Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Solar month of the Gui Hai aka Yin water Pig (h)...

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11/7 Water/Mercury day X/m...FS *#3*...GT: #11 - #5 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 5...

Should apply to all other of Western countries to our Easts, minus those of the Far Easts and China initially...

12 Officer's Again Stable/Settle Day...Pi:Wall constellation and Porcupine animal sign...

US NM Exact: #15 - #39 Involves *#40 Areas*...Change line 5...

US SM Exact #24 - #19 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 2...

Moon or NM in Scorpio is in hr w around 11:03 EST today and again we have the of a Capricorn 1st Physical type with Saturn it's ruler fully in the physical itself, and the Moon as the guide (see status below) also for things associated it and the period...

NM itself in Scorpio 11th type areas with *the Moon in status both combust and debillitated* there in Scorpio's areas, those both apply sign conjunct to Jupiter there, it at the Final End Degree of Scorpio 11th areas...

Other positions same...

Day ruler Mercury is in Sag *12th* type areas ruling that of Gemini 6th and Virgo 9th type areas in period view...

An add in Just Blog area of a 13 yr old missing person that occurred Nov 5th, and another of local areas and a missing Women on Oct 27th...

Overlooked the Moon in Scorpio in hr wa around 13:42 entered that of the Mercury ruled Jyeshtha Nakshatra areas this afternoon, so the Moon into next date ruled by *Mars and Mercury's areas*...

Read only little news, but seemed to go with events and their tones plus natures today...

Also 11/7 Deadly shootings 12 dead, more injured at a club in Ventura county, Ca...*Condolences*!...

NM date...X/m...FS *#3*...

Normally we use the idealized time but in actual was still Hr h of day X/m there then:

Hr h if examined matched in the date pair as well...

Then of Hr h timed there was of: #24 - *#51* Involve #2 Areas...Change line 4...

Then same of for hr h earlier *at many more* eastern locations anywhere...

Many more *as opposed to all* as for some fewer locations that would have been hr t for Nov 8th's new date and pair quite different...

Anyway for the hr h pair: The hr bonded locals Grn 2nd Ry bearer dangers stars while clashing it's Void making active Pe hider star areas of same line...Grn somewhat simular to Jupiter represents big stuff, the tall or huge, etc as well...

There Leo physical 1st areas type with Rahu in the hidden of it (12th area type), and that connects to our NM's Leo *8th* type areas!...

Sun in Scorpio 4th type areas ruling that physical along with Venus Rx as the guide (for the physical's destiny) in Libra social, justice etc *3rd* type areas there then...3rd Environments, com, move, expressions and things nearby...

The Sun ruling the physical was yet conjuncting mal moon which was conjuncting that of Jupiter for big, huge, tall etc stuff at the time in the Scorpio 4th type areas...

That of Ketu sign conjunct Mars was in Aquarius 7th Relationships, etc for the abrupt, highly driven and or angry in relationships then with Venus Rx in Libra 3rd type areas another influencer in that of motivations then...

Things of the somewhat aristocratic or of theo more educated types or in areas, and *that of concealments were in then* as well as the tall, huge or multiples in losses of any type associated sittings or relaxings type areas were in then which matches events and incidents then!...

Vis news Ian Long the shooter was a Marine Vet and 28 yr's of age...In influences then People *of his age or of same in their year, month or day charts* would have been under that of very dark or depressives thoughts or thinkings influences at the time (hr h)...  

Some of such would be connected to then or prior destructive areas in their life's also at the time involving that of sudden jolts in actions and or that of fears and phobia's also!...

That of dark colored clothings in dark areas also fits with things of concealments!...

[Roughly the very same applied in this local area which at 11:43pm was yet of hr h as well!... 

Main directions (sectors) W's, SE's, N's for hr h then...

Also at that hr aka time things and areas aka sectors of E's of Zen trigram natures were in: 

For that of Tough guy stuff and Harms type happenings!...  

Further agreeing with that was the Wwg hr pair above which had that of Zhen aka Zen trigram types in it's Inner relational areas for both situations and outcomes whose locals Ry dangers, deadly star areas were bonded by hr h in play then!]...

So like the last FM period, this NM of same in that of and too *Groups*, pairs, etc areas in both minus in some losses types and then likely some plus in other for the bulk prevails once again...

*Be Very Careful* of pairs and groups and that of darkly lit areas, etc in this period...

11/8 Wood/Jupiter day I/cn...FS #2...GT: #10 - #58 and Involves #37 Areas...Change line 6...

Begins week of the Western Wht Tiger cardinal and constellations...

12 Officer's Initiate/Perform Day...K'uei:Astride constellation and Wolf animal sign...

Moon as prior and in hr wa will enter the Jupiter ruled Sag *12th* type areas conjuncting it also, that and also entering the Ketu ruled Mula Nakshatra areas all at the same time around 14:00 this date...

So the Moon into the next date ruled by Jupiter and Ketu's areas...Jupiter in now Sag *12th* type areas having entered it in the am of hr cn around 07:39 this date...

Day ruler Jupiter in and ruling the Sag *12th* type areas as well as the Pisces 3rd type areas to boot...

Added that of California's bloody shootings event to yesterday's above as occurred then and a local one also...

Jupiter has of recents, now and for the 9th been, is exactly in Square with that of *Rahu* in Leo *8th* type areas...

Another safety factor for things in this NM period is in that of the Scorpio areas people and things of groups will *physically express through areas of that sign*...In areas such as repairs, rehuvenations, research and other that's a good thing but also includes things of surgeries, and the deadly as well!...

11/9 Metal/Venus day II/e...FS #1...GT: #49 - #31 Involves #44 Areas...Change line 1...

12 Officer's Destruction/Break Day...Lou:Mound constellation and Dog animal sign...

Moon same as yesterdays and will in the latter of hr cn exact conjunct Mercury and then in the afternoon in hr wa the Moon in Jupiter ruled Sag *12th* type areas enters that of the Venus Rx ruled Purvashadha Nakshatra areas around 14:53...

Prior to latter of hr wa the Moon ruled as was yesterday, and then after that is ruled by Jupiter and Venus's areas into next date...

Day ruler Venus more stationed or Rx yet until in Nov 15th and at the high or upper end of Libra Outer 10th type areas...It yet sign tightly trining Mars in Aqaurius 2nd type areas...

Also in note Mars will be at the Final End Degree of Aquarius the 14th on!...

11/10 Earth/Saturn day III/w...FS *#9*...GT: #21 - *#38* Involves #39 Areas...Change line 2...

12 Officer's Danger Day...Wei:Stomach constellation and Pheasant animal sign...

Stay brief Moon yet in Sag and then in hr s enters the Sun ruled Uttarashadha Nakshatra areas around 16:25 EST...

Moon then ruled by Jupiter in *12th* and Sun in 11th areas until hr h when it enters that of the Capricorn physical 1st areas around 22:55, so we have that of Saturn and the Sun ruling the Moon's areas in start of next date...

Day ruler Saturn in Capricorn physical 1st areas also ruling the Aquarius 2nd areas as well...

Many matches the last few days left to you, but certainly that of again a huge and horrid fire in California and in loss of lives, condolences is quite major, other of political areas...Today also featured 3 speedy asteroids with 1 a bit closer than the Moon pass our planet's area of space...

One good positive was to do with Bio weapons defense of Tesla cars which allowed those with them in the fire areas to breathe fresh and non toxic air in them as they fleed the areas...

11/11 Sun day IV/wa...FS #8...GT: #32 - #40 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 3...

12 Officer's Success/Complete Day...Mao:Pleiades constellation and Cock animal sign...

Moon as prior mentioned in Saturn ruled Capricorn physical 1st areas now then in hr e around 10:22 it exactly conjuncts Saturn there then...

Later this eve in hr yo it enters the Moon ruled Sravana Nakshatra areas there around 18:35 EST...

So from eve on into most next date the Moon is ruled by itself and Saturn, the Moon in turn rules the Cancer 7th type relationships, etc areas...

Day ruler the Sun yet singularly in and scorching the Scorpio 11th type areas, it sign squares Ketu and Mars in Aquarius 2nd type areas and is slowly more tightly conjuncting that of Mars stuff there...

In note Mars will exit Aqaurius and enter that of our Pisces 3rd areas in around hr yo and evening of the 15th...

[Minus some areas where difficult have a Superb and Glorius *Veteran's Day* and maybe a special prayer on it the 11th day of the 11th month and at the 11th hour]...

On that of Oct 24th FM period and SW's, did match the hurricaine then for Mexico but also would have allowed for something Military related as well and in results did come up...The only touchy part was of possibles it included the deadly as well, which one would think was mainly of the hurricaine itself...

Unlike some see no problem having the Mil there as it's such a large number of people to be processed one way or another and we wouldn't want them initially to be just left to their own on the  streets amongst other things...

That of the Scorpio expression in things applies at the individual and also leaderships levels so can get a bit stingy in expressions at times...

Bit late been working on some pc and linux stuff so missed out on news this date, but hope the bulk had a great or good *Veteran's Day*...

11/12 Moon day...V/s...FS #7...GT: #59 - #6 Involves #27 Areas...Change line 4...

12 Officer's Accept Day...Pi:Net constellation and Crow animal sign...

Shorty: Moon same as prior for most this date, and will finally in hr h enter that of the Mars ruled $ Dhanishtha Nakshatra areas around 21:16 EST on to about the same for the next date also...

Day ruler Moon see prior's as still same until 21:16 this night...

Didn't say anything about tents but it's good that our Mil is there just in case *think it over in terms other than $, plus it makes the Border patrol's job easier in at least one major task...

Have always *here in past years* supported every president on most, but never all, regardless of party!...

Have seen things in any admin that don't like but keep my mouth shut as most is at political levels, and it's between them to work it out...

*To none's satisfaction* have always believed in a balance of power when it comes to congress, that because we are a country of many divergent views and it's aka our peoples are better and more fully represented that way...

So for the most part stay out of it, though do reflect when something of the QM such as that for SW's that came up from the Oct 24th period or other matches up with major types of events such as both the hurricaine and then Mil stuff back then to boot about it...

[Quick re write had prior used wrong Ju count: This NM period and SW's...

It is one of the main directions in this aka Our NM period involves Outcomes which may have been of extra efforts on Leaderships parts in some cases, and is mainly to do with high aspirations in some, or that of long distances aka far aways areas, else or separately that of foreign areas or types...

Then of other also those of strong characters or some who have potential and are up and coming in things. and of which in some that of PR areas plays roles, and of those who are committed to that of duties in things...

Also that of the above can involve that of the speedy but also the infrequent of *travels*, and of which some may be that of or involve escapes as well...

In some it had/has something of a Hero's influence as well and of dates and *in global* fit with the ceremonies in France as well!...

That as with or without directions it goes with that of the most main events anywhere, and that of the *Travels* Horse there also takes in travels problems]...

That did go with the SW's in directions or sectors of the US itself but for any location within especially of east coasts too...In other one can dispense with the directions and think of it as general outcomes for any major areas, topics, etc anywhere in the U.S...In lessor the same also connects to any global area as well...

Rough day here but got property tax done, used PP so should get there in time...

11/13 Fire/Mars day VI/yo...FS #6...GT: #39 - #15 Involve *#64 Areas*...Change line 5...

Pair opp our NM Period pair...

12 Officer's Open Day...Tsui:Beak constellation and Monkey animal sign...

[Moon yet same as prior until *hr e* when it enters Saturn ruled sign Aquarius 2nd type areas *initially conjuncting Ketu* there while yet in the Mars ruled Dhanishtha Nakshatra areas also and around 10:46 EST...

Moon then ruled by Saturn and Mars areas the full of this date!...

Day ruler Mars at the high end of Aquarius 2nd type areas yet sign conjuncted by Ketu barely there as well]...

More on NM period stuff:

Just as of a Travels star representation in the QM you can also say that of the missed Presidential ceremony for Saturday was an exact match per the NM period pair as well...The date then was the same  as the Grn 2nd locals Rw officials and dangers star areas where since was the (U) aka Object line also represented that of travels or destinations in travels areas that date!...

On that gave yesterday you can see it applied with and without directions to multipe events in this NM period:

That politically in SW's, that of Migrations in SW's, that of honoring the WWI Veterans events in France, and most recently that of the flare up between Palestine and Israel as well...

Probably is and was much other when we ignore directional components, but the above pretty main and *still in play*...

All of what you see posted for 11/7 the NM lunar period and also of deadly events on that day and in that the mentioned of huge losses *exactly and further applied, applies for the whole period itself in other areas as well*!...

As far as the fires in California aka of major dangers, calamities and disasters types indicated by *Jupiter's advance into Sag *12th* type areas* where Sag also represents outsides, woods, the fiery, the tall or huge, etc...Also Gemini 6th areas vis Mercury are part of that too...

Restricted in what can say vis QM but for that of W's that deadly in the very similar was also definitely indicated...Then again the Astro was enough there and the direction also very clear from the onset vis the fires there...

If you ever need a stress break try this classic in games (*free* for all *in theo* major pc OS's):

Ur Quan Master's...

A space classic *extremely well designed by it's creators* and was released by them to the public in 2002...

Free and Available in download from SourceForge.net who continued to add to it as well...

May wish to look for other sites which also offer downloads for it, as when it comes to windows, some do have problems getting it to run with it's Win version from SourceForge,net?...That's noted in their next page of the downloads page...

On linux machines one can freely add it vis their software manager, etc, and tried *it runs just superbly there*!...

It's said to do same on most Mac's up to OS 10:14 as well...Get the dmg type if wish to try, did work on mine...

All those are available at SourceForge.net as well, just type Ur Quan and you'll see the SourceForge listings...

In  the not free and slightly *disimilar of paid versions with other optional additions and referred to as Star Control (c) * one can get their Windows type at G.O.G.com...

Many articles online on it, and many vid's on it at youtube too...

Should keep any of near any age very enjoyably busy for a good long while, Keyboard alone fine by itself, do able  but not easy to steer as shown in YT Vids, yet they persist and do ok that way...May if want use a pc Joystick, etc for the hopefully easier of steering as well...

On the Keyboard just a bit tricky until you figure it out, you'll miss your landings and targets a lot initially but you'll figure it out and it gets enjoyable there on!...

Well vis other and comparing to some late news that of possible ends for some in leaderships areas and vis rulers levels *was indeed in today*!...Then too it was also a tough guys/gals date with and for that...Kapow!...

11/14 Water/Mercury day VII/sh...[FS *#5*]...GT: #23 - #2 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 6...

Physical Yel 5th rulers level and much other in Kt star retreatings...Object Blk 2nd locals, etc Re star areas...

Date forms fire bond with Grn 3rd Gm stars for R star manifests!...

12 Officer's Close Day...Shen:Orion constellation and Ape animal sign...

Moon in Saturn ruled Aquarius 2nd areas and will near immediately in hr t enters that of it's *Rahu* ruled Satabhisha Nakshatra areas!...

Moon ruled by Saturn and *Rahu's* areas for the full of this date!...

Moon also sign conjuncts Mars at the high end there as well, and grows tighter each date...

Note Dynamics: The Sun in Scorpio strongly squares that of Mars, and the Moon is also sign squaring the Sun as well...

*Rahu in the *Leo 8th* type areas*, it and Ketu in Aqaurius are at the 0 degrees of the has been and more volatile of changes portion of those signs...

Day ruler Mercury in the Sag *12th* type areas of which Jupiter sign conjuncts there...

11/15 Wood/Jupiter day VIII/h...FS #4...GT: #11 - #46 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 1...

12 Officer's Establish/Produce day...Ching:Well constellation and Wild Dog animal sign...

Begins week of the Southern Red Phoenix cardinal and constellations...

Moon yet in Saturn ruled Aquarius 2nd type areas and in hr y also enters that of Jupiter ruled Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra areas 1st of a pair around 03:26 EST...

So the Moon ruled by Saturn and Jupiter's areas hr y on for this date...

Day ruler Jupiter in Sag *12th* type areas and sign conjuncts Mercury there...

In hr sh this night that of the Moon's nodes Rahu and Ketu respectively enter that of signs Cancer (7th areas) and Capricorn (Physical 1st areas) around 20:29 EST...

Saturn then becomes sign conjunct of Ketu's areas in that of our Capricorn physical then...

Later in Hr t tonight the Moon in yet same Nakshatra enters that of the Jupiter ruled *sign Pisces 3rd type areas* around 23:41 EST, and *the Moon entirely ruled by Jupiter in Sag *12th* type areas then*...

11/16 Metal/Venus day IX/t...FS *#3*...GT: #10 - #25 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 2...

12 Officer's Remove/Clean Day...Kuei:Ghosts constellation and Sheep animal sign...

Moon in Jupiter ruled Pisces 3rd areas, and in the early am hr of m enter's it's Saturn ruled Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra areas the 2nd Nakshatra that goes with the previous one at around 6:24 EST...

So the Moon is ruled by Jupiter and Saturn's areas this date...

Saturn in Capricorn Physical 1st type areas now sign conjuncting Ketu's areas there as well...Saturn ruling the Aquarius 2nd type areas also...

Day ruler Venus in and ruling the Libra Outer 10th type areas, as well as ruling the Taurus 5th type areas today...

Had prior mentioned that Mars would exit that of the Aquarius 2nd areas and enter that of our Pisces 3rd type areas (includes environments, etc) in hr yo the 15th and did so around 17:20 EST...

Then we also had for some time that under things of violent and abrupt *changes* vis the nodes Rahu and Ketu at 0 degrees their areas of Leo and Aquarius prior which transitioned to the Final End Degrees of Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in the Capricorn Physical *yesterday as well*...Nodes transition in reverse always aka always considered retro or rx in movement...

So not surprising that there would be were strong natural phenomena or weathers events accompanying that for some!...

Yesterday's Wwg matching had indicated things of Yel 5th includes roads, paths, etc and Gh water stars by date bonded to that of Blk 2nd Locals Ry dangers stars for the date itself also...

11/17 Earth/Saturn day X/c...FS #2...GT: #49 - #17 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 3...

12 Officer's Full Day...Liu:Willow constellation and Deer animal sign...

Moon in Jupiter ruled Pisces 3rd type areas and in hr cn will enter that of the Mercury ruled Revati Nakshatra areas around 08:58 EST...

Moon then ruled by Jupiter and Mercury's areas into the next date...Jupiter sign conjuncts Mercury in our Sag *12th* type areas...

While the Moon is in Pisces it trines Cancer so Rahu may somewhat amplify some of those current influences to the Moon there as well...

Those being in terms of the natural, events and masses areas...

Above corrected...

Day ruler Saturn in Capricorn 1st Physical areas and is sign conjunct that of Ketu which entered Capricorn the 15th, and Ketu will tend to take on and amplify some of Saturn's char and nature there for a very long while...

Prior when the storms of NE's initiated was when the Nodes stuff were in Gandanta mainly Rahu and then the Moon was near and later did conjunct Mars as well on the 15th made for that and a lot of agitated stuff on some's parts in various as well...

Today were several types of what you could call major changes for some, and then also of revolutions per some protests types and areas in various countries...

11/18 Sun day I/y...FS #1...GT: #21 - #27 Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 4...

12 Officer's Share Day...Hsing:Star constellation and Horse animal sign...

Moon yet in Pisces and all as prior, but in near end of hr e will enter the Mars ruled *sign Aries* 4th type areas, and that of the Ketu ruled Aswini Nakshatra areas around 10:56 am EST...

The Moon then ruled by Mars and Ketu's areas...Mars in Pisces 3rd areas and Ketu in Capricorn 1st physical areas...

Can fit the stormy or angry in that of groups in local regions, environments, etc as well...

Day ruler The signs scorcher (not always of heat) aka the Sun is in the upper end of the Scorpio 11th type areas...*Rules that of the *Leo 8th* type areas*...

While Mars in Pisces and Mercury in the Sag *12th* type areas influence the Sun and it's nature as well in things...

Mars is sign square that in Sag and sharply so with Jupiter's areas there!...

Since 15th and then especially hr h onwards last night as Moon was near exact trine to Sun then, that of the *Mars nearing exact Square to Jupiter* was having big effects!...

Latter square ongoing of this timing itself yet as well...

Anything of waters, fuels, pipes, antifreezes, drugs,storms, rain and then any much larger of big stuff or international...Some hidden or underneaths of those areas as well, small or large, the Argentine sub being large...

*Varies daily* but things of homes, vehicles, rests, liesures, politicals, sittings areas, etc and that hidden or underneaths are most main...

All the recents of fires vis over 3 weeks of Sag *12th* type areas...

11/19 Moon day II/m...FS #9...GT: #32 - #28 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 5...

12 Officer's Settle Day...Chang:Bow constellation and Stag animal sign...

Moon yet same in Aries 4th areas as before which trines the Sag *12th* stuff areas, and in hr w will enter that of the Venus ruled Bharani Nakshatra areas there into next date...

So hr w on the Moon ruled by Mars and Venus's areas...Moon also sign squares that of Rahu in Cancer 7th Relationships areas...

Day ruler Moon as noted...

Mars in Pisces 4th areas near exact in it's square to Jupiter and sign square Mercury, both in the Sag *12th* type areas...

11/20 Fire/Mars day III/cn...FS #8...GT: #59 - *#29* Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 6...

12 Officer's Initiate/Perform Day...I:Wings constellation and Snake animal sign...

 Moon all yet same until hr w when it then enters the Sun ruled Krittika Nakshatra areas around 12:41 EST...

Later in eve and hr yo the Moon also enters that of Venus ruled sign Taurus 5th type areas around 18:42 EST...

Moon then ruled by Venus and the Sun's areas into about same tine next date...

Venus still stationed or close too, and in Libra Outer 10th type areas...

Day ruler Mars in Pisces 3rd type areas just past exact square to Jupiter in Sag *12th* areas but still very conjunct and applies as a sign conjunct to Mercury's areas in those also...

Asides some heated of political beliefs in discourses, immigrations  and other, vis the Mars square has been a lot in arts, movies, vid's, screen tech's, games, pc's oceans, some diseases, sea life, sea fairings, and definitely of some religious areas or goals in them as well, and all is still in for good while, maybe a bit less heated as go forward, though today looks a bit rough...Most of that also in global areas...

Then with Virgo 9th type areas some to do with NASA's operations a govt type in it's goals and ventures quite active and blending in with various civillain corp types as well...Gov courts stuff, and then some connected to religions and or higher learnings areas go there as well...

The Pope had matched some in his more recent address in covering the great disparity between the rich and poor when it comes to resources, etc and that in what is a currently rigged system on this earth, in a positive a NY Billionaire Mr Bloomberg made a huge grant to a university to fund many more scholarships so school tuition aids programs themselves wouldn't be needed... 

Sure you can find other areas to add in as well...

11/21 Water/Mercury day IV/e...FS *#7*...GT: #39 - #63 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1...

12 Officer's Destruction/Break Day...

Moon yet in Venus ruled Taurus 5th type areas and same up till hr w when it enters the Moon ruled Rohini Nakshatra areas around 12:31 EST...

Much earlier in the date the Moon will have exact trined Saturn in Capricorn physical 1st areas...

Moon it's own ruler this date, and is moving to oppose the Sun and will do so in exact as the FM on the 23rd as it enters sign Gemini areas then...

The Sun enters the final end degree of Scorpio 11th type areas this date...

Day ruler Mercury yet in Sag *12th* type areas and sign conjuncted by Jupiter there...Mercury ruling the Gemini 6th and Virgo 9th type areas...

11/22 Wood/Jupiter day V/w...FS #6...GT: #23 - #4 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 2...

Begins week of the Grn Eastern Dragon cardinal and constellations...

12 Officer's Danger Day...Ch'io:Horn constellation and Crocodile animal sign...

Moon yet in Venus ruled Taurus 5th type areas all as prior until hr w when it enters the *Mars ruled Mrigasira Nakshatra* areas around 11:50 EST...

So Moon ruled by Venus moving fwd now in Libra 10th Outer areas, and that of *Mars in Pisces 3rd* type areas...

Day ruler Jupiter in Sag *12th* type areas and sign conjuncts Mercury there, then also is still sign squared by Mars in the 3rd Pisces areas as well...

Sun about to enter Sag areas the 23rd and will be for the FM conjuncting that of Jupiter's areas there!...

Hope all and everyone had a good thanksgiving day and especially so to the troops of all services and the vets anywhere...

*Will be a bit late on tomorrow's post*, been busy on restoring an old mini note pc and installing or experimenting with various linux versions for that and a family member...

Then several runs installing linux on a much faster external drive for my main pc...

Must have downloaded about 8 iso's of various linux in the process and ultimately since everyone shows a slightly tailored to their own systems install for external drives, spent near a week of trying to get one to work decently, and then finally figured out a easier or more straightforward way to do it, and up and running there...

The external loads linux initial, in about 7 seconds flat, definitely fast, then to log in around 14 seconds for a total...Tried on some light Tux and arena game types was near instant under or at 1 second to load...

Even of the same linux there are little quirks from that installed on a laptop, or a live session cd or usb and an external drive type, as to what the USB ports are ordered to, and then in terms of using the browsers for netflix and similar, etc...

Keeps you busy in just determining what the best way per linux installation to do each task is, etc...Burns time...

Still takes up other time in terms of limited av's for it mainly terminal types, and then on what you want or need to add of the many linux programs available for your own uses or needs...

Full Moon (FM) Lunar period...

11/23 Metal/Venus day VI/wa...[FS *#5*]...GT: #11 - #19 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 3...

Above pair same for All Countries (AC) and is also the U.S. Exact, posted at top!...

12 Officer's Success/Complete Day...K'ang:Neck constellation, and Dragon animal sign...

FM Chart: Physical 1st in Virgo and the Hasta Nakshatra so both Mercury and Moon ruled for the entire period...

FM exact itself occurs near day start in hr t near right off the bat...

Venus in Libra 2nd type areas...

*Sun conjuncting Jupiter's areas* and both sign conjuncting *Mercury now Rx* in Sag 4th type areas...

Saturn sign conjuncts Ketu's areas in Capricorn 5th type areas...

Mars in Pisces 7th relationships, etc areas...

Rahu in Cancer 11th type areas...

Moon in Gemini Outer 10th type areas Opposing the Sun and that in the Sag 4th type areas...

Moon in the Mars ruled Mrigasira Nakshatra areas so initially ruled by Mercury and Mars or also relative the period itself!...

Later in hr e this date the Moon enters the *Rahu* ruled *Ardra* Nakshatra areas around 10:31 EST...

So Moon then on ruled by Mercury and Rahu's areas into the next date...

Day ruler Venus in Libra 2nd type areas ruling there and that of the Taurus 9th type areas of which you've probably already seen some in the ahead of matching events for those!...

11/24 Earth/Saturn day VII/s...FS #4...GT: #10 - #61 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 4...

12 Officer's Receive/Accept Day...Ti:Base constellation and Badger animal sign...

Moon in the *Mercury Rx* ruled Gemini Outer 10th type areas yet in the *Rahu* ruled *Ardra* Nakshatra areas...

Later in am and near end of hr cn the Moon will enter the Jupiter ruled Punarvasu Nakshatra areas around 08:56 EST...

Jupiter in Sag 4th type areas...

So from that point on the Moon is ruled by both *Mercury Rx* and Venus's areas...

*Mercury Rx*, and other in the Sag 4th type areas and Venus is in Libra 2nd type areas...

Rx means stronger influences of it's char, traits, nature and areas...

[On this FM period another of the main factors is that of Mars in Pisces 7th relationships, legal or contracts, ocean, etc going journies and more is going to be squaring the Sun and all that in the Sag 4th type areas for a good while...

So govt and immigrations and much other going to be roudy from any side then in general certainly things of the abrupt and accidents in the minimum as well...

Much more you can add in for those areas of the signs, etc involved]...

Day ruler Saturn sign conjuncts Ketu's areas for some amplification of Saturn's stuff in that of Capricorn 5th type areas, also ruling the Aquarius 6th type areas too...

[A main date match: In that of maybe accidents but definitely abrupt and explosive was that in St Paul, Minn this date...*There* in hr cn and around 08:30 a huge explosion within a home there totally obliterated it and sent debris omni all around...

Went with date pair and *in the singular* was in contexts an exact match for the hour and N's in the QM itself as well!...

In general storms in MW's match the period as well as the protests in France today...

Were lots of other for today and of the period itself if you've paid attention to what's where in the FM chart]...

11/25 Sun day VIII/yo...FS *#3*...GT: #49 - #55 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 5...

12 Officer's Open Day...Fang:Room constellation and Hare animal sign...

Moon same but early on enters that of Moon ruled Cancer 11th type areas in hr c around 01:38 EST...

Later in hr cn the Moon also enters the Saturn ruled Pushya Nakshatra areas around 07:11 EST through next date...

Then on, Moon ruled of itself and that of Saturn's areas, also that of Mars in Pisces 7th areas trines the Moon as well...

Day ruler Sun in our Sag 4th type areas combusting that of Jupiter there and conjuncting Mercury Rx there as well, further the Sun sharply squaring that of Mars in the Pisces 7th type areas too!...

11/26 Moon day IX/sh...FS #2...GT: #21 - *#51* involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 6...

12 Officer's Close Day...Hsin:Heart constellation and Fox animal sign...

Moon in Cancer all same as prior and then in hr m will enter the Mercury Rx ruled Aslesha Nakshatra areas around 05:22 EST...

So Moon then ruled by itself in Cancer 11th type areas and Mercury Rx in Sag 4th type areas...

[Day ruler Moon as above...It is also sign trined by Mars in Pisces 7th areas, and sign square that of Venus in Libra 2nd type areas...

Keep in mind Mars squares that in the Sag 4th areas so can be some abrupt or other of it any day as well]...


Have that of the Mars insight landing today, and that takes place in hr wa EST said to be around 14:54 when it begins it's descent to the Mars surface...

Normally look at hours in the ideal here for ease, and the next hour at 15:00 - 17:00 would be hr s...*In reality due to solar and lunar offsets it may extend up to 30 minutes or more in some areas *before hr s actually starts**...

That means probably every thing to do with Insights descent and landing in EST time will occur within *hr wa*...

EST view the hour timed for hr wa: [#30 - #56 Involves *#28* Areas]...Has to do with Gov stuff, or in other that and things of Brilliance(s) or the fiery, etc leading to or of Travels...Lots of K stars involved...

PST hr timed for that today is hr w, vis the original launch area: [#38 - #54 Involves *#63* Areas]...Has to do with quarrels or risks which would fray a few's nerves or worse leading to things of the Brides...

Those merely say what's up or are the main of influences and events that are in for those areas and at their chinese hour times...

Not enough time to elaborate on what all fits but both of those hours at any location today were of *Productive Types* for getting things done, and hr s not the best in all cases for major stuff...

Ok was watching and congrats on the successful Mars insight landing of which when touchdown was announced it was 14:54 EST then!...

11/27 Fire/Mars day X/h...FS #1...GT: #32 - #34 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 1...

12 Officer's Establish/Produce Day...Wei:Tail constellation and Tiger animal sign...

Moon yet same and in Gandanta then in hr y it enters both that of the Sun ruled sign Leo *12th* type areas, and the Ketu ruled Magha Nakshatra areas...

So Moon ruled by both the Sun and Ketu areas this date...

Sun in Sag 4th type areas as mentioned in priors then today exactly conjuncts *Mercury Rx* areas there, and Ketu in that of Capricorn 5th type areas somewhat amplifying Saturn's effects there...

Day ruler Mars in Pisces 7th type areas...Latter squares all that in the Sag 4th type areas...

Moon had been trining that in the Sag 4th type areas today...

Left unmentioned that this FM period had shown that of huge losses were in, and you've seen that in terms of what all has manifested of that nature...

Then for NASA on that of the Quarrels pair for hr w of the 26th and original launch site location it also refers to the heated or things involving *frictions of any type*...That of Insights descent in things involved a lot of that then as well...

11/28 Water/Mercury day I/t...FS #6...GT: #59 - #20 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 2...

12 Officer's Remove/Clean Day...Chi:Basket constellation and Leopard animal sign...

That of the I/t aka Jia Zi date resets to a new 60 date day cycle in things, so that above for today sets that period...

Moon in Sun ruled Leo *12th* type areas and in hr c enters that of the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni Nakshatra areas around 01:56 EST...

So Moon ruled by the Sun and that of Venus's areas today...Venus in Libra 2nd type areas...

Day ruler *Mercury Rx* in Sag 4th type areas...Sign conjunct with the Sun and combusted Jupiter for effects, and then in Square with Mars in the Pisces *7th type areas* as well...

That of relationships *in the main for some* today do involve that of the watery or emotive, and any in that of corrupt, losses usually monetary but of any type, murderer, robber's areas, vandals, while can also represent expensive things, greeds, includes *the bold, risk takings or daring types in char*, but in business can be that of gains as well...

That until hr sh where in some relationships transitions to more positive influences...While good to have a more positive influence then it's often of darkness and in hr's sh, h, and t when that of vandalisms in neighborhoods, etc comes up... 

[Vis local news Ch 12/26 which included directions that of a body found S and E of Lumberton, NC may be the body of the 13 yr old Hania that disappeared Nov 5th...

The QM stats for that were included in the Just Blog area!

Never guarentee these, but had neglected to include E's then as it had looked positive, but of another reason it should have been listed, and won't vis specific of  abductions aka kidnappings cases type miss that again!...

Body found of, off an East road that was off of S's I-95 and S of Lumberton, NC then...

This now gives us an idea of what Far as opposed to Far aways means, where that of Far can be considered as up to a few miles from home, etc...

Some may take QM's person won't be found literally, and that can also reflect two things: The person won't be found alive Or they will be very difficult to find...

The QM had never indicated a good outcome for her, indicated as a likely not safe in status...Wrote that in lieu of saying she'd be greatly harmed or dead...

QM description minus neglecting mention of E's was correct as well as the astro for it then]...

On that and directions vis indicators will up to 4 directions in for future abductions and kidnappings types especially where violences were involved...

That as saw another Oct 15th case where was said body was found far to far aways and to the NW's in it's instance...

In that case NW's wasn't of the primary * * had indicated...

In newer method using it doesn't include that of Jiu Tian as an indicator, and the deadly was shown with it which was of the NW's then, *so in future when see that particular indicatior combination will add it in as well*...

Have been vandals or vandulous acts close by here of or to eastern sides of homes including that in the backs areas of them *in the very recents last couple of days, nights too*...

11/29 Wood/Jupiter day II/c...[FS *#5*]...GT: #39 - #8 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 3...

Begins week of the Northern Blk Tortoise cardinal and constellations...

12 Officer's Full Day...Tou:Ladle constellation and the Unicorn animal sign...

Moon in Leo yet and in hr t enters that of the Sun ruled Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra areas in starts...

Moon initially ruled by the Sun's areas...Sun in Sag 4th areas with other as previously described...

Later in early am and hr m the Moon yet in same Nakshatra enters our Mercury Rx ruled sign Virgo 1st physical areas around 06:08 EST...

So Moon is ruled by Mercury Rx and the Sun then...

Very late night in hr t the Moon will again also enter it's Moon ruled Hasta Nakshatra areas, and will be ruled by Mercury Rx and itself then around 23:13 and on into next date...

Day ruler Jupiter under Sun's combust also in the Sag 4th type areas it rules including the Pisces 7th type areas as well...

11/30 Metal/Venus day III/y...FS #4...GT: #23 - #35 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 4...

12 Officer's Balance/Share Day...Niu:Ox constellation and Ox animal sign...

Moon yet same as posted for late night 29th for most this date...

Then very late this date the Moon yet in the Virgo Physical 1st areas will in hr h will enter the Mars ruled Chitra Nakshatra areas around 23.13 EST...

Day ruler Venus in Libra 2nd type areas will of afternoon in hr wa enter the Final End Degree of those areas around 13:40 EST...

EQ near Anchorage, Alaska around 08:29 hr cn their time:

Clashed Wht 4th Psh earth star changes areas while bonding it's Byo metal star resultant...

Easier hr timed for hr cn: #27 - *#41* Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 4...Hr clashed it's physical and same Gry 3rd Gcn star retreat type, also bonding it's Ryo aka hider R star then...

In QM and for a *main singular event* was a perfect match type, vis it's main shown for hr cn...


Mainly goes with Mars in the Pisces 7th areas *in exact square* to Mercury Rx in Sag 4th areas...

The Moon itself was ruled by itself and Mercury Rx this date for such and many other events...

12/1 Earth/Saturn day IV/m...FS *#3*...GT: #11 - #5 Involves #54 Areas...Change line 5...

12 Officer's Stable/Settle Day...Nu:Maiden constellation and Bat animal sign...

Moon same prior then in hr e it enters the Venus ruled sign of Libra 2nd type areas around 09:48 EST...The Moon applying square to Saturn in Capricorn 5th type areas then...

*Venus yet at the Final End Degree there all this date*...

So Venus and Mars areas rule the Moon most of this date...

[This night in hr h the Moon in Libra enters it's *Rahu* ruled *Svati* Nakshatra areas and *will be in very tight square to Saturn in Capricorn 5th areas then*...

Moon then ruled by Venus and *Rahu* areas well into the next date...

The same as was of in President George H.W. Bush Sr's chart!]...

Was pretty saddened to read that President George H.W. Bush had passed on, wishing all of his family and close friends condolences...

Apparently this lunar period was his, as he also was born of a *Virgo 1st Physical* as well!...

Very unique as his held that of a Grand Trine within it too, that of Moon and Saturn in his Libra 2nd type areas trined both his Mars in Aquarius 6th (jobs and service) and Sun in Gemini (Leadership, Father) Outer 10th areas as well...

Says a lot about him and his great devotion to family and the same in his mil and public services areas to our country and it's peoples...

Leave at that as others have covered this much better than I ever could, but for sure he and people of his caliber will always be missed...

Mercury Rx had entered the Final End Degree of Scorpio 3rd type areas in hr m around 06:12 EST this date...

In other most of the date had involved of changes R star areas in various including tornadoes in some midwests areas also...

12/2 Sun day V/cn...FS #2...GT: #10 - #58 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 6...

12 Officer's Initiate/Perform Day...Hsu:Void constellation and Rat animal sign...

Moon yet in Venus ruled Libra 2nd areas and same as prior until hr h this night when it enters the Jupiter ruled Visakha Nakshatra areas...

Moon then on ruled by Venus and Jupiter's areas into next date...

Venus itself enters that of the Scorpio 3rd type areas in hr w around 12:02 EST this date...

Day ruler Sun in Sag 4th type areas yet sign conjunct by Jupiter there as well...Sun ruling the Leo *12th* type areas...

Hr h around 21:02 this night the Moon enters that of the Jupiter ruled Visakha Nakshatra areas...Moon ruled by Venus in Libra 2nd and Jupiter in Sag 4th areas then into hr wa next date...

Latter of hr wa  as well as the earlier of hr c for Dec 3rd are R earth star clashes types!...

12/3 Moon day VI/e...FS #1...GT: #49 - #31 Involves #44 Areas...Change line 1...

12 Officer's Destruct/Break Day...Wei:Danger constellation and Swallow animal sign...

Moon in Libra all same as prior until afternoon late in hr wa while yet in the same Nakshatra *it enters that of Mars ruled Scorpio 3rd type areas* where it initially exact conjuncts that of Venus there, and also sign conjuncts that of Mercury Rx areas there...

Moon is then ruled by Mars and Jupiter's areas...

Late in hr sh this night the Moon enters that of the Saturn ruled Anuradha Nakshatra areas around 20:55 EST...It's then ruled by Mars and Saturn's areas into next date...

Day ruler Moon same as above and the Moon also applies trine to that of Mars in Pisces 7th type areas this date...

12/04 Fire/Mars day VII/w...FS *#9*...GT: #21 - *#38* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 2...

12 Officer's Danger Day...Shih:House and Pig animal sign...

Moon in Mars ruled *Scorpio 3rd type areas sign conjunct Venus and Mercury Rx there with all remaining same as yesterday until hr h this night when it enters that of Mercury Rx ruled Jyeshtha Nakshatra areas around 21:10 EST...

The Moon in Scorpio also exacts in trine to Mars in Pisces 7th areas in hr w, and afterwards remains sign trine to it...

Moon then ruled by Mars and Mercury Rx areas into most of next date...

Day ruler Mars rules the Scorpio 3rd and Aries 8th type areas...Mars Nakshatra wise ruled by Saturn as well...

12/5 Water/Mercury day VIII/wa...FS #8...GT: #32 - #40 Involves *#43 Areas*...

Physical Grn 3rd Ryo metal star changes and the date bonds it's resultant Kw fire star areas linked to same of Red 4th areas...

Date clashes Wht 1st Gc earth star areas involveing resultant By wood star areas...

12 Officer's Success/Complete Day...Pi:Wall constellation and Porcupine animal sign...

Today is a Ntl day of mourning for President George H.W. Bush...

Moon in Scorpio 3rd areas same as prior given yesterday, then this night in hr h the Moon both enters that of the Jupiter ruled Sag 4th areas, and the Ketu ruled Mula Nakshatra type areas around 21:49 EST...

The Moon at that point will be applying conjunct to Jupiter and the Sun there as well, with all those basically squareing that of Mars in Pisces 7th type areas strongly for a day or so...

So then into next date the Moon is ruled by both Jupiter and Ketu's areas, Jupiter in Sag 4th and Ketu in Capricorn 5th and sign conjuncted by Saturn there...

Day ruler Mercury Rx in Scorpio 3rd areas of which Venus there sign conjuncts it as well...

On the 7th we have both a nm for a new lunar period, and the start of a new solar month then also...

12/6 Wood/Jupiter day IX/s...FS *#7*...GT: #59 - #6 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 4...

Begins week of the Western Wht Tiger Cardinal and Constellations...

12 Officer's Receive/Accept Day...K'uei:Astride constellation, and Wolf animal sign...

Moon in Sag and all is as prior until very late this night when in the very late of hr h also it enters the Venus ruled Purvashadha Nakshatra areas around 22:56...

Almost but not quite the exact of the NM then and is ruled by Jupiter, and mainly Venus, plus the Sun the Moon conjuncts as well aka the Sun and Moon are both in the Purvashadha Nakshatra of Sag then...

Then in the same the actual Exact of NM used here will be in hr c the 7th, and of a Libra physical type for the NM period...

Yesterday watched the entire of President Bush's funeral services around 2 1/2 hours in length...

It was a very majestic affair of state for a very great man in his honor and of national rememberance, and very moving in all aspects...

President George H.W. Bush Sr aka #41...

In Rememberance:

His Personal life/destiny timed pair and for others of his birth was [#12 - #45 Involved *#53 Areas*]...

Such shows vis stars only the most main themes and under the destiny names themselves...

Any that examine will immediately note the importance of changes involving things at the tops, completions and of the skies and as those connected to that of things at surfaces, beneaths, bottoms or begins, and as part of turnarounds in things and events also...

Most other of just a few main key aspects or traits that repeated acrossed his life, is also depicted by the and in his personal destiny pair as well...


In other mil related vis yesterday here but of today's date there:

That of a U.S. Marine's aircraft's collision 200 miles off Japan coast on Dec 6th at 2am there:

Influences pair then #53 - #52 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 5...

Date same Physical's Red 3rd Ks metal star areas and bonded to the Gry 5th Pe fire star changes areas...

Then of the date also that of it's Wht 6th retreated aka resultant Ry wood star areas clashed...

Stars show things of the rough in high enviroments with that of surprises, shocks or jolts and fiery, etc...

Voids in things of pairs and in QM outcomes then...Was also that of things in delays or that getting stuck then as well...

Condolences to the families and friends of those lost!...

Just Blog:

To expand that of any daily pairs:

Use the SuperIching EZ hexagram full *expander* use SuperIching's go there scroll read the instructions and use for any dailies or tosses you wish to expand for the line stars of them...


[Once again: The general of that here and of the systems used, directly in time covers the entire east coast, and of timezone offsets the rest of the country as well...

So any mentioned here applies in general manner to all of that, plus also in the earlier to that here that's most western countries further easts of us and most U.S. org's or interests in other countries as well...

That's a huge amount of territory at frame periodics and daily to hourly levels it also covers compared to any other type of forecast]...

On the Wwg timed here you can simply note the line stars and any interactions the date makes with the pairs, in where stars of same element, and or are any clashed or bonded for that of events noting the star types for events areas, and then as desired apply the hours to them in the same way...

Leave to you as is not that hard...

You can use the free viewings and use of the online Superiching book at Superiching.com for that...

See previous month's Just Blog area on prior missing persons areas for *police* and other of close persons interested ...

Noted vis Ntl and Local news that of a missing person 13 yr old Hania of NC...Approx 7am EDT Monday Nov 5th 2018 was given for that...

Date VIII/c...[FS *#5*]...

Hr timed then: #56 - #33 Involves *#28 Areas*...Change line 5...

Things of Travels or the fiery in Inns, homes Involve that which is Too Much which leads to that of Hidings, etc...

Date clash Yel 5th Kwa star changes type areas in roads, travels, transports, etc...

Hr m same Wht 1st Pm hider star under Void Kcn bearer stars...

Hr m also clashed Red 4th Gyo star areas for Bw fire star actions, killback or losses then the same linking to Blk 2nd locals Bw fire star areas...

Expand pair to view and for further...

No absolute guarentee's though following likely pertinent:

Main directions *S's* (Li), *N's*(Kan), *NE's*(Gen)...Far to Far aways...Indicators are person may not be found, and likely very unsafe...

Then hr's, date's, month's, etc  of c, y, w and wa some related info's, events or other may turn up then...In other and earliest dates cn or e...

Related of overhead astro timing in things then:

Physical 1st Scorpio areas then...Ruler Mars in sign conjunct with Ketu in Aquarius 4th type areas...

The Sun sign conjunct Jupiter in the Scorpio Physical 1st areas...The Sun ruling Leo Outer 10th type areas...

Moon sign conjunct Venus rx in Libra *12th* type areas then with Venus ruling there and Taurus 7th Relationships, etc then...7th includes certain types of travels also and have Cancer 9th areas for that of far, far aways which in some includes family or relatives amongst other that goes with Cancer...

Saturn in and ruling 3rd environments, journies, schools and other plus the Aquarius 4th home areas, etc then...

Vis local areas news Saturday Oct 27th Date IX/cn...[FS *#5*]...Missing woman last seen 2pm EDT...

Hr timed: #58 - #10 Involves #37 Areas...Change line 6...

Pleasings, women, waters, marshes, etc Involve things of family or org's areas which leads to or becomes that of Stepping or Treading carefully...You can bend those names, terms to any other simular related...

Elements w and wa date void then so those hours then contributed to main or mal type events that date too...

Date clashes that of Wht 6th's Physical resultant Psh areas while the Hr wa bonds that of it's Primary Pwa advancings star areas...Use P star meanings and 6th outsides, ends, skies, acrossed or far aways...

Date bonds Gry 5th Byo retreatings, retreats, pasts, etc star areas...Use B star and line area meanings...

Hr wa bonded Yel 4th resultant Rw star areas for P star manifests...Use R star meanings and that which back connects to Kh star areas for K star meanings plus of in 4th line areas meanings...Then again there add any P star meanings in that make sense to you...

Hr also clashes the Object (Others, etc) Red 3rd Pc star areas for P star meanings...

Physical and Object of P star types so something competitive of P star areas involved then also...

Expand pair for further...

Vis other main directions then: *E's* (Zen), *SW's* (Kun/Quen), *S's* (Li)...She also may have ended up in the far to far aways, and may not be found right away if at all...


Vis other in overhead astro timings of things then:


Like our FM period has a Capricorn 1st Physical type with Saturn in the hidden (same 12th type areas) and vis Physical's Dhanistha Nakshatra Mars guideing things of the physical then as well...

Very material, or passions etc oriented as Mars rules that Nakshatra and then Mars in the Aquarius 2nd material, etc areas sign conjuncted by Ketu there as well...

Mars also ruling that of Aries 4th homes, conveyances and that of Scorpio 11th groups, rewards, pensions and much else areas in which most other planets were including Venus which was in fall and had went into retrograde also...

The Moon was in Gemini 6th areas then and of the date since same as the FM lunar period too (see that date forecast) and the Moon there was ruling that of Cancer 7th Relationships, partners, etc type areas...

6th areas co-workers, jobs, enemies, vandels, thieves, losses, healths, restaurants, daily routines, etc under that of Gemini type areas also...


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