Thursday, March 4, 2021

Solar Month VIII/m aka Xin Mao a Yin metal Rabbit month type.


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** Solar Month VIII/m aka Xin Mao a Yin metal Rabbit type**...

Starts Mar 5th in hr y 03:55 here...

May be volatile in some or more to the health's, and possibly enemies sides as about the same as the FM chart just degrees different...

A lot definately to do with wealth's and material areas, etc there's more but stay to the most basic in starts... 

That of Saturn, Mercury, and Jupiter in the 2nd Wealths, material etc and it being also a Maraka death house may be part of what triggers the DC worries about attacks, however while could be something injurous come up, don't think it's huge, and all is about the Material and likely some quarrels to it...

3/5 Metal/Venus day a IX/t aka Ren Zi a Yang water Rat date...FS #1 Kan type...

Upper Kun (Quen) type...

Gt: #11 - #19 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 3 areas, and for most not all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally, excepting those near, and of Far Easts which of daily pairs lags behind our's by 1 day!...

It's Physical/Self a *Red* 3rd *Bcn* star retreat, reducings, or past type... Weak by month, Healthy by date type...2 *B* earth stars for *changes* or clashes, bonds in the date also...

US Exact:

*#36 - #63 Involve *#40* Areas*...Change line 5 areas*...

We have a Capricorn Physical type, and Cancer 7th Relationships areas same as our FM chart just degrees different, houses same with couple different placements...

*Then the Moon is sign conjunct Ketu in Sag *12th* areas, with Mars sign conjunct *Rahu* in the Gemini *6th* areas*...

China TZ 8 Countries:

#23 - #35 Involve *#2* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Note: They don't start it till hr t Mar 6th there, but their actual SM period begins Mar 5th Hr s 16:55 their time, and what *set the Valid pair for*, will add that of their hr t the 6th later!...


[Any interested in tracking that of their Mar 6th hr t pair, it's the very same as our GT pair for today the 5th here at top, remember they lag our's by a day, and their's would be of the Gui Chou date a Yin water Ox date instead]!

China TZ 8 Virgo Physical type ruled by Mercury in Aquarius *6th* areas, and of the Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra (Later Red One) Sub-ruled by the Sun as Bliss in Pisces 7th Relationships areas...

*Comparitively (See ours) they have Mars sign conjunct *Rahu* in their Gemini *10th* Outer events areas, plus their Moon sign conjunct Ketu in their Sag 4th areas*!...

Chart would be same just spin our's to a Virgo Physical and you've got China and most TZ Countries chart as well!...

Also check the dates against the period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 5th:

Also an Accept date too, though near China, etc behind us by one...

Second Day of the Southern Red Phoenix, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Kuei:Ghosts Metal type, and Sheep animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See the FM Chart, and SM Chart...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer 7th  areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet **Me/Me** areas until hr c 01:26 **Me/Ke** areas until hr w 11:06 **Me/Ve** areas into next date!...

Separate of SM Xin Mao Full Dasa once only:

Ke/Ra/Ju/Ve/Ra...Our's-China's most countries same with Ketu the Solar Month's Maha Dasa for All Countries...tin

Mahadasa for all Countries is Ketu...

For a possible overview look up in search engine: Mahadasa Ketu Antardasa Rahu

Added a small insert of China's, etc Mar 6th pair...

Those of Kan Destiny birth palaces, or those of Geng (VII) Years of Birth, *should be careful this month* especially in that of long distances areas and of hexagram #24 (In and things of Returns) which could further involve things of luxeries, comforts, etc, and obstacles areas where some may result in dangers...

On that of Returns that's not limited to long distances only, can be in returns to work, specific facilities you must visit, and to one's residence, where things of congested trafics, and relative one's home anywhere from a few miles to a single block *of intersections* in the possible of crashes can come up as well amongst other it represents...*Stay alert and aware*...

In the milder of today's start itself for them, and in the home can be things of Internet aka WiFi outages or of your techy electronic,  hardwares, or gamings stuff and possibly watery or liquids stuff also...

Didn't see JY's Kevin Chan's *Month of March Qi Men post* on Youtube yet, may depend on their workload...

Don't like our SM period hexagram pair?...

Definately not a nice one so neither do I, *it's strictly of time*, and in that every once in a long while we all eventually get it...


3/6 Earth/Saturn day a X/c aka Gui Chou a Yin water Ox date...FS #2 Kun (Quen) type...

Upper Chen (Qian) type...

Gt: #10 - #61 Involves *#37* Areas*...Change line 4 areas, and for most not all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally, excepting those near, and of Far Easts which of *daily pair numbers* lags behind our's by 1 day!...

It's Physical/Self a *Gry* 5th *Ks* star type Vanished by Month, and Buried by Date then linked to Blk 1st Pe stars...3 *B* earth stars for *changes and clashes*, and also some bonds within the date also...


#13 - #30 Involve *#53* Areas...Change line 5 areas...

Also check the dates against the period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 6th:

An Open date...

Third Day of the Southern Red Phoenix, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Liu:Willow Earth type, and Deer animal sign...


Note have eliminated the Daily WV Astro, use the WV FM and WV Solar Month period charts posted at top instead, then use that below if you wish to further know *the current Moon sign*, etc positions, and the daily aspects to apply to them...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer 7th  areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet **Me/Ve** areas until hr wa 14:41 **Me/Su** areas until hr h 22:58 **Me/Mo** areas into next date...of

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

On previous in SM:

Believe CBS (c) had a match on the Travels stuff to do with a flight returning from Mexico and a man on it had a heart attack, later dying...

Was on Thursday just prior SM but close enough, and goes with that of Jupiter in the 2nd Maraka house type areas also...Jupiter further represent foreign elements too, so maybe that of Iran's so called sleeper cells in the U.S.?...

That on the SM Kan destiny palace add was relative safety in travels, but out of a number of ill influences does indicate that some might have some success in entertainments or outer public related offshoots in business, political or career areas where one faces the public in their daily work...

Another usually positive and reasonable area is that they have luck in *family*, friends and close ties areas this month as well...

The Green Dragon escapes aside leg injuries or injuries areas, can refer to a woman running away from a relationship maybe with the loot, and or just petty people running away from you (A good thing there)...

Some definately have to pay attention to those travels areas though!...

Even stronger in wars areas was a car blown up involving 20 or more people in Somalia today, that's extreme but minus that type the stuff still applies in the good old U.S. or any Country too...

Ok haven't looked or listened too yet, but just checked and JY's Kevin Chan has put up his Qi Men March month forecast on Youtube, so check it out...

Vis the following site in credit is: The Qi Men's March Xin Mao Solar month...

*Keep in mind as of all Qi Men charts it's Global, so of criteria's any one, any where*!...

Air France that of a disruptive passenger in things counts too... 

On Youtube and other along Kan-liquids areas as news was a very sick racist example of a child in a Texas school at a sleepover being bullied or coerced into drinking  of or from a friends?? cup of Pee!...School only mentioned as was said he's called the N-word daily there...Are several other news or medias areas covering that... 

Correct of Kan in matches for body organ's such as bladder, kidney, and urinary areas...

Are many other meanings for the SM and the #24 hexagram of the Kan areas and one of them includes things of Popularities bonding to the of Families, Siblings, Friends, Groups or Org's, etc in that of *Relationships areas*, and or in Travels and Destinations, some other of Names rights of legal areas in as well!...

Kan's #24 Returns in Popularity vs Travels for some very few:

Among people of popularity a rising Rapper Chucky Trill was shot on interstate 85 of Metro Atlanta in travels and destinations Friday wee hours and later died of the injury...

W's Dui trigram palace areas looks pretty good...

Congrats on the Covid $1400 bill fully passed today!...

Still that of wealths and the material, family, friends or other, close ties, org's, etc areas  plus the Maraka 2nd house are main areas this month...Jupiter rules the Sag *12th* areas and is accompanied by Mercury and Saturn in those Maraka 2nd areas...

3/7 Sun day a I/y aka Jia Yin a Yang wood Tiger date...FS *#3* Zen (Zhen) type...

Upper Dui type...

Gt: #49 - #55 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 5 areas, and for most not all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally, excepting those near, and of Far Easts which of *daily pair numbers* lags behind our's by 1 day!...

It's Physical/Self a *Wht* 5th *Pyo* changes star in retreats, pasts, or reducings type...Physical's Pyo and Ps star Vanished by Month, and Vanished by Date ...3 *R* earth stars for *clashes, and bonds* within the date also...


#17 - #25 Involve *#53* Areas...Change line 6 areas...

Also check the dates against the period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 7th:

An Close date...

Fourth Day of the Southern Red Phoenix, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Hsing:Star Sun type, and Horse animal sign...

Note have eliminated the Daily WV Astro, use the WV FM and WV Solar Month period charts posted at top instead, then use that below if you wish to further know *the current Moon sign*, etc positions, and the daily aspects to apply to them...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer 7th areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet **Me/Mo** areas until hr w 12:47 ***Me/Ma*** areas until hr h 22:25 ***Me/Ra*** areas into next date!...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

As of adding in matches for that of the SM's Kan palace yesterday think some can now see just how accurately of the actual practical it applies in real events, and you'll likely see further of from the global areas this month as well...

Won't be tracking all dates, did just enough to open some eyes, and will be positives in the same as well...

3/8 Moon day a II/m aka Yi Mao a Yin wood Rabbit date...FS #4 Shun (Xun) type...

Upper Li type...

Gt: #21 - *#51* Involves *#39* Areas*...Change line 6 areas, and for most not all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally, excepting those near, and of Far Easts which of *daily pair numbers* lags behind our's by 1 day!...

It's Physical/Self a *Wht* 5th *Gwa* Weak by Month, Weak by Date star type...3 *G* earth stars for *clashes, and bonds* within the date also...


#50 - #14 Involve *#43* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Also check the dates against the period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 8th:

An Establish/Produce date...

Fifth Day of the Southern Red Phoenix, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Chang:Bow Moon type, and Stag animal sign...

Note have eliminated the Daily WV Astro (Time Constraints), *use the WV FM and WV Solar Month period charts posted at top instead*, then use that below if you wish to further know *the current Moon sign*, etc positions, and the daily aspects to apply to them...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer 7th areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Me/Ra*** areas until hr t 23:16 ***Me/Ju*** areas into next date!...

Further note that some of main persons in the news of a given period are often running these same dasas but at the maha and anvtar dasa level of their birth charts...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

Prior of JY's Kevin Chan Qi Men Mar very good video on Youtube and of Kan N palace he was referring to a person of Geng and or Yi year of birth!...

Then he covered that the formation of situations, and things represented as well...

Normally that should apply to just a few, and then those or some of those of that destiny palace is affected by either or both, they also shouldn't make any new plans or major changes in the month unless it concerns that your very familiar with or that of family or very close ties itself...

I instead stuck with the practical side of hexagram #24 alone in Wwg form for eval which of the 5th and 6th of travels and groups had matches plus other of more plus sides also...

Some other of it on and off through the month should have further matches as well...

3/9 Fire/Mars day a III/cn aka Bing Chen a Yang fire Dragon date...[FS *#5*] Lien Zhen type...

Upper Zen type...

Gt: #32 - #34 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 1 areas, and for most not all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally, excepting those near, and of Far Easts which of *daily pair numbers* lags behind our's by 1 day!...

It's Physical/Self a *Gry* 3rd *Ryo* Vanished by Month, Healthy and bonded by Date star type...3 *G* earth stars for changes, clashes, and bonds within the date also...


#40 - #16 Involve *#63* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Also check the dates against the period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 9th:

An Remove/Clean date...

Sixth Day of the Southern Red Phoenix, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: I:Wings Fire type, and Snake animal sign...

Note have eliminated the Daily WV Astro (Time Constraints), *use the WV FM and WV Solar Month period charts posted at top instead*, then use that below if you wish to further know *the current Moon sign*, etc positions, and the daily aspects to apply to them...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer 7th areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Me/Ju*** areas until hr h 21:20 ***Me/Sa*** areas into next date!...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

Had made one error when categorizing the Qi Men month chart (Was thinking of the hourly types), it actually does show the main gist (texture) of each YOB stem type's month type vis the palace those are in, and more so the destiny type for each as well...

Normally should be only a few main events for each YOB type, but the texture and gist of their month per palace itself will be pretty much correct, and noteable if not at onset, *then at some point in the month itself*!...

[Had spent some time checking, and does apply quite noteably of some's situations, or personal events when it comes to main prominent figures in various industry areas including govt types...

That vis their's always more info's on the main, prominent, and leading types in any areas vis the current news itself, so it's much easier to objectively verify that the Qi Men Month shows for them as that]...

The same should without a doubt apply for each, and every country as well...

*It's very much a part of a strategies oriented system itself, but then again a month is just a month*!...

3/10 Water/Mercury day a IV/e aka Ding Si a Yin fire Snake date...FS #6 Chen (Qian) type...

Upper Shun type...

Gt: #59 - #20 Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 2 areas, and for most not all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally, excepting those near, and of Far Easts which of *daily pair numbers* lags behind our's by 1 day!...

It's Physical/Self a *Blk* 5th *Be* Healthy by Month, Strong, and same by Date star type...3 *K* same earth stars for clashes, and bonds within the date, also a Gry 3rd Rh hider star as well...


#53 - #20 Involve *#64* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Also check the dates against the period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 10th:

An Full date...

Seventh Day of the Southern Red Phoenix, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Chen:Carriage Water type, and Worm animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer 7th areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Me/Sa*** areas until hr t 23:33 into next date!...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

Dasa's like that, and others prior give you an idea of why the Qi men SM chart didn't look so good, except for the Zen E's and Dui W's areas of it...

On JY's Kevin Chan's Youtube video of Qi Men month for March was one area thought was a bit much and in saying the Gen NE's formation was a suicide type, think should have left out as of 5 different Master's references No one refers to it as such...

All do refer to it going with that of one's documentations, and in add mainly of documentations errors they make or may make, and the need to rectify or avoid them!...

Beyond that thought all was quite good and hope he keeps up with them as quite sure many appreciate the insights they give...

Then on month's it's helpful to remember it's the hour charts themselves which are the most powerful in that of choices, and of *actions* taken themselves!...


Vis an amber alert 9:51pm:

Child Female 2 yrs old a Yang earth Dog birth type...
Also Brother 4 yrs old a Yang fire Monkey birth type...

Abducted 12pm hr w from Statesboro, NC LIC/HAD-6554 (NC) 2014 Gray Honda Odyssey...

Hr w aka 11am - 1pm timed pair:

Month: m, Day: e-IV, Empty: t &

      Trade - 42      Hollow - 61

      B m   -  U      B m   -      grn
      K e   -            K e   -      blk
      G wa - -         G wa - -     wht
 R yo G cn - - J    G c  - -     gry
      B y   X           B m   -      yel
      P t   -              K e   -      red


Date same Blk 5th Ke child, etc stars linked to Red 1st Begins Pt happenings , travels or transports star...

Hr w bonds *Wht* 4th Gwa stars, and clashes the Red 1st Pt star for changes...

Changes Yel 2nd locals By star advance operates against the Gry 3rd Physical's Gcn retreats star, *and links* to Grn 6th across the way, far aways, ends or turnarounds Bm star areas...

Qi Men Main directions: The Hour and child's is the same of W's, and versus that of SE's Negative for happenings type then also additional for the child is that of NW's...

*[Actual main directions were that of *SE's Vs SW's* for any negative happenings then, the SW's also of the 4 yr old, and minus an age for possibly that of the father as well]*!...

Treated as additional for the missing 4 yr old brother his SW's plus N's palace with the original of SW's vs SE's...

 In WV using of hr w around 11:25 am yields a Gemini Physical 1st Asc type, it ruled by Mercury of the Aquarius 9th long distance, aspirations, maybe father as 9th goes with father too. Saturn ruler of Aquarius there also...

In the Gemini 1st that of Mars for physical actions ruling the Aries 11th acquisition of objects, gains then, and that of the Scorpio 6th areas, enemies, thief's, or nuturance areas, etc...Mars sign conjunct Rahu (Obsessions) in the hunt and track nakshatra it rules... 

The Gemini Physical was in the Punarvasu nakshatra and further Sub-ruled of Jupiter in the Aquarius 9th areas as well!

The 2nd house of the material, moveable possession, values, family, close ties or org's, foods, waters, emotions, etc areas is of Cancer whose ruler the Moon also in the Aquarius 9th areas.

The Moon was exacting to Conjunct to Jupiter there then, Jupiter represents children, long distances, etc...

Jupiter rules the Pisces 10th Outer events areas, and that of the Sun and Venus there...Jupiter also ruling the Sag 7th Relationships areas and Ketu there, Ketu can be both children and police as well...

The Sun that of authority or the father ruling the Leo 3rd of Environments, and things close by, etc...

Venus in the Pisces 10th Conjunct the Sun ruling that of the Libra 5th legalties in the house of Children...

Well went outside a bit, and thought heard someone yell: They already found them, so came back in and checked local news, and sure enough the amber alert had been cancelled, so were found, and something about they'd only thought that the children had been missing? at any rate the important thing is that their safe!...

On the hexagram pair normally take R stars to represent police but are exceptions, the only R star was a Hider, so the Blk 5th rulers, roads or travels Ke fire stars instead of children were the Police, and that of the clashed connected Pt star in begins was that of *Messages* the police or police associated areas sent regarding the children and other then sent vis long distance forums of medias!...

*In all the subject was of children so that's all I in emergency focused on, and not the Police themselves*...

Had wondered about it a little bit as the Qi Men hr chart had shown for all of the directions then to be near or close by and soon types, *minus that of SE's*...Haven't always seen the Qi Men to be that dependable on the near versus far stuff, *so just ignored it*... 

3/11 Wood/Jupiter day a V/w aka Wu Wu a Yang earth Horse date...FS *#7* Dui type...

Upper Kan type...

Gt: #39 - #8 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 3 areas, and for most not all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally, excepting those near, and of Far Easts which of *daily pair numbers* lags behind our's by 1 day!...

It's Physical/Self a *Blk* 4th *Bs* Vanished by Month, and Vanished by Date star type linked to Wht 3rd resultant Gm star areas...3 *P* earth stars for bonds, clashes, and bonds within the date, also Gry 2nd Rw retreats, reducings, pasts star areas as well...


#8 - #45 Involve *#23 Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Also check the dates against the period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 11th:

An  Balance/Share date...

First Day of the Eastern Grn Dragon, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Ch'io:Horn Water type, and Crocodile animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer 7th areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet **Ke/Ke** areas until hr y 03:32 **Ke/Ve** areas until hr wa 14:54 **Ke/Su** areas until hr yo 18:18 **Ke/Mo** areas until hr h 23:59 ***Ke/Ma*** areas into next date!...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

Updated yesterday's abduction area...

3/12 Metal/Venus day a VI/wei aka Ji Wei a Yin earth Goat date...FS #8 Gen type...

Upper Gen type...

Gt: #23 - #35 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 4 areas, and for most not all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally, excepting those near, and of Far Easts which of *daily pair numbers* lags behind our's by 1 day!...

It's Physical/Self a *Red* 5th *Kt* Weak by Month, and Vanished by Date star type linking to Gry 1st Pwa stars areas...2 *P* same earth star types for changes, and bonds, plus clashes within the date, also are Wht 2nd locals Re star areas as well...


#26 - #9 Involve *#54* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Also check the dates against the period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 12th:

A Set or Settle date...

Second Day of the Eastern Grn Dragon, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: K'ang:Neck Water type, and Dragon animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer 7th areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ke/Ma*** areas until hr y 03:58 ***Ke/Ra*** areas until hr wa 14:11 ***Ke/Ju*** areas until hr h 23:17 ***Ke/Sa*** areas into next date!...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

That of the in theo abduction the 10th wednesday has been fully resolved, was not an abduction, and the children were found of long distance in the SW's, one of the 2 most main directions had listed, and in College Park, Ga that being SW of Statesboro, N.C....

Appreciated that feedback vis local news, says my initial assumptions even about the Qi Men were correct, very good for future reference, and of course relieved also that they were found...

*NM Pisces Period start*:

3/13 Earth/Saturn day a VII/s aka *Geng Shen a Yang metal Monkey date...FS #9...

New Moon lunar month start in Upper Li type...

Gt: #21 - *#51* Involves *#39* Areas*...Change line 6 areas, and for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally are time synched this round...

It's Physical/Self a *Yel* 5th *Gwa* Weak by Month, and Healthy by Date star type...3 G earth star types for changes, bonds, and clashes within the date, also a Red 4th Ryo star type as well...


#50 - #14 Involve *#43* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

*NM Exact:

 #56 - #35 Involve *#28 Areas*...Change line 3 areas*...


China TZ 8 Countries NM Exact: 

#50 - #64 Involve *#43 Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Starts there 18:20:03 also on Mar 13th...

Their Physical 24:06 Virgo ruled by Mercury in their Aquarius *6th* type areas, and their physical is in the Chitra Nakshatra, so is Sub-ruled by *Mars* in their Gemini 10th Outer events, etc areas!...

Their NM in their Pisces 7th Relationships, etc areas...

Our NM WV Astro, and all hexagram images posted under others at top page...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 13th NM:

A Initiate/Perform date...

Third Day of the Eastern Grn Dragon, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Ti:Base Earth type, and Badger animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

NM Full Dasa Most All Countries: Me/Mo/Ke/Mo/Ve then Mahadasa all countries is Mercury...

Check overview of by looking up [Mahadasa Mercury Antardasa Moon]...

Date Dasa: Hr y **Mo/Ve** areas until hr wa 13:19 ***Mo/Su*** areas until hr s 16:20 ***Ma/Ma*** until hr yo 18:48 ***Ma/Ra*** areas into next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

3/14 Sun day a VIII/yo aka *Xin You a Yin metal Rooster date...FS #1 Kan type...

Upper Zen type...

Gt: #32 - #34 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 1 areas, and for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self a *Grn* 3rd *Ryo* Vanished by Month, and Strong by Date star type...3 G earth star types for changes, bonds, and clashes within the date, also a Yel 5th Rs star type as well...


#40 - #16 Involve *#63* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 14th:

A Break/Breaker date...

Fourth Day of the Eastern Grn Dragon, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Fang:Room Sun type, and Hare animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ma/Ra*** areas until hr c 01:08 ***Ma/Ju*** areas until hr m 06:46 ***Ma/Sa*** areas until hr wa 13:28 ***Ma/Me*** areas until hr sh 19:27 ***Ma/Ke*** areas until hr h 21:55 ***Ma/Ve*** into next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

Was lots of Jupiter Big stuff, etc in all ways of matches last couple days, and Jupiter is per the posted NM chart in the Physical with Saturn ruling there, plus Jupiter is also the Aquarius Physical's Sub-ruler as well...

3/15 Moon day a IX/sh aka *Ren Xu a Yang water Dog date...FS #2 Kun (Quen) type...

Upper Shun type...

Gt: #59 - #20 Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 2 areas, and for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self a *Gry* 5th *Be* Healthy by Month, and Buried by Date star type linked to Grn 2nd locals Kcn star areas...2 K earth star types for changes, bonds, and clashes within the date, also a Red 3rd Rh hder star type as well...


#53 - #20 Involve *#64* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 15th:

A Danger date...

Fifth Day of the Eastern Grn Dragon, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Hsin:Heart Moon type, and Fox animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ma/Ve*** until hr y 04:57 ***Ma/Su*** areas until hr cn 07:04 ***Ma/Mo*** areas until hr e 10:35 ***Ra/Ra*** areas into next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

Timed pair for local 17 yr old missing male vis date and time last seen:

Month: m, Day: e-IV, Empty: t & c

      Touch - 53      Gen - 52

      R m   -  U      R y   -      grn
 G t  P e   O         G t  - -     blk
      B wa - -        B sh - -     wht
      K s   -  J      K s   -      gry
      P w  - -        P w  - -     yel
      B cn - -        B cn - -     red

      Stable          6 Strike


Will add to it tomorrow afternoon had spent most this afternoon on *Another of Mar 12th of which a later news check then said had been found, so no need to post on that...Today had interestingly matched the found, arrests or announcements type date of his though*...

WV  a Virgo Physical type in the Hasta Nakshatra:

Mercury in Aquarius *6th* type areas ruling it, and the Moon also in the Aquarius *6th* Sub-ruled that Physical then as well Mar 10th hr yo 17:44...Outer events Mars in Gemini 10th areas ruling the Aries *8th*, and Scorpio 3rd Environments and things close by, etc areas then as well...

Aside political a lot of things to do with the aggressive, and the younger in this particular NM period as you can see vis it's chart that Mars is in it's Gemini 5th type areas sign conjunct Rahu there which Trines it's Physical also!...

Get's painful at times as updates don't always take right away...


Hexagram interp can be other:

Timed pair above covers 5pm - 7pm, and in practical may extend to 7:30 pm that date...

Names #53 reflect that of things which spread out at the surfaces or to the far involving #64 that of unfinished business or matters which lead to that of #52 the mountain, things large, bldg's, halts, stillness or ends...Check their names for other meanings...

Trigrams Outer external areas involve of Shun becoming Gen and Inner internal areas are of Gen type...

 Trigram types also provide clues check Gua's chapters of Book at

Blk N's, close ties or abyss, night, etc applying to 5th line's rulers, roads, path's, travels and Strong Pe fire star areas in changes including meetings involving *Void, Empty* Gt aka G star areas...

The Pe changes star also water bonds to the Physical's Gry 3rd Ks metal stars areas to do with play, romance or of other of K star meanings...

Hr yo would have bonded Red Alarms, etc things in begins or the immediate, and or  that of surfaces or underneaths areas...

Also hr yo shows that of some dangers or other males, officers, officials, etc as clashes the Grn E's, Expansions, Large, etc of 6th line type areas Rm wood power star itself for retreats, reducings or it's areas connected to pasts...

6th line areas: The very High, Tops, Ends, Acrossed the way, far aways, turnarounds, etc...

Feel free to add or alter, and check book chapters for any additional on Trigrams, Star types, and Line Colors (Stems) of their meanings as desired...

Qi Men Directions only:

 Main two Qian NW's and Kun SW's then additional for him that of Dui W's, and Li S's then...

*Normally a yes or go for it type*, but of contents, and some flaws were problems shown of those palaces then!...Technically of the near type but again haven't seen that of the near or far stuff to be that reliable...Also of a things happen fast hour type then...


One note on Qi Men and of Ages the News vis Police, etc supply and avoiding errors:

It's auto assumed here on missings person's, etc that all birth dates either occured in 2020 or prior to 10 am Feb 3rd 2021 Eastern U.S....

*For any whose birthdays are on or after 10 am Feb 3rd 2021 [if the news doesn't specify those: *Age as of 2021*], then any of 2 or more additional directions given will then often likely be wrong*!...

There are no guarentee's here, but *at times* in terms of clues the suggestive of hexgram names, any astro, and of Qi Men it's directions prove useful...

You can indeed use that of Standard Western Astro also, while that of WV is more brief, easier, has been found quite reliable, and why used here...

3/16 Fire/Mars day a X/h aka Gui Hai a Yin water Pig date...FS *#3* Zen (Zhen) type...

Upper Kan type...

Gt: #39 - #8 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 3 areas, and for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self a *Yel* 4th *Bs* Vanished by Month, and Weak by Date star type linked to Red 3rd Prominents or regionals resultant Gm star areas...3 P earth star types for bonds, and clashes within the date, also Grn 2nd locals Rw star retreats, etc areas with a Gm hider star there as well...


#8 - #45 Involve *#23* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 16th:

A Success/Completion date...

Sixth Day of the Eastern Grn Dragon, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Wei:Tail  Fire type, and Tiger animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ra/Ra*** areas until hr c 02:53 ***Ra/Ju*** areas until hr yo 17:23 ***Ra/Sa*** into next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

One important note on Qi Men and of Ages the News vis Police, etc supply and avoiding errors:

It's auto assumed here on missing person's, etc that all birth dates either occured in 2020 or prior to 10 am Feb 3rd 2021 Eastern U.S....

*For any whose birthdays are on or after 10 am Feb 3rd 2021 [if the news doesn't specify those: *Age as of 2021*], then any of 2 or more additional directions given will then often likely be wrong*!...

There are no guarentee's here, but at times in terms of clues the suggestive of hexgram names, any astro, and of Qi Men it's directions prove useful...

Updated Mar 15th of Hexagram Interp for the missing 17 yr old, will add Qi Men directions later this date...


Don't often refer to crimes primarily follow local missing persons types, but this was such a shocker will give some details on:

Ackworth and Atlanta, Ga were 7 women associated or near massage parlors *killed* so using the initial surviellance Cam time of Ackworth...That as the rev it up hour in starts, then hr yo of actions...

16:50 hr s yields a Leo Physical type:

Leo Physical ruler Sun, Sub-ruler Venus both in Pisces *8th* type areas then both the Sun and Venus in the Mercury ruled Revati Nakshatra also in the Pisces *8th* areas...

Mercury rules the Gemini 11th areas where both Mars and Rahu *are in the Ardra hunt and track nakshatra*!...

Shows *8th* type deadly and dangers areas involved both the Physical and 11th type areas then...

All in Pisces ruled by Jupiter and Neptune if wish, Mercury there was also Sub-ruled by Jupiter as well, with Jupiter in the Aquarius 7th *Relationships areas then*...Saturn also conjuncts Jupiter there as well...

The Moon ruled by Venus (*8th* areas), and in the Krittika Sharp ray and Blade Nakshatra was also Sub-ruled by the Sun and the Moon was in Taurus 10th Outer events then...So we have that of the Moon (masses, women, etc) relative that of the (*8th* areas) also!...

Main Hexagram pair #8 - #20 Involves #23 Areas...Change line 6 areas...Hr yo 17:00 - 19:00 of the actions, events themselves...

Month: m, Day: h-X, Empty: t & c

      Compare - 8     Look - 20

      G t   X  U      R m   -     wht
      B sh  -           P e   -        gry
      K s  - -          B wa - -     yel
      R m  - - J      R m  - -     red
      P e  - -           P e  - -      grn
      B wa - -        B wa - -     blk



In brief it's *Wht* Viscous, fierce, high energy, spiritual, sorrows, injurous, medical 6th Gt (women, etc) *Changes* star linked to it's Physical of Red S's Alarms and Fiery 3rd line's Rm power, deadly, and dangers star areas as well...

Gt star aside women also that of containers (as in feelings), cars, medias, images, etc...

6th line areas of acrossed the ways or far aways, things very high, and internets, etc as well... 

Later hr sh same the 5th line Bsh star which bonded to all the Rm stars when suspect was intercepted and captured...


Suspect was well S of Atlanta when apprehended 21 yr old male of Ji Mao birth type...

Won't say a lot but often that of Ji Mao dates not today's have that of Volatile character traits, and *some few* of Ji Mao type births also...

Though not something we usually discuss most of this date Gui Hai only, had that of Crisis in Relationships to it!...

Suggests how something of this nature had came up amongst lessor drastic forms in the date...

3/17 Water/Mercury day a I/t aka Jia Zi a Yang water Rat date (Starts new 60 day cycle)...Jump FS *#7* Dui type...

Upper Gen type...

Gt: #23 - #35 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 4 areas, and for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self a *Wht* 5th *Kt* Weak by Month, and Strong by Date star type linked to Grn 1st Pwa star areas...4 P earth stars for changes, and bonds or clashes within the date, also Blk 2nd locals Re stars linking to a Blk 6th Gy star...


#26 - #9 Involve *#54* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 17th:

A Recieve/Accept date...

Seventh Day of the Eastern Grn Dragon, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Chi:Basket  Water type, and Leopard animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ra/Sa*** until hr e 10:35 ***Ra/Me*** areas into next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

On that of yesterday's massage parlor attacks religous beliefs, guilt and shame could play a role but *that's for a psychiatrist to determine*!...

Updated the hexagram pair mentioned of it's Wht areas and that of the 6th line areas, plus the Gt star on it's meanings of it as well...

That of Ji Mao dates or births of stem and branch combination are to some degree *unstable* that as the Mao Wood branch counters, clashes, *and controls (Qi Sha) the Ji Soft Earth Heaven's Stem* so some inherent instability associated it vis bazi, fourpillars birth chart systems...

In Wwg the Ji soft earth Stem by itself alone *is that of the *Gry* stem color meanings* as well of which indicates sudden flashes, insights, jolts, changes, and the possible of mental instability or also volitility at times goes with it also...Minus the mental it applies in natural phenomena as well...

That of Wood stars go with Jupiter's areas, so things of far aways and religions, enterprises, etc among numerous other are included... 

*Wish much condolences to the families, and friends of the 7 women, and 1 man  [*who were murdered*] by the 21 yr old male vis the said of his alleged confession to the police in news*!...


*In other of way lessor importance hope someone comes and claims or pick's up the several bags of groceries they ordered which was left on my porch last night*???

*Yet still sitting on the porch*!...



3/18 Wood/Jupiter day II/c aka Yi Chou a Yin wood Ox date...FS #8 Gen type...

Upper Quen (Kun) type...

Gt: #11 - #5 Involves *#54 Areas*...Change line 5 areas, and for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self a *Yel* 3rd *Bcn* Weak by Month, and Strong by Date stars type...4 B earth stars of changes, and bonds or clashes within pair or date, also Blk 2nd locals Ry stars areas...


#19 - *41* Involve *#24* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 18th:

An Open date...

First Day of the Northern Blk Tortoise, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Tou:Ladle  Wood type, and Unicorn animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ra/Me*** areas until hr c 01:59 ***Ra/Ke*** areas until hr cn 08:19 ***Ra/Ve*** areas into next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

On weathers were tornadoes think in Mississippi and Alabama of storms which may also hit our area, noted that have some good wind gusts here today as well...


Prior when referred to the Gry color aka one of the *6 Celestials*, 6 Animals or *6 Gods* latter as are called that as part of the Qi Men too, but of the two systems some's element properties are different...

Anyway also referred to as stems in the Wwg because the Date Stems set the first line's color, and vis Wuxing that of the Gry Snake aka Flying Serpent is of the Yin earth element the same as the Ji loose earth stem!...

That of the Pole star Polaris aka Gouchen, and Guide star of it's Wuxing element properties is that of  the Yel Yang earth!...

 Get's a bit complicated for that here, but may add more later down the road...

 Amber alert hr wa:

Stone Mountain, Ga


 2010 Burgandy Nissan Armada SUV

Hr wa timed pair:

Month: m, Day: c-II, Empty: sh & h

      Quen - 2        Strip - 23

      K yo  X  J      R y   -      blk
      G h  - -           G t  - -     wht
      B c  - -            B sh - -     gry
      R m  - - U      R m  - -     yel
      P e  - -            P e   - -     red
      B wa - -        B wa - -     grne

      6 Strike        

Took a bit as had Police over, to see what could do about those groceries on the front porch, quite kind in assistance, and they will try to find someone to pick up...

Well all had their chance around 7 pm had wife call her friend who came and happily got those groceries...Was glad to see someone take them finally...

3/19 Metal/Venus day III/y aka Bing Yin a Yang fire Tiger date...FS #9 Li type...

Upper Chen (Qian) type...

Gt: #10 - #58 Involves *#37* Areas*...Change line 6 areas, and for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self a *Blk* 3rd *Ks* Vanished by Month, and Vanished by Date advance star type...3 B earth stars for changes, clashes and bonds internal and within date...Yel 2nd locals Rm stars...


#13 - *33* Involve *#44* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 19th:

A Close date...

Second Day of the Northern Blk Tortoise, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Niu:Ox  Metal type, and Ox animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ra/Ve*** areas until hr c 02:25 ***Ra/Su*** areas until hr cn 07:51 ***Ra/Mo*** areas until hr s 16:55 ***Ra/Ma*** areas until hr t 23:15 ***Ju/Ju*** areas into next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

Extra just ran across this today:

Other great info's noting a site covering the Chinese 28 Mansions...

Uses the Tropical zodiac for the Chinese 28 Mansions...

Since and just prior the NM, all have been under the 13th Mansion *House, Abode aka Encampment type* which of the Chinese 28 Mansions associates it's Pig sign...House (Room) a separate mansion also of the Pig sign...

Not a normal chinese sign or bazi type, strictly of the Chinese 28 mansions...

*Any born on a day of that mansion or mansion sign, in theo has good luck through the 28th*...Yes appears quite accurate!...

In checks found the Tropical astro signs, and degrees shown for each Mansion *are of the (Tropical Sun)* shown in close approximate reflecting that of the dates given for the particular Mansion!...

*Note it's Planetary ruler is Mars in your charts, as well as being in the Gemini 5th house of this NM period...

His other charts, and of a different location for the NM he uses Standard Western Astrology with a main additional emphasis on the Fixed stars as well...

You can check yours and from now on vis info here:

Thanks to the AstrologyKing!...

Ask any questions on it there...

Interesting as their is another person who years back used the same AstrologyKing handle however he was Chinese of Calif, and also taught the Older Wwg which does not use hours...


On the Cherokee county's Sheriff's Captain now regret mentioning that the Qi Men had shown most hours of Mar 16th's spa killings to have been of a crisis in relationships type...

*That's true but may have influenced his responses a bit*, anyone makes errors but think those relative that Captain by others in the heat of the moments may have been overkill!...

Mar 16th in hr s when the suspect is said to have been just sitting in his car, *was the peak of that zone*, and likely he was dwelling on all such then just prior to his taking his actions in hr yo itself...

He did as did the police match all directions in hr yo that the news for places had listed of it as well... 

Very, very sad events, but think only a psychiatrist can actually determine whether it was that of hates towards Asian's themselves involved...

Have well previously to the Mar 16th events already stated my total disgust for all of the attacks against american asians and in total support of their rights and expectations to have the same respect as that alloted to any other americans...In that to be able to live without fear in the conduct of their pursuits, and daily lives, just as most other american's expect and experience...

Not the best writer hope got the sentiment and main in gists acrossed.. 


*Updated the Chinese 28 Mansions area a lot, uses Tropical zodiac and of sidereal that refers to the lunar month 27+ to 29+ days itself* only!...

On the daily mansion types, only a specific order of the 4 cardinals used, and here as well, then the mansions refer more to the moon in a specific constellation rather than astrological signs themselves...

Not very well explained anywhere as to how they travelled by ships in old times using it?...

Nowadays no one would, so forget the Moon and *just accept their daily types as that for marking births and that of other markers as needed plus basic date activity selections*...

As far as using the moon itself the Arabic 28 Mansions is much more straight forward, sequential, and logical then also that of the Vedic Nakshatra's as moon's lodges quite excellent as well...

On activities one could combine the mansion that the curent tropical sun is in with that of the daily mansions alone, then in more advanced take that down to the hours using the Qi Men for the best time...


May skip amber alerts sometimes are not issued until hours after the event, says why few matches of them, meaning those that don't specify an event time, the amber alert time by itself not useful!...

3/20 Earth/Saturn day IV/m aka Ding Mao a Yin fire Rabbit date...FS #1 Kan type...

Upper Dui type...

Gt: #49 - #31 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 1 areas, and for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self a *Wht* 4th *Bh* Weak by Month, and Weak by Date star linked to Gry 3rd Ps star areas...3 R earth star types for changes, clashes and bonds within date...


#17 - *58* Involve *#53* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 20th:

A Establish/Produce date...

Third Day of the Northern Blk Tortoise, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Nu:Maiden  Earth type, and Bat animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ju/Ju*** areas until hr w 12:08 ***Ju/Sa*** areas until the next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

Japan 7.0 EQ shakes felt around 6:09 pm hr yo local there:

Month: m, Day: m-IV, Empty: sh & h

      Abide - 17      Fog - 3

      G wa - - U      P t  - -     grn
      R yo  -           G sh  -      blk
 K w  P h   O        R s  - -     wht
      G cn - - J       G cn - -     gry
      B y  - -           B y  - -     yel
      P t   -                P t   -      red


Month and Date clashed Blk 5th Ryo star while fire bonding it's resultant void Gsh star...

Hr yo same Blk 5th Ryo star hr also bonded the Physical's *Gry* 3rd Gcn earth star areas...

3/21 Sun day V/cn aka Wu Chen a Yang Earth Dragon date...FS #2 Kun type...

Upper Li type...

Gt: #21 - *#38* Involves *#39* Areas*...Change line 2 locals By star advance areas, and for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Grn* 5th *Gwa* Weak by Month, and Strong by Date stars ...4 G earth star for clashes and bonds within date...Blk 4th Ryo star areas ...


#50 - 64 Involve *#43* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 21st:

A Remove/Clean date...

Fourth Day of the Northern Blk Tortoise, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Hsu:Void Sun type, and Rat animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ju/Sa*** areas until hr y 03:25 **Ju/Me** areas until hr yo 17:06 **Ju/Ke** areas until hr h 22:44 **Ju/Ve** areas into the next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only...

3/22 Moon day VI/e aka Ji Si a Yin Earth Snake date...FS *#3* Zen (Zhen) type...

Upper Zen type...

Gt: #32 - #40 Involves *#43* Areas*...Change line 3 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Blk* 3rd *Ryo* Vanished by Month, and Healthy by Date star type linked to Grn 4th Kw star areas...4 G earth star for clashes and bonds within date...Red 5th Rs star areas ...


#40 - #7 Involve *#63* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 22nd:

A Full date...

Fifth Day of the Northern Blk Tortoise, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Wei:Danger Moon type, and Swallow animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional Moon, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet **Ju/Ve** areas until hr wa 14:50 ***Ju/Su*** areas until hr sh 19:40 **Ju/Mo** areas into the next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...


This afternoon's on mass shootings in Boulder, Colo was in news reports of first shooting and officer killed between 2:30 to just before 3pm of various news as to when the officer arrived at the store...

Was of standard time in hr wa and it's timed pair nature self explanatory:

Month: m, Day: e-VI, Empty: sh & h

      Zen - 51        Return - 24

      G sh - - J      R yo - -     yel
      R s  - -           P h  - -     red
      K w   O         G c  - -     grn
      G cn - - U     G cn - -     blk
      B y  - -          B y   - -     wht
      P t   -              P t    -      gry

      6 Strike        6 Match

#51 - #24 Involve *#39* Areas...Change line 4 areas...

Date bonded Red 5th Rs star and clashed it's resultant Ph star areas...Hr wa bonded the Grn 4th  Kw changes star and clashed it's Gc star...Opponents, others line of clash to Physical's line...

Third Ji You birth in 2 days and  deadly natured events, two out of 10 of such were killed this date, and 1 day prior another stabbed a 12 yr old in the neck at a Mcdonald's...

On 23rd the suspect in reported of news was identified *as another 21 yr old male of the Ji Mao birth type* as was that of the other 21 yr old of the Atlanta Spa Killings of Mar 16th!... 

2:30pm EDT was official time when police rcvd first calls of the shootings, same 1:30pm Std EST aka hr wa...

That of Ji earth stems a main factor in the Qi Men then as well...

Condolences to all!...



3/23 Fire/Mars day VII/w aka Geng Wu a Yang Metal Horse date...FS #4 Shun (Xun) type...

Upper same Shun (Xun) type...

Gt: #59 - #6 Involves *#27* Areas*...Change line 4 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Yel* 5th *Be* Healthy by Month, and Strong by Date star type...4 K earth star for changes, clashes and bonds internal and within date...*Also Grn 3rd Rh hider and Red 4th Gyo hider star areas*...


#53 - #52 Involve *#64* Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 23rd:

A Balance/Share date...

Sixth Day of the Northern Blk Tortoise, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Shih:House Fire type, and Pig animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet **Ju/Mo** areas until hr y 03:43 ***Ju/Ma*** areas until hr e 09:21 ***Ju/Ra*** areas until hr t 23:50 ***Sa/Sa*** areas into the next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

For quite a long time of the arts used here have always said that for a given date and time they represent the main gists in terms of the traits or trends of their symbols, and for sure not always the absolute of items they represent...Usually as can be many meanings for a given star, symbol, etc...

All an interpreter can do is read them in terms of their context relative to the situation, event or events at the time...

*On Mar 16th's* sad and tragic spa killings at center was a young 21 yr old male of a Ji Mao aka Yin earth Rabbit birth...

Using the Wwg for the actions, event hour of yo (Rooster) in ideal of std time 5pm - 7pm...

In all chinese art's systems we subtract an hour from a DST time so that only standard time is used for the Wwg, Bazi, Qi Men, etc...

We entered EDT (DST) Mar 14th, which in a hurry didn't factor in, the easiest is to just subtract an hour from the edt (dst) time to convert to standard time, so 5pm edt would be 4pm standard and of hr s the max bad in relationships hour, then 6pm edt would be 5pm standard hr yo...

Last year kept it to just standard times and left to others to convert, all period pairs here were of standard time only!...

Normally of a hexagram or hexagram pair the (J) Physical (Self, Subject) line is the main thrust or that which all other lines pertain too...

In hr yo *the Physical Rm stars* were clashed for and to take actions in, and of the most main events which resulted then...

That was of a Red (S's or Alarms, heated, fiery, etc) Rm wood stars areas...

Can represent people, things, or events, etc...

R star is that of Power, Power control, Influences or also Wealth which can imply the other, things of males or officials, to include Criminals which can hold power over you, that of Dangers, Surgeries, and Death, etc as well...

m is the element sign Mao (Rabbit) which is a wood element and represents him as that was likely the most main event anywhere for hr yo that date!...

Had mentioned wood elements go with Jupiter's areas which are many but take in religions or those religous amongst many other also...

Years back on Rm stars were several listed meanings I almost never mention, but *that were taught to me*:

An Rm star represents:

1. Someone big and dum (Pretty stupid meaning but Jupiter does go with the large or big of people, officials, etc)...

2. A Religous person of Power...

3. A Religously strict person bound of it's rules...

4. Then yet many other of Jupiter related meanings...

A lot of times for ease we just drop the element and use the R star meanings only...

Number 3 does somewhat fit him as per news his classmates had said he had very deep beliefs in God and was involved in plans in leading a faith group also...

*Anyway vis the Wwg that was one of the person types which would have been in and main to that hour*...

As said I don't attach absoluteness to any one specific meaning, any are free to theirs,  but that does fit in amongst any other including things of long distance, religions, and had left out but even that of things, areas or of those foreign as well, all as the Rm star's Jupiter's stuff then...

What was posted was mainly for the police only, and was in the hurried then, these days normally like to stick to missing person's only, though do pretty well on some other here as well...

That itself is very difficult area but we do make progress in it at times...

Still think it takes an actual psychiatrist (see no reason or purpose for him to have lied) working with him to determine if he did indeed hate asian peoples, as here could only at max say of events they were involved....

*Think that's about the best that can give, and in all it's more about time coincident clues vis arts, with no strong guarentees given*...

*Updated yesterday's unfortunate Boulder, Colo events a bit*...

[Not that it's that helpful, but the Qi Men Month did suggest things involving that *of punishment* for those of Ji YOB stems that specifically *take that of physically destructive actions towards others*!...

Though maybe wasn't exactly stated on Youtube (TM) as such, does go with Ji Stem types and the formation at the Kun SW's palace which involves relationships, gatherings, etc, and does suggest that some of Ji YOB births can have serious issues involving things destructive of their actions in the month, then separate not requiring actions per se, some may just rcv a light or normal punishment type that involves some normal rule or even law type of a system that happens to pertain to them well]...

3/24 Water/Mercury day VIII/wa aka Xin Wei a Yin Metal Goat date...[FS *#5*] Lien Zhen type...

Upper Kan type...

Gt: #39 - #15 Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 5 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Red* 4th *Bs* Vanished by Month, and Strong by Date star type linking to Grn 3rd Bs star areas...4 P earth stars for changes, clashes and bonds internal and within date...*Blk 2nd locals Gm hider star associated Rw star areas...


#8 - #20 Involve *#23* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 24th:

A Set or Settle date...

Seventh Day of the Northern Blk Tortoise, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Pi:Wall Water type, and Porcupine animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet  ***Sa/Sa*** areas until hr yo 18:00 ***Sa/e*** areas into the next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...


Let's hope no more deadly mass shootings events, think most got it on the Ji Year Stem born *had pointed out and as shown of the SW's Kun Palace in the Qi Men Mar Month video on Youtube (TM)*...See prior posts on that...

3/25 Wood/Jupiter day IX/s aka Ren Shen a Yang water Monkey date...FS #6 Chen (Qian) type...

Upper Gen type...

Gt: #23 - #2 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 6 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Gry* 5th *Kt* Weak by Month, and Healthy by Date Retreats star type with Bs Hider star areas...4 P earth stars for clashes and bonds internal or within date...*Grn 2nd locals Rw star areas*...


#26 - *#18* Involve *#54* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 25th:

A Initiate/Perform date...

First Day of the Western Wht Tiger, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: K'uei:Astride Wood type, and Wolf animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Sa/Me*** areas until hr e 10:15 ***Sa/Ke*** areas until hr s 16:56 ***Sa/Ve*** areas into the next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

On the Ji Stem YOB types definitions have only been given in terms of those of destructive natures in that of the mass shootings, and of a stabbings case, *all things in context of the situation*...

In general some tend to be quiet natured or even of introvert natures, kind and sensitive types *some not all*, most are fine and great people, all depends upon their chart, how raised, their environments, their beliefs vis the latter, and that of their own free will, to better understand you'd need a course in the Bazi where that of one's birth aka life chart is studied...

However here and of situations or events, and of people only the year of birth stems used in the Qi Men, and then the Year's birth branch looked at in the Wwg...

*That's a far cry from an actual birth chart*, so all is in context of the situation or event type the person is associated to or with at the time, *when it comes to the Qi Men or Wwg*!...

Even so as have already shown those systems provide some useful informations as to the nature of the events and the person types involved, limited no doubt, but by including that month chart we can now see how those of Ji YOB birth stems can be either involved or affected vis it...

*Two mass shootings involved Ji Mao YOB birth types*, locally near here there also was the murder of a Ji Mao type as well!...

At any rate some few Ji YOB birth stem types are quite main in things this month, and*as the Qi Men Month chart had indicated*!...

On the punishments sides many would be extremely minor for any affected, while only a very few might pay the ultimate price of death instead, some by being in the wrong, place or situation at the time, or of an org that involves them in a negative situation, and even a punishment within an org involving some rule, etc....

In short are many possible punishment and situations types, some totally normal or so minor that will never make news...


In a partial quick alternate and lunar version, the Zi Wei Dou Shu (ZWDS) also Emperor's StarGate for the NM lunar period remembering the NM is also a birthchart itself:

Then of it's self/physical has that of the Tang Lang star in short only things of indulgences, talents, flirtings, sensuousness, opportunistic etc, chars, traits or types...

That physical was in Trine to Po Jun aka the Demolisher also referred to as the Army or Broken Soldier Star, it breaks things up, tears them down to build anew, pioneering and also a *Hot Tempered* type...

As a quick partial you can see that it agrees with areas of the Solar of the Qi Men Month we've mentioned, and that of some people, things of those areas would and did come up in this month...

Kept it in the super brief in the main only, was another 14 smaller stars associated just those two palaces alone!...


Just one additional piece of info: On Ji Mao types or actually any is that of the Mao element sign branch in a Bazi (4P) chart is also a Peach Blossum aka Romance *Attraction* star type, if want you can look up further...It has both positive and negative sides and of effects on different people as well!...

3/26 Metal/Venus day X/yo aka Gui You a Yin water Rooster date clashes the month...FS *#7* Dui type...

Upper Quen (Kun) type...

Gt: #11 - #46 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 1 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Red* 3rd *Bcn* Weak by Month, and Healthy by Date star type linking to Object's Wht 6th Kyo areas...4 B earth stars of changes, clashes and bonds internal or within date...*Grn 2nd locals Ry star type areas*...


#19 - *#24* Involve *#24* Areas*...Change line 2 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 26th:

A Break/Breaker date...

Second Day of the Western Wht Tiger, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Lou:Mound Metal type, and Dog animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Sa/Ve*** areas until hr w 12:03 ***Sa/Su*** areas until hr yo 17:47 **Sa/Mo** areas into the next date!...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

Believe *this date* or in temp may have been some hits on search engines or domain name servers themselves, noticed when went to look up some specific Bazi and Qi Men sites vis Teacher names that some Teacher's names and their sites didn't appear...That on Duck Duck Go, and with effort some's were yet very sparse on Google as well?...

Even logging here was a bit delayed as well?


3/27 Earth/Saturn day I/sh aka Jia Xu a Yang wood Dog date...FS #8 Gen type...

Upper Chen (Qian) type...

Gt: #10 - #58 Involves *#37* Areas*...Change line 6 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Wht* 5th *Ks* Vanished by Month, and Healthy by Date star advance type with hider Gt star areas associated them...3 B earth stars of changes, clashes and bonds internal or within date...*Red 2nd locals Rm star type areas*...


#13 - #33 Involve *#44 Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

Also check the dates against these and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 27th:

A Danger date...

Third Day of the Western Wht Tiger, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Wei:Stomach Earth type, and Pheasant animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the NM Chart, and SM chart as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *6th* areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet **Sa/Mo** areas until hr y 03:14 ***Sa/Ma*** areas until hr e 10:02 ***Sa/Ra*** areas into the next date!...

Those are in standard time if wish add 1 hour for EDT...

Applies to the NM Lunar chart only!...

That of the storms/tornadoes last couple dates and said of weathers yet in for this date goes with that of Red and Wht either order on the Physical's (J) line, and Object (U) line of their previous daily's and yet for this date also...In general such goes with severe natural phenomena and or of human events or situations also, had been mentioned here a very long time ago, and had forgot to re-mention...

Looks the sometimes ominous side of the Wht Self vs Red Object lines appears to have went with vis new's that of Myanmar's Military killing of 91 civillians this date!...

*FM Leo (Worm, Crow Moon) Exact: Hr wa 13:49 Mar 28th for U.S. hidden since in day light*...

All charts, pairs are of Standard time only:

3/28 Sun day II/h aka Yi Hai a Yin wood Pig date...FS #9 Li type...

Upper Dui type...

Gt: #49 - #17 Involves *#44* Areas*...Change line 3 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Gry* 3rd *Bh* Weak by Month, and Strong by Date star type linking to Yel 3rd Rcn control star areas having a Gw hider star as well...4 R earth stars of changes, clashes and bonds internal and within some hours of the date...

Our Exact FM Lunar Pair:

#58 - #60 Involve *#37* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

Also check the dates against these, and other period pairs at page top...

All Countries Mar 28th:

A Success/Completion date...

Fourth Day of the Western Wht Tiger, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Mao:Pleiades Sun type, and Cock animal sign...

Brief WV FM Astro:

Our FM Physical a Leo type at 15:23 degrees Leo ruled by the Sun in Aries 9th areas with the Sun Exacting Conjunct to Venus there...The Physical itself is Sub-ruled of Venus also...They (Sun and Venus) being in the Aswini Nakshatra are themselves further Sub-ruled of Ketu in the Sag 5th areas...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, SM chart, and the NM chart as desired...

NM sets lunar date counts, so always month valid, and any actually well beyond in time as well since there are always unsettled matters in/of any period that will again re-surface up to even years later!...

The latter is also why treated as birth charts here...

*That all ruling *the FM Periods Sign Cancer *12th* areas* this date*...

Full FM Dasa Ra/Ra/Su/Ra/Mo...Maha Dasa of *Rahu* *same for all or most all Countries*...

Rahu is in the Gemini 11th gains, etc areas sign Conjunct Mars there...Rahu takes on Mars characteristics then Mars being in thre Ardra Nakshatra is ruled by Rahu as well, *quite a blend*...

Then all there in the Gemini 11th areas is ruled by Mercury from/in the Pisces *8th* type areas!...

Jupiter in the Aquarius 7th Relationships, etc areas rules the Pisces *8th* areas, aside Neptune in them if wish to include...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ra/Mo*** areas until hr sh 19:44 ***Ra/Ma*** areas into the next date!...



*China* TZ 8 Countries WV Astro:

FM Libra Mar 29th Hr c 02:49 celestially in Simul to ours, and on a Bing Zi aka Yang fire Rat date there...

Their's a Capricorn Physical at 24:07 degrees ruled by Saturn in their Aquarius 2nd Material, etc areas which is sign Conjunct Jupiter there also, then their Physical being in the Dhanistha $ Nakshatra is Sub-ruled by Mars in their Gemini *6th* areas as well...

Their Exact FM Lunar Pair:

#50 - #44 Involve *#43 Areas...Change line 5 areas...

Their Full FM Dasa Ra/Ra/Su/Ra/Ve all same our's, except for the final 5th Prana Dasa...

Want to see China's chart just rotate ours until Capricorn is in the Physical!...Vis Celestial all placements are in the same signs and degrees as Our's!


Our FM chart plus all hexagram images posted under others at the page top area...


*To get a basic idea aside of what you surmise of the physical, do a internet search on: Mahadasa Rahu Antardasa Rahu, all as one sentence...

Most know it can be a very rough type at points* however one plus is we have it in the house of gains so may be good in wealth's areas, couldn't guarentee as Mars is there too, so it's a wait and see type...

Checked vis Parashara infers good if dealing with or locating to or involving Far aways in business, and then at the same time because of the double Ra aka Ra/Ra generically (skipping houses) infers a lot of people problems of max stressed, out of control, very confused and other types of Rahu's basic meanings as well...

In people's charts when one has a Rahu Mahadasa period it can get to be pretty rough *especially for the younger*, as it lasts up to 18 years which is a pretty good chunk of one's life!...

In separate you can look up Rahu's basic meanings alone also!...

Currently Rahu *yet in* the Ardra Nakshatra aka the Hunter/Tracker, and Targeter!...


Match here in hr wa as we were closely approaching FM Exact it started raining, and into a good shower at the FM Exact!...

Matches as the Moon in chart in Libra 3rd Environments was Exactly Opposing both the Sun and Venus (Wet stuff) ruling the 3rd areas vis Venus and the Leo Physical vis both the Sun and Venus then :)!...

Near always here with that of NM and FM's...

FM Exact Pair:

Hr wa the Physical's Blk 6th Sky's Pwa star clashed the Grn 1st's Things of begins or at Surfaces Kc changes star areas as well...

Excellent timing on both accounts!...

Things might hopefully run a bit better this period *or at least in starts as for once there are more WV Trines than Squares* (6 Trines versus 4 Squares)... 



[*Monday Mar 29th is : *National Vietnam War Veteran's Day*, Congrats*]!...

3/29 Moon day III/t aka Bing Zi aka a Yang fire Rat type...FS #1 Kan type...

Upper Li Gua type...

Gt: #21 - #27 Involves *#39* Areas*...Change line 4 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Blk* 5th *Gwa* Weak by Month, and Healthy by Date star type linking to Red 1st Pt star areas...3 G earth stars under changes, or clashes and bonds internal and within some hours of the date...Plus Wht 4th Ryo star changes...


#50 - #44 Involve *#43 Areas*...Change line 5 areas...

All Countries Mar 29th:

A Receive/Accept date...

Fifth Day of the Western Wht Tiger, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Pi:Net Moon type, and Crow animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, SM, and NM charts as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *12th* type areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ra/Ma*** areas until hr m 06:06 ***Ju/Ju*** areas into the next date!...

Ra/Ma in Gemini 11th Gains areas, and in sign Trine to Jupiter in the Aquarius 7th Relationships, etc areas...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

*On Rahu with Mars in Gemini Hunt, Track, Target *China matches in it's threats* to those of it's citizens in other countries using that of *We Chat* of which in 2019 had over 19 million downloads of it's app in the U.S. alone*!...

Threats are to those they consider to be criminal or enemies of the CCP's policies or rules regarding those they consider hero's or other of China...


3/30 Mars day IV/c aka Ding Chou aka a Yin fire Ox type...FS #2 Kun type...

Upper Zen (Zhen) Gua type...

Gt: #32 - *#28* Involves *#43 Areas*...Change line 5 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Gry* 3rd *Ryo* Vanished by Month, and Buried by Date stars type, clashed by the month...3 G earth stars in some clashes and bonds of month, and some within some hours of the date...Plus an Blk 5th Rs metal star advance in/of changes...


#40 - #64 Involve *#43* Areas*...Change line 6 areas...

All Countries Mar 30th:

A Open date...

Sixth Day of the Western Wht Tiger of the waning Gibbous Qtr, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Tsui:Beak Fire type, and Monkey animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, SM, and NM charts as desired...

That all ruling the NM Periods Sign Cancer *12th* type areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ju/Ju*** areas until hr y 03:08 ***Ju/Sa*** areas into the next date!...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...


On the early Sunday morning Essex Baltimore were the deadly shootings and deaths of parents and an elder by a 27 yr old son in the parents case, first may have been in hr y or then all may have been in hr m when the elder a woman outside a store was killed as well...

Latter had a time of 06:30 convert std 05:30 hr m...

Hr m in particular *adds to that involving Ji types or situations as the hour itself a *Ji Mao* type*, so notable of that, although he himself was of a Gui You aka Yin water Rooster type and where the Mao hour would have clashed him (To take actions apparently)...

Unfortunately cann't give a motive info too limited, but he matched up of the Qi Men for hr m as main to it, and the hour held that of harms to those older, elders, parents and authority then, and of a both things get stuck and happen fast type!...

Physical there then of Pisces in the Revati Mercury ruled Nakshatra so Jupiter (Neptune) the Physical's ruler and Mercury it's Sub-ruler...

Mercury ruled the Virgo 7th Relationships, etc areas and that of the Gemini 4th Homes, ends, vehicles, etc where *Rahu* was/is conjunct, and blended with that of fiery abrupt Mars there for *actions then*!...

Lots of the sudden in flash to it last period, this adding to it...


Forgot to convert WV astro to std, so this is it:

Has an Aries Physical type in the Venus ruled Bharani Nakshatra, so is ruled by Mars blended with Rahu in Gemini 3rd Environments, com, move areas, and Sub-ruled by Venus conjuncted by the Sun in the Aries Physical!...

That of Mars with Rahu also ruled the Scorpio *8th* deadly areas as well then...

Venus scorched by the Sun rules the Taurus 2nd Material, family, values, etc areas, and that of the Libra 7th Relationships, etc areas of which the Moon there was in Opposition to both Venus and the Sun in the Physical then and not quite the Exact of the FM later that date!...

Use the one you feel matches best, looks like this standard time version to me... 

Look up traits for the Physical sign plus note the ruling planets, that gives you a main event descrip, and or the char of the main person!...


Another of the now very and totally way too frequent (none acceptable) of anti asian hate crimes:

Occured in NYC around 12 Noon Mar 28th where a 65 Yr old Asian American Lady was knocked down, kicked, and stomped profusely by *what was shown of surviellance pic's* to be a large maybe towering dark skinned male type? who had entered or left the area then...

Vis Qi Men such *was in for those of the Yi birth stem* both by date and hour, she being of a Yi Wei (Yin wood Goat type), assertive in their goals, very sociable, etc...Being online when using the 4P software as well as the Astro had messed them up, and straight now!...

Even the month of it's Kan palace fit for the Yi birth stem types as well!...

Separate for Mar 28th in hr e the ZWDS had shown that *Punishment in Travels* was in relative the Self aka Life Palace then, wouldn't specify who but covered the hours nature for *Travels* then!...

It's always just a very few *that experience the full brunt* of the negative influences in for a given frame, but that number has definately been on the increase...

A lot now is due to the pairing of Mars and Rahu in the Gemini areas, then this event was in the *Gemini *12th* type areas when she was attacked there!...

That pairing started March 4th onwards...

Problem is there is always more than 1 zone aka set of hours in a day where dangerous situations come up for some of given birth year types!...

[If all were studied/skilled in the Qi Men they'd know when a given hour type runs negative for them...

Numerous videos on Youtube to help you with just the very basics of Qi Men plus in separate a number of free classes by Dr Khim Goh up there too...

Alternately if all were skilled in using personal tosses in the Wwg again they'd know when particular dates and hours were bad for them]...


Did astro while connected internet (messes the software up) corrected a bit above as physical was in Cancer with Gemini *12th* type areas, not 3rd areas when she was attacked...

Astro itself won't fly as to many zones where similar events could happen, you know hr e is one of them as it's the same as the Grn 1st Re stars on the FM Exact pair, and it clashes the Kh changes star as well...Hr e in EDT in ideal is 10am - 12pm...Other is hr s EDT 4pm - 6pm, then hr h EDT is 10pm - 12am and  hr y EDT 4am - 6am as well...

That's of Dates and Hours of the FM Exact pair of last set posted under others at the top...It won't cover all but does get some of the most main...

If know the Wwg follow our FM pairs at top, and expand the daily pairs for same...

Super if you can toss in the personal also...

A lot has been to do with the blend of Mars and Rahu in the Gemini areas since Mar 4th, so most holds to some degree until Apr 23rd  when Mars enters the Sign of Cancer then still some can be oversensitive on most any close ties and other areas, *but without that of Rahu in most cases at least!...

Seems to me that American Asians *really do need to band together in that of daily travels* as of well priors had suggested, and team up, *so as to never intentionally be solitary targets*!...

Just as you, and many am very saddened to see things on some peoples parts have came to this, and do hope, pray this phase soon passes!...


Had a heck of a time at the VA today *as too unstable with cane to walk more than a few feet*, very weak lower legs, and a club left foot hinders turns, etc...Doesn't help the bad back out as the lumbar affected when you walk...

My wife has to help me to the outside bench, then after she parks the car get a wheelchair...

Irritated as anyone on any narcotics like Morphine has to take a drug test *every 3 months*, *a patient advocate had told me that was a punishment for taking the Narcotics they presribe for pain*???...

Not enough as when you get back home, now you have to call in to let someone know you took the test, so they can make sure the pharmacy gets the refill order!...

Have never failed a drug test, think all this a little too much...

Somehow think instead of medical were back at the age of the Med(Mid) Evil!...


3/31 Water/Mercury day V/y aka Wu Yin aka a Yang earth Tiger date...FS *#3* Zen (Zhen) type...

Upper Shun (Xun) Gua type...

[Gt: #59 - *#29* Involves *#27* Areas*]...Change line 6 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Grn* 5th *Be* Healthy by Month, and Healthy by Date star type...4 K earth stars in some bonds of month, plus clashes and bonds within some hours of the date...Plus a Red 6th resultant of changes Rt water star, and an Wht 3rd Rh hider star type also...


#53 - #37 Involve *#64* Areas*...Change line 1 areas...

All Countries Mar 31st:

A Close date...

Seventh Day of the Western Wht Tiger of the Waning Gibbous phase, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Shen:Orion Water type, and Ape animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, SM, and NM charts as desired...

That all ruling the FM Periods Sign Cancer *12th* type areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ju/Sa*** areas until hr y 04:07 ***Ju/Me*** areas into the next date!...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

Online had issues using astro software had forgot knew it does that, then same using 4P software, didn't know that, anyway corrected previous of both...


For Qi Men types:

My only happy time in the week, all these crazies of their shootings plus the anti-asian stuff is most ill!...

Other night on a thought or idea that came to me, decide!d to check out the info's have from Dr Khim Goh on that of the Doors, Stars, and God's areas, and a small bit on stems just to see how it may have matched to my post times themselves on Monday Mar 29th for Tuesday Mar 30th!...

Late afternoon on, weren't in Qi Men anyway that many hours that looked great for posts, so this time had spent about 5 minutes to initially select that of hr s for the 30th's post...

For those familiar hr s was happy in doing...

Later afterwards and a break, thought I'd better update that of the previous of Mar 29th's to do with China's monitoring of it's citizens on *We Chat*, news...

Then in/of hr yo not so happy in doing...

A prior date news had mentioned was one 19 yr old in the U.S. which China was making quite serious threats too...So without a lot of thought had went ahead and updated that in hr yo...

It was later in hr sh itself, it had came to me *to test how would Dr Khim's definitions match up including how I felt to what I'd posted in hr's s and yo*...

Was already satisfied with what had learned in other Qi Men courses, so this was a very separate test in itself...

To me it was also a Perfect test type for this area: *Since it hadn't prior entered my mind at all to do so, until in hr sh*!...

In results I was at first stunned, and then became quite *elated* (sort of a rare feeling to get in this work), as to both in how had felt when doing the posts which did match, and also how very accurately her definitions had came out on me as well...

Just as in any type of test where one looks for true or false, and verifications, am quite pleased to say her references in terms of *stems, doors (gates), heavens star*, and God's for me in hr's s, and yo of the Qi Men, and the posts had made, *were Excellent matches which were well beyond my expectations*!...
On a roll, did the same in later of hr sh after finished the first test, evaluation itself, and that too checked out as well...

In that of course a lot of Master's Ken Lai's, and Joey Yap's had certainly matched as well, but *importantly to me, the more easy, and flexible vis adding in your own insights for meanings, in the interp's to that given, was that of Dr Khim Goh's*!...

Unknowingly for me (As not done in the ahead) I found that I was Time Trined aka in Total Sync with what the Qi Men had shown for me at the times had posted!...

It wasn't that the formations were that great for me, *they weren't*, it was more the understanding that of the tasks,and  actions had taken (contents within), were for me in perfect time match!...

*To me the tests results were even more exhilerating then pre ahead in Qi Men selecting a positive time to execute some particular action we want to come out positive*...

From the test it was like understanding the totality of a moment exactly matching even in feelings, and of the blend of the separate energies components going on for you all at the same time!...

Such brings one a great sense of happiness in the knowing of the moment through the results...

Then of course reading news later brought me back down to planet earth, but was still happy with the experience and know can now see, understand at that level as well...

So have to give Dr Khim Goh a big A+ on the common sense, and utility of her meanings in Qi Men uses, which on my part does include a few of my own, and definately the others of prior courses as well, they really do bring the picture together!...


Match hr s here today bonded  the Grn 1st Re stars of the FM Exact pair, formed a water bond and it started some rain here in that hour...

Been tons of matches just don't bother to note all takes too much time, and not all would be well rcvd by some few they'd pertain too...


4/1 Wood/Jupiter day VI/m aka Ji Mao aka a Yin earth Rabbit date...FS #4 Shun (Xun) type...

Upper Kan Gua type...

Gt: #39 - *#63* Involves *#64* Areas*...Change line 1 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

*It's Physical/Self *Gry* 4th *Bs* Vanished by Month, and Vanished by Date star type...4 P earth stars in changes, some fire bondsa, and  clashes within some hours of the date...Plus a Wht 2nd locals star type*...


#8 - *#29* Involve *#23* Areas*...Change line 2 locals areas...

All Countries Apr 1st:

A Establish/Produce date...

First Day of the Southern Red Phoenix of the yet Waning Gibbous phase, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Ching:Well Water type, and Wild Dog animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, SM, and NM charts as desired...

That all ruling the FM Periods Sign Cancer *12th* type areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet ***Ju/Me*** areas until hr c 02:28 **Ju/Ke** areas until hr w 11:40 **Ju/Ve** areas into the next date!...

Use Std time here, add 1 hour for EDT...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...


4 shot Killed (called a mass shootings type)including a child Orange, Calif:

Some info's as was posted from several news sources...

Happening was on 3/31/2021 hr s 17:30 convert 16:30 Std...

Separate of the event it may have been an hour for some confusions when dealing with, between strangers or others then as well involving maybe unfortunate rushes to judgements as well...

The gunman was said to be Age 44 of Fullerton, Calif...

*A Bing fire Dragon aka Yang fire Dragon birth YOB*...

WV Astro there then in Std time only:

The Physical/Asc/Lagna there then was of Sign Virgo in the Moon ruled Hasta Nakshtra, *so ruled by Mercury* in Pisces *7th Relationships areas*, and Sub-ruled by the Moon in Scorpio 3rd Environments, things close by, etc areas...

The Moon was also Sub-ruled by *Mercury's* areas, and placement as well...

Sun conjunct Venus in the Aries *8th* areas ruling the Leo *12th* areas...

Saturn sign Conjunct Jupiter in the Aquarius *6th* type areas includes co-workers, enemies, etc and ruled the Pisces 7th Relationships areas then...

Outer 10th Events includes Biz and Careers in Sign Gemini of the Mars and Rahu blend, that too ruled by *Mercury*!...

Qi Men: Occur Day Wu Yin aka Yang earth Tiger in Hr s Geng Shen aka a Yang metal Monkey type...

Though was in most good here of Wwg FM Exact, that at of the hr s water bond type does include vis watery element bond, [the strong of emotional contexts in that of assumptives, over reactions or actions *for some* people then]...

Qi Men: A negative clash Hour, and a things happen fast type!...He in turn was chash like affected, and driven of pasts by the date's destiny then...

Outcome type *for some very few* anywhere: Definate in that of Aggressive behaviors, marked inauspacious in all things which could be with negative legal outcomes also!...

Relationships then inescapedly for some few involved that of greeds, wants in luxeries things or areas or the murderous, things of family, endings, or being without work that all in/of things large or of expansives traits, and a war like nature to include that of blood lettings would for an extreme few be in then also...

Hr s was one of the four main for potential serious or dangerous event types...

Was listed of Our FM Exact Lnr Prd pair but in Mar 30th's post...

Gave saying that it would not include all, but was main of this period's pair (Hours: y, e, s, and h)...

Again and as always sincerely wish condolences to the families, friends and all those affected involved...


4/2 Metal/Venus day VII/cn aka Geng Chen aka a Yang metal Dragon date...[FS *#5*] Lien Zhen type...

Upper Gen Gua type...

Gt: #23 - #4 Involves *#2* Areas*...Change line 2 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Yel* 5th *Kt* [Weak by Month, and Buried by date stars type] with that of Bs star hider areas under, and associated them...4 P earth stars of changes, plus date clashes, then bonds and clashes of hours also...Plus a Blk 2nd locals Re star in changes, and a Grn 3rd resultant Rw star as well...


#26 - *#41* Involve *#54* Areas*...Change line 3 areas...

All Countries Apr 2nd:

A Remove/Clean date...

Second Day of the Southern Red Phoenix of the yet Waning Gibbous phase, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Kuei:Ghosts Metal type, and Sheep animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, SM, and NM charts as desired...

That all ruling the FM Periods Sign Cancer *12th* type areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet **Ju/Ve** areas until hr wa 13:58 ***Ju/Su*** areas until hr h 21:51 **Ju/Mo** areas on into the next date!...

Using Std time, add 1 hour for EDT...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

Were 2 other shooters or suspects in shootings where a 13 yr old was killed in the early wee hours of Chicago, read 2:30 am CDT, and the 2 Arrested apear to be again both *Ji Mao* YOB birth types...Have been a lot of Ji Mao or Ji You types involved of the shootings in the Xin Mao month...\



4/3 Earth/Saturn day VIII/e aka Xin Si aka a Yin metal Snake date...FS #6 Chen (Qian) type...

Upper Quen (Kun) Gua type...

Gt: #11 - #19 Involves *#54* Areas*...Change line 3 areas for all countries of *same Gregorian date* globally...

It's Physical/Self *Grn* 3rd *Bcn* star retreat type...3 B earth stars of changes, plus bonds and clashes of hours also...Plus a Blk 2nd locals Ry  star advance type...


#19 - *#54* Involve *#24* Areas*...Change line 4 areas...

All Countries Apr 3rd:

A Full date...

Third Day of the Southern Red Phoenix of the yet Waning Gibbous phase, and it's Constellations...

Constellation: Liu:Willow Earth type, and Deer animal sign...

*See well below the *two Western astro sites* for additional *Moon*, etc aspects*...

See, apply to the FM Chart, SM, and NM charts as desired...

That all ruling the FM eePeriods Sign Cancer *12th* type areas this date...

Date Dasa: Yet **Ju/Mo** areas until hr w 11:00 ***Ju/Ma*** areas until hr sh 20:13 ***Ju/Ra*** into the next date!...

Using Std time, add 1 hour for EDT...

Applies to the FM Lunar chart only!...

The Solar Month of The Ren Chen aka *Yang water Dragon* begins here in hr cn tomorrow, so will be a new page for that then... 


Two Western Astro Websites below for further reference to the dailies above:

*See the below* for today's extra aspects, etc*, and the instructions following to use, note or apply the positions, aspects, or relationships (friendly or enemy) relative for the WV Tropical Vedic chart(here at page top area: 


In lieu and of at least some additional aid you can refer to day planetary positions, and the dates of transiting aspects here is mobile but visible vis pc as well:

Very nice work of the following two sites:

Vis the daily aspects it shows you can eyeball it as to houses  involved in the Astro charts at top...

The Daily Moon where?

Also has the positions of the Moon through Mars in thier current degrees, and respective signs...

You can also note it's *planetary ingress calendar* for the Moon and any other as to the day, and date that *they enter a new sign*!...

For the Moon simply look at the current Astro chart at the page top area here, and note which house the given sign shown from your check is in, and apply the basic Tajika rules:


1. Friendly Relationships are to planets in the 3rd, 5th, 9th. and 11th houses from the Moon or given planet you select as 1st...

Of course that friendly is not always perfect or strong as depends on the avastha type, dignities, etc...

2. Enemy Relationships are to Planets in the 4th/10th from each other, and also those in the 1st/7th from each other...

Enemy Relationships of course can just reflect that of dynamic tensions, challenges, etc between the planets areas involved...


The same are used in the Varshaphala Solar Return charts, and their D-9 Navamsa fortune in Relationships type also...

Different than Std Western Solar Returns as are more calculative for descriptive informations in them, that set what rules the chart and the person's year, plus the areas they will benefit the most from...

That's a standalone type all on it's own, of which in further the solar month charts, and solar days charts can be added to that year's chart as well...

Unlike the fixed Solar month date applying to all of a Chinese Solar year or month a very strong condensed type, that of the personal Varshaphala charts start on different dates as specifically related to the individual person's birth...

The main thrust between the two systems can be close for some, but with the Vedic aka Western Vedic being more refined of/in it's quite useful details...

On software's think only Kala takes it down to an individual's solar days as well...

*Added the main two Western Tropical Vedic learnings sites for courses, etc below in the Just Blog area*...

That should do it until can resume as before!...


Just Blog:
To expand that of any daily pairs:

Use the SuperIching EZ hexagram full *expander* use SuperIching's go there scroll read the instructions and use for any dailies or tosses you wish to expand for the line stars of them...

His (Alex Chiu's) book is available in Kindle Reader form for only $7.50 as well, may also be in Google Books too as found most others had previously mentioned are there too for any device or pc os...

On the Yi Jing, Plum Blossum, etc one of the most convienent, concise, economical aka *very inexpensive*, and fully loaded books, definitely with that you'd need is in Kindle Reader aka Epub form: 

Yi Jing Image and Numerology Divination...

Uses the pre, before heaven trigram sequence as used in the Wwg and Qi Men...

Another more expensive book by Master Huang uses a strictly the *Feng Shui trigram sequence* instead, which those using standard Feng Shui may find additionally helpful...

Not required in the speedy of Qi Men's separate Feng Shui charts and methods...

Though the Lo Shu in Qi Men is itself std Feng Shui type, but usually in advanced the XKDG is additionally used with *the Qi Men Yi Jing hexagrams*, and that too has it's own separate trigram sequences...

A good complimentary to either of those books that's also *very inexpensive* for basic Yi Jing aka Iching only  interpretations:

The Clear Cut Iching available on (c)...

[Those who want or need to track the hexagrams here using the, our chinese date can download a calendar for 2019 from the SuperIching site...

*In lieu you could also download the free fourpillars version 1.2 program from*!...

On the latter you can then privately generate your own fourpillars aka bazi birth chart as well...

Still good daily matches to pairs here, adding corrections on the fourpillars,net free 1,2 version here, etc..

That version doesn't include coordinates or timezones but not to fret as it will still provide accurate birth charts...If born in an daylight timezone hour, simply subtract one hour for the standard time and use that...

You'll only need the dates earth branch aka animal sign under the day pillar to track dates versus the hexagrams here!]...

Pairs use SuperIching shortcuts so in order used, and repeats:

t = Rat, c = Ox, y = Tiger, m = Rabbit, cn = Dragon, e = Snake, w = Horse, wa = Goat, s = Monkey, yo = Rooster, sh = Dog, and h = Pig earth branch aka sign

Same order for hours as well...

Daily Upper/Outer 8 trigrams order vis Pre aka Early Heavens sequence 1- 8:

Chen, Dui, Li, Zen, Shun, Kan, Gen,Quen (Kun) then Repeat.

If would like to purchase a Chinese Farmer's Almanac try Master Tsai's U.S.:

Personally use it and in ease is the best!...

Plus on site if you sift through it are many, many freebies as to your birth or year, and other cycle types, plus you can freely find your personal daily ten gods cycle itself too...

That's included in his Fortune Angel software as well...

Do be sure to check out Youtube (TM) for other totally free on your Chinese astrology year also, and many of the other great Bazi sites the videos of Joey Yap and many others there point to as well!...

Mention the extra as each presents those subjects in different ways and one may suit you better than another's then not all Bazi aka Fourpillars is taught or used the same in all aspects!...

If interested in learning Standard Western Horary check out the Air Software website has it all from books, softwares, and courses...
Then in WV aka Western Tropical Vedic Astrologies to include Prasna Horary:
Both have some free course materials, and one has an free entire *basic* course as well...
[On QMDJ these days are Zhi Run QMDJ chart calculators for both Android phones and the Iphone for the instant of the hour charts and more, so those just using the Jerry King book for that of Formations, etc  can do it more easily on them now...

Such will never take the place of an actual course, but does make for a very useful small handy reference which further includes around 30 actual real case reads...Available from

Beyond that not as handy in terms of carrying it anywhere you go, but a more thorough reference including all the heavens stems meanings of 1,126 pages is the Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium 2nd Edition by Joey Yap...Not as many case reads in it and not designated as actual of them though...It too can be obtained in E form for the Kindle reader and maybe the Google E pubs as well...

Both are good starting references but neither could substitute or compare to a trained teacher and their home study or online courses or the shorter go there seminar types...

Beyond the numerous of personal uses, many use with regard to various business and investments purposes these days...

As far as Qi Men courses unless your planning on physically taking them at an overseas location, there's the online type, the 2 I'm most familiar with are:

1. Have mentioned many times is that of the excellent and well taught of Joey Yap's QM (QMDJ) and his other courses...

In his you have the most advanced of QM chart types to at least 7 levels, but added levels are not shown in the books he sells, and is only available online to those during the study of those courses with a full year of online only use in his QM chart calculators included, and then thereafter you must pay a tidy sum on a yearly basis to use them...

It's also a more highly spiritually oriented course type in terms of the most detailed of birth chart types compared to other courses, and of some where that of the extra levels come into play too...

Then in other it's a highly simplified made easy approach for others to learn to analyze and use various QM charts in that of forecasts and predictions, and strongly tailored to that of wealths, business areas as well...

It's mainly the unique of a *highly detailed birth chart type* beyond any other, and other extra timing points with those that makes this a great course beyond others in that aspect...

All courses have their very strict copy right self protections measures, and aside of books all the pdf's downloaded in his course lessons associated the above courses *are trackers*, main purpose would guess is to be sure you don't send them to other non members of the Joey Yap courses, hence tracked...

Another plus is often there are *free view anytime within a given date range* of videos given by various teachers...

Those are of many supplementary classes or tips sessions on various course areas, that members of most courses can learn from as well...

Much better than the live view now types which aired in their time often just too inconvienent in U.S. time hours wise fortunately most any associated a course you take come with replays that are added to your course files areas online...

2. Beyond that with *A Very Strong recommendation*, is that of *Ken Lai's Imperial QM Pro course, also a keypoint of his is that you'll physically *have all the important of materials on hand and/or to take with you at any time*...

That plus in using that of his QM smartcharts, your given that in an easy to carry masterful book, which gives you the advantage of looking up all 12 chinese hour charts *in simul* for any date chosen, *so it is very handy in that*!... 

Also within it he details how you can of the same book aside all hour charts, look up that for any year, month or day chart your intersted in, * so again very handy most all is in one place*...

All formations, palace configurations and other are taught and vis field manual in very easy and quick look up forms as well...

Every single page in his materials has both that of his copyright on them as well as Licensed to: Your name, home address and email address as well for both's protections, and the same of his class videos also as that same info is at tops streamed acrossed and throughout them as well...

[If you'd like to read a True Chinese Arts Master's blog views on Qi Men and other various Chinese arts areas in the Open and not hidden within groups only, and for the public to see *vis Master Ken Lai* of Minnesota, U.S.:

One of my Fav's, many helpful 4P articles also:


[*Dr Khim Goh one of  if not the sharpest person around who teaches the QMDJ had ever seen*]!...

Look her up on Youtube she's got a number of *free video's up there*, you won't regret it...

Also though is said to take about 4 weeks to get in postal mail, she too has a QMDJ for beginner's book as well...




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