Saturday, June 4, 2022

Solar Month III/w (Bing Wu) aka a Yang fire Horse month.




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SM the more individualistic, or leadership, etc type...Ntl into Global, but each country has theirs...

Solar Month Physical 1st Activities areas of 10:4 Degrees Virgo Ruled by Mercury of Kala's Sign Taurus 9th house Activities areas, then the Physical also in the Hasta Nakshatra so is Sub-Ruled by it's Moon in the Gemini *12th* Activities areas as well...

See SM chart for other...

6/5 VI/c (Ji Chou) a Yin earth Ox date...FengShui of an FS #2 Kun type...

Upper Shun type...[**Empty, Void w, wa**]...

GT: #59 - #6 Involve *#27* Activities areas*...Change line Grn 4th Rebirthed Kwa earth star Activities areas (though void change line still moves) with a Gyo metal hider star under, associated it...

SM Exact: #42 - #27 Involve *#23* Activities areas*...Change line Red 5th Ke fire star Activities areas involve, controlled by or turn into Pt water star Activities areas...

These pairs fall in the NM/SM periods, *always at minimum apply the daily Date* to them, and to any posted at top NM, FM, and SM period's pairs here!...

An Danger Date...

*Constellations Eastern Grn Dragon group* on/of it's Fang:Room date constellation, and the Hare animal sign...

Tropical Astro *NM Daily only* with Sun Day Ruler...

All short cutted!...Astro of Kala and Astrolog are in Std time here!...

[*Sun day Ruler initially at 14:30+ degrees Gemini in Kala's *12th* Activities areas, where Mercury Rules it, and the Sun there...

The sun in the Ardra Nakshatra also is Sub-Ruled by Rahu of the Taurus *11th*, Groups, etc Activities areas]...

[Moon at 16:38+ degrees Leo of Kala's 2nd Material, etc areas...

Moon in the Purvaphalguni Nakshatra so Sub-Ruled by fiery Venus of Kala's Taurus 11th Activities areas...

The Moon's stuff Ruling kala's Cancer 1st Physical Activities areas this NM period!]...

Also apply the above's to the NM Astrolog, etc Fully Tropical charts as well...

See the NM Tropical Charts, no xtra or pure Vedic sidereal at this time...

You can check sites *well below* for added aspects, etc on today's Sun, Moon, etc areas, and *apply to our various astro charts posted with others of the page top areas*...

Kept to *just the basic, condensed, bare essential*, and briefest here, feel free to add any as desired...



 Year Stuff may add full chart later:

Taking a break from the dailies for awhile bit too much for me at present, think that covering the lunar, and solar periods is actually enough here...


Following was done in tropical vedic with all as main interactions/projections of the U.S. Physical itself for their directions in natures, and of events for the year concerned... 

Kept simplified vis Kala, and/or Parashara, etc:

Symbolically EZ to underststand by just looking up the houses, planets, signs, and aspects given for their meanings, no chart needed...

*Last Year 2021 U.S. main Physical interactions/projections*:

Physical Aquarius type: With Saturn in Aquarius of it's hidden 12th type Activities areas connected to the Physical itself...

Saturn was *Square* Uranus in sign Taurus material, etc of *4th* house in/of foundations, etc type Activities areas*, and then Uranus was Sign Conjunct that of the *Moon's* areas within it there!...

The Moon Ruling the Cancer *6th* types Activities areas for the year...

By itself says/said what the natures of our year has been like, and *has definitely as a major theme went the duration of the year*!...

*Soon we start the 2022-2023 main Physical interactions/projections for the U.S., already has pre-matches*:

Gemini Physical type: Ruled by Mercury in Cancer 2nd Activities areas Sign conjunct the Sun's areas there...

Also the Physical is in the Punarvasu Nakshatra so is Sub-Ruled by Jupiter of the Aries 11th type Activities areas...

Venus in the hidden of it's Physical too Ruling the Libra 5th, and the Taurus *12th* Activities areas the Physical also concerned with...

Then Venus is in the Ardra Nakshatra so is further Sub-Ruled by Rahu's areas in/of Taurus *12th* type Activities areas affecting, involved with the Physical 1st areas as well...

[**Venus sign Squares the Moon in Virgo *4th* foundations, etc Activities areas, which involves, impacts those, and Cancer 2nd's Material, Org's, Family, etc Activities areas relative the Physical as well**!]...

Plenty of pre-matches or in effect now with Mars, Uranus, and Rahu in it's Taurus *12th* areas even though Mars itself yet in Aries at this time, but are matches for it's upcoming trends which will hold of this chart for a year...12th includes hospitals...Then studemt loans stuff fits of the Venus areas also...

You can still track the daily transits, and aspects vis well below where it says:

*Two Western Astro Websites below for further reference to dailies for the near tops posted lunar and solar period charts here*:,

Year Match:

6/4 Read news and today a now hospitalized gunman with a hit list had killed a Judge in Wisconsin, and that the Govenor was also on his list too, plus said other officials of Michagan's Govenor , and of the Congress Senate Minority leader, and maybe more...

*That can be of this year's trends also*, as Saturn Rx then will be in the Aquarius 9th Activities areas of the year chart...

The 9th house covers laws, and that or those involved, related to it, and it's matters...

Saturn Rx or not is also the natural karaka aka cause, maker, producer of things, matters, and people *for that of the *12th*, and *8th* house type Activities areas*!...  

Both Uranus, and Rahu Square Saturn Rx in that chart, then things of skies, airports or landing areas too, feel free to add...

*Also for some Religous types Saturn in the 9th refers to the Apostate aka a person or group make profound changes in their doctrine different from what the others are of typical doing, also for a person can be a complete change to an entirely new type of Religion*... 

Also things of drinks, waters, foods, families, finances, etc have issues vis the year's Cancer 2nd Activities areas where Mercury, and the Sun are, then costs too since Venus Sign Squares the Moon in 4th Activities areas!... 

Jupiter in Aries 11th Groups, countries, profits, etc Squares the Sun in those Cancer 2nd Activities areas as well...


Gemini Physcial things of 2, then vis Nakshatra Groups, etc and that of the expansive vis Jupiter in Aries 11th Activities areas for the year...

6/7 Add:

China Astro *Year* Oct 2021 - Oct 2022:

Kala/Parashara Tropical Vedic type...

A Leo Physical 1st Activities type in the bolder of the Magha Nakshatra, so Ruled by the Sun in it's Libra 3rd Activities areas, and Sub-Ruled by Ketu in it's Sag 5th Activities areas...

*The Sun in the 3rd Conjuncts Mars there which Rules their Aries 9th, and Scorpio 4th areas very aggressively*!...Says a lot about their over aggressive han char flight antics, etc in the International space of the South China Sea...

Both the Sun, and Mars Sign Conjunct Mercury Rx there in the Libra 3rd areas too, where Mercury Rx Rules their Gemini 11th, and Virgo 2nd Material, etc areas...

They have Moon in the Cancer *12th* Activities areas for domestic calamities, trajedies, and or hidden influences in waters or affecting their domestic, it in the Alesha Nakshatra also Ruled by Mercury Rx....The Moon Squares their Libra 3rd house Activities areas...

Has Venus in Scorpio 4th Activities areas which Rules their Libra 3rd, and Taurus 10th Activities areas, Venus also Exact Squares their Jupiter Rx in Aquarius 7th areas...

Jupiter trines Mercury Rx of the Libra 3rd areas, then Saturn Rx Sign Conjuncts Jupiter Rx also...Saturn Rx of their Aquarius 7th Activities areas Exact trines their Sun in the Libra 3rd areas too...

Squaring that in their Aquarius 7th areas is Uranus Rx of their Taurus 10th Outer events areas!...

6/11 Add:

Russia Astro *Year* Jun 2022 - 2023:

Previous year matched...

Tropical Vedic vis Kala, Parashara, etc:


Physical 1st: Like China with Leo in the *Over Bold, Regal* Magha Nakshatra so is Ruled by the Sun in Gemini 11th Groups, countries, etc Activities areas that Ruled by Mercury in their Taurus 10th Outer events Activities areas...

The Sun is in the Punarvasu Nakshatra so is Sub-Ruled by Jupiter in their, Kala's Aries 9th Activities areas, the Physical itself is further Sun-Ruled by Ketu (Moon Conjunct it) in Kala's Scorpio 4th Activities areas...

Mars also in the Aries 9th *Past Not applying Conjunct*, but Sign Conjunct of near 7 degrees Orb with Jupiter there where Mars Rules the Aries 9th, and the Scorpio 4th areas...Very interactive...

Saturn Rx in their Aquarius 7th Relationships, etc Activities areas *Squares* that of Combust Mercury in their Taurus 10th Outer Events, etc areas...

Uranus, Venus, and Rahu all Sign Conjunct in their Taurus 10th asides Combust Mercury there...Venus Ruling it, and the Libra 3rd Environments, Things Close By's, etc Activities areas...

Elon Musk 2008:

His accurate enough tropical birth chart posted by another Astrologer is on Youtube (TM)...

Elon Musk vis his both FOX News interview, and of Youtube (TM) of *Public* posts on his life in the *toughest year *2008* which matched his main core events then*...

*Mainly the very specific of 12/24/2008, and at 6 pm when a deal came through timing wise had sparked my interest in it*!...

[Tropical *Vedic*] of Kala/Parashara, etc is used in this case:

Transit Moon in Sag then was within 2 degrees Orb of Exact Square to his Birth Moon for happenings!...

Better in his DINAPHALA aka Day of the Year chart: That of the transit Moon at 18:00 was in it's Sag 11th Groups, *Rewards*, Biz gains or losses house which was *Trine* his Ketu in Leo 7th Relationships, Partnerships, Legal, etc Activities areas...

He had Saturn in the *8th* Activities areas includes major monies changes for Ventures, and it was in the Hasta Nakshatra, so was Sub-Ruled by the above transit Moon also then!...

He had an *Aquarius Physical day type* which Saturn in the *8th* Ruled then!...The Physical was in the $ Dhanistha Nakshatra so Sub-Ruled by Mars in Sag 11th Activities areas as well...
Mars also Sub-Ruled Jupiter (Big stuff) of the Capricorn *12th* Activities areas that Saturn both Rules, and is the natural Karaka of the *8th*, 10th, and *12th* houses as well...

He also had techie Uranus in that of the 2nd house Material, etc Activities areas for the sudden and surprises, etc...

In above it was Mars Combust not the Moon!:

Covered Jupiter above in Vedic only, from the Capricorn *12th* it Rules the Sag 11th Gains, and Pisces 2nd Material, etc, Activities areas then where Jupiter was Sub-Ruled by Combust Mars of the Sag 11th Gains, etc areas...

If add the Outers than again Uranus in the Pisces 2nd Activities areas was Sub-Ruled by Mercury also of the Capricorn *12th* areas *which itself was Sub-Ruled by the Moon timer too*!...

Note: Referred to the Transit Moon for the hr timing, the Day chart itself had Moon in Scorpio for Outer 10th Finances, etc Events then!...

Moon timer applies as scaled dasa's are used for the hours in a Date's Dinaphala chart, and the dasa for 18:00 then was *yet that of the Moon*!...

Many types of Dasa systems mainly the most used of the Vimshottari dasa's cycles used here...

[All was totally set for his money Activities with the Transit Moon timer initiating the Event itself!]...

Another proof that one's main events are always shown by the timings itself!...

In the dire the Timed Wwg showed situations then as:

#59 - *#29* Involve *#27* Activities areas in hr yo of day V/sh...

Long story short hr yo same a Blk 4th Gyo hider star came out, with the hr clashing Open the date fire bonded Red 6th Rebirthed Pm wood star *changes* areas for happenings, while the hr further bonded resetting to norm that of the date clashed *Gry* 2nd locals Kcn earth stars Activities areas of that pair as well...

On our hexagrams since those are mainly lunar here with only a small part solar, can most often get by with only the standard ranges for their line branch aka animal signs for their hours, rather than an actual solar times, which is more for the purely solar of Bazi/Four Pillars, and Qi men!...  


Strawberry Full Moon Sag 6/14/2022 peak 6:52 am STD, 7:52 am EDT clocktime...Moon perigee so is a SuperMoon...

6/14 V/sh (Wu Xu) a Yang earth Dog date...FengShui of an FS #2 Kun type...

Upper *Kan* type...[**Empty, Void cn, e**]...


GTAC: #39 - #63 Involve *#64* Activities areas*...Change line Object's Yel 1st Pcn earth star Activities areas (though void change line still moves) involve, controlled by or turns into Gm wood star Activities areas...

FM Exact: #60 - #58 Involve *#27* Activities areas*...Change line Object's Blk 4th Ps metal star Activities areas involve, produce, lose or turn into possibly destructive Bh water star Activities areas...

These pairs fall in the FM/SM lunar period, *always at minimum apply the daily Date* to them, and to any posted at top FM, NM, and SM pairs...

An Set/Settle Date...

*Constellations Northern Blk Tortoise group* on/of it's Shih:House date constellation, and the Pig animal sign...

Tropical Astro *FM only* with Mars Day Ruler...

All short cutted!...Astro of Kala and Astrolog are in Std time here as the always of the hexagram pairs are!...

The SF chart add is so you can see the Std Astro here comes out same as an Edt clocktime chart...

The FM Physical 1st is of a Cancer physical type in the Aslesha Nakshatra, so it's Ruled by the Moon of Kala's *6th* Activities areas, and also Sub-Ruled by Mercury now of the Gemini *12th* Activities areas for this FM lunar period...See charts...

Has Leo 2nd Material, etc Activities areas, note the Ruler a somewhat weak Sun is in the Gemini *12th* types Activities areas!...

As an influence Intellect may take a big dive in this period look for a lot of stupid actions or stuff to come up!...

[*Mars* day Ruler at 15:00+ degrees Aries in Kala's *10th* Outer Events, etc Activities areas, where Mars Rules it, with Jupiter there...

*Mars* is in the Bharani Nakshatra so is Sub-Ruled by Venus of Kala's Taurus *11th*, Groups, etc Activities areas which it Rules plus that of Kala's Libra *4th* Activities areas as well]...

On gains, and stocks, etc to the minus on the 12th, already pre-matches...

[Moon at 23:25+ degrees Sag of Kala's *6th* Health's, Jobs, co-workers, nuturence, and maintenance plus peacekeepings, welfares, debts, Vandels, and Enemies, etc Activities areas...

Moon is in the Purvashadha Nakshatra so Sub-Ruled by fiery Venus of Kala's Taurus *11th* Groups, countries, rewards, gains. losses, etc Activities areas...

*Ketu in 5th* (*Look Up*), plus the 5th is Ruled by Mars while Ketu is further Sub-Ruled by Mercury (See charts), *some* of poor or disturbed thinkings, plans, and dum stuff is associated that...5th includes aggressives activities...

The Moon's stuff Ruling kala's Cancer 1st Physical Activities areas this FM period!]...

Also apply the above's to the FM Astrolog, etc Fully Tropical charts as well...

See the FM Tropical Charts, no xtra or pure Vedic sidereal except of nakshatras, and dasa's at this time...

You can check sites *well below* for added aspects, etc on today's Sun, Moon, etc areas, and *apply to our various astro charts posted with others of the page top areas*...

Feel free to add on Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto areas not that I dismiss at all, but in brevity try to mostly focus of std vedic on the original 7, and shadow planets (Moon's nodes) here...

In Tropical Vedic the Full Moon period's Vimshottari Dasa is:

Ve/Sa/Ra/Ra/Me...Most to all usually the same for most other Countries too, just house placements different!...

Kept to *just the most basic, condensed, bare essential*, and briefest, feel free to add any as desired...



A lot going on of 11th house Activities areas as have Uranus, Venus, and Rahu there, so can expect of sudden changes, etc in big up's and downs with big shifts some volatile or of values in Groups, Gains or Losses, Wet stuff of Venus and having a Cancer watery physical aids that, Foods areas, Things of Women in some cases, etc...Some already surfacing as matches to these themes, areas...

Think Elon Musk doing the right thing vis groups on twitter, regardless of values or bias's no death threats should be allowed!... 



[Rarely could ever express all on a given period or any other chart at one time, usually any can only do a partial gist for others to later add more too, then the FM chart is only a 2 week period that were dealing with:

Had noted the Sun in the 12th was somewhat weak, that's in comparison to all except Saturn Rx in/of the *8th* major changes, shared assets, and other areas...

Meaning Saturn Rx was/is the weakest planet of it's traits, areas as applied to those *8th* Activities areas, etc of the FM chart!...

Were actions taken, and those involved all that in the 11th biz profits, gains, etc Activities areas which *were, are of Square to Saturn Rx* in the *8th* areas with Saturn also of or influencing the 10th, and 12th's Activities areas as well... 

Actions involved so far have been the tapping, and releasing of shared gas assets aka the fuels reserves of the govt or Saturn's *8th* house stuff, with maybe other of business profits to be reduced yet...

That vis the Sun in *12th*, and the Moon in *6th* were in T-Square to Neptune in the 9th areas *signifying a major need for balance was/is at hand*...

Neptune in 9th things of  the far aways or international of *Petros*, seas, oceans, religions, bankings, courts, big biz, things of flight, airports, and/or Neppy or also things of films, imageries, pharmaceuticals, anesthesia's, drugs, blindness, dissolutions or corruptions, muses, etc, etc...Feel free to add!...

Further or continuing to emphasize things of/in our assets areas, and other in this FM's *8th* house type areas or issues, is that of the Nodes Rahu (North), and Ketu (South) are yet *T-Square to Saturn* there too!...

Also of this FM period:

Tian Ji the Advisors star much like Tian Fu of the Qi Men which for this FM of a Fu Yin status, paired with the inauspacious Jing Men gate/door actions star...

That of Dum stuff, disturbed or confused thinkings, bad decisions as of a dimming of the Intellect type influence since it's Hua Ji,  which is of  the ZWDS chart for the FM Exact period too, and it is  *Global*!...

Involves it's Tian Ji star in Hua Ji transform mode, and in some cases globally it can refer to finance officials, ministers or leaders, or any other of advisory types which in some can also be that of Chief of Staff positions, but *does apply to all persons in this FM chart so a broad swath of other's, and areas too*..

To better guage meanings look up vis search and type ZWDS blog Tian Ji star!...Should get you there!...


Gives a boatload of meanings, but not all as in some courses are other or more, and some when it's under the Hua Ji transform is mentioned there too...

*It's also of our FM chart a strong match of that to do with Ketu of the 5th areas, and it's connections as well*...

Very Mercury like, and note Mercury is in the 12th house of our FM chart also says a lot for it as well...

*Then of the FM period Ketu is Sub-Ruled by Mercury as well*!...


Believe or opinion is it's not that bad of a FM period could yet be dangers of things close by or schools stuff yet, and there's the necessary of political conflicts where I publically stay neutral, but in things where of the latter, trust things work out for the best...

Add 6/18/2022 Our Saturn Sade Sati period:

In terms of the U.S. LMT chart used here, and by a number of others though not all we've been in a *Saturn Sade Sati Period*...

Can look up vis search!...

That 's a 7 and a half year period which for the U.S. chart most use, started *around* Dec 20th, 2017 when Saturn entered, and began it's Rising for that period *in Sign Capricorn*, and currently with Saturn in Aquarius were in, and out of it's exact peaking period which finally Exact Peaks around Feb 11th, 2023!...

That chart was created by a woman astrologer who rectified the birth time, and is used by some on Youtube also, it's quite accurate!...


This Saturn Sade Sati's  final 3rd phase will be in Sign Pisces, and ends when Saturn enters Aries around Feb 14th, 2026...

So from *the near end 2017 through Feb 2026* we have that as a very rough zone to walk through...

Most all has been under Jupiter's areas, in starts, and setting things up then further was a Ju/Ve dasa period type for revealing, and manifesting Venus type stuff, and areas in things...

Changed 1st Phase Bukti Dasa from Rahu to Venus as softwares varied on that area on different current dates no less, *so rechecked with older versions on older pc, and all agree this date 6/19 for a Ju/Ve dasa of  the Dec 20, 2017 start date now*!...

From the Ju/Ve dasa we have went through Ju/Su, Ju/Mo, and Ju/Ma dasas, the initial pandemic was of the Ju/Mo (Masses), and Ju/Ma Dasa's for 2020!...

*Currently it is a *Ju/Ra type for all of 2022* which *began around 7/6/2021*, so much of Jupiters areas yet manifests of Rahu type stuff, and areas for us now, *and a very turbulent phase type it is*!...

*Gives you an idea of why things have been on the *wild, strange, and very rough, or difficult* side for the U.S. since late 2017 onwards*...

The final phase when Saturn has entered sign Pisces, and then by Dec 2023 onwards the Dasa becomes a Sa/Sa type which does allow for the appearance of some Evil then, but then the great bulk for Saturn then is positive!...

As far as the Evil part it comes up in other zones as well, and often has a lot to do with the Enemy or Enemies, that of individual or group conflicts, quite often the mal in relationships, accidents, injuries, diseases, deaths, individual career or work related areas plus or minus, finance ills, and/or natural phenomena of various types, etc...

All people also go through their own Saturn Sade sati periods (cycles) some may have up to 4 of it's cycles,  but for most it's often 3 or less of those cycles in their lifetimes!...

Saturn can be a little tricky in the 1st phase *starts* as in retrogrades, and may start then back out of the first phase, then later on enter it again for a solid run, same of the other 2 phases as well...

[Those are for some often indeed very rough, hard, difficult zones to go through, but the full nature depends on the given chart's
Ascendent, other placements, the transits to those during,  and the Dasa's involved, etc for them at the time!]...

*It is Easier for some Moon signs versus the others, adding in their placements and dignities as well...On just that, and of the Ascendent for the U.S. birthchart our's are of the semi or more difficult types, such as we are currently experiencing!... 

Our's also is in it's peaking phase and bouncy of current Saturn retrograde zones...

*It is not of Karma*, but it's own definite cycle itself that all have or will face, most forget as their's a very long time some say up to 25 years between each Saturn Sade Sati cycle that they will face!...

First studied it in Ernst Welhelm's course, but are a number of online vedic astro sites *articles* that fully cover it quite well too...

*Don't blow this off, those cycles are very, very real*, and again it's not of Karma itself!...Though prior Karma's may be involved, the Sade Sati cycle is itself it's own unique cycle...

Those of both individuals, and entities such as countries, biz's, org's, etc that are under them are at no fault as far as difficulties and that inherent of the cycle, it's just the cycle, and *is itself a natural part of all's destiny's within their lifetimes itself*...

Overall hard to properly fully cover in just the small space of this blog, basically it brings additional lessons that we will have to, and need to focus on to improve our responsibilities in it's areas, then yin, and yang varies from person to person as far as it's intenseness, with most depending on the chart's placements, etc...

[*One main counter or aid* within those periods is for one to be or become very *Humble* in all of your Relationships of all areas, and in all you do!]...


Are numerous excellent videos by various teachers on YouTube covering it as well...

One very famed person very often in the news, who posts publically on his life, and in specific also on his hardest years is fortunately as of 2019 past that...

He had his peak period of Sade Sati in very late 2007, and vis Saturn retrograde in most of 2008 as well...

Same matches that he calls his hardest year(s), and they indeed were!...

Know a man in his now 50's who is currently in his Sade Sati cycle, and it's a damn rough one at that!...

Not all's are, some do very well, but most certainly enough's are of the hard, and difficult type!...

So having covered all that, whom of birth moon signs is in their Saturn Sade Sati cycle?:


All is relative the current Saturn transit and Birth Moon signs of *Aquarius*:


[1st Phase relative Birth Moon Aquarius types was in that of their Capricorn sign when Saturn transited it was their 1st Phase...

2nd Peakings Phase of the Aquarius Birth Moon types when Saturn transits it (Current)...

Ahead, and still those of Birth Moon Aquarius types when Transit Saturn enters the Sign Pisces areas is that of the 3rd final phase...

That 3rd Final Phase for Moon Aquarius types becomes the 2nd Peakings Phase for Birth Moon Pisces types!]...

Got really twisted around there ok now, but may be easier explanations you can check out!...

Not a big deal have been in, sat through classes like that where the instructor goes off tangent, and until someone catches it, all are lost in space, occurs in pretty much any subject at times!...


*Anyways main is for that whole period there are always 3 active signs for the 3 phases involved*!...

Above corrected!]...


That's a fair number of people in 1 of 3 active phases of the given chart at any one time of/for, and in populations nationally or globally wise!...

The same applying to countries, biz's, org's, etc activities areas as well...


BTW: The modern Russian Federation Tropical Birth chart shown on YouTube has it's Birth Moon in Aquarius also, *what's that tell you*?... 

It's in their 5th house, and Rules that of their Cancer 10th Outer Events, etc type Activities areas!...

Their Peakings 2nd Phase started under a Ju/Mo Dasa Mar 22nd 2020, then when they launched their Ukraine Invasions it was under a Ju/Ma Dasa that had began much earlier around Jun 15th, 2021, and currently *as of today* Jun 21st, 2022 they are now under a Ju/Ra Dasa on into 2024!...

Their chart Jupiter Sub-Ruled by Ketu, and their Rahu Sub-Ruled by the Moon should give further insights...

Most videos you'll see are using the Sidereal zodiac *so different timings of some there*...

Here using the Tropical zodiac then videos, etc by *Ernst Wilhelm and Ryan Kurczak* use the Tropical zodiac as well so if in they cover the currents timings such will be the same as here...

In some that just cover the effects such as the KRS channel those are quite good too...

By timings referring to the month/year starts, etc the Sidereal types are also good, but only the Tropical type is used here!...

Whew got rid of the doublespacings, that was irritating!...

Has been years since first studied this subject, to me a period or cycle is just that, but in review it definitely involves Saturn's Karmic, but then no specific period is needed as Saturn is always about Karma no matter where it's placed or of/in it's transits!...

Saturn is the taskmaster, and discipliner in our lifes, when followed brings rewards, when not then eventually discariplines us, both of it's Karma...

*Another for some ill zone is that of *Ashtam Saturn* aka Saturn Daiya when Saturn transits the 8th, and 4th sign from your birth moon's of 2 and a half years worth duration, those too are toughies, and be difficult for a great many*...

Have seen many quite horrid experiences comments from the commenter's themselves on that zone...

Personally have definitely had very tough or difficult zones even near deadly in both types, but just look at it as a part of our life destinies that we must walk through, and not fear or over worry about!...

6/18/2022 IX/y (Ren Yin) a Yang water Tiger date same as the Year!...FengShui of an FS #6 Chen (Qian) type...Normally leaderships, power, and wealths areas go with it...

Upper Dui type...

Date pair GT: #49 - #55 Involve *#44*Activities areas...Change line Gry 5th Pyo metal star retreats, etc which clash the Object's Blk 1st Km wood star areas in travels, and destinations...

Following Event fits that!...

President Biden got his foot caught, and fell with his bike near a group of reporters or of other news bystanders this am...

Note our FM period pair at tops under the others:

#60 - #58 Involve *#27* Activities areas...Limitations in Pleasings to do with Nurturance's, joy, etc...

Day y produces it's Physical Yel 1st Ge fire star Activities areas!...

Day y clashed it's Object Blk 4th line Ps metal star Activities areas for travels in destinations, that producess it's then date weakened Bh water star Activities areas too so the Ps star bonds to those Ge fire star areas while the Bh water star clashes them in simul...

His chart day, Dinaphala type shows it as a strong match of *6th*, *4th*, and *8th* type areas of placements that fully matched the event...

In Astro the Transit (Overhead) Moon was Applying, and nearly Exact Conjunct with *Saturn Rx* for all things, persons at the time, so was both in his birth, and day charts then!...

On the latter Day type his Sun is in the *8th* areas until the 23rd...May want to be a bit careful in that zone, can yet be things of the sudden, unusual, surprises or jolts in the next few, hopefully just minor of routines, etc?!...


Not all churches are the positive of Chistianity vis news 6/24/2022: 004614130.html

The comments were interesting too!...

Also appears to be well covered by some local area's news as well!...

On the Supreme Courts ruling shows in the charts: Seems that will cause a significant number of women both pain (health risks), and even poverty to boot??!!!...



New Moon (NM) Cancer on Jun 28 in Hr h std at 22:53 EDT clocktime...
FengShui of an FS #6 Qian type...

On a Break/Breaker date!...

NM Astro vis Kala posted below the others near page top area,,,

Physical 1st areas at 20.1 Degrees Aquarius Ruled by Saturn Rx in Aquarius also, with Physical in the Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra so Sub-Ruled by windy Jupiter of the Aries 3rd Environments, and Things Close By's, etc...

The NM itself in Cancer *6th* Healths, Injuries, Peacekeepings, Co-workers, Gov Jobs, Daily routines, Vandels, Debts, Welfare, Maintenence, etc Activities areas that the combust New Moon Rules with it, and the Sun in the Pushya Nakshatra, so their Sub-Ruled by Saturn Rx of the Physical Aquarius 1st areas too...

Dasa Main *Sa/Ke*/Ve/Ve/Ma...

Lots of phone calls while writing, may add more in couple days...

Hexagram pairs:

GT: #11 - #5 Involve *#54* Activities areas*...Change line Gry 5th Gh water star Activities areas turning into and/or controlling the Psh earth star Activities areas...

[*NM Exact: #24 - *#51* Involve *#2* Activities areas*...Change line of Yel 4th Rebirthed Bc earth star Activities areas*]...

*Saturn Rx in our NM chart*:


[Saturn Rx in our Physical of Vedic will be *Mainly* affecting, and impacting that of issues, actions, and events in the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 12th house Activities areas of our NM chart in this period!...

Look up Saturn's char, and traits if need...Some should be obvious...

Added Saturn's Direct, and Rasi (Sign) aspects in that, which are just as powerful as the planet to planet aspects that you've heard of or  may already be familiar with!...

Staying light here, but if you want a bigger picture on the Rasi aspects then this KRS video covers it very well:

There are even other cyclic to do with *one's specific years (ages) of *Vedic Bhrihgu Astrologies* also, but won't be covered on the period charts used here]...

Daily pairs for the 4th of July zone:

7/3 IV/e (Ding Si) a Yin fire Snake date...FengShui of an FS #1 Kan type on a Close date...

GT: #59 - #6 Involve *#27* Activities areas*...Change line Wht 4th Rebirthed Kwa earth star Activities areas...

Day Ruler Sun in the Cancer *6th* Activities areas with the Sun yet in the Pushya Nakshatra so still Sub-Ruled by Saturn Rx of our Aquarius Physical 1st Activities areas, and Sub-Ruled by the Moon as below...

Moon starts out in Leo 7th Activities areas yet Opposite of Saturn Rx in our Aquarius Physical 1st Activities areas, it being in the Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra so both Ruled, and Sub-Ruled by the Sun in Cancer *6th* Activities areas...

Then in hr cn of 08:32 then enters our Virgo *8th* Activities areas yet in the same Nakshatra while Ruled by Mercury of the Gemini *5th* Activities areas...

Try to have a *Safe* 4th of July...

7/4 V/w (Wu Wu) a Yang earth Horse date...FengShui of an FS #9 Li type on a Produce date...

GT: #39 - #15 Involve *#64* Activities areas*...Change line Grn 5th Psh earth star Activities areas controlling Kh water star Activities areas...

Hr t ideal 00:00 - 02:00 vis date is of norm, but does hold possibly that of Dangers or things of Official's to it...

Has to do with Red 6th Rebirthed Kt water star areas of safeties, play, etc in skies, tops, or the far aways Clashing with that of the *Gry* 2nd locals Rw power, etc fire stars Activities areas then...

Supported as of it's own overheads chart we have Mars, and Jupiter in the Aries 2nd Maraka type house in wants, desires, values, family, org's Activities areas then...

In other since Jun 27th Mars has been the Atma Karaka which had given rise to it's intensity in things since then!...

That changes Jul 5th when Saturn Rx becomes the Atma Karaka: 

Then in theory Saturn Rx in the NM chart's Physical 1st areas allows for that of clearer, and better organization in things, and vis hard work the accomplishment of many goals themselves then on...

7/5 VI/wa (Ji Wei) a Yin earth Goat date...FengShui of an FS #8 Gen type on a Remove/Clean date...

GT: #23 - #2 Involve *#2* Activities areas...Change line Yel 6th Gy wood star Activities areas controlled by or turning into Byo metal star Activities areas...


A heads up area you might want to read any net articles on, or view that of Video's on YouTube prior too:

Mars conjunct Uranus and [*Rahu* in Tropical Sign Taurus], and or in Sidereal's Sign Aries...

Mars just enters those Signs here around 7/5/2022...

Means Mars will in Tropical used here be in the Final End Degree of Aries for July 4th!...

Makes for globally a *very heated, tensional time of things in the abrupt, etc* as being of the Overhead (Transits) those appear together in every one's, etc charts!...

[Mars Exact Conjuncts both Uranus and *Rahu (North Node)* by 8/2/2022!]...

Mars finally Exits those Signs by 8/20/2022...


Other: Will soon move this to the Just Blog area...

Not popular with all, but when you have a b
irth time, then the Qi Men really pegs the most core of what a person seeks, and auto, naturally acts on all of their life as well...

Apply the Yin within the Yang, and vice versa to more correctly interp them...

[*Mentioning too that Dr Khim Goh finally found the right niche, outlet, she offers her [Qi men *Essentials*] very powerful through *Udemy online courses* now...Quite inexpensive to boot!...

Different examples, etc used than in her free Youtube (TM) versions!...

Most there, saw 22 in 2021 starts gave her 5 stars...

10 video hour lifetime type with certificate, valid you work for it*]...

 A few other teachers with courses are on YouTube also...


Joey Yap's-QiMen Academy (Basic) Online downloadable lifetime type $338.00 ademy-basic

Full Bore Complete course:  

The Imperial Qi Men Pro by Master Ken Lai (U.S.) for always same around $2K...In years of any of his courses when new materials added, he freely sends you those as well...*All you will need is fully included within his courses*!...




 On the charts used here all use Western Tropical Zodiac and the Placidus house system, that of Kala is the Western Vedic type whose Physical is the same as the other Western Standard purely Tropical types...

The latter fine tunes on the actual houses per the tropical signs, but each is accurate of their system...Kala as Vedic includes that of the actual Nakshatra placements converted for the tropical zodiac, and much more to which all vedic rules and methods can be applied...

Meaning either can provide very accurate results, but since most westerners understand the Standard Western types best, I additionally include those for them as well!...

Here to avoid any confusions you can use/view tropical positions only non the dailies also vis sites below for charts posted here...

In starts on the Vedic, it's more the house positions than the signs you should pay attention too...  

Daily Vedic positions:

Other same

**Rahu** in Tropical Taurus, and  Sidereal Aries type areas:
**Transiting Rahu**:

Like Std Western Rahu is the Moon's North Node, and in that refers to the very turbulant of the forward direction in paths we all take in the sign, and house area it appears in our charts:

Even more turbulant in the presents as Uranus also in the same sign offers more volatility in changes to it, as it applies Conjunct to Rahu...

Other associated Rahu:  

It as or of traits can indicate things of personal, etc Confusions, Chaos, Turbulance, Delusions, Obsessionns, Fears, blindness, darkness, and phobias in wealths, assets, securities, and those trying too Assert Power Control over Others...

Includes Armies also as it is a shadow of the Moon which includes Masses etc, and much other in natural phenomena, etc...

That of Armies is of any type like those of an org, group, militaries, religions, politics, belief's, social causes, etc...

*When in 4th house areas: Homes can also be that of structures for any particular Org or Workplace as well*...

In charts anything *in the same Sign as Rahu (Uranus) is amplified as Rahu takes on it's traits, etc merging it's in it too...Same for Ketu in any chart...

Aspects to them get amplified as well!...


Change ignore: In EST since 2 am Nov 7th:

[*Subtract 1 hour for the EST aka Std time* on the Transits, Aspects, and Dasa times listed here only for:

Properly aligning with the chinese hours used for the always of *Std time* in the important of the *Wwg pairs*, and Qi Men, etc used here]...

The NM, FM, and SM charts themselves here are always of *Std time*, unfortunately Kala converts the other mentioned to EDT times, unlike Parashara which maintains Std for any chart done in Std...Also cross checked with WinStar on transit match as well...

Other than that the current listings of those EDT type hours this date on should match the chinese hour shown for it now as well...

*Two Western Astro Websites below for further reference to the dailies, etc above*:

*See the below* for today's extra aspects, etc*, and the instructions following to use, note or apply the positions, aspects, or relationships (friendly or enemy) relative for the *WV Tropical here*, and Eastern Vedic zodiac's...

In lieu and of at least some additional aid you can refer to day planetary positions, and the dates of transiting aspects here is mobile but visible vis pc as well:

Very nice work of the following two sites:

Vis the daily aspects it shows you can eyeball it as to houses  involved in the Astro charts at top...

The Daily Moon where?

Also has the positions of the Moon through Mars in thier current degrees, and respective signs...

You can also note it's *planetary ingress calendar* for the Moon and any other as to the day, and date that *they enter a new sign*!...

For the Moon simply look at the current Astro chart at the page top area here, and note which house the given sign shown from your check is in, and apply the basic Tajika rules:


1. Friendly Relationships are to planets in the 3rd, 5th, 9th. and 11th houses from the Moon or given planet you select as 1st...

Of course that friendly is not always perfect or strong as depends on the avastha type, dignities, etc...

2. Enemy Relationships are to Planets in the 4th/10th from each other, and also those in the 1st/7th from each other...

Enemy Relationships of course can just reflect that of dynamic tensions, challenges, etc between the planets areas involved...


The same are used in the Varshaphala Solar Return charts, and their D-9 Navamsa fortune in Relationships type also...

Different than Std Western Solar Returns as are more calculative for descriptive informations in them, that set what rules the chart and the person's year, plus the areas they will benefit the most from...

That's a standalone type all on it's own, of which in further the solar month charts, and solar days charts can be added to that year's chart as well...

Unlike the fixed Solar month date applying to all of a Chinese Solar year or month a very strong condensed type, that of the personal Varshaphala charts start on different dates as specifically related to the individual person's birth...

The main thrust between the two systems can be close for some, but with the Vedic aka Western Vedic being more refined of/in it's quite useful details...

On software's think only Kala takes it down to an individual's solar days as well...

*Added the main two Western Tropical Vedic learnings sites for courses, etc below in the Just Blog area*...


Just Blog:

To expand that of any daily pairs:

Use the SuperIching EZ hexagram full *expander* use SuperIching's go there scroll read the instructions and use for any dailies or tosses you wish to expand for the line stars of them...

His (Alex Chiu's) book is or was available in Kindle Reader form for only $7.50 as well, may also be in Google Books too as found most others had previously mentioned are there too for any device or pc os...

On the Yi Jing, Plum Blossum, etc one of the most convienent, concise, economical aka *very inexpensive*, and fully loaded books, definitely with that you'd need is in Kindle Reader aka Epub form: 

Yi Jing Image and Numerology Divination...

Uses the pre, before heaven trigram sequence as used in the Wwg and Qi Men...

Are cellphone app's for the plum blossum method also...

Another more expensive book by Master Huang uses a strictly the *Feng Shui trigram sequence* instead, which those using standard Feng Shui may find additionally helpful...

Not required in the speedy of Qi Men's separate Feng Shui charts and methods...

Though the Lo Shu in Qi Men is itself std Feng Shui type, but usually in advanced the XKDG is additionally used with *the Qi Men Yi Jing hexagrams*, and that too has it's own separate trigram sequences...

A good complimentary to either of those books that's also *very inexpensive* for basic Yi Jing aka Iching only  interpretations:

The Clear Cut Iching available on (c)...

[Those who want or need to track the hexagrams here using the, our chinese date can download a calendar for 2019 from the SuperIching site...

*In lieu you could also download the free fourpillars version 1.2 program from*!...

On the latter you can then privately generate your own fourpillars aka bazi birth chart as well...

Still good daily matches to pairs here, adding corrections on the fourpillars,net free 1,2 version here, etc..

That version doesn't include coordinates or timezones but not to fret as it will still provide accurate birth charts...If born in an daylight timezone hour, simply subtract one hour for the standard time and use that...

You'll only need the dates earth branch aka animal sign under the day pillar to track dates versus the hexagrams here!]...

Pairs use SuperIching shortcuts so in order used, and repeats:

t = Rat, c = Ox, y = Tiger, m = Rabbit, cn = Dragon, e = Snake, w = Horse, wa = Goat, s = Monkey, yo = Rooster, sh = Dog, and h = Pig earth branch aka sign

Same order for hours as well...

Daily Upper/Outer 8 trigrams order vis Pre aka Early Heavens sequence 1- 8:

Chen, Dui, Li, Zen, Shun, Kan, Gen,Quen (Kun) then Repeat.

If would like to purchase a Chinese Farmer's Almanac try Master Tsai's U.S.:

Personally use it and in ease is the best!...

Plus on site if you sift through it are many, many freebies as to your birth or year, and other cycle types, plus you can freely find your personal daily ten gods cycle itself too...

That's included in his Fortune Angel software as well...

Do be sure to check out Youtube (TM) for other totally free on your Chinese astrology year also, and many of the other great Bazi sites the videos of Joey Yap and many others there point to as well!...

Mention the extra as each presents those subjects in different ways and one may suit you better than another's then not all Bazi aka Fourpillars is taught or used the same in all aspects!...

If interested in learning Standard Western Horary check out the Air Software website has it all from books, softwares, and courses...
Then in WV aka Western Tropical Vedic Astrologies to include Prasna Horary:
Both have some free course materials, and one has an free entire *basic* course as well...
 Qi Men:

Removed a number of Qi Men courses from here, the interested can do their own web searches to select one for themselves if desired...

Will later add some qi men books here for that, and any can pick up quite a bit of info's on Qi  Men vis YouTube as well...Most were listed in the Dec 2021 Blog...



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