Friday, July 6, 2018

Solar month of the Yin earth Goat (wa) aka Ji Wei

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Solar Month VI/wa (Ji Wei) aka the Yin earth Goat start...

7/7 Earth/Saturn day VII/t...FS #9...GT: #21 - *#51* Involves #39 Areas...Change line 6...

12 Officer's also an Establish/Perform Day... 

SM Date itself (VII/t) indicates that of a problems type and also an offsping, performance and or of tough love type as well...

Our SM not really a good type holds that of conflicts and is not so great in travels areas where may further be that of accidents or injuries, in general not good for most things...Some vis that of sudden changes, jolts, winds or storms, some can be of any natural phenomena type possibly including that of tornadoes and/or hurricaines etc as well...

One in which at times can be a lot of obstacles, things getting stuck and delays to them...Was some of that in Atlanta the day prior...

As always would be some good days within the month's frame and then in any date both hours of the positive and negative types as well...

*On good or bad dates etc as meant here*, that primarily refers to *the likely nature* of some types of human activities, travels, and or other of relationships areas that are in for the given date...

So those do not usually or always refer specifically to the weathers themselves, though at times those and other natural phenomena do additionally factor in, affecting that at some specific locations or even large geographical areas on some dates as well...


Our SM pair same as date start is the SM date start for most western countries as well...

Added Russia's SM pair at top this date...

Vis special considerations added the SM for Thailand as well...

Special note the SM pairs of Japan and both of the Koreas this round are the same as China's...

Moon yet in Aries, all same then in hr c around 02:54 EDT it enters that of the Sun ruled Krittika nakshatra areas...

Moon in Aries 1st Physical areas see priors previous blog, then in hr cn around 08:51 EDT will enter sign Taurus 2nd type areas...

Day ruler Saturn rx in Capricorn Outer 10th type areas yet sign Opposes Sun, etc...

Sun in Cancer 4th type areas past but yet sign trine Jupiter rx in Scorpio *8th* type areas...

Venus in end frame areas of Leo 5th type areas...

*Refer to prior of June's blog to track current FM dates*, keeping this one free for the later adds of NM pairs so not so cluttered...

7/8 Sun day VIII/wa...FS #8...GT: #32 - #34 Involves #43 Areas...Change line 1...

12 Officer's Destruction/Break Day...Clashes with the Month...

Aside the natural stuff this pair normally goes with can probably also expect in a few cases to see that of changes or abrupt changes in that amongst some relatives within families, and or in that of some relationships type areas in general...

Moon in Venus ruled Taurus and will enter that of Mercury ruled Rohini nakshatra areas in hr c around 02:38 am EDT for the date...

Day ruler Sun in Cancer 4th type areas yet sign opposing Saturn rx in Capricorn Outer 10th areas, and yet sign trine Jupiter rx in Scorpio *8th* type areas...

Moon in Taurus 2nd type areas much earlier had squared Rahu in Leo 5th areas and will this date square that of Mercury in Leo areas as well...Moon will also be Opposing that of Jupiter rx in Scorpio *8th* type areas too...

*Changes* to do with the affordable care act and health *affecting that of individual and family areas aside businesses and heathcare insurers as well vis a Govt admin freeze also in some of it's areas ...

That both to health businesses and other said affecting the poor's ability to pay for the insurance, so pretty wide spread and encompassing stuff...

There's also that on *Judges in court rulings, etc* in that of separated *families* areas as well, that is recent in terms of the past, present and futures that hexagram pairs here take in and today's R star type...

Was also vote type threats made by protestors confronting 2 GOP Officials aka Senators exiting a restaurant as well...

Thailand's daily pair today is the same as the U.S. SM pair but under today's VIII/c date, and in the early am news here, the first two of the 12 trapped boys were successfully brought out of the cave today...

Changes in relationships and in the extended families of org's definately a part of things visible this date...

The R star in our daily pair of Inner areas and Grn taking in that of the far aways and international as well, and Japan took a beating in that of Storms, floods and damages vis weathers as well...Then other separate in Haiti and other places as well...

Was further good fortune in Thailand today as they got 2 more for a total of 4 of the boys out of that cave...Another 8 plus their coach yet to go...As others hope all goes well there...


To clarify a bit on that of good or bad days and hours mentioned prior as some do have misconceptions of what that means:

Those are often referred to as Auspicious or Inauspicious, and while they can include that of daily routines activities at times, *it more importantly refers to that where one makes *new or major changes* or does something out of the ordinary* to that of their daily routines or tasks areas!...

It's in that sense where it's important timing wise as to the date or hour chosen, and unless you've taken some type of arts in that, you unfortunately wouldn't know much in the precise about it...

Often important in that of moving into new residences, renovations, traveling long distances, launching new projects, making any major career or policies decisions, marital plans, meetings, financings, investments, etc, etc...

Some times those just further refer to that of: Other *external influences* of both man made or natural types at the time as well...

So when mentioned here that's a good part of what is being referred to of them...

Anything else vis today's pair which of Day start types is the same for most western countries including Russia only the Solar Month pairs were different...

Different for each country or area but was that of Gry 6th Gsh stars where Gry that of destined changes, surprises, sudden changes or jolts, things mental or volatile, etc then that of G star type areas and of sh element in some cases NW's but in main just things of the 6th line, Skies, ends, turnarounds, the far away, across the ways, tops, etc...

Definitely were independent matches in most of those areas as well...

7/9 Moon day IX/y...FS #7...GT: #59 - #20 Involves #27 Areas...Change line 2 corrected...

12 Officer's Danger Day...

Not a great day start type itself and one in which *at some locations* there can be various types of entanglements, disputes, possibly being cheated, conflicts and other in *meetings or gatherings* including that of robbers, obstacles and delays within them, also that of movements, and or in which travels or relocations associated can lead to accidents or injuries...

Again that's beyond mosts normal routines and applies in that of the non ordinary or major changes made, etc applying Ntl and in most Global also...Then in other are always good hours in most any date...

Anyway noting that expand today's pair and note the line stars and their colors, etc to see how applies in it, including the changes of the 2nd locals line's star areas...Applies to most Western countries as well...

Excepting Far Easts which includes Thailand as well date itself same while 9th there and will be that of our pair yesterday, the same for China and the others of Far Easts while under the FM period itself yet...

Moon yet in Venus ruled Taurus areas and in the wee enter that of the Mars ruled Mrigasira nakshatra areas in hr c around 01:46 am EDT this date...

Day ruler Moon in Taurus 2nd type areas squaring and will later [exact square that of *Venus* which is at the Final End Degree of Leo 5th type areas for this date]!... 

Moon past but still sign trine to Jupiter rx in Scorpio *8th* type areas today...

Mars rx is in Aquarius 11th type areas, past but *still quite sign conjunct* with that of Ketu's areas there ruling the Moon itself, and it that of the Cancer 4th type areas as well...

On other was that of 2 hurricanes that came up by timings as we had Jupiter rx in the watery of Scorpio *8th* deadly type areas, and in that both Puerto Rico a U.S. Territory and even the U.S. East coasts were/are fortunate as to the results...

That involving Puerto Rico was by the Ntl hurricaine center downgraded to a tropical storm before it ever arrived there, and the other off 200 miles or so off the East coasts is said will travel NE away from the U.S. itself...

Most know was lots of other big stuff that came up for us, so no need to elaborate on... 

Will soon be other main areas come into view as we start a New Moon (NM) lunar period the 12th on, which will be of a Pisces 1st Physical type and more related to the far aways and most other of 9th type areas then...Then Saturn rx in Capricorn 11th type areas ruling the Aquarius *12th* type areas will also factor in to our Pisces 1st Physical type areas then...

Believe they got another 4 of the boys for a total of 8 out of that watery cave in Thailand the 9th as well, leaving 4 plus the coach yet...

[Moon yet in same nakshatra areas entered that of sign *Gemini 3rd type areas* in the end of hr e around 11:59 am EDT today...

Also Venus exits that of Leo 5th areas in hr h around 22:40 this date entering that of sign Virgo 6th type areas then]...

7/10 Fire/Mars day X/m...FS #6...GT: #39 - #8 Involves #64 Areas...Change line 3...

12 Officer's Success/Completion Day...

Moon in Mercury ruled Gemini areas in hr t around 00:05 EDT enters that of the *Rahu* ruled Ardra nakshatra areas for this date...

Day ruler Mars rx in Aquarius 11th type areas...

Moon in Gemini 3rd type areas...

Mercury in Leo 5th type areas squaring that of Jupiter rx in Scorpio *8th* type areas...

Great news in the positive that of the remaining boys and their coach were all successfully extracted from that cave in Thailand today...Cheers to all involved!...

Day type Indirect Output aka Performance type and also an Auspicious type...

Global General Date start overview influences some areas due to things getting stuck, delays or that falling down in which injury, loss of wealth or death can result...

Again mostly of things in the non ordinary and of other such as healths or accidents, etc...Most good hours have at least one positive direction for tasks however the other in those would still have their own ordinary and non ordinary issues in them at the global on down levels...

This type is strictly global meaning applies in any location of it's hour type there and as applied to people and events purely as a function of time, without considering that of their individual birth charts whatsoever!...

In my opinion the Wwg was derived from it, but more streamlined and applies in the very same way...

Our Date pair today specifically goes along with all that!...

Vis names some of the main within for outcomes involves that of or the forming of temporary alliences in specific areas or goals...

[In recents that of hour w yesterday was auspicious and an excellent time under ordinary conditions for that of group luncheons, meetings and the social or social dining in them, however the same wouldn't preclude that of any's health issues or even the quality of certain foods either, etc at the time...

However Sunday the day prior that of hr w was inauspicious in travels and other areas and in that hour in 2 distinct areas of the world was the deadly natured of that definitely involving trains and likely other as well...

That of the Inauspicious dates or hours can be a bit tricky as it can involve both that man caused or made and/or that of other natural causes or phenomena, and did *concerning trains* that date in hr w and the same was further indicated even within the date pair itself then as well...

Goes with that mentioned of most western countries which include that of *Turkey* and Russia in this FM period having the same day start pair we do, just starting earlier and ahead of the date, hour types compared to ours]...  

Probably the last time will mention for awhile, was mainly between last couple of dates and this one in getting the idea of what is meant of Auspicious and Inauspicious of the dates and hour types in Qi Men acrossed...

That's also why minus any included negatives that of being in the right place at the right time versus the other ones can aid aka give one a very worthwhile Qi boost in given to sometimes most tasks as compared to being in that of the other of wrong places or times, etc...

Unlike most other systems the QMDJ in the hands of a trained practitioner highly refines the particulars of any given hour down to brief specific terms aka that main and trusted in that of both it's general outlook and the outcomes associated them...

The same sometimes with additional considerations are practically used in that of date and hour selections anywhere for most any purposes...

A very handy system as in one view or chart you can as in Vedic Prasna or Western Horary be looking for the specific outcome of a situation or question, etc while at the same time as in the Vedic Muhurta or Western Electional be looking for the best dates and times for that of given activities types of it as well...

Some may confuse it with normal astro systems but it is distinctly not the same, for example in normal astrologies, it's that of the Celestial in Wandering Stars aka the planets in our solar system as they cyclically revolve around the Sun which are the main of use in those...

However in the Celestial and Stars of the QMDJ, also called Heavenly Stars those are of and associated the Big Dipper itself real stars, *so are quite different* from that of the normal astro's types...Many other differences as well making it a totally separate and distinct time based system for many, many uses...

That covers the most used of QMDJ for events and many other uses in the global, then there's even other chart types altogether which will leave most other out...

[That of the birth charts aka personal destiny types can allow one in more exacting details to note , and sum up what are the main influences and the main themes in any of their 8 major life areas, while also showing that of *the given opportunities* which are in for them at any given time...

Further one can select the more personal and exact timings both for where any major changes will come up in, or of those changes they wish to make in their personal life areas, including that for any major life areas goals and or in that of their daily tasks areas as well]...

Anyway looked at, it's a very, very versatile system...

Moon yet in Gemini enters that of the Jupiter ruled Punarvasu nakshatra areas near end of hr sh around 21:53 EDT...

7/11 Water/Mercury day I/cn...[FS *#5*]...GT: #23 - #35 Involves #2 Areas...Change line 4...

12 Officer's Receive/Accept Day...

Moon yet same date prior until end of hr w when it enters sign Cancer's areas around 13:59 EDT while later in hr yo it also enters that of Saturn rx ruled Pushya nakshatra areas around 19:17 then...

Day ruler Mercury in Leo 5th type areas past yet squares that of Jupiter in Scorpio *8th* type areas...

Moon in Cancer 4th type areas sign conjuncts the Sun there...NM is the 12th here...

Saturn rx in Capricorn Outer 10th areas of which the Moon is oppositional but is ruled by...

New Moon Lunar Period:

7/12 Wood/Jupiter day II/e...FS #4...GT: #32 - #34 Involves #43 Areas...Change line 1...


Most Western Countries further Easts of us will have this same GT aka Daystart pair on *their Jul 13th* under the III/w date instead...

Begins the week of the Northern Blk Tortoise cardinal and constellations areas...

12 Officer's Open Day...

U.S. Exact #16 - #35 Involves #39 Areas...Change line 2...Day II/e...FS #4...

Yet number of hours ahead of in exacts actual start in hr h this night, though some other previous or of pasts would apply too and minus their physical start times same for any of the below at other locations in theirs...

China (Far Easts) Exact  #54 - #38 Involves #64 Areas...Change line 6...Day III/w...FS *#3* on 13th there...

Think any know what the Quarrels are about and that of it's changes line...

Russia Exact  #16 - #2 Involves #39 Areas...Change line 4...Day III/w...FS *#3* on 13th there...

Japan, SK and NK Exact #62 - #55 Involves #28 Areas...Change line 1...Day III/w...FS *#3*...

Note that every country has that of sudden changes and jolts, etc in their primary 1st hexagram of the pairs Zhen trigram Outer areas for this NM period, no doubt at least some directly of the trades $$$ areas and then each has other beyond that as well!...

Probably was that coming into it on the 11th here and 12th in far be interesting to see how long it takes all to find an equilibrium in result...Then other yet to come in/of the period itself!...

New Moon:

Moon aka New Moon in Cancer's areas and in the Mercury ruled Ashlesha nakshatra areas...

Our 1st Physical of sign Pisces areas ruled by Jupiter in Scorpio 9th areas and Saturn rx in Capricorn 11th type areas ruling the Aquarius 12th areas also...Jupiter also rules that of our Sag 10th Outer events areas too...

Day ruler Jupiter in Scorpio 9th type areas...

Moon in Cancer 5th type areas...

That of Venus is in Virgo 7th type areas for this period as well...

Ok corrected the U.S. Exact seems to go with Russia's to some degree but *still carries the jolts, surprises part and in most any area*...

On Pisces physical plus jolts too all things you'd associate that sign and then relative the Aries 2nd material areas that of the clandestine, hidden, and other of some calamities in that of losses and thefts in articles and monies areas...

Some corresponding to that of Aquarius 12th type areas and which can involve that of Pisces type areas in things, objects associated to oceans, naval, photographies or images, cameras, storage devices in drives, etc then other of petro's, drugs, alcohol, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, healings areas, churches or temples, fish areas, and much more are in this period...

Were some examples in Ntl news to do with a large natural gas explosion, and another to do with explosive of a gas fire at a gas station then in local that of theft to do with vehicles of a church, and a plane crash in Alaska other day as well...

That of Pisces does have to do with that of Feet or underneath at surfaces etc areas too, and goes along with Our GT AC NM pair which includes things underneath as well!...

That of the Aries 2nd material and various of family related areas to it again has Mars rx and sign conjunct Ketu in the 12th type areas ruling it, and further of Saturn rx in Capricorn 11th areas ruling it and sub ruling the Pisces 1st Physical as well...The latter of groups, biz profits, etc and then relative the 12th and 2nd aside Mil and Police, etc takes in that of Mil and VA hospitals amongst other healings areas in both the plus and minus for this period...

Could be it's more like hard times for those areas, and seems to be a lot of focus on scandels or the scandelous in some involving the Govt's or political's areas... 

Feel free to add!...

7/13 Metal/Venus day III/w...FS *#3*...GT: #59 - #20 Involves #27 Areas...Change line 2...

12 Officer's Close Day...

Moon yet same then in afternoon in hr w enters that the Sun ruled sign Leo areas and at same time that of it's Ketu ruled Magha nakshatra areas around 13:31 for the date...Water to Fire sign transition...

Day ruler Venus in Virgo 7th areas which Mercury in Leo 6th areas rules, Venus trining Saturn rx in Capricorn 11th groups, etc areas...

Moon in Leo 6th areas, Sun in Cancer 5th areas...

Ketu areas in Aquarius 12th type areas conjunct with Mars rx there rules the Aries material 2nd areas and Scorpio 9th areas as well...Saturn rx in 11th areas ruling the Aquarius *12th* type areas as well...

Vis NM was other of jolts side in local area where a pick up truck strayed from the road banged up 4 cars and collided with a brick wall...Some accidental beuts in other states involving Semi trucks as well...

Then as Ntl had mentioned things of Movies and in Local Clint Eastwood's *The Mule* begins filming or setting up for that here, again on this date which certainly fits with the NM Pisces physical...

Always including weathers and other lots going on in the high energy frames near the NM and FM dates themselves...

Next week will likely be pretty pre-occupied, so in some part of that will just list the Wwg pairs for those date's, you could look at any Western type scope site instead for the astro then...


Well more to the Pisces Physical then would normally think, took a bit of pondering to figure this out:

The new Police waves in that of song and dance, etc areas, is pretty neat!...

The 12th type areas are also for throwing out the old, making ready for the new in change of face and persona, etc, and in that it also opposes aka interacts with it's opposite of *Leo types* in 6th work, daily routines type areas...

There we have the Sun in Cancer 5th the more sensitive and the house of fun and play also ruling it as well...Doesn't hurt that Mercury had been prior conjuncting Rahu and is yet sign conjunct it in Leo areas as well...Times do change...

Moon is further conjuncting Rahu in Leo 6th areas this eve and night... 

7/14 Earth/Saturn day IV/wa...FS #2...GT: #39 - #8 Involves #64 Areas...Change line 3...

12 Officer's Establish/Produce Day...

Moon in Sun ruled Leo areas will in hr e this am enter that of the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni nakshatra areas around 10:41 this date...

Day ruler Saturn rx in Capricorn 11th type areas sub ruling the Pisces 1st Physical adding it and that of the Aquarius *12th* type areas in as well...

Moon in Leo 6th, Sun in Cancer 5th...Moon from very late last night carries it's conjunct to Rahu applying towards conjunct of Mercury's areas in the Leo 6th areas this date and on...

Venus in Virgo 7th yet trining Saturn rx in 11th areas, Venus ruling the Taurus 3rd and Libra *8th* type areas...

7/15 Sun day V/s...FS #1...GT: #23 - #35 Involves #2 Areas...Change line 4...

12 Officer's Remove/Clean Day...

Moon yet in Sun ruled Leo areas and in hr cn also enters the Sun ruled Uttaraphalguni nakshatra areas around 08:06 EDT...

Day ruler Sun in Cancer 5th type areas yet sign Opposing Saturn rx in Capricorn 11th areas...

Moon in Leo 6th areas and in the afternoon in hr w will enter that of sign Virgo 7th type areas and be conjuncting Venus there...Moon trining Saturn rx in 11th areas as well...Mercury, etc in Leo 6th areas rules that...

7/16 Moon day VI/yo...FS #9...GT: #11 - #5 Involves #54 Areas...Change line 5...

12 Officer's Full Day...

Moon in Mercury ruled Virgo with the Moon exactly conjuncting Venus in hr t of day start then carrying that, and later in ends of hr y it enters it's Moon ruled Hasta nakshatra areas around 05:57 EDT...

Venus ruling the Taurus 3rd and Libra *8th* type areas...

Day ruler Moon in Virgo 7th type areas...

Mercury in Leo 6th areas as before...

Other: Mars rx is near in exacting it's conjunct to Ketu areas in that of Aquarius *12th* type areas also involving, ruling Jupiter in Scorpio 9th type areas, and those under Saturn rx in 11th type areas subruling the Pisces 1st, Physical type areas as well...

Pretty much things of both the Solar and Lunar month descrip's have matched in most things or areas thus far...

7/17 Fire/Mars day VII/sh...FS #8...GT: #10 - #58 Involves #37 Areas...Change line 6...

12 Officer's Balence/Share Day...

[Period wise that of Jupiter in Scorpio *9th* type Far aways, etc areas ruled by *Mars rx* conjunct Ketu's areas in Aquarius *12th* type areas...Was and is quite main to this period...

Saturn rx in Capricorn *11th* type areas further ruling the Aquarius *12th* applying to the Pisces *1st* Physical areas that it and Jupiter rule in this period]...

Moon in Libra *8th* type areas since latter of hr wa this afternoon, and on through part of hr sh night the 19th...Venus in 7th type areas ruling...

7/18 Water/Mercury day VIII/h...FS #7...GT: #49 - #31 Involves #44 Areas...Change line 1...

12 Officer's Stable/Settle Day...

7/19 Wood/Jupiter day IX/t...FS #6...GT: #21 - #38 Involves #39 Areas...Change line 2...

Begins week of the Western Wht Tiger cardinal and constellations areas...

12 Officer's Initiate/Perform Day...

Moon yet same and this night in hr sh then enters the Mars ruled Scorpio 9th type areas around 21:13 EDT and remains so until early am hr m the 22nd...[Mars rx conjunct Ketu in Aquarius *12th* type areas ruling it]...

Were a couple of abrupt events today, one was of a steam pipe burst in NYC in hr m fits the pair and stars and that of Yel aka Gouchen aside abrupt's etc also in Qi Men amongst much other represents the Cloud as well...Forgot what the other event was perhaps will be in news tonight...

Did see that of clouds in both local and many types in Ntl as well of other natural or abrupt phenomena too...

That of the abrupt in NYC had what is called the God of both strange, fiery and violent happenings was in at the time as well...In Wwg that of the Gry 5th line Gwa star physical was attacked vis the resultant Grn 2nd locals Bm star areas in hr m then...

Mainly symbologies themselves, but under the correct timings usually are quite accurate in results natural or of man in either case!...
Was that of a here local injurous or fatal accident in the afternoon and hr w involved which bonded the *Gry* 5th Gwa stars areas then...

Each type of incident or accident has it's own other unique relative identifiers across systems, but too much to list all, and often don't leaving to you or those who need to track...

Can bet most things that occur in the sudden and beyond the normal of expected, normally will also be reflected in the daily pairs...That of the Wwg and Qi Men vis 2 hour intervals *are the most practical* for catching the main gists in things plus and minus that are in or going down at any given time...

Were in hr's s and yo plenty of unpredicted until occurences of tornado's in Iowa in the afternoon on, many injured with the huge in damages in some towns then...

Other in the eve *hr yo*  of a boat and the very unfortunate of 13 of the people on it were lost in Table Rock Lake Branson, Missouri (Condolences)...Latter vis the also suddens of storm and winds conditions then...

All fit date pair, and it's hour types and as the date and hours applied to them at the time:

Since prior the NM it has been a rough period type many different types of jolts in it...

7/20 Metal/Venus day X/c...[FS *#5*]...GT: #32 - #40 Involves #43 Areas...Change line 3...

12 Officer's Destruction/Break Day...In Clash with the Month...

Vis Meteorologists it's said may be more storms and or tornadic this late afternoon, eve or night times farther easts as well, and then what can be severe weathers for the SE's Saturday and or onwards as well, etc...

As far as event types a lot has matched with the Solar month descrip and the lunar pair representing it...Also goes with that of the more individual and leaderships levels as well, then the NM month pair of masses and large areas further supports it...

Beyond appropriate to situations of daily pair line star activations were many R star activations yesterday as well...

Were at least 3 towns if not more hit by tornados in Iowa on *the 19th* up to 17 people injured and a great deal of damage as well...Can be looked up on the net as reported by and most Ntl networks and Fox news as well...

Moon has been and exactly conjuncting Jupiter in Scorpio 9th type areas in hr h tonight around 22:28 EDT...

7/21 Earth/Saturn day I/y...FS #4...GT: #59 - #6 Involves #27 Areas...Change line 4...

12 Officer's Danger Day...

Moon still sign conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio 9th type areas...

Day ruler Saturn rx in Capricorn 11th type areas rules that of Mars rx conjunct Ketu in *12th* type areas also...Those as Jupiter influence affect the Pisces physical with Jupiter affecting or involved in that of our Outer events also...

Sun enters the Final End degree of Cancer 5th areas in hr wa around 15:52 EDT...It sign trines the Moon in Scorpio 9th areas as well...

If asides weather note matches just in terms of today's date pair names, there's all the news to do with trade and also currency wars, then that of China's continuous espionage threats into U.S. Biz and Academic's, etc areas...

Was pleasing to read about Best Buy's great success even in an Amazon world as well...

In other:

That here of chinese arts has little to do with present day *Red* China, most of it relates far back before that ever came up, and then what initially was made available of these arts in a large part stemmed from the various Master's that had fled China during it's *Communist* revolution...

They fled back then to Hong Kong, Singapore and *Taiwan* and some western countries such as U.S., Britain, Australia and France, Canada, etc...That plus the previously existing of some known family lines already in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan and other locations...

The bulk of those arts were further improved over time in those other countries as well, with them, not China as the main sources for learnings of them anywhere in the Free World today!...

Most of that presented here is both towards safeties ends vis timings self inherent of the hexagram pairs or astro posted, and a lot of other is *purely to the informative* for any about the systems themselves...

To the extent possible without infringing upon some areas held sacred in them:

Your vis that mentioned of the QMDJ below in the Just blog area, indirectly made aware of some of the very hidden of secretive aspects or principles within them that are capitalized on in the more modern and even spiritual of taoist influences in the birth charts type versions of it...

The main proponent for that of the more modernized of them is mainly that developed in the Joey Yap and Team Qi Men courses (c)...

Only lightly touched upon it, as it's pretty vast in all that it covers, where most is in overall focused towards one making self improvements and finding success vis using various methods and Qi Men strategies in most any life area...

That of the *Traditional type* are more for and detailed in that of reading and interpreting the birth charts themselves to include the other of Divination and Forecasts methods they teach, but not as comprehensive in other entirely separate areas such as the prior course specializes in...

Further some courses such as the *U.S. Imperial Qi men course* focus's primarily on both that of Daily on up, of Moving Qi aka Space/Time and Fortunate directions for most any type of task, goal, etc and then also on that of the Divination and Forecasts methods for that of and in any major and common interests life type areas, as well as for that of an individual's major questions in any area also...

Probably the latter is the most concise and clearly detailed in explanations, theory, diagrams, tables and terms themselves of all courses of the areas it specializes in...Also singularly the best in terms of getting a teacher's answers to any of your questions on course areas while learning as well!...

Common to all Courses and some Books such as Jerry King's, is the primary area of Divinations and Forecasts just mentioned above...That of it vis hourly type charts used is indeed the heart and the most main used and fundemental to all other areas!...

Other info's on the courses in the previous month's blog, and on the QMDJ in that and even in the more previous of monthly blogs...Some with more of a focus for those who go with the most economical of the Jerry King Qi Men Dun Jia book to start themselves out with... 

7/22 Sun day II/m...FS *#3*...GT: #39 - #15 Involves #64 Areas...Change line 5...

12 Officer's Success/Complete Day...

Moon in Scorpio which had been in the Mercury ruled Jyestha nakshatra, will in hr m move into Jupiter ruled sign Sag Outer 10th type areas and the Ketu ruled Mula nakshatra areas around 06:12 EDT...A water to fire sign transition...

[Day ruler Sun still at the Final End degree of Cancer 5th areas will late afternoon in hr s enter that of Leo 6th type areas around 17:02 EDT this date...

That also is a water to fire sign transition as well!...

The Sun in Leo then will be closely sign conjuncting that of Rahu there, which in turn more broadly sign conjuncts Mercury in those Leo 6th type areas as well]...

The Moon in Sag also applies sign square to Venus's areas in the Virgo 7th type areas, and will exact in that hr e of Monday the 23rd...


Missing Person...

City or Town of Brooklyn in Mid west Iowa and per various news sources was said about 50 Miles E of Des Moines,...

A University college student that had been dog sitting with her boyfriend just prior vis the reported in news...Later of news corrected to say dog sitting for boyfriend who was 100 miles away...

Jul 18 Last Wed night 10pm (22:00) she had went jogging, and hasn't been seen since?...Later of news corrected that time that when last sent a snapchart photo or to that effect...

Iowa: Missing 20 yr old woman since Jul 18th Wednesday night for a time of around 10pm aka *hr h* there then was the listed of it...Time still referred to as the last seen or contact with her!...

Hr timed hexagram pair for hr h anywhere and there then: 

#47 - #6 Involves #37 Areas...Change line 6...

#47 Trapped: 

The situation itself or that which happened at some point in that hour then, as the likely for anywhere for some few in their local areas in hr h (22:00 - 23:59)...

Hr h involved the Objects (U) line *Red* 4th Kh water star areas was linked to Grn 3rd Rw fire star outer and inner social areas then...Also vis Red 4th things of decisions, gateways, boundaries, or travels in destinations then...

May also involve other things of weathers or that of the far aways also as changes line 6 of P stars for that, homes, transports, parents?, news, and other in/of pasts, retreats, etc... 

The hr h and Red Kh star areas bonded to that of the Physical's (J) Wht 1st Gy star areas then...

Note: She was born a Yang earth Tiger same as the Physical star's branch element!...

Do Expand the pair to note:

Red Versus Wht is not a good combination indicates either the arguemenative or things of the heated ,violent, explosive, gaseous, surgical, etc...

In other:

Things happened suddenly and or impulsively in some and also may be hidden motives of others involved...

That of mobility which includes joggings and or escapes with it, and also that of selfish desire, self sabotage or punishments involved *for the general of a negative outcome type*, though does show would in then or in the later be the supportive and or of love vis others for her...

Directions NW's and SE's also indicated some sort of negative outcome then as well...The NW's was favored for some, the SE's was not...

If of self hidings vis *NE's* outcomes may not be good...NE's had problems and was not a favored direction then...

Also of hidings and things hidden under with it was SW's of which it was favored in that and other positive, however other of it shows it was inauspicious to take any actions then, so only if was pre decided by her as a plan in the well prior would it be positive...Was itself a favorable direction then...

*S's and N's were both dangerous of others then*, add SE's and NE's as not the best or fortunate for tasks, actions then too...

In positive sides were 4 fortunate directions which is above norm and about the tops or best for that:

Those of NW's, W's, SW's, and **E's** then..

If very lucky in the positive???: She may be found in the in E's as related to the time then...

Positive or Favorable direction means for that of certain tasks, areas themselves, but does not mean all the human situations and their conditions were neccessarily positive for any individual(s) or locations then...

That as actual birth chart factors and that of the enviroments, etc conditions, do play roles in the individual(s) results as well!...

Only do these in the quite non occasional, takes several hours in the initial so due to time limits, my energy, that here, and much other...If the listed time was right then the above will apply correctly...

Adds [ ]:

[N's, NE's, E's and SE's are the close by or also in the home of directions, the other are of various distances including the far aways...

Should there ever be any arrests involved in the future then of future hours or days such would be most likely on c, y else wa, s zones...Those can further extend into months or years in some cases as well...   

Should there be any crininal elements involved S's of the external or far to far aways goes with those...E's in insides or close goes with those in the lessor, then possibly that of the N's inside or near of which also has a long distance or foreign component may involve that of injuries also]...
On the Iowa missing 20 year old woman (Mollie) *if they ever get straight on a time will alter the Jul 22nd post per the chart, pair for it*...

Original copywrited accounts on it:

Fox news quoted ABC's on it back then...

In later was put out by news that the boyfriend was sent a Snapchat photo from her at 10pm Jul 18th!

Now it's unmentioned and vis news 3 different times listed for her jogging, 5:30, 6:00 and 7:00 pm's???...

*Do wish all the best of luck in finding her*...

Moon in Sag sign trining that of Rahu and all in Leo 6th areas this afternoon and onwards...

Add 8/4 for 19:30 aka 7:30pm CDT Jul 18th[ ]:

[19:30 CDT aka hr yo: A Capricorn Physical 1st type, with Saturn rx there or technically in 12th areas as part of the Physical 1st areas then...For events and person char types then...

The Physical was ruled by Saturn rx and co-ruled by the Sun in Cancer 7th house type relationships areas and also a makarta type then...

[Moon in Libra 10th Outer events areas ruled by Venus in Virgo 9th type areas, and Moon further co-ruled by Rahu in Leo *8th* type areas then...

Saturn rx also ruling the material, etc of Aquarius 2nd house a type areas in which Mars rx conjuncted Ketu's areas there, Opposing Rahu sign conjunct Mercury in Leo *8th* type areas then...The 2nd house also a Makara type]...

*Transits* in the 2nd and 7th Makara houses often associate accidents or the deadly and/or death, then in norm of nada to lighter some problems or troubles  zones in personal birth chart types...Then of overheads and global some of the same for a few at least...

Jupiter in Scorpio 11th areas ruled that of the Sag *12th* type and that of the Pisces 3rd type areas as well then...

Basically with only some variations that physical, etc remained in play until hr sh and about 20:48 CDT there...

After 20:48 transitioned to an Aquarius Physical 1st and one just rolls the placements to their new houses for that...

Jul 18th was Day VIII/h aka the Yin metal Pig and in Hr yo the timed pair:

#17 - #3 Involves #53 Areas...Change line 4...

Followings or Abidings Involves things or that at surfaces which spreads out or spread s to the wide and far, which leads or turns into that or things of Temporary Stagnations...

Expand to examine...

If criminal connected activities then, the *likely* arrest zones in hours of any date, or of days, month's, years are t, c, w, wa...

Hour: Negative with partial plus, and in some also as a negative outcomes type: Main directions SW, N, NW, SE]...

7/23 Moon day III/cn...FS #2...GT: #23 - #2 Involves #2 Areas...Change line 6...

12 Officer's Receive/Accept Day...

Moon in Jupiter ruled Sag enters that of the Venus ruled Purvashadha nakshatra areas in hr cn around 08:34 this date, Moon tightly squaring Venus in Virgo areas then...

Day ruler Moon in Sag 10th Outer areas...

Jupiter in Scorpio 9th areas...

Venus in Virgo 7th areas...


That of the *Greece fires* of a negative and destructive matches that of the date pair and masses there  (Condolences)...

The hr pair there then #23 - #4 Involves #2 if expand, that of Grn 6th Gy stars linked to 1st Pwa star areas...The hr s *clashed* those for that of the tall and of wood element in cyclindrical forms and was of date in locals Yel 2nd Re fire star changes for dangers in some which hr s bonded as well, whose resultant was same as date of Pcn star type that further clashed Wht 4th Psh stars areas as well!...

7/24 Fire/Mars Day IV/e...FS #1...GT: #11 - #46 Involves Change line 1...

12 Officer's Open Day...

Moon yet same in Jupiter ruled Sag, and will enter that of the Sun ruled Uttarashadha nakshatra areas in hr e around 11:06 EDT...

Day ruler Mars rx conjunct Ketu's areas in Aquarius *12th* type areas, Saturn rx in Capricorn 11th areas rules those, while Mars rx rules the Aries 2nd and the Jupiter in Scorpio 9th type areas!...

Moon in Sag 10th Outer areas...

Later this date in hr s the Moon enters Saturn rx ruled Capricorn 11th type areas, *conjuncting Saturn rx there* around 17:49 EDT, all in the same Sun ruled Nakshatra areas then!...

Jupiter in Scorpio 9th areas...

Sun in Leo 6th type areas conjuncting Rahu and those in turn sign conjuncting Mercury in the Leo 6th areas as well...

An add in yesterday's above of the unfortunate of Greece's forest fires!...

7/25 Water/Mercury day V/w...FS #9...GT: #10 - #25 Involve #37 Areas...Change line 2...

12 Officer's Close Day...

Moon in Saturn ruled Capricon 11th areas and in afternoon hr wa enters that of the Moon ruled Sravana nakshatra areas there around 14:02 EDT...Moon sign conjunct Saturn will be trining that of Venus in Virgo 7th type areas this date as well...

Day ruler Mercury in Leo 6th areas of which the Sun conjuncting Rahu sign conjuncts it opposing Mars rx conjunct Ketu's areas in the Aquarius *12th* type areas also...Mercury rules the Gemini 4th and Virgo 7th type areas...

7/26 Wood/Jupiter day VI/wa same as month...FS #8...GT: #49 - #17 Involves #44 Areas...Change line 3...

Begins the week of the Southern Red Phoenix in it's cardinal and constellations areas...

12 Officer's Establish/Produce Day...

Moon in Capricorn same as prior and will enter the Mars rx ruled Dhanishtha nakshatra areas in hr s around 17:07 EDT...

Day ruler Jupiter In Scorpio 9th type areas...

Mars rx conjunct Ketu in Aquarius *12th* type areas...

Other same as yesterdays in most...


The full moon (FM) coming up on this *friday the 27th*, and is said to be nearest the longest of lunar eclipse types...

That where the Moon is in Opposition to the Sun and both are within a degree of the nodes (Rahu and Ketu) then...

The Moon conjuncting that of Mars rx conjunct Ketu in Aquarius and in the opposite that of the Sun conjuncting Rahu in Leo areas then...

For the interested:

Appears that of the Joey Yap Qi Men (c) courses will be starting earlier than last year, and the videos, notes prelude to that has already started as well, but plenty of time yet...

Some xtra surprises in those this round as for the very first time publically in the ahead and free *he teaches you how to of your birth chart use the one of the 10 forces aka guardians, etc that applies for you*!...

As of personal birth charts all main listed is of their positive meanings that are inline with the course purpose of:

*Transforming one's life using Qi Men principles and strategies, etc*...Includes a free birth chart for you to use in that as well... 

To get there in your browser address bar just exactly type:

Do not include an http ahead of it!...


Not wise to handle local crimes areas but in the non occasional that of far aways may do, however on that of *a missing person's case* even if later turns out otherwise than *would give what I can on the locals too*!...

The same basic info is always required: The date of it, the time the person last seen or was communicated with, and the Person's Age!...

Did Hear in local news about a woman said to missing since Wednesday, assuming that's the 25th?...Then a last seen leaving the hospital time of 7am plus given...

Didn't hear or may have missed that of her Age, and if that comes up in late local news again then will pop a chart...

Vis it will provide some basic main info's, it's hr's hexagram pair, and that on directions just as have done on the missing 20 yr old woman in Iowa's case in the Jul 22nd post...

Local areas missing person:

Jul 25, 2018 Missing Person (Woman)...

A Yang earth Horse day...

As long as she was born after Feb 4th (Likely), then same as this Month and she was born as and in a *Yin earth Goat* (Ji Wei) year...

She left the local VA Hospital at 7am plus which was yet in hr m until 08:00 EDT...

Police reported in news later, that her car was found at home, though she was not there!...

Means could have dissappeared any time prior to the police arriving, but we do have to go with *the last time she was seen* as hr m as and that would given her an hour to get home prior to 8am or hr cn!...

You have the date timed in Jul 25th's post, and the timed pair for hr m was:

#44 - #50 Involves #1 Areas...Change line 5...

Coming to Meet Involves the Father, leader or authority, elder, male, and or that of the creative or raw power which leads to that of the Cauldran (Tops of Org's or the heated of item types, weapons or explosives, etc)...Likely also describing the natural phenomena in things aside that of calls, messages, mail or physical meetings themselves!...

Change line 5  Grn 5th Bs metal star changes produced back by Pwa star areas then, usually of a destructive nature or type...Add P and B star meanings in...

Physical/Subject (J): Yel abrupt or hookings, etc forces in that of begins, that at surfaces or below and underneaths areas with Void, mal but very strong Pc earth star things, types or areas...Add P star meanings...

Object (U): Blk 4th Rw fire star areas involves that of the showy or controls groups, etc...

Hr m bonded that of Red 6th Psh earth star areas (P star stuff) in those or things at the tops, that very high, internets, or things acrossed the way or in the far aways!...

Fire was formed there for that of R star manifests then...

Had a Gy hider, hidings or of the hidden, missings star (G star) type, under that of *Gry* the strange, unusual  , sudden, volatile or of destined changes Kh water star areas (K star) as well then...

Do expand to examine, and of the Jul 25th date pair as well...

On Qi Men chart:

*There were no auspicious directions in hr m*!...

Also for others of any locations anywhere that of hr m would have been a problem in some, as was an unfortunate time involving things in general getting stuck, obstructions, delays, etc and some few could include the deadly...Even a good formation not that much help so some few would be fated for that of ill things in such...

Main of:

General outcome was to the negative in hr m, and again would have applied in some few cases...

N's Very unfortunate includes disaster or harm though in theo somewhat weakened, did have one main fortunate Jade Maiden Guarding the Door aspect, but not so effective then...

Add: Also of N's then was an internal aka insides or very near's direction type, and per late news the 27th has shifted to the suspicious or that of a crime scenes type (different news sources),  and any of criminal elements go with it also!... 

SW's Those who wander anywhere, suitable for surprise attacks then, and a general state of stagnations...

*S's* Just a maybe?, may eventually be found in that direction, as does connect to her and involves the sudden, sudden jolts, surprises or that of being dum struck aka distored thinkings...

E's Gatherings, relationships or multiple calls or messages but would not meet anyone nice then, and may involve being separated from others then...

Those are the main ones, and that of the other directions had their problems as well vis all things for any location had that of a get stuck influence for that hour and as a type that could include the deadly in some as well...

[Add: Should there ever be any arrests involved in the future then of *future hours or days* such would be same as the Iowa event and most likely on/in c, y else wa, s zones...Those can further extend to months or years in some cases too...

Further other investigative things or other may turn up on futures hr's or day's or beyond of t,c or w, wa zones as well]...

Done speedily if 2 hours is speedy?...Will over time likely add further to this to see if can further distinguish some in a more clear way...Was more like about 3 hours...

Check the Jul 22nd post for the Internal aka that inside or near, and the External aka further outside or far aways listing of each direction... 

In notes when there are inauspicious directions or in this case all of them, (things of routines and the ordinary still go on), but have that of the slow or some inertia to them, as in things getting stuck, obstacles, obstructions, accidents, delays, etc and in some *very few cases* the deadly in some comes up as well...

Local area Astro chart influences for it in the separate for that hour..:

Things were of a Bold Leo physical type then with Mars rx conjunct Ketu types areas in that of Aquarius *7th type areas* for that of relationships, the abrupt, assertive, and or angry in others actions then too and of which certain things might come up missing as well...

Moon ruled Cancer *12th* type areas then and had conjuncted Saturn rx in that of the Capricorn 6th type areas at the time ruling that of those 7th type areas as well...

Gave a *somewhat* negative, depressive, dark or mal orientation to the emotive in things and events then as well...

Had that of Jupiter in Scorpio 4th type areas ruled by Mars rx in 7th areas, plus that of Taurus 10th Outer events areas then ruled by Venus in material etc 2nd areas then...

Also amongst many do hope she either turns up or is found!...

Note: One area have to correct a bit in the Just Blog area is anytime have some auspicious directions that have some ill components to them, that of the ill or mal will only apply to a very few, and for 99.999 percent of the time those will be good for the bulk to use!...

Thats's very few of norms meant, if an area experiences a major natural disaster then that of auspicious directions would hold very little meaning in that type of situation, but for other global areas they'd be just fine!... 

Mercury now rx in that of sign Leo areas as of today...

Full Moon and lunar period start:


7/27 Metal/Venus day VII/s...FS *#7*...GT: #21 - #27 Involves #39 Areas...Change line 4...

12 Officer's Remove/Clean Day...

That of the GT (Global timed) pair applies to most western countries at day start the 27th as well...

U.S. Exact FM prd pair #21 - *#51* Involves #39 Areas same as our Solar month pair for the more in Jolts, etc this round!...


Then for that of Far Easts and China that of GT Daystarts occurs *in simul with us as the same pair* but is on their 28th calendar wise and Day VIII/yo there, FS #6, and of the 12 Officer's a Full Day type there...

Russia Exact is the same as the all countries GT pair except day VIII/yo, FS #6 and a Full Day...Turkey, etc as well...

Then other as the hexagram pair images posted near page top under others today shows...


You already have the key astro same anywhere of the FM itself in 26th's post.

The FM exacts here in *hr s* around 16:19 EDT, where the Moon is in Saturn rx ruled Aquarius areas and yet in the *Mars rx* conjunct Ketu ruled Dhanishtha $ Nakshatra areas the latter of the Nak shared in the Capricorn 2nd type areas as well then...

Moon is conjuncting Mars rx and Ketu at that time...Opposite the Sun is conjuncting Rahu in the Leo 9th type areas then...

Total lunar eclipse also referred to as a Blood Moon is think said the longest for this century and nearing the theoretical maximum for duration which would be another 3 minutes for that...

Our main chart Physical 1st areas is of sign Sag areas then, and for the FM lunar period, it's rulers are that of Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* type areas along with that of Mars rx conjunct *Ketu* in the Aquarius *3rd* type areas...

Has been already of the month but the latter enhances that of *dangers in Environments* areas also including drivings and travels both near's by, and in short or far of journies amongst many other things and or of the natural or weathers as well...

Vis Mars and Ketu expect some in the abrasive or heated within communications and of actions of some in environments near or far too, also that of accidents and or some as setup's such as those that stop quickly in front of you or abruptly cross lanes in attempts to make $$ from accidents, etc..

Some can further extend to that within hospital areas and other of 12th type institutions areas, and/or of big stuff and other of Jupiter's influence natural or man's of dangers or calamities, the hidden or clandestine in stuff can come up in them as well...

May also be some in that of building improvements or making advances in the techy or sciences sides of things and other of learnings, exams or communications and doc's areas as well...

ADD [ ]: 

[In the pre of starts, that of Facebook a huge match the tied togethers of the Physical 1st, 2nd, 3rd and *12th* type areas, plus additionally that of Mercury rx of the 9th governing the 10th and 7th type areas as well]!...

Feel free to add of any plus type areas within the 3rd type areas themselves as well... 

Saturn rx which rules those Aquarius 3rd areas is in that of Capricorn 2nd's various material type areas, some of in family, groups, org's related areas there as well...

Outer events are in Virgo 10th type areas and ruled by Mercury rx in Leo 9th areas, and where the Sun conjuncts Rahu there which sign wise conjuncts Mercury as well...

Mercury rx further rules the Gemini 7th type areas too...

Were other matches in Ntl news of both our exact pair and astro for the sudden and jolts stuff such as the recent of Redding and Cranston, Calif huge fires, also maybe the UN $$ stuff too, and any other you might have noted...

[In *hr sh* the Moon in the Aquarius *3rd* type areas enters that of it's *Rahu* ruled Satabhisha nakshatra areas, around 20:14 EDT...

*Rahu* with the Sun conjuncting it, is in our Leo 9th type areas, and the Moon *will be carrying of those energies into the late night of the 28th*]...

7/28 Earth/Saturn day VIII/yo...FS #6...GT: #32 - #28 Involves #43 Areas...Change line 5...

12 Officer's Full Day...

Moon as last described in the prior...

Day ruler Saturn rx in Capricorn 2nd material, etc areas, it rules those and that in the Aquarius 3rd areas as well...

A lot stays physically interactive as *Mars rx* conjunct Ketu's areas in the Aquarius *3rd* areas also rules that of Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* type areas, and Jupiter in turn with Ketu rules that of our Sag physical 1st areas as well...

Rahu in Leo 9th type areas yet conjuncted by the Sun and those in turn sign conjunct Mercury rx there as well...Mercury rx further ruling the Virgo Outer 10th type areas and that of the Gemini 7th type areas as well...

Moon will very late this night in hr h EDT enter that of the *Jupiter* ruled Purvabhadrapada nakshatra areas (part of a pair always mention) around 23:17 EDT...*Jupiter being in Scorpio *12th* type areas*!...

[That of the Jul 22nd and 26th's Missing Persons areas updated some vis adds...

One other item that I don't think applies is that of an Escapes direction, but will list and though of different dates and hours, that of *SE's* applied in both cases...

Would on the local been better, if  someone had seen her at her home or if there were any calls answered or made by her after 8am which would have set things to a different chart...

Mention since was of prior news reported that they had found her phone there too, barring that gave only what I could...

On the Iowa missing 20 year old woman (Mollie) *if they ever get straight on a time will alter the Jul 22nd post per the chart, pair for it*...

Original copywrited accounts on it:

Fox news quoted ABC's on it back then...

Later it was put out by news that the boyfriend was sent a Snapchat photo from her at 10pm Jul 18th!

Now that's unmentioned and vis news 3 different times listed for her jogging, 5:30, 6:00 and 7:00 pm's???]...

7/29 Sun day IX/sh...[FS *#5*]...GT: #59 - *#29* Involves #27 Areas...Change line 6...

12 Officer's Balance/Share Day...

Moon and nakshatra same last of yesterday until hr yo when the Moon yet in the same nakshatra areas then enters that of sign Pisces around 19:28 EDT...

Day ruler Sun in Leo 9th type areas passing but still conjunct Rahu there, both of which sign conjunct that of Mercury rx there as well...

Moon in Pisces 4th type areas which Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* type areas rules...Mars rx conjunct Ketu in Aquarius 3rd areas opposing the Sun's areas rules the Scorpio 12th...

Other of priors:

On locals here: Other on Andrya missing since Jul 25th... Another sys shows that date, and *that of hour m* was in the obvious pretty main for her in that of *her life* events then!...

Then also of the hour pair that of the hour bonded the Red *6th* Psh star areas, and formed fire for *R star manifests* then...*Hr m may have been acting as a totally hidden G star type*...

That of 6th line areas which represents things had indicated prior, also of Tops unfortunately may include the Top of one's head in that of the possibles too...

Also of possibles you'd include things of the overhead astro influences then, that of 6th type areas, daily routines, healths, co-workers or patients, etc, goes with what may have been volatile of the Aquarius 7th type areas in then...The Sun in the Leo physical also conjuncting Rahu for that of bold or emboldened natures then too... 

Symbolically that which conjuncts a node get's amplified: So of the above and then Mars rx conjunct Ketu in the 7th Relationships areas...Additionally of Ketu and it's areas, aspects, especially conjuncts to it, tend to make some things of persons , areas or things themselves in general disappear as well...

Then a reminder on Ketu especially but Rahu as well is that they reflect that of Sudden changes!...

[That of Mars rx maybe some of pasts also ruled that of the Aries 9th areas for long distances, etc and that of the Jupiter in Scorpio 4th type areas then...

Anyway in theo that ties things of relationships to those 2 areas plus 6th's and then of the two that of Aries 9th type areas to Scorpio 4th homes, etc areas then...

That of the Aries 9th that ties in, can be anything of 9th house type areas which vis search engines you can look up]!...

Venus in Virgo 2nd (things in 2nd areas usually not good indicators) ruled that of Taurus Outer 10th type events areas and Libra 3rd social relational then...

Simplified: Also controlling Venus in Virgo 2nd areas then is that of Mercury by hour in the Leo physical then which hadn't went rx yet, and same controlling that of Gemini 11th type areas at the time...

Mercury, Saturn and Mars are all rx now which in the vedic system simply means that their effects are much stronger and that of both their positive and negative char's and attributes are stronger as well...

 You can apply most of the same to their areas in our FM period chart as well...

About all that can be added of that view...

We can hope it was another hour *which would change a great deal*, had to go with what was known though....

Can finally chill on this stuff for awhile now and leave to you!...

7/30 Moon day X/h...FS #4...GT: #39 - #63 Involves #64 Areas...Change line 1...

12 Officer's Settle Day...

*Moon in* Jupiter ruled *Pisces* and will in hr c enter that of the *Saturn rx* ruled Uttarabhadrapada (second of pairs) nakshatra areas around 02:10 EDT...

Day ruler Moon in Pisces 4th type areas while it's ruler Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* type areas, that all in Leo 9th areas signs squares the latter...

Sun as prior mentioned and within those Leo 9th areas, and yet in Opposition with all in Aquarius 3rd type areas as well...

Saturn rx in Capricorn material, etc 2nd type areas ruling the Aquarius 3rd type areas also, it and Jupiter ruling the Pisces 4th type areas today!...The Moon there rules Cancer *8th* type areas this period...

That of the material part with Saturn rx specifically one of the date's influences showed in the stocks results today, and then in the overall of the period that of the tremendous losses due to fires out west...

That of a Sag fire sign type Physical does reflect the Outdoors and that of forests amongst many other things of it's original 9th house type areas for this period...

Though the Moon in Pisces was/is trining that of Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* type areas this late eve, that's yet along with the more damping of the Saturn rx influence in our material 2nd type areas this date as well...

Of Qi Men for the day start and on in the very simplified had reflected that of the things getting stuck and or that of inertia effects in some things today and also that with a bickerings slant to it as well, political showed the latter...

In note that of the astro for hr m it's Physical remains fixed in play for a while and near globally so of the wide in given lattitudes, the Qi Men however is superior in that regard to that as for a given hour itself is distinctly different each day!...

Then it turns out each is uniquely useful as to the different types of views on a given thing or area they give us...Most are most used to the astro as it's easier to work with as well, but at times here I supplement with the Qi Men additional to the daily, etc of the hexagram pairs themselves...

7/31 Fire/Mars day I/t...FS #9...GT: #23 - #4 Involves #2 Areas...Change line 2...

*Date I/t the Yang wood Rat starts off, begins another 60 day cycle*...

12 Officer's Initiate/Perform Day...

Moon in Jupiter ruled Pisces is sign Opposing that of Venus in Virgo areas and trining that of Jupiter in Scorpio areas, the Moon enters that of the Mercury ruled Revati nakshatra areas in hr y around 04:43 EDT this date...

Day ruler Mars rx past but yet conjuncting Ketu's areas in our Aquarius 3rd type areas, and as in prior sign Opposes that of the Sun past but yet conjuncting Rahu in Leo 9th type areas, the latter sign conjunct Mercury rx there as well...

Moon in Pisces 4th type areas and in hr y then Mercury rx additional to Jupiter will be ruling it, where Moon rules the Cancer *8th* type areas as well...

Mercury rx in Leo 9th type areas...

Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* type areas...

8/1 Water/Mercury day II/c...FS #8...GT: #11 - #19 Involves #54 Areas...Change line 3...

12 Officer's Destruction/Break Day...Clashes the Month and vice versa...

Moon same until hr m when it enter the Mars ruled sign of Aries, and in simul the Ketu ruled Ashwini nakshatra areas around 06:54 EDT...

Day ruler Mercury rx in Leo 9th type areas...

Moon after 06:54 in Aries 5th type areas which sign trines the Sag physical and that of the Leo 9th type areas...Mars rx sign conjunct Ketu in Aquarius 3rd areas rules the Moon in Aries 5th areas...

Reference Jul 26th's post on Andrya a local missings person where had updated it the 28th:

[Dates and or times listed of Qi Men a match in the investigative: Those as *yesterday day t and today day c*...

Also vis late night news other night that of Easts of main direction appears to match in terms of location types,  and that of separatings]...

That of the N's or just symbolically of Kan type areas in the criminal elements, crimes areas indicated that clashings against her life areas there then...May if not other include that of the dark or of watery, etc type areas at the home or of other areas and close ties or not as well...

[Had missed, overlooked on Astro that of the Pisces 8th type (deadly or death's) areas connection for hr m of the 25th...Pisces is originally of 12th house areas also in this case most unfortunately takes in and goes with that of things thrown away...

That also related to homes, etc then vis Jupiter in Scorpio 4th type areas ruling it]...

That of the near impossible to figure out of the Wwg hr timed stars (names ok) had a Gy hider star on the *Gry* 2nd locals line under Kh aka K star areas of the strange and unusual, etc then K star also that of rests, rests areas and much other...Then originally of the Cures and other areas too...

Vis one news source to be a Police news conference on all concerning her case this date as well...

Today if held at 11am EDT is hr e which clashes those K stars for events, and also bonds the date Jul 25th's pair Physical rulings Ks star areas as well...

On the hr m pair yesterday day t bonded it's Physical things in pasts or begins, at surfaces or underneaths and hidden areas of Yel 1st Pc star type happenings, etc then, and today day c same as those representing that of fullfillments dates for it as well...

So we will learn in hr w of Noon news today...

In or if any future ongoings of it yet, and for any Missing persons case had listed 3 things needed on those in 25th's post, adding one additional:

When known always include the area directionally of the home or event in terms of where it falls in the town or city itself in which things occurred!...

In hr w local news sources written and live today stated a woman's body had been found in a dumpster at a local Walmart area, and that they Police *believe* that to be her's, which would match things listed, but apparently has yet to be totally confirmed!...

Condolences to the family... 

The attacker or suspect has not been identified or found yet...

8/2 Wood/Jupiter day III/y...FS #7...GT: #10 - #61 Involves #37 Areas...Change line 4...

Begins week of the Eastern Grn Dragon of it's cardinal and constellations areas...

12 Officer's Danger Day...

Moon same in Mars ruled Aries, etc then in hr cn it enters that of the Venus ruled Bharani nakshatra areas there around 08:35 EDT...

Day ruler Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* type areas mainly ruling the Sag Physical 1st and Pisces 4th type areas...

Moon in Aries 5th areas with Mars rx in Aquarius 3rd and 08:35 on that of Venus in Virgo 10th Outer events areas ruling it...

Mars rx conjunct Ketu of those Aquarius 3rd areas sign trines that of Jupiter in the Scorpio 12th type areas, while the Sun, etc of Leo 9th areas squares it...

On Iowa if they come up with a fitbit time that may be the one to go with, but then they've also said she was likely doing homework after the jog, and there's still that 10pm time which was said the Snapchat photo was sent...

[On the 10pm would have had an Aquarius physical there with that of Mars rx and Ketu stuff there, which was ruled by Saturn rx in Capricorn 12th type areas, and co-ruled by Jupiter (long distances, etc) in Outer 10th events then...Would have been that for not quite 2 hours prior as well...

An issue with that is 20 or more minutes after that it shifted to a Pisces physical (goes with pic's and much other) aligning what was yet the US New Moon period chart also...

In it Jupiter was in Scorpio 9th type areas for near same meanings ruled it...Unfortunately didn't post astro on Jul 18th itself but the above and this below accurate for then...

Maybe no issue was actually not quite 22:13 there for the start of the Pisces physical there itself, so is quite close to the 10pm given with Jupiter as the ruler...

That of co - rulers vis nakshatra's to a physical vis changes is pretty fast about every 30 minutes or less so when you have a precise time you can get more accurate physical descriptions vis sign itself and where those rulers located]...

For the Aquarius physical the Moon was in Libra of 9th type areas with Venus in Virgo *8th* areas...

Then for the Pisces physical, the Moon in Libra was of *8th* type areas, and Venus in Virgo 7th type relationships areas then...

[On that of local in late eve news they mentioned the woman was strangled to death so neck area and was what killed her!...Only added that of the top of head later after more apparent was wrong doing as originally was just a Missing persons status...

Look at the hr pair had given: Object (U) 4th line Rw (attack star, etc), hr m clashed *that of the resultant 4th line's Byo star*, which further linked to 3rd line areas...The 4th line always represents *the neck*,  shoulders and then maybe upper chest when connected to 3rd line areas...The 5th line represents the face and head in general!]...

Most should remember what an R star means and would when connected to someone missing or a potential crime, etc?...That Rw star was date active then...

Nothing further to add on the QMDJ area except showed that the criminal would be difficult to find, so have to hope that's soon in spite, and see what the direction turns out to be else the date of arrest itself...   

As said *would do what could, takes many charts of similar situations to maybe do better is a learning experience*, but did have some valid matches in directions and those initial main investigative announcements dates when she was found...

8/3 Metal/Venus IV/m...FS #6...GT: #49 - #55 Involves #44 Areas...Change line 5...

12 Officer's Success/Complete Day...

Moon in Mars rx ruled Aries same as yesterday then in hr cn enters the Sun ruled Krittika nakshatra areas around 09:41 EDT...

Later in hr wa the Moon yet in same nakshatra enters the Venus ruled sign of Taurus around 15:51 EDT...

Day ruler Venus in Virgo 10th Outer areas...

Moon initially in Aries 5th and in afternoon in Taurus 6th type areas...

Sun in Leo 9th type areas, Rahu sign conjuncts it, and those sign conjunct Mercury rx there...

The Moon while in Taurus will be sign Opposing Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* areas and squaring that in the Leo 9th type areas also...

Houston, Tx and the Doctor killer:

#31 - #45 Involves *#44* Areas...Did indeed all match, short quick facts: The date clashed Blk 5th line Byo stars of their injurous, destructive, damaging meanings at the head levels of the body which was opened in hr cn for actions, where the police confronted the criminal and he shot himself...

Applicable of star/line meanings which represent many, many situations, themes or trends *globally* at the time were obviously condensed to that of this one event by me, but are of their valid meanings base, and correct for the event there then...

Blk: N's watery, dark or bloody, thiefs, murderers, criminals, and much other...You can expand to further analyze and as some always should!...

Way too much to detail, but fully matched the Qi Men, that I call the Great Daddy or Grand Daddy of the Wwg then...

On that of Mollie and Iowa still have not seen or heard anyone strongly refuting that of the around 22:00 aka 10pm time for the Snapchat photo of Jul 18th...Were that to be said an error than would change to what ever time the Fitbits device listed or that of the last seen jogging by someone? of around 19:30, but until that 10pm time is eliminated will leave as is...

In other to go with it there's nothing of the accusational, just the quirks of time and what may go with it about it...All is timings here and of set standard meanings per the systems used...

On 8/2 aka Day III/y (Yang fire Tiger), around 08:00 EDT hr cn 12 yr old chinese girl abducted from RR Washington Ntl airport...GT #6 - #12 Involves #37 Areas...Change line 2...

Things arising of conflicts involve that of family or org's which lead or turn into that of Halts or of things, areas Stagnating or Falling down, etc?...

Was an Rh hider star bonded by the date then, which could represents that of dangers or officials themselves in that...

Feel free to expand and examine vis that for hexagrams in the Just Blog area, as opposed to entire teams one individual can only handle so much, and why always encourage others to learn the Wwg or Qi men for themselves to use for such and maybe one day as teams too...

Good per Ntl news this eve that worked out, was parents as in #37 family that had picked her up...That of #6 also reflects legalities, often minor for the bulk but can be more major for a few, then hopefully that of #12 Halt means it's a did, done conclusion type...

Ready for a good break...

8/4 Earth/Saturn day V/cn...[FS *#5*]...GT: #21 - *#51* Involves #39 Areas...Change line 6...

12 Officer's Receive/Accept Day...

Moon in Taurus same yesterday until hr e this date when it enters that of the Mercury rx ruled Rohini nakshatra areas around 10:07 EDT...

Day ruler Saturn rx in Capricorn material, etc 2nd type areas which further rules that of Mars rx conjunct Ketu's areas in that of Aquarius 3rd type areas...

The Moon in Taurus 6th areas strongly Opposes that of Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* type areas while in the same Squaring that of the mainly the Sun in Leo 9th type areas...That of the Sun also Squaring that of Jupiter in the Scorpio *12th* areas too...

Mercury rx in Leo 9th areas ruling the Venus in Virgo 10th Outer areas and that of the Gemini 7th type areas this date...

Venus and Mercury rx rules the Moon's in Taurus this date, with the Moon ruling that of Cancer *8th* type areas itself...

Updated the Jul 22nd's post relative Jul 18th Iowa timings, still appears the 10pm on timing the main...

8/5 Sun day VI/e...FS #4...GT: #32 - #34 Involves #43 Areas...Change line 1...

12 Officer's Open Day...

Moon yet in Venus ruled Taurus areas and there will enter that of Mars rx ruled Mrigasira nakshatra areas in hr cn around 09:56 EDT...

Day ruler Sun in Leo 9th type areas...Sun very tightly Squares that of Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* type areas...Moon passed but sign squares both...

After 09:56 Moon in Taurus 6th type areas with ruler Venus in Virgo 10th Outer areas, and co-ruler Mars rx conjunct Ketu in Aquarius 3rd type areas this date...Moon ruling the Cancer *8th* type areas...

In hr sh this night the Moon is yet in same nakshatra areas, but enters that of Mercury rx ruled *Gemini areas* around 21:31 EDT...Gemini in our 7th type areas and it's ruler Mercury rx is in Leo 9th type areas...

8/6 Moon day VII/w...FS *#3*...GT: #59 - #20 Involves #27 Areas...Change line 2...

12 Officer's Close Day...

Moon in Mercury rx ruled Gemini areas will in hr cn enter that of the *Rahu* ruled Ardra nakshatra areas...

Day ruler Moon in Gemini 7th type areas: So Mercury rx in Leo 9th areas and after 09:00 also *Rahu* in Leo 9th type areas rules it...The Moon ruling our Cancer *8th* type areas...

Moon trines that of Mars rx conjunct Ketu's areas in our Aquarius 3rd type areas...

Venus in Final End degree of Virgo 10th Outer areas this date, rules the Taurus 6th and Libra 11th type areas...

In recents and pretty much always have been lots of matches to the date pairs here, and vis the hour(s) interacting with the stars within them left to the interested to decypher...

Some in far easts while of same gregorian and animal (sign element) dates, lag us by one day in terms of the hexagram there for it!...Today there would be the pair of the 5th here for their VII/w date, etc...

That being of the Wwg timed as derived from the Qi Men, the latter as taught shows straight up whether a given animal (sign, element) *hour type* of a given animal (sign, element) date type runs to the positive or negative of it's destiny and outcome components globally...

Most use as such for questions, but sometimes and not often I expand it to the more detailed in terms of some events themselves, and as don't usually ask much in the way of questions as most do...Are two methods on questions and understand both but again I focus more on events here...

Preview [ ]: 

[We have a partial solar eclipse coming up for this new moon on the 11th...

It occurs in the sign of Leo, and is said by some to affect all of the fixed signs strongly as well...

In the ahead will mention that of *sign Leo will be of in Our physical 1st areas for that New Moon Lunar period*...

Aside the Sun that of Venus which rules the Purvaphalguni nakshtra with Venus in Libra 3rd type areas rules the Leo physical itself then as well...

Mercury rx in the Leo Physical will be in near exact Square (tensional) with and to Jupiter in Scorpio 4th type areas then and for the NM period itself...

Then also in the hidden, clandestine and other structures such as prisons, hospitals, healing areas, etc of the Leo physical's *12th* house partial areas, we have that of Ketu ruling the Magha nakshatra areas of Leo there as well...Just mention that and in other will treat it as whole signs per house as usual the Vedic way and on Our Western astro chart here...The *12th* areas sign is of Cancer itself...

Mars rx still conjuncting Ketu's areas in maybe some pasts connected areas in that of the abrupt and or bumpy sides of Aquarius 7th relationships, legalities, contracts, etc type areas then]...

Solar month of the Yang metal Monkey starts here this date:

8/7 Fire/Mars day VIII/wa...FS #2...GT: #39 - #8 Involves #64 Areas...Change line 3...

12 Officer's Close Day...

Solar month Monkey (s):

US Exact: #63 - #39 Involves #64 Areas...Change line 1...

Things being or already complete involve the unfinished or unsettled matters which leads to that of barriers or things of obstructions or difficulty...

Will add new page sometime this date with Ours and other Country pair's hexagram images as well...

Moon same in Mercury rx ruled Gemini areas and will enter the Jupiter ruled Punarvasu nakshatra areas in hr m around 07:29 EDT...

Day ruler Mars rx conjuncts Ketu's areas within the Aquarius 3rd type areas this date, rules that of the Aries 5th and Scorpio *12th* type areas...

Moon in Gemini 7th areas, with Mercury rx in Leo 9th and Jupiter in Scorpio *12th* areas ruling it...

Just Blog:

To expand that of any daily pairs:

Use the SuperIching EZ hexagram full *expander* use SuperIching's go there scroll read the instructions and use for any dailies or tosses you wish to expand for the line stars of them...

[Once again: The general of that here and of the systems used, directly in time covers the entire east coast, and of timezone offsets the rest of the country as well...

So any mentioned here applies in general manner to all of that, plus also in the earlier to that here that's most western countries further easts of us and most U.S. org's or interests in other countries as well...

That's a huge amount of territory at frame periodics and daily to hourly levels it also covers compared to any other type of forecast]...

QMDJ: The Ten Gods aka Dieties, Angels, Guardians, Leaders, Forces, etc...

Only 8 are used in the charts of which 2 depend on what portion of the yearly solar yang and yin cycle is in at the time...

Out of the 10, 5 are auspicious, and 5 are inauspicious...

Out of the 8 used at any time, 5 are auspicious, and 3 are inauspicious...

Those inauspicious types pretty much of any Masters (Teacher's) references, are of *very negative characteristics and attributes*!...

That tends to hold up in that of mainly natural but also in some of man's situations, events and or dealings areas themselves...

In classes and most books that of the inauspicious types were often poorly taught, so it can be exasperating for some just starting out to learn and find in their self, life aka personal destiny palace, that they have one of those inauspicious types...

Some cringe and freak out about it initially too...

Even more so when their teachers or class teachers don't have much of any good words to say about them!...

However when it comes down to those individual birth, personal aka personal destiny charts themselves that's more to the rare that their most negative characteristics play main roles throughout their lives...

[Each also does have some positive characteristics and uses which are singularly pointed out in at least one reference, that of the Joey Yap QMDJ Compendium (c)!...

In the extended of recent updates of the Pro course itself, that's been further corrected and rectified in a recent personal growth's module taught by Joey Yap himself!...

*Still and beyond a great deal* depends on the given self/destiny palace within which they fall, plus all with it in the given palace, and then further vis what that self palace itself *also constantly orients one towards, or to use, or to do in their journey through life*!]...

That of the diety, guardian or teacher influences that of matter itself too, but in people that's done subconsciously (most are non aware of it through their lives)...

Non aware as can only be learned through a course which teaches that of QMDJ birth charts or if a practitioner does your birth chart for you, so most never know a thing about it...

It basically sets how they will normally approach, interact, navigate and *make* their own destiny aka personal choices through the various of challenges, learnings, lessons and achievements in that of the long view aka their own journey through life itself...

Anyway don't let the negatives hold you up as at personal levels there must be given specific conditions to enable fully enable those aspects of them, and of which a few in the lessor numbered will have in their self/destiny palace, but a lot of that most negative is vis lessons also usually negated vis parental and social upbringings and influences, within their environment sphere's and conditions, etc...

The traditional type birth charts are much different than other systems as they also do involve real stars in them, and like the Wwg they focus on *what is the very most core and main in one's life only*!...A lot of brevity in what is a streamlined approach to a birth aka life chart...

[That called fated is that of the very specific of named situation types, conditions, and any challenges plus or minus, that will come up *in the person's life time*...

Usually in reference to their life/destiny palace as the most main, but in any given life area one chooses to examine...

Sometimes on that called the fated, that's very early and or sometimes quite late in life, and using additional or other methods *the practitioner can determine the frame for each in terms of ages or years, months, days, etc*]...

The other more modernized method does away with a lot of the detail in that, keeps it much more simplified, and where the focus is on using additional proprietary and special points to the birth chart including other special additional charts that one uses in conjunct with their birth chart...

Much different than traditional ones, and that has a key main focus of enabling *one to transform their life* and find/grow success in most any area ...

It's more geared to personal self development or improvement(s), spiritual improvements, attitudes and teaching you methods that using your own birth chart, which will allow you to obtain greater success in any area of your life including all business aspects as well...Very Specialized there!...

Either way it's either learned through a course, or in some that's given to an individual by a practitioner doing their chart...

Means most all is kept private and most can't be disseminated in a public manner...

Partial Update:

Appears that of the Joey Yap Qi Men (c) courses will be starting earlier than last year, and the videos, notes prelude to that has already started as well, but plenty of time yet...

Some xtra surprises in those this round as for the very first time publically in the ahead and free *he teaches you how to of your birth chart use the one of the 10 forces aka guardians, etc that applies for you*!...

As of personal birth charts all main listed is of their positive meanings that are inline with the course purpose of:

*Transforming one's life using Qi Men principles and strategies, etc*...Includes a free birth chart for you to use in that as well... 

To get there in your browser address bar just exactly type:

Do not include an http ahead of it!...

Time/Space (Directions):

July 4th vis the time initially seen of a Woman climbing the Statue of Liberty as listed by the New York Daily News (c) was 15:00 (3pm)...In EDT that falls in the middle of hr wa giving a 1 hour leeway either way...

Had also read other non news or info areas on the Statue of Liberty also and they pointed out that the Statue of Liberty of front side faces the SE's direction overlooking the harbor there...

*Vis QMDJ for hr wa that date* that which was most main for the hour was of NW's, *which goes with the back of the Statue itself*, then in some of the video clips shown of the event, she was walking on the back NW's side moving towards the heel of the Statue itself there, for a spot to rest...

Says she was one of the or a main in that of U.S. events there then...

Also the Strange of Time/Space Qi areas in the Accidental or Not :) :

Had a small object which once initially searched very frantically for, but never thought it that important to toss on in terms of the extra headwork and the puzzles those involve...

So just let it go, figuring if ever needed that badly would just purchase a replacement!...

Nearly *2 years later* and by total accident ran acrossed it!...

Considered that *an important change type due to the time length involved*, and the fact had looked in that same area to include messing with the object under it several times even in the well lit of day times in the past, and had never seen the lost object then?...

Anyway popped a Qi Men chart for the time had found it, and that which would represent the object did indeed show it and similar things to be of:

Hidings areas and in a dimly lit area which that also involves dark colors, the lost object was dark so would be hard to see there at night...However the formations for that were whoosh really quite rough and not what one would suspect or expect??...May have went with storms or other someplace else then as well...

Those were the conditions found it under and *I had been sitting about 6 feet directly acrossed from the area where the object turned up*, but could not see it at all, only when for some reason I got up and decided to close the lid on an object I then felt on it what turned out to be the small missing object itself!...

Was basically *quite stunned, mainly mystified*, but then also happy that it had finally showed up...

Looking at the chart more, noted the west room direction in which had found the Object, and in further checks found it [was in a specifically fortunate aka *auspicious direction* type, that for goals, tasks, etc in that given hour]!...

Secondly the formation for wests then, was a very auspicious type for individual's as well!...

Further the room itself was of the S direction which was not an auspicious direction in itself, but it also had *a very fortunate formation for individual's too then as well*!...

The Amazing or Strange of Time/Space Qi (boost luck) as that small object had been missing *for nearly two whole years*!...

Note: One area have to correct a bit, had written on this page someplace:

Anytime where have some auspicious directions *that also have some ill components to them*, that of the ill or mal will only apply *to a very few*, and for 99.999 percent of the time those will be good for the bulk to use!...

Thats's a very few in the norms of things that's meant, if an area experiences a major natural disaster then that of auspicious directions would hold very little meaning in that type of situation, but for other global areas they'd be just fine to great!...  


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