did count very strongly being positioned there!...

Then Saturn is the significator aka Karaka for 8th type areas and any Karaka is very important in gauging or judgeing any given bhava (house) for quality and nature for activities areas in it at a given time...

Saturn in this landfall chart is in Scorpio 6th type areas amongst other is  also a house of loss, vandals, and enemies, and the hurricaine being the natural enemy in this case...

That of Saturn itself as a Karaka also rules that of 8th house type areas aka the changes and dangers there then!...Says what it says...  

Then of our current full moon period *global* Aquarius Moon sign physical 1st areas Moon sign chart obviously not good of the sudden changes type since Jupiter (big stuff) is in the 8th dangers, etc areas of it as well...

Aquarius Moon yet in the Jupiter ruled Purvabhadrapada nakshatra but *will enter Moon sign Pisces type areas* in the 2nd half of hr sh (21:30) dst tonight...

So if wish set/draw or *rotate* your global moon sign charts for that of Pisces Physical 1st areas next few...

In checks afterwards noticed that of the physical for the hurricaine landfall this date was the same as the physical for Albert Einstein's chart which also was in Rahu ruled Ardra nakshatra too, and a unusual surprise that would have posted two charts having the same physical on the same date here for sure, but in other they do have very different placements for the other grahas (planets, etc)...

Solar month of the Yin Earth (VI) Rooster (yo):

9/7 Wood/Jupiter day IV/yo...FS #6...GT: #59 - *#29* Involve #27 Areas...

SM US Exact #9 - #61 Involve #38 Areas....

[Both #9 and #61 have went with hurricaines in the pasts!

Then #38 with Earthquakes as well!...

On various dates hr's t,c, e, s, h, cn and yo should make for some significant timings]...

Pairs posted at top, China/FE's is in simul and on their Sep 7 for the pair exacts, the uppers difference to our's vis lunar day difference, but they use the 8th as the first full day of month yo...

Then on the Joy Outcomes remember that can aside enthusiams represent that of strong or ardent passions in causes or things...

Begins week of the Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal areas...

Moon in Jupiter ruled Pisces areas and in 2nd half of hr c (03:27) dst, will enter that of it's Saturn ruled Uttaradrapada areas...

It pairs with the previous nakshatra and you can look up info's on, going with it and sub to Saturn is that of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars which further refine nature and activities or career areas depending on the degree one's graha is in it at birth...As the moon traverses it things of their areas within the nakshatra come up...

Does share some traits of the previous nakshatra but in theo of a higher class of people vis wealth, social positions or leaderships areas since Saturn ruled is more disciplined but can lend to the cruel or bordering on that in some in areas they hold command or sway over, has some Ardra traits to it as well, and then in the norm represents many types of interests or vocations in Pisces under Jupiter than in particular of Saturn and it's sub areas given..

Most videos do cover those refined of ones interests or career activities areas quite well!...

The previous nakshatra has a burning, scorching nature to it initially and how most first understand it's effects as usually applies as a slow anger that builds and later erupts over some previous issue in relationships that one has, and especially at times for individuals when their Mars dasa is running at the time...If included at the 4th and 5th levels you'll definately know it and be pretty energized at the very least!...

Much bigger effects seen in that of nature's stuff which man tends to mimic as well...

Updated some of the prior just a bit, prefer analyzing charts as opposed to tossing on things and still working at improving interpretive abilities even further these days...

Looks like they firmed up on Florida for landfall or hit on Sunday, that will be in *Mars ruled Aries and the Venus ruled Fierce Bharani nakshatra mentioned as runs most of the 10th itself*...

Hard to picture but if it hit earlier on the 10th at the tail end of Ashwini and begins in Bharani you'd have near the exact same time and chart as for Barbuda landfall?...In terms of calced for US itself that is, may be some small difference in degrees for Florida area hit itself...A good time for US itself as a country for reference though...

Then Moon yet in Mars ruled Aries enters the Sun ruled Krittika nakshatra the 11th and later that date the Moon yet in the Krittika nakshatra enters sign Taurus areas as well...

On the 12th the Moon in sign Taurus will have already entered the Moon ruled Rohini nakshatra areas for the date...

Just Blog:

Some things didn't mention other day on Mars and the chart for the Barbuda landfall:

Mainly on Mars specifically as the Karaka for the 3rd house areas and in which it was at time of landfall there...

One rule regarding that of Karaka's *being in the house that it produces*, says it's inauspacious and will bring harm there instead...

Vis their Prime minister's statement their island was reduced to rubble, over 90% of the properties there were damaged with an estimated of 20 - 30% of them totally damaged, and more...

How much so would depend upon other factors, but in understatement that's a pretty solid example of where the other placements weren't helpful at that time...

In personal charts with Mars in their 3rd house while it can give them great energy there, they are also more subject to accidents in short journies (local) and in activities close by and on their property close to the home itself as well, then they will have a tendency to be too abrupt, coarse or forceful in their communications and to younger siblings, etc *with a lot also depending on the sign those 3rd areas are in*...

It also may give them great courage as well, which can work to their plus or minus in things...

Other factors in some chart can temper the effects down, and most or some at some point in their adult lives learn how to tone down or deal with those areas better as well...

You can find further info and positive sides also on/in youtube (tm) video's areas and of many written articles on the net too...

Found all those initial 2pm times unusual as for Miami, Savannah, and Charleston from the 10th through the 12th all result in a Saturn in Scorpio Physical...

9/8 Metal/Venus day V/sh...[FS *#5*]...GT: #39 - #63 Involve #64 Areas...

Hr's cn, e are currently empty aka the voids at this time...

Moon yet in Jupiter ruled Pisces 1st areas and enters the Mercury ruled Revati nakshatra areas in the 2nd half of hr c dst this date...

Jupiter and Saturn associates it as well, it's symbol the fishes and interestingly enough considering toss it goes with both that of spiritual and material wealth as well...

A general current info's 6 coin toss on Hurricaine Irma relative Florida today yields:

#14 - #26 Involve #43 areas...

Has a Blk 4th Byo metal star areas rebirthed produced back changes line, which bonds to the Date clashed active Wht 3rd *Void Pcn earth star* Physical areas...

Also has a Grn 5th Pwa earth star to Yel 1st Kt water star link...

Then a Red 6th Object line *Void Re fire star areas* linked to Gry 2nd Locals Gy wood star areas too....

Hr h would have clashed the Re star for changes and bonded the Gy star link and went with the Cuba activity then...

Seems to show all options plus that of current Ntl and Global views in the $ scenes as well....

Feel free to lookup, draw, expand and examine trigrams and line star stuff, etc...

*Hr sh* 8pm-10pm dst same this dates timed pair Grn 5th Psh stars, and clashed Yel 1st Pcn changes star and fire bonded it's and a locals Gm hider star *forming R star manifests*: Then local car accident here, and likely other different stuff globally...   

Both hr's sh and h would have went with the Mexico hurricaine Katie and or Northern? Cuba Hurricaine Irma hit stuff...

9/9 Earth/Saturn day VI/h...FS #4...GT: #23 - #4 Involve #2 Areas...

Dangers timings and interactives associated Re and Rw fire stars...

Hr's m and tonight sh again form fire bond for R star stuff of today's pair as well...

Moon yet in Pisces and Revati nakshatra until several minutes after hr c dst begins in which the Moon enters the Mars ruled sign of Aries, and the Ketu ruled Ashwaini nakshatra...

Aside Ketu it's timing ruler that of Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon and of activities, traits, etc they represent, also associate to/with this nakshatra...
For the last half of hr t just prior to those changes the Moon is in Gandanta in going from a water to fire sign... 

 * : Worst dates for US areas can include other than hurricaine...

Other worst hours for those dates which again *can apply to other than hurricaine* are hr's t, m, and w dst global US areas, though you can consider those bonding them which agrees with most *the Authorities specifically show for the hurricaine itself!*....

Did another general 3 coin toss on Hurricaine Irma relative Florida for tomorrow, leave to the interested to examine for now, note the names compared to tomorrows timed pair...

#19 - #11 Involve #24...

Will note the results of both tosses later tomorrow....

9/10 Sun day VII/t...FS *#3*...GT: #11 - #19 Involve #54 Areas...

Dangers timings and interactives associated Ry and Rm stars...

Direct dangers same as R star type...

Indirect Interactives for dangers as well:

All in dst here includes global as well...

Hr cn in am same as physical, and oppositie at night hr sh clashes the physical and fire bonds the Blk 2nd locals resultant Rm star areas...

Hr h clashes Pe fire star areas and bonds Blk 2nd locals Ry star areas...

Hr s bonds the Pe fire stars and clashes the Blk 2nd locals Ry star for R star advance to Rm star areas...

Moon in Mars ruled Aries and enters the Venus ruled Bharani nakshtra in 2nd half hr t dst and of it's transit that of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars type areas, activities can apply within and under it's areas as well...

Inittial landfall 9:10 am hr cn dst lower Florida Keys but not in/to main land Florida state itself yet...

A Virgo Physical with Mars ruled Jupiter (Big stuff) there, and *Saturn in Scorpio 3rd type areas* with Mercury conjunct Mars and that conjunct Sun in Leo 12th type areas then...

Moon Aries ruled by Mars in Leo 12th and that of Fierce Bharani nakshatra's Venus in Cancer 11th and Mercury in Leo 12th then with the Moon itself in Aries 8th type areas there then...  

Also prior that and just after 6am dst hr m, the NHC issued an Extremely dangerous and life threatening warning aka same the Rm stars...Leo areas as above were in the Physical there then...

 That landfall goes with both tosses and timed's physical: Same the Pcn star Physical of the first toss, and of the Bc star changes advancing to Bcn star areas of 2nd toss!...

Some can now see why I give a focus to *the 3rd type areas in a personal chart* just from the couple of recent  landfall timings that were noted here...

Some here may have not liked the written prior of Mars in Personal 3rd type areas, but tough beans as it's a fact if you have malefic's there and there are no other chart cancelling factors for that, then that's the way it is *until the later of adulthoods*, even so ignoring their abrasives sides they do have some other positive aka beneficial traits for hands, certain work areas or careers, and or of supervisory areas in them, etc in spite!...

While at it, some spazzed on the prior of some mal sides to the Purvadrapada nakshatra and again tough beans as is a fact that *some few* will unfortunately capitalize on them, but of in bulk not, matchings were that of Crimes family areas that surfaced as events in the news then...

Then  further it and the paired Uttaradrapada nakshatra go with Spies and long distances in such as well...When Moon first entered that Uttaradrapada nakshatra a Russian Spy aka Intelligence gathering ship arrived in Cuba that day in preparation to monitor US delegations to meet there as well...

The way things are, and why I list also the mal sides of certain nakshatras as it's part of timing and of things to be alert too!...

Believe Hurricaine or TS Irma made 2nd Florida landfall in hr s per NPR news accounts, which was in hr s dst...

Hr s directly clashed the *Ry dangers stars* of last toss and the date pair as well as bonding their Pe stars too....

On that first landfall out of interest looked at the QMDJ using the Calvin Yap Yin 540 chart references (C)...

Easier and much quicker than drawing it vis the Jerry King QMDJ (C) book which also use/used latter for small descriptions....As many find out not such an easy subject to learn...


For Florida Keys or things of SE today in hr cn:

A Yin 3 Dun (Ju) of dates period:

A Geng Zi day Geng Chen Hr:

SE's Shun Palace: Black Tortoise symbol of water energy of for causing the malicious, broken and damaged in things (in other can have some good qualities but mostly ill overall), Tian Peng star inauspacious Yang water also referred to as a Dangers star, and Du Men illusions, isolations, blockages, and restrictions Door energies then...

That to it's and for South's Li Palace then of the Bai Hu aka the White Tiger Hurting Wind and Injuries symbol, and Jing Men Shocks/Jolts Door then...

Would say accurately showed that of dangers were in for certain of *SE's* and S's locations in global today, of which the very same would have been forecasted in terms of environments conditions from that type of chart as well...In personal types much more flexibility for positives sides depending on the question asked...

Since of such a huge gargantuan type of phenomena you can consider it applying as such over the next date or so, then the tosses of Inner lower trigrams had shown the correct of w and nw trajectory that it took as well...

Shows most things in systems for timings do agree, especially on big stuff!...

Were some reported lootings and such down in the Puerto Rico areas or regions, fits other didn't mention of star types, etc...

Watched CBS eve news this night, and lists that of Irma yet at a Cat 2 Hurricaine status into wee hours or better of tomorrow...

In near the end of hr h dst Moon in Mars ruled Aries enters that of a shared and Sun ruled Krittika nakshatra's areas for the next date...

Stay safe!...

9/11 Moon day VIII/c...FS #2...GT: #10 - #61 Involve #37 Areas...

Dangers timings and interactives associated Rm and hidden of hr y aka Ry star type...

In starts Moon yet in Mars ruled Aries and the Sun ruled Krittika nakshatra and then also enters that of Venus ruled *sign Taurus areas* in 2nd half of hr y dst this date...

Asides the Sun as main influence to the Moon in Krittika that of Jupiter and Saturn also play roles for it also...

Your choice:

In daily *Taurus physical types places Venus in Cancer 3rd type areas*, of full moon Aquarius physical chart places Venus in Cancer 6th type areas, and of Solar month Pisces physical chart places Venus in Cancer 5th type areas...All are Global types!...

Just Blog: Has been windy last couple of days and we have light rain in hr t here, just clear up couple things...

Hr e this am same today's pair 1st to 5th Pe  fire star link bonding the 5th Ks star Physical, and forming water with very strong and quite windy and hard rains here as well, elec, lights momentarily flickered off then on as well so far...

Dangerous driving conditions in that...

Certainly worse other places but wouldn't be surprised if took a few trees out, and will be a lot to clean up in results at the least....

Normally would have used the Jerry King QMDJ (C) method for chart but in the quick using a pre published date and time type mentioned was in the needed and of lookup super fast ...

Do especially like Jerry King's book and method as your free to use and even post the entire chart since you personally draw and create them...

Definitely the most economical method to go, but not so easy for everyone to implement, you do need an accurate 24 sub seasons table for the exact dates and times each season and sub season of the 24 mountains solar cycle starts...

Either the Chinese Farmer's almanac software or use of Calvin Yap's Compendium Vol 1 Year Calendar can be used for that...Then having Fourpillars (Bazi) software or using the free online fourpillars (bazi) calculators will be quite helpful to you as well...

That's it, the Jerry King QMDJ book was made purposely inexpensive, and does have all the other references and details within it as a singular very complete all in one reference itself...A large number of the methods used to interpret various QMDJ questions and subject areas plus extensive stem combinations for situationals, are fully included within ii!...

One you can draw and interpret your own QMDJ charts from...

Always had good results with those that had drawn, and used to think a few examples were incorrect but after accounted for his timezone then all checked came out correct!...

A few required a bit of extra knowledge on your part to understand just what he meant in some cases as some explanations on his case charts (examples) could be very, very brief but if you carefully read the preludes of the given chapter involved you should be able to add any needed of that to thouroughly explain them was what I found in using his book...

No diss in that as his time was limited and in spite it's probably *the singular best and most complete yet inexpensive reference book* in terms of finding answers to a wide variety of questions and question areas using the QMDJ itself...

*Still it does take a good long time in studies and uses to absorb all the many per case rule types before you can properly interpret a chart*...Depending on your experience and skills from one to several years needed there to accomplish in all given of his subjects areas!...

Those that have good backgrounds in the Iching and preferably the Wwg or that of FourPillars aka Bazi should do quite well...

Surpriseingly that had worked very well for even standard solar and lunar month type charts I use/used here before and the Calvin Yap (C) pre published types were good for that as well, though give the edge to Jerry King's book of a popular QMDJ variant that many use...

That of the Calvin Yap 540 charts compendiums also include general interpretations for each chart, but it's very helpful to have the Jerry King book as well for that...

Others use entirely different dun counts specific to the year and  month types for those...

Joey Yap's (C) book methods are pretty costly to get anywhere in, but the books are high quality meant to last forever, and in plus he does give some very informative free online videos that go with some of them at times as well...Some are time limited so you have to jump on those as they come up...For those who can afford other courses he teaches them in a made simple way with great clarity as well...A lot there though is quite secretive and protected and to use certain features or applications you have to abide with that, and stick with his system only to use those...

[Another main area to consider is, *which of book learning methods is the easiest and therefore quickest to learn and begin to use?

 Hands down the Joey Yap (C) Book series is the easiest to learn from, as the examples for a given question of interest are directly given with the (each) example itself!...

Normally that includes a subset of answers for the given variables (Palaces, Doors, Stars, or Ruler symbols) that associate the question type...One of 8 or 9 for each category and of that used, all possibles are shown to you!..

Any other info *if* needed to evaluate their conditions associated for the answer itself, would be in his compendium book...

 In the Jerry King book the chapter preludes for given question areas lump all the main variables you'd use for questions of a given nature and type, leaving you to sort out which particular variables you'd need to use which adds an extra layer of difficulty for the beginner...

The Jerry King QMDJ (C) book of it's subject areas *are for questions of any type*, so more flexible than that of questions of specific types in the Joey Yap Books (C)...One thing not clear till chapter's 12 and 13 is that you use the hour stem for missing objects, as well *as for most other things*, besides just children or subordinates...

Good to use in a lot of cases for quick look analysis and to supplement the more thorough he does and shows:

Aka that for the more careful and more precisionate of QMDJ forecasted answers aka outcomes, he normally points out and uses the other main variables to be used for a given question arena instead!... 

Also with the Joey Yap QMDJ Compendium book and his books on Forecasting methods, plus his or other 540 chart books,  you can directly and quite speedily do that of general birth aka life chart analysis on yourself or other as well...

You can do that with the Jerry King book too, but initially with a lot more effort, as you will have to on your own pick out the variables to be used to interpret each life area that info is desired on...

It's much more direct, and quick (near instant) using Joey Yap's pre set references for that.those life areas and purposes...

In either case, the results are accurate!...

So in the easily affordable but with lots of effort needed for a beginner Jerry King's book for *nearly all areas and types of questions* will in time get you there, but in the much much quicker and direct for *specifc only questions of main subject area types; the Joey Yap book series get's that*...

Recommendation if you really wish to learn the QMDJ but can't afford the very expensive of courses and or trips for those and seminars for those, then *buy both of the above of Author's books* and that had said needed with in each case...  

Buying both allows you to separately draw use and even post the charts with your interpretations that you create vis the Jerry King book without fear of copyright issues as most terms used are from the generic of the chinese classics on the QMDJ so no problems there...

Also in certain of unique, private and exclusives taught of Joey Yap's Videos and information series, etc you must additionally observe his copyrights there besides of unique non generic terminologies, fonts, etc in his books and charts...

In the perfectly normal that's also much like the trade secrets of any business in that one is required to agree too, so not bad thing...

Are other schools, etc but know little of so can't speak of or for, but if desired you might check David Twicken's references or that of British Institute types or any other as well...

Think that sum's it up]...

Knowledge of Vedic birth and divisional charts have been quite an aid at least for me in terms of understanding the QMDJ's power and reach much better...

Remembrence 9/11 and to never be forgotten day, but was sort of hard to take in with all the other of Irma in things this date...

Moon in Taurus enters that of it's Moon ruled Rohini nakshatra in the 1st half hr h dst tonight and through most of tomorrow...Also associated the Rohini nakshatra are Mars, Venus, Mercury, and again the Moon of it's areas itself...That as it's traversed by the Moon but often see within a singular event where those added components are a discernable part of it as well...

Rohini itself normally a very good nakshatra but then some of the US is not under great influence right now weather wise, etc...

So something else that might be of interest is that of the Mars influence in it at starts runs until about 04:04am the  12th or the begin of hr y then, so in that zone prior to hr y where you see the fiery or festive of some outer activities such has it's matches as well...

Once in awhile something of the QMDJ can be really simple as in/of hr h and NE's:

Venus and Mars may have had some input also...
Timing was of legal things and for punishments against those who try to initiate actions...

In that hr read the UN had just passed an even more rigorous set of sanctions on NK...

Other QMDJ views non specific of direction for hr h this night: were: Hidden motives in actions of others for a desired outcome, and/or punishment or self punishment for an Offender...

In all cases of groups or countries and NE's then dealing with previous of very dark sided aka harmful areas or of same which came up then, and taking actions in or on such, would have separately included hurricaines for the US itself as well then... 

 9/12 Fire/Mars day IX/y...FS #1...GT: #49 - #55 Involve #44 Areas...

Dangers timings or interactives associated Rc, Rwa and Rsh stars latter vis hr cn as well...

Jupiter (Big stuff) which has been at *the 29 final ends degrees* for near a week, finally *enters that of Libra's sign areas this date*, and still within that of it's Mars ruled Chitra nakshatra areas....

Some of the fanatical in criticisms will slowly and finally start to calm down, but not entirely out of the woods yet and will get better once Saturn exits Scorpios sign areas and enters that of Sag's near and around the 26th of October...

Moon yet in Venus ruled Taurus enters the Mars ruled Mrigasira nakshatra just prior to second half of hr sh dst tonight...

As Moon traverses Mrigasira other associating to it are Sun, Mercury, Venus, and again Mars in areas, activities, etc...

9/13 Water/Mercury day X/m...FS #9...GT: #21 - *#51* Involve #39 Areas...

Moon will yet in the Mars ruled Mrigasira nakshatra enter that of Mercury ruled *sign Gemini areas* in the first half of hr cn dst in am this date...

Moon in same enters that of the Rahu ruled Ardra nakshatra in 2nd half of hr yo dst tonight and there for most of tomorrow as well...Other that goes with the Moon there will be of Jupiter and Saturn's areas...

Had thought was owed a balence on an account today vis past corrections, as usual as goes for most was not the case...

Updated 11th's post on QMDJ *adding other good, positive points on the Joey Yap QMDJ (C) Books* as well...The book on wealth and life pursuits allows some birth/life assessments to be made as long as you've learned how to interpret *the conditions* of the given palace, that within and any connectings from other...

On any that stick to the inexpensive of the Jerry King QMDJ book and once have a QMDJ years calendar book to go with it, then construct a birth chart just like any other...Use the chapter guidences for the life area(s) interested in to interpret that...Harder for a beginner in that as you have to gain experience for good interpretings, but can be done...

In any expect only the most main core and of your most key main trends (cycles) in any area, kept quite streamlined and practical compared to normal astro methods but of the essential it's very accurate...

In personal charts on what are the more negative symbols, there are always positives they can be used for as well, just widen what books list by considering that of their element type, and that of the trigram areas themselves that they naturally associate too, as in the bagua itself will be a great help!...

 Were matches today as norm won't over elaborate, was that of 15 marines injured out wests and a great deal in the political matched as well...Missed all eve news had issue and took a nap...  

Only in the rare will mention applicable of qmdj as when it comes down to it, the daily, etc timed of Wwg pairs most are already used too, *shows/say's about the same things, just in a more condensed way (form)!...

9/14 Wood/Jupiter day V/sh...FS #8...GT: #32 - #34 Involve #43 Areas...

Voids change sh, h...Wht 3rd Date bonded Strengthened Ryo star physical...Red 6th Void but date clashed active Gsh stars Object...Yel 1st Gc changes star bonding resultant Pt star areas...

Moon same previous until late evening...

That of date cn clashing the Gsh star and of the hidden elements within them are some in the frictional and of fire element clashed within, aside just the  main earths then fits within Zen trigram characteristics as well...

In that of Outer jolts vis Zen trigram type in Outer of pair was another unfortunate accident causing injuries to 8? soldiers at Ft Bragg, NC today...That of the changes line was for things in begins, and at or underneath surfaces this date...

On that of NK missle launch just used SK's time 07:57 13 hr's ahead of us already into next date which is also of our pair this day, and would be 6:57pm hr yo of day cn here...Bonds the date and a Yel 3rd resultant Gcn star and involve the Yel 3rd Physical's Ryo metal star areas!...

For themwas day e and hr cn Day e bonded the  Wht 5th Rs metal stars and hr cn clashed the Red 2nd locals Ph water areas to and bonding it's Void for them By wood star areas...While  also clashing the Blk 6th Gsh stars which could produce/strengthen the date bonded Rs stars and bond the Physical Yel 3rd Ryo star...Making latter easier as can do in timed pairs, day e along with the Physical's Ryo star and the Gc changes star formed a great metal Ryo star combo!...

Missed a lot as was caught up in other things this date, but met a lot of nice people in that, thanks for your help...

That of conditions for elders and a lot of people in Florida from shown of news areas is yet pretty dangerous...

Moon entered that of the *Jupiter ruled Punarvasu nakshatra* in begin of hr yo this eve, remains there most of tomorrow...

Other Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Moon...

9/15 Metal/Venus day II/e...FS #7...GT: #59 - #20 Involve #27 Areas...

Moon same previous but enters that of *sign Cancer areas in 2nd half hr e dst late am today*, yet in Punarvasu, then in the first half of hr s dst late afternoon it enters that of the *Saturn ruled Pushya nakshatra*...

Other for Moon in Pushya: Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars areas, things, activities...

Venus in Gandanta had entered sign Leo and the Ketu ruled Magha nakshatra in hr t... 

#59 is to do with that of dispersions, separations and or things, conditions that are disintegrating:

In again the unfortunate in London a commuter train area was fire/bombed around 08:20 or just prior that in hr cn there...


Date itself clashed the Yel 3rd Rh water star Hiding star areas, which bonded to Grn 1st Py wood star areas...Hr cn: Red 2nd locals Kcn changes star bonding Gry 4th Gyo metal Hiding star type areas...

Other of Applicable timing:

For several days while Moon in Gemini as physical 1st:

We've had that of the Merc cnj *Mars* cnj Sun and this am Venus cnj Merc and Mars added to it for those effects of *when Mars is in 3rd type areas which had further covered in the just blog section of this Solar  month start Sep 7th area here*, and is that of Leo's areas with a Gemini Moon sign!...

Gloabally in this Solar month Leo areas are in *6th type areas*...

Then Globally of the Full Moon lunar period yet the Leo areas are  in *7th type areas*...

Vis Parashara light and per my own settings showed Rahu entered sign Cancer areas with Ketu also entering that of sign Capricorn areas *as of Sep 9th* where it's yet in Gandanta for those effects as well!...

Moon since very late am is in sign Cancer aka Moon sign 1st physical areas now as noted for today, and in that sign conjuncts that of Rahu type areas now which of it in turn being in Gandanta currently conjuncts that of Venus in Leo 2nd type areas too now... 

*In hr wa dst today* environments include all, any's locals down to that surrounding your home or of areas close to you at the time...

Hr wa timed: #59 - #6 Involve #27 Areas...#6 is that of *Conflicts, Oppositions* and/or the norm of purely routine or other of legal type areas...
In date pair Gry 4th and resultant Grn 1st Kwa star areas bonding that of Yel 3rd Bw fire star areas then...

Moon in Cancer 1st areas with Mars in Leo 2nd type areas...Where 2nd areas aside material, and foods areas take in that of individualself worths, family areas, values, etc and that of Speech, sounds and sound waves themselves fit in that as well...

Prior and yet that of the Cuba extremely localized of sound in specific areas has had central nervous systems effects on US diplomats, etc stationed there...Part of Bio medical hazards areas!...  

At plus or minus of an hours resolution the date's dasas of daily only type and at 15:37 hours, were Mo/Ma then at the 4th and 5th dasa levels...

Changes from Mars to Rahu an hour or so later at the 5th manifests level...

Moon had been since date prior and was yet in the 1st and Mars in 2nd areas and where Mars ruled that of *Aries Outer 10th* events type and that of *Scorpio 5th type* events then!...

So at minimum as was other such as Mercury in Leo areas too then, the above applied, and would have been experienced in any's Virgo 3rd Outsides and close by's and of medias areas also by most then!...

On that of 3rd areas of Outsides and close by areas in norm can also of large building structures include that of rooms, and that adjacent to the one your working in or occupying as well...

Per local news that of very conjested traffics were in for some areas also today...

That of similar issues of protests in St Louis today...

Per Ntl eve news even of NASA the purposeful destructing and ends of the Cassini spacecraft in Saturn's atmosphere as well today...

Would have been the positive in educational or learnings areas of material acquisitions if any did that as well... 

Some also applying of the Jupiter in Libra 4th areas type...

Were lots of matching news events as well...

Just shows how accurately we can when need too of *the Wwg and or a simple Moon sign physical chart*, globally, match up to the main and general of things and occurences, occuring at any time...

9/16 Earth/Saturn day III/w...FS #6...GT: #39 - #8 Involve #64 Areas...Currently of y, m voids...

Moon carries forward of yesterday in sign Cancer areas and the Saturn ruled Pushya nakshatra as mentioned prior...

Then this date the Sun is at the final end degree of Leo areas while the Moon yet in the Pushya nakshatra...

The Sun will enter sign Virgo areas today, and that occurs in the begins of the 2nd half of hr wa dst (15:00) in the afternoon and just 10 - 20 minutes afterwards the Moon enters that of the Mercury ruled Ashlesha nakshatra...

In latter other of it are of Jupiter and Saturn type activities, things and areas as the Moon traverses it...

For Moon sign Cancer when Sun enters Virgo that will be of it's 3rd type areas which will be ruled by Mercury of Leo 2nd areas, so touchy picky there as Venus conjuncts Mercury and Mercury tightly conjuncts Mars in those Leo 2nd areas also...

Normally Sun in Virgo is a good placement as enhances ones efforts and skills towards perfection in many areas and that of patience, but with it's ruler Mercury in Leo with Mars things can be very abrupt, abrasive and/or aggressive when it comes to their values, family and in/of material areas in that of Virgo's areas as well...

The Sun will yet be in the Venus ruled Uttaraphalguni nakshatra then too, so while might aid the romantic sides for some can be pretty fiesty in terms of those Leo 2nd type areas have been listing in that of drives and passions concerning them...

Globally this am were still things of 3rd type areas popping under that of the Leo's areas influences to Virgo 3rd type...

9/17/2017 Sun day IV/wa...[FS *#5*]...GT: #23 - #35 Involve #2 Areas Corrected...

Moon same until 1st half of hr wa dst then in abrupt of changes from water to fire signs to the Moon sign of Sun ruled Leo 1st areas, and that of Ketu ruled Magha nakshatra areas...

Where the Sun is in Virgo 2nd type areas and Ketu in Capricorn 6th type areas...

Mercury and Mars had latter of yesterday still in Leo areas entered that of the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni nakshatra...

Sun still in *Sun* ruled Uttaraphalguni nakshatra areas yet...* * had incorrectly noted of Venus prior but is Sun as a ruler of that nakshatra...

Other aside Ketu ruler of Moon in Magha for activities, etc are Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon...

While Moon in Leo you probably noticed that Venus in Leo rules that of Taurus 10th Outer event areas and that of Jupiter in Libra 3rd areas at this time...Venus going with arts, monies, diplomacy, and women, etc...

9/18 Moon day V/s...FS #4...GT: #11 - #5 Involve #54 Areas...Corrected...

Moon in Leo enters the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni nakshatra in 2nd half of hr w today joining and conjuncting Mercury and Mars there...

Then relative to the Moon, etc in that nakshatra are Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars for areas, char and activities, etc...

Hr's of interest are mainly the evening one's of yo, sh, and h tonight:

We have that of the Red 6th Kyo star of hr yo bonding the Wht 3rd Physical Bcn star areas to form metal manifests there and that of Red and Wht forces as influences not usually a good mix! ...

Then hr sh clashes and opens that bond for potential events as well...

After that in hr h of the Grn 5th Gh water star changes line  causes the same earth stars clash to the Physical while also clashing the Gry 2nd's Locals Pe Hider, hiding star areas to come out while also bonding the vanished and void aka mal Ry star areas that support it...

A lot is mainly to do with that of a near stellium of Venus, Moon, Mercury, and Mars all conjuncting in that of the bold, etc in Leo areas especially since the other day...Were some hints of that here in hr sh as well then...  

Were matches as said, even had one myself of not the greatest news from a phone call in hr yo also, stuff happens...

This here goes for US, Global, US in Global and most all locals anywhere, takes in the much smaller as well as the larger of things, some news may never know about even, then of large the upgrade of Hurricaine Maria to Cat 4 today...

That of Sep 18th's Monday night Atlanta GA tech institute Vigil and 3 arrests occured in the latter part of hr sh and likely on into hr h as well then...  

9/19 Fire/Mars day VI/yo...FS *#3*...GT: #10 - #58 Involve #39 Areas...

Yel 6th B earth star changes in retreats else that of pasts, winds, talks, healths, and or groups, countries, etc actions areas...

Physical Red 5th Ks metal star advance type...

Object Wht 2nd locals Rm wood star areas fire bonded by 6th line changes star...

Moon in Leo same until the 2nd half of hr w dst when then enters the Sun ruled Uttaraphalguni nakshatra which is shared with Virgo where the Sun is...It as Mercury and Mars are all combust under the Sun now prior to tomorrow's New Moon.....

Moon in the latter nakshatra enters that of *sign Virgo areas* to use as Moon sign 1st physical areas in the second half of hr yo this date!...

Other pertinent to the Moon and Sun for activities, things, char, events, career areas, etc are that of Jupiter and Saturn's areas while they traverse the Uttaraphalguni nakshatra...

New Moon in Virgo not until the 20th in the second half of hr t dst wee hours here that date!...

The Atma karaka Saturn and Amatyakarka (Minister to Saturn) is Mercury for the NM itself and as lunar month...

Had to clear cache and go offnet to double check as was some discepency between calendar and what astro softwares showed, when did that then astro agreed and so is correctly as above posted now...

All checked and correct as well...

Didn't check on all news this date but caught that of the central Mexico 7.1 earthquake which from UTC to our time occured in hr wa today...

Hr wa same todays date reinforced and the Grn 6th resultant Bwa earth star which then *bonded the Wht 4th Pw happenings, etc  fire star areas also clashing the Gry 3rd Bc earth stars areas*, which in turn bonded to the Blk 5th Hiding Gt water star areas also...

If ran from their time 1 hour behind ours would have been hr w cdt (that their using at the moment) and would still involve all the same stars in just slightly different fashion...

Hurricaine Maria upgraded to CAT 5 this date goes along with the Outer trigrams of Chen (raw power) and Duay (watery bodies, things)...


Looked at the date and hour of Mexico's earthquake for a short Qi Men view/take on it...

As far as the Mexico earthquake and of their time hr w it occured there and of charts for that time found using the Zhi run dun aka the Imperial calc method was the most clear and best in this natural phenomena case:

All main in the Li (Fire) S's Palace:

Had Teng She which rules that of natural forces in the Li Ss palace, and was that of a normally paired 2 heavens stars there also...

Tian Qin originally associates the Centers palace, while Tian Rui normally associates the Kun (soft earth) SW's palace, however there usually of home base placed in the Kun SW's palace...So we have a directions reference...

*At that hour* both were in the Li S's palace, plus that of Shang Men the harms door was there to boot...

Then the formation there for the hour was that for being divided, troublemaker and does associate that of disasters, and misfortunes...

Since got a reasonable match that way, didn't bother to check the dun (ju) value from the Small Qi Men but used other of the book for this quick take...

So much destruction there as was Dominicus also with Moon sign in Virgo puts all that Leo stuff in 12th type areas which goes with the hidden of disasters as well...


New Moon:

9/20 Water/Mercury day VII/sh...FS #2...GT: #59 - #20 Involve #27 Areas...

New Moon in Virgo occurs in Hr t dst here this date...

That of the day start pair is the same for both the all countries and the US exact pair as well this time...

Normally keep the Month start types to that of original standard hours themselves...

Uppers are always set by the New Moon aka Lunar month start itself...

That of China Exact and FE's: #57 - #59 Involve #38 Areas...Also FS #2...

That of NM exacts occurs on the same calendar date globally this time, just different hours, and in the rare very aligned this time...

Posted at top...

Other than it's the New Moon no changes from yesterdays as the Moon was already in the Sun ruled Uttaraphalguni nakshatra with the Sun...

So all prior given of late yesterday's still applies this date up until the second half of hr w dst when the Moon enters it's own Hasta nakshatra...

It ruling that nakshatra's areas with that of Mars, Venus, Mercury and again the Moon of areas for the added in that of activities, char, careers, things that associate and come up of it while the Moon traverses it ...

Hurricaine Maria landfall Puerto Rico 06:15 dst Hr m per two news sources:

Times are important in major events as set Markers for legacy, history and in re surfacings the future itself!...

HM landfall in Puerto Rico 6:15am...

Hr m clash Red 4th Hiding Gyo metal star areas which bond to clashed Blk 2nd locals Kcn changes star areas...Temp releases date fire bond to Gry 6th Pm stars linking to strengthened energizing Grn 3rd Buried Bw fire star areas...

Hr timed: #9 - #26 Involve* #38*...Hr m in briefest: Clashed it's Inner Grn 3rd Hiding *Ryo metals star* to come out then...

Astro same as Virgo Moon sign chart: In simplest all the Leo stuff was in 12th type areas and Mars from that was ruling the *Saturn in Scorpio 3rd* type areas then...

Qi Men *SE's hr m* Yin Dun 7 of Zhi run Imperial calc:

Bai Hu aka Wht Tiger metal type in and affecting the Xun (Shun) wood palace, brings hurt, winds and injuries or death, etc...

Tian Fu Ok it's home, does imply things that rise...

Shang Door of Zen palace is in the Shun palace: Harms type...

Travels Horse there and of people or things that travel a lot, and don't stick around much or at all...

Formation punishment type keep low profile...

Could have also used E's where Xuan Wu (Watery) and Tian Chong were there with the Sheng Men door there which is controlled by the palace aka in an ill or ineffective state...

No particular reason both couldn't apply but favored the SE's...

Again condolences to those there...

9/21 Wood/Jupiter day VIII/h...FS #1...GT: #39 - #8 Involve #64 Areas...

Begins Southern Red Phoenix cardinal areas week...

On being aligned with China or any of Far easts of the 8 timezone means for the same calendar date, the same pairs apply this lunar month...

Moon in Mercury ruled Virgo same up until the begin of hr wa dst in afternoon when enters the Mars ruled and shared Chitra nakshatra...Other associated Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars...

Jupiter day and it yet in Chitra Mars ruled, with the Moon also conjuncting it in the shared of the Chitra nakshatra as well...

9/22 Metal/Venus day IX/t...FS #9...GT: #23 - #35 Involve #2 Areas...

Moon enters that of Venus ruled Sign Libra areas for Moon sign 1st physical areas in the first half of hr c dst wee hours...

Then within the same hour the Moon enters that of the Rahu ruled Svati nakshatra...Other relative to the Moon while traversing there are Jupiter and Saturn...

9/23 Earth/Saturn day X/c...FS #8...GT: #11 - #5 Involve #54 Areas...

Moon same yesterday's areas until 1st half of hr s dst today when it enters that of the Jupiter ruled Visakha nakshatra shared with Scorpio...Other associated Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Moon for char, career, interests, traits, etc...

That of the seismic in NK today was of their hr s which bonded the Grn 2nd locals hiding or hidden Pe fire star and areas to come out while clashing active that of it's line supporting but Void or mal Ry *dangers*, the assertive or agressive of officials, men or threats star type areas then...

Here was hr y also activating the Grn 2nd locals Void Ry stars, while bonding to that of the Gry 5th rulers, that high, paths, etc of Gh water changes star type areas then... 

Sep 3rd of NK nuke test in their hr w involved that of the Jing Men (Jolts, shocks, or Fears, etc) Door, and of that to the hilt occured or meant of it then...

Then today's in their's and any's hr s involved the Si Men door to do with delays, blockages, obstructings, death or the dead, while in other of some positive can go with the terminatings or completings areas of things and then actions that go with those, in other also of those who don't or won't listen to others, are short tempered or easily offended, etc...

Formation said very inauspacious, and at the worst can also be of a War structure type...

Mexico's 6.1 earthquake vis their time the equiv or our cdt was hr m and to shorten up would have attacked operated against the Bcn earth star physical while fire bonding the resultant Gry 5th Bsh earth star areas forming fire manifests for P star happenings there then in Oaxico area...Were numerous other in Mexico itself today...

Hr m was that of the self explanatory Shang (Harms) Door with that of Bai Hu aka Wht Tiger for injurous, etc...

In Britain in start if hour sh their dst there *for the acid attack* was again of a Shang (Harns) Door hour type...Their Feng Shui Institute handles the QMDJ as well...

In again reminder that of the date pair showed that of B earth star clashes then, and those can represent in human terms that involving things that pair up, such as a person to a group or of groups themselves or of org's, countries as well...

Clashes often reflect the sudden and undesired of things, but are in personal charts routine from very minor on up to that abrupt and can also often motivate us to make a change in direction or take an action, etc...

In the SuperIching (C) or Wen Wang Gua earth clashes are always considered important of the many areas aka meanings for the Star type involved...You can also check out the hours vis the *solar and lunar pairs above as well...

Not a happy day in all those areas but at least most on the planet didn't have to go through or worry about...

9/24 Sun day I/y...FS #7...GT: #10 - #58 Involve #37 Areas...

Moon in Libra same yesterday up until the first half of hr w dst of which then enters the Mars ruled Scorpio sign where that of Saturn still resides...

Later just before the begin of the second half of hr yo dst the Moon enters that of the Saturn ruled Anudraha nakshatra through most of tomorrow too...Other associated that are of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars...

[Ok will probably chill with the QMDJ now, have given enough of several events for diversity in it's applicability to show it works now...

Then any who also looked at both our *solar and lunar month pairs aside expanding the date timed pair then*, would have seen the timing matches of yesterday's events quite well of their line and star areas, etc for those as well!]...

Per today's pair of #10 Treadings carefully involving Family, Org's, Groups or Countries to lead to that of Pleasings or involving that of Pleasings Areas...

If you expanded and applied the date to it would see that it is *an Inauspacious type*, as the date itself attacks and weakens that of it's Blk 6th *B earth stars of changes which bonds the Travels to destinations of the date strong Red 2nd Locals Rm wood star areas for that of the heated, alarms or fiery or fames in natures types*!...

In the most main the date also clashes in opposition to it's Physical *Wht* 5th Rulers, high, objectives, etc Ks metal star advances line areas as well*...

In hr e this am that of multiple casualties of shootings at a church involving older people occurred in Tennessee... Condolences...

Although the QMDJ definitely agrees skipping and in other:

The Tong Shu has the 25th lunar lodge in for today and that of the Bird, and the Horse sign assigned it also (that's not same of the normal chinese horse w sign) and is one which reflects that of inauspiciousness in that of relationships, marriages, travels and business areas for this given date, and then also that of where reflects most other routines in themselves would be good...

Overall rated fair, except of those specific cautions areas mentioned!...

Corrected above as the Moon currently not in that lodge itself, by Western is within Cancer itself *however of the Vedic Eastern aka Sidereal zodiac so is Rahu*as as an influence to sign Cancer areas...Then in either Zodiac the Moon is in Mars ruled Scorpio areas today, and that does rule the sign of Cancer where the Bird lodge of the Horse sign located!...Those by the way are also birth signs that go with one's birth too...

That of the Horse sign in the Tong Shu has as you can see a bit of a different meaning than used in normal Chinese astrology for the horse sign element, but it does cover one of Jupiter's not evenly spaced types *of 12 zones that the 28 constellations are assigned within...

Then of Dong Gong date selection references, those note today as an Inauspicious type in that it's one of four direct abandonment day types as well...

The above are good for the descriptive and enhance what the stars within the Wwg show, but minus all that of above date selection methods, the Wwg pair also still clearly shows by the date that of it's inauspiciousness all by itself as well...

9/25 Moon day II/m...FS #6...GT: #49 - #31 Involve #44 Areas...

Moon in Mars ruled Scorpio areas, etc the same until in the second half of hr sh dst this night when it enters the Mercury ruled Jyestha nakshatra of which Saturn is in as well!...

Other associated influencing the Moon while traversing it are: Jupiter and Saturn for char, interests, activities, career areas, etc...Jupiter itself in Mars ruled areas and reference the Moon in Libra 12th type areas this date...

Lunar lodge of the Chang: Bow, and Stag sign itself and is considered Lucky for most areas, but in that of other systems areas can be an inauspacious date start type for some, and in some hours of the date as usual...

Don't misinterp on tong shu the advanced type is more sophisticated than originally thought, and has year, month, date and hour components...Then of a given date one looks through all 12 chinese hours to pick out the best for given activity...Only had couple really very good hours today when looking for the very best that is, some other were fair and then a few negative as well...

Aside the range of favorable or unfavorable activities in their almanac for a given date they also show that of Qi levels for very life major specific areas per the date as well...

Beyond it and other date selection methods is where that of Qi Men comes in and used to enhance or further optimize results...

Many that use it, do stick with the almanac on  a monthly and daily basis even aligning also to their birth charts with it as well, and then only when something is very life major and critical comes up, would the wiser seek that of an advisor in other star methods such as the Dong Gong, Bazi, ZWDS, Advanced Feng Shui which may incorporate some of the prior plus it's own XKDG date selection systems, or consult an advisor in that of the very highest arts of Liu Ren, Tai Yi, and *Qi Men Dun Jia* methods...

Very advanced Wwg users could do quite well also...

So not as dua as some might think, gets to be very sophisticated when one needs the very best date or time and location for some given purpose...

Leave it to any who expand today's date pair and use that of the month's also, consider that today's had already started in some Far Easts areas where the gregorian calendar date started ahead of us...

9/26 Fire/Mars day III/cn...[FS *#5*]...GT: #21 - *#38* Involve #39 Areas...

Lunar lodge of I:Wings and Snake sign: Unlucky per lodge but vis other stars Fair for a number of activities, excluding work on hi rise buildings and some other this date...Feel free to check specifics involved...

Always good for any to expand the date pair to examine conditions for various line and star type areas within their respective trigram environments for date and hour specifics...

On that of high rise bldg's hard telling what the original conditions were when that was added for that lunar lodge, such was to affect the owners and successive owners of them...

However if you look at today's  pair you'll see their is a Ke fire star link from 6th Tops, Skies, etc to that at Surfaces and Pt Leaders, Bosses or Transports, etc star type areas...

Considering the NK threat it just may be applicable to aircraft as well especially operating from or over watery areas...

Then of time you know that things of the multiple or several areas are in some already active and then even other will often pop up when given areas of given line stars especially linked stars come up of a pair here, then beings the far easts had this pair from +/- one hour of our Noon the 25th here is a reason I make, add the NK of aircrafts threat part, as such can fit as well...

In other if one can avoid quarrels it's an auspicious day...

The Moon in Mars ruled Scorpio areas and of same nakshatra areas given yesterday for this entire date!...

[On that of the general tone or auspiciousness of a date you get a similar feel by looking at the nakshatra of which the Moon is in as well...Then in further of how the ruler and planets associated it are placed and of aspects...

All forms of date selection for given activities they represent, etc...

Not to be confused they do not neessarily represent your day or how things go for you, as it's mainly you, yourself and of in your relationships that sets that...

You control and create your own destiny simply by your own attitudes and the actions you take in a lot...Not totally as there are some things beyond one's control...

This other of very general date selection vis Tong Shu is simply that of external influences in for a given date itself]...

On local hr y early am was by the Q rough and of final as opposed to normal ends for one in unfortunate match...Was of hr strong for locals By star changes line then which operated against the G star physical then also...

For those interested in Chinese metaphysics aka that of any or all the arts mentioned or used here, and don't mind reading at a scholars level check out Jack Chiu's current books on sale, also includes an English and Chinese version of their calendar for QMDJ, etc:

Noted QMDJ on calendar but is of the standard calendar type which can be used for four pillars aka bazi, etc as well, and would list the 24 seasons and date/time plus much other data per year month, date, time *covering a very wide range of years*!...Same could be used with the Jerry King QMDJ book, and most any course and other as well...

Easiest to search by typing ACMU Jack Chiu and from that you should see a listing titled Consultants and within it's description  you'll see his name...That will take you to his Metaphysics groups site, and there just click on Books...

You may see something you'd like, and all are most economical compared to other sources!...

If you order any, he links through PayPal (TM) for your convenience, just make sure you select the English versions of which he has 5 books in that form...

9/27 Water/Mercury day IV/e...FS #4...GT: #32 - #40 Involve #43 Areas...

12 Officers: Completion day (Global)...Each person has their own individual sequence order for those...

Lunar lodge Chen : Carriage and the Worm sign Lucky type by itself, but not of all...This and last several days on lodges correspond to and fell under that of the Red Southern Phoenix cardinal (sector directions)...

Expand the Pair has Yel 2nd Locals Ph star areas clashed by the date while also bonding Blk 5th Rs metal star areas for starts and most the date, etc...In other has Gry 3rd Ryo changes star Physical, and Object of Grn 6th Gsh earth star type areas...

If Blk 5th Rs stars not enough, then also of timed pair types this one has a great Ryo metal star combo status today, but that's of a mal taint, as while the Red 1st Gc earth star *is strong* under the date, it's under a void's status as well, so tends to the more mal sided in that of begins, at or underneaths surfaces or roots and pasts areas, some reflected under and within that of the Ryo star Physical char and actions areas themselves today...

In the more natural aspect of the great Ryo metal star combo and for things at surfaces is that of Puerto Rico's hard situation, then of man's destructive that of the failed airport attack in Afghanistan today, and in other that of Venuzuela's President's remarks of war rhetoric towards the U.S. today, etc, and probably numerous in some things of various locals of the date as well...

Moon enters both that of Jupiter ruled Sag areas and the Ketu ruled Mula nakshatra areas in 1st half of hr t dst aka midnight this date!...

Other associated Moon in Mula Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon in char, etc itself...

Other than show the lunar lodge don't intend to do much with it for now as over time of the vedic moon signs here you'll see what goes with it from that view, not to mention the global timed pair of the day...That takes it to the extra level of which to understand it practically within that of the date's themes aka context itself!...

However you could in private browse take a look at sites just for Tong Shu and you'll see anywhere from the traditional itself, other bazi related versions, as well as the very advanced of the feng shui types for Tong Shu itself...

That of the US produced *Chinese Farmer's Almanac software* has the Tong Shu within it and of in the unmentioned incorporates other stars also to generate the activities listings for any month or date, for those that might like their own pc versions...

That's also handy for the Small Qi Men as in Jerry King's book as *it shows the start dates and times for each of the 24 Mountains aka seasons* used by that Qi Men book, you match up those to the books Lo Shu season's table for the Dun (ju) counts from which you can then hand plot those charts, in lieu of a qmdj year's book itself...Though in reading the year's book type is easier since all english...

Tend to think that once one learns the higher arts they usually don't bother with much else, but of above that's  done here daily, that's practical, accurate and  good enough for most people...

[To give you a better perspective of timings: Our Solar month as I do those chart types in a normal month form, separate of month's type for birth charts themselves some use, and of which only a bit over a week is left now, *has had that of the *Si Men* Door there for the SE's the entire time*...

It was rougher in this particular solar month's than recent prior years, because there was that of hard aspects/tensionals the whole time...Basically that was in of Leo sign areas squaring with Saturn in Scorpio areas, and in the further with Rahu in Gandanta as well...Quite main also was of all those recents we just happen to had/have this year and time that of a Mars ruled Jupiter for the big stuff in all forms!...

Now you know]...

9/28 Wood/Jup day V/w...FS *#3*...GT: #59 - #6 Involve #27...

Begins week of Eastern Grn Dragon cardinal areas...

12 Officers: Recieve/Accept day...

Lunar lodge Ch'io : Horn and of Crocodile sign Lucky minus funeral related...

Moon same yesterday up until second half hr c dst wee hours when it enters that of the Venus ruled Purvashadha nakshatra...Other associated the Moon's transit there: Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars...

Left pair for you to expand, add stars, etc...

In other to look up if wish, had forgot but the Sun in Virgo had moved into the Moon ruled Hasta nakshatra couple days back...

9/29 Metal/Venus day VI/wa...FS #2...GT: #39 - #15 Involve #64 Areas...

12 Officers: Open day...

Lunar lodge: K'ang Neck and Dragon sign Unlucky ill for construction work, not good for marriages or funerals, fights end in disaster per it alone take in context of date...

Those are used to some degree with advanced Qi Men *personal chart yr, mo, date types* but not able to comment on context as some may be proprietary of the Pro level course types, have also seen in some feng shui areas as well...

Engaged in such myself but with some of the very heavy duty of med stuff got to undergo might slow me down for awhile there...As opposed to strictly global date/hour types that of personal charts in general reflect the more positive meanings in usages...

Moon same yesterday's and in first half of hr m enters the Sun ruled Uttarashadha nakshatra...Other which goes with the Moon while there: Jupiter and Saturn...

Still in that nakshatra and just prior to second half of hr w dst (13:00) the Moon enters the *Saturn ruled sign Capricorn's areas* forward...

As can see that nakshatra spanning from Sag to Cap signs will be of a *Fire/Earth* signs character and traits: Very solitary but intensive type, good in leadership or management areas but can be somewhat indifferent in relationships and in the later of marriage years a tendency to give more attentions to other areas than his/her mate...Symbol the Mongoose...

Other of astro catch up:

Vis adds had overlooked mentioning the *Mercury had entered Virgo areas* 3 to 4 days back and it's yet in the Venus ruled *Purvaphalguni nakshatra*, and in Virgo's sign it's combust and moving to conjunct the Sun in the ahead there...

*Venus is presently very tightly conjuncting that of Mars* both yet in the Leo side of the Venus ruled *Purvaphalguni nakshatra* areas yet for that of Leo Fire/ Virgo Earth types as well...

That being the case certainly some of the zesty to passionate in that of Venus and Mercury type areas now...

All part of main themes playing out in things, events at this time...

Hr yo of news ntl or local very strong Yin char, nature type on of that in some that causes problems, and of some things which end in misfortunes and disasters, with that of the tai yin Moon going with it some did come across and out that way in news contents then...Such was the nature of the hour itself then in match terms...

9/30 Earth/Saturn day VII/s...FS #1...GT: #23 - #2 Involve #2 Areas...

12 Officers Close day...

Lunar lodge: Tai : Base and Badger sign: Unlucky Not good for boat travel, marriage or giving birth, lack of respect for elders can bring disaster, global so alway use within context of the date itself, and of birth charts may be entirely different in other systems, about 50/50 in the almanac itself...Feel free to check the Tong Shu of sites which specialize in advanced areas of it...

Moon same in Saturn ruled Capricorn areas and will in 1st half hr cn in am enter that of the Moon ruled Shravana nakshatra...Other Mars, Venus, Mercury and again Moon char itself...


Per news couple days back was that of a cold case murder of a young 21 yr old woman called Jovin and near Harvard University in Massachusetts then...

That said to have occurred Dec 4th 1998 near 10pm dst year of the Yang earth Tiger on a Yin wood Rooster day...

She if and likely born after Feb 4 1977 was of the Ding fire Snake year...

Once complete course may be able to do more, but at this time and using indicators for that of a murder per Joey Yap's Forecasts for People and Environments (C) book...

On that of the hour it was effectively the Ding fire Pig from 21:52 on, also the same for Yale in Ct as well too...Time varies a bit for other coordinates and generally assumed as 10pm for hr h of dst time in any location, but since said just prior to that I zeroed in on the coordinates to find when hr h started there in specific...


She and the Murderer were in relative the Xun (Shun) Wind and Air SE's palace and the murderer was either an unknown local or a non local person...One particularly violent, and sadistic who enjoys killing others or her in this case...

Based on that palace alone he/she would have fled to the far of SE's...Travels Horse was in that palace as well...

In other views that of the Shun palace could have been produced by things areas of the Kan N palace in the local or close by, and of someone Superior to her of whom she would seek assistance from and at that time someone of great strength or power from the Qian NW palace local or close by would have brought calamity, wrath upon her and or that of her superior as a trend as well...

Then also that of the local or close by of the Dui W's palace was a source of problems in some way of being stranded or other, which could have involved *the concealed of the Killers position* along with that of surprise, fear and sudden jolts in the attack also...

While *the chart for this is definitely accurate, for that type of event (her murder) being in under the given circumstances indicated, not all is conclusive as far as the location of killer who can be a fugitive or repeat offender also...

Then there is more than one approach and method to do these, *so can be very, very time consuming to generate those other views as well*...Took couple hours just for this...

On the other side are some much easier of crime related types that can be solved as well...

Anyway about all I can presently do with that given case, event for now, using mentioned and also the 540 Yin Dun Calvin Yap references for that date/hour chart also and some from Jerry King's book also, but in another 6 months after advance from course, etc possibly could do better...

10/1 Sun day VIII/yo...FS #9...GT: #11 - #46 Involve #54 Areas...

12 Officers: Establish/Produce day...

Lunar lodge: Fang:*Room* and of Hare sign Lucky for most all areas by itself...

Moon yet same yesterday and then in 1st half of hr e dst today enters that of the Mars ruled Dhanistha (material wealths, etc) nakshatra areas...Other associated Moon traversing it are: Sun, Mercury, *Venus and Mars*...

Moon enter Saturn ruled Aquarius sign in second half of hr h dst tonight...

Las Vegas:

[Probably should have said Lucky for most people, except lunatics or the excitable of the mentally deranged, evil and sick minded in their *damned sic rage modes* as it was in Las Vegas and the country music festival/show!

Didn't know about that till am the Oct 2nd but what may have started in hr yo or sh culminated in the deadly in hr h of it and Yel 5th Gh star areas bonding to and strengthening Blk (hr of darkness) 2nd locals *Ry* wood star areas while clashing it's Pe fire star hider of areas to come out, take actions then...

5th line always includes that of high or far areas, and the pair's change line was at surfaces and of mal status for that date...Those changes within that of lower trigram areas show that of raw power and the winds, air and motion, or movement involving that of surfaces also, while that of upper showed outer events and other involving masses...

Other systems accurate as well but think the pair and vis that hour element sign say's enough]...

Do wish deepest condolences to all who were and are affected by that mal vicious event and as the President, Officials, News and other well noted person's *we did also see the *great humanity* of individuals aiding and careing for others*...

Some even under the harshest and most fearful or anxietic of jolting conditions of that deadly event itself!...

10/2 Moon day IX/sh...FS #8...GT: #10 - #25 Involve #37 Areas...

Physical: Gry 5th Ks metal stars...

Object: Grn 2nd locals Rm wood star changes in retreats, pasts, reductions, etc to/of Ry wood star areas...

Wht 6th of date same Bsh earth star areas...

Also the date fire bonds the Rm star areas forming fire for P star manifests areas...

Were many there of leaders and news, etc, and in other not related to last night's events that of P star Edu type in form of webimars from the far aways on qmdj which took part in...

Expand for other...

12 Officers: Remove day...

Lunar lodge: Hsin = Heart and of Fox sign...

Moon in Saturn ruled Aquarius global 1st areas enters that of the Rahu ruled Satabisha nakshatra in second half of hr e dst prior to noon today...Other relative the Moon there are of Jupiter and Saturn...

Rahu in Cancer 6th type areas...Jupiter in Libra 9th type areas and Saturn in Scorpio Outer 10th type areas...Relationships, etc of that in Leo 7th type areas (Venus conjunct Mars there)...

Ok as notice not listing the luck qualities of lunar lodges, since while may be correct of themselves alone, those are further totally influenced in the same ways that nakshatras and other signs are...

That by the ever changing energies of other stars in motion at that of any given date and most importantly of the hourly levels themselves in terms of the actual influences and results, period...


News vis the shared info from brother of the killer aka shooter’s father was at one time on the FBI’s most wanted list as a Bank Robber who remained hidden in Oregon for a decade or so…

Qi Men of hr h last night:

One Qi Men area had matched that of things in the high which spread out combined with the destructive (destructive wasn’t said but of a symbol what one would interpret) and matches the gunfire, and then per Calvin Yap’s Yin Dun book, it had of formation listed that of one who amongst other things may hurt or kill people…

Then the Qi Men of another area also matches a *pasts/present* component where a major criminal, killer, or robber also in some way connected, indicating that of a superior which was the father, further of that area included the Si Men door for things of ends and other plus the dead or death door too…

Utilized both Joey Yap’s and Jerry King’s (Under Lawsuits Chapter) as references in symbols, and in recognition methods, etc used to find the or a criminal vis certain crime types, each under that of specific conditions…

Used the standard Qi Men 1080 hour (purely natural) charts in that…

Prior brain overworked and just didn’t think of a superior as a parent for some reason initially, but realized it when todays news of that area came up, and made perfect sense…

Still learning, can’t apply that of directions in all instances as some are subject or case specific, but hopefully can widen that up in the future…In some other it’s often the nature of the palace Lo shu element, and bagua traits that counts… 

Are some chart configurations that require a lot more work to decypher which need to pick up on yet saw one over weekend but had to let pass for now…

Don’t know that it solves all such matters but it definitely pegs some areas to do with most major ones…

On local news in a way surprised and in a way not, had been a flurry of deadly shootings in the recent as well...May be of other as well since by the solar month and under the harsh aspects that of our SE's had the Si Men door...

Just like the astro Vedic or Western chart physicals certain aspects of the QMDJ Lo Shu type rotates at the two hour intervals as well, so globally, nationally things can occur of any direction and location over the course of 24 hours any date...

10/3 Fire/Mars day X/h...FS #7...GT: #49 - #17 Involve #44 Areas...

12 Officers: Full Day...

Lunar lodge Wei:Tail and of Tiger sign...

On things of locals anywhere areas:

[We have that of Grn 2nd Void Rc earth star areas which was active of it's hr in the wee ones, and then clashed active this afternoon in hr wa of Wht 6th Rwa earth star areas as well...

Full range of R star areas including that of power of any type including wealths, biz or property owners, power control, career areas, officials, repairs or dangers, threats, disease or deaths, courts, judges, etc...

For many can be of things that have or may affect them or their family such as of Las Vegas recents but in some that of material losses or things that involve cures areas of any type even of it's just routine appt's, or that of the political, security and safety, employees or subordinates, student loans and much other...

Some of the latter also came up for locals in hr's w and wa also when the Gw fire star hider came out involving it's areas and that below as well...

Vis Rwa stars things of *Tops*, ends, turnarounds and or across the way or of far aways areas again of R star types active as mentioned above...

Just a reminder on how to add meanings to those line star areas]...

In the separate and on recent Oct 1st of attack on country music festival in Las Vegas:

That Relative our almost complete Rooster Solar month, that of the Pig starts around Oct 7th here...

On Las Vegas's deadly event in standard 1080 Solar month chart type *using just the W and NW directions in hr h* that ill date and *of their formations for the month*:

W's: Bewilder: Get rid of or gone, confusions, easy to get lost, also are trusts issues, further in one of that palace's areas *War of the century*, guess we know what that means now...

NW's: Wht Tiger as in 2 Tigers meet, meaning there will be injury, also in some other definitions described as *a Tiger using it's might and force*...

That of timed pair that date if also expanded for besides stars the hexagrams within and just of 1st hexagram alone was major for global of indicators aka that of in Outer areas to do with #24 Returns or Turning points, and that of Inner areas to do with #43 Extremes...

That of it's (Oct 1) Void 1st changes line mentioned for events the other day was of the Wht (W's) areas as well!...

Don't know that always matches up like that, and is no softwares for easy trackings in terms of alarms of a date's hexagrams versus the 1080 hour charts used as month types...

Since of time constraints and practicality I focus on dailies here, wouldn't have spotted it...

That and the fact for good reasons wouldn't be a good idea for everyone to know the details of the month types, unless your dealing with the entirely different of monthly personal types...

From news accounts it's obvious that man had planned his killings event for quite awhile, and in the most unfortunate for Las Vegas and the U.S. he somehow chose and carried out his plans on a date and hour where both that of the Qi Men month, and 1080 hour charts plus that of the date's hexagram pairs all indicated events of that nature were in...

*Very, very rare in itself* usually of much smaller scales and hard to imagine someone would actually capitalize on it, as think most who kill others do so when have the resolved urge to do so whether out of rage, vengeance and other reasons...

Must have been something of major of great social or relationships or extreme belief issues associated those and that of total delusions to commit such an atrocity...Jupiter big stuff in Libra areas was vis Moon Aquarius then in 9th type areas...Mars in Leo 7th areas then ruled the 9th areas part...

On that he had sent his girlfriend to Phillipines and then they are yet tracing the $100K he also sent as well...

May be he just went bonkers between the anti depressant drug he took and became violent of some hyped delusional issue he held...Not all or many who take those become aggressive but apparently he did?...Sad stuff... 

Have to feel and pray for all those affected, and even of his family that he dropped such a horrid and terrible legacy on too...

Anyway in the extremely unfortunate, that's some of what was in for the W's and NW's in this case of the country vis mainly the hexagram date pair's 1st line changes areas and the 1080 solar month qi men chart that hour!...

Moon same as yesterday and enters the [Jupiter ruled *Purvabhadrapada nakshatra*] in 1st half of hr w dst today...

Other relative the Moon's traverse there: Mars, Venus, Mercury, and again the Moon in char, trairs, career, activities, events areas, etc...

10/4 Water/Mercury day I/t...FS *#3*...GT: #21 - #27 Involve #39 Areas...

12 Officers: Share Day...

Lunar lodge Chi:Basket of Leopard sign...

Leave to you to add the star lines, but here's the other pairs within:

Outer #43 - #28...

Inner #37 - #27...

Those formed from 1st four lines from top for the Outer, and first four lines from bottom for the Inner, that in the easier any can do for the names and/or other also...

Moon same yesterday until the 1st part of hr m dst this am when it then enters that of Jupiter ruled Pisces 1st areas...

Also in the 1st half of hr w dst (Noon) the Moon enters the [Saturn ruled Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra areas] pairs to the previous: Other relative that are the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter...

Don't take it that the QMDJ always shows ill stuff, even of the 1080 chart types it's often used for numerous positive purposes as well...

Then if ever get to the separate of true personal types, you'd find even of basic meanings all is much more to entirely positively oriented and of courses like Joey Yap's made very easy for you to work with as well...

One could construct their birth chart from the 1080 type, and they'd immediately recognize most of the generic *in the raw of* meanings *wouldn't apply*, but if gifted you could tone down the normal meanings and then see it fits better...Later by timing of your personal events would also reveal that to you as well...

It's expensive but much easier to get a consult if that's all that's needed and certainly some of the big boys do, or one can take a course such as Joey Yap's or of other Master's to really fully understand that of personal qmdj charts themselves...

Only familiar with Joey Yap's course and of students who have taken it, have never seen one ill comment, which says a lot...

In some that's like doing tosses where one doesn't do or use all that often, except for that of something very important or critical in life's decisions...

Are exceptions as some might track a given goal area in the daily until they're satisfied all is going in the right direction for them, but in the main most probably wouldn't do that on any continuous basis...

So in that venue one doesn't have to look at or consult their charts all that often unless they just want to or something quite major needs to be done or comes up!...

Anyway as can see I use it for positive purposes here, that as any negative will definitely backfire and bring one bad karma in the ahead, which is a very good reason to stick to the positive in any uses and applications...

In that on Las Vegas gave only the minimal to show what was in at the time (hour) to get the general nature of influences in play then acrossed, may add other of the month and it's date/hour chart's details later...

Towards the tail end of any U.S. Solar month can show what was there, but not a great idea to tell all ahead, *except when it's an All Countries chart and if also have the time to do, that type could be very helpful in the global view itself...

Full Moon in Pisces 1st areas vis Sun in Virgo 7th type areas:

10/5 Wood/Jupiter day II/c...FS #2...GT: #32 - #28 Involve #43 Areas...

Text only: 

US FM Exact: *#51* - #21 Involve #39 Areas on the 5th here...

China/FE FM Exact: #53 - #37 Involve #64 Areas in simul ours in the 6th there...

Here on the 6th that shown for China will be ours then, they run ahead yet...

Begins Northern Blk Tortoise cardinal areas week...

12 Officers Settle/Stable Day...

Lunar lodge Tou:Ladle sign of Unicorn...

Moon in Jupiter ruled Pisces enters the Mercury ruled Revati nakshatra areas in second half of hr e dst today...

Other relative the Moon there of Jupiter and Saturn...

In the just blog area well below of it, added a new section, for any having trouble constructing their earth plates from the Jerry King QMDJ book, with some useful and helpful informations on the 24 Mountains (Seasons and Sub seasons) to it as well...

Per Joey Yap's Dong Gong reference had for past 4 or 5 days been inauspacious, but today's was finally listed of fair type and seemed that way, hope we get a run of those or better, rather tired of the other non sense types...

10/6 Metal/Venus day III/y...FS #1...GT: #59 - *#29* Involve #27...

Ok on same as China's wrote yesterday is of a given hour c, but above shows their date then vis Day, FS etc which goes with their Full Moon Exact pair, and this pair today is an *All Countries type for the FM period as well*...

Doesn't look so good, hopefully the FS #1 Nobilities star helps a bit...Then in other if expand you might be able to track Hurr or TS Nate with it...

That of our FM pair implies changes or jolts of starts next couple weeks...

Sh, h are the void/emptiness days/hr's for those...

12 Officers Initiate/Perform Day...

Lunar lodge Niu:Ox and Ox sign...

Moon yet in Pisces, etc until the very begin of Hr e (10am) dst today with just a few minutes before that it entering both the Mars ruled sign of Aries 1st areas and that of the Ketu ruled Ashwini nakshatra areas as well...

Other relative the Moon there: Mars, Venus, Mercury, and again the Moon for the usual char, career or outer inclinations, actions, etc that relative the Moon in a nakshatra represents...

Well let's hope the Mars part doesn't go overboard in any, except for pleasant or positives in healings areas those and things of fast movements go with the Ashwini nakshatra...

10/7 Earth/Saturn day IV/m...FS #9...GT: #39 - #63 Involve #64 Areas...

Our Solar month of the Geng (Yang metal) Dog (sh) begins tonight:..

US Exact #60 - #61 Involve #27 Areas...

Will post those images and other of astro on a new page tomorrow...

Yesterday's pair should show of stars the timing in hours vis Nate stuff anyway, then between the previous and this new solar month should vis involved star lines match up as well...

Normally toss for directions, but minus that of directions the 6th's first hexagram of #59 with Shun at the Top also represents that of *Wind and Air, while Kan represents that of Waters and Dangers*, and of that light, it then can also serve as a source of timings without doing a toss...

That being why had referred to it other day, also it does match the solar month pair at page top as well...

If that's still in limbo tomorrow might toss then, but from eve news sounded like their pretty locked on it's course, so not really needed...

12 Officers Break aka Destruction Day (Month and Year in clash of the Date)...

Lunar lodge Nu:Maiden Bat sign...

Moon in Mars ruled Aries areas...

Just Blog:

Last year we used and for *test purposes* several US month related and other hour event type QMDJ charts here, since then fortunately have picked up more experience and can detail some areas a bit better now...

Today just some info on that of QMDJ aka in short Qi Men as an aide to and for *other beginners*:..

You must have a good understanding of timeliness, the cycles associated that and of states such as the grave and voids...As a subject such is part of and used within that of the FourPillars/Bazi, Wwg and or Fengshui schools, systems, methods...

Without a good clear understanding of timeliness, you will not be able to properly or fully evaluate Qi Men charts...

There are several types of Qi Men, that used in the Jerry King QMDJ book is of a very popular Flying Palace Small Qi Men type, while the greater of the Joey Yap's (TM) books and courses (C) use the full or combined Qi Men of several different school types, and in the further maximizes attention on one's personal chart for the purpose of improving any's life through the use of Qi Men methods!...

Small Qi Men is a condensed and very popular standalone type which allows almost any question or event to be analyzed and interpreted...

Mainly used at the hour level of/for any given date as do the more encompassing Qi Men versions...

One at times may get slightly different placements in it's charts than the normal 540 yin and 540 yang dun (ju) hourly charts themselves...Latter due to variences at times in the *dun (Ju) counts* obtained using the Small Qi Men method, versus the pre calculated types found in a years book for the given date at hand...

Even of differences the Small Qi Men using Jerry King's book works *extremely well* as do the other normal 540 + 540 = 1080 hours versus dates of various sources type!...

One thing about the Small Qi Men system is you can generate your own dun (ju) counts using it's included system for that, so even without a years book or an online qmdj chart plotter, you can still construct your own charts!...

In that of specific questions such as *what is my personal luck for this *hour, day*, month, year, etc*, one can by leaving the marriage term out and sticking with just that of relationships with slight verbage changes use the relationships chapter in the Jerry King book to find that at a given time...That using it's method for hand generating a chart for the hour asked or from an existing 540 yin or yang charts book...

You'll always be using a specific hour chart for that, and most of the time by either charting method they will yield the same results!...

It also turns out you'll get the same results as if you had used *the easier of the Joey Yap method for that*, as in his books, etc as he has already mapped out the variables for that and that of every possible condition or state also is shown with an already generated interpretation for them...Much easier...

You just plug and play in matching what a chart shows to it for the final results...

Still for using any given chart, one can get essentially the same and reliable results using the relationships chapter in Jerry King's book, with just a bit more effort and thought involved...

Found that by checking the results for my personal luck cycle from hour's cn through h yesterday, and of some previous dates where I happened to check a specific hour for the same reason...

One note is where you find a negative indication vis a given variable in one part of the relationship aka personal luck cycle areas you'll find a great deal of the time are other positive indicators that go with it vis the other variables used for that purpose and time as well...

In other words it's fairly rare for all the variables the used in conjunction with your Life stem to be all negative at the same time through any date!...

Myself just *a student in these areas*, and have explored this of one's personal relationships as a personal luck cycle method and it actually works just great...

On some dates when you have what are major tasks or happenings it's a great aide to know how things of these cycles are running for you, so you can make better decisions on them in the ahead!...

It's very reliable and also works better than the comparable vedic methods for the same purposes...

Had only made very specific checks in pasts and never fully evaluated it, but did for here now, and if did have some personally important project to launch or take a long trip of some type I'd use it for that...

[Had intermittantly if not very sparingly checked it at times in the past to see what was in for me ahead of time, and then just for this article tediously and somewhat boringly checked these methods yesterday the 18th for every chinese hour from hr cn in the am on through hr h at night for that date!...

Just used standard pre published charts of the more inexpensive of Calvin Yap's Yin dun 540 charts book for that, would have been a bear to draw them all..

In that had a couple of events come up for me as well, and the descriptives from those hour charts were right on target, and the already defined for it of the Joey Yap's Qi Men method was entirely accurate as was the relationships method, both even accurately described *the personal nature of the caller involved*!]...

That of the easier, quicker of the Joey Yap method was in verbose the most descriptive, while the briefer of the Small Qi Men's description carried the very same context in it's descriptive as well!...

Were any who don't believe in personal luck cycles to have such done for them or try these methods themselves, they'd in the quick find out they too do have their own personal human luck cycles, the very same as the chinese have always described and that their methods themselves describe...

An application of a 13:55 appt at a local Apple store and the QMDJ:

The Door type for human activities and taking actions then was Xiu Men aka the Rest Door for that of hr wa 14:00 dst Sep 21 then...Always a lead in zone to the hour so it was effectively hr wa at 13:55 which checked...

Hr itself was Yi Wei, where the Yi stem is a Nobles type, and of a Yin Dun 7 (structure) for the date using the Imperial Zhi run count...

It fell in the NW palace aka sector...I happened to be a bit NW of the store, so for that hour which it applied too, that was /is even more strong for me, of it's direction...

[Per Joey Yap's Date, Time, Activity and Selection book (C) for that Hour and Door: The general luck portion of that Door referred to: That one would find helpful people all around you, and that it was the right time to make any changes...

That of the forecast in terms of the Hour and Door (That of human activities for it) was correct, *and for someone seeking assistence then*...

If you use his book for quick look up's and definitions, then it's also very helpful to look up the Door's direction aka palace that it's placed in at the time vis a QMDJ chart as well!]...

Some is common sense as definitions in Jerry Kings QMDJ book (C) for Xiu Men runs along those same lines and then it had by hour the Noblemen's Yi stem with it...

The formation wasn't the best however the Door most important for human activities was of a metal type so was supported within Qian the NW's metal palace then, so good of actions taken of it...

In self interests had checked all that out prior, once had been given an appointment time...

Turned out of the Xiu Men (Rest) Door, to be just that for a repair or fix, you could just sit and relax (rest) and there were definitly a lot of friendly, pleasant and helpful people reflecting the Door and the environment type to assist one at the time...

Just can't beat Apple (TM) their tech spt and local store tech spt, which was at no cost plus very fast, so finally got my Mac back up to speed (Prior frustrated had let it sit an entire year), was *really, really impressed* and quite happy in results, when they say Apple care they mean it :)...

Was pretty tired from the walk vis back and definitely difficult with cane only for guessing about a hundred feet, couldn't currently do that on any steady basis, but was sure worth it to get the Mac going again!...  

Ok have covered some of what are good basic ways that one can judge their general luck at, for a given time, and then shown the importance or influence of the Doors in QMDJ with a singular example...

Can't go into but there are much better types for that at professional levels when it comes to date and or hour selections for specific activities and purposes themselves, one or more stem from that of advanced feng shui such as Xuan Kong Da Gua's 64 hexagram methods and other, and some are further based on both stars and constellations as well...

The results of any of those latter can be used with the QMDJ to even further optimize the directions, locations, conditions or other times used...

One would have to take advanced courses for those...

That's about it for Qi Men at the moment here for now...


On that of the QMDJ one by necessity keeps most proprietary and copyrighted informations as well as any uniquely stylized of charts under pc equiv lock and key so that not just anyone can access it…

The same on charts done for others as your responsible for their informations as well…

Most of the course informations are in the form of password site protected online videos, with many, many hours of learnings with tests to it as well…

Takes about 3 months to complete a course in the very minimum if you have a core background already, but with most theirs no time limit on the learning process so ok…

Their is entire worlds of difference between: 

1. The used here of global but timezone specific of date time charts as done here…The very same as done for Wwg pairs here…Those are the raw power, and rougher of global natural types…*Takes great care*, when used for that of date, time activity selection for an individual...

2. That of individual personal birth aka life charts as a whole and of the general are the much less raw powered or volatile in nature types…

That as they are of human beings and not the purely of natural forces in play globally for a given time type…

They are extremely and accurately specific in the various of a person's main core life areas!...

The latter are the much safer and sure for certain activities at the individual level, and easier to find that of date, time selections for an individual and other such timings from, and is that which you must take courses in to learn about in the first place!…

[Many uses including that of crime or missing persons, objects type which I expect as a goal to master those given areas after complete the course allowing another 3 months for it as well…

One can't study and learn well and then also spend the time required to do a good job in areas like those at the same time...Doing one thing at a time the only way to get good results]...

So provided don’t croak in between, should get there, and for the curious as to what all I’m into…

Latest add 10/5: 

Strictly for using Jerry King’s QMDJ book alone, and where some who bought it from Amazon (C) book sales have had trouble constructing the initial earth plate itself?…

[Finding the starting palace to plot the earth plate’s stems]:

The 1st step involves using the date you want to examine and make a chart for: 

In that you have to use a shown count back method to find another date which goes with another stem that the method specifies, from which you find it’s earth branch to identify *the yuan group you’ll need to use*…

That new branch aka a earthly branch ask animal sign tells you which yuan group upper, middle or lower in that order to use!…

Each of those groups has 4 earthly branches (animal signs) assigned to it…

Go to page 52 and use the Yin cycle count back as step one, there and in bold for each of those groups you’ll see there are 4 chinese characters to the left of the in english group level…

You need to translate them to find the branch (animal sign) involved vis the listed in english for lookup of those at the bottom of page 14…

Once translated then you’ll do the count back and use the branch found to identify the particular yuan group you’ll be using!…

The very same orders will be used in Yang cycle count back method  as well…

Now that you know the Yuan group aka Upper, Middle or Lower, you use any chinese calendar or software to see just what season or sub season (24 Mountains) that your *original date of interest* falls under…

You need to note the *chinese characters* that depict that season to match up to those shown in the Lo Shu 9 palaces seasons table on page 44 of Jerry King’s book…

That’s as their also shown in *chinese characters* of their names in his book…

Once you’ve pegged the season there then use the yuan group you found before, and that gives you the Dun (ju) number for your date of interest…

That number *is the palace number and starting point* for the earth plate, and in which you plot the always first of  the Wu (V) stem… 

In Note:

[You will not always get the same Dun (ju) number that a or any QMDJ Year’s book shows for the date...

Don’t worry about it, your Qi Men chart will be a bit different, but of the Small Qi Men type is quite accurate for questions themselves of it’s own method, and just follow the book for initial interpretings…

An example for today and of the year’s current Yin Dun cycle:

Oct 5th a Yi Chou (Ox) = II/c date: 

You’d count back to the Jia = I stem which was yesterday of Oct 4th as the Jia Zi (Rat) = I/t date… 

[That of the Rat which goes with the Upper yuan group]…

Next get the season for the date from any Chinese calendar, and you’ll see it’s that of the Autumn Equinox Qiu fen *note the chinese words for that, of always 2 glyphs aka symbols in those*...

Then find/match those found, to that on page 44 and the Lo Shu seasons table in the Jerry King QMDJ book!…

That shows up associated the *#7 aka Dui palace*,  and of the 3 Yuan group to the right of the season there, you'll also see #7 as the Upper Yuan group aka Dun (ju) number *for that season and **this date**…

In other of QMDJ Year book types it shows as a Chai Bu 7 or of Zhi Run Imperial a 6 Dun (ju) number for today, we don't care about that as are plotted differently...Use those if you want the easy way of using pre plotted 1080 charts for a date...

So on your blank QMDJ Lo Shu chart, in starts you’d now  place the Wu aka Yang earth stem (V) in the Dui palace itself…

[Covers it, now simply follow his book’s procedures for the rest of the stems, and *then other involving the hour of  the day in the chart itself*]]…

On any charts of sequential dates don’t assume the Dun (ju) number to be the same, even if your looking at the very next day as well, use the count back method for each new date and best results!…


[Near any chinese calendar, or the chinese farmers almanac will show the seasons and sub seasons in chinese characters and maybe another table with them that lists the seasons in english, but it’s always the chinese names in their characters that you’ll need to use!…

In those the season of the 24 Mountain type is that of the Solar month start date and time, and the Sub season is that listed as it’s Center point (Also called the Commandant), again most sources will list their names in an english table too or a separate accompaning html internal page in the case of software type calendars]…

Jack Chiu’s chinese calendar (C) covers all date pillars aka heavens stem over earthly branch from all years of 1864 - 2043, and for any date you choose you’ll find the season or sub season start date and time listed in red…

Mention his as you could do your grandparents or great grandparents birth charts from that one as well…Most other don’t cover such a wide a range in including the season’s info’s too…

In his or any calendar the start date as used in Jerry King’s QMDJ book is considered the first date to use for the season itself!…

You might not want to actually select such a date for an activity beyond routine yourself, as things are usually under changes on those dates…

In general that will start you off there, and with a little more effort you’ll complete your Qi Men chart from the remaining instructions in the Jerry King book…

Those are also of the 1080 hour global raw power types but you can mellow, tone the meanings for a personal chart from that as well…

Those types you construct yourself can be used in postings, etc for any purpose desired…

However to become very proficient in strictly *personal* birth and life chart types alone, and learn of yet additional methods on how they are interpreted and also of uses, then you would or should take a QMDJ course specifically for that…


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