Saturday, March 4, 2017

Solar month of the Yin water Rabbit (m) aka Gui Mao.

Previous still active NM lunar month pairs:

All Countries #2 - #7 Involve #2 areas...

US Exact #46 - #11 Involve #54 areas...

China FE Exact #36 - #15 Involve #40 areas...

From Mar 27th onwards: 

Just the NM pairs for that date, plus that of the Rabbit Solar month pairs, and this of the Year itself below are the main for you to follow and track daily:

[Besides these noted should always refer to the January Blog for the All Countries and most importantly Exacts of pairs dated 1/27/2017 in your trackings too...

*Those pairs represent the Lunar New Year itself aka that main to the Year itself*!]...

Main to the Month:

A Solar month of Rabbit start, will add bit more vis brief zwds lite to that later, and we will have the full moon (fm) coming up around Mar 12th also...

On the China Far Easts pairs when posted does not cover all Far Easts countries such as Thailand more west of China is in standard of TZ #7 and in theo more east is Japan of standard TZ 9 while that of China and standard is TZ 8, so their Exact pairs for the Solar month different...In other things they may also refer to China too, so post it's only...

US Exact ZWDS Lite...

A Lunar equivalent of Our Solar month and pair:

Self/Destiny palace areas holds that of Tian Liang aka the Pillar, Scholar, Beam, etc star with the minor stars of Lu Cun Abundance and a Bright Wen Qu time star for Intelligence and Arts oriented with some literary talents as well...

Besides standalone and of it's other connections it may also have some to do with the previous month in some of the Dreamer's immigrant cases as well...  

The year level going with and also reflecting this Solar month start:

In it's Self/Destiny palace areas for this date and start is NMS, and  has that of Tuo Lou of the slanderous, etc aka the Spinning top, Worrisome and Obstruction star there, and in the Opposites takes in the Travels palace areas that of an empowered and bright Tian Ji star along with Tian Liang and a date injurous (remains part of it) Qing Yang star as well...

Latter is more similar in nature at least, to our exact Solar month Wwg pair at top which has B earth star clashes within it involving Rulers, the Far or High of areas, paths and positions also....Date fire bonds the rulers, etc Bsh changes star forming fire for P star type areas in manifests...

That of the Spinning Top has some negative qualities at times in that of lack of honesty or integrity and can trigger that of violences or physical force to abuse or restrain others, etc...

It also of trine aspect, aspects that of the *Career or Outer events palace areas*:..

Those in turn hold that of an empowered Tai Yang (Sun) star for crowds, groups or authority with that of the year's obstructed Messenger star and in present wealth catalyst attached it, those also have that of the Bell star for the fiery and heated in some but it works to bring out the positive sides of a date version of the Spinning Top there in that palace's areas as well...

In other that of the Staff's palace areas holds that of the Mirror aka Minister and in some Prime minister star type(s) where we also find that of the Punishment star applying to them as well...

That's in terms of personages in the simular of positions of any govt type area, same within various business structures, in some for that at their personal chart areas, and then are other of diseases, accidents and natural and natural phenomenas that associate any of the stars which can come up as well...Some you will find when you look them up of various net blogs or zwds sites...

Then at individual or personal levels for the masses as well, don't be surprised if you run up against some of the slanderous or of maliscious gossips to even that involving violence in some few cases of and in something of your own personal areas as well...That as it's an influence for an entire month so can spread into any social areas within one's routines also...

From what saw the 4th of Ntl eve news towards it's end also is that both of those destiny palace areas (month and year view of it) are fully correct and playing out in our events now!...

The Solar as the NM Lunar types run for a month so on some dates aside the always of Day start aka GT hexagram pairs  text posted daily here will on some of those include ZWDS lite on given dates in extra...

As relevant to monthly periods some matchings of prior issues and events can occur several days before a new month begins also...

On dates post some zwds info, those will usually *but not always* be when the date's Self/Destiny palace is NMS or includes a malevolent empty star type in either the solar or lunar year and month types...

Additionally and as normal you can or should as desired track the pairs listed and mentioned for that of R star involvements (potential dangers) as well...

That's mainly *suggestive only*, to law enforements agencies, then those in their political interests and any concerned with what's in and of safeties and other per their own interests...

Only actual documented meanings are used for the star types here with nothing speculative added, and however it falls it falls, so in that you can have correct and accurate pictures of that which influences various areas, types and events at any time...Having that you can make if needed any adjustments in your personal strategies or routines to reduce risks or avoid some of the hindrance(s) and undesired where that of negatives or pitfalls, etc are shown for the month here...

3/6 Moon day of the Ren Yang water Dragon aka IX (Blk) cn date...FS #8...GT: #23 - #35 Involve #2 areas...

On that of the Rabbit month and of it's year status think you'll find that the Spinning Top in it's Self/Destiny palace likely in the main of it's nature adds a lot of confusions in some to perhaps a lot of areas also...That where staff's in both Ntl and even local govt and biz areas either make errors and incur punishments, and or  in some vis err meet some out possibly, but confusions in any including their billings or transactions in things can occur, except where some as business adhere to very high standards in the services they provide...

Today's Travels palace areas matches:

Interactions and Happenings to do with both foreign countries and similar internal to the US is part of the Travels palace areas, and in step with timing the announcement and commencement for that of new bans rules regarding the same was initiated by the President today...

*Today* there your referring to the Travels of others mainly foreign others rather than members of our Govt which is also proper, and that it's *the actions of the President* which also involve Relationships areas that is the active for today's Travels palace areas...

3/7 Fire/Mars day of the Gui Yin water Snake aka X (Blk) e date...FS #9 (Li)...GT: #11 - #5 Involve #54 Brides areas...

ZWDS *lite*:

On ZWDS that of Travels palace areas today connected internally within them are those of Property/Business type areas...

Those had *the Fire star there today*, and the Travels palace further trined that of the chart's *Relationships palace areas in which the Spinning Top there was being aspected, and of which within it was also connected to that of Health/Safety type areas today...

That connected within is separate of the chart's other palaces of the same names...

Sure was and is a lot of Fire concerning both our Health and Safety areas no doubt!..

Was some natural phenomena stuff as Ntl eve news indicated but maybe even more concerning was that of Govt areas relative the public itself...

3/8 Water/Mercury day of the Jia Yang wood Horse aka I (Grn) w date...FS #1...GT: #10 - #58 Involve #37 areas...

3/9 Wood/Jup day of the Yi Yin wood Goat aka II (Grn) wa date...FS #2...GT: #49 - #31 Involve #44 areas...

Begins Southern Red Phonix cardinal week areas...

3/10 Metal/Venus day of the Bing Yang fire Monkey aka III (Red) s date...FS *#3*...GT: #21 - #38 Involve #39 areas...

Day before yesterday did have some injurous along with an Obstructed Greedy wolf star for some areas and then Travels held the Void then as well...On latter major communcications enterpriese which cover the country as well as overseas contacts areas will always associate the Travels palace areas also, as well as anything of govt's communications or mesages to or from foreign areas also...Would have shown within date pair also in it's way...

In that of the 9th was Bell aka fire, fiery things for Self destiny palace and it trined other mal stars such as Fire in the Career outer events areas, etc and were events that matched natural also, then of the timed pair since R earth stars on 6th would clash R earth star on locals line areas that date too...

Busy in other things now so not posting much ahead but you can always judge date nature and of any R star stuff if you expand the daily timed pairs...

Today's Self Destiny palace areas: One major star aka the Mirror and with Delight as before plus *the Punishments Star* there as well...

Prior was only going to list when there was NMS and or NMS with a Mal aka Emptiness star with in a date's lunar year Self/Destiny palace...

Mainly as that of the Mal star's influence in events is quite easy to spot when it's in an NMS palace...

However last couple days prior to today, had at least two major stars with a Mal star in the Self/Destiny palace, and that of Mal aka negative related effects in events were also unmistakably noteable also...So will add those to some posts here as well...

Most countries further east or west of ours have different lunar year destinies aka destiny influences, but the star groupings as far as the courts aka element signs are the same anywhere of the year itself, and it's just the given palaces areas assignments that are different amongst them...

In that and on different dates each experiences another countries year destiny areas as well, and at those times will likely interact some with the other country that aligns with in some form as well...

Mainly like the Wwg timed pairs, it's just a monthly and daily cycle of heaven's influences which themselves keep repeating near bi-weekly throughout the year...

It's the differences in that of the monthly and daily *heaven's stems pairings* to the about bi weekly of the branches, that make each go around or cycle a bit different, that in terms of their influences to each palace itself for that of different outcomes of them each time... 

*Rather boring in that*, except for the fact they are so accurate and quite predictable for the palace areas as to the nature of what comes up of them for a given date itself...

Similar or better than the Wwg timed pair names, the ZWDS shows there's a strong consistent pattern of influences that show the main trends of actions and events to any date, *so there is a great deal of order to that of man's affairs and of the natural effects or phenomena in any date*...

It agrees with that of other systems but it is a great deal more specific and to the point then the others and very as well as strategic in that...

In safety or defensive, etc purposes it's good to know, but on the other hand it's very boring to me in it's conciseness, and spend more time in other areas of interests now...

Matches: Will leave most to news, but it's pretty obvious that of the now former President of South Korea being kicked out of office friday by a court there, both matches today's ZWDS of it's Punishments Star, and also relates of the names of today's timed pair here as well!...

Removed the personal since uneeded, missed ev news had gotten busy in other stuff...

3/11 Earth/Saturn day of the Ding fire Rooster aka IV (Red) yo date...FS #4...GT: #32 - #40 Involve #43 areas...

Today a date with an ok Self/Destiny palace type:

Self/Destiny palace which internally connects to that of the Year and Month's Elders aka Authority areas for today, and has that of *a bright or famed Tian Ji the Chief advisor aka Wit star plus that of the Tian Liang Scholar star* and saw some articles that easily matched their themes...

In it's plus sides that of today's pair *Gry* 3rd Ryo star physical *reflects those types within it too*, but further includes any mal or the sudden in events types of those and R star areas as well...

With this type of self/destiny palace for a singular date in the year's, it's normally a very good and enjoyable day *for most*, and usually don't give this type much mention here...

Vis Dong Gong it's an Inauspacious day type and is that of Qi Sha aka the General in Outer social and Elders areas today, but that still can be good in terms of decisions or in managing others or things and that in one's affairs also, so not all bad that way either...

Hadn't said much of the Punishments Star US wise other day, but though normal for any President and his AG to put in a totally new staff of Justice Dept Attorneys, it's still somewhat a Punishments area as it reflects a negative judgement on those who were incumbent that they would not be loyal to the Admin's polices, etc...Today wasn't much different there showed as punishments in Peers areas internally connected to it's Year and Month's self destiny areas and in Opposition to that of the Chart's Staff's palace areas themselves...

 Also a rather boring day type as beyond that we have an NMS status for it's Opposite of the Travels palace areas and then the very same for that of the Career, Properties/Business, and the Karmic aka 2nd Wealth aka that of mainly a *Happiness aka mental and *emotional* quality type status* at the time in palace areas all of the NMS status type!...

Except for Career aka tops, outer events, status's and reputations areas the others all hold singular mal/emptiness stars today, and where unlike the Wwg the ZWDS types are not weak, but strong in that of their mal sides and characters for any personages they also represent...

Travels has the Spinning Top, Property/Business that of the Void, and the Karmic has and holds that of Fire and the Fiery star today...So will find some of the Ill or Mal of main event types associated those given areas today...

Career palace areas do have that of an Arts star plus also Pegusus for that of travels and or showing some potential for accidents, etc in them as well about it there...

The year's obstructed Messenger star is in that of the Relationships palace areas today, and it's further of a date Obstructed status there as well, were some articles along those lines as well...

More to it but anyway that's a look at a more norm date of the year type, when there's nothing mal in the Self/Destiny palace itself...

However when those personages and types in that palace had or of today take actions in those other NMS palaces then problems can arise for them, and were articles surfacing today that matched just that such as for the late Muhammad Ali's son and problems he has encountered in that of US Travels areas...

That's some of the ZWDS view for today, and the more condensed accurately representing the date also is of the Wwg timed pair which you can expand also, it's names alone gives the general of the date's destiny type in global and for locals anywhere, that of their destiny names applying to what the ZWDS chart of the date describes to us as well...

The Wwg timed pairs give us the main situation that's pertinent for *global and locals areas anywhere* with regard to that which is most main to the date only of them, and it's that situation which is referred to as the destined or the destiny for the most main of events of a given date itself...

Both reflect the general of the main ongoings for a date and either may be used...

As far as that of Friday when the Punishment Star was in the Self/Destiny it was reflected in the Wwg timed pair names and stars and then regarding the White House the Object aka Inner Opponents line was of By  star changes in advancings hindered some as clashed by the date yet would advance Operated against and or attacked the Gwa earth star physical *which was in Outer areas and on the Rulers line!*...

Would have represented winds, storms and any destructive activity also and the B stars goes either way in terms of friends or foes, and on stars you have to consider all options...

3/12 Sunday Sun day of the Wu Yang earth Dog aka V (Yel) sh date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #57 - #6 Involve #27 areas...

Mainly weathers in the natural and a lot of further degradations in what was some of last weeks quarrels areas, especially between some overseas countries themselves also...

3/13 Moon day of the Ji Yin earth Pig aka VI (Gry) h date...FS #6...GT: #39 - #15 Involve #64 areas...

Self/Destiny NMS but has that of the Fire/Fiery star there and trines makes aspect to the Career, etc areas with that of the Spinning Top star for this date...

That of the Qing Yang star for this date of the lunar year is in that of Health/Safety areas connecting internally to the month and years Relationships areas...

Of Karmic aka Happiness (Life quality) areas those internally connected to month and year Staff's areas today where that of Wen Qu the Arts minister star is date Obstructed...

Some there has to do with verbal communications and communications systems aka instruments for communications where contractual documents aka billings performed, and or in some additional where that of Travels may be involved too...

Obstructions within cellphone carriers and other, may cause consumers billing problems, etc...Have to wonder what causes that? Servers and databank issues vis electrical etc issues vis weathers related or of hackings?...  

The weather focused on vis news in of E and *NE's* if not other today and as referred to for tomorrow as well, still goes along of the natural that the ZWDS reflects as in repeat (cyclic) the Self/Destiny will again be NMS and holds that of the Void star then...

3/14 Fire/Mars day of the Geng Yang metal Rat aka VII (Wht) t date...FS #7...GT: #23 - #2 Involve #2 areas...

That of the NMS and Void star for the Self/Destiny palace areas was/is as before trine aka in aspect with that of the Punishments Star in the Prosperity palace areas and within it to the year and the month...

Then were some 8000 flights cancelled over the weathers for the NE's plus other expenses associated that of the snow and storms there...That of the Prosperity palace aside the Punishments star holds that of the Mirror aka Prime minister or Ministers major star along with that of the Delights minor star areas there and of date the injurous of the Qing Yang star there also...

Per CNN (C) news updated that's 8400 or over as of hr yo and while NYC wasn't much says up to 15 million still in for heavy effects yet...

Going with that the Void also trine aspects that of the Vault/Treasury star in Career palace areas today those as connected to the month's and year's Prosperity areas within them also...

Then the Void opposes that of the Travels areas taking in that of an empowered Warrior, Wealth Cmdr star and an month Obstructed Greedy wolf aka Opportunities star and also that of the Year's injurous Qing Yang star emphasized this date also...

Pretty much makes sense of what you see of weathers and other in the news for the US today...

Different things but similar themes emphasized and matching of those as they repeat every 12 days, last was on the 2nd and next on the 26th for those areas, etc...Then of actual dates other variences of the stems and branches make for something new of the areas each time, and often in events based on the last few dates ahead of it as far as the particulars go...

Anyway whether of natural or manmade or man's affairs every 12 days you can expect something to hit the fan on those dates...

The same of the Prior date when the Fire/Fiery star trines aka aspects the Spinning Top star every 12 days also...

In between those on other given dates and hours for the other external palaces connected to those other events of them come up as well...

[You can mark your calendars forward of these main dates, since repeat every 12 days]...

If you look back through this and last month's posts you can find dates the Bell and Punishment Stars came up on, and add those for 12 day intervals on your calendars also, then expand the daily pairs I post for their Star types as well on them...

In separate that of the Globally Obstructed of the Date is the Tian Tong aka Waif's, Lucky, etc Star which falls in that of the Staff's palace areas interconnected to month and year's Minors star palace areas, and in other varies as to where it's at in that of your own personal charts this date...

Will list of Tian Tong today, but to better understand you need to look up the star meanings, that as spend most of my time in other pursuits too, and *you will learn or understand much better that of any matches by learning their meanings for yourselves instead*:

 Tian Tong Obstructed: Sometimes is out of sorts and experiences the great in up and downs of emotions on this date type, else suffers a sharp or emotional disappointment which may be of ones own fault, and or where may have been negligent in things of work or responsibilities areas, especially watch for disasters involving relaxations in liesures or play which abruptly even as small accidents or difficulties, and or the missing opportunities come up and apply as well...

All that has it's Yin and Yang sides which vary in personal charts as to which palace it falls, and then mainly if the given frame or in particular *the date itself involves that palace in your chart which can be of aspects trine or opposite to it as well*, though also will of given hours within a date apply as well...

Means many people anywhere in minor ways could have had something of the Obstructed Waif's areas come up as well...

[Obstructed by Date stars like the above is every 10 days in repeat]...

Vis news saw in global or overseas areas today someone of leaderships career type areas of their own personal chart took a big hit there today!...

More than had thought would classify some's tweets in that category, and then the more seedy at the moment are new announcements regarding the Navy's long 4 year or more running investigations to do with an overseas contractors bribes involving more arrests now...That connected to free special parties aka love nights at hotels, and other material gifts for Naval officers of US battleships ported in the Phillipines years back!...Those unfortunately do match as well...

Shows what you can spot when you know the meanings and takes the mystery out of some when they come up for you as well, though definitely not all are of one's own doings and such can stem from others as well!...

All that combined with the timed pairs of those dates gives you a wealth of information(s) in terms of what are major types and natures in the events which come up on those dates throughout the year!...

This done relative our lunar year here, but can be done just as easily for any other country that's more east or west of our's based on their lunar year chart also!...

Personal charts have their own different Self/Destiny palace placements by date, and run in terms of their own original birth stars placements within them, in the same way as this here...

Personal charts though private are far more interesting...

[That of the Wwg date start aka GT daily pairs here run and *apply to all countries globally for any date* themselves]!...

On other areas in daily routines like to listen to *shortwave rcvr radio bands* a lot when doing other stuff,  today was a little sparse but caught a little on 80 and 20 meters, one a Noa weathers versus longitudes report, and other of some hams chatting, 40 meters was quiet when checked, but usually in evenings 9 pm on usually gets active there and at times catch a bit on the 160 meter band as well...Don't use any external or special antenna for it and listen while work projects, but of voice type com have picked up some from Arkansas, Indiana, Virginia and other states over the last week to see what was out there...

Well in the plus know one cellphone carrier got their App for billings finally up and working for today, and in amusements got to love the Arby's (C) commercials..

Correction was 6000 flights cancelled today per Ntl eve news and other likely had used combinational numbers of dates and other transport types in theirs...

Caused issues many had to stay at the airport they were at then and or spend additionally for hotels, etc...

Also related prosperity areas of stocks were down today too...

Not noting all of eve news as initially picked from what was valid in the written news much earlier...

You have most of the ZWDS mal date type items so won't repeat much on it, as you can mark your calendar dates and the same areas as listed this and last month and of the meanings you also look up aka add will be the same connections and themes which will apply each time of them...

3/15 Water/Mercury day of the Xin Yin metal Ox aka VIII (Wht) c date...FS #8...GT: #11 - #46 Involve #54 areas...

Think listed prior, but if not you can add it's dates on your calendars now, expect the fiery of Belle star or say that related to it of areas as well as the Sun and Messenger star in the Travels palace and it's areas, and to be taken in the Self/Destiny (Physical) areas...

Doesn't mean ill as most looks normal and plus, just some potentials of what the Belle star represents in it...

Then you have the timed pair of names with it and of Global areas, etc...

Think of the ZWDS here as *a reliable general guide of Our lunar year chart*, covers that of the date, month and year for *things most main of the year itself*, however in no way accounts for all things of individual charts themselves, so can be other sometimes significant of those as well within a date also!...


Looked in the bulk most went well or as mentioned and the same in NBC (C) Ntl eve news as well...


Left out the full moon of the 12th as felt to keep simple just using the NM aka Lunar month, SM aka Solar month and completing some of our ZWDS lunar year for calendar purposes was quite enough to read through here...You have that of the still running NM lunar month pair names of Feb 26th from the previous months blog to refer to yet as well...

Anyway since last Sunday we transitioned back to day light savings time, so especially for that of the Wwg *we use 10pm* instead of standard 11pm for that of our day starts and hr t (The Rat aka Zi hour) to hourly track our timed pair stars now...

So for the timed pairs hour t runs from 10pm - 12 am while were under, using DST clock times...

Even in conventional and standard time's 11pm hr t start, there's a transition in the date change which usually doesn't complete until 12am or after per location and where we officially enter the new date...That's normally ignored and kept to 11pm in most so it's in line with all other systems such as ZWDS, Bazi and QMDJ, etc for the most part specifically always use the 11pm standard for their Day start charts...

Means that although for DST we set the Day start to 10pm, it's usually not solidly reflective of the next date until 11pm or after per location under DST itself...

In tosses during hr t it's always best to check per longitude exactly when the date transition occurs be it standard or day light savings time, and then easier if we just don't do a toss until hr c onwards  when we know it will be of that next date for sure...You still get accurate results when you toss but having the date correct is pretty vital for accurate stars assesments...

Sums that up. anyway in convention use 10pm for DST day starts while under DST and understand it's the last half of hour t 11pm or after per location when that of both hr t and the next date fully align!...

Just Blog:

Well stubbornly still pursueing electronics stuff to re capture a lot that had been forgotten while experimenting a bit as well...Takes effort to work through my discomfort zones since body doesn't like a lot of the continuous in small movements and body adjustments needed when your putting things together and while not all fun in that aspect, still worth it in the overall of just staying active and getting something done...

Left hand gets a bit shaky and really requires a lot of patience when it comes to mounting baby trim pots on some very small printed circuit boards, especially when the pre drilled holes are of much smaller spacings then the pots (yuck), but eventually get there...

Does keeps me busy with something physical and between it and review/studies, etc in the same a very good and purposeful way to pass time as well...

3/15 Wood/Jup day of the Ren Yang water Tiger aka IX (Blk) y date...FS #9 (Li)...GT: #10 - #25 Involve #39 areas...

Begins week of the Eastern Grn Dragon Cardinal areas...

That of the Mirror, Delight and Punishments stars are in the Travels palace areas today those as related to the month and year's Self/Destiny palace areas also...That becomes the Self/Destiny for the 22nd and for your Calendar purposes also...

Today's Self/Destiny was not an NMS type so that of it's Opposite Travels palace had more of an Oppositional effect of it's areas to it today...

Primarily since today's Self/Destiny itself held some dark to it, and that as the Major Crimson aka Politician's star there is of a permanently Obstructed type!...

Had there been nothing Mal in the Self/Destiny palace then likely that of the Punishments in the Travels palace areas would have been more external in applying to others instead...

Then of our lunar year *that of the Punishments star will always be Trine the Void star*, which today was in Relationships areas and within connected to the year's and month's Career, Outer events, etc palace areas...

In separate of reminders that of the Fire star itself for this lunar year will always be trine aka aspecting the Spinning Top and vice versa also, with the latter aka the Spinning Top as our NMS Self/Destiny palace for tomorrow!...


Did Make an error on the 12 days later of the Self/Destiny match up's, only partially holds at times, and that is to do with overlooking that of new lunar periods start times themselves!...Always has to be a catch...

[To compensate I will of the dailies just mention any date of a Self/Destiny palace of an NMS status and or when it holds a Mal star type at the time instead]...

You can in most cases within a given month and your own calendar generally rely on a shorter interval of 6 day intervals type instead:.

In particular when what is the Travels palace of a given Self/Destiny date, will itself become that of the Self/Destiny palace 6 days later!...Means that mentioned for the 22nd above is correct...

When there's a varience on those (Vis period transitions) will let you know, and if at some point can work out a formula for that of the Self/Destiny cyclics will let you know that too!...


One other good info tip is whenever that of a date aspects the Spinning Top star it's generally not a good time to make new decisions of it's areas, that as it adds confusions, slanders and the hidden or behind of attacks by others in things, and of the palace areas it's in...Then it's trining the Fire star and it's palace areas as well

In personal charts not a good day to take new actions in any area as things won't always go the way you'd expect them too...If you purchase and order things on such a date then likely some areas to do with that such as shippings don't go as stated or expected, and your also likely to get incorrect or messed up products in the results too...  

Remaining calendar NMS dates of interest using minimum indicators under this 2nd lunar month of our current lunar year:

17th Self/Destiny NMS has Tor Lor aka the Spinning Top star and trine aspects Fire in Prosperity's, etc palace areas then...

21st Self/Destiny has Xing Ling aka Belle star a fire type...Also trines the Fire star in Career connecting to Mo/Yr Properties and Business areas then also trines the Spinning Top in Proseperity areas connected to Mo/Yr Health/Safeties areas...

22nd Self/Destiny has Tian Xing aka Punishments star and the Mirror as a major star along with the minor Tian Yue star aka delight or sometimes also may be referred to as a status or reputation as well...

25th Self/Destiny NMS Fire star trine aspects Career, etc palace areas Spinning Top star then...
26th Self/Destiny NMS Void star trine aspects the Punishments star in the Prosperities, etc palace then...
27th Self/Destiny NMS while Opposite in Travels palace has the Belle star...

Rough guide only kept brief, and not all in other palaces mentioned, nor of other dates where the Self/Destiny itself ok or of other Obstructed Major stars, which may further connect to palaces that have mal star(s) in them...

Completes month as a new moon aka the 3rd lunar month starts late the 27th here, which then resets the daily palaces sequences then...

3/17 Metal/Venus day of the Gui Yin water Rabbit aka X (Blk) m date...FS #1...GT: #49 - #17 Involve #44 areas...

The Self/Destiny already listed vis the clandar table and it always trines the Career, etc palace type areas of any date also, which of today's within it is that of the Sun and an Empowered Messenger star *then also that of the Belle fire star too*...

Those besides the Self/Destiny palace also trine that of the Fire star itself this date too!...

Then today that of *the Career palace areas* also internally connect to the month and year's *Peers palace areas for events* as well...

Those that look up the Belle star's meanings will find it's influences go along with a number of events in today's news also....

All also fit within and under that of today's timed pair names and the star relationships in those for the date and hours within it, which you can track from that perspective as well...

3/18 Earth/Saturn day of the Jia Yang wood Dragon aka I (Grn) cn date...FS #2...GT: #21 - #27 Involve #39 areas...

Were trines to fire type stars this date both ways and usually as norm internally some matches and this one for overseas it and yesterday of diplomacies also had correctly matched...

3/19 Sunday Sun day of the Yi Yin wood Snake aka II (Grn) e date...FS *3*...GT: #32 - #28 Involve #43 areas...

The Travels palace, etc areas have Fire Star and within relative this month's and year's Properties/Business, etc areas...

Various types of the fiery type areas were in and again also of diplomatic areas regarding overseas threats in the appropriate of concerns also...

3/20 Moon day of the Bing Yang fire Horse aka III (Red) w date...FS #4...GT: #59 - *#29* Involve #27 areas...

Travels palace areas to month and years Career, etc palace areas in today's hold the Void star...

Had matches....

3/21 Fire/Mars day of the Ding fire Goat aka IV (Red) wa date...[FS *#5*]...GT: #39 - #63 Involve #64 areas...

As wish check ZWDS table above for today also has additional there, and the Opposite of the Travels palace areas is of NMS status also...

Followed some news as usual as well as Ntl eve type and though always leave some out for brevity it usually surfaces in the news anyway, then is a great deal to do with some of Govt's areas always matching in most dates too...

.3/22 Water/Mercury day of the Wu Yang earth Monkey aka V (Yel) s date...FS #6...GT: #23 - #4 Involve #2 areas...

Again check table: Also that of the S/D palace areas today trines the Void star also which is within the Career, etc palace areas and within that connected to mo and yr in those same areas for today...

Just as the Wwg timed pair types, the ZWDS is also hierarchal and since it's constantly a the govt is a *news focus in the daily* we see a lot of Govt type stuff aka of the country itself in matches, since this lunar year type used here mainly covers that of the country itself in the first place...

Basically that of hierarchy's associated the masses for a given geographical area such as a country's but aside man's affairs does also represent that of various natural phenomena and the meteorological conditions of an environment's atmosphere to some extents on any given date as well...

In that it applies to most any large org or enterprise but takes in the smaller of those as well, and beyond that *down to individual levels within their work and family structures areas also*...

So at times you'll find a part to most can match your own work or personal day too...That would in the noticeable for those who pay attention to the meanings for each star, will match up to them anywhere from 3 to 6 or more times in any one month...

On those dates it's likely *the date obstructed star* not always mentioned here, that will be of a strong influence and things of it that will be that experienced at individual levels, not barring it's the same for everyone on the planet for any given date too...

That of the date obstructed stars are in terms of the heavenly stems I - X that are use for the dates themselves, any book or course which illustrates or teaches you how to construct a ZWDS lifechart has a table which lists the 4 Hua transforms (destiny changes) for the year, based on the year's heavenly stem...

The very same of heavenly stem to Hua transforms listings applies at the month and day, etc levels as well!...

Normal life charts of birth date type charts show those for the year born, that of the 10 year decade luck and then for each annual (age) luck year as well...

Those normally do not include the daily transform and any you construct for a given date won't either, but you can add them in yourself, and as you might have deduced they are pretty instrumental in our and a lunar year chart as I use here...

Not mentioned in books or courses but using a ZWDS lunar year chart allows us to find the main ongoings of a given year, month or date for any major country or location, and in that it's just the same as using that of the lunar year in Wwg hexagram form for each or any country's *yearly forecast purposes*...

That being the reason had decided to implement and make use of it here... 

Don't mention the Hua Ji aka daily obstruction stars all the time here, as the main thrust is in terms of the Self/Destiny palace that's important at the daily levels, and often that of their direct connections with it, and have to try to keep it brief for easy reading here...

Today's is of the Tian Ji aka Advisor or Chief advisors aka Wit or strategy star and is in that of the Elders palace areas for date, month and year as well those all further connecting to health's areas too...

On the unfortunate London terrorist event that of today's timed all countries pair was of a negative hider star type on the rulers line too, and as not produced by the bearer, then it's Object line a changes line a 2nd locals R star type, which involved P star type areas as well...The R star was further a date bonded type as well...The Hour then involved or bonded to resultant 3rd line R star areas as well!...

In ZWDS the Opposite of Travels palace always connects to the S/D palace and it had the lunar years obstructed Crimson aka politician star there and of mo/yr travels also and further connected to lunar year's own S/D palace as well...

Brings you up to speed on the ZWDS as it's used here...

Just blog: Had to get out a bit yesterday and was even rougher than usual as before ever left back had already been fired up with all the muscles in lower back region locking up on and off all through the trek...*Couldn't do a thing for hours* when got home and just watched tv and later that of various in the plentiful of ham vids on youtube initially...

Did finally around 10pm in the sparingly do some sw listening on the *80/75* meter and 40 meter bands last night during the thunder storm and though the lightning adds the statics blasts in, but in the overall communications on them was better last night...

When you do that for awhile you get to know what frequencies those of various ham groups use to chew the rag on, etc...Mostly was out of Florida and North Carolina picked up quite well then...Then being in that of a solar low nowadays it's not so easy to find much on all bands and neat in dates of special atmospherics where they make do and milk any sporadic e or auroral conditions for all they can get of those too...Most dates of those types are posted in the near ahead of propagation forecasts on the net...It's quite an art!...

Just blog: Wanted to watch Expanse tonight, so listened to the SW at 9pm on, most that I pick up is low level but was active pretty much across the full 80 meter phone band itself then...

Got a big surprise when shifted to 40 meters as was the first time had seen an S8 level signal come in, which was of a net controller calling for a very long list of stations each individually by call sign to check in...

At first thought was close by the level but after a half hour it dropped way back down, so was far away also, most he contacted I couldn't hear, but could hear a few, even one from California no less in the process, so the 40 meters band was very good for com as well...

3/23 Wood/Jup day of the Ji Yin earth Rooster aka VI (Gry) yo date...FS #7...GT: #11 - #19 Involve #54 areas...

Begins that of the Northern Blk Tortoise cardinal areas week...

S/D that of Tian Ji and Tian Liang stars shine today but in Opposite that of the Travels palace areas wherein the Void star is and connecting to health/safety areas and maybe to their associated of Elders areas as well...Elders always includes those in authority of various types, areas as well...


Added after eve news:

Also a day of NMS in the Career palace areas with other of Staff's and Peers in those to go with it has minor stars Pegusus and a date Obstructed Wen Qu aka Arts minister stars there...

That of another terrorist attempt in Brussels is within normal range of yesterdays pair as can easily apply over any 3 day period of daily types, and fit of others close to yesterday's. though the each date's unique is still the primary...

Was and including the previous mentioned of the Travels palace areas blending to it as well...

3/24 Metal/Venus day of the Geng Yang metal Dog aka VII (Wht) sh date...FT: FS #8...GT: #10 - #61 Involve #37 areas...

Correction 2nd hexagram had hit the wrong change line was 4th not 5th...In actions since most based from 1st hexagram not biggie...

However in Outcomes quite a difference and latter goes with the ZWDS better and assessment mainly just the norm of a political day carries plus and minus of that which has already been the tainted typical types of this year and not neccessarily politics of civility or caring and guarding the rights of the people, as it should be...

Basically of influences in the man's affairs side of it reveals the Inner truth regarding that of current leaderships globally...

That of the Tian Tong aka Waif star types, areas Obstructed by the date in that of Health's and Safeties palace areas internally connecting to the mo/yr Minors palace areas which likely involves some's Properties/Business areas also...

The above of the date applies to any's chart just of different palace areas in most cases, but can be some trikle down of the Country's or Govt's areas in any's as well...

In the already is that of the young jewish teen which fits but will be similar of others in other areas then, and that of pair name is also of a be careful or warnings type, and stars would beside other also additionally refer to natural phenomena and weathers spoken of in Eve Ntl news on prior date too...That as you have both firebonds to Inners Objects Blk 2nd Locals anywhere Rm star areas of the date, with B earth clashes star in given hours too...Physical Yel 5th Ks star areas, and that of weak Gt hider star areas it supports...  

Changes at in Red 4th Pw star areas of and bonding to that of groups at the chief ministers levels!...

May be some injurous or of confusions today within that of the Prosperity palace areas today and which takes in that of mo/yr Relationships palace areas as connected to Original of Career, etc palace areas too...In majors has that of a date empowered Wu Qu warrior or wealth cmdr star and that of a permanently Obstructed Tan Lang aka Greedy wolf, Opportunities star there also...

Rest in the simplest appears mainly of political and or social of such with their plus and minis sides as normal per the year, and the timed pair does covers most for today pretty well...

3/25 Earth/Saturn day of the Xin Yin metal Pig aka VIII (Wht) h date...FS #9...GT: #49 - #55 Involve #44 areas...

That of the Ntl weathers forecast for this date *sync's up* to that of this pair's trigram environments Outer influences of Inner...

Outer Dui Wests under changes to Zen Easts and Over Inner Li Souths...

Outer Gry 6th Skies, etc Rwa stars can clash Inner Locals anywhere Blk watery, etc Rc star areas...

So at times may apply and of also of other or all R star type areas then auto reflecting dangers or troubles in some too...

May take a total break away from this for awhile...

New Moon and Lunar Month III

3/27 Moon day of the Gui Yin water Ox aka X (Blk) c date...FS #2...GT: #11 - #19 Involve #54 Areas...

Ok turns out again that is valid as the *All Countries pair*...

That for all countries more Eastward by 2 or more time zones than us, which is the great bulk but they will have the same Daystart pair for their NM only differences are it starts on day I (Grn) y and of FS #3 (Zen  and Changes) for their Mar 28th *gregorian calendar date*...

Our and basically our hemisphere's Lunar Month Exact pair is : #24 - #19 Involve #2 Areas...Applies strongest to other countries in our hemisphere whose time the same as Ours...

Then in the general or just practical to most of them anyway, and of their GT Daystarts the very same as Our's, and then of that type for other countries more east of us the same pair in simul for the 28th and under Day y of those...

Consider the #19 second hexagrams in meanings as likely to be that of *Extending the Influences* of their first hexagrams in each case...

Exact NM starts late *will post their images later afternoon this date, and add numbers (may be the same?) for the Far Easts their's always in simul, but will be on calendar day of 28th there and of the Day I (Grn) y (Jia Tiger) instead...Posted!...

[On China and FE's NM Exact aka *#7 - #2 Involve #24 Areas*, had put Mar 27th *at the top on their hexagram*, but will be Mar 28th there, though is the 27th here!...

Note their Involves of #24 Returns or Turning Points goes and fits within Our Exact pair for events and or mutual events also!]... 

Our ZWDS non perfect but a better start palace wise this time, but will still have the NMS, etc dates as Our lunar year chart doesn't alter, just the starting point within it each month...

Our lunar month, Year S/D palace of the Date is NMS with only the Travels Horse aka Pegusus and Wen Qu aka Arts, Intelligence, etc Stars there, it's trines are positive, but do have *the Belle fire star* in it's Opposite of the Travels palace areas, plus the Sun and a date enhanced Messenger Stars are there too as well...Other areas can have issues but those main are pretty fair for a lunar month start!...

That of it's Travels pulls into the NMS S/D so can be a few bumps, just remember what all the Travels palace takes in, including that of Internet pc, phones and machines communications, etc aside that to and from other countries in Our country's Govt and Biz relationships areas including com and documents areas also...

This S/D palace internally connects with Mo/Yr Staff's palace areas and onto Peer's palace areas also, while that of the Travels palace areas internally connects with Peer's palace areas onto that of Staff's palace areas...

In timing sounds like describing a visit or visits of State at Govt levels in the main of this lunar month, and then additional of maybe other types of similar ongoings too...

Then described as Returns in Our Exact NM pair for global in the Ntl too which is a main influence on down to individual levels usually in that of their environments too...Some of that may involve aside officials, dangers in that of roads and paths areas often likely in the nearby's of one's local environments can come up in it besides other too...

In the pre start were tons of different routine and non routine events involving that of Travels and Returns in or of them over the weekend itself from Ntl tops levels on down, shouldn't be any problem finding matches to this month...Then pay attention to what can attack the Physical's or line areas of interest and the R star connected dates of Our main active timed pairs during this period...

Were other of environments jolts matches in eve ntl news and that of Returns a very environmental for natural phenomena cyclics areas aka storms etc too, especially of the Inner Zen trigram effects for the masses, etc...

Had made an error last month, *do use 12am DST clocktime as the Hr t daystart*, not 10pm, and then realize though we must use that as a reference (for other systems), the date may not fully transition to the next element date until the second half of Hr t aka 1am - 2am itself!...

Then sequentially the next of hr c starts at 2am-4am and so on.... 

No worries though, all timed pairs used here were/are still correct, as the program use for those lists the lunar periods times in Standard time only, which is what the lunar pairs themselves here are always calculated from!...

If you wondered about the jolts the other day some to do with a nightclub, and then of other types and larger scales that in the Russian people's protest of specific leaders and life under it's leaderships, etc that was of the Global day start pair #21 - #51 Involve #39 Areas then...

Important note:

You may have to pull dailies this month and for awhile yourselves, you can refer back to the most recent prior when the GT pair was the same as above, then the next date's will have the pair for the next in sequence, just do sequentially and only the element dates you bump up will be different...In separate you can track the main active pairs of Solar and Lunar month plus that of the Lunar forecast year pair of Jan 27th for the most main relative those also...

May add a bit on the ZWDS side in few days but as is and daily trackings *it's mainly on you now!*...

That of Mar 24th has the pair for us tomorrow, and Mar 25th that of wednesday's, not as much as thought so will post sets of date pairs thursday on into the next week, and in spurts like that to cover for pairs anyway...

3/29 A Water/Mercury day of II/m FS #4 (Shun) and GT: *#49 - #55 Involve #44 Areas*:

So an m wood element aka Rabbit day again which is that of Officials, Biz owners and Dangers, etc aka Rm stars main to Our lunar year pair...

Then today's pair has that of a P star retreat on the rulers line with date's Km stars weakening and clashing those areas, plus we have an Gw hider star areas on the Yel 3rd line areas whose Bh star bearer doesn't support and of which it links to the Gry 4th Physical Bh star type areas also...

Match: That of vehicles and shots fired on DC capital grounds occured in hr cn, which temp countered the Date's clashed Pyo changes star in retreats, etc for that of homes, transports, etc on the rulers line enhancing things of those areas, while it clashed open for events involved in immediate then of Blk 6th resultant date fire bonded Rsh star areas for that of dangers, threats, etc then...

More interesting is main at the lunar year level for masses this date as Rm stars in it clash it's Physical of Blk 6th Kyo star type areas in that of today's events...Our Lunar year is in the January blog aka our NM 1/27/2017 Exact pair there...

Timed pairs for Thursday - Monday:

 3/30 Wood/Jup III/cn...[FS *#5*]...GT: #21 - #51 Involve #39 Areas...Today begins the Western Wht Tiger Cardinal areas week...

3/31 Metal/Venus IV/e...FS #6...GT: #32 - #34 Involve #43 Areas...

Strong power mode in this as a Great Combo for it's Gry 3rd Physical Ryo metal star areas today!...

 That of the Atlanta I-85 overpass fire and collapse was a strong match *in yesterdays* and also very strong in that of our ZWDS lunar year match for that date as well...

Knew had to be other from the date pair then...

In the latter the S/D palace areas was *NMS with the Fire Star* and the Opposite in the Travels palace though mainly good it also *held the injurous Qing Yang star for the date*!...

Then the Fire Star (Source of issue) was in Trine with the Spinning Top confusions, etc star in that of Properties/Business which internally connected to Month's Travels and Year's Health/Safety areas...

Then it further Trined that of the Health/Safeties Palace for Obstructions at Month's level to the masses with a date obstructed Messenger star plus that of the Belle fire star there as well such all involved the Month's Relationships, Year's Peers and the overall of Staff's palace areas as well!...

Today S/D palace areas still NMS with the Void star there and the same connections as on previous dates of it here...

4/1 Earth/Saturn V/w...FS #7...GT: #59 - #20 Involve #27 Areas...

4/2 Sun VI/wa...FS #8...GT: #39 - #8 Involve #54 Areas...

4/3  Moon VII/s...FS #9...GT: #23 - #35 Involve #2 Areas...

That of today's pair has s element date bonded Blk 2nd Locals anywhere Re fire stars and between weathers dangers, officials, and areas or things of raw power (trains, etc) a typical day for the disruptive in those and in Inner Quen (Kun) trigram environments take in that of the masses, large areas or spaces, nuturences, etc...

Main date changes:

[Trains and all large transports, homes, bldg's, anything of movements, travels, documents, communications and meetings are of the direct in that of today's Red *4th Chief ministers, decisions, and gateways areas in Psh  star type changes areas*, which themselves are within that of Gen trigram environments type areas for NE's or things of the tall, large or huge, stillness and other of and under changes itself...

Those further produce and involve that of Byo star type areas for events...

The latter in groups, healths, talks, winds, and destructives types of things taking in that of Li trigram type environments areas which include Govt's, Law enforcements, Mil, Electrical and Lightings, etc areas, and that of Fire or the Fiery in things]...

Then of Our lunar year in ZWDS by the Date the S/D palace areas holds that of the Spinning Top for chaos and confusions, hidden and open slanders, etc and at this month's level there today takes in that of Travels palace areas while at the year's level take in that of health/safety palace areas today, and of which both connect to that of the Elders palace areas in todays!...

Without over elaborating all of that of the S/D palace trines involves that of the Belle (fire), and Fire Stars today for the fiery in their areas as far as both natural and that within human affairs areas in events go...

Just a check to ensure that here at daily levels is yet accurate in all ways and vis today's news see that it is...

Chilled with blog on the basic's areas, but in results quite happy with it, and using it in the daily for various home stuff while also studying that of Visual basic which is more of a name than a basic but great for all the C types they have in languages, and in many aspects beyond just that of the home computer itself...

Updated Blog itself, you'll be able to directly create and use your own 3D objects in Direct3D of their basic, with it now as well, see blog below near end page bottom!...

That of the BB4W aka BBC Basic though is the best of any Original basics from the 80's era forward, and the only that's fully preserved, maintained and advanced in today's world with over 138 keywords, commands and more to it...

That of the BBC basic language is the simplest understandable language around *that young or old anyone can easily learn to use and program in*, making many worthwhile programs aka basic App's for their own uses, and it's quite enjoyable in doing that also...

Within it you could also make small or large interpretors vis hexadecimal in basic or of assembly language to insert into a microcontrollers static ram areas for lots of uses there as well...

In related like in that of the Arduino microcontroller boards and kits,in the U.K they have a smaller and educationally very flexible microcontroller experimentors kit called MicroBits (TM) which has many purposes to it, can be programmed vis usb cable or vis wi-fi and vis pc's, the iphone and other, thing that's interesting about that is some even play vis it's led matrix display that of the Old BBC Basic games on them no less!...

It's really quite a novelty in it's many uses (sensors and elementary robotics are good ones), but it's also amazing that their still finding other uses for that of the old BBC Basic games even and such in it as well!...


4/4 Fire/Mars day of VIII/yo...FS #1...GT: #11 - #5 Involve #54 Areas...

The new Solar month of the Jia wood (I) Grn Dragon and Global Feng Shui month shifts to FS #6 influences *in begins this date*, and this round that of the GT above applies to All Countries for that as well!...

4/5 Water/Mercury day of IX/sh...FS #2...GT: #10 - #58 Involve #37 Areas warnings...

4/6 Wood/Jupiter day of X/h...FS *#3*...GT: #49 - #31 Involve #44 Areas...

Begins the week of the Southern Red Phoenix cardinal areas...

4/7 Metal/Venus of I/t...FS #4...GT: #21 - #38 Involve #39 Areas...

Just Blog:

A surprise for the Old Basic language lovers of the 70's through early 90's, there's a revolution as they say going on and it's called *BBC (C) Basic* by some, and LBB aka Liberty Basic Booster (C) by others...

If interested would not download the LBB unless you are an actual registered Liberty basic user, and it's an older 3.0 version anyway, if don't have Liberty Basic you can download a trial version from and of the BBC Basic at it's site, and if like it you can always get , buy the latest version of it which looks to be 6.02 later at their site...

*It's much more powerful than you could imagine*, so you can look those up and explore that for yourself...

It will run on nearly any windows machine from Win 95 to Win 10 and it's home site shows certified as Windows safe to boot...

If you liked Liberty Basic (C) as did many schools, that's good enough in that, but in LLB and BBC basics you can directly program and call in the Assembly language within it too, and or create standalone .exe files also of those or your basic programs as well, and just as Liberty Basic (C) you can use that of many Windows API programs within it too...
You can make nearly any app you can think of including 3D programming using DirectX version 8.0 or higher for games, I/O and USB port and Com [also ARRL (c) test projects], microcontroller interface, cookbook and recipe programs, inventory programs, electronics, eng, and any sciences type programs of all types and much more as well...

It can directly translate and run a pretty good number of the Liberty Basic programs also, not to mention you can easily use most of your older 8 or 16 bit machines Basic programs with none to only slight instruction or keyword changes in some instances...

With this Gem you'll have the original and easily human understandable of the Basic language and it's commands themselves with the full power to create just about any app you can think up...Personal for yourself or others...

Most should find it easier than some other languages, and yet quite useful to them even those who are already skilled in some such as C++, Python, etc would likely have some fun and uses there too...

Are BBC Basic versions for other OS's like Mac 10.6 and above, and Linux, etc, should be very similar, but know nothing about those, so you'd have to check and enquire on them yourselves for specifics...

Just recently started using it on windows, and it does what it says, so already finding it to be a total delight, easy to work with, and very well supported in doc's, tut's and most every way!...

Further Review:

In using BBC basic and begins think for most beginners or old timers of pasts basics, *it's best just to confine initial uses or projects to it's basic language itself*, as one can make pretty versatile and powerful programs suitable for many uses that are quite fast from BBC's basic alone...

On assembly language begins which isn't needed for purely basic programs, stick initially with that just to enhance speed in some routines or displays alone is best, unless you already have a very good understanding of object oriented graphics programming to use it's 3D functions...A background in Liberty Basic would also be helpful there as well...

They do include an OpenGL example, and then another Direct3D example called Pyramid which can serve as good examples to learn some from that of their program listings...Though those don't define the parameters used in any meaningful ways, and they don't provide lessons or tutorials on those subjects, so it appears you'd have to acquire that from books or courses to really use the 3D drawings and programmings aspect sides of the BBC basic...

Do think they should provide good tutorials on those subjects, and not just assume that a beginner is already familiar with those areas, especially since they push it as good for beginners in the first place...

Would and will be totally great when they eventually add other new basic commands that create that of 3D Objects, Worlds and Environments as well, can be done similar to what was done in the Dark or Blitz basics programs which allowed users to create their own worlds, terrains, objetc, textures, shadings, etc...As is appears to be a pretty daunting task and learning curve for a user to use those OpenGL and Direct3D modules???...


There is already something along those lines *that may be enough to start some off in 3D programmings with BBC Basic*:

If you have windows 8.1 up or Win 10 then you may already be able to use the D3D module aka App within the full aka paid for BBC basic aka BB4W version  the tutorials for that are at:

Still personally do think it's enough already in that it's basic is quite fast, versatile, and importantly smooth and non buggy as well as powerful...Then in that allowing you to control windows and the pc from within your own programs in applications you make, which makes it a very good choice of a basic language itself to meet most home users programmings needs...

When refer to Basic it's the main of original 8 and 16 bit types plus the more windows modernized of Liberty basic that refer to and of it's same and similar commands that think a beginner should stick to when initially learning the BBC basic...

That as jumping into creating the windows types of dialouge boxes and controls with it appears quite formidable and very detailed...Not enough examples or so easy to program them, in opinion think beginners and *maybe most are better off with Liberty basic itself for those features*...

[Made a correction to all that two paras below this]...

Was able to whittle down their DLGDEMO example for that to the bare essence of just a textbox within a dialouge box, but for beginners they need to define all the windows terms and parameters which go with them or point them to a reference or link which does!...

[Ok looked further into some of that regarding using actual windows (tm) and the various of controls aka devices such as those menus, dialouge boxes and does require a lot of reading and thought on one's part in begins:

There that of BBC Basic uses commands *that intercept the running Windows Manager aka (WM) itself*, and it's through those commands in which you can add that of the windows controls mentioned and more into your own program's windows areas...

Most can be found within the included BBC Basic's Help manual and in on the SYS, and VDU commands areas, and then in same a document with a full intro into Accessing The Windows (TM) API commands themselves...Also a section on Star (asterisk) commands used for that as well...

Fortunately they have example programs you can load in for most of that in both a General and then a *Windows* folder within the Examples areas  as working program types where you can study the codings for all those commands and the specific you would need at given times...

It's much easier than had first thought on learning how to program those windows controls in:

When originally had looked at the Example programs code alone, there were no comments explaining the what, how and why, so it looked a bit formidable...

However if while looking at those code examples you then bring up the Help topics from the IDE, and search for the item of interest aka the name of the code exampe your looking at, and let's say that was *menus*, it brings up a list, and selecting that of *adding a menu bar* from it, shows the very same code that's in the example but line by line and step by step fully defines what it's about and exactly how to use it in your programs!...

You can do the same for any of the windows controls commands, and it's all quite easy and fast to learn that way!...

Your in complete control and can set their sizes, configure their specifics, and place them anywhere in the window or windows that you want them to be used from...

Then of just it's basic alone you can still make from the small to the quite huge of great programs using it of which those too can be saved as either basic or exe files types...Those saved as basic will need to be re-loaded into the BBC Basic Editor to be run again, whereas those saved as exe files will run standalone...

As an idea of speed or power one example of the windows type when ran has 5 different windows open all at the same time, with all running moving independent activities on their displays...

Overall it's one great product for home pc app uses, are even versions for android as well but unfamiliar with and prefer for pc and maybe later for mac use myself!...

Do see Liberty Basic as the easier to learn most especially in the GUI areas of defining and using it's various windows types and the multiple controls to also be used with them, and it being a known reliable makes it a very good choice for one's basic programmings...

However if you want the power of the assembly language for much greater speed and other finer and great capabilities, than the BBC Basic makes for an excellent choice there...Near if not impossible to beat in terms of capability price wise...

Also a demo version with no time limits for windows is free to start with, from what had seen site wise also...

[Again all this is for those *who like the simplified and humanly direct and easy to understand of the Basic language itself* to learn and use as a beginner or to highly improve older programs you may have written in basic years back also]...

I do use C++ as well, but in home uses prefer that of a Basic for the ease of a self contained language with everything needed already within it to quicky write most programs I'd need to use, and where that of C++ can get to be pretty tedious when it comes to that of special windows displays that one might want, etc...

Also if I have a Basic with it's own assembler such as BBC's and want to use highly defined graphics in animations at great speeds, then would be already set for that without the need for additional languages...

Wouldn't need an additional language such as C to optimize the Assembly myself as would be using the simpler of the old billboards and various neat display screen wipes, plus the sprite erase draw animation methods of the old days, similar to the used in the old Skyfox and other games of then...

Those too can be used for other things and are not just strictly for games themselves...

Once they beef up the BBC Basic with other additional new basic commands for that of their OpenGL and DirectX3D modules then would dig into that side of it more then...

That might not be their plan though and it appears presently left to you to come up with your own 3D modelings of which within their Basic, they have a number of functions/commands with which you are to implement your models into it, though a very detailed solid example showing that done step by step is needed?!...

However this might be enough *for some experienced* if you have Windows 8.1 up or Win 10, then you may already be able to use the D3D module aka App within the full aka paid for BBC basic aka BB4W 6.02 version  the tutorials for that are at:

In scouring of the net for helpful D3D articles or lessons for beginner's aides:



This site's tut's can be very helpful to a good initial understanding of the basic Windows (TM) Manager and Api's, and *in using Direct3D in your BB4W aka BBC Basic versions 6.0 and up*!...

Use Visual Basic although site says C++ noticed the very first code example had a studio.h header which is used in C only, not C++!...

You can change CodeBlocks to C language when choose Console mode but on first program at that site you'll get a singular build warning, *though it will compile and run it ok*...You can try for the others may work, but is probably best to use the Visual Basic which comes with the SDL as the site shows ...

That within the BBC basic's commands or their structures for D3D use, appear quite similar so this should be of great aide to you there!...

Then in the current 6.02 version of BBC basic they have both D3D8 (DirectX8) and D3D9 (DirectX9)  versions in their Libs Library on your pc, so your all set there...

Just choose the DirectX 9 series in the lessons, and your off...

If you want more info on windows programming though old all rate this the best book reference:

Charles Petzold

Those are the more fun sides but normally in the more serious had always used that of Basic's for mainly that of electronics programs of various types and for control in interfacing to microcontrollers, etc things of that nature...

Beyond what mentioned in starts you could make any type of programs that involve uses of various types of charts in their displays, even that simular to the chinese arts programs I use, that of various databases as in phone lists or of an inventory types and/or of customers lookup and print types for one's small business, etc, then is an example of a spreadsheet type that you could further improve upon and add your own formulas for things which need to be calculated or kept track of in that of experimentals areas too as well as a calendar type as well...Your own banner or decals drawings programs, etc as was done in the older basics...Various maths programs in today's great precision...

The list of things or applications you could create your own programs for, is near endless!...

In basic it's *very easy* to write your own programs to do exactly what you want and have total control in those types of projects...Then there's a lot you can do to automate other of your pc's app's and in various files operations using both basic and windows dos command prompt program with it as well...

So it's pretty neat to have *just one simple language* to handle the many different app's that a home user uses and creates on their own pc...

Not saying that's the best, but *all is self contained and very convienent* for a home user in that of home pc app's, uses which can in fun sides include their making many different types of games of both the 2 and 3 D types too...

Then the fact that BBC Basic will work on so many different systems makes it useful in that dept as well...It's definitely a system which needs to be preserved, and in which you can bet will quite likely be even further 3D enhancements too!...

Apr 2nd add:

For those who may have looked at some of the older original BBC basic machines and programs on youtube, don't be thrown off into thinking it just applies of ancient days by gone of machines, check these two out for a much better perspective of using it in and on Windows (TM) these days!...

Pay attention to the Unnamed Shooter game the very first one, *in it's speed*!...

Much better:

All in this link of old but still popular game types, that are just excellent when ran in BBC Basic more so than they originally were on the older machines then in most every case as well!...

A number of them contained what were and are the basics physics in underlying principles of that still used in today's 3D games, etc also...

That's mentioned in this guy's link and note the only 32K in size feature for the machines and their games then!...

This running under DOSBox for movie is on one of the more top level machines of old then similar to the Amiga, and it's games:

In the early days some of those actually used the 6502 microprocessor which most know were used in many of the 8 bit machines we in the US most all used back then as well...

BB4W is very versatile has around 138 keyword, commands, etc for that of the Basic alone all in it's included Help manual, and separate chapter of all the same in info's needed for their built in assembler, in those are many easy to understand coding examples and then further of codings in the included Tutorials chapters as well...

On using the assembler you'll have to read some of the other links written by the developer on the net, but with that you should be good to go there...

Ok a couple of important points in considerations of learning to program and of *games* using BBC's Basic for that:

1. Opening and using their Tutorials files within BBC Basic's IDE will teach you it's Basic, and then specifically of the three Tut's listed as *User Defined* of Routines, Functions, and Char's will very rapidly teach you how to program a complete game for yourself!...

It's just of one game type, *but* after programming it in and learning from it's code blocks (structure), you'll be able to further create countless other games yourself just from kowing/understand that one basic game structure and the flow of operations (procedures) within it!...

It uses a quite similar to the old Space Invader's aka Galaxian arcade game type as the main programming/teaching example, and in the overall the code or number of lines this program consists of is quite small aka nothing long or tedious to it, and in a matter of minutes only, you can copy and paste all it's individual code segments into your editor, and run it!...

*You'll find it very, very easy to fully understand it's entire operation* as a first game type, *from the relatively small amount of and program code that's used to create/run the game itself*...That being what makes it such an excellent example to learn from...

Literally it's one of the smaller and most efficient for any wanting to learn how to program a basic game in example form that have ever seen!...

*Anyone even a young child can do this*...

Learn just that one example and you are definitely on your way in creating variations of and in your very own of good and even high quality games, and that same example of it's structures type can be further used in most other languages as well!...

Vis BBC Basic's site links you can learn how to program other types of games as well, plus any you learn or create in BBC Basic you could further modify as neccessary to run in Visual Basics as well...

It's very basic, straight forward and simple Character designer as that is used in almost every other language as well, and while only an 8 by 8 matrix, you can further extend it to 16 by 16, 32 by 32 or any amount you desire to create bigger or special game characters (sprites) as you may need in other games programs you create...

It was used in the example game in a direct animation form at very good speed also, but as you learn you can use the same in page (screen) flippings for more complex but still easy and even faster (since it's like sight of hand) in your animations types as well...

You would later also have the options of adding assembly language routines to speed some operations such as char or screen wipes, or othe calculative and or bit operations too, and as in most basics or languages you can use that of gif's, bmp's, jpeg's and even movies files for more enhanced displays or operations as well...

In other than games app's also...

At any rate that's quite a bit of power for you at the home user level, to easily enjoy and create most any app you'd want or need *on the pc* and or some other devices in the higher speeds, etc of today's world...

2. [Only hangup can see is that the BBC Basic developers for beginners, really need to show within their Help and Tut's files an example using an original 3D object file(s), the step by step implemetation of it into a program using their OpenGL and Direct3D functions libraries!...

Actually they did very frugally and in the nearly hidden minus the step by step explanations: 

See the Update near end of this blog, and you will be able to create your own 3D program types as well]...

Still with or without the 3D those links tell you that you can make some pretty fun and great games just from it alone, and that should further tell you, *that you can make excellent home user applications of near any type with just BBC Basic itself*!...

Then the use of an actual and real of original basic language will in the convienent and much easier allow you to create or construct many different types of home user app's on your pc versus most other languages, however in that nothing stops you from calling the exe routines (small programs) of another language such as c, c++ or any other of Windows DOS such as by shell the Command prompt for files and other operations, etc into your basic program itself to perform some given or even cumbersome task for your program there as well...

Most children as well would find it very easy to learn and understand that of a basic's commands and have fun in making their own programs too...

They're free demo unlimited time version is only 32K program memory, but will allow use of many of the examples and some explorations of the language for one to get their feet initially wet in, and aide any in making a decision of whether to purchase the full BBW4 aka BBC Basic for windows itself...

The latter enables you to program within an environment of up to 512 megabytes which is super huge for that of basic programs, and more than most any basic program app itself would ever need, so you won't have to worry about that of having program space there!... 

Until if ever you dive into the world of today's high powered professional games and applications that of the BBC Basic aka BB4W can service most of any's programmings needs in that of their own PC app's, and you can step that up further in uses by using such as Run Basic (c) from the maker of Liberty Basic for that of various Web page app's and personal servers for those from your own pc itself too...

On the latter for that side though most likely won't go the commercial world route I use both that of PureBasic (c) and the in the recent started learning, using the universally adaptable and powerful of *Microsoft's (TM) Visual Basic* itself...

On it's VB you can at no cost get their Community versions of those for your programmings tasks and needs as well, but in initial since the purposes and applications of it are so vast, you will need additional books on Visual Basic itself, to make any meaningful headway in learning and using it!...

While find that of the BBC Basic an advantage as all the info you need to get up and flying and make perfectly good quality pc app's comes all as one package *within it* and need no other books, just as the PureBasic does also, and there's so much of all the other languages you can vis call's etc incorporate within your BBC Basic programs, *which makes it really home user friendly*!...Then their's the additional power of using the assembly language *through it's own assembler as well*!...

A lot of difference between that of home user, even school's app's and the needs versus that of the commercial and professional world's and global communications, etc $ applications areas, and as can see have the latter covered if and when need as well...

Altered, corrected some previous here due to the good news of the following:

Update: There is some light at the end of the tunnel afterall:

After tons of search found in their links they do have *one actual in text complete example* of how to create those Objects for use in D3D of BBC Basic:

File and program is called lighting as that's what's drawn in 3D, but it completely lists all the code to create that object from which you can then create others!...

Studying the Tut's they refer to first will be helpful and then study the lighting example code...

Takes bit of work to it, but you'll be able to create your own 3D programs in BBC Basic from that !... 

Text and it's program file is in the same area as where you purchase the BBC Basic itself, and of it's links section there, choose the one *that say's examples* as those are additional to that which comes with the basic product itself...

The example called *Lighting* is a 3D program type with *a full text listing* for creating the Object and all needed to run it!...Text listing the left file and the right is it in .exe form...

That text file of the Lighting program is what you need, and your set for basic 3D programming and programs then...

[The Object itself is contained at the end of the listing within the *Data* files!]...

Beginner's cautions:

Now just because you'll have that 3D option, make sure you fully understand that of the D3D from that in the Help manual and of their wiki site with 7 tutorials on the same...Those in turn refer you to MSDN (c) site for even greater details on the same...

Don't mess with it, until you also understand writing programs in it's basic as well...

*This is a very powerful type of basic*, that goes beyond just the old commands themselves, and are a few new ones to be learned also, and more than that is in a number of examples where they use .DLL files to further enhance the basic as well!...

So learn to just use and stick with the basic itself minus those with .DLL files in their begins, and then when your more proficient of study and programming in the easy of basic, then you can study the example programs *that start with Install Blank.DLL*...

You can obviously run them right away, just don't modify any of those or use in your own programs until you understand their commands and code as well!...

That as you'll see a lot of new commands that are specific to the given DLL file itself, and you'll need to carefully study those or ask questions in their discussion groups, until your sure you understand the code for those before using them separately in your own programs...

Do that and all will go well...

As per update above are no disappointments as far as the basic itself and it's assembler goes, and now with the D3D portion solved (that too) so will be extremely useful in all those app's...

One can also pursue with visual basic in C++ for that of 3D programmings as and are plenty of reference books plus net videos for that...

The DirectX site mentioned prior is good in that and recommended by many, despite the studio.h of c in first example, then these are ranked by others as very good references also...

Close out on this for now...



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