Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Solar month of the Xin Yin metal Ox.

Najia Iching dailies Mjedi


New Solar month of the Xin metal Ox...


[Note: That here through Jan 10th was transferred from that of the Geng metal Rat previously Solar month and Blog so for additional prior this and that of the previous FM pair refer to it as well!]...

1/5 Jup day of the Ren Yang water Dragon aka IX (Blk) cn date...

Upper Gen, FS #2 (Quen/Kun)...

Begin Western Wht tiger week...

Temp posted at top here as both the All Countries and Our exact Solar month pair so really only need 1 pair this time, though may add the exacts of Russia and China later on:

GT: #23 - #2 Involve #2...

Other than the transiting Moon is *in the Pisces 7th areas now*, you can use the Vedic astro Day Start chart already posted at the top for that of Our and All Countries equivalent Solar month chart also...

Moon Utarrabhadrapa nakshatra (masses, wide areas, etc) ruled by *Saturn*, Mars and Mercury for initial and overall of period...

The transiting Moon in Pisces 7th areas then, Sign Opposes that of Jupiter in the Virgo Physical areas then...

The Moon and in the 7th can signify Others, women, watery abodes, paths involving wests, northwests, popularity, left side of head, a commander of armies, foreign journies, and journies over water, a commander who attacks another commander from the behind or behind the back, business or relationship type partnerships for that of mutual benefits, masses, vehicles and transports plus the normal for 7th bhava house meanings, etc...

Venus occupying *the 12th from the 7th* indicates some will be inauspacious or lossy in some of those given activities, and areas though in other as in a woman obtaining a post would be good for them...

*Check 6th Bhava aka house meanings* to understand what can come up vis the planets there...Things *to do with the lossy* of some businesses in jobs vis reductions in the starts is already in the news, etc...

[That of Saturn's rulers mentioned still apply in very same ways, but now is in 3rd type areas also, then sign ruled by Mars carries that of the Venus and Ketu influences from the 6th type areas into the 3rd's areas as well...

The latter being the 12th from the 7th tells you some in that of relationships between those of locals or close by's in environments is not all going to be so good, possible abductions, thefts, vandalisms, accidents and other can occur in them...

Can also apply to or in other of 3rd type areas such as schools areas, news, medias, distribution networks, traffics and more as well...

That again that reinforces that of the NM pair aka the lunar month on that of Turning Points or Returns within close by areas or to your homes, etc]...

Starting out to the ill side beyond the other limits myself, so will delay before shifting that too a fresh new page, also as Our exact is within scant minutes of this date's Day Start aka All countries pair itself and initially using it as Our's, *but will track* and if matches better then will add that of previous hour and date to be Our exact pair in then!...

In a lot at times refer to the older of vedic references mainly as after thousands of years they still hold true in the matters of things and resultant experiences...Very little is opinionated as quote the exact of the texts themselves!...

One of the influences types for NE's and that of Gen type areas which may not be rcvd well by some unless they also have a sense of humor, but have to and will post just as get, and as is can apply to either or both of individuals and groups, and various of specific org's...

Per the QMDJ and as one main influence for that of NE's it's combination is of major changes and obstructions where any attempts to submit applications or documents as changes,and in the making of some types of changes, (likely various of the govt types, but *can be of any*), and some do refer to academics areas, but practically it's definitely much broader than just that and some has already taken place, anyway suggests either a lot or just some that are major, *will be met with disapproval(s) aka Obstructions*!...

Some or most are to the losses rather than gains sides in things, and in some or in at least a few cases there may be only short amounts of time to evade the negative sided effects of some disapprovals or make turn arounds in or of them...

Not like that's a news flash but does show the power of the QMDJ in streamlined to go straight to the heart of matters in that of ongoings and in terms of what will be in for the month...

Did have to alter re word some texts there, but kept the basic essence of that one influence just the same...

Once again for the NE's of the country and any if you haven't already guessed *the Dangers, etc Door is there, includes blockages and obstructings too*, and in types of transports that were already affected if not other, it does agree with that the General there takes in...Those Being that of railways, highways, roads, etc...

That of the Travels Horse aka Mobilities Star is also there as well...

Placements of the Doors differ from the pre plotted date type which is oriented to the given hour and date and not necessarily the same as the month hand constructed type used here... 

*That of the *Voids* for the Month again of the date type are those of the Li S and Kun SW's palaces also*, whereas of the date alone and of the hour types would be of the Qian NW's palace alone...

The General there not of a negative type and is an earthy normally considered auspacious type, but in Winter does lean towards the dark sided in things and matters not unlike that of the Blk color in the Wwg itself...

On that the QMDJ pinpoints you can see it in broader forms vis Our Vedic SM as that of Outer 10th events are in Gemini which has everything to do with documents, communications, networks, short journies and more...

In separate there's much of the material involved from the Venus in Aquarius 6th type areas in and for that of the Taurus 9th type areas this month also...

Than had mentioned that of Mercury and Jupiter do not operate so well within the signs they are placed, they are Sign square and by signs at hard angles to the Gemini 10th areas of which Mercury rules as well, so pretty easy to see where all sorts of snafu's or accidents could occur...

Then that of Saturn in Scorpio 3rd type areas being sign ruled by Mars in 6th which also rules the Aries 8th type areas, can further involve of state secrets in com, documents, losses, enemies, etc aside the deadly of accidents and of storms in environments, etc...

Then Saturn's nakshatra ruled by Mercury as well again has the issues previously mentioned of it, and since Saturn in 3rd areas also rules the 5th Political, etc and 6th Peacekeepings, etc areas we can experience things of state secrets, spyings, collecting of informations aside the Scorpio natural of collecting monies, then losses, conspiracies, and some other of the quite techy and or mentally bizzare in natures and types are involved of the 3rd and those areas as well...

It's vis the overall dignities and aspects of the grahas planets involved where Saturn in Scorpio's areas are concerned that sets them to incline to that of the more negative or dark sided areas in it of things...

The QMDJ does specifically mention that for the NE's vis the General there, and of Rulers areas at this time too, but so none could say I just took it from the QMDJ alone, went ahead and just layed it on out from the astro just given first...

Could have done from the QMDJ alone as a lot in their definitions is of a generic nature and used by all schools, but decided to prove a point first...

That General normally a earthy auspacious type and yet is, but in the Winter season it tends of it's influences to react and act of it's more darker scorpio related sides, and the Door type it has to work with being of inauspacious contributes and makes such possible as well...

Both of those and the Gen palace itself are also influenced by *an external outside obstructive natured stem combination type* one which has led to the current status of disagreements in that of security matters and other areas to include other separate of more natural areas and accidents in and for the starts here...

Further vis the Heaven's star influences there that of many, many different types of experts will be involved in that of Govt and Ntl affairs as well...

Feel free to add on house areas not mentioned as all can apply in any too...

Anyway just some basics of the present conditions for the NE's and Our Govt itself to which may yet add further during the month...

Takes a good while to absorb and harder to write but the more you study aka go over the Vedic chart and the Wwg pair the more sense it will make...

Haven't covered all the individual incidents manifesting, as of last month and this new one especially that as *have mentioned most of the main types of things as events which would come up already*...

Most major you see will go along with that of the already mentioned here, the transiting moon through our Solar month chart's houses of their areas and activities...

Then vis the applicable of theWwg timed pairs at the tops and of the date pairs given here, so is no need for me to list each one *as in comparings you'll see the matches yourselves*!...

1/6 Metal/Venus day of the Gui Yin water Snake aka X (Blk) e date...FS *#3*...GT: #11 - #46 Involve #54...

Moon enters Aries 8th type areas around 05:16 Hr m this date...

On that of the Gen NE's palace's Heavens Star and the many experts should be transitions in what types of professions involved of those day by day or week by week...

Some may be to do with end of year to begin of year in many of various national reports areas...

Some in current political issues including hackings and secrets areas highly emphasized, some or a lot to do with wealths, and *jobs areas*, and then many would be literary types or the quite talented in those as aides within administrations and or corporations as well of various areas, some related to agricultural areas, then some can be to do with educations areas as in teachers and staffs related to educational areas, further per the month some would also be of the artistic types in various areas to include bands and other associated an innaugeration, etc...

Anyway within all those areas some to do with proposals, theories or implementations would have met with or meet with disapprovals in their areas...

Don't know what quite to make of that as first time have seen that type of heaven's aspect in capital (NE's) sector of the QMDJ itself?...

The main concern to do with all of that and the General there is that of the Dangers, and deadly Door there which adds that and things of blockages and occlusions in to those areas!...

We've already seen it's effects for that of given transports types and travels, but very likely applies to that of careers and jobs of the very talented in or associated the Gen NE's areas as well...

Then of wealth's and jobs associated Gen areas *anywhere* itself has been the recent announcements of many jobs being lost due to closings of stores vis wealth's transitions which favor orderings from the internet instead may factor in that as well...

[Vis news found some to do with talented or of special roles in the Govt types that adds in, making more sense as to why that of experts, scholars and other important or involved people linked to the NE's or Govt areas important this month...

That due to a recent order for all politically appointed Ambassador's to exit their posts and leave the country they were assigned by Dec 20th Innaugaration day!...Same as a layoff or basic job loss situation in that which is major or noteable to Our month as well]... 

Still in other and overall something to keep an eye on for the month...

The General there is generally known to have that of a restrictings (imprisonings) type nature in the Winter periods, so some revolves around that nature in this month itself as well...

*On aircraft and or airports the Door* for that is *in the SE's* this month for events related whether of  natural, equip malfunctions, accidents, thefts or murder, or terrorist types, etc..

Todays timing for that case just spin the chart as Aries and Moon Aries was in the Overhead Physical at that time aka the deadly 8th areas of Our Solar month chart, and then of a Venus date in that of 11th groups and acquisitions (luggage, etc) areas then and of 6th daily routines, etc of Solar month chart...Then Venus conjunct with Ketu and Mars for the shock, jolt, *violent and mentally abherattional* of acts, actions where Mars ruled the Physical itself was in then!....

Was some rough in Brazil today also of the aberrational and horrifying to instill fears etc in group murders there as well...

On directions we always look first to the sector of the country that it represents, but also keep in mind that it can apply relative to that of any location on earth as well...

Other than the given of aircraft. etc aspects that Door is *in much other an auspacious type* and applies in that of business, wealths, job positions and career type areas then exacts depend on what is associated with it at a given time or frame...

Of strong influences to that sector this month it says not to make changes or critical decisions this month in those areas, as  will lead to disaster, also that it's unfavorable to travel far and accidents when commuting to from routines of work, stores, schools, homes, etc will occur as well...

The latter of that sounds very similar to that of the Turning Points and *Returns* in that of the Close by's warning given for the NM aka Our Lunar month as well, so it is good advice!...

Then one other *potential* influence suggests in that of situations related to business or wealths and of relationships in those and in general, that some things are weakening and/or disintegrating as well and in business or other that of your helpers or employees not following your policies or rules, etc in some cases...

Most given here is very valid and that of the natural in terms of weathers phenomena in this season (mild? cold) for Our Solar month enhances it for the SE's in general of it as well...

1/7 Earth/Saturn day of the Jia Yang wood Horse aka I (Grn) w date...FS #4...GT: #10 - #25 Involve #63...

Bit more on the General for the Gen NE's palace:

While it's there for the Solar month it also sets the sphere for the Innaugaration and Presidency or any new long term things started this month in NE's areas...

Had said *no matter who won the election* that of the Gen NE's that the Whitehouse and it's occupants would inherant, carry the traits of the FS #5 Star in events for the next four years at minimum...

Just the same as a birthchart type, it will be the same of the General there now as well, and as a background influence type for the next four years at mimimum also...

Were it spring or summer it's influences would be very positive, but with it in the Winter season we get the more negative of it's influences instead...Overall one of a much more stern natured type that is not too compassionate in general...

Some already noted in that of the recall or endings of some previously politically appointed ambassodors which is normal in an administration change, but on the uncompassionate side none were granted time exceptions to do with that of moving their families and household goods etc which fits with the themes of the General there this month...

Just a saying but it's also described in extremes as a type which has and can lead the starving to their deaths...

In that of groups we can include the newly activated for sessions this month of the congress itself which will share some of those same themes in that of it's actions and tenure as well...

Anyway no matter of who had won the election, that's some of the main influences for and of the Gen NE's which can play out over the next four years...

On the timing of yesterday's Florida airport attack beyond the key of an Aries overhead physical (Same Our 8th areas) at the time, the dasa aka dasha of Our Solar month was that of:

Ve/Sa for manifests *in yet today as well*!...

Separate inserted add: 

[Was day e then which happens to also be the year branch of the Gunman's birth and he was born as a Ji Yin earth Snake (e) type and to which this year s had bonded for that of the watery aka emotive sides of experiences for him]... 

Vis Ve/Sa dasa:

Some refers to our wet airs, etc stuffs weathers conditions, some is relative their house placements, and most often a given transits aspect is involved too, and then in the always something(s) of it's basic core or related to the basic dasa core meanings vis parashara:

Danger from the King, loss of happiness, critical disease, and *controversy with menials*...

On that of dasa core meanings have also found pretty much any time dangers listed within the same also applies of natural phenomena in lieu or aside the stated...

On SE's that of the QMDJ *Heavens Star influences also included things of health areas and in other of careers that of law enforcements which to some degree can include security guards, etc*...

Then of Our month all that of the Aquarius 6th areas goes with that of the body and in extensions of the physical in environments areas too, also in healths areas, mental stuff, vandals, peacekeepings and much more (Review 6th Bhava, House areas)...

NC vis USA wiki part of SE's, and last night till 6am they had an incredible number of traffics accidents per news had read...Confirmed in Ntl eve news as 260 vehicle accidents in 1 6 hr period!...

Just made point for SE's vis QMDJ that's a ton for a single state, then of states combined more north are hundred's of vehicle accidents also...

Pretty much that's what Saturn in Scorpio 3rd areas which is nak ruled by Mercury who rules Outer 10th Gemini areas, aside Mars in 6th areas ruling Scorpio 3rd itself suggests as well!...

Snow, ice greatly magnify most, but even without per the charts and pairs would have been some accidents at a lower level as and other in the close by's of areas plus specific for SE's also anyway...

Vis the astro and country wide, would be the numerous of abrupt happenings in that of disasters, accidents as additional losses or extra expenses in for the Solar month itself...For some that of bile issues of gallbladder or liver areas may also add in as well... 

In different ways and some can be same will apply to other countries also, and for individuals depends where fits your chart...

Still will be some specific unique for the SE's and then SE's of anywhere also...

1/8 Sunday day of the Yi Yin wood Goat aka II (Grn) wa date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #49 - #17 Involve #44...

Transiting Moon enters Taurus 9th type areas by 07:26 hr cn this date...

Some of the abrupt of accident, losses and aberrational mental stuff in Aquarius 6th areas should tamper down after Mars enters Our Pisces 7th in hr y of Jan 20th, though could initially be some small turbulences in the Pisces areas then in it's first few days...

1/9 Moon day of the Bing Yang fire Monkey aka III (Red) s date...FS #6...GT: #21 - #27 Involve #39...

Other info of our Solar month:

On the Qian NW's palace that holds the Restrictings and Delusions Door very Rahu like, which includes that of concealings, hidings, and much of restrictings or obstructions in wealths, leaderships, etc is supported in Winter, bringing up the sudden there and is under the White Tiger General with influences for that of hurtings, conflicts and deaths by Winds and Airs injuries and illnesses, then includes that of traffic accidents there too...

Venus in Aquarius 6th areas and 12th from Solar month's Moon position brings some gains but losses too as Ketu takes away, plus *the 6th type areas* also represents general areas of dissatisfactions and where the volatile or terrorist in some comes up, then in other where many may not want or feel to aid, nuture or comfort others in those areas, that going with the Venus conjunct Ketu aspect there...In result affects that of Our actions in Libra social 2nd and Taurus material 9th type areas that Venus rules...

Reduces abilities or effectiveness to negotiate well in things also, lookup Venus transits Ketu aspects for it's range of effects in this month...

Then Mars there adds to that in the abrupt or explosive in natural phenomena, and the volatile of some angry or mentally confused or not and the aberrational natured also of emotionally agitated types in some as well while in the plus maybe the more proficient in techy type areas also...

Moon itself today in Taurus 9th areas ruled by the Venus and Mercury placements, etc...Mercury no longer Rx now...

The Moon itself Sign Squaring that of those Aquarius 6th and Leo 12th placements and areas while also Opposing that of the Saturn in Scorpio 3rd areas for the various of events...Similar to a full Cross config in some...

Vis Our and All Countries Solar month we have the Venus/Ketu dasha in today and that of bomb threats to various Jewish community areas today well fits in it too, that may shift to that of a Su/Su dasa by the second half of hr yo today...On one side that of aspects or dashas involving Ketu or Rahu can blow a lot of smoke, but on the other those of Ketu can be quite destructive influenced by the harsh or over focused of Rahu in Leo areas also, since Ketu makes things weaken, fall apart or disappear...

Then in people also that of Ketu causes our wants, needs or desires in certain areas desensitizes, and can experience a lack of sentiments or values and appreciations in that of the aspected and bhava's areas, sometimes some develop some apathy or that of temporary depressions of them, or it weakens our wants and desires there (for any of thousands of reasons) to the point where we naturally ignore or let things of them relative to Venus's areas go in this period for US, etc that's of the 6th areas in main, what and where that is for individuals depends where the same or that of sign Aquarius fits by bhava, house life areas in your own charts...

Some may not like the extra but will where can orient some to that of individual personal sides or areas as well...

We've now covered most of the main for Our and the All Countries Solar month now, with additional extra main changes in the ahead to be made Jan 13th when the Sun enters Our Capricorn 5th areas, then Jan 20th and Innaguration day Mars enters the Pisces 7th (Under Capricorn aka Saturn and Jupiter in Virgo influences) areas, in which Mars vis Sign somewhat Opposes Jupiter in that of Physical 1st areas, and finally on Jan 27th when Saturn exits Scorpio and enters the Sag 4th type Areas joining Mercury there then...

1/10 Fire/Mars day of the Ding Yin fire Rooster aka IV (Red) yo date...FS #7 (Dui)...GT: #32 - #28 Involve #43...

That on the SE's start wasn't added until the incident came up, and then that of NW's added the 9th, other than Li S's and Kun SW's which were designated as Voids minus descriptives have problems their areas as well and from the get go that on NE's was active, will not add other unless strong matches come up of them...In general on QMDJ charts if one area is correct then they will all be correct, and if one area is wrong then they are all wrong as they in some tailor to the pretty specific...

Those as said are not US birthchart related and are specific of chinese solar month type physical for here and of this given one applies to All Countries as a Solar month Global Date Start type as well ...

That of Our Exact and All Countries Solar month starts Wwg timed pair had shown that of the Ft Lauderdale date aka day e to be that of the Inner relationships Grn 2nd all locals anywhere line Re fire star type aka R star for all meanings including Dangers then too... 

Transiting Moon enters the Solar month's Gemini 10th Outer public etc events type areas, somewhere around 08:14am hr cn this date...

Just Blog: Today a Mars day with a fiery component in that of Moon in Gemini Outer 10th public, etc affairs and events areas, and we see that of hearings on capital hill as well as of bomb blasts and other overseas, plus discussions to do with Nuclear issues also...

Mars elevates the energies of criticisms in debates and judgements and between others or opposites, plus enhances or includes that of attack tendencies in actions of that nature, while at the same time it's an energy to execute the plans, goals or visions of those in upper positions of any social work element structure high or low, and in that an energy to also to build or bring into existance new things of systems and structures themselves...

Mercury rules the Gemini areas especially the first 10 degrees so influences the transiting Moon there which itself in the Mrigisira nakshatra intelligent and friendly but ruled by Mars and Mars influenced by that in Aquarius plus Square that of *Mercury ruled Saturn* in Scorpio 3rd areas for some of the harsh with Mars also ruling the Aries 8th type areas as well...

Where Saturn rules the Leo 5th Political, etc and that of the Aquarius 6th type jobs, etc areas also...

The latter of the 8th type stuff is where we see the heated of Mars actions in that of deadly events day to day...

Adding to that Mercury also rules the Virgo physical where Jupiter's at for the large and expansive in things and then Jupiter in the Chitra nakshatra with Mars ruling it's areas there, and we see a lot of big stuff in today's Outer events as well...

In that of the Aquarius 6th type areas including routines, repairs, jobs and peacekeepings, etc Mars influenced by Venus and Ketu there has added that of destructiveness, fanned the flames of hates or tendencies towards the mentally aberrational in some and enhanced that of passions in things with also a certain lack of sentimentality for things of the 6th areas in that vis the Venus Ketu influence as well...

*Mars* being of an aggresive and actions oriented natures both Yin and Yang asides that of a Mercury in detriment also goes with things of theives, robberies and the murderous as well and has been some of that in both Aquarius and 6th type areas as well as applying to both those and things of Scorpios and Aries areas for quite some time too...That and the lack of sentiments plus the cold and calculative of the Aquarius sign has added even more deadly agressions towards that of police officers in their events as well...

In some all of the latter goes with that of the Winter marred General type for the Gen NE's areas and of any location too...

That and the natural phenomena of weathers has made for a very active but trying period but it's temporary and we will get past some of that as such soon...

In that of Our and All Countries Solar month we have the Dui W's, Zhen E's, Qian NW's and Gen NE's as main for event today though are ongoings in all of any date and by hours as well...

Other matching events:

Was in Google's new headlines areas as of hr wa or in s when checked:

What is called an intent to Rob a credit union in Alabama *see the news are other unique details*, does fit the day type, and was said to have occured in hr cn no less which goes with that of Shun SE's areas while that of Sign Gemini also represents the SE's also, and likely other of the directions may apply of it's location there or relative their capital as well...

1/11 Water/Mercury day of the Wu Yang earth Dog aka V (Yel) sh date...FS #8 (Gen)...GT: #59 - *#29* Involve #27...

Today begins a week of the Southern Red Phoenix cardinal influences type...

 We have the FM lunar period coming up around Jan 13th to add in a couple...

You can add Venus in along with Mercury's areas as in yesterdays for the Moon in Gemini's areas today...

On tosses been reluctant to do much there on any heavy duty relative the country that does not have solid dates with the times to reference or base the toss on...

In tosses actual times aren't needed but that does present the person tossing a problem, as somewhere around 50% of the time or more while the result on a good proper toss which will always be correct, is in it's results itself as *those in many cases will revolve around something else that comes up *for the person doing the toss as well*...

To people experienced in tossing they will know the results are valid anyway, but to an outsider or skeptic with no or little experience they would just write the results as pertaining to the person tossing only, which would be incorrect, but because the other is a fact too does make the results a bit argueable or questionable...

That's why not many will do tosses for that of Outside external issues in a public manner as the toss results will usually show an event or events for them too, and they don't want to present that to others...

Danger tosses are often valid as most would or should be concerned with main dangers to their environment including their country, but even in those it at times it will show something that can affect them as well...

[The only toss y/n aka true/false questions  that we can feel comfortable with in a public forum being also on a wide area like a country, are those based on some prior event that has both *a specific date and time* associated it!...

That type strategically expressed comes out much the same as any timed pair or chart type for the same date and time, but under aka relevant the question and subject itself, and will be just about that, and fortunately then have very little to do with the person doing the toss]...
One advantage that I have which likely only a very small number of other people also have, is that I can also examine them for further *verifications*, plus supplementary and additional info's when needed by generating both the Vedic and QMDJ charts for the date and times involved in any case...

Anyway that's why there's been a silence on doing major US type tosses here for awhile now, and also why have stepped up my own reviewings and uses of the Vedic astro charts here to provide extra in good valid informations on most matters and areas as well!...

Had a cutesy minor match to the Kan hexagram today as the clothes washer in a temp skit controls locked up, not much to it other than had to unplug and give it a reset to re cycle the settings but a cute minor match to that of the waters part anyway...

Had did a toss on the US it's *DNC* vs alleged Russian stuff prior, but kept my text mouth shut as were no solid date times given, was #15 - #36 Involve #40 which didn't suggest anything that harmful other than may be some ill results or negative actions taken or come up out of the matter...You can further interpret it yourselves...

Then most know that second hexagram is the one I most hate to receive, as invariably it also means that I will physically experience that of darkness of light and hurt aka pain session and of the very next day did....

Suggest you fully interpret for yourselves as knowing would affect me too, my thinking may not have been fully objective as wasn't well then, and then in the QMDJ for the time had tossed and either of the NE or NW sectors it separately had said something about those in the concealed *would be able to secretly and successfully obtain anothers informations*...

QMDJ referenced then was of the pre plotted date hour types for the date and time and not the Solar month type itself...

Were there ever any solid dates with times involved then a more certain to absolute result could be obtained, and up to now, had hesitated to even present this as didn't even save the toss, but well remembered it vis that second hexagram...Can always backtrack if need through the QMDJ pre plotted dailies as that it had said was unique to the toss date itself...

Was of a Su/Sa dasha most this date, other such as cable had glitches this date too...

Shift from Venus to Saturn's areas with Mercury for Moon in Gemini until Moon enters Cancer tomorrow... 

Sums things up for now....

FM Jan 2017:

1/12 Wood/Jup day of the Ji Yin earth Pig aka VI (Gry) h date...Upper Kan...FS #9 (Li)...GT: #39 - #63 Involve #64...

Moon enters Cancer 11th type areas around 09:17am this date ruling itself and of it's aspects with that of Jupiter also ruling it and the day of it's aspects and that all those rule also...

For some who didn't look at the Solar month chart and that of Jupiter's aspects main to this date and the Moon itself of it for pertinent or main activities, just note the Moon is in the Pushya nakshatra and is there Under Saturn's influences as we begin Our Full Moon period...

Normally a happy go lucky smooth type, but then you look at Saturn being in Our 3rd Scorpio type areas ruling the 5th and 6th's area's in that, it's anything but a totally happy go lucky day in US Outer events itself, *since there are the already discussed tensional aspects to Saturn*!...

Even with that some of Pushya's influences are felt in the background which for some makes it a day of strong contrasts and in that adds that of confusions in some matters as well...

US Exact FM pair #60 - #58 Involve #27...

Both pair posted at tops...

FM occurred while Moon was yet in Gemini Outer 10th type areas Opposing (Opposite) the Sun in Sag 4th areas then...

Sun enters Capricorn 5th areas the 13th...

Solar month dasa of individualistic still bumpy Su/Ke most today, while the full moon dasa of masses for the date  that of Me/Ju pretty decent itself...

On  that of Our FM Exact the #60 hexagram has to do with limits, limitations, ends, completions and finishes, but in general that takes in that of conservation, conservings, being conservative in the regulatings of things or one's actions, in which the latter is very good, but also of strong advisements *to be done in terms of moderation, and the moderate, *rather than extremes*!...

That involves that of Nuturences and or preferences (at any level including your personal ones) which leads to that of #58 aka Pleasings in things...

*Not a bad FM pair type in that*, though are some physical and natural phenomena areas that go with it and any period that has it's thorns as well...

Just Blog and to the more personal sides as is my blog:

Hope the Sag's didn't have it too rough the last few days and that their prior month of shine has went well, though for some could have been more burn than shine, those of the Jan 10th 1961 births, have since 1998 been under a Saturn Maha Dasa to which most have probably well adjusted by now having learned many lessons, and even made great personal and career achievements in...

That  finally changes for them to a Me aka Mercury Maha dasa in either March or May of this year which holds for the next 17 years, *which will be an overall much better and pleasant phase for them*...

Different than the Overall period of a Maha dasa is that of a persons, etc individual years, and those and even more so the year type and it's nature *depends entirely upon the exactness of their birth time itself*...

If such is within *10* - 15 minutes of actual birth then very accurately detailed year chart predictions can be made, and where greater differences exist while still some decent predictions can be made, some other as to their *years exact nature* will often be off...

Most for a given birth date *do have entirely different natured years*, varying from the average to the positive types for some, while some others face the more adverse or bumpy of types...

On unknown birth times, those can be rectified to the exact vis knowing the dates and times of somewhere between 5 - 10 of what has, had been prior major life points, events for them...

Then in that *of just a year*, that usually does change in the next one, *so it's nothing to get too hung up about*, and for those of the Jan 10 births who don't have natal aka birth Mercury in the 6th, 8th or 12th bhavas then the *Overall of their next 17 years* under a Mercury Maha dasa will be quite positive and something over any challenges *to look forward too*...

*One* I know of Jan 10 births would likely have a Venus or Mars Physical Lord type as their physical's year ruler, that's independent of the sign there itself, if it's Venus then it's a bumpy challenging year in the ahead, but if it's Mars then it will be a very strong and positive winning year type in the ahead for them...

Made it a double choice so only the individual would know for sure, and that is quite birth time dependent itself which must be within *10* - 15 minutes of the actual to be correct...

So they can judge their year from that, but even if it is that of Venus, *don't get too hung up on that of any discomforts or adversity's which come up be they financial or vis the petty of some others in social arenas or spheres in the year*, but do take care or notice of any personal health issues to have those quickly aka immediately remedied, and *bear in mind it's just the year*...

The latter on health would apply to the better off of the Mars ruled types also as likely some would have Sun in the year's 8th bhava areas which for most can be dangerous and for the very few of those that's more related to the type of work they do such as in taxes, accountings or in medical surgical type areas...Still always some dangers to even the deadly associated that of 8th type areas, so any personal health problems that come up need to immediately be addressed at the time...

As you probably gathered listed that of Sag types was mainly for one person, and then some others of the particular hour of birth as well, but would be other Sag birth types born in other locations that can have the very same year chart as well, so some will find this helpful too...

That mentioned on the Mercury Maha dasa cycles some begin or are already going through, and where their birth aka natal Mercury is in the their birth charts 6th, 8th or 12th house areas to expect adversities and other of their Mercury Maha dasa cycle *applies in the very same to any birth sign*!...

That of one's Maha dasa cycle is the big pic overview type that covers that of long duration life area experiences and activities areas that they will be involved in for the duration of that cycle itself...

Areas where one can make long term plans and changes in choosings or changings of careers, partners, residences, goals and much other...

Always better to have a plan, from which to obtain progress and success than none...

Then on personal year types that's very important guidence as to how your year goes, and aside other areas is especially useful in knowing the types of health issues one can expect in a given year, to which you can apply that of preventive measures or know to seek aide in timings when any come up...

*Even helps one to understand what their afflicted with when unusual symptoms you don't understand come up as well*...

Have found the latter *very accurate* in my own health issues and more so helpful in both that of the preventive to the proper treatments of symptoms or issues by doctors and or those which one can do for themselves as well...

A personal Varshaphala aka Solar Return Year chart is *simply invaluable in that way*!...

In alternative more streamlined but general chart types, if one doesn't know their birth time, they can still in the immediate of any time have a basic 4 Pillars aka Bazi chart done for the day, month and year of their births...

Using that: The general of their personal year and personal month type in the very streamlined can be given plus that of their or your 10 year luck cycle type can also be quickly known and examined for overview as well...

Additionally  they or you can easily track the nature of your day types and or lucks of those in the day to day as well...

Latter useful not only for knowing their or your year type, but also to know when to be a bit more wary or cautious in things aka one's daily routines and activities, by knowing *when that of their Rob wealth or Qi Sha power type *dates* come up as well...

That of the Qi Sha date types in non overboard and safe ways can also be put to use to better manage your own or others under you for that of daily routine affairs areas in your work, job or projects, etc areas as well....

Not hard to learn and *are totally reliable* of their cyclic meanings...

In the very general some also can actually go by the daily global timeds here, those of their birthdate itself as long as they keep in mind, that it may be the one of the day prior or the day after their birthday that applies the very best for their year!...

That as depends *on the date* in which the Sun of the current year Returns to the exact degree it was in when you were born!...

The latter is a something for everyone type if they or you understand that of our timed pair types here, that's as a date aka day start type very, very general at the best, but you'd definitely still find that some of the line star timings, *will strongly apply in your own personal main events for and within the year also*...

The basics to understand *the star interactions of those* which are Wwg timed types are quite similar to that given in the free online book for Wwg tosses at superiching.com...

If any are actually knowledgeable enough to construct their own lunar hexagram pairs, they could take the hour the current years Sun that aligns that of their birth Sun position in degrees, and construct their own *[Exact lunar year pair from that]*, else barring that just use the Day start pair aka GT pair listed here for that same date...

Some may think on dailies, have presented too much and is not easy to absorb, etc but that given is for versatility and your convienence, you just pick the one system out of them that you find easiest to understand and track,  then use it!...

In actual needs if any are both determined and persistent, they will over time be able to use all in near simul...

1/13 Metal/Venus day of the Yang metal Rat aka VII (Wht) t date...FS #1...GT: #23 - #4 Involve #2...

Sun enters Our Solar month's Capricorn 5th type areas around 21:08 hr h tonight...

Left most for you to add in as desired of either astro this Venus date, and or of the date star interactions of and to the pairs here, has been tons of examples on the Moon's transit areas type that you too can apply to guage main areas, activities for any date now...

Separate a bit on Our US year itself:

Normally don't say much about a country's birth chart, *but sometimes it can be helpful* for both the people of the country itself, as well as those of other nations to better understand what a country is going through, which then explains what appears to be the most unusual or not typically normal behaviors of it, to the confused outsiders as well...

Our year lord is the Moon in 4th house type areas this year, one that has made and makes for a *very turbulent type of year period itself*...

*One where separation within and amongst the US family and public itself occurs*, and in that it's one of great turbulences vis the thinkings and feelings of them on various disatisfactions, and in a lot also to do with a feeling there's also a great need for that of both *more respect and honor* in the home and in image globally that's also core within the year too...

A lot of stress within and further generating the turbulence is vis that of *the hard or inimical aspects that are formed between it and it's 1st Physical, 7th Relational, and Outer 10th Govt, etc areas*...

In the latter it's been totally natural that there has been Opposition of all types to that of the Govt and it's actions over past years, those being due to various of disatisfactions that a significant part of the american family as citizens have felt towards and about it, then differences within and between significant factions of americans themselves on that of and just what disatisfactions are involved, and of that the 4th house areas *naturally Opposing* the Outer 10th or Govt, etc areas as well...

[Most anytime a chart's year lord is in the 4th house there can be great stress and turbulence of and within it's areas, that since it auto forms the unfriendly or hard type angles to the other most main active and actions type house areas mentioned]...

Not an easy year type to get through!...

Sum up:

Did the very briefest yet very accurate year lord analysis on the one personal year type chart as well as on that of the US year's to boot...

Normally one uses at least up to 5 out of 7 different but especially named rulers areas, plus one other special position to *define all the main events of any's given year chart*...

Then by sticking with just the year lord alone one can name the very most main event(s) by life area and it's activity types that will come up for the person, etc...To keep it more private went around that by describing the nature or essesnce of the year's most main events alone vis the year lord, keeps it really brief in that, then it's always good to know about the more rare of the Maha dasa changes which cover major portions of time as well...

Those from many years in retro that look at of them are always accurate as long as you apply a little common sense to some of the representations in them...

1/14 Earth/Saturn day of the Yin metal Ox (same as month) aka VIII (Wht) c date...FS #2...GT: #11 - #19 Involve #54...

Moon enters Our Solar month's Leo 12th type areas around 12:25pm hr w this date...


Hadn't added anything further of the QMDJ as no great need to do since has had steady matches all along to the initials of the main given Palaces (Sectors)...

Only the slightest of re wordings of the areas given for main sectors covers the different events, especially of the NE's and the Ultra strong match it has been in and on that of *documents* itself...

The QMDJ wordings are so streamlined to the specific *that on any days added events for a sector or area* you have to cycle through the full set of meanings for each item in a given palace: The Palace attributes, the applying external stem combination, the General, Heaven's Star, and Door type all, to find where and how the event fits in and you then find only slight re wordings that one or two of the items represent shows the match!....

No need to go through doing and writing all that for each main matching event, and just easier to observe and correctly assume any real main events will match, and in doing that can say they have!...

Most undoubtedly on that of documents and documents of all types for or of the NE's was most main to it in this month and then some other as well...

Documents themselves run and fuel the worlds of activity in any area in this day of age, and all hackings involve informations vis documents of one type or another, a vast area in itself...Amazing just how much power in informations is contained of them....Even a website and accounts are nothing more than specialized documents type that in many instances hold records for even more documents of given informations types...

 Strange world...

With the Sun now in Our Capricorn 5th type areas we have that of the more practical and crass of structures and people in things, but not all is so crass as the upper areas of and in influences of politics and political positions fit in that too...Then in this month it represents things of the deputies at the tops of various structures, and in which there is great focus for us in this month, also it represents that of military's or the similar of org's basic to a country's needs and structures and of that the General's or CEO's that govern, regulate and run them as well...

That of 5th type areas takes in a lot more than those, but it's those of which there's a great focus in our month anyway, and is also a main part of what the QMDJ for the Gen NE's areas further reflects in that of it's General plus certain qualities of the Door there also...Some description of latter was at the Month start here, and other asides Dangers of the Si Men Door can be looked up, those too in some take in documents or records of pasts also...

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and it in Scorpio 3rd type areas takes in the investigative and exams sides of those mentioned at this time, and further by the Sun in the Uttarashadha nakshatra a lot to do with those of power and wealths in that too...

Most leaders even of various countries don't appear to match all the more positive sides of that nakshatra, but yet some few do show up in news at times of one's that maybe weren't so wealthy but had things to do with wealths areas and those in power, who themselves made great contributions to both their own countries and even the entire world in some cases as well...

Anyway it's a good nakshatra to become familiar with to better track, and understand the main happenings of the US and globally while the Sun is *in those Capricorn 5th areas* this month...

[Had forgot to mention that Our and All Countries Solar chart ruler is that of Mercury itself...In the short cut the most main events of the period being of it's areas also verifies that of the Documents from and of all types of areas and other that the QMDJ had specifically mentioned from the get go!...

[A great deal revolves around Mercury's areas in all forms and it being Sign Square with Jupiter in the Physical has went with the event types and their natures as well...

You can see it vis charts at top where it yet is in Opposition to all Gemini Outer 10th event types, and had mentioned both it and Jupiter don't behave so well vis the signs within which there placed]...

**That latter as a shortcut sums or sizes up the general nature and the main event types or areas of Our current Solar month in both that of Natural phenomena and of Man's affairs in the Ntl and Global**]!...

Has interferred with a lot in that of travels and communications areas on down to individual levels, note even the cable still having it's glitches as well...

Don't forget to focus on the hidden of Leo 12th areas where the Moon conjuncts that of Rahu there which the Sun just covered also ruling the Leo sign also...

Had left aspects to you but if you had any abrupt or disruptive aside weathers in some places thats the Moon squaring Saturn while Opposite blending the Aquarius areas of which Venus conjunct *Ketu* conjunct Mars the disruptive, destructive and also those also ruled the Moon, Rahu and then Jupiter too this date and onward yet...

1/15 Sunday of the Ren Yang water Tiger aka IX (Blk) y date...FS *#3*...GT: #10 - #61 Involve #37...

Pertains to month chart at top:

*Today mainly a lighter more recuperative, restful enjoy the pleasures type*, but still holds just down 1 level yet that of Ketu's for the Loud, Abrubt, disruptive or destructive influences type over Rahu's being *Unconstrained and Out of control* impulsive and compulsive types of areas and actions...

Still some dangers as the Moon transiting that Nakshatra is ruled by Venus (wants, desires, tastes, wet stuff, etc) conjuncts that of Ketu and Mars also in those Aquarius 6th type areas and of which hold the same Sign squares to Scorpio and Opposition/Blends to the Leo areas too...

By dates planetary only kaksha counts were are low and indicate not much strength for positively oriented type actions in them, more the other way and that of their hour types was aggravated in hours s, yo and sh late yesterday afternoon early evening and night...

That then was of the *Moon was in the Mars Kaksha*, and it of a low count type then too natural and of man also leaned to that of negative expressions and actions in those *of the Ketu oriented actions types* and areas...

Primarily influencing those of the already Rahu driven types in that of Leo 12th type areas then...

That as *Ketu was ruling both the Moon and Rahu areas* in the Leo 12th areas then...

In general the vandals types of those would be out doing that disruptive, etc or in some locations that of thefts, and even murders were also possible...

That all specifically of timing agreed *the Wwg daily timed* as the hours of s, yo and sh all further involved R star type areas and actions in for the locals of anywhere for events then, with the Vedic astro providing specific info on the types of actions the R stars areas took in and the personage types involved!...

In hr h except for that of natural phenomena that of Mars type actions in things became hindered and more tampered down where also that of the Sun aka Authority was involved too then...

In other of natural phenomena types for some locations that would have included that of traffics and dangers especially of the midwests, centers and norths where weathers conditions of wet stuff and icy types were abysmal...

Just mainly those of the Rahu driven in Leo 12th type areas active while the great bulk of people would have been in their homes and perhaps enjoying some Rahu natured entertainments or that of it in political sides or of other similar areas instead...

Posted on to show most of any main things for any location do follow that of the heavens influences at the time, and that of informations here can be a powerful aide for others when it comes to that of safeties!...

[Are time limitations and try to stay brief when lay out a daily in the ahead and so don't delineate every detail for a date and will usually just provide just the main of the transiting Moon positions themselves...Beyond just the Wwg alone...

You can expand what I write of a dates Moon transits noting also the nakshatra transited and it's ruler, aside that of the house areas and sign also, then note all the aspects and areas associated that those involve...

That and the Day ruler will give you most to do with all main activities of the date, and then the Wwg will give you the most basic of main critical timings such as R star types of manifests of R star areas that any can spot, and with which to plot that of any dangers and counters to them as needed...

More to the Wwg than that when it comes to dangers itself, but use that basic in starts as does cover the most major of dangers that come up, and then over time through persistence in use you'll come to recognize the other of different star types in a pair that may also suggest dangers of their areas as well...

Don't expect much of any political sidings or rants here though some of or on other countries may be fair game, will stay fairly independent and centered to:

Just cover that of the overhead influences or timings that are in, and that of most matters they affect only...That as a service so most can better understand the periods and that about which of influences may affect them as well...

Getting off that:  Hope they keep the [*Person of Interest*] series going, quite popular in these times relative that of the hackings and other that go on in this very computer controlled world...

Also in the very entertaining enjoyed that of the *Limitless series* as well...

In other that of *Continuum*, *Colony* and a few other series along similar sci fi lines and any of Space treks or of Time dimensions types are all great very stimulating dramas while adventurous and of those which keep you guessing, etc are highly entertaining areas too...   

1/16 Moon day of the Gui Yin water Rabbit aka X (Blk) m date...FS #4...GT: #49 - #55 Involve #44...

Moon enters Our Virgo 1st Physical areas to sign conjunct Jupiter's areas there by 19:04 hr sh this date, sign areas ruled by Mercury and Moon already in the Uttaraphalguni nakshatra then ruled by the Sun as well...

Transiting Moon in Leo enters the Uttarphalguni nakshatra around 12:48 hr w this date...While transiting there is now ruled by the Sun instead of Venus, and vis sign conjunct to Rahu, that of Ketu ruling it is still an influence as well...

Simplified: The Sun in Capricorn 5th areas and Ketu in Aquarius 6th type areas Main influences for the Leo 12th areas this date...

You can easily see the Ketu aspects in the chart we've covered all along, and then the *Sun sign trines Jupiter in Physical 1st Virgo type areas as well, and in the daily forward for a full month...

For any sign and stronger for the Leo's they may have had hidden or past matters in some things come up, and barring those that were in the adverse of weather situations or combat (politics too) areas or of depressions, may have tended to stay to the private and used that of their hidden talents within the home on some project area that consumes them in goals or time...

Then of yesterday's Venus effects relaxed, enjoyed good foods, others or entertainments areas, etc...

Home is the castle and it is one's private retreat with which we withdraw from the Outer world and keep most in matters hidden and private there...

Unlike for the US and ALL Countries month where that of the Leo in 12th areas is of a mainly negatively oriented type, and unable to produce much that is good this round, that of the Leo birthed or of Leo rising sign individuals and things in many cases would have had beneficial to great results in their own areas especially of their own hidden talents areas during this Moon in Leo phase...

Anyway is always the plus with the minus aka yang within the yin within the astro month areas as well...

All are in but is some emphasis for the W's, E's, S's and SE's *in this date* as related to Our solar month...

Globally: Brides and Outer Social, Political areas area of an Indirect Output, Performance, Intel and tecy or talented type in that of this dates things and matters anywhere...

Upper or Outer events areas in that of pleasings, etc involve that of changes or sudden jolts for main influences to the date as well...

1/17 Tuesday Fire/Mars day of the Jia Yang wood Dragon aka I (Grn) cn date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #21 - *#51* Involve #39...

Moon still in the former nakshatra, but will transit that of the Hasta nakshatra by 14:08 hr wa this date and the Moon too is the and it's Ruler there...

Mars in Aquarius 6th day type ruling the Scorpio 3rd areas while Squaring the Mercury ruled Saturn there combining and taking in things of the 4th, 8th and Outer 10th type events for happenings...

Other separate main date related:

*Mercury* in today's tends to work strong in that of Mars type basic areas within Sag 4th type areas while that of *Venus* tends to weakly work in Mercury type basic areas within the Aquarius 6th areas today as well...

An additional a toss further describes the natures of some the events in today's news as well:

#19 - #41 Involve #24 aka that Approaching involves that of Turning points or Returns which further involves and Leads to things Breaking and or *Decreasing*!...That toss was not on the US and of a personal type regarding another, *but being a first toss* primarily picked up the main for global environments itself...

One of several matches was that of under current considerations on reducing the strength of the US Dollar to allow for better export and trade revenues, etc!...


1/18 Water/Mercury day of the Yi Yin wood Snake aka II (Grn) e date...FS #6...[*GT: #32 - #34 Involve #43*]...

Brides: Direct Output, Performance, Intel, Create, etc...

Outer social, political:

Indirect Wealth type...

Inner social, political:

Direct Wealth type corrected....

Moon still in the Mercury ruled Physical of Virgo areas *this Mercury ruled day* and the Moon enters the *Chitra nakshatra* around 16:07 hr s this date,  with *the Moon then Mars ruled* while it transits there...

So that of the Ketu, Venus conjunct Mars *in 6th type areas are main*, again those further involving the Scorpio 3rd and Saturn, and other 4th, 8th and 10th areas as mentioned in yesterday's also...

Moon also sign conjuncting Jupiter big and or far stuff's in Our Physical 1st Virgo areas including all the various types of coronation preparations as has since the 16th taking in vis Merc square in Sag 4th areas and the vis sign trine from the Sun in Capricorn 5th areas also for activities relative the Physical, 4th, 5th, and 7th areas as well...

EQ's Italy started in hr e there, and go with date pair listed:

The date and hr bonded it's Wht fierce/ill/sorrows 5th high or roads Rs metal star areas forming water for P star manifests as happenings, movements or travels, lands, etc areas...Date and hour also clashed Red 2nd locals Ph water star areas which move bond destructives and sounds, etc of it's resultant By wood star areas...

Multiple EQ's that location and the initial Hour began represents it...

Hr e timed pair: [#54 - *#38* Involve #63 aka Already complete or Consume]...You can expand as desired...

Vis US SM QMDJ E's and very slightly NE's of the US with *by date and hour only of pre plotted type* NE's as the best in matching...

That agrees US and All Countries Solar month QMDJ chart also then vis involving the Si Men the Dangers, etc door with the Door same in today's date and hour pre plotted types too...Then in that was listed of NE's from Rome also...

That of the N's relative Mountains near the location they and or the news article had mentioned, fits mainly by the Heaven's Broken Army Star of date hour pre plotted type, and in Ours as the Heaven's Destructive Star type then...

Pretty easy to see how it would fit into the Virgo astro descriptions for today also...

Definitely a high energy day type across the hours for myriads of actions and spiked in hr s finally tampers down a bit hr yo on, though may tend to the more dangers sided then through hr wa tomorrow...

Didn't count or use prior, but that of the SE's, Void SW's and Centers were xtra active for this month as well, then at year level that of E's and S's anywhere were/are important too...

Also that of the SE's covered *in the Jan 6th entry*, has and further applied in today's global also vis a 16+ Million Jewels theft/robbery on isle area SE of France...Inherent in the mentioned there but the External influence to SE's also of references *state* it wasn't particularly good for wealths areas but may have meant vis losses or theft types...SE's were are in days and hours cn and e too, then airport stuff prior was on a day e also...

1/19 Wood/Jup day of the Bing Yang fire Horse aka III (Red) w date...FS #7...GT: *#59* - #20 Involve #27...

That of things Separatings, Dispersion and or things Disintegrating and falling apart or down Involves that of Nuturences (any type) which leads to Observings, contempulatings, etc...

Was a lot in natural phenomena areas yesterday including storms in the US and some likely of today's pair as well...

Begins week of the Eastern Grn Dragon cardinal areas... 

Brides: Direct Parallel Rob Wealth type...

Outer social political Direct Wealth type...

Inner social political Indirect Wealth type...

Other on that of the dangers door in the NE's also has a lot to do with blockages or obstructings and can also reflect those who leave an area as well...Then the travelings horse star there can also indicate that of jobs where people travel a lot and are not always around...

A Jupiter in Virgo areas day, and of it's aspects previously covered...

Further the Transiting Moon enters the *Venus ruled Libra 2nd areas*, around 05:21 hr m, and still in *the Mars ruled Chitra nakshatra areas* then, and by 18:40 Hr yo enters the *Rahu ruled Swati nakshatra areas*...

You can always look at the SM Vedic chart at the top to note or guage the aspects yourselves as desired...

1/20 Metal/Venus day of the Ding Yin fire Goat aka IV (Red) wa date...FS #8...GT: #39 - #8 Involve #64...

Obtructings or Difficulties Involve Unsettled matters which leads to pairs or groups coming together or to meet as in an allience or agreement...

A Break date type where the date clashes the month...

Brides: Indirect Output Performance, Intel, Create...

Outer social political: Indirect Wealth...

Inner social political: Indirect Resource...Err had been an Indirect Output type instead ...

Most same a Venus date type, and the Moon in Libra enters the Jupiter ruled Vishakha nakshatra around 21:30 hr h...

Mars entered Pisces 7th type areas today and in the Poorvabhadra nakshatra ruled by Jupiter while transiting there...

Donald J Trump is sworn in today as the 45th President of the United States...Congrats...

QMDJ Gen NE's, Qian NW's, Kun SW's, Li S's, Shun NE's, Centers...

1/21 Earth/Saturn day of the Wu Yang earth Monkey aka V (Yel) s date...FS #9...GT: #23 - #35 Involve #2...

A Saturn day so it's aspects which have already been given in the prior and that of other vis the Moon as it was yesterday until around 17:48 hr yo when the Moon enters Our Solar month's Scorpio 3rd house areas for the remainder of the date...

Moon in Scorpio 3rd areas sign trines that of Mars in Pisces 7th areas also...

That of the Transiting Moon in Our Scorpio 3rd areas is debillitated there, and *does not nuture so well* while it's in a water sign that's most concerned or oriented towards protecting itself and that of the house areas in which it resides...

Note: Where the Transiting Sun is in a chart is also an area in which separatings occur, and in that of the Solar month which is a strategic *global* type with the Sun in Capricorn *that's of 5th type areas* for the US and All Countries...

The other Graha's of planets the Sun forms aspects with become areas in which the separatings involve or are made too as well... 

Most are just of cyclic separatings where one may feel (not mandantory) too toss something of those areas out temporarily or permanently...

The Sun's basic purpose is at a main central core level to dominate, control, and regulate that of other surrounding things or parts and also to that with which it forms aspects too such as other planets, etc...

The Sun affects and as a karaka further represents one's health, vitality, growth and happiness, one's father or that of authority itself, etc...

It's also a natural area of individual focus in that of activities during the given month and where by the house involved, we try to improve that in and of it's areas for the better as well...Then that of personal growths and new directions occur in that of it's areas there and in that we decide to weed out or separate from...

The Sun in Capricorn brings us a certain measure of practicality and objectivity in making any changes especially of long term types to the life area involved and of the items of that house in which by given month it resides in....

1/22 Sunday of the Ji Yin earth Rooster aka VI (Gry) yo date...FS #1...GT: #11 - #46 Involve #54...

A Sun type day and it's main aspects are that of sign trines to the Virgo Physical and Jupiters areas there...

The transiting Moon in Scorpio 3rd areas had entered that of the Saturn ruled Anuradha nakshatra around 00:33 hr t this date so takes in that of Saturn's aspects for this date...

Moon in Scorpio 3rd areas still sign trines that of Mars in Pisces 7th areas and tomorrow also...


Since last thursday been in a rough zone myself, and don't normally delineate all event specifics in the ahead here but all main do match within that given here including the unfortunate and deadly vis weathers in Ga, Miss, and maybe other last night...

That of women's protest march was *true to the timing as the Moon was in Libra and a Jupiter ruled nakshatra* for that in starts of public Outer events then...

Thought that was pretty obvious fitting into the Virgo physical of the Solar month chart, but even clearer if you spin the chart for a Capricorn 5th house physical where that of individual expression vis the Sun and that of Self promotions and in protests 5th house goes with...That would place Jupiter in the 9th for the international aspects of it as well!...

As far as seeing it well ahead, *that can be done easily in the vedic system* as long as you know what type of event in particular, but had said from the very start this would be a hard month in terms of relationships themselves, and I do stick to mostly that of info on the daily conditions instead...

Mainly also as I'm not here to teach you that at all, *those interested should do what we all do, study and or take a course for that*...

Didn't even see a reason to do that, since the event itself had been announced well ahead, and that of it's timing for Saturday in transits alone showed the nature and details of their event!...

Couldn't have done too much beyond what lay out of dailies as have been fairly ill since last week, period...

There could be the direct of emnity in relationships for the US and the Govt in *for many months ahead yet*...

Going through that one as well and in relationships most are  to do with different issues, but some can be of the same things from different individuals also, and it comes from all angles, as a very up down coupled with that of pauses and the intermittent of flash points type, but at least knowing it's what it is, helps a bit, and appears at a much larger scope as that for the affairs of that for the US itself as well...

 Solar month dasas today Ve/Ra/Ra and Ve/Ma/Ve either way a lot to do with wet stuff, etc...

 Hope the 41st President recovers well, and all of our other living fair well also...

1/23 Moon day of the Geng Yang metal Dog aka VII (Wht) sh date...FS #2...GT: #10 - #58 Involve #44...

That of Treading carefully and being cautious, Involve those below or following those at the Tops of any or those one feels they may or must answer too, and in the sometimes Taking of risks which may lead to Pleasings...

Brides Indirect Resource type...

Outer social, political Direct Parallel Rob Wealth type...

Inner social, political Direct Resource type...

Rob wealth often comes up on dates you may normally tend to frivously or compulsively feel to spend monies on things, and also often auto comes up on dates you pay bills too, but does as the well used name suggests, means that others try to obtain wealth from you or actually rob you...

It's a reminder to be careful of your spendings and pay attention to your monies, and possessions areas then...

Can also apply in that of losses to do with accidents or natural phenomena also...

Get's much  more serious when it's at *the month* or greater levels where will be definite attempts even within your close relationships for others to obtain or try to latch on or take what is yours!...

In the last decade that includes the hackings types as well...

Moon day same as yesterday until around 03:26 hr y when enters the Mercury ruled Jyestha nakshatra, more closely conjuncts that of Saturn in Scorpio there taking in it's aspects as well, while yet sign trining the Mars in Pisces 7th areas too...

Mercury in Sag 4th areas sign squares Physical Virgo and Jupiter areas and also sign squares Mars in Pisces 7th areas...  

Most matches are of events quite obvious in daily news areas, so not listing much of any here presently...

On that of the tornadoes in Ga on the 22nd those occured in hr y which was the danger star of the date pair then, and it also showed things of the skies bonding to that of groups, the destructive and windy in the Physical of that pair also...Why there posted and left for agencies or services, etc to expand and use with the active pairs at the page top also!...

Adding a toss for the main of things for the US and in Global this date:

#18 - #46 Involve #54...

Things of Rot, Decay, Corruptions in begins, and or Disruption 3 days before and after Involve that of Brides which leads to that of Riseing or Ascendings, etc...

Are other names you can add, interesting as have never recieved this pair before...

Has a Physical Grn 3rd regional or middles Ryo metal star areas which may link to Object's Gry 6th Tops, Skies or Far aways healthy but void, mal By wood star areas... 

Also interesting is Mercury in Sag 4th areas on this date is in the 1st pada of Purvashadha also refers to *grabbers of other's wealth* as one timing for it too...


Likely a few more but one other alternative name for #18 is that of: Repairing the damages, however that distinct aka unique 1st Pada meaning does clarify the nature of some event types that would be associated it when tossed and applying to both US and Global areas in this case...

A toss is a physical, etc action so checked and found that of the Gemini sign ruled by Mercury was the physical then, and checked the finer unit of the pada for that moment...That at the fine level further describes what Mercury was additionally taking in for areas and actions then...

Tosses have and represent the past, present and future of their subject areas aka that asked of, as well as covering that of the masses and that of large areas in the process, and the question being an open ended type shows the general of what was and is in at the time for those...

Usually do get pretty good results and the astro backed up it's nature so it's worth your time to note and track it for a while as far as matches...That of the tax scams in Ntl eve news is one type, and can be many other individual types as well...

Also as any toss or given set of astro conditions they will further be reflective of natural phenomena situations and events as well...

1/24 Fire/Mars day of the Xin Yin metal Pig aka VIII (Wht) h date...FS *#3*...GT: #49 - #31 Involve #44...

You can look up the names and add that aside the natural type changes are often made between persons or groups of cross purposes...

In natural cycles one extinguishes the fire of the other and at other the fire evaporates the water, back and forth...In people the emotives to do with given issues or matters...

Brides: Direct Output Performance, Intel, etc...

Outer social, political, etc:  Indirect Parallel Ally, Sibling, etc...

Inner social, political, etc:   Direct Output Performance, Intel, etc...

Day Ruler Mars sign trines Saturn in Scorpio 3rd areas and carries his sign opposition to Jup in Virgo 1st areas and sign square to Mercury and the Moon today in Sag 4th areas...In that Mars also ruling the Aries 8th type areas for events as well...

The Transiting Moon enters *Our Sag 4th areas* to sign conjunct Mercury there, and the Moon also begins transiting the Ketu ruled Mula (Moola) nakshatra at the same time around 06:03 hr m this date...

Mula is a rather destructive and even or sometimes windy nakshatra and Ketu it's ruler has a detached destructive nature and goes with that which disappears or falls apart all influencing the Moon there...Mercury's traits blend with it, and the overall is ruled by Jupiter in Our Virgo physical areas...

Will chop it there with the Moon's main focus on the Sag 4th, and Virgo 1st areas, but as far as events takes in 6 other house areas itself, additionally to that the Sun takes in for the date also...

The Solar month's main dasa remains that of Ve/Ra/Ra for the US and All Countries through hr y this date afterwards changing to Ve/Ra/Ju areas...

Basically to do with that of Dangers both natural and man made ones and/or of relationships types, and in other a lot to do with fears areas which drives actions or preventative aka counter actions in things or issues...Under Venus some to do with that of the material, material wants and self worths, foods and comforts, values, the wet stuffs, cultural, diplomatic, trades areas and much other....

On the Mula Nak and Ketu stuff as well as that given on Mars aspects most all matched between the NE's, and on Ntl eve news some of the *Ketu quick and sudden stuff* in some near deadly and one deadly incident, plus lowered scaled but still significant of winds and power outages, etc...

On other of executive orders and other associated or global areas so far have also been generally matching vis Astro and Wwg quite well...

In hr y Sunday Ketu was in Overhead Aquarius 4th type areas for the South Georgia tornadoes in hr y then, and the dasa's looked appropriate for other hours of both the 21st and 22nd but the Wwg is usually the easier vis R stars for specific hours yet!...

Probably will downsize some of the daily astro let you expand for a while, but definitely will still expand myself at times...

1/25 Water/Merc day of the Ren Yang water Rat aka IX (Blk) t date...FS #4...GT: #21 - #38 Involve #39...

Biting through Involves that of Difficulties, barriers or obstructings which leads to that of Taking risks and or Quarrels areas...

Brides: Direct Parallel Bad allies or Rob wealth type...

Outer social, political, etc Direct Resource type...

Inner social, political, etc Direct Power Officer type...

A Mercury day where Mercury yet rules that of Saturn's transit in Our Scorpio 3rd areas while sign squaring that of Jupiter in Virgo 1st areas and Mars in Pisces 7th areas...

Transiting Moon yet in Jupiter ruled Sag enters the Venus ruled Purvashadha nakshatra sign and nak conjuncting Mercury there around 08:16 hr cn this date...Leave nakshatra lookup and aspects plus areas Jup and Venus take in to you...

Aspects can be visualized vis the Vedic chart top page the current positions for today's has:

Merc in Sag 4th areas, Moon in Sag 4th areas then hr s Moon shifts to Cap 5th areas, Jup in Virgo 1st areas, Mars in Pisces 7th areas, Saturn in Scorpio 3rd areas, etc....

Dasa changes to Ve/Ra/Sa areas around 13:03 hr wa this date...

A Merc day (felt like fire to me) and had gotten busy on something called an hd streaming unit for other devices today and forgot to take pain med on time, the back definitely didn't like that a bit, and fired up from not much more than just standing and the not very flexible of slight turns it doesn't like which lock it, bringing my project to a total halt for today anyway...

Back fireings disorient me entirely, even the focus of my thinkings on most anything included at the time when does that, as my entire equilibrium (balence) goes out of whack as well, then have enough difficulties as it is in the first place...

Wife had wanted something that all her friends have was why working with a Magnovox streaming unit that had bought way back had laying around...

*Had a big mental block on the whole subject for several days*, as these days most that I focus on is the arts and systems used here, so do tend to forget things of some elec tech type areas, but finally remembered had used it's usb portion with a Blu Ray unit several years back and that in conjunction with the wifi and an internet movies channel called Vudu back then to stream them to a small sized smart TV...

Blu ray was cabled to TV and the USB in adaptor on the Blu ray picked up the wifi to couple through the Blu ray unit to the TV...One used the TV remote's setup to program the Wifi USB type itself...Wild but worked...

Even here on the Astro stick to basics only as after a 2 to near 3 year lapse, had forgotten a lot of the more advanced as well, so even in that still reviewing...Memory is a very funny thing and gets even more skitzy when you have health issues to boot!...

Several matches didn't observe too closely, but that of stocks *a type of taking risks* broke Dow's former 20,000 barrier limit today, then on Ntl eve news that of a high up scaffoldings unit presented dangers when one side slipped or broke on it, caves, holes or deep sinkholes a scorpio type item area, unmentioned was that of the Greenpeace protest stunt with a Msg on a high crane unit in DC this am...

Most refelected that of Merc and Saturn's, etc stuff quite well as did discussions on torture methods, building walls in a lot to do with the homeland itself, plus in the far some to do with NK also, most fitting the hexagram names and stars, even by hourly timings in the greenpeace case...Matched R officials, men and dangers stars in most pairs asides the date's pair today...Venus of values, discriminations, tastes and more including that of Mary Tyler Moore's passing a person and personage that many admired and will miss in news today, she was born of a Rat (t) year of today's branch also and of personal gua FS #1 a very nuturing or kind type as well...

So no problem with matches...

1/26 Wood/Jup day of the Gui Yin water Ox day aka X (Blk) c date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #32 - #40 Involve #43...

Begins the Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal areas week...

Brides: Indirect Power Qi Sha type...

Outer social, political, etc: Indirect Resource Assist type...

Inner social, political, etc: Indirect Power Qi Sha type...

Moon in Sag 4th areas enters the Sun ruled Uttarashadha nakshatra around 10:02am hr e this date...

Moon later enters the Capricorn 5th areas around 16:24 hr s this date sign conjuncting the Sun there...

You can look up nakshatra definitions, and add the Jup, Moon and Sun aspects as desired or needed...

The New Moon will be tomorrow Friday Jan 27th late evening early night here, and marks the begin of the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Ding fire Rooster for 2017 here and in simul of calendar date Jan 28th in China morning there...

More work to add what will be the separate of Far easts day starts and China exact pair in that since falls on different calendar and animal element sign date...May slow the Astro part by a day until get too it, but will just add that later...

Also although for Lunar it will be the Year of the Fire Rooster then, we use a Solar-Lunar version of Lunar hexagram pair type here, so those will still be reflecting the Solar Year of the Yang Fire Monkey up until the start of the first month of their Spring aka the Solar Yin Fire Rooster Year itself around Feb 4th...

The Solar-Lunar type is more accurate, and is a  timed version that's similar to a toss which also uses the Solar year itself...

[Note: Saturn entered Sag 4th type areas homes, etc to transit the *Ketu* ruled nakshatra of Mula this date at around 09:01 am hr e this date]...

Had something of long durations aka cycles occur in hr y, that of B star destructive or robbers by today's pair, and on the property last night heard someone walking very close to the br window area, was in bed so quickly shined a light there and they beat feet to a waiting car on the roadway and left the area....

Occured in Hr y starts itself, and the initial Overhead in transits then had *Ketu* sign conjunct Venus in that of *Aquarius* 4th (homes, etc) type areas!...

The Moon with slicky Mercury in sign detriment and malefic was in Sag 2nd Material wants, etc areas then, with Moon also ruled by the quite material of Venus then...Possibly something of 9th house connections also, since Moon ruled the Cancer 9th type areas then...

Mars in Pisces 5th type areas ruling the Aries 6th areas which includes Vandals, thiefs, etc, and the Scorpio Physical of Saturn's areas in ends that it sign trined...Not all of trines represent positives as we've seen of the month...

Outer events in Leo 10th areas included the Rahu minded or natured with the Sun in Capricorn 3rd areas environments and close by's further ruling those...

Leave as that for a basic pic for now, to work on later as have Our NM aka Chinese lunar new year stuff to get some done on by tonight...

Some there will keep me busy for awhile the chart just crystalizes the types which would be involved even of jobs schedules and a lot more you couldn't even imagine...Won't post other until all resolves should there be a replay...House already has good alarm system for when I'm not here...

Just makes me regret that didn't call the police around a year and half back when one wise ass came on the porch trying to pear in where and when then had a playstation, was at the time when I couldn't move at all and anything other than sitting in one place and the pc was hard and near impossible for me to do a thing else as couldn't even stand let alone move around, but definitely recognized the individual so don't push it!...


Will leave the Vandel chart just as that and not add a thing would be unethical unless a private class situation, intruders on property are that and Ketu is a destructive type and what that chart in the most basic showed for the time, leaving a lot of the extra details out...

Our Solar month chart too, also had supported that of vandelism in the undesired types of activities within it as well...

Does make other points for the NM of 27th of that to do with neighboring signs...That as prior to it, Venus was in Aquarius, and Mars in the neighboring sign of Pisces...

When two planets fit those placements, and if there's 10 or less degrees of separation (was) they still apply conjunct just as if sign conjunct aka a mix of characteristics and traits occur...Any conjunct can be said to be a bit frictional or bumpy in that type of aspect and is referred to as a malefic type...

May be exceptions but the initial results if not outcomes are often more to the negative than the plus in those...

Venus though in 27th's NM does has some edge in that, *as it's exalted in Pisces*...

[Anyway of influences in the prior, you were still seeing certain events all along in recents that definitely took in that of heated passions between sides of an issue or matter...That even after Mars had entered the Pisces 7th areas on the 20th, and that being due to the less than 10 degree orb between Venus and Mars]... 

NM and lunar month aka The Chinese New Year start itself...

Jan 27 2017 Metal/Venus day of the Jia Yang wood Tiger aka I (Grn) y date...FS #6...GT: #2 - #23 Involve #2 areas...

That's Our and All Countries Day start in the Global pair and the *Day Start* for Our Chinese Lunar new year itself...

Including the actual purely lunar pair also which in Day starts alone just may apply in some, but of pasts when proceeded using them in following months they just don't hold as crisp or sharply for Outer events matchings that well, having no Solar components to them!...

That's #21 - #51 Involve #39 areas...It's of yet Monkey year as that of each countries lunar new year starts with that of their Exact NM timing and not vis the Day start itself...

Will later follow with another for Day Start Jan 28th for those of the farther East's and especially the Far Easts including China plus it's exact for their chinese new year also...

On that of Exacts they occur simultaneosly in Celestial (Heaven's) timing so in Jan 28th there it's yet the 27th here!...

Those types are used as a Lunar forecast for the entire year and mainly for that of the masses as a family unit across wide areas, and the natural phenomena of it, here we normally use a version that includes the years solar component in the lunar as a norm (same as a birth type) which for Outer events has always been more accurate across the given year itself...

[Ok in checks that which have posted for the Jan 27th AC Day Starts will be the Same for China and the Far Easts on their Jan 28th too!...

The only difference is the number of lunar days to the month, and instead of it being day y as posted for here, it will be day m there!...

Means use the very same Day Start pairs as Ours of the 27th and for that of their 28th Far Easts using Day m (Rabbit) and FS #7 there instead]...

US Exact NM and Chinese Lunar New Year Start:

#2 - #16 Involve #2 areas...

China and Far Easts Exact NM and Chinese Lunar New Year Start:

#19 - #54 Involve #24 areas...

Don't get carried away of Our #16 Outcomes hexagram as it can mean that of enthusiams but in that of *Strong passions* of both positive or negative venues at times likely through out the entire year beyond just this month...

Added Year yo (Rooster) *for the Exacts* and in forward of the New *Lunar Year* now and those pairs are posted at page top area...

Technically they still do run under year of the Monkey as used the Solar component type but that changes next month anyway so we will go with it at this time...

If add the *pure lunar for those exacts* then year yo would be 100% correct of them, but may also have to change the lunar month to that of the Tiger too, and need to research that first, will just add the pair numbers alone textually for now as normally not used here...

Info and text only, not posting images on these, expand if and as desired...

Exact NM aka CNY vis Pure Lunar pairs:

Jan 27th US Pure Lunar Exact *#62 - #31 Involve #28 areas*...

In Simul 

Jan 28th China Pure Lunar Exact *#34 - #43 Involve #43 areas*...
You can use month y as true lunar run differently on those but I tend to see them as nearly psuedo or false types, the following below [ ] already confirmed the NM Exact solar-lunar used here...

You see how their and Far East's day starts follow ours in starts and will be that way on dailies the rest of this period also...

Date ruler: Venus enters Our Pisces 7th areas around 09:48 Hr e in yet the Jupiter ruled Poorvabhadra nakshatra this date...

[Most can instantly see that Venus there Conjuncts Mars *for that of passions in some of those areas*, and in other they aspect, which affirms Our NM Exact of the Solar-Lunar pair timed type posted at the top and that we use in the norm here]...

Their mix might initially be a fairly bumpy type as *until the 31st* even though they are in same sign Pisces 7th type areas, both are transiting different nakshatras (lunar mansions) so under different rulers also...

Pisces aside Oceans, petro's, oils, chemicals and more also takes in films, paintings, images, movies, medias, healing areas, medicines, drugs, etc, etc...

Moon in Capricorn 5th areas enters the Moon ruled Sravanna nakshatra around 11:27 hr w to later exactly conjunct the Sun (NM) there as well... 

Solar Month Dasa this date Ve/Ra/Me...


The NM and CNY is of a Leo Physical type, so mainly involves and affects that of [*the 12th bhava/house areas* in Our Solar month itself]!...

Then NM itself in Capricorn 6th type areas which involve, affect that of Our Solar month's 5th type areas...

Also in Solar month besides conjuncts it's main aspects have the NM in Capricorn 5th areas sign trining that of Jupiter in the Virgo physical 1st areas...

Then that of Venus conjunct Mars in Pisces 7th areas Opposes Jupiter in Virgo physical 1st areas, and then Saturn is sign conjunct Mercury in Sag 4th areas and sign squares both the Venus and Mars in Pisces 7th areas plus that of Jupiter in physical 1st areas...

1/28 Earth/Saturn day of the Yi Yin wood Rabbit aka II (Grn) m date...FS #7...GT: #2 - #24 Involve #2 areas...

Saturn day type see the 27th's aspects...

Moon in Saturn ruled Capricorn 5th areas, enters the Mars ruled Dhanistha nakshatra around 12:09pm hr w this date...

QMDJ all directions are in for any date including the 4 main ones by given month and all other vis the 12 hour by sign or chinese element sign intervals in a date...

Don't mention QMDJ much as the results are of a fixed nature and once you put out the info's that's stays pretty fixed for the month as well, most has held so good in that aspect and then it's very good for Y/N aka True/False question types themselves too...

Anyway still within all, are the QMDJ's additional directions of the lessor numbered as a few but more hidden of heaven's influences core to a given date also...

Those are simply that of QMDJ trigram traits, areas and attributes, And/Or including that of the trigram's sector directions for the date:

That of the trigram areas and attributes correspond to the main, in actions and events areas, plus the given of main subjects and topics that come up of happenings and news of the date...

Today those are of the Dui (West's) and Kan (North's) trigram areas...In astro Saturn (West's) and then of the Mars ruled *Danestha nakshatra itself* for (North's)...

Those often are the basic of hidden but running undercurrents in things, and you can further add the Zen (Easts) by today's Yi (II) wood stem in as well...

Other always associate those, but they are the main of the hidden core type used in QMDJ for this date and are also peculiar or unique to the particular chart method I use for Our Solar month here...

Those are good to know for the more hidden of undercurrents in things and areas in for a date, and are viewed strictly from that of *the trigram areas themselves* minus having that of the Chart itself...

Today's is mainly in that of Pleasings and in that of Family or Close ties (All levels and types) in the positive, or in the minus that of watery and abyss natured types in some (political and other) also...Those being anywhere from that at individual on up to the global of relationship types...

You could add in other of the trigram's traits and attributes as well...

Just Blog:

Had a tecy sort over and he set up with separate adaptor that for the wife's cell and thai youtube channels, but argued with me a bit on what I'd did before, not realizing that I had a Samsung flash usb lan adaptor which is what was used with the Samsung Blu Ray player for Vudu, etc off the internet...

Was back in late 2010 or very early 2011 when used, and didn't even have a Samsung (R) tv then, just a smaller Auvio smart tv got at px or radio shack, which connected the Blu Ray player too, and all the above worked just great...

Was a Semi smart small flat screen type as it didn't include a smart hub itself, except later vis the USB type through the Blu Ray disc player itself...

TV was semi smart as had the xtra of composite, then component s video and pc rgb, plus hdmi of video input connectors to it, plus an additional usb type for servicings purposes as well...

One just connected the Blu Ray player's Video and Audio outputs to it vis the appropriate video/audio cabling of choice...The smart hub was all a function of the Blu Ray player and the USB for it, and initially programmed through the Player's remote control...

He however had seen the Magnavox box thinking just used that so was his issue, but is funny *as it will work with any smart tv type*, and this time will use it and an hdmi connection from it direct to my tv instead...

Sometimes they call the USB Lan a USB link stick or dongle for using it with the Samsung Blu Ray player  or the alternate of the Magnavox HD Streamer unit (R) both are Wireless, there are numerous How To videos on youtube (R) to guide any through that...

If using newer greater than 1080p screen types that most have, then you may need newer adaptor versions but their probably out there some place...

Note: Newer Smart TV's may not need those at all, *check first by doing a smart hub setup and then you'll know*...

That as I hadn't used that of the USB type which is all it really is since moved back in *2013*...Had just used the Blu Ray for it's and normal cd type movies, non internet alone here, but not even that for about the last couple of years...

Then you get software updates aka installs for them online direct from the TV manufacturer such as Samsung, Sony, etc and usually through the tv itself, once it's able to connect to the internet, but for USB types one can update from the Mfr's website  through a pc as well...

Anyway on the newer TV I'm using now got in 2013, and hadn't set up or used it's smart hub prior, but today in doing found didn't need to add any of that xtra hardware for it this time...

Just did the Smart Hub setup on the TV only, and then was able to connect to the internet through the existing WiFi vis the TV alone, so only those who found they couldn't connect to their WiFi  vis their Smart hub setup, would need that or other similar xtra hardware...

Apparently the newer tv's have more eeprom, nvram or a simular flash or non volitile memory types, so those don't or may not need an xtra usb stick for the software and software updates these days...

Unlike on wife's tv other fella setup an extra internet connection for it vis another device, her tv's smart hub worked great from the get go, mine however was lacking and of an incomplete smart hub in start which then became kinda a long process the first time *as couldn't get any connection to the internet period*, so had to do the xtra of a smart hub reset...

That to vis the Mfr's software rebuild the Smart Hub itself...

Latter clears it's memory like erasing a USB and in the simular probably about or exactly what that is, and then after that used Update SW (software) and could then connect to the net  to the Mfr for that purpose...

Had to wait good while for the initial update, and then once it's done downloading, then another hour or two after that for the complete main update to be applied aka install itself as a smart hub itself as well...

In that it puts all the basic smart app's (pgm's) on the screen that you'd want to try or use later like youtube, vudu, amazon, and others plus always leave open for more app's, that you can, could add yourself later too...

When done for the first round ran Vudu and worked fine...

Have a thing about keeping and doing some things separate...

1/29 Sunday Sun day of the Bing Yang fire Dragon aka III (Red) cn date...FS #8...GT: #2 - #7 Involve #2 areas...

Sun day type see the 27th's aspects...

Moon enters the Saturn ruled sign of Aquarius 6th areas to sign conjunct Ketu there, and enters the Rahu ruled Satabisha nakshatra around 12:33pm hr w this date...

Ketu in plus when works out that way of it's ability to eradicate, terminate or eliminate traits is very positive representing Doctors and Medical areas and it's traits relative diseases or injuries, etc...

Date Matches:

Easy to see events of protests in airports and other vis today's pair that of Yel 2nd Pe fire star changes in leaderships, orders or instructions somewhat involving documents of travels types and transports in locals anywhwhere of materialistic in values and fiery natures produce that of date strong shook groups of Bcn earth star areas which then bond to that of Blk 6th Kyo stars the showy of in the far aways and skies things of politics, protests, freedoms, and security, etc types emphasized for the date...Other that go with those stars also then an Oppositional in terms of Inner Officials, Judges and also of dangers in relationships vis the Gry 3rd Rm wood star areas, entailing other as well...

Skipping but in details that of the Wwg pair and of events is fully backed by the Astro transiting Moon was also ruled by Rahu today, and a dasa of Ve/Ra/Ve, the passions Ve conjunct Mars (frustrated and angry people in various areas and issues) mentioned in NM 27th and of Our Exact lunar month pair for outcomes, and then more if need to know or interested, when you expand or have someone do that for you in the given of the Astro areas for this date, etc...

While were moved by actions and events it's good to keep still or our calm within, to retain the Objectivity needed to deal with each area in the most correct and de polarizing of ways might temporarily be good path for observers to follow at moment...

Vis Month's QMDJ hidden core primarily of Li, Zen and Shun trigrams areas, and if you combine their representations you'll find most covered of the date fall directly within them, that of Shun's areas additionally in Officials gave importance to that of Judges as well...

1/30 Moon day of the Ding Yin fire Snake aka IV (Red) e date...FS #9...GT: #11 - #19 Involve #54 areas...

Moon day type as below:

Moon in Aquarius 6th areas, enters the Jupiter ruled PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra around 12:34pm hr w this date...

Vis Month's QMDJ that of Gen, Qian (Chen), and Shun trigrams will represent the main or a lot in that of it's events or in things also...Adding by Moon's nakshatra that of the Dui trigram areas also..You can combine and string together all their traits meanings in various combinations (ways) which will cover the basis of and all main actions and activities across the date...


That of the murderous attack on a Canadian Mosque Sunday night was the destructive part of changes yesterday, and of news in today vis a diminishings or destructive change line type...

The latter was *in today's case used positively* to decrease physical losses in small business type areas vis a new executive order by President Trump today...

That to cut down on that of small business hinderences in regulations, date clashes involves the Blk 5th Rulers Gh water star for the intelligent and creative in wealths, goods, taxes, investments, etc star areas to bound/bond and strengthen the Yel 2nd Locals Ry wood star areas of business owners, business, control of wealths which in turn supports that of it's hidden Pe fire star areas through documents and of which new companies can be created, formed...

That of the pair names #11 Prosperity Involves #54 the Brides which leads to #19 that Approaching or arriving as an extension of influences that protect things (that of small businesses) in this case...

The Purvabhadrapada nakshatra represents Wests (so add's Dui trigrams in for today's also) has some lower scrappy types fiesty nature at times, but in higher sides of purpose that which is good for all is it's basis, and it is ruled by Jupiter (storer of treasures) for expansions and goes with the N's and NE's also, it being in a builders nakshatra type good also...

Was a yin side which came out in Ntl eve news and fits as Moon in Aquarius 6th areas includes thieves and takes in Ketu's destructive sides in some also, had to do with the many of calls bombarding others where some seek a verbal response by asking a question...Currently a Yes response as they record your voice...Apparently already having other of your personal information they use that to use your credit card, etc...
New rule either don't answer if you don't know the number and if you do hang up on any question asked...

That per the said as that in Ntl news this eve, sounds like good advice but a shame things have come to that...

1/31 Fire/Mars day of the Wu Yang earth Horse aka V (Yel) w date...FS #1 (Kan)...GT: #10 - #61 Involve #37 areas...

QMDJ: *Kun, Li, Shun*, and Kan by Moon's nakshatra, their attributes, traits, and or directions apply in separate or combo to things and matters of event main to the date...

Just some extra tidbit info that taoists or feng shui types use:

That of the FS #1 aside representing Kan type areas is also a Nobilities and minor wealths star type, and in centers today makes it a good place to situate one's self for that of relaxings and or to meditate or pray and ask for that of assistances in...In the year it's been in the SE sectors and is used as an additional wealth's water star placement beside that of the FS #8 star location in the SW sector areas...

Today's Mars day and Transiting Moon:

 Enters Our spicy Pisces 7th areas around 6:22am hr m this date, then at around 12:15pm Hr w enters the *Saturn* ruled Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra strongly conjuncting that of both Venus and *Mars* areas which are conjunct aka eclipsing there as well...Saturn bringing some of constraint or restraints to their areas of it's placement in Our Sag 4th type areas, if not other as well...

Mars ruling sign opposes that of Jupiter in physical 1st Virgo areas, while also sign squares that of Saturn and Mercury in Sag 4th areas, and applying of it from the Pisces 7th areas to that of actions in areas of the Scorpio 3rd and Aries 8th type areas also today...

Haven't said much about Saturn in 4th Sag areas as not particularly good there, brings sorrows or griefs there, but would also seek or tend to cut down on some types of chaos, and bring some sorts of regulatings to those areas over it's long sojourn in Sag's areas of up to it's basic 2 and one half years duration in a given sign...

More complicated or stressed at this given time, *since Saturn ruling the Moon today also sign squares* that of the Jupiter in Virgo areas as well as that of the Venus conjunct Mars aspect in Our Pisces 7th areas which today takes in the Moon there too...

A lot concerning that of immigration and travels areas also relates to the Pisces 7th type areas too, as that house also includes the foreign of in travels in that of personal relationships or biz partnerships and things of trades areas also, those aside the separate far or exploratory ranged of the 9th type areas themselves...

That of the 7th areas also includes that of legalities or legal matters associated those areas as well, and the same as far as regulating the 3rd house areas of commerce, contracts and agreements areas also...

Vis the Venus, Mars placements and conjunct states there most issues that involve the strong of passions stem from those 7th type areas at this time...

Same as *what Our Exact* NM CNY and Lunar month (as a chinese lunar new year type indicates) as in for the entire year too!...Always strongest in it's initials, but again does apply across the entire year as well...

It being for forecasts at the masses aka human family levels (popular and celebrated in that use), and also for that of large areas, the agricultural aka seasonal conditions, and in terms of the natural phenomena types that can be expected in one's environment for the year as well...

That as opposed to the more fixed of the around Feb 4th new solar year type itself which is more oriented towards that at individual and also leaderships levels in expressions through actions as trends for activity's types unique to the given year, and it too including that of natural phenomena and cycles that are more related to the Sun itself...

Here in terms of hexagram pairs we always keep that of a solar component within the lunar structure of them, so we will always get what are the more accurate for representations of the Outer events themselves, which beyond the year are accurate for that in any month or day of the given year also...

Here using the najia timed aka Wwg styled type of timed hexagram pairs gives us accurate representations of what is in at the main only for both global and country levels and of which further extend downwards to that of any local area and to that of individuals as well...

In the simplest that of the forecasts can be done by any and *is simply that of their hexagram names* which represent the main types of situations that come up for their period, to which one adds the trigrams in for areas, and then the stars for same in types and to better understand the nature of the suggested situations as well as the timings for given activities and events within them, about sizes that up...

Ok back on current Saturn in Sag areas and in the health's spectrums: Mainly to do with *the Chests areas and that of the legs, especially the knee joints areas are in* with much else of other covered by it's aspects, then in fuller scope that of other planetary placements and also that of the given nakshatra's and or padas they occupy at any time, then you yet have up to the deadly from that of the 3rd, 6th, *8th*, and 12th bhava house type areas, and all being of Our Solar month chart at the top as well...

All in all that's a bit too much or extensive to list out here...

Matches: Pretty much any way you go on any date of the present overhead aspects...That of political and lawsuits, then Mars squaring Saturn today affected the Capricorn 5th and Aquarius 6th areas also to includes accidents and unfortunate of a  Mil helicopter that crashed...Mars ruling the deadly Aries 8th areas doubled it up for that type of result there and maybe in some other as well...

Both areas to do with the stuck in gateways, etc areas of today's pair Pw fire star changes areas...At least not too bad for the greatest bulk though...

On that of 4th line decisions, gateways and other that of earth stars in alt always represent the tomb as well, so the bond back to the Pw star in transports and other areas, vis changes transformed to earth aka the tomb or tomb like and for B star manifests...Then in some cases since was on the Outer 4th line would indicate things relatively high above the ground as well...

Doesn't always happen, except this date's astro conditions showed that accidents and the deadly of 8th type areas were in also...

That of the changes line was active the entire date but strongest in hr's e and w late morning through lunch...

11am had been listed but if occured hr e than prior would have been additive to the change line...Hr e same the Pe fire stars for transports, and other and would have bonded a weak damaged or mal Grn 5th *Disappeared Ks metal star*...

Would have formed Water for G star Objects, etc manifests and since Ks was of weak, mal state that formed would be the same, applies of many other things too, but would have added to the ongoing for the date changeline changes also...

Both B and K stars can go with the Mil and Mil types so either or both work, the B additionally of sound, loud noise or destructives as well...

2/1 Water/Mercury day of the Ji Yin earth Goat aka VI (Gry) wa date...FS #2...GT: #49 - #55 Involve #44 areas...

QMDJ: Zhen and Kan areas...

A Mercury day it sign conjuncted by Saturn in Sag 4th areas and they squaring that of Jupiter in physical 1st areas as well as that of the Moon, Venus and Mars in Pisces 7th type areas...It applying of that to things in and of the Gemini 10th Outer events areas as well...

Transiting Moon in Jupiter ruled Pisces 7th areas enters that of the Mercury ruled Revatti nakshatra (Easts) around 11:37am Hr w this date taking in that given of Mercury into it's areas within the Pisces 7th type today...

News had that of Delaware Prison(s) locked down between 10:30 - 11:00 am today hr e to start hr w...

Hr e would have clashed the physical and linked inner social Bh water star areas for environments or destructive in some of Grn E's and Blk N's, while the date involved the abrupt and fierce or deadly of R earth star clashes for locals anywhere...

That of QMDJ of traits and directions fit and fits within the broad of sector descriptions for them of criminal type char's, activities and a liason and or bloodlettings or dangers Gate type for Norths and then Fear, Shocks or Sudden jolts for the Easts which included hero types of police or guards...

Had an Aries physical then with the Moon, Venus and it's Ruler Mars Our Pisces 7th in 12th house the hidden of Prisons then, and the running dasha until 19:07 hr's that of Ve/Ra/*Ma*...Aries physical that of Our Month's Aries 8th type areas...

Would be adverse to the normal for Mercury in Sag *4th homes type areas* which sign conjunct Saturn and ruling today's Moon was square and tensional to that of those Mars areas today...

2/2 Wood/Jup day of the Geng Yang metal Monkey aka VII (Wht) s date...FS *#3*...GT: #21 - #51 Involve #39 areas...

Begins week of the Western Wht Tiger Cardinal areas...

QMDJ minimum: Shun, Gen, Kun, and also later Li by Moon's ashwini nakshatra running within or under most main...

Jupiter day yet in Mercury ruled Virgo in final end degree for awhile and in Mars ruled Chitra nakshatra and applying to the Sag 4th and Pisces 7th type areas...Jupiter opposing Venus and Mars in Pisces 7th areas it rules and sign square Saturn and Mercury in the Sag 4th areas it also rules...

Transiting Moon enters the Mars ruled *Aries 8th* areas, and the Ketu ruled Ashwini nakshatra there around 10:41am hr e today...

Brides a indirect parallel friends/siblings type...

Outer social/political *a direct parallel rob wealth type*...

Inner social/political a direct resource type...

The date by branch aligns the year, and in another of Our charts had reflected that of Power as in *influence's areas* type aka a Qi Sha (7 Kills) type, for that of Our Outer events today...

A lot of the year since last july has been of that nature and continues till this july as well...

In areas of policings and prisons was very appropriately used, and in any other where power is to be used to effect changes in social and/or political areas, up to how you see it there...

Then as a reminder which was mentioned much earlier in the year, is that of the *Lian Zhen star* and it of negative transformation char and traits *at a global level*, and where much of the political in any area suffers of it...

*Something which has been very visual in that of the Outer events of a number of countries* this past on into the new year of the rooster also...Continues as such until july for us, and even later for some others as well...

Not restricted to that of politics and business type areas alone, but is a major factor in a lot there of any country, and where it falls in individual or personal charts of those and areas it represents intentionally and purposely in the open or hidden in many cases, causes you problems as well...

Observations through the year just at the global level, easily back that up...

May help some to better understand vis timings some in the nature of things and events both of the previous several months and in the ahead yet...

Spun through written news and are obvious matches to today's pair with that of hr m and the Delaware prison takeover situation completed then, as the strongest of appropriate matches...

That of relative Qi Sha power influences types were a main nature prevalent in a number of events today...

May take an extra day till Saturday to put up a fresh Solar month blog page, you already have the pairs for it's start in text for tomorrow to as desired work with until then...

Solar month of the Rooster Change: Corrected Solar month pairs only vis new year solar component and added that of the Far Easts and China Exact in as well:

Below date starts the first day of the Solar month of Spring and the *New Solar year of the Ding Yin fire Rooster*:

2/3 Metal/Venus day of the Xin Yin metal Rooster aka VIII (Wht) yo date...FS #4...GT: #59 - #20 Involve #27 areas...

Considered the first day of this new solar year, so put yo for year and y for month for above GT aka day start pair for the US and All Countries of Calendar date Feb 3rd...

Exceptions the very far easts and China whose Exact will be the Day start hr t Feb 4th (2/4)...

Venus day still in Jupiter ruled Pisces 7th and Saturn ruled Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra from Sag 4th areas influencing Venus as well, with Venus ruling the Libra 2nd and Taurus 9th's activities...

Transiting Moon ruling the 11th areas is yet in Mars ruled Aries 8th areas, and enters the Venus ruled Bharani nakshatra around 09:32am hr e today...

Bharani Venus ruled but can be a quite fierce type in some as takes in traits of Rahu, Mars and Yama in that of judgements, often associates Mil simular areas since within sign Aries, but the judgements or actions taken within can be quite positive at times as well...

Good to become familiar with that nakshatra's characteristics, traits, etc...

That of the Moon's nakshatra then is important *as it gives you the tonal nature of Our Solar year* in that of masses, groups, wide areas and of individuals and leaderships areas in their expressions and activities, and in that of relationships we will encounter and experience *through the year* as well as in that of some natural phenomena natured too!...That agreeing with the Outcomes hexagram of Our Solar year pair itself...

No QMDJ chart yet, but the Bharani nakshatra best corresponds to Dui and Wests, should have, post the other of a new qmdj chart by friday...

[Then in yet hr e this date also starts the US Exact Solar month of the tiger (y) and the Solar year of the rooster (yo) begins this am:

Our US exact chinese solar new year of the ding fire rooster pair:

#20 - #8 Involve #23 areas]...

China and Far Easts Solar month on 2/4 in simul there:

GT Day start: for Far Easts IX (Blk) sh date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #59 - #20 Involve #27 areas...

Note same GT aka Day start as Our's just advanced by one in gregorian calendar date and of the element sign date and FS # used is all...

China Exact SM  #61 - #60 Involve #27 areas...


Some xtra personal and other charts type info regarding this new solar year of the rooster:

This Solar year those of element sign Rabbit (m) births have a double clash to their birth year's inner Life palace so can be some heigthened or important events for them, some may be of mentors, parents or grandparents, things involving or important to legacies, and they may also be more disease, health and/or accident prone this year as well...

Removed that on Dog birth's incorrectly applied m element, however year yo is a 6 harms type for those meaning that some or a number of unpleasant events come up for them this year or from birthday onwards...
Some might say most people have that, but different as is slated for those of the Dog (sh) birth sign...

From hr w onwards of this date any new born or those who have birthdays on or forward of that, when those come up will not have the negative of transformed Lian Zhen star but that shifts instead to the Messenger aka Ju Men star for 2017...

[Some few birth years in Southern systems though may have that of Obstruction yet involving the Lian Zhen star areas, along with the afflicted Ju Men star for this Solar year as well...Originally southern systems did not use the yearly 4 catalyst/ transforms at all...

Easier to understand as the Obstruction catalyst for 2016 and charts running from last birthday of it yet, that's the Lian Zhen star, then as birthday's come up in 2017 the Obstruction catalyst will be that of the Ju Men star instead...

Some ZWDS systems may show the Hua ji aka ill transform or Obstruction catalyst in a given chart differently than here...

Here uses the *Traditional Northern ZWDS system* instead of the 100 or more stars of Southern ZWDS systems, and of it's yearly 4 catalysts in changes/transforms, one of those being the obstruction star is entirely related to the current running year (that from one's last birthday) of the chart itself, and *is the same globally for all charts of the same running year*...

The same (Northern system) works very well for that of global here as well as in that of personal charts that have followed]...  

Not all signs are strongly affected by this year's afflicted Ju Men star transform (changes), some less than others but will be effects to do with it none the less....

Good to know and basic info on the Lian Zhen and Ju Men stars can be found on the net, and likely some on it's effects in the area in which it falls within your chart as well...

Mentioned as those produce true valid and known effects in any one's life chart, and knowing which star is by the year is *Obstructed*, and in what life areas is very important to be aware in terms of avoiding or handling the situations that come up of it!...

Pretty much regardless of location that of Ju Men when comes to your birthday in 2017 will be to do with Quarrels both with and/or of others themselves in it's areas...For some they get previews well ahead as well...

While palaces have names as a basic pointer or guide they always take in a lot more than the name itself suggests and then that of the star such as Ju Men will apply to all of them through the year...Ju Men can also reflect that of the Kun (Quen) trigram and the FS Black earth #2 star too...

[Once again down to about zilch on pain med of which window pick up was requested Jan 30th and of which they do for others when too late for home delivary, already due now, just hoping don't have to go through any withdrawal symptoms and be on fire while waiting in result!...

Note: In the zwds lunar equivalent of Our Exact Solar Year aka month found that the *Lian Zhen Obstruction star* is in that of *Our Health areas* for this month y in the strongest, and for the year yo in overall!...

Just as the Solar year and month chart are not actual US birth related type charts, but in a great deal and of any month pair here and timings, applies just as if it was]...

2/4 Earth/Saturn day of the Ren Yang water Dog aka IX (Blk) sh date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #39 - #8 Involve #64 areas...

Will be a good to long while before add a new page or any images of hexagram pairs, etc here...

Feel that text is good enough, sufficient, and any competent actually needing and properly using them as guides, can expand the listed hexagram pairs as images for themselves....Comment in some as normal...

On the afflicted Lian Zhen star in health areas had referred too, though has it's negative effects there's also a counter star in the same sector that's likely to suck the life blood out of any negative traits the Lian Zhen star tries to employ so at least at the masses levels wouldn't be as bad as could have been...

ZWDS charts amongst other can tell us where one by palace will tend to both be drawn and naturally focus their time and energies in of it's areas through all their life's soujorn...

The same being what most would naturally excell or do best in compared to other arenas...

Those that are able to work jobs or careers which involve those areas will normally lead much happier lives in that department, and when not some would still focus on those areas vis their lifestyle, other interests, routines or hobbies, etc as they find a strong sense of fullfillment in those areas... 

Decided to take a very basic look at that in terms of a main original US chart use at times:

The land of opportunity:

A Wealth's status oriented country to which main interests, inclinations and activities have always gravitated towards, and in some it is how we regard that of our own close relationships with others, in that of family areas, and in that of our allies or friends countries as well...

That in turn is normally regulated by Tai Yin (The Moon's) qualities itself which in such a lifestyle it's one that strongly favors that of nurturance and nurturing as opposed to just that of business strictly for business itself...

Pretty akin to what was called the American Dream and the way in theo it's supposed to be, and *very unlike* the purely cold and calculating of a strictly business only life and attitude itself...

A lot more to it as are other aspects and influences to that area itself, but kept to the most streamlined core, and as an idea of the types of things a zwds chart can tell us...

That's only 1 type out of a good number of Wealth's areas oriented types, and are the 11 other palace areas with their sub categories and then unique placements which would apply for many other individuals as well...

A pretty interesting area of study and of all types, those who have their body palaces in the Ming, Self, Life, etc palace are the most individualized of them all, and have a much harder time at trying to alter that of their destiny then any other type...

Anyway that on the US was/is pretty neat...

2/5 *Sun* Day of the Gui Yin water Pig aka X (Blk) h date...FS #6...GT: #23 - #35 Involve #2 areas...

Just Blog thoughts:

On that of the zwds area mentioned yesterday it's not always suitable for jobs as covers many other areas but great if a job can fit, mainly it identifies something of a strong need that a person always gravitates towards and fullfilling that need brings both a sense of satisfaction and stability to the person...

Fullfilling that need then allows them to more easily adapt to other things and change their behaviors and attitudes on much and through that alter their destiny aka that about themselves including how they approach and deal with others and the world...

*Have to down the road see what more can find on to better define it*, but it's on the order of how, or through what that an individual fullfills themselves, and in that area that which brings them satisfaction, fulfillment and a sense of stability through it...*Then of this area* unique to a given person, etc there are many separate ways they can obtain a sense of fulfillment through it...

The closest way from having verified this from looking at other people's charts, is that it's their particular and unique *own personal soul's urge*, and something they must have or do that fulfills their sense of being through which they find self worth or satisfactions while also giving them purpose in life as well...

Not directly shown by the chart but must be calculated from it by the practitioner...

An extremely fascinating area to say the least...

Now back to the more normal or the Kruya sides of the world:  

Not sure why they chose the NM of 27th for that operation in Yemen, though was moonless aka dark new moon, and of WWII and of Western astrology most used in the Western hemisphere then, that was a timing used in some offensives, and in many other prior to that of countries, wars and military type or styled attacks used as well...

Then nowadays they have night vision, thermal detectors, infrared, etc gear, so guards could easily spot most things making such a lot harder, except where some type of overwhelming force is used and involved...

In Vedic used here, and even of War actions anything in the darker side of the month of dark and negative tithi types or of dates on the NM itself would not be selected as a winning or safe dates by advanced muhurta methods or software types!...

Some advanced softwares have category search functions and find dates automatically, and then some other advanced softwares rely entirely on the astrologers knowledge using them to make the best date time selections...

There are also less advanced but more flexible muhurta systems that vis an astrologer's interpretation, which will allow for just that of the not as guarenteed per a given activity, but still the fair of dates or times for a given activity to be found *even in the dark zones* as well...

Latter to a degree is more practical as people do all types of things on most any date, and of the darker tithied, etc type zones one can still at least pick a date within their frame that has advantage over the others within it for an important activity too...

Won't go into that too much as are so many different timing systems that can be used for that of date and time selections versus activities, except to mention those people involved in any area and activity that are Wwg capable, can also get instant and valid results on that of any dangers regarding their travels and or of a specific destination or location in that as well...Knowing whether it will come out deadly or successful and safe, etc...

Likely most won't use those but of the trained or skilled that do, they already know from experiences that such systems work exceedingly well in most cases...

2/6 Moon Day of the Jia Yang wood Rat aka I (Grn) t date...FS #1 (Jump)...GT: #11 - #5 Involve #54 areas...

ZWDS: May pick a pasts famous person at some point for another soul's urge example aside that given of the US, but for awhile experimenting to see what it shows of events themselves when their times known, and then also what might it add in info wise when one asks questions (Wwg, Prasna, etc) at specific times...

2/7 Fire/Mars day of the Yi Yin wood Ox aka II (Grn) c date...FS #2...GT: #10 - #58 Involve #37...

Rcvd a call from another advocate today but informed her it had been resolved vis other advocate yesterday and thanked her for her call...Assume the VA will determine and correct what was original source of blocked messages, not worried about that and wife had returned then with my pain med yesterday so relieved and happy there...

Did have one extremely hard day Sunday as conserved last pills Sunday for Monday and had to relent about 2am Monday as was at the #10 pain level on fire and tremors started, but after taking 2nd to last pill tremors disappeared then, couple hours later pain diminished to a more comfortable state but was pretty weakened most of the date, and then better or ok today...

No comment on the raid said of 29th other than was low luminosity type, normally first sliver of the moon after NM date is one to two days after it...

Unless near precise eclipse type and when it's daytime somewhere in the world then, you'll get a visible Solar eclipse on that type...The Moon's lunar nodes aka Rahu and Ketu will be within 18 degrees or less away from the Sun and Moon for those...

Once in awhile for day time approach to a NM a muhurta may show couple of definitely in the light of morning hours times for some events but not that often and not at night on them, and some of the advanced explorer type muhurta softwares will not show a single good date or time after the 20th or 21st of a month clear up until in extremes a couple days into the next month but sometimes prior...Latter is why using a less advanced type and the astrologer then selecting the dates can find adequate ones for given uses in the dark tithi zones...

Else learn use the Wwg and toss for or on such...

In alt for personal only and of mainly major life type, and for some very important short duration stiuff  vis advanced feng shui date selection(s) as well...

In all cases must be highly important matters or those which cover long durations such as marriage, career changes, business or project launches, etc...

In or on any immediate of tosses when not open ended questions type, questioner must feel some type of emotional content or a pressing state *felt*, to recieve an accurate toss result for questions on specific subjects and/or of yes/no types...Latter best using an appointed aka vulnerable star to represent status of the subject or person...

Things of timings in the Simple::

Such as yesterday where you may have seen some in that of good or positive outcomes in some things or areas, those in overhead (transits) had involved the dual of trines for that date, then singular this date, and then some other of difficulties, differences, enemies, accidents, war related *and others* are vis *a current overhead square in play* as well...Some in latter and of the major yet is of the previous and yet ongoing of the Overhead Oppositions in aspects and areas that we already covered here prior...

Will reinsert some astro at times, but taking a big break on most for awhile, just chilling watching tv, netflix, amazon which usually did and do after studies or this here to relax by...

Matches of tornados in the south's within today's date pair:

Change line:

[Blk 6th skies, far or acrossed the ways, internets, etc, etc Bsh earth star destructive, winds, etc changes to resultant clashed out or involved Oppositional Bwa earth star areas...

The Bsh changes star also bonding to Red 2nd Locals Rm wood dangers, etc star areas forming fire for fiery P star manifests areas]...
Those that expanded would have known or knew potentials for the date, plus names alone suggested to be alert and of cautions to be careful...

Then part of the normal but harsh natural effects vis today's transiting Moon square by sign to both Jup rx and in same to the opposite, square by sign to Venus conjunct Mars areas also...

The Moon was in Gemini and the fierce stormy and Rahu ruled of the Ardra nakshatra then!...

If not simular in some of man's affairs this date also, were of other prior date pairs matches to that of earthquakes, etc overseas occuring in theirs also...

Just woke from an afternoon nap when saw that in news...

Was other very unfortunate in various areas and local as well, then of internets different spheres some to do with free speech and other mentioned in Ntl eve news to do with home wifi hackings issues and dangers...

Other on Saturn in Sag and it transiting the Moola nakshatra:

Symbol a handful of roots, that of seeds and other for medicines, goes with pharmacists, physicians, of individuals may be sciences, literacy oriented and other subjects, philosophic, sage or religious, proud, some strong or wealthy and in the lessor or the opposite in usually other than med type areas, that of individual sag birthed of thieves and other of *it's more yin sides and natures in types too*...

Then vis ketu ruling some birthed of it and or others may at times feel detached *as if just playing a role only* in life...The Moola nakshatra while involves healing areas but also does have sharp and destructive sides as well... 

When Saturn transits Moola it is said to bring grief to warriors, which may suggest not a good time to initiate execution of mil or simular types in operations on their part or involving them...

For Our Solar month having an Aries physical that's of 9th type areas, then of current day starts for the month and daily runs that of libra type physical's placing that of Sag in *3rd com, move, docs, etc type areas with those under both that of Jupiter rx and of Moola nak Ketu's influences*...

Same in some could possibly include false billings from healing areas at times too and or the obstructing(s) or disappearance of documents of them or other areas types of false contracts or documents as well...

Then of the Solar month a tendency to focus on that of relationships themselves, that of and within the govt plus those external of other countries and the various of social, political and legal aspects of or to them...

Some of those involving pasts, some clandestine and or that of further disasters vis natural phenomena since for the above and Taurus material 2nd areas, there's that of Venus conjunct Mars in Pisces 12th type areas...

Aside any of negatives that likely yet come up there since of a month and year type, it can also reflect that of hidden strength's and talents to be used or as break throughs, etc...

As far as the Aries physical besides the obvious to do with Venus conjunct Mars aspect, and in the totally new that also included *things of women* and even that of the fashions issues no less in that of reputations and material areas etc there, something news shows family wise the President today is concerned about as well...

On that of women events that involve crowds the more main and included the Superbowl and Lady Gaga, plus other in the Senate of Senator Warren and the GOP in spat, and likely other I've missed but crowds are a part of that in the physical as well...

An very unusual month in that, and then in other locations that more conventionally thought of such as weathers, snow and icings, chemical problems, and other you can add , but things also have a lot to do with that of medical areas in events, and the scholars or brilliant in those areas being involved for main events in some way too and likely of disease and or the flu stuff as a guess, though may be other...

Stay brief was just small overview, and chop it off there for now, as we have the full moon as a small lunar eclipse type the 10th, and leave the comet 4p skies display going with it too others, likely will just post the text pairs for the FM itself only, as any can translate the names for themselves...

2/8 Water/Mercury day of the Bing Yang fire Tiger aka III (Red) y date...FS *#3*...GT: #49 - #31 Involve #44 areas...

2/9 Wood/Jup day of the Ding Yin fire Rabbit aka IV (Red) m date...FS #4...GT: #21 - #38 Involve #39 areas...

Date begins week of the Southern Red Phoenix Cardinal areas...

Had included mention of the daily *day starts* aka global timed's astro reference as well which for this month goes along with the sign Libra there, that independent of Our Solar year month type...

That was also to illustrate that in the daily types that Sag 3rd type areas are in also and where a lot of the Saturn in Sag events such as car accidents and much that was mentioned will show up, those fully beyond that main for the country at Ntl levels vis the Solar month which is in 9th type areas (Courts, airports, aircrafts, banks, overseas, etc) for that part...

On Saturn that of the Moola nakshatra descriptions applied, apply to both to which you can add other fill as desired!...

All any have to do is translate the pair numbers to their names and those needing more can expand them...

Other on Our Solar month's Outer events:

That of ongoings in the govt especially the hearings but other in month chart too, had the *Moon in Aries physical 1st areas squaring the Sun (Authority) in Capricorn 10th areas*...Initially of crowds of people, then that hard square aspect also reflects the temperment and nature to include feminine sides of the hearings processes and the natures of and within several other main issues, events areas as well...

Some of the verbal or other that went on in those *was to be expected couldn't have been any other way*, fortunately just applied to the govt and some to those at tops there as well, but *not as or so much to the average person*...

[The ZWDS also reflected that of the harsh and stingy in verbal discourses involving that of govt, etc relationships areas and that of outer events in it's govt careers type areas too, plus also directly indicated that of *blockages and stagnations* in some of them and various other outer events type areas as well...

In the important and focus on govt's, and other of Our relationship's palace areas this month mentioned prior, it has that of the *Qing Yang star there*...Check that out just star meanings alone and you'll understand the depth of the verbal vehemence being expressed by some within the confirmation hearings, other of in govt, as well as within some sectors of the public, and then some of other countries as well at times, *through Our Solar month]...

Anyway that we've seen runs pretty much just as the influences and trends of those areas have shown of the month chart...

Then our daily day start pairs and or charts further reflect other ongoings in that of the dynamic changes on the daily sides themselves...

Though has been rough and spiky in govt relationships areas, that's pretty much normal in the human arenas for this month per what the charts show and then other of natural phenomena has and will accordingly match too, sums it up...

Full Moon and weak or partial lunar eclipse:

2/10 Metal/Venus day of the Wu Yang earth Dragon aka V (Yel) cn date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #32 - # 40 Involve #43 areas...

That of today's GT aka Day start pair *applies to All Countries*, except for those much farther east and of Far easts and China, etc it occurs in simul but on their Feb 11th, and of a Ji Yin earth snake aka VI (Gry) e day and of FS #6 there...

US FM Exact:

#62 - #55 Involve #28 areas...

There is also that of a comet that may also be visible tonight and should be info on it in most news and on the net as well for the interested...

You may be able to see the partial lunar eclipse as well check the same for info there...

Same of full moon occurs in Far Easts and China in their am hours so may not see much...

Far Easts and China FM Exact, there in am of Day VI (Gry) e:

#34 - #32 Involve #43 areas...

Saw in Ntl eve news that were 4 serious incidents involving drones and aircraft of Our SM Sag 9th type areas, and since the lunar month itself as a new year had began....In most recent that vis other news listed about 3000 flight cancellations involving the snows and weathers of the NE's areas...

While for now just observing  the lunar and solar month in zwds forms too, this of lunar month mentioning now, has *so far been very accurate* relative that of the travels, migrations and relocations issues areas this month...

Qing Yang in the lunar month chart itself goes with that of properties, homes and business areas, with that of tornado's and some other a match to the homes areas that also agrees with the nature of that Qing Yang star itself...

Prior on it was lunar equiv of the solar month for that of the more individual to include leaderships types, areas and then the lunar only for the lunar month more suited to that of masses, etc areas and that same as we do of the hexagrams here, covering both solar and lunar month, period types, views...

More matches than saying here for the moment, so will keep zwds adds in mind for future uses...

2/11 Earth/Saturn day of the Ji Yin earth Snake aka VI (Gry) e date...FS #6...GT: #59 - #6 Involve #27 areas...

Vis news pretty obvious in main that of hundreds of undocumented aka illegal immigrants had been rounded up and arrested this date, then of disintegrating situations that of the whales in new zealand, and of the earthquake news from previous date in phillipines as well... 

That of the NK Ballistic missle launch towards Japan was on their Sunday and was Day w there already for tomorrows pair and in hr cn which vis hour timed is that of #63 - #3 Involve #64 areas...


The Sun enters Our Solar month's Aquarius 11th areas Sunday Feb 12 2017 around 10:09 am hr e:

Later around 08:16 am hr cn Wednesday the 22nd Mercury will also enter the Aquarius areas as well...

*A fairly profound time* as the Sun will be the whole while sign conjuncting that of Ketu there while opposing that of Rahu in Our Leo 5th areas then...Profound as is a period directly involving the Nodes themselves...

Exact conjunct and opposition occurs around the 21st and 22nd with Mercury by sign joining that on the 22nd...

Ketu often represents that of losses and the younger in things, perhaps medical, police or law enforcement types, and much other, maybe stocks too, and for some of those born Aquarius and the *Leo* types or rising signs, that of illnesses, some things of destructive natures and or that of protests and other, *while very unfortunatly for a few that can even mean the disappearance or losses of a child or children are also common to when the Sun conjuncts that of Ketu*...Then in other things of the techy, that highly mental or volatile, and some of the cold and calculative type, watery abodes, psychologists, sciences, etc, etc in areas and things...Feel free to add...

Besides an area for activities and expressions that of the Sun as mentioned before tends to separate things in of the areas which by sign it's in, and in theo improve things of that house's life areas as well...

That's of the Leo and Aquarius signs, areas and births at this time, but some of that latter occurs of other signs when Ketu transits them as well...

In a larger picture likely more and further involves those of foreign births and that related to the current travels, relocations and immigration's areas of this Solar and Lunar month...

This will carry a bit into the next Solar month as well...

Other of previous:

On the 2016 Lian Zhen Health stuff:

Lian Zhen aka the Crimson Chastity Star also commonly referred to as the Politician's Star...

Meanings viewed at a Solar or Lunar month level for a country or global vary some in that of their significances from that of the normally used for of personal birth chart types...

In Our Solar month chart and for that of the country or global have considered it to be mainly in significances to be viewed as the Politician's Star, which *bore out quite well in Our Lunar month (NM aka CNY) chart as well*...

In personal charts it can also be a very troublesome star for that of most currently yet running 2016 charts (currently the bulk):

Troublesome as it fell under the Si Hua as a Ji transform type for major changes in 2016 for that of birth days during which came up that year and yet running until the next one, and those in changes are by some also referred to as an Obstruction type, meaning that of the Lian Zhen Star's areas became Obstructed for their 2016 annual year charts...

The exacts of general natures depend upon the individual chart and which palace it's located in, and though of a solar month type different for personal charts some also have had and have that in their health palace as well:

In personal charts where in your birth or *year's* health house:

It signify's strange and complicated disease types, sometimes that of sexual or other blood related diseases come up, and or of the cancer types too...Further includes things of low blood pressures, and also that of the kidneys, reproductive, gynelogical and the duodenum areas too...

In other that of vehicle accidents or any of type of accident, and falls too, plus in some cases that of illnesses related too alcohol or drugs as well.

All things to look for if it's in your or your year's zwds health palace, should be other zwds specific net blogs or sites you can refer too and for it's different effects in that of other palace areas also...

2/12 Sun day of the Geng Yang Horse aka VII (Wht) w date...FS #7...GT: #39 - #15 Involve #64 areas...

Check prior post Sun enters Aquarius in Our Solar month's 11th type areas today...

Most in news matched a lot to do with groups and crowds and that of the Hamburg, Germany airport gaseous airs event was fairly unique...

Prior when had referred to the afflicted Lian Zhen star that's just in the running 2016 charts, and not the 2017 Lunar equiv od Our Solar month nor the Jan 27th CNY and NM lunar month chart...

It's that of the Ju Men great gate aka big mouth star which has that of Obstruction to it for 2017 charts themselves...

In the lunar month Lian Zhen is prominent as is in the Self/Destiny palace, and while nationally and globally goes with that of politicians for sure, it does take in a lot of other persons some CEO's, then also some techy or creative in any areas, and of IT types and other of the masses themselves as well...

Basically they have, hold or exert a certain level of power or leadership abilities in or from their positions or areas, and make an influence in the social, political, etc of their causes or work in this month's events too...

Further that of not in just general legal matters, but lawsuits too often come up of it, when is in the physical aka the self/dsestiny palace...

That's mainly involving that of the travels, etc palace of which it's in opposition with, and that of calamities or personal disasters in those areas and other as well this month....

That in the travels palace also suggests it's not such a good time for long distance journey's for some of the public to which most know are various other reasons there, but there can be additional dangers come up there of weathers, etc and then that of the airport just listed was one of the newer more recent of types for matches there also...

2/13 Moon day of the Xin Yin metal Goat aka VIII (Wht) date...FS #8...GT: #23 - #2 Involve #2 areas...

Most news and Ntl eve news of this date had many events that matched to both the pair and that of some to do with waters and dangers in travels areas added in notes last few days...

Again on that of Lian Zhen star of 2016 charts under the Hua Ji changes are some quasi positives such as enhancing the charisma and confidence of those types to strive harder in the pursuit of their goals, managing things, or upgrading their skills areas, etc...In that some may also over reach or over step in some, which then of karmic will bring them problems, and/or also that of putting too much time in their pursuits, causes, etc can auto cause them to ignore other important of other life areas, which in turn can cause problems as well...

Then in any case even when not in the health's palace they would still be more prone to falls or accidents of any type, check other blogs for more info's...

Vis prior here the zwds of the lunar month had shown issues of the travels palace quite distinctly while that of the lunar equivalent of the solar month showed that of punishments both within the self destiny palace of that of a country or countries, and also directed to it's travels palace areas also...

2/14 Fire/Mars day of the Ren Yang water Monkey aka IX (Blk) s date...FS #9...GT: #11 - #46 Involve #54 areas...

On that of losses vis Sun sign conjunct Ketu can be other things such as loss of pets or loss of credits through a protective bankruptcy, something vis robberies, the natural of weathers, etc so are a lot of possibles there...On the harshest prior mentioned after the fact had seen that prior as well in life, so mentioned just in case...

On the *travels palace areas* if one checks their personal zwds *year chart*, and at the year level sees that of fiery stars or mal star types such as the Void in it then, with just few exceptions that indicates they should not travel long distances and would be a major to dangerous problem or problems in their travels areas for the year....

Besides the said of the running year of the monkey (s) for many 2016 birthdays yet, *do include that of the present 2017 year of the Rooster as well*, as despite the said many events of it pop early and do apply as well!...

If you can't construct aka draw those or have no softwares for that, there are also several sites where you can get free zwds charts done for that of your personal birth aka life chart plus that of the 10 year decades and *annual year luck charts* as well, in search just type zwds destiny or calculator and that will give you a number of listings...Use private browse if worried, have used the destinyandluck,com site myself in pasts with never a problem...

Barring that one could using the Wwg, also toss asking if any dangers in that of their travels areas for the year as well...On any toss *where your specifically asking of dangers* the R star is the appointed star and that to look at, and in any results where it falls on the (U) aka Object line that's a Yes answer for that in of Travels in Destinations...

Won't be covering every palace of the monthly charts here, think sufficient to say a bit about the self/destiny palace and contrast that of the travels palace to it, and also indicating the main palace areas of focus for the given period is quite enough relative that of Our monthly solar and lunar period chart types...

2/15 Water/Mercury day of the Gui Yin water Rooster aka X (Blk) yo date...FS #1...GT: #10 - #25 Involve #37 areas...

Left matches to you other day, on that of Year's dangers in travels vis zwds that given was of general basics to give you a quick idea of what you could look for on your own, and is by no means a complete listing, but were very good indicators in themselves to take note of, and had mentioned are exceptions in some on that as well...

If leary or unsure then you can always get a professional reading done, the zwds itself is quite direct and reliable in what it shows as you've been starting to see here... 

[Those are not quick charts to do, take a lot of analysis and often one will combine that of the fourpillars aka bazi with it!]...

There are of other star types those that can hold surprises such as the Wu Qu star referred to as the warrior, commander or wealth commander and deals with finances and wealths, etc...Sounds good to have in health areas but it's of Yin metal and is also tied to that vis injuries of metals natures there too...

In fact that of diseases, illness or injuries can associate that of other palaces altogether and that of the health's palace while accurate is just for the main overview of it's areas, the same can be true of the travels palace as well but it is a main place to start with...

Anyway gave you some pertinent free and quick very basic advice on it of the travels areas for a basic guide to start with, and you or those who can, can always use the Wwg in alt or for backup, or other of astro and other systems of your choice...


Yesterday did a big dance on the zwds to avert troublemakers, but what had given for any to look for in their zwds travels areas *was quite solid for those who can't afford a reading of which are a lot*...

Then outside of Feng shui or the Wwg vis toss, *there are no other systems that specifically, personally and in the direct address that of ones travels areas at the year level!*...

Most others including the muhurta are for specific date selections only...

The basic given is not absolute by itself, as doesn't cover the simular in potential ills from the other placements or areas and of their timings for the chart, but since the travels palace is as named the main for those areas *it does cover the bulk of the ones *that would be major and life important!*...


Inner Brides areas a Direct Resource type... 

Outer social, political, etc Direct Parallel aka Bad friend, sibling and or Rob wealth: Any kind of financial or objects losses, including thefts, and/or a tendency to over spend on the needless of things as well...

Inner social, political, etc Direct Output aka Performance, Creativity, Intelligence, etc...Can be a bit to the dulled or negative sided of it's areas interfering with that of making good decisions for some today...Inferred of today's pair as well...

Vis news last several days that of the year's obstructed ju men aka msg's, talk and messengers star in a lot has been apparent and has to do with that of our day start in the self/destiny areas today, while yesterday interestingly the same palace held the general's star alone...

That of the tai yang (sun) star is also with the messanger today for that to do with authority mainly relative that of the travels areas in main...Then that of the properties/business palace was main to it and the day as well...

That vis zwds month's focus in relationships areas of various types has been steady all through it, todays was strong in that...

2/16 Wood/Jupiter day of the Jia Yang wood Dog aka I (Grn) sh date...FS #2...GT: #49 - #17 Involve #44 areas...

Begins Eastern Grn Dragon cardinal areas week...

Have been indicators of the Sun sign conjunct Ketu stuff in news on and off, things of the *sudden or jolts nature*, the strange or unusual, things terminated or of disappearence, and other associated of Ketu type traits for awhile now...

Police, Mil, Politicians, Children, Students, Liesures, Vacations, Healing/health areas, Pets or of personal possessions, finances areas, things of documents, etc as just a few then some of natural phenomena types in a few places...

Vis the Libra day starts for month that of Sag 3rd areas adds the documents, com, move, travels and transports, contracts and agreements areas  in which can be contrasted to things of Our Solar month's 9th type areas also...

The tightest of the strongest zone for that is from about *2/19 - 2/24* with the exact of their conjunct for the 20th and 21st, also some's vis other *begin earlier or from today* on through the 24th...

Anyway that's strongest of harsh zones where the Ketu type areas are affected, and that of simular events can play out as long as the Sun is in Aquarius as well...

For most that would show up or also involve things where that of Saturn in Sag areas falls in your personal birth chart, for Our Solar month here that's in Sag 9th type areas, with the Sun and Ketu in it's Aquarius 11th type areas...

Some other main actions in today's stuff  is based from that of date's Obstructed Tai Yang (Sun) Star, and of date (Day start) and here is in that of the Elders palace which involves authority or those above us and operates against those there, so is in that of Govt areas and of Org's or Companies and relative bosses or superiors in those, while in individual personal charts it's said to cause one to be impatient or impatient relative the palace areas it's in and involved with...

That of the stay home or day off work immigrants protest involving the material and of other areas involving the political was a match to the date bonded Km star forming fire in the material and medias areas then vis zwds leaderships, news and documents areas as that of Fire and the Literary minister was with the Obstructed Sun also...

In other with some military or defense sided areas vs various news there and relative to russia as well...Same of the zwds which besides mentioned had that of fire there and the literary minister for the Elders areas with the Warrior and Minister in destiny areas involving military armies or groups in the travels areas too...

Had to rewrite grabbed the P fire stars of a toss accidentally first round was #41 - #19 Involve #24 areas which itself went with some of the heated as well...

Think that catches a lot of things up, so may keep it brief the next few...

2/17 Metal/Venus day of the Yi Yin wood Pig aka II (Grn) h date...FS *#3*...GT: #21 - #27 Involve #39 areas...

Hr e same today's Blk 6th Ke fire star briefly clashed open the date bond to the Object Opponents, etc Red 2nd Locals By wood star areas for to which it links for events then, and does the simular except bonds the Ke star in hr s today as well...

Yesterday that was Day without Immigrants that had mis titled so mention was as such, and came up when posting info in a hurry in a sort of groggy BP low state at the time...This corrects...

Daily Day start ZWDS that of Tang Lang aka the Greedy wolf aka Opportunities star for today's Self/Destiny areas contrasted to that of Lian Zhen types or politicians, ceo's, etc in that of the Travels, meetings, and transports, migrations, relocations areas...

In the normal side of routines simply aggressive fire related employees of companies in bill collectings of far aways or in some robbers in locals, etc, and then much other in different spheres and or at higher levels...

Latter sounds like it goes with the protestors to some degree as well since cause loss of wealths for some companies...

Bear in mind these are US in Global aka all country types which relate to the US *in that scope only*...

Of fourpillars aka bazi that of today's Global Inner relationships in social, political, etc areas were in step, and *also of the rob wealth type*, but same aside thefts or just losses for any reason, can for some in tendencies go with that of personal spendings splurges, and or routine bills also...

Today in Global the Tai Yin (Moon) star was Obstructed also, which itself can associate losses of various
 types, and was in that of today's Peer's palace areas...

Tai Yin is feminine nature and said to be related *to what a woman either experiences* or she may cause in some types of losses areas and or to others...

That to do with the Olympic's gymnastic doctor reported abuses to many, wouldn't have been something would have thought of, but in nature does match!...In news timing goes with the *shocking* side of Ketu's areas...

Another of the Saturn in Sag areas, and the Moola nakshatra we covered of healing areas prior here also and of which Ketu itself rules!...

Note: That of the year's Obstructed Ju Men Messenger star globally is *in every day of the year also*!...

It today was in the Elders palace areas aka authority and those above you, and interactively was with that of the Tian Ji (Wit) and Fire star type areas there also...

2/18 Earth/Saturn day of the Bing fire Rat aka III (Red) t date...Jump FS #1...GT: #32 - #28 Involve #43 areas...

Today of the above global timed a Day start type the Lian Zhen (Chastity, Crimson) star is Obstructed and accompanied by the Qi Sha (General, 7 Kills) star in global day start itself and falls within that of the *Peers palace areas*...


[Going with Our Exact lunar month and year pair #2 - #16 Involve #2 areas for the masses, etc that began Jan 27th posted here is the following:

As far as *Our lunar year* itself goes, that of the Lian Zhen star was obstructed from the start and remains so of it's areas for the year, and at the year level that included the Po Jun (Pioneer, Army, Demolisher) star with it in that of the year's *Relationships palace areas*...

*Then for this given date and of Our lunar year also* the Crimson, Chastity aka *Lian Zhen star* obstructed is accompanied by *Tien Fu (Vault or Treasury) star areas* this date, and falls into that of *it's Relationships palace areas* for politics about money too for the US itself today*]...

Those interested can check out the meanings for the Lian Zhen star in those palaces and that they are operating with in them for more infos, then in extremes for some in other areas it may also include that of blood lettings and or accidents, etc in things as well...

Additional beyond what you might commonly find on the Lian Zhen star:

Date Peers palace: Others within may shadow you and/or you run into them frequently, and some within may also belong to secretive groups or org's too, and within the year when another peach blossum star enters that same palace things of clandestine and other of affairs may come up in/of them too...

Our Lunar year in the Relationships (spouse, marriage, etc) palace areas: Things of relationships areas felt to be of a harrassings nature, and one feels imprisoned within them and unable to escape or free themselves of given issues there...

At this point you now know that versus Our US lunar year we have both Obstructed Lian Zhen and Ju Men stars for and through out 2017...

2/19 Sun day of the Yin fire Ox aka IV (Red) c date...FS #2...GT: #59 - *#29* Involve #27 areas...

Today's global aka Day start ZWDS has that of the Obstructed Ju Men in the Peers palace areas (As does in Our own lunar year)...

That for some may have or hold that of disagreements and defamations vis potentially untrue assumptions or statements made by some within the global and Our Peers areas this date...May want to be careful in some there, unless very sure of your facts.

Probably not as strongly applicable when it comes to that of political arenas themselves, those always having a somewhat combative atmosphere to them anyway...

Also of day start Lian Zhen star was in that of Prosperity areas along with Tian Fu (Vault) and several others including Xing Ling (Belle) a fire star type for actions in of those areas this date as well...

Was a lot to do with far aways and skies areas plus that of *safeties*/healths and clashed of material and medias areas in today's also with the Wwg and the ZWDS of the date pretty much in agreeance with most...

 A Sunday but the Govt or given of it's areas are ever busy on and in any date!...


[Will have to track/watch that of the Lien Zhen star areas *very closely*, as possible it's not obstructed in Our new lunar year at all, that being vis the NM of Jan 27th here for Our lunar year chart *which is a celestial event*, and which despite time zones and calendar date differences between countries, *occurs of the heavens in the simul relative earth globally*...

So think the resulting 4 transformed stars formed at the lunar year start must be *the same for all locations*, which in turn would say that of the Obstruction to the Lian Zhen star ended with NM exact then, and shifted to the Ju Men star for all's lunar new year!...  

[Will know soon as in latter case *the Lian Zhen star would only be Obstructed on specific dates instead of the entire of Our lunar year in [it's Travels palace areas]*]...

Corrected the above on the Lian Zhen star in Our lunar year itself, had yesterday taken it clear down to the date within the lunar year then, where at that level it was in Our Relationships areas yesterday, and accurate as fit of the President's rally then too!]...


On country rather than Spouse or Marriage palace, just refer to it as Our main Relationships palace here, and when you examine the stars within it, they describe the nature of the palace, and it's very obvious it shows the main of US relationships both within the country and externally to, from and of involving other countries in them as well...

2/20 Moon day of the Wu Yang earth Tiger aka V (Yel) y date...FS *#3*...GT: #39 - #63 Involve #64 areas... 

The name corrected of the 2nd resultant hexagram matches much better to both the protests of President's day and to that of the Malmo, Sweden story areas and status the President elaborated on during the rally as well...The Consumes name meaning for #63 in that case, and then the Already completed name meaning in other cases!...

Then of ZWDS normally date charts are for that of birth charts, but *the lunar and solar year types are not birth aka life chart types and of the year at hand, singular and unique*...

In the latter find there is No Obstructed Lian Zhen star *at the year level itself*, which for year yo shifted to that of the Ju Men star instead...Resolved!...

[Then of today's global timed lunar year type and of the date within it, we have that of Tian Tong (Waif, Lucky) plus Tian Liang (Beam, Scholar) star in the *Travels palace* and Tiger court, to *describe things there and that more along the protests sides also*...

That leaves the self/destiny palace in the Monkey court void aka empty aka no major stars, *the very same as today's Wwg Day start pair of it's physical in element and status as well.*]...

Vis normal birth aka life chart types you'd get the exact opposite for those placements and an Obstructed Lian Zhen star, *but that wouldn't match to the date within the lunar year itself*, and in the lunar year, only the Ju Men star is Obstructed at the Year level, which is what we will use here now...

This date within the lunar year also has that of an Obstructed Tian Ji (Wit, Advisor, Strategist) star in that of it's Relationships palace with some connected to those of senior staff positions also for events and persons of that nature in things as well...

That of the Year's *Obstructed Ju Men star* in today of Our lunar year is to do with that of Outer events aka Career and of leaderships or managements areas in Org's *regarding that of their staff's aka employees* being it of a country, or countries where an international type, and of individual companies, business or org's anywhere...

Were a lot of matches in the Travels areas today, from that of airports, to overseas areas too, some planned in given US cities fit too, and of some unique in our local also...Publically in some of staff's at the top levels, here and overseas, and in even some at much lower levels and of personal individual cases too...

Had listed that of the areas the Ju Men star went for today within Our lunar year were, then to better understand it's effects in today's you'd need to look up what it's Obstruction in the Career palace represents... 

Won't be listing the ZWDS every day here, just at times, and mainly done to show it has it's place in accurately showing main trends and in the criteria of what's in for a date...

2/21 Fire/Mars day of the Ji Yin earth Rabbit aka VI (Gry) m date...FS #4 (Shun)...GT: #23 - #4 Involve #2 areas...

Just Blog notes:

That of today's locals areas changes per the Date pair, as well as of the ZWDS agrees with that in the new of documents regarding travels, migrations and relocations palace areas...

In pair that of Strippings or peelings aways at the layers of some things Involves that of vast or large areas, healths, safeties, and nurturance areas, which leads to that of New starts or Begins in them...


That of yesterday's at an airport was a major breach in that of security areas!...

Then of importance was that of the General's previously appointed plus of yesterday's new appointment in NSC cabinet and of cabinet's that of a President's staffs positions...

Was that in the wide and far of numerous threats to Jewish community centers, etc though nothing firm came of it, and such has been ongoing through the year...Will be good if they ever locate the individual or group perpetutatiing it though...

That of airports which also goes with skies areas was shown then vis Red (Alarms, quarrels) in that of 6th weak Kt water star type areas, etc of yesterday's date pair as well as part of the zwds Travels areas mentioned then...

[Those both plus that of today's, *all involve things of Ketu's areas* and are major of the current Sun conjunct Ketu aspect in that of the Suddens of changes areas for the US...

Some had involved recent tornado pop up's as well, and are yet other which will come up of Ketu's sudden changes in Aquarius 11th type areas yet...

Some things and events were and are rough at the month and year level since Saturn in Sag 9th rules both Our 10th and 11th areas yet, plus of other at daily levels also which involves that of Sag 3rd type areas where Saturn there rules both the 4th and 5th type areas in that view as well!...

Sums most up for now]...

That of the Brietbart news (C) person in today's news who resigned over *some in news stated remarks he had publically made on areas of pedophillia*, matched that of today's within Our lunar year in that of it's *Staff areas* which was where the year's *Obstructed Ju Men Messenger star* was and of errors in one's verbal communications to others, that's often vis that spontaneous blurt it out type statements that one may inadvertently in the abrupt make at times...

Heard on Ntl news this eve, and exactly fits that of Our Lunar year's Obstructed Ju Men star which was in that of Staff's areas for today!...

Some trying to make light of what had called the soul's urge each person has, and insinuate it's an area which can never be changed?

*An incorrect quote of here*, as what was said is those who have that in their self/destiny palace *have a very difficult time compared to others* of ever changing that of their Soul's urge areas, and there are some who never do as well, *not that it's impossible to change them which was never stated*!...

Mine in the partial are pretty much always in/of the core arenas of learnings and studies areas and of the various of specific fields that I enjoy...Pretty easy for any to see that!...

Your own not so hard, just ask anyone who has known and oberved you for a long time as they probably know, in case you don't...Easily found in ZWDS charts as well...

Anyway be sure you really do have it right before you make it a point to say or infer that another is wrong about a given matter...

There's a saying about removing the log or boulder from your eyes before condemning or trying to remove that of anothers...

2/22 Water/Mercury day of the Geng Yang metal Dragon aka VII (Wht) cn date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #11 - #19 Involve #54 areas...

2/23 Wood/Jup day of the Xin Yin metal Snake aka VIII (Wht) e date...FS #6...GT: #10 - #61 Involve #37 areas...

Begins week of the Northern Blk Tortoise Cardinal areas...

Had a couple of rough starts to last couple days so chilling here, but of todays news on net and in Ntl eve type pretty much exactly matched the zwds, and in turn of names the day start timed pairs in names and with their stars do as well...

We have the New Moon and second lunar month starting around the 26th this sunday ahead...

Best singular word description of today for masses, politicians, police, mil, and especially immigrants was *Sullen*...

Some of today's regarding that of police and children tresspassing also went with the Saturn in Sag 3rd ruling the 4th and 5th areas as well...

Each date it's own world and when do give descriptions that are plus or minus versus any given social or political segment it's always strictly what the charts indicate which day by day can go either way for any of any position...

Will mainly use the zwds at the lunar monthly levels and the Wwg pairs only at the daily with casual mention of any pertinent astro aspects as needed...

Not sure when will add the QMDJ back in, gets to be a lot of info for one to track...

2/24 Metal/Venus day of the Ren Yang water Horse aka IX (Blk) w date...FS #7...GT: #49 - #55 Involve #44 areas... 

Revolution/Changes involve Queens aka CEO's or Tops of any which leads to Abundance or simular...

ZWDS Lite:

Self/Destiny palace in Rat court: The political and the *rubber stamp bueracrat, minister* (some also call prime minister) stars trine the Top or tops today, but inherant within or associated is that of some of Qing Yang (injurous) star traits as well...That of metals also may in separate be involved of other injurous events this date as well...

Has R earth stars on skies, tops, far aways, and the locals lines for that of officials, weathers and or dangers in some areas as well...

Think it was pretty obvious what the injurous or considered to be injurous at the very tops was, unsure of what it might have been for other areas though...

2/25 Earth/Saturn day of the Gui Yin water Goat aka X (Blk) wa...FS #8...GT: #21 - #51 Involve #39 areas...

New Moon (NM)...

The second (II) lunar month of 2017...

Expand hexagram pairs as needed...

2/26 Sunday a Sun day of the Jia Yang wood Monkey aka I (Grn) s date...FS #9 (Li)...GT: #2 - #7 Involve #2 areas...

Change: This day start is for All Countries eastward per chinese farmer's almanac!..

A Break date (day) type (The month clashes the date)...

ZWDS Lite:

Self/Destiny palace: That of Tian Xiang the Minister, Bureaucrat, Aristocrat, etc  (singular and multiples) star who for or as the good or bad either type, does loves to aid others and always be actively involved to serve that of decree's or make that of major changes in things...

Accompanied by You Bi the Right minister providing further help, support and aid in matters and mainly further represent those at the tops also...

Our NM Exact and lunar month pair:

#46 - #11 Involve #54 areas...

ZWDS Lite: 

[Self/Destiny palace: No major stars (NMS) takes in the Opposite of the Travels palace which holds that of an Obstructed Tai Yang (Sun) star along with the year's Obstructed Ju men messenger star and both also influenced by that of Hou Xing the Fire star there for the passionate and or the fiery natured within them at some locations especially overseas as well...

May encounter or have to deal with that of slanders and legal issues of all types including that fraudulent in some as well and of the very passionate, heated or war like in types or areas...

The same at Day start level for the Obstructed Sun has to do with betrayals or the felt of betrayals and within that of Peers/Friends palace areas [aka any you feel close too, or associate with or to and that normally would be supportive (In any area type)]...Then about the Obstructed messenger there indicates again that of slanders or legal, etc sides in things, with some in counter actions at individual levels, and those of and enhanced of power type in them too]]...

A lot of the above associates *to that of political areas and views* which for lunar month's Day start is in the Travels palace internal and external US, and in Our exact lunar month of the Elders palace aresas...

Those holding the Lian Zhen (Chastity/Crimson) and Po Jun (Pioneer, Army, Demolish) star types, areas plus that of Qing Yang for some in from the slight  in things that may be offensive, but on up to serious of abusive things or that of injuries, accidents or violences in some cases, in a birth chart usually the more serious considered, but of lunar month there's more lattitude but still the serious at times very possible ...

Any who look up the Lian Zhen star types and characters should also find many of that type take in that of the night time outer social and entertainments activities areas, and beyond that of bars those can be of any type, so with the separate of Qing Yang also with it and Po Jun at date level, it too allows for that of accidents, etc as mentioned to come up for some this month...That also being something the Lian Zhen star types are always somewhat subject too at times to begin with...

Have already been incidents coming into this lunar month...

That's of the lunar date additional type but holds for this lunar month of it's chart though each lunar date has it's too, then at the most used of the birth chart type in this lunar month you'll find the normal of the Qing Yang (Injurous) star in that of Our and All Countries Day start in *it's Relationships palace areas*, then also in our own Exact lunar month of *it's Career palace areas*!...  

For any be careful in associations as will be those looking to take advantage as well as backstab any on things of pasts basis or purposely misconstrue that of any statements you make in your dealings especially of or related to long distance(s) relationship areas in this type of lunar month...

You can look up vis zwds net blogs, etc for additional informations...

Put together on the fly, so kept it very light in starts, and may add other as the lunar month moves forward...

Saw and see that of matches both last night vis the DNC leadership elective then and in todays of other at the more individual levels in news too so far...

China and Far Easts Exact NM pair:

#36 - #15 Involve #40...

If not for 1 minute of difference would have been on day II (Grn) yo there, and: the #11 - #46 Involve #54 areas pair instead...Corrected...

Added latter just in case, should be very easy to distinguish between those, and the latter is the All Countries Day start aka GT pair for *Feb 27th too*!...

2/27 Just Blog:

 Pair already posted (correction) aka Prosperity, Wonderful, Peace or Peace as to War Involve the Brides which leads to *Rise aka Ascendings*,  and of or going with that of with that of future or new plans relative travels or overseas areas vis fundings doc's or other for strengthening various in our Mil type areas...Some of those also involving things of long durations...

Directly month related as the opposite in names of our exact month pair of yesterday's...In the begins of a year and first couple months often are 2 - 3 days where the Uppers remain that of the Quen trigram areas as these have, and then unfortunately forget the advanced AV when runs will through off numberings or other running softwares operations when scans them, causing me some hexagram mix up in the process then...

Anyway that and other goes along with Our month ZWDS at both Our exact and All Countries levels and in first that of President Bush relative President Trump fit well as did for the mirroring of things in today's zwds too...

Tian Xiang aka the Mirror and Minister star in a positive sense also means when twins are involved, but do not have to be of the actual vis blood lines, nor the identical in type either, both are of separate areas *but hold something in common* which in this case is that of a Job position aka the Presidency of the United States...

Tian Xiang in Travels palace today and opposite the Po Jun (Army, etc) star in today's Self/Destiny palace areas refers to the taking of new or key grounds in things as well such as occured in Iraq and other last couple days...

So while to some appears subtle that of Our lunar month's destiny palaces hold's that of the characters, natures and trends which are a main background in that of daily decisions, actions and events with this of the lunar year daily applying to those and the lunar equiv of the previous not completed and holding solar month too...

In that of Our Solar month we have the Void in that of the Karmic and Happiness areas while in Our new Lunar month we have the Void in that of the *Career, status and reputations areas* itself additional to the already mentioned of the Lunar month NM Feb 26th...That latter is the same of Our 2017 Lunar year as well...

Note doing all here relative Our current 2017 lunar year itself and not referring to the Solar Return aka Varshaphala year chart of the actual US birthchart itself in which it and all running age/birthday charts in ZWDS still have that of an Obstructed Lian Zhen star, and yet here we do get the very accurate in currents of results using that of both the Solar and Lunar 2017 charts themselves alone instead!...

Then that of the Wwg timed pair names and stars directly correspond with each ZWDS chart as well, and are the easier for most to use in practical aspects...

Vis NBC Ntl eve news that of the Jewish centers and schools once again in various places rcvd bomb threats today!...

Those would easily go with the more negative sides of a Po Jun destiny star (In credence the Ling Xing Bell fire star was with it), so could have been worse, and then in the exact of todays Properties/Business palace areas where had that of a very strong wealthy and famed Moon star was *date obstructed* in some of it's areas, in other lighter you could also say it went with that of the Hollywood's awards areas in todays news as well...

So of that too we can see just how accurate that of what is called the Self/Destiny and of  it's palaces in a ZWDS chart *are*, even at the daily level...

That for a personal chart of an accurate birth time runs the same way...

2/28 Fire/Mars day of the Bing Yang fire Dog aka III (Red) sh date...FS #2...GT: #10 - #61 Involve #37 areas...

Not a good date you have that of date bonded to form fire for P star manifests of it's Rm wood star areas so certainly includes that of dangers amongst other R star meanings...

Has Rm stars in the Inner relational on the Object and Yel (Abrupts) 2nd locals line which includes that of travels in destinations areas, and link to Grn 6th Bsh earth star areas on the skies and far aways, etc line areas...

Then that of fire itself is also of an ineffective aka buried status this date...

Ineffective in pasts went with some that was unuseful or udesired in effects, and though the bonded Rm stars will form a strong fire for P star manifests, that in itself operates against the *Physial's healthy Ks metal star*...

A K star physical for that of safety, cures, luck, etc or mainly positive things while the P star if just involves may be ok, but is strong potential for it to control or kill the K star, which is not a good thing...

Normally do leave the hexagrams here to you, but did look at the today's ZWDS last night, which spurred me to look at it's hexagram pair also...

ZWDS of Today's Self/Destiny palace had NMS again, however it does have that of Malovents or Stars of continuous emptiness type aka the Punishment and the Void stars there...

Drawing from the Opposite Travels Palace we have two major stars and both are Obstructed!...

Mainly that of the Lian Zhen Chastity Crimson star is *Date Obstructed*, while that of Tan Lang Greedy wolf or Opportunity is month Obstructed!...

Plus with those two of Travels palace there is also that of the Tuo Luo Spinning Top star there which is also a harmful type of secret damages, delays, and more...

Those all in added negative forms influences for today's Self/Destiny palace, and even were those two major stars positive there would still be negative likely volatile effects of the mal stars...

This date in Global of  *Outer Social/Politcal, etc areas* is of Indirect Power aka the Qi Sha, 7 Kills, General's nature and type!...

Today has that of date's *Qing Yang star* is in Health's/Safety areas along with year's obstructed Messenger star which is empowered by the date as well, while the Year's Qing Yang star is in today's Prosperity areas along with the Mirror, Minister star...

Today's entirely separate of yesterday's but think some misunderstood my comments on the lunar month's day start mirror in it's Self/Destiny palace and the President's *wasn't inferring they are of the same types, char or natures at all*, and in fact had thought President Bush's advice within the interview was both very appropriate and good!...

Except for management of others investments this is not normally considered a good date for new major activities in ZWDS...

At 8pm and 9pm hr's sh and h has the Punishment star in the self destiny palace and that of a NMS Travels palace for those, though hr h may lower that of the dates fire formed some then?...

If I put today's lunar date/day within Our lunar month itself, then it comes out a little better for that of the Travels palace areas, but *the Self/Destiny still of the NMS type with the Punishments Star there*, so not a huge improvement that way either...

The first as you probably gathered was of the global day start lunar date which directly corresponds to the date's Wwg timed pair in global view...

The second in ultra brief was that of the lunar date within Our Exact Lunar month pair itself of Feb 26th, maybe should have stuck with that only but you get the full view this way...

Hadn't said good things couldn't or wouldn't happen, *and some always should*, but doubt that negates what the heavens show vis some type or types of Punishment being part of the Destiny palace this date since that shows both within the global and our month as well for this given date!...

May be something(s) of natural phenomena areas, or other to do with wealths aka prosperity areas, career, and the karmic vis happiness as well as that to do with safeties, healths, diplomacies, and stabilities type areas, and was some in the am already to do with Minors and overseas areas...

Think you already know a bit about some that may match up also...

Adds to complete:

Was a tornado around the Chicago, Illinois area and a fatality associated it, then in some other a good portion of the amazon (c) cloud service was out for several hours that also provides servers for some medias in what read per USA Today (c)...

Per updated of today's and CNN's (c) news was a string of tornadoes tuesday night and 3 fatalities out of it then...

Was the recent expose of the number of rapes and other abuses of the elderly in today's nursing homes, other areas referred to as disciplines to evade the words punishments in some, punishment comes in many forms...There was probably other in the hidden which got missed as well and were are other indicators that didn't mention as have been sticking to the Wwg and ZWDS only in recents...

Had wondered why the ZWDS didn't appear to reflect that of the President addressing congress other night then finally remembered the monthly only shows things main at it's level...

When went back and checked Our lunar new year itself there it was...

Tuesday Feb 28th *the Self Destiny palace* of it had Zi Wei aka the King or Emperor with his equiv of General's, CEO's, etc with him plus the Right minister and Tian Kui aka Delight and sometimes referred as the Angel 1 star also... 

Ancient ZWDS cannot perfectly reflect most modern day govt's, *but it can reflect those at their tops and did*, just had to look at the correct time reference aka that which is/was that main to the year in this case...

Than we can look to other things main to each month itself appropriatey at the monthly level, just as had always done of the timed hexagram pairs for a long, long time here...So long hadn't occured to me to look at the year's cycle and level till last night...

Personally if have a choice I still in the lessor than tops levels or of our own life charts, wouldn't start or make new major changes on a date where we have that of the Punishment star or other malovents in it's Self/Destiny palace, your just asking for trouble there!...

Know that from tracking my own and what pops of dates and hours matching up with what it shows at any one time...

Expected some small nonsnse in pun form at peers level and wasn't disappointed there either...Not upset was a bit humorous about as people who are not learned or knowledgeable in the use of the systems here cannot possibly fathom just how accurate they are...

What was given was at the country level for it, and not any particular person in general though a few out of the great bulk would inevitably had some matches...In terms of severe weather probably a lot did, and were lots of punishments mentioned in the President's speech last night too...

3/1 Water/Mercury day of the Ding Yin fire Pig aka IV (Red) h date...FS *#3*...GT: #49 - #55 Involve #44 areas...

Taking break on this one... 

3/2 Wood/Jup day of the Wu Yang earth Rat aka V (Yel) t date...FS #4...GT: #21 - #51 Involve #39 areas...

Begins Western Wht Cardinal week...

News is really getting it down on it today, *with a lot of the hidden coming to the fore* both for the US and in overseas also including China's internal Darkness of light lunar month relative the western Xinjiang province areas...

Anyway as you scan our news today especially at our *Govt levels* just think *Void star* as singularly in Our lunar year and accompanied by other such as empowered Waif and Moon stars with the Qing Yang injurous star there by date too, and then the Void star all by itself in Our lunar month *is that of the Self/Destiny's for those today*!...

Those stars in combine figuratively give you a picture for our Outer events today along with the global of the timed pair aka Biteing or chewing through Involves Obstructings and Barriers which leads to Sudden jolts and changes!...

Focus on that some as you gander a bit at the news and you'll easily see how today's events in the news match to those areas!...

[To refine or add bit further, in all's for Mar 2nd we also have that of a *Date Obstructed* (Hua Ji) Tian Ji aka Wit, Intellect, Strategist, Chief advisor's star in things as well today, which clouds that of making good decisions for some or enhances to over enhances it for some as well...

In our year that's in the Minors as connected to Elders areas this date, and in our month that's in the Career (Tops, Outer events, etc) as connected to Prosperity and Elders areas there for this date as well]...

That's the main of what the ZWDS shows vis it's stars as influences for this date, those being of Our own current Lunar Year and Month type...

They are standalone unique of heaven's timed influences only in type, and of or due to those influences actually represent a good number of the main event types which take place for us at any given time...

Was those sudden jolts and changes for some of plus and minus types, and saw some in Ntl eve news supporting, but the greater bulk was in written news and it's spread of areas this time...

Then if any read blogs on the stars in today's, beside the minus that first correctly comes to mind of the Void star are also some unique traits for people of it as well...

In note: We have the new solar month of the Gui Yin water Rabbit starting around Sunday March 5th here and most if not all locations then too...

Not a great date here, re kinked the back from sleeping wrong last night I guess, painful date way above the norm always of starts, can't straighten all the way up when stand today, and in supported walk within home have to stay stooped over, morphine level doesn't cover that stuff...Had just gotten over a fire up from moving books into a footlocker and now this!...

3/3 Metal/Venus day of the Ji Yin earth Ox aka VI (Gry) c date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #32 - #34 Involve #43 areas...

3/4 Earth/Saturn day of the Geng Yang metal Tiger aka VII (Wht) y date...FS #6...GT: #59 - #20 Involve #27 areas...

[Take no responsibility for others actions or decisions and only put out basic info's for informative purposes only!]...


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