Thursday, March 5, 2020

Solar Month of the Ji Mao aka VI/m, Yin earth Rabbit.

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[New Solar Month of Ji Mao aka the Yin earth Rabbit begins *March 4th 21:58 here*, and in simul Mar 5th 10:58 am in China...

Had incorrectly noted of Mar 5th prior, but Ours starts tonight!]...

3/4  Water/Mercury day III/w aka Bing Wu a Yang fire Horse date....FS #4...GT: #32 - #40 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 3 areas.


#40 - #7 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

US Exact New Solar Month of Ji Mao aka Yin earth Rabbit Vietnemese call Cat starts tonight:

#16 - #40 Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...Posted it's image under others near top page...

On that pair it probably refers to the stocks which had a huge upsurge this date, and possibly other, keep in mind that it's not always Joy and can reflect that of strong drives and passions in some things that lead to that of Solutions, Deliverances, etc...

Constellation: Shen:Orion - Water Type, and Ape animal sign...

WV NM Pisces Daily astro:

As prior transiting Moon in Cancer 2nd material, family, org's areas and in hr e will exact conjunct that of Rahu's areas in the *Cancer* 2nd Material, etc areas there while opposing that of Ketu's in the Capricorn *8th* type areas...

All while the Moon is in Cancer will be Opposing that in the Capricorn *8th* type areas while it's of trine to the Scorpio 6th and Pisces 10th Outer events areas...

In hr m that of Mercury rx enters the Aquarius 9th type areas around 05:46 while just minutes before that the Moon in Cancer had entered the Saturn ruled Pushya Nakshatra around 05:31...

Then on transiting Moon ruled of itself and Saturn in the Capricorn *8th* type areas...

Hr yo on the Moon tightly opposes that of Mars in the Capricorn *8th* type areas and exacts in that in hr h around 21:25 on into the next date...

Date Dasa yet *Sa/Me* areas until hr w when shifts/changes too *Sa/Ke* areas around 12:06 on just into the next date...

That of Nashville and other areas hit by the tornadoes still an ongoing situation in that are still a number of missing people yet...

Vis their Mayor in a Fox news (TM) quote (c) from yesterdays news, it was said to first hit the east part of Nashville just around 1 am, and was the time used for the astro chart, and *for the Wwg it was yet hr t* there then in terms of longitude offsets...

*Hr t for Nashville vis offsets runs from about 11:14pm of one date on into about 01:14am of the next date*!...

Meaning the first main for date pair covered it, and since in time hr c bonds to hr t the second pair while separate *also bonds to the happenings and of results to the first pair*...

So with hr c takes it on up to 03:14am the start of hr y there...

In QM one set of components was in Oppositions which means things happen fast!...

That comes up often enough so none would give that too much thought, and then when it comes to natural phenomena things are much more stringent as far as *palaces contents and formations go*...

Much different than personal (people) chart types which themselves do have a lot of tolerance as to what is exactly considered negative for a given palace at a given time...

Most do only personal charts so we would never ordinarily catch or even think about looking at a chart in a more strict way, let alone look at a singular hour especially of the wee hours unless one actually had something to do, get done in those hours (a bit rare)...

As it turns out not only were things in Opposition then, but every single palace had at least one or two negative connotattions to it, and would have been ok in a personal chart, but not in a natural phenomena type of which all palaces in simul must apply!...

Anyway that further boosted that of the Oppositions and *of for things happening fast *to the more negative in results then*!...

Then again the Wwg and of inner Zen trigram changes did tell us that something of things happen fast and in the major was in also, though these days I leave it to the interested of others to access or look into...

*Wouldn't have named a particular location anyway, but here tornadoes have always went with Zen trigrams in the timed and or toss pairs themselves*... 

On the Astro for Nashville given yesterday and just as it was given was such from 00:59 am to 02:00 am there!...

One other singular timed hexagram that applied for that of W's moving E's and definitely to Nashville, etc areas then was #44!...

Coming to Meet!: Date bonded Wht Things of high or fierce energies 5th line high, tall Bs metal star areas Robbers, Groups, Environments, Loud sounds and the Destructive, and Date clashed it's Red Alarms 2nd Locals Kh safeties, etc star areas...

Timed so hour can apply and hr t clashed it's Gry 4th Object, U line of Others, Opponents, Relationships Rw dangers star areas in boundaries, decisions, etc...Plus hr t bonded it's Grn E's or huge 1st line Begins, underneaths areas of Pc happenings, buildings, transports, etc areas then!...

3/5 Wood/Jupiter day IV/wa aka Ding Wei a Yin fire Goat date....[FS *#5*]...GT: #59 - #6 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 4 areas.


#53 - #52 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Begins the Week of the Southern Red Phoenix cardinal, and it's constellations...

Constellation: Ching:Well - Water Type, and Wild Dog animal sign...

WV NM Pisces Daily astro:

Transiting Moon same and carrying the previous enters the Mercury rx ruled Aslesha Nakshatra areas in hr m around 05:25 so Moon ruled of itself and Mercury rx's areas on into the next date...

Mercury Rx at the final end degree in the Aquarius 9th type areas, yet cusping the Pisces 10th's Outer areas also...

The Moon tightly Opposing that of Jupiter's areas in the *8th* Capricorn areas will exact in that in hr w around 11:54...

Then on the Moon carrying that tightly Opposes Saturn in same from hr sh on into the next date!...

Date Dasa prior *Sa/Ke* areas shifts/changes near right away in hr t to *Sa/Ve* areas around 00:17 into the next date...

Small only Physical for SM version:

Solar Month Ji Mao: Physical 1st sign Scorpio areas ruled by Mars in sign Capricorn *3rd* type areas so a quite probing and maybe rough type...

Have Ketu, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all in those *3rd* Environments, etc type areas...


The SM Physical does have Saturn ruling it's Pushya Nakshatra for some positve influence in the personal aspects initially...

Extra Treat:

Yesterday March 4th Day w in Google's (TM) Science section were couple articles on NASA's 1977 Voyager's...

Looks a bit out of order numbers wise, but that's how they were listed...

Day w bonded to news and announcements and that of *repairs* (shown on Vayager 2's 4th line said one day there would be problems with it's power sources), plus that of com and the far aways the date bonded Pwa stars went with too, so these pairs are still applicable as well!...

One an announcement that they had through Data commands successfully restarted the Voyager 2's (II's) power source so that it could continue it's think it was Outer Solar system (almost out of it) mission...

Can only stick with the most main or basic for that type of situation and what it involves which is a device only, of these original launch timed pairs:

Interesting timing is the announcement is on start of the Mao (m) month here, while their problem came up Jan 25th 2020 a Mao (m) day, and also an FS #4 date type aka Shun trigram airs, communciations, and movements type too...

That m date would have activated it's 2 Blk 3rd Gm wood stars, and of those and the date bonded the Resultant Yel abrupt 6th line far aways, etc line's *Psh earth star areas*...

*That bond produced the fire element for an R star manifest then, where that can represent that of Dangers or Power issues at the time*...

Dual there too as the Upper Chen (Qian) trigram has to do with that of Raw power itself also...

Then the Jan 25th, 2020 m date clashed the Red 5th Rulers Byo metal star for retreats or *reductions, diminishments *to Bs metal star areas...

Bstars can also represent environments, damages, sounds, and also that of winds or speech or *in other words it's communications as well*...

Staying away from the speculative not much more can be said, as that's it's a launch/mission birth timed pair only, not a toss, and just shows *that of a main situation or happening at the given time*...

If were to speculate than that of Blk also represents darkness and the void Gm stars being activated and with date bonding the Psh star as noted was like an internal media message of it's os if had one or of it's hardware logic, as a switch saying night, night turning off the main power itself...

Those two different launch dates in each case was of a Libra Physical type...

Astro a bit complex but in humor or not, says it had a serious health condition at the time...

Both had Libra physicals and of Voyager 2, and on Jan 25th 2020, Venus the Ruler was transiting in it's Pisces 6th Health, routines, etc areas then...

It so happened that it's running 4th and 5th level dasas were that of *Sa/Ve* areas then...

Things of Venus's manifests under Saturn's pervue aka Saturn setting things up...

Saturn was in the 4th house of Home and Ends,with Saturn further ruled by Mars in Sag 3rd areas then, and *Mars was yet exact but a degree past in Square to Venus then*...Mars ruled the Aries 7th relationships to it, and it's life vis ruling the Scorpio 2nd type areas as well...

Loophole was Ketu technologies, techies, scientists was close conjunct Jupiter in the 4th areas also, and as they further separated, plus of Venus having just recently entered the Taurus *8th* Surgeries or Rejuvenations areas that aside the Physical it also ruled, and their solution in commands to it further worked!...

Just an amazing thing of the old 8 bit technologies, *that's still operating today* well beyond their life expectancies, *great job*!...

Was also after that one of the original Star Trek shows where they found one which was referred to as Ve-ger since in the show it's lettering was mostly worn off...

The first Apple aka the Apple I came out in 1976 followed by the Apple II in 1977, then the first Apple with a disk drive came out in 1978...That disk was an engineering marvel of the Woz *the first to use software instead of hardware synchronizations*, as sync fields instead to read and write to it also allowing much greater storage than the other previous 5 1/4 shugart small memories computer kit types then , etc as hardware sync disk types...

 All others jumped on that bandwagon soon, but Apple was first with the lead in that and as they were also first in getting their computers to the public then, in 1979 the very first highly stylized Apple II+ personal computer came out as well...

Again was all a pretty amazing point in time when that of Chip technologies for many things was something of an explosion in things back then...

3/6 Metal/Venus day V/s aka Wu Shen a Yang earth Monkey date....FS #6...GT: #39 - #15 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 5 areas.


#8 - #20 Involves *#23 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Kuei:Ghosts - Metal Type, and Sheep animal sign...

WV NM Pisces Daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Cancer 2nd areas all same prior then in hr c it exacts in Opposition to Saturn in the Capricorn *8th* type areas which is further ruled by Mars in same...

Then in hr y the Moon both enters that of the Sun ruled Leo 3rd type areas and it's Ketu ruled Magha Nakshatra areas...

Moon then ruled by the Sun's areas in Pisces 10th Outer areas and Ketu's areas in the Capricorn *8th* type areas on into the next date...

While Moon in Leo will be squaring that of the Scorpio 6th and Taurus *12th* type areas and initially that of Venus which has already entered the sign Taurus *12th* areas, and also sign Opposing that in the Aquarius 9th type areas, etc...

Other blank there but mention of squaring as in some's charts will be stuff there for that, the Moon also trines that of the Sag and Aries signs as well...

Date Dasa yet *Sa/Ve* areas until hr w shifts/changes too *Sa/Su* around 11:04 then yet again in hr h they shift/change too *Sa/Mo* areas around 21:31...

3/7 Earth/Saturn day VI/yo aka Ji You a Yin earth Rooster date....FS *#7*...GT: #23 - #2 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 6 areas.


#26 - #18 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Liu:Willow - Earth Type, and Deer animal sign...

WV NM Pisces Daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Sun ruled Leo 3rd areas all same until hr c when it then enters the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni Nakshatra areas around 02:46 on into the next date...

Moon is inconjunct with all that in the Capricorn *8th* type areas, and in hr h tonight will also be tightly Opposing that of Mercury Rx in the Aquarius 9th type areas...

Date Dasa prior of *Sa/Mo* areas until hr wa when they shift/change to *Sa/Ma* areas around 14:55...

3/8 Sun day VII/sh aka Geng Xu a Yang metal Dog date....FS #8...GT: #11 - #46 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 1 areas.


#19 - #24 Involves *#24* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Hsing:Star - Sun/Fire Type, and Horse animal sign...

WV NM Pisces Daily astro:

Transiting Moon all same prior until hr's w and wa when it very sharply then in exact inconjunct's that of Jupiter's areas in the Capricorn *8th* type areas today...

Then late tonight in hr h when it begins very sharp Opposition to Mercury Rx areas in the Saturn ruled Aquarius 9th type areas on into the next date...

Also  with that in hr h it becomes very sharp in it's inconjunct to Saturn's areas in the Capricorn *8th* type areas as well, on into next date...

Minus the main events which come up of it, some individuals negative thinkings can be bolstered of it and with that things of trusts issues on their parts...

Use other vedic aspects of Feb 11th's post as you desire...

Date Dasa prior *Sa/Ma* areas until hr y when they shift/change to *Sa/Ra* areas around 03:05 into the next date...

Next date is the Full Moon (FM) called Worm Moon but due to all the rain here they beat that in coming out...

[EDT, DST time starts this date at 02:00 am!...

Here Standard time works better, so you'll have to change the time yourselves on both the Wen wang gua timed pairs, and the Astro too unless otherwise mentioned...

Means you advance the Astro one hour ahead of the times that I list in them, and on the Wwg you do the same where in the ideal hr t would in DST begin at 12 am instead of Standard time's 11pm]!...

That as other systems used here base from that of local standard times in terms of both normal charts, lunar and solar period types, and birth/life chart dates, which includes the Wwg used daily here. that of the Bazi, that of Feng Shui dates, that of the ZWDS, and also the QM aka QMDJ at times used here as well, so in all here it's best, easier to stick to Standard time... 

Full Moon Virgo Supermoon type...

3/9 Moon day VIII/h aka Xin Hai a Yin metal Pig date...FS *#9*...GT: #10 - #25 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 2 areas.


#13 - #25 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

FM Exact: #12 - #6 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Hexagram images for periods as usual are posted near page top under the others there...

Constellation: Chang:Bow - Moon/Fire Type, and Stag animal sign...

WV FM Virgo Daily astro:

FM Physical Asc, 1st areas in sign Cancer ruled by the Moon in Virgo 3rd type areas, then physical in the Mercury Rx ruled Aslesha Nakshatra, so while Sun rules the sign, that of Mercury Rx in the Aquarius *8th* type areas goes with the physical's destiny...

Rahu also in the Cancer physical areas there in the Pushya Nakshatra  ruled by Saturn in the Capricorn 7th Relationships, legal, etc areas...

Then Opposite the Full Moon in Virgo, and Opposing is the FM Sun in the Pisces 9th type areas...

[Then in Capricorn 7th type areas has that of Ketu, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn's areas there...

Mars there rules the Aries 10th Outer public, events, careers, etc type areas and that of the Scorpio 5th type areas as well]...

In starts for this period the Moon in Virgo 3rd areas is trining that of Jupiter in the Capricorn 7th areas...

Jupiter's areas ruling that of the Sag 6th Health's, Nuturances, and other areas and that of the Pisces 9th type areas where the Sun is located also...

Then we also have Mercury Rx in the Aquarius *8th* type areas sign  squaring that of Venus in Taurus 11th biz, gains, groups, etc areas...Mercury in the Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra is further ruled by Jupiter's areas as well!...

Venus also ruling the Libra 4th Homes, vehicles, ends and other there...

Venus is also trined by that of Ketu's areas (Dr's, etc in some, political, etc in other) in the Capricorn 7th type areas, and is in sextile with Rahu in Cancer Physical 1st type areas...

Will be a lot going on in that of Leo 2nd type areas ruled by the Sun in Pisces 9th areas and of Ketu in the Capricorn 7th areas initially...

Date Dasa Mo/Ke/Sa/Ra/Mo full in start, so *Ra/Mo* areas until hr yo when they shift/change to *Ra/Ma* areas around 18:53...

For day light savings don't forget to add an hour to any times given here which are of the Standard EST type...

FM was initially in the Hasta (it's own) Nakshatra then in hr sh it enters the Mars ruled Chitra Nakshatra around 19:37, so then on ruled by Mercury Rx in Aquarius *8th* type areas and that of Mars in Capricorn 7th areas into the next date...

Most all see that to do with 8th finances and 2nd material areas mainly of the Petro and Coronavirus stuff and the very discernable match to the FM Exact Wwg pair...

Then had mentioned Jupiter's role on both the Pisces 9th and to Mercury Rx in the Aquarius 8th, then in further Mercury Rx rules the Sun in the Pisces 9th as well all having to do with the material and finances of that mentioned...

Another reason stick to the natural locals of Standard times here as aside the accurate of the Wwg, the Astro also accurate is derived from it as well...

3/10 Fire/Mars day IX/t aka Ren Zi a Yang water Rat date...FS #1...GT: #49 - #17 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 3 areas.


#17 - #3 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: I:Wings - Fire Type, and Snake animal sign...

WV FM Virgo Daily astro:

Transiting Moon all same prior until hr m when it enters the Libra 4th type areas around 06:03, yet in same Nakshatra so now ruled by Venus in Taurus 11th areas and Mars in Capricorn 7th areas...

Moon while in the sign Libra 4th areas squares that of the Cancer 1st, and Capricorn 7th Relationships, legal, etc areas...That and it's also inconjunct to the Sun in the Pisces 9th areas as well...

In hr wa around 14:06 transiting Moon exacts in T-Square to the Nodes Rahu in Physical Cancer 1st and Ketu in Capricorn 7th Relationships, legal, etc areas then...

Then in hr s the Moon in Libra enters the *Rahu* ruled Svati Nakshatra areas around 16:30 on into the next date...

Date Dasa software correction to the 4th and 5th levels is prior *Ra/Ma* areas until hr s today when they shift/change to *Ju/JU* areas around 15:10...

This as the Astro is of EST times here, then when you add an hour it's that of DST and is for these dasas hr s in it too...

Also of the Jupiter ruled *Mercury Rx* com, move, etc in the Aquarius *8th* type areas including the Dangers in that of things spreading in both the Coronavirus as well as of finances areas too...

Probably obvious to at least some as the Sun also represents that of Authority, and being in the Pisces 9th areas represents things of those both and of both coronavirus, and that of in petro's, etc areas in the material, finances areas also..

Then more which you can add to those as well, and has already been those of large religions and of such church or temple buildings or high figures of them afflicted and likely other high figures here and overseas as well may yet be affected also...

Anyway anything of Pisces and 9th house type areas can also fit in, and perhaps some things of Aquarius type items, areas too...

3/11 Water/Mercury day X/c aka Gui Chou a Yin water Ox date...FS #2...GT: #21 - #27 Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 4 areas.


#50 - #44 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Chen:Carriage - Water Type, and Worm animal sign...

WV FM Virgo Daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Venus ruled Libra 4th type areas and all same, applying square to Mars in Capricorn 7th Relationships, etc areas of which it exacts in hr cn around 08:07....

Carrying that it then in hr wa enters that of the Jupiter's areas ruled Visakha Nakshatra areas into the next date, with Moon then ruled by Venus's and Jupiter's areas...

Then it tightly squares that of Jupiter in the Capricorn 7th areas while also tightly inconjuncting the Mercury ruled *Sun* in Pisces 9th type areas...

Finally carrying all that it pretty much exacts of the latter in hr s around 15:47, and begins applying strong square to Saturn's areas in the Capricorn 7th Relationships, legal, etc on into the next date...

Date Dasa as prior yet *Ju/Ju* areas through this date also...

Think most probably get the overall gist of this period keeping in mind that Jupiter also rules that of the Sag (Outsides, International, etc) 6th type areas as well...

Pretty obvious that things of Leo 2nd material areas have matched to the mentioned in starts of this period...

Just another item that points out that *the natural of Standard local times* are the accurate for any chart type be it astrological or of the chinese, etc  systems, which does include that of birth/life charts also in that as opposed to using DST times for such...

Minus saying much about it here, still near daily do my own studies on the QM (Qi Men) aka QMDJ charts at most levels, and it's through that one finds additional pertinent relationships in patterns not mentioned in any of the courses...

Obviously says that no teacher releases all that they know, and leaves it to the able of their students to learn for themselves...

[*In that should it be that something beyond that of your normal routines shows up in a date, and you also find an hour that supports the same, then in that hour it will manifest for you!*...

That's a hint to those who have taken courses where instead of readings per se, you can determine a lot that will go on for you at the date and hour levels strictly through the timed day and hour chart types alone!...

Expect it will vis the commonly taught take some quite some time to figure that out, but once you do, you'll find it highly reliable!]...

In the bulk of cases it will nearly always be something of a positive nature despite what of formations one might otherwise think...

If it were to be negative we would know that also but not something one looks for all the time only when there's a need...

On the other hand nothing stops you from checking your stuff at the daily to hourly levels and is despite what any may say an excellent way to learn and understand more...

Had such in the latter most of hour e today, and was absolutely nothing negative to it, just an interesting bit of the social relational...Then separate in the more hidden for entirely other reasons in hour s of another form as well...

One doesn't publicly describe their own personal QM birth timed charts for good reasons, but beyond the astrological *they are indeed more specific of what it is that comes up*!...

Used just a bit within other of the very unfortunate to do with the Tennessee tornadoes, of which marked the very specific of their timings then, *normally not something that any of us would even think to look for at all*...

Here never reveal too much, but you can get a basic idea of the readings type at

Only do some for friends at times, and more often than readings type do that at the year and month to month levels instead...

Occasionally mention this subject so others who wish to learn have some assurances that it works, not cheap in costs, and takes a great deal of time to master...

In the lighter sides with Sun in Pisces spend more time just watching movies at the moment, that on Amazon called the *Investiture of the Gods* is a pretty fascinating and quite regally and elegantly done show of many episodes...

Portrays that of the Ancient Shang and Chou dynasties, with english captions fortunately...Many plots and counter plots to it and a good deal of humerous scenes as well...

Recommend to any except children...

Should note on that it's quite accurate about the *great brutality and cruelty* of the Shang emperor (King)  no doubt but spares you the actual gore, many episodes into it is an Iching divination that his Consort misinterprets as good since shows sky aka the heavens over the earth, that's what we got this period #12...

In most all aspects an excellent in the interesting of legends of their ancient history about their people then, as mentioned is a lot of good humor within it as well...

The level of psychological cruelty in spirit displayed by the Shang Emperor is not good for young viewers though...

3/12 Wood/Jupiter day I/y aka Jia Yin a Yang wood Tiger date...FS *#3*...GT: #32 - *#28* Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 5 areas.


#40 - #64 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Begins Week of the Eastern Grn Dragon cardinal and it's constellations...

Constellation: Ch'io:Horn - Wood Type, and Crocodile animal sign...

WV FM Virgo Daily astro:

Transiting Moon yet in Venus ruled Libra 4th type areas same prior, and in hr c  it exacts trine to Mercury (No longer Rx) in the Aquarius *8th* type areas around 02:57, while in tight square to Saturn's areas in the Capricorn 7th Relationships, legal, etc areas...

Then in hr y the Moon exacts in it's square to Saturn in the Final end degree of the Capricorn 7th areas at around 04:11...

Also in hr y the Moon enters that of the Mars ruled Scorpio 5th type areas around 05:29...

Moon then initially ruled of Mar's and Jupiter's areas...

While the Moon is in sign Scorpio's areas it will be sextiling all that in the Capricorn 7th Relationships, legal, etc areas, also sign squaring that of the Aquarius *8th* type areas and trining that of the Pisces 9th type areas, then it also in trine to the Cancer 1st Physical areas too...

In other the Moon in sign Scorpio's areas is initially also Opposing that of Venus's areas in sign Taurus 11th type areas through hr h this date...

In hr e the Moon in Scorpio enters the Saturn ruled Anuradha Nakshatra areas around 10:51, then on the Moon ruled by that of Mar's and Saturn's areas...

In hr wa the Moon will be exactly trined by that of *Rahu* of the Cancer 1st areas, with the Moon exactly sextiling that of Ketu in the Capricorn 7th areas around 13:15...

Carry's all the latter into the next date...

Date Dasa prior *Ju/Ju* areas then in hr c they shift/change to *Ju/Sa* areas around 02:08 on into most the next date also...

[Think most can guess from observations as were in what one can of it's tensional or negative sides (not all are) call *a small quarrels zone*, and also where that of robbery or dangers may come up for some few also, *that through most the 16th*...

Applies to things of in environments, neighborings, schools, that close by, and of both local or at international news areas, expressions, journies, documents and communications, etc]...

3/*13* Metal/Venus day II/m aka Ji Mao a Yin wood Rabbit date...FS #4...GT: #59 - *#29* Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 6 areas.


#53 - #37 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: K'ang:Neck - Water Type, and Dragon animal sign...

WV FM Virgo Daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Mars ruled Scorpio 5th areas and sub ruled by Saturn yet also...

Skip the exacts of sextiles and just say sign sextiles all that in Capricorn 7th Relationships, etc areas through the date...

Then in hr cn the Moon in Scorpio enters the Mercury ruled Jyeshtha Nakshatra areas around 08:41...

Moon then on is ruled by Mars in Capricorn 7th and Mercury in Aquarius *8th* type areas on into the next date...

The Moon is applying trine to the Sun and this night in final for the date in hr sh exact trines the Mercury ruled *Sun* in Pisces 9th type areas...

Date Dasa yet *Ju/Sa* areas until hr sh where they shift/change to *Ju/Me* areas around 19:38 and into next date or more...

On vis Amazon: The Investiture of the Gods series, that of the QM Dieties not in it, as it and several other were a totally kept secret arts for the Emperor's use only for well over a thousand and likely even more years...

The shown are of the many back then, of the more amusing types in then what were then *very innocent but superstitious times held by the common person then...

The Fox demon was a very well known demon type capable of much trickery and or magic much like Loki, interesting as that of Fu Xi who created the 8 trigrams and other was said by some to look like a tall alien with a Fox head?...

Only reference saw to any QM Diety was in the name of a mystical Sword aka Xuan Wu...

Wu Ji as in WuJi refers to pre heaven where all was in a perfect state of balence, harmony, and in theory that before the Big Bang...

In separate refers to the Yang and Yin Heavens *Earth* stems...

Still an excellent representation of their history then, and in many ways definitely very entertaining and elegantly done...

No longer recommend to all though, *meaning definitely not for children!*...

Appears the CCP or communists of China today are not so unlike the first Shang Emperor in their capacity for Evil...

[That of the totally fake conspiracy they've hatched up and are spreading vis their communist state medias saying the U.S. Army gave them the Coronovirus is pure nonsense!...

Idiots: Were it the case then it would have spread rampantly in the U.S. first!...

That didn't happen so tells you that their allegation is completely false, and manufactured by politically jealous sick minded morans]...

Worse is they now threaten the pharmaceutical supply of medicines they manufacture for us, that also reflects their capacity for great evil in itself!...

In that of costs other SE Asian markets should have been chosen instead of which we wouldn't have this type of threat at all!...

Was glad to see the stocks finally resurrect themselves today...

Aside the Worm Full SuperMoon as they called it of this period, the Solar month of the 24 Mountains is known as the Excited Insects type, looks with the warmer weather they are starting to come out as well...

*Prior night saw what looked like one humungous mosquito about 2 inches long*, hope was a loner and no herd of those things settle in nearby!...

3/14 Earth/Saturn day III/cn aka Bing Chen a Yang fire Dragon date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #39 - #63 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 1 areas.


#8 - *#29* Involves *#23 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Ti:Base - Earth Type, and Badger animal sign...

WV FM Virgo Daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Mars ruled Scorpio 5th areas and the Mercury ruled Jyeshtha Nakshatra same as prior, then in hr m it exacts in square to Mercury at the Final End degree of the Aquarius *8th* type areas around 05:26...

Then in hr cn it enters both Jupiter ruled sign *Sag 6th type areas*, and the Ketu ruled Mula Nakshatra areas around 07:09...

So then on the Moon ruled by Jupiter's and Ketu's areas into the next date...

Both Ketu and Jupiter are in the Capricorn 7th Relationships, etc areas, and where that of Mars is tightening in it's conjunct to Jupiter there as well...

By sign while Moon in Sag it semisextiles that in Capricorn 7th, sextiles that in Aquarius 8th, and squares that in Pisces 9th areas..

In vedic by signs Jupiter and Ketu both trine that of the Taurus 11th, and Virgo 3rd type areas also...

Date Dasa yet same *Ju/Me* areas through early morning 15th...

Today is Pi day many uses for that number, also today was the famous Albert Einstein's birthday as well...

In other didn't look so good, but at least a warm day here...

Both pairs had showed that of both earth star clashes and bonds for that of hr e in Iraq, and while can't note that of the Qi Men it was most unique for that hour also...

3/15 Sun day IV/e aka Ding Si a Yin fire Snake date...FS #6...GT: #23 - #4 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 2 areas.


#26 - #41 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Fang:Room - Sun/Fire Type, and Hare animal sign...

WV FM Virgo Daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Jupiter ruled Sag 6th areas yet in same prior Nakshatra until hr m when it enters the Venus ruled Purvashadha Nakshatra areas, then on the Moon is ruled by Jupiter's and Venus's areas...

Jupiter in Capricorn 7th Relationships, etc areas, and Venus in the Taurus 11th groups, gains, etc type areas...

Mars also in the Capricorn 7th areas draws tighter in it's orb aka conjunct to Jupiter also...

Moon exact semisextiles Mars in hr yo around 17:37, carrying that again exact semisextiles that of Jupiter also in Capricorn 7th areas in hr h around 22:05...

Date Dasa yet *Ju/Me* areas until hr cn then they shift/change to *Ju/Ke* areas around 08:47 on into the begin of next date...

3/16 Moon day V/w aka Wu Wu a Yang earth Horse date...FS *#7*...GT: #11 - #19 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 3 areas.


#19 - #54 Involves *#24* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Hsin:Heart - Moon-Fire Type, and Fox animal sign...

WV FM Virgo Daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Jupiter ruled *Sag* 6th areas and yet same Nakshatra in hr m exacts in square to the Sun in Pisces 9th type areas around 05:34, then at around 06:19 enters the watery Sun ruled Uttarashadha Nakshatra areas also...

Moon then until hr w is ruled by Jupiter and the Sun...

Mercury too had in hr y re-entered the Pisce 9th areas around 03:43 today...

The Moon also in tight semisextile to that of Saturn at Final End degree of Capricorn's 7th areas and exacts in that hr w around 11:38 today...

Finally for this date the Moon enters the Capricorn 7th type areas sign conjuncting all there and initially that of Ketu there while Opposing Rahu in the Cancer Physical 1st areas also in hr w around 12:26...

The Moon then on ruled by Saturn and the Sun's areas into the next date...

Date Dasa starts hr t 00:04 *Ju/Ve* areas on into most the next date also...

The following is not taught by any QMDJ teachers or courses, so falls under my copyright, feel free to use, but do not publish!...

In QM are certain day zones which may also attach to specific yuan zones covering different months for that of Day charts...

These are not of the commonly taught readings types!...

In some of those are periods where the Day's universal archetype aka diety, guardian or god will be paired with specific star types, that will be seen to be the same as in the Hour charts for that entire day also...

Usually with one catch as all hours of a given lead stem will match to the previous Day chart, and from the change of lead stem onwards all the remaining hours will match of it's Day chart...

Doesn't always come up as that and only in specific zones, but are very useful when they do!...

When they do: One can from a Day chart know the main that comes up for them in a date and *at the specific hour for it*, that at about 50% or half the time using just their year of birth, and near 100% of the time when they add their birth palace to it...

If you figure that out as I have then add details also by noting the formations of both the date and hour of match also, you'll learn something there, also at times that of the directions themselves actually hold too!...

Want to have some fun add Day chart's Liu He in as well just note where it falls in terms of lead stems so the right day chart aka previous dates or current one used for it...

In some other fewer dates in the Day chart instead of the Star, the Gate/Door instead will pair with the Universal archetype but only match up in *1* or 2 singular hours of the date, that type too useful info too!...

Will over time continue researching those across the Day charts vis their different yuan,/months specifics as they compare to their hour charts to see if any additional unravelings of them can be made useful...

Over time not too speedy as do in step with that here, to avoid any easy of confusions...

Again for those just curious or interested on what the Qi Men (QM) aka QMDJ is all about and in mainly the commonly taught of readings areas:

There check out the Relationships and other readings types and in those scroll just a bit down you should see a link on the basics of reading a chart...


3/17 Fire/Mars day VI/wa aka Ji Wei a Yin earth Goat date...FS #8...GT: #10 - #61 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 4 areas.


#13 - #30 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Tail - Fire Type, and Tiger animal sign...

More of a social relational, cultural and legal type zone now for awhile, mostly of an ends nature in a lot due to the Coronavirus...

Date Dasa yet *Ju/Ve* areas until hr sh they shift/change to *Ju/Su* areas around 19:46 into the next date...

Drop the Astro for couple days, Nyquil has really adverse effects on me, too strong makes me quite sick, so chilling couple of days...

Don't know but probably interacts with my pain reliever med in an adverse way...

Until late in the afternoon about 24 hours later, could barely even stand or walker around in the house as normal...

No more Nyqul for me, ever!...

On QM wife in the partial had a Day for that of shocks or surprises, and in the hour of a supposed appt that was also shown and exactly fulfilled in it...

Fam practice appt person's, *should always properly mention the month that an appt is in aka Never Ass ume, so people don't waste their time*!...

QM always of details correct about any day to hour fulfillment type, of which there are many different types and can describe the type of person when appropriate, even that of disobedient younger types in fulfillments as well...

Takes at least 5 years of diligent QM study, experience before any make it to the point of recognizing such exactly in day to hour charts, *as have prior mentioned here, that since it's not taught*...

Mainly due to vastness it's *a very, very long and slow to learn system*, and that's even when you have all the expensive materials of a course and training for it!...

Just in the taught most teacher's say it's that of 10 years before one may become fully competent in it, and if your as most working a regular job and or of other normal time constraints, then that would be very true...

3/18 Water/Mercury day VII/s aka Geng Shen a Yang metel Monkey date...FS *#9*...GT: #49 - #55 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 5 areas.


#17 - #25 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Chi:Basket - Water Type, and Leopard animal sign...

Date Dasa yet *Ju/Su* areas until hr cn when they change/shift to *Ju/Mo* areas around  08:52 on into next date...

Partial Astro: Moon in Capricorn 7th areas should exact conjunct Mars in hr y around 04:32...That of Mars is also very tight conjunct to Jupiter's areas there also...

Still pretty rough here pretty sure will be a few days yet to get up to speed...

Note vis NyQil in interactions with my meds, *became *violently* ill in hr h of the 15th*, many of too much type symptoms kept occuring as went forward...

It highly impacted that of circulations and though normally it's my left leg that's poor in that dept, the right leg of reasonably good circulations was impacted for about 3 days...

Normally can't make any sharp 90 degree angle type turns with out grasping for additional support that steadies me in that, even in the house with walker have to be somewhat careful as to not to make any fast turns, else can easily fall on my can...

Things are better now, but that was one scary zone...

That of hr h did match in that of my of the QM day chart part that have methods wise described here prior...

*That's separate, and not the same at all as that of the taught Outcomes methods which are used for the normal of QM forecasts or readings types, although at times that of your YOB stem may counter your birth palace which is different from how that is used in the QM forecasts and readings types...

Hard without proper softwares to do, but my WV chart dasa's for the 15th including that hour was that of *Me/Sa* areas being in for me then...

Mercury describes almost all things that were affected for me then, and Saturn the *results* aka type of manifests in the results!...

Still a bit hindered so won't be doing the full aspects version of Astro forecasts here for awhile...

Saw some good news on regulatings by their CEO's on store hours to better accomadate the most vulnerable of the elderly in getting that they need, before the Rahu driven types empty the shelves on them...

Local Military has in the minimum also set strong limitations on how much of the items like toilet paper, etc will be allowed to any customer...

The CSRA area now has confirmed coronavirus cases as well...

3/19 Wood/Jupiter day VIII/yo aka Xin You a Yin metal Rooster date...FS #1...GT: #21 - *#51* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 6 areas.


#50 - #14 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Begins Week of the Northern Blk Tortoise cardinal, and it's constellations...

Constellation: Tou:Ladle - Wood Type, and Unicorn animal sign...

Date Dasa yet *Ju/Mo* areas until hr m when they initially change/shift to *Ju/Ma* areas around 06:43 until late in hr h then shifts too *Ju/Ra* areas around 22:01 on into the next date...

Mini astro in non exact times the Moon had in hr cn entered that of the Mars ruled Dhanistha Nakshatra areas into the next date...

Then in hr sh it exact conjuncts that of Saturn, afterwards in hr h it enters that of the sign Aquarius *8th* type areas...

Mar 14th when our forces were attacked in Iraq was when the Moon was in Sag *6th* areas...

6th areas always include that of Enemies as well so that was your warning, Sag 6th ruled by Jupiter in the 7th Relationships areas suggested who from, as in the foreign or far aways at the very minimum...

The date dasa then was *Ju/Me* areas taking in the 7th, 6th, 3rd, 9th and 12th type areas then, 12th for the hidden of enemies and disasters, 3rd from the close by of environments, 7th relationships, 9th far aways or things of flights...

Had found a Unique Qi Men relationship for the hour involved of that date then, but without a Qi Men birth hour chart *one cannot see that of the individual hour for it *in the ahead**!...

That and no one is going to look at all 12 hour charts of a date to find one specific or similar pattern, unless we have (in our case) the actual QM birth hour chart for the U.S. itself...

In that would have the birth palace besides the year stem, and QM charts would include the tactical of situations...

In limits on that of QM hour birth charts, *most only go back to about 1910 at the farthest*!...

My method can only be applied by knowing the actual birth chart, can't be done from a QMDJ questions and readings chart type alone...

The latter are personal charts applying to a live human being, rather doubt that of a country chart would apply in those, though in *a very limited fashion* the separate of a year, month or day chart can using just the YOB stem alone...

So now you know what I meant of the QM then, by saying *couldn't cover it*...

3/20 Metal/Venus day IX/sh aka Ren Xu a Yang water Dog date...FS #2...GT: #32 - #34 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 1 areas.


#40 - #16 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Niu:Ox - Metal Type, and Ox animal sign...

Date Dasa of prior yet same *Ju/Ra* areas on into next date...

Recomp of head fog yet in yesterdays, just means forgot to add in:

[Moon in Aquarius *8th* areas had entered the Rahu ruled Satabhisha Nakshatra areas in hr e yesterday around 10:19 with all yet same...Think heard some of that, definitely a sad zone type...

Also the Sun entered that of Mars ruled *sign Aries 10th type Outer areas* very late in hr t around 23:50 yesterday]...

Then today the 20th in hr m the Moon in the Aquarius *8th* areas, exacts in square to Venus in Taurus 11th type areas around 05:00...Venus aside ruling those Taurus areas also rules the Libra 4th type areas...

Later in hr w the Moon then enters the windy Jupiter ruled Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra areas around 12:37 on into the next date wraps it up...

Great match to 2nd pairs Outcome: IRS Tax Day for filing extended to July 15th, was definitely Joy in that!...

Was another in the UK today in terms of workers compensation itself...

[Also believe very late this night begin standard hr  h around 21:58 on for a week or more, a lot of things will be coming up in the Scorpio 5th type areas, and or where ever Scorpio appears in your own charts...

That will still be in effect for the NM on the *24th* aka NM in Aries 3rd environments, etc areas...

Hup two, three, four as Mars it's main ruler will be in Capricorn *12th*, losses isolations, hospitals, prison's, other hidden govt areas, disasters, calamities, etc areas then, and *that of Mars ruled Scorpio's stuff is in Outer 10th type events areas then*!...

Aries also goes with executive areas in the governments, pioneerings and much else you can look up...

Feel free to add to as some pre but starts Mar 24th...

3/21 Earth/Saturn day X/h aka Gui Hai a Yin water Pig date...FS *#3*...GT: #59 - #20 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 2 areas.


#53 - #20 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Nu:Maiden - Earth Type, and Bat animal sign...

WV Full Moon daily astro:

Transiting Moon yet in Saturn ruled Aquarius *8th* type areas and all same subruled by Jupiter until hr cn when it then yet in the former Nakshatra enters that of the Pisces 9th type areas around 08:34...

The Moon then on ruled and subruled by Jupiter's areas, also from hr cn on the Moon exact semisextiles the Sun and onward is conjuncting that of Mercury in the Pisces 9th type areas and pretty much exacts in that in hr s around 16:39...

Just prior in hr s also around 15:14 the Moon had entered the ruled Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra areas, so the Moon now ruled by Jupiter and subruled by fiery Saturn's areas on into the next date...

When I add things like watery Sun, windy Jupiter or now as fiery Saturn that's just an extra of it's nature per the nakshatra...

Date Dasa of prior yet same *Ju/Ra* areas until hr wa when they shift/change to *Ke/Ke* areas around 13:20...

Happens at times that there will be multiple dasa changes in a given date, this one has 7!...

No need to list all the times all are shorties, and as all start with Ke aka Ketu at the 4th level will just list the 5th level components of Ve, Su, Mo, Ma, Ra, and Ju...

The very last one of *Ke/Ju* areas is as others a shorty begins at 23:12 and on into the next date...

3/22 Sun day I/t aka Jia Zi a Yang wood Rat date...Jump FS *#7*...GT: #39 - #8 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 3 areas.


#8 - #45 Involves *#23 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Hsu:Void - Sun-Fire Type, and Rat animal sign...

WV Full Moon daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Pisces 9th areas all same mentioned prior, and then in hr yo enters the Mercury ruled Revati Nakshatra areas, Moon then on ruled by Jupiter in Capricorn 7th and Mercury in Pisces 9th areas...

Moon also then for main of eve/night is Opposing it's original FM position in Virgo 3rd type areas...

Date Dasas like before are about 6 this date:

*Ke/Sa* areas 01:31...

*Ke/Me* areas 04:16...

*Ve/Ve* areas 06:44...*Ve/Su* areas 15:01...*Ve/Mo* areas 17:30...then *Ve/Ma* areas 21:39 into next date...

3/23 Moon day II/c aka Yi Chou a Yin wood Ox date...FS #8...GT: #23 - #35 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#26 - #9 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Danger - Moon-Fire Type, and Swallow animal sign...

WV Full Moon daily astro:

Short: Moon in Pisces 9th areas this date, and then enters sign Aries 10th Outer areas in hr sh around 20:58 conjuncting the Sun there where it will exact conjunct as *the New Moon (NM) in wee hrs next date*...

Date dasas *Ve/Ra* areas hr t 00:33, *Ve/Ju* areas hr cn 08:00, *Ve/Sa* areas hr wa 14:38, *Ve/Me* areas hr h 22:30 into next date...

Still on the mend from Mar 15th yet had in that fell and banged the head on a low-level bookshelf the ill was too much itself then that adding has made it a tough zone...

On the Day to Hour chart dualities methods appears to only work at certain intervals, had about a 7 day run prior then dried up, so not consistant enough for daily use, but then is fascinating when it does come up...

Found part of the quirk on QM Day charts, *most don't know how to fully use them anyway*, but Master Tsai's Daily FS # count at times devitates from the standard counts that the QMDJ Day charts use creating a conflict between his FS # uses, and that of the Qi Men's...

In standard it would have been an FS #5 day today, anyway at times it's stuff can be fated so I always check those as well...

Just a note on the FS day # stuff, so most will know there is a difference at times between here of the Chinese Farmer Almanac, and that of the standard QMDJ Day Pan charts...

New Moon (NM) lunar period start Mar 24th:
3/24 Fire/Mars day III/y aka Bing Yin a Yang Fire Tiger date...FS *#9*...GT: #21 - *#51* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#50 - #14 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

NM Exact: #56 - #33 Involves *#28 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Shih:House - Fire Type, and Pig animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro:

Physical 1st Asc areas of sign Aquarius with Ruler Saturn now in Aquarius and physical in the Jupiter ruled Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra areas...So physical ruled by Saturn and it's guide or destiny by Jupiter's areas...

Jupiter ruling the Sag 11th and Pisces 2nd type areas...

Jupiter is in Capricorn 12th type areas...As is Ketu, and then that of Mars also which Jupiter conjuncts...

Mars rules the NM Aries 3rd and Scorpio Outer 10th type areas...

Further have that of combust Mercury in Pisces 2nd Material, material values, items, family and org's type areas...Mercury is ruled by Saturn's areas...

[New Moon in Aries 3rd environments, things close by's, schools or learnings areas, news, expressions, etc areas

Both Moon and Sun conjunct there in the Ketu ruled Ashwini Nakshatra of Aries, so they are ruled by both Mars and Ketu's areas of the Capricorn 12th type in starts...

That Nakshatra goes with both Health's areas, Doctors, Execs and Mil type areas, plus speed of movements, etc]...

Also have that of Venus in Taurus 4th type areas it rules as well as the Libra 9th type, with Venus further ruled by the Moon...

Lastly we have that of Rahu in Cancer 6th type areas, and it yet is ruled by Saturn in the Aquarius physical areas as well...

Date Dasa Ke/Mo/Sa/Ve/Ma hr c 02:14...*Ve/Ra* areas in hr e around 10:06 on into the next date...

3/25 Water/Mercury day IV/m aka Ding Mao a Yin Fire Rabbit date...FS #1...GT: #32 - #34 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#40 - #16 Involves *#63 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Pi:Wall - Water Type, and Porcupine animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro kept simple, still lots of Scorpio Outer 10th stuff:

Transiting Moon in Mars ruled Aries 3rd areas all same until very late in hr t begin when it enters the Venus ruled Bharani Nakshatra areas around 23:57 into next date...

Moon then on ruled by Mars in Capricorn *12th* type areas and Venus in Taurus 4th type areas...

Date Dasa yet same *Ve/Ra* areas until hr m then shifts/changes to *Ve/Ju* areas on into the next date...

3/26 Wood/Jupiter day V/cn aka Wu Chen a Yang earth Dragon date...FS #2...GT: #59 - #20 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#53 - #20 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: K'uei:Astride - Wood Type, and Wolf animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro:

Well the watery and water bearer of Aquarius in the physical did it's stuff here, usually we get around the NM and FM times anyway...

Aquarius though goes with humanitarian, also can be in personal those of the cold and calculating, scientific, psychological, mental and of energies type stuffs, etc...

Mars should enter the frey there around afternoon the 30th, and probably exact conjuncts that of Saturn there the 31st...

Moon yet same in Aries 3rd Environments, etc areas until hr c when it enters the Watery Sun ruled Krittika Nakshatra areas around 02:53... 

Watery a bit funny there since Krittika about fire, burning, cutting, heat, light and razor or sharp focused, but says what it says?...

Probably around hr t or c things also now shift to the *sign Sag* 11th type areas stuff in lots of events there for awhile also...

Moon then on ruled by mars and sun's areas until hr e...

In hr e the Moon then of same Nakshatra enters that of the Venus ruled *Taurus 4th type areas*, so then on Moon is ruled by Venus in Taurus 4th and the Sun in Aries 3rd type areas where Aries in turn ruled by Mars in Capricorn *12th* type areas!...

Initially on entering Taurus the Moon is squared by Saturn from Aquarius 1st areas while it's trined by Ketu of Capricorn 12th areas and  sextiles that of Rahu in the Cancer 6th type areas in main this date...

Date Dasa Hr t *Ve/Sa* areas around 00:20 until hr h then *Ve/Me* areas around 21:42 into the next date...

3/27 Metal/Venus day VI/e aka Ji Si a Yin earth Snake date...FS *#3*...GT: #39 - #8 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#8 - #45 Involves *#23 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Constellation: Lou:Mound - Metal Type, and Dog animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Venus ruled Taurus 4th type areas all same until hr m when the Moon enter's it's own Rohini Nakshatra areas then on Moon ruled of Venus and itself into the next date...

Venus also rules takes in the Libra 9th areas and the Moon rules the Cancer 6th type areas in this period...

Date Dasa yet *Ve/Me* areas until hr s then shifts/changes to *Ve/Ke* areas on into the next date...

3/28 Earth/Saturn day VII/w aka Geng Wu a Yang metal Horse date...FS #4...GT: #23 - #35 Involves *#2 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#26 - #9 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Wei:Stomach - Earth Type, and Pheasant animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro:

Moon yet in Venus ruled Taurus 4th areas as before then in hr cn enters that of the Mars ruled Mrigasira Nakshatra areas there around 08:25...

All minus dasas same until hr h when the Moon enters that of Gemini 5th areas where Mercury and Mars rule it into the next date...

Mercury in Pisces 2nd areas and Mars in Capricorn *12th* areas...

Date Dasa *Su/Su* areas in hr t around 00:41...Hr c *Su/Mo* areas around 02:42...Hr m *Su/Ma* areas around 06:05...Hr cn *Su/Ra* areas 08:26...Hr wa *Su/Ju* areas around 14:31...

Then finally in hr sh *Su/Sa* areas around 19:55 into the next date...

3/29 Sun day VIII/wa aka Xin Wei a Yin metal  Goat date...FS *#5*...GT: #11 - #5 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...


#19 - #41 Involves *#24* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Constellation: Mao:Pleiades - Sun Fire Type, and Cock animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Mercury ruled Gemini 5th type areas all same prior then in hr e enters that of the *Rahu* ruled *Ardra* Nakshatra areas around 10:46 on into the next date...

Mercury in Pisces 2nd type areas, and Rahu in Cancer 6th type areas rule the Moon and that of the Cancer 6th areas...

Date Dasa Hr c *Su/Me* areas 02:19, Hr cn *Su/Ke* areas 08:03, Hr e *Su/Ve* areas 10:25, Hr yo *Mo/Mo* areas 17:10, then finally Hr h *Mo/Ma* areas 22:47 on into the next date...

3/30 Moon day IX/s aka Ren Shen a Yang water Monkey date...FS #6...GT: #10 - #58 Involves *#37 Areas*...Change line 6 areas...


#13 - #33 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Constellation: Pi:Net - Moon Fire Type, and Crow animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Gemini all same prior until hr w when it enters the Jupiter ruled Punarvasu Nakshatra areas around 12:48 into the next date....

Moon then on ruled by Mercury and Jupiter's areas...

Date Dasa Hr c *Mo/Ra* areas around 02:43, hr w *Mo/Ju* areas around 12:51, then finally hr h *Mo/Sa* areas around 21:50 into the next date...

3/31 Fire/Mars day X/yo aka Gui You a Yin water Rooster date...FS *#7*...GT: #49 - #31 Involves *#44 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...


#17 - #58 Involves *#53 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Constellation: Tsui:Beak - Fire Type, and Monkey animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Gemini 5th all as prior until hr cn when it yet in same Nakshatra enters sign Cancer 6th type areas around 07:43 into the next date...

Then in hr wa the Moon enters the Saturn ruled Pushya Nakshtra areas around 13:59 and yet within the hour wa that of Mars exact Conjuncts Saturn in the Aquarius Physical 1st areas!...

Moon ruled of itself and Mars in Aqurius 1st areas those ruling that of the Cancer 6th type areas this date...

Date Dasa Same prior until hr cn then *Mo/Me* areas around 08:31, hr yo *Mo/Ke* areas around 18:05, hr h *Mo/Ve* areas around 22:01 into the next date...

Did have us a thunderstorm here in hr wa of Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius which was of the US NM period, and in our 7th relationships areas here at the time under an overhead Leo physical here at the time, then prior of hr w was Moon conjunct Rahu for it and the date, some good wind gusts in the brief of it too...

4/1 Water/Mercury days I/sh aka Jia Xu a Yang wood Dog date...FS #8...GT: #21 - *#38* Involves *#39 Areas*...Change line 2 areas...


#50 - #64 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Constellation: Shen:Orion - Water Type, and Ape animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Cancer 6th type areas, all as prior carrying it's last conjunct to Rahu prior date and then in hr wa it enters the Mercury ruled Aslesha Nakshatra areas on into the next date...

So Moon ruled of itself and Mercury in Pisces 2nd type areas governs that of the Cancer 6th areas for the date...

Date Dasa same prior of *Mo/Ve* areas, Hr e *Mo/Su* areas 09:16, *hr w *Ma/Ma* areas 12:38, hr s *Ma/Ra* 15:23, then finally hr h *Ma/Ju* areas 22:28 into the next date...

Ok had mentioned since Mar 15th has been a very rough zone for me, and the only people who know the exacts visually have been guests to the house and of course my wife and some of her friends...

Unfortunately not quite out of the dark zone yet, and *were days could only sit at the pc long enough to do a post and that was it*...

Were several times in that where would have to correct what I wrote several times until was ok to post, wasn't fun for sure, things better now the lower right leg and more so right foot are definitely healing, but just a ways to go yet...

[Then I made one very big transpositional error for this NM period, had said things shifted for lots of events in Sag areas which was totally wrong...

For the NM overall period itself that was in Scorpio Outer 10th events areas...

*Then of daily things of the destined had actually shifted for lots of events to be in the NM's *Cancer 6th Health's etc type areas *instead*, and for any in their own Cancer areas as well, at present is still so!*...

The Moon and it's day by day sub lords ruling that of the Cancer 6th Healths areas has made it a topsy, turvy not prone to a consistant productive health effects zone type, so things of the coronaviruse had escalated under it]...

About as far as will go with that, *just needed to make the correction on the destined today for all*...

4/2 Wood/Jupiter day II/h aka Yi Hai a Yin wood Pig date...FS *#9*...GT: #32 - #40 Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...


#40 - #7 Involves *#63* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Begins Week of the Southern Red Phoenix it's cardinal and constellations...

Constellation: Ching (Jing):Well - Water Type, and Wild Dog animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro: 

Transiting Moon in Cancer 6th areas pretty much exactly opposes Jupiter in the Capricorn *12th* areas in hr's y and m this date...

Later this date in hr wa the transiting Moon enters both that of the *Sun ruled Leo 7th Relationships, etc areas*, and it's Ketu ruled Magha Nakshatra areas around 14:27 and on into the next date!...

Also in the Moon's entry into sign Leo areas it will initially be exactly opposing that of Saturn in the Aquarius Physical 1st areas, then in hr yo the Moon will exactly oppose Mars in the Aquarius Physical 1st areas as well around 18:13 with that taking us into the next date!... 

Date Dasa: Same prior then hr y changes to *Ma/Sa* areas around 04:46, hr w changes to *Ma/Me* areas around 12:15, hr yo changes to *Ma/Ke* areas around 18:56, then finally in hr h changes to *Ma/Ve* areas around 21:41 on into the next date...

4/3 Metal/Venus day III/t aka Bing Zi a Yang fire Rat date...FS #1...GT: #59 - #6 Involves *#27 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...


#53 - #52 Involves *#64 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Constellation: Kuei:Ghosts - Metal Type, and Sheep animal sign...

WV New Moon daily astro:

Transiting Moon in Leo 7th, etc Relationships all same until hr wa when it enters the Venus ruled Purvaphalguni Nakshatra areas there, then on Moon ruled by the Sun in Aries 3rd Environments, etc areas, and Venus which just entered the Gemini 5th type areas...

That on into the next date...

Date Dasa Same prior then hr m *Ma/Su* areas 05:34, hr cn *Ma/Mo* areas 07:55, *finally hr w *Ra/Ra* areas 11:52 into the next date*...

Just Blog:

To expand that of any daily pairs:

Use the SuperIching EZ hexagram full *expander* use SuperIching's go there scroll read the instructions and use for any dailies or tosses you wish to expand for the line stars of them...

His (Alex Chiu's) book is available in Kindle Reader form for only $7.50 as well, may also be in Google Books too as found most others had previously mentioned are there too for any device or pc os...

On the Yi Jing, Plum Blossum, etc one of the most convienent, concise, economical aka *very inexpensive*, and fully loaded books, definitely with that you'd need is in Kindle Reader aka Epub form: 

Yi Jing Image and Numerology Divination...

Uses the pre, before heaven trigram sequence as used in the Wwg and Qi Men...

Another more expensive book by Master Huang uses a strictly the *Feng Shui trigram sequence* instead, which those using standard Feng Shui may find additionally helpful...

Not required in the speedy of Qi Men's separate Feng Shui charts and methods...

Though the Lo Shu in Qi Men is itself std Feng Shui type, but usually in advanced the XKDG is additionally used with *the Qi Men Yi Jing hexagrams*, and that too has it's own separate trigram sequences...

A good complimentary to either of those books that's also *very inexpensive* for basic Yi Jing aka Iching only  interpretations:

The Clear Cut Iching available on (c)...

On that next Joey Yap Qi Men abundance/divinity course think this Aug 31st is the last day for enrollment on it, seems strange as the projected start is near christmas?...

Guess they did start and that of December marks that of the newest modules beyond advanced tier points start!...

It'll be better than previous for beginners as it runs from basics then on into the advanced tier, and finally the divinity part which aside the hourly forecaster charts includes a very special near to the minute (Every 10) Oracle based on small qi men and of it's flying palace system as well...

Also a number of real life cases forecast charts are to be included as permenent references the students keep and use... 

Most that took the advanced tier prior do get a good discount...

[Those who want or need to track the hexagrams here using the, our chinese date can download a calendar for 2019 from the SuperIching site...

*In lieu you could also download the free fourpillars version 1.2 program from*!...

On the latter you can then privately generate your own fourpillars aka bazi birth chart as well...

Still good daily matches to pairs here, adding corrections on the fourpillars,net free 1,2 version here, etc..

That version doesn't include coordinates or timezones but not to fret as it will still provide accurate birth charts...If born in an daylight timezone hour, simply subtract one hour for the standard time and use that...

Same on dailies if under daylight savings time, again simply subtract one hour to use standard time....

You'll only need the dates earth branch aka animal sign under the day pillar to track dates versus the hexagrams here!]...

Pairs use SuperIching shortcuts so in order used, and repeats:

t = Rat, c = Ox, y = Tiger, m = Rabbit, cn = Dragon, e = Snake, w = Horse, wa = Goat, s = Monkey, yo = Rooster, sh = Dog, and h = Pig earth branch aka sign

Same order for hours as well...

Daily Upper/Outer 8 trigrams order vis Pre aka Early Heavens sequence:

Chen, Dui, Li, Zen, Shun, Kan, Gen,Quen (Kun) then Repeat.

If would like to purchase a Chinese Farmer's Almanac try Master Tsai's U.S.:

Personally use it and in ease is the best!...

Plus on site if you sift through it are many, many freebies as to your birth or year, and other cycle types, plus you can freely find your personal daily ten gods cycle itself too...

That's included in his Fortune Angel software as well...

Do be sure to check out Youtube (TM) for other totally free on your Chinese astrology year also, and many of the other great Bazi sites the videos of Joey Yap and many others there point to as well!...

Mention the extra as each presents those subjects in different ways and one may suit you better than another's then not all Bazi aka Fourpillars is taught or used the same in all aspects!...

[On QMDJ these days are Zhi Run QMDJ chart calaculators for both Android phones and the Iphone for the insitant of the hour charts and more, so those just using the Jerry King book for that of Formations, etc  can do it more easily on them now...

Such will never take the place of an actual course, but does make for a very useful small handy reference which further includes around 30 actual real case reads...Available from

Beyond that not as handy in terms of carrying it anywhere you go, but a more thorough reference including all the heavens stems meanings of 1,126 pages is the Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium 2nd Edition by Joey Yap...Not as many case reads in it and not designated as actual of them though...It too can be obtained in E form for the Kindle reader and maybe the Google E pubs as well...

Both are good starting references but neither could substitute or compare to a trained teacher and their home study or online courses or the shorter go there seminar types...

Beyond the numerous of personal uses, many use with regard to various business and investments purposes these days...

As far as Qi Men courses unless your planning on physically taking them at an overseas location, there's the online type, the 2 I'm most familiar with are:

1. Have mentioned many times is that of the excellent and well taught of Master Joey Yap's QM (QMDJ) and his other courses...

In his you have a Modernized course type with the most advanced of the QM chart types to at least 7 levels, but added levels are not shown in the books he sells, and is only available online to those during the study of those courses with a full year of online only use in his QM chart calculators included, and then thereafter you must pay a tidy sum on a yearly basis to use them...

That as it's several calculators for different mappings exclusive to the methods he teaches...

It's also a more highly spiritually oriented course type and of some where that of the extra levels come into play too...

Then in other it's a highly simplified made easy approach for others to learn to analyze and use various QM charts in that of forecasts and predictions, and very tailored to that of wealths, business areas as well...

Gives more emphasis on the birth charts than others and of that adds extra special additional timings components that one can use beyond the normal QMDJ types...

In terms of QMDJ palace components probably the greatest number of positive definitions amongst the normal than any other course and important when it comes to that of assessments and chart interpretations...

2. Beyond that with also *a very strong recommendation*, is that of *Master Ken Lai's Imperial Qi Men Dun Jia Pro*, also a keypoint of his is that you'll physically have all the important of materials on or to take with you at any time...

A Traditional Chinese QMDJ course type which of course is entirely in excellently written English amongst other languages as well...He's also a former Minnesota University teacher.

That plus in using that of his QM smartcharts, your given that in an easy to carry masterful book, which gives you the advantage of looking up all 12 chinese hour charts *in simul* for any date chosen, *so is very handy in that*!... 

Also within it he details how you can of the same book aside all hour charts, look up that for any year, month or day chart your interested in,  [*so again very handy most all is in one place!*]...

In checks noted it did have an express day pan calculator in page 6 of field manual area that for a given date gives you an easy method for the chart # to lookup for the date's day pan as well, so all is there handy in one place...*Excellent*...

Every single page in his materials has both that of his copyright on them as well as Liscensed to: Your name, home address and email address as well for both's protections, and the same of his class videos also as that same info is at tops streamed acrossed and throughout them as well...

*Course manuals 42 Chapters, plus a bonus chapter of multiple actual events, then a restricted 11 chapter manual, with the separate of some other additional tools as well...

All jargon and terminology, and terms of the QMDJ are quite concisely made clear in the course...

Additionally the video classes for/with those and other come with it as well...

Both courses are Excellent on their own unique merits!...


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